Two options for electronic presentations are being offered at the 48th LPSC. Please read the following
detailed instructions for each option. Tips for preparing an effective electronic presentation are included at
the end of this document.
*** NOTE: Conference-room LCD projectors will be configured for 16:9 aspect ratio display. Presenters must
have their slides formatted for 16:9 aspect ratio for best compatibility. ***
Participant brings USB flash drive of electronic presentation to display on PC or Mac laptop provided in
the room. Electronic presentations must be turned in on USB flash drive to the USRA/LPI computer desk in the
Alden Bridge Room at The Marriott Woodlands Waterway Hotel and Convention Center NO LATER THAN the
following times:
Presentation Time Presentation Submission and Laptop Validation DEADLINE
Monday a.m.** Sunday, 8:00 p.m. @ Alden Bridge Room
Monday p.m. Monday, 12:00 noon @ Alden Bridge Room
Tuesday a.m. Monday, 5:30 p.m. @ Alden Bridge Room
Tuesday p.m. Tuesday, 12:00 noon @ Alden Bridge Room
Wednesday a.m. Tuesday, 6:00 p.m. @ Alden Bridge Room
Wednesday p.m. Wednesday, 12:00 noon @ Alden Bridge Room
Thursday a.m. Wednesday, 5:30 p.m. @ Alden Bridge Room
Thursday p.m. Thursday, 12:00 noon @ Alden Bridge Room
Friday a.m. Thursday, 6:00 p.m. @ Alden Bridge Room
4:00 AND 8:00 P.M.
Presenters will be required to verify their presentations on LPI-provided equipment at the time it is turned in.
After readability is confirmed, presentations will be loaded in speaker order on session laptops. Revisions to
presentations will not be accepted after the submission deadlines mention above.
The speaker-ready room will be open during the following hours:
Sunday, 4:008:00 p.m.; Monday, 7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Tuesday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Wednesday,
7:00 a.m. to 5:30 p.m.; Thursday, 7:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.; Friday, 7:00 a.m. to noon.
OPTION 1 (continued)
* Participants unable to meet the deadlines listed above MUST contact the USRA/LPI Computer Center
Assistant Manager, Brian Fessler (e-mail: bfessler@hou.usra.edu; phone: 281-486-2184), no later than
Thursday, March 16, for instructions.
Each oral session room will be equipped with the following hardware and software:
PC Hardware:
PC laptop with
Intel Core i7 2.2 GHz or better
Memory: 16 GB
Video: 1920 × 1080 (16:9)
PC Software:
Operating System:
Windows 7 Professional 64-bit
Microsoft Office 2016
Windows Media Player 12
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Mac Hardware:
Apple MacBook Pro with
Intel Core i7 2.0 GHz or better
Memory: 16 GB
Video: 1920 × 1080 (16:9)
Mac Software:
Operating System:
macOS Sierra (10.12)
Microsoft Office 2016
QuickTime X
Adobe Acrobat Reader
Keynote 7
*Note: If the hardware and software listed above do not meet your needs, please use OPTION 2 below
and bring your own laptop.
Participant brings own laptop to connect to the LCD projector provided in the room.
Participant laptops must be tested with the LCD projector at the LPI computer desk in the Alden Bridge
Room at The Marriott Woodlands Waterway Hotel and Convention Center, according to the schedule
provided on the previous page.
Participants will be required to verify the following requirements:
that they have the adapter necessary to connect their laptop to a standard HDMI cable, and
that they can produce 1280 x 720 or 1920 × 1080 (16:9) video output from their laptop, and
that they know the commands necessary to produce an HD signal from their laptop, and
that their laptop has a functioning battery (no power connection at podium).
Upon verification of these requirements, the participant will be given a signed form to be presented to
the audio-visual technician prior to the start of the session.
These suggestions are not meant to deter creativity or use of the best data available, but provide
suggestions for optimum results.
Readability Keep in mind that those sitting at the back of the room will have difficulty reading
information that is not well presented. For the benefit of your entire audience, please keep the
following tips in mind:
Graphics should be simple, well designed, and legible to everyone in the audience.
Presentations are most readable on a dark background with bright lettering. To make
certain your slides are legible, view your slides at a distance of 8–10 feet from your
computer screen.
Avoid using small fonts (these will be illegible from the back of the room). Break up a
complex slide into a series of slides. Avoid including critical information at the BOTTOM
of the slide (which is not always easily seen from the back of the room).
Devote each graphic to a single fact or idea. Illustrate major points, not detailed data.
Avoid long or complicated formulas or equations.
Use the minimum number of words possible in titles, subtitles, and captions.
Use bold characters instead of fancy type.
When preparing graphs, avoid more than two curves on one diagram whenever possible.
If three or four curves must be used, make certain they are well separated. Label each curve;
avoid symbols and legends. Avoid data points unless scatter is important.
Colored graphs are very effective as color adds interest, attractiveness, and clarity to
illustrations. Contrasting color schemes are easier to see.
An introductory and a concluding graphic can improve the focus of your talk.
It is strongly encouraged that presentation files (PowerPoint, PDF, etc.) be much smaller
than 150 MB.
PowerPoint can display pictures and text generated with the program or inserted from other
sources. If the outside source is a video file, the original file is not saved within the presentation.
Source files meeting these criteria must be available on the computer on which the presentation is
going to run. Presenters should copy any source video and sound files to the USB flash drive containing
their presentation; when in doubt, include the file. Macintosh LZW compressed TIFF files may not
display correctly with PowerPoint on a PC.
Fonts should be standard fonts such as Times New Roman, Arial, or Courier. If nonstandard fonts
must be used, they should be embedded in the PowerPoint file. We recommend a minimum font size
of 24 points.
Embedded charts, graphs, and object-oriented graphic files can be difficult to work with. These file
types usually are influenced by the version of the program used to create them, often making them
translate strangely on a different system. We recommend that charts or graphics be inserted into
presentations in a standard graphics format such as .gif, .jpg, or .bmp.
Movies saved as MP4s have the best chance of success In Powerpoint. QuickTime’s best
compression algorithm, the Sorenson CODEC, does not play within PowerPoint. To avoid problems,
convert video files to MP4 format encoded with H.264 (aka MPEG-4 AVC).
** A webserver or Internet connection will NOT be available, so plan accordingly. **