Practice parameter
The diagnosis and management of acute and chronic
urticaria: 2014 update
Chief Editors: Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD, David M. Lang, MD, and David A. Khan, MD
Workgroup Contributors: Timothy Craig, DO, David Dreyfus, MD, Fred Hsieh, MD, Javed Sheikh, MD, David Weldon, MD,
and Bruce Zuraw, MD
Task Force Reviewers: David I. Bernstein, MD, Joann Blessing-Moore, MD, Linda Cox, MD, Richard A. Nicklas, MD,
John Oppenheimer, MD, Jay M. Portnoy, MD, Christopher R. Randolph, MD, Diane E. Schuller, MD,
Sheldon L. Spector, MD, Stephen A. Tilles, MD, and Dana Wallace, MD
These parameters were developed by the Joint Task Force on
Practice Parameters (JTFPP), representing the American
Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI); the
American College of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI);
and the Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology. The
AAAAI and ACAAI have jointly accepted responsibility for
establishing ‘The diagnosis and management of acute and
chronic urticaria: 2014 update. This is a complete and
comprehensive document at the current time. The medical
environment is a changing environment, and not all
recommendations will be appropriate for all patients. Because
this document incorporated the efforts of many participants,
Disclosure of potential conflict of interest: J. A. Bernstein is a Professor of Medicine at the
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Division
of Immunology/Allergy section; is a partner in Bernstein Allergy Group and a member of
Bernstein Clinical Research; has received research support from Dyax, Shire, CSL
Behring, Viropharma, Pharming, and Novartis; has consultant arrangements with Dyax,
Shire, CSL Behring, and Viropharma; has recei ved payment for lectures from Dyax, Shire,
CSL Behring, and Viropharma; is on the Board of Directors for the American Academy of
Allergy,Asthma & Immunology (AAAAI); isa fellow of the American College of Allergy,
Asthma & Immunology (ACAAI); is Chairman of the American Academy of Immunol-
ogists; is on the advisory board for the Hereditary Angioedema Association; is Editor in
Chief of the Journal of Asthma; serves on the Editorial Boards for the JournalofAllergy
and Clinical Immunology,theAnnals of Allergy, Allergy Proceedings, and the Journal of
Angioedema; and is the Editor of the Joint T ask Force Guidelines on Urticaria and Angioe-
dema. D. M. Lang is a Professor of Medicine at the Cleveland Clinic Lerner College of
Medicine at Case Western Reserve University, Respiratory Institute, Department of Al-
lergy andClinical Immunology; is onthe Board of Directors of theAAAAI; serves asChair
of the AAAAI Practice, Diagnostics, and Therapeutics Committee; has received travel sup-
port from AAAAI; is a speaker for Genentech/Nov artis, GlaxoSmithKline, and Merck; has
consultant arrangements with GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, and Aerocrine; and has received
research support from Genentech/Novartis and Merck. D. A. Khan is a speaker for Gen-
entech, Merck, Baxter , and Viropharma; has received research support from the Vanberg
FamilyFoundationand theNational Institutes ofHealth(NIH)/National Institute ofMental
Health; is the Allied Health Chair for the ACAAI; and is a member of the Joint Task Force
on Practice Parameters for the Joint Council on Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology.
T. Craig is an Interest Section Leader for the AAAAI; is a board member for the A CAAI,
the ALA-PA, and the Joint Council on Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology; has consultant
arrangements with CSL Behring, Dyax, Viropharma, and Shire; has provided expert tes-
timony to support a physician in anaphylaxis case; has received research support from
Viropharma, CSL Behring, Shire, Dyax, Pharming, Forrest, Genentech, Biota,
GlaxoSmithKline, and Grifols; has received research support from V iropharma, CSL
Behring, Dyax, Merck, Nov artis, Genentech, and TEVA; and has recei ved salary support
for development of educational presentations from the Vietnam Education Foundation.
F. Hsieh has received research support from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute. J.
Sheikh has consultant arrangements with CSL Behring and Allergy/Immunology Medical
Malpractice; is a member of the ACAAI; is on the executive board for the Massachusetts
Allergy Society; and is on the executive board and is CME Director for the New England
Society of Allergy. D. W eldon has provided expert testimony on behalf of the Texas Al-
lergy, Asthma, and Immunology Society in a lawsuit; is on the Board of Regents for the
ACAAI; and is the Chair of the Practice Standards Committee for the Texas Allergy,
Asthma, and Immunology Society. B. Zuraw has received research support from Shire,
the NIH, the Department of Defense, and the Department of Veterans Affairs; is the Chair
of the Medical Advisory Board for the Hereditary Angioedema Association; and has
consultant arrangements with CSL Behring, Dyax, Isis, and Biocryst. D. I. Bernstein
has received research support from TEVA, Genentech, Pfizer, Merck, Meda, GlaxoS-
mithKline, Array, Cephalon, and MedImmune and has provided legal consultation/expert
witness testimony in cases related to anaphylaxis, contact dermatitis, and occupational
asthma. J. Blessing-Moore is a speaker for Meda, Alcon, Teva, Sunovion, Genentech/No-
vartis, Merck, and AstraZeneca; has received research support from Meda; and is
a committee member for the American College of Chest Physicians, the ACAAI,
the AAAAI, and the American Thoracic Society. L. Cox has consultant arrange-
ments with Stallergenes; has received travel support from the AAAAI; has
received fees for participation in review activities from Circassia and Novartis;
has receiv ed payment for writing or re vie wing the manuscript from Blue Cross
Blue Shield Technology Evaluation Center; is on the American Board of Allergy
and Immunology; has consultant arrangements with the Food and Drug Adminis-
tration’ s Allergenic Products Advisory Committee; has provided expert testimony
in cases related to chronic cinguteria; and has received payment for lectures from
the Southeastern Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Association and the Virginia
Allergy, Asthma, and Immunology Society. R. A. Nicklas is a committee chair
for the ACAAI. J. Oppenheimer has received research support from AstraZeneca,
GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Boehringer Ingelheim, Novartis, and MedImmune; has
provided legal consultation/expert testimony on behalf of the defense in cases
related to medical malpractice; is chairman of the American Board of Allergy
and Immunology; and has consultant arrangements with GlaxoSmithKline, Mylan,
Novartis, and Sunovion. J. M. Portnoy is a speaker for Thermo Fisher and My-
lan and has consultant arrangements with Thermo Fisher and Sanofi. C. R. Ran-
dolph is a speaker for GlaxoSmithKline, TEVA, V iropharma, Merck, and Dey;
has recei v ed research support from GlaxoSmithKline, Merck, Amgen, and Genen-
tech/Novartis; and has consultant arrangements with AstraZenca and Meda. S. L.
Spector has stock in GlaxoSmithKline and Merck; has consultant arrangements
with Hycor; has received research support from AstraZeneca, GlaxoSmithKline,
Amgen, Genentech, Novartis, TEVA, Mylan, and Sanofi; and is a speaker/moder-
ator for the ACAAI. S. A. Tilles is a consultant for SRxA, Sunovion, and Hy-
cor; has received research support from Astellas, Amphastar , MedImmune,
Cephalon, Genentech, Merck, TEVA, Sunovion, Boehringer Ingelheim, Nutricia,
Array, Rigel, and AstraZeneca; is Associate Editor of AllergyWatch and the
Annals of Allergy; is Assistant Editor of the Joint Task Force on Practice Param-
eters; and is on the Executive Committee for the Seattle Food Allergy Con-
sortium. D. Wallace has received honoraria for talks from the ACAAI; is a
speaker for TEVA and Mylan Labs; is an advisor for Sanofi and Sunovion; is
on the Executive Committee of the ACAAI; and is on the Board of Directors
for the World Allergy Organization. The rest of the authors declare that they
have no relevant conflicts of interest.
Corresponding author: Joint Council of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology, 50 N Brockway
St, #3-3, Palatine, IL 60067. E-mail: [email protected].
Received for publication October 26, 2013; revised February 10, 2014; accepted for pub-
lication February 12, 2014.
Ó 2014 American Academy of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
no single individual, including those who served on the JTFPP,
is authorized to provide an official AAAAI or ACAAI
interpretation of these practice parameters. Any request for
information about or an interpretation of these practice
parameters by the AAAAI or ACAAI should be directed to the
Executive Offices of the AAAAI, the ACAAI, and the Joint
Council of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology.
The JTFPP understands that the cost of diagnostic tests and
therapeutic agents is an important concern that might
appropriately influence the work-up and treatment chosen for a
given patient. The JTFPP recognizes that the emphasis of our
primary recommendations regarding a medication might vary,
for example, depending on third-party payer issues and product
patent expiration dates. However, because a given test or agent’s
cost is so widely variable and there is a paucity of
pharmacoeconomic data, the JTFPP generally does not consider
cost when formulating practice parameter recommendations. In
extraordinary circumstances, when the cost/benefit ratio of an
intervention is prohibitive, as supported by pharmacoeconomic
data, commentary might be provided. These parameters are not
designed for use by pharmaceutical companies in drug
The JTFPP is committed to ensuring that the practice
parameters are based on the best scientific evidence that is free of
commercial bias. To this end, the parameter development
process includes multiple layers of rigorous review. These layers
include the workgroup convened to draft the parameter, the task
force reviewers, and peer review by members of each sponsoring
society. Although the task force has the final responsibility for the
content of the documents submitted for publication, each
reviewer comment will be discussed, and reviewers will receive
written responses to comments, when appropriate.
To preserve the greatest transparency regarding potential
conflicts of interest, all members of the JTFPP and the practice
parameter workgroups will complete a standard potential
conflict of interest disclosure form, which will be available for
external review by the sponsoring organization and any other
interested individual. In addition, before confirming the selection
of a Work Group chairperson, the Joint Task Force will discuss
and resolve all relevant potential conflicts of interest associated
with this selection. Finally, all members of parameter
workgroups will be provided a written statement regarding the
importance of ensuring that the parameter development process
is free of commercial bias.
Practice parameters are available online at and (J Allergy Clin Immunol
Key words: Acute urticaria, chronic urticaria, autoimmune, skin
rash, food allergies
I. Executive summary
II. Acute urticaria
III. Diagnosis and management of chronic urticaria
IV. Physical urticaria/angioedema
V. Differential diagnosis
VI. Treatment for acute and chronic urticaria
The JTFPP has made a concerted effort to acknowledge all
contributors to this parameter. If any contributors have been
excluded inadvertently, the JTFPP will ensure that appropriate
recognition of such contributions is made subsequently.
Jonathan A. Bernstein, MD
Department of Medicine
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Department of Internal Medicine
Division of Immunology/Allergy Section
Cincinnati, Ohio
David M. Lang, MD
Department of Medicine
Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Respiratory Institute
Cleveland Clinic Foundation
Cleveland, Ohio
David A. Khan, MD
Department of Medicine
Division of Allergy & Immunology
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas
Timothy Craig, DO
Department of Medicine and Pediatrics
Penn State University
Hershey, Pennsylvania
David Dreyfus, MD, PhD
Department of Pediatrics
Yale School of Medicine
New Haven, Connecticut
Fred Hsieh, MD
Department of Allergy and Clinical Immunology
Respiratory Institute
Department of Pathobiology, Lerner Research Institute
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Javed Sheikh, MD
Department of Medicine
Harvard Medical School
Boston, Massachusetts
David Weldon, MD
Department of Internal Medicine
Texas A&M University Health Sciences Center
School of Medicine
College Station, Texas
Bruce Zuraw, MD
Department of Medicine
Division of Allergy/Immunology
University of California San Diego
San Diego, California
David I. Bernstein, MD
Department of Medicine and Environmental Health
Division of Immunology, Allergy and Rheumatology
University of Cincinnati College of Medicine
Cincinnati, Ohio
Joann Blessing-Moore, MD
Department of Immunology
Stanford University Medical Center
Palo Alto, California
Linda Cox, MD
Department of Medicine
Nova Southeastern University
Davie, Florida
Richard A. Nicklas, MD
Department of Medicine
George Washington Medical Center
Washington, DC
John Oppenheimer, MD
Department of Internal Medicine
New Jersey Medical School
Morristown, New Jersey
Jay M. Portnoy, MD
Section of Allergy, Asthma & Immunology
Children’s Mercy Hospital
University of Missouri–Kansas City School of Medicine
Kansas City, Missouri
Christopher Randolph, MD
Yale Hospital
Center for Allergy, Asthma and Immunology
Waterbury, Connecticut
Diane E. Schuller, MD
Department of Pediatrics
Emeritus Chief of Allergy and Immunology
Department of Pediatrics
Pennsylvania State University
Milton S. Hershey Medical College
Hershey, Pennsylvania
Sheldon L. Spector, MD
Department of Medicine
UCLA School of Medicine
Los Angeles, California
Stephen A. Tilles, MD
Department of Medicine
University of Washington School of Medicine
Seattle, Washington
Dana Wallace, MD
Department of Medicine
Nova Southeastern University
Davie, Florida
M. Aquino, MD
Aleena Banerji, MD
Warner Carr, MD
Stephen Dreskin, MD
Luz Fonacier, MD
S. Saini, MD
Arturo Bonnin, MD, Javier Chinen, MD, PhD, Leonard Cohen,
MD, PhD, John Ekman, MD, Daniel Ein, MD, Mario Geller, MD,
David Goetz, MD, Stanley Goldstein, MD, Richard Gower, MD,
Gisoo Ghaffari, MD, William Hark, MD, Robert Lemanske, MD,
Robert Lin, MD, Vinay Mehta, MD, Talal Nsouli, MD, Mark
Sands, MD, Alan Schocket, MD, Fanny Silvu-Dan, MD, Alan
Wanderer, MD, John Weiler, MD, and Pamela Williams, MD
Category of evidence
Ia Evidence from meta-analysis of randomized controlled
Ib Evidence from at least 1 randomized controlled trial
IIa Evidence from at least 1 controlled study without
IIb Evidence from at least 1 other type of quasiexperimental
III Evidence from nonexperimental descriptive studies, such
as comparative studies
IV Evidence from expert committee reports or opinions or
clinical experience of respected authorities or both
Strength of recommendation
A Directly based on category I evidence
B Directly based on category II evidence or extrapolated
recommendation from category I evidence
C Directly based on category III evidence or extrapolated
recommendation from category I or II evidence
D Directly based on category IV evidence or extrapolated
recommendation from category I, II, or III evidence
E Based on consensus of the Joint Task Force on Practice
LB Laboratory based
In this parameter we have also used the Grading of Recom-
mendations Assessment, Development and Evaluation approach
for critical appraisal of evidence to assess the therapeutic utility of
cyclosporine for refractory chronic urticaria (CU)/angioedema
(CU). The decision to include this analysis was made at the time
the workgroup for this parameter was convened. Cyclosporine
was selected because this was the only agent for patients with
refractory CU for which more than 1 randomized controlled trial
had been published.
The practice parameter developmental process
The Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters. The
Joint Task Force on Practice Parameters (JTFPP) is a 13-member
task force consisting of 6 representatives assigned by the AAAAI,
6 by the ACAAI, and 1 by the Joint Council of Allergy and
Immunology. The JTFPP oversees the development of practice
parameters, selects the workgroup chair or chairs, and reviews
MAY 2014
drafts of the parameters for accuracy, practicality, clarity, and
broad utility of the recommendations for clinical practice.
The Urticaria Practice Parameter Workgroup. The
workgroup was formed by the JTFPP to develop a practice
parameter to address the diagnosis and treatment of urticaria with
or without angioedema. The chair, Jonathan Bernstein, MD,
invited workgroup members to participate in the parameter
development. The charge to the workgroup was to use a
systematic literature review in conjunction with consensus expert
opinion and workgroup-identified supplementary documents to
develop practice parameters that provide a comprehensive
approach for the assessment and management of urticaria
with or without concomitant angioedema. The diagnosis and
management of angioedema without concomitant urticaria has
been addressed in a separate parameter.
Protocol for selecting, grading, and reviewing
evidence. A search of the medical literature was performed
for a variety of terms that were considered relevant to this practice
parameter. Literature searches were performed on PubMed,
Google Scholar, and the Cochrane Database of Systematic
Reviews. All reference types were included in the results.
References identified as relevant were searched for relevant
references, and those references were searched for relevant
references as well. In addition, members of the workgroup were
asked for references that were missed by this initial search.
Published clinical studies were rated by category of evidence and
used to establish the strength of the recommendations.
The parameter was subsequently appraised by reviewers
designated by the national organizations of the AAAAI and
ACAAI. On the basis of this process, this parameter represents an
evidence-based, broadly accepted consensus document.
These parameters are also available online at
Acute urticaria and angioedema are differentiated from CU
based on the duration of illness. Urticaria and angioedema with
duration of less than 6 weeks is termed acute urticaria.
If urticaria
of less than 6 weeks’duration has features suggesting it might prog-
ress to a chronic illness (see the sections on autoimmune, physical,
and CU), such patients should be periodically re-evaluated until a
diagnosis is clarified. Acute urticaria and angioedema should be
differentiated from anaphylaxis. Urticaria/angioedema associated
with signs and symptoms in organs other than the skin, such as
the pulmonary tract (wheezing and cough), gastrointestinal system
(vomiting and diarrhea), nervous system (dizziness and loss of con-
sciousness), or cardiac system (changes in blood pressure or heart
rate), can occur in patients with anaphylaxis. Epinephrine should be
prescribed if the diagnosis of anaphylaxis has not been excluded.
Acute urticaria and angioedema is often but not always related to
mast cell and basophil activation from multiple triggers, which
include IgE-mediated and non–IgE-mediated mechanisms. These
cells play a broad critical role in the innate and acquired
immune response because they express multiple receptors
responding to specific antigens, as well as complement fragments,
circulating immune complexes binding IgG and IgM, cytokines,
changes in blood pressure, and immunologic activation. Thus it is
likely that mast cell activation in patients with acute urticaria and
angioedema occurs through multiple pathways in addition to IgE.
The presence of a specific mast cell or basophil receptor for
proteases might account for IgE-independent activation of these
cells through proteases in aeroallergens, foods, and enzymes, as
well as by proteases generated by the complement response to in-
fectious agents. Acute urticaria and angioedema is more frequently
associated with identifiable conditions. When this disorder be-
comes chronic, it is less likely to be associated with an identifiable
cause. Because acute urticaria and angioedema will usually resolve
spontaneously, laboratory evaluation for chronic illness is also not
required unless supported by the clinical history or physical
examination. Furthermore, empiric elimination diets (not guided
by history and testing) are not recommended. Although many
cases of acute urticaria are caused by viral or other infectious
illnesses, extensive evaluation for specific viral pathogens or anti-
viral therapy is not indicated unless suggested by the clinical
For acute urticaria, skin testing or immunoassays to identify
specific triggers for acute urticaria and angioedema can be helpful
if an allergic cause is suggested by history. Skin testing in this
scenario would usually be done after the resolution of acute
urticaria and after suspension of antihistamines or through
serologic testing in the presence of significant dermatographism.
Although skin biopsy is not indicated in most cases of acute
urticaria and angioedema, it might occasionally be useful for
differentiating this condition from other inflammatory disorders.
Common causes of acute urticaria and angioedema, including
medications and foods, should be identified by a detailed history
and eliminated, if possible. For treatment of acute urticaria and
angioedema, antihistamines are efficacious in most cases and
recommended as first-line therapy. Although first-generation
antihistamines are rapidly acting and effective, in both pediatric
and adult patients they can be associated with sedation and
impaired motor skills because of their ability to cross the
blood-brain barrier, whereas these impairments are less evident
or not evident with second-generation antihistamines as a class.
When agents that can cause drowsiness or impair performance are
prescribed, adult patients and parents of child patients should be
made aware of this potential side effect. In patients with poor
response to antihistamines, a brief course of oral corticosteroids
might also be required while attempting to eliminate suspected
triggers and develop an effective treatment plan.
CU is defined as urticaria that has been continuously or
intermittently present for at least 6 weeks. The duration of CU
varies considerably; however, physical urticarias tend to persist
the longest, often for many years. The prevalence of CU in the
general population has been estimated to range from 0.5% to 5%;
however, the true point prevalence, cumulative prevalence, and
lifetime prevalence of CU have not been established. The
incidence of CU has been estimated at 1.4% per year. Some
patients with CU might have both urticaria and angioedema,
occurring simultaneously or separately. Pathogenically, the skin
mast cells are the most important cell in patients with CU, and
histamine is the predominant mediator, although other cells and
mediators also play a key role. A predominantly lymphocytic
infiltrate can be found in the lesions of both patients with acute
and those with chronic types of urticaria. However, many patients
demonstrate urticarial lesions that have a mixed cellular infiltrate:
a mixture of lymphocytes, PMNs, and other inflammatory cells.
Activation of the coagulation cascade, including increased
prothrombin fragment F112 and D-dimer levels, has been
described in patients with CU and might be a marker of CU
with angioedema severity.
Evaluation of a patient with CU should involve consideration of
various possible causes, although most cases do not have an
identifiable cause. Rarely, IgE-mediated reactions from foods,
drugs, or other allergens might result in CU. A number of chronic
infectious processes have been reported, including viral infections,
such as hepatitis B and C, EBV, and herpes simplex virus; Helico-
bacter pylori infections; and helminthic parasitic infections. CU
has been reported with a number of other systemic conditions,
many of which have a complement-mediated or immunologic ba-
sis, including specific complement component deficiencies; cryo-
globulinemia (eg, with hepatitis C and chronic lymphocytic
leukemia); serum sickness or other immune-complex mediated
processes; connective tissue diseases, such as systemic lupus ery-
thematosus (SLE) and juvenile rheumatoid arthritis; thyroid dis-
ease (with both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism being
associated); neoplasms (particularly lymphoreticular malignancy
and lymphoproliferative disorders); and other endocrine disorders
or hormonal therapies (eg, ovarian tumors and oral contraceptive
use, respectively). Autoantibody-associated urticaria refers to
the presence of autoantibodies (eg, thyroid autoantibodies and
IgE receptor autoantibodies) in conjunction with urticaria and
can be considered a subset of chronic idiopathic urticaria (CIU).
However, the etiologic, therapeutic, and prognostic value of this
these autoantibodies has not been determined.
Numerous autoimmune disorders, including SLE, dermatomy-
ositis and polymyositis, Sj
ogren syndrome, and Still disease, have
been associated with CU. However, serology to diagnose these
underlying autoimmune diseases (eg, connective tissue disease) is
not warranted in the initial evaluation of CU in the absence of
additional features suggestive of a concomitant autoimmune
disease. Thyroid autoantibodies are frequently identified in
patients with CU. However, because the clinical relevance of
these autoantibodies for evaluation and treatment of patients with
CU has not been established, routine testing for thyroid
autoantibodies is not recommended.
Chronic urticarial vasculitis associated with low or normal
complement levels might present as a primary autoimmune
disorder or develop secondary to an autoimmune disorder, such
as SLE. Urticarial vasculitic lesions might sometimes be
evanescent, lasting less than 24 hours, similar to CU; for this
reason, urticarial vasculitis cannot be completely excluded based
on the history of lesions spanning less than 24 hours. The
diagnosis of this condition should be confirmed by a biopsy
demonstrating the presence of leukocytoclastic vasculitis.
The co-occurrence of CU with a number of conditions,
including H pylori infection and celiac disease, has been reported.
However, evidence does not support testing for these conditions in
a patient with CU with an otherwise unremarkable history and
physical examination. Moreover, there are no convincing
data demonstrating that treatment based on abnormal test results
consistent with these conditions being present leads to improve-
ment or change in the course of CU. Patients with malignancies,
such as lymphoproliferative diseases and Schnitzler syndrome,
can also present with CU.
Approximately 30% to 50% of patients with CU produce
specific IgG antibodies against the FcεRIa subunit component of
the high-affinity IgE receptor, and approximately 5% to 10%
produce IgG antibodies against IgE itself. The utility of the
autologous serum skin test (ASST) and the autologous plasma
skin test is unclear because evidence has not clearly demonstrated
that this testing identifies a distinct subgroup of patients with CU.
There are no definitive studies demonstrating that patients with
refractory CU and a positive ASST result respond differently to
certain medication regimens compared with those patients with
CU with a negative ASST result. Current evidence does not
support routine performance of ASSTs or autologous plasma skin
tests in patients with CU. The pathogenesis of autoantibody-
associated urticaria remains elusive, but in vitro/ex vivo studies
demonstrate a role for T cells, sCD154 (sCD40 ligand), and
basophil histamine responsiveness.
For patients with CU who present with otherwise unremarkable
history and physical examination findings, skin or in vitro testing
for IgE to inhalants or foods and/or extensive laboratory testing
are not recommended because such testing is not cost-effective
and does not lead to improved patient care outcomes. Targeted
laboratory testing based on history or physical examination
findings is appropriate, and limited laboratory testing can be
obtained. Limited laboratory testing includes a CBC with
differential, sedimentation rate, and/or C-reactive protein, liver
enzyme, and thyroid-stimulating hormone measurement. In
patients with CU with an unremarkable history and physical
examination, limited laboratory testing might be appropriate to
identify the infrequent or rare case in which CU is a manifestation
of an underlying condition that might not be discernible based on
history or physical examination findings or to provide
‘reassurance value’ for the patient and his or her family
The initial patient evaluation should be focused to determine
(through history and physical examination) whether the lesions
that patients describe are consistent with CU. CU lesions are
typically edematous pink or red wheals of variable size and shape
with surrounding erythema and are generally pruritic. A painful or
burning dysesthesia is not characteristic of CU and suggests the
presence of cutaneous vasculitis. Individual urticarial lesions
usually fade within 24 to 48 hours, but new lesions might be
developing simultaneously at other skin sites. In contrast,
vasculitis lesions are palpable and usually nonblanching,
spanning several days or more and often followed by residual
hyperpigmented changes, although in some cases lesions might
be more evanescent, similar to ordinary CU. Angioedema
typically appears as nonpruritic, brawny, nonpitting edema,
typically without well-defined margins and without erythema.
The medical work-up of a patient with CU should be done,
keeping in mind that CU is of undetermined cause in the majority
of cases.
After a thorough history and physical examination, no
diagnostic testing might be necessary for some patients with
CU; however, limited routine laboratory testing can be performed
to exclude underlying causes. Targeted laboratory testing based
on clinical suspicion is appropriate. Extensive routine testing for
exogenous and rare causes of CU or immediate hypersensitivity
skin testing for inhalants or foods is not warranted. Routine
laboratory testing in patients with CU whose history and physical
examination lack atypical features rarely yields clinically
significant findings. Screening for thyroid disease is of low yield
in patients without specific thyroid-related symptoms or a history
of thyroid disease. Increased levels of anti-thyroglobulin or anti-
thyroid antibodies in euthyroid (ie, normal thyroid-stimulating
hormone levels) subjects are commonly detected, although the
clinical implications of this finding are unclear. Although
commercial assays are now available, the utility of testing for
autoantibodies to the high-affinity IgE receptor or autoantibodies
MAY 2014
to IgE has not been established. Whether detection of autoanti-
bodies identifies a clinically unique population or will lead to a
change in management is also currently unclear. Although some
studies have suggested that a positive autoantibody test result
might indicate a marker of increased disease severity, data are
limited and might reflect the fact that these populations do not
differ clinically and that these autoantibodies might represent an
epiphenomenon. For these reasons, autoantibody-associated CU
has been included under the diagnosis of CIU.
Patients with recurrent angioedema in the absence of coexist-
ing urticaria should be evaluated for hereditary angioedema,
acquired C1 inhibitor deficiency, or angiotensin-converting
enzyme inhibitor–associated angioedema before a diagnosis of
idiopathic angioedema is made. Skin biopsy can be performed in
patients with refractory CU and should be performed when
vasculitis is suspected or when other nonurticarial immunologic
skin diseases are a consideration. Routine skin biopsies are not
required in most cases of CU. Immediate hypersensitivity skin or
serologic testing for food or other allergens is rarely useful and
not recommended on a routine basis.
In a subgroup of patients, a tendency exists to have urticaria,
angioedema, or both as a result of the effect of environmental
stimuli on inflammatory cells predisposed to respond to physical
factors. Patients might present with isolated physical urticaria/
angioedema syndromes or a combination of syndromes but might
also have concomitant CIU.
Aquagenic urticaria is a rare condition. Subjects with
aquagenic urticaria have hives (typically 1-3 mm in size) after
direct contact of skin with any source of water independent of
temperature. Aquagenic urticaria can be confirmed by the
appearance of wheals at the site of challenge with a water
compress at 358C and applied to the skin of the upper body for
30 minutes.
Subjects with cholinergic urticaria have hives that are
‘pinpoint’ (1-3 mm) and surrounded by large flares in association
with an increase in core body temperature. Common provoking
factors for cholinergic urticaria include exercise, sweating,
emotional factors, and hot baths or showers. Provocative
challenges that raise core body temperature, such as exercise
and hot water immersion or methacholine intradermal challenge,
have been considered for the diagnosis of cholinergic urticaria.
However, the negative predictive value of these tests is not
optimal, and lack of response cannot rule out the diagnosis. The
severity of cholinergic urticaria ranges from mild pruritus to
serious and potentially life-threatening reactions.
Subjects with cold urticaria have pruritus and swelling with
exposure of the skin to a cold stimulus. Patients with cold urticaria
might have systemic reactions associated with systemic cold
exposure (eg, aquatic activities). The diagnosis of cold urticaria
can be confirmed by applying a cold stimulus (eg, an ice cube on
the forearm) to the patient’s skin and observing a wheal-and-flare
reaction during rewarming of the skin. The primary treatment for
cold urticaria is avoidance of cold exposure, as feasible; however,
prescribing pharmacotherapy is also frequently advisable. Some
forms of cold urticaria might have a negative ice cube test result.
Subjects with delayed-pressure urticaria/angioedema experi-
ence swelling (which might be painful) with a delay of 4 to 6
hours after exposure of the skin to a pressure stimulus. In some
cases the delay can be as long as 12 or even 24 hours after
pressure exposure. Common provoking factors include working
with tools, sitting on a bench, or wearing constricting garments.
Delayed-pressure urticaria/angioedema can be confirmed by a
challenge with 15 pounds of weight suspended over a patient’s
shoulder for 10 or 15 minutes and monitoring for development of
delayed angioedema. Development of angioedema in a delayed
fashion at the site of pressure is considered a positive challenge
result. Management of delayed-pressure urticaria and angioe-
dema differs from that of other types of CU/angioedema, and it is
often very difficult to treat. Additional pharmacotherapeutic
treatment is frequently required along with avoidance measures.
Conventional antihistamine dosing frequently lacks efficacy for
achieving control of symptoms.
Subjects with dermatographia (also known as dermatogra-
phism, dermographia, and dermographism) promptly experience
a wheal-and-flare response to pressure applied to the skin.
Dermatographia can be confirmed by stroking the skin with a
firm object, such as a tongue blade. Dermatographia is the most
common form of physical urticaria and reported to be present in
2% to 5% of the general population, although only a minority of
patients have symptoms to a degree that prompt medical attention.
Urticaria provoked by exercise can occur in patients with 2
conditions: cholinergic urticaria or exercise-induced anaphylaxis
(EIAn). There are 2 groups of patients with EIAn: one group can
have anaphylaxis provoked by exercise, and the second group can
have anaphylaxis with exercise temporally related to ingestion of
food or medication. Two subgroups of patients with food-
dependent EIAn have been described: one group might have
anaphylaxis when exercising in temporal proximity to ingestion
of any type of food, and the another group might experience
anaphylaxis with exercise in conjunction with prior ingestion of a
specific food. It is important to distinguish EIAn from cholinergic
urticaria. The diagnosis of EIAn can be confirmed by exercise
challenge in a controlled environment, whereas cholinergic
urticaria can be elicited by both exercise challenge and passive
heating. Management depends on determining whether the
patient has EIAn or cholinergic urticaria. If a food, drug, or
another essential or modulating factor is identified, this should be
avoided in the periexercise period. Patients with EIAn should
carry injectable epinephrine, exercise with a partner, and wear
medical identification jewelry.
Subjects with solar urticaria promptly (generally within 1-3
minutes) have urticaria with exposure of skin to sunlight. The
diagnosis of solar urticaria can be confirmed with phototesting to
various wavelengths of light.
Subjects with vibratory angioedema experience pruritus and
swelling with exposure of the skin to a vibratory stimulus. This
condition can be familial. Vibratory angioedema can be
confirmed by demonstrating an exaggerated response after
exposure of the skin to a vortex mixer.
Cryoglobulinemia is often found in many conditions that result
in vasculitis. Autoinflammatory syndromes are a group of
conditions that involve aberrant activation of mediators of the
innate immune response with resultant fever and other symptoms.
Cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes (also referred to as
cryopyrinopathies) are a group of syndromes that are character-
ized by abnormalities in the C1AS1 gene, which encodes for the
cryopyrin protein. Hypocomplementemic or normocomplemen-
temic urticarial vasculitis is associated with decreased or normal
complement levels (C1q, C4, and C3) and a biopsy that reveals
vasculitis of dermal blood vessels with leukocytoclasis. The
hypocomplementemic urticarial vasculitis syndrome is a more
severe form of this condition associated with arthralgias,
glomerulonephritis, uveitis or episcleritis, recurrent abdominal
pain, obstructive lung disease and urticaria, and/or angioedema.
Swelling of the area in the medial portion of the upper eyes might
be a sign of thyroid ophthalmopathy and misinterpreted as
angioedema. Urticaria-like dermatoses can occur at various
stages of pregnancy. Women who present with cyclical urticaria
might have autoimmune progesterone-induced dermatitis.
Episodic attacks of angioedema with weight gain are character-
istic of episodic angioedema with eosinophilia (Gleich
syndrome). Hypereosinophilic syndrome should be considered
when the peripheral total eosinophil count exceeds 1500/mLin
the absence of other causes for peripheral eosinophilia. Cutaneous
mast cell disorders that can present with urticaria-like lesions
include urticaria pigmentosa, mastocytomas, and telangiectasia
macularis eruptiva perstans. Mast cell activation disorders can
also present with urticaria and angioedema but usually have
additional systemic symptoms. Erythema multiforme might
resemble urticaria and might be due to viral infections (herpes),
mycoplasma infection, or medications. Hepatitis B or C can be
associated with urticarial vasculitis and should be considered in
differential diagnosis, particularly for patients whose behaviors
predispose for contracting a sexually transmitted disease, who
have recently received a blood transfusion, or who have exposure
to contaminated needles. Bullous pemphigoid can present
initially with urticaria-like papules or small plaques that
might be excoriated by the patient before noticeable blistering
occurs. Persistent swelling of the lips without evidence of
eczematous dermatitis might be a sign of cheilitis granulomatosa
(Melkerrson-Rosenthal syndrome). Polymorphous light eruption
differs from solar urticaria in that the onset usually occurs
minutes to hours after sunlight exposure and the eruption,
which occurs in different forms, including papules, papulove-
sicles, and plaques, lasts for days compared with solar urticaria,
which is short-lived between exposures. Recall urticaria is a
condition in which urticaria is observed at the site of a previous
sting or injection after re-exposure to the same inciting factor.
Patients with Schnitzler syndrome caused by an IgM or
more rarely IgG monoclonal gammopathy present with nonprur-
itic urticaria (that spares the face), bone pain, and intermittent
Management of CU involves both nonpharmacologic and
pharmacologic approaches. Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs, heat, and tight clothing might exacerbate CU in some
patients, and avoidance of these factors might be beneficial.
Pseudoallergens have been defined as substances that can induce
intolerance reactions and include food additives, vasoactive
substances, fruits, vegetables, and spices. The utility of a
pseudoallergen-free diet for management of CU has not been
convincingly demonstrated. Avoidance of pseudoallergens in the
diet is not recommended. Potent topical corticosteroids might
improve symptoms from delayed-pressure urticaria but have
limited utility in the treatment of diffuse CU.
A step-care approach has been developed for the management
of CU (Fig 1). H1 antagonists are effective in the majority of
patients with CU but might not achieve complete control in all
patients. Second-generation antihistamines are safe and effective
therapies in patients with CU and are considered first-line agents
(step 1). For patients not responding to monotherapy with a
second-generation antihistamine at US Food and Drug
Administration–approved doses, several treatment options can
be used (step 2). Higher doses of second-generation
antihistamines might provide more efficacy, but data are limited
and conflicting for certain agents. Addition of H2 antagonists or
leukotriene receptor antagonists can be considered for patients
with CU with unsatisfactory responses to second-generation
antihistamine monotherapy. First-generation antihistamines can
also be considered in patients who do not achieve control of their
condition with higher-dose second-generation antihistamines.
Treatment with hydroxyzine or doxepin can be considered in
patients whose symptoms remain poorly controlled with
dose advancement of second-generation antihistamines and/or
addition of 1 of more of the following: H2 antihistamines, first-
generation H1 antihistamines at bedtime, and/or antileukotrienes
(step 3). Systemic corticosteroids are frequently used for patients
with refractory CU, but no controlled studies have demonstrated
efficacy. In some patients short-term use (eg, 1-3 weeks’ duration)
might be required to gain control of their disease until other
therapies can achieve control. Because of the risk of adverse
effects with systemic corticosteroids, long-term use for treatment
of patients with CU should be avoided as much as possible.
Patients with CU whose symptoms are not adequately controlled
on maximal antihistamine therapy (eg, step 3 care) might be
considered to have refractory CU.
A number of alternative therapies have been studied for the
treatment of CU; these therapies merit consideration for patients
with refractory CU (step 4). Omalizumab, approved by the FDA
at both 150 mg and 300 mg doses for the treatment of CU patients
unresponsive to H1 antagonists 12 years of age and older, and
cyclosporine have the greatest published experience for efficacy
in patients with CU compared with all other alternative agents.
The therapeutic utility of omalizumab for refractory CU has been
supported by findings from large double-blind, randomized
controlled trials and is associated with a relatively low rate of
FIG 1. Step-care approach to the treatment for CU.
MAY 2014
clinically significant adverse effects. On the basis of this evi-
dence, omalizumab should be considered for refractory CU if this
is favorable from the standpoint of balancing the potential for
benefit with the potential for harm/burden and cost and the
decision to proceed is consistent with patients’ values and
preferences. There is evidence from observational studies with
cyclosporine, including long-term use, that suggests cyclosporine
is efficacious for patients with refractory CU and capable of
inducing remission. There is also evidence for the efficacy of
cyclosporine from randomized controlled trials; however, taken
in the context of study limitations, potential harms, and cost, the
quality of evidence from these randomized controlled trials
supporting cyclosporine is low, leading to a weak recommenda-
tion for use of cyclosporine for refractory CU. Therefore
clinicians need to carefully consider whether administration of
cyclosporine is favorable from the standpoint of balancing the
potential for benefit with the potential for harm and discuss this
openly with patients to determine that the decision to proceed
with a trial of cyclosporine is consistent with their values and
Many other alternative therapies have been used in patients
with refractory CU; however, the level of evidence supporting
their use is lower than with omalizumab or cyclosporine.
Anti-inflammatory agents, including dapsone, sulfasalazine,
hydroxychloroquine, and colchicine, have limited evidence for
efficacy in patients with CU and some require laboratory
monitoring for adverse effects. These agents are generally well
tolerated and might be considered for properly selected patients
with antihistamine-refractory CU. Other agents have been used in
patients with refractory CU, including, but not limited to,
theophylline, attenuated androgens, anticoagulants, nonsteroidal
anti-inflammatory drugs, b-agonists, cyclophosphamide, gold,
plasmapheresis, cromolyn, and nifedipine; however, these agents
should be reserved for patients with refractory urticaria who have
failed other anti-inflammatory, immunosuppressant, or biologic
agents. Other unproved therapies for CU, which are not
recommended, include allergen immunotherapy, herbal therapies,
vitamins, supplements, and acupuncture.
Multiple factors are involved in selecting an alternative agent in
patients with refractory CU, including but not limited to the
presence of comorbid factors, frequency of treatment-related
visits, cost, rapidity of response, adverse effects, and the patient’s
values and preferences. The potential for harm and burden
association with a given alternative agent is extremely important
and needs to be weighed against the patient’s potential for benefit,
current quality of life, and any adverse effects from current
therapy for their CU.
The evidence that H pylori eradication leads to improvement of
CU outcomes is weak and conflicting, leading to a weak
recommendation for routine H pylori eradication for patients
with chronic urticaria. There is a lack of high-quality evidence
demonstrating the efficacy of thyroid hormone supplementation
for euthyroid patients with CU with evidence of thyroid
autoimmunity. For this reason, clinicians should be flexible in
their decision making regarding the appropriateness of
prescribing thyroid hormone in this setting. Thyroid hormone
supplementation might merit consideration for euthyroid
patients with CU with evidence of thyroid autoimmunity on an
individualized basis. This will require careful assessment of the
potential for benefit and potential for harm and burden associated
with thyroid hormone supplementation, taking the patient’s values
and preferences into consideration and allowing the patient to
participate actively in the decision-making process. Very limited
data support the use of antiviral therapies in patients with CU,
with concomitant herpetic infections or positive viral serologies.
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