In today’s software sector, automation testing is a full-fledged career. Automation
testing professionals collaborate with the development team to meet project deadlines,
which has resulted in a number of benefits and a lucrative career for modern-day
professionals. Here are the 51+ Automation Testing Interview Questions you should
know before your next interview.
Automation Testing Interview Questions:
The following are some of the most often asked questions in interviews for both
freshers and QA professionals.
1) What is Automation?
Automation is a word for applications where reduce human efforts. There are include
business process automation (BPA), IT automation, personal applications, business-
related applications, E-commerce applications such as home automation, and more.
2) What is Automation Testing?
Automation testing is a process of using automation software tools to write a script to
perform test cases such as entering data and comparing the results, etc. is known as
Automation testing.
The goal of Automation Testing is to reduce the number of test cases to be run
manually so we can reduce human efforts
3) How do you identify the test cases which are suitable for test
Identifying the particular test cases for automation is the most important part of
automation. If the test case is stable then it is beat for automation.
4) What are the types of automation testing?
There are different types of automation testing. Like exploratory testing and some
other that you can automate
Unit tests: The unit test is written by developers and test small units of code in
Integration tests: After performed Unit testing, all module is merged and then we are
performing integration testing to verify how all component work combine together.
Regression tests: In regression testing, we are testing like updated code didn’t break
any existing working functionality.
Performance tests: Here verify that the application won’t crash under heavy load and
UI tests: Test there is all text and images are displayed properly, and there are no
broken graphical elements on the page.
5) What is the difference between automation testing and
manual testing?
Manual Testing
Automation Testing
A human executes the test cases one by one
his/her self, without any software help it is
called manual testing
Test cases are executed by any
automation testing tool, without human
efforts It is automated testing.
Useful for non-repeatable tests that involve
human skills, involvement, and domain
Useful for repeatable test cases where
the application feature under test doesn’t
change frequently.
Good for accessibility and usability testing,
as the tester can test the software as end-
user point of view.
Good for regression testing to make sure
that the software didn’t break after
updating code changes.
Can be slow and more time-consuming, and
sometimes getting errors because of human
It’s run by a computer, so there are no
chances for error, and test case execution
is fast.
Humans can test the software in a
randomized manner, and it is also known as
exploratory testing.
This type of testing is not possible in
automation testing.
UI issues and some variances are easily
found by a human tester.
In automation testing, we cannot cover UI
performance Testing is impossible to test
with extreme load by a human tester
Performance testing can be easily done
by automation testing.
The tester doesn’t need knowledge of
To write automation test cases, the tester
needs to have programming knowledge.
6) When is a good time to automate a test?
Under the following condition, it is a good time to automate a test
The test cases are repeatable.
The test cases under the automation testing don’t change their functionality
again and again.
Some test cases are more time-consuming for a human tester.
Some test cases are connected with complicated calculations.
The test ensures the existing functionality didn’t break after an update of the
code change.
7) When will you avoid automated testing?
In the following situation, we will avoid automation testing
When the Application Under Test and changes come regularly
One time test cases
Adhoc testing
Automation testing is not useful for exploratory testing because a human tester
can more explore the application with much better scenarios than a computer.
Automation testing is also not used in UI testing
8) How do you choose a tool/framework for automated testing?
To perform any automation testing, we need to choose software tools or frameworks.
There are many options to choose from many alternatives.
Here some are criteria based on that we can evaluate the tools.
Programmable (code-based) or code-less tools.
Some tools require knowledge of programming, while some tools don’t require, without
any skill of programming allow to create test cases with visual assistance. so, in that
situation, you can choose your tool based on your team’s experience and skill-set.
Commercial vs. Open Source.
There is a more difference in the price of the tools it is based on the feature which they
are provided. Most commercial tools are more expensive, but they get tech support if
you are facing any issue.
Open-Source software is free, but you have to search if you are in trouble.
Ease of use.
Some Automation testing tools are difficult to using and required training before using
this tool. Some are easy to understand we can use without any training.
Some of the most famous automation tools like Katalon Studio, Selenium, UFT,
TestComplete, Testim, etc., and many more. You can choose anyone based on the
requirement of your project, assess the team’s skills, the experience of all team
members, and comfort with the tool.
9) What are the different parts of a test automation framework?
Below is the different part of automation framework
Test Data Management
Generating test data is the main problem of automation testing. A good test case
automation framework is making it easy to build test data for the application at the
testing time
Testing Libraries
A Good automation framework provides libraries so test management make easy and
also support different types of testing like integration testing, unit testing, and end to
end testing
Testing Tools
1. Includes any GUI or command-line tools that make it useful for testers to run
the set of tests again and again.
2. Testing tools are also useful for a tester to perform load and stress testing
10) Should you automate all testing?
We can not automate all types of testing. Some types of testing are only done by
human testers like interface testing, usability testing, and accessibility testing.
Exploratory testing is another type of testing where a human tester can test better than
automation testing. A human can provide more scenarios and tester more explore the
software randomly and tried to find UI bugs easily as compare to automation testing.
Automation testing is useful for large projects where complex calculations and
repeated test cases are available.
11) What is a test environment?
A test environment is a computer or a server on which a tester can test the software
or applications. After the developer team builds the software, the tester installs it on
this computer or on a server with all its required dependencies, like the production
environment. This allows the tester to test the software or application with the real-
world scenario.
Actually, the test environment is a copy of the production or live environment.
These allow the tester can make a duplicate copy to reproduce the same bug for
reporting and the test can provide the exact steps to a developer to fix them.
Below are the some of prerequisites for a good test environment:
A test server has a similar configuration, including software and hardware to
match with the production environment
Sample test data for testing with software.
Test database with real data, it can be a copy of the production database.
12) What is browser automation?
Browser automation is one of the techniques for launching a web application in a
browser programmatically and executing different actions by automation, just like a
regular user would. Browser testing gives you the speed and efficiency that human
testers cannot provide. There is a different popular tool for browser testing like
Protractor, Cypress, and Selenium.
13) What is automated regression testing?
Software is never completed. The developers are continuedly updating features,
functions and fixing bugs So because of that chance to break existing working
functionality. And because of that tester need to perform regression testing.
Regression testing is a testing technique where makes sure that updated code is not
affected by the existing working functionality and didn’t break any working functionality.
The main foal of regression testing is to make sure that previously tested and working
functionality still works fine after adding new changes in code.
In automation regression testing, the tester runs the regression suit after every new
release of the software. If a test case is a pass then the tester can move to the other
type of testing and if a test case is failed then wait until the developer fixes this broken
14) What are some risks associated with automated testing?
There is more benefit of automation testing like efficient and fast, repeatable tests and
also there are few risks with automation testing which are described below:
Negative ROI
The automated test requires more code and expensive tools. Testers need to
spend more time learning and implementing automated tests.
As per the experience, the team realizes that the testing strategy, while the
software is complex with continually changing features. Tester also has to keep
changes continually.
Playing catch-up with the technology.
Before start the Automation testing, the testing team spend more time learning and try
to code with different tools and technologies because experience is more required in
automation testing and then realize its original promised value
Maintenance Risk
Testers need to maintain code with all changing functionality and fixing the
Instead of creating new features most of the time tester working on that test
case which is failed
15) What are the different phases in an automation testing life
Automation testing has a life cycle same as the software testing life cycle and software
development life cycle. Some of the major phases of the automation testing life
cycle are described below:
1. Analysis of the scope of the testing.
2. Choose the automation framework and tools for the start automation.
3. Design test plan and test case execution strategy.
4. Set up test environment as per requirement.
5. Start development and execution of the test cases.
6. Generate test report and verify it.
16) Can you achieve 100% automation?
Achieve 100% automation is very difficult because there would be many different
scenarios under the test cases. And more test cases are not executed for a long time.
And will not add value to these test cases into an automated suit.
17) How to decide the tool that you should use for Automation
testing in your projects?
1. You have to understand the project requirements and identify the test scenario
which you want to automate.
2. Found best tools that support your project requirement.
3. Decide your budget for automation tools and as per that select tools under your
4. Identify skilled resources if you have If you don’t have then need to identify the
cost of training of your existing resources or hiring new resource if resources
are not available.
18) What is a framework?
A framework is a bunch of the design of the whole automation suite. It is additionally
a rule, which whenever followed can bring about construction that is not difficult to
keep up with and improve.
The Rules Include:
Coding principles.
Taking care of the test information
Managing and taking care of the components of the framework
Managing of environment documents and properties record
Reporting of information
Dealing with logs
19) What are the attributes of a good framework?
Read in the brief about attributes below:
Modular: The structure ought to be versatile to change. A Person who is
analyzing and testing should have the option to adjust the contents according
to the climate or login data change.
Reusable: The regularly utilized technique or utilities ought to be written in a
standard file that is available to every one of the contents.
Consistent: The suite ought to be written in a steady way by following all the
acknowledged coding rehearses.
Independent: The contents ought to be written so that they are free of one
Logger: It is a great idea to have executed the logging highlight in the structure.
This would help in the event that our contents run for longer hours (say daily
mode), if the content fails anytime, having the log document will assist us with
identifying the area alongside the sort of defect.
Reporting: It is a great idea to have the detailing highlight consequently
inserted into the system. When the code run, we can have the outcomes and
reports sent through email.
20) What are the various types of automation tools you are
familiar with?
There are two types of automation tools available in the market which are as follow:
Open Source: It includes Selenium, JMeter, etc.
Paid Tools: It includes QTP, Load Runner, Ranorex, etc.
21) What are the different types of frameworks?
Different types of automation frameworks are as follow:
Keyword-driven structure
Data-driven structure
Hybrid structure
Linear Structure
22) Can you give some examples of effective coding methods
for automation?
Good practices of coding include:
Add Proper Comments
Distinguish the reusable techniques and add them in a different file.
Follow the language-particular coding protocol.
Keep up with the test information in a different record.
Run your contents routinely
23) Is there any type of test that you think should not be
Tests that are only rarely executed.
Exploratory testing
Test which is executed immediately when perform manually.
24) What criteria do you use to determine which automation tool
is best for you?
Below factors help in selecting the best automation tools:
The range of the application which we need to automate.
The board overhead like expense and financial plan.
Time to learn and execute the apparatus.
Sort of help accessible for the device.
Limitation of the tool.
25) What do you think is preventing testers from automation
testing? Is there a way to overcome it?
The significant obstacle for analyser’s is to study programming/coding when they need
to automate. Since analyser’s don’t code, adjusting to coding is a bit hard for
Way to overcome it are as follow:
Cooperating with designers while automating.
Taking into account that automation is the obligation of the entire group and not
just of the analyser’s.
Giving a devoted time and priority to automation.
26) What is an Automation testing framework?
An automation testing structure is liable for making a test utilization with an instrument
to interface with the application under test, take input from a document, execute the
experiments and create the reports for test execution. An automation testing system
ought to be autonomous of the application and it ought to be not difficult to utilize, alter
or expand.
27) What are the key components of an automated testing
Below are important modules of the automation testing framework:
Test Assertion Tools: This device will give a verification guarantee to testing
the normal qualities in the application under test. For Example. TestNG, Junit,
and so forth.
Data Setup: Each experiment needs to take the client information either from
the data set or from a record. So this module ought to take care of the data that
is utilizing in the script.
Build Management Tool: Structure should be created and sent for the
utilization of making test scripts.
Continuous Integration Tool: This device is needed for coordinating and
sending the progressions done in the structure at every cycle.
Reporting Tool: This device is used to obtain end results.
Logging Tool: This device helps in the event that our contents run for longer
hours (say daily mode), if the content fails anytime, having the log document
will assist us with identifying the area alongside the sort of defect.
28) Explain some Automation testing tools?
Below are the popular automation testing tools:
Selenium: Selenium is a test system for web application automation testing. It
upholds different programs and is OS-free. Selenium likewise supports different
programming dialects like Java, C#, PHP, Ruby, and Perl, and so forth.
UFT: It gives a wide scope of elements like APIs, web administrations, and so
on and furthermore supports numerous stages like work areas, web, and
portable. UFT scripts are written in the visual fundamental prearranging
Appium: Appium is an open-source versatile application testing apparatus. It
is utilized to test cross-stage, hybrid, native, and online portable applications.
Cucumber: Cucumber is an open-source conduct-driven improvement device.
It is utilized for electronic application automation testing and supports dialects
like ruby, java, scala so on.
29) What are the various types of framework testing
Below are the different types of techniques:
Modular Testing framework
Data-Driven Testing framework
Keyword-Driven Framework
Hybrid Testing Framework
30) When should you use manual testing instead of automated
Manual testing can be preferred over automation testing due to the following reasons:
The task belongs to a short time period and composing content will take a lot
of time to run and is expensive when contrasted with manual testing.
Adaptability is required.
Ease of use testing should be performed.
Applications/module is recently evolved and has no past experiments.
31) List some advantages and disadvantages of Automation
Less HR
More Test Coverage significantly quicker
Equal execution of tests.
Building and preserving time is more
High Device Cost
Knowledge of Code and skill required
Environment arrangement
32) How will you automate test cases for an application’s
fundamental “login” functionality?
We need to follow the list of rules for writing test cases:
whenever we write test cases we should remember it should be a combination of both
negative and positive test cases. Also, it’s a mixture of functional, performance, UI,
usability, and compatibility test cases.
Testcase for basic login functionality is as follows:
Functional test case:
Functional Test Cases
verify that the user has been
successfully Login to the application
with valid credentials.
verify that the user unable to login
application with an invalid credential.
verify login page without entering
any details.
verify that when the user enters a
password it should be in encrypted
verify time taken to Login application
with valid credentials.
Performance & Positive
verify the login page and all its
control in different browsers is
working fine.
Cross Browser
verify the length of email id/user id.
verify the length of the password and
whether it accepts special characters
or not.
verify the implementation of the SSL
33) What do you think, Automation testing is White-box testing
or Black-box testing?
Automation testing can be both Black box or white box sort of testing relying upon the
situations wherein it is performed. In some situation test scripts needs to access
information base i.e. Database specification that is utilized in the application under test
or some additional coding specification and accordingly can be a sort of white-box
34) How many test cases per day do you automate?
One cannot estimate the number of test cases you can automate at a particular time,
the number may depending upon complexity, requirement, and time given for testing
the application.
the estimate can depend on the Test case scenario’s complexity and length. I did
automate 3-6 test scenarios per day when the complexity is limited. Sometimes just
1 -2 test scenarios in a day when the complexity is high.
35) What factors determine the effectiveness of Automation
Having a talented staff that includes professionals along with the newest and smartest
graduates or fresher can help us determine successful completion of testing. We can
measure the effectiveness of automation testing in relation to risk and then
differentiate risk high to low priority and start the automation of high priority risk, Risk
with high priority can be automated first also we can track the high priority risk that has
been mitigated by the automated tests.
36) Which test cases can be automated?
A test case should be automated if:
The task is going to be repeated.
It’s going to save time.
The requirements, the test, or the task are a low hazard, constant, and unlikely
to change often.
The test is subject to human error.
The test is time-consuming.
The test has significant downtime between steps.
The test is repetitive.
37) Do you know the advantages and disadvantages of
Automated testing?
Automation testing is a process of automating the manual testing process by a set of
tools. This process is done by replacing the manual testing process with the collection
of automated testing tools. Automation testing ensures the quality of software
Automation Testing has the following advantages:
Automated testing improves the coverage of testing as automated execution of
test cases is faster than manual execution thus it saves resources and time as
There is less dependability of testing on the availability of tester once the
software is automated.
It provides more Generalization as automated tests can be run all-time in 24*7
It takes fewer resources as compared to manual testing.
Automation testing provides more reliability of testing like stress testing, load,
and performance testing which is not more reliable than manual testing.
With the help of automation testing, we can produce maximum test data to
cover a large number of input and check the expected output also there are
fewer chances of getting errors while using automation testing.
Automation Testing has the following disadvantages:
Automation testing is more expensive as compared to manual testing so most
of the organization will choose manual testing as compared to automation
Automation testing needs more domain knowledge and needs more
professional and skilled people so they can automate applications more
Sometimes, it’s inconvenient to decide what to automate first and who will
38) What is an Automated test script?
Test Scripts are line-by-line descriptions that contain information about the system
transactions that should be performed to validate the application or system under test.
The test script is a combination of different test steps that should be followed to test
the functionality.
How to write a test script?
1. Record/playback:
In this method, the tester needs to write code instead of just recording the user’s
actions. However, if we find some issue then the tester will need to do some coding to
fix that and check it works as per expectation.
2. Keyword/data-driven scripting:
In this method, there is a dissociation between the testing team and the development
team. In the Data-driven scripting technique, we keep data in different repositories.
Example of a Test script:
Log in Script
Identify the email and password locator to perform the login functionality by their X-
path or CSS element and ensure that
username and password fields should be visible.
Next, type the username and password.
Make sure the user enters a valid email and password.
Identify the Login locator and click on the login button, and verify the login
Next, type the username and password.
verify after clicking on the login button the homepage should load properly.
39) What is an XPath?
In this method, there is a dissociation between the testing team and the development
team. In the Data-driven scripting technique, we keep data in different repositories.
X-path: X-path is used to identify a locator in a webpage, firstly we tried to find the
element using id, by CSS selector, etc, if the element is not found using this we used
x-path to find an element on a webpage.
The basic format of x-path:
Syntax: //tagname[@Attribute=’value’]
// : “//” is used to Select current node.
Tagname: Tag name of the particular node.
@: select attribute
Attribute: attribute name of the node.
Value: value attribute contains.
Type Of X-Path:
1. Absolute X-path
2. Relative X-path
1. Absolute X-path: It’s the direct way to find the element, but the disadvantage of
the absolute XPath is that if there are any changes made in the path of the element
then that XPath gets failed.
2. Relative X-path: It starts with a double forward-slash (//). we can search elements
anywhere on the webpage, using relative XPath.
40) Do you know, what is the difference between “/” and “//”?
Single slash and double slash are always used in a path expression, by using this
symbol we usually find elements or attributes in an XML tree. A path manifestation
consists of one or more steps that direct the XPath processor along one or more
subdivide of the tree to the nodes that will be selected.
Usually, single slash and double slash are generally used to create XPath by which
we can find any element/locator on a webpage. single slash is used in absolute XPath
which selects an element from the root node.
double slash is used to find out relative XPath which finds an element from anywhere
on the webpage.
41) Explain Tree View in Automation Testing?
A tree view in Quick Test Pro has statements in” keywords “or we can say statements
in a “tree structure”. In a tree view, the statements are in a tree structure. Here, the
statements are nothing but steps that were taken to test some features or modules of
an application to determine it works as per user requirements.
42) What Features will you look out for in an Automation Tool?
Test Environment support
easy to use
debugging ability
Robust and secure
Image testing abilities
Identification of object
Support database testing
Support multiple frameworks
43) Name the different Scripting Techniques for Automation
Automation scripting technique defines different parameters like how to treat the object
repository, the coding standards followed during automation, and data handling,
among different modules, the automation scripting we should follow for test automation
1] Linear Scripting Technique:
This technique is the simplest of all the scripting techniques which follow a simple
‘Record n Playback approach, where each test case is executed manually step by step
so, we have the QA team record every step which is executed.
Very low development cost
Requires less programming knowledge
No test planning is required for testing
Maintenance cost is very high
Non-structured way of programming
2] Structured Scripting Technique
The structured scripting technique involves the use of control structures( like if-else,
switch case, for, while conditions) in the scripts that help QA teams to regulate the flow
of the test scripts.
add some control statement to scripting
Easy to maintain scripts
reusability of scripts
high cost
data is hardcoded
less secure
3] Data-Driven Scripting Technique
The Data-driven scripting technique is all about separating data and script in different
places. this method keeps data into an external repository as files.
Different scenarios can be easily executed
Modifications in test script do not affect Test Data
4] Shared Scripting Technique
In shared scripting system of working is different from the other scripting techniques it
involves sharing scripts that describe an application Deportment. we can use this script
if we have common functionality.
Structured scripts
Low cost
Requires programming knowledge
Requires planning
44) Can automation testing completely replace manual testing?
Automation testing has received much response as compared to manual testing
nowadays. In today’s world, many developers and testers prefer automation testing to
make their life easier. One of the primary reasons automated testings becomes
popular nowadays is the ability to save time, However, test automation does not have
the ability to fully replace manual testing, the reason behind this is following:
Usability Testing is one of the major challenges in automation testing, usability tests
are just not possible with automation testing because usability testing requires a
human to check the ease of use while using the application. we can’t train a computer
to identify usability respective to humans. also, we cannot automate captcha in
automation if we are going to think to skip captcha we cannot proceed further we need
humans to proceed further. These are some limitations in automation testing.
The presence of automation testing and manual testing forces us to think about our
choice, of tools, number of resources, their cost, and the benefit provided by different
tools. Is automated testing replacing manual testing the answer is No, Manual testing
helps us understand the entire problem and explore new things. Automated testing
helps us save time.
45) What is your strategy for automating web application
6-step that should be considered every time when we are automating a web
application are:
1. Functional testing: The first step which we should consider while automating web
application is functional testing, functional testing ensure that the functionality of web
application is working properly and it returns expected output.
Typically, functional testing includes:
the identification of functionality and output
data input and entry
the execution of the test case
Analysis of the actual and expected result
2. Usability Testing: Usability testing refers to the ease of use, usability is a way to
see how easy to use something in terms of user perspective. Usability testing
determines how easily a user can access the application and work on it, it’s being
observed by a researcher, to see where user encounter problems and experience
confusion, if more user encounters the same issue, recommendations will be made to
overcome with this issue.
3. Interface Testing: Interface Testing is defined as a software testing type that
ensures there is proper infusion between two different software systems or
applications. A connection that integrates two components is known as an interface.
Interface in a computer world could be anything like API’s or it can be a web service.
Testing of these connecting services is referred to as Interface Testing. An interface
is software that consists of sets of commands or it can be other attributes that enable
infusion between a user and application or device.
4. Compatibility Testing: Compatibility testing ensures that our software application
is compatible with different browsers and in different devices and applications working
fine in different platforms. There are different elements for compatibility testing:
1. Browser compatibility: Browser compatibility makes sure that our application is
functioning correctly across the different browsers on different devices. This
includes checking that JavaScript, AJAX, WebSocket’s, browser notifications,
and authentication requests are working as designed.
2. Operating system compatibility: Operating system compatibility ensures that
our web application runs in different operating systems and it works fine as
expected. it checks that it runs smoothly on Windows, macOS, Linux, and
3. Mobile compatibility: it Ensuring that our application runs on different devices
and functions as expected in different Android, iOS platforms.
5. Performance Testing: After ensuring that our applications are working as expected
on different platforms, it’s time to check the performance of web applications. In
performance testing, we test our web application under heavy load and stress and
check how our application reacts to heavy load and determine the breaking point of
our application.
6. Security Testing: Security testing makes sure that our application is secure against
unauthorized access and harmful actions through viruses or other malicious software.
Security testing has the following activities:
It makes sure that secure pages, data can be accessed after a license.
Verify that the web applications’ follow proper SSL.
Make sure that restricted files cannot be downloaded without a proper license.
46) What is your strategy for automating web application
Prevention Rather Than Detection: we should have prevented bugs before it
introduces in our application. we should more focus on preventing the
introduction of defects in the application first.
Regression Testing: it is the heart of the test automation strategy. regression
testing ensures that after some fixes our application is working fine and it does
not affect the already working functionality.
Smoke Test: the idea behind the smoke test pack is to catch the most obvious
issues, it makes sure that our application loads properly and common user flow
is executed properly, smoke tests are quick and cannot be more than 5 minutes
which use to check our application works as expected and something major is
not working. The smoke test pack runs after every deployment and can be a
mixture of API and GUI tests.
Application Testing: An e-commerce application can be split into different
applications or apps that provide different functionalities. The concept of
Application Testing is a group of tests that use to test the functionality of an app
are organized together and run against the desired app/application. This pack
will be useful when a team wants to release an individual app and would like to
know whether it is functioning correctly.
the methodologies allow quick detection of bugs when they are introduced in the
system and results in feedback for development.
47) What are some good coding principles to keep in mind when
Do not rely ONLY on UI test automation try to test load, performance, and usability
testing of the application.
Consider using a BDD framework, which is very helpful
Always use test design patterns and principles.
Make your test automation framework portable.
Name your tests wisely.
Divide tasks based on skill
Remove uncertainty
Pick the right tool
Test on real devices
Keep Records for Better Debugging
Use Data-Driven Tests
Early and Frequent Testing
Prioritize Detailed & Quality Test Reporting.
48) What do you do now that you’ve found your automation test
After identifying the automation testing tool the next step should be a resource and
test planning, after that, we can look for what reporting tool we can use in our
automation. A better test planning results in the early execution of the test which will
result in a high-quality product.
49) What is the main reason for testers to refrain from
automation? How can they overcome it?
the main reason for testers to refrain from automation is to learn programming/coding
when they want to automate software applications, as we all know that testers have
less knowledge of programming/coding, so this will become challenging for the tester.
We can overcome it by:
Collaborating with the development team when automating.
Considering that automating software applications is the responsibility of the
entire team and not only of the testers.
Giving a dedicated team, sufficient time and focus on automation.
Getting proper management support from the team and supporting each other.
50) Name important modules of the automation testing
Linear Automation Framework.
Modular Based Testing Framework.
Library Architecture Testing Framework.
Data-Driven Framework.
Keyword-Driven Framework.
Hybrid Testing Framework.
51) What is Captcha?
this is a process where the user has to be asked to perform a certain operation such
as enter the text written in the image or click the same image from a set of the different
images that match the required criteria, or click on the checkbox.
captcha is usually used to check whether the user is a human or robot. since this task
is dynamic, and it can only be completed by humans only with human cognizance and
correct interpretation of information-areas where artificial intelligence of bots tends to
52) Can we automate CAPTCHA or RECAPTCHA?
CAPTCHA can be automated if you are able to decode the image using OCR, OCR
stands for Optical Character Recognition. This will be the only solution to bypass
CAPTCHA but it will not automate it. Users will always have to enter the CAPTCHA
themselves while we can automate another text field.