Resilient Environment Department
One North University Drive, Suite #302, Plantation, Florida 33324
954-765-1700 •
Noce to Applicants:
Please be advised that a Chaueur's Registraon in Broward County is governed by the Broward County
Code of Ordinances, Secon 22½-8.
Each chaueur registraon (Hack License) applicant must meet the requirements set forth in the Broward
County Code of Ordinances, Secon 22½-8(e). If the applicant does not meet these requirements, they will
be denied and/or automacally excluded from receiving a chaueur's registraon by the Consumer
Protecon Division.
Secon 22½-8(e) of the Broward County Code of Ordinances states that each chaueurs registraon
applicant must:
(1) Hold a current driver's license issued by the State of Florida or be otherwise authorized to
operate a motor vehicle in Florida pursuant to Secon 322.031, Florida Statutes; and
(2) Speak, read, and write the English language; and
(3) Possess the mental and emoonal stability, as well as the physical ability, to safely carry out the
dues inherent in operang a motor vehicle for hire; and
(4) Not have been, within the last seven (7) years, convicted (convicted shall mean any judicial
determinaon of convicon, adjudicaon withheld, or plea of nolo contendere) of a felony, nor
have been released from incarceraon from a prison within the last six (6) months as a result of
a felony convicon as shown on any publicly-accessible website made available by any state or
federal Department of Correcons or similar governmental agency, unless his or her civil or
residency rights have been restored; and
(5) Not have been convicted (convicted shall mean any judicial determinaon of convicon,
adjudicaon withheld, or plea of nolo contendere) of any criminal oense involving moral
turpitude relang to sex crimes, the use of a deadly weapon, homicide, violent oense against a
law enforcement ocer under Secon 775.0823, Florida Statutes, sexual misconduct with
certain developmentally disabled clients and reporng of such sexual misconduct under Secon
393.135, Florida Statutes, sexual misconduct with certain mental health paents and reporng
of such sexual misconduct under Secon 394.4593, Florida Statutes, manslaughter, aggravated
manslaughter of an elderly person or disabled adult, or aggravated manslaughter of a child
under Secon 782.07, Florida Statutes, vehicular homicide under Secon 782.071, Florida
Statutes, killing of an unborn child by injury to the mother under Secon 782.09, Florida
Statutes, kidnapping under Secon 787.01, Florida Statutes, false imprisonment under Secon
787.02, Florida Statutes, sexual baery under Secon 794.011, Florida Statutes, unlawful sexual
acvity with certain minors under Secon 794.05, Florida Statutes, lewd or lascivious oenses
commied upon or in the presence of an elderly person or disabled adult under Secon
Revised 1/19/24
Resilient Environment Department
One North University Drive, Suite #302, Plantation, Florida 33324
954-765-1700 •
825.1025, Florida Statutes, sexual performance by a child under Secon 827.071, Florida
Statutes, sexual misconduct with certain forensic clients and reporng of such sexual
misconduct under Secon 916.1075, Florida Statutes, inicng cruel or inhuman treatment on
an inmate resulng in great bodily harm under Secon 944.35(3), Florida Statutes, sexual
misconduct in juvenile jusce programs under Secon 985.701, Florida Statutes, nor have been
adjudicated a habitual violent felony oender under Secon 775.084, Florida Statutes; and
(6) Not have been convicted (convicted shall mean any judicial determinaon of convicon,
adjudicaon withheld, or plea of nolo contendere) of an oense involving moral turpitude
(unrelated to sex crimes) when, in the discreon of the Division Director, approval of such
registraon would constute a threat to the health, welfare, or safety of the public or property
and therefore would not be in the public's interest; and
(7) Not have been, within the last seven (7) years, convicted (convicted shall mean any judicial
determinaon of convicon, adjudicaon withheld, or plea of nolo contendere) of, been
released from incarceraon resulng from being convicted of, or had his or her driver's license
suspended for:
a. Driving under the inuence of drugs or intoxicang liquors (D.U.I.);
b. Three (3) or more trac infracons resulng in accidents; or
c. Vehicular manslaughter or any death resulng from driving; and
(8) Not have, within the last ve (5) years, accumulated twenty-four (24) or more points on his or
her driving record.
Furthermore, please be advised that the Consumer Protecon Division has discreon under addional
provisions throughout Secon 22½-8 to consider other factors, such as an applicant's trac history and
criminal history, when making its determinaon to deny or refuse to renew an applicant's chaueur's
Each applicant who is denied a chaueur's registraon by the Division has the right to a hearing before a
hearing panel if the applicant les a mely wrien request to the Director of the Division within thirty (30)
days aer the date of receipt of the denial, pursuant to Secon 22½-8(k). However, pursuant to Secon
22½-8(n), a hearing panel shall not have the authority to grant a chaueur's registraon to any individual
who does not meet the requirements of Secon 22½-8(e).
The Consumer Protecon Division strongly advises prospecve Chaueur Registraon applicants to review
Secon 22½-8 prior to subming their applicaons and paying associated applicaon fees. To view the
Broward County Code of Ordinances, Secon 22½-8 in its enrety, please visit: Sec. 22½-8. - Chaueur's
registraon. | Code of Ordinances | Broward County, FL | Municode Library
Resilient Environment Department
1 North University Drive, Box #302 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-765-1700
Chauffeurs Code of Conduct
As an applicant for a Broward County chauffeur's registration, I am acknowledging that I am, and will be
governed by the standards of conduct contained in the provisions of Section 22½ - 9A, Broward County
Code of Ordinances. I acknowledge that the standards listed below are some (but not all) of the provisions
contained in that section, and I am agreeing that I will conduct myself in accordance with all of the
provisions of Section 22½ - 9A, placing a high priority on the standards listed below.
1. I will conduct myself in a professional and courteous manner, and I will maintain a neat appearance,
whenever I perform public transportation services.
2. I will always drive safely and use defensive driving techniques for the protection of my passengers and
the general driving public.
3. At all times, I will avoid the use of abusive language and the display of discourteous behavior toward
4. I will NOT talk on my cellular phone while transporting passengers, except in an emergency, and then
only for the shortest possible time.
5. As the driver of a taxicab, I must have my chauffeur's registration on display in the vehicle in plain view
of passengers whenever I operate that vehicle.
6. As the driver of a luxury limousine, luxury sedan, or transport van, I must have my chauffeur's
registration in my possession whenever I operate the vehicle, and I must make the chauffeur's
registration available for inspection.
7. I will use the most direct and economical route to a destination unless my passenger(s) instruct me to
take another route or agree to my taking another route.
8. As the driver of a taxicab, I will not transport any passenger without turning on the taximeter in the
vehicle. I will charge, and collect from, the passenger(s) only the exact amount shown on the taximeter.
9. As a driver of a luxury sedan, luxury limousine, or transport van I shall not solicit passengers for
transportation service, or accept passengers for transportation service who have not made advance
arrangements for such service.
10. At all times, I will cooperate fully in furnishing information (such as my chauffeur's registration, my driver
license, my vehicle registration, or my daily manifest/trip sheet) to a Consumer Protection Division
Inspector, a law enforcement officer, or an employee of any other lawfully authorized body.
11. If asked by an Consumer Protection Division Inspector, a law enforcement officer, or an employee of
any other lawfully authorized body, I will sign any citation issued to me.
12. At no time shall I display hostile, aggressive, or inappropriate behavior toward any employee of the
Consumer Protection Division, any law enforcement agency,
or any other lawfully authorized body.
Resilient Environment Department
1 North University Drive, Box #302 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-765-1700
Chauffeur’s Registration (Hack License) Application
Minimum Requirements for Applicants
Applicants must have:
A valid Florida driver's license
Ability to speak, read, and write in English
The mental, emotional and physical ability to safely carry out the duties inherent in operating a motor
Applicants meeting these minimum requirements are subject to a criminal background and driving record check
and other considerations outlined in the Motor Carrier Ordinance. Registrations may be suspended or revoked for
violations and are immediately invalidated if your driver license is suspended.
In order to apply, you must apply in person at the address aboveRURQOLQHDW
KWWSVGSHSSEURZDUGRUJUHJXODWRU\. In addition, you must:
1. Complete this application.
2. New applicants: Record your fingerprints and pay fee of $93.25 as broken out on Page 4 to follow.
($56 if fingerprints are recorded with outside vendor - use ORI #FL924990Z)
 3. Bring your driver's license with you.
Important Notes
New applicants may not drive a vehicle-for-hire until their license is issued.
Registration expires every two years or when driver's license expires, whichever comes first.
Renewal applicants are granted a temporary registration while their application is pending.
You must pass a driving record and criminal background investigation.
Please Note:
Application and background check fees are nonrefundable regardless of whether your application
is approved or denied. Please review Chapter 22½-8(e) of the Broward County Code of Ordinances
before submitting your application to determine whether your criminal background history prevents
you from receiving a chauffeur’s registration.
We recommend you review the Chauffeur's Code of Conduct before submitting your application.
There will be an additional charge for out of state records, applicant may be charged additional fees
for out of state records if there are different variations of their name. Obtaining out of state records
may extend processing time. We accept cash, credit card, money order or business check only.
Make business check or money order payable to: Broward County Board of County Commissioners.
Renewals: Pay fee of $75.25 as broken out on Page 4 to follow.
Resilient Environment Department
1 North University Drive, Box #302 Plantation, Florida 33324 954-765-1700
Chauffeur’s Registration (Hack License) Application
Notice: In applying for a Broward County Chauffeur’s Registration, Broward County will review the driving record, criminal
history and other information related to the applicant. Applicants who have been convicted of any offense listed in Chapter
22½-8(e) will be denied. The application and background check fees are nonrefundable, regardless of whether the application
is approved or denied. The applicant may attach additional pages if required to fully answer any question. Failure to disclose
information and/or providing information that is false or misleading may result in denial of license.
Personal Information and Criminal Background Check Authorization
Applicant Name
Date of Birth
Home Address
Mailing Address
Home Phone
Florida Driver License #
Exp. Date
Please list any State(s), other than Florida, that you have
lived in over the last five (5) years.
Eye Color
Hair Color
U.S. Citizen
U.S. Resident Alien
Other _____________________
Note: An additional form must be completed if any state other than Florida is listed above. Please contact staff.
I understand that the Consumer Protection Division will use my personal information to obtain my driving and
criminal history.
New Application
Renewal Application
Probationary Review
Business Account #
Chauffeur Registration HACK #
Previous Application Date
New Hack Expiration Date
Date Received
Receipt #
Amount Paid
Processor Initials
Valid Florida Driver License #
Citations Complaints Yes No
ID Card Control #
Consumer Protection Board Appeal
Yes No If Yes: Granted Denied Probation
If Yes, Date of Appeal:
License Pick Up Date
Picked Up By
Employer Information and Criminal History
Business Name Business Phone
Failure to disclose all information and/or disclosure of information that is false or misleading
may result in denial of license.
Have you ever had a chauffeur’s registration (hack) denied, suspended or revoked?
Yes No
If yes, explain:
List all felony and misdemeanor cases for which you were convicted, adjudication was withheld and/or you pled
nolo contendere (no contest). List all cases even if this is a renewal application and/or previously disclosed.
Date Location Charges Disposition
List all open cases – including felonies, misdemeanors and traffic, in which a decision has not been made.
Date Location Arresting Agency Case # Charge(s)
Disposition Date
Yes No
Do you have a current or previous addiction to drugs or alcohol?
If yes, explain:
If you have a history of felony or misdemeanor cases, cases involving driving under the influence of drugs or
alcohol or an addiction to drugs or alcohol, explain how you have rehabilitated yourself. You have the right to
provide copies of documents to explain your rehabilitation.
Application .................................$40
FDLE (finger prints).....................$24
Florida Driving Record ...............$10
Out-of-State Records .................Varies
FBI Records ...............................$13.25
Monitoring Fee............................$6
Return this application in person with
payment and necessary documentation
the Division address on page 1. &DVK
and credit cards are accepted;
no personal FKHFNV
within 1 year after previous license
PRIVACY ACT INFORMATION: The information on this form is requested pursuant to Chapter 22½ , Broward County Code of Ordinances, which regulates motor
vehicles for hire and will assist in obtaining a complete accurate background investigative report. Any information on this form may be disclosed as authorized by
Chapter 119, Florida Statutes. Disclosure of the requested information, by you, is voluntary; however, failure to furnish that information would impose administrative
difficulties which may result in delay in processing your application for chauffeur’s registration.
I certify that the above information and any attachments to this application are true and correct under penalty of law. I further
understand that the Broward County Consumer Protection Division may deny this application based on my history, failure to
disclose information and/or providing information that is false or misleading.
I am acknowledging that I have received a copy of the Chauffeur’s Registration Code of Conduct. I understand that as a condition
of receiving and maintaining my Broward County Chauffeur’s Registration, I am agreeing to abide by the Code of Conduct and all
applicable conditions, rules and regulations contained in Chapter 22½ of the Broward County Code of Ordinances. I understand
and acknowledge that violations of the Code and/or Ordinance may result in suspension, revocation or non-renewal of this
I hereby authorize the Broward County Consumer Protection Division to submit a set of my fingerprints to the Florida Department
of Law Enforcement (FDLE) for the purpose of accessing and reviewing Florida and national criminal history records that may
pertain to me. I understand that I would be able to receive any national criminal history record that may pertain to me directly from
the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Pursuant to Title 28, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Sections 16.30-16.34 and that I
could then freely disclose any such information to whomever I chose.
I understand that, my fingerprints may be retained at FDLE and the FBI for the purpose of providing any subsequent arrest
notifications, upon request you may provide me a copy of the criminal history record report if any, you receive on me and that I am
entitled to challenge the accuracy and completeness of any information contained in any such report. I am aware that procedures
for obtaining a change, correction, or updating of the FDLE or FBI criminal history are set forth in F.S. 943.056 and Title 28, CFR,
Section 16.34. I may obtain a prompt determination as to the validity of my challenge before you make a final decision about my
status as an employee, volunteer, contractor, or subcontractor.
Signature Date
Application .................................$40
Florida Driving Record ...............$10
Out-of-State Records .................Varies
FBI Records
Late Fee.....................................$25*
Monitoring Fee ...........................$12
I hereby affirm that I have read the requirements listed in Section 22½-8(e) of the Broward County Code of Ordinances and meet the
requirements listed including (initial each item);
1) Holding a current driver’s license issued by the State of Florida, with your current address, or be otherwise authorized to
operate a motor vehicle in Florida; ______
2) Speak, read, and write the English language; ______
3) Possess the mental and emotional stability, as well as the physical ability, to safely carry out the duties inherent in operating a
motor vehicle for hire; _____
4) Not have, within the last five (5) years, accumulated twenty-four (24) or more points on your driver’s license. _____