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Version 9.0
ExamShield Online Proctored
Exams - Candidate Guidelines for
A step-by-step guide on how to take an
Online proctored Exam
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1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................................................................... 4
2 SYSTEM REQUIREMENTS ........................................................................................................... 4
3 PREPARING FOR YOUR EXAM DAY ........................................................................................... 6
3.1 YOUR IDENTIFICATION DOCUMENT (ID): ......................................................................................................... 6
3.2 BEFORE YOUR EXAM DAY, YOU MUST: ............................................................................................................. 7
4 AXELOS OPEN BOOK EXAMS ..................................................................................................... 8
4.1 AXELOS OPEN BOOK EXAMS .......................................................................................................................... 8
4.2 DEVOPS INSTITUTE (DOI) OPEN BOOK EXAMS .............................................................................................. 8
5 SECURITY REQUIREMENTS AND PREPARATION ..................................................................... 9
5.1 WHEN PREPARING FOR THE EXAM, YOU MUST ENSURE: .................................................................................... 9
5.2 THE ROOM YOU TAKE YOUR EXAM IN MUST MEET THE FOLLOWING CRITERIA: ................................................... 9
5.4 SECURITY CHECKS ......................................................................................................................................... 10
6 EXAMSHIELD INSTALLATION .................................................................................................. 11
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Description of Change
Update of 2024
Updates in sections: 2. System Requirements, 3. Exam Preparation, 5.
Security Requirements and 6. Exam Shield Installation
Updates in paragraph 2 System Requirements
Updates in paragraphs 2 System Requirements, 3 Exam
Preparation, 4 Axelos Open Book Exams and 5 Security
In Paragraph 6 Exam Shield Installation, the number of hours in the
subtitle was changed
Addition in paragraph 4 Axelos Open Book Exams, about secondary
Revision 2022 Addition of paragraph 4 Axelos Open Book Exams
Revision 2021
Revision 2021
Updates in paragraph 2
Updates in paragraphs 1 and 2
Revision 2020
Revision 2019
Minor correction in paragraph 2
Revision 2018
Minor updates in paragraph 3
Updates in paragraph 1
Revision 2018
Revision after Pilot version
Initial version- Pilot
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This document provides important information to prepare for and take your ExamShield Online
Proctored exam with PeopleCert. Please read the information thoroughly at least three days before
your exam day so you are properly prepared. If you require any support, please contact our Customer
Service Team at customerservice@peoplecert.org
2.1 Before your exam day you must check your computer meets the following system
Before your exam day you must check your computer meets the following system requirements:
macOS High Sierra (10.13), macOS Mojave (10.14), macOS Catalina (10.15), macOS Big Sur (11),
macOS Monterey (12), or macOS Ventura(13)
Active Full-Time/Broadband internet connection of at least 4Mbps
Keyboard and mouse or any other pointing device (keyboard set to English characters)
A web camera (the web camera can be embedded in your computer or be external to the
computer). Make sure you can rotate the web camera through a 360-degree rotation as you will
be asked to do this on your exam day. Mobile phones cannot be used to take your exam or be
used as a substitute for the web camera
Speakers and microphone (for Business and IT exams headsets are only allowed during
2.2 How to prepare your computer for your exam and prevent technical issues:
If your computer does not meet the below specification and requirements and if you contact us up
to 72 hours before your exam, we can reschedule your exam at no charge enabling you more time to
prepare. On your exam day, if the computer you use does not meet the below requirements, we may
need to close the exam session and reschedule your exam with a fee.
Do use a computer that has the following specification or higher:
o MacOS High Sierra (10.13) onwards
o Dual-core 2.4GHz CPU or faster with 4GB of RAM
Unless your IT department can help you with this before your exam and be available to assist you
on your exam day:
o Do not use a work computer. Many work computers have restrictions that are likely to affect
your exam performance
o Do not take your exam at work or elsewhere on a work computer or personal computer if
you are using your office network and your office network requires a firewall or VPN to use
your computer
Download the ExamShield software onto your computer at least 24 hours before your exam.
If you have used ExamShield before, uninstall the old version from your computer and install
the new version to avoid any issues. Refer to section 3.2 for more information regarding
ExamShield installation.
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Connect to ExamShield at least 24 hours before your exam to carry out a compatibility check.
This helps to identify any issues and address them with you in plenty of time before your exam.
When you carry out this check you must:
o Use the same computer you will use on your exam day
o Use the same computer set up (camera, headset, screen etc.) and network (wifi/lan) that you
will use on your exam day
o Complete the compatibility check in the same room where you will take your exam
Repeat the compatibility check described above approximately 2 hours before your
scheduled exam time. We strongly encourage you to do this in case there are any Operating (OS)
updates to your computer since your first compatibility check. Sometimes OS updates can alter
a computer’s configuration, so it is best to check before your exam in case you need technical
assistance from us.
You can also read our 5 Steps to Success as a short reminder of what to have ready for
your exam day.
If the compatibility check identifies any issues, or you experience technical issues on your exam day
or have questions, our technical support team is here to help. You can reach us 24/7/365 via our
support channels here.
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3.1 Your Identification Document (ID):
On your exam day you will need to show your ID to the proctor who will verify your ID. The ID you use
on your exam day must be the same ID you used to book your exam. Your ID must be valid and meet
the criteria set out below.
If the first and last names on your ID do not exactly match the name you used to book your exam,
you will not be allowed to test, and no refund will be provided.
If you do not present a valid and acceptable ID, or if there is a name mismatch, this may result in the
exam session being terminated with no refund. In such cases, you can re-book the exam using our
standard booking process.
Your ID must meet the following criteria:
Please note that electronic IDs will not be accepted.
Be current and valid ID containing dates that have expired are not allowed
Be an original, not a photocopy
Include a recognisable photo of you
Match the information you gave when you booked your online exam
Be a government-issued national/state/province identity card that is recognized by the country
in which you are a citizen or permanent resident
Contain your full date of birth
Contain your First/Middle Name(s) and Last Name in English (Latin) characters
ID not written in English-language (Latin Characters) will only be accepted if you have booked
your exam selecting a proctor in your native language. Please refer to PeopleCert’s ID Policy for
full detail.
If the ID you are using to register for your online exam is acceptable but NOT written in English-
language letters (Latin Characters), then as part of booking your exam you must pick the correct
proctor language to match your own native language (*When available). For example, if your native
language is Chinese and you are using an ID that is NOT written in English-language letters (Latin
Characters) but instead, is written in Chinese characters, then you must select your ‘Proctor’s
language’ preference to Chinese When booking your exam if the ‘Proctor’s language’ or your
language is not available as an option, you must follow Steps 1 and 2 below:
Step 1: At least 48 hours before your exam upload a clear image of your ID to your candidate
profile so we can validate your ID before your exam day.
Step 2: Email us at customerservice@peoplecert.org with the subject line "ID Validation Request"
and provide us with your:
o Full Name
o Candidate ID
o Date of Birth
o Exam Date and Time
o Country of Origin.
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Once we receive your email, we will validate your ID. If the validation is successful, we will confirm
this to you, and you can proceed with your scheduled exam. If we cannot successfully validate your
ID, we will contact you to reschedule your exam, allowing you more time to obtain the necessary
documentation for ID validation.
*Proctor languages are available for a limited range of languages as shown in the language options of
our exam booking system.
Candidates under 16 years old
Candidates under 16 years old must be supported by a Legal Guardian during exam onboarding. The
guardian must provide their ID, per our ID requirements and provide their consent for the exam to
be recorded, per PeopleCert’s Privacy Policy and Terms of Use.
3.2 Before your exam day, you must:
Add your mobile/cell phone number (including country code), to your Candidate Profile. This will
help us contact you on your exam day if you experience any difficulties
Disable any Virtualization Software such as VMware, Virtual PC, Virtual Box or Sandbox during
the exam. For exam security reasons, the ExamShield cannot run through any virtualization
software. You should also close any applications that might affect the exam process, such as web
browsers, chat, desktop, sharing and mail client applications
Prepare your exam environment to meet the security requirements described in Section 5 of this
Read and follow the ExamShield Instructions detailed in Section 6 of this document. Please
o If you are using a work computer, and/or do not have administration rights to the computer
please consult your IT department before the installation of our ExamShield software
o If you experience difficulties in installing or executing ExamShield, please add ExamShield to
your Antivirus and Firewall whitelist and repeat the installation steps. Consult your
Antivirus/Firewall vendor on how to do this as administration rights to the computer will be
o Corporate networks and/or VPN access may impact service delivery of your exam. We advise
you to consult your IT department before your exam day if you have corporate network
and/or VPN access
o If you try to use an older version of ExamShield, that is already installed in your computer, an
error will appear prompting you to update to the latest version.
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4.1 Axelos Open Book Exams
During Axelos Open Book exams you can use your official hard copy manual (if you have one), or your
eBook on a second device through VitalSource. Your second device must be set to airplane mode.
Important note: Unofficial printed copies or versions of the manual are not allowed.
When using your official hard copy manual in an Open Book exam the following rules apply:
Hard copy manuals may be annotated and tabulated
Sticky notes, loose-leaf papers containing additional notes, and notes on the blank pages of the
official hard copy manual are not allowed
To allow you to use your manual during the exam, your proctor will ask you to open it and flip
through the pages in front of the web camera.
For all Open Book exams, an electronic copy of the Book will be available on your Exam interface.
If the device you are using supports a modern viewing interface (i.e., OS version High Sierra 10.13
or newer), you will be presented with your full eBook experience.
Otherwise, you will be presented with the standard PDF of the eBook.
4.2 DevOps Institute (DOI) Open Book Exams
During DOI open book exams, if you have official training materials from an Authorised Training
Organisation, you have the option to use your official hard copy learner manual or official digital
learner manual on a second device. Your second device must be set to airplane mode.
Important note: Unofficial hard copy or digital versions of the training material are not allowed.
When using your official hard copy learner manual in a DOI open book exam, the following rules
Hard copy manuals may be annotated and tabulated
Sticky notes, loose-leaf papers containing additional notes, and notes on the blank pages of the
official hard copy manual are not allowed
To allow you to use your manual during the exam, your proctor will ask you to open it and flip
through the pages in front of the web camera.
When using your official digital learner manual during a DOI open book exam:
You can view the full official learner manual on a second portable device such as a smartphone,
tablet, or laptop. Your second device must be set to airplane mode.
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5.1 When preparing for the exam, you must ensure:
You have the same, valid photo ID you used to register and book your exam
You have another form of photo ID available and to hand in case additional ID verification is
needed on your exam day
Your mobile/cell phone remains switched on and set to silent. The device must be placed out of
reach, so you need to move away from your chair to access it.
You do not have access to any unauthorised items, including unauthorised:
o Notes, manuals, whiteboards etc.
o Technology. This includes additional headphones, smartwatches, screen(s), monitor(s),
keyboard(s), camera(s), projector(s) or projected images/words
You are prepared to complete the exam on your own, without assistance from a third party
Note: Hard copy manuals and eBooks are allowed for open book exams only. For all Axelos
examinations across the entire Business & IT portfolio, taken in English by non-native English
speakers, the use of hard copy bilingual dictionaries (not Thesaurus) is permitted.
5.2 The room you take your exam in must meet the following criteria:
There is only one doorway for access in and out of the room which is visible to your web camera
throughout the exam
The room is private, with no transparent walls (i.e., glass walls, indoor windows etc.)
There is no background noise, and you will be alone in the room
The walls and desk/table(s) are clear of unnecessary and/or unauthorised items (e.g., posters,
post-it notes, papers and books)
Where note paper or other resources are allowed, you can and should have this available on your
desk for your exam. You must show these items to your proctor on request, so they can ensure
there is nothing on them that could provide an unfair advantage
No screens are in the room or visible (other than the computer screen which you will use to take
the exam)
There is adequate light so the proctor can always see you clearly. Light should not be directed
toward the web camera.
5.3 The computer you are using for your exam must meet the following criteria:
Your computer’s web camera is clean and free from obstruction
You can rotate your web camera 360 degrees, low and high, to show all areas of your room,
including under the desk, the desk surface and any other areas that may pose a risk to exam
There must be no secondary monitors, smart accessories and/or devices connected to your
computer or accessible
Your computer sound settings are set to Speakers and Microphones. For Business & IT exams
headsets are allowed only during exam onboarding and if used, your proctor will ask you to place
them on the desk, without disconnecting them, before you start the exam
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Your computer screen and web camera are positioned so that you and the doorway of the room
are fully visible to the proctor through the web camera
You are seated comfortably and can maintain the same position, in full view of the proctor,
throughout the exam.
5.4 Security Checks
During exam onboarding your proctor will complete a range of security checks. Your exam will not
start until your proctor is satisfied the exam regulations can be met. The security checks may include
(this is not an exhaustive list):
Verification of your identity, including showing your ID via your web camera
A 360-degree scan of your room, including detailed views under the desk and above/below/inside
areas of the room that may pose a risk to exam security
A request to show your computer monitor using with your mobile/cell phone camera (in selfie
mode) or a mirror
Requests to move/remove items that may pose a risk to exam security
Candidate security checks such as:
o A close-up view of your sleeves, eyeglasses, ears and/or hair. This is necessary to ensure there
are no concealed, unauthorised devices that may pose a risk or threat to the security of the
exam. Please note, you may be asked to remove any headwear for long enough to verify the
absence of any unauthorised devices. If you require a female proctor to carry out this security
check you must contact us via email at customerservic[email protected] at least three
business days before your exam. If you want to request a reasonable adjustment, please
refer to our Reasonable Adjustment Policy which can be accessed via PeopleCert’s website
under the ‘Support’ section. The policy details the process you will need to follow and
timeframes you need to allow for a reasonable adjustment request.
Security checks may be repeated in the exam. This may be because the proctor has observed
something that could compromise the security or integrity of the exam. You must comply with all
security check requests in a reasonable and timely manner.
Your exam session will be recorded and retained in accordance with our Privacy Policy
How we deal with non-compliance with our exam rules:
For minor infringements your proctor will notify you of the action required. If you do not take timely
action, or there is a significant risk to exam integrity, your exam will be suspended, and the session
terminated. Your exam may also be sent for post-exam security review/investigation. Depending on
the nature of a review and its outcomes there may be:
A delay in the release of exam results, pending satisfactory conclusion of the review
A requirement to re-sit the exam under the correct exam conditions
Annulment of exam results
Deactivation of your PeopleCert profile.
All reviews/investigations are completed in line with our Malpractice Policy. Any actions applied by
us following a post-exam security review will be proportionate to any non-compliance identified. We
will keep you informed of the progress and final outcomes. Should a candidate disagree with any final
outcome decision they can appeal following the process set out in our Appeals Policy (available on
our website).
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Step 1: Install ExamShield
Close all applications running on your computer.
Disable any Virtualization Software.
Click on Get Started (included in your
PeopleCert registration email), and log in to
your PeopleCert profile.
On the overview tab, click ‘Download and
then Accept and Install OSX client to
download the ExamShield application.
Note: If the ‘Download option is not
activated, make sure you click on check in
Double Click on ES.dmg file in the default
Downloads folder (or from the location you
selected before the download) to open it.
The .dmg file contains the ExamShield
application icon. Do not copy this file in the
Applications folder or any other folder, as
you won’t be able to launch ExamShield
outside the .dmg.
If ExamShield displays the message below,
right click or command and click on the
application icon and select open from the
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Double click on the ExamShield icon to run
the application.
If you see the message below, click on
A new dialogue will appear, allowing you to
open the application. macOS Sierra will
remember this preference and never ask
for this confirmation again.
Once installation is completed select Open
and a new window will appear.
Please login using your PeopleCert profile
username and password.
If you used Facebook, LinkedIn or Google
to register to your profile, please
click on the relevant icon to login.
To run ExamShield in another language,
click on the relevant flag in the bottom
right corner of the screen.
A countdown timer to your exam will
appear under your exam credentials.
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The Call button re-directs you to the
phone number where you can contact
PeopleCert’s customer support.
The Chat button re-directs you to the chat
where you can contact PeopleCert’s
customer support.
Step 2: Compatibility Check
Click CHECK SYSTEM to carry out the compatibility check.
Before you take your exam, you must carry out a system compatibility check. This checks your
computers’ system integrity, audio, camera, internet connection and speed. The compatibility
check is mandatory before you can start your exam and must be completed at least 24 hours
before your scheduled exam time. When you carry out this check you must:
o Use the same computer you will use on your exam day
o Use the same computer set up (camera, headset, screen etc.) and network (wifi/lan) that you
will use on your exam day
o Complete the compatibility check in the same room where you will take your exam.
The compatibility check also identifies if you are using more than one screen. You can only have
one screen activated. If you want to use a larger screen with your computer or laptop the set
up must be as we describe in points 1 and 2 below. This set up must be completed before you
carry out the compatibility check otherwise you will not be able to successfully complete this
1. Set your preferred screen as primary
2. Disconnect any other screen(s) (other than your primary screen) from your computer and
make sure the screen(s) is covered (e.g. by using a towel).
Please note that the compatibility check will not detect any security settings on your computer
or virtualisation programs that could interfere with the connection to ExamShield. Any such
connection interference will only be detected during actual exam connection.
The system compatibility check takes approximately 5 minutes to complete.
We also recommend you repeat the compatibility check approximately 2 hours before your
scheduled exam time in case there are any Operating (OS) updates to your computer since your
first compatibility check. Sometimes OS updates can alter a computer’s configuration, so it is best
to check before your exam in case you need technical assistance from us.
The compatibility check consists of 4 parts:
System integrity
Internet connection.
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System integrity
System Integrity checks the compliance of
your Operating System (OS) with the
ExamShield application requirements (e.g.
the OS version and free disk space).
To check audio, select BEGIN AUDIO TEST.
Your microphone will be recorded for 10
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ExamShield will play back the recording. If
you can hear your voice, select YES to
proceed. If you cannot hear your voice
select NOto begin audio test again.
To check your camera is functional, you will
be asked to see if you can see yourself in a
specific panel. You can edit the settings of
your camera by selecting the button next to
Camera dropdown menu.
After completing each compatibility check
a message informs you if the check has
Passed or Failed or if a Warning is raised.
For Failed checks detailed error
information and possible workarounds are
Click CHECK AGAIN to retry.
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If there is a Warning message, click on the
arrow on the right of the warning to view
more details.
A Warning message will not prevent you
from taking the exam. It offers suggested
action you can take to help ensure an
optimal exam experience.
Internet Connection
During the Internet Connection testing you
will be asked to record a 10 second video
and upload it.
After a successful compatibility check, and
if your scheduled exam start time is in
less than 10 minutes, you will be able to
start the exam by clicking “START EXAM”.
Otherwise, you should terminate the
application and launch it again 30 minutes
before your scheduled exam time.
By clicking on the Exam guidelines link on
the bottom of the screen, this provides you
with important reminders and guidance in
readiness to take your exam.
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Step 3: Log in to ExamShield
Double click the ExamShield icon from your
desktop and click TAKE EXAM to login.
Step 4: Self-onboarding
An intuitive wizard will guide you towards
connecting to your proctor and starting your
1. Accept NDA
Click Next to accept the Non-Disclosure
Agreement and Terms of Use.
You cannot continue unless you accept the
terms of use. Click End Examif you do not
accept the terms and do not wish to continue.
2. Read exam instructions
Read the information carefully before you
proceed to the next step.
30 minutes before your exam
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3. View Exam Tutorial
A quick tutorial helps you become familiar with
the exam environment. You will learn how to:
Navigate among questions
Flag a question
End the exam.
Zoom in or zoom out
How to refresh and login in case of a
network disconnection.
Communicate with your proctor through
4. Check exam rules
Read the rules and confirm you have read and
approved all of them.
The ‘Nextbutton becomes clickable once you
have ticked all of the exam rules.
5. Scan your ID
You will need to upload or take a picture of your
ID Document so we can verify your personal
Select BROWSEto upload a picture of your ID.
Or scan the QR code to initiate through your
mobile device.
If you prefer to capture your ID via your mobile
phone scan the QR code and follow the given
instructions. Your device should be equipped
with a functional camera and a QR code reader.
Once completed you will be prompted to
perform a Face Capture.
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Lastly, you will be asked to go through the
Facial Recognition process.
6. Connect to Proctor
Once you complete the above steps, click LET’S
GO to connect with your proctor. By clicking
LET’S GO’ you consent to Peoplecert recording
your screen, camera and keystrokes for quality
and auditing reasons.
Make sure all applications are closed before
logging in. If any applications are open, Exam
Shield will notify you that the applications need
to close. Click on Close Applications. If an
application doesn’t close automatically, check
the application, save your work and close it
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Once logged in, one of the two following
control panels will open:
Many2Many control panel on the right,
indicating you have successfully joined the
session. You can minimise the control panel by
clicking by clicking the yellow button in the top-
left corner.
You will not be able to start until your proctor
unlocks your exam.
Step 5: Your proctor joins the session
You will be instructed to:
Check your audio and video performance
Complete the required security checks
Confirm your personal details. If any of the information is incorrect, please tell your proctor
Your proctor will let you know when you can begin your exam!
Click Next to continue only when prompted by your proctor.
Please note: Your exam session will be recorded, and your proctor will be online throughout your
exam session in case you need any help. You must have your microphone on throughout the session.
In case of communication loss during the exam, the proctor will pause the exam timer to prevent any
impact on your allotted time. Once the connection is restored, you will be able to resume your exam
and the time will not be affected.
Step 6: Begin your exam
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Read the information carefully before you start the exam.
If you are taking a Lean Six Sigma exam you can print the help file by clicking on the Print
Scenarios button. Please note: Acrobat reader is required to view PDF files if the build in book
will be used (or any other PDF reader).
Click Start Exam.
Step 7: Answer questions
The menu on the left shows all the question
numbers. You can move from one question to
the next by clicking on the question number.
The question you are currently working on
becomes highlighted.
If you are taking an exam that requires help
files, the appropriate scenario will be provided
under the question. You can also open it in a
new window by clicking on the button Open
scenario in window.
If you are taking a Lean Six Sigma exam, you
have the option to use the WebATES
To return to a question, you can flag it, by
checking the button next to the question
number on the left menu. To unflag it, click to
deselect the flag. You can flag more than one
To answer a question, click on the square of the
answer you want. You can change your answer
by clicking on a different option. You can review
a question as many times as you want.
© 2024 PeopleCert | All rights reserved
Process: Manage and Support Exams
ID No: ECS_WI_26-9 ExamShield Online Proctored Exams - Candidate Guidelines for MacOS ver9.0 | 24/01/2024
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A pop-up message will remind you 15 minutes
before your time runs out!
Step 8: End the exam
When you have completed your exam, click the
End Exam on the bottom right menu. Your
answers are automatically submitted, and no
changes can be made. If there are any
unanswered questions you will be notified by a
message. Questions that have not been
answered will be marked as incorrect.
You will need to confirm that you want to end
the exam.
Step 9: Take the Satisfaction Survey
You may be prompted to complete a short
satisfaction survey, to provide us with feedback
on your exam experience. You can skip this if
you wish and proceed to your results.
Step 10: Get your results
The Exam Results Report appears. Results are
provisional and subject to verification by
Click the Printbutton to print the report or the
Export button to save it as an html file.
Your proctor will confirm the exam session has
been successfully completed and ask you to
destroy any scratch/note papers or scenarios
you used and exit from ExamShield.
We advise you to uninstall ExamShield from
your computer.
All done!
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