Guide Overview
As electric vehicles (EVs) continue to gain popularity, it’s essential to know what to look for in a quality
used electric vehicle — AAAs Used EV Buyer’s Guide highlights many of those areas, including:
Driving Range & Charging
Driving range and charging are one of the most common concerns for prospective EV buyers.
The good news — most EVs have more than enough range for daily driving habits.
Î Overnight charging at home that uses a 240-volt source (known as Level
2) can get most EVs back to full capacity by morning.
Î While public charging is not as readily available as gas stations, it is growing quickly. With
extra planning, EV owners can eliminate any concerns about running out of charge.
Used EV Ownership Costs
Fueling a gas vehicle costs roughly three times as much as charging a similar EV.
Î Tax incentives of up to $4,000 are available to consumers to purchase used EVs.
Î EVs typically cost less to maintain, but used EV owners have to consider the
potential cost of eventually replacing the battery, which can be expensive.
Î Overall, used EVs are generally less expensive to own than similar used gas-powered vehicles.
Shopping for a Used EV
EVs are still relatively new to the market, so car buyers may find that used
EVs consist primarily of compact sedans and crossovers.
Î Before shopping, car buyers should list their vehicle needs (i.e., driving range, size,
performance) to ensure they select the right vehicle for the best price.
Î When buying a used EV, it is imperative to find a vehicle with a warranty that still has a lot of
time before it expires and specifically covers the replacement of the traction battery.
Guide Overview 3
Introduction 4
What is an EV?
Driving Range and Charging 5
Driving Range
EV Charging
Ownership Costs of Used EVs 8
Electric vs. Gas Vehicle Ownership Costs
Purchase Prices
Fuel Costs
Maintenance Costs
Tax Incentives
Repair and Maintenance 12
Battery Repair and Replacement
EV Maintenance and Repairs
Finding a Used EV 14
Where to Shop
Choosing a Used EV
Evaluating Vehicle Condition
Additional Resources
Driving Range and Charging
Nearing the top of the list of consumer concerns regarding EVs are a limited driving range and
finding a charger when needed. Many EVs have less driving range than comparable gas-powered
vehicles, especially for models produced closer to 2010 — the start of the modern EV era. A used EV
is also likely to have less range than it did when it was new due to the age of the battery.
Before purchasing an EV, buyers need to consider the vehicle’s purpose. Will they often drive in cold
weather? Do they need to drive it on long trips? Where is the closest charging option? Understanding
how they need to use their vehicle will help buyers determine if electric is the right choice for them.
Driving Range
According to the US Department of Energy, for the 2021 model year, the average driving range for a
gasoline vehicle was 403 miles compared to 234 miles for all EVs (about 42% less)
. Note that the driving
range of EVs varies greatly by model. For example, a 2021 MINI Cooper SE has an EPA range of 110 miles,
while a 2021 Tesla Model 3 Long Range has an EPA range of 353 miles. According to the AAA Foundation
for Trac Safety’s 2020-2021 American Driving Survey, people drive an average of 32.7 miles daily. This
suggests that for most drivers, an EV has more than enough range for a typical day of driving.
If someone starts the day with a fully charged EV, even with a long daily commute, they should make
it through their day without stopping to charge. But there are a couple of situations where an EVs
range limitation should be considered.
Long Distance Trips
EV owners must rely on public charging when
driving beyond their vehicle’s range, whether
on a road trip or just an extended day trip.
Public charging may be easy to find in densely
populated areas or along high-trac highways.
But the nearest public charging station in rural
areas could be far away or nonexistent.
Another consideration is the time it takes
fully recharge an EV. In contrast, drivers of
gas-powered vehicles can find a nearby gas
station almost anywhere and refuel in just a
few minutes. But with proper planning, taking
a long-distance trip in an EV is possible. Using
tools like the US Department of Energys
Alternative Fuels Data Center, drivers can find
public chargers along their route.
AAA also oers tools to help with planning
road trips. The AAA TripTik Travel Planner is a
free point-to-point directions tool that travelers
can use to map their routes, save favorite or
frequent trips, discover destination information,
including points of interest and the location of
EV charging stations.
EVs are gaining popularity. The promise of reduced environmental impact and fuel cost savings has
led many people to consider purchasing an EV. In some cases, the price of a new EV can be much
higher than a comparable gas-powered vehicle.
Those who want an EV but need a more aordable option may find buying used a better option.
First-time EV buyers will likely have questions, and this guide aims to answer those questions plus
cover essential topics related to buying an EV.
What is an EV?
Two types of vehicles are considered electric — battery electric vehicles (BEV) and plug-in hybrid
electric vehicles (PHEV). BEVs are powered entirely by electricity and are likely what people think of
when they hear the term EV. It has a battery pack that supplies power to the motor(s) and propels
the vehicle.
PHEVs are similar in that they have a battery pack that supplies power to the motor, but they have
the addition of a small gas engine to extend range. They are hybrids because they use gas engines
and electric motors. The big dierence is that they can run on battery alone for a limited range
(typically 20 to 50 miles). This guide will focus primarily on BEVs, which is what the EV will refer to
from here.
US Department of Energy, “FOTW #1221, January 17, 2022: Model Year 2021 All-Electric Vehicles Had a Median Driving Range about 60% That of Gasoline Powered Vehicles,” January
17, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.energy.gov/eere/vehicles/articles/fotw-1221-january-17-2022-model-year-2021-all-electric-vehicles-had-median. [Accessed Oct 2022].
continues to do so. Public chargers allow drivers
to charge their EVs away from home and often
at a faster rate, whether on a long-distance
road trip or just topping o to make it home
from work. However, public charging is more
expensive than charging at home.
Level 2 chargers are the most common type
available at public stations. They are not ideal
for completely replenishing a vehicle’s battery
unless it is plugged in for several hours. But if a
driver needs to add a small amount of range to
finish their trip, then public Level 2 chargers are
a good solution.
The other type of public charger is the DC fast
charger. As the name implies, DC is the quickest
method for charging an EV, adding 180 to 240
miles of range per hour
. They can fully charge
most EVs within an hour; however, the vehicle’s
capability can limit the charge rate. DC charging
is typically more expensive than Level 2 and can
degrade the battery if used too often.
Prospective EV buyers should consider whether
they will be relying on public charging regularly
and know the availability in their area. The
US Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels
Data Center provides a map of public charging
stations, a helpful resource for determining
public charging in a particular area.
Charging Costs
The cost to charge an EV can vary based on the
vehicle and the local electricity rates. But one
thing is true – it costs less to charge an EV than
to fuel a gas-powered vehicle. Lets compare the
cost to charging/refueling similar electric and
gas vehicles.
The 2022 Chevrolet Bolt EV has a range of 259
miles and an EPA eciency rating of 28 kWh/
mi. The comparable 2022 Chevrolet Trax LT
(gas-powered) has an EPA eciency of 27 MPG
or 0.037 gallons per mile
. According to the US
Bureau of Labor Statistics, the national average
household electricity rate was $0.163 per
kWh as of November 2022, while the national
average price for regular-grade gasoline was
$3.853 per gallon
In this scenario, when charging at home, the
Bolt EV will cost about 4.6 cents per mile to
charge, while the Trax will cost more than triple
to fuel at about 14.3 cents per mile. This fuel
savings is one of the major selling points of EVs.
This calculation assumes that the EV is being
charged at home. Public charging rates are
typically higher and can vary greatly depending
on the location, type of charger, and even time
of day. States have dierent laws about how
charging rates are set, with some charging by
the kWh and others by the minute. Because of
this, it is dicult to determine the typical rate
for public charging.
Climate can have a significant eect on the
driving range of an EV. AAA research found
that an outside temperature of 20⁰F and heat
used inside the vehicle reduced driving range by
an average of 41%. AAA’s research also found
that with an outside temperature of 95°F and
air-conditioning used inside the vehicle, driving
range decreases by 17%. Weather is important
when planning long-distance travel in an EV,
especially in cold climates.
Alleviating Range Anxiety
When it comes to knowing how much EV
range is enough, drivers must understand their
personal needs, preferences, and daily habits.
The key is choosing a vehicle that fits the
situation. For those with a short commute, an
EV may make sense for everyday use with the
option of renting a gas vehicle for occasional
long-distance travel. For a two-vehicle
household, owning one EV and one gas vehicle
might provide the best of both worlds – saving
on fuel costs for daily driving but having the
option of a gas-powered vehicle for longer trips.
EV Charging
One of the most significant questions when it comes to EVs is charging. While most EV charging is
done at home, a AAA survey found that 60% of people cite a lack of convenient places to charge as
one of their top reasons not to buy electric. Another point of confusion is over the number and types
of EV charging connectors. This section will discuss the dierent options for EV charging and their
pros and cons. Additional information about EV charging (including charging levels and types of
connectors) can be found at the US Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center.
Home charging
Charging at home saves EV owners time since
it can be done overnight or when the car is not
in use. It also saves on charging costs since
electricity used at home is much cheaper than
public charging.
There are two types of home charging - Level
1 and Level 2. Level 1 chargers, which come
with most EVs, plug into a standard 120-
volt household outlet (meaning no special
installation is required). This option is the most
convenient and aordable but much slower than
the other options. The typical rate of charge is
2 to 5 miles of range per hour, meaning those
who drive longer distances may not be able to
recharge their vehicle overnight fully.
Level 2 chargers operate on a 240-volt source.
Some units plug directly into 240-volt outlets,
which may require installation if not already
available in the home, and others need to be
hardwired to the service panel. The upfront
installation cost may be worth it since Level 2
charging is up to ten times faster than Level 1.
Depending on the unit, Level 2 chargers provide
roughly 10 to 20 miles of range per hour. Most
drivers will have plenty of time to get their EV
back to full charge overnight.
Public Charging
While not nearly as common as gas stations,
the availability of public EV chargers has
significantly grown in recent years and
US Department of Transportation,Electric Vehicle Charging Speeds,” February 2, 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.transportation.gov/rural/ev/toolkit/ev-basics/
charging-speeds#:~:text=Level%201,vehicle%20(PHEV)%20from%20empty.. [Accessed October 2022].
US Department of Energy & US Environmental Protection Agency, “www.fueleconomy.gov,” [Online]. Available: https://www.fueleconomy.gov/feg/powerSearch.jsp. [Accessed
Oct 2022].
US Bureau of Labor Statistics, Average energy prices for the United States, regions, census divisions, and selected metropolitan areas Nov 2022. [Online]. Available: https://
www.bls.gov/regions/midwest/data/averageenergyprices_selectedareas_table.htm. [Accessed Nov 2022].
Ownership Costs of Used EVs
EV owners can expect to save on fuel costs since the electricity needed to charge their battery
is considerably cheaper than gasoline or diesel fuel. But other costs associated with vehicle
ownership need to be considered. Vehicle ownership costs can be broken down into six categories:
depreciation, fuel, insurance, maintenance and repairs, taxes and fees, and finance charges. Each will
vary based on the vehicle, the owner’s state of residence, driving tendencies, and other factors.
AAA’s 2022 Your Driving Costs study compared new vehicle ownership costs of nine dierent vehicle
categories and found that EVs had the second-lowest total ownership costs. The most significant
savings were in fuel, repair, maintenance, fees, and taxes (due to available rebates for some EVs).
On the other hand, EVs were found to have the highest depreciation costs. But for those looking to
purchase a used vehicle, some of these costs will change.
Electric vs. Gas Vehicle Ownership Costs
Using AAA’s online Your Driving Costs calculator, the cost to own two popular EVs from the model
year 2017 was compared to similar gas-powered vehicles. These US average cost estimates are
based on 15,000 miles driven annually and an EPA-standard 55%/45% city/highway driving ratio. The
cost estimates assume that the vehicles were purchased used in January 2023, driven for five years,
and traded in.
In both comparisons, the EVs oer significant savings in fuel costs – nearly $7,000 over five years.
They also save on maintenance costs compared to their gas-powered counterparts. When all cost
categories are added up, both of the used EVs are estimated to cost less to own than their gas-
powered comparison.
Opting for a used EV can save money. Still, car buyers should thoroughly research their options and
use tools like AAAs online Your Driving Costs calculator to compare ownership costs for dierent
vehicles and situations.
Purchase Prices
In the past, on average, EVs depreciated much faster than their gas-powered counterparts, meaning
used EVs could be purchased at low prices compared to used gas vehicles. But recently, high gas
prices and general inflation of used automobile prices have increased the purchase prices of used
EVs. Despite this, buyers can expect to spend thousands less on a used EV than on a new one. A
lower purchase price means a smaller down payment, fewer financing costs, and fewer taxes.
MSRP $30,680 $21 ,420
Total $31,083 $43,676
Maint & Repair
Fees & Taxes
Finance Charges
$10 ,337
$10, 378
$7, 280
$1 ,270
2017 Nissan LEAF S 2017 Nissan Rogue Sport S
Subcompact Comparison: 5-year cost to ownership
Compact Comparison: 5-year cost to ownership
MSRP $3 6,620 $22,900
Total $37,932 $39,280
Maint & Repair
Fees & Taxes
Finance Charges
$7,11 6
2017 Chevrolet Bolt EV LT 2017 Chevrolet Trax LT
©2023 Vincentric, LLC. The data provided by Vincentric is provided AS IS without warranty or guarantee of any kind, and Vincentric disclaims all
warranties or conditions of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to such data, including the implied warranties of merchantable quality
and tness for a particular purpose.
©2023 Vincentric, LLC. The data provided by Vincentric is provided AS IS without warranty or guarantee of any kind, and Vincentric disclaims all
warranties or conditions of any kind, expressed or implied, with respect to such data, including the implied warranties of merchantable quality
and tness for a particular purpose.
Depreciation (the dierence between the price paid for a vehicle and the price it is eventually sold
for) is typically the single largest vehicle ownership cost. In the past, EVs were known to depreciate
faster than gas vehicles, but the increasing popularity of EVs means that this is not necessarily true
anymore. In reality, depreciation is vehicle-specific. Due to brand name, perceived quality, or other
factors, some vehicles will lose value more quickly than others.
On the one hand, a used EV buyer benefits from depreciation by obtaining a lower purchase price.
On the other hand, that savings could be negated in the long run by similarly low future resale value.
EV shoppers can find estimates for depreciation over five years of ownership for vehicles going back
five model years at AAAs Your Driving Costs online tool.
Fuel Costs
As discussed in the Driving Range and Charging section, EVs can save money on fuel costs. In the
above estimates, charging costs for both EVs are about one-third of their gas-powered counterparts,
but note that these estimates assume mostly home charging. Public charging can cost significantly
more than home charging, reducing savings compared to gas.
The upfront cost of installing a home unit saves money in the long run and is likely the best option for
most owners. Those unable to install a dedicated EV charger in their home can find Level 1 charging
options that plug into standard 120-volt wall outlets, though they typically charge much slower.
Maintenance Costs
Maintenance costs for EVs are generally less than for gas vehicles. This is because electric
powertrains have fewer moving components than combustion engines and don’t require as much
ongoing maintenance (like oil changes). In our examples above, each EV is estimated to cost at least
20% less in maintenance, repair, and tires than the gas comparisons.
There are, however, potential expenses not necessarily accounted for in the above estimates
once a vehicle is outside of warranty. In the case of gas vehicles, major repairs like transmission
replacements can cost thousands. Similarly, an EV battery that has reached the end of its life can
cost thousands to replace. This and other maintenance topics are discussed in further detail in
section IV.
Tax Incentives
In August of 2022, the Inflation Reduction Act was signed into law and changed how federal tax
credits for alternative fuel vehicles (including EVs) work. As of January 2023, purchasers of new
EVs could get a maximum tax rebate of $7,500
. But things like where the vehicle and battery were
assembled, where battery materials were sourced from, the purchase price, and the purchaser’s
income can reduce the rebate or disqualify a purchase altogether.
Buyers of used EVs can receive up to $4,000 or 30% of the price of the vehicle when purchasing
an EV that is a minimum of two years old. And there are no requirements related to assembly and
materials, so more models should qualify. The purchase price must not exceed $25,000, and the
purchaser’s income must be below $150,000 filing jointly, $112,500 for the head of a household, and
$75,000 for single filers and others. The used vehicle tax credit is only available for the first sale after
the new purchase
Used EV shoppers can find a list of qualifying used EVs at the IRS’s Index of Qualified Manufacturers
and Previously Owned Clean Vehicles. Buyers should also research state-level incentives, as some
states provide additional credits for EV purchases. Buyers can find more information on federal and
state-level EV incentives at the US Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuel Data Center.
117th Congress, H.R.5376 - 117th Congress (2021-2022): Inflation Reduction Act of 2022. 2022. [Online]. Available: https://www.congress.gov/bill/117th-congress/house-
bill/5376/text/pl?overview=closed. [Accessed Oct 2022].
US Department of Energy, Pre-Owned Electric Vehicle (EV) and Fuel Cell Electric Vehicle (FCEV) Tax Credit [Online]. Available: https://afdc.energy.gov/laws/13038. [Accessed
October 2022].
Repair and Maintenance
EVs tend to require less maintenance than gas-powered ones. An electric powertrain has fewer
components than an internal combustion engine (meaning fewer parts to wear out or break). EVs also
don’t require regular oil changes, meaning fewer visits to the mechanic. Depending on how its driven,
EV owners may even have to replace their brake pads less often due to the use of regenerative braking.
However, there are some caveats. Most notable is the traction battery that powers the vehicle’s
motors. While it does not typically need ongoing maintenance, it does wear out over time, and
when the time comes, the cost to replace it can be very high. This section will discuss this and other
maintenance-related topics that prospective used EV owners should know.
Battery Repair and Replacement
Instead of a gas tank, EVs store their energy in a traction battery pack. Unlike the
twelve-volt battery used by most cars to start engines and power accessories, a
traction battery is much larger, operates at a much higher voltage, and powers an
EVs motor(s).
The traction battery (like other batteries) gradually loses its capacity as it is
charged and discharged. This is why an EV that is a few years old typically has less
range than when new. And things like how the battery is charged and the climate
it resides in can decrease its longevity. But how long the traction battery will last
is a dicult question since a relatively small number of EVs have been around long
enough to reach this point.
EV Maintenance and Repairs
Whether still under warranty or not, the best bet is to have drivetrain and traction
battery issues serviced at an authorized dealership that services that brand.
EVs are still quite new and sell in relatively low numbers, so mechanics (whether
independent or dealership) may not have much experience with them. But taking
an EV to a dealership ensures they have access to the vehicle’s appropriate
service information and equipment. This will change over time as EVs become
more prevalent and more independent shops build the skills and tools required to
service EVs.
An independent service provider should be equipped to handle maintenance on
equipment not specific to EVs (such as brakes, suspension, and tires). Owners
may even find independent shops that specialize in EVs. No matter where they
choose to take their EV, owners should research shops before bringing in their
vehicles to ensure they are experienced, certified, and equipped to handle their
specific needs. EV owners can find a quality repair shop using the AAA Approved
Auto Repair Facility Locator.
Manufacturers are federally mandated to oer an 8-year/100,000-mile warranty
on traction batteries, with some oering 10-year/150,000-mile or even lifetime
warranties. Traction battery replacements can cost thousands (or tens of thousands)
of dollars, so buyers need to know the duration and terms of the warranty.
Some automakers (such as Hyundai/Kia and Tesla) provide warranties beyond the
federal mandate on specific models. This provides owners peace of mind that they
will not have to pay for a battery replacement for many years.
Buyers should check to see whether a used vehicle is still under warranty
(especially on the traction battery), but beware that not all warranties are passed
along to subsequent owners. Buyers can contact a dealership and provide the
vehicle’s VIN to check the remaining warranty. An active warranty can mean peace
of mind for however many miles (or years) are left on it and could be the deciding
factor when comparing used EVs.
EVs are typically equipped with specialized tires from the factory. Because eciency
and driving range is at a premium, manufacturers tend to install low rolling resistance
tires on their electric models. Besides that, EVs are significantly heavier than their gas
counterparts due to the weight of the electric motor and large battery pack, and they
need tires that are rated to support that extra weight.
This means that replacing the tires of an EV will likely cost more than for gas
vehicles. However, if the tires are replaced with cheaper, non-specialized tires,
owners could get worse eciency (less range) and have to replace those tires
sooner due to faster wear.
Finding a Used EV
EVs make up a small fraction of the used car market. EVs currently account for less than 1% of
vehicles in operation. Shoppers can expect their options to be limited, especially if they live in an area
with a lower EV prevalence. Historically, there has been little variety in EVs, with sedans and small
SUVs making up the majority. This is changing, though, with recent additions of electric pickups,
SUVs, and sports vehicles.
Four of the most popular used EV models in the US include the Tesla Model S, Chevrolet Bolt EV,
Tesla Model X, and Nissan LEAF – all of which are sedans or compact SUVs. Buyers looking for larger
used vehicles may have diculty finding electric options, but the variety of EV models and vehicle
types has been growing yearly. Looking for newer used vehicles could oer more options.
Where to Shop
Car buyers can find used EVs at dealerships, used car lots, and online listings. Since inventory is more
limited, car buyers may have to spend more time searching and traveling to find an EV that meets
their needs.
Choosing a Used EV
First, a buyer must decide how much they want
to spend. For example, the 2017 Tesla Model
S 75 is a high-performance large sedan with
a range of 249 miles and an original MSRP of
about $70,000. Currently, a used model might
cost $50,000 or more
. The more moderately
priced 2017 Nissan LEAF S is an economical
compact hatchback with a stated range of 107
miles and an original MSRP of about $30,000.
A used model might currently cost less than
Size & Performance
Before shopping, buyers should decide how
large of a vehicle they need. There are large
sedan models that can fit a small family
comfortably, and there are compact models
with limited storage and passenger space.
One of the most critical factors when selecting
a used EV is range. Some car buyers may not
need their EV to go further than a few miles
a day, especially if they own a second vehicle
that is gas-powered. Others may own just one
vehicle and rely on it for a long daily commute.
Buyers should understand their driving needs
and select a vehicle accordingly.
The brand is a major factor aecting the cost of
an EV (or any vehicle). Some brands may oer
higher quality or a sense of luxury. Some people
may prefer the styling of a particular car over
another. And some people may have a favorite.
Buyers should understand that some brands and
models tend to cost more or hold their value
better than others. For example, Tesla vehicles
cost more than many other EVs when new and
hold their value well.
Evaluating Vehicle Condition
Before purchasing a used EV, it is important to evaluate the vehicle’s condition. If available, buyers
should consider purchasing an independent pre-purchase inspection by a company specializing in
EVs or the vehicle brand they are considering buying. Buyers should also request a service record
from the seller, which can be obtained from the dealership (assuming that is where the vehicle was
taken for service). Otherwise, records can be obtained through a service like CARFA.
Buyers should look for records indicating future problems (like wrecks) or for battery repairs or
replacements. While battery repairs may suggest an aging battery that could require more service in
the future, a new battery replacement could mean that the buyer is getting a battery with a longer life.
Buyers should specifically request information on the state of health of the battery since this is a
potential future expense that can cost thousands. Dealerships may be able to perform a battery
evaluation, but if this isn’t available, find out the current maximum capacity of the vehicle’s battery
and compare it to the as-new capacity as stated by the manufacturer. On the dash, many EVs will
provide the battery’s current max capacity (in kW-h). If not, a buyer should at least ask to check the
driving range (in miles) stated with the vehicle fully charged.
Comparing the capacity or range on the dash to the manufacturer-stated value when new can show
how much the battery has already degraded. The more range that has already been lost, the closer a
battery is likely to be repaired or replaced.
Kelley Blue Book Co., Inc., Used 2017 Tesla Model S [Online]. Available: https://www.kbb.com/tesla/model-s/2017/. [Accessed Oct 2022].
Kelley Blue Book Co., Inc., Used 2017 Nissan LEAF [Online]. Available: https://www.kbb.com/nissan/leaf/2017/. [Accessed Oct 2022].
Buyers should check for recalls before purchasing a used vehicle (electric or otherwise). This can be
done by entering the vehicle’s VIN at NHTSAs Safety Issues and Recalls search page. An active recall
may not be a reason to avoid a vehicle, but not knowing about a recall could mean driving around
with faulty or dangerous equipment or a surprise trip to the dealership soon after purchasing.
Additional Resources
Î AAA’s Your Driving Costs Calculator:
Compare customized ownership cost estimates for new and used vehicles dating back to the model year 2017.
Î Department of Energy’s Alternative Fuels Data Center:
Information on EV charging, map of public chargers, explanation of EV tax incentives, and more.
Î IRS Index of Qualified Manufacturers and Previously Owned Clean Vehicles:
Check for tax rebates for specific EV models.
Î AAA Approved Auto Repair Facility Locator:
Find a quality service facility for your vehicle’s maintenance and repairs.
Î NHTSA Safety Issues & Recalls:
Check on safety issues for a vehicle you are interested in purchasing.