been involved in teaching,
but several Civic and Edu-
cational Groups. She has
been a part of numerous
organizations such as a
board member for the Kids
with Cancer fund through
Studio One, student leader-
ship council leader at AJH,
link crew leader at AHS,
and vice-president of the
Jackson County OSU Alum-
ni Association.
Although Mrs. McLeod
started out teaching young
children, she has truly en-
joyed mentoring older
ones. Every age group has
its differences, but what she
has learned is kids are kids.
They need guidance and
mentors to confide in. They
need to know they are
By Kenzly Schmidt
Senior Managing Editor
Teacher of the Year!
Volume 16 Issue 10
Student Features 2
Miss Altus Teen
Staff Spotlight
Girls Wrestling
Bulldog Bites
Senior Spotlights
What’s Inside
Bulldog Nation
The Collar Sta
Advisor: Mrs. Rempel
Senior Managing Edi-
tors: Lilian Easter & Sa-
vannah Shipman
Senior Editors: Patrick
Broughton, Emma Sasse,
Kenzly Schmidt
Sta Writer: Angel-
Bence, Brooklynn Strick-
land, and Janise Rodri-
loved. She has been there to
help her students learn new
skills or master an old one.
She has gotten to be there
for the exciting times in stu-
dent’s lives and there to help
them through the hard ones.
Mrs. McLeod states, “To
me being a teacher means
being there for the kids.”
While teaching she has been
able to guide students to
their full potential. One of
her favorite things is being
able to share her interests
with students and learn about
theirs. She states, “Teaching
is forming a relationship with
students while teaching them
along the way. Some days, it
is the hardest job in the
world, but most days it is the
January 31-TAB parent
February 3-Bulldog Bo-
nanza cafeteria
February 4-TAB all region
band concert.
February 4- grade boys
basketball vs. Duncan.
February 5 AHS swim
February 5 all region
honor band at Weather-
TAB all region band.
February 7 computer
lab testing in library
February9 grade boys
basketball at Weather-
On January 10th, Jennie
McLeod was named the
2022 Altus Public School’s
Teacher of the Year.
Mrs. Mcleod started her
education at Oklahoma
State University where she
studied Early Childhood
Education. She then became
a teacher’s aide at Sunset
for two years and continued
teaching kindergarten there
for eighteen years. In 2015,
she started teaching at Altus
Junior High where she
taught seventh grade English
for five years. In 2020, Mrs.
McLeod transferred to Al-
tus High School where she
is currently teaching senior
Throughout her career,
Mrs. Mcleod has not only
Gracen Hawthorne is a
sophomore here at Altus High
School. She was born in Shat-
tuck, Oklahoma but grew up
and attended school here in
Altus, Oklahoma.
Gracen lives with her par-
ents, Kyle and Mindy Haw-
thorne, and their two mini
schnauzers, Marie Laveu and
Handsom Jack. Her dad, Kyle,
owns a construction business
and her mom, Mindy, is the
Special Education Director for
Altus Public Schools. Gracen
has two siblings. An older
brother, Mason Hawthorne,
who is a sophomore at
SWOSU and a younger sister,
Kyler Hawthorne, who is a
sixth grader at the intermediate
Gracen has attended the
high school since her freshman
year. She is involved in several
activities such as, AHS Pom
Team, FFA, student council, Kay
Club, and NHS. Gracen has
received multiple awards
throughout her life. Her favor-
ites being, an All-American
Dancer and honor roll.
Gracens favorite things
about Altus High are all the
different clubs and sports for
students to be involved in.
Something people may not
know about Gracen is she’s
danced for almost thirteen
years. She has also travelled as
far as Connecticut and New
York for dance competitions.
What motivates Gracen in
life are God, her friends, her
family, and Dolly Parton. Gra-
cen’s favorite quote is, “You’ll
never do a whole lot unless
you’re brave enough to try.” -
Dolly Parton
Kason Abernathy is a sopho-
more here at Altus High School.
Kason has grown up here in Al-
tus and has attended the high
school since his freshman year.
Kason lives at home with his
mom, Amy, and his dad, Justin
Abernathy. Amy is a stay at home
mom, while his dad, Justin, farms.
Kason also has two brothers,
Kreed, a third grader and Kolter,
a pre-kindergarten student. Ka-
son also has a sister, Kenzie, who
attends Altus Junior High.
Throughout his time at Altus,
Kason has earned and received
many awards. So far he has
earned a Star Discovery Award,
been listed on Principal’s Honor
Roll and achieved the Superinten-
dent’s Honor Roll.
Kason is a member of the
FFA program here at Altus.
Gracen Hawthorne
Kason Abernathy
By Brooklynn Strickland
Staff Writer
By Kenzly Schmidt
Senior Managing Editor
While being apart of FFA, Kason
shows steers. He is also on the
Altus High School Baseball
Kason’s favorite thing about
the high school is the agriculture
program. Kason also states his
favorite subject at AHS is histo-
ry. In his free time, Kason enjoys
hunting animals such as deer and
dove. Kason also helps his dad
on his family’s farm.
After graduating high school,
Kason wants to attend Oklaho-
ma State University to achieve
an agriculture degree. He plans
to practice what he has learned
in agriculture by working on his
family's farm.
Kason states getting done
with school is his motivation in
life. His favorite quote is, “You
only fail when you stop trying.”
Page 2
January 31, 2022
Bulldog Beauties
By Kenzly Schmidt
Senior Managing Editor
Page 3
January 31, 2021
Miss Altus Outstanding Teen Pageant
is an organization which many gener-
ations of girls have competed in. It is
a scholarship competition giving
young girls a chance for new oppor-
tunities by portraying a social impact
issue of their choice.
Four of the contestants compet-
ing in the pageant this year attend
Altus High School and are involved
in a number of activities. Chloe Ow-
enby and Hannah Gilstad are both
members of the Altus High School
Pom Squad. Abbey Marple is a part
of the Altus High School Junior Var-
sity Basketball Team. Abi Beane is
involved in the Altus High School
Cheer Squad, and the lead role in the
upcoming play, “Newsies.”
Last year, the pageant was not
able to be preformed due to covid
protocols. Therefore, the reining
Miss Altus Outstanding Teen, Paige
Condon, will be crowning a new
contestant. Abi Beane, Hannah
Gilstad, Abbey Marple, and Chloe
Owenby of Altus High School will be
competing for the title in this year’s
outstanding teen pageant.
To compete in the Miss Altus
Outstanding Teen Pageant, one must
be no younger than thirteen years
old, and no older than seventeen.
They have to complete a resume
with their social impact issue of
choice. There are many different cat-
egories they will have to compete in.
They will preform a talent, partici-
pate in active wear, answer an on-
stage question, and walk in their
evening wear. Each contestant also
has a social issue they must turn into
a platform and present. Chloe Ow-
enby’s platform is called “They’re Just
Genes.” Chloe is using her platform
to help build self-confidence in young
girls and women with genetic disabili-
ties. Chloe states, “I want to prove
to these special girls being different is
amazing and beautiful.” Abi Beane’s
platform is called, “A.B.L.E.” She will
be using this platform to encourage
volunteerism. The A stands for ac-
tion, the B stands for find something
you believe in, the L stands for
spreading love, and the E stands for
educate yourself in something you
are passionate about. Hannah
Gilstad’s platform is called “Don’t
Run On Empty.” She chose this plat-
form to spread awareness on ath-
letes with eating disorders. Abbey
Marple’s platform is called “Bridging
The Gap,” and it focuses on spend-
ing time and valuing more time with
our elders. Abbey states, “My goal
is to make a difference, and make
things happen.”
Each contestant has two “little
darlings” between the ages of three
and nine. The “little darlings” is a
mentoring program to inspire young
girls to participate in pageants when
they get old enough. These little
darlings will help to escort the con-
testant during their evening wear
walk. Escorting Hannah Gilstad are
her little darlings are RaeLynn
Hutchinson and Charlie Allen. Es-
corting Abi Beane are her little dar-
lings, Kaisley and Karoline Barclay.
Escorting Chloe Owenby is her
own little sister Carly Owenby and
Piper Overman.
There are many reasons girls
choose to compete in this pageant.
Many compete for the experience
and chance to become a Miss, but
some just compete for the scholar-
ships. There are various awards,
such as Miss Congeniality, The Tal-
ent Award, Miss Photogenic, and
more! Each category is worth schol-
arships to aid in college.
Throughout the pageant pro-
cess, they have met many people
and have participated in many
events! They have been able to
stand by a platform they are pas-
sionate about. Abi Beane is a very
passionate contest who always
makes sure an individual feels in-
cluded and loved. Abi says a quote
that inspires her is something Maya
Angelou states, “At the end of the
day, people will not remember what
you said or did, but how you made
them feel.” Another contest, Han-
nah Gilstad, stated, “If you are in-
terested in making new friends and
discussing a platform you are truly
passionate about, I would highly
encourage you to participate next
Rena McGuire
Altus Girls Wrestling
By Emma Sasse
Senior Editor
pal’s secretary at AJH for three
years. This is her first year at the
high school.
Mrs. McGuire loves that she gets
to experience public school from a
different perspective. She finally gets
to see the “behind the scenes” of
what it take to give every child an
opportunity for a proper education.
Mrs. McGuire loves to play Pi-
nochle online, water color, sing with
her family, and go to church to learn
more about Jesus.
Some things the student may not
know about Mrs. McGuire is that she
can play the Irish flute. She also went
to beauty school and got her license
but never worked at a salon. Lastly,
She won an award of the most hos-
pitable almost every year working at
McDonald's for 14 years.
Mrs. McGuire’s favorite Bible
chapter is Hebrews 11.
Rena McGuire is the principal’s
secretary here at Altus High
Mrs. McGuire is from Ennis,
Texas. She was 15 years old when
she moved to Altus and has been
here ever since.
Mrs. McGuire has been married
for 25 years to her husband, Da-
mon McGuire. He is an Aerospace
Mechanic at Altus Air Force Base.
They have three grown daughters,
a son-in-law, a granddaughter, and
a grandson. She has three dogs. Pip
Ray Cabler, and two jack russell
chiweenie mixes named Cow Patty
Patterson and Cody Cody Cocoa.
This is Mrs. McGuire’s eighth
year working for Altus Public
Schools. She started at Altus Junior
High as a Special Education
Paraprofessional for four years.
Then she was the assistant princi-
Longhorn Classic in Amarillo, Texas.
Coach Camarillo was asked if
COVID has affected her team with re-
strictions and quarantines. She states,
“COVID last season caused us to not
have has many tournaments. The num-
bers were down, but this season hasn't
been affected at all. Wrestling is more
of a contact sport than other sports.
Just recently the team was hit with a
The Altus Girls Wrestling
Team is coached by Krista Cam-
arillo. She has coached for 15
years in Martial Arts, Karate,
Tae Kwando, Jiu Jitsu, and now
wrestling for two years.
Coach Camarillo states, “I
really enjoy my time coaching
these young athletes and being
able to share the love of the
sport and help them achieve
their goals in life.”
They have 11 girls this year
which makes a team compared
to last year. About half of the
team this year is their 1st year
of wrestling. The other half of
the team has been wrestling for
2 or more years. They have a
pretty solid team. The girls have
really been holding each other
accountable for their actions.
They have really become a fami-
In 2021, Beyonce Coronado
placed 1st at State. Siara Arring-
ton placed 3rd in the Silver
Brackett at 185lb at the Lady
Page 4 January 31, 2022
By Savannah Shipman
Senior Managing Editor
bug, so they had to cancel their week
of tournaments.”
Something Coach Camarillo
wants her athletes to take with them
throughout life is knowing that if they
put in the work, it could lead them
to success.
Her favorite quote applying to
the team is, “Talk the talk, walk the
Bulldog Bites
What is something your
generation does that
you actually hate?
Freshman Savannah Clothier
states, “The lack of work
Junior Alyssa Pang states, “I
hate that our generation
does not take serious mat-
ters seriously.”
Sophomore Kaleb Bom-
boy states, “The disre-
spect some of us give our
Senior Spotlight: Addison and Dewayne
Addison is a senior at Altus High
School. Addison has attended Altus
High School ever since she was a
At the high school, Addison is
involved in the link crew. She also
plays multiple sports such as softball,
girls basketball where she plays post,
and girls track where she throws
shotput and discus. She has also
received the Principal’s Honor Roll
while attending Altus High School.
Outside of school, Addison en-
joys cooking and hanging out with
her friends.
Addison lives in Altus Oklahoma
with her mom and dad. Addison's
dad is Jeff Stults, and he works as an
electrician at Kay Electric. Addison
January 31, 2022
Page 5
Senior Aiden Kille
states, “Narrow
search parameters.”
states, “He is my biggest support-
er.” Addison’s mom is Cindi Stults.
She works as a hair style list at
Shear Excellence. Addison states,
“She is my best friend.”
After high school, Addison
plans on getting her bachelor’s
degree and then becoming a para-
Some of Addison's favorite
things at the high school are the
teachers and Sadie Hawkins.
Addison is motivated by her
family and friends.
One of Addisons favorite
quotes is, “Good actions give
strength to ourselves and inspire
good actions in others.”
Dewayne Pollard is seventeen
years old and grew up in Altus. He
is a senior here and has attended
Altus High School since his fresh-
man year.
Clubs that Dewayne is involved
with include, Leo Club, student
council, That Altus Band, and link
crew. He has received Principal’s
Honor Roll.
He is also the Senior Class
President and was previously in-
volved in the ROTC program.
In his free time, he enjoys to
read, watch Netflix, and especially
play video games.
His parents names are De-
wayne Pollard and Tremaine Miller. He
is the youngest of seven sisters and
three brothers.
After high school, Dewayne plans
to attend the University of Oklahoma
to obtain a bachelor’s degree in com-
puter science.
His favorite thing about AHS is the
people and the environment.
What motivates Dewayne is life is
his family, the people who look up to
him, and his future hopes that he will
become very successful.
His favorite quote is, “It’s on you,
always has been, always will be.” -Jean
By Janise Rodriguez
Staff writer
By Savannah Shipman and Patrick Broughton
Senior Managing Editor and Senior Editor