Transferable skills in vocational
education and training
Co-funded by the European Union
Implementing Agency
This document has been developed as part of the VET Toolbox project. The VET Toolbox was created in 2017 and provides
partner countries with know-how, tools and advice to improve the eecveness and inclusiveness of VET reforms.
It focuses on supporng VET systems to:
• become more demand-driven, with more eecve private sector engagement.
• become more responsive to labour market needs.
• provide increased access to (self-) employment, including for disadvantaged groups.
The VET Toolbox is co-funded by the European Commission and the German Government.
The VET Toolbox partnership is composed by GIZ, Brish Council, Enabel, LuxDev and AFD.
The intended beneciaries of the VET Toolbox are:
Naonal vocaonal authories and regulatory bodies, including training funds:
• Naonal and internaonal enterprises involved in VET partnerships;
• Quality assurance organisaons responsible for learner assessments and examinaons;
• Public, private or mixed VET training instutes and VET pre-service and in-service instructor
training instutes;
• Naonal, regional and sectorial business and professional associaons and civil society
Youtube: hps://
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The VET Toolbox closely collaborates with, and has drawn experiences from GIZs Employment for Sustainable
Development in Africa (E4D) programme to promote employment, raise incomes and improve working
condions of, parcularly, women and youth in Cameroon, Ghana, Kenya, Mozambique, South Africa,
Tanzania, Uganda. E4D/SOGA – Employment and Skills for Eastern Africa - is a component of E4D aimed
at promong local employment
and economic opportunies in and around natural resource-based industries and related sectors in Kenya,
Mozambique, Uganda and Tanzania. E4D/SOGA is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperaon and
Development (BMZ), the UK Department for Internaonal Development (DFID), the Norwegian Agency for Development
Cooperaon (NORAD) and Shell.
VET Toolbox Coordinaon Hub | c/o Belgian Development Agency Enabel
Rue Haute, 147 - 1000 Brussels - Belgium
Tel: +32 2 505 3700 | Email: info@ve |
Author: GIZ, E4D/SOGA | Photo credit: GIZ, E4D/SOGA
Copyright © VET Toolbox partnership. All rights reserved. June 2019.
This document cannot be sold.
Over the past decades, the experience gained
with VET intervenons has suggested that
demand-led VET catering to a discernible
demand for skills is more successful than
supply-side focused VET. However, there is
the challenge that it is not always possible
to clearly describe the demand for labour.
There are at least two reasons for this:
First, operators of large-scale investment
projects typically outsource contract-based
work packages to specialised sub-contractor
companies. These, in turn, source the inputs
they require to deliver the sub-contracted
goods and services for which the operators
engage them through a mul-ered supply
chain. This makes it dicult for project
operators to establish and communicate
precisely what skills are required when
and by whom, and who will be hiring. In
addion, it also makes it more challenging
for VET intervenons to apply a demand-led
approach to skills development. A related
problem is that sub-contractors bid for work
packages against the background of their
technical experse and are then required to
deliver within a set me frame. This does not
give them long lead mes to hire and train a
local labour force.
Second, large-scale investment projects
smulate economic acvies because
workers and professionals working with or in
the supply chain of these projects spend their
wages and salaries on locally produced and
retailed goods and services. The beneciaries
of these mulplier eects, oen micro and
small enterprises, are oen not organised in
a way that they can communicate eecvely
to government authories their collecve
skills development needs.
The objecve of this tool is to
provide guidance on supporng
the development of transferable
skills to improve the employability
of young labour market
parcipants in countries where
large-scale investment projects
are expected to oer jobs and self-
employment opportunies.
The target audience includes:
• Naonal vocaonal authories and regulatory
bodies, including training funds
• Naonal and internaonal enterprises involved
in VET partnerships, especially around large-scale
investment projects;
• Public, private and mixed VET training instutes
and VET pre-service and in-service instructor
training instutes;
• Naonal, regional and sectoral business and
professional associaons and civil society organisaon.
• Development projects/programmes/partnerships that support VET and life skills
development for employment in and around large-scale investment projects.
Mul-er supply chains are typical for capital-intensive investment projects that comprise a
labour-intensive construcon phase, which is followed by a less labour-intensive operaonal
phase. For example, these types of investments include oil, gas and mining projects;
downstream energy and other ulies projects, and infrastructure and construcon projects,
including those intended to aract new types of investments to host countries, such as
investments in industrial zone projects). When the construcon phase of such capital-
intensive projects is completed, workers move on to other projects located elsewhere.
Or they move on to alternave employment opportunies, including as self-employed
© Virgile Mael Yapo/ Pixabay
© Michael Mapes/ Pixabay
In addion, when those employed in the construcon phase but also in the operaonal
phase of large-scale industrial projects spend their wages and salaries on locally produced
and retailed goods and services, they smulated wider demand for locally produced and
traded goods and services that oer potenal opportunies to a wide range of sole-trading
entrepreneurs and micro and small-scale enterprises. These oen struggle to improve their
own skills or nd workers with the relevant skills and competencies. Because they are small
and their margins are low, they cannot aord to provide in-house training to new recruits. In
turn, they are oen not suciently organised to communicate eecvely with government
authories and third pares what their skills development needs are.
When it is not possible to clearly describe demand, the resulng problem is that, although
construcon phases generate demand for local labour as well as opportunies for self-
employment and enterprise development, the nature of the skills development required to
match potenal demand with an increase in supply is also less clear. VET intervenons can
deal with this problem by focusing on developing transferable skills.
There are dierent concepts and understandings what
transferable skills actually are. The denion used for this
tool is that of the Internaonal Labour Organisaon (ILO
2007), which denes transferable skills as employable
skills which can be used producvely in dierent jobs,
occupaons and industries
. The essence of this denion
is that transferable skills enable workers to access dierent
types of employment opportunies and dierent forms of
employment across dierent sectors. Figure 1 lays out the
nuances of the ILO denion.
Other perspecves - from educaon specialists and educaon economists - dene transferable
skills primarily in terms of the competencies that enable individuals to apply themselves to a
wide range of social and economic opportunies, not only related to accessing employment
and advancing their professional careers, also with respect to successfully parcipang in
society and the economy more generally. They focus on , which include
basic educaon in terms of numeracy and literacy, but also ‘so skills’, such as the ability to
think crically and innovate, interpersonal and social skills that typically refer to the ability
to communicate eecvely, collaborate and work in teams.
Foundaonal skills may also include more intrinsic competencies such as self-discipline and
ILO (2007) Portability of Skills. Commiee on Employment and Social Policy. Geneva: Internaonal Labour Oce.
self-movaon, and the ability to learn independently and act with integrity.
ILOs more employment-focused denion of transferable skills disnguishes between core
life skills and general vocaonal-technical skills:
• Core life skills
ILOs core life skills include (a) so-called ‘tradional’ core skills, such as literacy, numeracy,
communicaon and social skills, as well as (b) ‘newcore skills. The laer are described as
cogniv-analycal skills that support self-learning, creavity, innovaon and independent
decision-making. Arguably, social skills and ‘newcore skills are what educaon specialists
would refer to as ‘sot skills’.
(Note: the VET Toolbox Tool LIFE SKILLS AND WORK READINESS IN VET lays out further the
raonale for strengthening these types of skills).
General vocaonal-technical skills are dened as skills that build on the standardizaon
of products and processes, as well as the diusion of similar technologies across dierent
enterprises and sectors of an economy. This is why they are transferable.
In contrast to general’ vocaonal-technical skills, there are ‘specic’ vocaonal-technical
skills, which relate to parcular jobs or rms and are considered less transferable. However,
it is important to recognise that specic vocaonal-technical skills are typically built on the
prior acquision of general vocaonal-technical skills.
Core skills
Transferable skills:
Employable skills which can be used producvely in dierent jobs, occupaons, industries
(ILO 2007)
Vocational/technical skills
Traditional skills ‘New’ skills
Traditional skills ‘New’ skills
and social skills
e.g. ability to read,
write, handle infor-
maon and numbers,
communicate with
others, use compu-
ters, language skills,
ability to interrelate
to others, work in
teams, movate and
demonstrate lea-
dership, manage rela-
onships, punctuality.
and personal skills
e.g. ability to
analyse and solve
technical and /or
problems eecvely,
using thinking
skills and applying
methodologies; ability
to make judgements
and take decisions;
ability to acquire new
knowledge, learn from
experience, openness
to new soluons and
and business
knowledge that can
sectors in an economy
e.g. skills that have
become general
as a consequence
of standardizaon
of products and
processes and the
diusion of similar
technologies between
enterprises (includes
HSE awareness and
and business
knowledge that
Workers typically
acquire these skills in
enterprises that are
specialized in narrow
product and service
(highly transferable)
(highly transferable)
(highly transferable)
(limited transferability)
In deciding which types of vocaonal-technical skills are relevant for which parcular country/
regional/ or local context, it is helpful to considering whether transferability is sought across
sectors or skills levels.
• Across sectors
Transferability across sectors can be understood in terms of asking whether there is (potenal)
demand for general vocaonal-technical skills upon which specialist skills are built. In some
industries, technical and vocaonal professionals typically acquire their specialist knowledge
on the back of general vocaonal-technical trades. For example, this is the case in the extracve
industries (oil, gas, mining), where sector professionals oen acquire their specialisms on
the back of inial training and work experience in trades such as civil engineering and
construcon, heavy machine operaons, metal fabricaon, mechanical engineering and
electrical/ electronic/ mechatronic works.
Transferability across sectors can also be understood in terms of asking whether there are
new technologies that are gaining in relevancy and, therefore, are becoming more widely
used. For example, to produce on-grid and o-grid renewable energy requires knowledge
and skills in installing and maintaining new technologies in a variety of geographic contexts,
including urban and rural sengs.
Transferability across skills levels is
key to idenfying the foundaonal
basis of the core life skills required for
workers and professionals to become
skilled vocaonal-technical workers.
To eventually become skilled workers
and professionals, vocaonal-technical
trainees need a certain basis of core life
skills that enable them to embrace new
technologies. For example, they need
these skills to adapt to the consequences
of digitalising producon processes and
service delivery. Similarly, the occupaonal
remit of a vehicle mechanic has changed dramacally over the past couple of decades and
is poised to change further as the automove industry is moving toward electricaon. This
required that VET trained persons are equipped with sucient core life skills to move with
the me.
Transferability across skills levels is also relevant for idenfying the pathways for upward
occupaonal mobility via the vocaonal-technical route. For example, especially in Sub-
Saharan Africa, many young people leave formal educaon aer primary school or lower
secondary school
. However, this is not where their acquision of core life skills should end.
Therefore, young people sll need to be supported to strengthen core life skills throughout
their early working life so that they can move up the skills ladder as their professional careers
Countries vary considerably in the number of school years associated with primary and lower secondary educaon
and also in the mandatory school leaving age. Typically, the length of primary educaon varies from 4-7 years. In
countries where primary educaon ends at year 7, this may also be the end of the legally mandated school age.
In the ideal case, educaon and skills development systems are designed such that a highly skilled worker can
achieve an educaonal level that is at par with university-trained professionals, or at least that he/she can enter
university level training via a vocaonal-technical route, as opposed to a general-educaon based academic route.
Figure 2 refers to the rst six of a total of eight ISCED-11 levels. ISCED stands for Internaonal Standard for the
Codicaon of Educaon, of which the latest version was published in 2011. This Standard is provided by the United
Naon’s Educaon, Scienca and Cultural Organisaon (UNESCO), for the purpose of assembling, compiling,
analysing and comparing data on educaon programmes and aainments. Many countries have their own naonal
qualicaon frameworks which they map into the ISCED-11. The Standard can be found here: hp://
progress. For example, they may be starng o as vocaonal-technical trainees with limited
secondary educaon. But in order to become skilled trades persons and professionals,
they need to be supported to acquire more core life skills alongside gaining praccal work
Figure 2 illustrates transferability across sectors and skills levels, using the UNESCO’s ISCED-11
for the levels and the electrical trade as the praccal example.
6 Bachelors or equivalent
5 Short-cycle terary educaon
4 Post-secondary, non-terary
3 Upper secondary educaon
2 Lower secondary educaon
1 Primary educaon
Highly transferable Transferable
specic terary pro-
specic upper
secondary pro-
specic secondary
foundaonal pro-
Primary foundational
core skills
 
core skills
Specialist skills Skills that relate to
new technologies
Job/rm specic
Transferability across sectors
Electrical engineer
• Electrical technician
Master electrician
Cered Electrician,
Electrical installator
• Trainee electrician
• Experienced techni-
cian/ professional for
plant electrics
• Experienced
technician for elec-
trical environmental
• Industrial electrician,
specialising in plant
electrics, operaons
• Industrial electrician
specialising in HVAC
• Trainee industrial
• Experienced electri-
cal technician for solar
power plants
• Electrician specia-
lising in solar/wind
• Electrician speciali-
sing in energy ecient
• Trainee electrician
aware and familiarised
with new technologies
LNG technician
electrical work
• Industrial electrician
focused on LNG plant
• Electrical helper
• Experienced electri-
cal helper
In the process of designing and targeng strengthening VET programmes, the following four
scenarios may be taken into consideraon:
When primary and/or lower secondary school leavers are the target group for VET, it
needs to be considered to what extent VET should sll include strengthening core life skills
alongside providing young people with vocaonal-technical skills. Training in core life skills
should aspire to bring VET students up to the level where as vocaonal-technically skilled
workers they can a) advance into higher value professional specialisms (with support from
their employers), and/or b) embrace new technologies as these become more standardized.
For example, solid core life skills will help a vehicle mechanic originally trained on manual
combuson engines to re-train and adapt to repairing vehicles and machines with increasing
digital contents, electric motors, sophiscated HVAC technology and so forth.
If VET is targeted at those with completed lower secondary educaon, the focus should be
on solid general vocaonal-technical skills in key occupaons, so as to strengthen the basis
upon which workers can acquire specic skills, including skills that relate to new technologies
and/ or to specic jobs in parcular types of rms. Eorts should be made to idenfy where
the current provision of general VET is decient in relaon to potenal demand. One of the
quesons to ask is whether VET providers have kept up with the use of technologies and
work pracces that have already (or are poised to) become standardized in the actual work
environment, for example with respect to the ‘greening’ of exisng occupaons. Experience
has shown that industrial employers are oen already appreciave of workers bringing a
sucient level of core life skills (including health, safety and environmental awareness) and
some vocaonal-technical knowledge. Given this basis, they are then oen very willing to
provide specialist in-house training using their facilies and machinery.
Where the provision of skills training is associated with emerging industries, praconers
should ascertain whether and where there are commonalies and complementaries
between the skills required by these industries and exisng economic acvies already
carried out in the country. This would serve to idenfy and verify, if there are areas of
specialism that might be worth introducing into the curricula of general VET for key
occupaons. For example, if an emerging renewable energy sector is poised to increase
the demand for plant electricians that are also demanded by the manufacturing industry
or the convenonal energy and mining sector, it could be worth considering to supplement
the training of general electricians with a specialist training model on plant electrical work.
Similar consideraons may be considered for digitally-based goods and services.
Where VET is targeted at potenal labour demand idened in associaon with specic
capital projects - for example in the extracve industries or other natural-resources based
industries, or the construcon, the ulies and the infrastructure industries and adjacent
sectors - praconers should verify with relevant industry representaves at what depth
general vocaonal-technical skills are required and how long (these representaves think)
it takes to acquire the necessary praccal skills. For example, an important queson is
whether it would be considered realisc that a short period of on-the-job training would
suce to enable generally trained VET graduates to resume sector-specic job roles. If
this were deemed impossible, it could mean that the specic skills requirements are such
that prospecve jobholders would be expected to already possess (a) specialist vocaonal-
technical skills, and/or (b) be familiar with non-standardized job or rm specic technologies,
and/or (c) have previously held a similar job in the same industry.
In Ghana, GIZs E4D Programme
partnered with Samsung Electronics,
the South Korean Internaonal
Development Agency, KOICA, and with
the Ghanaian Council for Technical
and Vocaonal Educaon and Training
to implement a programme targeng
women to be successful in selling,
installing and servicing consumer
electronics. This praccally-oriented
programme focused on general vocaonal-technical skills in electronics, as well as on sales,
customer communicaons and entrepreneurial competencies and on aer-sales servicing
skills. Training providers were encouraged to provide trainees with immediate opportunies
to put their learning into pracce. As Samsung is expanding its African market, it has been keen
to draw on this pool of trainees to support its repair outlets. On the hand, the beneciaries
also received training that has prepared them to take up self-employment opportunies in
the formal or informal economy.
For more background and details on this case example, see fact sheet.
GIZs E4D/SOGA Programme
implemented comprehensive
work readiness training in
the northern region of Cabo
Delgado, Mozambique, to impart
transferable vocaonal-technical
as well as core life skills to young
people to prepare them for
the job market. School-leavers
and drop-outs graduates were
oered basic general vocaonal
training in electrical installaon
and maintenance, welding,
rigging and hospitality, as well
as core life skill training in areas
such as communicaon skills,
occupaonal hygiene and safety,
personal nance, rst aid, HIV awareness and several addional modules. The objecve has
been to equip beneciaries with skills that would help them capture potenal employment
opportunies on the back of natural gas developments taking place in the region. Recognising
the relevance of this training focus, GIZ has adapted and upscaled this approach for a similar
programme delivered in Uganda.
For more background and details on this case example, see fact sheet.
The limitaons of transferable skills are twofold: rst, the demand for labour may be so limited,
specic and/or short-term contract-focused that focusing on developing general vocaonal-
technical skills would not make much of a dierence to local hiring. However, transferable
skills may nevertheless help beneciaries to take up or improve their self-employment
acvies. Second, the gaps in tradional core skills may be so severe that companies do not
want to contemplate invesng in developing general vocaonal-technical skills. Instead, they
may focus on training a small number of selected specialists with terary educaon, and/or
invest in automaon and digitalisaon to reduce labour as a producon input.
There is also a more fundamental limitaon, highlighted by educaon experts. They have
reached the conclusion that early acquision of transferable core life skills has a posive
impact on people’s social and economic achievements in later life. They stress that acquiring
these types of transferable skills should start from a very early age, because they shape
people’s opportunies throughout their later lives. And, they see children’s early and primary
learning experiences - taking place in the family environment as well as formal care and school
sengs - as an important condioning factor for the extent to which transferable skills can
be further strengthened during adolescence, young adulthood and later in life. In conclusion,
pedagogical experts and educaon economist are strong advocates for invesng in these
skills from very early on, ideally with good quality early childhood learning. Essenally, they
see less scope for making up for serious gaps in later life. That said, it is also recognised
that, even if formal educaon is poor, children and youth may sll learn valuable core life
skills outside of the school seng, for example, when they are engaged in contribung to
subsistence livelihoods.
The VET Toolbox partnership is composed by GIZ, Brish Council, Enabel, LuxDev and AFD.
Co-funded by the European Union