Literature Review Worksheet
Hello and welcome to the “Literature Review Worksheet!” The purpose of this nifty worksheet to get you
started on writing your literature review. The following steps and sections below will guide you through
writing your literature review.
Here are some important things to remember when writing your literature review:
Locate and use only credible sources: 10-12 sources total, including newspaper articles,
encyclopedia entries, journal articles, credible websites, books, 1-2 interviews, 1 survey
Make sure that your three research questions align with your thesis sentence
Eliminate bias in your writing and portrayal of the information you gather from the sources.
Eliminate use of personal pronouns, including first, second, and third person, such as “I,” “Me,”
“My,” We,” “Our,” “You,” etc.
DO NOT make an argument in the literature review. The main purpose is to REVIEW the various
perspectives in the sources you locate and use
Make sure you use quotations or paraphrase information from your sources in order to support
your claims and to show various perspectives on your research questions and thesis sentence
Please make sure you also meet these basic criteria:
Choose one of the following: Times New Roman or Arial fonts
12 point font
Double-spaced sentences
1 inch margins
At least between 8-10 pages in length
Use of at least 1 visual (Cited accurately in APA format)
All references used in the paper must be listed at the end of the paper (APA format)
Remember to number your pages according to APA format
Please visit this website for more specific information on APA:
Below is your guidelist:
Cover sheet (APA format)
Abstract (APA format, no more than 150 words):
The literature review (where the sources are synthesized and analyzed and contains these elements
(clearly state) Research Question 1:
(clearly state) Research Question 2:
(clearly state) Research Question 3:
(clearly state) Thesis statement:
Discussion on question 1 (paragraphs with sources, also think of images/pictures you could use):
Discussion on question 2 (paragraphs with sources, also think of images/pictures you could use):
Discussion on question 3 (paragraphs with sources, also think of images/pictures you could use):
Discussion (over primary research findings):
References (APA examples):
For more examples, please visit this website:
For online citation engines, please see below:
The Bedford Bibliographer:
Son of Citation Machine:
Author’s Last name, Author’s First Initial. (Year Published). Title of Book in Italics. City, State:
Author’s Last name, Author’s First Initial. (Year Published, Month and Day). Title of Article. Title of
Magazine in Italics, Number of Journal(Issue Number), Page Numbers.
Author’s Last name, Author’s First Initial. (Year Published, Month and Day). Title of Article. Title of
Newspaper in Italics, page Number (i.e. B4).
Author’s Last name, Author’s First Initial. (Year Published). Title of Article. Title of Journal in Italics,
Number of Journal(Issue Number), Page Numbers.
Title of Website. (Year). Specific Title of Webpage that you Pulled the Information from in Italics.
Retrieved from actual website: Give URL address
Online Video (i.e. YouTube):
Username. (Year, Month and Day). Title of Video [Video File]. Retrieved from URL address
Blog Post:
Title of Blog. (Year, Month and Day). Title of Blog Posting [Web log message]. Retrieved from actual
website: Give URL
Television Show:
Producer’s Last Name, Producer’s First Initial (Producer). (Year Aired). Title of Episode [Television
series episode]. In Title of Television Show, Country: Name of Television Network Station.
Producer’s Last Name, Producer’s First Initial (Producer) & Director’s Last Name, Director’s First Initial
(Director). (Year Made). Title of Movie [Motion picture]. Country: Name of Film Company who
Made the Movie.
Name of Band/Artist. (Year of Song). Title of Song. Title of Album in Italics [i.e. Record, CD, other].
City Recorded, State Recorded: Title of Company that Recorded it.
You are required to use at least one visual in your document. Below are how to cite Figures and Tables
two examples:
How to cite Figures (illustrations, maps, photographs). The images and/or tables you use will go in
the Discussion Paragraphs of your paper. Below is an example of a Figure:
Figure 1. Name of Picture. From__________. By Author, Year, Title Book/Website/Journal, Page
Numbers., Example below:
How to cite a Table (such as from a Survey), click here to see an example:
Table 1
Title of What the Data on the Table is Supposed to Represent
Data Portrayed in a Chart or Graph