One UI
Mobile UX Center
Mobile Communications Business Samsung Electronics
Architecture Visual design
& Interaction
1. Structure
2. Theme
3. Responsive UI
4. Margins and keylines
5. Screen optimization
1. Icons
2. Color
3. Typography
4. Thumbnail radius
1. Intuitive
2. Seamless
3. Tangible
1. App bar
2. Expandable app bar
3. Bottom bar
4. Bottom navigation
5. Buttons
6. Slider
7. Dialogs
8. List
9. Search
10. Progress indicator
11. First time use
12. Label toast
13. Action toast
14. Navigation bar
15. Edit mode
16. Selection control
Auditory design
1. Principle
2. Sound feedback
1. Principle
2. Vision
3. Hearing
4. Interaction and dexterity
5. Checklist
One UI Design Guidelines 4OVERVIEW
You can apply One UI’s user experience to your app more easily, as well as optimize your app for Samsung mobile
devices, by following One UI’s design guidelines.
With One UI applied to your app, you can offer a user experience that is consistent with other apps installed on a
device, allowing its user to adapt to new apps more naturally and easily.
One UI aims to ensure a consistent user experience within a single device and also a unified user experience
among different mobile devices. Even if the users new device runs on a different platform, they can be provided
with the user experience optimized for the device, without having to learn how to use the new platform.
One UI Design Guidelines 6ARCHITECTURE
Lock screen
Application screen
Home screen
App bar
One UI Design Guidelines defines matters relating to One UI’s distinctive usability and user experience.
Design principles have been applied to One UI to help users control their devices more intuitively and
concentrate on the important content more easily.
For the structure, hierarchy and interaction of the main screens and components comply with the Android
design principles.
Structure of Android screens and main components
01. Structure
One UI Design Guidelines 7ARCHITECTURE
Divide the screen
into the Viewing
area and Interaction
One UI has been designed to help the user easily control the on-screen components on
their handheld device. Based on the height that a person’s finger can most easily reach
on the screen, the area above this point is defined as the Viewing area, and the area
below it is defined as the Interaction area.
[Viewing area]
Place content that doesn’t
require any user interactions,
such as a title.
[Interaction area]
Place frequently used components,
such as function buttons and navigation
buttons (e.g., tabs), and arrange dialogs
that require user actions at the bottom of
the screen.
01. Structure
One UI Design Guidelines 8ARCHITECTURE
Emphasize content
using focus blocks
01. Structure
One UI supports a card-type container called a ‘focus block’ which is used to draw the
user’s eyes to the content that needs to be emphasized on the screen.
A focus block’s big rounded corners can capture the users attention visually with its shape.
You can make your content stand out even more by creating a high contrast between the
focus blocks background color and blank space behind them.
You can include different content types, such as text, images, or videos, in focus blocks. You
can place a single content item or a combination of content items in a single focus block.
Focus blocks can be applied to the Android components that have content in them, such as
cards, lists including images and texts.
One UI Design Guidelines 9ARCHITECTURE
02. Theme
One UI provides default themes and a dark mode.
Its recommended that you provide a dark mode so that the user can use their smartphone comfortably, even in
a dark environment.
Default themes Using the default themes, you can apply a different color to the background according
to the app’s characteristics.
A lighter background can deliver a more comfortable visual experience because it
reduces the contrast of the screen in general. It also helps improve the legibility of
on-screen text.
Light theme
One UI Design Guidelines 10ARCHITECTURE
Default themes A darker background can make a content item or dialog inside a focus block visually
stand out more.
In particular, if you use a black background on the screen when the device’s bezel is also
black, the boundary between the bezel and screen becomes merged, making the screen
appear more visually expanded. This also reduces visual interference that the boundary
between the bezel and screen may create.
Dark theme
02. Theme
One UI Design Guidelines 11ARCHITECTURE
Dark mode Dark mode is a theme (mode) that enables the screen to turn darker to help reduce
glare and eye strain at night or in a dark environment.
Place dark colored focus blocks, dialogs, content and control components to keep the
entire screen darker.
One UI recommends that all apps allow the user to switch to Dark mode at the desired
or set time.
Dark mode
02. Theme
One UI Design Guidelines 12ARCHITECTURE
Phone Tablet DeX
Foldable phone
Foldable phone
Tablet DeX
03. Responsive UI
Home screen
Contents screen
One UI supports a diverse range of devices, including smartphones, tablets, and foldable phones, different
screen sizes, as well as several aspect ratios. It also supports Samsung DeX.
Different components on the screen and the screen layout should be adaptable to different screen sizes,
orientations, resolutions, and aspect ratios.
It needs to be designed to display a large number of contents for tablets or foldable phone with a larger screen.
Also the multi-layering structure and various window sizes need to be considered.
One UI Design Guidelines 13ARCHITECTURE
04. Margins and keylines
One UI defines margins and keylines by considering devices that have screens with rounded corners or edge
displays. One UI recommends to allow at minimum 24dp margins on each side and keep placing components to
display information within safe area if touch input is required.
Definition Safe area is being provided in order to prevent undesired input from happening by
holding a device. In particular, in a layout where the user is required to press sparsely
placed buttons, such as a dialer, allow sufficient margins at the sides of the screen.
For edge displays, place on-screen elements before the start of the curved surface to
prevent the user’s finger from slipping off when touching an on-screen element.
For screens with rounded corners, place on-screen elements before the start of the
curve so that the on-screen elements are not obscured.
24dp 24dp 24dp 24dp
One UI Design Guidelines 14ARCHITECTURE
05. Screen optimization
The sizes of various components can be optimized based on user’s preference.
Modifying font sizes or magnifications are feasible for better legibility as well as screen resolutions and Home
screen grid.
Font size Screen zoon in/out Screen resolution Home screen grid
One UI Design Guidelines 16COMPONENTS
Action buttons
A title can be an app title, page title, or page filter.
If the entire title cannot be displayed due to the length, action buttons from the
far-right can be placed under more options buttons as a dropdown menu.
The displayed action buttons may be shown or hidden, depending on the screen settings
(e.g., multi-language/font styles). However, the action buttons should still be displayed
in accordance with the rules above.
Its recommended that you use icons for action buttons. However, you may use text
buttons for menus that you find difficult to express using icons.
Its also recommended that you display three or fewer action buttons, including the title.
If there are no actions available on the current screen, then don’t display any buttons.
Action button
More option
An app bar is used to provide information about the current screen and action buttons.
41 2
01. App bar
Text button
One UI Design Guidelines 17COMPONENTS
More options Each menu shown after tapping the More options button is an option that can affect the
app that is currently running or the component chosen on the screen. For an option that
requires the user to turn on/off or toggle, a checkbox can be provided.
The rest of the menus not provided as floating action buttons or action buttons are
being included in the more options button.
Spinner In the default state, a spinner displays the current chosen value. When the user taps
the spinner, a dropdown menu opens, showing all available values. When the user taps
outside the dropdown menu, the spinner closes.
01. App bar
One UI Design Guidelines 18COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
An expandable app bar can be in an expanded state or collapsed state; there is no state in-between these two.
If the user scrolls up while the app bar is expanded, then it collapses; if the user scrolls down while the app bar is
collapsed, then it expands. If you want to show the content in full screen, you can hide the app bar.
Tablet The titles displayed in the expanded state and collapsed state don’t need to match.
When the app bar is expanded, useful information about the relevant screen can be
displayed in a larger area.
One UI Design Guidelines 19COMPONENTS
Smartphone users can’t use an expandable app bar while in the landscape mode of the full-screen view.
In case of a multi-window view, foldable phones, and Samsung DeX, the expandable app bar is supported for
both landscape and portrait mode when the height of the screen is above 580 dp.
02. Expandable app bar
Full screen
Expandable app bar
Portrait PortraitLandscape Lanadscape
Applicable ApplicableNot applicable Applicable
Phone Tablet
One UI Design Guidelines 20COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
The user can resize the app bar area by scrolling it up or down, whether its default state
is expanded or collapsed.
Support an expandable app bar on the screen that has a tab, search bar, and default
collapsed app bar.
[First depth screen (list/grid scrollable view)]
App bar with a search field
Default collapsed app bar
When an expandable
app bar is supported
One UI Design Guidelines 21COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
For the second depth and later depths, display a default collapsed app bar, but allow it
expandable. It should also be expandable in list/grid view, detail view, search view, and
multiselect view.
[Second and later depth screens]
Search view
Detail view
When an expandable
app bar is supported
One UI Design Guidelines 22COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
When an expandable
app bar is not supported
An expandable app bar is not supported in the following cases:
When a screen is created by using
keyboard (But, it is expandable
if inputting simple texts)
When the user’s content, such as an
image or video, might be cut off by the
expandable app bar
When a single screen needs to be completely filled with a
controller, etc.
When the screen contains additional component that need to
scroll up and down
One UI Design Guidelines 23COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
Display an expandable app bar when the user enters the first main screen.
For the second and later depth screens, display a collapsed app bar as default, and an
app bar can be expanded by scrolling down. However, where an expanded app bar is
deemed useful, an expanded app bar can be treated as default on the second and later
depth screens.
Upon opening an
Return to the
previous value
Back Back
One UI Design Guidelines 24COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
When the user lifts their finger in the mid-point while scrolling up and down, the display
of the screen in expanded view or collapsed view is determined depending on whether
the threshold was exceeded at the time the finger was lifted, and then the screen snaps
When the finger
was lifted in the mid-point,
was the threshold
When the finger
was lifted in the mid-point,
was the threshold
One UI Design Guidelines 25COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
Scroll stop
When the user scrolls down in the middle of a list on the screen in list/grid view, etc.,
and then moves to the top of the list, whether or not to stop the scrolling is determined
based on whether the relevant screen’s default view is expanded or collapsed. The
position at which the scrolling stops in the middle of the list is determined based on
what the user sees upon entering the relevant screen.
When the screen’s default view is collapsed, if the user scrolls in the middle of a list,
then the scrolling stops at the top of the list.
[Case 1]
If the app bar is collapsed as a
user enters the screen
Scroll in the middle of the list Scrolling stops at the top of
the list
Scrolling down from the top of
the list displays it in expanded
One UI Design Guidelines 26COMPONENTS
[Case 2]
02. Expandable app bar
Scroll stop
When the screen’s default view is expanded, if the user scrolls in the middle of a list,
then the scrolling doesn’t stop and the user is moved to the screen that shows an ex-
pandable app bar instead.
If the app bar can be
expandable as a user enters
the screen
Scroll in the middle of the list Switch to expanded view
immediately without stopping
the scrolling
One UI Design Guidelines 27COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
Search bar
If the use of a search bar is essential for the app, then the search bar can be displayed
on the screen. The search bar should disappear while the user is scrolling the list, and
then reappear afterward.
As the list appears, the search
bar becomes hidden.
One UI Design Guidelines 28COMPONENTS
02. Expandable app bar
of Screen Height
of Screen Height
One UI Design Guidelines 29COMPONENTS
03. Bottom bar
Utilize bottom bar for actions buttons with higher priority.
A maximum of five action buttons in the bottom bar can be provided, using a combination of icons and text.
These buttons can be shown or hidden when the user scrolls up and down, depending on the amount of
information displayed in the body text area.
Don’t provide a more options button in the bottom bar. Do not allow the buttons to scroll horizontally. Don’t
place the bar above the keyboard, except for components that are relevant to keyboard input (e.g., Cancel, Done,
Save, or Next).
One UI Design Guidelines 30COMPONENTS
03. Bottom bar
Action buttons in the app bar
on the action screen & action
buttons in detail view
List/Grid view – For screens
where browsing is the main
The bottom toolbar, which is designed for action buttons, and the bottom tabs, which are used for navigation, are
defined and function differently.
Place higher priority action buttons at the bottom.
Place action buttons at the top.
Bottom toolbar
Tabs at the bottom
Toolbar at the top
One UI Design Guidelines 31COMPONENTS
04. Bottom navigation
Use a bottom navigation bar to change the screen displayed at the top for each tab
through the main tab. Each tab should have its own view. Tabs should be displayed at all
times, even when the user scrolls up and down a list. It’s recommended that you provide
four or fewer text-type tabs (maximum of five), and name each screen title the same as
the corresponding bottom tab.
Don’t provide a more options button for a tab. The user can’t move between tabs by
swiping the body area horizontally. Don’t place tabs above the keyboard.
Main tab
Omit the app title on the screen where the main tab is provided. However, when the
main tab represents the app, display the main tab’s name as the title at the top.
[Phone – Portrait view]
One UI Design Guidelines 32COMPONENTS
04. Bottom navigation
Specify the maximum distance between the tabs so that the distance between them
doesn’t exceed the set value.
[Tablet – Landscape & split view]
Margin Margin
w=1 w=1
Main tab
One UI Design Guidelines 33COMPONENTS
04. Bottom navigation
Subtab Use a subtab to show the categories displayed on the current screen separately.
Provide text-type subtabs at the top. Subtabs can be fixed, but they can also be
scrollable if there are five or more of them.
The user can move between subtabs by swiping the text body area horizontally.
One UI Design Guidelines 34COMPONENTS
04. Bottom navigation
Tab string All navigation tabs at the bottom should be displayed on a single screen when the
default font size is used. Exceptionally, scroll can be applied.
1. If a user scrolls horizontally within a tab, when the default font size is applied.
2. It’s recommended that you use fixed-type tabs with default font size, even
when the strings are translated into different languages.
3. In order not to allow each tab scrollable, make sure that each of translated or
abbreviated tab string doesn’t exceed N characters. (Even if a bottom tab string is
abbreviated, the complete string should be used for its app bar title. Display the
complete string in landscape view and on tablets.)
4. Exceptionally the tab is allowed to scroll when a larger font size is applied and
unavoidably exceeds the tab area.
Portrait view Landscape view
One UI Design Guidelines 35COMPONENTS
05. Buttons
Selectively use flat buttons or contained buttons, depending on the situation. Don’t use both a flat button and
contained button together on a single screen.
Use a flat button to avoid making an unnecessary layer in a toolbar, dialog, etc.
Use a contained button to emphasize features that the user might miss on a complex
screen. In most cases, contained buttons are applied to a flat layout by adding colors.
Use a contained button when it is difficult to distinguish the button from the other
texts and images in the body.
[Flat button]
[Contained button]
One UI Design Guidelines 36COMPONENTS
06. Slider
The user can change a setting within the specified value range using a slider. A slider can be used to change the
volume, screen brightness, etc. When the user changes a value, provide instant feedback.
Setting slider (Default)
Volume popup & Brightness_on Quick panel main page (Optional)
[Adjust sliders in the volume popup]
Focus Disabled
One UI Design Guidelines 37COMPONENTS
07. Dialog
Provide a dialog pop-up, which requires a user action, at the bottom. If any action is not allowed
(e.g. when ‘Loading...’ process gets displayed and any other action such as cancel is not allowed), then place the
dialog pop-up in the middle of the screen. Display a dropdown menu on the spot where it is being touched.
If a user deletes information that is considered very low in importance, then remove it immediately without
displaying a confirmation pop-up (e.g., If there is no loss in content or it can be easily recreated (restored)).
When the user launches a feature, don’t provide a pop-up that shows a simple description about the feature or
feedback (e.g., a pop-up confirming that the user has read all messages).
Depending on the importance of the pop-up’s content, decide whether you should provide it only once at the
beginning or always.
An important pop-up should be provided at all times. Avoid using pop-ups that are displayed only once at the
beginning (except for legal information).
Title + description + button
One UI Design Guidelines 38COMPONENTS
07. Dialog
Chooser activity
Date/Time picker
One UI Design Guidelines 39COMPONENTS
07. Dialog
Contextual menu
Color picker
Provide a contextual menu pop-up for related options when the user taps and holds an
item in list/grid view. It’s recommended that you provide it as a dropdown menu without
a title.
Provide two types of color pickers. Use a color bar-type picker to allow the user to
choose a color while looking at the image they are currently working on. The user should
also be able to choose a color through an advanced color picker in case they want a
wider range of colors.
One UI Design Guidelines 40COMPONENTS
07. Dialog
Min width 100%
Min width 60%
Min width 60%
Min width 37.5%
One UI Design Guidelines 41COMPONENTS
08. List
Use a list to show multiple, vertically juxtaposed items as a single continuous component.
w 75%w 90%
One UI Design Guidelines 42COMPONENTS
08. List
The title of the body within a list must be no longer than a line. There is no maximum
length limit for the secondary text.
You may provide a subheader for the grouped items in a list, if needed.
Secondary text
One UI Design Guidelines 43COMPONENTS
08. List
Counter For a list that includes content like emails or messages, provide a counter area that
displays the total number of lists at the bottom.
Displaying 3 contacts
One UI Design Guidelines 44COMPONENTS
09. Search
To help users find the content they want quickly from a large amount of information, provide a search feature.
It shows suggestions based on the most recently typed search terms or frequently used conditions prior to
inputting a search word. Also, it ensures a satisfied search experience by providing an auto-complete feature.
Reminder - Search
One UI Design Guidelines 45COMPONENTS
10. Progress indicator
Use a progress indicator to show the progression of a specific action.
Progress circle -
Progress bar -
When the progress status and action completion time are known, use a progress bar
instead. It’s recommended that you provide a progress bar in an isolated area, such as
an app bar, rather than covering the whole screen with it, so that it doesn’t affect the
current task.
Use a progress circle to let the user know that an action can’t be executed immediately
and it will take a certain amount of time. However, it’s recommended that you use it only
when the action completion time is not known.
One UI Design Guidelines 46COMPONENTS
Progress circle -
When there is a landing page for the user's action, go to the page and show the basic
elements first, such as app bar and toolbar, and then appear the progress icon on the
content area which is updating.
Display the progress icon on the body or on the button which is just tapped to avoid disturbing the user flow.
Covering the screen with a progress pop-up should be avoided.
10. Progress indicator
One UI Design Guidelines 47COMPONENTS
If the user’s action affects on the current screen or if the landing page cannot be specified according to the
condition, show Progressing icon on the button which is action is taken.
When it is difficult to offer proogress circle on the body of the contents, show it on the button which is tapped.
Use the action button to show the progress status.Progress circle -
10. Progress indicator
One UI Design Guidelines 48COMPONENTS
You may provide a Welcome page, Loading page or No items page when a user opens an app or uses its
features for the first time.
First time use
[Loading] [No items][Welcome]
When you need to add a brief
description about an app or a legal
notice for users, utilize a
Welcome page.
When an app takes some time to
load, provide a Loading page.
When there are no items to display,
provide a shortcut button that the
user can use to add new items. You
may also show text that describes
the current state.
11. First time use
One UI Design Guidelines 49COMPONENTS
12. Label toast
You can provide additional information about an icon-type textless component through a label toast. Add a text
description above the relevant component so that the user can tap and hold it to view.
You can apply a label toast to a component that consists only of an icon without any text, a component that
consists of an icon and text, or only of text if its text size has to be fixed because of the limitations of the screen.
(Apply it to all screens regardless of the system font.)
A label toast should disappear after a few seconds or when the user touches the screen. If the user selects an
area outside the label toast, then immediately execute the action designated for the relevant area.
Don’t apply a label toast to an indicator that doesn’t have special actions, a button that consists only of text, or a
button that consists of both an icon and text if a larger font size is applicable. If the app already uses the tap and
hold gesture for another action, then don’t display a label toast. The action specified by the app takes priority.
One UI Design Guidelines 50COMPONENTS
1 file downloaded. Open file
le downloaded
Action toast provides an action button in the toast popup in order to immediately execute an action related to
the contents of the toast.
Snack bar will remain pop-up until press the button, but action toast will disappear after a set time like other
13. Action toast
Text label Action (optional)
No action Touch area for action
Dismiss Dismiss1 file downloaded.
Copy complete.
Do not provide Action buttons to close pop-ups,
such as Dismiss, Close, Done, OK.
More than 2 actions cannot be provided.
Copy complete. View album
1 file downloaded. Open file
One UI Design Guidelines 51COMPONENTS
Light theme
applied app
Dark theme
applied app
Light theme
applied app
Other unspecified or
default app
14. Navigation bar
For the navigation bar, choose one of the three styles according to the app design: Opaque, Translucent, or
Transparent. Transparent and translucent style navigation bars aren’t affected by the background settings or
themes. The navigation bar is always black when the aspect ratio is 16:9.
Background settings
Samsung theme-
applied app
theme-applied app
Dark theme
applied app
3rd party
Default Theme applied
One UI Design Guidelines 52COMPONENTS
15. Edit mode
Edit mode refers to a screen mode where the user is temporarily unable to save changes in real time or is
allowed to cancel changes. The changes are applied through a user trigger (e.g., Save or Done).
Phone - keyboard
Provide confirmation buttons at the bottom. However, in landscape view, provide them
at the top to prevent them from taking up the body text area.
When a keyboard is available, place confirmation buttons above the keyboard.
Portrait view Landscape view
Portrait view Landscape view
One UI Design Guidelines 53COMPONENTS
15. Edit mode
In portrait view, make the Create/Compose window fit to the screen. In landscape view,
provide it as an overlay pop-up window, aligned to the center.
Tapping outside the overlay pop-up window should function the same way as the Back
key. It’s recommended that you use the same title, action buttons, etc. for both portrait
view and landscape view.
Try to make the actual displayed window and the Edit window as similar as possible.
In split view, provide the Edit window in edit view. When the user needs to create a new
item, make the Create window to fit the screen or provide it as an overlay pop-up
window. Make any areas irrelevant to the Edit area appear darker (dimmed). Touching the
darker (dimmed) area should function the same way as the Back key.
X X = width of portrait view
One UI Design Guidelines 54COMPONENTS
16. Selection control
The user can enter Select mode by selecting an option and then tapping the Edit button, or by long-pressing an
Don’t display different
contextual menus before the
user enters Select mode.
Once they enter Select mode,
the app bar and toolbar also
switch to Select mode.
The action buttons change,
depending on the item(s)
chosen in Select mode.
The number of chosen items is
displayed as a number in the
app bar.
When the user selects the radio
button/checkbox in the app bar,
all items are selected.
One UI Design Guidelines 55COMPONENTS
16. Selection control
Timing for toolbar
display after
entering Select
1. When the user enters Select mode by tapping the Edit button, display a toolbar as soon
as the user taps the Edit button.
2. When the user enters Select mode by long-pressing the screen, display a toolbar when
the user lifts their finger from the screen (after selecting an item).
- The content displayed at the bottom can be obstructed by a toolbar. Therefore,
visually inform the user that they have entered Select mode and that the relevant
item has been selected. Then, as soon as they lift their finger, display a toolbar.
- Hide the toolbar while the user selects items through continuous scrolling after they
enter Select mode and until they lift their finger. Provide it after they lift their finger
from the screen.
- Hide the toolbar for tabs in standard view.
Don’t display a toolbar if no items have been selected.
Finger released
One UI Design Guidelines 56COMPONENTS
16. Selection control
Interaction When the user tries to use the search bar in Select mode, the list layout should be
maintained and the lists shouldn’t be moved when the user enters Select mode.
Visual design
One UI Design Guidelines 58VISUAL DESIGN
Clear metaphors
Minimal and modular
Icons should be designed in a way that users can easily recognize them and also
understand their meanings and functions at a glance.
Use clear metaphors, which are familiar to users, for the icons in One UI.
The user may find it difficult to recognize icons at a glance if you use a complex shape or
too many mixed forms.
When designing icons for One UI, try to simplify their shapes and use the same shape
repeatedly to help the user recognize the icons more easily.
01. Icons
One UI Design Guidelines 59VISUAL DESIGN
Softness and
Just like building houses of different shapes using the same set of building blocks, you
can use the same set of components to design your icons for better consistency.
As rounded corners are generally used in One UI, use rounded stroke terminals for icons
to make sure that they go well together.
The stroke corners, however, should remain sharp to add contrast to the rounded
corners and details.
01. Icons
One UI Design Guidelines 60VISUAL DESIGN
[App icon color]
Icon colors For icons, choose colors that can express the characteristics of the app, and apply a
palette of colors that go well together for better consistency.
The colors applied to the app should have a different tone to that applied to the icons.
01. Icons
Primary Color
Secondary Color
Primary Color
Secondary Color
Primary Color
Secondary Color
One UI Design Guidelines 61VISUAL DESIGN
App icons in One UI
01. Icons
One UI Design Guidelines 62VISUAL DESIGN
02. Color
Android’s material theme provides a categorized color palette system. By changing the color value of one
category, you can change all of the color value of on-screen element that belongs to the same category at once.
You can change the style of your app more easily when designing if you make good use of this color palette
How to use One UI’s color palette
Color category
Primary dark
Color control activated
App icons, floating action buttons, input fields, focused items, etc.
App bar text, text buttons, dialog buttons, No items text, etc.
Checkboxes, radio buttons, switches, etc.
Primary dark
Color control active
Light theme
Primary dark
Color control active
Dark theme
One UI Design Guidelines 63VISUAL DESIGN
Warning, danger,
prohibition, warmth,
intensity, passion
Safety, peace, goodness,
nature, environment,
Efficiency, intelligence,
02. Color
When you apply a color to an element, choose a color that goes well with the meaning of the element. Take into
account the color’s characteristics and what it stands for.
A color typically carries both positive and negative meanings. You should also consider that some colors may
have different meanings in different cultures.
One UI Design Guidelines 64VISUAL DESIGN
03. Typography
In One UI, capitalize the first letter in every word and sentence used for components, such as a title,
subheader, text-only button, or tab, while leaving all other letters as lowercase.
App bar App bar
[Before] [After]
Dialog button Dialog button
Main tab Main tab
Contained button Contained button
One UI Design Guidelines 65VISUAL DESIGN
03. Typography
The default font used in One UI is Roboto. It’s recommended that you apply the following font sizes to
Font style
Font size
Smallest font size recommendation
for visibility
Font family of Roboto
One UI Design Guidelines 66VISUAL DESIGN
04. Thumbnail radius
When using a rounded-corner rectangle for a focus block or image thumbnail, it’s recommended that you use the
following thumbnail radius value according to the screen grid and target.
Radius=26dp Radius=26dp Radius=20dp Radius=12dp
One UI Design Guidelines 67VISUAL DESIGN
& Interaction
One UI Design Guidelines 68MOTION &INTERACTION
Motion and interaction should be designed to help users to understand the structures and functions of on-screen
elements and to guide users actions.
Motion and interaction help users to understand the structures and functions of on-screen elements, and guide
users what to do.
01. Intuitive
Recent apps
Lock screen
Current app
Home screen
One UI Design Guidelines 69MOTION &INTERACTION
When selecting a list, the screen for the list appears from bottom to top, and when returning to the previous
screen, the screen disappears from top to bottom.
[Example 1]
01. Intuitive
One UI Design Guidelines 70MOTION &INTERACTION
Due to each app is designed as spread out horizontally, the motion interaction works in a horizontal way when
switching to another app screen.
[Example 2]
01. Intuitive
One UI Design Guidelines 71MOTION &INTERACTION
Design the dialog to appears upward from the bottom of the screen so that the user’s finger can reach it easily.
When it moves downward, it disappears.
[Example 3]
01. Intuitive
One UI Design Guidelines 72MOTION &INTERACTION
02. Seamless
When a user opens an app, the app icon expands smoothly maintaining the corner radius of the icon and expands
to the app screen.
[Example 1]
It moves naturally reacted by the user's finger moving, while the screen transitions are smooth and connected.
One UI Design Guidelines 73MOTION &INTERACTION
The expandable app bar can be expanded or collapsed by the users finger moving on the screen, and the
information on it is varied by the state.
[Example 2]
02. Seamless
One UI Design Guidelines 74MOTION &INTERACTION
During a screen transition, the shared elements remain and react to the users touch interaction to increase
motion continuity.
[Example 3]
02. Seamless
One UI Design Guidelines 75MOTION &INTERACTION
When switching from app to app, the same image remains and switch the step seamlessly.
[Example 4]
02. Seamless
One UI Design Guidelines 76MOTION &INTERACTION
For experiences of fine-tuned touch, The slider bar will be getting bigger when it touched for easy-controlling and
goes back to the original size when the finger is released.
[Example 1]
03. Tangible
it is more about delicate touch responding immediately to the users fingertip, not a mechanical reaction.
One UI Design Guidelines 77MOTION &INTERACTION
The gallerys image sticks and follows a user’s fingertip when a user drags an image. If a user drags an image
down, the images of the previous depth appear on the background and when drags it up, the additional informa-
tion is shown at the bottom.
[Example 2]
03. Tangible
12, May
20~25, March
One UI Design Guidelines 78MOTION &INTERACTION
Whena user movethe finger up on the Recents button, the app screenfollows the finger smoothly.
When releasing the finger after moving, the screen goes back to where it was before.
[Example 3]
03. Tangible
One UI Design Guidelines 79VISUAL DESIGN
Auditory design
One UI Design Guidelines 80AUDITORY DESIGN
In UX design, sound is a means of delivering key information that can be used to assist visual information.
You can use sounds to support visual experiences when describing the system or app’s state or giving feedback
on user interactions. Sometimes, you may also use sounds to deliver information more effectively when there is
a lack of visual information available.
Sound design
Sound feedback should be used consistently and appropriately.
Unexpected sounds may confuse the user, making them feel as though the system is
hard to understand or unpredictable.
Provide positive sound feedback when a goal is accomplished or a task is completed.
This will ensure a better user experience and also help the user better remember its
Its possible that the user may find auditory stimuli rather annoying than visual stimuli.
Don’t use sounds excessively or force the user to hear the same sounds repeatedly, no
matter how pleasant the sounds are.
For example, when the user uploads a photo, it’s better to give sound feedback only
once after the photo is uploaded, rather than giving sound feedback repeatedly while
the photo is being uploaded.
1. Use sound consistently
2. Provide positive sound feedback
3. Avoid using repetitive sounds
01. Principle
One UI Design Guidelines 81AUDITORY DESIGN
Charger connection
02. Sound feedback
Feedback Sound feedback helps the user feel more certainty about how they interact with the
system or app, and also understand and predict outcomes.
For instance, when the user taps the Call button in the Phone app, you can notify the
user that the call has been successfully placed by providing a call connect tone, helping
the user get ready to talk to the person on the other end of the phone.
A rising melody helps the user clearly perceive that the call has been placed, while a
falling melody helps the user clearly perceive that it has ended.
[When placing or ending calls]
Call connect
Call disconnect
To make sure that the user clearly understands the volume level of the current ringtone,
use the tone appropriate for the volume level; a single tone is recommended.
[When adjusting the ringtone volume with the volume keys]
Volume control push
Once the user connects their device to a wired/wireless charger, play a rising melody to
let the user know that charging has begun.
[When wired/wireless charging begins]
One UI Design Guidelines 82AUDITORY DESIGN
Alert on call
[When switching from Mute mode to Sound mode]
Silent mode off
02. Sound feedback
Notifications and
Sounds can play an important role in drawing attention to something or drawing away
In particular, when the user is concentrating on a task, you can deliver necessary
information with little cognitive interference and without breaking their concentration.
Use a tone repeated four times to make sure that the user hears the notification without
interrupting the call. The volume level of the phone and that of the tone should be the
[When receiving notifications during calls]
Branding and brand
Use a creative and consistent sound tone to represent your brand image and brand
For One UI, use sound tones that can make the user feel like they’re traveling through
the galaxy. Apply mild and soft tones to express One UI system’s
characteristics and deliver a consistent auditory experience.
You need to make sure that the user realizes that the mode has switched to Sound.
Use a rising melody to indicate that Sound mode was just enabled.
One UI Design Guidelines 83AUDITORY DESIGN
One UI Design Guidelines 84ACCESSIBILITY
Balanced and equal design for all users
We aim to design an interface for all users, regardless of whether they have a
disability. At Samsung, we believe that users with disabilities shouldn’t experience
difficulty or discrimination when interacting with our products. We have set up
guidelines in consideration of users with varying degrees of disabilities. From as early
as the planning stage of each product, we try to ensure that it provides a holistic
experience for all users.
Empathetic and detailed design for all users
At Samsung, we’re always trying to simplify our products’ interface, employing a
variety of research methodologies so that our design approach aligns with the needs
and desires of our users. We strive to listen to our users and make a sincere effort to
understand them, including those with disabilities.
One UI aims to ensure a fair, equal, and considerate user experience for everyone, regardless of their gender or
physical condition. The accessibility guidelines in One UI Design Guide strive to meet the Web Content
Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG).
Consistent design experience for all products
Samsung products provide a variety of optional features for people with limited
mobility. Moreover, continuous research and development in accessibility design should
further ensure that all Samsung products offer an equal level of functionality for all their
Designed together
Samsung’s dedicated team of professionals from various fields provides training and
support for users with disabilities to help them use Samsung products and services
without difficulty. Employees with disabilities, research institutes, and like-minded
communities and groups all work together to take a more hands-on approach to our
design experience.
3. Coherence
4. Co-creation
01. Principle
Principles 1. Consideration
2. Comprehensiveness
One UI Design Guidelines 85ACCESSIBILITY
Except for captions and images of text, text can be resized without assistive technology
up to 200 percent without loss of content or functionality
The basic accessibility criteria are as follows.
Vision: Provide visual aids to accommodate for people with blindness, low vision, or color vision deficiency
through Voice Assistant and the Visibility enhancement settings.
Hearing: Provide hearing aid settings to make sure that people with hearing impairments can use the product
without difficulty.
Interaction and dexterity: Help people with physical disabilities use the product more easily through the
Universal switch feature, Assistant menu, etc.
02. Vision
Vision [Resize text]
Font size
(from 0 (default value) to 8)
Increase text size
More than 200%
One UI Design Guidelines 86ACCESSIBILITY
Color is not used as the only visual means of conveying information, indicating an action,
prompting a response, or distinguishing a visual element
02. Vision
The visual presentation of text and images of text has a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1
(Source: Web Content Accessibility Guidelines).
Small text: It’s strongly recommended that you ensure that a contrast ratio of at least 4.5:1 exists between
your foreground and background.
Large text (Normal: 18dp or larger, Bold: 14dp or larger): It’s strongly recommended that you ensure that a
contrast ratio of at least 3:1 exists between your foreground and background.
Font size (dp)
Regular font Bold font
[Use of Color]
[Contrast (Minimum)]
One UI Design Guidelines 87ACCESSIBILITY
02. Vision
A colored background shape is applied to components that function as buttons. This
helps the user identify these components as buttons quickly and decide what to do next.
Show button shapes on
[Show button shapes]
One UI Design Guidelines 88ACCESSIBILITY
03. Hearing
Its possible that users with hearing impairments can’t detect certain sounds.
Therefore, when a sound is detected, provide feedback using a visual or vibration alert.
Prevent users with hearing loss from disturbing people around them with unexpected
sounds generated from their devices.
[Sound detectors]
[Mute all sounds]
For people with a different degree of hearing loss in each ear, provide an option
through which they can change the left/right volume ratio.
For users with hearing loss in one ear, provide an option through which they can change
the audio setting to Stereo or Mono when they use earphones.
[Left/right sound balance]
[Mono audio]
One UI Design Guidelines 89ACCESSIBILITY
04. Interaction and dexterity
Interaction and
To help users with physical disabilities use their devices more easily, make sure that
the interface allows them to choose an input method that is convenient for them.
Activate the action menu while moving the focus in the interface. Then, execute the
chosen action through the menu. Actions can be executed through tapping, peripheral
accessories, or the camera.
[Universal switch]
Action menu Done
One UI Design Guidelines 90ACCESSIBILITY
04. Interaction and dexterity
For people with upper extremity impairments, who may find it difficult to press physical
keys, access certain areas on the screen, make gestures that require complicated finger
movements, etc., add submenus so that they can control their device and screen without
help from others.
[Submenus]Interaction and
Action menu Volume Screen rotation
One UI Design Guidelines 91ACCESSIBILITY
Accessibility Basic UI list
Are non-text contents provided with alternative text?
Are voice guidance concise and specific?
Is it add specific labels on the same controls on a screen to classify?
If the text is provided as an image, does it holds all the things on the image?
Does it provide alternate text like entire string for abbreviated words, badges, or text buttons?
Does it provide detailed and intuitive alternate texts for Emojis, GIFs, and Stickers?
Does it provide a usgae hint text for use that explains additional information about the work which is not
Does it provide text labels for the ongoing works?
Does it provide accessibility texts which make the user know the changed status or result?
Does it provide accessibility texts which make the user know the dynamically changed status or contents?
Does it provide accessibility text regarding table information, when a table or chart has selected?
Is all elements is given a focus, which moves sequentially?
Doesn’t it provide a focus for a decorative element or additional image?
Does it designed intuitively, which is able user to find current positions of the focus?
Does it provide a focus for grouped similar elements?
05. Checklist
It is important to follow the Accessibility Basic UI principles, but also considering to complete the task.
One UI Design Guidelines 92ACCESSIBILITY
05. Checklist
It is important to follow the Accessibility Basic UI principles, but also considering to complete the task.
Accessibility Basic UI list
Can it be controlled by the user by preventing automatic hiding of the control buttons?
Does it provide an alternative way for complex actions such as drag?
Can instructions be recognized regardless of shape, size, location, direction, color and sound, etc.?
Does it provide notification information in a variety of ways, such as screen display, sound, and vibration?
(At least two ways are required)
When a user is typing, does it provide a way to prevent typing errors?
Does it have a background music which is played automatically?
When there are unintended transitions or events, does it work in a way that users can understand?
Can users recognize the user-interface components through using assistive technologys?
Are multimedia contents provide suitable subtitle, manuscripts, or sign language?
Are user-interface components placed consistently?
Does content that have limited time control provide a way to control it?
Does a method to control contents provide that change automatically?