50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
[ JAI ]
National Head
50, Kamaraja Salai , Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007 ,
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
The Association shall be known as The JU-JITSU ASSOCIATION OF INDIA [ JAI ]
The registered office of the Ju-Jitsu Association of India [ JAI ] shall be situated at
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007 , India .
The National Head Quarters shall be the situated in the city of residence of the
incumbent National President.
2.1 To establish itself as a society / association, registered under the Societies
Registration Act, 1860 and under any other applicable State laws, with the main
objective being the development of the unique martial art and combat sport Ju-Jitsu
2.2 To establish itself as a legally registered and recognized National Sports Federation
[ NSF] in the name and title of the Ju-Jitsu Association of India [ JAI ] and to carry
on with the activities and objectives of the World Body, The Ju-Jitsu International
Federation [ JJIF] and the Continental Body, The Ju-Jitsu Asian Union [JJAU] as
their sole affiliate in India
2,3 To regulate and promote across India, the martial art combat sport and self
defence system JU-JITSU, [ which name shall deem to mean and include all other
existing names for the same or similar combat sport namely JIU JITSU, YAWARA ,
JIUJITSU , COMBAT JIU JITSU etc., ] permitting those engaged in this dynamic sport
to attain both intellectual and physical development. Ju-Jitsu is a complete and effective
self defence and combat sport , practised by men and women , sub juniors, juniors,
youth and adults of all ages, using the various parts of the body to effectively
accomplish various kicks, punches, blocks, throws takedowns , grabs , locks and
submission techniques.
2.4 To regulate Ju-Jitsu competition events which are categorized into Jiu Jitsu [Ne
Waza] , No Gi Jiu Jitsu , Duo System , Show System , Fighting System, Contact Ju-Jitsu
System , Para Ju-Jitsu and Self Defence events.
2.5 To function as the sole recognized National JU-JITSU body in India, recognized by
and affiliated to the JU-JITSU International Federation [JJIF] and the JU-JITSU
Asian Union [JJAU ]
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
2.6 To affiliate and bring together JU-JITSU athletes, JU-JJ Associations, Sports Clubs,
Organizations, and JU-JITSU training schools across the States and Union Territories of
India. The purpose of the JAI is to promote the martial art combat sport of JU-JITSU
and thus create an awareness of the traditions of this unique martial sport and to
develop health, fitness, competitive spirit, courage, and confidence amongst all its
practioners across India. JAI aims to develop the spirit of friendly competition and
cordial relationship between the States and Union Territories of India, through the
practice of JU-JITSU in all its aspects
2.7 To organize in India, Zonal, National, Continental and International JU-JITSU
Championships, Meetings, Conferences, Seminars, Lectures, Referee and Judges Clinics
on JU-JITSU and to select members to form Committees thereof, etc.
2.8 To deploy its members for training JU-JITSU athletes for International and
Continental and National JU-JITSU Championships and for training and selection of
National and State JU-JITSU Referees, Judges and Coaches etc., for establishing
training camps all over the country. All appointments of State or Union Territory JAI
Representatives at any level, State or Union Territory JU-JITSU Referees, Judges,
Coaches, Regional Officers etc., shall be made only by the JAI.
2.9 To function as a recognized National Sports Federation and use the expression “India”
or “Indian or any equivalent expression in any other language in its title or in any
athletic competition controlled by JAI , as and when applicable.
2.10 To select and nominate athletes and coaches and other personnel for the
National JU-JITSU team, which shall represent India in any international JU-JITSU
2.11 To bid for and host, with/ without the prior approval of the Central or State
Government, any officially recognised international JU-JITSU competition in India,
subject to conditions, as may be specified in the approval;
2.12 To organize or conduct any JU-JITSU event, including annual national JU-JITSU
championships ; referee and coaching camps and discharge such other functions and
duties for the development of JU-JITSU India, as may be required by the Ju-Jitsu
International Federation JJIF , Ju-Jitsu Asian Union JJAU .
2.13 To resist and prevent all unethical practices in sports (including the elimination of
doping, age fraud, sexual harassment of athletes and the violation of IOC Charter and
its Code of Ethics)
2.14 To have an in-house grievance resolution mechanism for redressal of grievances
relating to efficient functioning, election of Office Bearers, representative character of
the general body, protection of interest of athletes, promotion of the sport, maintenance
and audit of accounts, moving of no confidence resolutions and connected internal
management matters;
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
2.15 To ensure that the JAI shall secure and shall maintain at all times, valid affiliation
with the Indian Olympic Association [IOA] and with the Ju-Jitsu International Federation
[ JJIF] , Ju-Jitsu Asian Union [JJAU].
2.16 To ensure that the JAI shall maintain proper accounts and other relevant records,
audited annually by a chartered accountant defined in clause (b) of sub-section (1) of
section 2 of the Chartered Accountants Act, 1949.
2.17 To ensure that The JAI will conduct annual National JU-JITSU Championships for
Adults, Youth , Junior and Sub Junior age groups , for both male and female athletes
2.18 To adhere to all matters provided under the National Sports Development Act, as
and when applicable, subject to the provisions contained in the sub-sections (1) and (6)
of Section 24 of the same., as and when applicable.
2.19 To adhere to the conditions which may be prescribed in consonance with the IOC
and IOA Charter , IOC Code of Ethics and the charter of JJIF , as and when applicable.
2.20 The JAI will also have the following additional objectives :
a) To adopt , endorse and enforce the Constitution, General Rules and Technical Rules
and Referee Rules of the Ju-Jitsu International Federation [JJIF] for all National
and State level JU-JITSU championships and events and to ensure proper holding of such
meetings, competitions, referee selections under the guidance of the JJIF. Prior
permission from the JAI has to be obtained for any State or Union Territory or Interstate
or Inter Territory JU-JITSU tournaments, proposed to be conducted by affiliated members
from any State or Union Territory in India
b) To affiliate itself to JJIF, JJAU and to enforce all rules and regulations and the Code
of Ethics of International Olympic Committee [IOC] , the Olympic Council of Asia [OCA],
the Global Association of International Sports Federations [ GAISF] , the SportAccord
International Federations Union, The International World Games Association, the Indian
Olympic Association [IOA], the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports, the Sports Authority
of India [SAI] and the National Anti- Doping Agency [NADA] and the School Games
Federation of India [SGFI], as well as other recognized National and International Sports
Authorities, Sports Federations and Organizations, including the Commonwealth
Games, the University Games authority and the World Games Authority
c) To constitute the JAI Athletes Commission, in accordance with the corresponding
section of the National Sports Development Act, as and when applicable .
d) To endeavour to secure availability of indoor stadia, sports halls, sports equipment and
other amenities for the benefit of JU-JITSU athletes across the Nation;
e) To provide for a free, fair, expeditious and transparent in house mechanism within the
JAI for resolution of grievances of athletes, support personnel, and other entities
associated with the sport of JU-JITSU
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
f) To perform its duties and discharge its functions as a public authority in accordance
with the corresponding section of the National Sports Development Act, as and when
g) To publish on the JAI official website, mandatory details of the preceding years
activities of the Association, as may be prescribed by the concerned National Authority
h) Only affiliated State or Union Territory members of the JAI will be permitted to use
the name and logo of the JAI and take part with their team in the National, Continental
and International JU-JITSU championships, seminars and other events
i) To educate the general public of our Nation, on the value of amateurism in JU-JITSU
sporting events and to guard and enforce the rules of amateurism.
j) To guard and enforce rules of JJIF / JJAU / JAI by co-operating and affiliating itself
with National Olympic and National Sports Authorities, with other like minded National
Sports Federations, Sports Medicine & Sports Cultural Organizations and with JU-
JITSU enthusiasts and patrons across the nation and across the world
k) To ensure that the jurisdiction of the JAI shall cover the entire Indian subcontinent
and that on all legal matters, the City Civil Courts located in the city of the office of the
President of the JAI , shall have specific jurisdiction.
l) To acknowledge that any member of the JAI General Body aggrieved by any dispute
or discrepancy in the internal management of the JU-JITSU Association of India, may
within sixty days of such dispute or discrepancy, refer the matter with respect to an
application for grant of accreditation, to the Appellate Sports Tribunal, when applicable
m) To do every act that may be necessary and expedient in the promotion of Ju-Jitsu,
across India and to keep the JU-JITSU martial art movement completely independent,
autonomous and entirely free from all political, religious and commercial influences .
n) To encourage and assist in the organization of JU-JITSU sporting meets and events
between Countries, States, Regions, Cities, Universities, Schools and other Institutions,
o) To organize National JU-JITSU Championships in any city of any State or any Union
Territory of India, once in every year or as often as possible, in close cooperation with
the concerned JAI affiliate and with the concerned the state sports authorities.
p) To be solely responsible for managing the funds of the JAI , and raise such funds by
any means such as holding training certification , grading or lecture seminars , health
camps etc., and to employ the funds of the JU-JITSU Association of India in such a
manner as shall be deemed necessary in its best interest.
q) To establish and maintain JU-JITSU training centres, hostels, gymnasia and health
club facilities etc. and to offer these facilities to the members and to the public, irrespective
of caste, creed or religion or gender.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
r) To ensure that the Profit of Income of the JAI and the filing of returns thereof shall be
as per the corresponding section of the State Societies Registration Act
s) To ensure that the income of the JAI from whatever means , shall be utilized solely
for the realization of the objectives of the Association and that it shall not be
distributed amongst the members of the JAI.
2.21 The President and the Vice President of the JAI are fully authorized by the
members to correspond directly with the concerned Registrar of Firms and Societies
The name of the association shall be The JU-JITSU ASSOCIATION of INDIA [ JAI ]
2.1 The registered office of The JU-JITSU ASSOCIATION OF INDIA shall be situated
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007 , India and
the said office location may be changed to any other city in INDIA, as and when decided
by the majority resolution of the Executive Board of the Association. The National
Headquarters of the JAI shall be located in the city of residence of the incumbent
President of the JAI.
2.2 As and when required the JAI may establish a Secretariat at Delhi, so as to facilitate
its working and coordination with the IOA and the Government of India.
The Official year and the Financial year of the JAI shall be from 1
April to 31
and the office timing of the Association shall be 9.00 AM TO 12.00 PM. and 3.00 PM to
6.00 PM Mondays to Fridays
4.1 Membership shall be open to all recognized State or Union Territory JU-JITSU
Associations across India, with each being represented in the JAI General Body by one
or two Authorized Representatives , irrespective of the nationality, gender, caste,
religion and political beliefs of its members. Membership will be open to all residents
of India over the age of eighteen years, irrespective of caste, gender, creed or
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
Member Admission Fee
- Rs
Life Member Admission Fee
- Rs
4.2 The following shall be the initial categories of membership and their respective
subscriptions which may be subsequently amended by a resolution of the JAI.
JAI Executive Board
Annual Membership Renewal fees - Rs . 6,000.00
or as may be resolved by the JAI Executive Board
4.3 Only authorized representatives of full member State and Union Territory JAI
Associations and JAI Life members are eligible to vote and contest for posts in the
Executive Board of the JAI in the General Body Meeting.
4.4 JAI Annual Membership Fee / Renewal Fee shall non- refundable and shall be paid
by all affiliated members on or before 30
June of every year. Any JAI member whose
membership renewal fee remains unpaid, would be termed as a defaulter and shall not
be entitled or be eligible to attend the meetings of the General Body, Executive Body or
any other JAI Committees nor shall such defaulter be permitted to participate in any JAI
authorized championships or event.
4.5 Defaulters will be served a written Membership Fee Demand Note, by the JAI
Treasurer, either by email or by speed post or by courier or registered post, demanding
for payment of the outstanding annual renewal fee, along with the penalty fee of
Rs.500/- per month, for ONE year of default. Defaulters will be entitled for restoration of
rights and privileges only on payment of the annual renewal fee along with the
applicable penalty fee.
4.6 If even after the serving of the Demand Note by the JAI Treasurer, a State or Union
Territory JU-JITSU Association that does not pay the renewal fee along with the penalty
as prescribed on or before the last day of September of the same financial year, the JAI
Executive Body has the right to suspend such member and recommend to the
General Body to disaffiliate the member from the JAI rolls of membership The decision
of the JAI General Body will be final in this respect
4.7 Termination of membership:. With respect to a member State or Union Territory
Association, JAI membership shall be considered as terminated and withdrawn :
a. Upon dissolution or declaration of insolvency of the said member ;
b. Upon determination that said member no longer fulfils the requirements of the JAI
c. Upon expulsion of the said member from the JAI, for violation of the JAI / JJAU / JJIF
Constitution and/or the JAI or IOC Code of Ethics, subject to a decision made by the
General Body and after having given a reasonable opportunity to the member concerned
to be heard. Such decision shall be made by a majority of at least 2/3 of the votes cast by
the voting members present.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
d. Upon being disaffiliated or derecognized by the JAI or by the concerned State
Olympic Association, as the case may be;
e Upon the concerned State Registrar of Societies reporting gross irregularities in
internal functioning of a State or Union Territory JU-JITSU Association
f. Upon the concerned State Registrar of Societies or any competent authority under
any State law under which the State or Union Territory Association was registered,
removing the name of the State or Union territory Association from its register or
cancelling the said registration
g. Upon determination that the Certificate of Registration of the State or Union Territory
Association has been obtained by misrepresentation of material information or by
fraudulent means;
h. Upon determination that the said State or Union Territory Association has failed to
hold elections for its executive body as provided in its memorandum of association or
articles of association or bye-laws or has committed gross irregularities in the election
i. Upon discovery that the said State or Union Territory Association has failed to publish
its annual audited accounts or submit its annual returns to the authority concerned;
j. Upon determination that the said State or Union Territory Association has misused
or unauthorizedly diverted any State Government funds or JAI funds or any other
funds given to it in assistance;
k. Upon determination that the said State or Union Territory has violated any section of
the Sports Development Act as may be applicable in that State or Union Territory
l. Upon breach of the JAI provisions on the payment of Membership Admission and
Annual renewal fees
m. Upon failure of the said member to adequately develop and promote JU-JITSU , due
to the Associations inability to properly organise work in their Sate or Union Territory;
n. Upon refusal of the said member to implement resolutions and directives of the JAI ;
4.8. With respect to natural persons or individuals within or affiliated to the JAI,
membership is considered as withdrawn or terminated :
a. Upon death, resignation or loss of mental capacity of the concerned person ;
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
b. Upon conviction of an offence which is of serious nature under the Indian Penal Code
or Prevention of Corruption Act, the Office Bearer or EB member or Sub-Committee
Member shall resign immediately and if not then they will be excluded and will not be
allowed to contest in the elections of the Executive Board l / Office Bearers of the JAI
till three years after completion of the sentence and the case will then be referred to the
JAI Ethics Commission for further guidance.
c. When charges have been framed by any Court in India, in respect of an offence
which is of serious nature under the Indian Penal Code / Prevention of Corruption Act,
in which the punishment of imprisonment of more than 2 years is prescribed . In such
cases the said Member will resign immediately and if not then they will be provisionally
suspended and will not be eligible to contest in the elections and the case will then be
referred to the JAI Ethics Commission for further guidance
4.9 When the conduct or behaviour of any JAI Member compromises the JAI Code of
Ethics and the JAI or JJIF Constitution be referred to the JAI Ethics & Legal
Commission for recommending necessary penal action / expulsion
4.10 Upon expulsion in case of violation of the JAI / JJAU / JJIF Constitution or the
JJIF or JAI or IOA Code of Ethics. The final decision shall be made by the General
Body Meeting after having given a reasonable opportunity to the member concerned to
be heard. Such decision shall be made by a majority of at least 2/3 of the votes cast by
the voting members present.
5.1 All JAI affiliated State and Union Territory JU-JITSU Associations shall
autonomously manage all JU-JITSU activities in their respective State or Union Territory
and the intervention of any other public or private or national or international authority in
their internal affairs is to be resisted and is prohibited.
5.2 A State or Union Territory Association is eligible for apply to become a member of
the JAI, provided it qualifies as State or Union Territory , which is duly recognized by
the Government of India
5.3 All member State or Union Territory Associations of the JAI shall function as
autonomous and Non-Profit , Amateur, Martial Sport / Combat Sport organizations,
abiding by the Rules and Regulations of JAI and by the rules and regulations of JJIF
and the JJAU and must be free of all professional involvement.
5.4 All State or Union Territory JU-JITSU Associations under JAI must strive against
and resist, both passive acceptance and active implementation of any form of
discrimination based on the grounds of political beliefs, caste, colour, gender or
religious beliefs.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
5.5 The JAI shall accredit and recognize and affiliate as its FULL member only one
State or Union Territory JU-JITSU Association from each State or Union Territory in
INDIA, subject to that JU-JITSU Association evidencing that it has a minimum of 50%
of the District level Associations affiliated to it. [ founder members are excluded from
this condition ]
5.6 Apart from the above minimum 50% DISTRICT affiliation precondition, in order to
acquire full membership, all aspiring state or union territory JAI members shall undergo
a two-year trial period as Provisional Associate Members and must demonstrate during
this two year period that they:
a. Have held at least one State / Union Territory JU-JITSU championship
b.. Have held one State / Union Territory JU-JITSU coaching seminar
c. Have held one State / Union Territory JU-JITSU referee seminar
d. Have participated in at least one National JU-JITSU championship
e. Have complied in full will all statutory and legal requirements
5.7 The JAI may grant to any applicant State or Union Territory Association lacking the
full requisite qualifications or being otherwise non-eligible for full membership, recognition
as a provisional “Associate Member, or as a Candidate Member” subject to and
depending on whether :
a. That Association is registered and active or yet to be active in that State or
Union Territory
b. The Association does not have an adequate number of members and activities
to become a full State or Union Territory Association in accordance with the
criteria prescribed above for full JAI membership
c. That Association has or has not complied with the regulations of the Registrar
of Societies or Income Tax Authorities in their State or Union Territory
5.8 The provisional Associate or Candidate members may take part in all activities of the
JAI , but shall have no right to vote, nor the right to propose or second any motion at any
JAI meeting.
5.9. Provisional Associate or Candidate members who do not meet the requisites for
becoming full members as cited above, may be removed from the JAI membership or be
replaced by another, following the end of the two-year period for any justifiable
reason, by a resolution to this effect passed by the Presidency or the Executive Board
[EB] of the JAI
5.10 Under exceptional circumstances ,the JAI Presidency / or EB has the authority to
confer FULL membership rights to any Associate State member , without the necessity
of having fulfilled all the JAI membership eligibility criteria at that juncture, subject to
subsequent ratification at the following GBM and subject to it undertaking in writing , to
evidence full compliance of all JAI Membership requisites within a specified time bound
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
5.11 Full members, Associate or Candidate Members of the JAI may resign from their
capacity as JAI members by submitting a notice in writing to that effect, to the
Secretary General of the Executive Board [EB] of the JAI
5.12 Honorary Membership of JAI and Honorary Designations may be conferred on any
eminent persons, for the purpose of promotion of JU-JITSU by the Presidency or EB of
the JAI , subject to subsequent ratification of the same by the JAI General Body . Such
Honorary conferees will NOT have the right to vote, propose or second any motions in
5.13 Only ONE State / Union Territory JU-JITSU Association from each State / Union
Territory in INDIA will be eligible to apply to become an Full / Associate / Candidate
member of the JAI. Furthermore only one or a maximum of two Authorized
Representatives from each such State / Union Territory Association can be nominated
and become eligible to vote in the JAI General Body Meetings and be eligible to contest in
elections for posts in the JAI Executive Body & Committees.
5.14 Until such a time that State / Union Territory Associations are formed and registered
in each of the State / Union Territories of INDIA , the President on behalf of the Executive
Board of JAI can nominate or appoint a capable person or authority to represent the JAI
in that State / Union Territory.
5.15 Only authorized representatives physically present at any JAI General Body Meeting
will be eligible to cast his/her vote . Proxies are permissible, but only one proxy per
member present is permitted and all proxies must be supported by a signed written
authorization of the absentee member or his/ her State / Union Territory Association.
5.16 The Register of the JAI and all amendments there to , shall be open for inspection
to all the members and also to Officers of the concerned Registrar of Societies .
5.17 Any member found to have violated any of the Rules or Regulations of the JAI or
that of the JJIF/ JJAU, or the Charter of the IOC / IOA or JAI Code of Ethics, can be
after a due inquiry constituted by the JAI Executive Board, be suspended or debarred
from the JAI for specified a period of time, the duration of which will depend on the
nature and seriousness of the violation.
5.18 Such an errant member can however be expelled or debarred from the JAI only by
a resolution passed by 2/3 majority of the members of the Executive Board.
5.19 The Presidency and/or the Executive Board of the JAI shall be the final and
ultimate authority in all matters pertaining to Acceptance / Rejection of all applications
for Membership of the JAI from candidates across any State or Union Territory.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
6.1 The General Body of the JAI is the absolute authority for the election of all Office
Bearers and Executive Board Members. Executive Board members shall be elected
from the members who form the General Body. The General Body Meeting [ GBM} shall
be held ordinarily at least once in every financial year, at such place and time as
determined by the JAI Executive Board.
6.2 Membership in the General Body of the JAI shall be in accordance with gender
equality legislation, and shall ensure that the representation of any gender is not less
than ten percent. of the total membership of the GB
6.3 Authority and Functions of the General Body are as under :
a] To constitute and function as the ultimate authority within JAI on any matter
b] To elect the President, Secretary General, Treasurer , Vice Presidents and all other
members of the Executive Board, as well as to revoke their powers and authority, if
need be;
c] T monitor the activities and to ratify the resolutions adopted by the JAI Presidency ,
the Executive Board as well as other Committees and Commissions of the JAI
d] To ratify the annual reports submitted by the JAI President, Secretary General
Treasurer and other JAI officers and bodies;
e] To ratify and approve applications for membership and to remove /debar Full or
Associate or Candidate or Honorary members from JAI Membership
f] To approve the annual audited balance sheet and profit and loss statement of JAI;
g] l] To approve and ratify the JAI annual budget and annual expenditure
h] To approve the JAI annual programme and Calendar of Events;
i] To approve and ratify all matters and proposals concerning JAI and the national
development of JU-JITSU in India, as submitted by any State or Union Territory
j] To adopt and enforce the Constitution and Rules and Regulations of JJIF, JJAU and
the JAI Constitution, as well as all its amendments thereof
k] To approve and ratify and adopt all amendments to the JAI Constitution, Rules and
l] To adopt resolutions on allegations or claims pertaining to the activities and orders of
the President, Secretary General, Executive Board and other bodies and Commissions
of the JAI;
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
m] To adopt resolutions and rulings on all matters that do not directly fall under the
jurisdiction of other bodies of JAI hereunder;
n] To ratify appointments of Auditors for the Association as resolved by the EB
o]. To take remedial or penal action against any State or Union Territory Member, found
to have breached the Constitution or the General Rules or the Technical or Referee
Rules of the JAI / JJIF / JJAU or if it is determined that the election of any members to
their State or Union Territory Executive Board was made by using procedures violating
those stipulated in their State or Union Territory constitutions approved by JAI
p] To ratify and approve the Amalgamation or Dissolution of the Association
6.4 The General Body shall comprise of :
1. Authorized Representatives of Full Members and/or proxy holders
2. Members of the Executive Board
3. Associate Members
4. Candidate Members
5. Observers
6. Special Invitees
6.5 Only FULL Member State or Union Territory Members affiliated to the JAI and in
good standing have the right to vote and right to speak in the GBM.
6.6 The minimum requisite quorum for the General Body Meeting [GBM ] shall be 50%
members of the Executive Board and 1/3 of the JAI members with voting rights in good
6.7 Representatives of full members are required to present written proof of their
authorization to represent their State or Union Territory Association at the General Body
Meeting signed by the Executive Board of their State or Union Territory Association, to
the Secretary General of the JAI before the commencement of the GBM .
6.8 Members represented in the JAI General Body shall accord with gender equality to
ensure that the representation of any gender is not less than ten percent. of the total JAI
6.9 The General Body Meeting shall be convened Once every year and preferably at
the same venue as and in conjunction with the National JU-JITSU Championship . The
Championships and GBMs as far as possible may rotate between the Member State or
Union Territories and/or zonal regions therein.
6.10 In the event that a scheduled National JU-JITSU Championship is postponed, then
accordingly the corresponding General Body Meeting may also be postponed until such
time as the next National Championship is organised.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
6.11 An Extraordinary General Body Meeting [EGBM] of the JAI may be convened
by the Secretary General within TWENTY ONE days of a request for the same made
in writing citing the reasons either by:
1. The Presidency
2. Or by a Majority of the Members of the Executive Board
3. Or By at least 50% of the full members.
6.12 The Secretary General acting under the guidance of the Executive Board shall
prepare the Agenda for the sessions of the General Body Meeting. Should the
Executive Board be absent or unable to act, the President shall provide the necessary
guidance to the Secretary General on the same .
6.13 Any member State or Union Territory Association wishing to submit points or
issues for inclusion in the agenda of a session of the General Body Meeting, should
submit full details of the same to the Secretary General, at least 45 days prior to the
scheduled date of the General Meeting.
6.14 A notice of the date and venue of the General Body Meeting as well as a copy
of the agenda shall be dispatched by the Secretary General to all member State or
Union Territory Associations, to the members of the Executive Board and to the
concerned IOA and Government authorities [when applicable ] , as well as to all
other concerned persons, either by registered letter, or by fax, email , telegram or by
speed post or courier , at least 21 days prior to the scheduled date of said GBM.
6.15 The General Body Meeting shall elect members to posts in the Executive Board
and shall approve any amendments to the JAI Constitution, and to its Rules and
Regulations. It reviews and ratifies the financial report and approves the annual report
and annual budget. It shall consider recommendations from its committees and boards
and shall raise questions if necessary. It shall review questions and decisions made by
the Executive Board of JAI as well as proposals made by Members and may ratify the
6.16 The General Body Meeting may, as a rule, examine only those items listed on the
agenda, with the exception of any item in respect of which 2/3 of members present with
voting rights, may additionally propose for discussion, but only with the permission of
the chairman of the GBM.
6.17 The General Body Meeting shall be chaired by the President JAI and in his/her
absence by a Vice President chosen by ballot. Should the President and Vice
Presidents be absent, the Meeting shall be chaired by any one of the members of the
Executive Board chosen by ballot.
6.18 All votes will be cast by show of voting cards, which shall be issued only to
Members with voting rights by the Secretary General. Representatives of all member
State or Union Territory Associations with voting rights shall have one vote each only,
with the exception of the cases as cited in Article 6.5 hereof and in case of Proxy.
6.19 The Chairman of the General Body Meeting has the right to a casting vote in the
case of a ballot tie.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
6.20 Unless so provided otherwise herein, Members of the Executive Board other than
the President, shall have no voting rights unless they represent a Full Member State
or Union Territory Association and present to the Secretary General, written proof of
their authority signed by the Executive Board of their State or Union Territory JU-JITSU
Association, prior to the commencement of the General Meeting.
6.21 Candidates contesting for posts in the Executive Board must be announced to the
Secretary General ,no later than 45 days prior to the scheduled date of JAI General Body
6.22 Candidature for posts the Executive Board other than the President, must be
supported by a special document issued by the Presidency of the State or Union
Territory Association of the candidate, which attests the position that the candidate is
contesting for. The Sate or Union Territory Association must also be of good standing and
must be a Full Member of the JAI.
6.23 To be eligible to contest as a member of the JAI Executive Board , a member must
evidence that he/she :
a) Be a permanent resident of the said State or Union Territory represented .However
the Presidential candidate need only be a permanent resident of India and may
necessarily reside in the any JAI member state or union territory ,
b) Be in full possession of his / her civil rights and mental capacity ;
c) Undertakes in writing that if in the event of conviction for an offence which is of
serious nature under the Indian Penal Code / Prevention of Corruption Act, the said
Executive Body Member / Office Bearer , shall resign immediately and if not then they
will be excluded and will not be allowed to contest in the elections of the Executive Body
of the JAI till three years after completion of the sentence and the case will then be
referred to the JAI Ethics Commission for further guidance.
6.24 Candidate Members for ALL the posts in the EB and Commissions of the JAI
should not have had any charges framed against him/her under section 228 of the
Criminal Procedure Code for any offence involving a punishment for more than three
6.25 Unless provided otherwise herein, he/she shall not exceed the age of sixty six
years at the time of first contesting the election and should not hold office after attaining
the age of seventy years;
6.26 He/she shall obtain previous sanction from the Government of India, if the said
candidate is a Government servant and he /she be allowed to hold office for a maximum
period of four years;
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
6.27 He/she should not have served as an Office Bearer in the Executive Body of the
JAI for more than two consecutive terms of office each term not exceeding four years:
Provided that an Office Bearer, who has held the office as such for two consecutive terms,
(each term not exceeding four years), shall be eligible to hold such office after a period
of four years from the date on which he completed the second term:
Provided further that this clause shall not apply to any election for the office of the
President of the JAI ;
6.28 The President of the JAI shall not be eligible to re-contest for the post of President
on completion of twelve years or three terms of office of four years each in that office
with or without any break;
6.29 An Office Bearer shall be debarred from holding the office in the JAI immediately
upon his conviction by a court of law and sentence for a period of two or more years of
imprisonment for a period of six years from the date of conviction or for a period of six
years after completion of sentence whichever is later.
6.30 A Minister (whether as a Cabinet Minister or Minister of State or Deputy Minister)
in the Ministry or Department of Sports in the Central Government and any other official
of the Department of Sports in the Central Government or any official of the Sports
Authority of India shall not be eligible to contest for any elective post in the JAI until the
expiry of five years from the date of relinquishing the charge as such Minister or retirement
or relinquishing of charge by the officials, as the case may be;
6.31 An Office Bearer of the JAI Executive Board [as defined herein] shall not be
eligible to concurrently hold the post of an Office Bearer in any other IOA recognized or
Govt. recognized National Sports Federation, except the National Olympic Committee
where the term served in the JAI shall not be included in the computation of limitation
of tenure;
6.32 An Office Bearer of the JAI who has completed one term shall not be eligible to
contest for the post of an Office Bearer in another National Sports Federation unless a
period of four years has elapsed from the date he vacated his office.
7.1 The Executive Board [EB] of JAI shall consist of initially of SEVEN Members duly
elected to these posts by the General Body. More EB members and more EB
designations may be added / amended as and when required for whatsoever reason,
the majority resolution of the Presidency or Executive Board and ratified subsequently
by the General Body.
The National President [ CEO ]
The Vice President [ VP North Zone]
The Vice President [ VP East Zone]
The Vice President [ VP West Zone]
The Vice President [ VP South Zone]
The Secretary General [ COO]
The Treasurer [ CFO]
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7.2 As and when applicable, the elected posts of the JAI President, Secretary General
and Treasurer ONLY shall be deemed as the Office Bearers of the JAI, as defined by
the Indian Olympic Association or as stipulated in the National Sports Development
7.3 The term of office of the elected EB Members and the Members of all the other
Committees of the JAI shall initially be for a period of FOUR years or till the next
elections are held or as resolved by the Executive Board and duly approved by the
General Body. Any interim vacancies in the EB, that may arise due to resignations etc
may be filled by members nominated by the Executive Board.
7.4 The election of members into the Executive Body of the JAI shall be conducted in a
fair and transparent manner at least once in every four years, in accordance with the code
of elections as may be prescribed;
7.5 As and when applicable, eminent JU-JITSU athletes [ Jutsukas] as nominated by
the Athletes Commission shall be included in the decision making process of the
Executive Body and the commissions of the JAI.
7.6 Membership and voting rights of the nominee athletes from the JAI Athletes
commission in the Executive Board shall be two, each representing a gender. As and
when deemed necessary by the Executive Board , the total strength of the
athletes in the JAI Executive Board shall not be less than twenty percent exclusive
of those who are elected by the General Body. Provided if through the electoral process
a total strength of the athletes does not constitute twenty percent of the executive
body, the Athlete Commission shall nominate the additional eminent athlete
members, to the Executive Board to constitute twenty five percent who shall have
the same membership and voting rights as all other members of the Executive Board.
7.7 Provided further that the said athletes proposed through the General Body of the
JAI, who have participated in any Olympics, Asian Games, World Cup/Championship,
Commonwealth Games or at least three national championships conducted by the JAI /
JJIF shall be counted towards the twenty percent representation of the athletes.
In case an athlete(s) fulfilling the definition of eminent JU-JITSU athlete is not available
within the JAI , the Athletes Commission of the Indian Olympic Association shall nominate
one or more persons to constitute twenty percent of the athletes’ representation.
7.8 Tenure of Posts All Members of Executive Board of the JAI shall be elected for a
term not exceeding four (4) years and they may be eligible for re-election as below:
a) All Members of Executive Board shall be elected on obtaining simple majority votes
of the eligible full members of the JAI present for voting at the election.
b) Termshall normally mean a period of 4 years.
c) “ Cooling Off Period ’ shall mean a period six months less than the Term.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
d) No member shall hold a post of Executive Body Member , upon attaining seventy
years of age. All Executive Body and Sub Committee Members must retire from his/her
post of office immediately upon on attaining the age of seventy years:
Provided however that in the event of an Office Bearer / EB Member also holding a post
in the executive Board or Commission or Committee or Council of the Ju-Jitsu
International Federation, or the Ju-Jitsu Asian Union, or the Ju-Jitsu South Asian Union,
the age limit may be extended for the duration of the term as the holder of a post in the
International Federation if his/ her continuance in the International Body is conditional
upon his being an Office Bearer in the JAI , as the case may be;
e) No member shall hold one or more Executive Board or Sub-Committee post for more
than 5 consecutive terms or 20 years, whichever is less.
f) No Member shall hold the post of post of National President of JAI for more than three
consecutive terms or twelve years, whichever is less.
g) No Member shall hold the post of Secretary General or Treasurer for more than two
consecutive terms or eight years, whichever is less, but can contest for the post of
president after completion of two terms without a cooling off period.
h) Two terms shall be treated as consecutive with the gap between them is less than
the cooling off period.
i) Members who have already completed 5 consecutive terms in any of the Office
Bearer as defined herein without a cooling off period will have to take a break of one
cooling off period before being eligible to contest for any Office Bearer post.
j) A member after completing the maximum number of consecutive terms permissible as
above shall be eligible for election to Office Bearer posts only after a cooling off period.
k) Secretary General or Treasurer will be eligible after a cooling off period to contest for
their or each others post after completing two terms.
7.9 Each and every Executive Board member of the JAI shall be individually and jointly
accountable to the National President of the JAI, and shall be subject to an Annual
Performance Review, wherein they must evidence their efficient execution of his/her
assigned EB responsibility and designated duties . He/she may be subject to penal action.
suspension and/or dismissal from the EB by the majority vote of the EB / GBM, in the
unlikely event of determination of any breach of the JAI rules & regulations or for
dereliction or negligence of duty or for indulging in or partaking in any anti JJIF/ Anti
JJAU / Anti JAI activities, or for prolonged or continued inactivity or absence from
7.10 Any JAI Executive Body Member or JAI Commission / Sub Committee member,
found have absented himself/herself from THREE consecutive JAI Executive Body
Meetings , without prior notice with valid and acceptable reason, would be summarily
considered having voluntarily resigned from his/her post of elected office.
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7.11 The members of the Executive Board must have meetings at least two times a
year as well as on the occasion of JAI General Body meetings. The Executive Board
may be convened by the President or by at any time as he/she may deem fit or as
requested by the majority of the members of the Executive Board. The Executive Board
must ratify all decisions concerning JAI that were made directly by the Presidency,
under any emergency circumstances.
7.12 In the event that any elected EB member or JAI Commission member faces
charges that have been framed by any Court in India, in respect of an offence which is
of serious nature under the Indian Penal Code or Prevention of Corruption Act, in which
the punishment of imprisonment of more than 2 years is prescribed, then the said
Member / Office Bearer/ Member of the Executive Body of the JAI must mandatorily
and immediately resign from office and if not then he/she will be provisionally
suspended and will not be eligible to contest in the elections and the case will then be
referred to the JAI Ethics & Legal Commission for further action.
7.13 Any member of JAI whose conduct / behaviour compromises or willfully violates
the JAI Code of Ethics and the JAI or the JJIF / JJAU Constitution shall be referred to
the JAI Ethics & Legal Commission for further action . Any other allegation of unethical
conduct shall be referred to the Ethics & Legal Commission within 2 weeks, who will
forward its findings within 60 days to the Executive Board for a decision. In case the
finding is against any Office Bearer or Member of the Executive Board, then he/she will
need to recuse from that Executive Board meeting.
7.14 The Executive Board shall not include more than two representatives from each
State or Union Territory JU-JITSU Association. The National President of JAI shall be
exempt from such precondition.
7.15 At the expiry of a term of office, any elected member of the Executive Board shall
be automatically eligible for re-election to the same office.
7.16 The members of JAI Executive Board must not derive any personal financial or
commercial profit directly or indirectly from the JU-JITSU business world. This clause
however does not apply to professional managers / consultants / JU-JITSU coaches /
JU-JITSU Referees and JU-JITSU instructors etc., who may be retained with
remuneration and nominated or inducted as EB members by the majority decision of the
Presidency or by the Executive Board, subject to ratification at the Subsequent GBM.
7.17 As far as possible both genders must be represented in the JAI Executive Board
and JAI Commissions
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7.18 Honorary Life President : The General Body may nominate up to three persons
who have rendered unique and distinguished service for the cause of the JU-JITSU
movement in the Nation as Hon. Life Presidents . Such Hon. Life Presidents shall hold
office during their lifetime. The Hon. Life President shall be invited to the General Body
Meeting of the JAI . The Hon. Life President shall have no right to cast his vote at the
7.19 JAI may induct Honorary Members, whose title is awarded at the JAI General
Body Meeting are inducted based on proposals received from any State or Union
Territory Member Association or on recommendation of the JAI Executive Body . Such
members may be individuals, companies, associations or other public organizations
that have made a specific contribution to the development of JU-JITSU in India or have
provided special services to the JAI,
7.20 JAI may induct Associate Members (organisations and individuals) that provide
practical assistance in the promotion of JU-JITSU in India. They are selected by the JAI
General Body based on the recommendations of the corresponding State or Union
Territory JU-JITSU Associations or of the JAI Executive Board.
8.1 The NATIONAL PRESIDENT of JAI, shall be an established and renowned national
or international sports federation management expert or a renowned National or State
Official or Dignitary or a National Patron of the Sport and he/she shall function as the
Chief Executive Officer [CEO] of the Association. The National President will direct
the Executive Board Members of the of JAI and will represent JAI within the Nation and
Globally whenever needed.
8.2 The National President shall advise JAI Executive Board on JJIF / JJAU guidelines
developmental polices and strategies and issues
8.3 He/she shall be responsible for representing the interests of the JAI Presidency
globally and shall represent the JAI within the Executive Boards / Commissions of the
JJIF / JJAU and all pertinent International or Continental Sports Governing authorities.
8.4 The National President shall with full legal authority of JAI General Body, and with the
assistance of the JAI Secretary General, .represent the JAI in all JJIF / JJAU
Congresses / AGM / Conferences and Seminars and he/she shall hold the absolute
mandate and authority of the JAI Executive Board and General Body , with the right
speak and right to vote on behalf of the JAI, ensuring its best interest at all times..
8.5 The President shall represent the interests and rights of the world bodies JJIF /
JJAU and all other world bodies within India and within the JAI and shall uphold and
enforce the constitution and rules and regulations and the code of ethics of JJIF/ JJAU
and shall monitor and govern the compliance of the same by all affiliated JAI state and
Union Territory members
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
8.6 The National President has the authority, responsibility and duty to uphold the
rights, the integrity and the global image of the Ju-Jitsu Association of India and that of
the Nation, on a global platform.
8.7 The President has the authority and duty to protect the interests, participation rights
and welfare of all JU-JITSU athletes of the Nation and represent their interests to the
JJIF, JJAU Executive Boards, and other international sports authorities, so as to secure
adequate technical training , manpower and training materials and fiscal support to set up
and maintain a world class JU-JITSU training infrastructure within the nation for the benefit
of JAI Members..
8.8 The President and the Secretary General of JAI shall be ex-officio Members of JAI
Commissions I and shall govern and monitor the National Team Selection Commission, so
as to ensure in the interests of the Nation, that eligible and highly skilled national JU-
JITSU athletes, secure the right and opportunity to participate in all international JJIF
approved events , as well as in all IOC events, OCA events [ Asian Indoor Martial Arts
Games , Asian Beach Games and Youth Games , Children of Asia Games ] South
Asian Games , Sport Accord Combat Games , Police Games , University Games ,World
Games and any other Internationally recognized Martial art/Combat Sport event, as and
when may be applicable.
8.9 The National President shall uphold and enforce the constitution and rules and
regulations and the Code of ethics of the JAI and shall monitor the compliance of the
same by all affiliated JAI state and Union Territory members.
8.10 The President ,in due consultation with the Zonal Vice Presidents and other EB
Members, shall be responsible for the formulation and monitoring the successful
implementation of all approved plans and policies for the promotion and propagation of
JU-JITSU within the States and Union Territories of the Nation.
8.11 He/she with the assistance of the EB members shall be responsible to expedite and
secure the official recognition of the JAI as a National Sports Federation duly recognized
by the Indian Olympic Association [IOA] the Ministry of Youth Affairs and Sports , the
Sports Authority of India and from The School Games Authority and the University Games
Authority as well as from all other relevant National Sports Governing Bodies
8.12. He/she shall ensure and monitor compliance of the JAI to the National Anti Doping
Agency [ NADA] Guidelines as well as compliance to the IOA code of Ethics, the
Government of India Sports Development Bill [when applicable]
8.13 The President shall be responsible for supervising the overall functioning of the
JAI and has the duty to secure and ensure adequate funding for the JAI Annual
Budget and for day to day operations from Government and Corporate and/or Private
funding and sponsorships , so as to fulfill JAI Annual Budget and the JAI national JU-
JITSU Development plan
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8.14 The National President is exclusively responsible for the monitoring of the day-to-
day activities of JAI, for the guiding the EB Members , for sanctioning of JAI funds, and
for hiring of national administrative personnel.
8.15 The President of the JAI has the mandated authority :
a] To nominate candidates to General Body for the position of Secretary General and
Vice Presidents from among the Executive Board members;
b] To establish commissions and working groups, and delegate part of presidential
powers to them;
c] To authorise members of the Executive Board, other committees and working groups
to sign documents on behalf of the JAI (grant the right of sole or joint signature for
certain documents);
d] To sanction in due consultation with the Treasurer, reimbursement from the JAI
treasury any expenses of members of the Executive Board and other JAI Committees,
incurred legitimately in connection with representing the interests of the JAI globally or
nationally or in connection with payment of Membership or Afflation fees to National or
International Sports Governing bodies to which JAI seeks affiliation , establishing State
representative offices, staging events, organising tours, and other expenses incurred in
the interests of the JAI or JJIF . All such expenses must be justified and certified jointly
by Presidency
e] To sanction in due consultation with the Treasurer, disbursal of funds from the Jai
Treasury to the Zonal Vice Presidents of JAI ,so as to assist the regional development
and promotion of Ju-Jitsu , as and when deemed necessary.
f] To convene a Meeting of the Presidency to resolve any urgent or emergency issues
g] To judiciously sign JOINTLY with the Secretary General, all documents entailing any
legal and financial liability for the JAI or for its members or its officials, regardless of its
ramifications, whether internal within the nation or external on an international level,
8.16 Should the position of the National President become vacant for a prolonged
duration ,for any reason, the duties of the President shall be performed by the Secretary
General of the JAI. In cases when the Secretary General is unable to perform the
duties of the President for any reason, the Executive Board of JAI shall authorise one
of the Vice Presidents to perform the duties of the JAI President pro tempore, and
presidential elections shall be held at the next GB meeting.
8.17 In case there being an equal number of votes in the Executive Board voting , the
President shall have the casting vote.
8.18 The VICE-PRESIDENTS shall assist President and substitutes for either one
whenever he/she is unable to perform his/her duties. Each Zonal Vice President of JAI
shall be accountable directly to the National President , for the promotion propagation
and development of JU-JITSU in their assigned Region or Zone [as specifically
assigned by the JAI presidency ].
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In cases where any one Vice-President is unable to perform his/her duties, any other
VICE PRESIDENT shall take additional responsibility and perform those duties.
8.19 In cases where neither of Vice-Presidents are able to perform their duties, one
of the Executive Members will be appointed to chair the Executive Board by the
members present.
8.20 The Presidency of JAI will assign the specific states and/or union territories that
come under the purvey of each Zonal Vice President and may create additional Zonal
regions and/or posts of additional Zonal Vice Presidencies as and when required.
8.21 The SECRETARY GENERAL is the Chief Operating Officer [ COO] of JAI and
undertakes responsibility for its day to day administration of the JAI and he/she is
responsible for the normal day to day correspondence with all JAI Representatives of
State or Union Territory Associations and third parties.
8.22 The Secretary General assists the National President and shall be responsible for
ensuring that the JAI complies to all legal and statutory regulations as prescribed and
as pertaining to a National Sports Federation in India.
8.23 Upon the request of the Secretary General , the President shall appoint a Special
Secretary - without the right to vote probably residing at the same city as the
Secretary General .He/she shall attend to the work of the Secretary General in his/her
8.24. The Secretary General is responsible for enforcing and monitoring compliance of
the JAI Constitution, and implementing resolutions as per minutes of the meetings of the
JAI General Body and the JAI Executive Body , as well as for implementing the
resolutions made by the JAI Presidency
8.25 He/she shall monitor the performance of financial obligations of the State and
Union Territory JU-JITSU Associations who are members of JAI;
8.26 He/she accepts and scrutinises and conveys to the EB all applications for JAI
membership and registers the same ;
8.27 He / she Maintains and updates records of All JAI members;
8.28 He / She is the official custodian of all JAI documents and records including the
register of the minutes of all EB meetings and GB meetings
8.29 He/she ensures that the proclamations and agenda of all JAI General Body
Meetings and all JAI Executive Body meetings are sent out in a timely manner;
8.30 The Secretary General undertakes the duties of the JAI President in his/her absence
from office.
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8.31 The TREASURER is the Chief Financial Officer [ CFO ] of the Association.
He/she shall be responsible for the day to day governance of all monetary transactions
of the JAI and ensuring financial discipline and accountability of all the EB members.
8.32 He/she shall also be responsible for formulating and implementing the JAI Annual
budget as approved by the GB and shall maintain and update the corresponding books
of accounts of JAI . It is mandatory that all disbursements from the JAI Treasury/ Bank
Accounts are verified and scrutinized by the JAI Treasurer and sanctioned by the
National President..
8.33 The EXECUTIVE MEMBERS of JAI , as and when inducted shall assist the Vice
Presidents & the Secretary General in the execution of their duties and shall substitute
for a Vice President in case of need. Recognized national JU-JITSU athletes, nominated
by the JAI Athletes Commission shall also be represented in the EB as an Executive
9.1 The JAI Presidency ordinarily comprises of the National President, The Secretary
General and the Treasurer, and may also include other members as and when deemed
necessary. It is to be convened by the Secretary General upon the President’s request.
9.2 In cases of any urgency or emergency, the Presidency has the right to convene
and make the appropriate decisions, but these decisions will be binding on the
Executive Board and must be ratified at the subsequent JAI General Body Meeting.
9.3. All documents jointly entailing any legal and financial liability for the JAI or its
members or its officials regardless of its ramifications whether internal within the nation or
external on an international level, shall be judiciously executed only with the National
President and the Secretary General of the JAI.
9.4 The Presidency has the right to initiate interim penal action against any elected EB
member , including suspension and referral to the JAI Disciplinary & Legal Commission
and Ethics Commission for recommending action to the GB for dismissal from post.
Such action can be initiated only in the event that the said errant EB member is found to
grossly negligent or lacking in the execution of his assigned duties or found to have
wilfully violated the Rules and Regulation or the Constitution of the JAI /JJIF or the JAI
Code of Ethics.
9.5 The National President has at his discretion, the personal authority to voluntarily
relinquish his elected position as President of the JAI ,[ in the interest of furthering the
goals of JU-JITSU development in India], and hand over his elected authority and
designation, to any renowned high ranking National or State Official or Dignitary or to
a recognized National Patron of Ju-Jitsu , subject to subsequent ratification of this
handover by the General Body.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
Provided further however that the said National President shall nonetheless continue to
be a Member of the Executive Board of JAI and a member of the JAI Presidency, till the
end of his elected tenure He/she shall then, however bear a new title and new designation
of the Director General of the JAI, he/she may or may not also be considered as an
Office Bearer of the JAI, as defined in resolved by the Presidency or by the EB
and ratified by the General Body.
10.1 The Executive Board is responsible for the day-to-day management of the JAI
10.2 The Executive Board has all the powers required to regulate technical and
financial issues associated with the activities of JAI . The Executive Board manages the
activities of the JAI and among other things, its duties include:
a) preparation of all supporting materials/ documentation required to adopt resolutions
at General Body Meetings; submission of the aforementioned materials to the GBM for
b) implementation of the resolutions adopted by the GBM
c) taking all measures required to achieve JAI objectives;
d) Implementing the directives of the Presidency and monitoring the of the activities of the
Finance Commission and all other Sub Commissions so as ensure the proper
performance of duties by the aforementioned persons in accordance with the law and
the JAI Constitution
e) ensuring compliance with the provisions , the rules and the regulations of JJIF;
f) preparation of provisions and amendments (if necessary) to the Constitution and the
rules the regulations of JAI;
g) framing bye-laws in amplification of the provisions of these JAI Constitution articles.
Such bye-laws come into force immediately but may be amended or rejected by two
third majority in the subsequent General Body meeting.
h) acceptance and scrutiny of applications of candidates for election to the Executive
i) submission of information to the GB on incoming and outgoing EB members of JAI ;
j) submission of draft budgets and reports on the financial activities of JAI for the
preceding period to the JAI General Body
k) consideration and approval of applications from candidates bidding to hosting
National and Other JU-JITSU events in India
l) consideration of expulsion of members and suspension of the JAI membership;
m) early termination and suspension of the powers JAI Executive Board members;
n) acceptance of reports and documents from State & Union Territory JAI Members
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
o) subject to ratification by the at the GBM , the EB can appoint an auditor to audit the
JAI annual accounts
p) formulation of the annual budget for the ensuing year to be placed in the general
body for its discussion and approval.
q) appointment of any special sub committees to consider specific matters or to
organize any State events for the Association.
r) nomination and appointment of Patrons for the Association and to nominate and
Appoint a Prominent Individual as the Hon. Members of the Association Both Patrons and
Honorary Members of JAI will not have any voting rights in the Association.
s) Initiation of appropriate action penal or otherwise against any affiliated member or
individual to protect interest and integrity of the JAI as well as the rules and
Regulations and Constitution of the JAI as well as that of JJIF / JJAU.
11.1 At least 50% of EB members must be present to form a quorum. In an Executive
Board Meeting. If no quorum is present in the meeting can be adjourned and then
reinstated after a time at the discretion of the President .
11.2 The Executive Board shall meet at least TWICE a year ,or as often as deemed fit for
the business of the Association, for which ordinarily 21 days prior notice shall be given to
every member of Board and to the relevant JAI Commissions and committee in advance
by email / speed post / courier . Every member shall have one vote. All matters shall be
decided either by voting or by ordinary raising of hands. In case of a tie/equal votes the
President shall have the additional casting vote .
11.3 Resolutions of the JAI Presidency or by the JAI Executive Board made via electronic
or internet media and group chat such as Skype, WhatsApp, FB Messenger etc are
permissible and shall be considered valid, subject to quorum and record of the same or
written records of the same being maintained and subject to ratification by the General
12.1 JAI Commissions shall be formed as and when required, so as to cater to the work
of the JAI or as required by the appropriate authority, as per the recommendation of
the Presidency or the JAI Executive Board, based also on written suggestions and
nominations received from the JAI member Associations .
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12.2 The activities of these Commissions are directed by the JAI Presidency and/or
by the Executive Board in accordance with resolutions of the General Body , so as to
preserve the integrity, values and traditions of JU-JITSU as a universal and Olympic
Martial A rt & Combat Sport.
12.3 Unless provided otherwise herein, the JAI Commissions shall consist of a qualified
Chairman, Vice Chairman, General Secretary and two Executive Directors , appointed
by the Executive Board of JAI on the basis of their relevant abilities , track record and
merit. In case the Commission Chairman resigns, his/her responsibilities are
transmitted to the Vice Chairman until the next General Body meeting.
12.4 The National President and the Secretary General of JAI ,shall also be an ex officio
member of all relevant JAI Committees.
12.5 As per IOA / JJIF Guidelines the JAI shall initially constitute Sub Committees
or Commissions below
a) Technical Commission [ Referees & Coaches Commission ]
b) Finance Commission
c) Ethics & Legal Commission
d) Athletes Commission
e) Women’s Commission
f) Media & Publicity Commission
g) Arbitration & Disciplinary Commission
h) Medical and Anti-Doping Commission
i) Ju-Jitsu Disciplines Commission
j) National Grading Commission
k] Para Ju-Jitsu Commission [ Differently Abled Commission ]
l) National Team Selection Committee
13.1 As and when applicable, JAI shall in compliance to the National Sports Development
Act , constitute the JAI Athletes Commission, consisting of members and to perform the
duties and discharge its functions as defined under the Act.
13.2 Composition of the JAI Athletes Commission for shall consist of elected members:
i) At least 7 members, so as to ensure that every discipline of JU-JITSU, as the case may
be, is represented in the said Athletes Commission;
ii) Preference will be given National Athletes who have taken part in any JJIF
recognized International or Asian Championships or to athletes who have been placed
in the top 10 ranking in any JAI Senior National JU-JITSU Championships .
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
13.3 Minimum percentage of Women will be as per guidelines of the IOC quota for
Women in its Athletes Commission. Provided further that when the number of athletes
qualifying in a sport, are less than seven then all such athletes shall constitute the Athletes
13.4 The JAI Athletes Commission all be elected as follows:
a] Election shall be held at the same year as the election of the JAI Executive Body,
with the same tenure as of the Office Bearer of the JAI
b] Every Athlete taking part in Senior Nationals of the JAI in that year shall be eligible to
vote Athletes Commission. Each athlete will have one vote.
Provided that in the event the senior Nationals are not being conducted regularly,
athletes who have taken part in the international competition shall be eligible to vote.
c] All elected members to the JAI Athletes Commission will elect one of their members
as the Chairperson for the said tenure.
13.5 . The Chairperson of the Athletes Commission will be nominated as an Executive
Member on the Executive Board of the JAI
a] The Chairperson of the Athletes Commission shall further appoint an athlete to the
Executive Board of the gender other than the Committee chairperson.
b] The Chairperson of the Athletes Commission will appoint Athletes of the Commission
in committees/sub-committees of JAI, wherever possible unless stated otherwise in the
constitution of the JAI.
13.6 Athletes Commission will advise the JAI Executive Board on the need of the
athletes as regards to:
1) Sport Development;
2) Training and competition schedules;
3) Resolution grievances;
4) Selection and Technical Criteria;
5) Logistical and administration support; and
6) Support for Athletes beyond his/her competitive sports career.
Prevention of wrong disclosure of age by sports persons.
14.1 The Central Government may prescribe rules, for prevention of wrong disclosure of
age by an athlete, guardian, coach, trainer or other support personnel
14.2 It shall be the responsibility of the JAI Executive Board and Sub Committees to
prevent wrong disclosure of age by an athlete of the national core group and the JAI
shall be facilitated in this regard by the Sports Authority of India.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
15.1 In compliance with the JJIF Constitution, member State and Union Territory JU-
JITSU Associations affiliated to the JAI, may participate ONLY in events and competitions
organised by affiliated units the JAI
15.2 State and Union Territory JU-JITSU Associations and their athletes, referees and
coaches wishing to have sporting ties with organisations who are not JAI members or
whose membership in JAI is suspended, may do so ONLY with the prior written
sanction of the JAI Presidency or EB. Appropriate disciplinary measures will be taken
against any member State or Union Territory JU-JITSU Association and / or athletes
that violate this regulation.
15.3 All international JU-JITSU competitions as well as Continental Championships and
World Cups that my be held in India must adhere to prevalent the rules and Regulations
of the JAI. All JJIF approved competitions in India must be held in strict accordance with
the JJIF Regulations applicable .
15.4 Only athletes who are citizens of India, with a high level of training who have
been recommended by the relevant State or Union Territory JU-JITSU Association and
who are residents of the corresponding state or union territory will permitted to
take part in any JAI approved National , Continental or International JJIF recognized
15.5 Provided however that under extraordinary circumstances, the JAI Executive
Board / Presidency has the authority to adopt a resolution on permitting certain athletes
[ not fulfilling the conditions herein ,other than citizenship ] to take part in international
JJIF competitions .
15.6 State and Union Territory JU-JITSU Associations are responsible for organising their
own internal JU-JITSU competitions, camps and seminars.
16.1 It shall be the duty of the JAI EB to prevent sexual harassment in sports , and as
such the JAI shall constitute a Women’s Commission , which along with the JAI Legal
Commission and Disciplinary Commission shall adopt measures ,as under :-
a] Notify, publish and circulate, guidelines for the safety and well being of all involved in
b] Establish appropriate systems to ensure healthy relationship between coach and
c] Provide for sufficient number of women members in the coaching and support staff
for every woman athlete or team of women athletes;
d] Provide appropriate conditions for women in respect of work, leisure, health and
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
e] Provide reasonable assistance to the adversely affected athlete, where sexual
harassment occurs as a result of an act or omission by any third party and initiate
appropriate legal action against such third party;
f] To ensure resolution of all sexual harassment complaints, in a time bound manner so
as to comply with the guidelines laid down by the Supreme Court or the mandate of any
other enactment:
g] Provided that, to prevent the possibility of any undue pressure or influence from
within the organisation, the JAI Women’s Commission shall have an independent
member either from a non-governmental organisation or other body/person, as the case
may be, who is familiar with the issues of sexual harassment.
17.1 It is mandatory that all unresolved disputes raised by any member / association of
JAI must be settled by the Arbitration & Disciplinary Commission of the JAI and if
still unresolved may be referred to National Sports Arbitration Tribunal and all JAI
Members shall voluntarily surrender their right of seeking redress in any Court of Law.
17.2 As a general rule, before any important resolution or a measure such as mentioned
above affecting a State or Union Territory Association , the JAI will first inform, consult
and co-ordinate with the Indian Olympic Association or the National Sports Arbitration
Tribunal .The IOA and the National Appellate Sports Tribunal must nonetheless respect
the autonomy of the JAI as an independent legal entity.
17.3 All matters in relation to breach of ethics shall be referred to the Ethics and Legal
Commission of the JAI as per the regulations of the Ethics and Legal Commission.
18.1 In case of violation of the JAI / JJIF or IOC Charter and /or the Code of Ethics, the
errant member Association or their representatives and the members of its Executive
Board are liable to be referred to the JAI Ethics and Legal Commission in conjunction
with the JAI Arbitration and Disciplinary Commission , whose task it would be to
recommend action as under :
a) Issuance of a Caution Notice / Show Cause notice by the JAI Executive Board
b) Issuance of a Warning Notice by the JAI Executive Board
c) Suspension for a specified period of time by the EB or by the General Body
d). Expulsion from the JAI by the General Body
The final decision for expulsion shall be made by the General Meeting and after having
given a reasonable opportunity to the member concerned to be heard. Such decision shall
be made by a majority vote of the full members present:
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
Note :-
1. No penalty shall be imposed before the member at fault has been heard at the
interrogation specially conducted for this purpose.
2. Should an affiliate member fail to present itself through its accredited office-bearer at
the interrogation, it shall be considered as having been interrogated.
3. As a general rule, except in special circumstances duly appreciated, suspension shall
be applied as a temporary measure.
4. Disciplinary sanction, such as suspension or expulsion, will not be taken unless
supported by two thirds of the General Body Members present and voting.
19.1 . Any decision taken by JAI is subject to appeal before the JAI Disciplinary and
Arbitration Commission of the JAI within 21 days after the receipt of decision.
19.2 All Associations / members affiliated to the JAI . shall commit themselves to refer
their unresolved sports-related disputes for settlement through the process of arbitration
with JAI Arbitration Commission which would be the highest internal authority for the
resolution of sports-related disputes within the JAI.
19.3 Any appeal against a decision made by any JAI Arbitration Commission may be
submitted to JAI which will resolve the dispute definitively in accordance with the Code
of Sport-related Arbitration through the National Appellate Sports Tribunal.
19.4 Such appeal shall be submitted within 21 days after the receipt of the decision
from the Arbitration Commission , failing which the decision given by the JAI Arbitration
Commission shall be final and binding. Under no circumstances, the time limit of 21
days shall be extended.
20.1 If during any Olympics Games, Commonwealth Games, Asian Games, South
Asian Games, National Games, State Games or in any other International competitions,
any incidence of unsportsmanlike behaviour on the part of any JAI member
sportsman/sportswoman, official or coach, which includes instances of assault . verbal
or physical abuse, making undesirable gestures, abusing the decision of the
Judges/Referees and provoking the opponents or spectators, etc., in a word, committing
any act not in keeping with the propriety of sports and the integrity of the Nation and State,
and or laws , social norms of the host nation , shall be liable for stringent penal action as
i. Disqualification for the duration of the event of that category of competition;
ii. Disqualification for the entire duration of the competition;
iii. Prohibition from participation in ALL competitions for a fixed period of time.
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
21.1 In compliance with JJIF and NADA regulations , any use of substances designed
to artificially enhance an athletes performance is prohibited. In this regard, the provisions
of the Anti-Doping Regulation of the JJIF, along with the rules of the World Anti-Doping
Agency and the World Anti-Doping Code, shall apply.
21.2 Neither any participants in competitions held under the auspices of JAI and JJIF,
nor its officials or officers may interfere with the collection of samples for doping control.
21.3 The resolution to impose sanctions against athletes, officials or state or union
territory associations that violate anti-doping regulations is adopted in accordance with the
National Anti-Doping Agency [ NADA] Regulations , the World Anti-Doping Code. , and the
rules of the World Anti-Doping Agency [ WADA].
22.1 The JAI Treasurer shall receive and keep proper account of the funds and assets
of the Association. All monies of the JAI shall be deposited in a recognized bank,
approved by the Executive Board and such account or accounts shall be operated as
under : :
By the National President singly or jointly with the Treasurer
By the National President singly or jointly with the Secretary General
22.2 All financial disbursals must be sanctioned by the National President
22.3 The fiscal year of the Association shall be from 1
April to 31
22.4 The Balance Sheet and Profit and Loss Statements of the JAI shall be duly
audited annually by a recognized firm of chartered accountants and returns filed with
the Income Tax Authorities & with the Registrar of Societies as per the corresponding
section of the State Registration of Societies Act
22.5 Profit of Income and filing returns thereof shall be as per as per the corresponding
section of the State Registration of Societies Act
23.1 Proper accounts of the Association shall be maintained regularly. The accounts shall
be audited by a Chartered Accountant every year. Accounts shall be closed by 31
March every year. Copy of the Balance Sheet and the list of Committee members
shall be filed with the Registrar of Societies as per as per the corresponding section of
the State Registration of Societies Act
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
24.1 The funds of the JAI shall be spent only towards the attainment of the objects of
the Association and no portion there of shall be paid or transferred directly or indirectly
to any of its members through any means. All payments due to JAI must must be
made in favour of the Ju-Jitsu Association of India, by online transfer or by DD or account
payee cheque or by direct cash remittance to the JAI Bank account
24.2 JAI funds shall mean the funds of JAI Annual Budget secured by various sources
or dues, in particular as below :
а) membership admission dues;
b) annual membership renewal dues;
с) various contributions and donations;
d) gains from selling rights to coverage of sporting events organised by JAI with prior
approval of JJIF by broadcasting images and/or sounds from the event by any means
and/or technologies, by recording of the broadcast and/or photos of the event, as well the
placing advertisement;
f) various licensing dues;
g) dues from participation fees in various events;
h) fines;
i) investments, other funds and gains;
j) gifts and bequest values;
k) dues for the right to various benefits;
l) dues for permission to use JAI / JJIF emblems for advertising purposes;
m) profits from potential investments, resources, shares, etc.
24.3 The amount of the JAI annual membership dues and renewal fees for the State
and Union Territory members is as resolved by the JAI Executive board and ratified by
the General Body
24.4 All contributions, duties, dues and fines are the property of the JAI and are non-
refundable, except in cases of gross errors.
24.5 JAI is bound by its obligations. The performance of the aforementioned obligations
is secured by the assets of the JAI.
24.6 The funds of the JAI shall be invested in the modes specified under the provisions
of as per the corresponding section of the State Registration of Societies Act
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
25.1 Alteration or amendments to the Memorandum of Association shall be made only
as per as per the corresponding section of the State Registration of Societies Act.
25.2 Change of Name or change of Rules & Regulations of the Association shall be
made only as per the corresponding section of the State Registration of Societies Act
25.3 Regarding amalgamation of Association, the corresponding section of the State
Registration of Societies Act , shall be followed.
25.4 No amendments to the Memorandum of Association Rules and Regulations shall
be repugnant to the provisions of the corresponding section of the State Registration of
Societies Act.
25.5 Every amendment in the memorandum of association or articles of association or
rules of the JAI shall be passed by resolution of the General Body and before coming
into force it shall be registered and recorded in accordance with the provisions of the
Societies Registration Act, 1860 or a State law under which the JAI is registered
26.1 The dissolution of the Association, if it arises, shall be as per the corresponding
section of the State Registration of Societies Act
26.2 In the event of dissolution or winding up of the Association, the assets remaining
as on the date of dissolution shall under no circumstance by distributed among the
members of the Association but the same shall be transferred to another Association
whose objects are similar to those of this Association and which if applicable enjoys
recognition under Section 80(g) of the Income Tax Act, 1961 as amended from time to
27.1 The Association so formed shall be permanent and irrevocable.
28.1 The Ju-Jitsu Association of India [JAI], as a National Sports Federation is deemed
to be a public authority except in respect to certain matters as defined in clause (h) of
section 2 of the Right to Information Act, 2005 and the JAI must perform its duties and
discharge its functions as such under that Act., as and when applicable
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
28.2 Notwithstanding anything contained in the RTI Act 2005, the JAI shall NOT be
deemed to be a public authority in respect of the following matters, namely:-
(a) selection, appointment or exclusion of any athlete, coach, trainer or physiotherapist
for participation in any JU-JITSU competition;
(b) quality of performance of an athlete at any JU-JITSU competitions;
(c) injuries suffered by an athlete;
(d) medical health and fitness of an athlete;
(e) the whereabouts of an athlete;
(f) test results and information that are treated as confidential under the National Anti-
Doping Agency Code
(g) information including commercial confidence, trade secrets or intellectual property,
the disclosure of which would harm the competitive position of a third party.
29.1 The Official logo of the JAI shall be an outer ring bordered in red , with the words
Ju-Jitsu Association of India , inscribed in it in Blue, with an inner circle bearing the
National Tri Color with a clenched fist in white at the centre ,bound below by a black
belt with red stripe centered at the bottom . The Logo of the JAI as described herein,
shall remain the sole intellectual property and trademark of the JAI and unless already
provided otherwise, can be used by others only with the prior written approval of the JAI
29.2 JAI approved National JU-JITSU Athletes / Officials / Referees and Coaches may
be awarded the JAI colors and shall be permitted to wear the above Logo as a BADGE
or Crest on their Athletic Uniforms or on their Official Blazer Pockets.
29.3 JAI EC members and JAI authorized Officials may be awarded the JAI colors
and shall be permitted to wear the above Logo as a small metal badge or Lapel Pin
29.4 The Presidency of the JAI is the sole authority for the awarding of JAI colors to all
eligible parties .
50, Kamaraja Salai, Pooranankuppam, Puducherry 605007,
29.5 Wearing of the JAI colors by any OFFICIAL along with the requites Identity
card shall entitle him/her, hinderless access to all Official events held within the
Jurisdiction of the JAI
30.1 The Official website of the JAI shall be
30.2 The Website Administration shall fall under the purview and strict supervision of
the JAI Presidency
30.3 All affiliated State and Union Territory JAI Associations shall be featured on the
JAI website
30.3 Statutory data such copies of audited annual financial statements etc., as may be
stipulated by any competent authority shall be featured on the JAI website
31.1 The Interpretation of this Constitution/ Memorandum of Association and Rules and
Regulation and Bye Laws of the JAI, as rendered by the Executive Board of the JAI
shall be deemed as final and binding on all parties and all members of the JAI for all
purposes and all issues.
31.2 The JAI Executive Board shall adopt resolutions in all situations not covered
specifically in this Amended Constitution/ Memorandum of Association and Rules and
Regulation and Bye Laws of the JAI
31.2 All Resolutions passed by the Presidency and the EB of the JAI shall be deemed
as binding on all members of the JAI , unless revoked subsequently by the Majority vote
of the General Body.
32.1 The benefit of the Association shall be open to all irrespective of nationality, caste,
creed, gender or religion.
32.2 For all things and matters and which have not been specifically provided for therein
above, the provisions of the State Societies Registration Act and the rules made there
under shall apply.