Newsletter 2017-18
St.Thomas College, Kozhencherry
(Afliated to Mahatma Gandhi University, Kerala and Reaccredited by NAAC with A Grade)
Vol. 12 May 2018
Message from the Manager
The Golden Jubilee celebrations of the Postgraduate and Research Department of English and the Postgrad-
uate Department of Malayalam, commemorating the 50
year since the inception of the B. A. Degree Courses,
were jointly inaugurated on 21 February 2018 by His Grace the Most Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan,
the Manager of the college. The meeting, conducted in the Dr. Juhanon Mar Thoma Hall, was presided over by
the Principal, Prof. K. C. Zachariah. Prof. P. Daniel, former Head of the Department of English, and Prof. T.M.
Philip, former faculty of the Department of Malayalam, recalled happy reminiscences of the toddler stages of the
Departments and extended felicitations. Prof. Libus Jacob Abraham and Prof. Elizabeth John of the Departments of
Malayalam and English respectively, briey highlighted the projects envisaged by each Department for the Jubilee
year. The cultural performance presented by the students and their rendition of the Jubilee songs, the lyrics for
which were composed by Prof. Febu George Mathai, Department. of English and Shri. Alexander John, Department
of Malayalam, and music for both songs composed by Prof. Tom Thomas, Dept. of English, made the programme
vibrant. Dr. Asha Susan Jacob, Head of the Department of English welcomed the gathering and Dr. Saramma
Varghese, Head of the Department of Malayalam extended the vote of thanks.
As the march of history leaves its footprints on the sands of time, St. Thomas
College, Kozhencherry, standing high and proud, has fruitfully played the role of an active
maker of history. It has created not just intelligent minds, but also compassionate hearts
and serving hands. It has moulded generations of “whole” persons, transforming the life
world of the land around and that of nations beyond. It has always risen to the occasion
and answered faithfully the call of duty to spread the light of knowledge, and dispel the
gloom, despair and darkness of ignorance. I sincerely wish that this fraternity continues its
mission, aiming for the zeniths of excellence and equity.
Let us all dream together of a tomorrow, where “knowledge is free,” and the “head
is held high.” Where we stand today, decides what we build tomorrow. While the world
around offers us exciting challenges and onerous responsibilities, the transformative way
of the Cross urges us to break down all barriers, climb up all stiles, join hand in hand, and
build up new bridges, to forge new connections.
I assure you of my prayers and blessings.
Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan
Newsletter 2017-18
Principal’s Remarks
It is with immense pleasure and satisfaction that I greet you all through this page
of the Newsletter. 2017-18 was a year which helped us rediscover and reinvent ourselves.
There were moments of action, cooperation, introspection, jubilation, and satisfaction.
When the storms of doubts hit, we sailed through them together.
Our vision of education has to be revivied in the light of the changes of the fast
evolving world. Let us not succumb to the pressures of being mere automatons in the ed-
ucation process, engineering students merely for examinations, and cramming them with
syllabi. The ultimate aim of all education must be liberation. While democratic spaces and
dissenting voices are being shrunk all around, it becomes imperative that we wrest the fu-
ture for us.
I hope this Newsletter rekindles our hopes for a brighter tomorrow, by chronicling
our vibrant moments in 2017-18. Wish you all a happy reading.
Prof. K.C. Zachariah
Awake, Arise and Achieve
The activities of Women’s Cell for the year 2017-18 was based on the theme “Awake, Arise and Achieve.” Dr.
Prameela J., Member of Kerala Women’s Commission, inaugurated the activities of the Women’s Cell on 24 July,
2017. The Pathanamthitta District Women Cell Police Wing took self defence classes on 30 November 2017 which
were later led by Adhibha Krishna of DC2 English, on weekends. Literary competitions were conducted in the month
of December. A counseling class titled “Spice up your Education, Career and Life” by Mr. Sunil D. Kuruvilla, founder
of INSIGHT MISSION, was organized on 14 December 2017 for all the students of the rst year UG programme. On
5 March 2018, students and teachers of the unit visited Vayalathala Government Old Age Home. Woolen clothes, bed
sheets, books and food packets were distributed to the inmates. Driving classes were organized for the girl students.
The valedictory function was held on 21 March 2018. Prof. Jyothi Sara John and Prof. Ann Susa Thomas rendered
services as President and Secretary respectively.
Newsletter 2017-18
The activities of the Zoology Association for the aca-
demic year 2017-2018 commenced with the celebration of
World Environment Day on 5 June 2017. An essay compe-
tition both in English and Malayalam on “Environmental
Issues and Mitigation Strategies” was conducted for both
UG and PG students to mark the occasion. A workshop for
high school students was conducted on 5 April 2017 in as-
sociation with the Kerala Shastra Sahitya Parishad. Fauna
identication of St. Thomas College Campus was initiat-
ed by the Department under the supervision of Prof. Sam
Thomas. The Alumni Meet was held on 10 February 2018.
More than 130 alumni members attended the function The
Chief Guest was renowned oncologist Dr. Thomas Vargh-
ese, who gave a talk on “Cancer and Lifestyle Diseases.”
Scholarships and endowments instituted by the former fac-
ulty were distributed to the students. Prof. Ninu Thomas
served as the coordinator for the Alumni Meet. A Regional
level seminar on “Biological Diversity- A Taxonomical and
In order to inculcate an interest in school students to-
wards learning science, the Kerala Sastra Sahitya Parish-
ad (KSSP) conducted a District Bala Shastra Congress in
collaboration with Department of Botany on 5 April 2017
on the topic “Microbial World.” Environment Day was
celebrated on 6 June 2017. Dr. Thomas P. Thomas gave
a brief message and the medicinal plant- Anonamuricata
was planted in the botanical garden. A motivation class by
Prof. P. G. Philip, Associate Professor (Rtd.), Mar Thoma
College, Thiruvalla was held on 28 June 2017. The alumni
meeting of the 1997 M. Sc. Batch was conducted on 8 July
2017. A motivational class by Dr. Thomas John, Rtd. As-
sociate Professor of Botany was held on 28 August 2017.
To create environmental awareness among the students
through organic farming and sale of self-grown agricultur-
al produce, Vegetos 2017 was conducted on 1 November,
2017. A Quiz competition by the Botanical Society of Ker-
ala was organized for UG students on 10 January 2018. A
talk on “Motivation and Goal Setting” was given by Mr.
James Thomas, JCI, Maramon on 12 January 2018. The
Prof. K. V. George Memorial Lecture Series-IX- “Story
of Rubber” by Dr. James Jacob, Director, Rubber Board,
Trivandrum was organized on 16 January 2018.
The inauguration of Botany Association was conduct-
ed on 28 August 2017. Onam Celebration was conducted
on 29 August 2017. Traditional competitions of “Malayali
Manga and Kerala Sreeman” were organized. An elocution
programme on “Ozone as a Protector and Destroyer” on
the occasion of Ozone Day was organized on 20 September
2017. An elocution programme on “Biodiversity-Its Im-
portance and Concerns,” on the occasion of World Science
Day was organized on 10 November 2017. Students active-
ly participated in the Christmas celebration and Christ-
mas tree and Carol Competition which was organized on
21 December 2017. Class wise Cultural competitions were
organized periodically. The Botany Association brought na-
ture to the labs by collecting more than 100 plant specimens
and displaying them in a scientic manner and conducted a
competition of “Know the Plant” which developed a curios-
ity among the UG and PG Botany students. The Association
organized a seminar on 8 January 2018 on “Perspectives
of Algal Study” by Dr. Binoy T. Thomas, Asst. Professor,
Catholicate College, Pathanamthitta.
Exploratory Approach,” was conducted on 12 March 2018.
Students and researchers from neighboring colleges par-
ticipated in the seminar. Technical sessions were handled
by Dr. C. P. Shaji and Dr. Gigi K. Joseph. Deliberations
were held on “Fish Identication Tools and Techniques,”
and on “Invertebrate Diversity of Shola Forest.” The twenty
fourth edition of the manuscript magazine Challenger was
released during the report year.
The Department of Chemistry celebrated Vayana Dinam
on 6 June 2017. Competitions were conducted to improve
the habit of reading among the students. Alumni meet of
the B.Sc 1985-88 Batch was conducted on 21 July 2017 at
the Juhanon Marthoma Hall. Prof Babykutty was the chief
guest. The alumni presented a cash award of Rs 10000 to
the 2015-18 batch class topper Ms. Salini Mohan. Formal
inauguration of the Chemistry Association was held on 30
September 2017. Dr. Ajesh K. Zachariah, Assistant Profes-
sor, Chemistry, Mar Thoma College Thiruvalla delivered a
talk on the “History on Crystallography.”
Newsletter 2017-18
A two day residential camp for UG and PG students was organized at Perungalam,
Marthoma Dhyanatheeram on 21- 22 June 2017. Two open sessions on “Do We Need
to be Good?” and “Customize your Personality” were led by Mr. Bansan Thomas
George (CEO & Founder of Synergen Consultants) and Mr. Bansic Miranda (Consult-
ant Psychologists) respectively. The Association inauguration was held on 26 Septem-
ber 2017 and the keynote address was delivered by Dr. B. A. Prakash, Chairman, 5
State Finance Commission on the topic “Kerala’s Fiscal Crisis: A Fallacy or Reality?”
Principal, Prof. K.C. Zachari-
ah, gave felicitations on the oc-
casion. Mr. Rahul Vinod DC3
Student was awarded the “Stu-
dent of the Year” for his perfor-
mance in studies, extracurricu-
lar activities and participation
in various competitions and
cultural events. The Depart-
ment conducted an Intra-de-
partmental Freedom Quiz on 22
August 2017 as part of the In-
dependence Day. Prof. Chinnu
Mariam Chacko was the Quiz
master. Mr. Keynes T. Classen
and Kiran (DC1 Students), Su-
mitra Ammu and Anjitha (DC2)
and Sam Sibin and Nandhu C.V
(DC2) got the 1
, 2
and 3
prizes respectively.
The annual get together of the Alumni Association of
Economics “ECOSTALGIA” was conducted on 10 No-
vember 2017. The occasion provided great moments to
relive the good old memories. Prof. Jollyamma George
welcomed the gathering. Most Rev Dr. C. V. Mathew,
Presiding Bishop, St. Thomas Evangelical Church and
alumnus of the Economics Department, was the chief
guest for the day. Mr. Philip Mammen presided over
the function. Smt. Titty Annie, Deputy Collector and
Adv. K. Chandrika offered felicitations. The occasion
was graced with the reminiscences of Prof. P. G. Vargh-
ese, former Head of the Department of Economics and
Dr. P. J. Philip, former Head of the Department and
Principal, St Thomas College, Kozhencherry. Mr. John
Titus, CEO Aero Controls Inc. U.S.A. was awarded the
“Distinguished Alumnus Award” for the year 2017, for
his outstanding professional excellence and meritori-
ous contributions to the society. Mr. Cyril C. Mathew,
Alumni Secretary, proposed the vote of thanks
The Postgraduate and Research Department of Com-
merce celebrated Onam on 30 August 2017.Competition in
various events were conducted and the association bagged
the 2
prize in the general “Athapookalam” competition
conducted in the college. The formal inauguration of the
activities of the association was jointly conducted by Shri.
Rajan Kaipallil and Shri. Sam Abraham, State Co-Ordina-
tor of Parivar Sangadana. Members of this organization
staged cultural programmes and gifts were presented them.
The association won 2
prize in college Carol competition.
Students of the association participated and won prizes in
intercollegiate fests conducted in other colleges.
In ISL auction bagged the 2
prize at Girideepam
college (Libin George Cherian, Bijosh P Thomas, and
Abel Shaji Kuriakose: DC2 B.Com).
Got 5
position in Best Management Team at SB
College (Prem Prasannan, Ajesh Mathew, Bino Benny
Sam, and Chris Philip: DC2 B.Com).
Bagged 1
prize in Marketing Team at Kristu
Jyothi College. (Reenu Varghese, Achsah Annie Shaji,
Blessy M. Zacharia, Amal Abraham Mathew, Nivin
Chacko Varghese, and Alwin K. Abraham: DC2
Following students also bagged the prize in Inter
College Fest: Veena B. Nair (DC2 B.Com) at CMS
college Kottayam, Swathy Santhosh (DC3 B.Com)
at Mount Zion College, Jibin G. Johnson (DC3
B.Com) at Mount Zion College, Jifn Tom (DC3
B.Com) at Christian College, Chengannur.
Malayalam Samajam celebrated Onam with various
programmes. Dr. Saramma Varghese, HoD, delivered the
keynote address and shared the myths of Onam. Traditional
sadya was served. The inauguration of the Samajam was
conducted on 4 December 2017 by Dr. Aju K. Narayanan,
Assistant Professor, School of Letters, MGU Kottayam.
He talked about “Malayala Bhashayude Deshakalangal.”
Kerala Piravi was observed in an elegant manner. Christ-
mas was celebrated with pomp and pleasure and the associ-
ation got third prize in the Christmas tree competition con-
ducted by the college. A one day seminar was conducted on
the topic “Malayalam Kadannu Vanna Vazhikal.” A special
programme was arranged to bid adieu to the nal year stu-
Newsletter 2017-18
The reading week was
conducted in June and July 2017.
An invited talk on the “Origin and
Development of Hindi” by Prof.
K. M. Varughese, former HoD
was held in August 2017. A quiz
on Indian independence was con-
ducted in August 2017. A two day
camp titled “Know Yourself” was
organized at the Maramon Retreat
Centre in December 2017. The
sessions were handled by Dr. Nelson P. Abraham, Mr. N. Gopakumar and Mrs. Kaberi Roy. The Department also came
forward with an exhibition cum sale for charity in December 2017. An amount of Rs. 10000/- was handed over to the Gov-
ernment Hospital Kozhencherry for the treatment of dialysis patients.The students of the Open course Hindi Film Studies
made two short lms (Roshan and Jal) as part of their course in September 2017. As part of the extension activity of the
Department, training in Communicative Hindi was given to the students of Govt. U. P. School, Kozhencherry East from
October to December 2017.
The Physics Association for the academic year 2017-’18
was inaugurated by Rtd. Prof. Jesso Annie Mathews, for-
mer HoD of Department of Physics, St. Thomas College,
Kozhencherry. Dr. Prathibha Vasudevan was the teacher
in charge of the Association. A Student Lecture Series was
started on 7 November 2017 and the rst lecture was tak-
en by Athul Prem of DC3 Physics, titled “Remembering
C.V. Raman on his birthday” followed by Dileep Mathew,
PG2 Physics on “Gravitational Waves.” The Research and
Postgraduate Department of Physics, St. Thomas College,
Kozhenchery organized an Invited Lecture Series com-
memorating Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam on 13 March, 2018.
Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Memorial Invited Lecture Series
(AKMLS) is the rst of its kind initiated by this Depart-
ment to disseminate knowledge in science for upcoming
aspirants. A session on “Nuclear Energy: The Need Per-
ceptions and Reality” was led by Shri. A. V. Satish,
Scientic Ofcer, Health Physics Unit, Kudanku-
lam Nuclear Power Plant, in which he stressed the
signicance of nuclear energy as a future source of
requirements for our country. He urged the students
to take a lead role in eliminating the misconceptions
related to nuclear power plants in India. Dr. V. P.
Mahadevan Pillai, Dean and Faculty of Applied
Sciences and Technology University of Kerala and
Professor, Department of Optoelectronics spoke on
Additional Skill Acquisition Programme (ASAP) an initiative by Higher Education and General Education De-
partment, Government of Kerala, aims to bring the students in line with the current labour market, by furnishing them
with additional skills along with their regular academics, based on the needs of the current employment market. ASAP
oers short and intensive summer courses which combine learning with fun. In 2017-18 there were three Summer
School Programmes:- “Accounts Executive: Receivables and Payables” under the DOAP Scheme, and “Assistant Beau-
tician erapist” and “Inventory Clerk” under DOT Scheme. St. omas College, Kozhencherry was the only college
in Kerala that conducted more than one skill programme under the ASAP Summer School Scheme. Dr. Jaya Jacob M.
coordinated the programmes.
“Nanophotonics” in the next scientic session in which he
reported that Nanophotonics has a signicant role to play
in the day-to-day activities of human life. Principal, Prof.
K. C. Zachariah inaugurated the Lecture Series. Dr. Ninan
Sajeeth Philip, HoD, Physics commemorated Dr. A .P. J.
Abdul Kalam and his contributions towards science, tech-
nology and society. Dr. Praveen S. S., Dr. Prathibha Vasude-
van, Dr. Jisha John and Ms. Jinsu Ann Mathew spoke on
the occasion. The organising committee informed that the
department would be conducting this lecture series at reg-
ular intervals for imparting new trends in science and tech-
nology to the upcoming aspirants. The valedictory function
was held on 26 March 2018. Cash prizes sponsored by the
Physics association were given to the best students of UG
and PG classes. Annual report of Physics association activ-
ities 2017-2018 was presented on the occasion by student
representative Shahana P. Ummer.
Newsletter 2017-18
The Association commenced its activities for the aca-
demic year by observing reading week which was started
off with an invited talk by Prof. Libus Jacob Abraham,
Assistant Professor of the Dept. of Malayalam on 19 June
2017. He delivered an informative talk on the importance
of reading by highlighting the evolution of language and
literature. An Orientation class for all the students of the
Department was held on 22 June 2017. Sri. Bansan Thomas
George, motivational
trainer and counsellor,
handled the session.
Through his talk he en-
couraged the students
to always aim for the
best, reminding them
that “focus” was the
starting point of actual
success. The Depart-
ment took part in the
Onam celebrations of
the College held on
30 August 2017. The
students wholeheartedly participated in the athapookalam
competition conducted under the auspices of the College
Union. This was followed by cultural programmes and
games. The formal inauguration of the Association was held
on 26 September 2017. Sri. Abraham Mathew, noted writer
and media person and was the chief guest on the occasion.
The Department also participated in the tree decorating
and carol singing competitions held in connection with the
Christmas celebrations on 22 December 2017. The students
of the Department secured third place in the carol singing
competition. One of the main highlights of the year was
the Golden Jubilee Edition of CHASE, the intercollegiate
competitions of the Department held on 28 February 2018.
The Principal, Prof. K. C. Zachariah inaugurated the one
day event, congratulating the Department for its efforts
in working towards the enrichment of the students.A to-
tal of four events were conducted this year: English Short
Story Writing, English Poetry Writing, Western Group
Song and Quiz competition, which was open to both col-
lege students and school students from standard nine on-
wards. The Department conducted a two-day lm festival,
Spectra 2K18 on 1st and 2nd March 2018. A total of 10
lms were screened at three different venues in the Col-
lege. The movies were from a variety of languages and
themes offering a glimpse into the arena of world lms.
The movies included the likes of English Vinglish, The
Pianist, Vanaprastham, Colour of Paradise etc. The vale-
dictory function of the Association was held on 27 March
2018. The HoD, Dr. Asha Susan Jacob presided over the
function and the Principal, Prof. K. C. Zachariah also
spoke on the occasion.
Prof. Annie George of-
ciated as coordinator.
CMS UP School,
Punnakkadu has been
adopted as part of the
Extension Activities
of the English Depart-
ment of St. Thomas
College Kozhencherry.
Several teachers from
the department en-
gaged classes for the
students on various
topics of practical relevance. Prof. Elizabeth John, Prof.
Vineetha S and Prof. Siby John engaged sessions for the
students on topics such as “New Words,” “Prepositions”
and “Tenses,” among other things. The activities that ex-
tended over an academic year proved to be rewarding for
both the teachers as well as the students. Prof. Vineetha S.
was the coordinator.
The Postgraduate and Research Department of English
conducted two invited talks on “Postmodernism” and “Fou-
cault” on 3 April 2017 and 27 April 2017 respectively. Prof.
Indulal S. Associate Professor, S.D. College, Alappuzha
was the Resource Person. “Meet the Poet” programme with
the Tibetan poet Tenzin Tsundue, entitled “Poetic Musings
on Crossing the Border,” was conducted on 20 February,
2018. Tenzin Tsundue in his vibrant interaction with the
students, narrated his life-journey---its hardships, exile,
refugee status, and frugal means of living---while continu-
ing to be a powerful articulator of freedom and liberty. He
recited his own poems and distributed his anthologies. The
meeting provided a refreshing opportunity for students to
meet a poet included in the syllabus.
The College Placement Cell is a part of the MG University Placement and Training Cell. The Placement Cell
provides information about competitive exams and job opportunities to students. Prof. Suresh Mathew George is
appointed as the nodal ofcer to coordinate the activities of the MG University Placement and Training Cell in the
college. College Career Development Cell in association with United Nations Academic Impact (UNAI) and MAC-
FAST College, Thiruvalla organized a one day workshop for nal year students on “Employability Enhancement
Training.” The training mainly focused on bio-data preparation, interview tips and group discussions. Prof. Sanesh
P. V., Deputy Director of MACFAST, Dr. Vijaya Mohan, Prof. Rejy K.Thariyan and Prof. Suresh Mathew George
handled the different sessions.
Newsletter 2017-18
masses. Unfortunately, the Indian masses continuously
suffer from the undemocratic dictations of the cultural,
economic and political elites. Culture plays a vital role
in the maintenance of undemocratic practices through
the recalibration of caste and patriarchy. The class struc-
ture also reinforces cultural discrimination and thereby
cripples political opportunities and representations of the
downtrodden communities. Following the presentation
of Dr. Ramakrishnan, there were four major respons-
es from different perspectives. Prof. Chris Bastin Tom,
(Sree Narayana College, Mezhuvely) reected that a
moral and ethical culture is inevitable for the expression
of democratic practices in everyday life. He pointed out
that though once China was the cradle of democracy, it
gradually slipped into the rule of monarchy. Mr. P. K.
Vijayan presented a critical note from an activist point of
view. Prof. Biji Abraham, Christian College, Chengannur
and Kum. Minta Mariam Varghese presented economic
and feminist perspectives on democracy respectively.
The session concluded at 2.00 p.m. after a meaningful
discussion and vote of thanks
The association conducted an orientation programme
for DC2, DC3 and PG2 students on 14 June 2017 at Dr. Ju-
hanon Mar Thoma Hall. The class was led by Prof. Manesh
Jacob (Department of Mathematics, Mar Thoma College,
Thiruvalla). In memory of the famous mathematician
Mariam Mirzakhani, the department conducted a memori-
al event on 18 June 2017. Prof. Ligin P. Mathew delivered
a presentation about the life journey of Mirzakhani. Onam
was celebrated in October 2017. Various competitions
were conducted and the grand Onam feast that fol-
lowed brought the celebration to a completion. A one-
day seminar titled “An Excursion to the World of Ge-
ometry” was conducted on 29 November 2018 at Dr.
Juhanon Mar Thoma Hall .Classes were led by Prof.
Shine C. Mathew (Department of Mathematics, S. B.
College Changanacherry). Christmas carol programme
was conducted on 22 December 2017. Students and
teachers actively participated in both the Christmas
choir and Christmas tree decorating competitions. The
Department choir won rst prize in choir competition.
An intensive training programme was arranged by the
Department for enabling students to crack PG entrance
examinations of various universities across the coun-
try. Classes were led by Prof. Thomas Mathew and
Prof. Ligin P. Mathew. Prof. Priya Mathews was teach-
er-in-charge of the association.
On 16 March 2018, the Department of His-
tory and Political Science, St. Thomas College
Kozhencherry organized a one-day national
seminar on the topic, “Experiencing Democ-
racy” with the nancial support of the Insti-
tute of Parliamentary Affairs, Government of
Kerala, Thiruvananthapuram. Fr. George D.
Vellapally, Veteran Gandhian social activist
and founder of Navabhrathavedi inaugurated
the seminar. Fr. Vellapally shared his personal
experiences and political involvement in the
making of India during the era of Nehruvian socialist
reforms. He made critical observations on the emerging
trends of religious fundamentalism and capitalist on-
slaught, which plunder and loot the commons thus threat-
ening the real spirit of democracy. The inaugural session
opened with the prayer of students from Daivadeshakam
of Sree Narayana Guru. Dr. George K. Alex (HoD, De-
partment of History and Political Science) welcomed the
participants and Prof. K. C. Zachariah, Principal, chaired
the inaugural session. Dr. Asha Susan Jacob (IQAC-Co-
ordinator) and Prof. Jollyamma George (HoD, Dept. of
Economics) offered felicitations. Prof. Martiz Kurian
(Assistant Professor, Dept. of History) proposed the vote
of thanks. The inaugural session concluded at 11.00 AM.
The second session opened with a welcome speech by
Ratnakumar N. B. who introduced the chief guest Dr.
A. K. Ramakrishnan, the eminent academic personality
from Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi. Dr. Ram-
akrishan addressed the major limitations of Indian De-
mocracy. He said that, democracy must come right from
the roots, and it should be the everyday experience of the
Newsletter 2017-18
Chairman : Jeril Mammen Daniel
Vice-Chairman : Amrutha K. Anil
General Secretary : Michael Mathai
Arts Club Secretary : Anvin Vinod Mathews
Magazine Editor : Bitsu Varghese Babu
Councillors : Bibin M. Thomas
Lady Rep. : Rani Elizabeth John
Jeena M. John
Dc1 Rep. : Jithu Raj
Dc2 Rep. : Riya Roy George
Dc3 Rep. : Stefn M. Abraham
Pg2 Rep. : Vinu Abraham
1. On 22 September 2017, the College Union inauguration was held. Adv. K. U. Jenish Kumar (Member, Kerala State
Youth Commission) was the chief guest.
2. On 2 November 2017 Arts Club Inauguration “MERAKI 2K17” was organised. The Inauguration was done
by Arun Kurien (Cine Artiste), followed by live performance by PRAYAAN (Music Band based in Kochi,
Ajay Sathyan and Co.) and cultural performances of students.
3. On 20 November 2017, the Department of Social Justice organised a talk, inaugurated by Smt. Veena George
4. On 28 November 2017, the ofcial launch of the All Kerala Intercollegiate Fest of St. Thomas College,
Major Events Held
Kozhencherry was done by Neeraj Madhav (Cine
Artiste) in an open stage in the campus.
5. On 11 December 2017, College Sports Day was
6. On 16 December 2017, our college skit team
performed in Mahatma Gandhi University Union
“NADAKOLSAVAM” staged at Thodupuzha.
7. On 19 December 2017, literary and art competitions
were held as part of the annual Arts Day.
8. On 20 December 2017, a seminar in association with
Mahatma Gandhi University Union was hosted in
the college. Adv. Zakhir Hussain delivered the
keynote address.
9. On 21 December 2017, stage events of Arts Day were conducted.
10. On 22 December 2017 a Christmas programme “SANTO FESTAS 2K17” was organised in the college. Carol and
Christmas tree competitions were held. Rev. Mathews Vazhakunnam, Assistant Professor, Department
of Malayalam, St. Thomas College, Ranni delivered the Christmas Message.
11. On 14 February 2018, All Kerala Intercollegiate Fest “ESPERENZA 2K18” was organised. Dr. Muse Mary
George, Writer and Associate Professor, UC College, Aluva inaugurated the fest.
12. On 5 March 2018, College Day “CRESCENTO 2K18” was organised. Suhaid Kukku (famous participant
of D4 Dance, Mazhavil Manorama) inaugurated the event, which was followed by a live dance performance by
his K-Squad.
13. From 9–13 March 2018, Mahatma Gandhi University Union Kalolsavam “ASHAANTHAM 2018” was
held at Maharajas College, Ernakulam. A number of our students participated in the event.
Newsletter 2017-18
The National Cadet Corps (NCC) is an Indian military cadet corps
engaged in grooming the youth of the country into disciplined and patriot-
ic citizens. The Cadets are given basic military training in small arms and
parades. National Cadet Corps is a Tri-Services Organization, comprising
the Army, Navy and Air Force. An Army unit of this organization functions
in our college with a strength of 108 cadets of senior division Boys and
Girls. Enrolment of new cadets. The selection process to enrol new cadets
to the unit was held on 12 July 2017. Col. N.P.S Toor, Commanding Of-
cer, 14 K Bn. NCC, Pathanamthitta served as the recruiting board Chair-
man. 107 students participated in the selection process and 45 cadets got
nal selection. (1) U/O Arya Raj (DCIII Economics) represented Kerala and
Lakshadweep NCC directorate in the All India G.V Mavalankar shooting
camp held at West Bengal. (2) Sgt. Arun Shaji (DCII Physics) represented
Kerala and Lakshadweep NCC directorate in the All India Thal Sanik Camp
New Delhi. (3) U/O Githin Gopi, CSM. Madhavadas P. M. and Sgt. Akhil V.
Anil represented Kerala and Lakshadweep NCC directorate in the Repub-
lic Day Camp. (4) SU/O Dheeraj S. Pillai represented Kerala and Lakshad-
weep NCC directorate in the IMA training held at IMA Dheradoon. (5) Four
cadets participated both in National Integration Camp and Army attachment
Camp. (6) The Unit hosted the Combined Annual Training Camp held from
20/4/2017 to 30/4/2017. (7) As part of the NCC day celebrations a mass run
(from Panchayat stadium to college) was conducted on 1 December 2017.
(8) 16 cadets qualied the C Certicate examination and 34 cadets qualied
the B certicate examination. Lt. Shaju K. John Associate NCC ofcer of the
unit participated in the Ref/ SD/DC32 refresher course for direct commis-
sioned ofcers held at Ofcers Training Acdemy, Kamptee, Nagpur from 3
July 2017 to 30 September 2017 and secured A grade.
substantial amount to a student of our college who was in critical condition after
a serious road accident. Shiju Sam and Samji Roy participated in the Mission
tour programme to Pollachi and Kuruvakalam Mission elds from 17-22 April
2017. Twenty seven students participated in the Students conference held at Mar
Thoma College for Management and Technology Perumbavoor from 24-27 May
2017. Mar Chrysostom birth Centenary students’ library is functioning under the
auspices of MTSA unit. Regular morning worship is held in the chapel under
the initiative of teachers and students. Prayer meetings and singing sessions are
held on Wednesdays at 12.45 p.m. We hope these meetings help to encourage
and strengthen the sense of moral values in students in the midst of confusion
and chaos. The Valedictory function was held on 6 March 2018 and Rev. Simon
Kurien, Vicar Bethel Mar Thoma Church Padi, Chennai was the chief guest. Dr.
Annie J. Mathew who served as the President of MTSA for the past eight years
handed over the charge of MTSA to Prof. Jyothi Sara John during this meeting.
Shiju Sam of III B.A. Economics served as the student secretary.
The formal inauguration of the activ-
ities of the of Mar Thoma Students’
Association 2017-18 was held on 4
August 2017 at 12.45pm in the col-
lege chapel by Rev.Varghese Philip,
Vicar St. Thomas Mar Thoma Church
Kozhencherry. A preparatory prayer
meeting was held at Kallissery Kadav-
il Malika on 21-22 July 2017 to mark
the beginning of the years activities .
During the semester break in Novem-
ber, ve of our students took part in
the Minutes for Ministry a voluntary
work in our nearby institutions Prath-
ysa Bhavan, Ranni and Carmel Agath-
iMandiram, Ayroor. Christmas carol
was held on 15 December 2017 and
Rev. Jiju Joseph delivered the key note
address. The MTSA choir sang carols.
Our students won the P.G. Philip En-
dowement ever rolling trophy for the
intercollegiate competitions held at
Mar Thoma College, Thiruvalla under
the auspices of MTSA on 14 August
2017. As a part of THANAL, a chari-
ty programme, our students donated a
The Brains Trust of St.
Thomas College has been playing a
decisive role in moulding the social
and intellectual aspects of students.
It conducts programme like public
speaking, debate, quiz etc. An inter-
departmental quiz competition was
conducted on 9 November 2017.
Dr. Mohan Varghese, HoD Poli-
tics, Mar Thoma College, Thiru-
valla was the quiz master on the
occasion. The team of Sandeep S.
and Sobin Mathew of DC2 Math-
ematics and the team of Ajin R.
and Joel Mathew Thomas of DC3
Mathematics secured the rst and
the second places respectively. The
unit also organised a motivational
class on 9 November 2018 which
was handled by Dr. Mohan Varghe-
se. Prof. Shinu Koshy co-ordinated
the activities.
Newsletter 2017-18
The St.Thomas College Kozhencherry NSS unit (Unit no 42) conducted a
number of programmes during this academic year. Prof. Susanna Philip, Prof. Arun
John and Dr. Sneha George Pachayil served as Programme Ofcers. Athira Raj of
DC2 Maths and Aravind Raj of DC2 Physics were elected as the volunteer secretar-
ies. NSS volunteers participated in different programmes conducted by the college
like Independence day, Republic day, Opening day for DC1, Arts day, Sports day etc.
We also celebrated NSS Day on 24 September.
SNEHAVEEDU-KEY HANDING OVER: During the summer vacation the NSS
volunteers themselves participated in helping to nish off the work on the house. The
key handing over ceremony was held on 23 May 2017. The Manager of the college,
Most Rt. Rev. Dr. Joseph Mar Thoma Metropolitan handed over the key to Mrs.
Reena Varghese, Chakanattu. Panchayat President Mrs. Mini Syam Mohan, Block
Panchayat Member Mr. Bijily P Easow, Ward member Mr. Christopher Das, College
Principal Prof. K. C. Zachariah, Programme Ofcers Prof. Susanna Philip and Prof.
Arun John were present at this function.
programme was conducted in our adopted village, Kuragumala about ‘Monsoon Dis-
eases and its Precautions’. It was inaugurated by Ward member Mr Christopher Das.
Our volunteers visited 150 families and also carried out a social survey to get an idea
about the current social health and sanitary situation of the adopted village and the
records have been handed over to the Asha Workers and PHC ofcials for follow up
ENVIRONMENT DAY CELEBRATION: On 5 June 2017, Environment Day was
observed by planting 50 saplings in our college campus. The function was inaugurat-
ed by Panchayat President Mrs. Mini Syam Mohan by planting a Sapporta sapling in
front of the college auditorium. Block Panchayat Member Mr Bijily P. Easow, Col-
lege Principal Prof. K. C. Zachariah and NSS volunteers took part in the celebrations.
The unit also distributed 200 fruit bearing plants to our volunteers.
2017, St. Thomas College, NSS
Unit conducted a rain water har-
vesting programme – “Mazhak-
koythu”. In Mazhakkoythu we took
20 rain pits in different areas of the
college campus and directed the
owing water to it.
TION: The unit distributed study
materials including notebooks,
copy books, pencils, pens, colour
boxes to Kozhencherry AMMLP
school student. Most of these
students were from our adopted
village Kurangumala. The ward
member, school H. M. and teach-
ers participated in this programme.
OBSERVATION: We observed
International Yoga Day on 21
June 2017 in the college auditori-
um. College Principal Prof. K. C.
Zachariah inaugurated the func-
tion. Dr. R. S. Sindhu took classes
and led the training session. About
100 NSS volunteers and NCC ca-
dets were a part of this programme.
TION: As a part of the Anti Drug
Day observation NSS conducted a
poster making competition on 24
June 2017. The topic was “Youth
and Drug Addiction.” 13 teams
On 6 July 2017, the NSS unit con-
ducted a blood donation camp in
co-operation with the Rotary Club
Newsletter 2017-18
and District Blood Bank, Pathanamthitta. The programme
was inaugurated by college Principal Prof. K.C. Zachari-
ah. Rotary Club President Mr. Jick George, Secretary Bijo
Mathew and NSS progamme ofcers were present in this
meeting. 62 students including NSS volunteers donated
blood in this camp.
International Population Day, NSS conducted an essay writ-
ing competition. The topic of this competition was “Popula-
tion growth and problems in developing countries.”
PIN NADATHAM (Back walk): The NSS conducted an
awareness campaign against drug addiction on 28 July
2017. In this campaign we arranged a rally, Pin Nadatham -
a back walk from drugs. About 100 students participated in
this back walk. Student’s carried various posters and plac-
ards in Pin Nadatham.
In memory of Hiroshima and Nagasaki days, NSS vol-
unteers gathered on 12 August 2017 in the college. They
lighted candles and prayed for world peace. They also made
“Sadako cranes” and hung them on the trees in front of the
college ofce.
was administered at college by NSS volunteers. Posters
were put on the notice board for raising awareness among
other students. Campus cleaning programmes were con-
ducted on 8 July 2017, 18 November 2017, and 7 January
2018. As part of the awareness programme, the NSS volun-
teers cleaned Kozhencherry market on 15 July 2017 as well
as the bus stand on 2 October 2017. On 29 August 2017 and
2 December 2017 NSS volunteers repaired the potholes on
the roads
observed Kerala day on 1 November 2017. The female vol-
unteers of our NSS unit arranged a Mega Thiruvathira. 60
girls in Kerala saree participated in this thiruvathira. Boys
presented Nadanpattu and Vanchippattu.
College day, Sports day, Inter collegiate fest and Kerala day
NSS unit set up food stalls. Different food items especially
Kerala delicacies were served in these stalls. The prot from
those stalls was used for different charity projects.
safety week observation, NSS unit conducted a safety cam-
paign. Different petrol pumps in Kozhencherry were se-
lected for this road safety awareness programme. The NSS
volunteers met persons from different walks of life, includ-
ing auto rickshaw, taxi, tipper lorry drivers and two wheeler
riders and distributed leaets to the drivers.
teers – Anjitha, DC2 Economics- was selected for National
Integrity camp. It was a proud moment for our college as
she was one among ve girls from MG University who was
selected for this camp.
objective of the camps JAIVAM – 2018 was to make Kot-
tayam district 100% organic literate. Orientation camp for
DC 1students was conducted on 16–18 August 2017 in our
campus in which 100 DC 1 students participated. Seven
day camp was conducted in Chirakkadavu HSS near Pon-
kummam on 31 August to 6 September 2017. The main aim
of the seven day camp was to provide literacy in organic
farming to the inhabitants of Chirakkadavu panchayath.
House visits were conducted surveys were taken and bro-
chures and seeds were distributed among the people in the
area as a part of this literacy campaign. Onam was celebrat-
ed there with different games and Onasadya.
Alumni Sponsored Development Initiatives:
8 November 2017 saw one of the biggest gather-
ing of the Economics alumni in the campus when stu-
dents from the batches of 1956 to 2017 came together
for the grand function of Distinguished Alumnus Award.
During the meeting various proposals were discussed
and the alumni association showed its willingness to
step in to create a better infrastructure for learning. As
a result, the Economics Alumni Association took the
initiative to install a 3 KVA DSP Sine Wave Solar hy-
brid power systems to meet all the power requirements
of the department including all UG and PG classrooms
and seminar hall. Approximate cost of installation was
Rs.3,25,000 The entire cost of installation was spon-
sored by Mr. John Titus, CEO of Aero Controls Inc.
USA, the recipient of Distinguished Alumnus Award
2017, and by Mr. Vinod Mathew, father of UG student
Anvin Vinod Mathew. The Department of Economics
and Alumni association worked together to make this
project a reality and it was presented to the college as
a farewell gift to Prof. Jollyamma George, Head of the
Department and Prof. Merry Zachariah. The project
was completed on 28 March 2018.
Newsletter 2017-18
The anti-drug cell of the college has been constituted to ensure a
drug free campus by imposing a total ban on consumption of drugs
and alcohol by students within or outside the campus. The duties of
the college anti-drug cell include organizing awareness programmes
in the college with the help of government and authorised agencies
as well as educating the students about the ill effects of drugs and
alcohol. Principal, Prof. K. C. Zachariah serves as the chairman and
all HoDs, NSS and NCC Ofcers are the members of this committee
and NSS programme ofcer, Prof. Arun John serves as the co-ordi-
nator. The Kerala Excise Department launched a programme called
“Vimukthi 2017” to give awareness to the youth and society about the
ill effects of drugs. A seminar on problems related to drug abuse and
its legal and health consequences was conducted in collaboration with
the District Legal Society and State Excise Department. Sri R. Jayakr-
ishnan, Honarable Sub Judge, Secretary of District Legal Authority
took a class on the legal problems of drug use and drug delivery in
educational institutions and the society. Sri. P. B. Gopalakrishnan,
Pathanamthitta Excise Circle Inspector, took classes on the social and
health problems of drug abuse. Anti Drug Cell conducted a poster
designing competition in cooperation with the NSS on 24 June 2017.
The topic was “Youth and Drug Addiction.” Anti Drug Cell and NSS
conducted an awareness campaign against drug addiction on July 28
2017. In this campaign a rally, ‘PIN NADATHAM’ - a back walk from
drugs was arranged. The event was attended by about 100 students
carrying posters and placards. The Mar Thoma Yuvajana Sakhyam
conducted a Street Play (drama) in collaboration with Anti Drug Cell.
Principal Prof. K. C. Zachariah inaugurated the
programme and Kendra Yuvajana Sakhyam ge-
naral secretary Rev. Baby John delivered the
main talk. An awareness class was conducted on 9
November 2017 in collaboration with the Kerala
Excise Department and Kozhencherry Grama
Panchayath. K. A. Vidyasagar DYSP, Pathan-
amthitta inaugurated and delivered the keynote
address. Principal Prof. K. C. Zachariah deliv-
ered the presidential address. The Excise Inspec-
tor, and Panchayath member Mr. Christopher Das
participated in this programme.
e counselling programme initiated by the IQAC of St. omas College began its endeavour by appointing
a qualied counselor for the entire college, Smt. Renu P. Cherian. Her services which began on 20 January 2017, is
available in the college once a week. More than 70 students who were in need of psychological and moral help were
counselled. Her services and timely intervention has helped a number of students and they have showed signicant
improvement. Prof. Ligi George served as the Convenor.
Principal, Prof. K. C. Zachariah, inaugurated the
activities of Best Arts on 12 December 2017. During
the occasion, different cultural programmes like fu-
sion dance, musical symphony, mimicry, nadanpattu
etc. were performed by the students. A number of stu-
dents participated in various intercollegiate fests and
secured different positions. Dr. R. S. Sindhu co-ordi-
nated the activities.
The Common Computer Facility is a separate com-
puter division of our college. It was started in the year
2007 .The objective of this division is to impart com-
puter literacy to the rst year students. CCF is conduct-
ing a short term program called “Basics in Computer”
and awards certicates to the successful students. It
offers internet facility to both students and teachers at
a concessional rate. This facility is used by the teach-
ers and students to do research and project works. This
facility is also helpful to the college by providing print
out of question papers for conducting the internal ex-
amination. At the time of the admission of both UG and
PG, CCF functions as a help desk for online registra-
tion. It also provides online registration for PSC, SSC
and Bank recruitment. It assists the ofce and teach-
ing departments by providing repair and maintenance
of computers, network facilities etc. The working time
of CCF is from 8.30 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. Prof. Rejy K.
Thariyan is in charge.
Prof. K. C. Zachariah
Prof. Tom Thomas
Prof. Libus Jacob Abraham
Prof. Annie George
Prof. Vineetha S.
Prof. Siby John
Prof. Sam Thomas
Dr. Martiz Kurian
Newsletter 2017-18
Dr. Annie J. Mathew
Dr. Thomas P. Thomas
Dr. Antony George P.
Prof. Jollyamma George
Prof. Merry Zachariah V.
C. P. Abraham
Thomas Mathew
C. J. Joy
P. P. Achenkunju
Mathew P. John
Benny Varghese
Philip C. Thomas
Dr. Mini Varughese
Badalti Samajik Chethana Aur
Hindi Ke Mahila Upanyaskar
(1980 Ke Bad)
Dr. Sneha George Pachayil
Neoclassic Prasdhaanam
Malayaala Kavithayil
Dr. Kiran Mathew
Studies on the Experimental
and the Conceptual Foundations of
Quantum Trajectory Formulations
Dr. Nibulal Vettoor
Pranayadarshanam-A Ayyappante
Kavithakale Munniruthiyulla
Newsletter 2017-18
Anjitha S.
Adheena Elza Johns
Lekshmi S. Suresh
Revathy Vijayasharma
Subin S.
Siju Surendran
Sreerenjini Kamal
Priya Prasad
Lekshmi Gopinath
Reeba Sara Koshy
Elvin Thomas
Preetha C.S.
Athira R. Mohan
Sini Mohan
Cincy Thomas
Karen Susan Mathew
Aswathy T.
A Grade. Kerala Nadanam.
M. G. University Youth Festival
Arya Raj
Madhavadas P. M.
Dheeraj S. Pillai
Akhil V. Anil
Liji Saju
M.Sc. Zoology
3rd Rank
Lt. Shaju K. John
Arun Shaji
Newsletter 2017-18
3. “Sookshmanjanathinte Kavitha. Prathirodhathi-
nte Soundarya Vazhikal. iruvananthapuram:
Oruma Publications, May-2017.
4. “K. P. Appanum Aadhunikathavaada Saahithyavum.
Deepika Varshikappathippu 2017.
Jenu Mary Mathews
1. “Counselling- A Tool to Help Students Overcome
Fear of Failure.” Counselling and Mentoring for 21st
Century Learners. UGC-HRDC, University of Kerala,
2. “Ram Darash Misra Aur Yatra Samsaran.” Yatra
Yatri Aur Sanskar. Anuja Books, Delhi.
Ann Susa Thomas
1. “An Introductory Note on the Spectrum and Energy
of Molecular Graphs.” Mapana Journal of
Sciences, 41, 16 (2), 2017. Christ University.
2. “Visualisation of Collage Grammar to Cell Works –
ET0L Mode and Part Sensitive Mode.” Mapana Journal
of Sciences, 42, 16 (3), 2017. Christ University.
Ninan Sajeeth Philip
1. “Transient Classication in LIGO Data using
Difference Boosting Neural Network.” Phys. Rev. D,
95, 104059, 2017 (arXiv:1610.00429).
2. “Determining the Torus Covering Factors for a
Sample of type 1 AGN in the Local Universe.”
MNRAS, 472, 3492, 2017 (arXiv:1610.00429).
3. “Information Retrieval and Recommendation System
for Astronomical Observatories.” ApJS, 235, 1, 2018.
4. “Detection of Bars in Galaxies using a Deep
Convolutional Neural Network.” Accepted in
MNRAS, 2018.
Praveen S. S.
1. “Numerical Modelling for Unraveling the Physics
of December 26, 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami.”
Proceedings of Annual Physics Symposium-APS,
Page 14, 2017.
2. “Propagation and Inundation of the 2004 Tsunami
along the Lakshadweep And South West Coast Of
India.” Proceedings of the Workshop on Tsunami
Threat and its Mitigation Along the Indian Coast of
the National Institute Of Technology Karnataka,
3. “A Failure of Disaster Management Group.” Deccan
Chronicle, 3 December 2017.
4. “Flaunt Memories not Memorials.” Deccan Chronicle
2 February, 2018.
Prathibha Vasudevan
1. “Green Synthesis and Spectroscopic Investigations
of Dy3+doped Iron oxide Nanophosphors.”
International Journal for Research in Applied Science
Asha Susan Jacob
1. “The Politics of Land and the Politics of Gender:
Sarah Joseph’s Gift in Green.” The Criterion: An
International Journal in English Vol. 8, Issue-II, April
2017. 75-83.
2. “Stockholm Syndrome: Jaishree Misra’s A Love
Story for My Sister. International Journal of English
Language, Literature and Humanities. Vol. 6 January
2018. 785-795.
3. “The Politics of Gender and Governance.” The Indian
Review of World Literature in English Vol. 14.1
January 2018.12-21.
Elizabeth John and Asha Susan Jacob
“Resistance and Resilience in Growing up Dalit: A
Study of Laxman Mane’s Upara.” Indian Journal of
Postcolonial Literatures. Vol. 17.1 June 2017. 125-132.
Tom Thomas
1. “Notes on Postcolonialism.” Researchers World. 3.5.
102-105, July 2017.
2. “Land, Palestine and Edward Said.” Researchers World.
IX. Special Issue. 59-61, April 2018.
Jijo Varughese
“Class, Caste and Economic Struggle in Chemmeen.”
Reyono: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies Vol.
6. 1 (2017): 34-41.
Sandhya Sreenivasan and Asha Susan Jacob
“Amit Majmudars Partitions: A Vantage Point of the
Partition of the Indian Subcontinent.” European
Academic Research. Vol.4.12 (2017):10590-10598.
Sneha Elcy Jacob and Asha Susan Jacob
“Global Soul: A Study Based on Bharati Mukherjee’s
Leave It to Me.” The Criterion. Vol. 8, Issue. V
(November 2017). 99-104.
Reeba Sara Koshy and Asha Susan Jacob
“Creating Self through Othering: The Cycle of Col-
onisation in A Little Princess.” Literary Endeavour.
Vol.8.4(2017): 44-56.
Saramma Varghese
1. “Charithrathinte Anubhavavalkaranam Athikathayude
Rechana Sankethathillode.” Haritham Books, January
2. “Swathathryathinte Manangal.” Olivette Nadam
Chengannur- Mavelikkara Diocese Publication.
Jaison Jose
1. “Niroopanam.Malayalapatanathinte Reethisasthram,
Teekoy: Turn Books,July-2018.
2. Arajakathwathinte Kalapaswarangal: Prathisa-
moohikathayude Rashtreeyam.Delhi Muthal
Delhi Gaadhakal Vare, Kodungalloor: Pulitzer
Books, Aug-2017.
Newsletter 2017-18
Anish Chandran
“Socio-Economic Exclusion of In-migrant
Construction Workers in Kerala: A Case Study of
Thiruvanapuram District.” Reyono: Journal of Inter
disciplinary Studies, Vol.5, Issue 2, Pg. No 69-83,
January 2017.
Anish Chandran and Chinnu Mariam Chacko
‘Exploitation of In-migrant Construction Workers in
Kerala: A Case Study.” Scholarly Research Journal
for Inter Disciplinary Studies (SRJIS), Vol-4/37,753-
763, December 2017.
Deepa Mariam Alex
“Evaluating Kerala Model of Development: A Standard
Model of Human Development.” Vidyawarta. Vol.15,
Issue 1, Pg. No. 14-19, February 2018.
George K. Alex
“Ecological Movements and People’s Power.” Delib-
erative Democracy: Understanding the Indian Expe-
rience. Edited by Teresa Joseph and Siby K. Joseph .
Routledge, Oxford. March 2018.
Martiz Kurian
1. “Traders and Trade Guilds in the Temple Inscriptions
of Medieval Kerala.” Gopi Krishnan G. ed., Temples
in Medieval Kerala Heritage and Dynamics of
Patronage, 50-59. NSSHC Press, Changanacherry,
2. “Situating the Missionary Initiatives in the
Establishment of School System in Travancore.”
Journal of Teacher Learner and Society, Vol. 3, No.1,
2017, pp.373-378.
3. “Seafaring Activities of Arab Muslim Merchant
Groups in Medieval Malabar.” History Today, No.17,
2017, pp.165-168.
Jaya Jacob
1. “An Empirical Study On The Training Mechanism
Adopted By Commercial Tax Department In
Kerala.” Research Inspiration: An International
Multidisciplinary e-Journal, Vol. 2, Issue-II March
2. “Training and Development Policies of Banks: A
Comparative Study of Public and Private Sector
Banks in Pathanamthitta District.” Mirror. Vol. 7,
Issue-III December 2017.
3. “A Study on Different Loan Schemes Provided by
Commercial Banks – A Study Focus on SBI and
Federal Bank.” Emperor International Journal of
Finance and Management Research Vol. 4, Issue-III
March 2018.
4. “Effectiveness of Tax Governance in Kerala - A Study
based on CTD in Idukki and Kottayam Districts.”
Mirror. Vol. 8, Issue-IV March 2018.
and Engineering Technology, Volume 6 Issue IV
(April 2018).
2. “Bio approach: Green synthesis of ZnO: Dy3+
Nanophosphors.” International Journal of Advance
Research in Science and Engineering 06 (2017).
3. “Ecofriendly Synthesis of Metal Oxide
Nanophosphor.” National Seminar Proceedings, All
Saints’ College, Thiruvananthapuram, 19-20
September 2017.
Kiran Mathew and Moncy V. John.
“Interfering Quantum Trajectories without Which-Way
Information.” Foundations of Physics (2017) 47:873-
Amal Dev P.
International Journal of Advance Research in Science
and Engineering 06 (2017).
Roy George K.
1. “Evaluation of Different Ranges of LH: FSH
Ratios in Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) -
Clinical Based Case Control Study.” General and
Comparative Endocrinology. Vol 260 (2018)
2. “Effect of Different Sublethal Concentration of
Plasticizer Diethyl phthalate on Fresh Water Murrel,
Channa Striatus.” Journal of Applied and Natural
Sciences, 9 (1): 476-481 (2017)
3. “Haematological and Biochemical Alteration in
Short Term Exposure to Bisphenol A in Oreochromis
Mozambicus (Peters 1852).” Pollution Research, 36
(1) 57-62 (2017)
Jinsu Varghese
“ Fruit Blend Yoghurt Whey- A Potential Source for Anti-
bacterial Drugs.” Indian J.Sci.Res.18(2):45-49. (2018)
Leena Abraham
“Physiochemical Analysis and Conservation Strategies for
a Pond Emerged by Pamba Irrigation Project in Vazhakun-
nam, Pathanamthitta District.” Trends in Biosciences 11(7),
Chinnu Mariam Chacko
“Economic Feasibility of Agriculture under
Controlled Environment: A Case study of Poly House
Cultivation of Cucumber and Yard long Bean.”
Reyono: Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, Vol.5,
Issue 2, 88-99, July 2017.
Chinnu Mariam Chacko and Anish Chandran
“Evaluation of Integrated Child Development
Scheme (ICDS) with Special Reference to Ernakulum
District.” Emperor International Journal of Finance
and Management Research (EIJFMR), Vol.III, Issue
10, 75-82, November 2017.
Newsletter 2017-18
Martiz Kurian
“Mercantile Activities of Saraswat Brahmin Merchants
in the Late Medieval Malabar” in the National Semi-
nar on Trade in Kerala: New Themes and Perspectives.
Postgraduate Department of History, Maharaja’s Col-
lege, Ernakulum, 12 -13 December 2017.
Jaya Jacob
1. “Decentralised Governance and Service Delivery in
Kerala.” National Seminar at GIFT, Trivandrum in
April 2017.
2. “Transformation of Economy through Digitalization
Management Perspective.” International Conference
at Amrita Vishwa Vidyapeetham, Kochi. 28-29 March
3. “A Comparitive Study on the Effectiveness of Tax
Administration in Commercial Taxes Departments in
India with Special Reference to Two Southern States
(Kerala and Karnataka).” International Conference
and Financial Conclave at Mittal School of Business,
Lovely Professional University (LPU), Punjab in
April 2018.
4. “A Study on the Effectiveness of Tax Governance in
Commercial Taxes Departments in India. International
Conference at Geneva Business School, Geneva,
Switzerland in May 2018.
Ria Mammen
1. “E-Banking Innovations and Growth Indian Scenario.”
Two day National Seminar on Financial Services
Promises and Challenges in the Changing Indian
Scenario. Thunjan Memorial Government College
Tirur. 9-10 November 2017.
2. “A Study on Corporate Governance and Financial
Performance of Selected Companies.” National Confer-
ence on Corporate Social Responsibility and Service
Sectors. Department of Commerce and Toursim,
Catholicate College Pathanmthitta. 15-16 December
3. “Inuential Factors of E-Tail Purchase Decisions.”
National Conference on New Age Marketing. School of
Management Studies CUSAT. 14 March 2018.
Asha Susan Jacob
“Situating the Tribal: Mother Forest-The Unnished
Story of C. K. Janu.” 24 October 2017, IIAS, Shimla.
Roshin George and Reeba Sara Koshy
“Transforming the Other into the Norm: The Age of
Aquarius in The Girl by the River.” International Con-
ference on Images of Self and the Other: Exploring
Identity and Alterity. St. Aloysius College, Elthuruthu,
Thrissur. 12-13 January 2018
Sneha George Pachayil
“Padayani; Paramparagatha Karshaka Samoohathinte
Atmavishkaram” in the two day National Seminar On
Drishya Kalayude Samskarika Pariprekshyam organ-
ised by the Department of Malayalam, CMS College ,
Kottayam on 28 and 29 November 2017.
Libus Jacob Abraham
“Keralathile Duryodhana Puravrithangalum Nizhal-
kuthu Attakkadhayum” a paper presented in Nation-
al Seminar conducted by Department of Malayalam,
Govt. College, Elanthoor 14 December 2017
Jenu Mary Mathews
1. “Suryabala Krith Yamini Katha Upanyas Mein Stri
Vimarsh.” National Seminar on Multiple Perspectives
of Contemporary Hindi Literature, Dept of Hindi,
Sree Sankara College, Kalady, 9-10 February 2018.
2. “Samakaleen Hindi Kavitha Mein Dalit Chethana.”
National Seminar on Eugenics in Contemporary Hindi
Literature, Dept of Hindi, Mahatma Gandhi College,
Thiruvanathapuram, 16-17 February 2018.
Ann Susa Thomas
“A Note on the Concept of Energies of Graphs.” IInd
International Conference on Science, Engineering,
Technology & Social Sciences (ICSETS – 2018).
Department of Mathematics, Kuriakose Elias College,
Mannanam. 18-19 January 2018.
Prathibha Vasudevan
“Ecofriendly Synthesis of Metal Oxide Nanophos-
phors.” National Seminar on Advances in Functional
Materials (AFM-2017), All Saints’ College,
Thiruvananthapuram, 19-20 September 2017.
Newsletter 2017-18
Asha Susan Jacob
National Seminar on Land Questions in Neoliberal In-
dia. 9-11 October 2017, IIAS, Shimla.
Tom Thomas
RUSA Sponsored Short-term Course on Women Em-
powerment. Kerala University, UGC HRDC. 6-11 No-
vember 2017.
Febu George Mathai Kurichiyath
Refresher Course in English. UGC-HRDC, University
of North Bengal, Silguri, Darjeeling District, West Ben-
gal. 9-29 January 2018.
Teena Rachel Thomas
Orientation Programme.UGC-HRDC University of
Kerala. 8 - 27 March 2018.
Susanna Philip
Three day International Seminar Catalyzing Women
Empowerment for an Egalitarian Society. Titus II Train-
ing College,Thiruvalla. 25-26 October 2017.
Saramma Varghese
Moderator of the Two-Day National Seminar “Benja-
min Beiliyum Pravarthana Mekhalakalum” conducted
at C. M. S College, Kottayam on March 22-23, 2018.
Sneha George Pachayil
Two day National Seminar on “Keraleeya Rangakala:
Padavum Porulum” Organised by the Department of
Malayalam, Govt Arts and Science College, Elanthur on
14 -15 December 2017.
Libus Jacob Abraham
Attended workshop of syllabus revision of U.G pro-
gramme at Government College Kottayam conducted
by M.G. University, Kottayam May 2017.
Jenu Mary Mathews
One week short term course in Student Counseling and
Mentoring UGC-HRDC, University of Kerala, 30 Octo-
ber – 04 November 2017.
Ann Susa Thomas
1. Three-Day International Seminar on Catalyzing
Women Empowerment for an Egalitarian Society.
Titus II College, Tiruvalla, 25-27 October 2017.
2. Three-Day International Conference on Recent
Trends in Graphs and Networks. St. Xavier’s College
for Women, Aluva, 30 October- 1 November 2017.
Prathibha Vasudevan
Refresher course on Experimental Physics sponsored
by Indian Science Academies, Bishop Moore
College, Mavelikkara, September 13- 28, 2017.
Roy George
1. Biostatistics and Research Methodology. Short term
Training Course at National Institute of Cancer
Prevention and Research (NICPR) Noida from 14-
23 September, 2017.
2. New Trends in Governance and Leadership in Higher
Education in India. National Seminar organized by
All India Association for Christian Higher Education,
New Delhi on 16-17 November 2017.
Jinsu Varghese
1. Science Writing. Workshop conducted by Current
Science , Bengaluru from 3-8 April 2017.
2. Recent Advances in Biophysics. National Science
Academies Lecture Workshop organized by Mar
Athanasios College for Advanced Studies, Thiruvalla
on 15-16 June 2017.
3. Innovations in Biological Pedagogy and Research.
Workshop organized by Department of Zoology,
CMS College, Kottayam and Zoological Society of
Kerala on 8 July 2017.
4. 27th Swadeshi Science Congress held at Amrita Viswa
Vidyapeetham, Amrita University, Kollam, Kerala
from 7-9 November 2017.
5. Foundation Lectures in Biology. National Science
Academies Lecture Workshop organized by St.
Berchman’s College, Changanacherry on 11-12
December 2017.
Jasy Thomas
Eco-technological Perspectives for Sustainable Devel-
opment. National Seminar organized by School of Bio-
sciences, MGU on 27-28 July 2017.
Leena Abraham
Orientation Programme at Academic Staff Col-
lege, Vallabh Vidhya Nagar, Anand, Gujarat from 21
August – 17 September 2017.
Alen Alex Philip
Eco technological Perspectives for Sustainable Devel-
opment. National Seminar organized by School of Bio-
sciences, MGU on 27-28 July 2017.
Suresh Mathew George
Refresher Course in Economics, 1-21 February 2018
Newsletter 2017-18
UGC Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC),
University of Kerala, Kariavattam, Thiruvanathapuram.
R. S. Sindhu
Three day International Seminar Catalyzing Women
Empowerment for an Egalitarian Society. Titus II Train-
ing College,Thiruvalla. 25-26 October 2017.
Martiz Kurian
Regional Seminar on Last Sixty Years of Kerala:
History and Culture organized by Postgraduate Depart-
ment of History, Henry Baker College, Melukavu on 20
November 2017.
Jaya Jacob
1. The 39th All India Accounting Conference and
International Seminar on Accounting Education And
Research at Bangalore University, Bangalore in
December 2017.
2. Seminar on “GST: The Upcoming Issues” conducted
by Logic School of Management on 13 May 2018.
Asha Susan Jacob
1. “Breaking the Silence.” Dept. of English, St. Cyril’s
College, Adoor, 12 December 2017.
2. “Effective Communication Skills.” Carmel Bethany
CBSE School, Thadiyoor. 4 November 2017.
3. “Counselling for Teachers.” Carmel CBSE School,
Edathua. 24 August 2017.
Praveen S. S.
1. Inauguration of National Science Day Celebrations
at Nirmala College of Engineering, Chalakudy and
Invited Talk on the “Concepts of Numerical Modelling
for Predicting Physical/Natural Phenomenon.” 26
February 2018.
2. Lead talk on “Natural Harbingers of Disasters”,
organized by Thiruvananthapuram Press Club. 16
December 2017.
3. Invited Speaker on “Physics of Disasters” at St.
Teresas College, Ernakulam on 8 December 2017,
on the theme topic “Frontiers in Physics.”
Leena Abraham
Invited talk on “Adaptations and Evolution in Plants”
at Department of Botany, Assumption College, Changa-
nacherry on 5 July 2017.
Suresh Mathew George
Presented a Paper on “GST: A Magic Bullet to Kerala’s
Fiscal Crisis?” at the National Conference on “Impact
of GST on Trade and Industry” and received the Award
for Best Paper Presenter in the conference, September
Chinnu Mariam Chacko,
Resource Person to deliver a lecture on “Economics for
Civil services” for Walk With Civil Servant (WWCS)
on 9 December 2017 at SCS centre, Thiruvalla.
Anish Chandran,
Resource Person to deliver a lecture for the Postgradu-
ate students of Christian College, Chenganur on 16 No-
vember 2017.
Jaya Jacob
1. Seminar on GST organised by Commercial Taxes
Department in Pathanamthitta, 23 June 2017 at
2. “A Paradigm Shift from VAT to GST.” Memorial
Lecture Conducted by St. Thomas College, Ranni. 9
November 2017.
3. National Seminar by Postgraduate Department of
Commerce, St. Thomas College, Ranni.
4. Seminar organised by KITS College, Kottayam on
28 December 2017.
Prathibha Vasudevan
1. Phyto Mediated Biosynthesis and Characterization
of Rare Earth Doped Silver Nanophosphors (Student
project, KSCSTE, Govt. of Kerala, 2017-2018,
2. Biosynthesis of Metal Oxide Nanophosphors,
SPYTIS 11 project 2017-2018 (completed).
BOTANY (ongoing projects)
Jasy Thomas
A Preliminary Study of Weeds seen in Selected Pad-
dy Fields of Pathanamthitta District, Kerala funded by
KSCSTE (Kerala State Council for Science, Technolo-
gy and Environment)- SPYTiS-II. 2017-18.
Leena Abraham
Diversity, Spatial Distribution and Productivity of Trees
in St. Thomas College, Kozhencherry funded by KSC-
STE (Kerala State Council for Science, Technology and
Environment)- SPYTiS-II 2017-18.
Newsletter 2017-18
Febu George Mathai Kurichiyath
Pearls from the Deep
Cambridge UP and M.G. University
ISBN 978-11-08440-17-2
Tom Thomas
Savouring the Classics
Cosmo Books and M.G. University
ISBN 978-81-933683-0-5
Jenu Mary Mathews
‘Pani Ke Prachir’ (Hindi) Aur
‘Chemmeen’ (Malayalam)
Thulantmak Adhyayan
Roshini Publications, Kanpur
ISBN 978-93-83400-37-9
Jenu Mary Mathews
Jayasankar Prasad Ke Natakum
Mein Rajanythik Vicharadhara,
Vikas Prakashan, Kanpur,
ISBN 978-93-81279-61-8
Jaya Jacob M. and
Laby Cherian Punnose
Goods and Service Tax
Gayathri Publishers, Kochi
ISBN 978–81-924688-0-8
Libus Jacob Abraham
Vazhipozhakal: Folk Lore
Mathrukakalum Vicharangalum
SPCS and M.G.University
ISBN 978-93-87439-37-5
Sheena Eapen and Mini Varughese
Yathra-Yathri Aur Sanskar
Anugya Books, New Delhi
ISBN 978-93-86810-22-9
Jaya Jacob M. and
Chinnu Mariam Chacko
GST: The Essentials of Goods and
Service Tax
Himalaya Publishing House
ISBN 978-93-5273-467-2
Printed and published by Prof. K. C. Zachariah for St. Thomas College, Kozhencherry
(For private circulation only)
Layout & Printing : J J Graphic, Plankamon
Ph : 0469-2773070, 2775662
Dr. Annie J. Mathew
Member, National Institute of Plant Sciences,
M. G. University.
Dr. Elizabeth Thomas
Chairperson, Board of Studies for Botany and
Biotechnology, Mar Ivanious College (Autonomous)
Chairperson and Member, Board of Question
paper setters, SB College 2017.
Member, Academic Council, Assumption College,
Changanacherry 2017.
Scrutiny Board III semester Botany and Biotech-
nology, University of Kerala 2017.
Dr. Jasy Thomas
Member of Doctoral Selection Committee, M. G.
University 2017.
Vice-President, Kerala Botanical Society 2017.
Coordinator, Kerala Forum for United Nations
Academic Impact (KFUNAI) 2017.
Prof. Jollyamma George
Member of Academic Council, M.G. Univeristy.
Dr. Mini Rachel Thomas
Thesis Evaluator-Hindi Phd Thesis of Karpakam
University, Coimbatore-October 2017.
Dr. Asha Susan Jacob
Completed third spell of UGC Associateship at
Reviewer, International Journal of English and
Reviewer, Criterion International Journal.
Member, Editorial Board, European Journal of
Education Studies.
Prof. Febu George Mathai Kurichiyath
Convenor, Special Vigilance Squad (Exams)-
Kozhencherry-Pathanamthitta Zone.
Prof. Annie George
Member, Special Vigilance Squad (Exams).
Prof. Thomas Mathew
Member, Special Vigilance Squad (Exams).