Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
December 2020 2
Hi team,
The original Airbnb team was just the three of us.
Now we’re a team of thousands. As we’ve grown,
we’ve been incredibly intentional about our
culture. At its most basic, culture is our collective
behaviors. Our culture is shaped by things like
our Core Values, shared behaviors and special
traditions. But one of the most important aspects
of our culture is how we treat each other. We want
this to be a company where everyone acts with
integrity — where we’re honest and respectful.
When it comes to how we treat one another, it’s
critical that we’re all on the same page. To help
with this, we’ve dened some simple behavioral
standards in our Code of Ethics. The Code of Ethics
reminds us of our responsibilities as employees
to all of our stakeholders — Guests, Hosts,
Communities, Employees and Shareholders. Simply
put: it outlines our expectations for how we conduct
ourselves. We expect all employees to read it,
understand it and follow it. If we all commit to these
standards, we’ll not only maintain the culture that
makes Airbnb so special, we’ll strengthen it.
To keep the Code of Ethics relevant, we’ll need your
ongoing feedback. If you have questions or you’re
aware of some activity that doesn’t align with these
expectations, please email
Thanks for all you do for Airbnb.
Brian, Joe and Nate
Code of Ethics
Code of Ethics
December 2020 3
Table of Contents
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
21st Century Stakeholder Principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Belonging is Everyone’s Responsibility. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Respectful Relationships . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Safety & Security . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Waivers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Final Note . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Code of Ethics
December 2020 4
Our culture is built around four Core Values —
Champion the Mission, Be a Host, Embrace the
Adventure and Be a Cereal Entrepreneur. Our Code
of Ethics articulates the principles we must practice
to live up to our values. It claries expectations around
our behavior and reinforces our shared responsibility
for this incredible Airbnb community. The Code of
Ethics applies to all employees, ocers and directors
of Airbnb, Inc. and its subsidiaries. Translated versions
of the Code of Ethics are available at air/ethics.
In addition to the Code of Ethics, we also have policies
and guidelines (and in certain countries, Employee
Handbooks and local legal requirements) that outline
our responsibilities to each other. In several places,
the Code of Ethics refers to specic policies.
21st Century
Acting ethically is at the foundation of everything
we do. This means having a Code of Ethics that
is consistent with our vision and in line with our
Stakeholder Principles.
Code of Ethics
December 2020 5
Belonging is
Manager Responsibilities.
Managers occupy positions of authority and must be
ethical role models. Managers communicate their
commitment to the Code of Ethics by (1) living the
Airbnb Core Values; (2) consistently upholding our
high standards and avoiding even the appearance of
unethical behavior; (3) holding themselves and others
accountable for their decisions and behaviors and (4)
being alert to and taking steps to address, situations
that could violate the Code of Ethics or damage
Airbnb’s reputation.
Employee Responsibilities.
Every Airbnb employee is expected to understand the
requirements described in the Code of Ethics. Before
you make a work-related decision or take action, think
about the Core Values, Stakeholder Principles and the
Code of Ethics. Ask yourself the following questions.
If the answer to any of the questions below is “No
or “I don’t know,” your decision or action is probably
Is this action legal and ethical?
Is this action aligned with both the spirit and
the letter of the Code of Ethics?
Is this action aligned with Airbnb Core Values?
In signicant decisions, have I considered
the impact of this action on each of the
ve stakeholders?
Will this action seem appropriate to others?
Would your coworkers be embarrassed or
compromised if this action were to become
known within Airbnb or publicly?
The best way to safeguard our reputation and preserve
our culture is to hold ourselves accountable. No one at
Airbnb has the right to discourage anyone else from
reporting a Code of Ethics issue or to retaliate against
anyone who reports a concern. See “We Prohibit
Retaliation” below.
Ethics Advisor Responsibilities.
The Code of Ethics can’t clarify every real life dilemma,
so we have Airbnb Ethics Advisors — trustworthy,
responsible employee advisors who received
specialized ethics training and can help when you
aren’t sure how to handle a particular situation. Ethics
Advisors can also receive reports of potential Code of
Ethics violations. Email them at
Code of Ethics
December 2020 6
Company Responsibilities.
Airbnb will resolve employee questions, concerns and
reports with sensitivity and respect for employee
condentiality to the greatest extent possible.
Consequences of violating the Code of Ethics or
another Airbnb policy will depend on the gravity of
the violation and can result in discipline up to and
including termination.
Everyones Responsibilities.
We play by the rules. Airbnb complies with national,
state and local laws and regulations that apply to our
business. As a member of our community, you have a
responsibility to be aware of and comply with the laws
and regulations that apply to your area of responsibility.
If you don’t understand a particular law or regulation
or if you are not sure it applies to you, ask a member
of the Legal team for help.
Reporting and Responses
to Concerns.
We are committed to responding to employee
concerns, complaints and reports. So, please speak up!
If you see, hear or learn of inappropriate behavior, share
your concerns. There are many ways to report issues.
Tell any manager, Talent Partner, member of the Legal
team or Ethics Advisor, all of whom have an obligation
to report any violations they are informed of or witness
directly. Or submit a report through our Ethics Hotline
at or through Vault. You may even
report your concerns anonymously. Please review our
Whistleblower Policy for more information.
We will thoroughly, promptly and impartially examine
and address every report of a violation of the Code
of Ethics. We will take appropriate steps to maintain
condentiality, though we cannot guarantee absolute
condentiality or anonymity. Employees are required
to cooperate with investigations conducted by
Airbnb by providing truthful and complete responses
to investigators.
When claims are substantiated in whole or in part,
we will take appropriate action, from training and
coaching, to warnings, to employment termination
or termination of any other business relationship.
We Prohibit Retaliation.
It is a violation of this Code to retaliate against anyone
because they reported a concern, they helped
someone else report a concern, they participated in
an investigation, they exercised a legal right or they
acted according to a company policy. If you suspect
retaliation or have any questions about retaliation,
please let us know. Reach out to any manager, a Talent
Partner, member of the Legal team, an Ethics Advisor
or report a concern at
Code of Ethics
December 2020 7
Belonging is a concept that denes Airbnb and every
employee in every country should experience and
express it. Because all belonging begins with respect,
these policies outline the minimum expectations for
respectful interactions at work.
We Promote Diversity, Inclusion
& Equal Employment Opportunity.
We believe in equal employment opportunity,
which means we respect and embrace each other’s
dierences. We give every applicant and employee
equal opportunities without regard to characteristics
and statuses protected by country, regional or local
laws. Protected characteristics and statuses around
the world include such things as: race, religion, national
origin, social condition, criminal record, citizenship,
culture, color, gender, gender identity, gender
expression, genetic characteristics, age, disability,
medical condition, pregnancy, marital status, military
status, civil status, HIV status and sexual orientation.
We practice and promote equal opportunity in every
employment-related activity and at every Airbnb
location. We make employment-related decisions
only on the basis of individual ability, performance,
experience and business requirements. Our employees
should be free from discrimination in all aspects of
the employment relationship — from recruitment
and hiring, compensation, performance evaluations,
project assignments, training opportunities,
promotions, to the end of employment.
Please see Airbnb’s Anti-Harassment, Discrimination
& Retaliation Policy for further information, reporting
procedures and Airbnb’s prohibition of retaliation.
Local Employee Handbooks may also apply.
We Do Not Tolerate Harassment
or Bullying.
We’re all hosts at Airbnb. We’re open-minded,
respectful and hospitable. We’re committed to and
look out for each other. Harassment, discrimination
and bullying are incompatible with our values
and are not tolerated. Our Anti-Harassment,
Discrimination & Retaliation Policy explains how we
ensure that our place of work is free of all forms of
harassment, discrimination, bullying and retaliation.
What We Expect.
We expect managers to maintain a healthy, inclusive
work environment — where bullying, discrimination
and harassment are never tolerated.
Managers may not have Personal Relationships
(an ongoing or past romantic or intimate relationship)
which are in violation of the Anti-Harassment,
Discrimination & Retaliation Policy or Conflicts
of Interest Policy.
Code of Ethics
December 2020 8
A healthy, inclusive work environment is not exclusively
a manager’s responsibility. A culture of belonging
requires everyone to act appropriately with co-workers,
contingent workers, vendors and guests and to take
action when necessary to ensure our work environment
free is from bullying, discrimination and harassment.
We Accommodate
(or Make Adjustments for)
Physical or Mental Dierences.
Consistent with our commitment to diversity, inclusion
and equal employment opportunity, we provide
reasonable accommodations to disabled applicants
and employees. Specic policies and practices may
vary by region and local rules, so please check our
Accommodation Policy or contact Talent Operations
or your Talent Partner if you have questions.
When We Say “Mandatory,
We Mean It.
We oer several mandatory trainings on topics
including harassment, discrimination and others.
All employees globally are required to complete
harassment prevention training. These mandatory
trainings will be assigned to you and your Employee
Handbook may outline the specic mandatory
trainings that apply to you. Failure to complete
these trainings by their assigned deadlines can
result in employee discipline leading up to and
including termination of your employment.
We are Exemplary Guests & Hosts.
We are proud to have so many employees who are
champions of Airbnb’s mission, not just at work, but
also as Homes and Experiences hosts and as Airbnb
guests. As an employee, you literally represent Airbnb
and its values in our community. This is a signicant
responsibility. We expect every employee host to
comply with local laws, including short-term rental
regulations. And as a guest or a host, we expect
every employee to be an exemplary member of the
Airbnb community. Whether hosting or traveling for
business or leisure, an exemplary guest or host always
follows the rules of the listing and our Community
Standards, Party and Events Policy, Host Reliability
Standards and Guest Reliability Standards. Violation
of these standards may result in disciplinary action
up to and including employment termination.
We are Responsible With
Alcohol & Drugs.
Our work environment reflects our hospitality. We
oer many ways to build community — comfy sofas,
board games, ping pong, music, a theater and good
food and drink — to name a few. We respect you and
trust you to use good judgment. We are committed
to ensuring that drugs and alcohol never compromise
employee, guest or community safety and security.
Code of Ethics
December 2020 9
It’s never acceptable to be under the influence of drugs
or alcohol on Airbnb premises or while working such
that your ability to safely and eectively perform your
job or behave appropriately would be impaired. This
prohibition applies to substances including certain
legal and illegal drugs, inhalants and prescription or
over-the-counter medications, whether prescribed for
you or not. No one is allowed to possess, sell, purchase
or distribute illegal drugs on our premises or while
conducting Airbnb business (including at any Airbnb-
sponsored event or in Airbnb-provided transportation).
Please note that in many countries where we operate,
the penalty for drug use is severe and we expect all
employees to observe local laws. If you are unsure
of whether a certain substance is prohibited, please
contact your Talent Partner, member of the Legal team,
an Ethics Advisor or the Security team. In addition,
if you require a medical accommodation involving
the above-mentioned substances or similar, please
review the Accommodation Policy or contact Talent
Operations or your Talent Partner with any questions.
Employees and their guests must be of a legal drinking
age, behave responsibly and follow oce policies with
respect to drinking alcohol at Airbnb oces and at
Airbnb-sponsored events. It is never okay to oer a
drink to anyone (guest, intern or otherwise) who is not
old enough to legally drink alcohol — whether in Airbnb
oces or at Airbnb events. Whenever co-workers
gather, we expect you to treat it like a work setting,
even after-hours or o-site. Work settings are not for
excessive consumption of alcohol and we expect you
to know your limits and treat each other with respect.
We also expect employees to act professionally
when hosting events with alcohol in a work setting.
For instance, employees hosting work events
should serve food, oer non-alcoholic beverages
and respect their colleagues’ decisions (like
when they say they’ve had enough to drink).
Responding to Drug and/or
Alcohol Problems.
If you struggle with addiction, we want you to get help.
If you think you have a drug or alcohol-related problem,
take advantage of Airbnb’s Employee Assistance
Program (“EAP”) to get medical and psychological
help for addiction. We also oer leaves of absence to
employees who need time o from work to participate
in drug or alcohol rehabilitation programs to the extent
appropriate and consistent with applicable law. We
will respond appropriately to drug and alcohol-related
misconduct, so if you have a problem, get help before
alcohol or drugs interfere with your work.
Code of Ethics
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Safety & Security
When we say “Be A Host,” we mean look out for each
other and take care of each other. We’ve worked very
hard to create a safe, secure and healthy environment
to support our mission and values. Every employee
plays a role in protecting the safety and security of
our community.
We Monitor Our Workplace to
Keep Everyone Safe & Secure.
For everyone’s safety and security, Airbnb may need
to inspect company property (like lockers, cubbies,
laptops (including data created or stored on laptops),
databases, huddle rooms, storage areas, etc.) and bags,
boxes or containers brought onto our property (things
that could hide illegal drugs, weapons, stolen property
or other inappropriate material). Of course, we will
consider and comply with local and regional laws that
regulate employee safety, security and privacy.
We are Serious About
Physical Security.
Per our Safety and Security Employee Badge and
Access Control Guidelines, we expect all employees
to take care to maintain the safety and security of our
workplace and to care for our shared investments as
if they were your own.
Please review and become familiar with our Guidelines
which, among other things, require all badge-holders
to keep their badges with them at all times, wear their
badges so they are visible at all times and tell a member
of the Safety and Security team right away if a badge is
lost, stolen or misplaced.
We Take Steps to Reduce the Risk
of and Respond to, Workplace Threats
& Violence.
Nothing is more important than the safety of our
community, so we strictly prohibit violence and threats
of violence. Examples include physical violence,
threats, harassing phone calls, sending threatening or
aggressive emails or other written communication,
stalking and intentionally destroying personal and/or
company property. We don’t permit employees to have
dangerous items like weapons, explosives or rearms
while working or attending any Airbnb function,
whether in our facilities or o-site.
Code of Ethics
December 2020 11
We Prioritize Employee
Health & Safety.
We value our employees and work hard to safeguard
your health and well-being. We try to identify and
correct every potential workplace hazard, but we also
rely on you to alert us to dangers. Please promptly
report any workplace health or safety issue, concern
or incident to AirSecurity by calling +1(415) 728-0104 or
by emailing Employees can
also report workplace safety and health concerns or
hazards here and must promptly report all work-related
injuries and illnesses here.
We Respect & Protect the Privacy
of Personal Information.
Airbnb wouldn’t exist without the trust of our hosts and
guests. We maintain this trust by restricting access to
personal information of hosts and guests to employees
with a business reason to use it and by asking that our
employees take steps to protect against unauthorized
use or release of this information.
For your protection and the privacy of our community,
don’t access or try to access personal information of
hosts and guests unless you need it to do your job. For
example, don’t use system access rights to check out
a friend or celebrity’s account or to look at the account
of a host with whom you will be staying, even for a
business trip. When you travel for work or pleasure
on Airbnb, you should be in the same position as a
non-employee guest. We regularly monitor employee
access and will not hesitate to terminate any employee
who abuses his or her administrative access privileges.
We Protect Airbnbs Intellectual
Property & Condential Information.
For our community to keep thriving, we must protect
our intellectual property and condential information.
We should take all steps and precautions necessary to
restrict access to and secure intellectual property or
condential information by, among other things:
maintaining the condentiality of Airbnb-related
conducting our business and social activities so as
not to risk inadvertent disclosure of condential
information. Review of condential documents in
public places should be conducted so as to prevent
access by unauthorized persons;
restricting access to documents and les (including
computer les) containing material, non-public
information to individuals on a need-to-know basis
(including maintaining control over the distribution
of documents and drafts of documents);
promptly removing and cleaning up all condential
documents and other materials from conference
rooms following the conclusion of any meetings
(including erasing any whiteboards or other
viewable information);
disposing of all condential documents and other
papers, after there is no longer any business or
other legally required need, through shredders
when appropriate;
restricting access to areas likely to contain
condential documents or material, non-public
information, including individual oces that may
contain such information;
Code of Ethics
December 2020 12
safeguarding laptop computers, mobile devices,
tablets, memory sticks and other items that contain
condential information, including complying with
Airbnb’s information technology policies to prevent
unauthorized access to devices and/or electronic
information to which you have access; and
avoiding the discussion of material, non-public
information in places where the information
could be overheard by others such as in elevators,
restrooms, hallways, restaurants, airplanes or
Those who are involved with material, nonpublic
information, to the extent feasible, should conduct
their business and activities in areas separate from
other Airbnb activities.
Airbnb, not any one individual, owns the condential
information and intellectual property you help create
during your employment. It’s your responsibility to use
it only for Airbnb’s benet and must not be used for any
other purpose. Only share it with anyone outside
Airbnb subject to a nondisclosure agreement. Sharing
condential data online, outside of the systems
authorized by Airbnb, including on third party apps, is
strictly prohibited. You may not use or disclose it for
any other purpose. When you leave Airbnb, you cannot
take any intellectual property you helped develop.
In addition, at Airbnb you also are absolutely prohibited
from using condential information, intellectual
property or trade secrets of others, including but not
limited to your prior employers, in your Airbnb work.
You must also protect the copyrighted information
of others and may not make unauthorized copies
or incorporate it into your own work.
For more information on protecting condential
information and IP, please review your Employee
Invention Assignment and Condentiality Agreement.
We Understand the Importance
of Information Security.
At Airbnb, we maintain the security of our IT systems.
The Policies for Information Security and Privacy
at Airbnb contain important information about
company IT security and data privacy expectations
and requirements, including how to fulll these
expectations and requirements when working in public
places or traveling. You must review, understand and
commit to following these policies.
We do not Engage in Insider Trading.
Insider trading occurs when a person purchases or sells
a security while in possession of material nonpublic
information. Employees who learn material nonpublic
information about Airbnb or companies Airbnb does
business with may not use that information to buy or
sell a security and may not advise any other person to
buy or sell a security based on that information. Review
our Insider Trading Policy for more information.
Speaking to the Press or Public.
Per Airbnb’s Press and Speaker Guidelines, you must
obtain approval from the Communications Team
before making any statements on behalf of or as a
representative of Airbnb (including “o the record,
“background” or “not for attribution” comments) to
journalists, bloggers, influencers, industry analysts,
investors or otherwise through any public forum, panel
or public speaking engagement. If you inadvertently
make a comment without obtaining advanced approval
from the Communications Team, you must report any
such statements to
December 2020 13
Code of Ethics
We Cooperate with
Government Inquiries.
We may receive inquiries from government agencies.
If you are contacted by a government agency, seek
advice from the Legal Department before responding.
We Maintain Business
Records Responsibly.
We follow legal and business rules that relate to written
and electronic business records. We maintain accurate
books and records and do not tolerate any employee
fabricating books and records. We must ensure that
business records are stored in approved formats,
systems or locations. More specically, you may not
destroy or discard documents and information relevant
to a lawsuit or legal action (in other words, subject to
a “Legal Hold”) without Legal Department approval.
Send an email to [email protected] if you have
questions about documents or information subject
to a Legal Hold.
We Comply With the Oce of
Foreign Assets Control Sanctions.
The U.S. Oce of Foreign Assets Control (“OFAC”)
administers and enforces economic and trade
sanctions programs based on U.S. foreign policy
and national security goals against targeted foreign
countries and regimes and groups of individuals such
as terrorists, narcotics trackers and those engaged
in threats to the national security, foreign policy or
economy of the United States. The regulations prohibit
conducting or facilitating business with “Specially
Designated Nationals” and certain countries. They
are complex and change regularly. Ask the Payments
Compliance team before you conduct Airbnb business
that may raise an OFAC compliance issue.
We Never Engage in Bribery
or Other Forms of Corruption.
Airbnb’s Global Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy forbids
giving or receiving — either directly or through a third
party — gifts, entertainment or things of value meant
to influence a business decision, policy decision or
create a reciprocal obligation. Bribery and corruption
can result in legal, nancial and reputational harm to
Airbnb, so it’s very important to read and understand
the Global Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy. If you have
any questions regarding the Anti-Bribery & Corruption
Policy, please contact the Ethics & Compliance team at
Code of Ethics
December 2020 14
We Recognize & Avoid
Conflicts of Interest.
A conflict of interest develops when personal loyalties
or interests are or seem to be, at odds with company
interests. Relationships, nancial interests, outside
activities and receiving gifts or entertainment from
vendors, suppliers and partners can lead to the
appearance of a conflict of interest. The appearance of
a conflict raises doubts about the quality of a business
decision and the decision-maker’s integrity. We must
never let conflicts of interest interfere with our loyalty
to Airbnb and should never take personal advantage
of an opportunity that belongs to Airbnb. Review
our Conflicts of Interest Policy and Related Person
Transaction Policy for more information on how we
manage potential conflicts of interest.
We do not Make Corporate
Loans or Guarantees.
Federal law prohibits the Company to make loans
and guarantees of obligations to directors, executive
ocers and members of their immediate families.
We Interact Responsibly
on Social Media.
Members of our community are accountable for what
they do and say on social media. The Airbnb Social
Media Guidelines is our resource for employees. Read
it carefully and ensure you act consistent with it when
engaging on social media.
We Make Accurate Disclosures.
We take actions necessary to ensure full, fair, accurate,
timely and understandable disclosure in our reports
and documents led with the Securities and Exchange
Commission and other public communications.
We Regulate Political Contributions
on Behalf of Airbnb.
Airbnb faces political challenges in various places,
and sometimes engages in the political process
by making contributions to support candidates
and support and oppose ballot measures. The laws
regarding corporate political contributions are
complex and vary from city to city, state to state
and country to country. To minimize mistakes, only
the Chief Legal Ocer and the Head of Global
Policy and Public Aairs and certain individuals
they designate, have the authority to approve
political contributions on behalf of Airbnb. Political
contributions are not limited to cash donations. Paying
for a public ocial or candidate to attend an event or
using company resources (e.g., computers, supplies,
employee time, etc.) to support a campaign could also
be considered improper political contributions.
Code of Ethics
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We Promote Fair Competition.
We insist on the highest levels of integrity and
comply with all antitrust or competition laws.
When we compete, we:
do not make false claims about our competitors’
products and services, as well as our own;
avoid making formal or informal agreements
to unfairly restrict competition;
honor the condentiality of our competitors’
trade secrets;
develop and implement our business strategies
independently; and
succeed because of our great people, our
compelling vision, the quality of our product
and our superior marketing.
It’s good business to study our competitors, but only
if we do it fairly, ethically and in compliance with all
laws and regulations that apply to our business. Do not
seek competitor information unless it is reasonable and
lawful to have or use the information.
Competitive information includes anything related
to the competitive environment or to a competitor’s
products, services, markets and pricing or business
plans. Legitimate sources of competitive information
include publicly available news accounts, industry
surveys, competitors’ displays at conferences and
trade shows and information publicly available on
the Internet. It is also acceptable to get competitive
information by obtaining a license to use the
information or purchasing ownership of
the information.
It is never acceptable to seek or knowingly use
competitive information if:
it is obtained by unethical or illegal means, including
theft, bribery, eavesdropping or unauthorized
tape-recording of a customer or supplier or
unauthorized computer devices, including those
with the intent or the result of evading another
company’s security or privacy mechanisms;
it includes proprietary information that was
copied, drawn or photographed without the
owner’s permission;
it was obtained in exchange for compensation,
employment considerations, gifts or anything
else of value;
it is sent to you in an unsolicited communication
from a supplier, partner or other third party;
it was solicited from a new hire and is about his/her
former employer; or
it contains technical or engineering data protected
by trade secret laws.
If you receive or are oered data or information about
a competitor in circumstances which cause you any
concern, you should not distribute it and should seek
advice from the Legal team.
Code of Ethics
December 2020 16
Any waiver of this Code of Ethics for the Company’s
directors, executive ocers or other principal nancial
ocers may be made only by the disinterested
members of the Board and will be disclosed to the
public as required by law or Nasdaq Listing Standards.
Waivers of this Code of Ethics for other employees
may be made only by Airbnb’s Chief Legal Ocer.
For the avoidance of doubt, the foregoing does not
apply to any waiver of the separate policies, guidelines
and procedures referenced in this Code of Ethics.
Final Note
YOU are the key to keeping the Code of Ethics relevant
and eective. If you see, hear or learn about a possible
violation of the Code of Ethics, please tell someone:
an Ethics Advisor, any manager or Talent Partner
— or report your concern on
If together we insist on respectful relationships and
a safe and secure workplace, we will ensure that
Airbnb remains a healthy and sustainable workplace
for decades to come.
This Code is not intended to and does not create
any rights in any employee, customer, client, visitor,
supplier, competitor, shareholder or any other
person or entity.