Aegon Life Guaranteed Growth Insurance Plan
A life insurance plan which offers assured 150% return
on annualised premiums paid
• Limited Premium Payment
• Guaranteed Benefits
Guaranteed payouts schedule
End of year % of annualised premium payable
10th year 150%
11th year 150%
12th year 150%
13th year 150%
14th year 150%
15th year 150%
16th year 150%
17th year 150%
For example: You opt for this plan and pay an annual
premium ` 1 lakh plus taxes. In case you pay all due
premiums for the first 8 years, you
will receive `1.5 lakhs (150% of the annualised premium) at
the end of every year from 10th to 17th year from the date
of commencement of the policy (Payout Period).
Guaranteed Death Benefit: In case of unfortunate demise
of the Life Assured during the Policy Term, the nominee will
get the guaranteed payouts (i.e. maturity benefit) as
scheduled at the end of each year during the Payout period.
Payout period is defined as the period starting from the end
of 10th year till end of 17th year. All due premiums payable
during the balance of the Premium Payment Term after the
date of death of the Life Assured will be waived.
Premium Payment Term
Premiums paid =
(`1 lakh + tax) x 8 years =
` 8 lakhs + tax
Payout Period
Guaranteed payout = `1.5 lakhs p.a
Total payout =
`1.5 lakhs x 8 years = `12 Lakhs
If you are looking for an investment plan that guarantees
returns, this plan is for you. Aegon Life Guaranteed Growth
Insurance Plan ensures you receive what you are promised
and at the right time. So you can achieve your goal,
regardless of the situation.
Decide on the amount of premium you wish to pay every
Get guaranteed payouts after the Policy Term
Guaranteed Maturity Benefit: Guaranteed annual payouts
for 8 years starting from the end of Policy Term
Guaranteed Death Benefit: In case of death during the
Policy Term, the future premiums will be waived and the
guaranteed payouts as scheduled will be paid to your
Limited Premium Payment Term
Tax benefits as per prevailing tax laws
Guaranteed Maturity Benefit: You will get 150% of the
annualised premium you have paid every year (excluding
taxes) at the end of every year from 10th year to 17th
year from the date of commencement of the policy. This
benefit is the Maturity Benefit which will be paid over a
period of time. This benefit will only be payable if all the
premiums are paid till the end of the Premium Payment
Term or death, whichever is earlier.
Policy Term Payout Period
Guaranteed payout
= `1.5 lakhs p.a
Total payout
= `1.5 lakhs x 8 years = `12 lakhs
10 17
Premiums paid till death
= (`1lakh + tax) x 2 years
= `2lakhs + tax
Death of Life Assured
The nominee / appointee / assignee / legal heir, as may be
applicable, will have an option to take the Cash Value of the
Death Benefit on death of the Life Assured or at any point
in time during the Policy Term after the death of the Life
Assured. The Cash Value of the Death Benefit will be higher
of 10 times the annualised premium or 105% of all
premiums paid as on date of death or present value of the
guaranteed payouts. The present value of the guaranteed
payouts shall be calculated at 10% p.a. but this interest rate
can be changed by the company subject to IRDAI’s
approval. This option of taking the cash value, will however
not be available once the guaranteed payouts have started.
In case of death while the policy is in Paid-Up status, the
Death Benefit will be the Paid-Up Value Sum Assured which
will be paid after acceptance of death claim. Paid-up Sum
Assured is defined as (Total premiums paid / Total
premiums payable) x Sum Assured.
In case of death of the Life Assured, during the Payout
period, the guaranteed payouts will continue to be paid to
the nominee till the end of 17th Year.
For example: You opt for this policy and pay an annual
premium `1 lakh plus taxes. In case of your unfortunate
demise in the 2nd policy year after paying 2 annualised
premiums, the future premiums will be waived and your
nominee will receive the guaranteed payouts of ` 1.5 lakhs
at the end of every year from 10th to 17th year from the
date of commencement of the policy.
Your nominee will also have the option to take the cash
value of the Death Benefit, instead of the above
Guaranteed Payouts.
Surrender Benefit: The policy will acquire Guaranteed
Surrender Value on payment of first annualised premium or
first 12 monthly premiums. The details of Surrender Values
are given in the Terms and Conditions below.
Tax Benefit: The premiums paid and benefits received are
eligible for tax benefits under Section 80C and 10(10D) of
the Income tax Act, 1961 respectively upon fulfillment of
conditions laid down for availing such benefits. The tax
benefits are subject to change as per change in Tax laws from
time to time. Please consult your tax advisor for further
Entry Age# Minimum - 8 years completed
Maximum - 50 years completed
Maturity Age Maximum - 60 years completed
Policy Term 10 years
Premium Payment Term (PPT) 8 years
Annualised Premium Age (years Annualised
completed) Premium (`)
Minimum 8 - 35 20,000
36 - 45 30,000
46 - 50 40,000
Annualised Premium Age (years Annualised
completed) Premium (`)
Maximum 8 - 35 3,00,000
36 - 45 2,00,000
46 - 50 1,00,000
Premium payment frequency Annual and Monthly*
Sum Assured 10 x Annualised Premium
premiums payable) x Sum Assured
Paid-Up Value = Paid-Up Value factor x Total annualised
premiums paid
Policyholder has 2 years to reinstate the Paid-Up Policy
from the first unpaid premium due date. If a Paid-Up
Policy is not reinstated, then it will continue as Paid-Up
Policy till the end of Policy Term.
Paid-Up Policy is not eligible for guaranteed payouts
Please note that a Paid-Up Policy can be surrendered
within the Policy Term also, as per the calculations
mentioned below in the Surrender Value section.
Surrender Value: The policy will acquire a Guaranteed
Surrender Value on payment of first annual premium or
first 12 monthly premiums.
The Surrender Value is calculated as below:
When all due premiums have not been paid,
Surrender Value = A Guaranteed Surrender Value factor X
Paid-Up value
When all due premiums have been paid,
Surrender Value = A Guaranteed Surrender Value factor X
Total annualised premiums paid
Please refer to the Policy Contract for details on
guaranteed Surrender Value factors.
Reinstatement: You can apply for reinstatement of the
Lapsed / Paid-Up Policy within two years from the due date
of the first unpaid premium.
For reinstatement, you will need to pay all unpaid premium
+ interest as declared by the Company from time to time,
which will not exceed yield to maturity on a 5 year G-sec
plus 3%.
The reinstatement shall be subject to the following
Satisfactory evidence of insurability of the Life Assured
# Parent / Grand Parent can propose the policy in the
name of the child. There may be other circumstances
wherein the Policyholder and the Life Assured are different.
The Company will follow the principle of insurable interest
in this regard.
* Monthly Premium = Annualised Premium X 0.087
Grace Period: You have a period of 30 days as grace period
from the premium due date to pay the premium. In case of
death during the grace period, the unpaid premium will also
be waived and Death Benefit will be payable without any
deduction of the outstanding premium.
Discontinuance of Premium: If the first 12 months
premiums are not paid within the days of grace, the policy
lapses with all the benefits including life insurance cover.
No benefits are available on a lapsed policy
Policyholder has 2 years to reinstate the lapsed policy
If the lapsed policy is not reinstated within the
reinstatement period then the policy is terminated
without any benefit If the Policyholder stops paying
premium anytime after payment of first annual premium
or first 12 monthly premiums, the Policy continues as a
Paid-Up Policy.
Paid-Up Policy provisions:
For a Policy in Paid-Up status, the Paid-Up Sum Assured
will be paid out in case of death during the Policy Term
and the Paid-Up value will be paid upon survival till
Paid-Up Sum Assured = (Total premiums paid / Total
Policy Loan: Policy Loan is not available under this plan.
Suicide Exclusion: In case of death due to suicide within 12
months from the date of inception of the policy, the
nominee or beneficiary of the Policyholder shall be entitled
to at least 80% of the premium(s) paid provided the policy
is in-force or
In case of death due to suicide within 12 months from the
date of revival of the policy, the nominee or beneficiary of
the Policyholder shall be entitled to an amount which is
higher of 80% of the premiums paid till the date of death
or the Surrender Value as available on the date of death.
Assignment: Allowed as per section 38 of the Insurance Act
1938 as amended from time to time
Nomination: Allowed as per section 39 of the Insurance
Act 1938 as amended from time to time
The brochure is not a contract of insurance. The precise
terms and conditions of this plan are specified in the
policy contract.
Buying a life insurance policy is a long term commitment
and early termination of the policy usually involves high
costs and the Surrender Value payable, if applicable, may
be less than the total premiums paid.
This product brochure should be read along with sales
This Policy will only be issued to lives accepted as
standard as per Company approved underwriting
This product is underwritten by Aegon Life Insurance
Company Ltd.
Insurance is the subject matter of the solicitation
Insurance cover is available under this product
Payment in full of an amount equal to all the Policy
Premiums due but unpaid till the Effective Date of
reinstatement along with interest.
If the Life Assured is found sub-standard at the time of
revival, the policy will not be reinstated and will be
treated as a Paid-Up Policy.
It will be ensured that the evidences and any medical
requirements called for are in line with the prevailing
underwriting rules/practices and the health declaration by
the Life Assured. Any evidence of insurability requested at
the time of reinstatement/ revival will be based on the
prevailing underwriting guidelines duly approved by the
Free Look Period: If you are not satisfied with any of the
terms and conditions of the Policy, you may return the
Policy document along with a letter stating the reason for
disagreement within 15 days or 30 days (if purchased
through Distance Marketing mode ) of receipt of the
Policy document. Upon return of this Policy by You, this
Policy will terminate and all rights, benefits and interests
under this Policy shall stand extinguished. We will refund
the Premiums received by Us, after deducting the charges
of stamp duty paid on the policy.
Distance marketing: Distance marketing includes every
activity of solicitation (including lead generation) and sale
of insurance products through the following modes: (i)
Voice mode, which includes telephone-calling (ii) Short
Messaging Service (SMS) (iii) Electronic Mode which
includes e-mail, internet and interactive television (DTH)
(iv) Physical mode which includes direct postal mail and
newspaper & magazine inserts and (v) Solicitation through
any means of communication other than in person.
Service Tax: Service tax or any other tax will be levied as
per prevailing tax laws.
For full texts of Section 38, Section 39 and Section 45,
please refer to the Insurance Act, 1938 (as amended from
time to time).
Aegon Life Insurance Company Limited (formerly AEGON
Religare Life Insurance Company Limited) launched its pan-
India operations in July, 2008 following a multi-channel
distribution strategy with a vision to help people plan their
life better. The fulfillment of this vision is based upon having
a complete product suite, providing customised advice and
enhancing the overall customer experience. Aegon, an
international provider of life insurance, pensions and asset
management and Bennett, Coleman & Company, India's
leading media conglomerate, have come together to launch
Aegon Life Insurance. This joint venture adopts a local
approach with the power of global expertise to launch
products that are focused on providing customers with the
means to meeting their long-terms financial goals. The
company is headquartered in Mumbai having 53 branches
across 46 cities. The company has around 9600 life
insurance agents serving over 4 lakh customers across
Aegon's roots go back 170 years – to the first half of the
nineteenth century. Since then, Aegon has grown into an
international company, with businesses in more than 20
countries in the Americas, Europe and Asia. In the US,
Aegon's leading market, it operates under the Transamerica
brand. Today, Aegon is one of the world's leading financial
services organizations, providing life insurance, pensions
and asset management. Aegon never loses sight of its
purpose to help its customers secure their long-term
financial future. With around 28,000 employees, it has 635
billion Euros of revenue-generating investments.
Prohibition of Rebates
Section 41 of the Insurance Act, 1938 (as amended from
time to time) states: 1) No person shall allow or offer to
allow, either directly or indirectly, as an inducement to any
person to take out or renew or continue an insurance in
respect of any kind of risk relating to lives or property in
India, any rebate of the whole or part of the commission
payable or any rebate of the premium shown on the policy,
nor shall any person taking out or renewing or continuing a
policy accept any rebate, except such rebate as may be
allowed in accordance with the published prospectuses or
tables of the insurer.
2) Any person making default in complying with the
provision of this section shall be punishable with fine, which
may extend to Rs. 10 Lakh.
Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938 (as amended from
time to time) states:
1) No Policy of Life Insurance shall be called in question on
any ground whatsoever after expiry of 3 yrs from the date
of date of policy i.e. from the date of issuance of policy or
the date of commencement of risk or the date of revival of
policy or the date of rider to the policy, whichever is later.
2) On the ground of fraud, a policy of Life Insurance may
be called in question at any time within 3 years from the
date of issuance of policy or the date of commencement of
risk or the date of revival of policy or the date of rider to
the policy, whichever is later. For this, the insurer shall have
to communicate in writing to the insured or legal
representative or nominee or assignees of insured, as
applicable, mentioning the ground and materials on which
such decision is based.
Beware of spurious phone calls and fictitious/fraudulent
offers. IRDAI clarifies to public that: IRDAI or its officials do
not involve in activities like sale of any kind of insurance or
financial products nor invest premiums. IRDAI does not
announce any bonus. Public receiving such phone calls are
requested to lodge a police complaint along with details of
phone call, number.
Product Name: Aegon Guaranteed Growth Insurance Plan UIN
This is a non-linked, non- participating life insurance plan.
For more details: Call (Toll Free) 1800 209 9090
The Times Group is one of the leading media conglomerate
in India having presence in print, radio, TV, outdoor media
and the internet through Bennett, Coleman and Company
Limited (BCCL) and its subsidiaries. The Times of India, the
flagship brand of the company, is the number 1 English
newspaper in India and the World by circulation. With a
turnover exceeding a billion dollars, the group has the
support of over 25,000 advertisers, 11,000 employees and
an audience spanning across all continents.
V No. I /Dec 2015
Trade logo displayed belongs to M/s Aegon N.V. and
M/s Bennett, Coleman and Co. Ltd. and used by
Aegon Life Insurance Co. Ltd. under trade agreement.
Registered Office:
Aegon Life Insurance Company Limited,
IRDAI Company Registration No. 138
Corporate Identity No. : U66010MH2007PLC169110
Building No. 3, Third floor, Unit No. 1,
NESCO IT Park, Western Express Highway,Goregaon (E),
Mumbai 400 063.
Tel: +91 22 6118 0100, Fax: 02261180200 / 300,
Advt no. IC/Dec 2015/2869