Measuring the (Over)use of Service Workers for
In-Page Push Advertising Purposes
George Pantelakis
, Panagiotis Papadopoulos
Nicolas Kourtellis
, and Evangelos P. Markatos
FORTH/University of Crete,
Telefonica Research, Barcelona, Spain
Abstract. Rich offline experience, periodic background sync, push no-
tification functionality, network requests control, improved performance
via requests caching are only a few of the functionalities provided by the
Service Worker (SW ) API. This new technology, supported by all major
browsers, can significantly improve users’ experience by providing the
publisher with the technical foundations that would normally require a
native application. Albeit the capabilities of this new technique and its
important role in the ecosystem of Progressive Web Apps (PWAs), it is
still unclear what is their actual purpose on the web, and how publishers
leverage the provided functionality in their web applications.
In this study, we shed light in the real world deployment of SWs, by
conducting the first large scale analysis of the prevalence of SWs in the
wild. We see that SWs are becoming more and more popular, with the
adoption increased by 26% only within the last 5 months. Surprisingly,
besides their fruitful capabilities, we see that SWs are being mostly used
for In-Page Push Advertising, in 65.08% of the SWs that connect with
3rd parties. We highlight that this is a relatively new way for advertisers
to bypass ad-blockers and render ads on the user’s displays natively.
Keywords: Service Workers, Push Ads, Push Notification Advertising
1 Introduction
The proliferation of, and our ever-increasing reliance on, the Web have boosted
the development of more complex and user-friendly Web applications that can
operate cross-platform (on both desktop and mobile Web). Recent advancements
in the contemporary browsers and in the availability of technologies like the SW
API have 1) enabled users to receive timely updates via push notifications, 2)
their content synced on the background, 3) improved performance (via request
caching) and 4) even allowed to work offline.
These rich capabilities of SWs played an important role in the birth and
growth of a whole separate type of application software called Progressive Web
Apps (PWAs) [1]. PWAs are built on top of three requirements: HTTPS, SWs
and a web app manifest. By combining functionalities of different web APIs (e.g.,
WebRTC, Cache API, Push API), PWAs are capable of providing the benefits
arXiv:2110.11241v2 [cs.NI] 29 Mar 2022
of both native apps and websites worlds: reliability, rich user experience, and
multi-platform support via a single codebase [2].
The somewhat revolutionary functionality of SWs could not avoid drawing
the attention of the academic community with regards to its security aspects.
Specifically, research studies have shown that this technology provides rich capa-
bilities not only to users and web developers, but to potential attackers as well.
In [3], authors present a framework that exploits SWs functionality to launch
attacks like DDoS, cryptojacking and distributed password cracking. In [4], au-
thors investigate the potential privacy leaks that malicious SWs can cause on a
victim’s browser.
Notwithstanding the important research on the SW API, yet it is still un-
known what is the prevalence and the growth of the SW deployment across
the Web and how publishers leverage the provided functionality of SWs in their
Web applications. In this study, we aim to address these exact questions, by
conducting a full-scale analysis of SWs (the core component of PWAs) in the
wild. Specifically, we crawl a large number of websites to detect the deployment
of SWs, monitor and characterize their communications across the Internet, and
investigate their purpose of existence and operation on the websites found.
In summary, the contributions of our present work are:
1. By crawling the top 150K sites of the Tranco list, we detect a dataset of
7,444 SWs-registering websites. The same crawl after 5 months reveals a
high increase (26%) in the adoption of SWs.
2. We use Wayback Machine to go back in time and find that, from 2015 till
today, there were 1.62× more publishers per year, on average, utilizing SWs
in their web applications.
3. By analysing our collected dataset, we conduct the first full-scale study of
the SWs deployment on the Web. Specifically, we investigate with whom the
deployed SWs communicate over the Internet, what are the websites that
use such technology the most, as well as what is the purpose of the deployed
SWs. Surprisingly, we see that despite the important functionality of SWs
(e.g., timely notifications, background sync, etc.), yet a stunning 65.08% of
the SWs that connect with 3rd parties use SWs for pushing ads to the users,
under the radar of possibly deployed ad-blockers.
2 Service Workers
A Service Worker is a JavaScript script that runs separately from the main
browser thread, and can intercept network requests, perform caching or retriev-
ing resources from the cache, and deliver push messages. SWs are independent
from the Web application they are associated with, so they cannot access the
DOM directly. SWs are non-blocking and fully asynchronous. Therefore, syn-
chronous XHR and localStorage cannot be used inside a SW . Also, a SW can
import and execute 3rd party scripts within its context, and receive push mes-
sages from a remote server, thus letting the associated website push notifications
to the user (even when the website is not open in a browser tab). Finally, a SW
Fig. 1: The Web Push API enables
developers to deliver asynchronous
notifications and updates to users
who opted-in.
Fig. 2: An in-page push advertise-
ment as it appears on the user’s
screen on top of other windows.
can be registered to the browser via the serviceWorkerContainer.register()
or navigator.serviceWorker.register() function, which take as argument
the (HTTPS only) URL of the remote JavaScript file that contains the worker’s
script. This URL is passed to the internal browser’s engine and is fetched from
there. For security purposes, this JavaScript file can be fetched only from the
first-party domain, i.e., cannot be hosted by a CDN or a 3rd party server.
2.1 Web Push Notifications
The Web Push API gives web applications the ability to receive messages pushed
from a remote server, whether or not the Web app is in the foreground, or even
loaded in a browser tab. As shown in Figure 1, the Web Push API enables devel-
opers to deliver asynchronous notifications and updates to (desktop or mobile)
users that opt-in, resulting in better engagement with timely new content. For
an app to receive push messages, it has to have an active SW and subscribe to
push notifications (each subscription is unique to a SW ). The endpoint for the
subscription is a unique capability URL, and the knowledge of the endpoint is
all that is necessary to send a message to the application’s users. Therefore, the
endpoint URL needs to be kept secret or anyone might be able to send push
messages to the app’s users.
2.2 In-Page Push Advertising
Web push notification technology itself is nothing new, but it has started to be
used for advertising purposes very recently. In fact, push marketing skyrocketed
at the end of 2018 [5]. Push ads are a type of native ad format in the form of a
notification message from a website, which appears on the user’s screen on top
of other windows as shown in Figure 2. Users who click on those messages get
redirected to the advertiser’s landing page, thus, generating ad-conversion.
The in-page push ad delivery is cross-platform and aims to offer an opt-in
based, highly engaging way for advertisers to reconnect and expand their audi-
ences, while at the same time it achieves higher click-through and conversion
Site visit
Web Server
Webpage fetch
Ad Blocker
Cloud Messaging
Subscribe to push
Third party
Service Worker
Push Ad
Fig. 3: High level overview of how SWs deliver push ads on the user display
even with ad blocker deployed.
rates than other ad formats [6]. A push notification usually consists of: (i) the
main image which conveys the sense of the ad impression, (ii) the small icon
which explains the main image, (iii) the headline which is the main element
to engage users and (iv) the message text that shows the main details of the
offer. Contrary to traditional programmatic advertising [7,8,9], in push ads, ad-
vertisers pay for clicks (i.e., Cost-Per-Click) and not for impressions (i.e., Cost-
per-Impression). The minimum cost per click starts from $0.0104 [10], but in
Real-Time Bidding the median cost per impression has been measured to be as
low as $0.0025 [11].
3 Use Case
In Figure 3, we present a high level overview of how SWs and push notifications
work. As we can see, first (step 1), the user visits a website they are interested in,
thus, instructing a browser to connect with a web server (step 2) that responds
back with the web page’s HTML/CSS/JavaScript resources, along with a SW
script, which gets registered (step 3). This snippet will deploy a SW inside the
user’s browser (step 4) which operates independently from the rendered website.
Then, the SW will ask the user’s permission to push notification massages on
their display (step 5) and if granted, it will establish a communication chan-
nel with a remote messaging platform to subscribe to their push notifications
(step 6). Whenever the message publishing entity (e.g., news update feed server,
article recommendation server, ad server) behind the messaging platform has
updates to push to the website’s users, it uploads them to the platform which
will push them to all subscribed users (step 7). On the user’s end, upon message
Table 1: Summary of our dataset
Data Volume
Websites parsed 150K
(1st crawl, 12.20) Websites registering a SW (SW) 7,444 (4.96%)
SWs that do not communicate with any remote server 336 (4.51%)
SWs communicating only with the first party 2,054 (27.59%)
SWs communicating with at least one 3rd party 5,054 (67.89%)
SWs communicating with at least one ad server 3,289 (44.18%)
SWs communicating with at least one analytics server 164 (3.24%)
(2nd crawl, 05.21) Websites registering a SW 9,383 (6.25%)
arrival, the deployed SW creates a push notification with the received message
on the user’s display (step 8). As shown, a SW may establish a separate commu-
nication channel with a remote messaging platform that cannot be monitored or
filtered by any potentially deployed ad-blocking browser extension. This means
that whenever a user opts-in to receive updates from a website, they may start
receiving ad notifications instead, even if they have an ad-blocker deployed.
4 Data Collection
Crawling infrastructure After manual inspection, we see that there are web-
sites checking first if the site has push notification permissions, before registering
SWs. This means that in order to perform a large scale crawl of websites and
detect the deployment of SWs, and the use of push notifications, some sort of
automation for the notification consent is required. To address this, we leverage
the crawler presented in [12]. This crawler creates docker containers with fresh
instrumented Chromium browser instances and browser automation scripts. The
browser has the RequestPermission and PermissionDecided methods of the class
Permission-ContextBase, modified to automatically grant permissions on every
site. Then, a custom Puppeteer [13] script listening to serviceworkercreated event
is used to log when a SW is registered by a website, the page that registered
this SW and the URI of the source code. As soon as a SW is registered, it can
subscribe for push notifications via a Cloud Messaging Platform (e.g., Firebase
Cloud Messaging [14]) with an API key passed from the server to the browser,
which is also logged by listening for PushManager.subscribe events. Then, the
custom Puppeteer script logs the communication between the SW and the Web.
Creating the Dataset We create a dataset of websites that utilize SWs, by
crawling the landing pages of the 150K top sites of a (deduplicated, pay-level
only domains) Tranco list [15] in December 2020. Each site is visited for three
minutes, during which, and according to our experiments, is sufficient for a SW
to be register and make the first touch with the corresponding server(s) (1st
crawl). After 5 months (April 2021), we revisit the websites of our initial Tranco
News and Media
Computers Electronics
and Technology
TV Movies and
Fashion and Apparel
Programming and
Developer Software
Video Games Consoles
and Accessories
Arts and Entertainment
Percentage of sites
Top Content Categories
sites with SW
sites with SW fetching ads
Fig. 4: Top 10 content categories of sites using (i) SWs (blue) and (ii) SWs
that communicate with advertisers (red). As we can see, SWs is a technique
widely used in sites delivering content related to ‘News and Media’ and
‘Computers Electronics and Technology’.
list to inspect how the ecosystem evolved, i.e., sites dropping SWs, new sites
adopting SWs (2nd crawl). Table 1 summarizes the data collected.
Data analysis To classify the network traffic of the registered SWs in our data,
we use the 1Host filterlist [16] and flag the ad-related domains in our weblogs.
Additionally, we used SimilarWeb [17] to categorize the sites registering SW
based on the content they deliver.
Historical analysis and static detection To explore the evolution of SWs
across time, we use our set of SW -registering sites to extract heuristics and
keywords that indicate the registration or use of SWs. This way, we develop a
crawler that can statically detect the registration of SWs in this set of sites. Next,
we use Wayback Machine [18], and specifically waybackpy Python package [19]
to go back in time and find the day that these websites started deploying SWs
in their visitors’ browsers.
Ethical Considerations It is important to note that during the conduct of
this study, we neither gathered or used any user data, nor impeded or tampered
with the proper operation of the sites we crawled, in any way. Our research was
purely limited in passively monitoring the behavior of SWs.
5 Measurements
What are the kind of sites deploying SWs? By crawling the top 150K
websites of the Tranco list, we find that 7,444 (4.96%) of these sites register
one or more SWs in the users’ browser (Table 1). To understand what kind of
2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021
Growth factor of new websites
deploying SWs
Fig. 5: Growth factor of the SWs deployment in our dataset. From 2015 till
mid 2021, there are 1.62× more publishers per year, on average, utilizing
SWs in their Web apps.
sites deploy such a technique, we query Similarweb [17] for the content category
of each of our sites and we get a response for 86.7% of them. In Figure 4, we
plot the top-10 categories. We see that the sites that mostly use SWs (in blue)
are related to ‘News and Media’ (22.05%), with the categories of ‘Computers
Electronics and Technology’ and ‘Arts and Entertainment’ following (6.27% and
3.5%, respectively).
What is the prevalence of SW deployment? By revisiting the sites of
the same Tranco list after 5 months (as described in Section 4) via the same
crawler, we find a total of 9,383 websites registering a SW (6.25% of the total
sites crawled), which indicates a 26% increase. More specifically, we find (i) 6,173
websites using SWs in both crawls, (ii) 1,271 websites that stopped using them
at some time after our 1st crawl, and (ii) 3,210 new websites deploying them in
their visitors’ browsers.
This rapid growth in the prevalence of SWs within just 5 months, motivated
us to go back in time and observe their evolution across the years. Specifically,
by using Wayback Machine web archive [18] and our initial set of SW -registering
websites, we crawled previous versions of their landing pages to spot when they
started using SWs. As a result, we crawled all the way back to 2015, when the
first websites in our dataset started using SWs. As seen in Figure 5, after 2015,
every year we observe an average growth factor of 1.62. In 2017 and 2018 we
see this growth increasing, with 2.09× and 2.14× more websites deploying SWs
than the previous year, respectively.
What is the communications between SWs and Web? Next, by analyzing
the traffic that the registered SWs generate, we see that 27.59% communicate
only with the first party. However, 67.89% of them communicate with at least one
3rd party, and 4.51% of them do not communicate with the web at all (Table 1).
In Figure 6, we plot the number of distinct 3rd parties each registered SW in
Fig. 6: The number of distinct 3rd parties each SW communicates with.
32.1% of the SWs do not communicate with a 3rd party. The majority
(51.6%) communicates with exactly one 3rd party. 16.3% communicate with
2 or more (even 26!) distinct 3rd parties.
our dataset communicates with. As we can see, 32.1% of the SWs communicate
with no 3rd party (as mentioned: 27.59% connects with the first party only, and
4.51% with no one), when the majority (51.6%) communicates with exactly one
3rd party, proving that there are specific agreements between publishers and
3rd party advertisers, analytics, content or library providers. It is important to
note that there is a significant 16.3% communicating with 2 or more (even 26!)
distinct 3rd parties.
How much do SWs support Push Advertising? By using the popular
filter-list of 1Hosts, we classify the type of domains the SWs connect with in our
dataset. Surprisingly, as we see in Figure 7, in essence 3rd party communications
of SWs are used for advertising, since the majority (65.08%) of the SWs that
connect with 3rd parties, establish these connections to receive content from at
least one push advertiser (9.51% receive content from 2 advertisers or more).
On the contrary, only 34.92% of the SWs perform at least one request to 3rd
parties, but communicate with zero ad servers.
What is the popularity of sites leveraging Push Advertising? In Fig-
ure 8, we plot the popularity rank of the websites that deploy SWs on the users’
side. As we see, the sites that tend to deploy ad pushing SWs are of lower
popularity ranks in comparison to the ones that use SW only locally, without
connecting to any remote server. Specifically, the median site that registers SW
that does not connect with any remote server has a popularity rank of around
40000 in Tranco (grey). On the other hand, the median site with SW that con-
nects (i) only with first party domains, or with 3rd parties that do not include
ads is around 50000 rank (green or orange) (ii) with push ad domains around
60000 rank (red).
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Percentage of registered SWs
Unique push ad domains
Fig. 7: Number of distinct push ad
3rd parties each SW communicates
with. 65.08% of SWs communicate
with 3rd parties and receive content
from at least one push advertiser.
34.92% of SWs perform at least one
request to 3rd parties but communi-
cate with zero ad servers.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140
Popularity rank (10
SWs not connecting with any server
SWs connecting with only 1st parties
SWs connecting with 3rd parties (not ads)
SWs connecting with 3rd party (ads)
Fig. 8: Cumulative distribution func-
tion of the popularity rank of the
websites with SWs. As we see, the
sites that tend to deploy ad push-
ing SWs are less popular than the
ones that use SW only locally, and do
not connect to any remote 3rd party
Also, as we see in Figure 4 (in red) where we consider only sites with SWs
that communicate with ad servers, the content categories are topped by ‘News
and Media’ (27%), ‘Computers, Electronics and Technology’(6.42%) and ‘Adult’
(4.79%). This is somewhat expected, since ‘News and Media’ sites have higher
chances to convince a user to give their consent to receive timely news updates
via push notifications, that can also include ads.
In Figure 9, we further analyze these content categories by selecting their
sites in our dataset that communicate with 3rd parties via their deployed SWs.
Then, we measure what portion of them does that for advertising purposes. We
see that Soccer sites lead this effort, with a percentage close to 85%. This means
that from all Soccer sites using SWs to communicate with 3rd parties, 85% use
them to communicate specifically with at least one ad server. The ‘Animation
and Comics‘ follow closely with 84% and ‘File Sharing and Hosting’ are next,
with 83.78%. The ‘News and Media’ are in fifth place with a bit more than 77%.
These high portions suggest that 75-80% of these websites use SWs for ads.
One can not help but wonder why were SWs invented in the first place. It
is true that several people may argue that SWs were invented to provide offline
operation, synchronize data in the background, and retrieve updates. However,
we see a different picture here: SWs that communicate with 3rd parties are pri-
marily used for advertisements, thus opening a new way to reach users’ desktop:
a way invented for a different purpose. Even if these push notifications require
user to give consent, the website is free to abuse this consent at any time by
delivering ad messages instead of the news updates the user was interested in
receiving. These ad messages appear via the SWs as native ads and cannot be
controlled (or filtered out) by ad-blockers. One can only smile in melancholy at
Animation and
File Sharing
and Hosting
News and Media
TV Movies and
Science and
Computers Electronics
and Technology
Percentage of sites
Top Content Categories
Fig. 9: Breakdown the top-10 cate-
gories for sites using SWs to serve
ads. ‘Soccer’ sites are the most ag-
gressive in using SWs for adver-
tising (84.62%), with ‘Animation
and Comics’ and ‘File Sharing and
Hosting’ following. ’News and Me-
dia’ sites are next (75%).
Percentage of sites
Push Ad Networks
Fig. 10: Portion of unique sites col-
laborating with each of the top
ad servers in our dataset. ones- dominates the market
(37.49%) with the majority of the
rest of the ad servers owning less
than 4% each (note: y-axis in log-
the Google Developers guide advising: Whatever you do, do not use notifica-
tions for advertising of any kind.
Which are the dominant Push Ad Networks? In Figure 10, we plot the
top 10 most popular Push Ad Networks in our data, and the portion of the
registered SWs they communicate with. We see that dominates
push advertising by owning more than 37.49% of the market, with the majority
of the rest Push Ad Networks owning less than 4% each. In Figure 11, we plot
the distribution of all push ad networks in our dataset along with the sites they
deliver push ads to. We can see that the distribution can be modeled by two
straight lines for large numbers in the x-axis, indicating that the distribution
has a piece-wise power-law tail. We can also see the head representing the major
6 Related Work
The powerful technology of Service Workers provides rich functionality to de-
velopers and has triggered an important body of research around its security
and privacy aspects. Papadopoulos et al. in [3] are the first to study SWs in
an attempt to raise awareness regarding a new class of attacks that exploit this
exact HTML 5 functionality. Specifically, the authors investigated the potential
security vulnerabilities of SWs and they demonstrated multiple attack scenar-
ios from cryptojacking to malicious computations (e.g., distributed password
cracking), as well as Distributed Denial of Service attacks.
Number of Sites
Rank of Push Ad Networks
Fig. 11: Distribution of the number of sites that each Push Advertiser in our
dataset delivers ad notifications to. The points in the plot tend to converge
to two straight lines for large numbers in the x axis, following a piece-wise
power-law distribution.
Karami et al. in [4] studied attacks that aim to exploit SWs vulnerabilities to
ex-filtrate important privacy information from the user. Specifically, they demon-
strated two history-sniffing attacks that exploit the lack of appropriate isolation
in these browsers including a non-destructive cache-based version. Finally, the
authors proposed a countermeasure and developed a tool that streamlines its
deployment, thus facilitating adoption at a large scale.
Chinprutthiwong et al. in [20] described a novel Service Worker-based Cross-
Site Scripting (SW-XSS) attack inside a SW , that allows an attacker to obtain
and leverage SW privileges. Additionally, they developed a SW Scanner to an-
alyze top websites in the wild, and they found 40 websites vulnerable to this
attack including several popular and high ranking websites. Squarcina et al.
in [21] demonstrated how a traditional XSS attack can abuse the Cache API
of a SW to escalate into a person-in-the-middle attack against cached content,
thus, compromising its confidentiality and integrity.
Subramani et al. in [12] proposed PushAdMiner: a new tool to detect Web
Push Notifications (WPNs) on the Web. Contrary to our work, the authors focus
only on ad related WPNs messages by collecting and analyzing 21,541 WPN
messages and 572 ad campaigns, for a total of 5,143 WPN-based ads reporting
51% of them as malicious. Finally, Lee et al. in [22] conducted a systematic study
of the security and privacy aspects of PWAs. They demonstrated a cryptojacking
and a browser history exfiltration attack. They also suggested possible mitigation
measures against the vulnerabilities of PWAs and corresponding SWs.
7 Summary & Conclusion
In this paper, we set out to explore the ecosystem of Service Workers and how
websites overuse them to deliver ads (even when user has deployed ad-blockers).
We analyzed the top 150K websites of the Tranco list and our findings can be
summarized as follows:
1. A non-trivial percentage (4.96%) of sites deploy a SW on the user side.
2. Within a period of 5 months (12.20-05.21), there has been a 26% increase in
the adoption of SWs.
3. Overall, by using Wayback Machine, we found that from 2015 till today,
there were 1.62× more publishers per year, on average, utilizing SWs in
their web applications.
4. 32.1% of the SWs communicate with no 3rd party (27.59% connects with
its first party only and 4.51% connects with nobody). The majority (51.6%)
communicates with exactly one 3rd party with a significant 16.3% commu-
nicating with 2 or more (and up to 26) distinct 3rd parties.
5. Third-party communications are mostly for pushing ads: A stunning
65.08% of the registered SWs that communicates with 3rd party
servers, communicate with at least one advertiser.
6. Most of the ads-pushing SWs are deployed on ‘News and Media’ related
sites (27%), with the ‘Computers, Electronics and Technology’ (6.42%), and
‘Adult’ (4.79%) related sites following.
7. For some website categories such as ‘Soccer’ and ‘File Sharing’, the percent-
age of ads-pushing SWs reaches as high as 85%.
Our study on Service Workers has revealed several surprising results with
respect to the use of SWs on Web applications and websites. Future research
could look into leakage of user personal information and tracking from SWs, as
well as how ad-blockers can be revamped to still provide effective ad-filtering to
their end-users.
This project received funding from the EU H2020 Research and Innovation pro-
gramme under grant agreements No 830927 (Concordia), No 830929 (Cyber-
Sec4Europe), No 871370 (Pimcity) and No 871793 (Accordion). These results
reflect only the authors’ view and the Commission is not responsible for any use
that may be made of the information it contains.
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