UCLA Graduate Writing Center
Reading Papers Strategically
First Pass
Read the abstract for a broad overview
Read the introduction and discussion/conclusion
Skim the text to see headings and sub-headings in order to
understand the “geography of the text”its structure
Second Pass, More Careful Reading
Annotate your sources for the issues most relevant to you; do
not take notes beyond what you need. Maybe the focus is on
findings, or methods, etc. Be targeted and efficient.
Toolsuse a bibliographic tool like Zotero or Mendeley for
capturing the citation and paper. Assign keywords. Use notes
fields in these programs or put notes into pdf.
Reading Papers Strategically
First Pass
Read the abstract for a broad overview
Read the introduction and discussion/conclusion
Skim the text to see headings and sub-headings in order to
understand the “geography of the text”its structure
Second Pass, More Careful Reading
Annotate your sources for the issues most relevant to you; do
not take notes beyond what you need. Maybe the focus is on
findings, or methods, etc. Be targeted and efficient.
Toolsuse a bibliographic tool like Zotero or Mendeley for
capturing the citation and paper. Assign keywords. Use notes
fields in these programs or put notes into pdf.
Reading Papers Strategically
First Pass
Read the abstract for a broad overview
Read the introduction and discussion/conclusion
Skim the text to see headings and sub-headings in order to
understand the “geography of the text”its structure
Second Pass, More Careful Reading
Annotate your sources for the issues most relevant to you; do
not take notes beyond what you need. Maybe the focus is on
findings, or methods, etc. Be targeted and efficient.
Toolsuse a bibliographic tool like Zotero or Mendeley for
capturing the citation and paper. Assign keywords. Use notes
fields in these programs or put notes into pdf.
Reading Papers Strategically
First Pass
Read the abstract for a broad overview
Read the introduction and discussion/conclusion
Skim the text to see headings and sub-headings in order to
understand the “geography of the text”its structure
Second Pass, More Careful Reading
Annotate your sources for the issues most relevant to you; do
not take notes beyond what you need. Maybe the focus is on
findings, or methods, etc. Be targeted and efficient.
Toolsuse a bibliographic tool like Zotero or Mendeley for
capturing the citation and paper. Assign keywords. Use notes
fields in these programs or put notes into pdf.
Preparing for Longer Reviews
Export from Zotero to Create Spreadsheet Table
Zotero lets you add tags (keywords) and notes to the
sources in your library.
You can export a Zotero library or a specific search as a
.csv file, which easily converts to Excel.
For example, decide what topics or keywords you will
address in your background section or lit review;
then do multiple searches on these keywords;
export each search to its own work book page
If you have a lot of sources and don’t need to cite them all
(or they are not all that relevant), have a column where
you give a rating for eachmust cite, maybe cite, A/B/C
Preparing for Longer Reviews
Export from Zotero to Create Spreadsheet Table
Zotero lets you add tags (keywords) and notes to the
sources in your library.
You can export a Zotero library or a specific search as a
.csv file, which easily converts to Excel.
For example, decide what topics or keywords you will
address in your background section or lit review;
then do multiple searches on these keywords;
export each search to its own work book page
If you have a lot of sources and don’t need to cite them all
(or they are not all that relevant), have a column where
you give a rating for eachmust cite, maybe cite, A/B/C
Preparing for Longer Reviews
Create Spreadsheet Table
Preparing for Longer Reviews
Create Spreadsheet Table
Lit Review Basics
The literature review should contain a critical summary
of the previous work that has been done on your topic
Doesn’t merely summarize previous research on your
topic, but tells an integrated research story and
indicates how your research will contribute to the field
In journal articles and grants, the introduction includes
the background of relevant previous research
In theses and dissertations, you can have a more
extended background or lit review, even a separate
chapter (from the intro) that is close to a stand-alone
review article
Lit Review Basics
The literature review should contain a critical summary
of the previous work that has been done on your topic
Doesn’t merely summarize previous research on your
topic, but tells an integrated research story and
indicates how your research will contribute to the field
In journal articles and grants, the introduction includes
the background of relevant previous research
In theses and dissertations, you can have a more
extended background or lit review, even a separate
chapter (from the intro) that is close to a stand-alone
review article
Lit Review Some Organizational Options
Topical (most common)
Breaks up lit review into a number of subfields, subject areas,
or approaches and discusses each individually
A kind of topical organization that starts with studies of
general relevance to topic and ends with studies most
relevant to topic
Reviews studies chronologically from older to most recent
Emphasizes opposing positions in field, especially long-term
Seminal Study
Starts with focused engagement and analysis of 1-2 key
studies relevant to your project
Discussion of example
Read the introduction to the paper: Multi-messenger
Observations of a Binary Neutron Star Merger
What kinds of organizational patterns do you see in the
introduction? (topical, distant-to-close, chronological,
seminal paper, debate)
3 Rhetorical Moves that Frame Original Research
Move 1: Establishing a Research Territory
Show that the general research area is important, central,
interesting, problematic, or relevant in some way
Introduce and review items of previous research in the area
Move 2: Creating a Niche
Indicate a gap in the previous research, or extend previous
knowledge in some way
Move 3: Occupying the Niche
Outline purposes or state the nature of the proposed
List research questions or hypotheses
State the value of the proposed research (significance)
Summary of John Swales’ “Creating a Research Space” (CARS) approach to introductions
Move 1 Language: Establishing Research Territory
Indicating Centrality, Importance
Recently, there has been growing interest in . . . .
The possibility that . . . has generated interest in
the development of . . . .
Knowledge of . . . has a great importance for . . . .
The study of . . . has become an important aspect of . . . .
The . . . has been studied by many investigators.
Many recent studies have addressed . . . .
The relationship between . . . and . . . has received
a lot of attention in previous studies.
Examples taken or adapted from John Swales’ Aspects of Article Introductions
Move 1 Language: Establishing Research Territory
Summarizing Previous Research
Evidence of . . . was first reported in . . . .
The majority of studies have focused on . . . .
Previous studies have suggested that . . . .
Some progress has been made towards understanding
the . . . behavior of . . . .
Various investigations have explored the relationship
between . . . and . . . .
There is mounting evidence that the use of . . . .
These findings were further supported by later studies
that showed . . . .
Examples taken or adapted from John Swales’ Aspects of Article Introductions
Move 2 Language: Establishing the Research Gaps
Negative Openings / Quasi-negative subject
However, little information . . .
little attention . . .
little data . . .
little research . . .
However, few studies . . .
few investigations . . .
few researchers . . .
No studies/data/calculations to date have . . . .
None of these studies/findings/calculations have . . . .
Examples taken or adapted from Swales and Feaks Academic Writing for Graduate Students
Move 2 Language: Establishing the Research Gaps
Negative / Quasi-Negative Openings: More Examples
However, very few investigations have considered
the effects of . . . .
Little attempt has been made to explain why . . . .
There have been few published studies that directly
address . . . .
A review of the recent literature yield only two reports
on . . . .
None of the prior studies have established . . . .
Earlier studies were limited to the problem of . . . .
Examples taken or adapted from John Swales’ Aspects of Article Introductions
Move 2 Language: Establishing the Research Gaps
Contrastive statements
Research has tended to focus on . . , rather than on . . . .
These studies have emphasized . . , as opposed to . . . .
Although considerable research has been devoted to . . ,
rather less attention has been paid to . . . .
Most studies have been content to . . . . Little attempt has
been made to explain why . . . .
Examples taken or adapted from John Swales’ Aspects of Article Introductions and Swales and Feak’s
Academic Writing for Graduate Students
Move 2 Language: Establishing the Research Gaps
Raise a question, hypothesis, or need for more research
However, it remains unclear whether . . . .
It would thus be of interest to learn how . . . .
If these results could be confirmed, they would provide
strong evidence for . . . .
If further research were done, it could lead to effective
approaches to . . . .
It would seem, therefore, that further investigations are
needed in order to . . . .
Examples taken or adapted from John Swales’ Aspects of Article Introductions
Move 3 Language: Filling the Research Gap
Indicating what the present study accomplishes
Referring to the type of text“This paper…”
paper, article, thesis, report, research note
Referring to type of investigation“This study…”
experiment, investigation, study, survey
Referring to the text usually in present tense
Referring to the investigation can be in either
tense (past as you have already performed the
study or present to make it seem new or current)
Examples taken or adapted from Swales and Feak’s Academic Writing for Graduate Students
Move 3 Language: Filling the Research Gap
Some examples
This paper reports on the results obtained . . . .
The present work is concerned with. . . . .
The primary focus of this paper is on how to
maximize . . . .
In the present investigation, . . . have been
We have investigated the effect of . . . .
Therefore, we developed a new . . . as an
alternative for . . . .
Examples taken or adapted from Swales and Feak’s Academic Writing for Graduate Students
Review Examples and Look for Moves
Move 1: Establishing a Research Territory
Show that the general research area is important, central,
interesting, problematic, or relevant in some way
Introduce and review items of previous research in the area
Move 2: Creating a Niche
Indicate a gap in the previous research, or extend previous
knowledge in some way
Move 3: Occupying the Niche
Outline purposes or state the nature of the proposed research
List research questions or hypotheses
State the value of the proposed research (significance)
Adapted from John Swales’ “Creating a Research Space” (CARS) approach to introductions
Discussion of example: Rociletinib in EGFR-
Mutated Non--Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Read the introduction to the following paper:
Rociletinib in EGFR-Mutated Non--Small-Cell Lung
Where do you see the 3 moves taking place in the
Discussion of example: Rociletinib in EGFR-
Mutated Non--Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Increasingly, treatment decisions for patients with nonsmall-cell
lung cancer (NSCLC) are based on the driver mutation rather
than the histologic subtype, when such mutations are present.
Mutations in the gene encoding epidermal growth factor receptor
(EGFR) are among the most common oncogenic mutations in
lung adenocarcinoma and are present in approximately 10 to
15% of Western patients and 30 to 35% of Asian patients.
At the
time of diagnosis, approximately 90% of EGFR-mutation
positive patients have one of two activating mutations, an in-
frame deletion in exon 19 or an L858R point mutation in exon
The first-generation and second-generation EGFR tyrosine
kinase inhibitors gefitinib, erlotinib, and afatinib are highly active
against cancers with these mutations, with objective response
rates of 50 to 70%.
Discussion of example: Rociletinib in EGFR-
Mutated Non--Small-Cell Lung Cancer
However, acquired resistance develops after a median of 9
to 13 months
and is most commonly due to the EGFR
T790M mutation, present in approximately 50 to 60% of
resistant cases.
There are no approved therapies that
specifically target T790M, so cytotoxic chemotherapy is
typically used. The median survival is less than 2 years
after the emergence of T790M.
Discussion of example: Rociletinib in EGFR-
Mutated Non--Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Rociletinib (CO-1686; Clovis Oncology) is a small-molecule,
orally available, mutant-selective covalent inhibitor of commonly
mutated forms of EGFR, including exon 19 deletions, L858R,
and T790M, but not exon 20 insertions. Preclinical studies have
confirmed that rociletinib has minimal activity against wild-type
In contrast, currently approved EGFR tyrosine kinase
inhibitors result in substantial inhibition of nonmutant EGFR,
leading to rash and diarrhea as their two most common and
dose-limiting side effects. In xenograft models with EGFR-
activating mutations alone or combined with T790M resistance
mutations, rociletinib resulted in durable tumor shrinkage,
was most marked when plasma concentrations were maintained
at more than 200 ng per milliliter across the dosingminterval.
Discussion of example: Rociletinib in EGFR-
Mutated Non--Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Therefore, we performed a phase 1–2 study of rociletinib in
patients with EGFR-mutated NSCLC with acquired
resistance to first-generation or second-generation EGFR
tyrosine kinase inhibitors such as erlotinib, gefitinib, or
Creating a
Research Space
Questions to Ask Answer Questions
Based on Existing Lit
Move 1: Establishing a
Research Territory
What do we know?
(about this topic,
concept, source)
We know that…
Studies have shown
Move 2: Defining the
Research Gap
What do we not know?
(that we should want to
We do not know…
Scholars have not yet
Move 3: Filling the Gap
What do we want to find
Why is that important for
the field?
My study will
examine…which is
important because…
Brainstorm around Existing Knowledge and Gaps
Different Ways of Mapping
Venn Diagram (Rudestam & Newton, 2007)
Conceptual Maps/Diagrams (Creswell, 2013)
Various Types of Maps/Diagrams (Maxwell, 2013)
Various Types of Maps Diagrams (Hart, 1998)
Hart, C. (1998). Doing a literature review: Releasing the social science
research imagination. Sage.
We will focus on Venn Diagrams for doing simple
categorization of previous studies
Caveat: If you’re not fond of mapping/drawing, you can also
track similar information (topics, concepts, theories, variables,
methods) through key words in either Zotero or a carefully
constructed Excel spreadsheet
Venn Diagram of Relevant Literature
Topic 1
Topic 3Topic 2
Venn Diagram of Relevant Literature
Topic 1
Topic 3Topic 2
Mind Mapping Relevant Literature
Diagram Exercise
Review introduction/background for one of the articles
Create a tentative diagram of key areas of existing
research using either a Venn diagram or a mind map
Think about where citations would fit in the diagram,
especially overlaps of circles
EXAMPLE: Multi-messenger Observations of a Binary
Neutron Star Merger
EXAMPLE: Multi-messenger Observations of a
Binary Neutron Star Merger
Merging binary
neutron stars
Short gamma
ray bursts
Example: Rociletinib in EGFR-Mutated Non
Small-Cell Lung Cancer
Nonsmall-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) with a mutation in the
gene encoding epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR) is
sensitive to approved EGFR inhibitors, but resistance
develops, mediated by the T790M EGFR mutation in most
cases. Rociletinib (CO-1686) is an EGFR inhibitor active in
preclinical models of EGFR-mutated NSCLC with or
without T790M.
Rociletinib in EGFR-Mutated NonSmall-Cell Lung
Lung Cancer
Cell Lung
A few words about longer reviews
Review article (literature review as a publication)
- Graduate students sometimes publish these when they
are working in an emerging fields.
- Otherwise they are more commonly published by more
senior academics.
Literature review chapter in dissertation, usually in a form
similar to a review article.
- Some departments require this type of dissertation
Example of published review article
Krogh, L., Vlach, H., & Johnson, S. P. (2013). Statistical learning across
development: flexible yet constrained. Frontiers in psychology, 3, 59
Much research in the past two decades has documented infants’ and
adults’ ability to extract statistical regularities from auditory input.
Importantly, recent research has extended these findings to the visual
domain, demonstrating learners’ sensitivity to statistical patterns within
visual arrays and sequences of shapes. In this review we discuss both
auditory and visual statistical learning to elucidate both the generality of
and constraints on statistical learning. The review first outlines the
major findings of the statistical learning literature with infants, followed
by discussion of statistical learning across domains, modalities, and
development. The second part of this review considers constraints on
statistical learning. The discussion focuses on two categories of
constraint: constraints on the types of input over which statistical
learning operates and constraints based on the state of the learner. The
review concludes with a discussion of possible mechanisms underlying
statistical learning.
Krogh et al.Outline of article
Auditory Statistical Learning
- Artificial Language
- Natural Language
- Non-linguistic Stimuli
Visual Statistical Learning
- Infants
- Adults
Constraints on Statistical Learning
- Types of Input (more subheadings)
- The State of the Learner (more subheadings)
Mechanisms Underlying Statistical Learning
Example of dissertation chapter
O’Hare, Elizabeth D. (2008). Verbal working memory
development and the cerebro-cerebellar system : structural
and functional neuroimaging studies in children with and
without prenatal alcohol exposure.
Verbal working memory development and the cerebro-
cerebellar system...
O’Hare (2008)
O’Hare (2008)
O’Hare (2008)
O’Hare (2008)
O’Hare (2008)
O’Hare (2008)
O’Hare (2008)
Narrative vs Systematic Review
The above examples from psychology (review article) and
neuroscience (dissertation chapter) would both be what
you would call a narrative review
Systematic reviews are becoming more common in health
research, and they need to certain agreed-upon criteria
for how they are developed, such as describing:
- clear search parameters and protocols
- criteria for eligibility and exclusion from literature
- methods for extracting data from literature
- methods for analyzing these data
- analysis of bias across studies
PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews
Narrative vs Systematic Review
The above examples from psychology (review article) and
neuroscience (dissertation chapter) would both be what
you would call a narrative review
Systematic reviews are becoming more common in health
research, and they need to certain agreed-upon criteria
for how they are developed, such as describing:
- clear search parameters and protocols
- criteria for eligibility and exclusion from literature
- methods for extracting data from literature
- methods for analyzing these data
- analysis of bias across studies
PRISMA guidelines for systematic reviews
Genre Considerations
Fellowships/short grants: background sections are so short,
you often have to sketch the research territory more generally
with minimal citations
Empirical articles/long grants: vary in length somewhat
depending on field, journal, and length of article (look at
models). Typically topical (one topic per paragraph). Often go
through 3 moves in order, but vary more the longer they get;
1st paragraph can sometimes have all 3 moves briefly.
Review articles, dissertation proposals, dissertations: often
require a longer background/literature review; some fields may
require a review article type of dissertation chapter. You may
have multiple instances of the 3 moves, or at least back and
forth between move 1 (what is known) and move 2 (the gaps in
the field) before introducing what your study will accomplish.
Look for models and do backwards outlines to understand the
organizational patterns and 3 moves framing the research.
Genre Considerations
Fellowships/short grants: background sections are so short,
you often have to sketch the research territory more generally
with minimal citations
Empirical articles/long grants: vary in length somewhat
depending on field, journal, and length of article (look at
models). Typically topical (one topic per paragraph). Often go
through 3 moves in order, but vary more the longer they get;
1st paragraph can sometimes have all 3 moves briefly.
Review articles, dissertation proposals, dissertations: often
require a longer background/literature review; some fields may
require a review article type of dissertation chapter. You may
have multiple instances of the 3 moves, or at least back and
forth between move 1 (what is known) and move 2 (the gaps in
the field) before introducing what your study will accomplish.
Look for models and do backwards outlines to understand the
organizational patterns and 3 moves framing the research.
Play Around with Your Own Research Topics
Sketch a Venn diagram or other map of the topic areas for
studies that relate to your research
Pick a topical area (or concept, variable, etc.)
Brainstorm a list of what is known from previous research about
this topic (write down statements/assertions)
Brainstorm a list of what is not known (write down statements using
negative or contrastive language)
What needs to be investigated and why is it important?
Do some reflective/exploratory writing about the research
topic you are interested in and what the research territory
looks like around this topic.
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