Time Machine
Software Version 2.9
User Guide
Guide Version 2.9.092611
Comodo Security Solutions
525 Washington Blvd.
Jersey City, NJ 07310
Table of Contents
1.Comodo Time Machine - Introduction.............................................................................................................................. 3
1.1.System Requirements and Important Information....................................................................................................... 6
1.1.1.Hardware and Software Requirements.............................................................................................................. 6
1.1.2.Important Installation and Usage Information..................................................................................................... 7
1.2.Installing Comodo Time Machine................................................................................................................................ 9
1.3.Starting Comodo Time Machine................................................................................................................................ 18
1.4.The Main Interface.................................................................................................................................................... 19
2.Taking a Snapshot............................................................................................................................................................ 21
3.Viewing and Managing Snapshots.................................................................................................................................. 23
3.1.Viewing Snapshots.................................................................................................................................................... 24
3.2.Managing Snapshots................................................................................................................................................. 26
3.2.1.Right Click Options........................................................................................................................................... 26
3.2.2.Restoring Your System to a Selected Snapshot............................................................................................... 27
3.2.3.Mounting a Snapshot as a Virtual Drive on Your Computer.............................................................................28
4.Restoring Your System.................................................................................................................................................... 31
5.Scheduled Tasks.............................................................................................................................................................. 34
5.1.Adding Scheduled Snapshot Tasks........................................................................................................................... 34
5.2.Adding Scheduled System Restore Tasks................................................................................................................. 40
5.3.Manage the Scheduled Tasks................................................................................................................................... 49
6.Recovering Individual Files/Folders............................................................................................................................... 50
6.1.Synchronization of Files/Folders of Current System with those in Previously Taken Snapshot.................................53
7.Resetting the Baseline Snapshot.................................................................................................................................... 55
8.Settings............................................................................................................................................................................. 57
8.1.Program Settings....................................................................................................................................................... 57
8.1.1.Program Appearance....................................................................................................................................... 58
8.1.2.Advanced Settings........................................................................................................................................... 59
8.2.User Settings............................................................................................................................................................. 62
8.2.1.Adding and Editing Users................................................................................................................................. 63
8.3.Protection Settings.................................................................................................................................................... 65
8.4.Network Settings....................................................................................................................................................... 66
9.Check for Updates............................................................................................................................................................ 67
10.Help and About Comodo Time Machine....................................................................................................................... 71
10.1.Getting Help............................................................................................................................................................ 71
10.2.About Comodo Time Machine................................................................................................................................. 71
11.Using the Quick Operation Shortcuts........................................................................................................................... 72
11.1.Taking a Snapshot................................................................................................................................................... 72
11.2.Rolling Back Your System to a Previous Snapshot..................................................................................................74
11.3.Accessing the Main Interface................................................................................................................................... 76
12.Using the Sub-Console on System Start up................................................................................................................. 76
12.1.Rolling Back Your System to a Selected Snapshot.................................................................................................77
12.2.Taking a Snapshot................................................................................................................................................... 78
12.3.Compacting Preserved Snapshots.......................................................................................................................... 79
12.4.Uninstall Comodo Time Machine............................................................................................................................. 81
13.Using the Windows Command Line interface..............................................................................................................82
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 2
13.1.Taking a snapshot................................................................................................................................................... 83
13.2.Rolling Back Your System to a Previous Snapshot................................................................................................. 83
13.3.Resetting the Baseline Snapshot............................................................................................................................ 84
13.4.Displaying the list of Snapshots............................................................................................................................... 84
13.5.Renaming a Snapshot............................................................................................................................................. 85
13.6.Locking Snapshots.................................................................................................................................................. 85
13.7.Unlock Snapshots................................................................................................................................................... 85
13.8.Mounting a Snapshot as a Virtual Drive.................................................................................................................. 86
13.9.Viewing Information on Mounted Virtual Drive........................................................................................................ 86
13.10.Unmounting the Virtual Drive................................................................................................................................. 86
13.11.Delete Snapshots.................................................................................................................................................. 87
13.12.Synchronizing of Files/Folders of Current System with those in Previously Taken Snapshot................................87
13.13.Recovering Individual Files/Folders from previously taken snapshots...................................................................88
13.14.Log in to CTM ....................................................................................................................................................... 89
13.15.Log Off from CTM.................................................................................................................................................. 89
13.16.View Currently Logged User Information............................................................................................................... 89
13.17.View the Version Number of CTM Application Installed in Your System................................................................89
13.18.Hiding/Unhiding System Tray Icon........................................................................................................................ 89
13.19.Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine...................................................................................................................... 90
13.20.Opening the Help.................................................................................................................................................. 90
14.Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine............................................................................................................................. 91
About Comodo.................................................................................................................................................................... 94
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 3
1.Comodo Time Machine - Introduction
Comodo Time Machine (CTM) is a powerful system rollback utility that allows users to quickly restore their
computers to an earlier point in time. CTM 'snapshots' are a complete record of your entire system (including the
registry, critical operating system files and
user created documents).
As part of a layered security strategy, users can schedule automatic snapshots to be taken at regular intervals then roll
back to the last known working state in the event of virus attacks or crashes. It is also a recommended practice to take
snapshots of your computer before large installations or system maintenance like installing a Windows service pack,
security updates or new drivers. Software Developers and testers can easily restore test systems to the default
configuration after each deployment without the need to manually uninstall each application. Home users can even let the
kids run amok on the family PC for an afternoon and be safe in the knowledge that any damage can be instantly undone
and all files recovered.
Comodo Time Machine features an intuitive, friendly interface which offers quick and easy access to all functionality in the
application. Additionally, it also features a sub-console that can be accessed before Windows starts and a Quick Operation
console containing shortcuts to important and commonly executed tasks.
Key Features and Benefits:
Easy to use - even beginners can quickly create system snapshots with a few mouse clicks
Provides instant and comprehensive system recovery after virus or spyware infections
Instantly reclaim your machine after devastating system crashes
Rollback the changes to ALL your documents - not just changes to system files and the registry
Boot-up console allows you to rollback even when your system will not boot to Windows
Test new software and network configurations in the knowledge that you can quickly switch back if problems
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 4
Completely remove unwanted software installations without the need to uninstall or clean the registry
Flexible restore options allow you to mount and browse snapshots to recover individual files or folders
Right click on any file or folder to synchronize it with a snapshot version
Schedule regular system snapshots to ensure highly relevant restore points
Network administrators have another way to quickly fix user or software problems
Libraries, Internet cafes and other publicly shared networks can schedule a total system restore at the end of
each session
Guide Structure
This guide is intended to take the user through the installation, configuration and use of Comodo Time Machine and is
broken down into the following main sections:
Comodo Time Machine - Introduction - Short overview and key features of Comodo Time Machine.
System Requirements and important Information - Minimum required Hardware and Software
requirements and operational considerations.
Installation - A brief outline of the installation procedure.
Starting Comodo Time Machine - How to start the application.
The Main Interface - Description of Menus and Options in the main interface. Also contains a table of
definitions of terms used in the application interface.
Taking a Snapshot - Describes how to manually take a snapshot a of your current system.
Viewing and Managing Snapshots - Explains how to access the list of stored snapshot s and manage them.
Viewing Snapshots
Managing Snapshots
Restoring Your System to a Selected Snapshot
Mounting a Snapshot as a Virtual Drive on Your Computer
Restoring Your System - Explains how to restore your system to a selected snapshot.
Scheduled Tasks - Explains how to schedule new snapshot and system restore tasks.
Adding Scheduled Snapshot Tasks
Adding Scheduled System Restore Tasks
Managing the Scheduled Tasks
Recovering Individual Files/Folders - Explains how to recover lost or corrupted files from other snapshots.
Synchronization of Files/Folders
Reset the Baseline Snapshot - Explains how to reset your baseline snapshot.
Settings - Guidance on configuration of the application.
Program Settings
User Settings
Protection Settings
Network Settings
Check for Updates - Guidance on getting program updates.
Help and About Comodo Time Machine - Guidance on accessing the online help and accessing the 'About'
Using the Quick Operation Shortcuts - Explains how to access and work with the Quick Operation Console
that provides shortcuts to important tasks.
Taking a Snapshot
Restoring Your System
Accessing Main Interface
Using the sub-console on system start up - Explains how to access and work with the sub-console that is
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 5
accessible before Windows starts in your system.
Restoring Your System
Taking a Snapshot
Compacting Snapshots
Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine
Using the Windows Command Line Interface - Explains how to perform important tasks of Comodo Time
Machine from the Windows Command Line Interface, without starting the application.
Taking a snapshot
Rolling Back Your System to a Previous Snapshot
Resetting the Baseline Snapshot
Displaying the list of Snapshots
Renaming a Snapshot
Locking Snapshots
Unlock Snapshots
Mounting a Snapshot as a Virtual Drive
Viewing Information on Mounted Virtual Drive
Unmounting the Virtual Drive
Delete Snapshots
Synchronizing of Files/Folders of Current System with those in Previously Taken Snapshot
Recovering Individual Files/Folders from previously taken snapshots
Log in to CTM
Log Off from CTM
View Currently Logged User Information
View the Version Number of CTM Application Installed in Your System
Hiding/Unhiding System Tray Icon
Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine
Opening the Help
Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine - A brief outline on uninstalling the application
1.1.System Requirements and Important Information
This section outlines the Hardware and Software requirements for Comodo Time Machine to operate with full functionality
and the important installation information to be considered before the installation of the application.
Click the links below for detailed explanations:
Hardware and Software requirements
Important installation and usage information.
1.1.1. Hardware and Software Requirements
To ensure optimal performance of Comodo Time Machine, please ensure that your PC complies with the minimum system
Supported Operating Systems
Windows 7.0 (32 and 64 bit)
Windows Vista (32 and 64 bit)
Windows XP with service pack 2 or higher (32 and 64 bit)
Windows Server 2003 (32 and 64 bit)
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Windows Server 2008 (32 and 64 bit. Except Windows Server 2008 Core)
Minimum Hardware Requirements
Intel Pentium III Processor or higher
128 MB RAM
Free Disk Space*
4 GB (minimum) / 10 GB (recommended)
* Free disk space is required for the creation of snapshots. These requirements apply to each 'bootable' drive upon which
Comodo Time Machine is installed (e.g. If you have a dual boot system then you have to install CTM on both drives. The 4
GB/10 GB space recommendations apply to both those drives.)
1.1.2. Important Installation and Usage Information
In order for Comodo Time Machine to function correctly, it MUST be installed on all operating systems on a
multi-boot system.
CTM writes its snapshots and internal data to free disk space. If this data gets overwritten then your snapshots may
become corrupted (and in certain cases your computer may even fail to boot properly.) To prevent programs from
overwriting this data, CTM assumes full control of all read/write processes on the protected operating system. If CTM is not
installed on the particular OS that you are booting to, then CTM does not have the required control to prevent the OS, users
or other programs from over-writing this essential data.
If you have a dual or multi-boot system, install CTM on all operating systems that you plan to use (boot into). Do
not boot your system with an operating system that does not have CTM installed.
Once CTM has been installed on all operating systems, you should not physically unplug/remove the protected
drives from the motherboard then operate your system. Neither should you re-arrange the channels/shots that
each drive is plugged into. Doing so will essentially 're-arrange' the configuration of your drives on which CTM
has based your snapshots and therefore render them invalid. If you wish to carry out system maintenance such
as this then we advise you to (i) copy or save all data that you need (ii) uninstall CTM from all drives (iii) carry out
the maintenance (iv) re-install CTM on all operating systems. This will mean CTM can begin creating snapshots
based on your new configuration.
It is not possible to install a new operating system on protected drives after CTM has been installed. Again, if you
wish to install a new OS, we advise you first make sure you have saved all data then follow the uninstall/re-install
process outlined in the previous bullet.
If the system is booted from removable media like CD or DVD or into an environment such as WinPE , then
please take care to ensure that you do not write any new data to protected drives.
If you plan to re-size or adjust the size of a partition using 3rd party or Windows software, then make sure this is
done from an operating system that has CTM installed. Do not re-size a partition from an environment 'outside'
CTM control - such as WinPE, DOS or if you have booted from a DVD.
Do not run another piece of software of the same functionality as Comodo Time Machine.
Note: It is OK to use Windows System Restore at the same time as CTM because that is a file-level restore system.
The following tables contain a summary of the restrictions on usage environment of Comodo Time Machine.
Supported/Not Supported
Multi-Boot System
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Supported/Not Supported
Dynamic Disk
Simple Volume
Striped Volume
Spanned Volume
Basic Disk
File System Supported/ Not Supported
NTFS Compressed Volume
Hardware Limitations
Hard disk Interface
Supported / Not Supported
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Storage Media
Supported / Not Supported
Hard Disk
Flash Drives (USB drives etc.)
Removable Disks (CD, DVD etc.)
Motherboard Technology Supported / Not Supported
CPU Architectures Supported / Not Supported
Maximum Number of disks supported Four Disks
Maximum capacity of each hard disk 4GB - 64TB
Software Compatibility
Software Compatible /Not Compatible
Same type of software
Full Disk Encryption software
Antivirus (AV) software
Host Intrusion Protection System (HIPS) software
Other Applications
1.2.Installing Comodo Time Machine
Before you install Comodo Time Machine, read the installation instructions carefully and also review
the system requirements. Quit all other Windows programs before installing Comodo Time Machine. The
installer requires administrative privileges on the computer.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 9
After downloading the Comodo Time Machine setup file to your local hard drive, double click on Setup.exe to
start the installation wizard.
Step 1 - Choosing the Interface Language
The set up program starts automatically and the Language selection dialog is displayed. Comodo Time Machine is
available in several languages.
Select the language in which you want the Comodo Time Machine is to be installed from the drop-down menu and click
Step 2 - Welcome Screen
The Installation Wizard starts automatically and the Welcome screen is displayed.
Click 'Next' to continue the installation.
Step 3 - End - User License Agreement
Complete the initialization phase by reading and accepting the End User License Agreement (EULA).
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 10
Select the check box 'I accept the terms in the License Agreement' and click 'Next'. If you want to cancel the installation,
click 'Cancel'.
Step 4 - Select Destination Folder for Installation
The next screen allows you to select the folder in your hard drive for installing Comodo Time Machine. The default path is
C:\Program Files\COMODO\Time Machine
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 11
If you want to install the application in a location other than the default location, click 'Browse' to choose a different location.
Step 5 - Installation Progress
The setup status box will be displayed. You will see a progress bar indicating that files are being installed in the location
you specified in Step 4.
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Step 6 - Important Installation and Usage Information
On completion, the Important Installation and Usage Information dialog will be displayed.
Read the instructions carefully and click 'Next'.
Step 7 - Installation on Multi-Boot Systems
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 13
Important. Comodo Time Machine must be installed on all bootable partitions that have an operating system. It is vital
that users boot into each OS and install CTM on each. Failure to do so can lead to corruption of CTM snapshots if you
choose to start an OS that does not have CTM installed (the OS will write to disk space required by CTM during boot).
For more information on this and to view other important considerations, please see the Important Installation and
Usage Information section of the System Requirements chapter.
If the setup wizard detects that your system has multiple operating systems then it allows you to specify an installation
option that corresponds with your current situation. If your system is not a multi-boot computer, this step will be skipped and
the process moves to step 8.
This is a single boot computer. - If your computer has a single operating system installed, select this option
and click 'Next'
This is a multi-boot computer and I have not installed the products to the others yet - Select this option if
your computer has multiple operating systems installed and click 'Next'. After installation on the present OS is
complete you should boot your computer into the other operating systems (one by one) and install Time Machine
in each of the operating systems. The installation process moves to step 11 on selecting this option.
On installing Comodo Time Machine on the final operating system, select 'This is a multi-boot computer and
this is the last operating system I am installing the product'. The installation process moves to step 8.
Click 'Next' to continue.
Step 8 - Select Partitions to be Protected
The next step is to specify the drive partitions to be protected by Comodo Time Machine.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 14
To select the partition(s) select the check box(es) beside the drive letter(s) and click 'Next'.
Important Note: You cannot change the protection status of the drive partition(s) and cannot unplug/remove the protected
drives and change the SATA/PATA/IDE/SCSI slots of the motherboard through which the disk drive is connected.
Step 9 - Moving Folders to Unprotected Partition
The next step allows you to move selected user folders from the protected partition you selected in step 8 to an
unprotected partition. Doing so, will:
Save the disk space in the protected partition;
The user data stored before the installation of Comodo Time Machine can be easily recovered if you are
uninstalling the application and restoring the system to your baseline snapshot during uninstallation.
Note: This step appears only if at least one unprotected partition is left in your system while selecting the partitions to be
protected in step 8. If you chose to protect all the partitions, this step will be skipped and the installation will proceed to
step 10.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 15
This is optional. If you wish to move the User Folders to an unprotected partition;
Select the checkbox 'Move the following folder to the unprotected partition' and select the unprotected partition
from the drop-down box beside.
Choose the Folders to be moved by selecting the checkboxes beside the folder names in the list. If you want to
move all the folders, select the checkbox 'Select all' below the list.
Important Note: You cannot revert the folders to the protected partition once you have moved the folders.
Click 'Next' to continue.
Step 10 - Turn Off System Restore
The next step allows you to switch off the Windows System Restore function.
As the Comodo Time Machine application will be responsible for taking the snapshots of your system at various time points
after its installation, you do not need the Windows Operating System to create snapshots to help you to restore your
system to a previous point of time. Turning off Windows System Restore saves enormous disk space without compromising
your system's safety and performance.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 16
This is optional. Select the checkbox 'Turn off System Restore' and click 'Next'.
Tip: You can also turn On/Off System Restore from Windows Start menu. To access the System Restore, Click Start and
navigate through All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > System Restore.
Step 11 - Configuring Your System
The installation wizard will configure the application and your system for the options you chose from Step 8 to Step 10.
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On completion, click 'Next' to continue,
Step 12 - Finalization
The Installation Complete dialog is displayed indicating the successful completion of installation.
Click 'Finish'.
Step 13 - Restarting Your System
For the installation to take effect, the system has to be restarted.
Save any unsaved data and click 'OK' to restart the system. If you want to restart the system at a later time, click 'Cancel'.
Note: The installation will take effect only on the next restart of the computer.
1.3.Starting Comodo Time Machine
You can access Comodo Time Machine through Windows Start Menu, through the desktop shortcut or through
the system tray icon.
Windows Start Menu
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 18
After downloading and installing a Comodo Time Machine, the setup procedure creates an entry in the 'Programs' section
of Windows Start Menu. You can start Comodo Time Machine by hitting the 'Start' button and navigating to: Start > All
Programs > Comodo > Time Machine > COMODO Time Machine.
Desktop Shortcut
You can start Comodo Time Machine by double-clicking on the Comodo Time Machine desktop shortcut icon.
System Tray Icon
You can also start the application by double-clicking the Comodo Time Machine System Tray icon.
Right Clicking on the system tray icon provides shortcuts to take a snapshot of the current system state, restoring the
system to a previously taken snapshot and to open the main interface.
Refer to Using Quick Operation Shortcuts for more details.
1.4.The Main Interface
Comodo Time Machine's streamlined interface provides fingertip access and control over all areas of
the software.
The tab structure allows you to quickly open the main configuration area to take a new snapshot; start a restore task,
specify new schedules, recover files and reset the baseline snapshot. The title bar controls allow access to overall
application settings, program updates and access to help documentation.
The table at the foot of this page aids you in familiarizing with the terms used in the interface.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 19
The Tab Structure
The Upper pane of the main interface contains six tabs for initiating tasks like taking a new snapshot, restoring your system
to a previous snapshot, scheduling snapshot and restore tasks, recovering lost files etc.
View Snapshots - Opens the main configuration area that displays the previously taken snapshots in tree
structure or in timeline order.
Take a Snapshot - Opens the the main configuration area for taking new snapshot of the current state of the
Scheduled Tasks - Opens the the main configuration area for scheduling snapshot creation and system restore
Restore System - Opens the the main configuration area for rolling back your system to a previously taken
Recover Files - Enables you to recover files that were lost due to switching your system to a snapshot taken at
an earlier time or accidental deletion.
Reset Baseline - Enables you to set the current state of the system as a fixed state removing all previously taken
The Main Configuration Area
The main configuration area provides options for configuring the process and settings options when the corresponding tab
is selected.
Title Bar Controls
Settings - Opens the settings panel that enables you to configure the overall behavior of the application. Click
here for more details.
Updates - Starts checking for the program updates from the Comodo Servers. If any updates are found, you will
be prompted to download and install them. Refer to Check for Updates for more details.
Help - Opens the online help guide. The Comodo Time Machine help guide contains detailed explanations of the
functionality and usage of the application.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 20
About Comodo Time Machine - Clicking the Comodo Time Machine icon at the top left of the title bar opens the
'About' dialog. The About dialog contains the version information and the copyright information.
Information Area
The Information Area displays the currently logged user and the free disk space available in your system.
Table of Definitions
Term Definition
The baseline snapshot is an image of your hard drive including the system configuration, installed programs
and data stored in your computer at the time of installing Comodo Time Machine.
Locking a snapshot prevents it from accidental deletion.
Mounting a snapshot as a virtual drive in your system. This enables to access and recover files from the
snapshot without restoring your system to the snapshot.
Making the current state of the system as the Baseline Snapshot at any given time, removing the old
baseline created during the installation of the Time Machine and the other snapshots created before.
Recovering files/folders from previously taken snapshots if the file/folders in the current system are corrupted
or lost due to restoring your system to a different snapshot.
Rolling back your system to a previously taken snapshot.
A snapshot is an image of the your hard drive in the current state including the current system configuration,
installed programs and data stored in your computer.
The operation console accessible before Windows starts in your system. This console can be accessed by
pressing the 'Home' key from your key board, when Comodo Time Machine splash screen appears before
Windows starts.
Switch to
Rolling back your system to a previously taken snapshot.
Take a
Creating a new snapshot of the current system state.
Unlocking unwanted snapshots enables easy deletion of them.
2.Taking a Snapshot
The 'Take a Snapshot' interface allows you to instantly create an image of the current state of your computer.
You may want to create a snapshot of your system before major software installations, large data transfers or
system maintenance like installing service packs, security updates or new drivers. Taking an instant snapshot
means you can roll back your system to its previous condition and recover valuable documents if you encounter
any problems or data corruption.
You can also instruct Comodo Time Machine to take the snapshots of your system automatically at regular intervals by
scheduling the new snapshot task. See Scheduled Tasks for more details.
To manually take a snapshot of the current status of the system
Click the 'Take a Snapshot' tab from the main interface. The Take a Snapshot interface appears.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 21
Type a name for the snapshot to be created in the 'Snapshot Name' text box. (you can give a name to indicate
the situation when the snapshot is taken e.g. before installing the xyz application. This enables you to identify the
snapshot easily when you want to roll back your system to the present configuration at a later time) .
Type a description for the backup in the 'Description' text box. (This is optional).
Select the check box 'Lock the new snapshot' if you want to protect the snapshot from accidental deletion.
Note : You can also lock or unlock any snapshot from the View Snapshots interface.
Click 'OK'.
The snapshot will be created. You can view the snapshot in the View Snapshots interface.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 22
Tip: You can also take a snapshot:
By right clicking the Comodo Time Machine system tray icon. See 'Using the Quick Operation Shortcuts' for
more details.
By accessing the sub console on system start up. Click here for more details.
Through the Windows Command Line interface. Click here for more details.
3.Viewing and Managing Snapshots
The 'View Snapshots' tab allows users to easily visualize and manage all disk snapshots that have
been taken so far. Snapshots can be viewed in 'Tree View' or 'Timeline View'.
The Tree View displays the snapshots in a highly visual branching hierarchy while the Timeline View represents the
snapshots as a more traditional file listing. Both views provide strong management functionality and allow you to lock,
unlock, delete and restore snapshots within a few mouse clicks.
From this panel you can:
View the snapshots;
Manage the snapshots;
Restore your system to a selected snapshot;
Mount a selected snapshot as a virtual drive on your computer.
3.1.Viewing Snapshots
To view the list of snapshots taken earlier, click 'View Snapshots' tab from the main interface. The View Snapshots interface
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 23
has two tabs namely:
Tree View - Displays the snapshots in a hierarchical tree structure following the order in which they were taken.
Time line View - Lists the snapshots in chronological order.
Tree View
To view the snapshots in tree structure, click View Snapshots > Tree View tab.
The snapshots are displayed in the hierarchical order in which they were taken. The icon 'You Are Here' indicates the
current state of your system. The following table contains brief descriptions of the icons in this interface.
Icon Description
Indicates the Baseline snapshot
Indicates the previous snapshots taken manually or automatically by scheduling
Indicates the snapshot from which your computer last booted.
Indicates your current system.
Time line View
To view the snapshots in chronological order, click View Snapshots > Time line View tab.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 24
The snapshots are listed in the time line order in which they were taken with the following details.
Snapshot - Name of the snapshot (the name that you specified while taking the snapshot manually or the auto-
generated names on taking scheduled snapshots)
Space - The space occupied by the snapshot image in your hard drive partition in which the Time Machine is
Status - Indicates whether the snapshot is locked or unlocked.
Time Taken - The date and time at which the snapshot was taken.
Type - Indicates the mode of taking the snapshot, whether it is manual, scheduled etc.
Description - the description given for the snapshot (the description that you specified while taking the snapshot
manually or the description auto-generated on taking scheduled snapshots).
The following table contains brief descriptions of the icons in this interface.
Icon Description
Indicates the Baseline snapshot.
Indicates the previous snapshots taken manually and locked.
Indicates the previous snapshots taken manually and not locked.
Indicates the previous snapshots taken automatically on certain schedules (one
time and on occurrence of an event).
Indicates the previous snapshots taken automatically on certain schedules
(hourly, daily, weekly and monthly).
Indicates the snapshot from which your computer last booted.
3.2.Managing Snapshots
Both the tree structure view panel and the time line view panel allow you to manage the snapshots like locking,
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 25
unlocking and deleting the snapshots.
To manage the snapshots
1. Select the snapshot from the panel by selecting the checkbox beside the snapshot name.
Note: In the tree structure view, select the icon from the panel.
2. Click the required button at the bottom left of the interface.
Lock - Locks the unlocked snapshot. The snapshot can be protected from accidental deletion by locking it. If you
want to delete a locked snapshot, it has to be unlocked and then deleted.
Unlock - Unlocks the locked snapshot and enables you to delete the snapshot.
Note: The Baseline is locked by default and cannot be unlocked. If you want to change the Baseline snapshot, use Reset
Baseline feature. See Resetting Baseline Snapshot for more details.
Delete - Deletes the selected snapshot.
Delete all unlocked - Deletes all the unlocked snapshots at once.
Tip: Select the Select/Deselect All checkbox if you want to apply the changes for all the snapshots at once. This checkbox
is not available in the Tree View panel.
3.2.1. Right Click Options
Right clicking on any snapshot will open a context sensitive menu that allows to manage the snapshot.
Switch to this Snapshot - Enables you to restore your system to the selected snapshot. Click here for more
Mount Snapshot - Enables you to mount the selected snapshot as a virtual drive on your computer. Click here
for more details. (This option will be visible only if none of the snapshots is already mounted as a virtual drive)
Dismount - Enables you to unmount a virtual drive previously mounted on your hard disk. (This option will be
visible only if anyone of the snapshots is already mounted as a virtual drive)
Lock Snapshot - Locks the unlocked snapshot. The snapshot can be protected from accidental deletion by
locking it. If you want to delete a locked snapshot, it has to be unlocked and then deleted.
Unlock Snapshot - Unlocks the locked snapshot and enables you to delete the snapshot. Note - The Baseline is
locked by default and cannot be unlocked. If you want to change the Baseline snapshot, use Reset Baseline
feature. See Reset the Baseline Snapshot for more details.
Delete Snapshot - Deletes the selected snapshot.
Delete All Unlocked - Deletes all the unlocked snapshots at once.
Select All - Selects all the snapshots if you want to apply any change for all the snapshots at once.
Properties - Opens the 'Properties of snapshot' dialog of the selected snapshot. The 'Properties of snapshot'
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dialog displays the information on the snapshot, a pie diagram indicating the breakdown of the space occupied by
other snapshots and this snapshot in your hard drive and also allows you to switch the snapshot between
'Locked' and 'Unlocked' states.
Tip: The 'Properties of snapshot' dialog can also be opened by double clicking on a snapshot.
The 'Properties' dialog displays the following details:
Name - Name of the snapshot (the name that you specified while taking the snapshot manually or the auto-
generated names on taking scheduled snapshots).
Status - Indicates whether the snapshot is locked or unlocked in a drop-down box. To change the status, click on
the drop-down arrow and select the status.
Time Taken - The date and time at which the snapshot was taken.
Type - Indicates the mode of taking the snapshot, whether it is manual, scheduled etc.
Description - The description given for the snapshot (the description that you specified while taking the snapshot
manually or the description auto-generated on taking scheduled snapshots).
3.2.2. Restoring Your System to a Selected Snapshot
Right clicking on the snapshots from both Tree View and Time line View panels also enables you to restore the your system
to the selected snapshot.
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To restore your system to a selected snapshot from the View Snapshots interface
1. Right click on the snapshot.
2. Select 'Switch to this Snapshot' from the context sensitive menu. A confirmation dialog will appear. Your system
has to be restarted for reverting to the selected snapshot.
3. Save all unsaved data in the other open programs, close all other programs and Click 'Yes'.
Your system will be restarted and rolled back to the selected snapshot.
3.2.3. Mounting a Snapshot as a Virtual Drive on Your Computer
Mounting a snapshot as a virtual drive provides you an easy way to access the files/folders in a selected
snapshot, without the requirement of rolling back your system to the selected snapshot. You can also copy the
files which were lost due to rolling your system to a different snapshot, from the mounted snapshot to the current
system, and synchronize files between different mounted snapshots.
To mount a snapshot as a virtual drive
1. Right click on the snapshot.
2. Select 'Mount Snapshot' from the context sensitive menu. The 'Mount mode select' dialog will appear.
3. Select the mode in which you want the snapshot to be mounted in your computer.
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1 - Mount with read-only access (Recommended) - Mounts the snapshot as a read-only drive. You can browse
your files and folders in the snapshot without rolling back to the snapshot and even copy them to your current
2 - Mount with full access - Mounts the snapshot as a virtual drive with full read and write access. You can
browse and even edit/delete the files in the snapshot without rolling back to the snapshot and copy them to your
current system. When you rollback your system to the same snapshot, the changes that you made in the virtual
drive will be reflected. Comodo TimeMachine will create a snapshot on unmounting the disk to save all the
4. Click 'OK'. The mounting progress will be indicated.
The completion of mounting will be indicated by a pop up at the bottom right of the screen. Clicking the text in the pop up
will open the mounted drive in Windows Explorer. The snapshot will be mounted as a virtual drive with an unsued drive
letter (typically drive Z, X, Y etc) and can be accessed using Windows Explorer as a normal drive. If you have used all the
drive letters from C to Z, you can opt for mounting the drive in a specified NTFS directory by selecting the option Mount
snapshot into NTFS directory from the Settings > Program Settings interface. Click here for more details.
You can access the mounted snapshot by two ways:
1. Through the system tray icon - Double click on the system tray icon.
The mounted drive will be opened in Windows Explorer.
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Tip: For easy navigation and to facilitate easy file management, dragging and dropping, synchronization of files between
the mounted snapshot and your local drives etc., click View > Explorer Bar > Folders to view the drive/folders in the left
hand pane and content folders/files in the right hand pane.
2. Open Windows Explorer by clicking Start > All Programs > Accessories > Windows Explorer and navigate to the
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mounted drive.
Note: You can mount only one snapshot at a time as a virtual drive. If you want to mount a different snapshot , remove
the existing virtual drive and mount the snapshot you wish.
To remove the virtual drive, right click on the snapshot mounted as virtual drive and select 'Dismount' from the context
sensitive menu or right click on the virtual drive icon in the system tray and select 'Dismount'.
4.Restoring Your System
Once you have successfully created a system snapshot, you can roll your system back to it anytime you want.
You may want to do this to reinstate a previous 'working' state after you encounter a virus attack, problems due
to newly installed software or data corruption.
Another use of this functionality would be to reset a model system environment when testing software or hardware. Any
changes, damage or data corruption that occurred after that snapshot will be discarded and your system will be reverted to
the system configuration at the time of taking the selected snapshot.
Tip: If you encounter a system crash and Windows does not start, you can enter the sub console of Comodo Time
Machine, which is accessible immediately after you switch on your system and roll back your system to a last known
healthy snapshot. Click here for more details.
To access the Restore System interface, click Restore System tab from the main interface. The Restore System interface
will display a list of all the previously taken snapshots in chronological order.
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Restoring your system to a last known working snapshot is a two step process. The progress bar at the top left corner
indicates the steps in the system restore operation.
Step 1 - Choose the Snapshot
From the 'Restore System' interface, select the snapshot you wish to revert to and click 'Next'.
Step 2 - Restarting the System
The next screen displays the snapshot chosen in step 1. In order to revert your system to the selected snapshot, your
system has to be restarted.
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Click 'Reboot' to restart your system. A confirmation dialog will appear.
Click 'Yes'.
Your system will restart and reverted to the selected snapshot. All the changes made after the time of taking the selected
snapshot will be discarded. If you want to recover any file/folder that was created after the snapshot, you can do the same
by using the Recover Files feature of Comodo TimeMachine.
Tip: You can also restore your system to a selected snapshot:
By right clicking the Comodo Time Machine system tray icon. See Using the Quick Operation Shortcuts for
more details.
From the 'View Snapshots' interface. Click here for more details.
By accessing the sub console on system start up. Click here for more details.
Through the Windows Command Line interface. Click here for more details.
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5.Scheduled Tasks
Comodo Time Machine's flexible scheduler allows you to take automatic system snapshots at intervals of your
choice and/or immediately before running selected executables. Once set, the scheduler will continue to take
snapshots at the time or event you specified without any further intervention on your behalf. If you are
unfortunate enough to encounter any system failures, virus attacks or data corruption then you can easily
rollback your system to the last known working configuration.
Obviously, the more frequently that you take scheduled snapshots, the more likely that the latest snapshot will contain all
your recent documents and system changes. Users can also schedule CTM to run automatic system restore tasks. A
scheduled restoration is useful if you want a system to rollback to a specific configuration at the end of a certain time period
so that you (or the users of the target machines) will always begin working with an 'ideal' configuration (for example,
computers in Internet cafes and public libraries).
To access the Scheduled Tasks interface, click the 'Scheduled Tasks' tab from the main interface. From this interface you
Add Scheduled Snapshot Tasks;
Add Scheduled Restore Tasks;
Manage the scheduled Tasks.
5.1.Adding Scheduled Snapshot Tasks
You can add scheduled snapshot creation tasks by clicking 'Add a Scheduled Snapshot Task' button at the bottom left
corner of the interface. The 'Specify a snapshot schedule' dialog will appear.
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The 'Scheduled Task:' drop-down provides the following options for selecting the frequency:
Event - Takes a snapshot every time on the occurrence of a specific event like running a setup program. This is helpful to
roll back your system to previous state if the installed software malfunctions or contains viruses.
To schedule a snapshot task on the occurrence of an event
1. Select 'Event' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a snapshot schedule' interface.
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Specify the program, before execution of which, the snapshot has to be taken, in the 'When running the program'
Select the check box 'Lock the new snapshot' if you want to protect the snapshots taken by this schedule from
accidental deletion.
Note: You can also lock or unlock any snapshot from the View Snapshots interface.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Hourly - Takes the snapshots on start of every hour between the time you specify in Start Time and End time combo
To schedule a hourly snapshot task
Select 'Hourly' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a snapshot schedule' interface.
Enter the time at which you want the hourly snapshots to be taken on each day in the 'Start time' drop-down
combo box.
Enter the start time (in minutes) at which you want the snapshots to be taken at each hour in the 'Every' drop-
down combo box.
Enter the time at which you want the last hourly snapshot to be taken in the 'End time' drop-down combo box.
Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
Select the check box 'Lock the new snapshot' if you want to protect the snapshots taken by this schedule from
accidental deletion.
Note: You can also lock or unlock any snapshot from the View Snapshots interface.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Daily - Takes the snapshots daily at the time you specify in the time drop-down combo box. You can also specify the time
interval in days, if you do not want the snapshots to be taken daily.
To schedule a daily snapshot task
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Select 'Daily' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a snapshot schedule' interface.
Enter the time at which you want the daily snapshots to be taken on each day in the 'Start time' drop-down combo
Enter the time interval (in days) at which you want the snapshots to be taken in the 'Every' drop-down combo box.
If you want the snapshots to be taken daily, enter 1. If you want the snapshots to be taken at every alternate day,
enter 2.
Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
Select the check box 'Lock the new snapshot' if you want to protect the snapshots taken by this schedule from accidental
Note: You can also lock or unlock any snapshot from the View Snapshots interface.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Weekly - Takes the snapshots once in every week in the day you select, at the time you specify. You can also specify the
time interval in weeks, if you do not want the snapshots to be taken every week.
To schedule weekly snapshot task
Select 'Weekly' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a snapshot schedule' interface.
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Enter the time at which you want the weekly snapshots to be taken on the specified day of the week in the 'Start
time' drop-down combo box.
Enter the time interval (in weeks) at which you want the snapshots to be taken in the 'Every' drop-down combo
box. If you want the snapshots to be taken every week, enter 1. If you want the snapshots to be taken at every
alternate week, enter 2.
Choose the day(s) of the week at which the snapshots are to be taken, by selecting the respective check boxes.
Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
Select the check box 'Lock the new snapshot' if you want to protect the snapshots taken by this schedule from accidental
Note: You can also lock or unlock any snapshot from the View Snapshots interface.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Monthly - Takes the snapshots once in every month at the date you specify.
To schedule monthly snapshot task
Select 'Monthly' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a snapshot schedule' interface.
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Enter the time at which you want the monthly snapshots to be taken on the specified day of the month in the
'Start time' drop-down combo box.
Enter the date of the month at which you want the snapshots to be taken in the 'day' drop-down combo box. If
you have entered 31, the snapshot will be taken only on the months with 31 days e.g. January, March, May.. and
will not be taken on the months with 30,29 or 28 days, e.g. February, April, June etc.
Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
Select the check box 'Lock the new snapshot' if you want to protect the snapshots taken by this schedule from accidental
Note: You can also lock or unlock any snapshot from the View Snapshots interface.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Once - Takes the snapshot only once at the date you specify in the date and time you specify.
To schedule a snapshot task to run only once
Select 'Once' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a snapshot schedule' interface.
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Enter the time at which you want the snapshot to be taken on the specified day in the 'Start time' drop-down
combo box.
Enter the date of the month at which you want the snapshot to be taken in the 'Run on: 'drop-down combo box.
Clicking the drop-down button opens a calendar to select the date.
1. Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
2. Select the check box 'Lock the new snapshot' if you want to protect the snapshots taken by this schedule from
accidental deletion.
Note: You can also lock or unlock any snapshot from the View Snapshots interface.
3. Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Advanced Schedule Options
The Advanced Schedule Options dialog allows you to specify the start date and and date for the scheduled snapshot task
to run.
To specify the start date and the end date, click the drop-down arrow at the corresponding combo box to display a calendar
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for the selection of the date.
If you are not going to use the schedule after the completion date, select the check box 'Delete the task if it is not
scheduled to run again'.
Note: You can add multiple schedules as required by following the same procedure.
5.2.Adding Scheduled System Restore Tasks
You can add scheduled restore tasks by clicking 'Add a Scheduled Restore Task' button at the bottom left corner of the
interface. The 'Specify a restore schedule' dialog will appear.
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The 'Schedule Task:' drop-down provides the following options for selecting the frequency:
At Startup.
Daily - Restores your system to the snapshot selected under 'Restore options daily at the time you specify. You can also
specify the time interval in days, if you do not want the system to be restored to the selected snapshot daily.
To schedule the restore task to run daily
Select 'Daily' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a restore schedule' interface.
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Enter the time at which you want the system to be restored on each day in the 'Start time' drop-down combo box.
Enter the time interval (in days) at which you want the system to be restored to the selected snapshot in the
'Every' drop-down combo box. If you want the system to be restored daily, enter 1. If you want the system to be
restored at every alternate day, enter 2.
Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
Select the snapshot to which our system to be restored from the 'Restore options' area. Refer to Restore
Options for more details.
Configure the Restore settings in the 'Restore settings' area. Refer to Restore Settings for more details.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Weekly - Restores your system to the selected snapshot once in every week in the day and time you specify. You can also
specify the time interval in weeks, if you do not want the system to be restored every week.
To schedule the restore task to run weekly
Select 'Weekly' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a restore schedule' interface.
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Enter the time at which you want the system to be restored on the specified day in the 'Start time' drop-down
combo box.
Enter the time interval (in weeks) at which you want the system to be restored to the selected snapshot in the
'Every' drop-down combo box. For example, If you want the system to be restored every week, enter 1. If you
want the system to be restored at every alternate week, enter 2.
Choose the day(s) of the week at which the the system has to be restored, by selecting the respective check
Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
Select the snapshot to which our system to be restored from the 'Restore options' area. Refer to Restore
Options for more details.
Configure the Restore settings in the 'Restore settings' area. Refer to Restore Settings for more details.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Monthly - Restores your system to the selected snapshot once in every month at the date and time you specify.
To schedule a monthly restore task
Select 'Monthly' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a restore schedule' interface.
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Enter the time at which you want the system to be restored on the specified day in the 'Start time' drop-down
combo box.
Enter the date of the month at which you want the system to be restored in the 'day' drop-down combo box. If you
have entered 31, the snapshot will be taken only on the months with 31 days e.g., January, March, May.. and will
not be taken on the months with 30,29 or 28 days, e.g., February, April, June etc.
Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
Select the snapshot to which our system to be restored from the 'Restore options' area. Refer to Restore
Options for more details.
Configure the Restore settings in the 'Restore settings' area. Refer to Restore Settings for more details.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Once - Restores your system to the selected snapshot only once at the date and time you specify.
To schedule a restore task to run only once
Select 'Once' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a restore schedule' interface.
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Enter the time at which you want the system to be restored on the specified day in the 'Start time' drop-down
combo box.
Enter the date of the month at which you want the system to be restored in the 'Run on:' drop-down combo box.
Clicking the drop-down button opens a calendar to select the date.
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Clicking 'Advanced...' will open the Advanced Schedule Options dialog. See the section Advanced Schedule
Options for more details.
Select the snapshot to which our system to be restored from the 'Restore options' area. Refer to Restore
Options for more details.
Configure the Restore settings in the 'Restore settings' area. Refer to Restore Settings for more details.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Note: You can add multiple schedules as required by following the same procedure.
At Startup - Restores your system to the selected snapshot every time you start your system.
To schedule a restore task to run on system start up
Select 'At Startup' from the 'Schedule Task:' drop-down in the 'Specify a restore schedule' interface.
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Select the snapshot to which our system to be restored from the 'Restore options' area. Refer to Restore
Options for more details.
Configure the Restore settings in the 'Restore settings' area. Refer to Restore Settings for more details.
Click 'OK'. The schedule will be saved and displayed in the Scheduled Tasks interface.
Note: If there are other scheduled restore tasks, an 'At Startup' scheduled restore task cannot be added. If an 'At Startup'
scheduled restore task has been configured first, no more scheduled restore tasks can be added.
Restore Options
The restore options area enables you to choose the snapshot to which you want your system to be restored by selecting
the respective radio button.
Restore system to current snapshot - Restores your system to the current snapshot from which your system has
booted to.
Restore system to ... snapshot - Allows you to manually select a specific snapshot to which you want your system
to be rolled back.
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Select a snapshot from the drop-down menu.
If you have want to see the details of the snapshots for selection, click the (...) button.
All the snapshots will be listed in a time line view. Select the snapshot you want and click OK.
Restore Settings
The Restore settings area allows you to configure the maintenance of the existing snapshots after the scheduled restore
operation by selecting the respective radio button.
Keep all other snapshots after restoring - Keeps all the snapshots intact on completion of the scheduled
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restore operation (recommended).
Remove all the other unlocked snapshots after restoring - Deletes all the unlocked snapshots on completion
of the scheduled restore operation to save your disk space.
Remove all the other snapshots after restoring - Deletes all the locked and unlocked snapshots on completion
of the scheduled restore operation to save your disk space.
5.3.Manage the Scheduled Tasks
You can edit or delete the scheduled snapshot creation and system restore tasks which you don't want to continue, from
the Scheduled Tasks interface.
To edit a scheduled task, choose the task by selecting the check box beside the task and click 'Properties' or right
click on the task and select 'Properties' from the context sensitive menu. The 'Specify a Snapshot Schedule' or
'Specify a Snapshot Schedule' dialog will open correspondingly as shown in Adding Scheduled Snapshot
Tasks and Adding Scheduled System Restore Tasks above. You can modify the settings of the scheduled task
from the dialog as explained above.
To remove a scheduled task, choose the task by selecting the check box beside the task and click 'Delete' or right
click on the task and select 'Delete' from the context sensitive menu.
Tip: Select the Select/Deselect All checkbox if you want to delete all the scheduled tasks at once.
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6.Recovering Individual Files/Folders
The 'Recover Files' feature allows you to locate and restore individual files and folders from any snapshot. This
is especially useful if files are accidentally lost, important data is corrupted or simply to find an older version of a
particular file. The ability to recover files in this way avoids the need for a full rollback and provides users with
the flexibility to access data and files across multiple points in time.
Tip: You can also rollback (or synchronize) the current version of a file/folder to an older version by right clicking on the
file/folder from Windows Explorer. Click here for more details.
To recover a lost file/folder
1. Click 'Recover Files' tab from the main interface. The Recover Files interface will open.
Enter the name of the file/folder you want to recover in full or in part in the 'All or part of the file name' text box.
Select the snapshot from which you want to recover the file/folder in the Look in drop-down menu and click 'Next'.
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Alternatively, If you want a list view of the preserved snapshots to select from, click the (...) button. The list of preserved
snapshots with their details will be displayed.
Select the snapshot from the list and click 'OK' and click 'Next' in the Recover Files - Search pane.
Comodo Time Machine searches for the file/folder from the selected snapshot...
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...and the search results are displayed in the Recover Files - Results pane.
Select the file/folder you want to recover from the results and click 'Copy to'. The 'Browse For Folder' dialog will
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Navigate to the disk/folder in which you want to save the restored file/folder. If you want to create a new folder to
save the restored file/folder. click 'Make New Folder', type a name for the new folder and select the new folder.
Click 'OK'.
The recovered file/folder will be saved in the folder you chose and a confirmation dialog will appear.
Tip: You can also recover individual files/folders through the Windows Command Line interface. Click here for more
6.1.Synchronization of Files/Folders of Current System with
those in Previously Taken Snapshot
You can also synchronize the file/folder in the current system with the files/folders in a previously taken
snapshot from Windows Explorer. This is useful when you want to revert a current version of a file to
an older version or to recover corrupted files. The selected file/folder in the current system can be
overwritten with the file/folder from the selected snapshot or the same file/folder can be recovered from
the snapshot and stored in a different location in your hard disk.
To synchronize the file/folder in the current system to a previous version
Right click on the desired file/folder in the current system and select 'Synchronize' from the context sensitive
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Select the snapshot from which you want to synchronize the file/folder.
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Select the synchronization mode.
Recover the files and overwrite the existing files - Fetches the files from the selected snapshot and
overwrites the current version of the files/folders in the same location.
Recover the files and save at a new location - Allows you to choose a location in which you want to
store the older version of the files/folders fetched from the selected snapshot, without altering the current
Click 'Next'.
If you have chosen 'Recover the files and overwrite the existing files' Comodo Time Machine searches the
file/folder from the selected snapshot and overwrites the existing file/folder. A dialog indicating the
successful completion will be displayed.
If you have chosen 'Recover the files and save at a new location', you will be prompted to select a new
location to store the recovered files/folders.
Navigate to the location where you want to store the file/folder of older version and click OK. If you want to create
a new sub-folder, select the main folder, click the Make New Folder button, enter a name for the new folder and
select the new folder from the folder tree. Comodo Time Machine searches the file/folder from the selected
snapshot and stores in the location specified by you.
Tip: You can also synchronize the file/folder in the current system to a previous version through the Windows Command
Line interface. Click here for more details.
7.Resetting the Baseline Snapshot
The 'baseline' is the snapshot taken at the time you first installed Comodo Time Machine. This serves
as the foundation snapshot for all subsequent snapshots. It is locked by default and cannot be deleted
from the View Snapshots interface. You may want to reset this baseline after a major update like
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installing a Windows Service Pack or after implementing system configuration or software changes that
you regard as highly important.
By resetting the baseline snapshot you will:
Delete the old baseline snapshot and all child snapshots that were derived from it;
Set the current state of your system as the new baseline - thus creating a reference snapshot for all subsequent
Comodo recommends that users only reset the baseline once they are satisfied that all installed programs and devices are
working correctly and that there are no problems with the current system configuration.
To begin the baseline reset process, click the 'Reset Baseline' button at the upper right of the interface:
In order to remove the previous baseline and the previous snapshots, your computer needs to be restarted. Save
all unsaved data in other open applications, close all the other applications and click Reboot to restart your
computer. A confirmation dialog will appear.
Click 'Yes'.
On restarting, the current state of your computer will be set as the new baseline and this will stand as the foundation for the
other snapshots taken in future.
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Tip: You can also reset the Baseline Snapshot from the Windows Command Line interface. Click here for more details.
Note: Since all the other snapshots (both locked and unlocked) from the previous baseline will be deleted permanently,
you will not be able to recover any files/folders from them after resetting the baseline. Use the Recover Files option or
Mounting the Snapshot option to synchronize the files between the previous snapshots and the current system.
The Settings interface in Comodo Time Machine allows you to configure the overall behavior of the
The interface can be accessed by clicking the 'Settings' link in the title bar of the main interface.
The interface has four tabs to configure:
Program related settings;
User related settings;
Disk protection settings;
Network settings.
8.1.Program Settings
The Program Settings interface allows you to configure the general behavior settings of Comodo Time
Machine. To access the Program Settings interface, click Program Settings tab from the Settings
It has two areas:
Program Appearance
Advanced Settings
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8.1.1. Program Appearance
You can configure the general start up options, pop-up messages and interface language from this area. You can select the
options you want by selecting the check box beside them. The options available are:
Do not show icon in the system tray - Does not display the system tray icon of Comodo Time Machine.
Do not show program logo during startup - The Comodo Time Machine logo is splashed on every startup of
the application. When this option is selected, the logo will not be displayed and the application is started directly.
Show the logo within: <> secs - If you have opted for displaying the logo during the startup of the
application by not selecting the above option above, this option enables you to set the time period for
which the logo has to be displayed. You can set the time period by entering the time in seconds in the
drop-down combo box beside the option. This option will be disabled in you have selected the above
option 'Do not show program logo during startup'.
Do not show last user name in logon screen - If the Access Control is enabled in the User Settings, the
application displays a logon screen for entering the username and password. By default, the last user name will
be displayed in the logon screen. When this option is selected, the las user name will not be displayed.
Do not show pop-up message when taking
scheduled snapshot - Whenever Comodo Time
Machine takes a scheduled snapshot of your system, a
pop-up will be displayed at the bottom right corner of
the screen indicating the 'Taking Snapshot' action as
shown in the right. If this option is selected, the pop-up
will not be displayed.
Do not allow user to cancel scheduled tasks - Does not allow the users to cancel scheduled Restore Task
during run time. Upon reaching the time point of a scheduled Restore Task, a pop-up displayed at the bottom
right corner of the screen. Users can cancel this restore operation by clicking the 'Cancel' link at the bottom right
corner of the pop-up.
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If this option 'Do not allow user to cancel scheduled tasks' is selected by the Administrator, the 'Cancel' link in the
pop-up will be rendered inactive and the user cannot cancel the restore operation.
Disable the mouse in the subsystem - Does not displays the mouse cursor and does not permit the operation
using mouse in the sub-console that appears on starting the system. Click here for more details on the sub
Interface Language - Comodo Time Machine is available in multiple languages. You can select the interface
language from the language drop-down menu that appears below 'Disable the mouse in the subsystem'.
Automatically Update - Instructs the application to automatically search for program updates from Comodo
servers and to download and install the updates whenever available.
8.1.2. Advanced Settings
You can configure the settings related to the general management of snapshots, scheduled tasks, file synchronization and
mounting of the snapshots. The options available are:
Enable system security, Require password authentication to start Windows - Provides an additional layer of
safety to your system by controlling Windows Startup. If selected, a Comodo Time Machine logon screen is
displayed to enter the username and password before Windows starts. You have to enter the username and
password as set in the User Settings interface. Comodo Time Machine allows the system to startup only when
the correct username and password are entered. Note - This option is enabled only if Access Control is enabled
in the User Settings
Delete unlocked <type>
snapshots of <days> days
old - Removes the unlocked
snapshots of specified type,
and which are taken before
specified days. You can
select to remove all the
unlocked snapshots,
manually taken snapshots or
the snapshots taken taken
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on hourly, daily, weekly etc. schedules by selecting from the drop-down menu and specify the days in the days
drop-down combo box as shown in the right.
Always take a snapshot of the current system before restoring system - Instructs Comodo Time Machine to
take a snapshot of the current system whenever you restore your system to a previously taken snapshot.
Defrag snapshots on startup after deleting <number> snapshots - Defragments all the remaining snapshots
when the cumulative number of manually or automatically removed snapshots reaches the specified number, to
reclaim the disk space.
Take a snapshot of the system on startup - Takes a snapshot every time your system is started.
Do not take a snapshot on startup if one snapshot has been taken that day - If a snapshot has been taken
manually or by another schedule previously on the same day, a new snapshot will not be taken on successive
startups of the system even if the previous option is selected.
Synchronize these files or folders when restoring system to another snapshots - You can select important
files/folders to be synchronized with the system whenever you are restoring your system to a previously taken
snapshot. This prevents you from losing important files even on restoring your system to a previous date in the
event of system crash, virus attacks etc.
To select the files/folders to be synchronized
Click the (...) button. The 'Synchronize files configure' dialog will appear.
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Navigate to the file/folder from the left hand pane. The contents are displayed in the right hand pane.
Choose the item(s) by selecting the checkbox beside the item and click 'Add' button. The selected item will be
added to the bottom pane.
Repeat the process for adding more items and click OK. The selected file(s)/folder(s) will be available in the
current system even if you roll back your system to an older snapshot.
Note: On the reverse, if you want to roll back the current version of a file/folder to an older version, e.g. when you want to
recover a corrupted file, you can do it by right clicking on the file/folder from Windows Explorer. Click here for more
Mount snapshot into NTFS directory - When this option is selected, instead of mounting the snapshot as a
virtual drive, Comodo Time Machine will mount the snapshot inside the folder you specify in future. Click here for
more details on Mounting a Snapshot.
Note: By default, the selected snaphot is mounted as a virtual drive with an unused drive letter such as Y or Z. If you have
used up all drive letters from C to Z, you cannot mount successfully unless you specify an NTFS directory as the mount
point. A side benefit of this option is that the new drive created by default mount is in current user's view, and will deny
access when the user is switched in Windows Vista or Windows 7.
To specify the folder
Click the (...) button. The 'Browse For Folder' will appear.
Navigate to the required drive/folder. If you want to create a new folder, click 'Make New Folder' and type a name
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for the new folder.
Click 'OK'.
Click 'Save' for your settings to take effect.
8.2.User Settings
The User Settings interface allows you to configure the user accounts for Comodo Time Machine. CTM
is pre-configured with one default user 'Administrator' with full rights to access all the functionalities of
the application.
The Administrator can create any number of users and grant full/limited access to the functionalities of the application
through this interface. To access the User Settings interface, click 'User Settings' tab from the Settings interface.
Disable access control - No user access control will be implemented. CTM will not require username or
password to be entered to access the functionalities to the application.
Enable access control - User access control will be implemented. CTM will require a registered username or
password to login to main console, quick console and the sub-console that appears during system startup. The
user will be allowed to access only the functionalities as assigned by the Administartor.
Note: You can add or edit Administrator and user accounts, only if you select 'Enable access control'.
Important Note: Comodo Time Machine is pre-configured with a default user 'Administrator' and is not specified with a
password. When you select 'Enable access control' for the first time, you MUST specify a password for the Administrator
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account, otherwise you will not be able to access CTM on the next restart of the application. The specified password
applies for all the operating systems with which your system is bootable.
To edit Administrator account and set a password
Select 'Enable access control', select the 'Administrator' and click 'Properties'. The User Properties dialog will
Type your preferred password in the Password text box and retype the same in the Confirm Password text box.
By default, the Administrator is provided access to all the functionalities of the application. If you want to change
those, select only the functionalities to be granted access to the Administrator and deselect the others in the
Options area.
Click 'OK' to save your settings.
8.2.1. Adding and Editing Users
To add a new user account
Click Settings > User Settings tab.
Click the 'Add' button. The Add User dialog will appear.
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Type the user name and a description for the user in the 'Name' and 'Description' text boxes.
Type the preferred password for the new user in the Password text box and retype the same in the Confirm
Password text box.
Select the functions to be given access to the new user in the 'Options' area.
Click 'OK' to save your settings.
Important Note: If you have a dual or multi-boot system, the User account with a specified username and password
created in one Operating System will apply to all the Operating Systems with which your computer is bootable - meaning
the new user has to enter the same username and password to log into the CTM application even if the computer is
booted with different Operating Systems.
To edit an existing user
Select the user from the list and select 'Properties'. The User Properties dialog will appear.
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Make the necessary changes and click 'OK'.
To delete an user account, simply select the user and click 'Remove'.
Click 'Save' for your settings to take effect.
To log off and enable another user to logon, click 'Log Off'. A confirmation dialog will be displayed.
Click 'Yes'. The application will restart and a log on screen will appear.
The new user can logon with his/her username and password and can access only those functionalities for which they are
granted access.
8.3.Protection Settings
The Protection Settings interface displays the current protection state of the disk drives in your system.
To access the Protection Settings interface, click Protection Settings tab from the Settings interface.
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The left hand side pane displays a pie chart indicating the usage of disk space in the partition selected in the right hand
side pane. The right lists the disk drives in your system with their details like Type, Size and the protection status.
8.4.Network Settings
The Network Settings interface allows you to configure the connection settings for Comodo Time
Machine for remote management of Comodo Time Machine when you are in an enterprise network.
To access the Network Settings interface, click Network Settings tab from the Settings interface.
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To connect to your network server to enable remote management by the Administrator
Select the check box 'Connect to COMODO Time Machine Enterprise Server'.
Enter the IP address of the server in the Server field.
Enter the access port number of the server in the Server port field.
Enter the user name and password of the Administrator in the Username and Password fields and click 'Connect'.
Your connection status will be displayed in the 'Status' field.
Click 'Save' for your settings to take effect.
9.Check for Updates
Comodo Time Machine contains an inbuilt update checker for checking the availability of the program updates from the
Comodo servers.
To check for updates, click the 'Update' link from the title bar.
The updater will be started and connected to Comodo server and check for product updates.
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If any updates are available, you will be prompted to download and install them.
Click 'OK'. The updates will be downloaded...
… and on completion a confirmation dialog will appear.
Click 'Yes'. The setup wizard will start.
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Click 'Install' to continue. The setup status box will be displayed. You will see a progress bar indicating that files
are being installed.
The Installation Complete dialog will be displayed indicating the successful completion of installation.
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Click 'Finish'.
For the installation to take effect, the system has to be restarted.
Please save any unsaved data and click 'Yes' to restart the system. If you want to restart the system at a later
time, click 'No'.
Note: The installation will take effect only on the next restart of the computer.
If no updates are available, it will be indicated.
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10. Help and About Comodo Time
This section explains on getting help and support on using Comodo Time Machine and Viewing the About dialog.
Click the links below for detailed explanations:
Getting Help
About Comodo Time Machine
10.1. Getting Help
Clicking the 'Help' link from the title bar opens the online help guide.
Each functionality of the application has its own dedicated page containing detailed descriptions of it in the help guide.
Tip: You can also access the help documentation from the Windows Command Line interface. Click here for more
Comodo Forums
The fastest way to get further assistance on Comodo Time Machine is by posting your question Comodo Forums, a
message board exclusively created for our users to discuss anything related to our products. The Comodo Forums can be
accessed at
Registration is free and you'll benefit from the expert contributions of developers and fellow users alike.
10.2. About Comodo Time Machine
Clicking the Comodo Time Machine icon from the title bar of the main interface opens the About dialog.
The About dialog displays the version and copyright information of Comodo Time Machine.
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11. Using the Quick Operation
Comodo Time Machine provides shortcuts for important functionality, accessible by right clicking the
system tray icon.
From the right click options you can:
Take a snapshot of the current state of the system;
Roll back your system to a previously taken snapshot;
Access the main interface.
11.1. Taking a Snapshot
Right click on the system tray icon and select 'Take a Snapshot'.
The 'Take a Snapshot' dialog will appear.
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Type a name for the snapshot to be created in the 'Snapshot Name' text box. (you can give a name to indicate the
situation when the snapshot is taken e.g., before installing the xyz application. This enables you to identify the
snapshot easily when you want to roll back your system to the present configuration at a later time)
Type a description for the backup in the 'Description' text box. (This is optional).
Select the check box 'Lock the new snapshot' if you want to protect the snapshot from accidental deletion.
Note: You can also lock or unlock any snapshot from the View Snapshots interface.
Click 'Take a snapshot'.
The snapshot progress will be indicated...
...and the completion dialog will be displayed.
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11.2. Rolling Back Your System to a Previous Snapshot
Right click on the system tray icon and select Restore System.
The 'Restore System' dialog will appear.
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Select the snapshot you want to restore to and click 'Next'. A confirmation dialog will be displayed.
Click 'Restore'. In order to revert your system to the selected snapshot, your system has to be restarted. A restart
confirmation dialog for restarting your system will be displayed.
Click 'Yes' to restart your system and to roll back to the selected snapshot.
Your system will restart and reverted to the selected snapshot. All the changes made after the time of taking the selected
snapshot will be discarded. If you want to recover any file/folder that was created after the snapshot, you can do the same
by using the Recover Files feature of Comodo TimeMachine.
11.3. Accessing the Main Interface
Right click on the system tray icon and select Open TimeMachine.
The Main interface of Comodo TimeMachine will be opened.
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12. Using the Sub-Console on System
Start up
Comodo Time Machine features a convenient sub console that can be accessed before Windows
starts on your system. The sub console is fully functional and is of immense help in rescuing your
system if you encounter a crash and Windows will not start. The sub console can be accessed during
system boot up (before Windows loads) and used to restore your system to a 'healthy' snapshot. Once
you have chosen the alternate 'boot' snapshot, your system will start normally without any trace of the
crash. From this interface you can also take new snapshots, compact existing snapshots and even
uninstall Comodo Time Machine.
Comodo Time Machine displays a splash screen immediately after you switch on your system and prompts you to press
the 'Home' key to enter the sub console. If you do not press the 'Home' key, Windows starts normally.
To access the sub console, press the Home key when you are prompted during your system start up.
From this interface, you can:
Restore your system to a healthy snapshot;
Take a new snapshot;
Compact the preserved snapshot;
Uninstall Comodo Time Machine.
12.1. Rolling Back Your System to a Selected Snapshot
If you wish to roll back your system to a selected snapshot before Windows starts in your system especially when you
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encounter a system crash, enter the sub console as explained above and click 'Restore System'. A pop-up dialog will
appear, prompting to select the snapshot you wish to roll back to.
Select the snapshot and click 'Next'. The selected snap shot will be loaded and the progress will be indicated.
The disk being updated and the time remaining will be displayed below the progress bar.
On Completion, the system will start from the selected snapshot.
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12.2. Taking a Snapshot
If you want take a snapshot of the current system before Windows starts, enter the sub console as explained above and
click 'Take Snapshot'. A pop-up dialog will appear, prompting to enter a name and description for the snapshot to be taken.
Type a name for the snapshot to be created in the 'Snapshot Name' text box. (you can give a name to indicate
the situation when the snapshot is taken e.g., before installing the xyz application. This enables you to identify the
snapshot easily when you want to roll back your system to the present configuration at a later time)
Type a description for the backup in the 'Description' text box. (This is optional).
Click 'Next'. Comodo Time Machine creates a snapshot of your system and starts your system normally.
12.3. Compacting Preserved Snapshots
You can delete unnecessary snapshots and defragment the required snapshots to reclaim disk space from the sub console.
Enter the sub console as explained above and click Compact . A pop-up dialog will appear.
Click 'Yes' if you want to delete unwanted snapshots. You will be prompted to select the snapshots you wish to
delete. If you do not want to delete any snapshots, click 'NO', the process moves to step 4.
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Select the snapshots to be deleted and click Delete. On completion, click 'OK'.
Comodo TimeMachine will start defragmenting the existing snapshots.
On completion, the system starts normally.
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12.4. Uninstall Comodo Time Machine
If you want to uninstall Comodo TimeMachine before starting Windows, enter the sub console as explained above and
click 'Uninstall'. You will be prompted to select the snapshot to which your system has to be rolled back before uninstalling
the application.
If you want to keep the current state of the system intact and uninstall Comodo TimeMachine, select the 'Current
system' and click 'Next'. A confirmation dialog will appear.
Click 'Yes'. Comodo TimeMachine will be uninstalled and your system will start normally.
If you want to roll back your system to a previous snapshot before uninstalling Comodo TimeMachine, select the
snapshot you want and click 'Next'. A confirmation dialog will appear.
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Click 'Yes'. Your system will be rolled back to the selected snapshot, Comodo Time Machine will be uninstalled
and your system will start from the selected snapshot.
Note: All the changes and data saved after the snapshot will be lost.
To exit the sub console and start Windows normally, click 'Exit'.
13. Using the Windows Command Line
Comodo Time Machine allows users to take a snapshot of the current system state, roll back the system to a
previously taken snapshot and other important functionality from the Windows command line interface, without
the need of opening the application.
To access the Windows command line interface
Click Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt
Click Start > Run, type 'cmd' in the Run interface and click 'OK'
The commands are to be specified in the format
<executable> / <command #1> <command #2>
Click the links below for more details on the tasks executed from the Command Line Interface
Take a snapshot of the current state of the system;
Roll back your system to a previously taken snapshot;
Reset Baseline snapshot;
Display the list of previously taken snapshots;
Rename a snapshot;
Lock snapshots;
Unlock snapshots;
Mount a snapshot as a virtual drive;
Show information on mounted virtual drive;
Dismount virtual drive mounted from a snapshot;
Delete snapshots;
Synchronize of Files/Folders of Current System with those in Previously Taken Snapshot;
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Recover Individual Files/Folders from previously taken snapshots;
Log in to CTM;
Log off from CTM;
Show current user;
Show version number;
Hide/Show System tray icon;
Uninstall Comodo Time Machine;
Show Help.
13.1. Taking a snapshot
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /n/ /name 'name of the snapshot' /comment 'description for the snapshot'/user 'username'/pass
The commands for the configuration of the snapshot task are to be entered in sequence with space between
each switch command. For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /n /name 'name of the snapshot' /comment 'description for the snapshot' /user 'username' /pass
Note: The description for the snapshot is optional. The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is
enabled in User Settings area of Settings interface.
13.2. Rolling Back Your System to a Previous Snapshot
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To restore your system to the Baseline snapshot
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /r /baseline /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the restore task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /r /baseline /user 'username' /pass 'password'
To restore your system to the latest snapshot
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /r /current /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the restore task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /r /current /user 'username' /pass 'password'
To restore your system to the snapshot closest to a certain time
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /r /time '<date & time>' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
If the user name is 'Administrator' and the password is '12345678' and the user wants to restore the system to the snapshot
closest to the time 10:00 am on 15th November 2009, the command would be:
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ctmcmd /r /time '2009-11-15 10:00' /user 'Administrator' /pass '12345678'
Note: The date has to be specified in yyyy-mm-dd format and the time has to be specified in 24 hr format, within double
quotes. The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of
Settings interface.
13.3. Resetting the Baseline Snapshot
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /rb /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the Baseline resetting task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. The current state of the system will be set as the Baseline Snapshot on execution of this command. For
more details refer to Resetting the Baseline Snapshot.
For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /rb /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.4. Displaying the list of Snapshots
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To display the list of all the snapshots
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /L /all /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the list display task are to be entered in sequence with space between
each switch command.
For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /L /all /user 'username' /pass 'password'
To display the list of the deleted snapshots
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /L /delete /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the list display task are to be entered in sequence with space between
each switch command.
For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /L /delete /user 'username' /pass 'password'
To display the information on a specific snapshot
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /L 'index number of the snapshot, which is to be >=0' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the list display task are to be entered in sequence with space between
each switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in which the
series of snapshots are taken.
For example, if you want to view the details of the fifth snapshot in order from the baseline snapshot, the format
would be:
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ctmcmd /L 5 /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings interface.
13.5. Renaming a Snapshot
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To rename a previously taken snapshot
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /RN 'index number of the snapshot, which is to be >=0' /name 'new name' /comment 'new
description' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the renaming task are to be entered in sequence with space between
each switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in which the
series of snapshots are taken. The description is optional.
For example, if you want to rename the fifth snapshot to 'NewSnapshot' and provide a description as
'testdescription', the format would be:
ctmcmd /RN 5 /name NewSnapshot /Comment testdescription /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: Make sure the new name and the new description are single words and do not have space(s) in them. The
Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings interface.
13.6. Locking Snapshots
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To lock previously taken snapshot to prevent it from being accidentally deleted
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /lock 'index number of the snapshot, which is to be >=0' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the locking task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in which the series
of snapshots are taken.
For example, if you want to lock the fifth snapshot, the format would be:
ctmcmd /lock 5 /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.7. Unlock Snapshots
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To unlock a snapshot
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /unlock 'index number of the snapshot, which is to be >=0' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the unlocking task are to be entered in sequence with space between
each switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in which the
series of snapshots are taken.
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For example, if you want to unlock the fifth snapshot, the format would be:
ctmcmd /unlock 5 /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.8. Mounting a Snapshot as a Virtual Drive
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To mount a selected snapshot as a virtual drive in your system
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /mount 'index number of the snapshot, which is to be >=0' /Mount Type /user 'username' /pass
The commands for the configuration of the mounting task are to be entered in sequence with space between
each switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in which the
series of snapshots are taken. The Mount type can be Read-Only or Full-Access. Refer to the explanation in the
section Mounting a Snapshot as a Virtual Drive on Your Computer for more details.
For example, if you want to mount the fifth snapshot with Read-Only access, the format would be:
ctmcmd /mount 5 /read-only /user 'username' /pass 'password'
If you want to mount the fifth snapshot with Full Read/Write access, the format would be:
ctmcmd /mount 5 /full-access /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: Only one snapshot can be mounted as a virtual disk at a time. If you want to mount a different snapshot, unmount
the existing one and mount the new one. The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled
in User Settings area of Settings interface.
13.9. Viewing Information on Mounted Virtual Drive
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To view the information on mounted virtual drive in your system
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /mountinfo /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the display task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. .
For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /mountinfo /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.10. Unmounting the Virtual Drive
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To unmount the virtual drive from your system
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Specify the Command
ctmcmd /dismount /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the unmounting task are to be entered in sequence with space between
each switch command. .
For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /dismount /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.11. Delete Snapshots
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To delete all the snapshots from your system
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /del /all /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the delete task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. .
For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /del /all /user 'username' /pass 'password'
To delete a selected snapshot
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /del 'index number' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the delete task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in which the series
of snapshots are taken.
For example, if you want to delete the fifth snapshot, the format would be:
ctmcmd /del 5 /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.12. Synchronizing of Files/Folders of Current System
with those in Previously Taken Snapshot
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To synchronize the existing files/folders in the current system with those from a selected snapshot
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /rf 'index number'/'source path and file/folder name' /save / 'destination path and file/folder name'
/user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the synchronization task are to be entered in sequence with space
Comodo TimeMachine User Guide |
2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 87
between each switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in
which the series of snapshots are taken. The destination file/folder name is optional.
For example, if you want to synchronize the file 'report.txt' from the fifth snapshot, the format would be:
ctmcmd /rf 5 /f:\report.txt /save /f:\report.txt /user 'username' /pass 'password'
To recover the files/folders from selected snapshot and save at a new location
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /rf 'index number' /'source path and file/folder name' /saveas / 'destination path and file/folder
name' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the delete task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in which the series
of snapshots are taken.
For example, if you want to recover the file 'report.txt' from the location F:\documents in the fifth snapshot and
save at the location e:\documents of your current system, the format would be:
ctmcmd /rf 5 /f:\F:\documents\report.txt /saveas /e:\documents\report.txt /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.13. Recovering Individual Files/Folders from previously
taken snapshots
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To recover the files/folders from selected snapshot and overwrite the existing files
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /recoverfile 'index number'/'source path and file/folder name' /save / 'destination path and
file/folder name' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the synchronization task are to be entered in sequence with space
between each switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in
which the series of snapshots are taken. The destination file/folder name is optional.
For example, if you want to recover the file 'report.txt' from the fifth snapshot, the format would be:
ctmcmd /recoverfile 5 /f:\report.txt /save /f:\report.txt /user 'username' /pass 'password'
To recover the files/folders from selected snapshot and save at a new location
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /recoverfile 'index number' /'source path and file/folder name' /saveas / 'destination path and
file/folder name' /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the delete task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. The index number of the snapshot is its serial number, based on the order in which the series
of snapshots are taken.
For example, if you want to recover the file 'report.txt' from the location F:\documents in the fifth snapshot and
save at the location e:\documents of your current system, the format would be:
ctmcmd /recoverfile 5 /f:\F:\documents\report.txt /saveas /e:\documents\report.txt /user 'username' /pass
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
Comodo TimeMachine User Guide |
2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 88
13.14. Log in to CTM
If User Access Control is enabled in your CTM installation, this command enables you to login to the application without
opening it.
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To login to the application
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /login /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the login are to be entered in sequence with space between each switch command.
For example, if your user name is jsmith and password is 'ctm123456', the format would be:
ctmcmd /login /user jsmith /pass ctm123456
13.15. Log Off from CTM
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To log off
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /logoff
The commands for the logoff are to be entered in sequence with space between each switch command.
The format would be:
ctmcmd /logoff
13.16. View Currently Logged User Information
If User Access Control is enabled in your CTM installation, this command enables you to view the information on the
currently logged-in user.
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To view the user information
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /currentuser
The commands for the display task are to be entered in sequence with space between each switch command.
13.17. View the Version Number of CTM Application
Installed in Your System
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To view the version information
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /ver
The commands for the display task are to be entered in sequence with space between each switch command.
13.18. Hiding/Unhiding System Tray Icon
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
To hide the Comodo Time Machine icon displayed in the system tray
Specify the Command
Comodo TimeMachine User Guide |
2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 89
ctmcmd /h /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the hiding task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. The Comodo Time machine System tray icon will be hidden.
For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /h /user 'username' /pass 'password'
To show the Comodo Time Machine icon displayed in the system tray
Specify the Command
ctmcmd /s /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the showing task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. The Comodo Time machine System tray icon will be displayed.
For example, the format would be:
ctmcmd /s /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.19. Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
If you want to keep the current state of the system intact and uninstall Comodo Time Machine, Specify the
ctmcmd /u /current /user 'username' /pass 'password'
If you want to roll back your system to the Baseline Snapshot (the snapshot taken at the time of installation of
Comodo Time Machine), Specify the Command
ctmcmd /u /baseline /user 'username' /pass 'password'
The commands for the configuration of the uninstallation task are to be entered in sequence with space between each
switch command. The Comodo Time machine will be uninstalled and the system will be restarted on execution of this
command. See Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine for more details.
For example, if you want roll back to the baseline Snapshot, the format would be:
ctmcmd /u /baseline /user 'username' /pass 'password'
Note: The Username and the Password are required only if Access Control is enabled in User Settings area of Settings
13.20. Opening the Help
Open the Windows command line interface as mentioned above.
Specify the command
/ctmcmd /?
The online help will be opened on execution of this command.
14. Uninstalling Comodo Time Machine
To uninstall Comodo Time Machine
Comodo TimeMachine User Guide |
2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 90
Click Start > Settings > Control Panel
In the Control Panel, double-click Add/Remove Programs
In the list of currently installed programs, click Comodo TimeMachine
Click the 'Remove' button.
Click Start > All Programs > Comodo > Comodo Time Machine > Uninstall.
A dialog box will appear to confirm that you want to un-install Comodo Time Machine. Click 'Yes'.
A progress dialog box will appear, indicating the Uninstallation process.
You will be prompted to select the snapshot to which your system has to be rolled back before uninstalling the application.
Comodo TimeMachine User Guide |
2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 91
Current System - If you want to keep the current state of the system intact and uninstall Comodo Time Machine,
select the 'Current system' and click 'OK'.
Select one snapshot to restore to - If you want to roll back your system to a previous snapshot before
uninstalling Comodo Time Machine, select the radio button 'Select one snapshot to restore to' and choose the
snapshot you want to roll back to, from the drop-down menu and click 'OK'.
A progress dialog will appear...
… and an Completion dialog will be displayed.
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 92
Click 'Finish' to exit the wizard. You will be prompted to restart the system for the uninstallation to take effect.
Click 'OK' to restart your system. If you plan to restart the system at a later time, click 'Cancel'. The uninstallation
will be effective only on next restart.
On the restart, your system will be rolled back to the snapshot you selected and the Comodo TimeMachine will be
Comodo TimeMachine User Guide |
2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 93
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2011 Comodo Security Solutions Inc. | All rights reserved 94