Coast Community College District
Chapter 2
Board of Trustees
AP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
BP 2410 Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
Format and standards
The District maintains membership in the Community College League of California
(CCLC) policy and procedure services. Board Policies and Administrative Procedures
are to be written following the format and numbering system developed by the CCLC
policy and procedure services to ensure consistency and facilitate regular revisions and
updates. Board Policies and Administrative Procedures that are in addition to those
recommended by CCLC will be numbered such that conflict is avoided with the numbers
assigned by the CCLC service.
Responsibility and process for the initiation of new Board Policies and
Administrative Procedures or revisions of existing ones
New Board Policies and associated Administrative Procedures or revisions of existing
ones can be suggested by any employee in the District. Individual employees may bring
forth such suggestions to their supervisor, their Academic Senate representative, the
representative(s) of the appropriate bargaining units, or the participatory governance
constituent group. Supervisors or participatory governance representatives will forward
the suggestion to the respective Vice President or Vice Chancellor. The Vice President
will forward the suggestion to the respective Vice Chancellor. If the suggestion is
received by an Academic Senate member, the member will forward the suggestion to
the Academic Senate President, who may choose to place the suggestion for discussion
on an Academic Senate agenda or to direct it to the Chancellor or the respective Vice
Chancellor (see below). If the suggestion is received by a representative of a bargaining
unit, the representative will discuss with the Vice Chancellor of Human Resources and
agree on the appropriate recommended course of action.
The Board of Trustees has overall responsibility for development or revisions of Board
Policies and Administrative Procedures related to the Board of Trustees (Chapter 2).
The Chancellor has overall responsibility for development or revisions of Board Policies
and Administrative Procedures related to the District (Chapter 1) and General Institution
(Chapter 3). The Chancellor may delegate this responsibility to a Vice Chancellor
depending on the subject of the Board Policy/Administrative Procedure.
The Chancellor delegates to the Vice Chancellors the overall responsibility for
development or revisions of Board Policies and Administrative Procedures that do not
relate to the operations of the Board of Trustees as follows:
- Vice Chancellor of Educational Services and Technology – Academic Affairs
(Chapter 4) and Student Services (Chapter 5).
- Vice Chancellor of Human Resources – Human Resources (Chapter 7)
- Vice Chancellor of Finance and Administrative Services – Business and Fiscal
Affairs (Chapter 6)
Certain Board Policies and Administrative Procedures may require negotiation with the
applicable collective bargaining units.
The Chancellor and the Vice Chancellors will develop and maintain a schedule to ensure
the review and update of all existing Board Policies and Administrative Procedures on a
five-year cycle. The review of Board Policies includes review by the full Board, even if no
changes are recommended by staff, to ensure that the Board is appraised and has an
opportunity to review on a regular basis all of its Policies.
The Chancellor and the Vice Chancellors are responsible for monitoring changes in
laws, regulations, accreditation standards, accreditation policies, and other relevant
items that may affect existing Board Policies and Administrative Procedures, or require
the creation of new ones. Part of monitoring such changes will be following the CCLC
updates provided twice a year (March/April and August/September).
The Board Secretary is responsible for maintaining an up-to-date inventory of all Board
Policies and Administrative Procedures, and ensuring that the most recent versions are
posted on a timely manner on the District website and available to the public.
Each Vice Chancellor will consult with the College Vice Presidents for their respective
areas in making revisions to existing Board Policies and Administrative Procedures or
creating new ones for the respective areas noted above. The Chancellor will consult with
the College Presidents and the Vice Chancellors in making revisions to existing Board
Policies and Administrative Procedures or creating new ones. All such proposed
revisions or new Board Policies/Administrative Procedures will be then discussed at the
District Consultation Council Board Policy and Administrative Procedure Subcommittee.
The District Consultation Council will serve as the main participatory governance district-
wide committee for consultation on Board Policies and Administrative Procedures. The
District Consultation Council delegates to the District Consultation Council Board Policy
and Administrative Procedure Subcommittee the responsibility for review and revision of
existing Board Policies and Administrative Procedures or creation of new ones, as
needed, for chapters other than Chapter 2.
Members of the District Consultation Council Board Policy and Administrative Procedure
Subcommittee are responsible for taking to the college or district constituencies they
represent the proposed revisions or new policies/procedures and bringing back the input
to the District Consultation Council Board Policy and Administrative Procedure
The Board Clerk is responsible for revising existing Board Policies and Administrative
Procedures related to the Board of Trustees (Chapter 2) or creating new ones as
needed and for bringing them forward for discussion and review by the full Board. Board
Policies and Administrative Procedures related to the operation or the role of the Board
are not all required to undergo review and discussion in the District Consultation Council
Board Policy and Administrative Procedure Subcommittee. However, all such revisions
or new policies/procedures will come to the District Consultation Council Board Policy
and Administrative Procedure Subcommittee as information. Those Board Policies and
Administrative Procedures that relate to or have a direct impact on College or District
constituencies other than the Board will require review and discussion at the District
Consultation Council Board Policy and Administrative Procedure Subcommittee.
Each revision of an existing Board Policy and associated Administrative Procedure(s), if
any, or new Board Policy and associated Administrative Procedure(s), if applicable, will
be placed for First Reading on one Board agenda and for approval or ratification,
respectively, at a subsequent Board meeting.
Ratified March 21, 2012
Ratified April 2, 2014
Ratified May 17, 2017
Ratified April 3, 2019