Best Management
Practices Handbook
A Guide to the Mitigation of
Salmonella Contamination
at Poultry Hatcheries
United States
Department of
Animal and Plant
Health Inspection
Veterinary Services
National Poultry
Improvement Plan
March 2014
Best Management Practices Handbook: A Guide to the Mitigation of
Salmonella at Poultry Hatcheries
United States Department of Agriculture
Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service
Veterinary Services
National Poultry Improvement Plan
National Poultry Improvement Plan
1506 Klondike Rd. Suite 101
Conyers, GA 30094
Suggested bibliographic citation for this report
USDA (2014). Best Management Practices Handbook: A Guide to the Mitigation of Salmonella
Contamination at Poultry Hatcheries. USDA-APHIS-VS-National Poultry Improvement Plan, Conyers, GA.
March 2014.
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BMPs Handbook: A Guide to Mitigation of Salmonella at Poultry Hatcheries
March 24, 2014
Table of Contents
About This Handbook.................................................................................................................................... 3
Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 3
Salmonella in Poultry .................................................................................................................................... 4
Biosecurity .................................................................................................................................................... 6
Handling Hatching Eggs ............................................................................................................................. 7
Egg Sanitation Procedures ........................................................................................................................ 7
Vehicles and Equipment ........................................................................................................................... 8
Rodents, Wild Birds, Other Animals, and Insects ..................................................................................... 8
Hatchery Facility........................................................................................................................................ 8
Employees and Visitors ............................................................................................................................. 9
Sanitation Program ..................................................................................................................................... 10
Hatcher, Hatcher Room, and Take-Off Area ........................................................................................... 10
Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Windows, Fans, Ducting, and Machines ............................................................ 10
Minimum Sanitation Requirements ........................................................................................................ 11
Cleanup of Incubators, Hatchers and Hatchery Rooms, and Equipment ............................................... 11
Quality Assurance Program ........................................................................................................................ 14
Education of Consumers ............................................................................................................................. 14
Conclusion ................................................................................................................................................... 15
Reference List .............................................................................................................................................. 15
Appendix A .................................................................................................................................................. 18
Sample Questionnaire for Hatchery Manager ........................................................................................ 18
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BMPs Handbook: A Guide to Mitigation of Salmonella at Poultry Hatcheries
March 24, 2014
About This Handbook
This handbook was developed to assist hatchery operators in mitigating Salmonella
contamination of birds to be sold through the mail, feed stores, or other retail outlets.
Reducing Salmonella contamination at the hatchery, along with proper handling of live
poultry by those purchasing birds, will help reduce the number of people becoming ill. The
biosecurity, sanitation, and quality assurance recommendations made in this handbook are
very basic approaches to improving the quality of the birds produced at a hatchery and
reducing the risk of Salmonella transmission. A Salmonella control program specifically
designed for an individual hatchery should be developed in collaboration with a
professional poultry health consultant such as a poultry veterinarian.
Salmonella bacteria cause
an estimated 1.2 million
human illnesses, 19,000
hospitalizations, and 370
deaths annually in the
United States. The United
States Department of
Agriculture’s (USDA)
Economic Research Service
estimates that Salmonella
costs the U.S. economy
approximately $2.5 billion
annually. An estimated
11% of human Salmonella
infections are attributed to animal
exposure annually, making it important for producers, public health and agriculture
officials, health care providers, pertinent industries, and consumers to be aware of this
zoonotic disease. Live poultry, reptiles, amphibians, cattle, sheep, pigs, horses, dogs, cats,
and many other animals have been identified as sources for human Salmonella infection.
Infections are caused by direct or indirect contact with animals. Indirect transmission can
occur through contact with anything in areas where animals live and roam or consumption
of food/drink prepared in contaminated environments. Live poultry infected with
Salmonella typically appear healthy, but can intermittently shed bacteria. Infections have
occurred in a variety of public and private settings such as farms, feed stores, county fairs,
child care facilities, schools, veterinary clinics, and homes.
CDC Graphic
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BMPs Handbook: A Guide to Mitigation of Salmonella at Poultry Hatcheries
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Live poultry play a particularly important role in transmitting salmonellosis to humans.
More people are raising chickens and other poultry in their backyards for meat and egg
production, or for hobby. The risk of human salmonellosis after contact with live poultry
such as chicks, ducklings and other live poultry, including those in backyard flocks, has
been well documented through numerous large outbreaks. According to the Centers for
Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), 45 outbreaks of human Salmonella infections linked
to live poultry have been documented from 1996-2012, resulting in >1,581 illnesses, 221
hospitalizations, and 5 deaths. Because only a portion of Salmonella infections are
diagnosed and reported, many more infections likely occurred in association with these
outbreaks. A thorough summary of these outbreaks was recently published.
Approximately 20 core U.S. hatcheries produce over 50 million chicks annually, which are
sold online, through feed stores, and by mail order. In most documented outbreaks of
human salmonellosis linked to live poultry contact, infection can be traced back to a single
hatchery or hatcheries, highlighting the importance of reducing Salmonella bacteria at the
hatchery level.
Salmonella in Poultry
More than 2,500 serotypes of Salmonella species of bacteria have been identified. Some
serotypes have frequently been associated with foodborne illnesses and some inhabit the
How does a hatchery become contaminated with Salmonella?
Contaminated hatching eggs from an infected breeder
Rodents or other animals/wild birds carrying the
Salmonella bacterium
Insects mechanically spreading the organism
Contamination from equipment, incoming and
outgoing trucks, feed, workers or caretakers, visitors,
or water sources
How Salmonella can
spread within a flock
The Salmonella bacterium
can spread from bird to
bird in a flock through
direct contact, indirect
contact (environmental
contamination and/or
ingestion of feces or fecal
contaminated feed, soil,
dander, feathers, etc.), or
from an infected hen to
her offspring through or
on her eggs.
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intestinal tract of chickens and other poultry. Typically, poultry carrying Salmonella
bacteria appear healthy and clean despite shedding many different Salmonella serotypes
that can cause illness in people; additionally, shedding can be intermittent. Past research
has shown that as many as 30 Salmonella serotypes have been identified being carried by
Eggs can be infected during formation in an infected hen’s reproductive tract (called
transovarial transmission) or horizontal transmission after the egg is laid and is
contaminated by fecal material from an infected bird. The bacterium can penetrate the
shell and vitelline membrane. Once inside the egg, the Salmonella bacterium rapidly
replicates to an infective dose level.
How is Salmonella infection spread from live poultry to humans?
Live poultry (including day-old chicks, ducklings, goslings and
poults) may have Salmonella bacteria in their droppings and on
their bodies (feathers, feet, and beaks) even when they appear
healthy and clean. The bacteria can also contaminate cages,
coops, chick/poult boxes, bedding, plants, and soil in the area
where the birds live and roam.
Additionally, Salmonella bacteria can be found on the hands,
shoes, and clothing of those who handle the birds or work or
play near the birds. People can become infected with
Salmonella when they put their hands in or around their mouth
after touching or coming into contact with fecal material,
inhaling contaminated dust, or touching contaminated objects.
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Biosecurity is the
development and
implementation of the
practices, procedures,
and programs to
protect poultry
production systems from unwanted
The major sources of Salmonella entering a
hatchery are: incoming eggs (contaminated
with feces, feather, and litter), people,
rodents, insect vectors, and equipment.
Hatcheries participating in the National Poultry Improvement Plan
(NPIP) Salmonella control programs can minimize the risk of importing
Salmonella-contaminated eggs into the hatchery. Participating breeder
flocks must demonstrate that they are U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean, U.S.
S. Enteritidis Clean, U.S. Salmonella Monitored, and U.S. Sanitation
Monitored. This status may apply to the following types of breeding
flocks and products (9 CFR Part 145):
Multiplier egg-type chicken
Multiplier meat-type chicken
Breeding turkeys
Breeding hobbyist and exhibition waterfowl,
poultry, and game birds
Primary egg-type chickens
Primary meat-type chickens
Breeding meat-type waterfowl
NPIP in 2010 ratified a new voluntary monitoring
program for mail-order hatcheries, which proposes
monthly environmental sampling of the hatchery for
Salmonella. Once this NPIP classification becomes
official, mail-order hatcheries may voluntarily
choose to participate and enhance control of all
Salmonella serotypes.
Proper biosecurity
measures can:
Prevent the entry of disease-
causing organisms into a facility
or area
Control the spread of disease-
causing organisms within a
facility or area
Eliminate the disease-causing
organisms in the facility or area
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Biosecurity for the hatchery must begin at the breeder farms producing the hatching eggs.
The production of top grade and healthy chicks/poults from the hatchery depends on
careful attention to detail, starting with the arrival of the breeding stock from NPIP
participating hatcheries on the farm, testing arriving chick/poults papers for Salmonella, to
the collection and dispatch of hatching eggs, to the delivery of the chicks to their final
Handling Hatching Eggs
Collect hatching eggs from nests frequently to prevent contamination with disease-
causing organisms.
Use cleaned and disinfected containers, such as egg flats, to collect eggs for hatching.
Egg handlers should wear clean outer garments and thoroughly wash hands with
soap and water prior to and after egg collection.
Do not use dirty eggs for hatching purposes. Collect dirty eggs in a separate
container. Gently remove organic debris by hand.
Store hatching eggs in a designated room in conditions that minimize egg sweating.
Clean and disinfect egg room walls, ceiling, floor, door, heater, and humidifier after
every egg pickup. Clean and disinfect the egg processing area daily. Cleaning and
disinfection procedures are outlined in 9 CFR, Part 147.
Clean and disinfect all vehicles used for transporting eggs or chicks/poults after use.
Implement effective rodent and insect control programs.
Ensure that egg processing building or area is designed, located, and constructed of
materials that allow for proper egg sanitation procedures and easy, effective, and
routine sanitation of the building itself.
Egg Sanitation Procedures
Sanitize eggs before cooling to 60-68° F. overnight and before transferring to the hatchery.
Sanitation options include:
Fumigation with formaldehyde gas. Mix 60 gms of potassium permanganate with
120 cc 37 percent formaldehyde solution for each 100 cubic feet of space; circulate
for 20 minutes with fans. It is important to wear the appropriate personal protective
equipment during fumigation and follow understand all safety requirements
included on the Material Safety data sheets.
Eggs that have been disinfected on the breeder farm may be moved immediately to the
setter trays for storage. For eggs from different sources or of an unknown hygiene status,
disinfect by disinfectant spray or fog before setting using an appropriate warm (70- 80° F.)
solution. Shipping containers from other egg sources should be disposed if single use or
cleaned and disinfected thoroughly if multiple use.
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Vehicles and Equipment
Clean and disinfect vehicles transporting hatching eggs from
breeder farm to hatchery or live poultry from other sources, inside
and out. This is particularly important if the vehicle is delivering eggs
from more than one breeder farm to the hatchery. Cleaning and
disinfection procedures are outlined in 9 CFR, Part 147.
Provide wheel dips or wheel spraying facilities at farm
entrance and allow only necessary vehicles onto the property. Use an
appropriately strong disinfectant solution. Replace the wheel dip
regularly to avoid dilution or contamination.
Ensure that all new and used equipment is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected
before entering hatchery. Mobile equipment brought onto the site from other hatcheries or
units must be washed, disinfected, and dried before entering.
Rodents, Wild Birds, Other Animals, and Insects
The hatchery’s construction should be as vermin-proof as
possible - including protection against rodents, wild birds,
or insects that are destructive, annoying, or injurious to
Maintain a vermin control plan that includes frequent
monitoring of rodent, bird, or insect activity. Install
adequate rodent bait and traps when there is evidence of
rodent activity. Rotate bait brands frequently to prevent resistance.
Use insecticides as necessary.
Keep the area around the hatchery free from vegetation, debris, and unused
Hatchery Facility
A perimeter fence, preferably woven wire topped
by barbed wire, can be put in place around the hatchery.
Post “Prohibited Entry” or similar signs at regular
intervals along perimeter fence. Post signs labeled
“Restricted Entry,” “Official Business Only,” “Sign in at
Front Desk,” or similar, at entrance gate. Keep doors and
gates locked at all times during off hours to prevent
unauthorized entry. Absolutely no other poultry or
domestic animals can be kept on the hatchery property.
The hatchery water source must be potable, preferably from a chlorinated
municipal water source or filtered/chlorinated well water. Ponds, backyard poultry,
or livestock production operations should not be contiguous to property.
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The hatchery should have sealed concrete floors and moisture-impermeable (non-
porous) walls to withstand frequent pressure washing and disinfection.
Ideally, maintain separate areas and ventilation systems for egg receiving, storage
rooms, incubation rooms (setters and hatchers), and chick/poult processing rooms.
Inside traffic should always flow from cleanareas (i.e., egg rooms and incubators)
to increasingly “dirtier” areas (hatchery room, chick/poult servicing, and hatch
debris). Optimally, ventilate each area of the hatchery separately. If this is not
possible, keep the incubation room under positive pressure (pushing air out of the
room) to minimize potentially contaminated air from the dirty side of hatchery.
Positive air flow minimizes the risk of transfer of contamination from the hatcher
back to the setters and to the egg storage room. Use air vents, positive pressure fans
(i.e., fans blowing into the building), and exhaust fans (i.e., fans blowing out of the
building). Monitor the air pressure with a manometer that measures either inches of
water column or mm or inches of mercury. Keep incubator room under positive
pressure. Hatcher and dirty side may be under negative or positive pressure
(negative pressure if attached directly to incubation area.)
Employees and Visitors
Install foot baths at hatchery entrance and at strategic sites within the hatchery.
Foot baths should contain a strong disinfectant. Employees and visitors should clean
footwear to remove organic material, which could inactivate the disinfectant, before
using footbaths. Replenish foot bath daily or when visibly contaminated.
Place hand-sanitizing stations in the hatchery’s locker room entrance, at the
entrance to each room, and at the exit. All employees must wash or sanitize their
hands before work, after breaks, and when moving between activities (e.g., traying
up, setting, transferring, candling,
sexing, vaccinating and packing).
Place a shower at the entrance
to the working area of the hatchery,
furnished with bactericidal soap.
Employees and visitors should
shower in for a minimum of 5 minutes
(including cleansing/brushing under
nails) and shampooing hair. After
showering, visitors and employees
must don freshly laundered coveralls,
nitrile or latex gloves, hair net, and
rubber boots. This must be located in a dedicated locker room. Coveralls and work
clothing should be color-coded to help distinguish between employees and visitors
and to facilitate personnel movement within the different rooms in the hatchery.
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Employees may not maintain poultry or pet birds at their residences and must avoid
contact with non-hatchery poultry, particularly backyard flocks.
Limit non-essential visitors. Require all to register before entry and list dates of all
previous poultry visits. Prohibit those who have visited another poultry operation
or experienced vomiting and/or diarrhea within the previous 72 hours.
Sanitation Program
A rigorous sanitation program integrated into the hatchery operation
prevents the accumulation of microorganisms in the environment.
Regulatory requirements for hatchery sanitation, cleaning, and
disinfection are in place for hatcheries participating in the NPIP.
Hatcher, Hatcher Room, and Take-Off Area
The hatcher is the main source of contamination
for the entire hatchery. Debris, dead chicks, and
chick fluff are ideal replication sites for bacteria
and fungi in the warm and humid hatchery
environment and this contamination is easily
spread by air currents, equipment, and
personnel. Attention to cleaning, disinfection,
drying, and handling procedures is of utmost
Walls, Floors, Ceilings, Windows, Fans, Ducting, and Machines
Remove dust and debris from all surfaces and dispose of accordingly. Using a
pressure washing system, either spray or foam an appropriate disinfectant
detergent solution to all surfaces.
Where necessary, scrub walls and floors to remove stubborn soiling. Leave to soak
for 20-30 minutes before rinsing all surfaces with clean water at high pressure.
Remove any excess water from the floors using a squeegee before leaving to dry.
Switch on setter machine to warm up
o Apply an appropriate broad-spectrum disinfectant detergent solution to the
setter machine, using a pressure washing system on a low setting (300 psi),
and leave to dry.
Frank T. Jones
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o Employ visual inspection and microbial culture to monitor the sanitation
program. Measure using quantitative laboratory tests. Sterilization of the
facilities is not realistic, but microbiological monitoring can confirm that non-
desired organisms such as Salmonella have been eliminated. Most common
disinfectants are effective against Salmonellae, which are gram-negative
bacteria. Disinfectants are even more effective if applied after a thorough
washing with a detergent and rinsing has been completed.
Cleanup of Incubators, Hatchers and Hatchery Rooms, and Equipment
Cleaning is the most critical part of the cleaning and disinfecting process. Clean each area
Minimum Sanitation Requirements
Keep entire hatchery in a neat, orderly condition and clean and disinfect after
each hatch.
Clean and disinfect egg room walls, ceilings, floors, air filters, drains, and
humidifiers at least two times per week.
Clean and disinfect incubator room walls, ceilings, floors, doors, fan grills, vents
and ducts after each set or transfer. Do not use incubator rooms for storage.
Clean and disinfect egg trays and buggies after each transfer.
Clean and disinfect hatcher walls, ceilings, floors, doors, fans, and vents, and
clean plenums after each hatch. Do not use hatcher rooms for storage.
Clean and disinfect: processing equipment and rooms after each hatch;
chick/poult boxes before reusing; and vaccination equipment after each use.
Properly dispose of hatchery residue, such as chick/poult down, eggshells,
infertile eggs, and dead germs, in a manner approved by the official State
Maintain chicks/poults kept for a period of time after hatching separately from
incubation room in a manner satisfactory to the official State agency.
Ensure that any nutritive material provided to baby poultry is certified free of
avian pathogens that are officially represented in the NPIP disease classifications
listed in 9CFR 145.10.
Maintain effective insect and rodent control programs.
If a person is responsibly connected with more than one hatchery, all such
hatcheries must participate in the NPIP. A person is deemed responsibly
connected with a hatchery if he or she is a partner, officer, director, holder,
owner of 10 percent or more of the voting stock, or an employee in a managerial
or executive capacity.
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thoroughly after every hatch. A buildup
of debris and bacterial load tends to
occur over time regardless of rigid
sanitation procedures. Diligent
removal of organic debris is the only
way to minimize the microbial load.
Use only agents registered by the U.S.
Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA). A number of classes of
disinfectants are available to choose
from including halogens (hypochlorite,
iodine), aldehydes (glutaraldehyde,
formaldehyde), quaternary
ammonium, alcohols, and phenols (see
‘Disinfectants in Comparison’ table).
Check local and State regulations to
determine if the intended chemical can
be legally used. Read and follow label
directions and understand all precautions
listed on the Material Safety Data Sheet
(MSDS) associated with each product. Wear protective clothing and avoid inhalation and
skin and eye contact.
o Be aware that certain cleaners and/or disinfectants should not be used
together because they may either neutralize each other or create an
undesirable effect. For example, strong bleach in contact with an acid may
produce toxic gases, as will mixing bleach with ammonia. Please refer to the
Center for Food Security & Public Health Web site for the spectrum of action
and characteristics of commonly used disinfectants.
o Strictly follow manufacturer’s directions for use.
o Keep all MSDS sheets on file and readily available for reference.
Frank T. Jones
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March 24, 2014
Disinfectants in Comparison
Active ingredient
Effective against
No significant
protein error
No corrosion
on surface
Disifin®- dent
Acridin colouring
Peracetic acid
4 hexylresorcin
Alcohol 70%
Hydrogen peroxide
To the best of our knowledge and belief, all the information given above is according to the current state of research. It is given, however, without liability in respect of existing third party industrial
property rights. In particular, no quality warranty in the legal sense is attached to it. We reserve the right to make changes as part of scientific advances and further company development.
Reference to other companies’ products is not a recommendation and does not exclude the use of similar products. The consumer is not excused from careful quality checking. As we have no control
over the correct use of product, we accept no warranty claims whatsoever or any liability arising from improper use of a product or raw material. Information date: January 2000.
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Quality Assurance Program
Producing the highest quality chicks/poults requires regularly monitoring the microbial
status of the hatchery. Various methods are used to monitor bacterial and fungal levels.
A cost-effective method is 10-minute air exposure
using trypticase soy agar (or blood agar) and MacConkey
agar plates in the incubators and hatchers.
Drag swabs using 4 in. x 4 in. sterile gauze pads
soaked in sterile double strength skim milk are also useful
for Salmonella monitoring of surfaces.
Use RODAC plates (Becton, Dickinson) for surface
and air enumeration of bacteria
Culture the surface of cased eggs periodically for fecal contaminating organisms.
Culture a sample of dead-in-shell eggs periodically from each breeding stock for
coliforms and Salmonella.
o Pre-enrichment broths supplemented with 35
mg ferrous sulfate per 1,000 ml pre-
enrichment to block iron-binding, Salmonella-
inhibiting effects of egg conalbumin; and,
o Tetrathionate selective enrichment
broths, competitor-controlling plating
media (XLOT4, BGN, etc.) delayed
secondary enrichment procedures, and
colony lift assays.
Education of Consumers
An increasing number of people in the United States are
raising backyard flocks, thus making educational
messaging about health risks associated with live
poultry even more important, particularly in homes
with high-risk individuals (children, seniors, and people
with weakened immune systems) and inexperienced
flock owners. Recommendations on the simple steps
that should be followed to prevent Salmonella
transmission from live poultry to people are available
a-baby-poultry.pdf and
Biosecurity and sanitation are
the most effective deterrents
against an infectious incursion.
Effective practices will help
hatchery operators avoid scrutiny
and legal litigation, enhance
credibility and reputation, and
increase profit margins.
Additional keys to success are
continuously providing adequate
and thorough training to
employees, documenting each
step, and consistently applying
quality sanitation checks.
United States Department of Agriculture - National Poultry Improvement Plan Page 14
BMPs Handbook: A Guide to Mitigation of Salmonella at Poultry Hatcheries
March 24, 2014 ). Mail-order
hatchery staff should provide educational flyers on safe handling of live poultry to all
customers; these posters can be attached to each shipping box and can be linked to on
hatchery websites and order forms.
Biosecurity and sanitation are the most effective deterrents against an infectious incursion
in most animal agriculture production systems. Mail-order hatcheries are no exception to
that rule. Effective practices will help hatchery operators avoid possible scrutiny and even
legal litigation, enhance their credibility and reputation for distributing disease-free
chicks/poults, and increase profit margins. Additional keys to success are continuously
providing adequate and thorough training to employees, documenting each step, and
consistently applying quality sanitation checks. Overall, reducing Salmonella contamination
at the hatchery, along with proper handling of live poultry by those purchasing birds, will
result in fewer people becoming ill.
Reference List
Scallan E, Hoekstra Rm, Angulo FJ, et al. Foodborne illness acquired in the
United Statesmajor pathogens. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 2011; 7–15.
Voetsch AC, Van Gilder TJ, Angulo FJ, Farley MM, Shallow S, Marcus R, Cieslak PR, Deneen VC, Tauxe
RV. FoodNet estimate of the burden of illness caused by nontyphoidal Salmonella infections in the
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Economic Research Service, USDA (United States Department of Agriculture) Foodborne Illness
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Hoelzer, K., Moreno Switt A. I., Wiedmann, M. Animal contact as a source of human non-typhoidal
salmonellosis, Veterinary Research, February 2011, 42:34.
Hale C, Scallan E, Cronquist A, et al. Estimates of enteric illness attributable to contact with animals
and their environments in the United States. Clinical infectious diseases 2012; 54 Suppl 5: S472-S9.
Gaffga N, Barton Behravesh C, Ettestad P, et al. Outbreak of salmonellosis linked to live poultryfrom
a mail-order hatchery. The New England Journal of Medicine 2012; 366(22): 2065-73.
Loharikar A, Vawter S, Warren K, et al. Outbreak of human Salmonella Typhimurium infections
linked to contact with baby poultry from a single agricultural feed store chain and mail-order
hatchery, 2009. The Pediatric infectious disease journal 2013; 32(1): 8-12.
Loharikar A, Briere E, Schwensohn C, et al. Four multistate outbreaks of human Salmonella
United States Department of Agriculture - National Poultry Improvement Plan Page 15
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March 24, 2014
infections associated with live poultry contact, United States, 2009. Zoonoses and public health
2012; 59(5): 347-54.
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ducklings--Michigan and Missouri, Spring 1999. MMWR Morbidity Mortality Weekly, Rep. 2000;49
CDC. Multistate outbreaks of Salmonella infections associated with live poultry--United States,
2007. MMWR Morb Mortal Wkly Rep. 2009;58(2):2529.
CDC, Three Outbreaks of Salmonellosis Associated with Baby Poultry from Three Hatcheries ---
United States, 2006. MMWR March 30, 2007 / 56(12); 273-276.
DeNoon, D., 8-Year Salmonella Outbreak Traced to 1 Mail-Order Hatchery, WebMD Health News.
CDC, unpublished data.
Uyttendaele,M., Debevere, J., Lips, R., Neyts, K., Prevalence of Salmonella in poultry carcasses and
their products in Belgium, International Journal of Food Microbiology,Volume 40, Issues 12, 3
March 1998, Pages 1–8
Barton-Behravesh, C., Human Salmonella infections among persons exposed to live poultry: A
Preventable Public Health Problem, a presentation at the Live Bird Market System Convention,
March 4, 2012, Seattle, WA.
Ulrich Kreft. J., Abteilung für Theoretische Biologie der Universität Bonn.
Cobb-Vantress, Inc., Biosecurity and Farm Sanitation, 2013,
http://www.cobb- Dupont Corp., Hatchery Biosecurity,
Frame, Poultry and Gamebird Hatchery Sanitation and Biosecurity, USU, September, 2010.
University of California Cooperative Extension Service, Hatchery and Hatching Egg Sanitation,
August, 1975.
Taeger, K., the elements of biosecurity (in an interview on September 17, 2012; Cobb-Vantress, Inc.
Quality Assurance Manager.
National Poultry Improvement Plan and Auxiliary Provisions, USDA, APHIS. APHIS 91-55-088, July
2011, pg. 25.
Hatchery and Hatching Egg Sanitation article, Univ. of California Cooperative Extension Services,
August, 1975.
National Poultry Improvement Plan and Auxiliary Provisions, USDA, APHIS. APHIS 91-55-088, July
2011, pg. 101.
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National Poultry Improvement Plan and Auxiliary Provisions, USDA, APHIS. APHIS 91-55-088, July
2011, pg. 9 and 10.
All About Disinfectants, EPA’s Listing,, October
22, 2012.
Brzozowski, R., Opitz, M., and Lichtnewalner, A. Biosecurity Checklist for Agricultural Service
Providers in Visiting Producers with Poultry Enterprises, SARE, February 2011.
Woodger, J., Effective Breeder/Hatchery Biosecurity, FarmCare GB Ltd.,
NASPHV. Compendium of Measures to Prevent Disease Associated with Animals in Public Settings,
2013. JAVMA 2013; 243(9):1270-1288.
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Appendix A
Sample Questionnaire for Hatchery Manager
Name of Hatchery: ___________________________________________________________
Address: _____________________________________________________________
Owner: _____________________________________________________________
Manager: _____________________________________________________________
Signature of manager: __________________________________ Date: __________________
Telephone number: _______________________________________________________
FAX number: _______________________________________________________
E-mail address: ______________________________________________________________
Website: _______________________________________________________
NPIP number: _______________________________________________________
Parent company affiliation (yes or no)
If yes, company name: __________________________________________________________
Other hatcheries under same ownership or management (yes or no)
If yes, names and addresses of hatcheries: ___________________________________
Poultry consultant (yes or no)
Accredited veterinarian(s) (yes or no)
If yes, name(s), address(es), and contact numbers:
Description of business:
Years in business: ________________________________________________________
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March 24, 2014
Interstate commerce? (yes or no): If yes, name the states: ______________________
International commerce? (yes or no): If yes, name the countries: __________________
Volume of business (# live poultry/year and/or month?) ____________________________
Number of full-time employees: ___________________________________________________
Frequency of training on biosecurity and sanitation administered to employees: _____________
Clientele includes (√ all that apply):
Broiler-Breeder: ___ Commercial Broiler: ___
Commercial Table Egg Producer: ___ Turkey Producer: ___
Mail Order Hobbyists: ___ Fancy/Exhibition Poultry: ____
Game Bird: ___ Domestic Waterfowl: ____
Feed Stores: ___ Broker: ___
Other (specify): ___________________________________________
Is manager aware of the importance of salmonellosis as a disease of humans?
Yes or No
Is manager aware that hatcheries have been a risk in the transmission of salmonellosis to humans from poultry?
Yes or No
Hatching eggs brought into the hatchery are only from NPIP (circle any or all that apply)
a) U.S. Pullorum-Typhoid Clean;
b) U.S. S. Enteritidis Clean; and/or,
c) U.S. Sanitation Monitored flocks.
Does this hatchery use other hatcheries for large orders or orders they are unable to fill?
Yes or No
If yes, does hatchery use (circle answer): Trans-shipping Drop shipping Both
On large orders that cannot be filled by this hatchery, are other hatcheries of equal NPIP/Sanitation
Yes or No
General Questions about Hatchery:
1. Is a perimeter fence (preferably woven wire topped by barbed wire) in place around the hatchery?
Yes or No
2. Posted Signs Outside Hatchery:
o Are “Prohibited Entry” signs, or other similar signs, posted at regular intervals along the
perimeter fence? Yes or No
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March 24, 2014
o Are “Restricted Entry, Official Business Only, Sign-In At Front Desk” (or similar signs) posted at
entrance gate? Yes or No
3. What is the potable water source for hatchery? √ all that apply
1. Chlorinated municipal water
2. Filtered/chlorinated well-water
3. Pond water
4. Spring
5. Other (specify)
4. Does adjoining property include any of the following? (√ all that apply)
1. Pond
2. Backyard poultry flock
3. Commercial poultry flock
4. Cattle or other livestock
5. None of the above
5. Does the hatchery have concrete floors and walls with non-porous surfaces to withstand frequent
pressure washing and disinfection? Yes or No
6. Is each room (egg receiving and storage, incubation rooms [setters and hatchers] and chick processing)
ventilated separately? Yes or No
7. In the hatchery, is airflow achieved by using air vents, positive pressure fans (i.e., fans blowing into the
building), and exhaust fans (i.e., fans blowing out of the building)?
Yes or No
8. Is positive pressure air flow out of the incubator rooms (reducing chances of contamination)?
Yes or No
9. Are doors and gates into the hatchery locked at all times during off-hours to prevent unauthorized
entry? Yes or No
10. Are other poultry, or domestic animals, kept on the same property as the hatchery?
Yes or No
11. Are only necessary vehicles granted entry to the property?
Yes or No
12. For incoming vehicles (delivery and transport), are disinfectant wheel dips or wheel spraying facilities
located at the farm entrance? Yes or No
13. Is the area outside the hatchery kept free of unclipped vegetation, debris, and unused equipment that
could harbor rats, mice, and other animals?
Yes or No
14. Are foot baths containing a strong disinfectant located at entrance and exits to the hatchery?
Yes or No
15. Is disinfectant in the footbaths replenished at least twice weekly, or when visibly contaminated?
Yes or No
16. Are hand-sanitizing stations placed outside hatchery entrance, exit, and at the entrance to each room?
Yes or No
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March 24, 2014
17. Do all employees wash or sanitize their hands before starting work, after breaks, and when moving
between activities (e.g., traying up, setting, transfer, candling, take-off, sexing, vaccinating and packing)?
Yes or No
18. Is a shower furnished with bactericidal soap placed at the entrance into the locker room of the hatchery?
Yes or No
19. Before entering the working area of the hatchery, do employees and visitors shower in for a minimum of
5 minutes (including cleansing/brushing under nails) and shampooing hair?
Yes or No
20. Are freshly laundered coveralls, nitrile or latex gloves, hair nets, and rubber boots located in dedicated
locker room for visitors and employees (after showering)?
Yes or No
21. Are employees prohibited from maintaining poultry at their residence and having contact with non-
hatchery poultry, particularly backyard flocks? Yes or No
22. Are non-essential visitors prevented from entry into the hatchery?
Yes or No
23. Are non-essential visitors required to sign a log-in sheet?
Yes or No
24. Are visitors denied entry if they had visited another poultry operation in the previous 72 hours or
experienced episodes of vomiting and/or diarrhea? Yes or No
25. Does hatchery construction/design impede invasion by small animals (rodents, wild birds) and insects?
Yes or No
26. Does hatchery have a vermin (small animals) control plan including frequent monitoring of rodent, bird,
or insect activity? Yes or No
27. Are rodent bait and traps installed when there is evidence of rodent activity?
Yes or No
28. Are brands of bait rotated frequently to prevent development of resistance?
Yes or No
29. Are insecticides/pesticides used as necessary? Yes or No
30. Is all new and used equipment thoroughly cleaned and disinfected before it is brought into the hatchery?
Yes or No
1. Are egg room walls, ceilings, floors, air filters, drains, and humidifiers cleaned and disinfected at least two
times per week? Yes or No
2. Are incubator room walls, ceilings, floors, doors, fan grills, vents, and ducts cleaned and disinfected after
each set or transfer? Yes or No
3. Are incubator rooms also used for storage? Yes or No
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March 24, 2014
4. Are egg trays and buggies cleaned and disinfected after each transfer?
Yes or No
5. Are hatcher walls, ceilings, floors, doors, fans, and vents cleaned and disinfected after each hatch?
Yes or No
6. Are chick/poult processing equipment and rooms thoroughly cleaned and disinfected after each hatch?
Yes or No
7. Is vaccination equipment cleaned and disinfected after each use?
Yes or No
8. Is hatchery residue, such as chick/poult down, eggshells, and infertile eggs, disposed of properly in a
manner satisfactory to the official State agency? Yes or No
9. Is the entire hatchery kept in a neat, orderly condition and cleaned and disinfected after each hatch?
Yes or No
10. If chicks/poults are kept for a period after hatching, are they separated from the incubation room in a
manner satisfactory to the official State agency? Yes or No
11. Is feed stuff provided to chicks/poults certified to be free of avian pathogens?
Yes or No
12. Is biosecurity within the hatchery in place ensuring separation of clean and dirty areas?
Yes or No
13. Is an appropriate broad-spectrum disinfectant detergent solution applied monthly, using a pressure
washing system on a low pressure setting (300 psi), to all surfaces of the setter and allowed to dry?
Yes or No
Quality Assurance Program
Is a microbial monitoring Quality Assurance Program acceptable to the official State agency in place?
Yes or No
1. On a quarterly basis, swabs using 4”x4” sterile gauze pads soaked in sterile double strength skim milk or
BHI broth are used on surfaces in egg storage, the setter, the hatcher, and chick processing for Salmonella
monitoring (microbiological culture) at a laboratory acceptable to the official State agency.
Yes or No
2. Incubators and hatchers are periodically monitored by 10-minute air exposure of trypticase soy agar (or
blood agar) or MacConkey agar plates.
Yes or No
3. The surface of cased eggs is periodically cultured for fecal Salmonella organisms.
Yes or No
4. Dead-in-shell eggs are periodically cultured from each breeding stock for
coliforms and Salmonella. Yes or No
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