January 2014 AG/Poultry/2014-01pr
Basic Selection, Nutrition and Care of Show Poultry
Troy D. Cooper, Extension Associate Professor, Duchesne County
Darrell Rothlisberger, Extension Associate Professor, Rich County
David D. Frame, DVM, DACPV, Extension Poultry Specialist,
Central Utah Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory
The championship potential of a chicken is
determined by genetics. Genetics are the traits
inherited from its parents. The chicken’s
environment dictates if the genetic potential can be
meet. The chicken’s environment includes such
things as, facilities, care, nutrition, health, training,
There are many breeds and varieties of chickens
both in the bantams and large fowl to choose from.
If you cannot decide on a breed there are many
books, magazines and Internet websites that can
provide pictures, descriptions and positive and
negative traits of many breeds. If you are interested
in showing at the local level, getting day-old chicks
from a mail order catalog or the internet is the most
common way. The idea that every chick raised will
be of show quality is not true. There are still several
steps in selecting the chicken you will show.
There are a number of factors that should be taken
into account when evaluating chickens to be shown.
In selecting chickens for shows it is important to
look at the bird as a whole. You are looking for a
good overall bird and not one that just has one or
two outstanding features. You should look for
certain characteristics and qualities when selecting
birds for show. The bird needs to meet breed
characteristics such as body shape, tail carriage,
comb type, feather pattern, etc., for the breed
exhibited. This information can be obtained from
the American Standard of Perfection
(www.amerpoultryassn.com). This is a good book
to own for the serious exhibitor of standard and
bantam breeds (Scheidler, S.E.). The following are
disqualifications and defects that should be checked
out before your final bird selection. You will be
looking at your bird’s tail, wings, back, beak,
feathers, comb, shank and toes. Some of the tail
disqualifications are split tail, wry tail, and squirrel
tail, along with twisted feathers in primaries,
secondaries, main tail feathers, and sickles.
Wry tail
Wry tail Split tail Squirrel tail
Problems with the wing can be slipped wing, split
wing, and clipped wing.
Split wing Slipped wing
Back defects include crooked or hunchback. Any
beak deformity is grounds for disqualification.
Look for birds with a comb foreign to the breed or
variety. Some of the disqalifcations tha may show
up are split single comb, side sprigs on single comb,
and lopped comb. Females of Mediterranean breeds,
New Hampshire and some rare breeds do have
lopped comb.
Lopped comb
Shanks and toes should be examined carefully for
bowlegs, knock-knees, more or less than the
required number of toes, and stubs or down on
shanks or toes of all clean legged breeds.
There are also specific disqualifications for each
breed and variety. Refer to the American Poultry
Association’s Standard of Perfection for details
regarding the birds you have (Jacob and Mather,
In selection of a chicken for showmanship the
above items should be considered along with the
weight of the bird. A young exhibitor may not be
able to hold a standard size bird for the amount of
time required. For the younger exhibitor a bantam
breed may be more desirable.
According to A. Lee Cartwright, Associate
Professor and Extension Poultry Specialist, Texas
A&M University, “No matter what a bird is fed it
will only grow as well as you feed it, and it cannot
grow beyond its maximal potential.” Bird feed
should contain all nutrients needed to grow muscle,
bone, internal organs, fat and feathers. The nutrients
needed are carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals,
vitamins and water. Fresh clean water and feed
must be continuously available to birds at all times.
There is a direct relationship between the amount of
water a bird consumes and the amount of feed it
will eat (Cartwright, L.A.). Chickens will drink
approximately three times as much water by weight
as they eat in feed. A good rule of thumb is to
provide one quart of water for every four chickens.
Water intake levels will also increase significantly
during warm weather.
Birds of different ages and function have specific
nutrient requirements, which are met by mixing
together different feed ingredients. Formulating and
mixing poultry feed is a complex process that
ensures a diet contains all of the nutrients required
by the bird. It is recommended that you feed a high
quality commercial feed which can be purchased
from most local feed stores. Commercial poultry
feeds contain feed ingredients that are designed to
meet the nutritional need of the bird and several
types of rations are available (for example: starter,
grower, finisher, and layer rations). It is important
to choose the right ration for the type (pullet, layer,
or broiler) and age of bird being fed (Timmons,
Rhodes, Nottingham, Johnson, 2010).
Pellets Crumbles
It’s OK to let your chickens forage for bugs and
greens, but always provide them access to the
appropriate type of formulated balanced feed as
well (Frame, 2008).
Your show birds should be raised in stress-free
environments, safe from predators, with plenty of
ventilation and a regulated temperature. Because
chickens are vulnerable to temperature extremes,
pay close attention to the thermostat so they don’t
become heat stressed or have to expend energy
warming up. Feeders and waters should be placed
conveniently throughout the pen for birds' access.
As the chicks grow place the bottom of the waterers
and top lip of the feeders at the birds' back height.
This will keep the feed and water clean and prevent
wastage (Clauer, 2009).
1 2
Poultry feeders Figurse 1 and 2.
3 4
Poultry waterers Figures 3 and 4.
Health Management
The disease agents we are concerned about include
viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Prevention is
the most acceptable way to deal with poultry
diseases and parasites. Many diseases can be
prevented through good management but cannot be
cured once they occur without taking further steps
for control. Chickens will do their best in a clean
and nurturing environment. Removal of soiled litter
material and replacing it with fresh litter will help
decrease the chance of disease. Clean feeders and
waterers when they appear soiled. Signs of disease
to watch for include an increase in the number of
dead birds, difficult or noisy breathing and bloody
droppings. Birds that are not well may try to hide,
are inactive, and may appear weak. If you see these
signs you will need to separate those birds and
disinfect your coop and cages. Certain drugs have
been approved for use in poultry feeds. These drugs
may help prevent or reduce disease outbreaks,
enable birds to overcome stress conditions, and
speed the growth of chicks. Drugs should be used to
reinforce good management, not as a substitute for
it (Lyons, 1997).
Remember select only healthy well developed birds
that have been fed and cared for, that mirror the
standard of perfection for your breed and variety of
chicken. Selection, nutrition, and care are not all
that must be considered when deciding to show
your chickens. Training and handling are essential
in making your bird a show quality bird.
Cartwright, A. Lee. Nutrition and Feeding of Show
Poultry L-5159, The Texas A&M University
System. Retrieved from
Clauer, Phillip, J. 2009. Small Scale Poultry
Housing 2902-1092. Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University.
Frame, David, D. 2008. Principles of Feeding Small
Flocks of Chickens a Home, AG/Poultry/2008-02pr.
Utah State University.
Jacob, Jacqueline, P., and Mather, F. Ben. 1997.
Selecting Chickens for Show, Fact Sheet PS-33.
University of Florida.
Lyons, Jesse J. 1997. Small Flock Series: Managing
a Family Chicken Flock. University of Missouri
Sheidler, Sheila, E. Exhibiting 4-H Poultry EC 282.
University of Nebraska Lincoln. Retrieved from
Timmons, Jennifer, R., Rhodes, Jennifer, L.,
Nottingham, J. Richard. Uupdated 2010. Raising
Your Home Chicken Flock, MEP-300. University
of Maryland Extension. Retrieved from
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