Our Customer Commitments
We at Cape Air are dedicated to making every flight a safe and pleasant experience for our
customers. Our Customer Commitments address a number of service goals we have defined for
ourselves. We hope you will let us know how we are doing so that we may learn how to best
serve your needs and expectations. Thank you for flying with us!
1. Advise about lowest available fares
When customers contact our Reservations Office, visit our Airport or City Ticket Offices, or book
flights through www.capeair.com we will offer the lowest fare available through that booking
channel for which the customer is eligible for the date and flight requested at the time of the
request. You should advise Cape Air of any special status that might qualify you for any special
fare or discount. If you indicate flexibility in your travel plans where we may be able to find you
a lower fare, our agents will offer to check availability for specific alternative dates and times.
Occasionally, lower fares may be available online at www.capeair.com, and our partner airlines
may have lower fares for their segments via their Reservations Offices, Ticket Offices, or website.
2. Notify Customers of known delays, cancellations, and diversions
We work hard to get you to your destination on time, as scheduled. Unfortunately, there may be
times when weather, air traffic control, operational, or service considerations result in flight
delays, cancellations, or diversions. When this happens, we will provide customers with timely
updates about any change in flight status (including delays of 30 minutes or more, cancellations,
or diversions, within a week of departure) within 30 minutes of becoming aware of the status
change, and will strive to provide the best available information concerning the duration of any
delay and, to the extent available, the flight’s anticipated departure time. We may use one or
more ways to communicate this information to you: through boarding area announcements,
airport flight status displays, online at www.capeair.com, and, upon request through contact via
phone with Cape Air’s Reservations Office,
3. Deliver baggage on time
Cape Air strives to deliver checked baggage to our customers in the baggage claim area in a
timely and efficient manner. When on occasion your bags are delayed or misplaced, we will
make every reasonable effort to deliver your bags within 24 hours. If you are unable to locate a
bag upon arrival, please notify a Cape Air agent prior to leaving the airport, or within 4 hours of
the flight’s arrival. (Please note that different procedures apply for baggage that is accepted as
excess” and carried subject to space-availability on aircraft.)
If you have expenses resulting from a baggage delay and are eligible to receive compensation,
we will compensate you for reasonable and necessary out-of-pocket expenses. If your bag is
lost, we will reimburse you for any fee charged to transport that bag.
4. Allow refunds within 24 hours of purchase
Although we require instant purchase at the time you book your reservation, Cape Air will provide
the opportunity for you to think about your travel plans, consult travel companions, or seek
alternative transportation options. For reservations made through our Reservations Office, City
and Airport Ticket Offices, and www.capeair.com, you may cancel your ticketed reservation and
obtain a 100% refund, without penalty, to the original form of payment within 24 hours of the
purchase, even for non-refundable tickets. Changes to the itinerary in lieu of cancellation may
result in a change in the fare.
5. Provide Prompt Ticket Refunds
We strive to provide prompt refunds for eligible tickets once all appropriate documentation is
received. When issuing a refund, the refund will include the fare, taxes and any pre-paid
optional services for which you paid but were unable to use due to flight cancellation or oversale,
less any fees if applicable. Refunds for purchases made with credit cards are issued to the
original form of payment within 7 business days of receipt of the required information. Credit
card refunds may take up to 2 billing cycles before appearing on the credit card statement
depending upon your specific credit card agreement. Refunds for purchases by cash or check are
issued within 20 days of receipt. Refunds will only be issued in the name of the purchaser or
customer, as applicable.
For refund guidelines, lost ticket refunds, or other helpful information, please visit
https://www.capeair.com/scripts/refunds.php. You may also contact our Refund Department at
(508) 957-6909 or re[email protected].
For tickets issued by travel agents, online booking agencies or other airlines, including interline
and code share airline partners, for travel on Cape Air, please direct the refund request to that
agent or airline for processing. In this situation, the agency or other airline refund policy may
6. Properly accommodate Customers with special needs
We work hard to offer convenient and comfortable service to all of our customers, and to ensure
that we do not discriminate against passengers on the basis of disability. We will provide our
customers who require additional assistance the attention, respect, and care they deserve, and
as required by U.S. Department of Transportation Part 382.
Customers with Disabilities
Cape Air strives to provide customers with disabilities safe, dignified, professional, and courteous
service at all times. In providing this service, Cape Air will consult with the customer about any
assistance and special plans arranged on the customer’s behalf. And, during lengthy tarmac
delays, we will make every effort to properly accommodate customers with special needs.
Our Contract of Carriage section entitled “Acceptance of Customers” contains information that
may be helpful, particularly when flying in our 9-passenger aircraft. You will find in this section
information including aircraft specifications and requirements to help travelers with special needs
safely board and fly in our aircraft, what boarding assistance we can offer, and how we may
support travel with assistive devices, infants, service animals and therapeutic oxygen.
Young Travelers
We welcome young travelers on our flights, but, for their safety, have policies about when a
minor can travel alone and when an adult must accompany the minor child during travel.
Minors under the age of 8 years may not travel unaccompanied. Minors age 8 through 14 years
(up until the 15
birthday) may travel on Cape Air non-stop, domestic U.S. itineraries
unaccompanied subject to restrictions. Young travelers age 15 through 17 (up until the 18
birthday) may travel independently as Young Travelers on Cape Air non-stop itineraries. For
more information, please see our Contract of Carriage at www.capeair.com.
The welfare of unaccompanied minors is a matter we take very seriously. If there is a possibility
that your child’s flight may be delayed, terminate at an airport other than the minor’s destination,
or misconnect for any reason, we may change your child’s flight, including the departure date.
Unaccompanied minors will be in the presence of Cape Air’s representatives at all times.
7. Meet Customers’ essential needs during lengthy tarmac delays
We are committed to operating a reliable schedule. There are times, however, that extraordinary
events may result in very lengthy onboard delays. These are situations where an aircraft is
delayed on the ground but does not have access to a terminal gate for an excessive period of
time. We have developed detailed contingency plans to address these situations and will work
with other carriers and the airports to offer the best service available. In such events, we will
make every reasonable effort to ensure your essential needs, such as food, water, restroom
facilities and access to basic medical assistance, are met. For more information about our Long
Tarmac Delay Plan and Procedures, visit www.capeair.com.
8. Treat Customers fairly and consistently in case of oversales
Occasionally, we may not be able to provide you with a seat on a specific flight, even if you hold
a ticket, have checked-in, are present to board on time, and comply with other requirements.
This is an oversale and it unfortunately may occur as a result of Cape Air’s overbooking policy or
as a result of other situations within or outside of Cape Air’s control. When we have an oversale,
Cape Air’s policy on Denied Boarding will apply.
If at departure time more customers with confirmed reservations are present than there are
seats on the aircraft, Cape Air will encourage customers to voluntarily relinquish seats in
exchange for a free Cape Air ticket, or other compensation, in an amount determined by Cape
Air. The request for and selection of volunteers will be in a manner determined solely by Cape
Air. Cape Air will transport the customer on its next flight on which space is available, or make
other arrangements as mutually agreed. On extremely rare occasions, a customer may be denied
boarding on an involuntary basis if volunteers are not obtained. In such events, we will usually
deny boarding based on check-in time, but we may also consider factors such as hardships or
connections further along in the customer’s journey.
Additional information concerning our Overbooking and Denied Boarding policies can be found in
Cape Air’s Contract of Carriage at www.capeair.com.
9. Disclose cancellation policies, frequent flyer rules, and aircraft
We will provide you with clear information about policies and services which may be important to
you on www.capeair.com and through our Reservations Office, on request.
Cancellation Policies
There are multiple reasons why your flight may be cancelled by Cape Air. On booking at
www.capeair.com or through our Reservations and Airport and City Ticket Offices, or upon
request, our representatives will disclose your itinerary and any ticketing cancellation policies
which apply. Reasons for cancellation, in addition to cancellation policies specific to your ticket,
may be found in our Contract of Carriage in the Section “Cancellation of Reservations.”
Known Change of Aircraft
Our representatives will disclose, and our website will indicate, any available information
regarding a change of aircraft on a single flight with the same flight number and will do so at the
time of booking.
Frequent Flyer Programs & Rules
For information about programs available for Cape Air frequent travelers, please refer to
In addition, through code share partnerships, Cape Air’s customers may earn and redeem miles
through the frequent traveler programs of these partner airlines when booking codeshare
itineraries through our partner airlines. In such instances, the partner airline frequent traveler
policies apply. Please contact our partner airlines or refer to their websites for more information
on these programs.
Aircraft Configuration & Lavatory Availability
Customers can obtain information on aircraft configuration and seating at www.capeair.com, or
through contact with a Cape Air agent in our Reservations Office, at the Airport, or at a City
Ticket Office. Information regarding available on-board lavatories may be obtained through
contact with any Cape Air agent listed above. This information is also included below for your
Lavatories are not available on Cape Air’s Cessna 402, Britten Norman Islander, Tecnam P2012
Traveller or Cessna Caravan Amphibian aircraft.
10. Notify Customers about travel itinerary changes in a timely manner
We understand that you need timely information about changes to your travel itinerary. If you
provide us with your contact information, we will notify you in a timely manner about any
changes to your itinerary resulting from changes to flight schedules published after you made
your original booking. For Customers who have made travel arrangements through a travel
agent or online agency, Cape Air provides travel change information to these agency services so
that they may contact you using the contact information you provided to them when booking
your travel.
11. Ensure responsiveness to Customer complaints
The employee-owners of Cape Air strive to provide our customers with a travel experience that is
a cut above the rest. We live by the mantra, MOCHA HAGoTDI, which means Make Our
Customers Happy And Have A Good Time Doing It.
Listening and learning from our customers is key to our ability to serve well. Whether you have a
complaint or a comment, we appreciate your time in giving us the opportunity to understand
your needs. We will acknowledge receipt of any complaint from you in writing within 30 days of
receiving that communication. Your complaint will be addressed as soon as possible, but no later
than 60 days after receipt.
Please feel free to contact our Customer Care office by email at caretea[email protected], or by
mail to Cape Air Customer Care, 660 Barnstable Road, Hyannis, MA 02601. More information is
also available at: Contact Cape Air
12. Provide services to mitigate inconveniences resulting from
cancellations and misconnections
In order to reduce the inconvenience you experience during cancellations and misconnections,
we will:
Do our best to contact you in advance regarding a flight cancellation using the contact
information in your reservation
Work to confirm you on the next Cape Air flight on which space is available, re-route you
over the lines of another carrier with whom Cape Air has agreements for such
transportation, or offer alternative transportation options via ground or sea
Refund the unused portion of the ticket, including the unused portion of the fare, taxes
and any prepaid optional services (regardless whether the ticket as originally issued is
refundable or non-refundable) when no substitute transportation is provided, or it is
offered but unacceptable to the customer.
In the event the customer misses an onward connecting flight on which space is
reserved pursuant to an interline, code share, or airline partner itinerary, Cape Air will
arrange for substitute transportation.
Make available information about your rebooking through our Reservations Office, our
website, and through Airport and City Ticket Offices.
If the customer is eligible for amenities or compensation, offer as appropriate.
Amenities may include lodging, meals, ground transport, Cape Air tickets, or other
special services directed to maintain the welfare of our customers.
We take these service goals very seriously and will do everything we can to meet and
exceed your expectations. However, the Customer Commitments do not create
contractual or legal rights. Rather, our contractual rights and obligations are set
out in our Contract of Carriage and applicable tariffs, both of which provide
additional details on the matters discussed and must be consulted to fully
understand your rights and our obligations. Please refer to the Contract of
Carriage on our website, or contact any Cape Air representative for a copy.