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Georgia Institute of Technology
Housing Contract
Summer 2024
INSTRUCTIONS: By executing this Georgia Institute of Technology Housing Contract (“Contract”)
online, you agree to accept all terms and conditions included within the Contract, which includes
information about the meningococcal vaccination.
This Contract is for the SUMMER semester and is for a space provided by Georgia Institute of
Technology Housing and Residence Life and not a specific room or community.
The student may “execute” the Contract online for the Georgia Institute of Technology Department
of Housing and Residence Life Office (“Department”). In this Contract,
“execute”/”executed”/”execution” is defined as the student (and parent/guardian/guarantor if the
student is under the age of 18) indicating their assent to the terms of the Contract by electronic
signature. If Department does not receive the executed Contract by the deadline, the student’s housing
assignment and registration for housing may be cancelled. When this Contract is executed, it
becomes a binding agreement a contract between the student (and parent/guardian/guarantor
if the student is under 18) and The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia by and
on behalf of Georgia Institute of Technology.
This Contract is an agreement between The Board of Regents of the University System of Georgia
by and on behalf of the Georgia Institute of Technology (hereinafter “Georgia Institute of
Technology” or “licensor”) and the student (hereinafter Student” or “licensee”). If the Student is
under 18 years of age at the time of execution, this Contract is also an agreement between Georgia
Institute of Technology and the Student’s parent, guardian, or other guarantor. The parent, guardian,
or guarantor must also execute this Contract if the Student is under 18 years of age. The parties to
this Contract, in consideration of the mutual covenants and stipulations set forth herein, agree as
Grant of License. Georgia Institute of Technology shall grant the Student a limited,
nonexclusive, nontransferable and revocable license to use and occupy an assigned space
in a Georgia Institute of Technology facility in accordance with the terms and conditions
of this Contract (the “License”). The parties to this Contract do not intend that an estate,
a tenancy, or any other interest in property should pass from Georgia Institute of
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Technology to Student. Instead, it is the intention of the parties that the relationship
between Georgia Institute of Technology and Student be that of licensor and licensee and
the sole right of Student to use the assigned space as a living unit shall be based upon the
License granted in this Contract.
Revocation of License. Georgia Institute of Technology reserves the right to revoke
Student’s License if the student or the student’s guest(s), spouse, domestic partner and/or
dependent children engages in any of the following misconduct:
Intentionally or recklessly setting a fire (including the lighting of incense,
candles or other open flame) or recklessly initiating or causing to be initialed
any false report, warning or threat of fire, explosion, or other emergency in a
housing facility or at a Georgia Institute of Technology sponsored activity;
Intentionally or recklessly misusing, tampering or damaging any fire safety
equipment in a housing facility or at a Georgia Institute of Technology
sponsored activity;
Intentionally sharing a Georgia Institute of Technology identification card
and/or residence hall access personal identification number with another
individual or otherwise providing unauthorized access to a housing facility to
another individual;
Using, possessing, manufacturing, distributing, maintaining, transporting, or
receiving any of the following while on Georgia Institute of Technology
property (unless noted as an exception) or at a Georgia Institute of Technology
sponsored event:
a. Any firearm or weapon as defined by O.C.G.A § 16-11-127.1, whether
operable or inoperable, or any object of like character including but not
limited to paintball guns, air soft guns, BB guns, potato guns, knives, or
razor blades;
b. Any dangerous weapon, such as but not limited to, a machine gun,
shotgun, sawed-off shotgun, rifle, or silencer as defined by O.C.G.A §
c. Any bacterial weapon, biological weapon, hoax device, destructive
device, detonator, explosive, incendiary, over-pressure device, or poison
gas as defined in O.C.G.A. § 16-7-80;
d. Any explosive materials as defined by O.C.G.A. § 16-7-81;
e. Any fireworks as defined by O.C.G.A § 25-10-1 in or in close proximity
to Georgia Institute of Technology facilities;
f. Any hoax devices, replica of a destructive device, or configuration of
explosive materials with the appearance of a destructive device such as a
fake bomb or packages that give the appearance that they may contain
chemical explosives or toxic materials; or
g. Use of an “electroshock weapon” against another person in a manner
other than in defense of self or others’
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Touching any resident, guest or staff member in a manner to which that person
has not consented and that is either harmful or offensive, or actions that cause
the reasonable apprehension of such touching;
Using, possessing, manufacturing, or distributing:
a. Any dangerous drug as defined by O.C.G.A. § 16-13-71;
b. Any drug paraphernalia or drug-related objects as defined by O.C.G.A. §
c. Any unauthorized controlled substance as defined by O.C.G.A. § 16-13-
25 through 16-13-29;
d. Any counterfeit substance as defined by O.C.G.A. § 16-13-21(6); or
e. Any imitation controlled substance as defined by O.C.G.A. § 16-13-
Violating Georgia Institute of Technology policy with the respect to the
possession or consumption of alcoholic beverages in a housing facility or at a
Georgia Institute of Technology sponsored activity;
Behaving in a manner that may create the appearance of, or pose, a danger to
the Student or to others, and such behavior is determined at Georgia Institute of
Technology’s sole discretion to have caused a disruption within the residential
Dropping, throwing, projecting, or causing to be projected any object from a
housing facility window;
Theft or damage of Georgia Institute of Technology property or the property of
another resident, guest, or staff member;
Possession of stolen property;
Providing false information to Department staff, including providing false or
misleading information in connection with the student’s housing registration
and eligibility for Georgia Institute of Technology housing;
Operating a business out of Georgia Institute of Technology housing facilities
including the student’s assigned space and/or mailbox;
Using the assigned space and/or mailbox to engage in illegal activities;
Consistently playing any television, musical instrument, electronic devices or
other sound producing device in a manner that unreasonably interferes or
otherwise disrupts the educational and residential environment as determined by
Georgia Institute of Technology;
Interfering with the normal operation of a housing facility or elevator including
but not limited to violating any visitation rules and/or quiet hours;
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Failing to pay fees as required under this Contract. In accordance with Georgia
Institute of Technology policies, failure to pay fees as required under this
contract will result in a “HOLD” being placed on the Student’s official
transcript and will prevent subsequent registration at Georgia Institute of
Being convicted of a crime against a victim who is a minor as defined by
O.C.G.A. § 42-1-12(a)(14);
Refusal to comply with the reasonable and lawful direction of Georgia Institute
of Technology staff, including Department staff acting in accordance with their
duties and responsibilities;
Subleasing, assignment, and/or sharing the housing facility other than with
Family members listed on application if Family Housing
Admission or readmission is denied;
Housing eligibility, financial and/or academic requirements are not met;
Violating Georgia Institute of Technology policies, rules and regulations; and/or
Suspension or dismissal from Georgia Institute of Technology.
Effect of License Revocation. If Georgia Institute of Technology revokes Student’s
License, the Student will lose all privileges or rights to use or occupy the Student’s
assigned space. Student must vacate the premises prior to the time specified by Georgia
Institute of Technology by removing all belongings from the assigned space and
following designated checkout procedures. If Student’s License to live on campus is
revoked, Student may remain liable for the full payment of fees due under this Contract
as outlined below. Should the Student fail to voluntarily comply with Georgia Institute
of Technology’s notice to vacate, Student may be subject to criminal prosecution for
trespassing and disciplinary action through the Georgia Institute of Technology Student
Conduct process. If a Student’s License has been revoked, any spouse, domestic partner
and/or dependent children will also lose all privileges or rights to use or occupy the
student’s assigned space and must vacate the premises prior to the time specified by
Georgia Institute of Technology.
In the event of License revocation, the Student will be notified by their official Georgia
Institute of Technology email account and the date by which the official check-out will
result in a daily charge of $50.00 being billed to the Student’s account.
Unless otherwise provided for in this Contract, no term or condition of this Contract can
be waived and no statement made by Georgia Institute of Technology or its agents is
considered a waiver of any term or condition of the Contract, whether expressed or
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Eligibility and Application. Only Students of the Georgia Institute of Technology who
are enrolled Full-Time shall be eligible for a housing space. Any Student who withdraws
or is involuntarily removed from school shall no longer be eligible for housing effective
immediately upon withdrawal or removal and must move-out within forty-eight (48)
hours after withdrawal. Exceptions to these criteria may be made at the discretion of the
Executive Director of Department or their designee and will be in writing. If admission
to Georgia Institute of Technology is denied or revoked, it is the responsibility of the
Student to notify Department in writing within ten (10) days of receipt of denial from
Georgia Institute of Technology and ensure that their housing assignment is cancelled to
avoid further financial penalties. The Student is responsible for providing all necessary
documentation. Enrollment verification is performed monthly. A Student who does not
meet Full-Time status during Contract period is required to submit an Full-Time
Enrollment Exception Request form.
Enrollment Status:
Family Housing. Families with two (2) to four (4) members will be assigned to a two
(2) bedroom apartment. No more than four (4) persons may reside in a two (2) bedroom
apartment. The Student and the Student Family are eligible to live in Family Housing
Apartments. Student Family members are not eligible to live in Family Housing
Apartments without a student who meets the criteria set forth herein.
Notification. Department will send notices/correspondence to the Georgia Institute of
Technology email account provided to the Student as their official point of contact. The
Student is responsible for checking and maintaining this account. It is the Student’s
responsibility to notify Georgia Institute of Technology Registrar’s Office of any change
in their address.
Incorporation of Policies, Rules and Regulations
i. The residence hall/apartment schedule of rates, all Georgia Institute of
Technology policies and procedures, including, without limitation, the Georgia
Institute of Technology Code of Student Conduct and the Department Guide to
Community Living, which contains housing policies, are incorporated by
reference herein and become part of the Contract.
ii. This Contract shall be governed by the laws of the United States and the State of
Georgia, the rules and regulations of The Board of Regents of the University
System of Georgia, and the rules and regulations of the Georgia Institute of
iii. In performance of this Contract, and consistent with the Georgia Institute of
Technology’s Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy, Georgia
Institute of Technology shall not unlawfully discriminate on the basis of race,
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color, sex (including sexual harassment and pregnancy), sexual orientation,
gender identity, ethnicity or national origin, religion, age, genetic information,
and disability or veteran status.
iv. Georgia Institute of Technology reserves the right to make and enforce other rules
and regulations as may be appropriate or necessary for the safety, care, education
environment, and cleanliness of the premises, and for securing the comfort and
convenience of all residents. Georgia Institute of Technology reserves the right
to make changes to IT services during this Contract, which includes but is not
limited to internet, both hardwired and wireless, telephones, door access and cable
Full Summer. The effective beginning of the semester for this Contract is the first day
of the semester for which the Student indicates intent to occupy space. This Contract for
the summer semester begins the first day of classes or upon approved move-in. For
specific dates, please refer to the Georgia Institute of Technology Department of Housing
and Residence Life website at This Contract concludes at the end of
the summer semester or 24 hours after the last day of finals. Exceptions can be made for
graduating students upon request. Move-in prior to the contracted date requires prior
approval from an authorized representative of Department.
Transition Housing. If Student has a Summer contract, Student may be allowed to live
on campus during the transition period between Spring and Summer: 24 hours after the
last day of Spring finals to the first day of Full Summer Session. During the transition
period between spring and summer semesters, all Student personal items must be
removed from common areas and stored only in Student’s assigned bedroom. Kitchen
and bath items can be brought out to use but must be stored in the bedroom when not in
use. Exceptions can be made for refrigerator and freezer items, which may be stored in a
single, clear plastic container one for the refrigerator and one for the freezer. Student is
responsible for obtaining containers for refrigerator and freezer storage. Any items left
unattended in the common areas including the bathroom, may be discarded when
facilities staff clean the unit. In some cases, Student may be provided a traditional room
to move to during the transition period. Student may only bring one bag of personal items.
Bed linens will be provided by Department. All other personal items must be removed
from residence halls and stored elsewhere at the expense of Student. Dates for transition
housing will be set by the Department. Transition housing is never guaranteed and is
provided at the sole discretion of the Department.
The Student is liable for all applicable rates, damages, and fees for the entire length of
this Contract regardless of occupancy.
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Student agrees to pay the Contract fee for the assigned space (the “License Fee”) and all
other charges as provided in this Contract (together, “Additional Fees”). Additional Fees
include application fees, programming fees and miscellaneous charges for items
including but not limited to lock security fees, early check-in fees, room condition fees,
improper room change fees, improper checkout fees and damages. The License Fee rate
is listed on the official Georgia Institute of Technology Housing and Residence Life
Student shall pay the License Fee, Additional Fees, and any other fees owed under this
Contract to the Office of the Bursar according to the Bursar’s fee payment schedule
published on the Bursar’s calendar at
The License Fee is subject to approval or change by The Board of Regents of the
University System of Georgia and may be adjusted pursuant to that approval no later than
the start date of the License to occupy the assignment. Any room rate increase will be
communicated to applicable students.
Student is required to pay a non-refundable, one-time $80.00 application fee. The
application fee is not to be considered part of the License Fee and is separate from the
License Fee amount.
Individuals arriving early may not be permitted to occupy their assigned space prior to
the official move-in date. Occupancy dates prior to or beyond the appointed official
move-in and move-out dates will incur a daily rate of $50.00 per night in addition to any
applicable improper check-out or damage fees.
Student understands, acknowledges and agrees that in the event the Student fails to pay
a Student account bill or any monies owed to Georgia Institute of Technology by the
scheduled due date, and fails to make acceptable payment arrangements to bring the
account current, Georgia Institute of Technology may refer the Student’s delinquent
account to a collection agency. The Student further understands, acknowledges and
agrees that if Georgia Institute of Technology refers the Student account balance to a
third party for collection, a collection fee will be assessed and due in full at the time of
the referral to the third party. The collection fee will be calculated as determined by the
Office of the Bursar. Student further understands, acknowledges, and agrees that the
delinquent account may be reported to one or more of the national credit bureaus.
Payment Guarantee. If the Student is under 18 years of age, a parent, guardian, or other
guarantor agrees to guarantee to Georgia Institute of Technology that Student will pay
the License Fee and Additional Fees as provided in this Contract. The parent, guardian
or other guarantor further agrees to make all such payments to Georgia Institute of
Technology if the student, for any reason, fails to make such payments. This agreement
between Georgia Institute of Technology and the parent, guardian or other guarantor is
an undertaking that is separate and distinct from Georgia Institute of Technology’s
agreement with Student.
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Room/Apartment Assignment. Department assignments are made based on
availability without regard to race, creed, color, or national origin. Assignment priority
is based on the date of receipt of the Department application and the Contract along with
the required application fee for the following classifications: new first-year
undergraduate students who matriculate to Georgia Institute of Technology Summer
2024, Fall, 2024 or Spring 2025 (hereinafter referred to as “First-Year Students”), new
transfer students who matriculate to Georgia Tech in Summer 2024 or Fall 2024
(hereinafter referred to as New Transfer Students) and new graduate students who
matriculate to Georgia Tech in the Fall of 2024 (hereinafter referred to as New Graduate
Students). Student should refer to the Room Selection Process found on the Housing
and Residence Life website for all detailed information regarding the room selection
process for all student classifications.
Execution of this Contract does not guarantee that the Student will be assigned a
space. A qualified Student for whom space is not available will be placed on a
waiting list. The Student is responsible for monitoring their waitlist status and
removing themselves should they enter into another housing agreement off-
campus. Otherwise, students will be assigned a space if/when it becomes
available. Upon assignment, this Contract and all cancellation fees associated
with are upheld.
Self-Assign. Student who applies by the self-assign deadline and is not on the waitlist
will receive a time-ticket to select a room. If Student who has received a time-ticket
does not select a room during the self-assign period, Student is responsible for
contacting Department to request an assignment and will be assigned to an available
room. Student who does not contact the Department during the designated period and
does not cancel their Housing application prior to the first day of classes will have their
housing contract canceled and will be responsible for the cancellation penalty fee
according to the Cancellation Penalty Schedule.
Room/Apartment Preferences. Assignment to a preferred building, room, or
apartment is contingent upon availability and is NOT GUARANTEED. If desired
space is not available, the Student will be assigned any available space. Contracts are
not cancelled if desired space or style is unavailable. Requests for roommates should be
submitted simultaneously by both/all parties and is not guaranteed.
Consolidation/Relocation. Department reserves the sole right to make all
room/apartment assignments and to make any subsequent changes deemed advisable or
necessary. At any time, Student shall accept the assignment made by Department of
another student into the Student’s assigned space. In addition, Department, in its sole
discretion, may determine a need to add/remove occupants to a room or traditional
common areas or reassign student based on special accommodation needs. This may
result in a room’s occupancy changing from single occupancy to double occupancy,
from double occupancy to triple occupancy, or use of a traditional common area (e.g.
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lounge space) for multiple occupancy. Such changes to occupancy levels in a room shall
not be deemed a breach of this Contract or the License granted hereunder, nor shall it
entitle the Student to a change in any fees assigned.
Room/Apartment Changes. Prior to move-in, room/apartment changes can be made
and/or requested online at My Housing. After move-in, room/apartment changes require
authorization from the appropriate Housing and Residence Life staff member or
Waitlist. Student for whom space is not available will be placed on the housing waitlist.
Student may cancel from the waitlist without penalty fee. If Student is assigned a room,
Student has five (5) business days to cancel the housing contract without a penalty fee.
Student who cancels after five (5) business days will be charged the cancellation penalty
fee in accordance with Cancellation Penalty Schedule.
Room Inventory Process. Upon check-in, all students are responsible for completing a
room inventory to indicate any discrepancies between what staff reported as pre-existing
damages or missing items and what the student noted in their assigned room/apartment.
Any discrepancies between the original room inventory condition and what the student
identified must be submitted using the Room Condition Report provided via email upon
check-in. Student will be responsible for any damages or missing items not reported upon
checkout of the assigned room/apartment.
Official Check-out. A Student is not officially checked out of the residence hall/apartment
until all of the following occur: (1) The Student has removed all personal property from the
premises (2) the room/apartment has been cleaned by the Student; and (3) the proper check-
out records and keys have been returned to Department staff. Failure to meet the scheduled
check-out time or appointment will result in a $100.00 minimum improper check-out fee,
with an additional $50.00 per hour not to exceed $250.00. The Student is liable for all
housing charges, regardless of occupancy, until the day the Student properly checks out with
an authorized Department official, or the end of the agreed upon contract term.
Abandoned Property. Items remaining in room after check-out are considered abandoned
property and will removed and discarded as appropriate. Cleaning fees may be charged in
addition to an improper check-out fee outlined in Section VI. B above.
Third-Party Contractors/Vendors. A Student may not allow any third-party contractor
or vendor access to Georgia Institute of Technology Housing facilities without written
authorization from the Executive Director of Housing and Residence Life and the Senior
Director of Housing and Residence Life Facilities.
Costs of Cleanup or Repair. Student is responsible for maintaining the cleanliness of
the assigned space and shall reimburse Georgia Institute of Technology for all cleaning
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costs in excess of normal cleaning costs if staff is required, at Georgia Institute of
Technology’s sole discretion, to clean the assigned space. Student is also responsible for
the care of the assigned space and is expected to report any repair needs to Department.
Student shall be liable for increased repair costs due to failure to report conditions in need
of repair. Student is responsible for using all Georgia Institute of Technology property in
a safe, responsible manner and shall be responsible for damages to and/or replacement
of Georgia Institute of Technology property within the assigned room/apartment except
for damage and loss from ordinary wear and tear. When Georgia Institute of Technology
determines that it is unable to assign liability for such damage, Student shall share equally
with other building/floor/unit/suite residents the cost of cleaning, repair or replacement
of any Georgia Institute of Technology property in common areas of the
building/floor/unit/suite including but not limited to hallways, lounges and laundry
rooms. Georgia Institute of Technology at its sole discretion shall determine the amount
of any costs for cleaning, loss, or damage and shall notify Student of such charges.
Alterations. No changes will be made in the assigned space by the Student without
written permission from the Senior Director of Housing Facilities Management, which
permission may be withheld in the sole discretion of Georgia Institute of Technology.
This includes, but is not limited to: shelves, partitions, clothesline, lofts, window
coverings, wallpaper, painting, plumbing, electrical, heating, other structural changes or
alterations to furniture, or the removal of Georgia Institute of Technology furniture and
its replacement with items owned by the Student.
Guardrails; Waiver of Liability. Each bed that is lofted above 36” at the top of the
frame will have a guardrail installed by Georgia Institute of Technology at no cost to the
Student. By execution of this Contract, the Student acknowledges and understands the
risks the Student or their guests may encounter should the student fail to keep the initial
guardrail in place, specifically the risk of injury or potential fatality that may result from
falling. Having been informed of and understanding the inherent risks should the Student
remove the guardrail or fail to have a second rail installed, the Student assumes all
liability for harm or injury to the Student and/or Student’s guests. Accordingly, for the
consideration specified in this contract, the Student hereby releases, waives, discharges
and covenants not to sue Georgia Institute of Technology, the Board of Regents, or its
officers, servants, agents or employees (hereinafter referred to as “Releasees”) for any
liability, claim and/or cause of action arising out of or related to any loss, damage or
injury, including death that may be sustained by the Student or the Student’s guests or to
any property belonging to the Student’s guests arising out of the use of an adjustable
height bed while living in Georgia Institute of Technology Housing. Student confirms
this Release shall be effective whether injury is caused by Student’s negligence, the
negligence of the Releasees or the negligence of any third party. Student understands that
the acceptance of this Release shall not constitute a waiver, in whole or in part, of
sovereign or official immunity by the Releasees.
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Student hereby agrees that Department staff and Georgia Institute of Technology Facilities
personnel may enter the Student's assigned space at any reasonable time for safety inspection,
maintenance, cleaning, inventories, epidemic, pandemic or emergency, to claim Georgia
Institute of Technology property, pest control, occupancy verification and/or general repair.
Student hereby authorizes Department staff to allow access to the Student's assigned space
when access is requested by any law enforcement officer possessing a valid search or arrest
warrant. Department reserves the right to remove and hold in storage any items deemed
hazardous to the building or its occupants (including, without limitation, explosives,
firearms, propane, gas, alcohol, chemicals, open flame burning items, hunting bows, weapons,
Georgia Institute of Technology, its officers, employees or agents are not responsible for
the loss, damage, or destruction of the Student's personal property. Although precautions
are taken to maintain adequate security and maintenance, Georgia Institute of Technology does
not assume any legal obligation to pay for injury to persons (including death), or loss of or
damage to items of personal property which occurs in its buildings or on its grounds, prior to,
during, or subsequent to the term of this Contract.
Student is strongly encouraged to purchase and maintain appropriate rental insurance or
confirm that their family homeowners policy will cover such possible losses. If insurance
coverage is desired, it is the Student's responsibility to acquire such coverage.
In the event the Student fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions of this Contract,
Department may take the following actions against the Student:
Cancel this Contract without notice.
Serve notice to vacate the premises pursuant to applicable Georgia Institute of
Technology policies and state laws.
Take action to recover the cost of damage caused by the Student and/or his or her
guest(s) (invited or otherwise).
Utilize any and all remedies, including equitable and legal, judicial and/or
administrative relief, which are available.
Student’s breach of any obligations established by this Contract authorizes Georgia Institute of
Technology to use any remedy available by law or in equity. Additionally, if student (parent,
guardian or guarantor) fails to pay the License Fee or Additional Fees or any other charges
required by this Contract, Georgia Institute of Technology is authorized to use any or all of the
following remedies: initiation of a contract review process; termination of this Contract; removal
of Student and belongings from Georgia Institute of Technology Housing; restriction of access
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to the assigned space; cancellation of Student’s enrollment at Georgia Institute of Technology,
restriction of Student to register for classes; and restriction of Student to conduct Georgia
Institute of Technology business as determined by the Registrar. Georgia Institute of
Technology’s failure to enforce at any time any of the provisions of this Contract, or its failure
to utilize any remedy that is authorized herein, shall in no way be construed as a waiver of such
rights or in any way affect the validity of this Contract or any part hereof or the right of Georgia
Institute of Technology thereafter to enforce each and every such provision.
If Student is a first-year housing resident (first-year students who matriculate to Georgia Institute
of Technology Summer 2024, Fall, 2024 or Spring 2025), Student understands that the first-year
housing resident meal plan is mandatory. Student hereby acknowledges and agrees to participate
in a first-year housing resident meal plan during the entire term of this Contract pursuant to the
terms and conditions contained in Addendum A, which is attached hereto and incorporated
herein by this reference.
A. Georgia Institute of Technology Department of Housing and Residence Life reserve the
right to refuse housing to any Student who has demonstrated an unwillingness to abide
by Georgia Institute of Technology or the Department of Housing and Residence Life
standards, policies, and regulations, or who demonstrates behavior which is
incompatible with the maintenance of order and proprietary to an educational
environment or the health and welfare of students, or staff of Georgia Institute of
Technology Department of Housing and Residence Life. Georgia Institute of
Technology Department of Housing and Residence Life may terminate this Contract
and take possession, within 24 hours of termination, of any living unit at any time for
violation of any of the provisions of this Contract. Personal property will be removed,
inventoried, and stored up to 30 days. If the Student fails to claim or take possession
thereof, it will be deemed abandoned and may be donated to a local charity. Georgia
Institute of Technology Department of Housing and Residence Life bears no liability
for damage to property involuntarily removed, where the Student refuses to take
B. During this extended term, Georgia Institute of Technology Department of Housing and
Residence Life is not liable or responsible for any damage or removal of personal
By statute, O.G.C.A. § 31-12-3.2 requires that all students living in campus housing to be
informed of the risks and issues regarding meningococcal disease. Meningitis is an infection
of the fluid of a persons spinal cord and brain. The two major types are viral and bacterial.
Meningococcal disease is a contagious, but largely preventable infection of the spinal cord
fluid and the fluid that surrounds the brain. Meningococcal disease is a serious condition that
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can lead to death within only a few hours of onset; one in ten cases is fatal, and one in seven
survivors of the disease is left with severe disabilities, such as the loss of a limb, mental
retardation, paralysis, deafness or seizures. Scientific evidence suggests that college students
living in dormitory facilities are at a moderately increased risk of contracting meningococcal
disease and immunization against meningococcal disease will decrease the risk of the disease.
Therefore, by electronic signature, the Student acknowledges that they have received the
information about meningococcal disease and is aware of the Georgia Institute of Technology
immunization requirements.
“Force Majeure” shall mean Acts of God, storms, inclement weather conditions, strike, disaster,
civil disturbance, war, riot, acts of public enemy, explosion, epidemic, pandemic, curtailment of
transportation facilities, or any law, order, rule, regulation, state of emergency, act of or restraint
by any governmental body of authority, including federal, state or local authorities and agencies,
which by exercise of due diligence by Georgia Institute of Technology is unable to avoid, or any
other occurrence beyond Georgia Institute of Technology’s control. In the event of such event,
Georgia Institute of Technology reserves the right to take actions to maintain the safety of the
housing facility, including but not limited to temporarily or permanently removing Student from
on-campus housing. If the housing facilities and/or all or part of housing is closed due to an
emergency or natural disaster, Georgia Institute of Technology may suspend or terminate this
Contract without prior notice. If a housing facility is closed pursuant to this paragraph, Georgia
Institute of Technology will use their best efforts to provide Student with alternative housing.
The Student, or, if under 18 (unless legally emancipated), their parent or legal guardian, has
read and understands the terms and conditions of this Contractual Agreement. This agreement
obligates the Student to reside in the residence halls or apartments for the summer session or
remainder thereof, as applicable.
Student Code of Conduct
Housing policies
Calendar at
Office of the Bursar
Housing and Residence Life Web Page
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My Housing
Catalog Rules and Regulations, Section
VI.C.6. (Scholastic Regulations)
Application Selection Process
Meal Plan Options
Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life
All first-year housing residents (first-year students who matriculate to Georgia Institute of
Technology Summer 2024, Fall, 2024 or Spring 2025) will be required to have a residential meal
plan that they will select prior to the start of the summer semester. This meal plan selection is
mandatory. Should this contract terminate or the resident withdrawals from Georgia Institute of
Technology, the associated meal plan will be partially refunded up until the institutional class
withdrawal deadline, at which time the remainder of the plan will not be refunded (see sub-
section C for special stipulations associated with membership in Greek Life). Student
acknowledges and agrees with the following additional meal plan/food service requirements:
1. Meal plans are non-transferable. Students shall not be entitled to refunds for unused
meals. Meal plan swipes may not be used to purchase meals for guests. Certain meal
plans may include a limited quantity of guest meals; refer to meal plan details at
2. Meal plan payments are due and payable according to the same schedule as each
semester’s Licensee Fee payment. Student is financially responsible for all meal plan
charges. Meal plan rates for the current term are listed on the Tech Dining website.
3. A reduced meal plan is available for First-Year housing residents who accept a
membership into a Fraternity/Sorority and who are therefore provided some meals in
connection with their Greek organization. Information and sign up for the alternative
Greek meal plan is available through the Office of Fraternity and Sorority Life.
4. Meal plan details, including plan descriptions, pricing, locations, hours of operation and
important dates are available at the Tech Dining website. A link to the complete Meal
Plan Policy, including all meal plan terms and conditions, may be found on the meal
plan website.
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To cancel this Contract, Student is required to submit notification on-line at My Housing at under the Resource tab. A Cancellation Penalty will be charged to
Student who cancels prior to the first day of the contract following this schedule:
2024 Summer Contract
Cancellation Dates
Cancellation Penalty
New First-Year Student (A first-year
student who matriculated to Georgia
Institute of Technology Summer 2024.)
June 1 June 18, 2024
New Transfer, New Graduate
Student (A transfer or graduate student
who matriculated to Georgia Institute of
Technology Summer 2024.)
May 1 May 12, 2024
Returning Student (A student who
matriculated to Georgia Institute of
Technology prior to Summer 2024.)
May 1 May 12, 2024
All Students
First Day of Class for Each Summer
Session 2024
Full Summer Session Rent
Academic Year Contract -
Fall Semester Cancellation
Cancellation Dates
Cancellation Penalty
All Students
July 1 - August 18, 2024
All Students
August 19 - December 13, 2024
Full Fall Rent
Academic Year Contract -
Spring Semester Cancellation*
Cancellation Dates
Cancellation Penalty
All Students
On or Before November 15, 2024
All Students
November 16 December 13, 2024
All Students
December 14, 2024 January 5, 2025
All Students
On or After January 6, 2025
Full Semester Rent
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*Student who cancels the Spring semester of an Academic Year Contract and meets the approved conditions detailed in
Addendum B, Section II will not be billed a Cancellation Penalty.
Spring Only Contract
Cancellation Dates
Cancellation Penalty
All Students
On or Before January 5, 2025
All Students
On or After January 6, 2025
Full Spring Rent
2025 Summer Contract
Cancellation Dates
Cancellation Penalty
New First-Year Student (A first-year
student who matriculated to Georgia
Institute of Technology Summer 2025.)
June 1 June 22, 2025
New Transfer, New Graduate
Student (A transfer or graduate student
who matriculated to Georgia Institute of
Technology Summer 2025.)
May 1 May 11, 2025
Returning Student (A student who
matriculated to Georgia Institute of
Technology prior to Summer 2025.)
May 1 May 11, 2025
All Students
First Day of Class for Each Summer
Session 2025
Full Summer Session Rent
Student who does not check-in prior to the first day of classes or fails to notify Department of
their late arrival will be considered a “No-Show” as of the first day of classes and will be billed
$1,500.00 cancellation fee.
Upon completion of online cancellation, the Student will receive a cancellation request email
which should be retained as proof of cancellation. Confirmation of the online cancellation will
be sent via email to Student’s Georgia Institute of Technology email account. If Student’s Georgia
Institute of Technology email account has been disabled and Student cannot log in online, then a
cancellation must be emailed to [email protected]. Email must include name,
GTID Number, that the Student is requesting to cancel, and the reason for cancelling. In the event
the Student’s Georgia Institute of Technology email account has been disabled and the Student
requests cancellation via email, no confirmation of cancellation will be given unless requested in
writing by the Student.
If terminating after this Contract begins, Student is responsible for the full License Fee amount
for the entire length of the contract. A Student is not officially canceled and checked out of the
residence hall/apartment until all of the following occur: (1) The Student has canceled online at My
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Housing at (2) The Student has removed all personal property from the
premises (3) the room/apartment has been cleaned by the Student; and (4) the proper check-out
records and keys have been returned to Department staff. Failure to meet the scheduled check-out
time or appointment will result in a $100.00 minimum improper check-out fee, with an additional
$50.00 per hour not to exceed $250.00 in addition to the cancellation fee. The Student is liable for
all housing charges, regardless of occupancy, until the day the Student properly checks out with an
authorized Department official, or the end of the agreed upon contract term. If Student is unable
to cancel online, then Student must email notice of cancellation to the Department. A Student
desiring to cancel this Contract prior to the expiration of this Contract may, under certain
conditions do so without full penalty, provided the proper documentation is submitted and
approved only for reasons listed below. A Student withdrawing from Georgia Institute of
Technology Housing for one of the following reasons will be charged a prorated amount based
on days of occupancy determined by cancelling their Contract online (logging into My Housing,
choosing “Cancel My Housing” under the Resources tab), completing an official check-out as
defined in section IV., B: (i) Graduation, (ii) Military, (iii) Medical, (iv) Approved Georgia
Institute of Technology Co-op Program, Internship, or Study Abroad, (v) Marriage, (vi) or
i. Graduation withdrawal requires written verification of graduation from the Registrar’s
Office. Graduation release is not when Student has completed their thesis, dissertation
and/or course work, but at the end of the semester in which Student is requesting to be
released, as noted on the Official School Calendar.
ii. Military withdrawal requires original military orders and withdrawal from Georgia Institute
of Technology.
iii. Medical withdrawal requires signed recommendation and supporting documentation from
a licensed, practicing physician. Department strongly encourages Student to submit the
supporting medical documentation within thirty (30) days from the occurrence date. If
necessary, a Georgia Institute of Technology Student Health Services physician may review
and make recommendations to the Executive Director of Department, or their designee, for
medical withdrawal requests. All requests for medical withdrawals will be determined on a
case-by-case basis.
iv. Approved Georgia Institute of Technology Co-op, Internship, and Study Abroad Programs
release requires a DocuSign completed “Verification of Employment/Study Abroad:
Georgia Institute of Technology Internship, Georgia Institute of Technology Co-op and
Georgia Institute of Technology Study Abroad Programs” form, attainable through your
Georgia Institute of Technology academic advisor or Georgia Institute of Technology
program coordinator.
v. For a marriage release, the marriage certificate must be submitted and the marriage must
take place during the contractual time Student is requesting the release. It is encouraged the
marriage certificate be submitted within thirty (30) days of the marriage.
vi. Transferring at the end of fall semester, Student must vacate by the official date of check-
out for fall semester, submit proof of enrollment for Spring semester along with class
schedule and proof of payment within thirty (30) days of the semester beginning.
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The Department of Housing and Residence Life will save copies of the above requested
original documents. If not in English, a certified English translation is required. Department
shall determine the sufficiency of the documentation presented. Otherwise, the Student will
be responsible for the remainder of the Contract (License and fees).