Michael I. Goldberg, the Court-appointed receiver (the “Receiver”) over Defendants
Simple Health Plans LLC ("Simple Health"), Health Benefits One LLC ("HBO"), Health Center
Management LLC, Innovative Customer Care LLC, Simple Insurance Lead LLC ("SIL"), Senior
Benefits One LLC, and each of their subsidiaries, affiliates, and successors (collectively, the
“Receivership Entities”), respectfully submits this First Interim Report and states as follows:
I. Introduction and Procedural Background
Plaintiff Federal Trade Commission (“FTC”) filed the above-captioned action, under seal,
on October 29, 2018 against the Receivership Entities and Steven Dorfman (“Dorfman” and with
the Receivership Entities, the “Defendants”), under Section 13(b) of the Federal Trade
Commission Act (the “FTC Act”), 15 U.S.C. § 53(b) and the Telemarketing and Consumer Fraud
and Abuse Act, 15 U.S.C. §§ 6101-6108, alleging the Defendants violated Section 5(a) of the
Federal Trade Commission Act, 15 U.S.C. § 45(a) and the FTC’s Telemarketing Sales Rule, 16
C.FR Part 310, as amended.
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On the same date, the FTC filed under seal an Ex Parte Motion for a Temporary Restraining
Order with Asset Freeze, Appointment of a Temporary Receiver, and Other Equitable Relief, and
Order to Show Cause Why a Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue (“Motion for TRO”) [ECF
No. 3], along with a Memorandum in Support of the Motion for TRO [ECF No. 12]. On October
31, 2018, this Court entered, under seal, an Ex Parte Temporary Restraining Order with Asset
Freeze, Appointment of a Temporary Receiver, and Other Equitable Relief, and Order to Show
Cause Why a Preliminary Injunction Should Not Issue (the “TRO”) [ECF No. 15], which, among
other things, appointed Michael I. Goldberg receiver over the Receivership Entities with full
powers of a temporary receiver in an equity receivership.
The TRO reflects the Court’s finding that good cause existed to appoint a temporary
receiver over the Receivership Entities, for purposes of, among other things, to take exclusive
custody, control and possession of all assets of, or in the possession, custody or under the control
of any Receivership Entity, wherever situated and to conserve, hold, manage and prevent the loss
of all assets of the Receivership Entities and perform all acts necessary or advisable to preserve
the value of those assets pending future Court orders. See TRO, Section XII.
On November 1, 2018, the Receiver took possession of the leased premises where the
Defendants operated their business and presented the TRO to Mr. Dorfman.
The TRO provided
for a hearing to take place on November 14, 2018 at which time Defendants shall appear before
the Court to show cause, if there is any, why the Court should not enter a preliminary injunction,
pending final ruling on the Complaint against Defendants. Upon the request of the FTC and the
Defendants, the Court continued that hearing to December 6, 2018 [ECF No. 18]. In the interim,
the Court extended the asset freeze and other restrictions set forth in the TRO. Id.
The Defendants were also formally served with Summons. See ECF No. 32 – 38.
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In light of discovery motions and a request for a continuance filed by Mr. Dorfman, the
Court rescheduled the hearing on the preliminary injunction to January 16, 2019 and extended the
TRO [ECF No. 55]. On December 31, 2018, at the request of the FTC, due to the shutdown of the
federal government, the Court temporarily stayed the case, including but not limited to, any
scheduled proceedings, hearings, and/or discovery and briefing dates, until appropriations to the
FTC were restored [ECF No. 59]. The deadlines were extended commensurate with the length of
the stay. On January 29, 2019, the Court lifted the temporary stay and reopened the case [ECF
No. 68]. The hearing on the preliminary injunction was rescheduled for April 16, 2019. Although
the Court offered Dorfman the opportunity to have the preliminary injunction hearing take place
sooner, Dorfman never took the Court up on that offer.
This Report is submitted in compliance with Section XII of the TRO, which directs that
the Receiver report on the following topics prior to the Preliminary Injunction hearing: (1) the
steps taken by the Receiver to implement the terms of the TRO; (2) the value of all assets and sum
of all liabilities of the Receivership Entities; (3) the steps the Receiver intends to take in the future
to protect receivership assets, recover receivership assets from third parties, and adjust receivership
liabilities; (4) the Receiver’s opinion on whether any portion of the business of any of the
Receivership Entities can continue to operate legally and profitably; and (5) any other matters that
the Receiver believes should be brought to the Court’s attention. The Receiver's findings and
conclusions with respect to these matters are set forth below.
This report contains preliminary assessments and observations, subject to change as the Receiver and his
professionals conduct discovery and continue to investigate and analyze the affairs of the Receivership Entities.
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II. Steps Taken by the Receiver to Implement the TRO
A. Preparation for and Taking Possession of Business Premises
The Defendants operated their businesses at three locations: 2 Oakwood Blvd., Suite 100,
Hollywood, Florida (“Hollywood Office”); 9105 NW 25
Street, Doral, Florida (“Doral”); and
12005 Ford Road, Suite 800, Dallas Texas (“Dallas”). The Receiver coordinated with the FTC
and law enforcement to concurrently take possession of each of the premises. The Receiver went
to the Hollywood Office and dispatched two of his Akerman LLP partners to Doral and Dallas.
i. Hollywood
On the morning of November 1, 2018, the Receiver, along with representatives from the
FTC and police officers from the Broward County Sheriff's Office Joint Money Laundering
Taskforce arrived at the Hollywood office to secure the office and serve the TRO on Defendants.
Upon arrival, the police officers who were to take entry first encountered a locked door. The police
officers announced their purpose and requested entry, but when the person at the front desk refused
entry, the officers broke the lock and entered the premises. The Receiver announced the purpose
of his arrival, while the officers secured the premises. Mr. Dorfman, several managers, and
approximately 60 other employees were located at the premises. Mr. Dorfman and the employees
were cooperative. Each of the employees were required to turn in their employee badge, provide
photo identification and complete a questionnaire prepared by the Receiver which included their
position and contact information.
Mr. Dorfman gave the Receiver keys to his vehicles, including the Range Rover,
Lamborghini and Rolls Royce. The Receiver also encountered a few second-shift employees later
that day and also required those individuals to surrender their employee badge and complete a
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questionnaire. Representatives from the FTC, with the Receiver's approval, imaged the computers.
The Receiver engaged a locksmith to change the locks in order for the Receiver to secure the
premises. The Receiver also contacted the landlord to inform it that he had taken possession of
the premises pursuant to the TRO. The premises currently remain under the control of the Receiver
and he and/or his professionals access the premises, from time to time, to obtain documents or
access the computers. The landlord for this office has been granted entry (under the supervision
of the Receiver’s staff) to show the premises to prospective new tenants.
ii. Doral
The Receiver’s counsel, along with representatives of the FTC and the Miami-Dade Police
Department went to the Doral Office at the same time the Receiver and the FTC went to the
Hollywood office. Upon arrival at the Doral office, the police officers entered the premises and
encountered a locked door in the reception area. The reception area was unattended. An individual
who identified herself as the Human Resources manager opened the door to inquire about what
was taking place. The police officers explained what was about to take place to the employee.
After that brief exchange, the Receiver’s counsel and the police officers entered the call center
area where employees were working. The police officers asked that all employees step away from
their computers immediately and form a line on either side of the call center. The Receiver’s
counsel announced the purpose of the visit while the police officers secured the premises and
ensured that all employees were on the main call center floor. Thereafter, representatives from the
FTC were invited into the call center.
The Receiver's staff asked each employee to complete a questionnaire, which included,
among other things, their position and contact information. Aside from the Human Resources
Manager, no other management staff was on site. Representatives from the FTC, with the
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permission of the Receiver, took images of the computers on the premises as well as hard-copy
documents. The FTC’s technical representatives informed the Receiver’s counsel that none of the
Simple Health servers were located in the Doral Office.
During the visit, the Receiver’s attorney learned that a second shift of employees would
arrive in the early afternoon. The Receiver’s attorney made a second announcement to employees
arriving for the second shift and asked those employees to also complete the questionnaire. Simple
Health used Suite 260 as a call center and employee training area in addition to this location being
the office for the company’s Human Resources manager. Approximately 60 workstations
occupied the main call center floor and approximately 20 workstations occupied the training room,
not including two additional workstations that were used by the employees who were responsible
for supervising the call center shift. The Receiver’s attorney contacted the on-premises property
manager and asked to have to locks changed. Locks were changed that day. The Receiver’s
attorney also informed the property manager that the company had been placed in receivership and
that the Receiver was now in control of the premises. The Human Resources manager’s office
contains various files regarding Simple Health’s employees, including files regarding sales agents’
compliance with insurance licensure requirements for their respective states. There are two empty
offices situated directly next to the Human Resource Manager’s office.
iii. Dallas
The Receiver’s counsel, along with representatives of the FTC and the Dallas County
Constable originally went to 5720 LBJ Freeway, Suite 610, Dallas, Texas. When they arrived at
the office, they noticed that there was no signage, the lights were off and the office appeared to be
vacant. There were two whiteboards in the room indicating that Simple Health had moved to
12005 Ford Road, Suite 800, Dallas Texas. After speaking with building management, Receiver’s
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counsel learned that Simple Health had sublet the space from American First Finance and that
Simple Health had vacated the premises at the end of September. Counsel for American First
Finance agreed to work together with the Receiver to sort out who owned the cubicles and furniture
in the office.
The Receiver’s counsel traveled directly to 12005 Ford Road and discovered that that Suite
810 was abandoned, but the lights were on in Suite 800. Counsel confirmed that Simple Health
sublet Suite 800 and 801 from Credit Protection Association, LP (“CPA”), but had moved out in
mid-October. Simple Health used Suite 800 as a call center and Suite 810 as administrative offices.
There were about 78 call center work stations still set up and evidence that another 70 or so had
been recently disassembled. There was also a training room set up. The administrative offices
were largely cleaned out but still contained furniture and computers. There was also a box
containing 30 unlabeled hard drives. Counsel previewed a sample of the call center computers but
found nothing of interest. Based on their review of the call center computers, it appears that all of
the software used in the call center was cloud based and that data was not stored on the local
machines. Counsel did not preview any of the computers found in boxes.
CPA informed counsel that it owned all of the desks, tables, cubicles and lockers in the
offices and some of the chairs, but disclaimed ownership of any of the computers or monitors in
the office.
A complete list of the furniture, fixtures and equipment located at each of the Receivership
Entities' business premises is attached hereto as Composite Exhibit "A".
B. Securing of the Receivership Entities Bank Accounts
Immediately upon his appointment, the Receiver and his professionals, in coordination
with the FTC, took steps to secure the Receivership Entities’ bank accounts. To do this, the
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Receiver and his staff reviewed records located at the Receivership Entities’ offices and
interviewed employees in order to learn where the Receivership Entities maintained banking
relationships. Once a bank was identified, the Receiver caused a copy of the TRO to be served on
the bank and requested the bank to freeze the Receivership Entities’ account(s). Attached hereto
as Exhibit "B" is a list detailing the Receivership Entities bank accounts and the approximate
$3,186,655.48 that has been frozen to date by the financial institutions pursuant to the TRO.
C. Non-Business Related Assets
i. Automobiles
Upon his appointment, the Receiver, with Dorman’s cooperation, took control of three
automobiles all titled in the name of the Receivership Entities - - (i) a 2013 Land Rover Range
Rover; (ii) a 2012 Lamborghini Aventador, and (iii) a 2015 Rolls-Royce Wraith. The Receiver
secured these vehicles in an air conditioned, secure storage facility in Fort Lauderdale. The
Receiver later learned that the Lamborghini was leased, and in his business judgment, determined
that the lease should be terminated to avoid unnecessarily continuing to incur large monthly lease
payments. The Receiver reached agreements with the leasing company to return the vehicle in
return for the leasing company waiving any deficiency. The Receiver filed a motion with the Court
to terminate the lease of the Lamborghini [D.E. 70]. By Order dated February 21 2019, [D.E. 82],
the Court granted the motion and the Receiver returned the Lamborghini to the leasing company.
The total amount frozen does not include the approximate $200,000 believed to be held at Banco Popular in the
Dominican Republic and the difference of fair market value of the securities held at UBS as of October 31, 2018. The
Receiver has sought Dorfman's consent to liquidate the securities at UBS, however, he has not yet consented. Due to
the fact that the Receiver is a temporary receiver charged with maintaining the status quo, the Receiver has not yet
sought the Court's authorization to liquidate the securities, but will do so if a preliminary injunction is entered. This
also does not include the approximate $4.5M that the Receiver received in March 2019 from HII. Moreover, the
Receiver is aware that Dorfman and the Receivership Entities engaged in international business in such locations as
the Dominican Republic and Panama. The Receiver continues to research banking connections in these locations.
These are assets not used in the operation of the Receivership Entities' businesses, but paid with funds from the
Receivership Entities' bank accounts.
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The Receiver continues to maintain possession of the Range Rover and Rolls Royce in a
special air-conditioned storage facility pending the outcome of the preliminary injunction hearing.
ii. Jewelry
Upon his appointment, the Receiver worked with Dorfman and his counsel to obtain the
turnover of the jewelry listed in the TRO. Dorfman was cooperative, and through his counsel,
delivered 13 pieces of jewelry to the Receiver, including all of the items listed in the TRO.
Attached hereto as Composite Exhibit “C” is a list and photos of such items. The Receiver has
secured each of these pieces of jewelry in a vault pending further order of the Court.
iii. Sports Memorabilia
The Receiver discovered an extensive sports memorabilia collection in Dorfman's office at
the time of his appointment. There appear to be numerous notable pieces which are itemized on
pages 22 through 24 of the Receiver's Inventory of the Hollywood office attached hereto as part
of Composite Exhibit A. The memorabilia is being secured by the Receiver pending the outcome
of the preliminary injunction hearing.
iv. Real Property
To the best of the Receiver’s knowledge, Dorfman does not own any real property in
Florida and rents an apartment in Miami where he resides with his wife. The only real property
the Receiver is aware of that Dorfman has an interest in is an expensive, developable residential
lot located in Las Vegas, Nevada. Dorman paid $2,900,000 for this lot in May 2018 financing the
purchase price by taking out a margin loan against securities held in the Receivership Entities’
account at UBS. UBS claims a lien on this account in the amount of the margin loan.
The Receiver has received the documents related to the UBS loan and it appears to be a valid lien.
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Receiver has filed the TRO in the chain of title to the Las Vegas property to prevent it from being
transferred pending further order of the Court.
III. Preliminary Investigation of the Receivership Entities' Business Operations
A. Introduction
Since the date of his appointment, the Receiver and his professionals have spent a great
deal of time analyzing the Defendants' business practices in an effort to determine if the allegations
made by the FTC are accurate. In short, the FTC is correct. The Defendants' business model is
largely a classic bait-and-switch scam whereby unwitting consumers are falsely led to believe that
they are purchasing a Preferred Provider Organization medical insurance policy (“PPO”) that is
compliant with the Affordable Care Act (“ACA”), but in reality are sold limited benefit indemnity
plans that are not compliant with the ACA.
The difference between these two products is stark the PPO is traditional medical
insurance whereas the limited benefit indemnity plan simply provides consumers with reduced
prices from those medical providers that accept the plan along with a small cash benefit. Under a
typical PPO or traditional major medical insurance policy, after payment of a premium, a
deductible and a co-payment, the risk of large medical bills shifts to the insurance company. There
is no shifting of the risk under a limited indemnity plan. Instead, to the extent the plan is honored
by a medical provider, consumers are simply able to purchase certain medical services at pre
negotiated discounted rates and those consumers receive a small cash benefit under the plan.
Unlike traditional medical insurance, under the limited indemnity plan the ultimate risk of
catastrophic medical bills falls on the consumer and in many cases this has led to devastating
financial consequences to the Defendants' unwitting customers.
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A review of each step of the Defendants' sales process illustrates how the entire process,
as a whole, was carefully crafted to lead customers into purchasing a limited benefit plan along
with other add-on "health benefits," which they understandably and incorrectly believed to be a
full benefit PPO or traditional major medical insurance plan compliant with the ACA.
i. Deceptive search words direct consumers to SIL's Simple's lead
generation websites.
SIL pays Google a fee so that when consumers run Google searches utilizing specific words
they will be directed to SIL's lead generation websites. Some of the AdWords SIL
pays for are "Obama Care," Obamacare Texas," Obama Health Care," "Obama Insurance," and
Obama Care Insurance." These are just a few of the many AdWords SIL pays for. It is apparent
from these terms that consumers running searches utilizing these terms are specifically looking to
purchase "Obamacare" ACA compliant policies. It is also apparent from these terms that SIL
knows this, yet they pay to have these customers unwittingly directed to their websites so that they
can mislead them into purchasing non-ACA compliant limited benefit plans.
ii. The Websites themselves build on the fraud by suggesting that the
products are ACA compliant
The websites customers are directed to themselves are also designed to deceive customers
into believing that they are inquiring about ACA compliant plans. Upon taking control of the
Defendants' businesses, the Receiver discovered that the Defendants controlled approximately 129
lead generating websites. A complete list of these websites is attached hereto as Exhibit "D".
AdWords is one of several lead generation services relied on by SIL. SIL's specific use of AdWords combined with
its ownership of domain names clearly intended to generate leads from customers looking for ACA complaint plans
or traditional major medical insurance supports the FTC's allegations.
The Receiver has redirected these websites to the master receivership website so that any individual accessing the
Defendants' websites would be directed to information concerning the receivership.
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A quick review of some of the websites controlled by the Defendants for the purpose of
generating customer leads indicates that the website addresses themselves wrongfully suggest that
the Defendants sell health insurance plans that comply with the ACA. For instance, “Obamacare-
healthquotes.com,” “obamacarehealthquotes.org,” “myobamacareapplication.com,”
“healthinsurance2017deadline.com” and “healthinsurancedeadline2018.com” all seem to suggest
to consumers that policies procured through these websites will somehow be compliant with the
ACA. The ACA is routinely referred to as “Obamacare” and has specified enrollment periods and
annual deadlines.
Moreover, numerous websites controlled by the Defendants, such as
“Americanhealthinsure.com,” “basicinsurancequote.com,” and “individualhealthinbsurance.us”
wrongfully imply that the Defendants sell traditional major medical insurance. In fact, the logos
of several nationally-recognized health insurance carriers appear on these websites deceiving
potential customers into believing that Simple Health represents these reputable insurers thereby
wrongfully providing legitimacy to Simple Health. Potential customers are asked to provide their
contact information or are provided a number to call to contact Simple Health.
iii. Sales Script
The Defendants operate large sales centers to which consumers are directed by one of the
lead generating sources. Potential consumers who submit their contact information to one of the
lead generation sites are thereafter contacted by Simple Health's telemarketers. Salespersons at the
call centers follow carefully crafted sales scripts that are designed to mislead. A different sales
script existed for each type of policy with each carrier. A review of some of the sales scripts
During an interview with a former Simple Health employee, the Receiver learned that all call center employees were
required to abide by the sales scripts, which were drafted and approved by Simple Health’s management. Simple
Health's policy called for any employee who deviated from the sales script to be terminated.
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provides an understanding of how the sales process was designed to deceive consumers into
believing that they were purchasing PPO insurance or traditional major medical policies compliant
with the ACA.
Attached hereto as Exhibit "E" is a copy of a sales script that the Receiver
discovered at the Hollywood business office on November 1, 2018. The sales script, which the
Receiver understands was crafted by Simple Health's management with Dorfman's knowledge
and/or participation, provides sales personnel with the specific script to follow when trying to sell
limited benefit plans to customers as well as specific sales tactics designed to consummate the sale.
A detailed review of the sales script is essential to understand its misleading nature.
At the very beginning of the sales script, the sales person is instructed to inform the
prospective customer that Simple Health represents "most of the major A Rated carriers" in their
state. When you combine this statement, with the fact that many of the AdWords keywords used
to generate leads (i.e. …BlueShield," "BlueCross" and "Anthem Blue,") give the impression that
Simple Health is affiliated with reputable carriers such as Blue Cross, and the fact that many
reputable company's logos appear on the websites, the deception becomes apparent. In the first
line of the script, the salesperson states “I am going to be helping you with your online application
that you recently submitted for an affordable health quote.” Although not by itself, but taken with
the misleading nature of the lead generation websites and other parts of the script, the use of the
word “affordable” is highly suggestive that the Defendants are selling policies compliant with the
Affordable Care Act.” The use of the term “carrier” in the second paragraph of the script also
indicates that the Defendants are selling traditional insurance because the word “carrier” is
indicative of an insurance carrier.
The Receiver found many scripts for different products at the Hollywood office. An analysis of each script is beyond
the scope of this report. Rather, this report only contains an analysis of the scripts associated with Legion Limited
Medical. The Receiver chose this script because it was the product sold to Customer 2 whose case file is one of the
cases highlighted in this report.
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Next, the salesperson starts to ask the consumer if they are “currently insured” and if so,
with what “insurance company” and if their current rates led them to search online. The
salesperson also asks “Have you ever been denied for health insurance.” These questions about
insurance and rates suggest that the Defendants are trying to help the consumer purchase traditional
health insurance—not a limited benefit plan. Nowhere in the sales call does the agent state that
what the customer is actually being sold is a limited benefit plan as opposed to traditional medical
insurance. This material omission, along with the descriptions given to the customer of the
proposed plan benefits, logically leads the customer into believing that they are purchasing
traditional medical insurance.
Although the sales script does not mention the ACA, some of the terms used therein and
innuendos contained in the script appear to be designed to lead the customer to believe that they
are purchasing an insurance policy that is ACA compliant. For example, in the first paragraph of
the script, the sales person is directed to state "I am going to be helping you with your application
for an affordable health insurance quote." The significance of this use of words cannot be
understated when one is aware that the initial leads used to attract the customer and many of the
lead generating websites contain words associated with or related to the ACA (see other sections
herein discussing lead generating words and websites).
The script is also designed to lead the customer into believing they are buying traditional
major medical insurance coverage as opposed to a limited benefit plan. First, the script specifically
states that they are going to be given an "insurance quote." It also uses words such as "insurance,"
"carrier," "coverage," "benefits" and "PPO," which are terms typically associated with traditional
major medical insurance as opposed to the limited benefit plans that Simple Health actually sold.
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Again, nowhere in the script is it disclosed that the customer is actually being sold a limited benefit
plan or something other than a comprehensive medical insurance policy.
The script is also deceptive because it is designed to lead the customer into believing that
the company is actually shopping for the most suitable insurance plan to meet the customer's
specific needs. In reality, however, the sales person already knows what plan he or she is
attempting to sell the customer from the beginning of the call regardless of the customer's best
interest. For instance, the script states that Simple represents "most of the MAJOR 'A Rated'
CARRIERS in the state of _____ So I'm able to give all of your options, and find you the BEST
PLAN out there for the BEST PRICE!" (emphasis in original). The script also instructs the sales
person to ask specific questions concerning the customer's needs to lead the customer into
believing that they are taking the customer's specific needs into consideration in selecting the best
policy for the customer. This is a demonstrably false and misleading because the script is already
"pre-wired" to sell the customer a limited benefit plan from a specific carrier—in this case Legion
Limited Medical.
After obtaining the customer's personal information, the script also directs the sales person
to inform the customer "ok, I know exactly what you are looking for" and I am going to "submit
your application" and perform a "search" for the best plan at the best price for them in their state.
Unknown to the customer, the script instructs the sales person to "place the customer on hold for
about a minute." Again, this brief pause in the sales process is designed to have the customer
believe that the sales person is actually researching the best policy for them. In reality, a review
of the script and audio recordings examined by the Receiver indicate that this brief pause is nothing
more than a sales tactic. In many instances, the recordings have captured sales associates bantering
among themselves during the pause discussing such irrelevant things as where to eat lunch.
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The script also contains outright lies about the type of benefits the customer will get if he
or she purchases the plan. For instance, the script states "we want to find you a PPO, that way you
can keep your own doctors and hospitals. I want to get you prescription coverage and lab coverage
for your preventative care and maintenance " In reality, the plans sold are not traditional
medical insurance at all and offer very few of the benefits of traditional comprehensive health
insurance that the customer is led to believe they are purchasing.
At the conclusion of the sales call, the customer provides full payment information to the
sales agent and pays both the enrollment fee and their first monthly premium. After this is done,
the customer is then transferred to the "verification" department, but this verification process is
also designed to defraud the customer by attempting to disclaim everything the customer was just
led to believe in making their decision to purchase.
iv. The Post Close Script
After the customer has provided payment information, the sales agent is next instructed to
utilize another script—the Post Close script. The Post Close script starts out with the sales person
stating "Congratulations on your new insurance policy!!" This is important for two reasons. First,
it indicates that the customer has already made the purchase decision.
Second, it also reinforces
the customer's belief that they just purchased a traditional medical insurance policy as opposed to
a limited benefit plan.
The Post Close script is designed, in part, to desensitize the customer to the upcoming
verification process, which process is purposely designed to attempt to "walk back" and negate
many of the representations just made to the customer pursuant to the sales script. The Defendants
seek to do this by basically lessening the validity and relevance of the verification process. For
This script also instructs the agent to read the script slowly to prevent "cancels." The use of the word "cancels"
also indicates that the purchase has already taken place.
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instance, the Post Close script instructs the sales agent to inform the customer that he or she will
soon be transferred to the corporate verification department where an agent will go over the plan
that was just purchased. The customer is told "some of the information will apply to you, and
some of which will not apply to you. I just want you to know what parts affect you, and what
don't; because they read the same script to everyone."
The sales person then goes on to state:
[n]ow fortunately for you, this is a guaranteed issue health insurance plan. Because of the
open enrollment in your state, you're approved today, regardless of your conditions. On
the verification, they will state there is a 12/12 preexisting clause that applies to your
hospital and surgical benefits for any preexisting diagnosis you’ve had within the past 12
months. Now, because of open enrollment, you're approved today, regardless of these
conditions. The only waiting period you'd have is on your cash benefits in the hospital for
your preexisting conditions. You will still get the First Health contracted rate, even for
surgery or hospitalization from day one.
This use of the term "open enrollment" once again insinuates that this plan is somehow
ACA compliant.
The Post Close script also instructs the sales person to tell the customer "Remember, I work
with virtually every plan available in your state, so if I thought there were anything out there that
was more beneficial for you than this plan, then that is what I'd be offering you!" As discussed
above, this is a blatant lie. The sales person does not in any way search for the best policy for the
customer nor has the Receiver found evidence of any ability on the Defendants' part to perform
such a search. The sales person knows exactly which plan they will try to sell to the potential
customer from the inception of the call—even before they hear the customer's needs.
The script then instructs the sales person to state "they also will tell you that this is not a
major medical plan or a discount plan. Obviously this isn’t a discount plan. This is insurance."
Finally, the customer is told "if you have any questions during the verification, do me a favor, if
you can, and just hold them until the end, because they only give us a few minutes of tape time,
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and if they don't finish—they have to do it all over again from the beginning, so you can call me
back, okay?" Simply put, this statement is solely designed to attempt to prevent the customer from
asking questions so that a "clean" recorded verification can be obtained—even though many
statements in the verification script are inconsistent with what the sales person has told the
customer in obtaining the sale.
v. The Verification Process
It is the Receiver's belief that the verification process is designed to obtain "legal cover"
by walking back from many of the previous misleading statements made by sales representatives
during the sales process. For instance, the verification process is the first time that customers are
informed that what they just purchased and paid for is a "limited benefit" plan which is not
traditional medical insurance and not compliant with ACA. However, as discussed, this process
occurs only after the Customer has made the purchase decision and provided payment information
and the sales representative has attempted to neutralize the import of the verification process by
informing the customer that the verification process includes information that will not apply to the
policy that customer purchased because the script is merely repeated to every customer. Based on
his review of applicable case law, the Receiver does not believe that the verification process
exculpates the Defendants from the previous fraudulent conduct.
vi. Intentional Delay Past 30 Days to Avoid Refund
Certain plans, such as GETMED360, bar the policy holder from receiving refunds for
cancellations made after the policy was in effect for more than 30 days. Call recordings obtained
by the Receiver indicate that in many instances customers complained and sought to cancel their
Verifiers are also provided a script of how to respond to commonly asked questions. Curiously, they are instructed
that some "rebuttals" should be recorded, while other rebuttals should not be recorded. If the customer asks "Is this
not health insurance?" the verifier is instructed to respond and state "this is health insurance." However, they are
instructed not to record this statement.
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plans, however, the 30-day period elapsed because Simple Health’s customer service department
intentionally delayed contacting complaining customers before the expiration of the 30-day period.
vii. Better Business Bureau Scheme
Dorfman is also directly responsible for concocting a scheme to make Simple Health
appear more legitimate to customers by creating a false impression about the company with the
Better Business Bureau (the "BBB"). Upon entry into the Hollywood location, the Receiver
discovered 20 "pay-as-you-go" cell phones, often referred to as "burner phones," that were being
stored in Dorfman's assistant's desk. The Receiver learned that the purpose of these phones was so
that individuals posing as customers of Simple Health could contact the BBB to file false reports
regarding their positive experience with the company to offset any negative experiences reported
by actual customers. The burner phones were utilized so that the BBB would have no real way of
tracking the source of the calls, thereby allowing Dorfman and the individuals he enlisted to call
in and provide these false positive reports to go undetected.
IV. Specific Examples of the Fraud
The best way to demonstrate the fraud is to focus on a few specific sales calls.
A. Customer 1
On June 30, 2017, the customer called a lead generator looking for health insurance and
his call was promptly transferred to an insurance sales agent at Simple Health. The insurance
agent first asked the customer if he currently had health insurance. The customer replied that he
was “trying to get insurance.” After getting some preliminary personal information, the insurance
agent then told the customer that she needed to conduct a search for what plans were available to
him in the state of New Jersey and placed him on hold for a couple of minutes. As discussed,
In the interest of privacy, the Receiver is not specifying the customer's name in this report. However, the Receiver
will supply them to the Court along with the backup audio recordings.
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placing the customer on hold is pre-scripted and purposefully designed to lead the customer into
believing that the sales agent is researching specific plans for the customer's needs for the State of
New Jersey. In reality, the recording indicates that the agent was not researching anything, but
was engaging in frivolous office banter with a co-worker concerning the quality of a hamburger at
a local restaurant.
When the sales agent returned to the call a few minutes later, she stated that she had
“excellent, excellent news” and “based on your application I was able to get you approved into a
plan through the State of New Jersey” through an “A-rated carrier” with “a PPO insurance plan.”
This is a blatant lie carefully crafted to lead the customer into believing that the agent specifically
researched the best plan for him in the State of New Jersey, when in reality, the agent did nothing
other than engage in irrelevant office banter and simply come back to the call offering the customer
a pre-determined limited benefits package.
Next, the sales agent proceeded to glowingly describe the proposed plan to the customer.
According to the agent, the customer could choose his own doctors and hospitals and did not need
a referral to see a specialist. The program “does not discriminate against pre-existing medical
conditions” and utilizes “one of the largest [networks] in the country” “with over a million
healthcare providers under contract so finding a provider to accept your insurance plan is not going
to be a problem for you at all.” The sales agent then stated that with this plan the customer would
get his “typical doctor visits, diagnostic testing for blood and lab work, prescription, medical,
surgical and hospital coverage with absolutely zero deductible to meet.” The sales agent also
explained that the plan included vison and dental as well “with two free cleanings per year and one
free eye exam.”
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Nowhere in the entire sales presentation did the sales agent ever disclose that the customer
was actually being sold a limited benefit plan as opposed to traditional medical insurance. To the
contrary, the sales agent used terms associated with traditional medical insurance such as “PPO,”
“policy,” “no-deductible” and “pre-existing conditions” all designed to make the customer believe
he is purchasing traditional medical insurance.
After taking the customer's personal and payment information, the sales agent informed
the customer that she would soon transfer his call to the verification department. Importantly,
prior to transferring the call, the sales agent specifically informed the customer that the people in
the verification department were not licensed insurance agents and that they would be reading from
a script, the same script they read to everyone they spoke with so that a lot of the things they would
read to a customer were not applicable to him. She next told the customer that the verification
person will read a “12:12 pre-existing clause,” but that he could ignore that because he had no pre-
existing conditions—despite the fact that she already informed the customer in her sales pitch that
the plan she just sold him did not discriminate against pre-existing conditions. Then she informed
the customer that the verification person will tell him that this is not a major medical plan and the
only reason the plan she just sold him does not carry the major medical classification is because it
does not cover maternity, substance abuse or mental health, however, it would cover “everything
The agent instructed the customer that if he had any question during the verification process
to wait for the end of the lengthy script because if he interrupted the verifier they would have to
start all over again from the beginning. Finally, the agent congratulated the customer on the
purchase of “his new insurance policy.” The legal importance of this is that it indicated that the
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customer had already made the purchase decision and purchased an “insurance policy.” The call
was then transferred to the verification department.
Subsequent to the sale, the customer called Simple Health to complain. According to the
customer, he attempted to use the so called insurance with his doctor, but soon realized that it was
not traditional medical insurance. Thereafter, the customer contacted Simple Health several times
and was assured that he had purchased medical insurance. On August 21, 2017, the customer
called Simple Health to cancel his insurance and requested to be reimbursed. When asked why he
wished to cancel, the customer replied that he wished to cancel because he was convinced that he
had medical insurance, but what he purchased was not medical insurance. The customer service
agent then responded “through verification they would have told you that it is a medical program
and not health insurance.” This statement shows that the customer service representative was fully
aware of the design of the deceptive sales process—that the sales agent would never mention that
what was being sold was not medical insurance, but the verification script would have attempted
to disclaim any prior misrepresentations or omission of the sales agent. On this call, for the first
time, the customer is told that what he actually purchased was a limited benefit plan and how it
actually works. Incidentally, it was unlawful to sell limited indemnity policies in New Jersey. In
response, the customer stated, “nobody told me that, as a matter of fact, they were very, very, very
carefully and you are very well trained on how to deceive people.” Further, the customer explained
that during the sales call he was told that “he could choose his doctor, but they did not suggest that
[this was a] negotiation service… that is not insurance.” The customer insisted on a refund in
addition to canceling his plan. The customer service representative informed him that she had no
authority to refund his money past 30 days after the sale, but that she would have a compliance
supervisor contact him.
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Compliance personnel from Simple Health contacted the customer several times after he
canceled his insurance to discuss his request for a refund. On one particular call, a compliance
person [Robert C.] contacted the customer and described the true nature of the policy. The
customer stated that everything that he signed was based on the assumption that this was medical
insurance with medical benefits and that he believed he was deceived.
A couple of days later, the same customer service representative called the customer and
informed him that a refund could be requested for part of the amount he paid. The customer
questioned why it was only a partial refund as opposed to a full refund. He also explained to the
compliance officer that because of the deception he was tricked into believing he had medical
insurance and he was actually without medical insurance since July and now he was not allowed
to get insurance in the State of New Jersey until January. He questioned why he was the one
having to pay anything because of Simple Health's deception. The customer went on to explain
that he had previously tried to cancel his plan with Simple Health and he was
"repeatedly told that he does have medical insurance and that he could go to his
doctor and he can choose your doctor and you only have to pay $20 or $30, but this
is not true. What the truth is I will pay the negotiated full price not a deductible.
Therefore, what I have is a negotiation talking the doctor down off his full fee and
not a privilege to have insurance that will cover for my medication. I have a
Master's Degree from Columbia University to understand the difference. The only
difference which will make me make a different decision is deception. And that’s
what you have done, you have deceived me."
At the end of this call, the customer refused to take the partial offer and the call was concluded
without resolution.
B. Customer 2
The first customer is not the only one that was deceived by Simple Health. On January 26,
2017, another customer contacted Simple Health to purchase health insurance. Similar to the
customer's experience described above, this customer was also asked if they currently had health
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insurance and how long have they been without coverage. She informed the sales agent that she
previously had coverage with Blue Cross Blue Shield. This customer informed the sales agent that
she was a type one diabetic and on insulin taken via an insulin pump and the only reason she was
getting insurance is that she needed an insulin pump and “would die without insulin." The
customer explained that the most important aspects of medical insurance to her was to make sure
that her insulin pump, insulin and all of her supplies were covered by insurance. Thereafter, the
sales representative stated he worked with “most A-rated carriers in the State of Virginia” and that
he was going to research her options and place her on a brief hold.
After a several minute hold, the sales agent returned to the call and stated
“I have some good news for you, based upon your application I was able to get you
approved into a plan in the State of Virginia. This is an A-rated carrier and a PPO.
You can choose your own doctors and you don’t need a referral to see a
specialist. …This plan works similar to you as getting insurance from your
employer and they don’t discriminate against any pre-existing conditions. …This
program is one of the largest PPO networks in the country with over one million
PPO providers under contract. You receive doctor visits, diagnostic testing for
blood and lab work, surgical, medical and hospital coverage without deductible."
In selling the insurance, the sales agent also described how the plan would work in the
event the customer had to visit the hospital, stating
"this plan will cover you from the moment you enter the hospital. The PPO network
would pay your entire hospital bill repriced after the PPO network covers you your
plan pays an additional insurance benefit to help you cover the rest. When it is all
said and done at the end of the day you end up with pennies on the dollar if any
costs at all. …The whole idea of our plan is to make your out of pocket expenses
as low as possible without you having to meet any deductible. With this you will
never incur any upfront costs on this PPO and your insurance can be used at
virtually any inpatient or outpatient facility in the nation.”
The customer then specifically inquired if she could pick up her insulin at the store in addition to
mail order. The sales agent assured her that she had both options. The customer specifically asked
what was the name of the insurance company providing her coverage and the sales person replied
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“our insurance company is Simple Health.” Again, similar to the above-described call, not once
did the sales agent state that what was being sold was actually a limited benefit plan and everything
stated suggested what was being sold to the customer was a traditional medical plan. The
callousness of these misrepresentations is especially cruel when one considers that the customer
informed the sales person that she was a type one diabetic and would die without insulin.
At the conclusion of the sales pitch, the customer provided credit card payment
information, and after a brief pause, the sales agent stated “On behalf of Simple Health and our
participant carriers, I would like to be the first one to say congratulations on your new insurance
policy." This is doubly important because it indicates not only that the sale of the policy has
occurred prior to the verification process, but it also confirms the customer's expectation that she
was purchasing a traditional medical insurance policy as opposed to a limited benefit plan. Finally,
as in all other calls, the sales agent informed the customers that he was going to transfer them to
verification, but instructed them not to ask the verification agent any questions. The sales agent
specifically instructed the customer to ignore the verifier's statements and further stated “this is
not a discount plan, this is insurance” and further discussed “additional insurance cash benefits.”
C. Customer 3
On June 24, 2017, Customer 3 was contacted by Arthur from Simple Health in an attempt
to sell customer a “health insurance plan.” Sales agent stated the plan was a PPO that allowed
customer to “choose his own doctors and hospitals and does not need a referral to see a specialist.”
The sales agent explained that the plan utilized “the First Health Nationwide PPO network which
is one of the largest PPO networks in the country with over one million health care providers under
contract.” The sales agent represented that customer would get “doctors' visits, diagnostic testing
for blood and lab work, free prescriptions for medication and medical, surgical and hospital
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coverage with no deductibles.” “You can go to any doctor in the country.” The agent further
explained, “for example, let's say your doctor charges you $200 for a regular visit, you don't have
to pay that. You will receive an additional $80 off the remaining balance and thus in this situation
you wind up spending just $20 on that $200 visit.” The client then specifically asked the agent “if
I go to the doctor and it cost $200, I pay how much?” The agent responded, “$20, that’s the most
you will pay every time you visit the doctor, just $20. The remaining balance the insurance
company will cover everything else.”
Next, the agent discusses how the plan has
"no deductibles that have you paying thousands out of your pocket before the
insurance pays anything. This plan does not work that way. This is a first dollar
coverage plan which means this plan covers you from the moment you enter the
hospital. So the First PPO network would take care of the entire hospital bill and
reprice. After the PPO network covers you your plan pays additional insurance
benefits to help you cover the rest. When all is said and done you end with pennies
on the dollar if anything at all. The whole idea of this plan is to make your out of
pocket expenses as low as possible without you ever having to meet any deductible
After taking some personal information and payment information, the sales agent then
stated “on behalf of Simple Health and all of our participating insurance carriers, let me be the first
to say congratulations on your new insurance policy.” The agent then informed the customer that
he would transfer his call to the verification department and that “some of the information will
apply to him and some will not. . . . Remember, your insurance company is A-rated so should you
have any questions call me back I am a licensed agent. This is a guarantee issue health insurance
plan because of the open enrollment in your state, you are approved today regardless of those
conditions. . . . [The verification department] will tell you this is not a discount plan. Obviously
this is not a discount plan, this is insurance.”
The agent then stated,
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"A major medical plan must have two things to be defined as a major medical plan.
It must have a deductible and co-insurance. The beauty of your plan is that it has
none of those. It has no deductibles, no annual or lifetime caps and no medical
underwriting. Therefore it is called limited medical indemnity insurance plan and
not a major medical plan. . . . Lastly, your new PPO plan will cover everything
that you need and it is going to be affordable at the same time. This is absolutely
the best plan that you will receive in your price range. Remember I review virtually
every plan available in your state, so if I thought there was anything out there that
was more beneficial than this plan than that’s the plan that I would be offering you
today. I take a lot of pride in what I do and I like to think that our relationship starts
The agent then stated, "[I]f you have any questions during the verification, do me a favor
and hold them to the end because they only give us a couple of minutes of tape time and if they
don’t finish they have to do it all over again from the beginning. So you can call me back if you
have any questions."
After signing up for the plan. The customer went to the doctor, but his doctor did not
accept the plan. He thereafter called to cancel his plan and he requested a refund because he
believed he was defrauded. On August 18, 2017, he received a call from Robert C. of Simple
Health's compliance department. The customer stated
"the agent said [when he sold me the policy] “that I got full coverage and could go
to any doctor you want anywhere fully covered and you have full benefits on your
prescription. You have no money out of pocket and you can go to the emergency
room any time you want no charge. …So we said ok, great, we will take it, under
good faith we took it, but then we called the company before we went to the doctor
to see if they would take this card … and the insurance company said yes, but then
we get to the doctor's office and they said we won't take that card. …Now I have
been to the doctor twice, I have already paid the doctor, I have paid you guys
insurance, and I have been to the pharmacy and got three scripts and had to pay
those because when I handed them the card they looked at me and laughed."
The foregoing three customers are just three out of thousands of customers to whom Simple
Health sold limited benefit plans. It may be argued that these three cases are anomalies that are
not indicative of Simple Health's business practices. However, such an argument is meritless when
one understands that the underlying scripts used to sell the limited benefit plans were utilized in
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thousands of sales calls. In short, these three cases are highly illustrative of Simple Health's
deceptive sales practices.
V. The Value of the Receivership Entities’ Assets and Sum of Their Liabilities
A. Financial Information
Shortly after the commencement of the receivership, the Receiver retained KapilaMukamal
(“KM”) as his forensic accountant and financial advisor in this matter. Since the receivership
commenced, KM performed the following tasks in order to perform their forensic accounting
On November 15, 2018, KM met with the Receiver’s team at the
Hollywood office for the purpose of obtaining QuickBooks files, bank statements,
and other financial records for the Receivership Entities.
KM also met with Monica Hidalgo, Senior Staff Accountant, to gain
an understanding of the financial structure and condition of the Receivership
Entities, identify the locations of the pertinent financial data, locate potential assets
and identify accounting transactions which may require further investigation.
On November 19, 2018 KM met with Yans Piniero, Senior
Developer, at the Hollywood office, for the purpose of gaining an understanding of
the computer applications utilized by the Receivership Entities and obtained an
image of the SalesForce data which tracked the status of prospective customers and
the plans enrolled for the purpose of determining the number of customers that may
have been impacted by the Receivership Entities.
Analyzed the Receivership Entities’ general ledgers which are
maintained in QuickBooks accounting software.
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Reviewed the bank records obtained from the site visits and from
financial institution document productions.
Prepared a reconstruction of the Receivership Entities’ cash receipts
and disbursements for the period from May 2013 to October 2018 using the
QuickBooks accounting records.
Analyzed the credit card charges on certain American Express credit
card accounts maintained by the Receivership Entities.
Analyzed the intercompany transfers and activity between and
amongst the Receivership Entities.
B. Sales and Profitability
The Receivership Entities primarily derived cash receipts from commissions for enrolling
customers in limited medical and dental benefit plans offered by HII. Beginning in 2014 and
through approximately October 2018, HII paid approximately $180 million in commissions to
HBO which then disbursed the commissions to SIL, Soluciones Omfri, SRL, Health Benefits
Center Corporation and other Receivership Entities. During this period, the primary expenses of
the Receivership Entities appear to be payments to American Express and payments to vendors for
marketing and payroll related costs.
Exhibit "F" is a consolidated profit and loss statement for the Receivership Entities which
include HBO, Health Center Management Corporation, Innovative Customer Care, LLC, Senior
Benefits One, LLC and SIL. The Receivership Entities reported gross revenues of approximately
$271 million
, cost of goods sold of approximately $215 million, expenses of $57 million and a
cumulative net loss of approximately $ 1 million for the period from May 2013 to October 2018.
The revenues of $271 million are primarily comprised of revenues reported by HBO of $198 million and SIL of $71 million,
although more than $60 million of SIL’s revenues were actually derived from HBO. See page 32 paragraph E.
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The Receivership Entities were associated with a number of other affiliated entities as
follows: Health Benefits Center Corporation, Soluciones Omfri, SRL, Venture Vocational
Institute, Inc., HBC Direct, LLC, iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC, NMS Insurance Agency,
LLC d/b/a Essential Insurance Agency, Smart Health Programs, Inc.; Shift Health Solutions, LLC
(collectively, “Affiliated Entities”). Exhibit "G" is the consolidated profit and loss statement for
the Affiliated Entities for the period from May 2013 to October 2018. The Affiliated Entities
reported gross revenues of $15.7 million, cost of goods sold and expenses of approximately $19.9
million and a net loss of approximately $4.2 million.
C. Balance Sheets
Exhibit "H" is a consolidated balance sheet derived from QuickBooks for the
Receivership Entities as of October 31, 2018 (“Receivership Entities’ Balance Sheet”). The
Receivership Entities’ Balance Sheet reflects assets including cash, vehicles, equipment, accounts
receivable and loans receivable. The Receiver has frozen approximately $3,186,655.48
in cash
as listed in Exhibit B. Of this money, the Receiver has spent approximately $102,000 through the
date of this report on necessary expenses such as maintaining access to computer servers,
maintaining and securing leased premises, and securing and storing other assets. The Receiver has
also taken possession of a Range Rover, Lamborghini and Rolls Royce and all equipment located
in the corporate office.
If the Receiver becomes a permanent receiver, the Receiver will
investigate the collectability of any accounts or loans receivable due to the Receivership Entities.
As noted above, this does not include the approximate $200,000 believed to be held at Banco Popular in the
Dominican Republic, the difference of fair market value of the securities held at UBS as of October 31, 2018 and the
approximate $4.5M that the Receiver received in March 2019 from HII.
The Lamborghini was a leased vehicle and the lease has been terminated.
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The Receivership Entities’ Balance Sheet reflects a loan receivable in the amount of
approximately $490,000 from Richard Dorfman, the brother of Steven Dorfman. The Receiver
will investigate the collectability of this loan.
The liabilities include accounts payable of approximately $500,000, credit card payables
of $350,000, a margin loan to UBS Bank in the amount of $2.9 million.
The Balance Sheet also
reflects approximately $8.3 million in deferred revenue related to HII commissions.
Exhibit "I" is a consolidated balance sheet derived from QuickBooks for the Affiliated
Entities as of October 31, 2018 (“Affiliated Entities’ Balance Sheet”). The Affiliated Entities’
Balance Sheet reflects only approximately $1.1 million in cash and no material other assets or
D. Financial Accounts
The Receivership Entities maintained banking and brokerage accounts at numerous
financial institutions including JP Morgan Chase Bank, N.A., IberiaBank, Wells Fargo Bank, N.A.,
TD Ameritrade, SunTrust, and UBS. A list of the known financial accounts is attached at Exhibit
B. The Receiver is in the process of obtaining copies of the bank statements and supporting
documents for each bank account to identify potential other assets of the Receivership Estate.
KM has analyzed the activity recorded in the Receivership Entities’ cash accounts
maintained in the general ledgers and prepared a reconstruction of the sources and uses of cash per
the general ledger. Exhibit "J" is a list of the bank accounts included in the general ledger bank
account reconstruction and Exhibit "K" is a summary of the total sources and uses of cash per
the general ledger bank account reconstruction (“QuickBooks Cash Reconstruction”). The
As stated elsewhere in this report, these funds were used to purchase the Las Vegas property and are secured by
funds in the UBS account.
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QuickBooks Cash Reconstruction indicates that the Receivership Entities received approximately
$180 million from HII. The following are the primary uses of cash:
Payments to American Express in excess of $60 million.
Payments to ADP and other payroll companies totaling in excess of $43
Payments in excess of $25 million to what appear to be marketing and lead
generating companies.
The Receiver intends to investigate if any of these transfers are potentially recoverable.
Dorfman maintained bank accounts at Iberia Bank, TD Ameritrade and Wells Fargo. KM
will analyze the activity in the Dorfman bank accounts to identify potential assets of the
Receivership Estate
E. Intercompany Transactions
There were significant sums of money transferred between the Receivership Entities.
Exhibit "L" summarizes the dollar amount and number of transfers between the Receivership
Entities during the period from May 2013 to October 2018. There were $115 million in transfers
between the Receivership Entities and the Affiliated Entities. Approximately $92 million of these
intercompany transfers occurred between the Receivership Entities and Affiliated Entities. This
amount represents approximately 28% of the combined cash activity of the Receivership Entities.
Some of these intercompany transfers appear to be circular in nature. The Receiver believes that
Dorfman did not properly maintain the separateness of the various Receivership Entities, but rather
transferred funds to and from entities as needed.
To date, KM has analyzed $23.7 million in charges made on the American Express accounts in order to determine
the purpose of the charge. KM is continuing to analyze the remaining American Express credit card statements to
determine the purpose of the remaining $36 million in payments to American Express.
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The Receivership Entities' profit and loss statements indicate that Health Benefits One,
LLC (“HBO”) was paying the following Receivership Entities for “processing” fees (Exhibit F):
Simple Insurance Leads (“SIL”) $60.6 million
Health Benefits Center Corporation (“HBCC”) $9.1 million
Soluciones Omfri, SRL (“SOM”) $6.5 million
The Receivership Entities’ balance sheets indicate that HBO also recorded “intercompany
distributions” as follows (Exhibit "H"):
Simple Insurance Leads (“SIL”) $17.6 million
Health Benefits Center Corporation (“HBCC”) $4.6 million
Soluciones Omfri, SRL (“SOM”) $9.1 million
The payment of such a significant amount of “processing fees” by HBO to SIL, HBCC and
SOM indicate that each entity was providing a service to HBO.
The payment of “distributions” by HBO to SIL, HBCC and SQM indicate that each of
these entities had an ownership interest in HBO. Yet the 2016 tax returns of HBO indicate only
Dorfman had an ownership interest in HBO.
F. Dorfman - American Express Charges
SIL paid American Express more than $60 million. These payments to American Express
would appear to be what comprised the majority of the lead costs. To date, KM analyzed the
approximately $23.7 million in charges made on the American Express cards and noted more than
$4 million in charges made by Dorfman appear to have been personal in nature including luxury
goods and wedding expenses. Exhibit "M" summarizes the charges analyzed by category and
Exhibit "N" summarizes the charges analyzed by category and payee. Notably, there were the
following charges by Dorfman:
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Entertainment $1.6 million
Travel $1.4 million
Retail $610,000
Luxury goods $347,000
Wedding $116,003
The Receiver also notes that Dorfman paid personal expenses, such as wedding payments, transfers
of cash to casinos, purchases of large automobiles, and credit card payments for clearly personal
items directly from the Receivership Entities' bank accounts. In short, Dorfman utilized the
Receivership Entities' cash as his own personal "piggy bank." The Receiver will further report on
this and the case progress as his forensic accountant's complete their analysis.
VI. Can the Businesses be Operated Legally and Profitably?
It is the Receiver's opinion that the business cannot be operated legally and/or profitably
for two reasons. First, immediately after the commencement of the receivership, HII terminated
its relationship with the Defendants (see below). HII is a public company and the majority of the
Defendants revenue was based on its relationship with HII and the sale of HII's products.
Accordingly, based on HII terminating its relationship with the Defendants, it would be impossible
for the Defendants to generate sufficient revenue to cover their operating costs without a complete
Due to HII's decision to sever relations with the Receivership Entities and the fraudulent
nature of the Receivership Entities' business practices, the Receiver was forced to completely
discontinue the Receivership Entities' business operations. To that end, the Receiver terminated
all employees as of November 1, 2018. Although it may be possible to rebuild the Receivership
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Entities, it would be extremely difficult—even if HII decided to rekindle its relationship with the
Receivership Entities, which is unlikely.
Second, and more importantly, as set forth above in this report, the Receiver believes that
the Receivership Entities' business model was largely based on deceiving consumers. This
deception permeated the Receivership Entities' entire business relationship with their customers
from the moment customers conducted Google searches all the way to post-sale customer relations.
It is highly doubtful that the Receivership Entities could sell enough limited benefit policies to
cover their operating expenses without this deception. Accordingly, the Receiver is of the belief
that the Receivership Entities' business was never legally viable and cannot be viable in the future.
VII. The Steps the Receiver Intends to Take in the Future if the Injunction is Entered
As set forth above, the Receivership Entities operated out of multiple offices in Miami,
Hollywood, Dallas (3 offices) and overseas. Immediately after the commencement of the
receivership, HII terminated its relationship with the Receivership Entities thereby effectively
putting them out of business. If the preliminary injunction is entered and the Receiver becomes
permanent receiver, the Receiver will immediately seek the Court's authorization to terminate all
leases and deliver possession of the leased premises to their respective landlords thereby limiting
any claims they may have for unpaid rent.
In fact, the Receiver has been contacted by four landlords seeking to negotiate a return of
the leased premises, however, the Receiver has not yet sought to formally terminate the leases and
return the leased premises because the Defendant does not consent to the Receiver terminating the
leases and because the role of a “temporary” receiver is to maintain the status quo pending the
determination on the preliminary injunction. Dorfman's illogical refusal to consent to the
termination of the leases is unnecessarily causing additional claims against the receivership estate
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further damaging creditors. If the Receiver becomes the permanent receiver, his role will change
from one of preserving the status quo pending the outcome of the preliminary injunction hearing
to the role of maximizing the distribution to creditors. This change in role would allow the Receiver
to utilize his business judgment, with the Court’s approval, to terminate the leases and return the
leased property to the landlords thereby decreasing the amount of claims.
In connection with terminating the leases for the business premises, the Receiver will seek
the Court's authorization to dispose of the furniture, fixtures and equipment ("FF&E") located at
each office. The Receiver will attempt to sell the FF&E to potential new tenants of the premises,
but absent being able to do that, will seek authorization to conduct an auction to sell the FF&E.
With respect to the automobiles, the Receiver, with the Court's permission, has already
terminated the lease for the Lamborghini. This has eliminated any claims against the estate with
respect to such lease. If appointed permanent receiver, the Receiver will seek to immediately
dispose of the Rolls Royce and the Range Rover as such vehicles are "wasting" assets and each
month the receivership drags on these vehicles are depreciating in value.
The Receiver will not seek to dispose of the seized jewelry until the Court decides whether
or not to enter a permanent injunction. The jewelry is not really considered to be a depreciating
asset and the cost of storing the jewelry is negligible. Therefore, the Receiver believes the
disposition of the jewelry can wait pending the ultimate outcome of the case.
If he is appointed permanent receiver, the Receiver will also seek the Court's authorization
to dispose of the Las Vegas property. The Las Vegas property has substantial carrying costs (i.e.,
taxes, insurance, association fees) and the Receiver believes it is doubtful, given Dorfman's current
financial condition as represented to the Court, that he will be able to afford to maintain the
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property even if he is ultimately successful in this case. Accordingly, the Receiver will seek
authorization to sell the property and hold the proceeds in escrow pending the outcome of the case.
Finally, the Receiver will investigate potential claims against third persons who may have
liability with respect to the Receivership Entities' pre-receivership business dealings. The Receiver
has not yet commenced an investigation of any such claims because, in the Receiver's opinion,
such an investigation will be costly and is outside the scope of a temporary receiver's duties to
maintain the status quo. If the Court enters the preliminary injunction and the Receiver becomes
a permanent receiver, the Receiver will report on the results of any such investigations in future
VIII. Miscellaneous
A. Shutting Down the Business
i. Websites and Social Media Pages
Simple Health maintained a public-facing website, www.simplehealthplans.com, along
with approximately 129 third-party lead generation websites, discussed above. Each of these
domains were operated through a single account with GoDaddy.com that was owned and
controlled by Dorfman. The Receiver now controls the GoDaddy.com account, which was
authorized by the TRO. The Receiver has directed the public-facing web address along with all
of the third-party lead generation websites to the Receiver’s website,
ii. Securing ESI
The Receiver has secured all of Simple Health’s electronic records and has also produced
copies of those records to Dorfman’s attorneys in response to their requests. To accomplish this
task, the Receiver has retained the services of two of Simple Health’s former IT employees. The
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Receiver has secured, among other things, Simple Health’s accounting and payroll records,
employee files, and all of the data associated with the company’s primary business operations. In
addition to maintaining Simple Health’s internal records, the Receiver is responsible for all of the
cloud-based services previously utilized by Simple Health. These services include web hosting
provided by Amazon and Simple Health’s use of SalesForce.com to store customer data and call
recordings. SalesForce.com is particularly important because this service was utilized by Simple
Health to store information related to the company’s interaction with its customers pre and post-
sale. The Receiver has renegotiated the terms of Simple Health’s license with SalesForce.com and
has retained access to all of the historical information stored in the database. The Receiver has also
made efforts to retain the services of Flexential, which houses servers that are property of Simple
Health and supplies IT services related to those servers.
iii. Securing Other Receivership Property
In addition to the Hollywood, Doral, and Dallas locations, the Receiver has also learned
about an undeveloped parcel of residential land located at 1709 Enclave Court, Las Vegas, Nevada
that was purchased with funds belonging to the Receivership Entities. In discussions with the
property manager and counsel for the property manager, the Receiver has learned that because
Dorfman failed to develop the property as required by the Covenants, Conditions and Restrictions
for the Enclave Community Association (the “CCR”), the property has been assessed a monthly
fee, as permitted under the CCR. Dorfman paid the fee for failing to develop the property prior to
the Receiver’s appointment. A payment demand has been made on the Receiver for $9,588.00,
which was good through April 8, 2019.
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B. Receivership Entities' Employees
The Receivership Entities employed sales agents, administrative personnel and managers
at their various locations. When the Receiver shut down the business, many of these individuals
were owed wages and/or sales commission for the week preceding the shutdown. If the Court
enters the preliminary injunction, the receiver intends to file a motion with the Court seeking
authorization to pay the back wages of non-managerial employees. The Receiver will consider the
propriety of paying the wages of managerial employees and the sales commissions due to sales
agents who assisted in the deceptive sale of limited benefit plans to customers. This is an open
issue that will be brought before the Court.
The Receiver has endeavored to provide each employee with their W-2 and/or 1099 form
on a timely basis. To that extent, the Receiver utilized the services of Paycom and his accountants
to perform the necessary accounting and paperwork. The Receiver provided 540 employees of
Health Benefits One, LLC with W-2s; 27 employees of Innovative Customer Care, LLC with W-
2s; and 125 employees of Simple Insurance Leads, LLC with W-2s. The Receiver also provided
183 sales agents of Health Benefits One, LLC with 1099s which represents commissions payable
to these sales agents from January 1, 2018 through June, 2018, after which they were converted to
W-2 employees. Some of the W-2s and 1099s were for employees of the Boca Raton office which
closed prior to the commencement of the receivership.
C. The Receivership Entities' relationship with HII
This case presents some interesting issues from a receivership perspective. More
specifically, due to the nature of the product sold by the Receivership Entities, many consumers
who unwittingly purchased limited benefit plans have not yet attempted to use them and make a
claim. Therefore, many customers are not yet aware that they have been deceived and they have
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not yet incurred economic damage and are continuing to pay their monthly fees. It has been
suggested to HII that it may be prudent to provide notice to customers of this potential issue with
their insurance, but HII has not yet done so. As of February, 2019, 59,308 customers were still
making monthly payments.
HII provides the Receivership Entities with, among other services, billing and premium
collection services whereby HII collects monthly payments from consumers on sales made by the
Receivership Entities to customers. In connection with these services, HII provides an accounting
and splitting of customer payments between the carriers and the Receivership Entities. As part of
this service, HII distributes earned commissions to the Receivership Entities. HII also furnishes
the Receivership Entities access to its on-line platform with the ability to quote and sell various
products from carriers. To that end, HII and HBO entered into a Managing General Agent
Agreement ("MGAA") which permitted HBO to promote and sell various products. HII
unilaterally terminated the MGAA on November 2, 2018. Finally, HII also provides post-sale
customer service in responding to customer inquiries concerning their policies. HII has continued
to provide these services post-receivership.
HII and HBO also entered into a Master Commission Advance Agreement ("MCAA")
whereby HII would advance commissions to HBO prior to the commissions being earned. The
agreement was designed to advance HBO money, which essentially served as a loan to be paid
back from future commissions earned by HBO. To secure repayment of these advances, HBO
granted HII a security interest in HBO's future commissions and accounts receivable. HBO
unilaterally terminated the MCAA on November 2, 2018.
Subsequent to the commencement of the receivership, HII claimed that it was owed
$2,684,850.91. HII unilaterally offset this sum from the payments it collected from the
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Receivership Entities' customers subsequent to the receivership and the Receivership Entities no
longer owe HII this sum.
Through February 28, 2019, HII collected an additional $4,609,452.65
(above the amount offset) on behalf of the Receivership Entities.
In March, 2019, HII forwarded
$4,528,452.65 to the Receiver representing commissions on business sold by Simple Health from
November 2018 through February 28, 2019.
These sums are held in trust. The Receiver expects
to collect an additional $2,007,814.76 for commissions earned for March 2019 by wire on April
15, 2019.
The Receivership entities relationship with HII was certainly complex and millions of
dollars flowed between the companies. In the event the preliminary injunction is entered and the
Receiver becomes a permanent receiver, the Receiver plans to further investigate the relationship.
IX. Conclusion
The Receiver submits this report as required by the TRO. The Receiver will continue to
provide periodic updates to the Court as the case commences.
Respectfully submitted,
/s/ Michael I. Goldberg
Michael I. Goldberg, Esq.
Florida Bar Number: 886602
Court-Appointed Receiver
Las Olas Centre II, Suite 1600
350 East Las Olas Boulevard
Fort Lauderdale, FL 33301-2999
Phone: (954) 463-2700
Fax: (954) 463-2224
This action was arguably in violation of the TRO.
This amount is based on HII's self-reporting. The receiver has not yet audited or otherwise verified the accuracy of
this amount.
The Receiver and HII agreed that HII could withhold $75,000 of the sum owed as security for potential credit card
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I HEREBY CERTIFY that a true and correct copy of the foregoing was served on this
April 12, 2019 via the Court’s notice of electronic filing on all CM/ECF registered users entitled
to notice in this case as indicated on the attached Service List and posted on the Receiver's website
By: s/ Michael I. Goldberg
Michael I. Goldberg, Esq.
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[Hollywood Inventory]
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Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 1 of 56
Simple Health Inventory
Room 1
(Front and Sides of
Reception Desk)
Vizio Flat Screen TV (65”) – 1
Modern Grey Arm Chairs – 6
Side Tables – 2
Grey Table Lamps – 2
Floor Lamp – 1
Med. Potted Faux Succulent Plant – 1
Lg. Potted Faux Succulent Plant - 1
Console Table – 1
Lg. Painting by “Braski” – 1
Room 1
Row A
(Reception Desk)
Apple iPad – 1
Dell Comp. Monitor – 5
“hp” Prodesk computer – 2
FARGO DTC1250e ID Card Printer – 1
Large White “hp” Printer – 1
Epson Workforce WF-3640 Printer - 1
Epson Perfection V19 Scanner - 1
Logitech K100 Keyboard - 1
“hp” wired mouse - 1
“Snapshell” ID Reader (model: snapshell R2) – 1
‘brother” Label Printer (Brother QL-720NW) - 1
“AIPHONE” LEM-1DL (Answering Machine?) – 1
Logitech K120 Keyboard – 1
Microsoft Wireless Mouse (Light Pink – R201-125617) – 1
Rolling Storage/Filing Cabinet (3 Drawer) – 1
Rolling Storage/Filing Cabinet (2 drawer w lock) – 2
“Premium” Mini fridge – 1
Honeywell “Quiet Set” Tower Fan – 1
Ikea MALKOLM 20240 BLK Rolling office chair - 2
Room 2
(Conference/Training Room)
Vizio Flat Screen TV (70”) - 1
Lrg. White Console Table w storage [D] - 1
Ikea MALKOLM 20248 BLK Rolling Office Chair – 2
Honeywell “Quiet Set” Tower Fan – 1
“hp” Prodesk Computer – 1
Logitech Desktop Speakers - 1
Laser Pointer/Remote in blk box – 1
Acer Computer Monitor – 1
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Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 2 of 56
Room 2
(Conference/Training Room)
Acer Desktop Computer (Aspire Z3-710) – 12
Plantronics wired headphones with Microphone – 12
Acer Wireless Keyboard (SK – 9662) - 12
Acer Wireless Optical Mouse (SM – 9662) – 12
“Haworth” Chair (“110 – 1442 Very Seminar Chair”) – 12
“Haworth” Planes TAP Series Tables [A,B,C] – 6
Room 3
Ikea MALKOLM 20240 BLK Rolling Office Chair – 1
“Davis” Blue Fabric Chairs – 2
Dell XPS Computer – 1
“hp” Computer Monitor (HPV242h) – 2
“hp” OfficeJet Pro 6978 Printer/Scanner/Fax/Copy/Web – 1
“hp” ScanJet Pro 2000 S1 - 1
Unkown brand wired keyboard – 1
Amazon Basics Mouse (MSU 0939) - 1
“LACASSE” L Shaped Desk [A] - 1
Logitech Webcam – 1
“LACASSE” Floating Wall storage Cabinet – 1
Under Cabinet Light – 1
Logitech Desktop Speakers – 2
Dry Erase Board – 1
“LACASSE” Two Drawer Storage Cabinet – 1
Room 4
Ikea MALKOLM 20240 BLK Rolling Office Chair – 1
“Davis” Blue Fabric Chair – 2
‘hp” OfficeJet Pro 8740 – 1
Under Cabinet Light – 1
“LACASSE” L-Shaped Desk – 1
“LACASSE” Floating Cabinet – 1
“LACASSE” Two Drawer Storage Cabinet – 1
Dry Erase Board – 1
Honeywell “Quiet Set” Tower Fan -1
Room 5
Large Two Drawer L-Shaped Desk (LACASSE?) – 1
Ikea MALKOLM BLK Rolling Office chair – 1
“Dist. by Euro Style, Inc” BLK Rolling Office Chairs – 3
Two Drawer Storage Cabinet (matches L-Shaped Desk) – 2
Samsung Smart Flat Screen TV (80-85”?) – 1
Large White Smart Dry Erase Board – 1
White Leather Couch Chair – 3
“hp” Color LaserJet Pro M452dn Printer - 1
“hp” ProDesk Computer – 1
Amazon Basics Desktop speaker – 2
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Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 3 of 56
Room 5
“hp” Computer Monitor (HPV242h) – 2
Logitech WAVE K350 Keyboard – 1
Logitech M510 Wireless Mouse - 1
Logitech Webcam - 1
Room 6
Ikea MALKOLM - 22121 - BLK Rolling Office Chair – 1
“hp” Computer Monitor (HPV242h) – 2
“hp” wired mouse - 1
“hp” Keyboard - 1
YeaLink Desktop Phone T23G (954) 210-8592 - 1
Large Two Drawer L-Shaped Desk (LACASSE) – 1
Two Drawer Storage Cabinet (matches L-Shaped Desk) – 1
Black HP Office Pro 6978 Printer/Fax/Copier - 1
“Davis” Blue Fabric Chair – 2
Room 7
Ikea MALKOLM BLK Rolling Office chair – 1
“hp” Computer Monitor – 2
Logitech Mouse (M-U0026) – 1
Logitech Keyboard K120 – 1
“Plugable” USB 3.0 Docking Station – 1
“LACASSE” L-shaped desk with Two Storage drawers – 1
“LACASSE” Floating Storage Shelf/Cabinet – 1
“LACASSE” Two Drawer Filing Cabinet – 2
Xerox Work Centre 6505 Printer – 1
Davis Blue Fabric Chair – 2
Room 8
Room 9
Room 10
(Small Conference Room)
Vizio 65” Flat screen TV - 1
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT Computer – 1
HAWORTH High Island/Bar Table – “Marker Table” – 1
Q+ JETech 2.4g Wireless Keyboard – 1
“Action tec” Screen Beam Display Receiver -1
D-Link? (has a USB receptacle) – 1
Amazon Basics Wireless Mouse (M/N: MG-0975) - 1
JC White Architectural Interiors - “Very Conference Chair”
High Top Table Chairs – 4
Euro Style Inc. – High back black rolling office chair – 1
Dry Erase Board – Medium - 1
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Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 4 of 56
Room 10.A
Hallway outside of Room
Euro Style Inc. – High back black rolling office chair – 4
Ikea BJURSNAS Espresso black Round Table – 1
TOSHIBA eStudio 450 Large office printer w user manuals –
Room 11
Back Wall
(Server/Computer Room)
RCA Mini Fridge - 1
Dell LCD Monitor (M/N: E2715Hf) – 1
HP Photosmart A617 - 1
Apollo Precision Tool Kits (Lrg.. and Sm. kits – Lrg is half
empty) - 1 each
Dell W2371b Computer Monitor – 2
Unknown brand of wired keyboard - 1
hp KU-1156 Wired Keyboard - 1
Amazon Basics – KU-0833 Keyboard - 1
Display stand for two computer Monitors – 1
“AST” 3D optical wired mouse - 1
KB-US9851 wired keyboard - 1
Ikea Malkolm blk rolling office chair – 8
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor computer - 1
“ACER” LCD LED Monitor (Model: G226HQL) – 3
PowerEdge R210 – 5
Seagate – Barracuda Compute – 4 TB – ST4000DM)) – 4
LACASSE filing cabinets with 2 drawers – light finish – 2
Xerox Work Centre 6505 - 1
Epson WF-3640 Printer – M/N: C481E – 1
Ikea MICKE desk with two drawers – white – 2
Vizio 50” flat screen tv – 8
Mac Mini – M/N: A1347 - (in right LACASSE filing cab.) Has
sticky note on it that says “Nikia” - 1
LD Laser Toner Cartridge – Cyan – LD-106R01594 – 3
LD Laser Toner Cartridge – Yellow – LD-106R01594 – 2
LD Laser Toner Cartridge – Magenta – LD-106R01594 – 1
Lenovo Tablet – M/N: Lenovo TAB 2 A10-70F - 2
Asus ZenPad – 1
Damaged/Cracked/Scratched - Asus ZenPad – 3
Room 11
Left Side Wall –
Under Table
(Server/Computer Room)
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT - 3
“InnoView” 21.5” LED LCD Moniter – M/N: 2165M – 2
ACER LCD LED Monitor – M/N: G226HQL – 6
Epson Workforce WF-3620 – 1
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Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 5 of 56
Room 11
Left Side Wall –
Top of Table
(Server/Computer Room)
HAWORTH white Table with compact “Logic Data” device -
AT&T Microcell – M/N: DPH154 – 1
Samsung Cell Phone (old Galaxy?) – 1
Dell – M/N: SE2216HF – 1
HP – ProBook 6460b – Laptop - 1
APC – MasterSwitch Plus – AP9617 – Network Management
Card – 1
Dell Power Connect 5548 - 1
Dell – SonicWall NSA 5600 – 2
Dell – SonicWall NSA 3600 – 3
HP Pavillion Slimline S5000 Series – s5610y - 1
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT - 1
HP wired keyboard – KU-0316 – 1
HP Compaq dc7800 Small Form Factor PC – 1
Logitech k800 Wireles Keyboard – M/N: Y-R0011 - 1
Dell – Latitude 3580 Laptop – 1
HP Envy Notebook PC – M/N: 15-as152nr - 1
Buffalo – Tera Station – M/N: TS-XE4.0TL/R5 – 1
Room 11
(Server/Computer Room)
HAWORTH white desk - 1
Dell LCD Monitor – M/N: E2715Hf - 1
Microsoft Headset with Microphone – 1
Amazon Basics Moniter stand – 2
Wireless Mac mouse – M/N: A1657 EMC2923 – 1
Mac wired keyboard – M/N: A1314 – 1
Mac Mini M/N: Unknown) – 1
Room 11
Empty WS –
(Server/Computer Room)
HAWORTH white desk - 1
Mac Wireless Keyboard – M/N: A1314 – 1
Amazon Basics monitor stands – 2
Mac Wireless Mouse – 1
Room 11
(Server/Computer Room)
HAWORTH white desk - 1
Allsop monitor stand – 2
Acer Wireless Mouse – M/N: SM-9662 – 1
Plantronics headphones with Microphone – 1
Dell LCD Monitor – M/N: E2715Hf – 2
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Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 6 of 56
Room 11
Empty WS
(Server/Computer Room)
HAWORTH white desk - 1
Logitech – k800 – M/N: Y-R0011 – 1
Hitachi – Ultrastar – M/N: HUA721010KLA330 - 2
Seagate Barracuda ES RoHS – S/N: 5QD5B9JL – 1
TP-LINK – M/N: TL-SG1008P – Desktop Switch – 4 Port - 2
Logitech Performance MX wireless Headphones – M/N: M-
R0007 – 1
DYMO – Label Manager 280 – M/N: S0720530 - 1
Microsoft Headphones with Microphone – 1
Dell SonicPoint ACi – M/N: APL27-0B1 – 1
Room 11
Empty WS
(Server/Computer Room)
HAWORTH white desk - 1
Unifi – AP AC LR – M/N: UAP-AC-LR 802.3af PoE – 2
ADATA – 128 GB – Chip – 1
Snapshell – Model: Snapshell 65 – 1
10Gtek – “SFP-GE-T-Multi” – 1
10Gtek – “ASF-GE-T” – 1
Room 11
(Server/Computer Room)
HAWORTH white desk – 1
“CAT 5 – RJ45 Product” – 7SV-000/AS-TX – 1000 Base –
TX – 1
ACCEDIAN Networks – “7SN-000” – 1000 Base LX/1310
nm/SMF - 1
DELL Power Connect 5524 – 1
NETGATE – M/N: XG-7100-M2 - 24 GB – 1
Eivotor – Multi-functional Wire Tester (Emitter + Receiver) –
TRENDnet – Professional Punch Down Tool – 1
Fluke Networks – Modular Crimper – M/N: 11212530 – 1
DYMO – Label Cassettes – 2
LACASSEE two drawer filing cabinet – 1
Dell LCD Monitor – M/N: Y-R0011 – 2
Amazon Basics wired keyboard – M/N: KU – 0833 -1
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 - 1
Allsop monitor stand – 2
Plugable USB 3.0 docking station – 1
NetGear – Fast Ethernet Switch – M/N: FS105 – 1
HP – Envy – X7V39UA#ABA - M/N: 15-as152hr - 1
Seagate – Black Armor – NAS 220 – P/N: 9SR5AH-500 – 1
Dell – Power Connect 6224 - 1
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Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 7 of 56
Room 11
(Server/Computer Room)
Honeywell – Quiet Set – Tower Fan – 2
“Neat” Scanner – M/N: ND-1000 - 1
UniFi – AP AC LR – M/N: UAP-AC-LR – 5
Large White Dry Erase board - 1
Room 12
Large White Dry Erase Board - 1
Ikea MALKOLM black rolling office chair – 5
“Shred-it” – Document shredding service container -1
Mr. Coffee – M/N: FTX41 – 1
Xerox Work Centre 6505 – 1
LACASSE two drawer filing cabinet – 1
“Midea” Mini Fridge – 1
Little plastic storage cub with drawer – 1
LD Toner Cartridge – Cyan – LD-106R01594 - 6
LD Toner Cartridge – Magenta – LD-106R01595 - 4
LD Toner Cartridge – Yellow – LD-106R01596 – 3
Mystery brand toner cartridge – Cyan – 106R01594 - 1
Xerox Toner Cartridge – Black – 106R01597 - 2
Universal Paperclips – Jumbo Silver 1000 qty. – 1 box
Avery Address labels 5160 – 1 box
Eco-Green - Remanufactured HP Printer Toner Cartridge –
Yellow – CE412A – 2
Eco-Green - Remanufactured HP Printer Toner Cartridge –
Black – CE410X – 1
Eco-Green - Remanufactured HP Printer Toner Cartridge –
Cyan – CE411A – 2
Eco-Green - Remanufactured HP Printer Toner Cartridge –
Magenta – CE413 – 2
Filing Cabinet – Black – three drawers – 1
Brighton Professional paper towel roll – 1
Room 12
Amazon Basics Monitor Stand – 2
Allsop Monitor Stand – 1
Acer LCD LED Monitors – M/N: G276HL – 2
HP-V242h Monitor – M/N: K6X12A – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor Business PC - 1
Logitech M215 – M/N: M-R0028 - 1
Logitech - K330 – M/N: Y-R0009 - 1
EPSON – “D5-510” – 1
Printer Cartridge – 305A – Cyan – CE411A – HP Laserjet – 1
Printer Cartridge – 305A – Yellow – CE412A – HP Laserjet -
Printer Cartridge – 305A – Magenta– CE413A – HP Laserjet -
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Room 12
Logitech – M310 – 1
“Universal” – Corkboard – 1
HAWORTH Desk with attached two drawer and two shelf
storage cabinet – 1
HAWORTH Metal Storage shelf/cabinet – 1
Room 12
Empty WS
HP V242h monitor – 2
Allsop Monitor Stand – 2
Logitech wireless keyboard – K520 – M/N: Y-R0012 - 1
Logitech wireless Mouse – M/N: M-U0026 – 1
Swingline Stapler – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 small Form Factor Business PC – 1
Paper Pro – The Prodigy – stapler – 1
Vornado – Desktop Fan – 1
ACCO – Medium Binder Clips – 12 ea. – 5 boxes
ACCO – Large Binder Clips – 12 ea. – 1 box
ACCO – Jumbo Paper Clips – 100 Qty. – 3 boxes
Brites – File Bands – “4 oz. – 113 g. – 7” x 1/8’ – 1 bag
HAWORTH Desk and storage cabinet with two drawers and
shelves – 1
HAWORTH Metal Wall Storage Shelf/Cabinet – 1
Plantronics headset with microphone – 1
Room 12
Empty WS
ACCO – Large Binder Clips – 12 ea. – 2 boxes
Endust – electronics surface cleaning wipes – 70 qty. - 4
Brighton Professional Paper towel roll – 1
Disposable Cup lids – 1 sleeve
Swingline stapler - 1
Double Window envelopes – No. 9 – 500 ct. – 2 boxes
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor Business PC - 1
HP V242h computer monitor – 2
HAWORTH Desk and storage cabinet with two drawers and
shelves – 1
HAWORTH Metal Wall Storage Shelf/Cabinet – 1
Room 12
Empty WS
HP V242h coputer Monitors – 2
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor Business PC - 1
Logitech Wireless Keyboard – MK 700/MK710 – M/N: Y-
R0006 - 1
Dell Wireless Keyboard – M/N: WK117 - 1
Dell Wireless Mouse – M/N: WM117 – 1
PaperPro – The Prodigy – Stapler – 25 sheet – 1
Canon – MP27D – Accounting Clock/Calendar Machine – 1
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Room 12
HAWORTH Desk and storage cabinet with two drawers and
shelves – 1
HAWORTH Metal Wall Storage Shelf/Cabinet – 1
Swingline – 40 sheet hole puncher – 1
Ultra Soft Kleenex – 70 tissues each – 2 boxes
Paper Cutter (Under Desk – look for Brand) - 1
Hole Puncher (Under Desk – look for Brand) – 1
Amazon Basics – 320 Rubber Bands – 1 Bag
Paper roll for Canon MP27D – 10 Rolls
Scotch Magic Tape – 14 rolls
Staples for Swingline Stapler – 5,000 staples each – 5 boxes
Room 12
HP ProDesk 400 G 2.5 Small Form Factor Business PC – 1
HP LaserJet Pro 400 Color M451dn - 1
HP LaserJet Ink Cartridge – Black – CE410X – 1
Logitech wireless mouse – M705 – 1
Amazon Basics Monitor Stand – 3
HP ScanJet Pro 3000 s 2 – 1
Unknown brand of desktop speakers – 2
Panini – Vision X – M/N: Vision X – 1
Large Universal Corkboard - 1
HAWORTH Desk and storage cabinet with two drawers and
shelves – 1
HAWORTH Metal Wall Storage Shelf/Cabinet – 1
Amazon Basics wireless keyboard – KU-0833 – 1
PaperPro – 20 sheets – stapler – 1
Room 13
LG Flat screen TV – M/N: MCR64833101(REV00) - 1
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT - 1
Plugable USB 3.0 Docking Station -1
HP V242h computer monitor – 2
Logitech Desktop Speakers – M/N: S-00038 – 1
Amazon Basics wired keyboard – KU-0833 -1
Metal Gear Box – HARD Disk Drive (Login:
JRozen/P@$$w0rd) – 1
HP OfficeJet Pro 6978 – 1
LACASSE L Shapd Desk with Storage Drawers
IKEA Malcolm black rolling office chair – 1
LACASSE Floating Wall Storage Cabinet - 1
Davis Blue Fabric Chair – 2
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Room 14
IKEA Malkolm black rolling office chair – 17
Office Depot rolling black office chair – SKU: 302062 - 1
Revolution SVR Killerspin Ping Pong Table -1
Console/Entertainment table – Faux wood – 1
Eurostyle Inc. black high back office chair – 1
HAWORTH Desk – WSB, K, REC, 24 x 48, L, J, S, C 2015 –
with attached two drawer storage cabinet – 21
Shred It receptacle – 1
IKEA Linnmon white table – 1
Epson 252 ink cartr. pack – Black, Yellow, Cyan, Magenta - 2
Epson 252XL ink cartridge – Black – 2
IKEA Linnmon Black small table – 1
RCA Mini Fridge
LG flat screen TV – 49” ? – M/N: 49LF5100-UA – 1
Big Cork board
Large XL dry erase board – 1
Gray folding table – 1
Room 14
Gateway KX2153 monitor – 3
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT
Room 14
HP Wireless Mouse – SM-2061 – 1
Gateway KX2153 monitor – 3
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – 1
Logitech M310 Wireless Mouse – 1
Logitech wireless keyboard – M/N: Y-R0012
Room 14
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT - 1
Amazon Basics Laptop Stand
Acer G276HL monitors - 2
Room 14
Acer G276HL monitors – 2
Microsoft headphones with mic (Life Chat LX-3000) – 1
Dell Inspiron – P65F001 -1
Plugable USB 3.0 Docking Station – 1
Targus Laptop Bag – 1
Room 14
Gateway KX2153 Computer Monitor – 3
HP Wireless Keyboard – M/N: SK-2061
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – 1
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Room 14
Microsoft Headphones with Microphone - 1
Acer G276HL monitors – 2
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – 1
Microsoft Natural Ergonomic Keyboard 4000 v 1.0 – M/N:
1048 – 1
Room 14
MSi – Interceptor DS B1 Gaming Mouse – 1
Mac wireless keyboard – M/N: A1314 – 1
Mac wireless mouse – M/N: A1296 3Vdc – 1
Mac wireless touch pad – M/N: A1339 – 1
Plantronics headphones with microphone – 1
HP wireless mouse – M/N: H1D34AA - 1
Acer G276HL Monitor – 1
Room 14
Scotch Magic Tape refill – 1 roll
Kleenex – 1 box
Microsoft - “Sculpt” Ergonomic Mouse – 1
Asus Tablet – 1
HP Envy Desktop Computer – M/N: 700-216
Plantronics Headphones with Microphone – 1
Gateway Kx2153 monitor – 3
Eagle E5121 pencil sharpener – 1
Logitech Headphones (Missing Microphone attachment) – 1
URPower Air Mister -1
Room 14
Xerox WorkCentre 6505 – 1
Staples One Touch – 30 Sheet – 3 hole puncher - 1
Room 14
Mac wireless keyboard – M/N: A1644 EMC 2815 - 1
hp wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Mac wired keyboard M/N: A1243 – 1
Mac Wireless Mouse – M/N: A1657 – 1
iMac Desktop Computer - M/N: A1419
Lenovo Wired Keyboard – M/N: KU-1153 – 1
Gateway KX2153 Monitor – 2
Plantronics Headphones with Microphone – 1
HP Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH169UC#ABA – 1
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Room 14
Innoview Monitors – M/N: 2165M – 2
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH169UC#ABA - 1
Room 14
Gateway KX2153 Monitors – 2
hp wired keyboard – M/N: KU-1156 – 1
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH169UC#ABA – 1
Room 14
hpV242h Monitor – 2
Plantronics headphones with microphone – 1
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH169UC#ABA – 1
hp wired mouse M/M: SM -2022 – 1
Room 14
Gateway Kx2153 Monitor – 2
hp wired keyboard –M/N: KU-1156 - 1
hp wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH169UC#ABA – 1
Plantronics headphones with microphone – 1
Room 14
Dell Monitor – M/N: SE2216Hf – 2
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH169UC#ABA – 1
hp wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
hp wired keyboard – m/n: KU-1156 – 1
Room 14
AOC Monitor – M/N: E2260Sw – 2
hp wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Logitech K120 wired keyboard –- M/N: Y-U0009 - 1
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – 1
Plantronics headphones with microphone – 1
Room 14
Gateway kx2153 monitor – 2
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – 1
hp wired mouse – M/N: MOFYUO
hp wired keyboared -1
Swingline Stapler Blk -1
Sparco Brand blk stapler
Scotch Tape Dispenser – 1
Plantronics headphones with microphone – 1
Plugable USB 2.0 display link – 1
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Room 14
ACER - LCD LED Monitor – M/N: G276HL – 2
“Eagle Touch” wireless Keyboard – P/N: ET-KR8103
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – 1
hp ScanJet Pro 3000 s2 – M/N: FCLSD-1102 -1
hp ProDesk 400 G1 MT – SRPUS – 1
Room 14
wired keyboard – Unknown brand – M/N: KB-US919EB – 1
Acer Monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 2
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – 1
Room 14
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216Hf – 2
hp Compact dc7900 Small Form Factor – 1
Logitech k120 wired keyboard – K120 – M/N: Y-U0009 – 1
Room 14
Unknown brand wired Keyboard – 1
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against back wall- top
Logitech K120 wired Keyboard - 1
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Acer K222HQL Monitor – 1
Dell SE2216Hf Monitor – 1
Dell PowerEdge R210 – M/N: E10S – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT-SRP US – P/N: P4K78UT#ABA – 1
HP Monito – M/N: V242h – 1
Lorex 1080p HD Recorder – 1
Dell PowerConnect 5548 – 6
Dell PowerConnect 5548P – 6
Dell PowerConnect 5524 – 2
Dell SonicWALL NSA 3600 – 2
Dell PowerEdge 1950 – 1
Dell PowerEdge R810 – 2
Dell PowerEdge R320 – 1
Cisco 3900 Series Router – 1
APC – MOD: SMX3000LV – S/N: AS1508242347 - 1
APC – MOD: SMX3000LV – S/N: AS1508242361 - 1
APC - MOD: SMX120BP – S/N: 7A1517L05258 – 1
APC - MOD: SMX120BP – S/N: 7A1517L05273 - 1
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Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against back wall- top
hp white wireless printer – 1
White unopened boxes on top of printer – 2
hp black printer Officient 4630 – 1
Independent apples boxes (empty boxes) – 2
Envy apples boxes (empty boxes) – 2
Chiquita banana boxes (empty boxes) – 2
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against back wall-
2nd row
Brother black printer – 1
hp black photosmart plus – 1
Lexmark white printer – 1
Cyber Power battery backup 340 watts/600 VA – 1
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against back wall-
3rd row
Panduit brown box containing blue cables, mouse pad,
unopened box 6x6x3 ULine
Joint Movement Glucosamine white box containing
miscellaneous cables
Amazon brown box containing acer keyboards – 2
Logear box containing cables – 2
Sonic wall PWR ac charger AJGigabit PoE Injector – 3
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against back wall- 4th
Brown box containing 8-port gigabit switches
Amazon brown box containing:
Wireless Finest packages unopened – 13
Headset Buddy in boxes – 3
Circuit board – 1
Vonoto RJ9 audio adapter cable – 13
Connectors – 4
Plugable USB 2.0 Displaylink adapter – 1
DVI(M) to VGA (F) video card – 1
StarTech.com video adapters – 4
Plantronics factory replacement parts in bags – 12
Phone cables – 2
Miscellaneous plug/adapter – 1
hp black ProDesk – 1
Dell black XPS – 1
Dell grey Dimension 3000 – 1
Dell back desk trays – 2
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Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against back wall-
bottom row
Brown box containing:
D-Link Gigabit switch – 1
Pelink Balance 380 – 1
CyberLink 24 port 10/100m switch – 1
Sonicwall – 1
Trendnet model TE100-S24 – 1
Black tray – 1
Dell brown box containing:
Blue Cat5e acer monitor model G276HL – 1
Brown box containing:
acer LCD monitor model AL2216W – 1
hp monitor – 1
Yealink phone – 7
Ultra power supply
White long box containing parts and phone cables
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
top row
Office Depot box containing binders (empty) – 15
Nordic Washington Apple boxes (empty) – 12
Amazon brown box containing pluggable USB 2.0 Display
link adaptors packaged – 20 and misc. cables
Amazon brown box containing M22/M12 cables
brown box containing vented metal shelf – 4
loose vented metal shelf – 1
brown box containing vented metal shelf – 1
Jumper cables in black bag – 1
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
2nd row
Metal black trays – 3
Dell SonicWall NSA 3600 – 1
Cisco SF300-48P – 10
Cisco SG300-28 – 2
White box containing Bluetooth Lock Kero Deadbolt 99250-
002 – 1
Cisco Linksys E1200 – 1
USRobotics Modem 3453C – 1
Brown box containing old Quadranet drives FL450095827
(box marked do not destroy or throw away)
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
3rd row
Blue cable wire
White box containing:
Yealink phone – 3
Power Cables – 3
Hard drives (some marked wiped or bad) – 13
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Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
3rd row
Paper – Evidence Chain of custody tracking form Scott
Smith 2TB USB Drive – 1; Bitcoin Mining Servers - 2;
power cables - 2
Amazon box containing WYSE box and cables
Plastic bag containing:
Windows 7 Professional PC Software CD
Asure ID 7 Software CD
Asure Software CD
hp Powerchute CD
Xerox CD
Cisco CD
Miscellaneous software CDs
hp 2530-246 switch – 1
Dell Power connect 3524P – 1
Peplink Balance 380 – 1
Kidde Fire Extinguisher brown box containing:
Plantronics headphones/cables
baking sheets – 8
Cable matters reliable connectivity – 2
Dell power connect 5524 – 1
Dell power connect 5548 – 3
Brown box containing Cicso IP Phone 7970 series
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
4th row
305A Laserjet hp toner cartridge black – 1
305A Laserjet hp toner cartridge magenta – 1
305A Laserjet hp toner cartridge cyan – 1
Premium toner cartridge in green/white boxes – 6
CF410A Value toner cartridge – 4
CF411A Value toner cartridge – 2
CF412A Value toner cartridge – 2
CF413A Value toner cartridge – 4
CF412XY Value toner cartridge – 1
CF413XM Value toner cartridge – 1
loose toner cartridges – 6
Rhino drive black s/n 114120800020 – 1
box pluggable USB serial adapter – 1
TPLink Gigibit PCI network adapter – 3
Brown box containing Plantronics phone equipment
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Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
4th row
Amazon brown box containing:
Oculus VR headset – 1
VR headset – 1
StarTech video adapters in package – 5
DVI(M) to VGA (F) video card – 1
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
5th row
Georgia Pacific box containing metal cash boxes – 2
Acer monitor
hp Compaq drives – 12
Brown box containing:
Linksys phones – 4
Cisco phones – 4
Yealink phones – 14
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
6th row
Brown box (marked working/tested headsets containing
Plantronics headsets – 29
Plantronics headsets (loose) – 8
Kensington mouse – 1
Epson Wi-Fi DS-560 printer – 1
Publix bag containing cocktail plates and forks
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
Shelf against left side wall-
bottom row
Cisco USRobotics Courier 3900 Series – 1
Black vented shelf – 2
Seagate hard drive CustoAgent 4020 – 1
Furniture power distribution units – 2
Sterno cans – 3
APC Smart UPS X3000 in sealed box – 1
hp Compaque 7900 – 4
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
On Floor – right side
Acer monitor with stand G276HL – 1
Xerox WorkCentre 6505 – 1
CDW Direct Synnex corporation 6041564528 Fuse ASY 110V
sealed boxes– 4
CDW Direct P: North S:blue 44-4420 sealed boxes – 2
Xerox Synnex Corp. P:PDI S:P11 D22-RDL sealed boxes – 2
West Digital hard drives in packages – 10
Open brown box containing Dell equipment pieces
Horizontal Finger Duct Rack Cable Manager w/cove – 20
Dell brown box containing Dell parts bubble wrapped or
Chafing racks – 13
Steam table pans – 18
Red/White check tablecloths – 2
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Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
On Floor – right side
Adjustable dual height easel – 1
circuit breaker in box – 1
Load Center Cover in box – 1
window film in box – 1
window film application spray bottle – 1
Room 14
(Storage/Electrical Room)
On Floor – left side
Brown box containing:
Yealink phones – 7
Linksys phones – 4
Grey metal server – Spondoolisteh 5P30 Username: Admin;
password: demone31
Green plastic container containing:
Yealink phones – 4
keyboards – 2
miscellaneous cables
Sealed brown box labeled Cisco Routers from Boca 12/27/15
Plantronics headsets – 29
Fellowes 73ci shredder
Cyber Power battery backup in box
black metal file divider
hp Prodesk
Dell Optiplex 960
Yealink phones – 12
Merritt sealed boxes 6x6x6 ULine R3-1-E M12U – 28
plexiglass sheets – 2
White/Dry erase board – 1
Storage Room
(Office and Cleaning
Gloves – Diamond Grip Micro Flex – Powder Free- Size XL –
Non Sterile – 1 Box
“Muscle Bag” – 50 individually folded 55 Gallon garbage bags
– 4 boxes
Industrial roll of toilet paper – 24 rolls
“Staples” brand plastic forks – 1000 qty. – 1 box
Industrial brown paper towels – 3 rolls
Rubbermaid Microburst 3000 - air freshener – Scent: Orchard
Fields – 3 bottles
Rubbermaid Microburst 3000 - air freshener – Scent: Country
Delight – 1 bottle
Purell Hand Sanitizer – 8 fl oz. pump – 5
Gojo - Purell Advanced with Aloe – Instant hand sanitizer –
1000 mL NXT refills - 4 qty. ea. box – 2 boxes
Gloves - Ambitex – Large – Powder free nitrile gloves – 100
qty. – 1 box
Kleenex – Ultra Soft tissues – 70 qty. ea. – 4 boxes
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Storage Room
(Office and Cleaning
Glad Mega Pack - 13 gal. tall kitchen drawstring garbage bags
– 100 qty. ea. – 2 boxes
Lysol disinfecting wipes – 240 wipes ea.– 3 pack – 2
Purell refreshing gel hand sanitizer – 67.6 fl oz. bottle/pump –
“Staples” tall drawstring kitchen garbage bags – 13 gal. – 120
bags ea. – 5 boxes
Kleenex tissues – 95 tissues ea. – 17 boxes
Slippery floor caution cones – yellow – 2
Zep grout cleaner/whitener – 32 fl. oz. – 1 bottle
Coleman propane bottle – Camping gas – 16 oz. – 9
“Sterno” green canned heat – 7 oz. ea. – 2 pack – 1
“Party Dimensions” – 2 hour methanol gel can – 6 pack – 6.7
oz. – 1
“Party Dimensions” – 2 hour methanol gel – 6.7 oz. – 2 cans
Modern Industrial Urinal Screen + Deodorizer in “New Green”
– 6
Carpet Tiles – unknown quantity
Wet umbrella bags – 1000 qty. – 1 box
“USG Ceilings” - Ceiling tiles – 16 ea. – Black or white – 6
“Dart” J Cup – hot and cold cups – 10 oz. – 1000 cups ea. – 1
Advant Edge drinks – Abbott labs – carb control chocolate
fudge – 11 fl. oz. – 4 bottles each pack – 3 packs
Quilted Northern – Ultra Soft and Strong toilet paper – 6 roll
each pack – 1 pack
Brighton Professional/Staples sleeves of paper napkins – 55
Nydree Flooring – “10 to 20 gloss” maple, wedge 33.9 sq. ft. –
4” x RL UV finish – 1 box
Fabuloso – Lavender – 128 fl. oz.
Soft Soap – soothing Aloe Vera – 56 fl. oz. – 14
Microfiber Wholesale – microfiber mop fiber attachments – 2
qty. – 1 bag
Clorox – cleaner + bleach – 32 fl. oz. – 7 bottles
Lysol Disinfectant Spray – Crisp Linen – 19 oz. – 4
Spray way – foaming glass cleaner – 19 oz – 1
Dawn Ultra – liquid dish soap – original scent – 1.66 L. – 5
Clorox urine remover – 1 gallon – 1
Windex – 1 Gallon – 1
Swiffer duster pads – 18 each box –2 boxes
Scrubbing Bubbles – Vanish drop-ins – 12 ea. / 1.7 oz. – 2
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Storage Room
(Office and Cleaning
Universal frame mirror – 18” w x 30” h – 1
Capresso EC50 – Stainless steel pump espresso and
cappuccino machine – m/n: 117.05 - 1
“Party Size!!” Café Bustello – Espresso Ground coffee – 36
oz. – 1
Speedyink – toner cartridge – Magenta – 106R01595 – 4
Speedyink – toner cartridge – Yellow – 106R01596 – 4
Speedyink – toner cartridge – Cyan – 106R01594 – 3
Speedyinks – toner cartridge – Black – MK106R01597 – 6
Speedyinks – toner cartridge – Black – 901 XL –
MKHP901XLB – 1
Supricolor – Black – IH950XL – 3
MIROO – toner cartridge – 920XL – Black - 4
MIROO – toner cartridge – 920XL – Yellow - 1
MIROO – toner cartridge – 920XL – Magenta - 1
MIROO – toner cartridge – 920XL – Cyan - 1
Standard clip boards – 5
hp – toner cartridge - 902 XL – Black – 3
LD – Ink Cartridge – Dell Color Laser Printer – Black – 2
“Laser Toner” – Premium compatable cartridge – (Color not
Designated) - NX6500Y – 4
LD Toner Cartridge – Black – 106R01597 - 4
LD Toner Cartridge – Magenta – 106R01595 – 5
LD Toner Cartridge – Cyan – 106R01594 – 2
LD - Ink Cartridge – Yellow – HP951XL – LD-CN048ANRIC
– 1
LD - Ink Cartridge – Cyan – HP951XL – LD-CN046ANRIC –
LD - Ink Cartridge – Magenta – HP951XL – LD-
CN047ANRIC – 1
LD - Ink Cartridge – Black – HP950XL – LD-CN045ANRIC
– 1
Silver metal file folder organizer – 1
Sharpie – Highlighter – Assorted colors – 12 ct. – 2 boxes
Bic – “Round Stic” – Black ink pens – GSM1120119 – 12 ct. –
2 boxes
Bic – “Bright Liner” – Assorted colored highlighters – 24 ct –
1 box
Staples pencil cup with non-skid base – 5
Swingline rubber fingertips – 12 ct. – 1 box
Staples – Standard staples – 5,000 ct. – 4 boxes
Swingline – standard staples – 5,000 ct. – 5 ea. pack – 3 packs
KW-trio – No. 5096 – Staple remover – 1
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Storage Room
(Office and Cleaning
Scotch magic tape – 8 rolls
Staples tape dispenser – black – 2
Staples black desktop stapler – 2
Amazon Basics – Dry erase board eraser – 5
Staples – standard paper clips – 100 qty. – 4 boxes
Dustoff – compressed gas electronic duster – 1 bottle
Pamprin – 40 caplets – 1 box
Staples – Medium binder clips – 24 qty. – 1
Staples – Large binder clips – 12 qty. – 1
Staples – Medium binder clips – 12 qty. per pack – 12 packs
per box – 1 box
“Best” – stainless steel scissors – 3
Highland – small – self-stick notes – 100 notes ea. – 12 pads
ea. pack – 2 packs
Staples – standard sized sticky notes – 100 notes ea. – 12 pads
each pack – 1 pack
Staples – standard sized sticky notes – 100 notes ea. – 4 pads
Office Depot - College ruled white writing pads – 3” x 5” – 50
sheets per pad – 6 pads per pack – 1 pack
Staples – Narrow ruled perforated writing pads – 50 sheets ea.
– 12 pads ea. pack – 3 packs
Black wire file folder organizer – 1
Mead – 1 subject – college ruled notebook – 70 sheets – 15
Staples – wide ruled – writing pads – perforated – 50 sheets ea.
– 11 pads
Plastic Place – SKUW95LDB2RL - 5 bags per roll – 10 rolls
per case – 32x29x68 – 95-96 gal. - 2 Mil. – Black– 1 case
Staples – copy paper – 100 sheets per pack – 5 packs
Mouse pads (3 blue, 1 black) – 4
Amazon Basics – Manilla file folders – “B01LYHE49W” – 1
Check O Matic – 10x15 brown clasp open end – 28 LB
envelopes – 30 qty. – 1 pack
Continuous length white paper tape – 2.4 in. x 100 ft. – “DK-
2205” – 3 boxes
Wet floor signs - 4
Room 15
Room 16
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Room 17
Ikea MALKOLM BLK Rolling Office Chair – 1
Logitech WAVE K350 Keyboard – 1
Microsoft Wireless Mouse (Light Pink) – 1
Acer LED Computer Monitor – 1
“hp” Prodesk Computer - 1
“Neat” Document Scanner - 1
Canon MX922 Printer – 1
“LACASSE” Desk (Reception Desk) – 1
“LACASSE” Small Filing Cabinet with Two Drawers – 1
BLK Metal Filing Cabinet with Two Drawers – 1
BLK Metal Filing Cabinet with Three Drawers – 1
“LACASSE” Floating Storage Shelf/Cabinet - 1
Logitech Webcam – 1
Room 18
LACASSE U-Shape Walnut Colored Desk with Two-drawer
filing cabinet
Logitech Keyboard K800 - 1
“hp” wired mouse -1
Gateway KX2153 monitors – 4
“hp” Prodesk 400 GI MT Computer - 1
Bose Desk Speaker (Silver) – 2
Logitech Webcam – 1
Samsung Televisions – 2
Samsung Remote for TV - 1
Gray Fabric Couch w/pillows – 1
Gray Stone/Wood Coffee Table - 1
Nathan Anthony Yellow Leather Chairs – 2
Calligans White Leather with/metal Chairs – 2
Yeaklink Desktop Phone – 1
Fellows Black Rolling Shredder – 1
Igloo Mini Refrigerator – 1
IGT Game King ST 19” Square Top (Cleopatra II Slot
Black Leather Swivel Chair for Slot Machine - 1
Standing Metal Lamp w/White Shade – 1
Yankees Final Game At Yankee Stadium Framed Photo
“Perfect Game Battery Mates wit PG Insc. w/COA
Marlins Inaugural Game 4/5/1993 Framed Photo of Joe Robbie
Stadium, Marlins v. Dodgers
Framed Photo of Dwayne Wade #3, Miami Heat signed
Framed Photo of Orange Bowl Stadium 1937-2007 w/piece of
wall from home locker room (Limited Edition 500)
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Room 18
Framed Super Bowl XXV Tickets 1/27/91 Giants 20 Buffalo
Framed Letter from NY Yankees to Bruce Dorfman
congratulating the birth of Steven with signed Yogi Berra
Framed Ruettiger #45 Jersey, signed
Framed Iron Mike Tyson Title Belt, signed
Framed “Rocky” Red White and Blue Boxing Trunks signed
Stallone v. Dolph Lundgren
Framed Iron Mike Tyson Black Boxing Trunks, signed
(Collector's Edition 439/500
Framed Arnold Palmer Pin Flag, signed PGA Tour
Framed Chicago Bulls Michael Jordan #23 Jersey, signed
Framed NY Yankes Mickey Mantle #7 Jersey and broken bat,
Framed NY Giants Photo of Lawrence Taylor #56
Framed 1936 Hialeah Dog Racing with Monkey as Jockeys
Encased signed football by Dan Marino #13, Miami Dolphins
Encased signed football by #99 Miami Dolphins
Encased signed football helmet UM Team 12-0 2001 National
Encased signed football helmet Emmitt Smith #22 Dallas
Encased small football helmet signed by Rudy Ruettiger
Encased signed basketball Miami Heat
Encased signed basketball Boston Celtics
Encased signed baseball JD Drew
Encased signed baseball Chipper Jones
Encased signed baseball Alex Rodriguez
Encased signed baseball Yogi Berra & Don Larsen, 1956
World Series Perfect Game
Encased signed baseball Ron Fraser
Encased signed baseball Joe DiMaggio
Encased signed baseball Don Mattingely
Encased signed baseball – Unknown – 2
New York Yankees Replica Ring, Size 11
Framed Art Hand Holding UM Helmet
Framed Photo Cal Ripken Jr. 3,000
Hit with Game Ticket 4-
15-2000; Ltd. Edition 140/250
Framed Tiger Woods and Michael Jordon Golf Photo, signed
Framed Masters Pin Flag signed by Phil Mickelson, 6/12/15
Framed NY Yankees Tickets 27 World Championships
Framed UM Michael Irvin #47 Jersey, signed
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Room 18
Framed NY Yankees Black Baseball Bat Signed by Aaron
Judge 71/99
Framed NY Yankees Baseball Bat “2000 Subway Series”
multiple signatures
Kitchen/Break Room
Frigidaire Microwave – 4
“Mars Drinks” Beverage Maker/Dispenser RETURNED – 1
“Follett” Ice/Water Dispenser – RETURNED 1
GE Dishwasher – 1
“innowave” Hot/Cold Water Dispenser - RETURNED 1
“True” Commercial Kitchen Refrigerator - 1
Georgia Pacific Paper Towel Wall Dispenser – 2
Lids for Styrofoam Cups – 5 ½ Sleeves
10 oz. Styrofoam Cups – 25 cups per sleeve – 39 Sleeves
Dixie Paper Plates Pack – 48 plates per pack – 4 Packs
Dixie Paper Plate Pack – 48 plates per pack – 10 Packs – 1
Sweet n’ Low Sugar Packets – 2,000 packets – 1 Box
Domino Sugar Packets – 500 packets – 1 Box
Equal Sugar Packets – 2,000 packets - 1 Box
Sweet ‘n Low Sugar Packets – 1 Opened Box for 2,000
N’ Joy Sugar Canister – 22 oz. – 5 Canisters
N’ Joy Sugar Canister – 22 oz. – 8 Canisters – 3 Packs
N’ Joy Sugar Canister – 22 oz. – 4 Canisters – 1 Pack
Land o’ Lakes Mini Moos (Half n Half)1 – 192 ct. – 4 Boxes
Coffemate Creamers – “The Original” – 180 ct. – 3 Boxes
Coffemate Creamers – “French Vanilla” – 180 ct. – 1 Box
Coffemate Creamers – “Hazelnut” – 180 ct. – 3 Boxes
Dixie White Plastic Knives – 1,000 ct. – 1 Box
Dixie White Plastic Forks – 1,000 ct. – 1 Box
Dart Clear Plastic Disposable Cups – 50 ct. – 7 Sleeves
Large Floor Tiles – 4 Boxes
Aceroy Blue and White Tall Bar Stools – 5
High Top Counter Tables – White – 2
Aceroy Blue Table Chair – 36
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Kitchen/Break Room
For “Mars Drinks” Maker/Dispenser:
Alteria Coffee “Donut Shop” (Code A200) – 2 ½ Boxes
Alteria Coffee “French Roast” (Code A184) – ½ Box
Alteria Coffee “Hazelnut” (Code A185) – 1 Box
Bright Tea Co. “Lemon Herbal” (Code B502) – 1 Box
Bright Tea Co. “Peppermint Herbal” (Code B505) – 1 Box
Bright Tea Co. “Select Green” (Code B508) – 1 Box
Bright Tea Co. “Chai Spice” (Code B501) – 1 Box
Bright Tea Co. “Lemon Herbal” (B502) – Box 1
Janitor’s Closet
Sparkle Paper Towel – 101 Rolls
Room 19
Conference room
Woodstock Marketing – Reg No.: CA44617(CN) – Black –
faux leather rolling chair with silver metal hardware – 14
Giant conference table – www.ofsbrands.com – Item:
Nine Stars – Automatic trash can – 1
Ultra leather schooner – grey leathered lounge furniture – CBF
Item: 689-72 - sold by JC White Architectual Int Products –
3501 Commerce Pky. – 3
Large faux succulent plant in large white planter/vase – 2
Ultra leather schooner – grey leathered lounge furniture – CBF
Item: 689-48 - sold by JC White Architectual Int Products –
3501 Commerce Pky. – 1
Vizio E70-C3 – 70” – 1
Logitech – M/N: V-U0033 – video conference HUB – 1
Polycom – Sound Station 2W – P/N: 2201-67880-160 - 1
Polycom – Sound Station 2W – P/N: 2201-67810-160 – 1
Logitech – camera - M/N: V-U0032 – P/N: 860-000504 – 1
Action tec – ScreenBeam Transmitter – M/N: SBT100U
(Needs to be used with ScreenBeam receiver) – 1
Logitech wireless keyboard K520 – M/N: Y-R0012 – 1
Logitech wireless mouse – M310 – P/N: 810-004004 – 1
Logitech - expansion microphone – M/N: V-U0037 - 2
Logitech – speakerphone - M/N: V-U0036 – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G.2 Small Form Factor Business PC – P/N:
L9F03UT#ABA – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-1156 – 1
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Room 20
Call Center
IKEA – Malkolm – black rolling office chairs – 130
HAWORTH - Double sided desk cubicle/tables – 24” x 48” –
BENQ LCD projector – 2
“Elite Screens” – large projector screen – 2
Samsung tablet – Model: SM-T900UD – 1
Asus ZenPAD - tablet – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
Euro Style, Inc. – Dist. by – high back, black rolling office
chair – Container Ref: SNOF049 – 1
Unbranded black podium – 1
HAWORTH – L-shaped desk with storage below desk on each
end – “1-WMFB” – 2
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard KU0016 –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard US9851 –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NP544USC 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard K45 –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: NL36UC#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard USSS9851 –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: GV635AW#ABA dc7800p small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
AST keyboard –1
hp mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SE978UP#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
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Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard K45 –1
Logitech mouse B100 –1
hp Compaq pn: KR57BU#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard K45 –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: AQ645US#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard KB-US9851 –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: NP544UC#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
Amazon Basisc keyboard KU0833 –1
Amazon Basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: KH27OUC#ABA dc7800p small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard KB-US9851 –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV 7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP - 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
AST keyboard –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: NJ84UP#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX-3000 –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
AST keyboard –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: NJ84UP#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
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Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard US9851 –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KQ220UC#ABA dc7800p small form factor –
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard US9851 –1
Amazon basic mouse MSU 0939 –1
hp Compaq pn: KP215UC#ABA dc7800 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard KU 0316 –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NP544UC#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard KU 1156 –1
Logitech mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: GQ647AW#ABA dc 7800p small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
Logitech keyboard K120 mn:Y-U 0009 –1
hp mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: VD968UC#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
Leonovo keyboard KU 0225 –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KR578U#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard KU 1156 –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SJ288UP#ABA 8000 elite small form factor –
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 – 1
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Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard KU 1156 –1
AST mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KR700UA#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
Amazon Basic keyboard KU 0833 –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV 7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard –1
Amazon Basic mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV 7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
AST keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NP544UC#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
hp keyboard –1
hp mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH005UC#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
keyboard –1
Amazon Basic mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 small form factor –1
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Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
hp keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
AST keyboard –1
Microsoft mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
Lonovo keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
Dell keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NV493UA#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitors K222HQL –2
hp keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NJ804UP#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitors K222HQL –2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitors K222HQL –2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KR5780A#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitors K222HQL –2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NJ804UP#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
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Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor KX2153 –1
Acer monitors K222HQL –1
AST keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: FS487AW#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 –2
hp keyboard –1
Logitech mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KR578UA#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitor 2165M –1
Acer monitor K222HQL –1
keyboard –1
Logitech mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KR578UA#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor KX2153 –1
Innoview monitor 2165M –1
hp keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KR578UA#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor KX2153 –1
Innoview monitor 2165M –1
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: H169UC#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
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Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitors K222HQL –2
AST keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KR578UA#ABA 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 – 2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH005UC#ABA dc 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 – 2
hp keyboard KU 0316 –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH193UC#ABA dc 7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 - 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 – 2
keyboard –1
AST mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH169UC#ABA dc 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 – 2
AST keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NN148UC#ABA dc 7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 - 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor KX2153 –1
Acer monitor K222HQL –1
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 pro small form factor –
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
Dell keyboard –1
hp mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NV491UA#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
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Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitors K22HQL –2
hp keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NK940UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E226OSW –2
AST mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NL590UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NL590UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E226OSW –2
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 pro small form factor –
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitor 2165M –1
Acer monitor G226HQL –1
hp Compaq pn: NJ804UP#ABA dc 7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E226OSW –2
eMachines keyboard KB-0705 –1
hp Compaq pn: FS488AW#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 – 2
hp keyboard –1
mouse –1
AST mouse –1
Logitech webcam
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 pro small form factor –
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Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
Logitech webcam
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 pro small form factor –
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
mouse –1
Logitech webcam
hp Compaq pn: SH005UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 pro small form factor –
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitors KX2153 – 2
hp Compaq pn: SH642UP#ABA 6000 pro small form factor –
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV dc7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
AST keyboard –1
Amazon Basic mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NJUP#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
keyboard –1
hp Compaq pn: SH005UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
Logitech webcam
hp Compaq pn: NJ804UP#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
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Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
hp keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NK940UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 - 1
Room 20
Call Center
*no mouse
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard –1
hp Compaq pn: SH169UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 - 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitors 2165M –2
hp keyboard –1
hp mouse –1
Yealink phone –1
hp Compaq pn: NJ804UP#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
keyboard –1
Amazon Basic mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: SH005UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 - 1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: PP721AV dc7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 2
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
Amazon Basic keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: NL590UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
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Room 20
Call Center
*no mouse
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
keyboard –1
Logitech webcam –1
hp Compaq pn: SH169UC#ABA dc7900 small form factor –1
Microsoft headset Lifechat LX 3000 – 1
black tape dispenser - 1
black mesh oval desk organizer - 1
black mesh pen holder - 1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
keyboard –1
mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV dc7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Plantronics device and charging station – 1
Yealink phone –1
Linksys phone adapter – 1
Stapler –2
Black plastic file organizer – 1
Silver mesh pen holder – 1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitors E22605W – 2
keyboard –1
Logitech mouse –1
hp Compaq pn: KP721AV dc7900 small form factor –1
Plantronics headset audio 655 DSP – 1
Black plastic file tray – 3
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH169UC#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
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Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NL590UC#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
hp wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: B6.A355 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
FS486AW#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH193UC#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KB57211
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH193UC#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH005UC#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
FS486AW#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SG593UC#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
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Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SF074UP#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
Plantronics headset phone thing??? – see picture - 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SF074UP#ABA – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216HF – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 21.5” – 2
Lenovo wired keyboard – M/N: KB1021 – 1
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: G5.A355 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216Hf - 2
HP Keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216Hf - 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216Hf - 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: NV493UA# –
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
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Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SF074UP#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
hp wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 – 1
Plugable USB 2.0 display adapter – M/N: USB-VGA-165 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH005UC#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH005UC#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH005UC#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SF074UP#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: E5.A355 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
AOC E2260SW monitor – M/N: 215LM00032 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
ACER Monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 1
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NL590UC#ABA – 1
Gateway Monitor – M/N: FHX2303L – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 - 1
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Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Amazon Basics wired keyboard – M/N: KU-8033 – 1
ViewSonic – monitor – M/N: VS14761 – 1
Gateway KX2153 monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Microsoft wired mouse – no m/n
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc 7800p Small Form Factor – P/N:
GV635AW#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
Room 20
Call Center
Plantronics headset phone thing??? – see picture - 1
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Innoview monitor– M/N: 2165M – 2
Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitors – M/N: K222HQL – 2
HP wired keyboard – KU-0316 – 1
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 headphones with microphone –
M/N: 1084 - 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 1
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH169UC#ABA – 1
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Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SG593UC#ABA – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 - 1
Room 20
Call Center
Acer K222HQL monitor – 2
HP wired mouse – M/N: MOFYUO – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 – 1
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: ? – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 -1
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NE157UC#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH005UC#ABA – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NL590UC#ABA – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 – M/N: 1084 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Amazon Basics - wired keyboard – M/N:KU-0833 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – M/N: 1084 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 – 1
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NL590UC#ABA – 1
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Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc 7800p Small Form Factor – P/N: GC760AV –
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 headphones with microphone – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Plantronics wired hedphones with microphone – M/N: Audio
655 DSP – 1
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – wired headphones with
microphone - M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
KR578UA#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Amazon Basics wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0833 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 0184 – 1
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NV493UA#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Dell wired keyboard – M/N: SK-8115 – 1
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 wired headphones with
microphone – 1
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Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Logitech wireless mouse – M/N: M-U0026 – 1
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
FS487AW#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
B6.A355 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
H5.A355 – 1
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KR578UA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NP898UC#ABA – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH005UC#ABA – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Dell wired keyboard – Model: SK-8115 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N: KP721AV – 1
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Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N: Audio
655 DSP – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 wired headphones with
microphones – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH005UC#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
AOC monitor – M/N: E2260SW – 1
Innoview monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
Amazon Basics wireless mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
SH005UC#ABA – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
G5.A355 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NE157UC#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Form Factor – P/N: scrapped off – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 -1
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Form Factor – P/N: SH642UP#ABA –
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Room 20
Call Center
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 2
Logitech wired mouse – M/N: M-U0026 – 1
Logitech K120 wired keyboard – M/N: Y-U0009 – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N: Audio
655 DSP – 1
HP Compaq dc7800p Small Form Factor – P/N: illegible – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
Logitech B100 wired mouse – M/N: M-U0026 – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N: Audio
655 DSP – 1
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor - P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Room 20
Call Center
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor - P/N:
SH642UP#ABA – 1
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Room 20
Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0316 – 1
HP Compaq dc 7900 Small Form Factor - P/N:
NL336UC#ABA – 1
Room 20
Cabinets in Call Center
next to rows U and T
Ikea white table Linnmon 16353
Black 2 drawer file cabinet – 2
Grey garbage can – 1
Grey file cabinet with blue fabric top – 2
Epson PrecisionCore Workforce WF3640 printer – 1
Yealink phone – 1
Black mesh desk organizer – 1
White Board/Dry Erase Board and easel – 1
Eraser – 1
Red marker – 1
Room 20
Planters in Call Center
Large white – 3
Medium white – 1
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Room 20
Back wall in Call Center
Gemini speaker – 1
Portable/foldable table – 1
Spin to Win money wheel – 1
White Board/Dry Erase Board and easel – 1
Room 20
Desk A in Call Center
Room 20
Desk A in Call Center
L-Desk Hayworth
Black metal file organizer – 1
Gateway monitors KX2153 – 2
hp keyboard – 1
ho mouse – 1
Cisco phone – 1
BenQ projector remote – 1
ASUS Sonicmaster – 1
Panasonic phones – 2
Plantronics charging stations (empty) – 4
Linksys phone adapter – 2
Netgear prosafe GS108PE – 1
Room 20
– Drawer B
Black mesh business card holder – 1
Silver mesh business card holder – 1
Room 20
– Drawer C
hp wired mouse – 1
Plantronics headset M214C in box – 1
Room 20
– Behind Desk
(on brown table and floor)
ASUS Zen Pad – 1
ZTE phone 8573240172 – 1
Charging base for 8 devices – 1
Microsoft headsets – 6
Plantronics headsets – 10
Room 20
Desk B in Call Center
Room 20
Desk B in Call Center
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 3
Lenovo Tablet – Model: LenovoTAB2A10-70F – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – P/N: G5Q7SUT#ABA - 1
HP OfficeJet 4630 printer – 1
Scotch – C60 silver stapler – 1
NEAT scanner – M/N: ND-1000 – 1
Metal Mesh black file organizer – 1
Pencil Cup – black metal – 1
HP wired mouse – no m/n - 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
C5.A355 – 1
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Page 47 of 56
Room 21
Lacasse L Shape Desk
Ikea Malkolm Black rolling chair – 1
Blue fabric sitting chair – 2
HP ProDesk 400 Small Form Factor Business PC – 1
HP V242h monitor – 2
Logitech webcam – 1
Logitech keyboard – 1
Logitech wireless mouse – 1
Wired mouse – 1
Logitech speaker – 2
Logitech flash drive – 1
Yealink phone – 1
Logitech webcam (loose) – 1
HP speaker (loose) – 2
VXI L50 Handset Lifter (in box) – 1
ZTE Phone – 1
Black Sheet Stand – 1
Black pen/pencil caddy – 1
Hybrid Power calculator – 1
Paper Pro Standout Stapler – 1
EVO Paper Pro Stapler – 1
Tape dispenser – 1
Staple remover – 1
Amazon Basics paper shredder – 1
Grey garbage can – 1
2 Drawer Black metal file cabinet (top drawer damaged) – 1
Epson Workforce WF 3620 printer – 1
Jarbo ink cartridges box – 2
Cash in drawer $2.82
Plantronics headsets
Room 22
Lacasse L Shape Desk
Ikea Malkolm Black rolling chair – 1
Blue fabric sitting chair – 2
HP ProDesk 400 Small Form Factor Business PC – 1
HP V242h monitor – 2
Logitech speaker – 2
Logitech webcam – 1
Logitech keyboard – 1
Wired mouse – 1
HP Color Laser Jet Pro M452dn – 1
Yealink Phone – 1
LHR XTY in ear earpieces (in box) – 3
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Room 22
Belkin Surge Protector – 1
Premium toner cartridge (in box) – 2
Grey garbage can – 1
Black Sparco Stapler – 1
Swingline Stapler – 1
Ativa Calculator – 1
Room 23
Lacasse L Shape Desk
Ikea Thingal Black rolling chair – 1
Blue fabric sitting chair – 2
HP ProDesk 400 Small Form Factor Business PC – 1
HP V242h monitor – 2
Logitech webcam – 1
Logitech keyboard – 1
Logitech mouse – 1
Logitech speaker – 2
Cisco phone – 1
Microsoft Surface Pro 1724 128GB 061125654853 – 1
Grey soft case for Surface Pro – 1
Cyber Power 650VA Surge Protector – 1
Smartech USB Port – 1
Seagate Backup Plus Slim Portable Storage – 1
Grey garbage can – 1
Foreign coins in drawer - 29
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
IKEA – Malkolm – black rolling office chairs – 11
Premium – small/tall fridge with freezer – 1
HAWORTH Desk WSB, K, REC, 24 x 48, L, J, S, C 2015
with attached two drawer storage cabinet – 12
BernHardt Design shipped/sold by JC White Architectural
Interior Products small grey soft leather upholstered chairs
with shiny metal frame – 4
LACASSE small wood colored desk P/N: N5KNN-
RT2448A5 – 1
“Shred-It” – paper shredding receptacle – 1
Xerox – WorkCentre 6505 – printer – 1
HP wired mouse – M/N: MOFYUO – 1
Architec Market fresh prep - Black granite polyboard poly
cutting board – for food – 1
Costco – Copy/print paper – 500 sheets ea. – 1
The Academy – giant circular toppling tower - $29.00 – 1
Front Porch Classics Indoor Cornhole – 1
Kaz, Inc. – Honeywell fan – M/N: HHT-013-HD – 1
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Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Purell Advanced Refreshing Aloe – hand sanitizing gel - 8 fl oz
– 3
Brighton Professional – Paper towel roll – 2
Kleenex – Small square box – 3
Baer’s Furniture – Cheetah statue – ($849.99 – year: 2015) – 1
Dell wireless keyboard – M/N: WK636 – 1
Dell wireless mouse – No M/N – 1
Dell Inspiron – personal computer – M/N: D12U - 1
Linksys phone adapter – M/N: PAP2
Baer’s Furniture – Fish statue – 1
“Davis” – dark grey leather chair – 1
IKEA – Linnmon – white table – 1
LACASSE – separate filing drawer/cabinet – 1
Honeywell Quietset tower fan – M/N: H4-280-TGT – 1
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Allsop monitor stand – 1
Amazon Basics monitor stand – 1
hp V242h monitor – 2
Logitech webcam – 1
Plantronics- wireless headphones – GameCom 818 USB – 1
hp wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Dell wired keyboard – M/N: KB1421
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – P/N: P4K78UT#ABA – 1
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – P/N: P4K78UT#ABA – 1
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
HP V242h – monitor – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-??16 – 1
Amazon Basics wireless mouse with nano receiver Lot #:
CH02150813 – 1
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Empty WS
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor Business PC – 1
Plantronics – Audio 655 DSP – headphones with microphone –
Plantronics – G5.A355 with Microphone – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 wired headphones with
microphone – 1
HP V242h monitor – 2
X-ACTO pencil sharpener – M/N: 18XXBS – 1
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Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Empty WS
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor Business PC – 1
HP V242h monitor – 2
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 – 2
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – wired headphones with
Microphone – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
H5.A355 – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
F5.A355 – 1
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
C6.A355 – 1
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Falco – Home Security lockbox – 1
Logitech 1080p webcam – M/N: V-U0028
HP V242h monitors – 2
Lenovo wired keyboard – M/N: KB1021 - 1
Clipco – black stapler – 1
Monitor stand – unknown brand – 2
Microsoft LifeChat LX-3000 – headphones with microphone –
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – P/N: P4K78UT#ABA – 1
$1.22 (Pennies – 47; Nickels – 4; Dimes – 3; Quarters – 1)
Logitech headphones – M/N: MH614 – 1
Scotch C-38 Tape Dispenser - 1
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Logitech K120 wired keyboard – M/N: Y-U0009 – 1
Microsoft Lifechat LX-3000 wired heaphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – 1
HP V242h monitor – 2
Logitech wired mouse – M/N: M-U0026 – 1
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Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
HP V242h monitors – 2
Logitech K330 – wireless keyboard – M/N: Y-R0009 – 1
Logitech M215 wireless mouse – M/N: M-R0028 – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – 1
Plantronics Audio 655 DSP wired headphones with
microphone – 1
“SDorfman Steve” – Seagate – Barracuda – 1000GB hard
drive – P/N: 1CH162-543 – 1
Amazon Basics – AAA Batteries – 4 qty ea. – 14 packs
Amazon Basics – AA Batteries – 4 qty ea. – 12 packs
Amazon Basics – D Batteries – 6 qty ea. – 14 packs
Google Chromecast – unopened – 1
Staples – standard sized sticky notes – 100 notes ea. – 12 pads
ea. pack – 1 pack
Epson 252XL ink cartridge – Black – 1
Swingline standard staples – 5000 staples
Staples – invisible tape – 2 rolls
Staples – standard sized sticky notes – 100 notes ea. pad – 6
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 headphones with microphone –
M/N: 1084 – 1
Plantronics headphones with microphones – M/N: Audio 655
DSP - 1
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
HP V242h monitor – 2
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: C6.A355 – 1
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G1 MT – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – M/N: 1084 – 1
Tops – “The Legal Pad” – small legal pad – 5
Amazon Basics – small legal pad – yellow paper – 1
The Bright Tea Co. – Peppermint – Code B505 – 75 packets
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
HP V242h monitor – 2
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor Business PC – P/N:
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: Audio 655
DSP – 1
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Honeywell – Mini Quietset – desktop tower fan – M/N:
HTF210BTD1 – 1
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Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 52 of 56
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: B5-A355 – 1
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: I5-A355 – 1
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Empty WS
HP V242h monitor – 2
AST 3D optical wired mouse – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor Business PC – P/N:
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: B6-A355 – 1
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: G5-A355 – 1
Logitech M320 – red wireless mouse – M/N: M-R0051 – 1
Swingline three hole puncher – 1
Scotch Magic tape – 1
Universal – Silver paper clips – 100 ea. – 2 boxes
ACCO – Non-Skid paperclips – 100 ea. – 1 box
Dell wired keyboard – M/N: Y-U0003-DEL5
HP V242h monitor – 2
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor BusinessPC – P/N:
L9F03UT#ABA – 1
Room 24
(Operations Dept.)
HP V242h monitor – 2
Plantronics headphones with microphone – M/N: H5.A355 – 1
Black mesh metal file organizer – 1
HP ProDesk 400 G2.5 Small Form Factor BusinessPC – P/N:
L9F03UT#ABA – 1
Amazon Basics – wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0833 – 1
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Scotch – C-38 tape dispenser – 1
Room 1
Frigidaire – microwave – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN:
NL336UC#ABA - 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN: FS486#ABA - 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN:
NP544UC#ABA - 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN: KP721AV - 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN: NJ804UP#ABA
- 1
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – PN:
SH642UP#ABA - 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN: SF056UC#ABA
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 53 of
Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 53 of 56
Room 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN:
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN:
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN: KP721AV
HP Compaq 6000 Pro Small Form Factor – PN:
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – PN:
HP Office Jet Pro Pro 8610 – 1
Lenovo – wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0225 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: G226HQL Bbd – 2
HP 8000 elite small Form Factor – P/N: SH798UP#ABA – 1
HAWORTH Desk with storage and hanging wall cabinet – 2
Replacement lamp bulbs for BENQ LCD projector –
5J.J8805.001 – 3
Kleenex – 2 boxes
Dell laptop – “Latitude” – no other information – 1
Hand dryer – Eco Friendly – in box/used – 1
TOSHIBA eStudio 455 – office printer – 1
Samsung – Large refrigerator
Room 2
LACASSE – L-Desk w storage drawer and wall storage
cabinet - 1
LACASSE – separate small filing cabinet – 1
HDX – Assorted bungee cords – 50 pack – 1
Logitech projector – M/N: V0032 – 1
NetGear ProSafe – 8 port gigabit witch – Model: GS108 – 1
Logitech conference speaker – M/N: V-U0036 – 1
Logitech mini speakers – M/N: V-U0037 – 2
Logitech HUB (for video conference devices) – M/N: V-
U0033 – 1
HP Pro Desk 400 G2.5 – P/N: L9F03UT#ABA – 1
LaserLink Software Suite 2015 – W-2 & 1099-Misc. – 2
Dart – J-Cup – insulated Styrofoam cups – 1000 ea. box – 3
Davis – blue fabric chairs – 2
IKEA – Malkolm – Rolling black office chair – 2
Filing cabinets – grey metal – 2
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 54 of
Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 54 of 56
Room 3
Unbranded black leather lounge chair – 1
Xerox Work Centre 6505 – 1
Medium dry erase board – 1
HAWORTH desk with storage and wall cabinet/storage – 4
Dell – M/N: E05S – 5
Acer monitor – M/N: G276HL Gbd – 1
HP Pro Desk 400 G1 MT – 1
Dell Power Connect 5548 – 2
Dell Power Connect 5524 – 2
HP monitor – M/N: HPV242h – 2
HP Pro Desk 400 G1 MT – P/N: P4K78UT#ABA – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: G276HL Gbd – 1
Dell Power Connect 8132 – 2
Dell E04J – 3
IKEA – Malkolm – black rolling office char – 4
“Davis” – grey leather office chair – 1
HP monitor – HPV242h – 2
NetGear ProSafe – 8 port gigabit switch – M/N: GS108 – 1
Dell Power Connect 5524 – 2
“beam+ - Double Roboto - remote controlled robot – 2
Room 4
HAWORTH desk with storage + wall cabinet – 5
HP monitor – HPV242h – 1
Fellows – 79C – Paper shredder – 1
IKEA – Malkolm – Rolling black office chair – 7
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2018 Oakwood – Commissions
Reports – Book 3 – April 11-May 21
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2018 Oakwood – Commissions
Reports – Book 2 – March 1-April 1
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2018 Boca – Commissions Reports
– Book 1 – January 1, 2018
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2018 Doral – Commissions Reports
– Book 1 – January 1, 2018
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Doral – Commissions Reports
– Book 3 – July 21-November 11
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Doral – Commissions Reports
– Book 2 – February 21-July 11
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Boca – Commissions Reports
– Book 5 – November 1-December 11
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Boca – Commissions Reports
– Book 4 – July 21-October 11
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 55 of
Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 55 of 56
Room 4
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Boca – Commissions Reports
– Book 3 – May 1-July 11
**RECORDS BOOK** - “Boca – Book 2 – February 21-April
21, 2017”
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Oakwood – Commissions
Reports – Book 5 – July 11 – September 21, 2017
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Oakwood – Commissions
Reports – Book 4 – May 21-July 1, 2017
**RECORDS BOOK** - “Oakwood – Book 3 – April 1-21-
May 11, 2017”
**RECORDS BOOK** - “Oakwood – Book 2 – February 21-
March 21, 2017”
**RECORDS BOOK** - “Earnings Report 2014 December
HP Compaq 8000 Elite – P/N: VS652UA#ABA - 1
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Doral – Commissions Reports
– Book 4 – November 21-December 21, 2017
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Boca – Commissions Reports
– Book 6 – October 21
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2018 Boca - Commissions Reports –
Book 1 – January 1-April 2018
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Oakwood - Commissions
Reports – Book 7 – November 21-December 21
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2018 Oakwood - Commissions
Reports – Book 1 – January 1, 2018
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Oakwood - Commissions
Reports – Book 6 – October 1-November 21
**RECORDS BOOK** - HBI Office Expense Reports 2014
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Report – 3
Quarter of
2015 – July, August, and September
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Report – 4
Quarter of
2015 – October, November, and December
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Report – 1
Quarter of
2016 – 03/01/16-04/03/16
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Report – 1
Quarter of
2016 – Book 1 – January 1-February 29, 2016
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Reports – 2
Quarter of
2016 – Book 1 – April 1-May 15, 2016
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Reports – 2
Quarter of
2016 – Book 2 – May 16-July 3, 2016
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Reports – 3
Quarter of
2016 – Book 1 – July 4-August 2016
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Reports – 3
Quarter of
2016 – Book 2 – August 15-September 25, 2016
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 56 of
Simple Health Inventory – 2 Oakwood Blvd.
Page 56 of 56
Room 4
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Reports – 4
Quarter of
2016 – Book 1 – September 26-November 13, 2016
**RECORDS BOOK** - Expense Reports – 4
Quarter of
2016 – Book 2 – November 14-December 31, 2016
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Expense Reports – Book 1 –
January 1-February 26, 2017
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Expense Reports – Book 2 –
February 27-May 28, 2017
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Expense Reports – Book 3 –
May 29-July 30, 2017
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Expense Reports – Book 4 –
July 31-October 1, 2017
**RECORDS BOOK** - 2017 Expense Reports – Book 5 –
October 2-November 19, 2017
AOC monitor – M/N: E2260SW – 1
ViewSonic monitor – VS14761 - 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
FS486AW#ABA – 1
ALera – Wire Cart Kit – M/N: ALE-SW342416BA - 2
Medium-Large dry erase board - 1
Room 5
Denon Integrated Network AV Receiver – M/N: AVR-X3000
– 1
Current Audio – M/N: AMP1270 – 2
Creston MC3 – 1
Vivotek NR8301 Network Video Recorder – 1
Dell Sonicwall – M/N: IRK26-0A4 – 2
Dell – M/N: E05S? – M/N: HBCTMDB01? – Sticker
removed! – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: E2015HV1 – 1
Large cork board – 1
Custom made large leather coat costume – lucha dora? – 1
Abstract Hallway Wall Art - 10
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 57 of
[Doral Inventory]
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 58 of
Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Simple Health Doral Inventory
Reception Area (1)
(Front of Reception Desk)
Custom Built Reception desk – Sparkly white Terrazzo stone
top with built in storage drawers - 1
“The GunLocke Company” – Model GK1111-1 – Serial No.:
8RJ59Z - Grey leather upholstered chairs - 2
“the GunLocke Company” – Serial No.: 8EZ5KZ – Marble
topped side table - 1
IKEA – MALKOLM – black rolling office chair - 1
Reception Area (1)
(Reception Desk)
Dymo – Label Manager – M/N: Label Manager 160 - 1
Dymo – Label Cassette – D1 – BLK and White sided – 1
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216Hf – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NJ804UP#ABA – 1
Magic Chef – Mini Fridge – 1
IKEA – MALKOLM – Black Rolling Office Chair - 1
Reception Area (1)
(Reception Desk)
Dell Monitor – M/N: SE2216Hf – 2
APC – Power Surge Protector – M/N: Back-UPS600 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
IKEA- MALKOLM – Black Rolling Office Chair - 1
Call Center (2)
Samsung flat screen 60” LED TV – “620D – Series 6” – 2
IKEA – MALKOLM – Rolling Black Office Chair – 91
Xerox Work Centre 6505 – 1
Haworth - double sided desk - 38
Haworth - single desk - 14
Call Center (2)
Desk A
InnoView Monitor – P/N: i22Lmh1 – M/N: 2165m – 1
TFT LCD Monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite – P/N: SJ288UP#ABA
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 - 1
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 59 of
Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk B
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: G226HQL – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
HP 8000 Elite – P/N: BZ245US#ABA – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk C
Acer monitor – M/N: G226HQL – 2
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP 8000 Elite – P/N: SH798UP#ABA – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk D
AOC – M/N: E2260Sw – 2
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP 8000 Elite – P/N: BZ245US#ABA - 1
Call Center (2)
Desk E
HP 8000 Elite – P/N: SH798UP#ABA – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 2
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics – wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 - 1
Call Center (2)
Desk F
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 - 1
InnoView monitor – M/N: 20165M – 2
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
Call Center (2)
Desk G
TFT monitor – M/N: 20165M – 2
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N: Audio
655 DSP - 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk H
TFT monitor – M/N: 20165M – 2
Plantronics wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
C5.A355 - 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SJ288UP#ABA
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 60 of
Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk I
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk J
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
Plantronics - wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
B5.A355 - 1
Gateway Monitor – M/N: KX2153 - 2
Call Center (2)
Desk K
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
AOC monitor – M/N: E2260Sw – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk L
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SJ288UP#ABA
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
F5.A355 – 1
AOC monitor – M/N: E2260Sw - 2
Call Center (2)
Desk M
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Acer monitor – M/N: G227HQL – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk N
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: KP721AV
AOC monitor – M/N: E2252Sw - 2
Call Center (2)
Desk O
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: AX497US#ABA
AOC monitor – M/N: E2252Sw - 2
Call Center (2)
Desk P
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NR622UC#ABA
AOC monitor – M/N: E2252Sw – 2
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk Q
HP Compaq 6000 Pro - P/N: SH642UP#ABA
AOC monitor – M/N: E2252Sw – 2
HP wired mouse – M/N: MOFYUO – 1
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 61 of
Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk R
HP Compaq 6000 Pro - P/N: SH642UP#ABA
AOC monitor – M/N: E2252Sw – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 - 1
Call Center (2)
Desk S
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk T
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Amazon Basics wired Keyboard – M/N: KU-0833 – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
Audio 655DSP – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk U
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk V
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
L4.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk W
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: SH005UC#ABA
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk X
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk Y
HP Compaq 6000 Pro - P/N: SH642UP#ABA
HP wired mouse – M/N: None - 1
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk Z
HP Compaq 6000 Pro - P/N: SH642UP#ABA
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk AA
HP Compaq 6000 Pro - P/N: SH642UP#ABA
AOC monitor – M/N: E2252Sw – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 62 of
Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk BB
HP Compaq 6000 Pro - P/N: SH642UP#ABA
AOC monitor – M/N: E2252Sw – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk CC
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NE157U #ABA
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216H – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk DD
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk EE
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Dell wired mouse – M/N: Can’t Read! – 1
Lenovo wired keyboard – M/N: SK-8825 (L)
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
G5.A355 – 1
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M - 2
Call Center (2)
Desk FF
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk GG
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
C5.A355 – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk HH
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: V226HQL – 2
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk II
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk JJ
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SJ288UP#ABA
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 63 of
Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk KK
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk LL
HP Compaq 6000 Pro - P/N: SH642UP#ABA
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk MM
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk NN
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk OO
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk PP
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk QQ
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk RR
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
G5.A355 – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
D5.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk SS
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216H - 2
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 64 of
Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk TT
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk UU
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: SH005UC#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk VV
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: FS487AW#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk WW
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
L4.A355 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk XX
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216H – 2
Corsair wireless headphones – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-1156 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: SH005UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk YY
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
Audio 655DSP – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk ZZ
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
L4.A355 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk AAA
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216H – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 65 of
Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk BBB
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
Audio 655DSP – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk CCC
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk DDD
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk EEE
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: SH005UC#ABA
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
Audio 655DSP – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk FFF
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: KP721AV
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
G5.A355 – 1
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk GGG
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KU-1156 – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
E5.A355 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk HHH
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
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Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk III
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: SH005UC#ABA
Corsair wired headphones – M/N: RDA0011 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk JJJ
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk KKK
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
L4.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk LLL
Gateway monitor – M/N: KX2153 – 1
Dell monitor – M/N: SE2216H – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk MMM
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk NNN
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
TFT monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk OOO
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SH798UP#ABA
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk QQQ (2)
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: SH005UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk PPP
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 1
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Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk QQQ
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
Audio 655DSP – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk RRR
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: SJ2888UP#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
L4.A355 – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
C5.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk SSS
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk TTT
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Call Center (2)
Desk UUU
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk VVV
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
D5.A355 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk WWW
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 1
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
Desk XXX
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Desk YYY
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq 8000 Elite - P/N: BZ245US#ABA
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Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk ZZZ
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: SH169UCUC#ABA
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Call Center (2)
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Acer monitor – M/N: K222HQL – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
L4.A355 – 1
Call Center (2)
Haworth – “L” shaped desk with storage/filing drawers on both
ends – 1
Lacasse – small filing drawer/cabinet – 1
Insignia – Stereo Receiver – M/N: NS-STR514 – 1
HP Pro Desk 400 G1 MT – P/N: K1L92UT#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: FS486AW#ABA
HP monitor – M/N: HPV242h – 2
Acer monitor – M/N: V226HQL – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 - 1
Call Center (2)
Haworth – “L” shaped desk with storage/filing drawers on both
ends – 1
HP monitor – M/N: HPV242h – 2
Acer monitor – M/N: V226HQL – 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
Speedyink – Magenta – MK106R01595 – 1
HP Pro Desk 400 G1 MT – P/N: K1L92UT#ABA
Lenovo Tablet – 2
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Jabra headset – M/n: WHB003BS
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 1
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Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Acer monitor – M/N: G227HQL – 1
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
Logitech desktop speakers (Set of 2) – M/N: S-00038 – 1 pair
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: KP721AV
Call Center (2)
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Logitech webcam – M/N: V-U0018 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Logitech webcam – M/N: V-U0018 – 1
TP-Link M/N: TL–SG1008P 8 port gigabit desktop switch
w/ 4 port PoE – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
HP Compaq dc7800 - P/N: GC760AV
Call Center (2)
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: SH005UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
Acer monitor – M/N: M/N: K222HQL – 2
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Call Center (2)
Dell monitor – M/N: E2715Hf – 2
Logitech desktop speakers (Set of 2) – M/N: S-00038 – 1 pair
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 2
Amazon Basics wired keyboard– M/N: KU-0833 – 2
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Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
Desk LLLL (Continued)
Plugable docking station – USB 3.0 – M/N: UD-3900 - 1
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 1
HP Envy laptop – P/N: X7V39UA#ABA – 1
LD Toner – Cyan – “LD-106R01594” – 1
LD Toner – Yellow – “LD-106R01596” – 1
LD Toner – Black – “LD-106R01597” - 1
IKEA – ADILAS – black table/desk - 2
Call Center (2)
IKEA – ADILAS – black table/desk – 2
Neat – M/N: ND-1000 – 1
Lorex – 1080p HD IR PC Bullet Camera – M/N: LBV2521-C
Asus ZenPad – 4
Logitech webcam – M/N: V-U0018
Acer monitor – M/N: V226HQL – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Plugable USB 2.0 display adapter – 7
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
L4.A355 – 1
Western Digital – 1TB – S/N: WCAV5F028923 – MDL:
WD10EARS-00Y5B1 – 1
Seagate - 160GB - P/N: 9BE112-160 – 1
Seagate - 1000GB - P/N: 9CA158-269 – 1
Seagate - 750GB - P/N: 9BL148-269 – 1
Hitachi – 1TB – P/N: 0A38876 – 1
Hitachi – 1TB – P/N: 0A37239 – 1
Hitachi – 1TB – P/N: 0F11387 - 1
Hitachi – 1TB – P/N: 0A35832 - 1
Hitachi – 1TB – P/N: 0A38876 - 1
Logitech K520 – wireless keyboard – M/N: Y-R0012 - 1
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: KR581UA#ABA (Maybe
HP Compaq 8000 Elite – P/N: SH798UP#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: FS486AW#ABA
Call Center (2)
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
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Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Call Center (2)
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Amazon Basics wired mouse – M/N: MSU0939 – 1
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
D5.A355 – 1
Office (3)
Lacasse – “L”-shaped desk w storage and floating wall storage
– 1
HP Compaq dc7900 Small Form Factor – P/N:
NK940UC#ABA – 1
HP monitor – M/N: HP V242h – 2
Plantronics – wired headphones with microphone – M/N:
A5.A355 – 1
HP wired keyboard – M/N: SK-2025 – 1
Lacasse – separate large filing cabinet – desk height – 1
RCA – Mini Fridge – 1
ATIVA paper shredder – 1
Davis – Blue fabric chairs – 2
IKEA – Malkolm – black rolling office chair – 1
Office (4)
Lacasse – “L”-shaped desk w storage + extension desk, and
floating wall storage – 1
Lacasse – small filing cabinet – 2
Lacasse – tall storage cabinet – 1
Staples – professional series paper shredder – 1
Epson – WorkForce – M/N: WF-3640 – 1
HP monitors – M/N: HPV242h – 2
HP wired keyboard – M/N: KB-0316 – 1
Office World – ink cartridge – Yellow – Type: 252XL – 2
LxTek – ink cartridge – Yellow – Type: 252XL – T252XL420
– 1
EZ ink – ink cartridge – Yellow – Type: 252XL – T252XL420
– 1
EZ ink – ink cartridge – Magenta – Type: 252XL –
T252XL420 – 1
Epson – Dura Brite Ultra ink – Yellow – Type: 252 – 2
Epson – Dura Brite Ultra ink – Cyan – Type: 252 – 1
Epson – Dura Brite Ultra ink – Black – Type: 220 – 1
Epson – Dura Brite Ultra ink – Magenta – Type: 252 – 1
EZ ink – ink cartridge – Black – Type: 252XXL –
T252XXL120 – 1
Office World – ink cartridge – Black – Type: 252XL – 5
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Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Office (4)
Epson – Dura Brite Ultra ink – BOXED – Cyan, Magenta,
Yellow – Type: 252 – 1
LxTek – ink cartridge – Black – Type: 252XL – T252XL120 –
Epson – Dura Brite Ultra ink – Black – Type: 252XL – 1
Dymo – Label Cassette - D1 – Black and White sided – 2
IKEA – Malkolm – black rolling office chair – 1
Davis – blue fabric chairs – 3
Lacasse – medium round table - 1
Training Room (5)
Acer desktop computer – M/N: Aspire Z3-710 – 11
Acer – wireless keyboard – M/N: SK-9662 – 11
Acer – wireless mouse – M/N: SM-9662 – 11
HAWORTH – “Very Seminar Chair” – M/n: 110-1442 – Dist.
by JC White Architectural Interiors – blue fabric seat with grey
plastic back and silver frame – 12
Microsoft Life Chat LX-3000 – Wired headphones with
microphone – M/N: 1084 – 9
StarTech.com – Lockable/secured storage container with glass
display front for servers, routers, tech etc. – 1
IKEA – Malkolm – black rolling office chair – 1
White console storage cabinet/table – HAWORTH? – 1
HAWORTH – InterTek 30” x 72” desk/table (one seats two
people on the same side - two people per table/desk) - 6
HP wired mouse – M/N: SM-2022 – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: 6226HQL – 1
Amazon Basics wired keyboard – M/N: KU-0833 – 1
Vizio 65” flat screen TV – M/N: E65x-C2 – 1
HP Pro Desk 400 G1 MT – M/N: ?
Cyber Power surge protector – M/N: 600VA - 1
Closet (Storage)
Paycom – time punch – in opened box – 1
IKEA – Adilas – table (legs in garbage can next to tables) – 24
HP Compaq dc5800 – P/N: SF050UC#ABA
HP Compaq 8000 Elite – P/N: BZ245US#ABA
HP Compaq dc7800p – P/N: KH270UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: SH005UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7800 – P/N: GC760AV
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: NK940UC#ABA
Acer monitor – M/N: G226HQL – 2
Acer monitor – M/N: V226HQL – 15
TFT LCd monitor – M/N: 2165M – 2
Acer monitor – M/N: V226HQL Bbd – 1
Acer monitor – M/N: G276HQL – 1
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Simple Health Inventory – Doral
Closet (Storage)
StarTech.com – 2U Horizontal Finger Duct Rack Cable
Manager w Cover – 1
HP Compaq dc7800p – P/N: KH270UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: NK940UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7800p – P/N: KH270UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: covered
HP Compaq dc7900 - P/N: KP721AV
HP Compaq dc7800p – P/N: KG220UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: SH005UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: FS486AW#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: SH005UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: FS486AW#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: SH005UC#ABA
HP Compaq dc7900 – P/N: NJ804UP#ABA
Server Room
HP Pro Desk 400 G2.5 – P/N: L9F03UT#ABA
InnoView monitor – M/N: 2165M – 1
Accedian Networks – Metro NID – 1
Cisco – M/N: 3925 – 3900 Series – 1
APC – MOD: SMX120BP – 1
APC – MOD: SMX3000LV – 1
HP Pro Desk 400 G1 MT – P/N: K1L92UT#ABA – 1
ADT Pulse – Model: PGZNG1 – 1
Dell PowerConnect 5524 – 2
Netgate – M/N: XG-7100-M2 – 24GB – 2
Dell PowerConnect 5548P – 1
Dell PowerConnect 5548 - 3
Break Room
ERG International – blue stained wood seat – metal legged,
tall stools – 4
Frigidaire microwave – 1
Panasonic – Inverter – microwave – 1
Newco – Coffee Brewer – Large -1
Mr. Coffee – Espresso Machine – 1
GE dishwasher – M/N: GLDT69”J – New? – 1
“True Refrigerator” – WebstaurantStore – AAW10176G – 1
ERG International – blue stained wood seat – metal legged
chairs – 4
HAWORTH – small white round table – 1
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[Texas Inventory]
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Simple Health Inventory – 12005 Ford
Page 1 of 8
Simple Health Inventory
See Computer Inventory for details on computing equipment
Room 1(Main Room)
General 4 TVs on wall – TLC and Samsung
Round Table
Row A Cubicles 0 workstations (Keyboards, monitors, system units,
headsets, mice)
Row B Lockers
Row C Cubicles – 0 workstations (Keyboards, monitors, system units,
headsets, mice)
Row D Keyboard - 1
Desktop RAM – 4
Row E Monitors – Acer – 11
Keyboards – AST – 3
SYSTEM UNITs – 5 (unassembled system unit with components
Head set with microphones – 3
Mice – 4
Row F Monitors – 28
Keyboards – 14
Head set with microphones
– 16
Mice – 16
Row G Monitors – 7
Keyboards – 2
Mice – 3
Row H Monitors – 14
Keyboards – 6
Mice – 6
Row I Monitors – 14
Keyboards – 12
Mice – 13
Head set with microphones – 11
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Simple Health Inventory – 12005 Ford
Page 2 of 8
Row J Side 1
Monitors – 14
Keyboards – 7
Mice – 7
Headset with microphones – 7
Side 2
Monitors - 16
Keyboards - 8
Mice - 7
Headsets - 2
Row K Side 1
unassembled system unit
with components exposed –
Hard drives – 3
Side 2 - On table
Monitors – 2
MA 1240a multizone amplifier - 1
Mouse – 1
Keyboard – 1
Routers - 3
Rocket fish HDMI 4x – 2
Pluggable USB 2.0
Samsung TV Flatscreen (on wall)
Row L Lockers
Row M Monitors – 4
Keyboard – 2
Mice – 2
Head set with microphones – 1
On table – several head set with microphones
3 ASUS LCD Monitors VS228 – 13 Boxes unopened – new
Row N Side 1
Monitors – 5
Keyboards -3
Mice – 5
Headset with microphones – 0
Side 2
Monitors - 0
Keyboards - 0
Mice - 0
Headsets - 0
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Simple Health Inventory – 12005 Ford
Page 3 of 8
Row O Side 1
0 workstations (Keyboards,
monitors, system units,
headsets, mice)
Side 2
0 workstations (Keyboards,
monitors, system units, headsets,
Row P Side 1
0 workstations (Keyboards,
monitors, system units,
headsets, mice)
Side 2
0 workstations (Keyboards,
monitors, system units, headsets,
Row Q Paint buckets –0 workstations (Keyboards, monitors, system units,
headsets, mice)
Row R Boxes, Epson
Item S Telepresence Robot (Beam)
Chairs - General Wooden chairs – 5
Stacked white plastic chairs – 4
Black w/round back -1
Blue mesh short upholstered arms – 7
Black leather tall back with seams - 118
Grey and pink polka dot fabric office chair – 2
Black mesh chairs – 1 (silver adjust knob at back)
Black mesh chair w/plain back - 2
Black plastic chair /short -2
Purple fabric office chair – 1
Upholstered brown and tan chair – 2
Upholstered blue chair - 2
Room 2 - Office
Dry erase board – 1
Monitor – 1
Keyboard – 1
Mouse – 1
Printer – 1 HP Office Jet Pro 8720
Room 3 - Office
Head set with microphone – 1
Pictures, framed – 2
Room 4 – Training
Monitors – 13
Keyboards – 11
Mice – 6
SYSTEM UNITs – 10, and 1 unassembled system unit with
components exposed
Hard drives – 1
Linksys – 1
Netgear prosafe – 1
1 Samsung TV
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Simple Health Inventory – 12005 Ford
Page 4 of 8
Room 5 - Kitchen
Tables – round (sm) – 2
Tables – round (lrg) – 2
Tables – rectangular – 2
2 microwaves (RCA)
Microwave oven trim kit - 2
Chairs – Plastic/black/translucent/short – 13
Chairs – Plastic/black/solid/bar height – 4
True Refrigerator/Slim - 1
NewCo coffee maker brew (2 serv) - 1
Mayflow ice machine - 1
Blue upholstered – 2
Service set up (fork/spoons/knives) metal – 1
Coffee setup center/blk/ styrofoam cups/sugar/creamer holder -1
In cabinets: paper towels, plastic cups, coffee creamer, coffee
service items
Room 6
CPA Server Room – not on map – NOT OURS
Room 7 – Lobby
Monitors – 3
Printer (HP Office Jet Pro 8740) – 1
Phone – 1
Mouse – 1
Keyboard – 1
TruVision NVR 105
Room 7 Packing Boxes
4 switches
1 Server “Reistation Server – Dallas, TX”
2 boxes Trash bags
1 box Misc decorative
1 box Monitors x3
Small shredder
Notepad with notes
1 box 12 monitors
1 box Misc kitchen
1 box Misc cleaning supplies
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Simple Health Inventory – 12005 Ford
Page 5 of 8
1 box Coffee products
1 box Boxes of padlocks x4
1 box Paper producs
3 boxes Styrofoam cups
1 box Lids
1 box Misc decorations
1 box Misc computer equipment
– head set with microphones
– mousepads
– approx. 30 HDD
Room 8
Monitors – 13
Keyboards – 11
Mice – 11
Desktop RAM – 8
SYSTEM UNITs – unassembled system unit with components
exposed – 1
Room 9
Monitors – 3
Keyboards – 2
Mice – 1
Room 10
0 workstations (Keyboards, monitors, system units, headsets,
Room 11
0 workstations (Keyboards, monitors, system units, headsets,
Room 12
Wooden file cab (snow globe on top) 4 drawer – 1
Suggestion box – 1
Room 13
Monitors – 2
Area #14
Monitors – 6
Black/plastic cart 3 trays
Room 15
Rectangle table – 2
Wooden chairs – (4 - added to count above)
Microwave – Kenmore
Coffee setup server ( 5 sections and cup section) -1
In cabinets: styrofoam cups, coffee creamer, coffee service items
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Simple Health Inventory – 12005 Ford
Page 6 of 8
Mini fridge - 1
Filtered Water dispenser – 1
Room 16
Monitors – 2
File cab/3drawer/ metal - 1
Room 15
Break room, see above
Room 18
File cabs/grey – 4 drawer – 3
Wooden file cab – 4 drawer – 1
36 count Box of Kleenex/ open – 1
Plastic crates or stands (?) blk and white/taped together – 2 sets
Room 17
Keyboard – 1
Mouse – 1
Monitors – 2
HP Officejet Pro 8740 – 1
Shredder (Staples Pro Series) – 1
File cab – 2 drawer/grey – 2
Phone – 1
SYSTEM UNIT – HP Pro Desk – 1
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Simple Health Inventory – 12005 Ford
Page 7 of 8
Home Depo Boxes in Rm #1 at back of room outside of Rm 2
Box of misc cords and office computer cables, office nuts/screws
Box of monitors
Box of plastic tubes
Box of Kitchen coffee tea Box of Keyboards, computer __/cords
Box of Monitors Box of Monitors
Box of Monitors Box of Monitors
Box of Keyboards
Box of SYSTEM UNITs (bad board) Keyboard and computer wire
Box of Monitors SYSTEM UNIT and mice cables
Box of Monitors SYSTEM UNIT
Box of Monitors Box of Monitors
Box of Monitors Box of Monitors
Box of Monitors Box of Monitors
Box of Phones Box of Monitors
Empty box Box of Computer/power cords
Box of Monitors __________
Box of Monitors
Box of Plastic tubs Small box – cell phone __ holders
Box of Kitchen supplies
Box of SYSTEM UNIT and computer cable
Box of computer cable
Box of Monitors
Box of Monitor and SYSTEM UNIT
Numbered boxes [numbered by FTC]
#3 Monitors and hard drives
4 SYSTEM UNITs and phones
#1 laptops and monitors
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Simple Health Inventory – 12005 Ford
Page 8 of 8
#10 Files forms SPIFF and sheets, weights/dumbbell, clothing, desk sets, head set with
#11 Monitor, files, Halloween candy, clip board,
low budget/no sales sheets, 9/10 – 9/25/2018 SPIFF and gifts
Boxes in R section
Igloo cooler
Office supplies/file sorters
Radio FM/AM stereo cassette recorder
Box of computer cords
Box of Computer cords
Box of Computer cords
Box of Monitor stand parts
Box of Computer cords
Box of Computer cords
Box of Computer cords
Box of Computer stand parts
Cork boards – 2
Boxes/Epson printer, Precision Core Workforce WF 3640 - 3
Boxes in Rm #18
Empty Visio TV box 70 inch
Trash can/plastic w speaker parts
Box of Simple Health promotional items (water bottle, stress ball (car), shirts)
Box of Monitors
Empty boxes on top of file cabs
Plastic container (waste can) of head sets
Green strips – desktop RAM 1 gig
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Amount Frozen
as of date of
Asset Freeze
HBC Direct LLC 0103
Simple Insurance Leads LLC 0195
Health Benefits One LLC 0336
Health Benefits One LLC 1607
Health Center Management
Simple Insurance Leads LLC 3639 28,546.79$
Innovative Customer Care LLC 5162
Innovative Customer Care LLC 5170
Senior Benfits One LLC 5910 1,470.34$
Health Benefits One LLC 6444
Senior Benfits One LLC 7106
Health Benefits One LLC 7310
Health Benefits One LLC 7519
Smart Health Programs Inc 7616
Simple Insurance Leads LLC 7736
Simple Insurance Leads LLC 7751
Simple Insurance Leads LLC 9171
Health Benefits One LLC 9206
Health Benefits One 9606 391,571.35$
11/19/18 - Account liquidated by the
Receiver. Initial amount of frozen
funds was $323,501.46; however,
two additional deposits were posted
to the account on 117/18 and
11/9/19 post-appointment.
Health Benefits One 9614 31,542.75$
Health Benefits One 9622 150.00$
Simple Insurance Leads 9630 112,658.20$
Simple Insurance Leads 9649 -$
Senior Benefits One 9657 4,584.40$
Senior Benefits One 9665 -$
Health Center Management 9673 5,535.39$
Innovative Customer Care 9681 9,327.20$
Innovative Customer Care 9703 -$
Steven Dorfman 9711 5,894.80$
Steven Dorfman 9738 66,651.51$
Steven Dorfman 9746 1,000.00$
Federal Trade Commission v. Simple Health Plans, LLC, et al.
United States District Court, Southern District of Florida
Case No.: 18-cv-62953-GAYLES
Page 1 of 3
Prepared by Michael l. Goldberg, Receiver
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 85 of
Amount Frozen
as of date of
Asset Freeze
Federal Trade Commission v. Simple Health Plans, LLC, et al.
United States District Court, Southern District of Florida
Case No.: 18-cv-62953-GAYLES
Steven Dorfman 9754 3,572.46$
Steven Dorfman 9762 1,000.00$
Health Benefits One 6356 -$
Evo Payments
Health Benefits One 4411 94,641.38$
Simple Insurance Leads 2166 -$
Health Benefits 9803 -$
TD Ameritrade
Steven Dorfman 1707 45,803.35$
Health Benefits One
FMV as of 10/31/18
Health Benefits One
FMV as of 10/31/18
Health Benefits One XX XXX10
Line of
UBS claims a security interest and
priority lien over the FTC's claim.
Loan Balance as of 10/31/18 is
$2,863,206.69; Accrues interest.
Banco Popular
Soluciones Omfri SRL 6746 $ -
11/19/18 - Simple Health's Senior
Accountant advised that total
balance in all Banco Popular
accounts should be approximately
$200k after pending checks have
cleared per review of the company's
QuickBook ledger.
Note: On 11/1/18, the TRO was
served on the bank and receipt was
acknowledged on 11/2/18. The
Receiver's office contacted the bank
on 11/14/18 and 11/15/18 due to
their lack of response and was
advised that the TRO was sent to
the bank manager for response. On
12/15/18 the Receiver contacted
Defendant's counsel requesting that
Dorfman immediately take all steps
necessary o have the funds
repitrated back into the custody of
the Receiver. To date, the bank has
failed respond to the TRO and there
has been no further communication
from Defendant's counsel on the
status of the funds.
Page 2 of 3
Prepared by Michael l. Goldberg, Receiver
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 86 of
Amount Frozen
as of date of
Asset Freeze
Federal Trade Commission v. Simple Health Plans, LLC, et al.
United States District Court, Southern District of Florida
Case No.: 18-cv-62953-GAYLES
Soluciones Omfri SRL 0296 -$
Soluciones Omfri SRL 6795 -$
Patriot Health
Health Benefits One LLC 17,533.54$
Wells Fargo
Steven Dorfman 6009 143,057.07$
Account consists of 1000 shares of
JPMorgan Chase Co. stock - Value
$108,980.00 plus cash/money
market value which fluctuates daily.
First Progress
Steven Dorfman 4250 500.00$
Secured Credit Card. Security
deposit held on card. Account
Wells Fargo
Dorfman & Freitas 8531 433,004.23$
Dorfman & Freitas 8523 35,029.13$
Steve Dorfman 0747 14,676.89$
Steve Dorfman 6609 1,000.00$
Steve Dorfman 7787 100.03$
Steve Dorfman Revocable Trust 4077 3,500.31$
Steve Dorfman and Patricia Dorfman 0835 49,875.93$
Wellness Plan of
September, 2018 16,912.54$
Commissions frozen and not paid
October 15-21, 2018 655.00$
October 22-28, 2018 215.00$
October 28 - November 4, 2018 330.00$
Page 3 of 3
Prepared by Michael l. Goldberg, Receiver
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 88 of
Item Description Est. Value
Audemars Piguet Watch Unknown
Cartier Roadster Watch Unknown
Cartier Santos Watch Unknown
Cartier Richard Mille Watch Unknown
Cartier Bracelet Unknown
Cartier Bracelet Unknown
Cartier Bracelet Unknown
Cartier Ring Panther Unknown
Gold Rope Necklace with Star of David Unknown
Gold Necklace Floral Cluster Unknown
Diamond Engagement Ring Unknown
Diamond Wedding Band (Female) Unknown
Diamond Wedding Band (Male) Unknown
Federal Trade Commission v. Simple Health Plans, LLC, et al.
United States District Court, Southern District of Florida
Case No.: 18-cv-62953-GAYLES
November 1, 2018
Page 1 of 1
Prepared by Michael l. Goldberg, Receiver
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Hello (FIRST NAME) my name is _______, and I am going to be helping you with
your online application that you recently submitted for an affordable health insurance
quote. I am to inform you this call may be recorded for quality assurance. Are you
looking for an individual or family plan?
Great! The name of my company is Simple Health, and we represent most of the MAJOR
"A Rated" CARRIERS in the state of _____... So I'm able to give all of your options, and
find you the BEST PLAN out there for the BEST PRICE!
Are you currently insured?
(If YES) What insurance company are you currently with? What’s making you shop
How much are you spending?
(If NO) Have you been without coverage for more than 63 days?
Pre-Qualification Questions
1. Please verify any pre-existing medical conditions.
2. How many medications are you taking? (Generic or Name Brand?)
3. How many times do you go visit the DR each year?
4. And I see that you put here your approx. height and weight is__________correct?
5. Are you a smoker?
6. Have you ever been denied for health insurance?
7. (There Name) what aspects of your insurance are most important to you?
"OK, I know exactly what you’re looking for; we want to find you a PPO, that way you
can keep your own doctors and hospitals. I want to get you prescription and lab coverage
for your preventative care and maintenance... and MOST IMPORTANTLY, you want a
plan that will have very low out of pocket expenses, right?"
OK great! Well let's not get ahead of ourselves; we need to see first what is available for
you in your state at this time.
What will be affordable for you on a monthly basis? What is an ideal price range?
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 102 of
IF I'm able to find you a plan that meets your needs and your budget at the same time,
when do you want your plan to start?
Just so you know, I work with most of the “A” rated carriers in the state of _____, most
insurance companies are VERY DISCRIMINATORY against pre-existing health
conditions. So I may not be able to get you approved for anything right now. What I’m
going to do is place you on a very brief hold, I'm going to submit your application and
place a search in (state), and when I come back, we'll go over all of your options, if there
are any, and make sure we find you the best plan for the best price. One moment please.
------------------PLACE THEM ON HOLD FOR ABOUT A MINUTE--------------------
(Their name) I have some great news for you! Based upon your application, I was able to
get you approved into a plan in the state of (state). This is an "A Rated" carrier and a
PPO. Do you know what a PPO stands for? (Regardless of answer, tell them!) PPO
stands for Preferred Provider Organization, which simply means you can choose your
own doctors and hospitals, and you don't need a referral to see a specialist.
This program is normally a large group association plan, which typically are for large
groups and businesses, however, individuals like you can join this plan, and still qualify
for paying this low rate. This will save you hundreds on your monthly premium, but
obviously price is not the only important part of your insurance. Most carriers are VERY
DISCRIMINATORY!!! What's the point of paying all that money every month if it’s not
going to cover the most important things, right??? Exactly!!! This plan covers you from
day 1 with NO waiting periods on accidents! Joining this group works similar as if you
were getting insurance through an employer... They don't discriminate against any of
your pre-existing conditions within the First Health Network.
Now, this program utilizes the First Health Nationwide PPO network, which is one of the
largest PPO networks in the country; With more than 1,000,000 healthcare providers
under contract.
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 103 of
You will receive doctor visits, diagnostic testing for blood & lab work, 3 options of your
medications, medical, surgical, and hospital coverage with NO DEDUCTIBLE! This plan
has NO waiting periods for accidental benefits, NO claim forms to file, NO limits on the
plans usage within First Health, and a ZERO DEDUCTIBLE!!!
The monthly premium is (amount per month) and for your first month, there is also a
one-time enrollment fee of (enrollment fee). Also, your rate will never increase because
you use the plan and your plan is month is month with no contracts. Lastly your plan is
Nationwide! So if you move or travel you’re covered in every state.
This plan becomes effective as of midnight tonight. Again the first month will be: (newly
revised rate), and every month after that it is only (monthly rate). Is that affordable for
you TODAY before I go over all the benefits with you? (MAKE THEM ANSWER YES
Let me start with your doctor visits. Now, you can go to any doctor in the country. Every
time you go to the doctor within the First Health PPO network you will receive the
contracted rate off your bill. On top of that, you will receive an additional $50 / $100 off
of the remaining balance. For example, (First Name) let's say your doctor charges you
$200 for that visit and you were to receive the contracted rate of $100…YOU DON'T
HAVE TO PAY THAT, again for that doctor visit you will receive an additional $50
/ $100 off the remaining balance. So in this exact situation, you end up spending $50 /
$0 on that $200 visit... do you understand?
Now as you know, MOST PLANS come with high deductibles that will have you paying
THOUSANDS out of pocket BEFORE your insurance will pay for ANYTHING!! This
plan does not work that way. This is a FIRST DOLLAR COVERAGE PLAN, which
means THIS PLAN covers you from the MOMENT you enter the hospital. So again, first
the PPO network will take your entire hospital bill, and re-price. (pause) After the PPO
network covers you, your plan pays additional insurance benefits to help you cover the
rest. When all is said and done you end with pennies on the dollar if any cost at all!! The
whole idea of this plan is to make your out of pocket expenses as low as possible, without
you EVER having to meet a deductible first.
You will NEVER incur ANY upfront costs on this PPO and your insurance can be used
at virtually ANY inpatient, or outpatient facility in the NATION...
Included is a prescription card for your RX needs. Name Brand will be highly re-priced at
virtually ANY pharmacy in the nation. We can also recommend a mail order pharmacy to
help you order in 3 month supplies which helps you save EVEN MORE MONEY!
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 104 of
(Prescription Hope: If they are asking for specific pricing)
Let me ask you a question; do your household income exceed $100,000.00 a year? (If
Not) Let me check your prescriptions here….. (check meds at www.prescription
hope.com) Ok, great news! I can get these prescriptions for you at a $35 co-pay.
(Pharmacy Checker: If they don’t financially qualify for Prescription Hope)
Great news! I was able to get your prescriptions for you at ($$$) and you can choose to
fill them at a 3 month supply if you wish and receive these right to your home!
Now, for your benefit I have included an additional dental plan along with your policy.
This additional card gives you a dental and vision savings benefit which gives you more
coverage than any other traditional insurance plan. Also, I have included additional
insurance benefits such as Accidental Death AND an Accident Medical Expense plan
along with your package. This benefit package will provide you with additional insured
benefits which typically are not included in a traditional insurance plan. You will also
receive access to the most affordable mail order pharmacies in the nation such as
www.pharmacychecker.com...It’s very similar to MedCo!
Now, I have your full name as (state there first and last name). Do you want your middle
initial printed on your ID cards as well?
And your date of birth is (MM/DD/YYYY), is that correct?
And to the best of your knowledge, everything you have told me today is true?
OK GREAT! Now you can always change the method of payment later. For the
first payment, will you be using a debit or credit card?
(REMAIN SILENT- 1st person to talk loses!!!)
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 105 of
Legion Limited Medical Post Close
(Read slowly and word for word to prevent Cancels!)
Now on behalf of Simple Health, and all of our participating carriers, I'd like to be the first to
say CONGRATULATIONS on your NEW INSURANCE POLICY!! Now, you still have your pen and paper
handy? Great. Please write down my company information. Again, my name is_________ our number here is
1-954-606-9070 and my extension is____. If you have any questions between now, and the time you receive
your package, or even afterwards, PLEASE DO NOT HESITATE TO CALL ME OR MY CASE MANAGER!
Our CUSTOMER SERVICE DEPT is ALWAYS going to be here for you Monday through Friday from 8am-
7pm EST.
Now, what we do here is transfer your application to our corporate verification department where your personal
agent will do a brief recording for your protection and they go over the plan with you on the verification, SOME
I just want you to know what parts affect you, and what don’t; because they read the SAME SCRIPT to
Remember, we work for YOU (first name), NOT the Insurance companies, so should you have ANY
QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER, please call me back, so that myself, or another case manager can take care of
you. Your Insurance Company is A RATED but because the group you are joining is so LARGE, you may have
to wait on hold for quite a while when you contact them. That‘s the beauty of doing business with US. WE
WORK FOR YOU; if you have ANY QUESTIONS WHATSOEVER about your plan, call us at the number I
just gave you. Unlike calling the Insurance carrier... by calling US, you'll be sure to speak with a LICENSED
AGENT like me, not just any unlicensed staff member, OKAY? Our world-class customer service department
is always here for you Monday ·Friday from 8am-7pm Eastern-Standard time, OKAY?
Now, fortunately for YOU, this IS a GUARANTEED ISSUE health insurance plan. Because of the OPEN
ENROLLMENT in your state, you’re approved TODAY, regardless of your conditions, On the Verification,
they will state there is a 12/12 preexisting clause that applies to your hospital and surgical benefits for any
preexisting diagnosis you've had within the past 12 months. Now because of this OPEN ENROLLMENT,
you’re approved today, REGARDLESS of those conditions. The only waiting period you’d have is on your
CASH BENEFITS in the hospital for you preexisting conditions. You will still get the First Health contracted
rate, even for a surgery or hospitalization from DAY ONE.
Now on verification, there will be two separate parts, one for your health, and the other for your EXCLUSIVE
DENTAL/Rx card. Again, you’re going to see them appear as two separate charges on your billing
statement". One for your medical (which is $____ each month), and another for your exclusive dental card
which is Indiv-$30 Indiv+One-$40 Family-$50 each month. Again, these charges are COMPLETELY separate
neither has ANYTHING to do with the other. The first month comes out to be $125/$155 more, simply because
of the enrollment fees. $125 is for your health enrollment fee, and $30 is for your dental enrollment fee. I made
these charges separate for you, so THIS WAY you can ALWAYS upgrade or downgrade either one without it
EVER compromising the other, Okay??
CHECK THE PRICES ON ALL OF YOUR MEDICATIONS! (make sure they write it down!)
Now, they ALSO tell you that this is not a major medical plan OR A DISCOUNT PLAN. Obviously this isn't
a discount plan. This IS INSURANCE. We already went over this, but let me explain it to you again, just to
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 106 of
MAKE SURE you understand everything correctly. A lot of people tend to think that a Major Medical stands
for coverage in the EVENT of a MAJOR hospital occurrence.... It doesn’t! A major med is a certain TYPE of
insurance just like any HMO or PPO...a Major Med MUST HAVE TWO THINGS to be DEFINED as a major
medical plan.
It’s really just insurance terms, but let me go over them with you again just to MAKE SURE you understand
everything correctly. For Insurance to be DEFINED as a Major Medical, it MUST HAVE a deductible and co-
The BEAUTY of your NEW PLAN is that it has NONE of those. It has, NO DEDUCTABLES, NO annual or
lifetime caps, and No medical underwriting. . . therefore it’s called a Limited Medical INDEMNITY Insurance
Plan, not a Major Med.
Remember, your plan has no deductible and is a 2-sided plan. FIRST, ALL of your medical bills will be re-
priced down to their lowest form, THEN, your ADDITIONAL INSURED CASH benefits will apply towards
the remaining balance. Remember, the whole idea of this plan is to make your out of pocket expense AS LOW
AS POSSIBLE, without you having to meet ANY deductibles first.
When you receive your NEW INSURANCE CARDS in the mail in the next 7 to 10 business days, you will see
all of your insured and non-insured benefits outlined in writing. You will also see all the additional noninsured
benefits which come included with your plan! Now remember (First Name), ALL YOUR MEDICAL BILLS
WILL BE REDUCED DOWN TO IT’S LOWEST FORM before any of` those BONUS cash benefits are
On the verification they will also let you know the details of the INSURANCE PORTION of your plan, and
then let you know the details of the discount part of your plan. Remember, when you get your packing in the
email, you will get 2 sets of ID cards. One card does it all and has your name and policy and member ID
number on it and it works for all of your benefits included in the plan! No separate card to carry around for each
product. That is the one that you need to put in your wallet right away. The other will be identical and you will
need to put it away just in case you lose the one in your wallet.
Again your plan will start on __, and you can begin utilizing ALL OF your benefits 30 days after your effective
date...there is a 30 day waiting period for doctor visits. However, you will have Emergency and Hospital
Coverage right away.
Now REMEMBER, this is a GROUP PLAN. In the verification, the Agent will ask you to re-verify your
preexisting conditions. They will also ask you if you are joining this group either because you cannot afford
traditional insurance, or because you cannot qualify because of a health condition. You must answer those
questions to get accepted into this group. They just want to make sure that certain people aren't taking
advantage of the price for this group plan, so please answer those questions honestly, and we‘ll get you
approved into this group. REMEMBER, once you are a part of this group, you can keep it as long as you want,
and never have your rates increased! We couldn't PAY people to drop these types of plans, because once you're
IN, YOU‘RE IN! Your rates can never go up; just remember that this group is reserved for people who need
help qualifying for an affordable group plan, so please be honest on the verification...this is only way we can get
you approved into this group, okay?
Now I work mostly off of a referral basis, so once you use this plan, and see the true value of the benefits, if you
gave my name and number to some of your friends and family, I'd REALLY appreciate it. About 60% of` my
business is based off referrals, and that is the ABSOLUTE BEST compliment I can get!
Also, other representatives will be calling you about other plans, so just let them know that you are now
INSURED, OKAY? Some people in this industry are very unethical, and will just want to sell you a cheap plan
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 107 of
that pays them the highest commissions, not genuinely HELP you. Remember, the benefits that you receive
from your health plan are just as important as the price is.
Your new PPO will cover everything you need AND be affordable at the same time. This is ABSOLUTELY the
best plan you'll receive in your price range. Remember, I work with virtually EVERY PLAN available in your
state, so if I thought there were ANYTHING OUT THERE that was more beneficial for you than THIS plan,
then THAT is what I'd be offering you! I take a lot of pride in what I do and I like to think that our relationship
starts TODAY, okay? Remember, the name your Nationwide PPO Doctor Network is: First Health. This is what
you will want to let your doctor know you have, okay?
Again, (first name) although you are able to contact your carrier directly and they are very nice people, they
literally get paid minimum wage to read the answers to your questions off a piece of paper. Everyone here at
Simple Health is fully licensed, trained on your policy, and here to help you. Please keep in touch with us for
any question or concerns about your plan. Now I am going to transfer you to the verification department to get
you APPROVED. Do you have any questions before I transfer you?
CALL ME BACK, OKAY? This is really done for your protection to ensure you understand what you are
purchasing. Great. I’m so happy we were able to find you a plan that’s going to meet your needs & budget at the
same time! One moment please let me transfer you.
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5:34 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
Ordinary Income/Expense
Total Income
500 · HIIQ
500.01 · Core 23,380,670$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 23,380,670$
500.02 · Ancillary Products 76,250,468 - - - - 76,250,468
500.03 · Renewals 18,594,711 - - - - 18,594,711
500.04 · Bonus 4,931,374 - - - - 4,931,374
500.05 · Contra (Giveback) (4,450,000) - - - - (4,450,000)
500.06 · Shared Revenue (170,594) - - - - (170,594)
500 · HIIQ - Other 4,187,125 - - - 19,147 4,206,273
Total 500 · HIIQ 122,723,754 - - - 19,147 122,742,901$
501 · Axis Legion Limited
501.01 · Core 21,786,183 - - - - 21,786,183
501.02 · Renewals 2,668,572
- - - - 2,668,572
501.03 · Shared Revenue (70,974) - - - - (70,974)
501 · Axis Legion Limited - Other 874,652 - - - - 874,652
Total 501 · Axis Legion Limited 25,258,434 - - - - 25,258,434
502 · WPA
502.01 · Core 792,360 - - - - 792,360
502.02 · Dental 296,470 - - - - 296,470
502.03 · Renewals 1,878,389 - - - - 1,878,389
502.04 · WPA / Adroit - Our Merchant 7,615 - - - - 7,615
502.05 · WPA / Adroit - Chargebacks (315) - - - - (315)
502.06 · WPA 4 Core Health 376,772 - - - - 376,772
502.07 · WPA 4 Core Health - Chargebacks (3,820) - - - - (3,820)
Total 502 · WPA 3,347,471 - -
- - 3,347,471
503 · GetMed PatriotHealth
503.01 · Core 356,124 - - - - 356,124
503.02 · Renewals 1,655,120 - - - - 1,655,120
Total 503 · GetMed PatriotHealth 2,011,244 - - - - 2,011,244
504 · NCE/Unified
504.01 · Unified - Core 459,143 - - - - 459,143
504.02 · Unified - Renewals 1,132,907 - - - - 1,132,907
504.03 · Premier - Core 1,173,821 - - - - 1,173,821
504.04 · Premier - Renewals 454,160 - - - - 454,160
504 · NCE/Unified - Other - - - - - -
Total 504 · NCE/Unified 3,220,031 - - - - 3,220,031
505 · Careington 27,295 - - - - 27,295
506 · A1 Health Adroit -OLD
506.01 · Core 595,348 - - -
- 595,348
506.02 · Renewals 818,417 - - - - 818,417
Total 506 · A1 Health Adroit -OLD 1,413,765 - - - - 1,413,765
Page 1 of 7
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5:34 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
507 · National Dental Savings
507.01 · NDS Gross Sales 33,147 - - - - 33,147
507.02 · NDS Chargebacks (2,228) - - - - (2,228)
Total 507 · National Dental Savings 30,919 - - - - 30,919
543 · Downline - All Web 702601
543.01 · Core 24,494 - - - - 24,494
543.02 · Core - Legion 81,368 - - - - 81,368
543.03 · Ancillary Products 93,994 - - - - 93,994
543.04 · Renewals 384,432 - - - - 384,432
Total 543 · Downline - All Web 702601 584,287 - - - - 584,287
544 · Downline - All Web 702602
544.01 · Core 271,747 - - - - 271,747
544.02 · Core - Legion 431,246 - - - - 431,246
544.03 · Ancillary Products 352,941 - - -
- 352,941
544.04 · Renewals 1,566,734 - - - - 1,566,734
544.05 · Shared Revenue (1,657,139) - - - (316,846) (1,973,985)
Total 544 · Downline - All Web 702602 965,530 - - - (316,846) 648,684
545 · Downline - Helping Hands Health
545.01 · Core 128,448 - - - - 128,448
545.03 · Ancillary Products 50,353 - - - - 50,353
545.04 · Renewals 706,619 - - - - 706,619
Total 545 · Downline - Helping Hands Health 885,420 - - - - 885,420
546 · Downline - Brian Fife
546.01 · Core 12,635 - - - - 12,635
546.02 · Core - Legion 580 - - - - 580
546.03 · Ancillary Products 1,431 - - - - 1,431
546.04 · Renewals 71,068
- - - - 71,068
Total 546 · Downline - Brian Fife 85,715 - - - - 85,715
547 · All Others 539,384 - - 69 - 539,453
548 · Fees - SIL Lead Gen
548.01 · Lead Gen Rev - HBO 45 - - - 6,797,067 6,797,112
548.02 · Lead Gen Rev - 3rd Part
356 - - - 4,280,339 4,280,695
Total 548 · Fees - SIL Lead Gen 401 - - - 11,077,406 11,077,807
549 · Mgmt Processing Fees
549.01 · Mgmt Proc Fees - HBO - - 850,500 573,000 60,622,311 62,045,811
549.02 · Mgmt Proc Fees - SIL 210,000 - - 900 - 210,900
549.05 · Mgmt Proc Fees - SBO 172,000 - - - - 172,000
549.06 · Mgmt Proc Fees - ICC - - - - - -
549.07 · Mgmt Proc Fees - HCM - 15,050 - - - 15,050
549.08 · Mgmt Proc Fees - HBC Direct - - - - - -
549.09 · Mgmt Proc Fees - SHP - - - - - -
Total 549 · Mgmt Processing Fees 382,000 15,050 850,500 573,900 60,622,311 62,443,761
550 · Back Processing Ops
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5:34 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
550.01 · WPA - Commissions 478 - - - - 478
550.02 · WPA - Training 6,580 - - - - 6,580
550.03 · WPA - Customer Service 331,289 - - - - 331,289
550.04 · QQUS - Leads Transfers 26,936 - - - - 26,936
Total 550 · Back Processing Ops 365,283 - - - - 365,283
591 · Fees - Health Life ADB 31,396,111 - - (332,745) - 31,063,366
592 · Fees - Dental Vision RX
592.01 · Dental - HIIQ 2,890,130 - - 332,745 - 3,222,875
592.02 · Dental - WPA 996,019 - - - - 996,019
592.03 · Dental Rx - Careington 566,343 - - - - 566,343
Total 592 · Fees - Dental Vision RX 4,452,491 - - 332,745 - 4,785,237
593 · Fees - Downline
593.01 · AmeriQuote Fees 3,281 - - - - 3,281
Total 593 · Fees - Downline
3,281 - - - - 3,281
594 · Medicare - - - 22,913 - 22,913
595 · Life Insurance
595.01 · AIG - New - - - 21,286 - 21,286
595.03 · Forester - New - - - 33,678 - 33,678
595.04 · Forester - Renewals - - - 1,829 - 1,829
595.05 · United of Omaha - New - - - 13,088 - 13,088
595.07 · Fidelity - Renewals - - - - - -
Total 595 · Life Insurance - - - 69,880 - 69,880
Total Total Income 197,692,815 15,050 850,500 666,762 71,402,019 270,627,146
Total Income 197,692,815 15,050 850,500 666,762 71,402,019 270,627,146
Cost of Goods Sold
600 · Total COGS
601 · Leads Cost 35,629,398 - - 325,660 72,051,691 108,006,748
602 · Media Buys 1,152 - - - 9,543,415 9,544,566
603 · Earnings 17,442,183 - - 65,358 - 17,507,541
604 · Bonuses 89,655 - - - - 89,655
605 · Spiffs 754,596 - - 2,460 - 757,056
606 · Referral Bonus 34,600 - - - - 34,600
607 · Sign-on Bonus 86,500 - - - - 86,500
608 · Dental Care Rx Costs 148,506 - - - - 148,506
609 · Total Proc Fees
609.01 · Proc Fees - HBO - - - 172,000 210,000 382,000
609.02 · Proc Fees - SIL 60,622,311 - - - - 60,622,311
609.03 · Proc Fees - HBCC 9,154,788 - - - - 9,154,788
609.04 · Proc Fees - Omfri 6,526,437 - - - - 6,526,437
609.05 · Proc Fees - SBO
573,000 - - - 900 573,900
609.06 · Proc Fees - ICC 850,500 - - - - 850,500
609.09 · Proc Fees - SHP 2,300 - - - - 2,300
609.10 · Proc Fees - Gen 127,188 - - - 81 127,268
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5:34 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
Total 609 · Total Proc Fees 77,856,523 - - 172,000 210,981 78,239,504
610 · Ins Carrier Costs
610.01 · National Dental Savings 58,489 - - - - 58,489
610.02 · WP
79,015 - - - - 79,015
Total 610 · Ins Carrier Costs 137,503 - - - - 137,503
Total 600 · Total COGS 132,180,615 - - 565,478 81,806,086 214,552,179
Total COGS 132,180,615 - - 565,478 81,806,086 214,552,179
Gross Profit 65,512,200 15,050 850,500 101,284 (10,404,067) 56,074,967
700 · G&A
711 · Total Advertising
711.01 · Advert & Promo 1,833 - - - 13,523 15,355
711 · Total Advertising - Other 115,020 - - - - 115,020
Total 711 · Total Advertising 116,852 - - - 13,523 130,375
712 · Total Mktg
712.01 · Mkting & Promo 173,386 - - - 35,021 208,407
712.02 · Gifts 36,779 - - - - 36,779
Total 712 · Total Mktg 210,166 - -
- 35,021 245,186
714 · Total Bank Charges
714.01 · Bank Charges 69,821 515 120 1,236 6,433 78,125
714.02 · Merchant Fees 20,820 - - 425 9,434 30,679
Total 714 · Total Bank Charges 90,641 515 120 1,661 15,867 108,804
715 · Total Auto Expense
715.01 · Auto 203,888 - - - - 203,888
715.02 · Fuel 31,335 - - 8 54 31,398
715.03 · Auto Insurance 35,879 - - - - 35,879
Total 715 · Total Auto Expense 271,102 - - 8 54 271,164
717 · Uniforms 30,181 - - - - 30,181
720 · Charitable Contrib 171,286 - - - - 171,286
732 · Depreciation 2,373,423 - - - 9,457 2,382,880
734 · Dues & Subs 151,278 - - - 17,638 168,916
735 · Equipment Rental 625 - - - - 625
740 · Total Info Tech
742 · Peak 10 2,000 - - - - 2,000
743 · Equinix Inc 72,591 - - - - 72,591
744 · Terremark 84,667 - - - - 84,667
745 · Computer SW 851,605 - - 190 235,307 1,087,102
746 · Computer HW 77,635 - 100 - 6,138 83,872
747 · Repairs 72,393 - - - 700 73,093
748 · Internet 477,671 - - 9,777 13,042 500,490
749 · Cable TV Service 32,044 - - - - 32,044
740 · Total Info Tech - Other 433 - - - - 433
Total 740 · Total Info Tech 1,671,037 - 100 9,967 255,187 1,936,291
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5:34 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
750 · Total Insurance
750.01 · Ins - Off Health 69,000 - - - 1,415 70,414
750.02 · Ins - Bus Contents 22,197 - - - - 22,197
750.03 · Ins - Work Comp 118,691 - 4,662 - 13,207 136,560
750.04 · Ins - Gen Liability 414,506 - - 9,718 7,815 432,039
750.05 · Ins - Health EE - - - - 16,881 16,881
750.06 · Ins - Cyber Liabilit
17,077 - 2,710 - - 19,787
Total 750 · Total Insurance 641,470 - 7,372 9,718 39,318 697,878
751 · Total Prof Fees
751.01 · Consulting Fees 474,726 - - - 69,701 544,427
751.02 · Acctg Fees 253,315 - - - 4,000 257,315
751.03 · Legal Fees 1,829,036 - - 2,744 15,667 1,847,447
751.04 · Audit Fees 81,500 - - - - 81,500
751.05 · Temp Staffing 68,833 - - - 132,018 200,851
751.06 · Contracted Call Centers 575,685 - - - 407,395 983,081
Total 751 · Total Prof Fees 3,283,095 - - 2,744 628,782 3,914,620
754 · Postage & Ship 23,341 - - - 4,424 27,766
755 · Office Expense 915,771 - 1,666 7,245 16,221 940,902
756 · Total Payroll Exp
756.01 · Salaries - Execs 6,730,044 - - - 1,028,572 7,758,616
756.02 · Salaries - Staff US 12,772,777 - 893,426 - 3,084,938 16,751,141
756.03 · Salaries - Staff Offshore 38,019 - - - 2,005,852 2,043,872
756.04 · 1099 - Execs 1,522,454 - - - - 1,522,454
756.05 · 1099 - Staff 1,920,952 - - - 177,017 2,097,969
756.06 · Termination Pay 32,641 - - - - 32,641
756.07 · Bonus 73,812 - 4,502 - 16,336 94,650
Total 756 · Total Payroll Exp 23,090,699 - 897,929 - 6,312,715 30,301,342
757 · Total Payroll Tax Exp
757.01 · FICA - CAJA - TSS 1,152,122 - 94,943 - 675,767 1,922,833
757.02 · FUTA 27,434 - 10,100 - 18,015 55,549
757.03 · SUT
58,052 - 1,755 - 14,819 74,626
Total 757 · Total Payroll Tax Exp 1,237,608 - 106,799 - 708,600 2,053,007
758 · Payroll Fees 287,267 - 12,839 - 46,772 346,878
759 · Security & Alarm Svcs 355,679 - - - - 355,679
840 · Repairs & Maint 361,713 - - - 3,140 364,853
855 · Rent/CAM
855.01 · Rent 3,013,538 - - 40,543 221,777 3,275,858
855.02 · CAM 469,048 - - - 50,905 519,953
855 · Rent/CAM - Other 9,627 - - - - 9,627
Total 855 · Rent/CAM 3,492,213 - - 40,543 272,683 3,805,439
856 · Total Storage
856.01 · Storage - Physical 37,631 - - - - 37,631
Total 856 · Total Storage 37,631 - - - - 37,631
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5:34 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
857 · Contracted Services 268,937 - - - - 268,937
858 · Taxes & Licenses
858.01 · Licenses 888,738 - 5,948 21,890 644 917,220
858.02 · Taxes 32,883 - 261 21,836 175 55,155
858 · Taxes & Licenses - Other (142) - - - - (142)
Total 858 · Taxes & Licenses 921,480 - 6,209 43,726 819 972,233
860 · Total Recruiting
860.01 · Training 41,011 - - 1,240 4,580 46,831
860.02 · Recruiting 535,078 - - - 20,031 555,110
Total 860 · Total Recruiting 576,090 - - 1,240 24,611 601,941
867 · Telephone 926,353 - - - 64,229 990,582
868 · Total T&E
868.01 · Meals @ 50% 762,400 - - 1,178 33,828 797,405
868.02 · Meals @ 100% 451,483 - - 1,011 11,014 463,508
868.03 · Entertainment 1,625,948
- - 875 9,990 1,636,813
868.04 · Air - Rail 769,084 - - - 64,688 833,771
868.05 · Auto Rental 29,389 - - - 1,625 31,014
868.06 · Uber, Taxi, Tolls, Misc 107,363 - - - 17,108 124,471
868.07 · Hotel-Lodging 682,513 - - - 72,293 754,807
868.08 · Trade Shows 39,243 - - - 59,290 98,534
868.10 · Per Diem 38,245 - - - - 38,245
Total 868 · Total T&E 4,505,668 - - 3,063 269,837 4,778,568
869 · Total Utilities
869.01 · Utilities - Electric 152,789 - - - - 152,789
869.02 · Utilities - AC 57,377 - - - - 57,377
869.03 · Utilities - All Other 65,012 - - - - 65,012
869 · Total Utilities - Other
6,450 - - - - 6,450
Total 869 · Total Utilities 281,628 - - - - 281,628
870 · Write Off Bad Debt 514,479 - - - 53,820 568,299
Total 700 · G&
46,807,712 515 1,033,033 119,915 8,792,716 56,753,892
Total Expense 46,807,712 515 1,033,033 119,915 8,792,716 56,753,892
Net Ordinary Income 18,704,488 14,535 (182,533) (18,631) (19,196,784) (678,925)
Other Income/Expense
Other Income
910 · Total Other Income
910.01 · Interest Inc 38,092 - - - - 38,092
910.02 · Capital Gains 158,210 - - - - 158,210
910.03 · Other Income 11,672 0 - - - 11,673
910.04 · Early Pay Discount 174,894 - - 2,100 547,433 724,427
910 · Total Other Income - Other 18,443 - - - - 18,443
Total 910 · Total Other Income 401,311 0 - 2,100 547,433 950,845
Total Other Income 401,311 0 - 2,100 547,433 950,845
Other Expense
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5:34 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
920 · Total Other Expense
920.01 · Other Interest Exp 194,533 - - - - 194,533
920.02 · Settlements 917,790 - - - - 917,790
Total 920 · Total Other Expense 1,112,323 - - - - 1,112,323
930 · Gain/Loss Assets Dispositions 267,825 - - - - 267,825
9999 · Suspense - - - - - -
Total Other Expense 1,380,148 - - - - 1,380,148
Net Other Income (978,836) 0 - 2,100 547,433 (429,303)
Net Income 17,725,652$ 14,535$ (182,533)$ (16,532)$ (18,649,350)$ (1,108,228)$
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 117 of
9:48 AM
Accrual Basis
Affiliated Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
Soluciones Omfri
Institute, Inc. HBC Direct LLC
Solutions, LLC Mexico
NMS Insurance
Agency LLC,
DBA: Essential
Smart Health
Programs, Inc.
Shift Health
Solutions LLC TOTAL
Ordinary Income/Expense
Total Income
549 · Mgmt Processing Fees
549.08 · Mgmt Proc Fees - HBC Direct -$ -$ -$ 4,304$ -$ -$ -$ -$ -$ 4,304$
549.09 · Mgmt Proc Fees - SHP - - - - - - - 300 - 300
549 · Mgmt Processing Fees - Other 9,150,932 6,526,437 - - - - - - - 15,677,369
Total 549 · Mgmt Processing Fees 9,150,932 6,526,437 - 4,304 - - - 300 - 15,681,973
Total Total Income 9,150,932 6,526,437 - 4,304 - - - 300 - 15,681,973
Total Income 9,150,932 6,526,437 - 4,304 - - - 300
- 15,681,973
Cost of Goods Sold
600 · Total COGS
603 · Earnings 4,600 - - - - - - - - 4,600
604 · Bonuses 538,032 - - - - - - - - 538,032
605 · Spiffs 78,731 5 - - - - - - - 78,736
609 · Total Proc Fees
609.01 · Proc Fees - HBO - - - - - - - - - -
Total 609 · Total Proc Fees - - - - - - - - - -
Total 600 · Total COGS 621,363 5 - - - - - - - 621,368
Total COGS 621,363 5 - - - - - - - 621,368
Gross Profit 8,529,570 6,526,432 - 4,304 -
- - 300 - 15,060,605
700 · G&
711 · Total Advertising
711.01 · Advert & Promo 3,311 12,293 - - - - - - - 15,604
Total 711 · Total Advertising 3,311 12,293 - - - - - - - 15,604
712 · Total Mktg
712.01 · Mkting & Promo 3,765 5,048 - - 65 - - - - 8,878
712.02 · Gifts 4,380 4,644 - - - - - - - 9,025
Total 712 · Total Mktg 8,146 9,692 - - 65 - - - - 17,903
714 · Total Bank Charges
714.01 · Bank Charges 11,419 5,943 - 36 110 - - 400 - 17,908
714.02 · Merchant Fees
714.02 · Merchant Fees - Other - - - - 323 - - - - 323
Total 714.02 · Merchant Fees - - - - 323 - - - - 323
Total 714 · Total Bank Charges
11,419 5,943 - 36 433 - - 400 - 18,231
715 · Total Auto Expense
715.01 · Auto 190 5,942 - - - - - - - 6,132
715.02 · Fuel 274 5,073 - - 30 - - - - 5,376
715 · Total Auto Expense - Other - 1,042 - - - - - - - 1,042
Total 715 · Total Auto Expense 463 12,057 - - 30 - - - - 12,550
717 · Uniforms 1,307 1,585 - - - - - - - 2,892
732 · Depreciation 88,091 422,144 - - - - - - - 510,235
734 · Dues & Subs - 35 - - - - - - - 35
735 · Equipment Rental - 1,700
- - - - - - - 1,700
740 · Total Info Tech
745 · Computer SW 14,345 10,963 - - 2,574 - - - 8,288 36,170
746 · Computer HW 72,782 50,668 - - - - - - - 123,450
747 · Repairs 362 14,563 - - - - - - - 14,925
748 · Internet 193,112 191,313 - - 1,028 - - - 398 385,851
749 · Cable TV Service 444 2,000 - - - - - - - 2,444
Total 740 · Total Info Tech 281,045 269,507 - - 3,601 - - - 8,686 562,840
750 · Total Insurance
750.01 · Ins - Off Health 1,260 - - - - - - - - 1,260
750.04 · Ins - Gen Liab
ility - 4,168 - - 54,482 - 7,919 - - 66,569
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9:48 AM
Accrual Basis
Affiliated Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
Soluciones Omfri
Institute, Inc. HBC Direct LLC
Solutions, LLC Mexico
NMS Insurance
Agency LLC,
DBA: Essential
Smart Health
Programs, Inc.
Shift Health
Solutions LLC TOTAL
Total 750 · Total Insurance 1,260 4,168 - - 54,482 - 7,919 - - 67,829
751 · Total Prof Fees
751.01 · Consulting Fees 3,932 27,868 - - 99,609 - - - 40,000 171,409
751.02 · Acctg Fees 11,858 44,266 - - 7,500 - - - - 63,624
751.03 · Legal Fees 27,725 81,655 - - - - - - - 109,380
751.04 · Audit Fees - 568 - - - - - - - 568
751.05 · Temp Staffing 615 227 - - - - - - - 842
Total 751 · Total Prof Fees 44,130 154,585 - - 107,109 - - - 40,000 345,824
754 · Postage & Ship 5,581 284 - - 1,364 - - - - 7,229
755 · Office Expense 218,082 595,673 - - 1,589 - - - 64 815,408
756 · Total Payroll Exp
756.03 · Salaries - Staff Offshore 5,907,391 4,405,722 - - - - - - - 10,313,113
756.05 · 1099 - Staff - 1,221 - - - - - - - 1,221
756.06 · Termination Pay 604,664 560,057 - - - - - - - 1,164,721
Total 756 · Total Payroll Exp 6,512,055 4,967,000 - - - - - - - 11,479,055
757 · Total Payroll Tax Exp
757.01 · FICA - CAJA - TSS 1,040,427 593,025 - - - - - - - 1,633,452
757 · Total Payroll Tax Exp - Other - 6 - - - - - - - 6
Total 757 · Total Payroll Tax Exp 1,040,427 593,031 - - - - - - - 1,633,457
758 · Payroll Fees 80 49 - - - - 581 - 589 1,299
759 · Security & Alarm Svcs 1,133 18,984 - - - - - - - 20,117
840 · Repairs & Maint 51,775 115,650 - - - - - - - 167,425
855 · Rent/CAM
855.01 · Rent 718,689 819,544 - - - - - - - 1,538,233
855.02 · CAM 86,944 356,402 - - - - - - - 443,345
855 · Rent/CAM - Other - - - - - - - - 8,036 8,036
Total 855 · Rent/CAM 805,632 1,175,946 - - - - - - 8,036 1,989,614
858 · Taxes & Licenses
858.01 · Licenses 1,075 4,972 - 4,373 51,982 - 27,203 - 35,539 125,144
858.02 · Taxes 1,593 96,220 - - 11,462 - 75 - 85 109,436
858 · Taxes & Licenses - Other 441 - - - - - - - - 441
Total 858 · Taxes & Licenses 3,109 101,192 - 4,373 63,445 - 27,278 - 35,624 235,021
860 · Total Recruiting
860.01 · Training - 4,289 - - 430 - - - - 4,719
860.02 · Recruiting 2,626 10,122 - - - - - - - 12,748
860 · Total Recruiting - Other - 163 - - - - - - - 163
Total 860 · Total Recruiting 2,626 14,573
- - 430 - - - - 17,629
867 · Telephone 6,934 37,115 - - - - - - - 44,049
868 · Total T&E
868.01 · Meals @ 50
14,116 10,460 - - - - - - - 24,576
868.02 · Meals @ 100
35,852 90,153 - - - - - - - 126,005
868.03 · Entertainment 44,214 10,053 - - - - - - - 54,267
868.04 · Air - Rail 79,407 6,418 - - - - - - - 85,826
868.06 · Uber, Taxi, Tolls, Misc 2,267 27,950 - - - - - - - 30,216
868.07 · Hotel-Lodging 13,423 8,307 - - - - - - - 21,730
868.08 · Trade Shows - 5,309 - - - - - - - 5,309
868.09 · Local Transport - DR 80 292,614 - - - - - - - 292,694
868.10 · Per Diem - 875 - - - - - - - 875
Total 868 · Total T&E 189,359 452,140 - - - - - - - 641,498
869 · Total Utilities
869.01 · Utilities - Electric 156,133 286,602 - - - - - - - 442,735
869.02 · Utilities - AC 7,975 834 - - - - - - - 8,809
869.03 · Utilities - All OTher 3,750 9,613 - - - - - - - 13,363
Total 869 · Total Utilities 167,858 297,049 - - - - - - - 464,907
Total 700 · G&
9,443,823 9,262,395 - 4,409 232,547 - 35,778 400 92,999 19,072,351
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9:48 AM
Accrual Basis
Affiliated Entities
Consolidated Profit and Loss
Inception through October 2018
Health Benefits
Soluciones Omfri
Institute, Inc. HBC Direct LLC
Solutions, LLC Mexico
NMS Insurance
Agency LLC,
DBA: Essential
Smart Health
Programs, Inc.
Shift Health
Solutions LLC TOTAL
Total Expense 9,443,823 9,262,395 - 4,409 232,547 - 35,778 400 92,999 19,072,351
Net Ordinary Income (914,253) (2,735,963) - (105) (232,547) - (35,778) (100) (92,999) (4,011,745)
Other Income/Expense
Other Income
910 · Total Other Income
910.01 · Interest Inc - 16 - - - - - - - 16
Total 910 · Total Other Income - 16 - - - - - - - 16
Total Other Income - 16 - - - - - - - 16
Other Expense
920 · Total Other Expense
920.02 · Settlements - 76,625 - - - - - - - 76,625
Total 920 · Total Other Expense - 76,625 - - - - - - - 76,625
930 · Gain/Loss Assets Dispositions 118,524
- - - - - - - - 118,524
Total Other Expense 118,524 76,625 - - - - - - - 195,149
Net Other Income (118,524) (76,609) - - - - - - - (195,133)
Net Income (1,032,777)$ (2,812,572)$ -$ (105)$ (232,547)$ -$ (35,778)$ (100)$ (92,999)$ (4,206,878)$
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 121 of
5:22 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of October 31, 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
Current Assets
100 · Total Cash in Banks
101 · HBO Bank Accounts
101.01 · 6444 - Chase Ops (4,859)$ -$ -$ -$ -$ (4,859)$
101.02 · 7310 - Chase Payroll (27,920) - - - - (27,920)
101.05 · 1008 - AMEX Savings (new) (3,727) - - - - (3,727)
101.06 · TD Ameritrade MMA 3,192 - - - - 3,192
101.09 · 6510 - Wells Merchant 806 - - - - 806
101.10 · 6805 - Wells Fargo MMA 544 - - - - 544
101.13 · 9606 - HBO IBERIA Ops 509,219 - - - - 509,219
101.14 · 9614 - HBO IBERIA Reserve 31,543 - - - - 31,543
101.15 · 9622 - HBO IBERIA Payroll 150 - - - - 150
101.16 · UBS Financial Services 5,430,319 - - - - 5,430,319
Total 101 · HBO Bank Accounts 5,939,267
- - - - 5,939,267$
102 · SIL Bank Accounts
102.01 · 3639 - Chase SIL Ops - - - - 23,086 23,086
102.04 · 9630 - IBERIA SIL Ops - - - - 103,093 103,093
Total 102 · SIL Bank Accounts - - - - 126,179 126,179
105 · SBO Bank Accounts
105.01 · 5910 - Chase SBO Ops - - - 1,482 - 1,482
105.03 · 9657 - IBERIA SBO Ops - - - 3,373 - 3,373
Total 105 · SBO Bank Accounts - - - 4,855 - 4,855
107 · HCM Bank Accounts
107.02 · 9673 - IBERIA HCM Ops - 5,535 - - - 5,535
Total 107 · HCM Bank Accounts - 5,535 - - - 5,535
110 · ICC Bank Accounts
110.03 · 9681 - IBERIA ICC Ops - - 9,327 - - 9,327
Total 110 · ICC Bank Accounts - - 9,327 - - 9,327
121 · Total Petty Cash
121.01 · Hollywood 1,506 - - -
- 1,506
Total 121 · Total Petty Cash 1,506 - - - - 1,506
122 · Merchant Suspense - - - - 449 449
Total 100 · Total Cash in Banks 5,940,773 5,535 9,327 4,855 126,628 6,087,119
Total Checking/Savings 5,940,773 5,535 9,327 4,855 126,628 6,087,119
Accounts Receivable
130 · Accounts Receivable 85,160 - - - 208,699 293,859
Total Accounts Receivable 85,160 - - - 208,699 293,859
Other Current Assets
170 · B2B Loan 60,000 - - - - 60,000
180 · Ownership - SIL LLC 28,773 - - - - 28,773
190 · Employee Loan - Richard Dorfman 469,985 - 20,000 20 - 490,005
213 · Prepaid Rent
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 122 of
5:22 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of October 31, 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
213 · Prepaid Rent - Other 28,403 - - - - 28,403
Total 213 · Prepaid Rent 28,403 - - - - 28,403
214 · Prepaid Software
214.02 · FTC - Do Not Call List 4,255 - - - - 4,255
Total 214 · Prepaid Software 4,255 - - - - 4,255
216 · Prepaid VA Auto Lease 6,036 - - - - 6,036
217 · Prepaid Insurance
217.01 · Gen Liability 5,636 - - - - 5,636
217.02 · Cyber Liability 1,687 - - - - 1,687
217.03 · Auto 10,176 - - - - 10,176
Total 217 · Prepaid Insurance 17,499 - - - - 17,499
Total Other Current Assets 614,950 - 20,000 20 - 634,970
Total Current Assets 6,640,884 5,535 29,327 4,875 335,327 7,015,948
Fixed Assets
300 · Total Fixed Assets
301 · Furniture 932,470 -
- - - 932,470
302 · Vehicles
302.01 · Vehicle 1 RRovr 163,930 - - - - 163,930
302.02 · Vehicle 2 Lambo 389,064 - - - - 389,064
302.04 · Vehicle 4 RRoic 209,538 - - - - 209,538
Total 302 · Vehicles 762,533 - - - - 762,533
303 · Equipment
303.01 · Terramark 409,455 - - - - 409,455
303.02 · Peak 10 307,260 - - - - 307,260
303.03 · Equip. All Other 633,951 - - - - 633,951
Total 303 · Equipment 1,350,667 - - - - 1,350,667
305 · Leasehold Imp 421,913 - - - - 421,913
306 · Moving & Setup 87,418 - - - - 87,418
307 · Accum Depr (2,217,621) -
- - 0 (2,217,621)
300 · Total Fixed Assets - Other (100) - - - - (100)
Total 300 · Total Fixed Assets 1,337,278 - - - 0 1,337,279
Total Fixed Assets 1,337,278 - - - 0 1,337,279
Other Assets
220 · Security Deposits 114,240 - - - - 114,240
Total Other Assets 114,240 - - - - 114,240
TOTAL ASSETS 8,092,402 5,535 29,327 4,875 335,327 8,467,467
Current Liabilities
Accounts Payable
230 · Accounts Payable 113,135 - - - 405,418 518,552
Total Accounts Payable 113,135 - - - 405,418 518,552
Credit Cards
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5:22 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of October 31, 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
245 · IBERIA Total Credit Cards
245.01 · 5734 - IBERIA HBO Parent Card (223,378) - - - - (223,378)
245.02 · 5742 - Steve Dorfman 142 - - - - 142
245.04 · 5767 - E. Shawn Gibson 51 - - - - 51
245.05 · 5775 - John Sand 67,771 - - - - 67,771
245.06 · 5783 - Robert Traitz 701 - - - - 701
245.07 · 5791 - Cameron Girouard 81 - - - - 81
245.08 · 5809 - Shelly Melcher 11,437 - - - - 11,437
245.09 · 5817 - Jessica Jarecki 4,872 - - - - 4,872
245.10 · 5825 - Monica Minor 2,610 - - - - 2,610
245.15 · 7714 - Candida Girouard 16,070 - - - - 16,070
245.11 · 5965 - IBERIA SIL Parent Card - - - - (2,662) (2,662)
245.14 · 5999 - Kimberly O'Connell - - - - 12,443 12,443
Total 245 · IBERIA Total Credit Cards (119,643)
- - - 9,781 (109,862)
247 · AMEX Platinum #16007 6,475 - - - - 6,475
248 · AMEX Black #11006 18,657 - - - - 18,657
249 · AMEX Plum HBO #31000 21,090 - - - - 21,090
250 · AMEX Plum SIL #91007 - - - - 511,220 511,220
255 · AMEX Plum SIL #61007 - - - - (94,288) (94,288)
Total Credit Cards (73,421) - - - 426,714 353,293
Other Current Liabilities
240 · Total Accrued Liabilities
240.04 · Accrued FICA Caja TSS 11,195 - - - - 11,195
Total 240 · Total Accrued Liabilities 11,195 - - - - 11,195
265 · UBS Debt 2,855,294 - - - - 2,855,294
360 · Total Deferred Revenue
360.01 · Def Rev - Hii 8,287,478 - - - - 8,287,478
Total 360 · Total Deferred Revenue 8,287,478
- - - - 8,287,478
370 · Deferred Rent
370 · Deferred Rent - Other 305,617 - - - - 305,617
Total 370 · Deferred Rent 305,617 - - - - 305,617
380 · Total Auto Loan
380.01 · LBO Lease 126,777 - - - - 126,777
380.02 · LBO Balloon 5,000 - - - - 5,000
Total 380 · Total Auto Loan 131,777 - - - - 131,777
Total Other Current Liabilities 11,591,362 - - - - 11,591,362
Total Current Liabilities 11,631,075 - - - 832,131 12,463,206
Total Liabilities 11,631,075 - - - 832,131 12,463,206
400 · Total Equity
410 · Distributions (4,459,957) (10,000) - - (10,048) (4,480,005)
454 · Distribution - InterCo
454.01 · Distribution to HBO - - (98,078)
(60,000) (9,037,180) (9,195,258)
454.02 · Distribution to SIL (17,651,443) - - (350,000) - (18,001,443)
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5:22 PM
Accrual Basis
Receivership Entities
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of October 31, 2018
Health Benefits
One, LLC
Health Center
Customer Care
Senior Benefits
Simple Insurance
454.03 · Distribution to HBCC (4,566,821) - - - 25,699 (4,541,122)
454.04 · Distribution to Sol Omfri (9,133,786) - - - 1,580,006 (7,553,779)
454.05 · Distribution to SBO (431,467) - - - - (431,467)
454.06 · Distribution to HBC Direct (152,500) - - - - (152,500)
454.07 · Distribution to HCM (16,050) - - - - (16,050)
454.09 · Distribution to ICC (309,938) - - - - (309,938)
454.11 · Distribution to SHIFT (102,000) - - - - (102,000)
454.12 · Distribution to NMS (102,000) - - - - (102,000)
454.13 · Distribution to IIS (66,154) - - - - (66,154)
Total 454 · Distribution - InterCo (32,532,159) - (98,078) (410,000) (7,431,475) (40,471,712)
455 · Paid In Capital - InterCo
455.01 · Paid In Capital - HBO - 16,050 309,938 431,467 17,651,443
455.02 · Paid In Capital - SIL 9,037,180 - - - - 9,037,180
455.03 · Paid In Capital - HBCC 3,462,474 - - - 6,178 3,468,653
455.04 · Paid In Capital - Sol Omfri 3,431,248 - - - 738,035 4,169,283
455.05 · Paid In Capital - SBO 60,000 - - - 350,000 410,000
455.06 · Paid In Capital - HBC Direct 145,000 - - - - 145,000
455.08 · Paid In Capital - SHP 1,900 - - - - 1,900
455.09 · Paid In Capital - ICC 98,078 - - - - 98,078
Total 455 · Paid In Capital - InterCo 16,235,880 16,050 309,938 431,467 18,745,657 35,738,992
Total 400 · Total Equity (20,756,237) 6,050 211,860 21,467 11,304,134 (9,212,725)
470 · Retained Earnings (6,797,296) (440) 27,995 11,976 4,330,739 (2,427,026)
Net Income 24,014,860
(75) (210,528) (28,568) (16,131,677) 7,644,013
Total Equit
(3,538,672) 5,535 29,327 4,875 (496,804) (3,995,739)
8,092,402$ 5,535$ 29,327$ 4,875$ 335,327$ 8,467,467$
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 126 of
9:29 AM
Accrual Basis
Affiliated Entities
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of October 31, 2018
Health Benefits
Soluciones Omfri
Institute, Inc. HBC Direct LLC
Solutions, LLC Mexico
NMS Insurance
Agency LLC,
DBA: Essential
Smart Health
Programs, Inc.
Shift Health
Solutions LLC TOTAL
Current Asset
100 ꞏ Total Cash In Banks
103 ꞏ HBCC Bank Accounts
103.01 ꞏ 1229 - LaFise HBCC Ops 15,662$ -
103.02 ꞏ 1255 - LaFise HBCC Payroll 51 - - - - - - - - 51
Total 103 ꞏ HBCC Bank Accounts 15,713 - - - - - - - - 15,713
104 ꞏ Sol Omfri Bank Account
104.01 ꞏ 6746 - Popular Ops DRP - 7,684 - - - - - - - 7,684
104.02 ꞏ 0296 - Popular Payroll DRP - 12,420 - - - - - - - 12,420
104.03 ꞏ 6795 - Popular Deposits USD - 759,816 - - - - - - - 759,816
Total 104 ꞏ Sol Omfri Bank Account
- 779,921 - - - - - - - 779,921
106 ꞏ HBC Direct
106.02 ꞏ 9711 - IBERIA HBC Direct Op
- - - 5,895 - - - - - 5,895
Total 106 ꞏ HBC Direc
- - - 5,895 - - - - - 5,895
111 ꞏ IIS Bank Account
111.04 ꞏ 0019 - IIS Iberia Op
- - - - 222,344 - - - - 222,344
111.05 ꞏ 0035 - IIS Iberia Payrol
- - - - 1,410 - - - - 1,410
111.06 ꞏ 0027 - IIS Iberia Merchan
- - - - 817 - - - - 817
Total 111 ꞏ IIS Bank Account
- - - - 224,571 - - - - 224,571
112 ꞏ SHIFT Bank Account
112.01 - 6633 Chase Ops - - - - - - - - (5,546) (5,546)
112.02 ꞏ 9754 Iberia Op
- - - - - - - - 3,572 3,572
112.03 ꞏ 9762 Iberia Pa
- - - - - - - - 1,000 1,000
Total 112 ꞏ SHIFT Bank Account
- - - - - - - - (974) (974)
9738 - NMS Iberia Op
- - - - - - 65,222 - - 65,222
9746 - NMS Iberia Pa
- - - - - - 1,000 - - 1,000
100 ꞏ Total Cash In Banks - Othe
- - - - (3,317) - - - - (3,317)
Total 100 ꞏ Total Cash In Bank
15,713 779,921 - 5,895 221,254 - 66,222 - (974) 1,088,031
100 Total Cash in Banks
Total Checking/Savings 15,713 779,921 - 5,895 221,254 - 66,222 - (974) 1,088,031
Other Current Asset
213 ꞏ Prepaid Ren
213 ꞏ Prepaid Rent - Othe
27,016 - - - - - - - 2,055 29,071
Total 213 ꞏ Prepaid Ren
27,016 - - - - - - - 2,055 29,071
217 ꞏ Prepaid Insurance
217.01 ꞏ Gen Liabilit
- - - - - - - - 7,919 7,919
Total 217 ꞏ Prepaid Insuranc
- - - - - - - - 7,919 7,919
Total Other Current Asset
27,016 - - - - - - - 9,974 36,991
Total Current Asset
42,729 779,921 - 5,895 221,254 - 66,222 - 9,001 1,125,021
Other Asset
220 ꞏ Security Deposits 26,403 11,408 - - - - - - - 37,811
Total Other Asset
26,403 11,408 - - - - - - - 37,811
69,132 791,329 - 5,895 221,254 - 66,222 - 9,001 1,162,832
Current Liabilities
Other Current Liabilitie
240 ꞏ Total Accrued Liabilitie
240.02 ꞏ Accrued Payrol
8,524 - - - - - - - - 8,524
240.04 ꞏ Accrued FICA Caja TS
0 - - - - - - - - 0
240.05 ꞏ Accrued Expenses - Genera
17,976 76,625 - - - - - - - 94,601
Total 240 ꞏ Total Accrued Liabilitie
26,500 76,625 - - - - - - - 103,125
370 ꞏ Deferred Ren
370 ꞏ Deferred Rent - Othe
2,940 0 - - - - - - - 2,940
Total 370 ꞏ Deferred Ren
2,940 0 - - - - - - - 2,940
Total Other Current Liabilitie
29,440 76,625 - - - - - - - 106,065
Total Current Liabilitie
29,440 76,625 - - - - - - - 106,065
Total Liabilities 29,440 76,625 - - - - - - - 106,065
Page 1 of 2
Exhibit I
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 127 of
9:29 AM
Accrual Basis
Affiliated Entities
Consolidated Balance Sheet
As of October 31, 2018
Health Benefits
Soluciones Omfri
Institute, Inc. HBC Direct LLC
Solutions, LLC Mexico
NMS Insurance
Agency LLC,
DBA: Essential
Smart Health
Programs, Inc.
Shift Health
Solutions LLC TOTAL
400 ꞏ Total Equit
410 ꞏ Distributions - - - - (100,000) - - - - (100,000)
450.05 ꞏ Members Capital - R. Dorfma
- - - - 553,801 - - - - 553,801
454 ꞏ Distribution - InterC
454.01 ꞏ Distribution to HB
(3,462,474) (3,431,248) - (145,000) - - - (1,900) 100,000 (6,940,622)
454.02 ꞏ Distribution to SI
(6,178) (738,035) - - - - - - - (744,214)
454.04 ꞏ Distribution to Sol Omfr
- 525,976 - - (66,154) - - - - 459,822
Total 454 ꞏ Distribution - InterC
(3,468,653) (3,643,307) - (145,000) (66,154) - - (1,900) 100,000 (7,225,014)
455 ꞏ Paid in Capital - InterC
455.01 ꞏ Paid In Capital - HB
4,566,821 8,684,435 - 152,500 66,154 - 100,000 2,000 - 13,571,910
455.02 ꞏ Paid In Capital - SI
(25,699) (1,580,006) - - - - - - - (1,605,705)
455.13 ꞏ Paid In Capital - II
- 66,154 - - - - - - - 66,154
Total 455 ꞏ Paid in Capital - InterC
4,541,122 7,170,583 - 152,500 66,154 - 100,000 2,000 - 12,032,359
450.06 ꞏ Members Capital - SHIF
- - - - - - - - 2,000 2,000
Total 400 ꞏ Total Equit
1,072,470 3,527,276 - 7,500 453,801 - 100,000 100 102,000 5,263,146
470 ꞏ Retained Earnings (59,758) - - - (121,726) - - 80 - (181,404)
Net Income (973,019) (2,646,672) - (1,605) (110,821) - (35,778) (180) (92,999) (3,861,075)
470 ꞏ Retained Earnings (Undistributed earning - (165,900) - - - - - - - (165,900)
Members Capital - NMS - - - - - - 2,000 - - 2,000
Total Equity 39,693 714,704 - 5,895 221,254 - 66,222 - 9,001 1,056,767
69,132$ 791,329$ -$ 5,895$ 221,254$ -$ 66,222$ -$ 9,001$ 1,162,832$
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 129 of
Exhibit J
QuickBooks Cash Account
HBC Direct LLC 106.01 · 0103 - Chase HBC Ops
HBC Direct LLC 106.02 · 9711 - IBERIA HBC Direct Ops
Health Benefits Center Corporation 103.01 · 1229 - LaFise HBCC Ops
Health Benefits Center Corporation 103.02 · 1255 - LaFise HBCC Payroll
Health Benefits One, LLC 0336_Chase Matt
Health Benefits One, LLC 0661_Chase VVI Ops
Health Benefits One, LLC 1008 Amex Savings
Health Benefits One, LLC 101.01 · 6444 - Chase Ops
Health Benefits One, LLC 121.01_Hollywood
Health Benefits One, LLC 1607_Chase Steve Cl
Health Benefits One, LLC 6510_Wells Merchant
Health Benefits One, LLC 6805_WF MM
Health Benefits One, LLC 6845_Amex Savings
Health Benefits One, LLC 7310_Chase Payroll
Health Benefits One, LLC 7519_Chase Reserve
Health Benefits One, LLC 9206_Chase S Dorfman
Health Benefits One, LLC 9606_HBO Iberia Ops
Health Benefits One, LLC 9614_HBO Iberia Reserve
Health Benefits One, LLC 9622_HBO Iberia Payroll
Health Benefits One, LLC TD Ameritrade MM
Health Benefits One, LLC UBS Financial Services
Health Center Management Corporation 1628 - Chase HCM Bus. Select
Health Center Management Corporation 9673 - IBERIA HCM Ops
Innovative Customer Care LLC 5162 - Chase ICC Ops
Innovative Customer Care LLC 5170 - Chase ICC Payroll
Innovative Customer Care LLC 9681 - IBERIA ICC Ops
Innovative Customer Care LLC 9703 - IBERIA ICC Payroll
iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC 0019 - IIS Iberia Ops
iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC 0027 - IIS Iberia Merchant
iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC 0035 - IIS Iberia Payroll
iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC 2038 - Chase IIS Ops
iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC 2053 - Chase IIS Payroll
iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC 2061 - Chase IIS Reserve
iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC TOTAL CASH IN BANKS - Othe
NMS Insurance Agency LLC 7830 - NMS Chase Ops
NMS Insurance Agency LLC 9738 - NMS Iberia Ops
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts.
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
List of Cash Accounts Utilized
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 130 of
Exhibit J
QuickBooks Cash Account
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts.
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
List of Cash Accounts Utilized
NMS Insurance Agency LLC 9746 - NMS Iberia Pa
Senior Benefits One LLC 5910 - Chase SBO Ops
Senior Benefits One LLC 7106 - Chase SBO Payroll
Senior Benefits One LLC 9657 - IBERIA SBO Ops
Senior Benefits One LLC 9665 - IBERIA SBO Payroll
Shift Health Solutions, LLC 6633 Chase Ops
Shift Health Solutions, LLC 9754 Iberia Ops
Shift Health Solutions, LLC 9762 Iberia Pa
Simple Insurance Leads, LLC 102.01 · 3639 - Chase SIL Ops
Simple Insurance Leads, LLC 102.02 · 9171 - Chase SIL Payroll
Simple Insurance Leads, LLC 102.03 · 0195 - Chase SIL Reserve
Simple Insurance Leads, LLC 102.04 · 9630 - IBERIA SIL Ops
Simple Insurance Leads, LLC 102.05 · 9649 - IBERIA SIL Payroll
Simple Insurance Leads, LLC 122 · Merchant Suspense
Smart Health Programs, Inc 3362 - Chase NY Payroll
Smart Health Programs, Inc 3370 - Chase NY Reserve
Smart Health Programs, Inc 7616 - Chase NY Ops
Soluciones Omfri SRL 0296 - Popular Payroll DRP
Soluciones Omfri SRL 121.04 · Sol Omfri (Petty Cash)
Soluciones Omfri SRL 1419 - Reservas Ops DRP
Soluciones Omfri SRL 1509 - Reservas Deposits USD
Soluciones Omfri SRL 4465 - Reservas Payroll DRP
Soluciones Omfri SRL 6746 - Popular Ops DRP
Soluciones Omfri SRL 6795 - Popular Deposits USD
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 132 of
Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Beginning Balance Forward 158,191.86$ -$ 158,191.86$
Chase Credit Card #9985 - Mc Spiewak 2,056.89 1,601,192.07 (1,599,135.18)
Chase Credit Card #2993 - M. Spiewak 18,651.65 903,809.17 (885,157.52)
Iberia Credit Card #5734 - Health Benefits One LLC - 346,471.87 (346,471.87)
Marc Spiewak - 335,000.00 (335,000.00)
Iberia Credit Card #5965 - Simple Insurance Lead LLC - 17,854.68 (17,854.68)
Matthew Spiewak - 12,250.00 (12,250.00)
Steven Dorfman - 10,200.00 (10,200.00)
Patricia Dorfman - 6,250.00 (6,250.00)
Rachael Spiewak - 5,866.94 (5,866.94)
Richard Dorfman - 4,367.14 (4,367.14)
Spiewak & Associates 16,608.66 - 16,608.66
Insiders Subtota
37,317.20 3,243,261.87 (3,205,944.67)
American Express 49,713.09 60,672,097.83 (60,622,384.74)
ADP 85,612.55 19,945,986.93 (19,860,374.38)
Payroll - Further Investigation Required 912,788.39 14,249,418.35 (13,336,629.96)
PayCom Payroll, LLC 39,908.91 10,350,554.23 (10,310,645.32)
All Web Leads 0.35 4,901,597.12 (4,901,596.77)
Exact Match Media, LLC - 4,285,361.00 (4,285,361.00)
Domain Development Studios - 3,433,354.90 (3,433,354.90)
Go Direct Lead Generation, LLC - 3,279,555.29 (3,279,555.29)
Katch 17,482.61 1,937,802.43 (1,920,319.82)
Viber Media - 1,905,160.00 (1,905,160.00)
RevImpact, Inc. - 1,780,080.00 (1,780,080.00)
Global American Solutions 5,000.00 1,556,571.00 (1,551,571.00)
QuickQuoteUS, LLC - 1,506,914.50 (1,506,914.50)
Bright Horizons Media Inc - 1,332,078.00 (1,332,078.00)
Maedia Genix Corp - 1,253,249.00 (1,253,249.00)
HealthCare, Inc. 505,332.96 1,633,755.20 (1,128,422.24)
Aminoff and Co. LLC - 1,041,000.00 (1,041,000.00)
Get Seen Media Group, LLC - 1,027,472.53 (1,027,472.53)
Homer Bonner Jacobs, PA 15,000.00 974,497.94 (959,497.94)
Rank Media Agency - 935,232.00 (935,232.00)
DC Construction Associates - 913,001.70 (913,001.70)
Withdrawal 1,506.00 881,074.06 (879,568.06)
TSS and INFOTEP Pms 732.58 877,285.66 (876,553.08)
PJP Decoraciones - 829,132.74 (829,132.74)
Global Finance & Investments, S.A - 780,603.40 (780,603.40)
Customer Engagement Services, LLC - 655,188.00 (655,188.00)
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 133 of
Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
JC White Office Furn - 644,603.93 (644,603.93)
CSS - Caja de Seguro Social Panama - 631,269.49 (631,269.49)
G&I VIII Doral Concourse, LLC - 597,057.08 (597,057.08)
Visiqua LLC 102,357.24 696,594.24 (594,237.00)
Click2CallNetwork - 587,881.00 (587,881.00)
Barrington Media Group - 569,251.00 (569,251.00)
Further Investigation Required - Accrued Expenses: General 1,014,898.23 1,548,091.93 (533,193.70)
Koeppel Direct - 528,156.30 (528,156.30)
Health Plan Intermediaries Holdings - 523,465.00 (523,465.00)
Hyper Target Mktg - 514,175.00 (514,175.00)
DPF Venture CC Lease Mgmt, LLC - 505,457.85 (505,457.85)
11 Percent of NY, LLC 1.00 481,226.00 (481,225.00)
Boca Corporate Center - 476,996.34 (476,996.34)
OfferWeb, LLC - 453,436.00 (453,436.00)
NP 1, LLC 10,000.00 421,640.45 (411,640.45)
Peak Advertising, LLC 7,519.32 393,957.32 (386,438.00)
Ismanet Call Center Service - 383,876.91 (383,876.91)
Excel Impact, LLC - 381,148.82 (381,148.82)
Countershot Media - 371,872.00 (371,872.00)
Underground Elephant - 350,048.40 (350,048.40)
Flovalue Corp. - 348,498.00 (348,498.00)
Envyus Media Corp - 342,591.00 (342,591.00)
Quantum Digital Media, Inc. - 318,540.00 (318,540.00)
Bob Traitz 4,776.87 321,423.99 (316,647.12)
Nelson Taplin Goldwater - 310,265.60 (310,265.60)
Vision Hospitality Svcs - 306,599.41 (306,599.41)
CSPi Technology Solutions - 302,751.70 (302,751.70)
Promedia Group - 299,673.00 (299,673.00)
Torchlight Technology Group, LLC 139,802.42 435,131.00 (295,328.58)
Inside Response 286,497.56 577,349.70 (290,852.14)
RLS 5401 Partners LLC 6,350.00 295,600.00 (289,250.00)
dVeloping - 276,000.00 (276,000.00)
Salesforce.com - 269,925.63 (269,925.63)
HealthPocket, Inc. - 268,192.00 (268,192.00)
Goldwater Taplin Group - 264,613.44 (264,613.44)
Imperial PFS Corporation - 261,245.78 (261,245.78)
Cash 7,266.20 261,177.39 (253,911.19)
Edesur - 245,916.32 (245,916.32)
Direct Lead Generation LLC - 236,052.50 (236,052.50)
Fiorentino Insurance Group 5,615.53 234,232.18 (228,616.65)
Union Square Media - 227,760.50 (227,760.50)
Call Miner 17,000.00 237,650.50 (220,650.50)
Side Kick Leads, LLC - 215,882.00 (215,882.00)
Signature Fin Payment - 211,247.40 (211,247.40)
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 134 of
Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Retiro Ahorro - 211,095.00 (211,095.00)
Diesel of Houston - 210,738.32 (210,738.32)
Daszkal Bolton - 208,305.04 (208,305.04)
AT&T - 202,151.13 (202,151.13)
HBC - Commissions 133.64 198,005.35 (197,871.71)
Lead Gen Pro, LLC - 193,275.00 (193,275.00)
Manuel Mueses Transporte - 190,717.08 (190,717.08)
Further Investigation Required - Payroll - 188,801.07 (188,801.07)
Avenge Digital, LLC - 186,595.00 (186,595.00)
Incorporating Services, Ltd. 3,040.59 187,804.87 (184,764.28)
Paul Lindsay - 182,107.55 (182,107.55)
Cx3Ads - 180,875.00 (180,875.00)
Columbus Networks - 179,361.30 (179,361.30)
Innovation Direct Group - 178,920.00 (178,920.00)
HealthPlans.com - 176,820.59 (176,820.59)
Google - 172,208.98 (172,208.98)
Financial Management Resources Group Inc - 165,816.90 (165,816.90)
Norvax / Go Health - 164,844.12 (164,844.12)
HBC - Patrick Edwards 1,200.00 163,232.70 (162,032.70)
Bernard Kishoiyian - 160,190.27 (160,190.27)
Cosmopolitan Hotel/Casino Las Vegas - 158,000.00 (158,000.00)
Interiors By Steven G - 156,798.91 (156,798.91)
Intelecom International - 156,600.00 (156,600.00)
Steven Douglas Associates - 156,250.00 (156,250.00)
Job Case - 155,593.00
Ring Latino - 154,727.00 (154,727.00)
CPX Interactive - 153,521.00 (153,521.00)
Avendia Management, Inc. - 153,387.00 (153,387.00)
UpTrending - 152,685.75 (152,685.75)
Matrix Consulting, LLC - 151,912.72 (151,912.72)
FPL 7,674.29 157,219.85 (149,545.56)
Sherie Hammerman - 146,051.25 (146,051.25)
Boca T-REx Borrower LLC 70,124.48 213,786.83 (143,662.35)
Saul Suster - 143,485.99 (143,485.99)
Red Line Holding - 137,522.30 (137,522.30)
Locke Lord LLP 4,956.18 139,798.13 (134,841.95)
Jose Graterol Desings Inc - 133,672.00 (133,672.00)
Cable Onda / Telecarrier - 133,463.32 (133,463.32)
American First Finance, Inc. 1.00 132,560.24 (132,559.24)
Steve James Inc. - 129,356.20 (129,356.20)
Josef Mysorewala, Esq. - 128,748.83 (128,748.83)
RevPoint Media - 126,941.00 (126,941.00)
Insurance Marketing Innovations - 126,495.00 (126,495.00)
ABM Insurance Service of Miami - 126,105.28 (126,105.28)
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Interest Expense - 125,799.48 (125,799.48)
Paramount Refreshment Solutions - 122,136.68 (122,136.68)
George Kaftan - 118,604.25 (118,604.25)
Taylor & Mathis - 116,174.48 (116,174.48)
ZMS and Associates (Zachary Spiewak) - 115,539.69 (115,539.69)
MMJ Electric 2,322.67 116,305.80 (113,983.13)
Jonathan Bercowicz - 113,577.62 (113,577.62)
Jonathan Kaufman - 112,696.62 (112,696.62)
Edward Jacobs - 111,859.48 (111,859.48)
ABM Insurance Service of S FL - 110,966.15 (110,966.15)
Dale Jankowski - 109,858.25 (109,858.25)
Prestige Imports - 109,416.28 (109,416.28)
Cogent Communications, Inc - 109,209.03 (109,209.03)
Ryan Estrada - 109,039.74 (109,039.74)
Chicago Title of Nevada - 108,325.11 (108,325.11)
Palo Media Group, LLC - 108,202.00 (108,202.00)
Destina Decile - 105,959.24 (105,959.24)
Aman Stefanos - 105,855.65 (105,855.65)
Jornaya - 105,000.00 (105,000.00)
Oakwood Business Center - 104,244.63 (104,244.63)
Michael Graham Blessings, LLC - 99,307.40 (99,307.40)
Ring Router, Inc. - 98,313.00 (98,313.00)
Kathleen Baptiste - 97,912.70 (97,912.70)
Munoz Concepto Mobiliario SRL - 97,536.69 (97,536.69)
Oracle NetSuite - 97,088.14 (97,088.14)
DKOR Interiors - 96,444.04 (96,444.04)
Doris Barreto - 96,153.68 (96,153.68)
Lori Thies - 95,804.49 (95,804.49)
Adrian Raventos - 95,279.27 (95,279.27)
Richard Dixon - 94,831.64 (94,831.64)
Jesse Drewett - 94,147.86 (94,147.86)
Noboa Curiel & Asociados - 93,927.68 (93,927.68)
Roccasalvo Sales, LLC - 92,841.36 (92,841.36)
Click to call networks - 92,384.00 (92,384.00)
LeadiD - 91,500.00 (91,500.00)
Peak10 1Vault Inc - 91,064.40 (91,064.40)
Discover Credit Card #0270 - 90,754.60 (90,754.60)
Naqwesha Porsha O'Farrill - 90,734.14 (90,734.14)
CallX, Inc. - 89,794.00 (89,794.00)
Mad*Pow Media Solutions, LLC - 89,500.00 (89,500.00)
William Molasky - 87,268.78 (87,268.78)
Drinker Biddle & Reath LLP - 85,675.00 (85,675.00)
Tommy Perez - 85,398.10 (85,398.10)
Terremark North America - 85,104.18 (85,104.18)
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Jeffrey Auguste 60.00 84,671.17 (84,611.17)
GlobalWide Media, Ltd. - 84,133.50 (84,133.50)
BizHaus - 83,363.18 (83,363.18)
Medlife Corporation - 83,311.61 (83,311.61)
Daren Fontaine - 82,829.41 (82,829.41)
DGII - 82,584.32 (82,584.32)
Overseas Employment Services Corp - 82,475.52 (82,475.52)
Aragon Advertising, LLC - 81,686.00 (81,686.00)
Propel Media - 80,847.50 (80,847.50)
Gee Whiz Tek Services - 80,705.41 (80,705.41)
Arthur Zeitlin - 79,950.24 (79,950.24)
ATK Sales Corp - 79,689.76 (79,689.76)
Natalia Rowe - 79,573.68 (79,573.68)
Edgardo Castro - 79,076.09 (79,076.09)
Bolanle Victoria Akinrinsa - 78,758.17 (78,758.17)
Tricom - 78,695.30 (78,695.30)
Voxify, LLC - 78,598.00 (78,598.00)
Juan Cuadra - 78,543.70 (78,543.70)
Barry Brookoff 1,000.00 78,823.91 (77,823.91)
ERhard Motor Sales - 77,108.04 (77,108.04)
IB New Facility Set up/7553463 - 77,000.00 (77,000.00)
Leander Small - 76,600.16 (76,600.16)
Los Galaches - 76,556.02 (76,556.02)
Allodin Anglin - 76,280.99 (76,280.99)
Telcine Black - 76,077.45 (76,077.45)
DPR Holdings - 76,033.90 (76,033.90)
Assurance IQ, Inc. - 74,880.00 (74,880.00)
9Gauge Partners LLC - 74,601.25 (74,601.25)
Terena Baker - 74,557.85 (74,557.85)
Kashka Internet Marketing - 74,392.00 (74,392.00)
J Fucci Insurance - 73,271.46 (73,271.46)
Michael D'Addio - 72,945.00 (72,945.00)
Katz Baskies & Wolf, PLLC - 72,869.61 (72,869.61)
Equinix Inc - 72,590.74 (72,590.74)
Robert Dolan - 72,096.83 (72,096.83)
Digital Remedy - 70,501.00 (70,501.00)
AdMediary LLC - 70,344.50 (70,344.50)
Adriana Plaza - 70,109.99 (70,109.99)
Atlantis Adventure - 70,000.00 (70,000.00)
SNI Companies - 69,259.47 (69,259.47)
Ralph Coleman - 69,173.14 (69,173.14)
Wilson Care Corp. - 67,805.91 (67,805.91)
Lesa Fuller - 67,208.77 (67,208.77)
iDrive Interactive, LLC - 67,173.50 (67,173.50)
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Jovanny Garcia - 66,841.36 (66,841.36)
Berenice A Peralta Ramirez - 66,707.85 (66,707.85)
Candida Girouard 1,200.53 67,881.51 (66,680.98)
WhiteBMG, LLC - 66,680.00 (66,680.00)
Catherine Higgs-Palmer - 66,647.56 (66,647.56)
Fluent, LLC - 66,570.00 (66,570.00)
James Laine - 66,480.27 (66,480.27)
Coconut Grove Resources - 66,336.98 (66,336.98)
Zachary Lichten - 65,876.13 (65,876.13)
Bank Fees 1,098.52 66,590.43 (65,491.91)
Vantage Media - 65,375.00 (65,375.00)
Leevibes, LLC - 65,086.59 (65,086.59)
People, Inc. - 64,950.99 (64,950.99)
Brian D'Andrea - 64,859.37 (64,859.37)
Santisha Ragins - 64,603.45 (64,603.45)
Digital Thrive - 63,973.00 (63,973.00)
PH Torre Global - 63,771.61 (63,771.61)
Sircon Corporation - 63,311.45 (63,311.45)
Brian Mckee 1,950.00 65,228.14 (63,278.14)
Hugo Scamarone - 63,113.88 (63,113.88)
Patricia Jimenez Guerrero - 62,171.80 (62,171.80)
IB a 718974132 - 61,121.53 (61,121.53)
Gennaro Finelli - 60,933.21 (60,933.21)
Wendell Tilford 965.00 61,020.07 (60,055.07)
Scott Sullivan - 60,000.00 (60,000.00)
Treasure Florida PC -
60,000.00 (60,000.00)
HT Link, SRL - 59,823.53 (59,823.53)
Cable and Wireless Panama 500.00 60,148.98 (59,648.98)
Bluefin Ventures, LLC - 59,590.00 (59,590.00)
Aero Electric - 59,235.47 (59,235.47)
Zackary Barraclough 2,115.00 60,916.38 (58,801.38)
Dylan Consulting, LLC - 58,488.64 (58,488.64)
Denise Vocale-Newman - 57,702.46 (57,702.46)
Brenda Swain - 57,681.65 (57,681.65)
Shadea Devoe - 57,663.19 (57,663.19)
Ashley Paola Pena - 57,636.16 (57,636.16)
360 Wise Network, Inc - 57,561.33 (57,561.33)
Anntel Consulting Services Inc - 57,027.02 (57,027.02)
Daniel Gonzalez - 56,955.77 (56,955.77)
Credit Protection Association, LP - 56,587.71 (56,587.71)
Manuel Pellero Pozo-Patricia Jimenez - 55,804.38 (55,804.38)
David Pender - 55,716.91 (55,716.91)
Americas Education, Inc. - 55,642.50 (55,642.50)
FJ Enterprise Marketing, Inc. - 55,249.81 (55,249.81)
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Fito Jean-Louis - 55,078.81 (55,078.81)
Terry Gusmano - 54,918.00 (54,918.00)
Gamelin Corp II - 54,706.50 (54,706.50)
Dean-Hamilton Insurance, LLC - 54,516.65 (54,516.65)
Wragg & Casas - 54,260.00 (54,260.00)
Kimberly Pace - 54,184.18 (54,184.18)
Angelic Marketing Group - 53,998.20 (53,998.20)
IB 805602448 - 53,120.00 (53,120.00)
B2 Direct - 53,091.00 (53,091.00)
Search Cactus, LLC - 53,086.00 (53,086.00)
Yoytec Computer 19,910.35 72,856.94 (52,946.59)
GoHealth, LLC - 52,921.32 (52,921.32)
Rose Augustin - 52,852.17 (52,852.17)
JSB Financial, LLC - 52,749.43 (52,749.43)
Ivan Richman - 52,614.54 (52,614.54)
First Consulting - 52,124.31 (52,124.31)
Geeks of Technology - 51,935.97 (51,935.97)
Kimco Realty 863,906.04 914,621.44 (50,715.40)
W4 LLC - 50,198.50 (50,198.50)
Focus Insurance Partners LLC - 50,000.00 (50,000.00)
Ari Pasternak - 49,960.51 (49,960.51)
Jonelle Jean-Paul - 49,678.90 (49,678.90)
IDice, SRL - 49,610.34 (49,610.34)
Darryl Robinson 1,200.00 50,676.58 (49,476.58)
Michelle Gonzalez - 49,237.20 (49,237.20)
Forensiq - 49,223.14 (49,223.14)
Kemberly Paz - 48,919.73 (48,919.73)
Contactability.com - 48,500.00 (48,500.00)
Daniel Ferreira - 48,000.93 (48,000.93)
Hyper Clean Panama - 47,405.83 (47,405.83)
Vertigen, LLC - 47,310.00 (47,310.00)
Isamanet Call Center Service - 47,060.00 (47,060.00)
Trusource Marketing - 46,643.00 (46,643.00)
Dina De Weever - 46,131.75 (46,131.75)
Adrienne Baerson - 46,115.70 (46,115.70)
Linda Scott - 45,920.17 (45,920.17)
Progressive Express Ins Company 179.41 46,054.00 (45,874.59)
Bryan Brown - 45,848.63 (45,848.63)
P2 Interiors 1,015.00 46,669.69 (45,654.69)
Executive Cleaning Services - 45,216.50 (45,216.50)
Manuel Fermin Cabral - 44,889.62 (44,889.62)
Jeffrey Ehrlich - 44,559.13 (44,559.13)
Melody Martin - 44,165.04 (44,165.04)
Ann Song - 43,840.94 (43,840.94)
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Mathew Powell - 43,751.12 (43,751.12)
Shavene Parchment - 43,705.53 (43,705.53)
Franklin Miguel - 43,208.81 (43,208.81)
Omar Manrique - 43,181.60 (43,181.60)
Toby Cohan - 43,095.14 (43,095.14)
Stacie Arrasmith - 42,779.98 (42,779.98)
Darryl Wallace - 42,733.44 (42,733.44)
Charles Rosenfeld - 42,671.54 (42,671.54)
DLF Sales Training, Inc. - 42,668.36 (42,668.36)
Mora Insurance Services, Inc. - 42,494.75 (42,494.75)
Nisha Maharaj - 42,318.41 (42,318.41)
SpeedPlexer, Inc. - 42,102.50 (42,102.50)
Mojo Media, LLC 6,728.00 48,764.00 (42,036.00)
Mobile Fused - 41,880.00 (41,880.00)
Transporte Mueses - 41,879.21 (41,879.21)
Capital One Credit Card #4991 - 41,527.13 (41,527.13)
David Elias - 41,477.00 (41,477.00)
Michael Acosta - 41,265.06 (41,265.06)
Brenda Williams - 41,235.58 (41,235.58)
David Bernstein - 41,057.85 (41,057.85)
Alan Nettles - 41,005.79 (41,005.79)
Shazad Khan - 40,825.14 (40,825.14)
Daniel Hamm - 40,178.48 (40,178.48)
Lewis Urivetsky - 40,084.60 (40,084.60)
Landmarc Strategies, Inc - 40,000.00 (40,000.00)
Leslie Gaber -
39,975.00 (39,975.00)
JR Torres PA - 39,809.84 (39,809.84)
Eighty Five Sixty, Inc - 39,778.00 (39,778.00)
Michael O' Connor - 39,498.76 (39,498.76)
MJ Enterprises & Investment Group, Inc. - 39,364.88 (39,364.88)
JBE Holdings - 39,178.00 (39,178.00)
Shane Sangster - 39,142.99 (39,142.99)
Juana King - 39,104.03 (39,104.03)
MJ Ventures, LLC - 38,648.50 (38,648.50)
Cavin Sanders - 38,615.60 (38,615.60)
Robert Siegel - 38,419.40 (38,419.40)
Alfred Deblasio - 38,045.01 (38,045.01)
PriceSmart - 37,925.99 (37,925.99)
Henry Kupczyk - 37,873.95 (37,873.95)
Sjon Jones - 37,763.77 (37,763.77)
Rudolf Dollmayer (Victoria Consulting LLC) - 37,490.09 (37,490.09)
Mark Rudow - 37,483.21 (37,483.21)
Apple One - 37,400.00 (37,400.00)
Unitrade - 37,369.72 (37,369.72)
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Craig Schneider - 37,035.39 (37,035.39)
Access Intelligence, LLC - 36,540.00 (36,540.00)
IB Unitrade SRL Banco BHD SA - 36,275.00 (36,275.00)
Lindon Campbell - 36,247.02 (36,247.02)
Direct Ring Media LLC - 36,225.00 (36,225.00)
Antionette Neal - 36,184.41 (36,184.41)
ADH Ventures LLC - 36,095.00 (36,095.00)
Sheldon Glucksman 1,000.00 37,070.30 (36,070.30)
Paul Anderson - 36,006.82 (36,006.82)
Carmen Goudie - 35,973.28 (35,973.28)
Sumaya Dominguez - 35,807.14 (35,807.14)
Margaret Gallagher - 35,718.58 (35,718.58)
Rebecca Furman - 35,698.08 (35,698.08)
Jeffrey Gross - 35,520.47 (35,520.47)
Robert Urban - 35,416.60 (35,416.60)
TW Telecom - 35,378.96 (35,378.96)
United States Treasury 12,943.82 48,262.87 (35,319.05)
MaxBounty, Inc. - 35,178.00 (35,178.00)
Laurie Jackson - 35,059.26 (35,059.26)
Dominique Ferguson - 34,755.89 (34,755.89)
Elizee Sagaille - 34,399.94 (34,399.94)
Taylor and Mathis - 34,342.44 (34,342.44)
James Ayala - 34,267.97 (34,267.97)
Christopher Zimmerman - 34,139.69 (34,139.69)
Richard Moe - 34,117.06 (34,117.06)
My Agent Solutions, Inc. -
33,962.00 (33,962.00)
David Katana - 33,575.00 (33,575.00)
Scott Klasek - 33,177.53 (33,177.53)
Further Investigation Required 207,567.74 240,613.78 (33,046.04)
Jose Arroliga - 32,867.19 (32,867.19)
Mike Valentine 1.00 32,730.09 (32,729.09)
Indeed - 32,673.60 (32,673.60)
Jeffrey Ringer - 32,600.41 (32,600.41)
Selien Dorvulus - 32,596.24 (32,596.24)
Celerity Telecom - 32,511.46 (32,511.46)
Florida Blue - 32,412.34 (32,412.34)
Luis F. Tome 5,720.00 37,700.00 (31,980.00)
Commissions - Spiffs - 31,687.98 (31,687.98)
Recibo - 31,674.88 (31,674.88)
Don Silsby - 31,642.51 (31,642.51)
Gunster, Yoakley, and Stewart PA - 31,564.60 (31,564.60)
Chad Racine 320.00 31,861.65 (31,541.65)
ASI Computers - 31,515.61 (31,515.61)
Francisco J. Mateo - 31,321.73 (31,321.73)
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 141 of
Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Ashley Butler - 31,310.00 (31,310.00)
David Caldes - 31,209.40 (31,209.40)
Marcum LLP - 30,971.00 (30,971.00)
Popular Marketing, LLC 1,755.09 32,498.30 (30,743.21)
Your Permit Solution - 30,534.45 (30,534.45)
Missing Support 40,306.55 70,613.08 (30,306.53)
Mitch Levine - 30,207.81 (30,207.81)
Gary Baerson - 30,183.61 (30,183.61)
DLA Piper LLP - 29,917.50 (29,917.50)
Suzanne Delawar LLC - 29,547.50 (29,547.50)
Ulrich Jansen - 29,539.92 (29,539.92)
YMB Services, Inc - 29,377.11 (29,377.11)
Vaupen Financial Advisors - 29,350.00 (29,350.00)
Wellness Plan of America 49,787.12 79,014.75 (29,227.63)
Santee Pinnock - 29,188.39 (29,188.39)
Park Creek Counsulting 9,900.00 38,850.00 (28,950.00)
Julian Siler - 28,906.64 (28,906.64)
William Glades - 28,812.58 (28,812.58)
Richard Cromartie - 28,781.07 (28,781.07)
Justal, Inc. - 28,678.14 (28,678.14)
Herminda Cruz - 28,566.93 (28,566.93)
Alan Posner - 28,490.76 (28,490.76)
Clifford Belton - 28,260.29 (28,260.29)
Irene Golden - 28,118.64 (28,118.64)
Claudia Redclift - 27,855.99 (27,855.99)
27,649.50 (27,649.50)
Randolph Jesse Drewett - 27,544.23 (27,544.23)
Elisabeth Paiswonsky - 27,120.93 (27,120.93)
Cai Wu - 27,023.71 (27,023.71)
Nadiana Pericas - 27,010.23 (27,010.23)
George Lopez - 27,002.13 (27,002.13)
Insurance Revenue - 26,965.00 (26,965.00)
Joseph Ruschak - 26,839.48 (26,839.48)
Alexis Akins - 26,779.91 (26,779.91)
Health Solutions Sales Inc. - 26,715.20 (26,715.20)
Jesus Peña - 26,665.39 (26,665.39)
Harleigh Holmes - 26,451.96 (26,451.96)
Robert Berry - 26,393.35 (26,393.35)
Tom Grebe - 26,258.67 (26,258.67)
Computernet - 26,145.57 (26,145.57)
Robert Campos 1,190.00 27,295.00 (26,105.00)
Carrie Zach Events 1,022.62 26,745.24 (25,722.62)
Grupo Cemca - 25,714.70 (25,714.70)
Mobile Display Genius - 25,655.00 (25,655.00)
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 142 of
Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
PowerClub - 25,573.85 (25,573.85)
Lodz Rosemond - 25,569.20 (25,569.20)
QuoGen, LLC - 25,444.00 (25,444.00)
EdeEste - 25,258.88 (25,258.88)
Power Source Marketing, LLC - 25,165.00 (25,165.00)
Sanford Guritzky - 25,135.57 (25,135.57)
Mark Osho - 25,027.21 (25,027.21)
Indy Women in Tech - 25,000.00 (25,000.00)
All Pro Real Estate, LLC - 24,858.63 (24,858.63)
Joe Burns - 24,772.97 (24,772.97)
John Sand - 24,697.03 (24,697.03)
Rafael Mas 10,000.00 34,563.95 (24,563.95)
Daniel Mora - 24,445.39 (24,445.39)
Winifred G. Gardner - 24,352.95 (24,352.95)
AMS Professional Services, LLC - 24,302.50 (24,302.50)
Josette Archer 1,050.00 25,309.25 (24,259.25)
Celebraciones Abala - 24,250.67 (24,250.67)
Next Wave Marketing Strategies - 24,150.00 (24,150.00)
Obtainium, LLC - 24,000.00 (24,000.00)
Rob Sharone - 23,968.43 (23,968.43)
Ad1 Media Group - 23,821.50 (23,821.50)
Fred Hessen - 23,685.51 (23,685.51)
Olarewaju Akinduro - 23,645.00 (23,645.00)
Joel Soodeen 1,428.30 24,976.50 (23,548.20)
Zeta Global Corp. 4,187.00 27,721.50 (23,534.50)
Jonathan Henry -
23,363.39 (23,363.39)
Special Events Flooring LLC - 23,200.00 (23,200.00)
Larry Kornblum - 23,188.44 (23,188.44)
American Compensation Insurance - 23,165.00 (23,165.00)
Boca B-Note Associates - 23,130.38 (23,130.38)
Debora Spinella - 23,089.02 (23,089.02)
Sheronne Singleton - 23,063.27 (23,063.27)
Comcast - 22,840.32 (22,840.32)
Michael Harvey - 22,724.35 (22,724.35)
Susan Mendez - 22,644.00 (22,644.00)
Ralph Lopez - 22,575.63 (22,575.63)
Patricia Kendrick - 22,483.97 (22,483.97)
Carol Strausburg 830.00 23,289.04 (22,459.04)
AF*Kapital Management - 22,324.00 (22,324.00)
Herby Dulorier - 22,281.03 (22,281.03)
The Henao Group, LLC - 22,271.32 (22,271.32)
Vivid Resourcing East Coast LLC - 22,100.00 (22,100.00)
Cassandra Genna - 21,916.28 (21,916.28)
Katherine y Jaquez Utate - 21,902.13 (21,902.13)
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Apollo Intereactive - 21,864.00 (21,864.00)
Aquaviva Bottling SA - 21,754.41 (21,754.41)
Luxor Service Group Intl - 21,719.57 (21,719.57)
Insure Me Health 445.00 22,110.00 (21,665.00)
Agent Link Marketing - 21,594.00 (21,594.00)
Diane Moore - 21,568.01 (21,568.01)
Microsoft Bing Adds - 21,559.09 (21,559.09)
Terrell Parham - 21,455.98 (21,455.98)
IB 763392230 - 21,433.00 (21,433.00)
Kemi Foster - 21,370.27 (21,370.27)
Milka De La Piedra - 21,284.70 (21,284.70)
Constructora Jimenez & associados - 21,097.44 (21,097.44)
Andrew Stromfeld - 21,047.55 (21,047.55)
Leslie Campbell - 20,867.83 (20,867.83)
Sandra Ruggles - 20,727.00 (20,727.00)
Sammy Ceran - 20,690.08 (20,690.08)
Madnox Corp - 20,519.90 (20,519.90)
Jeremy Goldwasser - 20,455.23 (20,455.23)
William Orange - 20,280.96 (20,280.96)
Sr Manuel J POZO - 20,224.72 (20,224.72)
AIG Consulting - 20,000.00 (20,000.00)
Net outflow less than $20,000 in aggregate 342,636.86 6,489,772.57 (6,147,135.71)
Net inflow less than $20,000 in aggregate 447,388.35 144,004.71 303,383.64
EPX Merchant Settlment 20,324.37 - 20,324.37
American General 20,884.65 -
Enfuego 21,430.92 - 21,430.92
Fortegra 24,122.63 - 24,122.63
Simpson Financial 28,261.90 2,385.68 25,876.22
Patriot Health Inc 28,458.14 - 28,458.14
Foresters USA 35,941.00 2,777.87 33,163.13
Bantam 40,301.85 - 40,301.85
Suntrust Merchant Svcs 144,768.46 103,845.06 40,923.40
CarMax 47,034.00 - 47,034.00
Spring Venture (United Medical Advisors) 63,458.90 - 63,458.90
Merchant Service 67,042.94 - 67,042.94
RMS Lead/Health Choice One 76,000.00 7,000.00 69,000.00
QuoteWizard 93,635.62 9,486.00 84,149.62
Media Alpha 962,356.61 864,614.94 97,741.67
QuoteLab LLC 104,801.46 - 104,801.46
Ideal Concept 148,367.53 - 148,367.53
WPA - 4 CoreHealth 176,071.07 11,707.71 164,363.36
NextGen Leads 208,784.79 5,235.80 203,548.99
BKCD Processing 339,485.23 110,866.81 228,618.42
WPA-BPO 250,953.47 - 250,953.47
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Datalot 386,583.60 70,080.65 316,502.95
Further Investigation Required - Office Expense 518,090.12 83,829.14 434,260.98
Fidelity Life 1,663,812.34 1,127,940.79 535,871.55
Gain/Loss on Investment 931,050.78 384,258.89 546,791.89
Precise Leads 672,505.11 - 672,505.11
Cumulative Transactions - 2014 1,071,262.29 305,937.23 765,325.06
Adroit Group 1,389,330.56 119.95 1,389,210.61
Adjusting Journal Entry - per QB memo 5,096,732.82 2,934,411.41 2,162,321.41
NCE 2,730,991.06 - 2,730,991.06
GetMed Patriot Health 3,240,945.66 - 3,240,945.66
WPA - Old Business (Customer) 4,392,997.28 - 4,392,997.28
Health Insurance Innovations Inc (HIIQ) 181,546,375.48 959,324.89 180,587,050.59
Other Subtota
211,909,084.60 201,897,831.01 10,011,253.59
Cash Account Activity Subtota
212,104,593.66 205,141,092.88 6,963,500.78
Intercompany - (Note 1)
Intercompany - Simple Insurance Leads 3,035,296.24 85,477,862.89 (82,442,566.65)
Intercompany - Soluciones Omfri SRL - 12,187,995.92 (12,187,995.92)
Intercompany - Health Benefits Center Corporation - 9,917,864.92 (9,917,864.92)
Intercompany - Innovative Customer Care, LLC 118,078.02 1,159,071.17 (1,040,993.15)
Intercompany - iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC 166,154.14 590,674.14 (424,520.00)
Intercompany - NMS Insurance Agency LLC - 102,000.00 (102,000.00)
Intercompany - Shift Health Solutions LLC - 102,000.00 (102,000.00)
Intercompany - HBC Direct, LLC 145,000.00 151,000.00 (6,000.00)
Intercompany - Smart Health Programs, Inc 1,900.00 2,300.00 (400.00)
Intercompany - Health Center Management Corp 20,000.00 1,000.00 19,000.00
Intercompany - Senior Benefits One, LLC 1,528,255.86 994,400.00 533,855.86
Intercompany - Health Benefitss One, LLC 110,734,167.66 4,851,033.88 105,883,133.78
Intercompany Subtota
115,748,851.92 115,537,202.92 211,649.00
Intracompany - (Note 2)
Intracompany - HBC Direct LLC 5,188.55 5,188.55 -
Intracompany - Health Benefits Center Corporation 3,586,985.04 3,586,985.04 -
Intracompany - Health Benefits One LLC 227,186,786.20 227,186,786.20 -
Intracompany - Health Center Management Corp 4,535.39 4,535.39 -
Intracompany - Innovative Customer Care LLC 62,275.27 62,275.27 -
Intracompany - iVantage Insurance Solutions, LLC 257,585.09 257,585.09 -
Intracompany - NMS Insurance Agency LLC 71,935.89 71,935.89 -
Intracompany - Senior Benefits One LLC 55,050.80 55,050.80 -
Intracompany - Shift Health Solutions LLC 57,486.12 57,486.12 -
Intracompany - Simple Insurance Leads, LLC 959,695.14 959,695.14 -
Intracompany - Soluciones Omfri SRL 13,941,872.62 13,941,872.62 -
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Payee / Received From per QuickBooks
Deposits /
Checks /
Source: Simple Health Plans LLC, et al. QuickBooks Cash General Ledger Accounts. See Exhibit 1 for a list of cash accounts
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Summary of QuickBooks Cash Account Activity: Sorted Highest to Lowest by Net Activity
For the Period from May 15, 2013 through October 31, 2018
Intracompany Subtota
246,189,396.11 246,189,396.11 -
Cash Account Activity Grand Tota
574,042,841.69$ 566,867,691.91$ 7,175,149.78$
1) Intercompany transfers includes amounts received from and sent to other Simple Health Plans entities included in this
reconstruction. For example, Simple Insurance Leads received transfers of $85,477,862.89 and disbursed $3,035,296.24 to
other Simple Health Plans LLC entities. The QuickBooks file for Health Benefits One, LLC did not contain transaction level
detail for 2014. The cash entries were recorded in batches and labeled as Cumulative Transactions - 2014.
2) Intracompany transfers includes amounts transferred between bank accounts for the same entity.
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 147 of
Exhibit L
Source: QuickBooks
Description Reference
Receipts /
Disbursements /
Total cash activity per QuickBooks for Receivership
Entities and Affiliated Entities
574,042,842$ 566,867,692$
Less: intracompany transfers
246,189,396 246,189,396
Total activit
C = A-B
327,853,446 320,678,296
Intercompany activity between the Receivership Entities
per QuickBooks
91,887,518 91,882,518
Intercompany activity between the Receivership
Entities as a percentage of total activity excluding
E = D/C 28.0% 28.7%
Intercompany activity for all entities
115,748,852 115,537,203
Intercompany activity for all entities as a percentage
of total activit
G = F/C 35.3% 36.0%
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Summary of Intercompany Activity Between Recevership Entities
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 149 of
Exhibit M
Marc A
Matthew E
Beginning Balance Forward -$ -$ -$ -$
Select activity less than $500 in aggregate (3,295) (3,920) (18,449) (25,664)
Auto (3,212) (5,596) (35,706) (44,514)
Business (17,406,477) (1,289,358) (187,494) (18,883,328)
Event Planner - - (217,339) (217,339)
Gentlemen's Club - (832) (72,994) (73,826)
Museum / Theme Park / Tour - (657) (9,682) (10,339)
Nightclub (14,755) (6,776) (449,816) (471,346)
Salon / Spa - - (16,545) (16,545)
Sports / Concert (9,933) (12,329) (767,987) (790,248)
Theatrical (298) (5,012) (9,082) (14,392)
Total Entertainment (24,985) (25,606) (1,543,444) (1,594,035)
Luxury Goods - (184) (347,516) (347,700)
Medical (380) (25) (8,763) (9,168)
Miscellaneous (11,214) (7,274) (27,418) (45,906)
Missing Statement (Note 1)
(40,633) (25,036) (1,549) (67,218)
Parking (72) - (11,763) (11,835)
Repairs And Maintenance (5,544) (4,508) (3,955) (14,006)
Restaurant (50,101) (25,549) (461,479) (537,129)
Retail (65,571) (364,069) (181,397) (611,037)
Travel (46,340) (29,666) (1,346,275) (1,422,282)
Wedding - - (116,003) (116,003)
Total Disbursements (17,657,824) (1,780,792) (4,291,210) (23,729,826)
Credit Card Adjustment 176,025 - - 176,025
Credit Card Payments 23,046,890 426,731 34,509 23,508,130
Total Receipts 23,222,916 426,731 34,509 23,684,155
Total Credit Card Activity 5,565,092$ (1,354,062)$ (4,256,702)$ (45,671)$
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 &
1) This analysis is missing the credit card statement for Amex #15009 for the period from January 16, 2014 through
December 15, 2014 and Amex #31000 for the period from June 27, 2017 through July 27, 2017.
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Summary of Net Credit Card Account Activity
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 151 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Beginning Balance Forward -$ -$ -$ -$
Select activity less than $500 in aggregate
Cojean - - (6) (6)
Committee - - (49) (49)
Cooper City Westar - (35) - (35)
Court Option North M - (40) - (40)
Court Options-Palmet - (40) - (40)
Cowboy Bills - - (29) (29)
Coyo Taco - - (24) (24)
Crazy Wok Inc - - (41) (41)
Creditreport - - (15) (15)
Cumberland Farms 962 - - (10) (10)
D J Management of Woodside - - (8) (8)
Dallas 1259 - - (3) (3)
Danny Sihabouth - - (52) (52)
Dd Br 339396 Q35 - (32) - (32)
Deck 8465 (43) - - (43)
Delivery Wow - - (107) (107)
Delmar Dell - - (49) (49)
Deluxe N1 - - (20) (20)
Den Gamle By - - (43) (43)
Designcrowd Pty Ltd Usa - (272) -
Digicertinc (419) - - (419)
Dirtyblondes - - (25) (25)
Dispute Sales Technology - 300 - 300
Divine Dellcacies Custom - - (235) (235)
Dnc Travel - - (27) (27)
Doc Docstoc.Com - (135) - (135)
Doc Ristorante Gr - - (422) (422)
Dolce Idea Punta Pac - - (163) (163)
Dos 000000001 - - (482) (482)
Dos Corps Bur 0531 - (125) - (125)
Downstairs 11345 - - (30) (30)
Dq Foodquest - - (29) (29)
Dramafever Subcrip - - (9) (9)
Ds Marketplace - - (16) (16)
Duane Reade - - (392) (392)
Dufry Loja Franca - - (68) (68)
Dufry Shop Sts Dumont - - (291)
Dunkin St 1299 - - (51) (51)
East China - - (134) (134)
Ecampus.Com - (249) - (249)
Echosign - (339) - (339)
Edible Arrangements - (92) - (92)
El Carajo Intern Ati - - (9) (9)
El Corte Ingles Castellana - - (43) (43)
Employtest (200) - - (200)
Emporium Complex 062832 - - (27) (27)
Engine Co No 28 - - (44) (44)
Entertain St 991 - - (49) (49)
Epstein Bared - - (440) (440)
Eptl 318084810052548 (407) - - (407)
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
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Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Ermita De La Caridad - - (72) (72)
Estefan Kitchen - - (49) (49)
Etags Direct (2) - - (2)
Exprezo - - (30) (30)
F B Hard Rock Hote - - (47) (47)
Faber Book Stores 1 - - (19) (19)
Fado Irish Pub - - (93) (93)
Famous Daves (64) - - (64)
Famous Famiglia 65 - - (41) (41)
Fandango.Com - - (29) (29)
Farmacia Carol Acropolis Santo Domingo Pesos Drug - - (15) (15)
Farmacia Carol-Churchill - - (64) (64)
Fatburger - - (21) (21)
Fc Dl Faras Pizza - - (62) (62)
Fills 3 - - (25) (25)
First American Tobac - - (13) (13)
Fl Dl & Tag (231) (121) (25) (377)
Fl Notary Service 02 - (267) - (267)
Fl School of Ins (30) - - (30)
Flowers.Com - -
(363) (363)
Footaction 5744357 - - (22) (22)
Fort Lauderdale Airport - (15) (179) (194)
Foxnewsst 2513 - - (5) (5)
Fresh Attractions Bag Claim D - - (4) (4)
Fresh Co - - (21) (21)
Fresh Mkt-037 Pem 542929800102378 - - (307) (307)
Froots Hollywood 084890018523964 - - (23) (23)
Fs Macroplant - - (35) (35)
Fsh Macao Front Office Macau Lodging - - (359) (359)
G&B Standard Inc - - (185) (185)
Gadget Express 1 - - (214) (214)
Gale South Beach - - (317) (317)
Gamaroffs (29) - - (29)
Garnize - - (76) (76)
Gastronomia Mexicanas R - - (109) (109)
Gate2Shop - 127 - 127
Gibsons Bar Ste 5 - -
(113) (113)
Gift Sho - - (16) (16)
Giorgio Armani Sh Ifc Shop China Shanghai Sh Renm - - (286) (286)
Giraffasbra - - (52) (52)
Gjelina - - (400) (400)
Global Tcmllc 0684 - - (80) (80)
Gloryprofitcom - (11) - (11)
Godiva Chocolatier - - (13) (13)
Gogoai R C - - (22) (22)
Goose Island - - (19) (19)
Gourmet To You Inc - - (8) (8)
Grappa Aps Aarhus C - - (110) (110)
Great Amer Bagel - - (3) (3)
Great American Group - - (14) (14)
Great Americn Bagel B - - (22) (22)
Greenblatts - - (61) (61)
Gru Margaritaville - - (45) (45)
Page 2 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 153 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Grupo Zuma Srl Higuey Dominican Republic - - (39) (39)
Gulf Coasttaxi Gulf - - (54) (54)
H & M - - (86) (86)
Haagen-Dazs - - (30) (30)
Harbor Freight Tools - - (48) (48)
Hassan B - - (36) (36)
Havana 1957 - - (41) (41)
Haven - - (108) (108)
Heist - - (47) (47)
Hexx Kitchen 379875 - - (261) (261)
Hireright Inc - (151) - (151)
Hn21 Santos Dumont - - (14) (14)
Hn-Dunkin St 1021 - - (139) (139)
Holiday Cvs LLC - (3) - (3)
Hollywood And Highl - - (7) (7)
Hollywood Collectibles - - (95) (95)
Hollywood Galaxy Sprk - - (8) (8)
Homeboy Industries - - (39) (39)
Horkolaartaxa Denmark Aarhus V - - (26)
Hulk Photo Op - - (85) (85)
Hulu - - (24) (24)
Humane Society of Greater 65 - - (211) (211)
Hutchins Bbq - - (59) (59)
Intelius.Com (183) - (11) (194)
Iovrinstantcheckmate.Com (35) - - (35)
J Seabra Super - - (117) (117)
Johnny Foleys Irish - - (52) (52)
Jr C Absolute Carw - - (32) (32)
King Cafe Gourmet - - (2) (2)
Ktlo Hair Lounge - - (50) (50)
L Etoile Venitienne Paris - - (59) (59)
La Cocina Puertorriq - (32) - (32)
La Fregate Paris - - (72) (72)
La Galere Markets 65 - - (4) (4)
La Loggia 0057 (46) - - (46)
Ladureeroyale Paris Pa 0142602179 - - (39) (39)
Las Olas (12) - - (12)
Latte News Espresso - - (13) (13)
Le Roy Rene - - (3) (3)
Light Mini In The Bo - (21) - (21)
Limebike - - (10) (10)
MAC Cosmetics - - (357) (357)
Magasin Aarhus Aarhus C - - (28) (28)
Magic Neep Car - - (5) (5)
Mankind For Men Mank - - (110) (110)
Mdc Seaport Depart G - (60) - (60)
Miami Beach Del Mar - - (113) (113)
Miami Dade Community (125) - - (125)
Michael A Kimmelman (100) - - (100)
Michael Mina - - (299) (299)
Mtnm 1129 - - (392) (392)
Musika Lessons - - (1,352) (1,352)
N La Cienega Blvd Sprk 826 - - (3) (3)
Page 3 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 154 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Nails Right Now Nail - - (175) (175)
Neepcart 901785 - - (4) (4)
Normal - - (9) (9)
North Brand - - (6) (6)
Opcn Irginia Scc 444043833 (50) - - (50)
Passage To India - - (42) (42)
Pelican - - (111) (111)
Persopo.Com - - (20) (20)
Pgc Iah Airport Store 400003 - - (27) (27)
Ph Heart Bar - - (112) (112)
Pharmacie Des Capuciparis Pa - - (17) (17)
Photobucket.Com - (400) - (400)
Phx Matts Br - - (41) (41)
Piazza Dl Giorgio Ca - (58) - (58)
Picsolve International - - (27) (27)
Pink Dot - - (28) (28)
Pink Pony - - (489) (489)
Piola - - (168) (168)
Pirate - - (54) (54)
PJ's Coffee and Wow Winger - - (38) (38)
Plasticplace.Com - (418) - (418)
Plat Parking-Lot 2 - - (10) (10)
Plntation Dntl Art A - - (385) (385)
Plus Unlimited - - (130) (130)
Pmt Broward Cnty Fee (4) - - (4)
Pmt Veh Tag Renew Broward 10088 (93) - - (93)
Point Uberlandia - - (66) (66)
Pokergo - - (20) (20)
Popeyss - - (11) (11)
Port of Subs - - (31) (31)
Posto - - (53) (53)
Pq Aventura - - (14) (14)
Precheck 7008 - - (85) (85)
Presto Nuevo - - (10) (10)
Primevideo - - (14) (14)
Ps Plus Inc - - (16) (16)
Pupaholic Dadeland - - (82) (82)
Ranch - - (5) (5)
Rangoon New Bureau - - (9) (9)
Rest E Bar Transa - - (32) (32)
Roc - - (86) (86)
Roku - - (97) (97)
Rs Brasil - - (23) (23)
Rudys Country Store - - (11) (11)
Rumbergers Gulf 876147 - - (30) (30)
Sabadell Financial C - - (8) (8)
Safeway Store 1748 - - (3) (3)
Saint Clair Letraiteur Saintcloud Ha - - (55) (55)
Salesforce Com Salesforce.Com - (1,050) - (1,050)
Sammys-El Segundo - - (43) (43)
Sangoma Us Inc 65 (99) - - (99)
Santo Grao - - (43) (43)
Sarim Gifts - - (11) (11)
Page 4 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 155 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Saveurs Et Styles Paris - - (22) (22)
Scsc 200048 Paris Pa - - (17) (17)
Seminole Auto Salon - - (30) (30)
Sherlock - - (54) (54)
Shine Society - - (66) (66)
Siena Tx - - (46) (46)
Simple Insurance Leads - (1) - (1)
Simple Mobile Services (82) - - (82)
Smoothie Plus Of - - (5) (5)
Smoothie Spo - - (35) (35)
So Doces - - (7) (7)
So Pt Arena Bar - - (10) (10)
So Tahoe Parking Gar - - (13) (13)
Soda Vending - - (7) (7)
South - - (70) (70)
Spk Spoke 01800699426 - - (2) (2)
Spybar - - (53) (53)
Sr Dallas Dallas Tx - - (26) (26)
Ss 15 - - (10) (10)
Ss 15000000000340225 - - (17) (17)
Stagecoach-Slice Of Stateline -
- (46) (46)
Subscription Charge San Francisco Ny New Line - - (73) (73)
Tailwindtlh Airport - - (8) (8)
Tanglewood E23 - - (41) (41)
Texaco - - (95) (95)
The Brig - - (41) (41)
The Briny River Fron - (15) - (15)
The Clachan - - (36) (36)
The County Line On The Lake - - (36) (36)
The Daily Cr - - (67) (67)
The Fifties Com Alim Ltda - - (46) (46)
The Grove - - (26) (26)
The Gwen - - (76) (76)
The Keg King (378) - - (378)
The Market Place (111) - - (111)
The Nutty Bavarian - (7) - (7)
The Otheroom - - (70) (70)
The Panamera - - (204) (204)
The Paradies Shops - - (164) (164)
The Phoenician Resort The Phoenician -
- (46) (46)
The Salty Pelican Ba (37) - - (37)
The Varsity - - (28) (28)
The Wayland - - (262) (262)
Three Broomsti - - (49) (49)
Tienda Hard Rock Ii - - (50) (50)
Time Warner Cable (214) - - (214)
Time Warner Center Cprk - - (65) (65)
Tip - - (223) (223)
Tm-Battlefro 8442288 (94) - - (94)
Tom James Company (106) - - (106)
Tony Luke Inc 0447 - - (23) (23)
Tonychansw - - (119) (119)
Toon Dippin Do - - (5) (5)
Page 5 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 156 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Toon Icee - - (4) (4)
Touchtunes Mobile - - (10) (10)
Towel Hut Retail - (58) - (58)
Tracfone Airtime (17) - - (17)
Tracfone Phones (33) - - (33)
Transamerican Hoteles Hot - - (184) (184)
Travel Insurance (102) (172) (64) (338)
Travel Traders - - (10) (10)
Tropicalnewsst - - (353) (353)
Union - - (90) (90)
University Car - (32) - (32)
Usa Avendco - - (11) (11)
Usconnect Rfsol Vend 2 S 65 - - (4) (4)
Venicci Inc - - (41) (41)
Vfw Nat L Headquarte - (30) - (30)
Virginia Scc (75) - - (75)
Virk Properties - - (15) (15)
Vitamin Shoppe 420 - (60) - (60)
Vitasquad LLC - - (330) (330)
Vueflfinsrv 126 - - 126
Wet - (6) (20) (26)
White And Blue - - (14) (14)
White Elephant Sal - - (24) (24)
Zablong - - (22) (22)
Total Select activity less than $500 in aggregate (3,295) (3,920) (18,449) (25,664)
17th St Ft Lauderdale - - (13) (13)
7-Eleven - (10) (1,247) (1,257)
Allstate (74) - - (74)
Auto Plaza - - (35) (35)
Aventuras Finest Hand - - (28) (28)
Biscayne U Gas - - (356) (356)
Bp - - (268) (268)
Brickell Bp - - (53) (53)
Broward Bp - - (49) (49)
Broward Marathon - - (53) (53)
Broward Petroleum LLC - - (14) (14)
Bryan Petr 104 (56) - - (56)
Carmax (61) - - (61)
Carwash Lube - (15) (22) (38)
Chevron (477) (725) (7,333) (8,534)
Citgo - - (854) (854)
Coconut Creek Valero (45) - - (45)
Copans Bp 8870 - - (17) (17)
Costco Gas (177) - - (177)
Diesel of Houston - - (1,000) (1,000)
Downtown Marathon - - (16) (16)
Elite Roads - - (4,100) (4,100)
Exxonmobil (250) (25) (1,472) (1,747)
Federal Bp - (56) - (56)
Federal Marathon - - (53) (53)
Geico - (339) (615) (954)
Page 6 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 157 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Hallandale U Gas - - (8) (8)
Hess (17) (45) (96) (157)
Hollywood Bp - (225) (292) (517)
Hollywood Marathon - - (15) (15)
Icon Auto Spa - - (146) (146)
Land Rover Ft Lauder - - (7,537) (7,537)
Las Vegas Collision Cent 0756 - - (1,729) (1,729)
Lauderdale Bmw Mini (47) - - (47)
Lexus of Pembroke Pines Lexus of Pembr (1,000) (3,041) - (4,041)
Marathon Gas - - (1,706) (1,706)
Miami Auto Spa - - (771) (771)
Nationwide Allied (316) (646) - (963)
Racetrac - - (127) (127)
Shell Oil (452) (420) (4,779) (5,650)
Speedway - - (209) (209)
Sunoco -
(18) (60) (78)
Sunshine - - (88) (88)
Ultimate Car Wash - - (46) (46)
V A Leasing (240) - - (240)
Valero - - (71) (71)
Wash A Rama - - (14) (14)
Wawa - - (6) (6)
Westar - (30) (409) (439)
Total Auto (3,212) (5,596) (35,706) (44,514)
2Co.Com - (216) - (216)
A.D. Banker (157) - - (157)
Aa Aalf Bc (540) (744) - (1,283)
Abc Financial - - (306) (306)
Adengage LLC - (50) - (50)
Adobe Acropro Subs Adobe Systems (2,470) (3,219) - (5,689)
ADT Security (3,881) (5,625) - (9,506)
Affiliate Summit.Com - - (3,995) (3,995)
AHIP - (43) - (43)
Alcazar Networks Inc - (2,155) - (2,155)
All Web Leads (8,256,100) (20,539) - (8,276,639)
Alpert Enterprises (4,300) - (270) (4,570)
Annual Membership Fee (28,617) (7,800) (3,015) (39,432)
Arkansas Gov Pymnt (84) - - (84)
Arthur J Gallagher Risk (15) - - (15)
Asc Insurance Division (350) - - (350)
Asp Marketing Group (3,967) - - (3,967)
AT&T (32,488) (1,161) (4,841) (38,490)
Atlassian (3,625) (1,536) - (5,161)
Attorney General Offic (750) - - (750)
Balsamiq - (393) - (393)
BeenVerified.Com (54) (503) - (557)
Bizchair.Com - - (401) (401)
Blue Jeans Network (150) - - (150)
Bocacom Net - (400) - (400)
Box Net Bus Srvcs - (1,260) - (1,260)
Budget Notary (109) - - (109)
Page 7 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 158 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Business 21 - (219) - (219)
Buy Squad - (4,180) - (4,180)
CableOrganizer - (68) - (68)
Canteen Rs (1,389) - - (1,389)
Carbonite Backup 99 (328) - (229)
Careerbuilder (13,176) (13,780) - (26,956)
Careington International Corporation - (90,505) - (90,505)
Catalant Technologies - (6,000) (19,400) (25,400)
Cbeyond Communication - (2,994) - (2,994)
Cbi Winzip Cleverbrisoftware (16) - - (16)
CCH Taxwise (40) - - (40)
CDS Amaluna - - (15) (15)
CDW Direct (660) - - (660)
CDW Government (191) - - (191)
Celerity Telecom Inc - (6,743) - (6,743)
Comcast (381) (298) (721) (1,400)
Concur Technologie (20,655) - - (20,655)
Core 4 Solutions (40,606) (7,400) - (48,006)
Counterpath - (611) - (611)
CPA Texas Tax (51) (51) - (102)
CPanel Inc - (180) - (180)
Craigslist Inc (10,050) (109,125) (25) (119,200)
Crain Communications - (293) - (293)
Dallas Janitorial (5,842) - - (5,842)
Datalot Inc - - (400) (400)
Decisions Unlimited - - (314) (314)
Dell Marketing LP (180) - - (180)
DHL Express Usa Inc - - (49) (49)
Digital River - (715) - (715)
Direct Lead Technologies - - (5,925) (5,925)
Docusign (1,216) (638) - (1,854)
Domain Dev Studios (265,949) - - (265,949)
Dotcom Computers (398) (6,320) - (6,718)
Doublerobotics.Com - - (3,388) (3,388)
Driver On Demand LLC - - (2,881) (2,881)
Dropbox (99) - - (99)
Dropoff Inc - (2,316) - (2,316)
DTCOM - (2,194) (260) (2,454)
Ebquickstart LLC (7,975) (7,063) - (15,038)
Emedco, Inc. - (918) - (918)
Envoy Com Visitor Reg (2,540) (3,207) - (5,747)
Equifax - - (918) (918)
Equinox - - (9,969) (9,969)
Esquared - - (431) (431)
ETB Technologies Ltd (6,858) - - (6,858)
Experian (101) - (1,842) (1,943)
Fab Technologies Ltd (4,696) - - (4,696)
Facebook - - (85) (85)
Fastsigns (10,334) (19,788) - (30,122)
Federal Trade Commision (16,482) (17,021) - (33,503)
FedEx (2,960) (489) (407) (3,855)
Financial Media Group - (1,000) - (1,000)
Firewalls.Com (63,202) (10,646) - (73,848)
Page 8 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 159 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Florida Dept of State (1,633) (1,490) - (3,123)
Florida Power Light (2,496) - (199) (2,695)
Github (2,155) (1,300) - (3,455)
Global American Solutions (1,530,247) - (5,478) (1,535,725)
Global Industrial Eq - (3,399) (2,328) (5,727)
Godaddy.Com (5,160) (5,910) - (11,070)
Goharddrive.Com - (479) - (479)
Gold Coast Schools - (1,494) (425) (1,919)
Goodhire LLC - (5,432) - (5,432)
Google.Com (37,343) (9,377) - (46,721)
GoToMyPC (1,438) (447) - (1,885)
Goverlaninc (3,840) (3,299) - (7,139)
Greater Miami Chamb - - (4,220) (4,220)
Headsets Direct Inc - (851) - (851)
Hello Direct Inc -
- (598) (598)
Hipaa Training - (1,000) - (1,000)
Hiring Success 18 (595) - - (595)
Hivelocity Sparknod (4,262) (4,992) - (9,254)
Hourlynerd.Com - (1,111) - (1,111)
Hp - (1,070) (75) (1,144)
Hudson News - (41) (1,160) (1,201)
Ibt Iis Fingerprint (749) (2,419) - (3,168)
Icm Instantcheckmate.Com (174) - - (174)
ICMG (3,095) - - (3,095)
IFI Atlanta - - (158) (158)
Image360 Fort Laud - - (458) (458)
Incorporating Services (108) - - (108)
Indeed (56,285) (21,501) - (77,786)
Inmotion Mia - - (230) (230)
Insurance Licensing (2,014) (1,716) - (3,731)
Insurance Premium (716) - - (716)
InsureTech Connect (6,580) - - (6,580)
Intuit QuickBooks (11,217) (3,921) - (15,139)
IOA - - (543) (543)
Iqpc Idga Events (21,585) - - (21,585)
Jetbrains - (3,418) - (3,418)
Job News (7,500) - - (7,500)
Keepersecurity.Com (11,598) (205) - (11,803)
Keeps Subscription San Francisco Ny New Line - - (108) (108)
Labor Law Center.Com - (38) - (38)
Law Office of Mindy (75) - - (75)
Lexington Law - - (1,499) (1,499)
Linkedin (2,344) (2,588) (13,999) (18,931)
LogMeIn (1,259) - - (1,259)
Logmein Joinme (1,439) - -
Lv Water District - - (914) (914)
L-Zone - - (151) (151)
Malloy and Malloy PL (795) - - (795)
Market Ax - - (108) (108)
Marketing Campaigns - (534) - (534)
Marlins Foundation Blackbaud Inc - - (5,125) (5,125)
Matth Herman - - (500) (500)
MergerNetwork - - (754) (754)
Page 9 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 160 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Metrofax Services (69) (339) - (407)
Mga Financial Service - (35,451) - (35,451)
Miami Top Cleaning - - (298) (298)
Microsoft (4,489) (1,070) (250) (5,809)
Mitec - (640) - (640)
Mmj Electric In (6,622) - - (6,622)
Mouser Electronics - (938) - (938)
Mulready Ok Ins (1,500) - - (1,500)
My Agent Solutions - - (2,700) (2,700)
Mylife Com Inc (107) - - (107)
NAIC General National Association (1,075) - - (1,075)
NAPA (1,757) (2,916) - (4,673)
National Association O (1,185) - - (1,185)
Nea-Eo For Less (255) - - (255)
Nespresso Usa Inc - - (81) (81)
Netgate (13,522) (1,617)
- (15,139)
Newsconnection - - (198) (198)
NIPR Licensing National Insurance (323,592) (9,839) - (333,431)
Norvax (11,250) (18,000) - (29,250)
Notaries.Com (140) - - (140)
Off Broward - - (199) (199)
Office Depot (693) (3,329) (1,486) (5,508)
Office Max (130) (471) (10) (612)
Orderfind.Com - - (412) (412)
Payeasebj Technology Ltd Bj China - - (3,361) (3,361)
Paymentsed Forum Inc (4,080) - - (4,080)
Pc 123 - (523) - (523)
PC Nation Office Nation - (635) - (635)
PC Wholesale - - - -
Peoplesmart Com - (758) (520) (1,278)
Pepperjam -
(1,544) - (1,544)
Phillip Emerman - - (595) (595)
Pk Graphics (1,190) - (487) (1,677)
Post Up Stand (1,512) - (1,245) (2,757)
Prospectzone (6,073,000) (133,700) - (6,206,700)
Public Storage (1,881) (3,619) (16,123) (21,622)
Quadranet Inc (109,340) (49,126) - (158,466)
Random Source Inc (4,107) - - (4,107)
Red Butler - - (1,600) (1,600)
Redcap - - (11,208) (11,208)
Refurb Phone Ex - (5,200) - (5,200)
Registered Agent Solutions Inc (218) - - (218)
Sales Technology - (1,000) - (1,000)
Salsbury Industries - (16,137) - (16,137)
Samsung - (4,378) - (4,378)
Schneider Electric - (2,287) - (2,287)
Schools In - (529) (873) (1,402)
Sendgrid (2,745) (2,544) - (5,288)
Seop.Com (18,000) - - (18,000)
Server Supply Com In (1,683) (544) - (2,227)
Servermonkey.Com (77,625) (50,038) - (127,663)
Sharefile (188) (2,625) - (2,813)
Shop Pop Displays - - (349) (349)
Page 10 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 161 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Shred Trust - (850) - (850)
Simplisafe.Com - - (414) (414)
Site5 Com Webhosting (120) (335) - (454)
Smartsign (1,017) (1,091) (43) (2,151)
Sobe Express LLC (1,612) (864) - (2,476)
Society for Human Resource Management (607) (369) - (976)
Society of Corporate Compliance & Ethics - (159) - (159)
Spamhero.Com (276) (240) - (516)
Spokeo.Com (101) - - (101)
Spring Creek - - (141) (141)
Staples (11,317) - (254) (11,572)
State Insurance License (2,965) (11,440) (42) (14,448)
Stirling Road Oper LLC (502) (105) - (607)
Storage Mart - - (13,744) (13,744)
Stor-All Storage - - (1,584)
Suitabletech (2,140) - - (2,140)
Tenant Evaluation 10 - - (200) (200)
Texas Secretary Of State (15) - - (15)
The Webstaurant Store - (6,866) - (6,866)
Tiger Direct (5,534) (84,541) (2,674) (92,749)
T-Mobile (714) - (2,636) (3,351)
Total Cable Solutions - (396) - (396)
Tower Of Power Center (151) - (417) (568)
TrafficVance - (1,000) - (1,000)
Trumpia (4,680) - - (4,680)
Tw Telecom - (1,045) - (1,045)
Twilio Inc (16,907) (40,574) - (57,481)
United Moving And Stor N - - (1,883) (1,883)
UPS (924) (592) (604) (2,120)
Upwork - -
(0) (0)
Ushealth Administrators (206) (294) - (500)
Vertical Cable (1,848) (474) - (2,322)
Vicidial Group - (800) - (800)
Vistage Florida - - (8,275) (8,275)
Vistapr - (117) - (117)
Vitelity (145,100) (327,000) - (472,100)
VMware - (285) - (285)
Vocalocity Inc - (14) - (14)
Voxtell - (5,193) - (5,193)
Vsp - (1,500) - (1,500)
Vue Fl Fin Srv (420) (2,184) - (2,604)
Vz Wireless (16) - - (16)
Wa Secretary Of State (60) - - (60)
Wains Commissioner (395) - - (395)
Web.Com (3,229) - - (3,229)
WebCE (378) (170) - (548)
Weebly Business Site Weebly Business - - (116) (116)
Weebly Custom Domain Weebly Custom - - (75) (75)
Whitepages Premium (30) - (10) (40)
Worldwide Insurance Service - - (13,500) (13,500)
Wrapbootstrap - (36) - (36)
Yourmembership Careers Your Membership - (325) - (325)
Ziprecruiter (10,059) (8,645) - (18,704)
Page 11 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 162 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Zoho Corporation (2,890) (3,300) - (6,190)
Total Business (17,406,477) (1,289,358) (187,494) (18,883,328)
Event Planne
Stupak Las Vegas - - (217,339) (217,339)
Gentlemen's Club
Benelux Corporation (Palazio) - Gentlemen's Club - - (726) (726)
Cheetah Gentlemen's Club - - (3,171) (3,171)
Diamond Entertainment - Gentlemen's Club - - (6,835) (6,835)
E11even - Gentleman's club - - (5,516) (5,516)
Entertainment USA (Christie Cabaret) - Gentlemen's Club - - (725) (725)
J W Lee Inc (Scarletts) - Gentlemen's Club - - (50) (50)
Miami Gardens Sq1 Club (Tootsie's Cabaret) - Gentlemen's
- (832) (29,936) (30,768)
O C Food Beverage LLC (Rachel's) - Gentleman's Club - - (13,046) (13,046)
Outwest Ventures Gentleman's club - - (1,812) (1,812)
Solid Gold - Gentleman's club - - (3,578) (3,578)
Spearmint Rhino - Gentlemen's Club - - (5,529) (5,529)
VC Lauderdale (Vegas Cabaret) - Gentlemen's Club - - (2,071) (2,071)
Total Gentlemen's Club - (832) (72,994) (73,826)
Museum / Theme Park / Tou
9/11 Memorial - - (108) (108)
Atlantis Aquaquest - (657) - (657)
Battlefield Vegas - - (2,210) (2,210)
Disney World - - (437) (437)
Linq High Roller - - (46) (46)
Moet Chandon Epernay - - (4,186) (4,186)
Musee Du Louvre Paris - - (622) (622)
Pacific Park - - (51) (51)
Ripleys Orlando - - (43) (43)
Rusty Wallace Racing Experience - - (525) (525)
Santas Enchanted Forest - - (168) (168)
Show Management - - (450) (450)
The London Eye Company Limited - - (24) (24)
Universal Orlando - - (200) (200)
Universal Studios Hollywood - - (613) (613)
Total Museum / Theme Park / Tour - (657)
(9,682) (10,339)
Below Zero Absolut - - (44) (44)
Capitale - - (228) (228)
Capones - - (48) (48)
Club De Hong Kong - - (4,020) (4,020)
Club Euro - - (600) (600)
Club Space - - (600) (600)
Cubic Macau Bar Nightclub - - (952) (952)
Drais Afterhours LLC - - (1,119) (1,119)
Ellio Ibiza Ba Bar Nightclub Euro - - (1,489) (1,489)
Fontainebleau - Liv - - (70,294) (70,294)
Gold Club - Gentelmen's Club - - (992) (992)
Hakkasan - (3,112) (18,779) (21,891)
Page 12 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 163 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Harrah's Peek - - (3,220) (3,220)
Hyde Lnge at American Airlines Arena (324) (405) (909) (1,638)
Joy Eslava - - (665) (665)
L'Arc Club Paris - - (8,525) (8,525)
Living Room - (89) (131) (220)
Mansion - - (720) (720)
Marquee Las Vegas - - (158,241) (158,241)
Mekka Nightclub Miami - - (468) (468)
Merenguebar Santo Domingo Pesos Bar Nightclub - - (327) (327)
Miami Hyde - - (10,566) (10,566)
Muse Club - - (515) (515)
Mynt Lounge - - (12,035) (12,035)
Nikki Beach Club - (62) (3,844) (3,906)
Oasis El Paraiso Escondid - - (459) (459)
Off The Hookah - -
(3,259) (3,259)
Omnia Las Vegas - - (3,001) (3,001)
Ora Miami - - (4,069) (4,069)
Pacha Ibiza Ibiza Ba Bar Nightclub Euro - - (6,668) (6,668)
Pacha Reservas - - (4,699) (4,699)
Passion Nightclub - - (1,326) (1,326)
Round Up - - (625) (625)
Sayers Club - - (2,557) (2,557)
Shay Bar Nightclub - - (2,440) (2,440)
Story Nightclub - - (57,506) (57,506)
Surrender Nightclub - - (11,064) (11,064)
Tao Night Club - - (7,418) (7,418)
Tl Gilleys Nightclub - - (1,132) (1,132)
Vibe (14,431) (3,108) (38,647) (56,187)
Vip Room - - (1,071)
XS-Encore - - (4,544) (4,544)
Total Nightclub (14,755) (6,776) (449,816) (471,346)
Salon / Spa
Andrea Hair Center B - - (29) (29)
Bamboo Wellness Inc - - (138) (138)
Bliss 49 - - (280) (280)
Boca Tanning - - (91) (91)
Boca Tanning Brickell - - (94) (94)
Body Rock Spa - - (1,547) (1,547)
Chic La Vie - - (660) (660)
Contour Day Spa - - (295) (295)
Cosmo Sahra Spa - - (544) (544)
Escape Nails & Spa - - (428) (428)
Glamsquad Inc - - (3,515) (3,515)
Hard Rock Hotel Spa - - (110) (110)
Hochstein Medical Spa - - (512) (512)
Leelou Salon & Spa - - (100) (100)
Red Door Salon - - (135) (135)
Reviv Medical Spa - -
(215) (215)
Salon Rik Rak - - (3,858) (3,858)
Sarracino Salon - - (1,050) (1,050)
Serenity Spa Gifts - - (215) (215)
Spa At Icon Brickell - - (1,436) (1,436)
Page 13 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 164 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Tease Salon - - (483) (483)
The Magic Touch Group - - (520) (520)
Xpresspa - - (291) (291)
Total Salon / Spa - - (16,545) (16,545)
Sports / Concert
American Airlines Arena - (157) (1,281) (1,438)
Anatomy at Miami Beach - - (8,808) (8,808)
Aramark Citi Field - - (80) (80)
Bali Hai Golf Club - - (870) (870)
BB&T Center Concession - - (70) (70)
Beach Club-Encore - - (14,370) (14,370)
Black Tie Ski Rental - - (951) (951)
BUC-UM Concession - - (21) (21)
Carolina Panthers Concession - - (40) (40)
CSD @ At&T Stadium - - (1,130) (1,130)
Dave Busters (2,447) (11,988) (915) (15,349)
Davie Pro Rodeo Tckts - - (438) (438)
Dolphin Stadium - - (45,880) (45,880)
Dolphin Stadium Concession (24) (8) (39) (71)
Golden Yacht Charter - - (15,516) (15,516)
Hard Rock Stadium - - (1,535)
Heavenly Sport - - (1,940) (1,940)
Helifirst Paris - - (3,198) (3,198)
Holiday Lanes - - (1,812) (1,812)
IFC Islamorada FL - - (109) (109)
Jacaranda Golf Club - - (116) (116)
Kings Miami Doral (6,118) - - (6,118)
La Fitness - - (296) (296)
Laplaya Beach Golf - - (3,047) (3,047)
Legends Dal Cowboys - - (99) (99)
Livingsocial (20) - - (20)
Lock Load Miami LLC - - (930) (930)
LSU Stadium Club - - (21) (21)
Marlins Park - - (3,790) (3,790)
Miami Dolphins - - (8) (8)
Miami Marlins - (143) - (143)
Miami River Yacht Club - -
(439) (439)
MLB - - (1,507) (1,507)
MSG Concessions - - (181) (181)
Ny-Nyhotelshow Ticket - - (595) (595)
Oakland Arena - - (20) (20)
Palazzo Stadium Club - - (394) (394)
Pembroke Gun Range - - (954) (954)
River Yacht Club - - (257) (257)
Snow.Com - - (630) (630)
Splitsville Orlando - - (38) (38)
Stubhub Inc (812) - (136,104) (136,916)
Sun Life Stadium Suites - - (453,554) (453,554)
Ticket Master (459) - (608) (1,067)
Ticketfly Events - - (851) (851)
T-Mobile Arena - - (64) (64)
Tommy Bahama Fashn Shw - - (1,284)
Page 14 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 165 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Top Golf (54) - (2,253) (2,307)
Tropical 5k - (34) - (34)
Um Athletic Tickets - - (58,400) (58,400)
Vegas Entertainment - - (1,393) (1,393)
Vegas Indoor Skydiving - - (550) (550)
World Wrestling Entertainment Inc - - (509) (509)
Yankee Stadium Insea - - (92) (92)
Sports / Concert (9,933) (12,329) (767,987) (790,248)
AMC Aventura - - (47) (47)
ApoteoSurprise - - (5,508) (5,508)
Atlantis Kodak Photo - (70) - (70)
B&H Photo - (4,273) - (4,273)
Broadway.Com (0) (602) - (602)
Century Theatres - - (80) (80)
Cinemark Theatres - - (53) (53)
Circus Circus - - (39) (39)
Cirque Du Soliel - - (40) (40)
IPIC Theaters (162) - (364) (526)
Netflix - - (377) (377)
Pandora Radio (136) - - (136)
Paragon Grove 13 - - (141) (141)
Regal Cinemas - (68) (146) (214)
Siriusxm.Com - - (1,926) (1,926)
Treasure Island Cirque - - (291) (291)
Zummanity - -
(69) (69)
Total Theatrica
(298) (5,012) (9,082) (14,392)
Total Entertainment (24,985) (25,606) (1,543,444) (1,594,035)
Luxury Goods
Armani Exchange - - (1,200) (1,200)
Bergdorf Goodman - - (28,800) (28,800)
Burberry - - (165) (165)
Cartier - - (108,719) (108,719)
Chanel Boutique - - (15,741) (15,741)
Christian Louboutin - - (19,322) (19,322)
Dior - - (642) (642)
Dolce Gabbana - - (898) (898)
Euphoria - - (1,327) (1,327)
Ferrari of Fort Lauderdale - - (3,630) (3,630)
Field of Dreams - - (2,718) (2,718)
Fine Linens - - (2,892) (2,892)
G.R. Fischelis Paris - - (3,071) (3,071)
Giuseppe Zanotti Design - - (5,051) (5,051)
Gucci - - (9,863)
Harry Winston - - (3,959) (3,959)
Hermes - - (40,637) (40,637)
Hugo Boss - - (17,324) (17,324)
Louis Vuitton - - (19,485) (19,485)
Mont Blanc - - (1,441) (1,441)
Neiman Marcus - - (3,414) (3,414)
Page 15 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 166 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Nordstrom - - (6,264) (6,264)
Prestige Imports Miami - Audi Lamborghini - - (15,218) (15,218)
Printemps Haussmann - - (2,309) (2,309)
Saks Fifth Avenue - - (8,501) (8,501)
Salvatore Ferragamo - - (1,202) (1,202)
T-Bird Jewels - - (3,428) (3,428)
Tiffany Co - - (1,440) (1,440)
Tom Ford - - (9,139) (9,139)
Trunk Club - (184) (890) (1,074)
Tumi Stores Inc - - (1,691) (1,691)
Yves Saint Laurent - - (1,903) (1,903)
Yves Salomon Paris - - (5,233) (5,233)
Total Luxury Goods - (184) (347,516) (347,700)
Affordable Animal Hospital - - (200) (200)
Alhambra Family Practice - - (70) (70)
Aliera Healthcare Inc (150) - - (150)
Automated Pet Care P - - (755) (755)
Below Zero Cryotherapy - - (45) (45)
BetterHelp Davis Jul - - (260) (260)
BMG Florida - - (1,000) (1,000)
Emi Health - - (320) (320)
Fertility Ivf Center of - - (130) (130)
Gables Optimal Health 0891 - - (150) (150)
Highlandes of Dallas - - (477) (477)
Jazzy Eyes Inc - - (200) (200)
Las Olas Dermatology - - (105) (105)
Longs - - (48) (48)
Memorial Preservices - - (604) (604)
Miami Veterinary Spe - - (274)
Minuteclinic - - (321) (321)
Navarro Discount Rx - - (37) (37)
Passport Health - - (547) (547)
Patriot Health Inc (230) - - (230)
Quest Diagnostics - - (50) (50)
Sunset Medical Center - - (4) (4)
The Miami Hypnosis Center - - (1,477) (1,477)
Um2 Dermatology Umh - - (35) (35)
United Healthcare - (25) - (25)
Urgent Care - - (360) (360)
Urgent Care and Surgery - - (325) (325)
Visionworks - - (969) (969)
Total Medica
(380) (25) (8,763) (9,168)
American Express Cash Return - - (9,285) (9,285)
Automated Vending - - (2) (2)
Big Pink - - (228) (228)
Blue Tree Ju - - (29) (29)
Carfax Vehicle History - - (100) (100)
Carmen G Soto PA - - (200) (200)
Page 16 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 167 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Cart M-1 - - (3) (3)
Chargeback Services (2,411) (125) - (2,536)
Chicago Elite - - (73) (73)
City of Coral Gables - - (43) (43)
Clearme.Com - - (558) (558)
COH Alarms - (36) - (36)
Coh Lbtr Online 0603 - (1,125) - (1,125)
Corners Transport - - (1,254) (1,254)
Corporations Usa LLC (271) - - (271)
Court or Ticket - - (179) (179)
DCCA (1,125) - - (1,125)
DealStream - - (799) (799)
Directv (869) (1,154) - (2,023)
Express Cash Return Fee (38) (38) (38) (114)
Fgm Frontgate - - (1,037) (1,037)
Fragomen Del Rey Bernsen - - (4,500) (4,500)
Ftd Ftd Com 800 - - (2,171) (2,171)
Gasc 2544 - (359) (1,557) (1,916)
Gts Online Limited Flexispy - 0 - 0
Icon Brickell - - (1,852) (1,852)
Initiation Fee - - - -
Instacart - - (382) (382)
Jdate.Com - - (164) (164)
Lagrange - - (193) (193)
Laurel Wolf - - (199) (199)
Leonardo Villaraza (1,000) - - (1,000)
Loma - (1,795) - (1,795)
Loopnetinc - (2,159) - (2,159)
Loyalty Bonus 0 - - 0
Miami Ft Lauder Komen - (70) - (70)
Modern Healthcare subscription - (414) - (414)
Moss Holding Company (5,500) - - (5,500)
News Express - - (91) (91)
School Donation - - (1,003) (1,003)
Srwpb - - (309) (309)
The First Tee Of Central Florida - - (1,000) (1,000)
Washington Management - - (170) (170)
Total Miscellaneous (11,214) (7,274) (27,418) (45,906)
Missing Statement
Missing Statement (40,633) (25,036) (1,549) (67,218)
900 Biscayne - - (10) (10)
Abm Parking Aman - - (11) (11)
Ampco Parking - - (12) (12)
Asta Parking - - (10) (10)
Bal Harbour Shops Parking - - (24) (24)
Bayside Marketplace Parking - - (25) (25)
Brickell City Centre Sprk - - (3) (3)
City of CG Parking - - (2) (2)
City of FL Parking Services - - (5) (5)
City of Miami Beach Parking - - (9) (9)
Page 17 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 168 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
City of South Miami - - (3) (3)
Cosmo Self Parking - - (20) (20)
Dfw Airport Parking - - (2) (2)
La City Metered Park - - (3) (3)
Las Olas Centrel Sprk 32741 (12) - (8) (20)
Lax Airport Lot P - - (126) (126)
Mccarran Airpt Parking - - (6) (6)
Mia Parking - - (3,390) (3,390)
Miami Beach Park Pa - - (2) (2)
Miami Cdd Parking South - - (3) (3)
Mpa Parking Pay By Phone 0139 - - (11) (11)
Park One Icon - - (7,911) (7,911)
Parking - - (30) (30)
Parking Garage On 5Th Michigan Ave - - (8) (8)
Parking Verrus 0971 - - (11) (11)
Parkmobil - - (22) (22)
United Parking Systems - - (7) (7)
Ush Parking Rc - - (30) (30)
Valet (60) - (60) (120)
Total Parking (72) - (11,763) (11,835)
Repairs And Maintenance
Aero Electric Inc (3,929) - - (3,929)
All My Sons Mia - - (50) (50)
Atlantic Relocation Systems (1,615) - - (1,615)
Mr Handyman - - (2,857) (2,857)
Oxi Fresh Of Fort Wort - - (1,041) (1,041)
Oxxo - - (6) (6)
Tirone Electric - (4,508) - (4,508)
Total Repairs and Maintenance (5,544) (4,508) (3,955) (14,006)
#00 Saloon - - (378) (378)
1 Oak - - (1,613) (1,613)
10 Degrees Bar - - (93) (93)
2nd Ave Dell - - (317) (317)
Aberdeen Angus Steak - - (160) (160)
Acting Cafe - - (26) (26)
All Stars Sports Bar & Grill - - (29) (29)
Allegro Restaurant Bar - - (190) (190)
Amoco Food Shop - - (50) (50)
Anadale - - (26) (26)
Angus Steak House - - (144) (144)
Anthonys Coal Fired (41) - - (41)
Applebees - - (156) (156)
Aquamarcafe Inc - - (94) (94)
Area 31 Restaurant - - (470) (470)
Ark Gallaghers Bkrm - - (227) (227)
Ark Hollywood LLC - - (76)
Ark Nyny Greenwich C - - (12) (12)
Ark Tampa - - (14) (14)
Asia Bay - (55) (134) (189)
Asian Chao - - (14) (14)
Page 18 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 169 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Atlantic Surf Club - (32) - (32)
Atlantis Food & Beverage - (191) - (191)
Auntie Annes - - (58) (58)
Aura Restaurant - - (89) (89)
Avenue - - (87,499) (87,499)
Azteca Real (57) - - (57)
B And B Steakhouse - - (24,432) (24,432)
B Fresh Attrac - (37) - (37)
B Patisserie - - (31) (31)
Bacardi Mojito Bar d - - (9) (9)
Bagatelle Beach - - (1,066) (1,066)
Bagel & Schmear - - (21) (21)
Bagel Cove Restaurant - - (93) (93)
Bagel Emporium - - (215) (215)
Baires Grill - - (74) (74)
Balboa Cafe - - (282) (282)
Barneys - - (129) (129)
Barolo Point - -
(64) (64)
Barolo Ristoranti - - (61) (61)
Barons Cove Restaurant (103) - - (103)
Barsecco - - (185) (185)
Barton G Restaurant - - (449) (449)
Bb Steakhouse - - (8,934) (8,934)
Bds Restaurant - - (369) (369)
Be Our Guest-Mk-Qsr - - (49) (49)
Bella Roma Italian R (90) - - (90)
Bellagio Yellowtail - - (611) (611)
Bellagio-Lilly - - (400) (400)
Bellagio-Prime Steakhouse - - (1,165) (1,165)
Benihana - - (364) (364)
Benjamins Steak House - - (187) (187)
Better Days - - (111) (111)
Beverly Hills Cafe - - (30) (30)
Big City Tavern (233) (21)
(96) (350)
Big Cs Downtown Pizza (14) - (24) (38)
Big Daddys Food Inc - - (42) (42)
Big Easy - - (283) (283)
Big Louies Pizza Ita (167) (643) (563) (1,373)
Big Pink Inc - - (323) (323)
Bjs Restaurants - - (48) (48)
Black Tap Bar - - (117) (117)
BLT Prime - - (246) (246)
BLT Steak - - (318) (318)
Blue Martini - - (435) (435)
Blue Mermaid Restaurant - - (40) (40)
Blue Moon Diner Co (43) - - (43)
Blue Plate Restaurant - - (619) (619)
Blue Plate Taco - - (201) (201)
BOA Steakhouse - - (2,741) (2,741)
Boatyard 2 -
- (213) (213)
Bobby Vans Grill - - (105) (105)
Bobs Steak and Chop House - - (298) (298)
Bodega Negra - - (772) (772)
Page 19 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 170 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Bojangles - - (10) (10)
Bokampers Sports Bar - - (62) (62)
Bonnie Spring Ranch - - (77) (77)
Boston Bagel Bakery - - (21) (21)
Boston Market (218) (440) (75) (733)
Bostwicks Chowder (74) - - (74)
Bowery Bay Tavern - - (86) (86)
Brass Monkey LLC - - (43) (43)
Brasserie Blanc - - (94) (94)
Bread Butter 29 - - (23) (23)
Brewco - - (52) (52)
Brother Jimmys BBQ - - (61) (61)
Brueggers Bagles - - (9) (9)
Bubbles - - (62) (62)
Buffalo Wild Wings - - (71) (71)
Bull & Whistle - - (106) (106)
Burger & Beer Joint (150) - - (150)
Burger Beer - - (133) (133)
Burger Fi - (9) - (9)
Burger King - - (171) (171)
C.R. Chicks Village - - (28) (28)
Caesars Bacchanal Buffet - - (189) (189)
Caesars Old Homestead - - (917) (917)
Caesars Spanish Step - - (36) (36)
Caesars Spirit Bar - - (129) (129)
Cafe 53 - - (6) (6)
Cafe Sbg - - (797) (797)
Café Viggo - - (92) (92)
California Pizza Kitchen - - (247) (247)
Camilas Steakhouse - - (206) (206)
Cantina La Veinte - - (1,233) (1,233)
Capital Grille - - (4,323) (4,323)
Capones Italian Pizzeria - (1,448) (180) (1,627)
Carls Jr - - (25) (25)
Carmines Pizzeria - - (114)
Carpaccio At Bal Har - - (100) (100)
Carrabbas - (56) - (56)
Casey's Corner - - (23) (23)
Casolas Pizzeria Sub Shop - - (95) (95)
Celavi-Restaurant - - (274) (274)
Center Bar - - (60) (60)
Cervejaria Devassa - - (92) (92)
Cest Bon Cafe 65 - - (21) (21)
CH3LV - - (1,289) (1,289)
Charley's - - (532) (532)
Charleys Celebration - - (195) (195)
Checkers - (38) (15) (53)
Cheeseburger - - (71) (71)
Cheeseburger Mai Tais - - (68) (68)
Cheesecake Factory (293) (399) (587) (1,279)
Chef Pepper - - (46) (46)
Chicago Chop House - - (209) (209)
Chick-Fil-A - - (105) (105)
Page 20 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 171 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Chilias - - (94) (94)
Chili's - (175) (126) (301)
Chill-N Aventura LLC - - (25) (25)
China Canton Restaurant - (43) - (43)
China Hollywood - (1,003) (255) (1,258)
China Lane Restaurant - (18) (17) (35)
Chinatown Sushi Bar (50) - - (50)
Chipotle (1,293) (213) (27) (1,532)
Chophouse Miami 305 - - (312) (312)
Christys Restaurant - - (2,547) (2,547)
Chuck's - - (196) (196)
Church Chicken - - (23) (23)
Churrasc Fogo Chao - - (389) (389)
Churrascaria Gaucha - - (23) (23)
Ciao Kiosk - - (24) (24)
Cielito Lindo Dos - - (63) (63)
Cili Restaurant - - (509) (509)
Cinepolis Coconut Grove - - (46) (46)
Cipriani Dowtown - - (719) (719)
Claridges Bars - - (264) (264)
Coca Cola - - (11) (11)
Coffee Bean Store - - (4) (4)
Coldstone Creamery H - - (5) (5)
Constant Grind Coffee - - (60) (60)
Copa Cabana - - (22) (22)
Cornell Restaurant - - (832) (832)
Cosmo Pizzeria - - (52) (52)
Cosmopolitan 24 Hr Cafe - - (89) (89)
Cosmopolitan Milkbar - - (25) (25)
Cosmopolitan Pizzeria - - (93) (93)
Cosmopolitan Scarpetta - - (166) (166)
Cosmopolitan Starbucks - - (11) (11)
Cosmopolitan Stk - - (5,339) (5,339)
Council Oak Steakhouse - (569) (8,180) (8,748)
Cracker Barrel - -
(113) (113)
Csaears 800 Restaurant - - (104) (104)
Culinary Dropout - - (229) (229)
Cuvee 0802 - - (6,420) (6,420)
D Edge - - (962) (962)
D&D Steakhouse - - (1,680) (1,680)
Dairy Queen - (17) (8) (25)
Dallas Food Beverage LLC - - (1,865) (1,865)
Dallas Ft Worth Airport - - (61) (61)
Dandee Donut Diner - (17) (27) (44)
Del Friscos Grille - - (200) (200)
Delano Food Beverage - - (128) (128)
Dennys - (63) (229) (292)
Dickeys Barbecue Pit - (25) - (25)
Dolphin Stadium Restaurant (353) (929) (9,320) (10,602)
Dominos Pizza - - (371) (371)
Doral Golf-Food Be - - (71) (71)
Doughboys Pizzeria - (218) (687) (906)
Duffys Sports Grill - - (29) (29)
Page 21 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 172 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Dunkin Donut - (2) (349) (351)
East Restaurant F&B - - (656) (656)
Eat24 - - (9,694) (9,694)
Egmondt Bakery - (10) - (10)
Einstein Bros Bagels (151) (352) (39) (541)
Electric Room 161 - - (8,802) (8,802)
Fahermosillo Hermosillo - - (829) (829)
Fenicia Restaurant Suc 1 Ax - - (143) (143)
Fig Tree Restaurant - - (188) (188)
Fireman Dereks Bake Shop - - (98) (98)
Fireman Dereks Key Lime P 80311669 - - (94) (94)
Fireside Pizza Co 650 - - (41) (41)
Flanigans - - (724) (724)
Flemings - - (1,862) (1,862)
Fly Burger - - (60) (60)
Fogo De Chao - - (1,154) (1,154)
Fontainebleau - Bleau Bar - - (618) (618)
Fontainebleau - Glow Bar - - (2,802) (2,802)
Fontainebleau - Hakkasan - (235) - (235)
Fontainebleau - Scarpett - - (551) (551)
Fontainebleau - StripSteak - - (728) (728)
Fontainebleau - Vida - - (71) (71)
Fort Lauderdale Ale House - (922) (343) (1,265)
Fridays - (408) (611) (1,018)
Fuddruckers - - (36) (36)
Gallaghers Steak House - - (401) (401)
Garcias Seafood Grille - - (193) (193)
Ggs Waterfront Bar - - (513) (513)
Gilbert Café - - (6) (6)
Gilberts Food Bar Mi - - (11) (11)
Giulianos Restaurant - - (70) (70)
G-Miami Food Airport - - (497)
Grifs Western Main Store - - (1,286) (1,286)
Grille 401 (20) (176) (4,535) (4,731)
Gyu Kaku - (310) (1,098) (1,408)
Hard Rock Café - - (392) (392)
Hard Rock Hotel - Tauro - - (437) (437)
Harrah's Carnival Bar - - (14) (14)
Harrah's Friday's Station - - (201) (201)
Harrahs Sports Bar - - (51) (51)
Harrahs Starbucks - - (5) (5)
Harveys Casino - Sage Room - - (209) (209)
Harveys Casino Hvnly - - (42) (42)
Heart Rock Sushi - - (116) (116)
Hippops Handcrafted Gelato Bars Dama (795) - - (795)
Hiro Japanese Restaurant - - (127) (127)
Hiros Sushi Express - (20) - (20)
Holy Bagels And Pizzeria - -
(52) (52)
Honolulu Cookie Co 21 - - (42) (42)
Hooters - (391) (1,281) (1,673)
House of Blues - - (103) (103)
Ice Cream - - (13) (13)
Icebox Cafe At Mia 0046 - - (25) (25)
Page 22 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 173 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Ihop (25) (36) (88) (149)
III Forks (1,891) - - (1,891)
IL Bellagio Inc - - (69) (69)
Iron Bar & Grill - - (143) (143)
Iron Sushi - (86) - (86)
Ironworks Bbq - - (48) (48)
Islamorada Fish Co (108) - (225) (332)
J Alexanders - - (66) (66)
J Muirs Tavern Fat - - (37) (37)
Jack In The Box - - (27) (27)
Jamba Juice - (5) (28) (33)
James Beach - - (142) (142)
Japan Inn - - (193) (193)
Jaxsons Ice Cream Pa (205) (27) (112) (344)
Jba Restaurante - - (104) (104)
Jbs On The Beach - - (195) (195)
Jimmy Johns - (118) - (118)
Joes New Yor - - (28) (28)
Joes Shanghai Restaurant - - (139) (139)
Joes Stone Crab - - (850) (850)
Joes Tiki Bar & Grill - - (68) (68)
Johnny Rockets - - (76) (76)
Juan Monserrate Bar & Grill - - (43) (43)
Juice Therapy Cafe 8 - (32) - (32)
Juniors Restaurant - - (186) (186)
Katzs Dellcatessen - - (355) (355)
Keens Steakhouse - - (309) (309)
Kenkou Sushi And Hib (33) - - (33)
Key Lime Pie Factory - - (27) (27)
Key West Key Lime Pi - - (24) (24)
KFC - (23) (43) (66)
Kitchenetta - - (341) (341)
Komodo - - (372) (372)
Krispy Kreme Doughnuts - - (30) (30)
L Avenue Paris -
- (626) (626)
La Bonne Crepe - (70) - (70)
La Cabana Argentina - - (124) (124)
La Carreta - - (130) (130)
La Mar Cebicheria Peruana 65 - - (159) (159)
La Sandwiche - - (34) (34)
Lacassina - - (495) (495)
Lakewood Smokehouse - - (102) (102)
Langford Hotel Restaurant - - (36) (36)
Las Vegas Viii (65) - (125) (190)
Lataverne Paris Pa - - (99) (99)
Latincafe - - (75) (75)
Laughing Loggerhead - - (187) (187)
Lavo Restaurant - - (5,911) (5,911)
Lechai Ferrieresen Bries - - (87) (87)
Legal Sea Foods - - (8,641) (8,641)
Lesters Diner - (528)
(120) (649)
Liguoris Fired Up (86) - - (86)
Lime Fresh Mexican G (18) - - (18)
Page 23 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 174 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Linq Wheelhouse Lounge - - (24) (24)
Lique Restaurant - - (60) (60)
Liquor Locker 80 - - (16) (16)
Lobby Bar - - (404) (404)
Lobster Bar Sea Grill (1,859) - (624) (2,483)
Longhorn Steakhouse - (61) (161) (222)
Lucali 65 - - (108) (108)
Mamma Caruso - - (19) (19)
Mandarin Oriental - - (1,251) (1,251)
Mangoes Restaurant - (30) (62) (92)
Mangos Tropical Cafe - - (92) (92)
Manhattan Beach Crea - - (2) (2)
Manhattan Beach Post - - (452) (452)
Mardi Gras Sundries - - (22) (22)
Margaritaville - - (401) (401)
Marolas Trattoria (92) - - (92)
Mason House - - (1,515) (1,515)
Mastros - - (8,264) (8,264)
Matrix Fillmore - - (100) (100)
McDonalds - (42) (1,103) (1,145)
Meat Market - - (1,017) (1,017)
Melisse - - (871) (871)
Meson De La Cava - - (82) (82)
Mexican Spanish Re - - (43) (43)
Miami Bazar - - (904) (904)
Millers Ale House (276) (43) (1,161) (1,481)
Mizumi restaurant Ba - - (330) (330)
Mj O Connors Waterfron - - (163) (163)
Moes Southwest Grill - - (187) (187)
Mojo Donuts Fried Ch - - (11) (11)
Mon Ami Gabi Vegas - - (241) (241)
Montys Raw Bar - - (89) (89)
Montys Sunset - - (315)
Moonlite Diner (52) (34) (257) (343)
Moose Juice - - (8) (8)
Morgans - - (135) (135)
Mortons - - (1,050) (1,050)
Mr Ms Sandwich Shop (42) - (122) (164)
MRG - - (2,374) (2,374)
Mundo Cafe Magic Cit 1980 - - (7) (7)
Musha - - (141) (141)
Nakorn Thai Sushi - (30) - (30)
Napa Farms Market T2 - - (40) (40)
Napoleon House 65 - - (83) (83)
Nathans Hot Dogs - - (7) (7)
Nestle Tollhouse - - (16) (16)
New Day Cafe 65 - - (37) (37)
New River Groves - (94) - (94)
New River Pizza - (47) (351) (398)
New York Bagel Dell - - (149)
Nobu - - (96) (96)
Nusr-Et Steakhouse - - (395) (395)
Ny Bagel And Deli - - (96) (96)
Page 24 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 175 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Oblix - - (101) (101)
Ocean 234 - - (137) (137)
Ocean Beach Ibiza San Antonio Ba Restaurant Euro - - (2,820) (2,820)
Ocean Drive - - (77) (77)
Ocean Prime - - (545) (545)
Offerdahls Cafe Grill (3,785) (292) (622) (4,699)
Old Florida Bar-B-Q - (35) - (35)
Olivia Restaurante - - (198) (198)
Outback Steak House - (152) (696) (849)
Ozio Saint Didier Paris - - (306) (306)
Padrinos Cuban Cuisine - - (35) (35)
Palazzo Benito Juarez Me Restaurant Tip - - (551) (551)
Palazzo Laguna Bar - - (60) (60)
Palm Restaurant - - (194) (194)
Pamonhariatriangul Santa - - (6) (6)
Panda Express - (57) (42) (98)
Panera Bread - - (1,319) (1,319)
Panther Coffee - - (10) (10)
Papa Guidos Pizza - - (38) (38)
Papa Johns (701) (803) (93) (1,597)
Pappadeaux Seafood Kitchen - - (320) (320)
Paradise Cafe - - (40) (40)
Paramount Coffee (21,985) - - (21,985)
Parasol Down Bar - - (600) (600)
Paris 6 Bistro - - (249) (249)
Paris Boulangerie - - (22) (22)
Paris Las Vegas - Le Village Buffet - (54) (67) (121)
Paul Lincoln Road - - (17) (17)
Pei Wei Asian Diner (44) (87) - (131)
PHD - - (2,077) (2,077)
Piacere News And Café - - (35) (35)
Pieros Italian Cuisine - - (261) (261)
Pita Plus (59) - -
Pita Pockets - (33) - (33)
Pivotal Fitness - - (1,054) (1,054)
Pizza Hut - - (471) (471)
Pizza Rustica - (48) (14) (62)
Plantation Diner (26) - - (26)
Pollo Tropical - (60) (531) (591)
Postmates.Com - - (44,816) (44,816)
Pret A Manger - - (2) (2)
Pride and Joy Miami - - (144) (144)
Prime 112 - (1,213) (7,163) (8,376)
Prime 333 - - (5,881) (5,881)
Prime Fish - - (3,384) (3,384)
Prime Italian - - (2,971) (2,971)
Prime Takeout - (351) - (351)
Pubbelly Sushi - - (49) (49)
Puccis Pizza - (31) -
Quality Meats - - (462) (462)
Quarterdeck - (23) (412) (435)
Quiznos - (32) (19) (52)
Rachels Kitchen - - (9) (9)
Page 25 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 176 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Red Bar Miami - - (368) (368)
Red Cow - (45) - (45)
Red Lobster - - (130) (130)
Red Rock Steakhouse - - (432) (432)
Red The Steakhouse - - (1,115) (1,115)
Restaurant Victoria - - (341) (341)
Restaurante Benihana Ax - - (83) (83)
Restaurante Fasano Rio - - (66) (66)
Restaurante Haddock Cafe Ibiza - - (57) (57)
Rice And Dough - (26) (827) (853)
Rickeys Restaurant And Lounge (134) (82) (878) (1,095)
Risckys Bbq - - (56) (56)
Riverside Hotel Restaurant - (40) (100) (140)
Roasters N Toasters - - (785) (785)
Roberts Restaurant (49) - - (49)
Roccos Tacos (82) (150) (494) (726)
Rockboy Pizza - - (7) (7)
Rosa Mexicano - - (84) (84)
Royal Pig Pub - (127) (533) (660)
Ruby Jacks Bar - - (313) (313)
Ruby Tuesday - - (235) (235)
Runway Café - - (521) (521)
Rusty Bucket - - (48) (48)
Rusty Pelican - - (413) (413)
Ruths Chris Steak House (1,989) (206) (887) (3,082)
Sake Thai Sushi Bar (55) - - (55)
Sals Italian Ristorante (640) (95) (563) (1,298)
Santa Fe News And Espress - - (168) (168)
Sapphire Restaurant - (84) (35,062) (35,146)
Sarges Deli - - (159) (159)
Scrubys Bar B Q - (74) - (74)
Seaspice - - (2,534)
Seattles Best Coffee At - - (5) (5)
Service Bars - - (224) (224)
Sh Judys Restaurant Co Ltd - - (115) (115)
Shake Shack - - (78) (78)
Shortys Bbq 2 Short (86) - - (86)
Showroom Snack Bar - - (72) (72)
Shulas Burger - (32) (88) (120)
Sky Thai Sushi - (112) - (112)
Smith Wollensky Restaurant London - - (224) (224)
Smokey Bones (44) (22) - (66)
Smoothie King - - (22) (22)
Southport Raw Bar - (247) - (247)
Spaghettino - - (146) (146)
Sprinkles - - (9) (9)
St Regis Bal Harbour Dine - - (36) (36)
Stage Star Dell - - (22) (22)
Starbucks - (42) (276) (317)
Steak 954 - (1,768) - (1,768)
Steak N Shake - (9) (10) (20)
Stk - - (2,469) (2,469)
Subway - (1) (41) (43)
Page 26 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 177 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Sugar Factory Ocean - - (669) (669)
Sugarcane Raw Bar & Grill - - (993) (993)
Sumi Yakitori - - (87) (87)
Sun Surf Sand - (33) (406) (439)
Sunset Juice Café - - (11) (11)
Sushi N Thai Restaurant - (27) (52) (79)
Sushi Rock Café - - (344) (344)
Suviche - - (605) (605)
Sw Steakhouse Restaurant - - (1,520) (1,520)
Sweet Affair Bakery - - (43) (43)
Sweet Tomatoes - (14) (26) (40)
Taco Beach - (10) - (10)
Taco Bell - (47) (354) (401)
Tamarack Lodge F&B - - (89) (89)
Tampa Food And Drink - - (96) (96)
Tap 42 - (67) (202) (269)
Taverna Opa - - (391) (391)
Tequila Ranch (104) - - (104)
Texas De Brazil - - (899) (899)
The Black Rose - - (517) (517)
The Boathouse Orlando - - (250) (250)
The Bol Hollywood (443) (160) (60) (663)
The Buffet - - (164) (164)
The Country Club Restaurant - - (470) (470)
The Exchange - - (2,965) (2,965)
The Forge Restaurant - - (3,901) (3,901)
The Grill Bal Harbour - - (427) (427)
The Melting Pot - (210) - (210)
The Mirage - Center Bar - - (30) (30)
The Olive Garden - (101) (159) (260)
Three Palm Cuban Café - - (22) (22)
Tijuana Flats - (61) (23) (84)
Timpano (1,402)
(2,955) (714) (5,070)
Tmc Restaurant - - (4,096) (4,096)
Toasted Bagel Deli - - (141) (141)
Toasted Brickell - - (56) (56)
Toojays Polo - (851) - (851)
Tossed - (14) - (14)
Tropical Acres Restaurant (210) (133) (144) (487)
Tropical Chinese Restaurant - - (396) (396)
Trulucks - - (4,813) (4,813)
Tuck Room Rest N Miami 000000002 (51) - (287) (338)
Tuscan Grill Ft La - (50) - (50)
Tuscan Sun Coffee House - - (8) (8)
Twin Peaks - - (217) (217)
Uncle Als - - (77) (77)
Uncle Toms Bbq 8Th St - - (56) (56)
Under Bar - - (226) (226)
Upper Deck Ale Sports G - - (53) (53)
Usa Soda Snack Vendi - - (7) (7)
Venetian Racesports Bar - - (29) (29)
Venetian-F&B Macau Restaurant - - (86) (86)
Veneto Restaurante Ax - - (254) (254)
Page 27 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 178 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Versailles Restaur - - (504) (504)
Viceroy Miami Food and - - (2,515) (2,515)
Villa 221 Bar - - (72) (72)
Village Tavern (87) - - (87)
Voodoo Bbq And Grill - - (133) (133)
W Miami Downtown Dine - - (21) (21)
W San Fran Dining W - - (94) (94)
Waffle House (15) - (89) (104)
Waffle Works (25) (114) (109) (248)
Waffys - - (4) (4)
Wendys - (70) (380) (450)
Westin Boston Dining - - (90) (90)
Weston Diner (15) - - (15)
Whiskey Tango All American Bar and Grill - - (251) (251)
Wild Wing Café - - (111) (111)
Will Call Miami - (170) - (170)
Wings Famous Grill Ax - - (36)
Winners Bar - - (9) (9)
Wok Out - (247) - (247)
Wolfgang Puck - - (33) (33)
Wolfgangs Steakhouse - - (293) (293)
World Wide Cafe - - (8) (8)
Wsop Food - - (26) (26)
Wynwood Kitchen And Bar - - (296) (296)
Yard House - - (572) (572)
Ye Olde Kings Head - - (233) (233)
Yogurtland - - (18) (18)
Yolo (9,176) (2,984) (13,267) (25,427)
Zona Fresca - (8) - (8)
Zuma Miami - - (679) (679)
Total Restaurant (50,101) (25,549) (461,479) (537,129)
Absolute Cigar Shop - - (67) (67)
Ace Hardware - - (26) (26)
Aficionados - - (104) (104)
Ag Aventura - - (824) (824)
Air Essentials - - (40) (40)
Airside A Gift - - (9) (9)
AJ Sparkle Cleaners - - (796) (796)
Albertsons - - (95) (95)
Aldo Us - - (983) (983)
Allcanes Bkst - - (43) (43)
Amazon.Com (41,446) (242,974) (30,640) (315,059)
American Express Gift Card (5,025) - - (5,025)
Ancestry DNA - - (226) (226)
Ann Chery Usa - - (170) (170)
Anthonybrands - - (58) (58)
Apple Store (918) (18,092) - (19,010)
Aquabella Couture - - (64)
Aroma Market Cater - (32) - (32)
Ascension Coffee - - (12) (12)
Asknet-Shops (226) - - (226)
Page 28 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 179 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Baers Furniture - - (1,605) (1,605)
Bahama Mamas Inc - (17) - (17)
Barnes & Noble - - (31) (31)
Bebe Store Inc - - (841) (841)
Bed Bath & Beyond 32 (93) (766) (828)
Bellagio-Tutto - - (33) (33)
Best Buy 54 (5,034) (15,552) (20,532)
Big Daddy's Liquor - - (9) (9)
Bloomingdales - - (3,172) (3,172)
Booklink 107 - - (58) (58)
Boot Barn - - (1,005) (1,005)
Bos Hudson News - - (16) (16)
Bose - - (409) (409)
Brandsmart Usa (530) - (3,208) (3,738)
Brazil Mart - - (116) (116)
Brickell Shoes Repair - - (292) (292)
Brittshop Ato Bogota Inter - - (10) (10)
Brobible shop - - (89) (89)
Bumble & Bumble - - (60) (60)
Cabelas Outfitters - - (366) (366)
Calvin Klein Jeans - - (124) (124)
Cana Shop Store - - (37) (37)
Candy Barrel - - (3) (3)
Carmen Sol New York - - (920) (920)
Champs - - (237) (237)
Chandi Liquors - - (3,888) (3,888)
Chandi Wines - - (216) (216)
Charlotte Russe - - (416) (416)
Cigar Landing 94 - - (10) (10)
City Furniture - - (1,554) (1,554)
CMX Brickell City Centre - - (200) (200)
Coconut Grove News - - (58) (58)
Collins Sucursal - - (122)
Containerstore.Com - - (179) (179)
Cosmopolitan Vitals - - (45) (45)
Crown Wine & Spirits - (106) - (106)
Cst Landry's Cstr Gft - (400) - (400)
Custom Shirts 2 - - (137) (137)
Customavrac - (721) - (721)
CVS Pharmacy - (226) (5,510) (5,736)
Dallasmidwest.Com - - (1,156) (1,156)
DFS Cotai Limitada - - (942) (942)
Dickssportmggoods.Com - (21) - (21)
Docker Inc (330) - - (330)
Dollar General - - (3) (3)
Dollar Rac - - (555) (555)
Dollar Tree - - (15) (15)
Dolphin Stadium Merchandise (36) - (114) (150)
Doral Golf-Retail -
- (58) (58)
Doubletree (390) - (42) (432)
Dry Cleaning Depot - (75) (303) (377)
Duty Free Amer - - (910) (910)
Eastbay - - (131) (131)
Page 29 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 180 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
El Dorado Furniture - - (4,785) (4,785)
Express - - (44) (44)
Fancy - - (759) (759)
Fashion Boulevard - - (300) (300)
Flv Wine And Spirits - - (15) (15)
Fresh Market - (597) - (597)
Gamestop - - (254) (254)
Global Blue Uk London Gb - - 1,540 1,540
GNC - - (289) (289)
Golfsmith Golf Center - - (3,941) (3,941)
Gooseberry Intimates Braine-Lalleud Braine Br New - - (662) (662)
Guess - - (676) (676)
Haircuttery - - (645) (645)
Halloweenmart - - (237) (237)
Happy Fiesta - - (513) (513)
Hard Rock Retail Store - -
(56) (56)
Harry David - (955) (182) (1,137)
HHGregg - (233) (262) (496)
Home Depot (107) (594) (910) (1,611)
Home Goods - - (909) (909)
Home Town Threads 13 - - (1,601) (1,601)
Ikea (138) (23,228) (1,142) (24,509)
Indah - - (211) (211)
Istore 5374 - - (610) (610)
Itunes - - (12,856) (12,856)
Ivy Blue - - (579) (579)
John Varvatos At The Forum Shops - - (430) (430)
Kemo Sabe - - (7,733) (7,733)
Kenneth Cole - - (218) (218)
Key West Toyz - - (140)
Kmart - (632) (134) (766)
Kwik Stop - - (97) (97)
Kylie Cosmetics - - (412) (412)
La Riviera Duty Free - - (494) (494)
Lids - - (134) (134)
Los Hidalgos Blue Mall - - (30) (30)
Lulu Hair - - (95) (95)
Lululemon - - (370) (370)
Macys - - (3,530) (3,530)
Marando Farms - (194) - (194)
Marshalls - - (68) (68)
Masquerade Costumes - - (125) (125)
Miami Styles Inc - - (480) (480)
Michaelis Wine Spirits - - (19) (19)
Michaels Stores - - (137) (137)
Modani Miami LLC - -
(2,699) (2,699)
Molton Brown - - (230) (230)
Monoprice.Com (78) (2,214) - (2,292)
Moshi - - (196) (196)
Naked Wardrobe Inc - - - -
Nationwidesafes - - (1,239) (1,239)
Newegg (5,592) (34,145) - (39,737)
Nike - - (1,237) (1,237)
Page 30 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 181 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Nys Collection - - (17) (17)
Ollivanders Wands - - (153) (153)
Orange Blue Mall - - (12) (12)
Orchid Concessions Inc - - (83) (83)
Paradies - - (343) (343)
Party City - (191) (64) (255)
Pattys Flowers Basket (211) - - (211)
Paypal (10,243) (12,499) (1,114) (23,855)
Peas And Pickles - - (15) (15)
Pet Supermarket - - (224) (224)
Peter Glenn Ski - - (3,901) (3,901)
Petsmart - - (125) (125)
Pirates R Us (163) - - (163)
Presidente Supermarket - (41) - (41)
Pretty Pink Princess - - (201) (201)
Publix (87) (2,637) (6,622) (9,346)
Qualityliqourstore.Com - - (1,422) (1,422)
Radio Shack - - (18) (18)
Ralphs - - (219) (219)
Rebel Clothing - - (3,041) (3,041)
Reserve Bar Corporation - (934) - (934)
Rhythm Couture - - (169) (169)
Rock and Roll Religion - - (320) (320)
Ross Dress For Less - - (266) (266)
Sally Beauty Supply - - (132) (132)
Salon Encore - - (110) (110)
San Francisco Moscone Center - - (434) (434)
Segafredo Zanetti Espresso - - (1,611) (1,611)
Sephora - - (39) (39)
Shoppes At Oceandrive - - (544) (544)
Simoniz Car Wash (137) - - (137)
Sir Galloway - - (544) (544)
Skyline News And Gifts - - (15) (15)
Smiths Food Drug - - (82) (82)
Soundbalance - - (160) (160)
Space Mountain Shop - - (22) (22)
Spark Gift Sales - - - -
Sports Authority - - (439) (439)
Sports Memorabilia - - (3,366) (3,366)
Steiner Sports - - (635) (635)
Stitched Lifestyle - - (3,543) (3,543)
Sudsies Dry Cleaners - - (704) (704)
Sunglass Hut - - (441) (441)
Sunshine Market Plac - - (6) (6)
Surf Style - - (61) (61)
Target - (804) (1,475) (2,278)
Tech on the Go - - (530) (530)
Tenmas A Aeropuerto Stamp Coin Store - - (920) (920)
The Doggy Store 5429 - - (22) (22)
The Galleria Auto Spa - - (40) (40)
The Miami Heat Store - - (242) (242)
The Mirage - Essentials - - (27) (27)
The Shoppe - - (781) (781)
Page 31 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 182 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
The Wine Wave - - (2,795) (2,795)
Tint World - - (110) (110)
Tire Kingdom - - (146) (146)
Tom Thumb - - (4) (4)
True Religion - - (582) (582)
Un Dimanche A Paris Boutique - - (63) (63)
Universal Studios Store - - (5) (5)
Up Shirt Creek - - (32) (32)
Vanity Girl Hol - - (454) (454)
Victorias Secret - - (213) (213)
Vilebrequin - - (390) (390)
Walgreens - (161) (3,352) (3,514)
Wal-Mart - (15,317) (676) (15,993)
WantMyLook - - (242) (242)
Whalers General Store Kihei Hi - - (66) (66)
Whole Foods - (516) (1,222)
Williams-Sonoma - - (2,648) (2,648)
Winn-Dixie - (60) (131) (191)
World Wide Vending - - (1) (1)
WWE Shop Express - - (1,265) (1,265)
Zephyrhills Water - (325) - (325)
Zgallerie - - (919) (919)
Total Retai
(65,571) (364,069) (181,397) (611,037)
Admirals Club Mia - - (16) (16)
Air Canada Air - - (545) (545)
Air Europa - - (3,698) (3,698)
Air France - - (804) (804)
Airbnb - - (22,747) (22,747)
Airtran Airways - - (325) (325)
Alamo Car Rental - - (450) (450)
Alaska Airlines - - (317) (317)
All Taxi Management - - (15) (15)
American Airlines (6,862) (3,012) (274,320) (284,194)
American Best Car Re - (337) - (337)
Ames Bostonhotel (736) - - (736)
Amtrak - - (164) (164)
Argonaut Hotel - - (16) (16)
Aria (135) - (1,096) (1,230)
(924) (924)
Atlantis - The Cove - - (9,183) (9,183)
Atlantis Adv Deposit - - - -
Atlantis Front Desk Cov - - (239) (239)
Avianca Com - - (6,043) (6,043)
Azul Linhas Aéreas - - (779) (779)
Ba.Com - - (944) (944)
Baccarat Hotel - - (5,942) (5,942)
Beverly Hills - - (648) (648)
Beverly Hills Rent-A-Car 0 - (5,656) (5,656)
Beverly Hills Sl - - (123) (123)
Biltmore Hotel Resort - - (256) (256)
Budget Rent-A-Car - - (313) (313)
Page 32 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 183 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Bungalow - - (152) (152)
Businesscardkcom Egaa - - (281) (281)
Carey (164) - (4,955) (5,119)
Carnival Imagination - (100) - (100)
Cheapair.Com - - (11,531) (11,531)
Cheaptickets - - (437) (437)
Chi Taxi - - (76) (76)
City of Dreams Manila - - (21) (21)
Classic Vacations - - (3,680) (3,680)
Conservatorium Hotel - - (3,802) (3,802)
Copa Airlines - - (26,166) (26,166)
Cosmopolitan Front Desk - - (12,715) (12,715)
Cosmopolitan Hotel - - 1,007 1,007
Cosmopolitanhotel Casino - - (36,555) (36,555)
Courtyard (1,093) - (466) (1,559)
Crescent Hotel - -
(822) (822)
Dan The Cab Man - - (48) (48)
Delta Air Lines (7,497) - (7,193) (14,690)
Desarrollos RDC, S.A (3,364) - - (3,364)
Desert Cab - - (16) (16)
Dollar Rent-A-Car - - (134) (134)
Empire International - - (1,601) (1,601)
Empire Steak House - - (1,430) (1,430)
Enterprise Rent-A-Car - - (1,552) (1,552)
Europcar Independence - - (561) (561)
Expedia Inc - - (1,886) (1,886)
Fairmont Raffles hotel Makati Ph Lodging - - (1,118) (1,118)
FDR At Delano - - (3,992) (3,992)
Fiotels.Com - - (1,132) (1,132)
Fontainebleau - - (170) (170)
Fontainebleau Resorts - - (32,228)
Four Seasons - - (11,397) (11,397)
Gogoair Com - (13) (264) (277)
Gransevoort Hotel - - (10,334) (10,334)
Hampton Inn - - (402) (402)
Hard Rock Hotel - - (1,355) (1,355)
Haute Living Inc - - (10,000) (10,000)
Hawaiian Airlines - - (50) (50)
Hertz Car Rental (356) - (3,452) (3,808)
Hilton (7,101) (1,053) (20,632) (28,785)
Holiday Inn (13,173) (8,080) (8,558) (29,812)
Hotel Brooklyn - - (124) (124)
Hotel Computing Usd - - (13) (13)
Hotel Coste Paris - - (546) (546)
Hotel Emiliano - - (2,115) (2,115)
Hotel Erwin - -
(650) (650)
Hotel Fasano Rio - - (3,271) (3,271)
Hotel Gansevoort Hot - - (153) (153)
Hotel La Amada Islamujeres Me Lodging - - (41) (41)
Hotel South Beach - - (66) (66)
Hotel Villa Magna - - (6,267) (6,267)
Hotels Com - - (181,546) (181,546)
Hotelsouth Beac - - (215) (215)
Page 33 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 184 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Hotelsouth Beach - - (13,089) (13,089)
Hotwire Communication - - (10,250) (10,250)
Hr-Hotel Reservation - - (812) (812)
Hyatt Hotels - - (618) (618)
Hyatt Zilara - - (1,938) (1,938)
Iberia.Com - - (1,743) (1,743)
Inflight Wi-Fi Ltv - - (16) (16)
Inversiones - - (1,685) (1,685)
Island Routes Luxury - - (336) (336)
Jetblue (2,656) (1,743) (521) (4,920)
Jetsmarter Inc - - (268,455) (268,455)
Kimptonhotel Van Zandt Ausv - - (139) (139)
La Mansion Santo Dgo De Guzma Dominican Repubn - - (39) (39)
La Quinta Inn & Suites - (5,645) - (5,645)
Laguardia Usa LLC - - (3) (3)
Lan Airliness A -
- (1,597) (1,597)
Landing Resort - - (8,133) (8,133)
Langham Place Fifth AveT - - (123) (123)
Las Vegas Vip Limo - (110) - (110)
Le Meridien - - (3,338) (3,338)
Loews Hotels - - (1,916) (1,916)
Love La Terminal 50104 - - (32) (32)
Lpc Sefc Transient - - (18) (18)
Lucky Cab Vts Lucky - - (15) (15)
Madrid Barajas Aerop - - (63) (63)
Makati Shangri La Hote Makati City Ph Lodging - - (2,239) (2,239)
Mar Yplaya Ii Ibiza Ba Lodging Euro - - (12,086) (12,086)
Marc Delacre Paris - - (136) (136)
Marriot Timber Lodge - - (115) (115)
Marriott - - (13,714) (13,714)
Marselishotel Aarhus C Lodging - - (61) (61)
Mercure Rio Centro - - (163) (163)
Metroline Inc - (1,440) - (1,440)
Miami Airport - (23) (192) (216)
Miami Beach Edition - - (4,263) (4,263)
Miami Taxi Express - - (12) (12)
Miamihotel 5429 - - (1,394) (1,394)
Misc Sale Tax Fee Ex Bag - - (1,570) (1,570)
Monteleone Carosel Lounge - - (69) (69)
Mta Mvm Canal Street - - (6) (6)
Nellis Vts - - (15) (15)
Newslink - - (784) (784)
Nt Travel Concepts L - - (3,097) (3,097)
Nyc-Taxi - - (61) (61)
Nyc-Taxi Verifone - - (45) (45)
Omni Orlando - - (1,161) (1,161)
Onair Service - - (56) (56)
Orbitz - - (169)
Otg Management Ewr - - (41) (41)
Palms Casino Resort - - (17,595) (17,595)
Panama Luxury Limous - - (200) (200)
Panasonic Aa - - (423) (423)
Paris Las Vegas Resort - - - -
Page 34 of 36.......
Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 185 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
Payless Car - - (1,974) (1,974)
Plaza Shopping Hotel - - (606) (606)
Pp Limoservice - - (292) (292)
Priceline.Com (1,531) - (629) (2,160)
Princess Reservation - - - -
Rail Europe Inc White Plain Ny - - (348) (348)
Railrest - - (13) (13)
Renaissance Baton Rouge Hotel - - (449) (449)
Richmond Inn Suites - - (299) (299)
Ridefare Charge - - (42) (42)
Ritz Carlton - - (2,360) (2,360)
Ryanair Ltd Airline - - (708) (708)
Same Day Passport Visa - - (762) (762)
Scandic Aarhus City - - (1,105) (1,105)
Seminole Hard Rock Hotel & Casino - - (4,998) (4,998)
Shanghai 21 St Century Hotel - -
(4,250) (4,250)
Shanghai City Corporation - - (220) (220)
Shangri-La Hotel - - (252) (252)
Sheraton - - (834) (834)
Sobe Shuttles LLC - (400) - (400)
Sonesta Bayfronthotel - - (350) (350)
Southwest Airlines (438) (2,662) (324) (3,424)
Spirit Airlines (362) (2,316) (6,971) (9,649)
St Regis Houston - - (87) (87)
Sun Pass Operation (299) (1,028) (1,600) (2,926)
Sundance Helicopters - - (1,500) (1,500)
Sunshine Helicopters - - (68) (68)
Tap Portugal Tap - - (6,114) (6,114)
Taxi Affiliation Svc - - (20) (20)
Taxi Credit Card Cor - - (12) (12)
Taxipass 2 - (38) (99)
The City Cancun Me Restaurant Tip - - (2,374) (2,374)
The Fairmont - - (20,354) (20,354)
The London Edition - - (4,480) (4,480)
The London West Hlyw - - (1,068) (1,068)
The Peninsula Paris - - (14,928) (14,928)
Torrance Marriott - - (1,552) (1,552)
Trump Inthotel Chicago - - (2,999) (2,999)
Trump Ocean Club - - (27,333) (27,333)
Tsr Lodging - - (1,409) (1,409)
Ttt A Cab Taxi - - (17) (17)
Uber 846 (1,525) (53,679) (54,358)
United Airlines - - (25,310) (25,310)
United Checker Cab - - (55) (55)
Us Airways - - (1,415) (1,415)
Ushuaia The Tower Playa De N Boss - - (434)
Verifone Uk Limiteduxbridge Gb Taxicab Limousine - - (75) (75)
Viasat In-Flight Wi-Fi - - (78) (78)
Viceroy Seaside - - (1,840) (1,840)
Vip Martin Villaviciosa De Odon Ma Lodging Euro - - (3,434) (3,434)
Virgin America - - (7,046) (7,046)
Vts Taxi - (26) (498) (524)
W Hotel Times Square - - (1,560) (1,560)
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 186 of
Exhibit N
Marc A
Matthew E
Source: Credit card statements for American Express (#11006, #11008, #13004, #14002, #15009, #16007, #31000 & #31008).
FTC v. Simple Health Plans LLC, et al.
Case No. 18-cv-62593-DPG
United States District Court
Southern District of Florida
Health Benefits One
Detail of Credit Card Account Activity: Sorted by Category and Payee
For the Period From May 2, 2015 through October 26, 2018
W Miami Downtown Hotel - - (444) (444)
W Paris Opera Paris - - (1,657) (1,657)
Waldorf - - (7,840) (7,840)
Watergatehotel - - (514) (514)
Westin (975) - (518) (1,493)
Wyndham Gardenhotel (444) - - (444)
Ycs Taxi - - (140) (140)
Yellow Cab - (116) (415) (531)
YVE Hotel Miami - - (53) (53)
Zed Aerospace - - (200) (200)
Total Trave
(46,340) (29,666) (1,346,275) (1,422,282)
Kleinfeld Bridal - - (16,820) (16,820)
Lilian Designs Studio - - (4,237) (4,237)
St Regis Bal Harbour - - (94,945) (94,945)
Total Wedding - - (116,003) (116,003)
Credit Card Adjustment
Credit Card Adjustment 1,131 - - 1,131
Early Pay Discount 174,894 - - 174,894
Credit Card Adjustment 176,025 - - 176,025
Credit Card Payments
Credit Card Payments 23,046,890 426,731 34,509 23,508,130
Grand Tota
5,565,092$ (1,354,062)$ (4,256,702)$ (45,671)$
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Case 0:18-cv-62593-DPG Document 122-1 Entered on FLSD Docket 04/12/2019 Page 187 of