China’s Interest Rate System and Market-based Interest Rate
This article, authored by Governor Yi Gang, was published in the Journal of Financial
Research (Issue 9, 2021). The full text is as follows:
Interest rate is an important macroeconomic variable, and its liberalization is one of
the core reforms in China’s economic and financial sector. Since the reform and
opening-up, China has been steadily advancing interest rate liberalization to establish
and improve the mechanism in which interest rates are determined by market supply
and demand, and the central bank has been guiding market rates with monetary policy
instruments. After over 30 years of continuous efforts, China has achieved remarkable
results in its market-based interest rate reform. A complete system of market-based
interest rates has been formed, and the yield curve has come close to a mature pattern,
creating favorable conditions for enabling interest rates to play an important role in
adjusting the macro economy.
1. Interest rate is an important macroeconomic variable.
As the price of money, interest rate is of guiding significance to macroeconomic
equilibrium and resource allocation. Reflecting the degree of fund scarcity, interest
rate is an important indicator pricing the factor of production, as wages and rents.
Meanwhile, it is also a reward for delayed consumption. Effects of the interest rate on
behaviors and resource allocation are mainly measured by the real interest rate, i.e. the
nominal interest rate minus the inflation rate. In theory, the natural rate of interest is
the real interest rate at macroeconomic equilibrium where the aggregate supply equals
the aggregate demand. In practice, the level of interest rate directly affects the savings
and consumption of the public, the investment and financing decisions of enterprises,
imports and exports, and the balance of payments, thereby asserting broad influences
on the whole economy. Therefore, interest rate is an important macroeconomic
Interest rate plays an important role in adjusting the macro economy, mainly by
affecting consumer demand and investment demand. In terms of consumption, the
rise of interest rates will encourage savings and discourage consumption. In terms of
investment, higher interest rates will reduce the total volume of profitable investments
and dampen investment demand, filtering out projects with low rate of returns.
Interest rate also influences imports and exports as well as the balance of payments.
The decline of domestic interest rates will stimulate investment and consumption and
increase the aggregate demand, thereby increasing imports and resulting in a decrease
in net exports. Meanwhile, it will narrow the spread between the interest rates of
domestic currency and foreign currencies, which might lead to capital outflow and
affect the balance of payments. Undoubtedly the interest rate transmission mechanism
and the relationship among macroeconomic variables in the reality are much more
complex than the simplified version stated above.
The equilibrium interest rate is determined by market supply and demand, and
it is the result of savings, investment and financing activities by market
participants, including businesses, residents and financial institutions, who
mainly save and lend via banks, invest or get financed in the bond market, the
stock market and the insurance market, and then allocate financial resources to
the real economy and various assets. The market plays a decisive role in resource
allocation, and the allocation process is guided by prices of market transactions on the
premise of clearly-established ownership of equity. In the process, as the price of
funds, the interest rate determines fund flow and thereby the allocation of financial
resources. The miracle of China’s economic development since the reform and
opening up proves that, compared with the planned economy, the socialist market
economy, where resources are mainly allocated by the financial market, is much more
efficient and has brought much more benefits to the people. In the medium and long
term, macro interest rate should be basically in line with the natural interest rate.
However, as a concept abstracted from theories, the natural interest rate is difficult to
estimate. Therefore, in practice, the “Golden Rule” is often used to measure the
reasonable interest rate level, that is, when the economy is on a steady growth path
where the per-capita consumption hits its maximum, the inflation-adjusted real
interest rate (r) should equal the real economic growth rate (g). When r is constantly
higher than g, social financing costs will remain high, putting businesses at distress
and adversely impacting economic development. When r is lower than g, the nominal
interest rate is usually lower than the growth rate of nominal GDP. This is favorable
for debt sustainability, namely, stable or even lower leverage ratios, thus giving the
government some extra policy space. However, studies show that, at least in emerging
markets, debt crises are still unavoidable when r is lower than g. In general, it is
reasonable to have an r that is slightly lower than g. Empirical data suggests that in
China, for most of the time, the real interest rate is lower than the real economic
growth rate, which may be called an optimal strategy that allows leeway. However, r
cannot be constantly and significantly lower than g. An interest rate that is too low for
long will distort the allocation of financial resources, lead to overinvestments,
overcapacity, inflation and asset bubbles, and cause funds to circulate within the
financial system. Therefore, ultra-low interest rate policy is hard to sustain in the long
Interest rate not only affects the investment returns and financing costs of micro
entities, but also acts more as a critical factor in balancing the aggregate supply and
demand in the macro economy. Therefore, all mature market economies have come to
take interest rate as a major macro regulatory instrument. In determining policy
rates, the central bank must conform to economic principles and the
requirement of macro regulation and inter-temporal designs. The ultimate goal of
China’s monetary policy is to “maintain the stability of RMB value and promote
economic growth”, and interest rate is the key to achieving the goal.
Following the strategic arrangements made by the Central Committee of the
Communist Party of China (CPC) and the State Council, we have been advancing the
market-based interest rate reform, which conforms to both national conditions and
international standards. While relaxing the interest rate control in an orderly manner,
we attach great importance to the establishment and improvement of the market-based
interest rate system in which interest rates are determined by market supply and
demand and guided by monetary policy instruments of the central bank, and we give
full play to the role of the interest rate in adjusting the macro economy.
2. China has established a complete system of market-based interest rates.
After 30 years of continuous efforts to advance the market-based interest rate reform,
China has basically established a market-based mechanism for interest rate formation
and transmission and a complete system of market-based interest rates. We adjust
liquidity in the banking system mainly with monetary policy instruments and send
regulation signals with policy rates. We guide the benchmark rates in the market to
move around the policy rates with the interest rate corridor, and transmit them to
lending rates through the banking system. In this way, the market-based mechanism
for interest rate formation and transmission has been established to adjust the supply
and demand of funds and the allocation of resources, thereby achieving the goal of
our monetary policy.
Figure 1 China’s interest rate system and framework for interest rate regulation
Table 1 Major types of interest rates in China
Interest rate type
Current rate
Open market
operation (OMO) rate
7-day reverse repo
at 2.2 percent
Short-term reverse repo rate
lending facility (MLF)
1-year MLF at 2.95
The interest rate at which the central
bank lends to the market for medium terms.
Standing lending
facility (SLF) rate
7-day SFL at 3.2
percent ( = 7-day
reverse repo rate +
The interest rate at which the central
bank provides short-term capital to
financial institutions as demanded, which is
the cap of the interest rate corridor.
Loan prime rates
1-year LPR at 3.85
4.65 percent for
maturities of 5 years and
The arithmetic average of loan rates
provided for customers of best credit
qualities by LPR quoting banks.
deposit rate
Demand deposits at
0.35 percent, 1-year
deposits at 1.5 percent
Interest rates published by the PBC as
a guidance for commercial banks to set
interest rates on customer deposits.
Interest rate on
excess reserves
0.35 percent
The rate at which the central bank
makes interest payments on the excess
reserves deposited by financial institutions,
which is the floor of the interest rate
Interest rate on
required reserves
1.62 percent
The rate at which the central bank
makes interest payments on the required
reserves deposited by financial institutions.
Interbank Offered Rate
2 percent
overnight, and around
2.35 percent for
3-month maturity
The arithmetic average of interbank
offered rates quoted by banks with high
credit ratings.
Government bond
government bonds yield
around 2.85 percent
Reference rates for the market-based
bond market
In our market-based interest rate system, the most important types of interest rates
(1) OMO rates and interest rate corridor. The 7-day reverse repo rate, one of the
OMO rates, is a short-term policy rate of the central bank and is currently at 2.2
percent. Through daily OMOs, the central bank keeps the liquidity in the banking
system adequate at a reasonable level and sends short-term policy interest rate signals,
so that short-term rates, such as the pledged depository-institution repo rate (DR),
could move around the policy rates and be transmitted to other market rates.
Meanwhile, through the interest rate corridor with the standing loan facility (SLF)
rates as the cap and the interest rate on excess reserves as the floor, the central bank
limits the movements of short-term interest rates within a reasonable range. The SLF
is a tool for the central bank to provide short-term funds to financial institutions as
demanded. As financial institutions may borrow from the central bank at the SLF
rates, they don’t have to borrow from the market at higher prices. Therefore, the SLF
rates could be regarded as the cap of the interest rate corridor. Currently, the 7-day
SLF rate stands at 3.2 percent, which equals the 7-day reverse repo rate plus 100 basis
points. Recently, the People’s Bank of China (PBC) launched reforms to promote
electronic transactions of SLF in an orderly manner, which are expected to raise
transaction efficiency, stabilize market expectations, enhance the stability of the
liquidity in the banking system, maintain the stable operation of money market
interest rates, and effectively prevent liquidity risks. The interest rate on excess
reserves is the rate at which the central bank makes interest payments on the excess
reserves deposited by financial institutions. As financial institutions can always
deposit their surplus funds into the excess reserve account and receive interest
payments at the interest rate on excess reserves, they would not be willing to lend to
the market at prices below such a rate. Therefore, the interest rate on excess reserves
can be regarded as the floor of the interest rate corridor. Currently, the interest rate on
excess reserves stands at 0.35 percent.
Figure 2 Short-term policy interest rates and the interest rate corridor
(2) MLF rates. The MLF rates are medium-term policy rates of the central bank,
which, together with the 7-day reverse repo rate, constitute the central bank’s policy
interest rate system. Currently, the 1-year MLF rate stands at 2.95 percent, which
represents the marginal cost of medium-term funds at which the banking system
borrows from the central bank. Since 2019, the PBC has gradually established a
mechanism for regular MLF operations, meaning that MLF operations are carried out
once in the middle of each month. By carrying out MLF operations in a fixed time
window at a fixed frequency, the PBC improves the transparency, regularity and
predictability of MLF operations, continuously sends the medium-term policy interest
rate signals to the market, and guides the movement of the medium-term market
interest rates. Let’s take the yield to maturity (YTM) of 1-year interbank negotiable
certificate deposits (NCDs) (AAA+ rated) as an example. In the past two years, it
generally moved around the MLF rates, except for the first quarter of 2020 when it
temporarily deviated from the MLF rates due to the impact of the COVID-19
Figure 3 Medium-term policy interest rates and NCD rates
(3) LPR. In August 2019, the PBC launched the LPR reform, in which the panel
banks quote the LPR based on MLF rates and a comprehensive consideration of the
cost of funds, risk premium and other factors, so as to fully reflect the market supply
and demand. After two years of continuous advancement, financial institutions have
basically set prices with reference to the LPR when issuing loans, and completed the
conversion of the pricing benchmark for outstanding loans. The LPR has replaced the
benchmark lending rates to become the major pricing reference for financial
institutions, and the lending rates become evidently more market-based. After the
reform, the implicit lending rate floor is removed and the LPR timely reflects the new
trend of slightly declining market rates. In this way, we effectively leverage the role
of LPR in guiding the real lending rates to decrease and set up an interest rate
transmission mechanism featuring “a transmission from MLF rates to LPR and then to
lending rates”, thus greatly smoothing the transmission channel of monetary policies
and strengthening the mutual reference between lending rates and bond rates.
Figure 4 Post-reform mutual reference between lending rates and bond rates has intensified
to some extent
(4) Interest rates on reserves. Interest rates on reserves are the interest rates at
which the central bank pays for the reserves deposited at the central bank by financial
institutions. The rates are classified into two categories-the interest rate on required
reserves and the interest rate on excess reserves. At present, the interest rate on
required reserves stands at 1.62 percent in China, which helps to balance the interests
of various stakeholders and bolster the sustainable development of financial
institutions. In 2020, the interest rate on excess reserves dropped from 0.72 percent to
0.35 percent, on par with the benchmark rate of demand deposits. This aligned the
interest rate on household demand deposits at commercial banks with that on excess
reserves that commercial banks deposit at the central bank, which was relatively fair.
In addition, due to decreased return on excess reserves of commercial banks and
increased opportunity costs of idle money, commercial banks are motivated to boost
the efficiency of fund use and are encouraged to increase credit supply with their own
funds so as to better serve the real economy .
Figure 5 Interest rates on reserves
(5) Shanghai Interbank Offered Rate (Shibor). The PBC introduced Shibor in 2007,
which is a simple, no-guarantee, wholesale interest rate calculated by arithmetically
averaging all the interbank RMB lending rates offered by the panel of quoting banks
with high credit ratings. Featuring a complete maturity structure covering eight
maturities from overnight to 1-year, Shibor can serve as a reference to the pricing of
financial products of diverse maturities. At present, it has been applied in financial
product pricing in different layers of the money market, bond market and derivatives
market among others. Since the introduction of Shibor, the PBC has been performing
supervision and administration in an attempt to ensure the quality of Shibor quotations.
Meanwhile, in line with the general principle of drawing upon international consensus
and best practices, the PBC actively participates in the reform of international
benchmark rates, and guides the interest rate self-regulatory mechanism and the
National Association of Financial Market Institutional Investors (NAFMII) to release
a series of domestic reference texts on the transition from London Interbank Offered
Rate (Libor), creating favorable circumstances for domestic financial institutions to
respond to the withdrawal of Libor.
In addition, the benchmark deposit rates used to play an important role in the past.
As the market-based interest rate reform advances, at present, financial institutions
can independently determine their actual deposit rates. As every household holds
some deposits, these deposits are the most important products of financial services to
the public, which are related to their immediate interests. The deposit rates are
determined by the market under certain rules. As the guiding rates, the benchmark
deposit rates released by the PBC serve as an important reference to the pricing of
deposit interest rates by financial institutions. From the perspective of international
experience, deposit rates are generally more stable than other market rates. Currently,
domestic 1-year benchmark deposit rate stands at 1.5 percent, based on which
financial institutions can adjust their actual deposit rates upwards or downwards. This
level is regarded as a golden level, adaptive to the demand of inter-temporal policy
design. In September 2013, the self-disciplinary mechanism for setting interest rates
was established under the guidance of the PBC, which realized self-disciplinary
management on interest rate setting by financial institutions. The mechanism, with
reference to the benchmark deposit rates, has put in place a self-disciplinary
agreement on deposit rates, and plays an important role in maintaining fair and sound
competition order in the deposit market. In June 2021, the mechanism changed the
determination of the self-disciplinary ceiling for deposit interest rates, which had
shifted from adjusting the benchmark deposit rates upwards by a designated multiplier
to adding basis points to the benchmark interest rates. This helps further regulate the
competition order of deposit rates, improve the maturity structure of deposit rates, and
create a sound environment for the market-based reform of interest rates. When
needed, market entities can adjust their deposit rates downwards at their own
Figure 6 Benchmark deposit rates
3. China’s Yield Curve Tends to Be Mature.
In the market-based interest rate system, the benchmark yield curve is crucial as
it provides pricing reference to various financial products for diversified market
entities. The yield curve reflects the maturity structure of interest rates ranging from
those of a shorter maturity to those of a longer one, and represents a system composed
of major benchmark rates of financial products with various maturities. The short end
of the yield curve shows overnight and 7-day depository-institutions repo rate
(DR007), whereas the long end demonstrates the government bond yields. From an
international perspective, even in the US where the bond market is rather developed,
its Treasury yield curve mainly works at the middle and long end, and the short-end
interest rates such as those in the money market are mainly determined with reference
to federal funds rate and Libor (SOFR after the reform). For different sections of the
yield curve, the central bank and the market have different roles to play. At the
short end of the yield curve, the central bank controls base money supply, and
provides short and medium-term base money through OMOs, MLF and others,
exerting direct impact on the short and medium-term benchmark market rates. At the
medium and long end of the yield curve, the benchmark rates are formed through
market transactions based on the market expectations of the development trend of the
macro economy as well as the stance of monetary policy. With an observation of
these rates, investors and policy makers can grasp important market information.
The Chinese government bond yield curve is getting mature in terms of its
construction and publication. Since the publication of the first yield curve for
RMB-denominated government bonds in 1999, the construction and publication of the
Chinese government bond yield curve have become increasingly stable and mature.
The providers include infrastructures, such as the China Central Depository &
Clearing Co., Ltd. (CCDC) and the China Foreign Exchange Trade System, and
global information services companies, such as Bloomberg. The yield curves
produced by the CCDC are published by China’s Finance Ministry, the PBC, and the
China Banking and Insurance Regulatory Commission on their official websites. The
US Treasury yield curves of major influence are those produced by the US Treasury
Department and Bloomberg. On the Chinese government bond yield curve, the
10-year government bond yield has drawn the most attention from the market and
given rise to active trading, with an average daily volume of nearly 500 transactions,
or more than RMB20 billion.
Figure 7 Chinese government bond yield curve (overnight to 10Y)
The Chinese government bond yield curve has had increasingly extensive uses.
Widely applied by market institutions in risk management, fair value measurement,
and transaction pricing, it is playing an important role in the bond market. Perpetual
bonds and floating-rate bonds issued or re-priced with reference to government bond
yields have amounted to nearly RMB3.7 trillion. With their issue prices benchmarked
against the ChinaBond government bond yield curve, over RMB30 trillion of local
government bonds and ultra-long maturity government bonds have been issued so far.
Internationally, the three-month Chinese government bond yield was included in the
Special Drawing Rights (SDR) interest rate basket in 2016, providing a pricing
benchmark for investments by overseas central banks and commercial institutions in
China’s bond market.
The Chinese government bond yield curve is still not as market-based as that of
developed markets. A mature yield curve can effectively reflect changes in
macroeconomic growth as well as in inflation. Judging by market size, the
outstanding amount of Chinese government bonds stands at RMB21 trillion, while
that of US Treasury bonds exceeds USD28 trillion. Moreover, Chinese government
bonds, especially long-term government bonds, have a relatively low turnover ratio,
with that of longer-than-10-year government bonds below 100 percent and much
lower than the 530 percent in the US. In terms of bid-ask spreads, the average market
maker spread in China’s government bond market is notably higher than that in the
US. The recent years have seen a rise in the correlation between Chinese government
bond and US Treasury yields. For instance, since 2016, the coefficient of correlation
between the 10-year Chinese government bond yield and the 10-year US Treasury
yield has been 0.67, as compared with the 0.3 recorded over the years 2010-2015. The
difference between Chinese government bond and US Treasury yields is reflective of
various factors combined.
Figure 8 10-year Chinese government bond yield and US Treasury yield
Then let’s talk about conventional and non-conventional monetary policies. Asset
purchases do not fall into the conventional monetary policy toolkit. Rather, they are
reluctant choices of the central bank when the market gets into trouble. Prolonged use
of asset purchases will jeopardize market functioning, monetize fiscal deficits,
undermine central bank reputation, blur the boundaries between central bank solutions
to market failures and its monetary policy stance, generate moral hazard, and cause
many other problems. Therefore, such operations should by all means be avoided. In
case asset purchases are indeed necessary, three principles should be followed. First,
central bank interventions should be aimed at restoring normal market operation
rather than playing the role of the market. Second, the central bank should act ahead
of the market and intervene in order to quickly stabilize market sentiment and avoid
worsening market failures. Third, the central bank should rein in asset purchases and
end them as early as possible so that the intensity of asset purchases matches the
severity of market failures. Currently, interest rates have been on a downward trend in
the world’s major developed economies, with some having adopted near-zero policy
rates or even negative interest rates. As China is expected to keep its potential
economic growth within the range of 5-6 percent, it is well positioned to conduct a
normal monetary policy and to maintain a normal, upward sloping yield curve. China
will pursue a normal monetary policy for as long as possible, with no need to engage
in asset purchases at present.
In line with the strategic arrangements made by the CPC Central Committee and the
State Council, the PBC will further move ahead with the market-based interest rate
reform and enhance the market-oriented interest rate formation and transmission
mechanism. On the one hand, continued efforts will be made to improve the central
bank policy rate system. We will consolidate the central bank policy rate system in
which OMO rates are taken as short-term policy rates and MLF rates as medium-term
policy rates so that market rates will move around policy rates in ideal circumstances.
We will improve the interest rate corridor and take steps to achieve wholly electronic
conduct of SLF operations. On the other hand, we will continue to enhance the
cultivation of market benchmark rates. The mechanism for the formation of LPR
quotes will be optimized while panel banks will be urged to improve the quality of
their quotes, go through performance assessments, and leave the panel if they don’t
qualify. Past LPR quotes will be released when appropriate. Additionally, we will
expand the application of the repo rate DR in financial products to further consolidate
its role as a benchmark. And we will follow market-based principles to develop the
government bond yield curve.
Meanwhile, not only should we lift restrictions through the market-based interest rate
reform, but no less attention should be paid to the formation of interest rates. A major
problem found in the process lies in the impediments to the formation and
transmission of market-based interest rates. The reasons behind include market
segmentation, which has resulted from regulatory arbitrage and the immaturity of
financial markets, and fiscal and financial institutional problems, such as soft
budgetary constraints on financing platforms as well as disorderly competition for
deposits. In the next stage, more work needs to be done to strengthen regulation,
improve business environment, tighten budgetary constraints, and defuse financial
risks in order to create more favorable conditions for furthering the market-based
interest rate reform.