August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023
ARTICLE 1 – RECOGNITION ..........................................................................................1
ARTICLE 2 – ASSOCIATION RIGHTS & RESPONSIBILITIES ...................................2
ARTICLE 3NEGOTIATIONS ........................................................................................4
ARTICLE 4 – GRIEVANCE PROCEDURE ......................................................................5
ARTICLE 5 – LEAVE PROVISIONS ................................................................................9
ARTICLE 6 – CONTRACTS ............................................................................................20
ARTICLE 7 – NON-RENEWAL ......................................................................................21
ARTICLE 8 – REDUCTION-IN-FORCE .........................................................................22
ARTICLE 9 – CLASSROOM CONTROL .......................................................................28
ARTICLE 10 – SCHOOL DAY AND YEAR ..................................................................30
ARTICLE 11 – CLASS SIZE AND LOAD ......................................................................34
ARTICLE 12 – EMPLOYMENT PRACTICES AND CONDITIONS ............................35
ACCIDENT/SICKNESS ..........................................................................38
ARTICLE 14 – TEACHER EVALUATION ....................................................................38
PROFESSIONAL DUES AND/OR FEES...............................................42
ARTICLE 16 – SALARY SCHEDULE ............................................................................43
ARTICLE 17 – EDUCATION REIMBURSEMENT .......................................................43
ARTICLE 18 – INSURANCE PROGRAM ......................................................................44
ARTICLE 19 – LIABILITY PROTECTION ....................................................................49
EMPLOYEES ..........................................................................................52
ARTICLE 22 – PAYCHECKS / DIRECT DEPOSIT .......................................................52
ARTICLE 24 – SEVERANCE PAY .................................................................................53
ARTICLE 25 – EQUAL RIGHTS CLAUSE ....................................................................54
ARTICLE 26 – PERSONNEL FILES ...............................................................................54
ARTICLE 27 – COST OF CONTRACT ...........................................................................55
ARTICLE 28 – SEVERABILITY .....................................................................................56
BENEFIT ..................................................................................................56
ARTICLE 30 – MANAGEMENT RIGHTS .....................................................................57
ARTICLE 31 – DRUG-FREE WORKPLACE .................................................................57
TIME EMPLOYEES ..............................................................................58
ARTICLE 34 – LANGUAGE FOR EXPERIMENTAL PROGRAMS ............................59
ARTICLE 35 – SMOKE-FREE SCHOOL ENVIRONMENT .........................................60
INOCULATION .....................................................................................60
ARTICLE 37 – RETIREMENT INCENTIVE ..................................................................61
ARTICLE 38 – HIRING RETIREES ................................................................................63
ARTICLE 39 – TECHNOLOGY ......................................................................................65
ARTICLE 40 – RESIDENT EDUCATOR PROGRAM ...................................................67
ARTICLE 41 - PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE ..............................69
ARTICLE 42 – MASTER TEACHER COMMITTEE .....................................................70
ARTICLE 43 – CREDIT FLEXIBILITY ..........................................................................72
ARTICLE 44 – NO REPRISAL ........................................................................................73
ARTICLE 45 – DURATION OF CONTRACT ................................................................73
SALARY SCHEDULE .................................................................................. APPENDIX A
SUPPLEMENTAL SALARY SCHEDULE.................................................. APPENDIX B
MEDICAL PLAN DESIGN .......................................................................... APPENDIX C
VISION CARE SCHEDULE OF BENEFITS ............................................... APPENDIX D
GRIEVANCE FORM .................................................................................... APPENDIX G
MOU – TPO SUPPLEMENTAL CONTRACTS .......................................... APPENDIX H
CONSENSUS STATEMENTS ...................................................................... APPENDIX I
1.01 The Board of Education of the Clearview Local School District (“Board”) recognizes the
Clearview Education Association OEA/NEA-Local (“Association”) as the sole and
exclusive bargaining representative for purposes of and as defined in Ohio Revised Code
Chapter 4117, for all professional, non-supervisory personnel (as certified by the State
Employment Relations Board) as defined in paragraphs A and C below:
A. The bargaining unit shall consist of all regular full-time and regular part-time
certificated/licensed personnel employed by the Board under a regular teaching
contract. Regular part-time certificated/licensed teachers are those who are
contracted to work on a regularly scheduled basis a minimum of ten (10) hours
per week. The unit shall include all classroom teachers pre-K through 12, Title I,
special, vocational, guidance counselors, librarians, subject area coordinators,
full-time substitutes, tutors, home-school instructors, speech pathologists, and
anyone employed to perform any work currently being performed by bargaining
unit members.
B. Excluded from the unit are substitutes employed on a casual or day-to-day basis
as outlined in O.R.C. 3319.10, non-certificated/licensed part-time tutors, persons
employed for supplemental duties under O.R.C. 3313.53, psychologists,
Superintendent, Principals, Assistant Principals, Athletic Administrator, and other
administrative positions defined in O.R.C. Chapter 4117. The Board recognizes
that Association representation will include any newly created position requiring
employment under O.R.C. 3319.11.
C. Any substitute contracted by the Board to replace a bargaining unit member for
sixty (60) or more consecutive workdays in a given school year will be considered
a long-term substitute and a member of the bargaining unit at the conclusion of
the sixty (60) workdays. Such substitutes must participate in/work any
professional development, conference and teacher record days that occur during
the sixty (60) workdays prior to becoming a long-term substitute/member of the
bargaining unit and those days worked will count toward their sixty (60)
workdays. Persons employed pursuant to this provision shall receive a limited
contract, which shall automatically expire at the end of the school year without
the need for formal evaluation or further action by the Board, or upon the return to
work of the bargaining unit member for whom the teacher was substituting,
whichever is sooner.
Long-term substitutes shall have all rights of a regular teacher under this Contract,
unless otherwise specified herein. With respect to the accrual of seniority, while
the long-term substitute may accrue seniority for his/her service, he/she may not
exercise/utilize such seniority unless hired in a full-time teaching position.
1.02 As used in this Article, “TUTOR” means an employee under contract with the Board
employed for and regularly assigned to a tutorial position requiring the holding of a valid
teaching certificate/license. Tutors shall be included in the bargaining unit but shall be
subject to only those provisions of this Contract set forth herein.
A. Special and general education tutors shall be solely employed, depending on need,
on a year-to-year basis under a one-year limited contract. Those individuals
employed as special and/or general education tutors shall be compensated at the
hourly rate based upon the BA Step 0 column of the negotiated salary schedule.
B. Individuals serving in the position of tutor shall not accrue tenure rights but may
earn seniority as that term is defined by this Contract. Seniority shall accrue for
service performed as a special and/or general education tutor, and such seniority
may only be exercised / utilized if the employee is hired in a full-time teaching
position. Employment contracts issued to tutors shall automatically expire at the
end of their stated term. Tutors have no right to the non-renewal and evaluation
provisions set forth in this Contract, or State law. Tutors shall have no automatic
right to a vacant teaching position, but a tutor shall have the right to apply and be
considered in the same manner as an outside applicant.
C. This Article supersedes and replaces the provisions of O.R.C. 3319.11, 3319.111,
and 3319.112 that relate to non-renewal and evaluation.
2.01 The Board grants the Association the following sole and exclusive rights in order that it
may effectively represent and communicate with its members:
A. To use the facilities of any building for meetings, without fee, upon notification of
the administrator in charge of such building. The Administrator will grant
permission to use such facilities as long as it does not interfere with any
previously authorized activity in said building and it is held during reasonable
B. To use Board-owned and Board-leased on-site equipment at times that do not
interfere with the operation of the school system and with payment for damaged
or lost articles.
C. To use the inter-school mail system in the schools’ offices to distribute
Association bulletins, newsletters, or other circulars. To use bulletin boards in
teacher lounges or workrooms to disseminate information to members. The
Association shall hold harmless the Board for use of the inter-school mail system.
D. To use telephones in any building to carry out Association business provided no
toll charges or fees are incurred. These calls are not to be made at a time that
interferes with duties assigned by the Board and Administration.
E. To allow representatives to call meetings of Association members within the
building, but not during employee work hours or during periods that conflict with
other scheduled meetings.
F. To allow the Association President or his/her designee to visit schools. Upon
his/her arrival, he/she shall notify the Building Principal of his/her presence.
Visits that are made to discuss special problems of teachers must be arranged in
advance with the Building Principal. The visits to the schools must not interfere
with duties assigned by the Board and Administration.
G. The Association shall be provided released time without loss of salary or other
benefits to conduct Association business. The Board shall provide six (6) days
leave to the Association per school year. The Association President shall
designate which bargaining unit member(s) may use one or more of the six (6)
allotted days. The Association may have four (4) additional leave days under this
Section, if the Association reimburses the Board for the costs of the substitutes.
Again, the Association President shall designate which bargaining unit member(s)
may use one or more of the four (4) additional days. The costs of the substitutes
to the Association shall be the current substitute rate adopted by the Board.
If a bargaining unit member is elected to a state or national office of a CEA-
affiliated organization, the Board will provide the individual with paid leave to
attend the meetings of the organization, provided the Association reimburses the
Board the costs of the substitute. The total number of paid leave days permitted
pursuant to the preceding sentence is five (5) days per school year, regardless of
the number of bargaining unit members elected to state or national office.
H. While the Association President and Association Treasurer will be assigned
regularly scheduled duties, the Building Principal may release him/her/them from
his/her/their assigned duties on an occasional basis in order to perform
Association business.
2.02 The Board will provide the Association with:
A. Electronic copies of all Board agenda, minutes, and financial reports upon
specific request to the Board Treasurer by the Association President.
B. Electronic copies of the following forms: annual appropriations; semi-annual
budget; and training and experience grids. Such electronic copies shall be
forwarded to the Association President as soon as feasible after such forms are
filed with the agency required by law.
C. School Board Agenda – The Association President will receive an electronic
copy of the agenda and all pertinent reports that are not of a confidential nature,
including the monthly financial statement, by noon of the day of the Board
meeting. A final copy of the agenda will be available to the Association President
at the Board meeting. Requests for other material shall be handled by submitting
a request to the Superintendent or Board Treasurer.
2.03 NEOEA day will be one (1) of the in-service days in the Contract and all members of the
bargaining unit will be required to attend NEOEA meetings. Teachers may choose to
attend another educational meeting if held on the same day, provided it is approved by
the Building Principal and Superintendent, and the teacher submits a CEU certificate (i.e.,
certificate of attendance) within ten (10) days of the educational meeting. Failure to
submit the required CEU certificate shall result in the employee’s pay being docked for
that day. Attendance at NEOEA activities held on the planned in-service day will require
the approval of the Superintendent should the District schedule in-service activities for all
teachers and Association members. This includes the teacher’s right to request the option
to work within his/her individual buildings, with the Superintendent’s approval, on
student-related activities, including those involving intervention. The Administration
will notify the Association President by the start of each school year of the topic(s) of any
District-wide in-service activities that will be held on the NEOEA day.
2.04 Teachers will attend evening meetings, as identified in the Board-adopted school
calendar, for the purpose of meeting with parents. The evening meetings may be required
if compensated by equivalent release time. This section shall allow one (1) open house
per building each year without regard to the aforementioned language.
2.05 The Board reserves unto itself and management personnel employed for and on its behalf
all of the rights of management included in O.R.C. 4117.08. The aforementioned
management rights shall be limited only by the terms of this Contract.
3.01 Either the Association or the Board may initiate negotiations by sending a letter to the
other party by the 15
day of April of the year the Contract expires, outlining its intent to
bargain as defined in O.R.C. Chapter 4117.
3.02 Within twenty (20) workdays of transmittal of said letter, the parties shall hold their first
negotiation session. At any negotiation session, no more than five (5) representatives and
one (1) observer may represent either party.
3.03 Both parties agree to present their entire proposal at the first meeting. All matters
pertaining to wages, hours, or terms and other conditions of employment, and the
continuation, modification, or deletion of any existing provision of this Contract are
subject to collective bargaining.
3.04 If, after sixty (60) calendar days from the first negotiation session, agreement has not
been reached on all items under negotiation, either party may call for the services of the
Federal Mediation and Conciliation Services to assist in negotiations. If a party calls for
Mediation, the other party shall join in a joint request.
3.05 The parties agree that the aforementioned Mediation shall supersede all other dispute
settlement procedures contained in O.R.C. 4117.14. For the duration of this Contract, the
Association shall not engage in a strike against the Board. The Board recognizes the
right of the bargaining unit to strike after said agreement expires; mediation has been
attempted once; and the ten (10) day notice has been given in accordance with O.R.C.
3.06 If, during the term of this Contract, in-term bargaining is required under O.R.C. 4117.08,
the parties will meet and bargain to the extent required by State law. Nothing herein will
cause the Board and/or Association to violate the “No Child Left Behind Act,”
(“NCLBA”), Every Student Success Act (“ESSA”), and/or related State laws, when such
laws have been interpreted and/or defined in writing by the agency responsible for their
enforcement and said interpretation/guidance is in effect or scheduled to take effect
within ninety (90) days.
4.01 Purpose
The purpose of this grievance procedure is to secure equitable solutions to grievances at
the lowest possible level by the administrator having authority to resolve the grievance.
If the Building Principal or immediate supervisor does not have authority to resolve a
grievance, the formal procedure may be initiated at Level 2. Nothing herein, however,
shall excuse the grievant from complying with the Informal Step.
4.02 Definitions
A. A “grievance” is any alleged violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of any
provision(s) of this Contract.
B. A “grievant” is the person or group of persons making the complaint. The
Association may also file a grievance on behalf of a person/persons (who are
identified in the grievance) who it believes has been harmed by an alleged
violation, misinterpretation or misapplication of any provision(s) of this Contract.
C. A “day” in this Article shall mean a school day.
4.03 Time Limits
Grievances shall be processed rapidly. The number of days indicated at each step of the
established procedure shall be maximums unless extended by mutual consent of the
parties at each step. If the grievant fails to meet the time limits at any step of the
procedure, the grievance shall be considered waived.
4.04 The grievant and the Board have the right to be represented by counsel of his/her/its own
choosing at any step or level of this grievance procedure.
4.05 A. Informal Step: The grievant shall discuss the grievance within fifteen (15) days
after the occurrence of the matter giving rise to the grievance with his/her
immediate supervisor, or the administrator having authority to resolve the
grievance if that is not the immediate supervisor.
B. Level 1: If the grievance is not resolved informally, the grievant may within three
(3) days after the meeting required by the Informal Step initiate a formal
grievance by filing a written complaint with his/her immediate supervisor. The
formal grievance shall specify the date of the alleged violation, the specific
provision(s) of this Contract that were allegedly violated, a detailed description of
the alleged violation, and the relief sought. The immediate supervisor will then
conduct a hearing with the grievant within five (5) days of receiving the formal
grievance. The immediate supervisor will issue a written decision within five (5)
days of the hearing.
C. Level 2: If the grievance is not resolved in Level 1, or if no disposition has been
made within the time limits set forth in Level 1, the grievant may within an
additional five (5) days file/appeal the grievance in writing with the
Superintendent. Within five (5) days after the filing of the grievance in Level 2,
the Superintendent or his/her administrative designee shall conduct a hearing with
the grievant. The Superintendent or his/her designee shall give at least forty-eight
(48) hours’ notice of the hearing date and time. Within five (5) days after the
hearing, the Superintendent or his/her administrative designee shall give his/her
written disposition to the grievant.
D. Level 3: If the grievance is not resolved at Level 2, within five (5) days of the
grievant receiving the Superintendent’s written disposition, the grievant may
submit a written notice to the Superintendent that the grievant and Association are
interested in mediating the dispute. The Superintendent will respond to the
grievant and Association within five (5) days concerning whether the District
agrees to mediate the dispute. If the Superintendent agrees to mediation, the
Association and Board shall jointly contact the Federal Mediation and
Conciliation Service (“FMCS”) and request that a mediator be assigned. The
Parties shall request FMCS to assign a mediator who is available to conduct the
mediation within twenty (20) days, unless the Parties agree to extend the date.
1. If the Superintendent declines to mediate the dispute, the grievant’s Level
3 request will be converted to a Level 4 request for arbitration based on
the timelines set forth in Paragraph E below.
2. If the Parties mediate the dispute but are unable to resolve the grievance
through mediation, the timeline for the grievant filing a request for
arbitration shall commence on the date the mediation is conducted and no
resolution is reached.
3. If the grievant does not want to mediate the dispute, the grievant may
move directly to Level 4 based on the timelines set forth in Paragraph E
4. If the grievant does not submit a written notice of appeal to either Step 3
or Step 4 within five (5) days after receipt of the Superintendent’s written
disposition, the grievance shall be considered waived and further action
E. Level 4: If the grievance is not resolved at Level 2, or Level 3 if a mediation is
held, the grievant may within an additional five (5) days, request arbitration by
filing a written notice of the request with the Superintendent. The moving party
shall request arbitration services and a date by contacting in writing the American
Arbitration Association with a copy of such request mailed to the Superintendent.
The Board/Administration shall automatically join in such request. The
Arbitrator shall be selected from a list supplied by the American Arbitration
Association. The arbitration shall be conducted in accordance with the voluntary
Rules and Regulations of the American Arbitration Association. The arbitrator
will render the written decision and award no later than thirty (30) days following
the closing of the record on the case. His/her decision shall be final and binding
on the Association, its members, the employee or employees involved, the Board,
the Superintendent, and all other agents of the Board. The arbitrator shall not
have the power to amend, modify, add to, or subtract from the terms of this
Contract. Costs for the arbitrator’s services shall be borne equally by both parties.
1. No grievance shall be processed to arbitration unless the Association
agrees to represent the grievant.
2. If the Board raises the issue of arbitrability, then the parties shall
communicate in advance with the arbitrator by conference call, during
which the arbitrator shall set a date to hear the arguments in another
conference call and allow the parties to submit briefs within ten (10) days
after that conference call. The arbitrator will decide the arbitrability issue
within ten (10) days after the briefs are submitted.
3. The moving party may withdraw the grievance with or without prejudice
and/or reprisal at any time or level before the arbitration hearing is
4.06 Both parties agree that any discussions, meetings or hearings held pursuant to this Article
will be considered private and not open to the public.
4.07 Nothing contained herein shall limit the right of any bargaining unit member having a
complaint or problem to discuss the matter informally with any appropriate member of
the Administration and to have the grievance adjusted without intervention and/or
consultation of the Association, provided the adjustment is not inconsistent with the
terms of this Contract.
4.08 Every effort will be made to process grievances to a satisfactory conclusion by the end of
the school year. In the event a grievance is filed just prior to, or at the end of the school
year, the time limits set forth herein shall be reduced so that the grievance procedure may
be exhausted prior to the end of the school term or as soon thereafter as is possible. In
the alternative, during periods when school is not in session for at least five (5)
consecutive days (e.g., winter break, spring break, summer break), either party may
extend the time limits by no more than ten (10) days upon written notice to the other
party. These time limits may be extended further by mutual agreement of the parties. If
the grievance is not initiated within ten (10) days after the aggrieved party knew of the
event or condition upon which it is based, the grievance shall be considered waived.
4.09 No bargaining unit member may be represented by any employee organization other than
the Association in any grievance initiated pursuant to this Contract.
4.10 A. The Association President shall be entitled to copies of all written dispositions.
B. If the Association is not represented at any hearing below Level 3, the decision or
disposition shall not establish a precedent.
4.11 A. No reprisals will be taken against any member of the bargaining unit for filing or
participating in the processing of a grievance.
B. Forms for filing and processing grievances shall be cooperatively designed by the
Association and the Board.
C. Copies of all papers pertaining to a grievance shall be furnished to all parties of
the grievance. In addition, no records, documents, or communications concerning
the grievance shall be placed in the personnel file of any bargaining unit member,
unless as part of the award of the Arbitrator.
D. Records of the grievance shall be kept separate from the grievant’s personnel file
and shall be maintained as confidential to the extent permitted by law. Three
years after the final disposition of a grievance, the Board shall begin the process
of destroying the documents in the grievance file with the exception of the
following: the arbitrator’s decision and related court documents; Memoranda of
Understanding that are precedent setting; other resolutions/dispositions of the
grievance that are precedent setting; and any documents that are required to be
maintained by state or federal law and/or the auditor’s office. The Board agrees
to amend its records retention policy to comply with this provision.
5.01 Sick Leave
A. All accumulations of unused Sick Leave credits heretofore accrued under prior
laws and policies shall remain to the credit of the Sick Leave account of each
employee on the effective date of this Contract. Accrued credits shall be allowed
to employees transferring their employment from other public boards of education
or other political subdivisions of Ohio, provided said credits have been computed
under the minimum requirements of the laws of the State of Ohio.
B. Sick Leave shall accrue at the rate of one-and-a-quarter (1 ¼) days of sick leave
per month, with a maximum of fifteen (15) days per school year. In the event that
an employee exhausts his/her accrued Sick Leave, or never had accrued Sick
Leave in the first place (i.e., a new hire), the employee will be advanced, upon
request, up to five (5) days of Sick Leave no more than one-time per school year.
If the employee fails to earn such Sick Leave prior to severing his/her
employment, the Board may recover the advanced Sick Leave from the
employee’s final pay, or, if there is not sufficient money owed to the employee in
his/her final pay to allow the Board to recover the advanced Sick Leave, the
Board will recover the advanced Sick Leave by deducting the requisite number of
Sick Leave days from the Sick Leave Bank.
C. Sick Leave may be accumulated without limit.
D. Sick Leave may be utilized for the following reasons:
1. the employee’s personal illness or injury;
2. exposure to contagious disease, which could be communicated to others;
3. death of an immediate family member, to a maximum of five (5) days for
each such death;
4. serious illness, injury or other serious medical emergency involving a
member of the employee’s immediate family, which necessitates the
employee’s personal presence and attention;
5. Employees may use Sick Leave any time for illness related to pregnancy
and for up to six (6) weeks following the birth of a child, absent
documentation from a licensed physician that either the mother or child is
incapacitated. A male employee may utilize Sick Leave for up to six (6)
weeks following the birth of a child if the mother is incapacitated (i.e., off
6. Immediate family member shall be defined for purposes of this Section as:
father; mother; father-in-law; mother-in-law; spouse; offspring; sister;
brother; grandparent; grandchild; relative who lives continuously with the
employee; or a person who clearly stands in the same relationship with the
teacher as any of the foregoing (e.g., a significant other).
E. To document their use of Sick Leave, bargaining unit members must record their
request for / use of Sick Leave through the District’s automated online absence
management system (e.g., Aesop). Additionally, bargaining unit members must
submit a doctor’s written statement to verify an illness or injury involving a
continuous absence of five (5) days or more, if requested by the Board.
F. The parties establish the following Sick Leave Bank.
1. Eligibility: Bargaining unit members who have a zero Sick Leave balance
and have already been advanced five (5) days by the Board Treasurer,
have contributed to the Sick Leave Bank as set forth below, and are in
need of Sick Leave for a catastrophic personal illness or injury – this
excludes the six (6) week recovery period following the birth of a child
(i.e., a bargaining unit member may not use the Sick Leave Bank to cover
the standard six (6) week recovery period).
2. An eligible recipient may receive up to thirty (30) days through the Sick
Leave Bank. This thirty (30) day maximum is per bargaining unit member
throughout his/her tenure/career in the District.
3. In order to be eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Bank an employee
must execute a written notice to the Board Treasurer indicating his/her
authorization to deduct one (1) day of his/her accrued Sick Leave and to
credit it to the Sick Leave Bank effective September 30 of the first year of
participation. Upon receipt of the notice, the Board Treasurer shall deduct
one (1) day from the employee's Sick Leave account. New employees
who elect to participate must contribute one (1) day of Sick Leave to the
Sick Leave Bank after they have been employed for a period of six (6)
months. Thereafter, if the Sick Leave Bank drops below thirty (30) days,
each employee who wants to continue to participate must donate another
one (1) day to the bank. Employees who wish to continue participation in
the Sick Leave Bank must make their new donation within ten (10) school
days of receiving notice that the Sick Leave Bank has dropped below
thirty (30) days. Employees who do not initially elect to participate may
decide to participate during the annual sign-up window – i.e., between
September 1 and September 30 – or if the Sick Leave Bank drops below
thirty (30) days any time during a school year by making the initial
contribution of one (1) day within ten (10) school days of receiving notice
that the Sick Leave Bank dropping below thirty (30) days.
4. When an eligible employee exhausts his/her available Sick Leave due to a
catastrophic personal illness or injury that lasts in excess of one month
(i.e., the employee has missed at least twenty (20) consecutive workdays),
s/he will automatically be granted up to thirty (30) days of Sick Leave
pursuant to this provision. If his/her condition extends beyond the thirty
(30) days, s/he may apply for an unpaid leave of absence. No employee
can receive more days pursuant to this Section than are needed based upon
medical certification.
5.02 Personal Business Leave
Personal Business Leave is granted to allow an employee to meet personal obligations
that may not be taken care of at times other than when school is in session. The intent of
this Section is not to grant Personal Business Leave for reasons that fall into the
categories of vacation or recreational activities.
A. Each bargaining unit member shall be authorized three (3) paid days of Personal
Business Leave absence per full-school year. If an employee starts work for the
District after the end of the first quarter, but before the end of the first semester,
the employee will be entitled to two (2) paid days of Personal Business Leave for
that first year. If an employee starts work for the District after the end of the first
semester, but before the end of the third quarter, the employee will be entitled to
one (1) paid day of Personal Business Leave for that first year. If a bargaining
unit member begins work for the District after the start of the fourth quarter, the
employee will not be entitled to Personal Business Leave for that first year.
B. The following regulations govern the use of these days:
1. The employee must record his/her request for / use of Personal Business
Leave through the District’s automated online absence management
system (e.g., Aesop) at least seven (7) calendar days in advance of the
absence, except in cases of emergency. In cases of emergency, the
employee must record his/her request for / use of personal business leave
through the online system as soon as possible.
2. Personal Business Leave shall not be granted on the workday before or the
workday after a holiday or vacation period, or during the first or last five
(5) workdays of the school year, except with the approval of the
Superintendent or his/her designee. Personal Business Leave shall not be
granted to more than five percent (5%) of the teaching staff for any one
day, except with the approval of the Superintendent or his/her designee.
3. Personal Business Leave may not be taken when another form of leave is
available or appropriate.
C. Personal Business Leave shall not be requested for such purposes as the
1. Gainful employment;
2. Recreational purposes;
3. Holidays or vacations;
4. Purchase of automobile, major appliance and home furnishing.
D. Unused Personal Business Leave shall be converted to sick leave (i.e., the Board
Treasurer will credit the employee’s sick leave account with the corresponding
number of unused Personal Business Leave days).
E. Employees shall apply for Personal Business Leave through the District’s
automated online absence management system (e.g., Aesop). From May 1 to the
end of the school year, employees must identify the reason for the Personal
Business Leave when applying through the online system. The list of authorized
reasons shall be:
1. Accidents or catastrophe involving family property.
2. Court appearance as litigant or witness.
3. Observance of religious holidays where complete absence from work is
4. Attendance at high school or college graduation exercises honoring the
employee or member of the employee’s immediate family, or to pick up
the employee’s child(ren) at college or other academic institutions.
Immediate family shall be defined for purposes of this Section as: one’s
spouse or children; or any person living full-time in the domicile of the
employee and dependent on the employee or spouse.
5. Attendance at a conference or convention as an officer or delegate of an
organization not directly related to public schools, but including among its
purposes a concern for the civic, social, ethnic, cultural, or economic
improvement of the community, or attending a conference, convention, or
exposition attended by students for whom the employee is a
6. To visit members of the immediate family in the Armed Forces.
7. Wedding of employee or of a member of the employee’s immediate
family, or employee’s participation as a member of a wedding party.
8. Wedding trips of the employee.
9. Attendance at a funeral of persons not within the immediate family.
10. Professional consultation when such appointment cannot be made at times
other than the regular school day. Medical, dental, and optical
appointments are to be used under sick leave provisions.
11. Arranging for the purchase or sale of the employee’s residence.
12. Urgent personal problem of the employee or a member of the immediate
13. Coaching clinics may be used as personal days, limited to one day per
14. With prior Superintendent approval, to attend a child(ren)’s and/or
grandchild’s school function.
5.03 Perfect Attendance Incentive
If a bargaining unit member does not utilize any sick leave, personal leave or unpaid
leave (including a “dock day”) during the school year, s/he shall receive a six hundred
dollar ($600) stipend. If a bargaining unit member uses one (1) day of sick leave,
personal leave or unpaid leave (including a “dock day”), s/he shall receive a four hundred
dollar ($400) stipend. The stipend will be paid in the second pay of July.
5.04 Parental Leave
A. Any full-time bargaining unit member shall be entitled to a post-birth, unpaid
leave of absence for the purpose of caring for the newborn child. Formal
application to the Superintendent should be made at least six (6) weeks prior to
the beginning of such leave, although failure to make a timely application shall
not be grounds for refusal of parental leave. If the Superintendent/Building
Principal knows in advance who the substitute will be, he/she will notify the
bargaining unit member in advance of the paid sick leave or unpaid parental
B. Parental leave shall be granted for a term up to twelve (12) months. Extensions of
parental leave beyond twelve (12) months shall be made only by mutual consent
of the employee and the Board.
C. The return date shall be at the beginning of a grading period except by mutual
D. No bargaining unit member shall return from parental leave at a date earlier than
set forth in the application without the approval of the Board.
E. Nothing herein shall preclude an employee from advancing the date of the
beginning of the leave of absence previously approved, provided notice is given
to the Superintendent two (2) weeks prior to the advanced beginning date.
F. An employee adopting a child, age five (5) or younger, shall be entitled to the
same rights and benefits outlined in this Parental Leave Section.
G. A bargaining unit member returning to active employment after parental leave
shall be returned to the same job classification that he/she left. Consideration
shall be given to returning the employee to the same position he/she held prior to
the leave, but there is no guarantee such assignment will be made.
H. A male employee whose wife gives birth, and who will assume responsibility for
childcare, shall be entitled to the rights and benefits outlined in this Parental
Leave Section.
I. The bargaining unit member on Parental Leave shall notify the Board on or before
April 1
, if he/she plans to return the following school year. Failure to notify the
Board shall constitute waiver of the employee’s right to return to work for the
ensuing school year.
J. A bargaining unit member on Parental Leave is not exempt from the reduction-in-
force provisions of this Contract.
5.05 Professional Improvement Leave
A. Any full-time bargaining unit member who has worked for the Board for at least
three (3) consecutive years shall be eligible for an unpaid leave of absence for the
purpose of professional improvement.
B. Such leave of absence shall be for one (1) school year.
C. Requests for such leave should be made to the Superintendent by April 1
of the
school year preceding the intended leave.
D. The employee shall be notified by May 15
of the school year preceding the
intended leave whether the leave has been approved.
E. A leave of absence shall be granted only upon recommendation of the
Superintendent and approval of the Board.
F. Any employee returning from a Professional Improvement Leave shall be
assigned to the same job classification he/she held before the leave.
Consideration shall be given to returning the employee to the same position
he/she held prior to the leave, but there is no guarantee that such assignment shall
be made.
5.06 Professional Meeting Leave
A. Professional meeting leave is that leave granted to a bargaining unit member to
attend a conference, workshop, class visitation, or other professional meeting.
B. Employees must record their request for / use of Professional Meeting Leave
through the District’s automated online absence management system (e.g., Aesop)
at least ten (10) workdays in advance of said meeting. The employee must also
separately submit to the Building Principal a purchase order, if a fee is charged.
C. All requests for professional meeting leave must be approved by the
D. All approved expenses including travel, registration, lodging, and meals shall be
reimbursed by the Board upon presentation of bills to the Board Treasurer.
E. Professional meeting leave is applicable anytime a bargaining unit member is
under contract. Employees, however, are only entitled to reimbursement of
approved expenses during summers and other vacation periods, and not for
compensation related to their time associated with their attendance at the
professional meeting.
5.07 Unpaid Medical Leave
A. Bargaining unit members are eligible for an unpaid leave of absence for personal
medical reasons.
B. Such leave shall be for a period of not more than two (2) consecutive school
C. In case of illness, injury or other disability, the Board shall approve such leave.
D. Application for such leave shall be made to the Superintendent no later than two
(2) weeks prior to the anticipated leave. If the leave is going to last longer than
one school year, the employee must notify the Board by May 1, that he/she
anticipates the leave will need to continue into the ensuing school year.
E. An employee returning to active employment from unpaid leave shall do so in the
same job classification he/she held prior to the leave. Consideration shall be
given to returning the employee to the same position he/she held prior to the
leave, but there is no guarantee that such assignment will be made.
F. Use of unpaid medical leave shall not exempt the bargaining unit member from
the reduction-in-force provisions of this Contract.
5.08 Sabbatical Leave
A. Any full-time certificated/licensed employee who has worked for the Board for at
least five (5) consecutive years shall be eligible for a sabbatical leave of absence,
with part pay in accordance with paragraphs I and K below.
B. Upon written request to the Board, sabbatical leave may be granted for one half
(½) of the school year, or one (1) full school year. The only grounds for refusal of
sabbatical leave shall be:
1. the filing of an insufficient plan of professional improvement as
determined by the Superintendent and the Board;
2. limitation imposed by 5.08 C or 5.08 F.
A denial shall be accompanied by a written reason/explanation.
C. Sabbatical leave may be granted only once to any employee in a seven (7) year
D. In the event of a half school year sabbatical leave that commences in the second
semester, the bargaining unit member must apply for the sabbatical leave no later
than October 1
and will be notified no later than November 30
E. In the event of a full school year sabbatical leave or a half school year sabbatical
leave commencing in the first semester, the bargaining unit member must apply
for the sabbatical leave no later than April 1
and will be notified no later than
May 31
F. No more than two (2) bargaining unit members may be on a sabbatical leave at
the same time.
G. In instances where more than two (2) applications are made for the same period,
the final decision shall be determined based on the seniority of the employees
(i.e., the employees’ continuous service within the Clearview Local School
H. Any employee returning from sabbatical leave shall be given consideration to
returning to the same position he/she held prior to the leave, but there is no
guarantee that such assignment will be made.
I. The employee on sabbatical leave shall be paid an amount equal to his/her normal
salary minus the cost of his/her replacement for that year. In no case, however,
shall the payment exceed one-half (½) of the employee’s regular salary.
J. Use of Sabbatical Leave shall not exempt the bargaining unit member from the
reduction-in-force provisions of this Contract.
K. An employee granted sabbatical leave shall be required to return to the School
District and work for two (2) full school years, unless said bargaining unit
member’s employment contract is suspended pursuant to a reduction-in-force.
Failure of an employee to work for two (2) full school years shall obligate the
employee to pay to the District an amount equal to that paid by the District while
he/she was on the sabbatical leave.
5.09 Bereavement Leave
Each bargaining unit member shall be entitled to up to four (4) bereavement leave days
per death, not to exceed eight (8) bereavement leave days in a school year, that are not
deducted from personal or sick leave. These bereavement leave days may be used to
attend funerals of a bargaining unit member’s immediate family member (as defined in
Article 5.01(D)(6)) and/or aunts or uncles. Employees must record their request for / use
of Bereavement Leave through the District’s automated online absence management
system (e.g., Aesop)
5.10 Jury Duty Leave
The Board shall pay a bargaining unit member who is summoned to jury duty the
difference between such employee’s regular compensation and the remuneration received
for serving as a juror. Employees must record their request for / use of Jury Duty Leave
through the District’s automated online absence management system (e.g., Aesop)
5.11 Court Leave
A. If an employee is subpoenaed by or on behalf of the Board to testify in a legal
proceeding wherein the Board is a party, the bargaining unit member will be
given leave at his/her regular rate of compensation and benefits for each day
responding to the subpoena, which is also a regularly scheduled workday. Any
witness fees (absent mileage reimbursement) received by the member in such an
instance must be turned over to the Board.
B. When a member is required to be absent from his/her regular daily work schedule
due to an appearance in court on behalf of the Board or arising out of his/her job-
related responsibilities, he/she will be paid his/her regular compensation and
benefits and will not be considered absent.
C. Non-job-related court appearances, with the exception of jury duty, will be
covered by the personal and general leave provisions of this Contract.
D. Employees should record their request for / use of Court Leave through the
District’s automated online absence management system (e.g., Aesop)
5.12 Family & Medical Leave
In addition to the above benefits, members of the bargaining unit shall be entitled to leave
as provided in the Family & Medical Leave Act of 1993, as amended, and the regulations
adopted by the U.S. Department of Labor. Eligible employees may take up to twelve
(12) weeks of unpaid leave in any 12-month period for the following qualifying reasons:
(1) birth and/or care of a newborn child, within twelve (12) months of the child’s birth;
(2) placement of a child with an employee by way of adoption or foster care, and/or care
for the adopted or foster child within twelve (12) months of his/her arrival; (3) the
employee is needed to provide physical and/or psychological care for his/her spouse,
child or parent with a “serious health condition”; (4) the employee=s own “serious health
condition” prevents him/her from performing the functions of his/her job; and (5)
“qualified exigency” leave. Additionally, eligible employees may take up to twenty-six
(26) weeks of unpaid leave in a “single 12-month period” for “military caregiver leave.”
For purposes of this section, "12-month period" is defined as "the 12-month period
measured forward from the date the employee's first FMLA leave begins" (i.e. the leave
year is specific to each employee). Eligible employees are entitled to twelve (12) weeks
of leave during the 12-month period beginning on the first date FMLA leave is taken.
The next 12-month period would commence the first time FMLA leave is taken after
completion of any previous 12-month period. Employees shall be eligible for FMLA
leave if they have been employed for at least twelve (12) months and performed at least
twelve hundred fifty (1,250) hours of service during the 12-month period immediately
preceding the leave (full-time teachers are presumed to meet the 1,250 hours of service
standard). Employees on FMLA leave shall have their group health insurance benefits
maintained as provided for in this Contract.
5.13 Assault Leave
A. Assault” means the causing of physical harm to a bargaining unit member by any
person when such employee charges such person with an offense prohibited by
Ohio Revised Code Chapter 29.
B. Pursuant to and in accordance with O.R.C. Section 3319.143, assault leave shall
be granted to an employee who: (1) is unable to work and, therefore, is absent
from his/her assigned duties because of physical injury resulting from an assault
that is clearly unprovoked; and (2) files criminal charges against his/her assailant
as soon as he/she is physically able. Said leave shall not be charged against sick
leave earned pursuant to Section 5.01 or O.R.C. Section 3319.141. Said
employee shall be granted the aforementioned assault leave and maintained on
full pay status during such absence, up to a maximum of thirty (30) school days.
If court action results, said employee shall be granted leave of his/her professional
duties to attend the court proceedings and/or give testimony at it, and no
deductions will be made from his/her sick leave.
C. An employee shall be granted assault leave according to the following rules:
1. The incident resulting in the bargaining unit member’s absence must have
occurred during his/her course of employment with the Board while on the
Board premises or at a Board-approved or sponsored activity/event or in
the course of transporting students or material to or from said premises,
activity or event.
2. Upon notice to the Building Principal or immediate supervisor that an
assault upon an employee has occurred, the bargaining unit member
having information relating to such assault shall, as soon as possible,
prepare a written statement detailing all facts within the employee’s
knowledge regarding said assault, sign said statement, and present it to the
Building Principal or immediate supervisor. The employee must also
agree to give written and/or verbal testimony to assist the Board and the
administration as necessary to ensure appropriate disciplinary action is
taken against the attacker.
3. To qualify for assault leave the employee shall furnish a certificate from a
licensed physician, stating the nature of the physical disability and its
likely duration, if requested by the Superintendent. The Superintendent
may require a licensed physician’s statement justifying the continuation of
the leave.
4. A bargaining unit member shall not qualify for payment of assault leave
until all documents, including any requested physician’s statement, have
been submitted to the Superintendent.
5. Bargaining unit members cannot accrue assault leave.
6. Assault leave shall be paid at the assaulted employee’s rate of pay in effect
at the time of the assault.
7. Payment under this Section shall constitute the employee’s entire
compensation from the Board during the period of physical disability and
shall be in lieu of any payments under Ohio Revised Code Chapter 4123
(“Workers’ Compensation”).
8. An employee must record his/her request for / use of Assault Leave through
the District’s automated online absence management system (e.g., Aesop).
5.14 Short-term Unpaid Leave (“Dock Day”)
If an employee has exhausted his/her annual allotment of Personal Business Leave and
needs to take a leave of absence for one of the reasons listed in 5.03.E., the employee
may request up to two (2) days of unpaid leave per school year.
6.01 A. Bargaining unit members new to the District shall be issued one-year limited
B. Bargaining unit members employed pursuant to a two-year limited contract as of
August 1, 2007, are grandfathered, such that they may continue to receive two-
year contracts upon renewal.
C. Employees recommended for tenure (i.e., a continuing contract) must have
demonstrated consistency of performance.
D. A bargaining unit member will be considered for tenure when he/she becomes
eligible for it in accordance with O.R.C. 3319.08 and 3319.11, provided he/she
notifies the Superintendent by September 15 of the school year in which the
employee wants the Board to consider him/her for tenure. If a bargaining unit
member does not notify the Superintendent by September 15 that he/she wants the
Board to consider him/her for tenure at the end of the school year, the employee
will only be eligible for a one or two-year limited contract (depending on whether
the employee is subject to Paragraph A or B above) at the end of the school year.
Employees are eligible to be considered for a continuing contract when they are
qualified as to certification or licensure (see O.R.C. 3319.08(D)) and have within
the last five (5) years taught for at least three (3) years in the District, or have
attained continuing contract status elsewhere and served two (2) years in the
District. The Board, however, upon the recommendation of the Superintendent,
may at the time of employment or at any time within such two-year period,
declare any of the latter employees eligible.
E. During the duration of a multi-year employment contract, if a bargaining unit
member who is qualified as to certification/licensure and the requisite years of
experience in the District requests to be considered for tenure by September 15,
the Superintendent may do one of the following:
1. Recommend the employee for a continuing contract to commence the start
of the following school year; or
2. If the Superintendent is not prepared to recommend a continuing contract,
allow the employee to complete the remaining year(s) of his/her multi-
year contract.
F. The first time an eligible bargaining unit member is considered for tenure in the
District, if the Superintendent is not prepared to recommend a continuing contract
and does not want to recommend nonrenewal, the Superintendent may instead
recommend that the Board issue the employee an extended limited contract for
either one or two (if the employee is covered by Paragraph B above) years. At the
conclusion of the extended limited contract, if the teacher is reemployed, he/she
shall be issued a continuing contract. If the Superintendent intends to recommend
an extended limited contract, he/she will meet with the teacher prior to presenting
his/her recommendation to the Board, in order to notify the teacher of his/her
intention and provide the employee with written reasons directed at the
professional improvement of the teacher. This Paragraph supersedes O.R.C.
7.01 A. If the Superintendent intends to recommend to the Board that a bargaining unit
member be non-renewed, the Superintendent will provide to the employee, by
May 10, a written statement setting forth the reason(s) why he/she intends to
make such a recommendation. Said correspondence will identify the date when
the Board will consider and act on the Superintendent’s recommendation.
B. An employee receiving such notice may request in writing a meeting with the
Superintendent or the Board prior to the Board action on the issue of his/her
employment. Employees with less than three (3) years’ experience in the District
may meet with both the Superintendent and Board. Said request must be made no
fewer than five (5) days before the Board meeting at which the Superintendent
intends to make the recommendation. If the employee requests a meeting with the
Superintendent, the meeting will occur no fewer than two (2) days before the
Board meeting. If the employee requests a meeting with the Board, it will take
place in executive session prior to the Board considering the Superintendent’s
recommendation. Either meeting will be limited to a discussion of the reason(s)
for the Superintendent’s recommendation of non-renewal. At the meeting where
such discussions are held, the employee has the right to have the Association
representative of his/her choice present. Likewise, the Superintendent or Board
has the right to have a representative of his/her/its choice present.
C. If after the meeting with the Superintendent, the Superintendent proceeds to
recommend non-renewal to the Board and the Board votes to non-renew the
employee, or if after the meeting with the Board, the Board acts to non-renew the
employee, the Board’s written notice of its intent not to reemploy the bargaining
unit member must be delivered to the employee on or before June 1.
D. Any appeal of the Board’s decision to non-renew a bargaining unit member may
only be taken to a neutral third-party arbitrator within thirty (30) days of the
Board’s decision.
1. For teachers with three (3) or less years of experience in the District, a
review of the Board’s decision by an arbitrator shall not address the
reasons supporting the non-renewal, but will be limited to only whether
the Board complied with the procedures and time-frames set forth above
and in the evaluation process.
2. For teachers with more than three (3) years of experience in the District,
the arbitrator’s review of the Board’s decision may include both the
reasons supporting the non-renewal (i.e., whether there is cause) and
whether the Board complied with the procedures and time-frames set forth
above and in the evaluation process.
E. Failure to observe the provisions of this Article shall deem such teacher to be re-
employed pursuant to a one (1) year limited contract for the succeeding school
F. This Article supersedes and replaces the provisions of O.R.C. 3319.11, 3319.111,
3319.112, and 3319.113, which relate to non-renewal of a certificated/licensed
employee’s limited contract.
8.01 Reduction-in-force for the reasons set forth in O.R.C. 3319.17 as it exists on the date this
Contract is ratified by the parties – i.e., return to duty of regular employees after leaves of
absence, suspension of schools, territorial changes affecting the District, financial
reasons, or decreased enrollment of students in the District – shall be made within
affected teaching areas based upon the Superintendent’s recommendation. The
Superintendent’s recommendation as to which contracts shall be suspended shall be
based upon the following:
A. All bargaining unit members will be placed on a seniority list for each teaching
field for which they are properly certificated/licensed. Employees serving under
continuing contracts will be placed at the top of the list, in descending order of
seniority. Employees serving under limited contracts will be placed on the list
below continuing contract employees, also in descending order of seniority.
B. Recommendations for reductions in a teaching field will be made by selecting the
lowest person on the seniority list in the affected employee’s area(s) of
certification/licensure among all employees receiving a “comparable” summative
evaluation rating. In determining the summative evaluation rating that will be
utilized for purposes of this Article, the Superintendent will average the
employees’ three most recent summative evaluation ratings (working off the
numerical value of the assigned summative rating). If an employee does not have
three summative evaluation ratings, the Superintendent will either utilize the one
rating available if the teacher has only been in the District one year, or average the
two ratings available if the teacher has been in the District for only two years. A
teacher without a summative evaluation rating (i.e., a first-year teacher if the RIF
will occur prior to the end of the school year) shall be the first to have his/her
contract suspended. In making his/her recommendations, the Superintendent
must first reduce bargaining unit members on limited contracts and then
bargaining unit members on continuing contracts.
1. Employees with limited contracts will be reduced utilizing the following
a. Certification/Licensure within the affected teaching field.
b. Comparable evaluations as defined below.
c. When evaluations are “comparable,” seniority in the District shall
prevail, with the contract of the least senior limited contract
employee in the affected teaching field being the first to be
2. Should the necessary reduction of bargaining unit member positions
exceed the number of limited contract employees in the affected teaching
field, continuing contract employees shall be reduced utilizing the
following order.
a. Certification/Licensure within the affected teaching field.
b. Comparable evaluations as defined below.
c. When evaluations are “comparable,” seniority in the District shall
prevail, with the contract of the least senior continuing contract
employee in the affected teaching field being the first to be
3. Comparable Evaluations: Suspension of bargaining unit members, and
recall of eligible bargaining unit members whose contracts have been
suspended pursuant to a RIF, will not be based upon seniority, except in
circumstances when choosing between employees with “comparable”
holistic teacher performance ratings. The application of the term
“comparable” as applied to teacher evaluations shall be based on the
For the term of this Contract, “comparable holistic teacher performance
ratings” is defined as the average of the employee’s three most recent
OTES evaluations in the District (if an employee has fewer than three
OTES evaluations in the District, it is the average of the employee’s
OTES evaluations in the District) such that:
a. For employees with limited contracts:
i. All employees rated “Ineffective” on their holistic teacher
performance rating will be considered to be “comparable”
to each other.
ii. All employees rated “Developing” on their holistic teacher
performance rating will be considered to be “comparable”
to each other.
iii. All employees rated “Skilled” on their holistic teacher
performance rating will be considered to be “comparable”
to each other.
iv. All employees rated “Accomplished” on their holistic
teacher performance rating will be considered
“comparable” to each other.
b. For employees with continuing contracts:
i. All employees rated “Ineffective” on their holistic teacher
performance rating will be considered to be “comparable”
to each other.
ii. All employees rated “Developing” on their holistic teacher
performance rating will be considered to be “comparable”
to each other.
iii. All employees rated “Skilled” or “Accomplished” on their
holistic teacher performance rating will be considered
“comparable” to each other.
C. Limited contract employees whose contracts are suspended shall be placed on a
recall list for a period of twenty-four (24) months and shall have the right to
restoration to service status as set forth above when bargaining unit positions
become available for which they are qualified. Continuing contract employees
shall remain on the recall list indefinitely. Employees with continuing contracts
shall be given preference over limited contract employees on the recall list.
8.02 If the Board is contemplating the layoff of any bargaining unit members, it will so notify
the Association at least thirty (30) days before the proposed effective date of the layoff.
Such notice will be in writing and will include the specific positions to be affected, the
proposed time schedule, and the reasons for the proposed action. The Association shall
contact the Superintendent to schedule a meeting to discuss the proposed reduction-in-
force. The Administration will make available to the Association, at Board expense, all
relevant data. Any bargaining unit member who is to be laid-off will be so notified in
writing at least fifteen (15) days before the effective date of the layoff. Such notice will
include the proposed time schedule and the reason for the proposed action. If the Board
is considering a reduction-in-force that will take place at the start of the following school
year, the Board will notify the Association of the potential for a reduction-in-force prior
to the end of the school year. The affected employees shall be notified as soon as
possible after the Board acts on the Superintendent’s recommendation; however, the
Superintendent shall hold-off making his/her specific recommendations until the
summative evaluation rating is calculated for the concluding school year. Nothing herein
shall prevent the Board from conducting a reduction-in-force at times other than the start
of a school year.
8.03 For purposes of this Article, seniority shall mean the length of continuous employment in
a bargaining unit position as follows:
A. Seniority shall begin to accrue from the first day worked in a bargaining unit
B. Seniority shall accrue for all time an employee is on active pay status or is
receiving workers’ compensation benefits.
C. Time spent on inactive pay status (unpaid leave or layoff) shall not contribute to
the accrual of seniority but shall not constitute a break in seniority.
D. Employees’ seniority shall be determined based upon his/her length of continuous
contracted service as a teacher in the District as reflected in STRS’s records. The
exclusions set forth in Article 1.01(B) apply (i.e., service as a substitute does not
count toward seniority).
E. No employee shall accrue more than one (1) year of seniority in any work year.
F. No employee working in a position classified as auxiliary services shall accrue
seniority for purposes of a reduction-in-force.
G. Equal Seniority
1. A tie in seniority shall occur when two (2) or more employees have the
same amount of seniority credit as determined by the seniority list.
2. Ties in seniority shall be broken by the following method to determine the
most senior employee:
a. The employee with the first day worked; then
b. The employee with the earliest day of employment (i.e., date of
hire by Board action); then
c. The employee with the earliest date of teacher application, or if
there is no application on file, the date the employee submitted a
letter of interest or submitted a W-2/tax forms; then
d. By lottery, with the most senior employee being the one whose
name is drawn first, etc. This procedure shall be implemented in
the presence of the designated representative assigned by the
H. Super-Seniority
For layoff purposes only, employees employed under continuing contracts shall
have greater seniority than employees employed under limited contracts.
I. Loss of Seniority
Seniority shall be lost when an employee retires or resigns; is employed in a full-
time non-bargaining unit position; is non-renewed (with a break in service),
terminated, or otherwise leaves the employment of the Board.
8.04 Posting of Seniority List
The Administration shall post the seniority list twice annually by October 1 and March 1
of each work year. The seniority list shall be posted on the designated bulletin board in
each building/work site and will indicate, by area of certification, license, or entry-level
requirement, the first day worked, the date of Board resolution to hire, and the contract
status (limited or continuing) of each employee. Said list shall be provided by the
Superintendent to the Association President on or before the date of posting.
A. The name of employees on the seniority list shall appear in seniority rank order
within areas of certification, license, or entry-level requirements, with the name of
the most senior employee appearing at the top of the listing and the name of the
least senior employee appearing at the bottom of the listing.
B. The names of employees who are certificated, licensed, or otherwise minimally
qualified in more than one (1) area shall be included on the listing for all areas of
certification, license, or entry-level requirement.
C. The names of part-time employees shall appear on the seniority list but shall be
listed separately from the names of full-time employees.
8.05 Correction of Inaccuracies
Each employee and the Association shall have a period of thirty (30) workdays
after posting of the seniority list in which to advise the Administration in writing
of any inaccuracies that affect seniority. The Administration shall investigate all
reported inaccuracies and make such adjustments as may be in order and post the
updated list immediately. No protest shall be considered after thirty (30)
workdays of the posting of the seniority list and the list shall be considered as
final until the next posting.
8.06 A. Employees will be recalled in reverse order of layoff. If properly
certificated/licensed, the employee with the most seniority and based upon
comparable evaluations shall be recalled first and then in descending order.
B. Notice of recall will be given by certified and regular mail to the last address
given by the employee to the Superintendent’s office. A copy of the notice of
recall will be given to the Association. If a bargaining unit member fails to
respond within twenty (20) days, excluding Saturday, Sundays, and Holidays,
after posting of the above notice of recall, he/she will be deemed to have refused
the position offered, resigned, and have no further expectation of continued or
future employment.
C. A limited contract employee who is laid-off will remain on the recall list for
twenty-four (24) months after the effective date of his/her layoff unless he/she:
1. waives his/her rights in writing;
2. resigns;
3. fails to accept recall to the position he/she held immediately prior to layoff
or to an equivalent position, or fails to respond timely to a notice of recall
or fails to report timely after notification; or
4. fails to report to work in a position that he/she has accepted within ten (10)
workdays after receipt of the notice of recall unless such employee is sick
or injured. If an employee has secured temporary employment elsewhere,
he/she will be allowed ten (10) workdays additional time before being
required to report to work.
8.07 While on layoff, a bargaining unit member will have the option to remain an active
participant in the fringe benefit programs by making payment to the Board Treasurer in
the amount necessary to maintain such fringe benefits at least thirty (30) calendar days in
advance of the monthly premium due date.
8.08 All benefits to which an employee was entitled at the time of his/her layoff, including
unused accumulated sick leave will be restored to him/her upon return to active
employment and he/she will be placed on the proper step of the salary schedule for
his/her experience and education. A bargaining unit member will not receive increment
credit for time spent on layoff nor will such time count towards the fulfillment of time
requirements for acquiring tenure.
9.01 Efforts to deal with student behavior in schools are directed to a higher goal than control
of conduct in classroom halls and grounds. That goal is the learning of adequate student
self-direction and control within the framework of what society has defined as acceptable
behavior. Effective classroom teaching is dependent upon teacher control of the
9.02 Each Building Principal shall publish and distribute at the beginning of each school year
to all students and teachers, written behavioral rules and regulations along with projected
disciplinary measures in accordance with state law and/or Board policy.
9.03 The Board and Administration shall support and assist employees with respect to
maintenance of classroom control and discipline according to school policies, rules, and
regulations. This paragraph also applies to alternative educational programs that take
place outside the normal school day (e.g., Clearview Academy”).
9.04 In case of verbal or physical threat or assault, the procedures to be followed shall include,
but are not limited to the following:
A. A bargaining unit member who has been verbally or physically threatened or
assaulted may make an oral report to the Building Principal or his/her designee.
The employee shall make a written report to the Building Principal before leaving
school that day or as soon as possible. The report shall contain relevant fact(s)
and include names of employees, students, and/or other persons who witnessed
the threat or assault.
B. When there is probable cause for believing that threatened actions could become a
reality, the Building Principal, if he/she deems necessary, shall notify the police.
In any case, the employee, acting in a personal capacity may notify the police if
he/she judges such notification to be necessary. If it is determined that charges
should be filed against the student, the employee will file a complaint with the
Juvenile Court or the City Solicitor, as appropriate, and provide such reports as
may be required for the processing of the case.
C. At the discretion of the bargaining unit member in charge of the classroom, the
accused student or students may be immediately removed from class. The
Building Principal will investigate the allegations and decide whether disciplinary
action is appropriate. Charges may be filed against the student as indicated in the
previous paragraph. If the charges are filed and substantiated, and if and when the
student may be permitted to return to classes, he/she will be transferred out of the
assaulted teacher’s class upon the teacher’s request provided a suitable alternative
class assignment can be made.
9.05 A. It is recognized that securing desirable student behavior is integrally bound with
the educational process and thus is promoted largely through positive instructional
and counseling measures occasionally supplemented by enforcement procedures.
It is further recognized that teachers are to secure adherence to school regulations
and students are expected to comply with reasonable direction from all adult
school employees in accordance with the Board’s school discipline policy and
procedures. The Board periodically will review and, if it deems necessary, direct
the development of further recommendations regarding such policy and
B. The Board is cognizant that, in spite of the normal and reasonable efforts of a
teacher and/or counselor, certain students may chronically and/or flagrantly
disregard the teacher in the exercise of his/her legal authority. When such is the
case, prompt and firm administrative support for the teacher is considered
essential to the maintenance of good order in school.
C. The Board further recognizes that certain students may possess characteristics
outside of the normal range considered appropriate for the regular classroom
situation. Whenever it appears that a particular student may require the attention
of special counselors, social workers, law enforcement personnel, physicians, or
other professional persons, school authorities will take reasonable steps to assist
the teacher in his/her responsibilities with respect to such student.
D. A student who repeatedly disrupts the learning environment in the classroom and
fails to respond to efforts of the classroom teacher to control such misbehavior
shall be referred to the Building Principal or his/her designee, unless the student’s
behavior is a manifestation of his/her disability. The teacher shall furnish a
written summary of the facts of the case. The Building Principal shall develop
procedures for making such referrals within the building and distribute copies to
all teachers in that building in accordance with state law and/or Board policy.
E. In order to maintain student control and to protect persons and property,
employees may, within the scope of their employment, act in accordance with
O.R.C. 3319.41(C). Employees acting in accordance with this provision shall be
entitled to the protection afforded by Article 19.
9.06 In accordance with O.R.C. 3313.66, if a student’s presence poses a continuing danger to
persons or property or an ongoing threat of disrupting the academic process taking place
either within a classroom or elsewhere on the school premises, to the extent permitted by
law, a bargaining unit member may remove a student from curricular activities under the
teacher’s supervision for the remainder of the class period (Durling and High School) or a
minimum of forty-five (45) minutes (Vincent). As soon as practicable after making such
a removal, the teacher shall submit in writing to the principal the reasons for such
removal. The teacher shall refer the student to the principal for consideration of an
emergency removal, to the extent permitted by law.
A. If suspension or expulsion is contemplated, a hearing will be held within three (3)
school days from the time the initial removal is ordered. If an administrator
intends to reinstate a student in the bargaining unit member’s class prior to the
hearing, the administrator must provide the employee with written reasons for
doing so.
B. Any employee who orders, causes, or requests an emergency removal of a student
must, under O.R.C. 3313.66(C), be present at the hearing referenced in the
preceding paragraph.
C. If it is determined after a hearing that the removed student is going to be
suspended or expelled, he/she shall not be returned to the same employee’s class
until after a suspension/expulsion is served unless reinstated by an appeal hearing
or court order.
9.07 A. Bargaining unit members have the final authority to issue grades. No employee
assigned grades will be altered without being mutually agreed to by the employee
and the administrator.
B. If a clerical error is identified and if the Building Principal is unable to reach the
employee regarding the clerical error, the administrator may make the adjustment
and forward documentation of said error and change to the employee’s home
10.01 A. Length of School Day:
1. Elementary & Middle School: The length of each school day shall be
seven (7) hours and thirty-one (31) minutes, which includes a paid forty-
six (46) minutes for lunch.
2. High School: The length of each school day shall be seven (7) hours and
thirty (30) minutes, which includes a paid lunch for a minimum of thirty
(30) minutes.
3. The length of day at each building may be extended sixty (60) minutes per
month for the purpose of building staff meetings.
B. Planning/Preparation and Flex Time:
1. Relevant Terms/Concepts Defined:
a. Flex Time (Durling) – A period during the teachers’ work day that
is set aside to provide staff with time to collaborate professionally
with colleagues (e.g., participate in TBTs, BLTs, etc.) and/or to
provide intervention and assistance to students to support their
academic achievement. Administrators may provide direction and
guidance to staff concerning how they use their Flex Time.
b. Teacher Based Teams (TBTs) are teams of teachers collaborating
on academic data and best instructional practices following the
Ohio Improvement Process. Teams are developed within each
building by subject area or grade level(s). TBTs meet once a week
and report in writing to the BLT prior to next week’s meeting; staff
will use the TBT five-step process form created by ODE for
reporting to the applicable BLT. TBTs shall meet for a minimum
of forty (40) minutes or one (1) class period per week.
c. Building Leadership Teams (BLTs) shall meet twice a month for
between forty-five (45) and sixty (60) minutes per meeting.
d. Clipper Connections (High School): A class period during the
school day when a teacher is assigned a group of students for the
purpose of assisting students with schoolwork they have been
assigned in their various classes. Teachers are not required to
devise lesson plans, create assignments or assessments, or assign a
grade to students for this period.
2. Vincent Elementary School: Teachers will have two hundred forty (240)
minutes of planning/preparation time every week, except one
planning/preparation period per week will be used for TBT meetings.
BLT meetings will occur after school and staff that volunteer to participate
in the BLT shall not be compensated for their time. The Board
acknowledges it is preferable to schedule common plan time for co-
teaching classroom teachers (i.e. general education teacher and
intervention specialist).
3. Durling Middle School: Teachers will have five (5) class periods per
week for planning/preparation, except one of those periods shall be used
for TBT meetings. Additionally, teachers may use one Flex Time period
per week for BLT and department meetings, and the remaining Flex Time
periods shall be used to provide student assistance/intervention.
4. Clearview High School: Teachers will have five (5) class periods per for
planning/preparation, and five (5) Flex Time/Clipper Connections periods
per week. TBT, BLT and department meetings will occur during the Flex
Time periods, along with student assistance/intervention.
C. Planning/Preparation Time for Itinerant (i.e., Traveling) Teachers:
1. Itinerant teachers will receive planning/preparation time in blocks of at
least twenty (20) consecutive minutes.
2. If an itinerant teacher is not scheduled during the student day to receive
the contractually required planning/preparation time, the itinerant teacher
will be released from performing assigned (extra) “duty” before and after
the student day.
3. If an itinerant teacher is short on planning/preparation time, on a quarterly
basis, the teacher (at his/her discretion) will either (a) be provided release
time (i.e., period(s)) equivalent to the amount of time the teacher’s
planning/preparation time was short for that quarter), or (b) the Board will
pay the teacher the classroom coverage rate specified in Article 23 for the
number of period(s) the teacher’s planning/preparation time was short for
that quarter.
D. 1. The elementary school administrator shall explore every option to
schedule a thirty (30) minute block of planning time per day for each
teacher and if unable to do so will communicate the schedule conflict to
the Superintendent who will meet with the Association President to
discuss a mutually agreed upon resolution.
2. A full-time elementary music position and an elementary/junior high/high
school choir position shall be maintained as determined by the Board
based on enrollment and financial considerations. Providing that full-time
positions may exist as outlined above, common planning time
opportunities will be maintained at the Durling and Vincent buildings.
Maintaining common planning time in the elementary building will not
affect the class schedule of teachers in grades 7-12 hired on or before
August, 1993.
3. Travel schedules of the elementary art, music, and physical education
teachers will be scheduled to coincide with conference time and lunch
time when feasible. If not feasible, then necessary time needs to be
provided for classroom transitions.
E. If the need arises to schedule a meeting or conference during a teacher’s
planning/preparation time, the building administrator/central office personnel will
contact the teacher in order to identify a mutually agreeable time to meet by the
end of the following school day.
10.02 Upon written request, the Building Principal may excuse a bargaining unit member from
a staff meeting because of a reasonable unavoidable commitment.
10.03 Itinerant teachers shall be given twenty (20) minutes travel time between Vincent and
Durling/Clearview High School and ten (10) minutes travel between Durling and the
High School. The Superintendent or designee will annually notify itinerant teachers as to
which building is considered the teacher’s primary assignment for purposes of
determining the length of the teacher’s planning/preparation time and lunch period.
10.04 The Superintendent or designee will either assign a laptop to itinerant teachers or
designate a fixed location in each building in which the teacher works where the teacher
will have access to needed instructional materials. If the designated space is unavailable
on a specific day, the Building Principal will designate an alternative location for that day
where the itinerant teacher will have access to needed instructional materials.
10.05 A bargaining unit member may leave the school building during his/her lunch period
after notifying the office. A bargaining unit member may leave the building during a
planning/preparation period with the approval of the Building Principal.
10.06 The Administration shall assign to all bargaining unit members the responsibility of
sharing student supervision on an equitable basis during those times that fall within the
employee’s day.
10.07 All elementary, middle and high school bargaining unit members may be required to
enter student grades and attendance, interim progress reports, and report cards in the
format designated by the Building Principal.
10.08 Annually, by December 1, the Association shall submit to the Superintendent a suggested
school calendar for the following school year. The Superintendent will subsequently, in
his/her sole discretion, recommend a school calendar for the Board to act upon after
January 1.
10.09 Work Year: The employee work year will consist of one hundred eighty-five (185) days.
Annually the District will be open for instruction a minimum of nine hundred ten (910)
hours for students in full-day kindergarten through Grade 6, and one thousand one
(1,001) hours for students in Grades 7 – 12. As part of the minimum hours, the District
will use two (2) equivalent days for the purpose of individualized parent-teacher
conferences and reporting periods; two (2) equivalent days for the purpose of
professional meetings of teachers; and up to two (2) daily recess periods of no more than
fifteen (15) minutes each (one in the morning, and one in the afternoon) for students in
Grades kindergarten through 6. The Parties expressly acknowledge that lunch periods,
breakfast periods, and extracurricular activities do not count toward the minimum hours
that the District is open for instruction.
In addition to the two professional development days that count toward the minimum
hours, the District will schedule at least four-and-a-half other days of professional
development during the one hundred eighty-five (185) workdays. Professional
development will consist, at a minimum, of the following: a district-wide in-service day
at the start of the school year; a half-day building meeting at the start of the school year;
NEOEA Day; and two (2) full days or four (4) half-days of other in-service/professional
Teachers will also have a half-day prior to the first student day to prepare their rooms.
In total there will be the equivalent of three (3) records days, and the equivalent of two
(2) conference days each school year. The record reporting days will consist of a full-day
at the end of the first semester, a full-day at the end of the second semester, and a half-
day at the end of the first and third quarters. The other half-day at the end of the first and
third quarters will be utilized for professional development.
11.01 The Association and the Board recognize that student-teacher ratio is an important aspect
of an effective educational program.
11.02 Class Size
A. Teachers (K) shall have a maximum of twenty-four (24) students per class with
no more than three (3) students being assigned to any one classroom above the
stated maximum. Teachers (1-4) shall have a maximum of twenty-seven (27)
students per class with no more than three (3) students being assigned to any one
classroom above the stated maximum. Teachers (5-12) shall have a maximum of
twenty-nine (29) students per class with no more than three (3) students assigned
to any one classroom above the stated maximum.
B. If class size exceeds twenty-nine (29) students in a 5-12 classroom, the affected 5-
12 teacher will receive an amount equal to one hundred dollars ($100) per
semester per student above twenty-nine (29), per class or section, to a maximum
of three hundred dollars ($300) per class period.
C. If class size exceeds twenty-four (24) students in a K classroom or twenty-seven
(27) in a 1-4 classroom, the K-4 teachers will receive four hundred dollars ($400)
per student above twenty-four (24) or twenty-seven (27) (as applicable) in a self-
contained classroom, to a maximum of one-thousand two-hundred dollars
($1,200) per school year.
11.03 Teachers of departmentalized classes in grades five (5) through twelve (12) shall not have
a daily class load that exceeds one hundred and eighty (180) students.
11.04 For purposes of this subsection, class size shall be calculated effective on the seventh
) school day in October for the first semester and the tenth (10
) school day of the
second semester, based upon students who are legally enrolled, excluding students on
home instruction.
11.05 The above class size maximums shall not apply to music (choir, band and instrumental),
physical education, homeroom, study hall, and lunch. No high school teacher or
applicable middle school teacher shall be scheduled with more than four (4) preparations,
unless the teacher agrees to five (5).
11.06 Classes Containing Students on IEPs
A. Elementary students who are on IEPS (for other than solely a speech-language
disability) must be mainstreamed into a class for at least two (2) hours of the day
to be counted as a student in the class.
B. If there are two teachers in the classroom on a daily basis, then a total of thirty-
two (32) students can be assigned to the classroom before the above provisions go
into effect.
12.01 Every effort will be made to employ teachers who hold at least a Bachelor’s Degree from
an accredited college or university. Employment of teachers holding “temporary”
certification/licensure will be avoided, if possible.
12.02 Consistent with federal and state law, the Board will not discriminate on the basis of race,
color, national origin, sex, age, religion or disability.
12.03 All teachers who have a regular class schedule must develop and keep up-to-date lesson
plans or curriculum maps, whichever is specified by the Building Principal. At the
discretion of the Building Principal, the lesson plans or curriculum maps will be
submitted to his/her office on a specified day on a weekly basis or will be made available
for review in the teacher’s classroom. The Building Principals will give each teacher, at
the beginning of the school week, a listing of scheduled or projected school activities for
that week.
12.04 In the event that adequate substitute teachers are not readily available to fill unanticipated
absences, the following procedures shall be observed:
A. The administrator or his/her designee shall review all available options to cover
B. If the administrator finds it necessary to cover an absence with an available
teacher who is scheduled at the time for a planning/preparation period, then the
administrator or designee will ask the available teacher(s) to cover the absence.
An effort should be made to rotate requests for coverage among the teachers
available to cover the absence. Should the teacher voluntarily accept the coverage
assignment, then the teacher will be reimbursed according to the rate listed in
Article 23.01.
C. In the event the administrator determines that available teachers would prefer not
to use their planning/preparation time to fill the temporary absence, then the
administrator may elect to re-assign another teacher/tutor not on a
planning/preparation period to cover the absence.
D. In the event that the administrator determines that it is not appropriate to reassign
teacher(s) to fill a temporary absence and all available teachers on a
planning/preparation period have stated their preference not to use their scheduled
planning/preparation time to cover the absence, only then may the administrator
require a teacher to cover the absence. Required coverage as determined by the
administrator shall be compensated according to the rate listed in Article 23.01.
E. In the event an administrator determines that a teacher is required to cover an
absence, the administrator shall assign required coverage on a rotational basis
among the teachers available on a planning/preparation period.
12.05 In the event two or more teachers mutually agree to cover a temporary absence for one
another without filing for compensation or special leave approval, the administrator must
be notified and approve of such an arrangement, and all teachers involved will in effect
waive portions of the Contract impacted by such an arrangement approved by the
12.06 Whenever the temperature of a school building and/or classroom drops below sixty (60)
or rises above eighty (80) degrees F, the teacher shall so notify the Building Principal
and, within a ninety (90) minute period during which students are present, the class will
be moved to a mutually agreed upon location.
12.07 The Board shall endeavor to provide educational facilities and faculty lounges that
conform to local and state health and safety codes.
12.08 If the Superintendent and/or his/her delegate or representative determines that there is a
general civil disturbance in the area of the school, no teacher will be required to attend
school while the emergency exists. In the event of disorder or other emergencies while
school is in session and a teacher is in charge of students, such teacher shall use the
judgment of a prudent person in caring for the safety and welfare of such students. In
circumstances when a building loses utilities (e.g., water, gas, electricity) but it remains
open and students are present, teachers must remain at the school.
12.09 If the administration requires a teacher to interrupt regularly scheduled classes or duties
to perform duties under a supplemental contract, the Building Principal is responsible for
coverage of the teacher’s regularly scheduled classes or duties that are interrupted.
12.10 The parties agree that instructional efforts should be complemented by the District’s
counseling and special services, which shall be fully available.
12.11 The Board, the Administration and the Association shall adhere to those personal rights
as guaranteed to every individual by the Constitution of the United States.
12.12 Building Principal/Superintendent-Initiated Transfers
The Building Principal shall identify the reason(s) for recommending the teacher’s
transfer in writing, if requested, and discuss the reasons with the staff member involved.
Transfer in the elementary and middle school is by grade level; transfer in high school is
a transfer within present certificated/licensed subject areas.
12.13 Teacher-Initiated Transfers
A. All bargaining unit positions that the Board decides to fill shall be posted on the
District’s website for a period of five (5) calendar days (excluding weekends and
holidays). The Board will also simultaneously send an email to all bargaining
unit members informing them of the posting. If the Board elects not to fill a
position, it shall notify the Association President within thirty (30) days of the
vacancy occurring.
B. Vacancies will be filled on the basis of certification/licensure and qualifications.
The Board will interview all internal applicants for a vacancy and will notify
unsuccessful internal candidates why they were not selected for a specific
C. During the summer, the Board will send an electronic alert/notice to all
bargaining unit members when it posts vacant bargaining unit positions on the
District’s web site.
12.14 Counsel may be present at any meeting between a bargaining unit member and an
administrator where discipline is to be imposed on the employee. Discipline shall be
defined as a written reprimand that is to be placed in the employee’s personnel file and/or
a suspension of assigned duties and/or pay.
A bargaining unit member may respond in writing to critical material placed in his/her
personnel file. The responses submitted by the employee within thirty (30) days of the
critical material being placed in his/her personnel file will be attached to the critical
material in the file.
12.15 Summer School
A. All summer school teaching positions will be posted on the District’s website for
a period of five (5) calendar days (excluding weekends and holidays). The Board
will simultaneously send an email to all bargaining unit members informing them
of the posting, and if the posting occurs after the last teacher workday for the
school year, the Board will send an electronic alert/notice to all bargaining unit
members concerning the posting.
B. Vacancies will be filled from within the bargaining unit, on the basis of
certification/licensure and qualifications, after an interview with the Building
C. Compensation shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour for the period
established by the Building Principal.
13.01 The Board and school administrators will cooperate in every reasonable way with a
bargaining unit member who sustains any injuries from physical assaults or any work-
connected injury or illness. An employee who is injured and/or becomes ill due to work-
connected assignment in the course of employment may file a claim with the State
Worker’s Compensation Fund to obtain reimbursement of hospital and doctor bills. A
member of the administrative staff will be available to properly and promptly assist the
bargaining unit member with completing the necessary paperwork to submit the claim.
13.02 Annual increments are correlated to paid days of services during the preceding year and
will not be denied by the reason of any absence due to work-related injury or illness.
14.01 Teacher and school counselor evaluation shall be for the purpose of assessing overall
performance as an employee of the Clearview Local School District. In accordance with
Ohio Revised Code Sections 3319.111, 3319.112 and 3319.113, the Board-adopted
standards-based teacher and school counselor evaluation policies, which were developed
in consultation with the Association, are included in this Negotiated Agreement, as
The Board policies will be provided to all OTES teachers and school counselors.
If changes to the standards-based framework for the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System
(“OTES”) and/or Ohio School Counselor Evaluation System (OSCES) are issued by the
Ohio Department of Education (“ODE”), the Association and the Board agree to create a
temporary committee to discuss those changes and their potential impact on the Board’s
OTES and/or OSCES policies. The temporary Evaluation Committee shall be made up
of an equal number of administrators appointed by the Superintendent and teachers
appointed by the Association President.
14.02 The Parties agree to use the ODE-approved forms for purposes of implementing the
OTES and OSCES evaluation systems.
14.03 Evaluations shall be governed by the Board’s Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation Policy
and Evaluation of School Counselor Policy.
A. Observation: Bargaining unit members will receive formal observations and
periodic classroom walkthroughs as set forth herein. Formal observations shall
last for a minimum of thirty (30) minutes with a pre- and post-conference
occurring with each formal observation.
Except as described below, teachers shall receive at least two (2) formal
observations, along with periodic classroom walkthroughs, each school year. In
particular, teachers involved in the Resident Educator Summative Assessment
(“RESA”) process (i.e., newer teachers who do not possess a professional
teaching license) shall be formally observed at least twice, in addition to periodic
classroom walkthroughs, each school year. Similarly, teachers new to the
District, even if they already possess a professional teaching license, shall be
annually formally observed at least twice, in addition to periodic classroom
walkthroughs, during their first three years of employment with the District.
Teachers who are under consideration for nonrenewal shall receive at least three
(3) formal observations in addition to periodic classroom walkthroughs.
Teachers with continuing contracts who receive a Final Summative Rating of
“Accomplished” on the teacher’s most recent evaluation may be evaluated by the
Board every three (3) school years, so long as the teacher’s student academic
growth measure, for the most recent school year for which data is available, is
average or higher pursuant R.C. 3319.111(C)(2)(a).
Teachers with continuing contracts who receive a Final Summative Rating of
“Skilled” on the teacher’s most recent evaluation may be evaluated by the Board
every two (2) years, so long as the teacher’s student academic growth measure,
for the most recent school year for which data is available, is average or higher
pursuant R.C. 3319.111(C)(2)(b).
Teachers with limited contracts, who possess a professional teaching license and
have worked in the District for at least the last three (3) school years, who receive
a Final Summative Rating of “Accomplished” on the teacher’s two most recent
evaluations may be evaluated by the Board every three (3) school years, so long
as the teacher’s student academic growth measure, for the most recent school year
for which data is available, is average or higher pursuant R.C. 3319.111(C)(2)(a).
Teachers with limited contracts, who possess a professional teaching license and
have worked in the District for at least the last three (3) school years, who receive
a Final Summative Rating of “Skilled” on the teacher’s two most recent
evaluations may be evaluated by the Board every two (2) years, so long as the
teacher’s student academic growth measure, for the most recent school year for
which data is available, is average or higher pursuant R.C. 3319.111(C)(2)(b).
Teachers rated “Accomplished” or “Skilled” as set forth above who are on the
alternate schedule of observations, must still receive at least one (1) formative
(not scored) observation and one (1) conference in any year the teacher is not
formally evaluated in accordance with R.C. 3319.111(C)(3).
B. Evaluation: Each teacher will receive a Final Summative Evaluation Rating of
his/her overall performance. The Final Summative Evaluation Rating will be
based upon the teacher’s performance as it was assessed during walkthroughs and
formal observations that were conducted during the current school year, and the
student growth measures (SGMs) resulting from assessments that were
administered the previous school year, in accordance with R.C. 3319.111. When
completing the “Teacher Observation Rubric and Scoring Sheet,” evaluators may
take into consideration and note other areas of concern and/or improvement that
have been brought to the teacher’s attention during the course of the school year.
C. Walkthroughs: Teachers will receive at least two (2) walkthroughs each school
year. Walkthroughs shall last at least five (5) consecutive minutes, but not more
than thirty (30) consecutive minutes, in duration.
D. Documentation: The evaluation reports shall be signed by the evaluator. Any
documentation generated by an administrator/evaluator is to be shared with the
bargaining unit member prior to being placed into his/her personnel file. The
teacher shall sign any documentation requiring signatures to verify notification to
the teacher that the evaluation will be placed in his/her personnel file. The
teacher’s signature shall not be construed as evidence that the teacher agrees with
the contents of the evaluation report. The Board will maintain all other
documentation relevant to teacher evaluations in accordance with state law.
E. Timelines:
1. Continuing Contract Teachers and School Counselors will be
observed/evaluated based upon their evaluation rating in accordance with
R.C. 3319.111, R.C. 3319.112 and R.C. 3319.113. Observations will
occur during the school year and the final evaluation will be completed by
June 1
or the last teacher workday.
2. Limited Contract Teachers and School Counselors will be
observed/evaluated based upon their evaluation rating in accordance with
R.C. 3319.111, R.C. 3319.112 and R.C. 3319.113. The final evaluation
will be completed by May 1
F. Nonrenewal: Employees who are under consideration for nonrenewal shall
receive at least three (3) formal observations. Evaluations for those that qualify
under this provision will be completed by May 1
. If the employee is
recommended for nonrenewal, the Board will provide written notice to the
employee of the nonrenewal by June 1
. Employees governed by this provision
will be provided a written report of the results of his/her evaluation by May 10
14.04 Teachers With No Student Growth Measures
All certificated/licensed staff, except School Counselors, shall be evaluated in accordance
with the Board’s Standards-Based Teacher Evaluation Policy, except there will be no
student growth measure; rather the teacher’s performance will count as 100% of their
evaluation rating.
14.05 Teachers’ evaluations shall be based upon performance expectations contained in the
teacher performance evaluation rubric and school counselors’ evaluations shall be based
on performance expectations contained in the OSCES rubric.
14.06 To the extent this Article does not conflict with the requirements of applicable statutes,
the evaluation procedures set forth herein shall control the evaluation of teachers and
school counselors employed by the Board.
14.07 Employees will be provided with a copy of the current job description applicable to their
position upon initial employment and all employees will receive a copy of the job
description if it is modified.
14.08 A Job Description Committee (“JDC”) shall be established for the purpose of reviewing
and updating job descriptions for current teaching positions and supplemental contract
positions. The JDC shall be comprised of three (3) bargaining unit members appointed
by the Association President, and three (3) administrators appointed by the
Superintendent. The JDC shall be utilized when the Board determines it is necessary
and/or appropriate to update the District’s job descriptions. If the Superintendent does
not approve the JDC’s recommendations, the Superintendent will return those job
descriptions that he/she does not approve to the JDC for further revisions. After the
Superintendent approves the job descriptions, the Board will post them on its web site.
15.01 Provided five (5) or more employees request a payroll deduction, the Board shall provide
the payroll deduction to the bargaining unit. The employees’ request must be made in
writing, on forms provided or approved by the Board Treasurer. Deductions shall be
taken out of the bargaining unit member’s paychecks twice a month or every pay
depending on the requirement and will be continuous unless changed by the employee.
Deductions, to the extent permitted by law, shall be made for:
A. C.E.A., O.E.A. (and its departments), N.E.A., NEOEA;
B. FCPE (Fund for Children in Public Education);
C. Lorain County School Employees Credit Union;
D. Annuities, Mutual Funds, TSAs, 403(b), 457s;
E. Supplemental Group Life Insurance;
F. Clearview Education Foundation;
G. Municipal Income Tax.
15.02 The Board Treasurer shall deduct payment for local, state, and federal taxes after proper
authorization forms are signed by the bargaining unit member.
15.03 Association Dues deductions (see 15.01.A,) shall be in twenty (20) consecutive pays
beginning the first pay in November. Once an employee authorizes the Board Treasurer
to payroll deduct Association Dues, the deduction shall remain in effect until the
employee notifies the Board Treasurer and Association Treasurer that he/she wants the
deductions to stop. By October 15, the Association Treasurer shall provide to the Board
Treasurer a list of current members, including specification of those who have authorized
payroll deduction of Association dues, and copies of the membership forms for new
members of the Association demonstrating that those employees have consented to the
payroll deduction of Association dues. If the Board does not have on file written
documentation authorizing payroll deduction of Association dues for a specific
employee, the Board Treasurer will not payroll deduct such dues from that individual
until the Association Treasurer provides such documentation. If an employee withdraws
such consent, the Association Treasurer must notify the Board Treasurer within five (5)
workdays. The sanctioned withdrawal period to drop Association membership is August
1 – August 31 of each year; if an employee withdraws from the Association after August
31, the Board Treasurer will deduct the remaining portion of the employee’s unpaid
annual membership dues from the employee’s next payroll that occurs at least ten (10)
business days after the Board Treasurer is provided notice of the employee’s withdraw.
15.04 Once an employee authorizes payroll deductions for FCPE (see 15.01.B), the deduction
shall remain in effect until the start of the next school year.
15.05 An employee may notify the Board Treasurer, at any time, to start or stop any of the
payroll deductions listed in 15.01.C – G.
16.01 Salary will be as set forth in the Index contained in Appendix A.
A. 2022-2023 school year = 2021-2022 Base plus 2.5% ($42,554)
16.02 The 2022-2023 Salary Schedule is set forth in Appendix A.
17.01 The Board will pay up to three hundred fifty dollars ($350) per semester credit hour (or
the actual cost of the credit if less than $350), up to two thousand one hundred dollars
($2,100.00) per year (i.e., six (6) credits), for graduate coursework approved by the
Superintendent in subject area(s) or related instructional skills at colleges or universities
recognized by the Ohio Board of Regents and taken after the effective date of this
Contract. This education reimbursement is also available for coursework specifically
required by the Ohio Department of Education for renewal of a teaching license or as a
result of the transition from certification to licensure, or if an employee is taking
coursework at the Board’s request in order to qualify for a new teaching license. This
will be a one-time only payment payable in October of each year for the previous school
year upon documentation of successful completion of hours. Any teacher not returning to
the District for at least one school year automatically forfeits such payment. Any teacher
resigning during the school year following the earning of hours will have the payment
deducted from his/her final salary.
There will be a thirty thousand dollar ($30,000) yearly cap on Board expenditures for
graduate coursework. In the event that the total expenditures exceed thirty thousand
dollars ($30,000), each applicant will receive a prorated share of the Board disbursement.
17.02 An employee who completes graduate-level coursework that makes him/her eligible to
move to the next education column on the salary schedule must submit transcripts
demonstrating completion of the necessary coursework no later than August 31, in order
to be moved on the salary schedule for the upcoming school year. Documentation
submitted after August 31, will be used to move the employee to the next education
column on the salary schedule for the following school year.
18.01 Hospitalization / Dental Coverage
A. The Board shall provide hospitalization / major medical and dental coverage.
Each bargaining unit member may annually select one of the Health Benefit Plans
listed in Appendix C (e.g., Premium; Standard; Minimum Value).
B. Board Contribution to Coverage:
The Board shall pay ninety percent (90%) of the cost of the Premium and
Standard coverages for full-time employees, and, for part-time employees, the
Board shall pay ninety percent (90%) of that part of the total cost proportionate to
the workload; the Board shall pay one hundred percent (100%) of the cost of the
Minimum Value coverage for full-time employees.
C. The Association will have the Association President or designated bargaining unit
member representative on any committee formed to change insurance carriers.
This representative will have a voice on the committee.
D. Working Spouse Mandatory Enrollment Rule
Any spouse that has single medical/prescription drug insurance coverage
available through his/her employer, business, organization or retirement plan, that
costs the spouse no more than 25% of the premium cost for the lowest cost plan,
must enroll in that coverage and the Clearview Local School District’s Health
Plan will coordinate as secondary payer for any and all services provided.
For those Board employees who are married and have working spouses who are
enrolled in their outside employer's insurance plan, the Board agrees to reimburse
employees up to One Hundred Seventy-Five Dollars ($175.00) per month of actual
documented premium costs paid by the employee's spouse to his/her employer for
single plan and prescription drug medical coverage. Requests for reimbursement with
attached documentation demonstrating that such premium contributions were made
shall be submitted to the Treasurer's office by September 1 of each year.
Reimbursement shall be made by the Treasurer within thirty (30) days receipt of the
request or by the second payroll in September of each year, whichever is later.
It is the employee’s responsibility to advise the Board Treasurer or designee
promptly (i.e., within 30 days after any change in eligibility) if the employee’s
spouse becomes eligible to participate in group medical/prescription drug insurance
sponsored by his/her employer, business, organization, or retirement plan, or if the
contribution for single coverage changes. Upon becoming eligible, the employee’s
spouse must enroll in single coverage under any group medical/prescription drug
insurance sponsored by his/her employer, business, organization, or retirement plan
unless he/she is exempt from this requirement because the spouse’s cost for single
coverage under the lowest cost plan is more than 25% of the premium cost.
Any spouse who fails to enroll in any group medical/prescription drug insurance
coverage sponsored by his/her employer, business, organization, or any retirement
plan, as required by this rule, shall be ineligible for benefits under such group
insurance coverage sponsored by the Clearview Local School District.
Every employee whose spouse participates under the Clearview Local School
District’s medical/prescription drug insurance coverage shall complete and submit
to the District Treasurer or designee, upon request, a written certification
verifying whether his/her spouse is eligible to participate in group
medical/prescription drug insurance coverage sponsored by the spouse’s
employer, business, organization, or any retirement plan. If any employee fails to
complete and submit the certification form by the required date, such employee’s
spouse will be removed immediately from all group medical/prescription drug
insurance coverage sponsored by the Clearview Local School District. Additional
documentation may be required.
If an employee knowingly or recklessly submits false information, or fails to
promptly (i.e., within 30 days after any change in eligibility) advise the District
Treasurer or designee of a change in his/her spouse’s eligibility for employer (or
business, organization, or retirement plan) sponsored group medical/prescription
drug insurance, and such false information or such failure by the employee results
in the District’s Health Plan providing benefits to which the employee’s spouse is
not entitled, the employee will be personally liable to the District’s Health Plan
for reimbursement of benefits and expenses, including attorneys’ fees and costs,
incurred by the Plan. Any amount to be reimbursed by the employee may be
deducted from the benefits to which the employee would otherwise be entitled. In
addition, the employee’s spouse will be terminated immediately from group
medical/prescription drug insurance coverage under the Plan. If an employee
knowingly submits false information, he/she may be subject to disciplinary
action, up to and including termination of employment.
The Working Spouse Rule does not apply to married couples who are employed by
the Board. Any married couple employed by the Board can elect family coverage
irrespective of whether they have dependents. Only one spouse may enroll in the
group plan and indicate that the other spouse and any dependents will be covered
by the family plan. In the alternative, the Board may issue two (2) single person
coverages in lieu of family coverage to a married couple, without dependents,
employed by the Board, if the combined rate of the two (2) single rates is less than
the family rate.
18.02 Life Insurance
The Board shall provide term life insurance equal to the employee’s salary raised to the
next highest one thousand ($1,000) dollars for all employees.
18.03 The Board will select insurance carriers.
18.04 Vision Care Plan
Vision Care benefits apply when a covered person incurs vision care charges for services
recommended and approved by a Physician or Optometrist.
Vision Care charges are limited to the vision services and supplies shown in the Schedule
of Benefits. Benefits for these charges are payable up to the maximum benefit amounts
in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits.
Vision examinations are covered regardless of medical necessity. An exam includes the
1. Case History;
2. External examination of the eye and adnexa;
3. Ophthalmoscopic examination;
4. Determination of refractive status;
5. Binocular balance testing;
6. Tonometry, as needed;
7. Gross visual fields;
8. Color vision testing;
9. Summary findings; and
10. Recommendations including prescribing lenses.
Prescribed lenses and frames are covered in accordance with the Schedule of Benefits.
Coverage allows for the following services only when they are done to obtain the
prescribed lenses and frames:
1. Facial measurements and determination of interpupillary distance;
2. Assistance in choosing frames;
3. Verification of lenses as prescribed; and
4. After-care for a reasonable period for fitting and adjustment.
Prescribed contact lenses as shown in the Schedule of Benefits.
Treatment for diseases involving the eye (glaucoma, cataracts, etc.) are covered under the
medical portion of the Medical Plans.
The Plan does not cover the following services, supplies, or charges:
1. Services that are not received from a provider acting within the scope of
his/her license.
2. Diagnostic services and drugs or medications not a part of a vision
3. Services that, to any extent, are payable under the medical expenses
benefits of the Medical Plans.
4. Services that the Plan determines are special or unusual, such as
orthoptics, vision training, and low vision aids.
5. For the replacement of lenses and frames except as shown under the
limitation of frequency in the Schedule of Benefits.
6. For any lenses that are not prescribed.
7. For safety glasses and safety goggles.
8. For any services or supplies for which benefits are payable under any
worker’s compensation law or under any governmental program.
9. For eye examinations that occurred before the covered person’s effective
date of employment.
10. For examinations or services incurred or received after the covered
person’s effective termination date.
11. For those services, supplies, or charges that are not specified under this
Coverage stops on the 26
18.05 Insurance Committee
A. A Health Care Committee (“HCC”) shall be created and charged with considering
health insurance matters. The HCC shall meet at least quarterly. The schedule
for the quarterly meetings shall be established by the Superintendent and
Association President by August 31 of each year. The HCC shall receive training
by FMCS as needed.
B. The HCC’s responsibilities include reviewing insurance costs, exploring program
additions or modifications, examining utilization patterns, and looking for various
cost-containment options.
C. The HCC shall be composed of up to three (3) representatives from the
Association, the Board, and the union that represents nonteaching employees.
The unions may also have up to three (3) observers at each HCC meeting. The
HCC shall annually elect a chairperson and secretary. Regular minutes of all
meetings of the HCC shall be kept and shared with all members.
D. All decisions of the HCC shall be achieved by consensus (i.e., all represented
parties on the HCC shall agree with the decision).
E. The HCC shall regularly be provided with health insurance data, including
enrollment levels, claims paid versus premiums, and such other data as the
members of the HCC determine will facilitate the HCC’s discussions and
F. The HCC shall be authorized to utilize consultants provided by L.E.R.C.
G. Each year the HCC shall be advised, as soon as possible, of the anticipated level
of premiums for the succeeding benefit year (July 1 through June 30). Each year
the HCC will consider changes in the program design, premium sharing, and other
steps that will act to keep the rate of premium increase as low as possible. In the
event the HCC is not able to achieve consensus on any such changes by May 1,
the plan will continue unchanged for the succeeding benefit year. If the HCC
recommends changes in program design, premium sharing, or other
modifications, including possible implementation of a Section 125 Flexible
Spending Plan, and consideration of a “waiver/opt out” provision, such changes
shall be implemented following approval by the full membership of the
Association, the Board, and the union that represents nonteaching employees.
18.06 Section 125 Plan
A. The Board shall provide a Section 125 Plan that is designed to allow employees
who must make employee contributions for health care coverage to elect to do so
on a pre-tax basis.
B. The Section 125 Plan will be designed to meet the requirements of Internal
Revenue Code ("IRC") Section 125 and applicable regulations. Accordingly,
each employee will have an opportunity on an annual basis to enroll in the Plan.
The election to participate must be submitted to the Board Treasurer during the
month of September. Each newly hired employee may enroll in the Section 125
Plan within his/her first thirty (30) days of his/her contractual start date during
his/her first year of employment only. The newly hired employee’s Section 125
Plan year will begin the first of the month following the employee's election to
participate and will end upon notification from the employee of his/her intent to
no longer participate as may be submitted during the following September. The
Section 125 Plan may not be revoked during the current plan year unless there is a
change in the employee's circumstances that, in accordance with I.R.C. Section
125, permits the employee to change his/her election under the plan (e.g., divorce,
death of spouse, change in employment status including employment status
affecting a spouse or dependent, birth or adoption of a child, a child losing
eligibility for coverage, a court order requiring coverage, or other enrollment
rights consistent with federal law). Details of the Section 125 Plan will be
provided on an annual basis at the time of enrollment and will also be available
through the Board Treasurer's office.
19.01 A. The Board shall indemnify and hold harmless members of the bargaining unit in
the amount of any judgment that is obtained against the member in a state or
federal court, except punitive or exemplary damage, for injury, death or loss to
person or property in connection with conduct occurring within the scope of
his/her employment or official responsibility.
B. The Board shall not indemnify and hold harmless a member of the bargaining unit
where said member’s actions were wanton, reckless, malicious, in bad faith, or
liability is expressly imposed upon the employee by the Ohio Revised Code.
C. In order to indemnify and hold harmless members of the bargaining unit, the
Board shall have the right to purchase liability insurance.
D. The Board agrees not to enter into any consent judgment or settlement of claims
unless the member of the bargaining unit has given express written consent to the
same. Nothing herein shall be construed as to limit the Board’s authority as a
party defendant to settle, compromise, and dismiss claims filed against the Board.
E. The Board agrees that should there be any claim or liability or damages against
any member of the bargaining unit pursuant to O.R.C. Chapter 2744, that said
employee shall have the right to employ co-counsel, at the employee’s cost, in
any and all actions to defend his/her interests.
F. The Board agrees that any member of the bargaining unit shall have the right to
be represented by an attorney of his/her choice and expense at any meeting
between the Board Attorney, the Insurance Company Representative, the
Attorney representing the Insurance Company, and/or the Board, any deposition
relevant to the claim of liability or damages, any meeting between the Board and
the person claiming any alleged act or omission in connection with any liability
G. The Board agrees that none of the materials, excluding incident reports developed
by the Administration, relevant to any claim for damages, or allegation or
admission of wrong doing will be placed in the employee’s personnel file and
further that no records of relevance to any employee’s alleged culpability in any
liability claim may be made part of any employee personnel records or utilized in
any way that will adversely impact on the employee’s wages, hours, or terms and
conditions of employment at the time the complaint is filed or at some future date
after the complaint has been filed. Nothing herein shall preclude the Board from
taking an employment action based on information developed by the
Administration. Any record of such personnel action may be placed in the
employee’s personnel file.
H. The Board, Association, and teacher agree that there will be no media release
regarding any liability suit that involves the alleged act or omission of a member
of the bargaining unit unless all parties agree to it in writing.
I. The Board agrees to provide any member of the bargaining unit with twenty-four
(24) hours to secure professional advice before he/she is required to file a written
accident report or to give an oral account to the Board or anyone else of the
incident that could result in a claim of liability. The Board further agrees that the
employee shall have the right to representation of his/her choice at any meeting
involving any such complaint or incident that could result in a claim or liability.
J. The Board will provide adequate release time for any employee who is required to
attend any deposition, any pre-trial hearing, and any or all state and federal court
hearing involving any and/or all claims of covered liability. The Board agrees
that such release time will not result in the employee’s loss of wages or deduction
from any Board-approved leave.
K. The Association will encourage all members of the bargaining unit to cooperate
with the Board in any defense to all claims of liability.
L. The Board shall purchase liability coverage in the amount specified in State law.
If it becomes necessary for the Board to change carriers, the Board will notify the
Association of the name of the new carrier and provide a copy of any and all new
policies to the Association.
20.01 The Board may add positions to the supplemental program but must meet with the
Association President to negotiate the indexed pay for such positions. The Board will
post all supplemental contracts on an annual basis. The Board, however, is not obligated
to fill each listed supplemental contract position each year. No bargaining unit member
shall be required to assume any reoccurring duties outside of the school day or school
year (see Article 10.01(A)) unless a supplemental contract for such duties is issued to and
accepted by the bargaining unit member. Annually, all supplemental contracts shall be
automatically non-renewed at the conclusion of each year without need for further notice
from or action by the Board. The supplemental position’s job description, along with the
position’s posting and the resulting supplemental contract, will specify if the position
entails year-round work (e.g., work to be performed over the summer).
20.02 Each non-athletic advisor shall prepare and file with the Building Principal an activity
plan before the activity begins. At the conclusion of the activity, the advisor shall
prepare and file with the Building Principal an activity summary. (See supplemental
activity plan).
20.03 All activities/sports posted may or may not be filled if it is determined that the
activity/sport does not have adequate participation interest or appropriate funding.
20.04 The Board Treasurer shall compute the salary for each supplemental based on the
schedule index and split the salary accordingly if the supplemental is shared with another
20.05 No bargaining unit member will be required to work after the school day or school year,
without compensation or released time, unless otherwise specified herein.
20.06 Notwithstanding O.R.C. 3313.53, the Board may employ the most qualified applicant for
a supplemental contract position. The Board may post the positions both internally and
externally at the same time. The Board will interview all bargaining unit members who
apply for a position. The Board will consider all candidates simultaneously, whether they
are currently employed by the Board or not. The Board will give preferential
consideration to qualified bargaining unit members. Nevertheless, the Board will hire the
most qualified candidate without going through the procedures set forth in O.R.C.
3313.53. This Section expressly supersedes and replaces O.R.C. 3313.53.
20.07 If any employee fails to complete his/her supplemental contract duties due to an extended
leave of absence, the employee shall only receive pro-rated compensation based on the
actual time he/she performed the supplemental position. The Association President, the
Superintendent and the Board Treasurer shall meet to mutually agree upon the pro-ration.
20.08 An employee eligible for extended days must work them in order to receive the additional
pay (i.e., the employee may use paid leave in order to receive payment for extended
20.09 If an athletic team or other extracurricular activity dissolves or disbands mid-season or
mid-activity/assignment due to inadequate student participation (whether due to academic
ineligibility or otherwise) to field a team or conduct the activity, including participating
in scheduled inter-scholastic competitions, the employee shall only receive pro-rated
compensation based on the actual time he/she performed the supplemental position. The
Association President, the employee holding the supplemental contract, the
Superintendent and the Board Treasurer shall meet to mutually agree upon the pro-ration.
20.10 The 2022-2023 Supplemental Index Schedule is set forth in Appendix B.
20.11 If an employee is commencing a scheduled extended leave of absence, and the employee
wants to continue to perform part or all of a supplemental contract, the employee must
meet with the Superintendent in advance of the leave to determine the scope of any
supplemental contract work that may be performed while the employee is on the
extended leave of absence. When a substitute or another employee performs the regular
employee’s supplemental duty for more than five (5) days, the regular employee’s
supplemental compensation will be prorated accordingly.
21.01 Bargaining unit members who have a regular assignment in more than one building or by
nature of their assignment must travel during the regular day shall be reimbursed at the
I.R.S.-approved rate. Mileage will be measured daily from the first school to the final
school. Employees will submit purchase orders by the first of each month and monthly
mileage forms by the first of the following month and will be paid in the next check
processing cycle.
21.02 Co-curricular assignments shall not require the transportation of students by the
bargaining unit member in his/her vehicle.
22.01 Teachers will be paid twice a month (i.e., over twenty-four (24) pays that will occur on
the 10
and 24
of each month). The Board will send electronic pay stubs/vouchers to
employees in a timely manner for receipt on or before the pay date. Employees shall
notify the Treasurer in writing of the email address at which they want to receive the
electronic pay stub/voucher. If the 10
or 24
occurs on a weekend or bank holiday, the
pay will be made on the preceding regular business day.
22.02 In the event of a mistake by the Board Treasurer’s office, the Board Treasurer shall
immediately take action to correct the error (i.e., the Board Treasurer will issue a new
check to the employee), where the amount exceeds one hundred dollars ($100.00). For
amounts of one hundred dollars ($100.00) or less, the Board Treasurer shall correct the
error in the next regular pay.
A. This payroll adjustment pertains to regular contracted teaching payroll payments.
B. Adjustments for supplemental and other payments will be made on the following
22.03 Direct Deposit is mandatory for all bargaining unit members.
A. An employee who is changing or closing out a bank account must notify the
Board Treasurer at least three (3) weeks prior to the payday at which the
employee wants the change to take effect.
B. It is the employee’s responsibility to make sure the Board Treasurer’s office
receives an accurate checking or saving account number so that the terms of this
Article can be implemented.
C. The employee can direct deposit with one (1) institution of his/her choice at a
23.01 Any hourly curricular work or classroom coverage requested outside the allotted teacher
meeting times or outside of the required workday will be paid at the rate of twenty-six
dollars ($26.00) per hour (per class). Such payment must be pre-approved by the
Superintendent or his/her designee.
23.02 Any professional development and/or technology training that the Superintendent
approves, which occurs outside the allotted teacher meeting times (including early release
and/or waiver days) or outside the bargaining unit member workday, will be paid at the
rate of twenty-six dollars ($26.00) per hour. Such compensation shall be available for
professional development and technology training completed over the summer. This
compensation is not available for work completed in a degree program.
24.01 Upon retirement from the District into the STRS, a certificated/licensed employee with
ten (10) or more years of experience in the Clearview Local School District shall be paid
severance by the Board as set forth herein.
24.02 A certificated/licensed employee shall be paid by the Board for one-fourth (1/4) of
his/her accumulated sick leave up to a maximum of seventy-five (75) days. Payment
shall be at the teacher’s daily rate in effect at the last day of actual employment. Full
severance pay will be paid at the time of death if the employee was eligible to retire and
had worked for the District for ten (10) or more years. At the time of death, if an
employee is not eligible to retire and has ten (10) years of service or more, his/her estate
will receive half of his/her severance pay.
24.03 Bargaining unit members shall receive their severance pay in three (3) equal installments
beginning in February of the calendar year following the date of retirement and the
following two Februarys thereafter. The payments will be made within a week of the
District receiving its County funds but under no circumstances later than the end of
February. Bargaining unit members may elect to have their triennial severance payments
deposited into a 457 Ohio Deferred Compensation Plan.
25.01 The parties to this Contract jointly pledge that the provisions of this Contract shall be
applied uniformly to all members of the bargaining unit without regard to race, color,
religion, sex, disability, or national origin.
26.01 A. The District shall maintain at the Board Office a personnel file for each
bargaining unit member. This shall be the only official file of recorded
information concerning bargaining unit members maintained by the Board and
B. Bargaining unit staff members shall have access to their personnel file. The
Superintendent or Board Treasurer will handle bargaining unit members’ requests
to have access to their personnel files. The administration will honor requests as
soon as possible (i.e., within one school day of the request being submitted).
26.02 A. The District will provide employees with a copy of any information added to their
personnel file.
B. No anonymous written complaint shall be placed in a bargaining unit member’s
personnel file.
C. A bargaining unit member is entitled to copies of his/her personnel file at his/her
expense. The cost of copying will be five cents ($0.05) per page.
26.03 If the employee disputes the accuracy, relevance, timeliness, or completeness of
information on him/her maintained in said file, he/she may request that the Board
investigate the current status of the information. The Board shall, within a reasonable
time after, but not later than ninety (90) days after, receiving the request from the
employee, make a reasonable investigation to determine whether the disputed
information is accurate, relevant, timely and complete, and shall notify the employee of
the results of the investigation and the action the Board plans to take with respect to the
disputed information. The Board will delete any information that it cannot verify or that
it finds to be inaccurate.
26.04 Said employee shall have the right to add a rebuttal to the disputed document (i.e., a
written statement explaining why the employee protests that the information is
inaccurate, irrelevant, outdated, or incomplete). In the alternative, the employee may
request a hearing with the Board to discuss why he/she contends that material in his/her
file is inaccurate, irrelevant, outdated or incomplete, and should be removed.
26.05 If a member of the public requests to inspect or receive copies of the personnel file of any
employee, the following procedure will be followed:
A. The employee shall be notified of the date and time of the examination and the
identity, to the extent known, of the person requesting to inspect the personnel
B. To the extent possible, the time for the examination shall be fixed other than
during the normal working hours of the employee.
C. Except for subparagraphs D and E of this Section, the employee and his/her
representative shall have the right to be present during the examination. The
District will provide the employee with a log of what records were copied.
D. If the request to inspect the personnel file is made during a break or a period when
the employee is not normally expected to be at work, a reasonable attempt will be
made to notify the employee of the request.
E. No part of this Article shall cause the Superintendent or his/her designee undue
delay in complying with the requirements of Ohio law pertaining to public
records. Nor shall this Article cause the Superintendent or designee to (1) impede
a personnel file inspection by a statutorily authorized investigative agency, or (2)
to fail to comply with a legal subpoena.
27.01 The Board will provide an electronic copy of the Contract to each member of the
bargaining unit via email and will post the Contract on the District’s website.
28.01 In the event there is a conflict between any provision of this Contract and any applicable
state or federal law, or valid rule or regulation adopted by a federal agency or a state
agency pursuant thereto, the parties shall meet and negotiate in accordance with Article 3
of this Contract. All other provisions of this Contract that are not in conflict with any
applicable state or federal law, or valid rule or regulation adopted by a federal agency or
a state agency pursuant thereto, shall continue in full force and effect in accordance with
their terms.
29.01 The Board shall “pick-up” contributions to the State Teachers Retirement System on
behalf of bargaining unit members in accordance with the following:
A. For purposes of this Article, total annual salary and salary per pay period for each
bargaining unit member shall be the salary otherwise payable under this Contract.
The total annual salary and salary per pay period of each member shall be payable
by the Board in two parts: (a) deferred salary; and (b) cash salary. A member’s
deferred salary shall be equal to that percentage of said member’s total annual
salary or salary per pay period that is required from time to time by the State
Teachers Retirement System (“STRS”) to be paid as an employee contribution by
said member and shall be paid by the Board to STRS on behalf of said member as
a “pick-up” of the STRS employee contribution otherwise payable by said
member (i.e., the amount to be picked-up and paid on behalf of each employee
shall be the current rate required by O.R.C. 3307.26, which sets forth the
employee’s required contribution). A member’s cash salary shall be equal to said
member’s total annual salary or salary per pay period less the amount of the pick-
up for said member and shall be payable, subject to applicable payroll deductions,
to said member. The Board’s total combined expenditures for members’ total
annual salaries otherwise payable under this Contract (including pick-up amounts)
and its employer contributions to STRS shall not be greater than the amounts it
would have paid for those items had this provision not been in effect.
B. The Board shall compute and remit its employer contributions to STRS based
upon total annual salary, including the pick-up. The Board shall report for federal
and Ohio income tax purposes as a member’s gross income said member’s total
annual salary less the amount of the “pick-up.” The Board shall report for
municipal income tax purposes as a member’s gross income said member’s total
annual salary, including the amount of the “pick-up.” The Board shall compute
income tax withholding based upon gross income as reported to the respective
taxing authorities.
C. The pick-up percentage shall apply uniformly to all members of the bargaining
D. No employee covered by this provision shall have the option to elect a wage
increase or other benefit in lieu of the employer pick-up.
E. The pick-up shall apply to all compensation earned including supplemental
F. The pick-up shall be included in the member’s total annual salary for the purpose
of computing daily rate of pay, for determining paid salary adjustments to be
made due to absence, or for any other similar purpose (i.e., severance pay,
supplemental salaries and index, and similar matters shall be based upon the
published salary schedule).
30.01 The Board retains and reserves without limitation, all power, rights, authority, and
responsibilities conferred upon and vested in it by law, except as specifically limited by
the express terms of this Contract.
31.01 Section 5154 of the Drug-Free Workplace Act of 1988 requires the parties to establish a
policy. This Article does not replace the requirement to report child endangering (O.R.C.
2151.421) and any employee who admits to, pleads guilty, or is convicted of child
endangering acts or sale or dispensing of drugs or alcohol to minors shall be exempt from
this Article and shall waive rights under Articles 4, 7, and 12, of this Contract, enabling
personnel action to be taken within the limits of the law.
A. No bargaining unit member, while in the workplace, shall unlawfully possess,
use, or distribute illicit drugs, controlled substances, or alcohol. The Board
reserves the right to impose disciplinary action, up to and including termination,
for any bargaining unit member who violates this provision. Any disciplinary
action that is taken will be in accordance with the terms of this Contract and
O.R.C. 3319.16.
B. “Workplace” is defined to mean the site for the performance of work done in
connection with a federal grant. The workplace includes any school building,
school, school property, school-owned vehicles, or school-approved vehicle used
to transport students to and from school or school activities, off school property
during any school-sponsored or school-related activity, event, or function, such
as a field trip or athletic event where students are under the jurisdiction of the
District, and where work on a federal grant is performed.
C. Any bargaining unit member who admits to, pleads guilty, or is convicted in any
court of law for a first alcohol or drug abuse offense that is a minor
misdemeanor, shall be referred to, and satisfactorily complete, a drug
rehabilitation and intervention program. The employee shall not return to his/her
employment assignment and shall waive rights under Articles 4, 7, and 12,
should the employee fail to comply with the provisions of this Section.
D. Any bargaining unit member who admits to, pleads guilty, or is convicted in any
court of law for a second alcohol or a drug abuse offense that is a minor
misdemeanor, shall waive rights under Articles 4, 7, and 12, and the Board shall
take such personnel action as it deems appropriate, within the limits of the law.
E. If any bargaining unit member pleads guilty or is convicted of an alcohol or drug
abuse offense that is a felony, or a misdemeanor resulting in withdrawal of
proper certification/licensure, he/she shall waive all rights under Articles 4, 7,
and 12, and the Board shall take such personnel action as it deems appropriate,
within the limits of the law.
F. This Article shall be implemented in a uniform manner that is not arbitrary or
32.01 Bargaining unit members who do not reside in the Clearview Local School District but
would like to have their children attend school in the District must first apply to have
their children attend school through the Board’s Inter-District Open Enrollment Policy.
Only if an employee’s child(ren) are determined not to be eligible for attendance through
the Policy (e.g., the child applies for enrollment after the first day of classes of any school
year) or are denied attendance by operation of the Policy may the child(ren) still attend
school in the District without paying tuition by operation of this provision (i.e., the Board
shall waive his/her/their tuition based on the conditions set forth below). Tuition for pre-
school students is specifically excluded from the provisions of this Article.
32.02 In the event that an employee’s child(ren) is eligible for enrollment by operation of this
Article, the Board agrees to allow the child(ren) to attend the District tuition-free subject
to the following stipulations:
A. Said child’s enrollment shall not violate the class size provisions of this Contract.
If said child’s enrollment impacts the class size provisions, the bargaining unit
member must agree to pay the class size stipend of Article 11 to the Board in
order for his/her child to attend.
The employee must indicate to the Board prior to July 1 of any given school year
that his/her child(ren) wish to attend the Clearview Local Schools the following
Such notice must indicate the child’s name, age, and school building he/she will
be attending as well as the school district he/she will be leaving to attend this
B. Once a child has been accepted and enrolled, the Board agrees to retain said child
until he/she withdraws, is expelled, or graduates.
C. The Board agrees to waive the July 1
notice, if by doing so, it can add to the
District’s ADM count.
D. The Board agrees to accept all applicants as outlined above, unless such
acceptance would require the Board to alter a facility or hire an additional staff
33.01 Medical Procedures
No teacher shall be required to perform medical procedures such as, but not limited to,
gastronomy tube feedings, tracheotomy suctioning, and catheterizations on any student.
33.02 Student Hygiene
A. No teacher shall be required to clean up bodily fluids of any student.
B. Teachers having responsibilities in the area of hygiene activities must be
appropriately licensed and/or trained, and, if the teacher does not have appropriate
training to perform the assigned hygiene activities, the Board will provide the
requisite training at no cost to the employee.
34.01 The Association and Board agree to promote improved student achievement through
innovative experimental programs and assessment strategies. The Board and the
Association further agree to waive only those sections of the Contract that may come into
conflict with experimental programs and assessment strategies. Teachers who agree to
develop and implement programs and assessment strategies that impact this Contract for
a school year or any part of one school year must obtain the approval of the
Superintendent and the Association’s Executive Committee before being implemented.
Articles that may not be waived include: Articles 10 – School Day and Year; and Article
11 – Class Size and Load.
34.02 Teachers who agree to develop and implement innovative experimental programs for a
school year commitment or any part of the school year, must obtain prior approval from
the Building Principal, Superintendent, and Association’s Executive Committee and shall
release the Board, Administration, and the Association from enforcement of the contract
provisions waived through their written consent. The waiver shall be kept on file by the
Board and the Association. *(See Appendix F.)
34.03 Should the Association’s Executive Committee or Superintendent decline approval, a
rationale for such a decision shall be placed in writing and shared with the Association,
Board, and affected teachers.
35.01 Members of the bargaining unit are guaranteed a tobacco-free work environment. Use of
tobacco is prohibited in all school buildings and on all school grounds. Use of tobacco
includes, but is not limited to, smoking cigarettes, cigars and/or pipes, using smokeless or
chew tobacco, smoking clove cigarettes, and smoking e-cigarettes or vape pens.
36.01 The Federal OSHA standard requires employers to identify employees who may be at
occupational risk for Hepatitis B exposure. The Association and the Board agree to the
following provisions to implement Federally mandated OSHA requirements.
A. All bargaining unit members have been determined by the Board to be classified
in positions that may be expected to potentially have contact with blood borne
pathogens and bodily fluids that create a risk for exposure to Hepatitis B.
B. All bargaining unit members are afforded the opportunity to participate in a
Lorain County Health District administered Hepatitis B inoculation program to
comply with OSHA’s mandate.
C. All bargaining unit members are afforded Hepatitis B inoculations and post-
exposure treatment at no out-of-pocket expense to the employees. The expense of
this inoculation is provided through the Lake Erie Regional Council for
employees insured through the L.E.R.C. and the Board for employees not insured
with L.E.R.C.
D. All new bargaining unit members must see their Building Principal upon
beginning their employment with the Board to arrange for their inoculation of
Hepatitis B.
E. All bargaining unit members electing not to participate in the Hepatitis B
inoculation program are required to sign a waiver indicating an opportunity for
the inoculations was presented but they declined to receive inoculations at this
F. All bargaining unit members must comply with OSHA standards for reporting
exposure incidents on Board-provided forms. In the event a school employee has
an exposure incident at work and requires immediate treatment, the benefit plan
will pay the full cost of an accelerated vaccine program. Initial treatment may be
administered in the Emergency Room of a local hospital under the regular
provisions of the employee benefit plan. Employees may then receive the follow-
up vaccine series from the County Health Department after the initial emergency
room treatment.
37.01 Statement of Retirement Incentive Plan
The following Retirement Incentive is intended to provide an incentive for retirement.
Participation in the plan is voluntary. This plan is effective August 1, 2022, and expires
July 31, 2023.
37.02 Eligibility for Benefits
A. The Certificated/Licensed Employee:
1. Shall become eligible between August 1, 2012, and July 31, 2023, for
retirement by virtue of meeting all eligibility requirements under the Ohio
State Teachers Retirement System (STRS).
2. Must have at least ten (10) or more full and continuous years of service
with the Clearview Local School District.
3. Must apply to the STRS for retirement benefits during his/her first year of
eligibility for receipt of unreduced retirement benefits under the statutes
and rules governing the STRS. An employee who does not apply for this
incentive in his/her first year of eligibility, shall not be eligible for and will
not be granted this incentive at any other time. Although he/she may do
so, any teacher who meets the STRS requirement of 29/55 is not obligated
to retire to collect the retirement incentive at such time. Said teacher
remains eligible to collect the retirement incentive if he/she retires at the
34- or 35-years of service level (whichever is applicable).
4. It is the understanding and intent of the parties that in the 2022-2023
school year, only teachers who first become eligible for unreduced
retirement under the rules and regulations of the STRS during 2022-2023
school year for retirement effective July 1, 2021, can take advantage of the
Retirement Incentive under this Article. The parties hereby agree that any
teacher who meets the eligibility requirements for this Retirement
Incentive during the term of this contract (August 1, 2022 – July 31, 2023)
shall not be eligible for such an incentive under any successor collective
bargaining agreements.
B. This Plan does not apply to:
1. Those applying for and/or receiving disability retirement.
2. Those terminated by the Board for cause or whose contracts are otherwise
discontinued or suspended involuntarily.
3. Those whose contracts are non-renewed or suspended in accordance with
a Board-determined reduction in force.
4. Those who do not submit an application for retirement to the STRS in
his/her first (1
) year of eligibility for receipt of retirement benefits under
the statute and rules governing the STRS.
37.03 Application for Retirement
A. Those employees who seek to participate in the Retirement Incentive shall submit
a letter of intent to the Board to retire effective July 1 of the year they are eligible
and intend to retire under the statute and the rules governing the STRS. Such
letter must be submitted to the Board no later than March 1 of the calendar year of
B. After receipt of the letter of intent to retire from the certificated/licensed
employee exercising this Retirement Incentive, the Board will verify that the
applicant meets all of the requirements of the Plan and issue such notice within
thirty (30) calendar days of application. Neither the Board nor the
certificated/licensed employee may withdraw from this action after the Board
notifies the employee that he/she has met the requirements for this Retirement
37.04 Payment Schedule
A. The employee’s payment under the Retirement Incentive shall be made in three
(3) equal lump-sum payments beginning the calendar year following the date of
retirement and the following two calendar years. Payments made under this Plan
shall not be incorporated into the calculation of employee salary and/or benefits
for purposes of the STRS.
B. Eligible employees whose requests for retirement between the aforementioned
dates are approved by the Board shall receive seven hundred dollars ($700.00) for
each year of STRS service to a maximum of thirty-three (33), thirty-four (34) or
thirty-five years ($23,100, $23,800, or $24,500), whichever is applicable.
C. Each teacher who applies for and receives this Retirement Incentive shall receive
his/her Severance Pay provided for in Article 24, but shall receive such payment
in three (3) equal installments beginning in February of the calendar year
following the date of retirement and the following two Februarys thereafter. The
payments will be made within a week of the District receiving its County funds
but under no circumstances later than the end of February.
D. Bargaining unit members may elect to have their triennial Retirement Incentive
payments deposited into a 457 Ohio Deferred Compensation Plan.
38.01 A bargaining unit member retired under STRS (“reemployed member”) may be
employed / reemployed under the following conditions:
A. The Board is under no obligation to employ any retired member and there is no
expectation of reemployment when an employee retires from the Clearview Local
School District. Reemployed members who previously worked in the District do
not need to be interviewed by the Board for any vacant positions for which they
apply. Reemployed members who previously worked in the District are not
guaranteed a particular assignment upon reemployment. Reemployed members
will be assigned to positions that are within their certification/licensure area(s)
and are eligible for transfers pursuant to this Contract.
B. Reemployed members will be placed at Step 0 on the salary schedule upon
reemployment and given full credit for their academic training level.* The
reemployed member shall remain at Step 0 on the salary schedule for each year
employed following his/her reemployment. The Board may require the
reemployed member to execute a written waiver of his/her prior teaching
experience and acknowledge his/her agreement to accept initial placement at Step
0 on the salary schedule and to remain at Step 0 during any future years. This
provision and such salary and individual employment contract with the
reemployed member expressly supersedes O.R.C. 3317.13 and 3317.14, and all
other applicable laws.
C. Reemployed members may participate in the Board’s health insurance program at
the same cost as regular employees. Life insurance premiums are solely the
responsibility of the reemployed member. All payments will be made through
payroll deduction.
D. Reemployed members are not eligible for continuing contracts; rather, they will
be awarded one-year contracts that will automatically expire at the end of each
school year without notice of non-renewal and without compliance with O.R.C.
3319.11, 3319.111, 3319.112 and 3319.113. For purposes of reemployed
members, the parties expressly agree that this provision supersedes and replaces
O.R.C. 3319.11, 3319.111, 3319.112 and 3319.113, and may differ from the
rights of other bargaining unit members contained in this Contract. Performance
evaluations of reemployed members may be conducted annually.
E. Reemployed members may not accrue additional STRS credit as a result of their
service following reemployment. Instead, the Board and the reemployed member
shall make contributions to STRS that will fund a single life annuity with a
reserve based on the reemployed member’s accumulated contributions during
his/her period of service as a regular employee following reemployment. For
additional information concerning the annuity see, O.R.C. 3307.35.
F. Seniority for reemployed members returning to service with the Board after
retirement will return to zero (0) years and remain at zero (0) years for the
reemployed member’s entire “post-retirement” tenure. In the event of a
reduction-in-force the reemployed member will not have any of the bumping
rights set forth in this Contract.
G. Reemployed members are not eligible for severance pay for accumulated sick
leave and may not participate in any future retirement incentive programs.
H. Reemployed members are eligible to accumulate sick leave. Sick leave shall
commence at zero (0) days for reemployed members. Reemployed members shall
earn one-and-a-quarter (1 ¼ ) days of sick leave per month for the duration of
their reemployment. Reemployed members may request an advance of up to five
(5) days of sick leave, if necessary. The reemployed member must reimburse the
Board for any advanced sick leave that is not earned at the time the reemployed
member separates his/her employment with the District. Reemployed members
are not eligible to participate in the Sick Leave Bank provided for in Article 5.01
F. The parties expressly agree that this provision supersedes and replaces O.R.C.
I. Subject to these provisions, reemployed members are part of the bargaining unit.
The provisions of this Contract that are inapplicable to reemployed members,
include: salary schedule placement; severance pay (Article 24); Sabbatical
Leave(s) (Article 5 – 5.04, 5.05, 5.07); and tax-exempt retirement benefits
(Article 30). Said provisions, shall not be grievable or arbitrable under Article 4,
nor through any claim or action filed before the STRS or any other state or federal
agency, or in any court of law.
38.02 The parties expressly agree and fully intend this Article to supersede and take precedent
over any inconsistent and/or contrary provisions of the Ohio Revised Code, the Ohio
Administrative Code, and federal laws and regulations.
39.01 Internet Usage
A. In order to be granted access to the Board’s network and the Internet and to
receive an e-mail account, bargaining unit members must read, complete and
execute the Application for Access and Terms and Conditions for Use of the
Internet. Bargaining unit members are required to comply with the Board’s
Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy, its related guidelines, and/or the terms
and conditions contained in the Application for Access and Terms and Conditions
for Use of the Internet. A copy of the executed Application will be provided to
the bargaining unit member.
B. Bargaining unit members are responsible for supervising/monitoring their
students’ Internet usage during class. Bargaining unit members who perform this
responsibility in a reasonable manner shall not be disciplined as a result of a
student’s violation of the Board’s Acceptable Use and Internet Safety Policy
and/or related guidelines.
C. Internet and e-mail usage are intended to be limited to the support of educational
purposes, academic research, and related administrative responsibilities.
Bargaining unit members are expected to exercise good judgment when using the
Internet and/or their school e-mail account. A bargaining unit member is
permitted to use District-provided computers and Internet connection for
occasional non-educational purposes during non-teaching time so long as the
bargaining unit member complies with the Board’s Acceptable Use and Internet
Safety Policy and/or related guidelines and the use does not require any additional
payment to the Board’s Internet provider. Bargaining unit members are
personally responsible for any charges incurred as a result of any purchases they
make over the Internet without the prior written approval from their Building
D. Reasonable and appropriate disciplinary action may be taken against a bargaining
unit member who intentionally violates the Board’s Acceptable Use and Internet
Safety Policy, its related guidelines, and/or the terms and conditions contained in
the Application for Access and Terms and Conditions for Use of the Internet. A
bargaining unit member who inadvertently and/or accidentally views, displays,
accesses, or downloads inappropriate material will not be disciplined, provided
that the individual immediately terminates such viewing, displaying, accessing
and/or downloading of the inappropriate material and notifies the Building
Principal of such occurrence within one school day or as soon as possible
thereafter. Inappropriate material shall include, but not be limited to, material that
is threatening, profane, obscene, harmful to minors, disruptive, or sexually
explicit or that could be construed as harassment or disparagement of others based
upon their race, national origin, citizenship status, sex, sexual orientation, age,
disability, religion or political beliefs.
E. The Association President may distribute communications to bargaining unit
members, administrators, the Superintendent and/or the Board Treasurer through
use of school e-mail accounts. Bargaining unit members may use their school e-
mail accounts to communicate their official business with their building
representatives, officers and/or each other. That e-mail, however, is not secure
and its privacy is not guaranteed. Therefore, care should be exercised in
determining what is appropriate information to be sent through this medium.
39.02 The Board agrees that no adverse employment action may be taken against any
bargaining unit member as a result of a breach in the security/integrity of the software
programs utilized within the District as part of the required methods of reporting
students’ grades, attendance, classroom activities, and/or communicating with
39.03 Communication with Parents
A. Bargaining unit members are expected to communicate with
parents/guardians/custodians regarding general classroom activities. Bargaining
unit members are encouraged to use electronic communication within the scope of
their training and consistent with the operation of District hardware/software.
B. Bargaining unit members must respond in a timely manner to parent-initiated
C. Before a bargaining unit member initiates e-mail communication with a
parent/guardian/custodian that includes student personally identifiable
information, the parent/guardian/custodian must complete and return to the
District the requisite Form authorizing the school to communicate with the
parent/guardian/custodian via e-mail.
39.04 Classroom Web Sites
Bargaining unit members are expected to exercise reasonable effort to maintain an
updated web site related to their classroom activities and/or subject(s). Classroom web
sites must be stored on the District’s servers and updated at least monthly. Classroom
web sites must include at least teachers’ classroom grading policies/practices, contact
information, and general classroom information. Classroom web sites should be created
and maintained within the scope of each bargaining unit members’ training and consistent
with the operation of District hardware/software.
40.01 The Residency Program is designed to assist and support the needs of an individual in
his/her first four years of employment under a classroom teaching license. A
Mentor/RESA Facilitator shall consult and assist teachers required to complete the four-
year residency program.
40.02 Definitions
A. Resident Educator: A teacher who is new to the teaching profession and/or holds
a four (4) year resident educator license.
B. Mentor/RESA Facilitator: A teacher who has a minimum of five (5) consecutive
years of teaching experience, three (3) of which are in the District, and recent
classroom experience within the last five (5) years. The teacher must be trained
to act as a mentor/facilitator through the Ohio Department of Education
Instructional Mentoring program.
C. Lead Mentor: A teacher responsible for coordinating and organizing the Resident
Educator Program. The Lead Mentor must meet the above-stated Mentor/RESA
Facilitator teacher requirements.
40.03 The Resident Educator Program will consist of an orientation program in August,
quarterly in-services/meetings, other meetings, observations (both formal and informal),
visitations, and conferences.
A. Visitations: Resident Educators will visit the classrooms of experienced teachers
in accordance with the state-mandated requirements of the Residency Program.
B. Conferences: Conferences will be held in accordance with the state-mandated
requirements of the Residency Program.
C. Mentors shall be assigned to work 1:1 with Resident Educators during years 1 and
2 of the Resident Educator Program. RESA Facilitators may be assigned to work
1:3 with Resident Educators during years 3 and 4 of the Resident Educator
40.04 This program shall be separate from and shall not replace the teacher evaluation system.
Documentation, observations, conferences among the Lead Mentor, Mentors/RESA
Facilitators, and Resident Educators shall not be used for purposes of evaluation.
40.05 The Lead Mentor and Mentors/RESA Facilitators shall receive a stipend as per the
supplemental salary schedule.
40.06 The Lead Mentor and Mentors/RESA Facilitators may be provided mutually agreed-upon
release time.
40.07 The Lead Mentor will be provided one (1) professional day a month to aid in the
completion of his/her duties. The professional day shall be used as needed in
consultation with the Building Principal.
40.08 By April 1 of the preceding school year, the Association President and Building Principal
will meet to determine whether there is a sufficient number of Resident Educators to
justify the Lead Mentor being given one (1) period per day to aid in the completion of
his/her duties.
40.09 Mentors/RESA Facilitators will be granted an extended contract that will allow up to two
(2) days per year to aid in the completion of their duties. Use of the extended days shall
be determined in consultation with the Building Principal.
40.10 The Lead Mentor will be granted an extended contract that will allow up to five (5) days
per year to aid in the completion of his/her duties. Use of the extended days shall be
determined in consultation with the Building Principal.
40.11 Protections
A. At any time, either the Lead Mentor, Mentor/RESA Facilitator or Resident
Educator may exercise the option to have a new mentor/facilitator assigned. (Any
compensation for the mentor/facilitator will be pro-rated to reflect the change in
assignment.) No specifics shall be given for the exercise of this option, and no
prejudice or evaluation is to be given. The Professional Growth Team (PGT) will
make the re-assignment.
B. The Lead Mentor, Mentors/RESA Facilitators, PGT, and Resident Educator shall
keep confidential all discussions, actions, materials, and other information to the
extent permitted by law.
C. No Lead Mentor or Mentor/RESA Facilitator shall participate in any informal or
formal evaluation of the Resident Educator, nor make, or be requested to make,
any recommendations regarding the continued employment of the Resident
41.01 In accordance with O.R.C. 3319.22, the parties shall establish a Local Professional
Development Committee (“LPDC”).
41.02 The LPDC shall consist of three (3) members appointed by the Association President and
two (2) members appointed by the Superintendent. One (1) of the Superintendent’s
appointees will be a Building Principal. At the request of an administrator or the Board
Treasurer, when an administrator’s Professional Development Plan is being considered,
the Superintendent shall appoint an additional administrator to the Committee and one
bargaining unit member will not participate.
41.03 These appointments shall be made annually on or before May 1. When an appointee
removes him/herself from the Committee during the school year, a replacement
appointment will be made by the Association President or the Superintendent, as
41.04 The LPDC shall be responsible for reviewing and approving personal development plans
for course work, continuing education units, and/or other equivalent activities.
41.05 The LPDC shall meet quarterly (September, December, March and May) and as needed.
A. The LPDC may also be convened by the request of two (2) sitting members to
deal with emergency situations.
B. The LPDC will normally meet during regular school hours. If it becomes
necessary to schedule a meeting beyond the normal teacher workday, the
members will be compensated at twenty-five dollars ($25.00) per hour; a
maximum of three (3) hours per meeting.
41.06 All decisions of the Committee will be made by a majority vote of the members present
and voting at the meeting. A minimum of two (2) bargaining unit members and one (1)
administrator must be present. The Chair of the Committee must be present.
41.07 If an individual’s Individual Professional Development Plan (IPDP), course, continuing
education units or individual activity is not approved by the LPDC, the employee may
appeal as follows:
A. The employee may resubmit a proposal to the LPDC, in writing or in person.
B. If the employee is not satisfied with the Committee’s decision on the resubmitted
proposal, he/she may request a meeting with the Committee to discuss his/her
C. The LPDC’s decisions (including on appeal) are not grievable.
41.08 If during the course of carrying out Committee responsibilities there is a requirement to
have in-service or training, the LPDC may do so at no cost to the Committee or loss of
pay of its members. All necessary, actual and reasonable costs of training – including all
registration costs, travel, meals, accommodations, and mileage – will be reimbursed by
the Board.
42.01 Establishment of MTC / Selection of Members
A. Master Teacher Committee (“MTC”) shall be established for the purpose of
designating teachers in a school building/District as Master Teachers.
B. Selection of the MTC members:
1. The MTC shall be comprised of a majority of practicing teachers.
2. The MTC shall be comprised of three (3) bargaining unit members
appointed by the Association President, and two (2) administrators
appointed by the Superintendent.
42.02 MTC Operational Procedures
A. The MTC shall meet twice a year (once each semester), unless the Board and the
Association jointly agree that additional meetings are necessary.
B. The MTC members shall jointly establish a Plan of Operation for the appropriate
designation of a Master Teacher, which shall include, but not be limited to, the
application and review processes, the dissemination of general information to
bargaining unit members, and an appeal process.
42.03 Terms of Office
A. The Association shall determine the length of the term of office of its MTC
B. The terms of office for the Association MTC members shall be staggered.
C. The Association shall determine the process for removing an Association MTC
member from office.
42.04 Employee Protection
A. A bargaining unit member’s involvement in the activities of the MTC shall not
serve as the basis for an adverse employment decision.
B. Nothing in the MTC process shall have an adverse impact on a bargaining unit
member’s performance evaluation.
C. In the event of an in-term vacancy or removal of an Association MTC member,
the Association shall replace individual.
42.05 Training and Compensation
A. As determined by the MTC, the Association MTC members shall be provided on-
going training by the Board to ensure consistent application of the Master Teacher
B. The Association MTC members shall be paid at the curriculum work
compensation rate in order to perform MTC duties, including training concerning
their MTC responsibilities, which take place outside the bargaining unit member
C. The Association MTC members shall be provided release time for any work
pertaining to MTC duties, including training concerning their MTC
responsibilities, which occur during the bargaining unit member workday.
42.06. Facility, Equipment and Support Services
A. The MTC shall be provided with adequate space for the safe and secure storage of
records, files and any other work and materials requiring storage and/or file space.
B. The MTC shall be provided with the equipment, paper and other materials
necessary to perform its duties, as specified in the MTC operating procedures.
42.07 MTC Appeals Procedure
A. The MTC shall determine its own appeals procedure.
B. The MTC appeals procedure is not subject to the grievance/arbitration procedure
outlined in this Agreement.
C. Issues for appeal are limited to procedural matters (e.g., did the MTC abide by its
procedures in reviewing evidence and rendering judgment according to the
criteria and standards?).
43.01 Courses for which students may be granted flexible credit shall be restricted to those
offered through traditional seat time within the District, unless such a restriction is
prohibited by State law and/or applicable regulations.
43.02 Credit Flexibility Committee (“CFC”)
A. The CFC shall review students’ applications for Credit Flexibility Plans (“CFPs”)
and determine whether a Teacher of Record (“TOR”) is necessary in order to
award credit and a grade for completion of the students’ CFPs.
B. The CFC shall consist of three (3) administrators and three (3) bargaining unit
members appointed by the Association President. The Association President will
appoint a minimum of two high school teachers, plus one (1) employee from any
other discipline.
C. The Building Principal will convene the CFC when necessary in order to review
student’s CFP applications.
D. Bargaining unit members on the CFC will be paid at the curriculum rate when
performing CFC duties outside the bargaining unit member workday. Similarly,
bargaining unit members of the CFC will be provided release time for any work
pertaining to their CFC duties that occurs during the bargaining unit member
43.03 Teacher of Record (“TOR”)
A. When appropriate, a TOR will be assigned by the CFC. Bargaining unit members
who want to be considered for service as a TOR may annually submit their names
to the CFC by May 15 of the preceding school year. In order to serve as a TOR
for a specific CFP, the bargaining unit member must be certificated/licensed to
teach in the subject area of the CFP and have taught in the subject area within the
past three (3) school years.
B. The TOR is responsible for:
1. Providing feedback to students regarding their CFPs.
2. Monitoring students’ progress toward completion of approved CFPs.
3. Assessing students’ work as part of the CFP and determining whether to
award credit, and if so, assigning a grade upon completion of the approved
C. TORs will be provided paid release time to perform their TOR duties during the
bargaining unit member workday or paid at the curriculum rate for all hours spent
outside the bargaining unit member workday on TOR duties.
1. TORs are responsible for keeping a written log of all time spent on TOR
duties (including work performed both during and outside the bargaining
unit member workday).
2. If a CFP requires a TOR to travel (i.e., to an internship location), the TOR
will be paid mileage at the current IRS-approved rate.
3. TORs must submit their log of hours on a monthly basis to the Building
44.01 No reprisal of any kind shall be taken by either the Board or the Association against any
bargaining unit member who elects to join or not join the Association. Further, there will
be no reprisal by the Board or the Administration against any bargaining unit member
who participates in protected Association activities.
45.01 The provisions of this Contract shall be in effect for the three-year period effective
August 1, 2022, through July 31, 2023.
President Chief Negotiator
Superintendent President
STEP B.A B.A.+15 M.A M.A.+15 M.A.+30
0 $42,554 $44,256 $46,809 $48,937 $51,065 $53,193
1.00 1.04 1.10 1.15 1.20 1.25
1 $44,256 $45,958 $48,937 $51,065 $53,193 $55,320
1.04 1.08 1.15 1.20 1.25 1.30
2 $45,958 $47,660 $51,065 $53,193 $55,320 $57,448
1.08 1.12 1.20 1.25 1.30 1.35
3 $47,660 $49,363 $53,193 $55,320 $57,448 $59,576
1.12 1.16 1.25 1.30 1.35 1.40
4 $49,363 $51,065 $55,320 $57,448 $59,576 $61,703
1.16 1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45
5 $51,065 $55,320 $57,448 $59,576 $61,703 $63,831
1.20 1.30 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50
6 $53,193 $57,448 $59,576 $61,703 $63,831 $65,959
1.25 1.35 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55
7 $55,320 $59,576 $61,703 $63,831 $65,959 $68,086
1.30 1.40 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60
8 $57,448 $61,703 $63,831 $65,959 $68,086 $70,214
1.35 1.45 1.50 1.55 1.60 1.65
9 $59,576 $63,831 $68,086 $70,214 $72,342 $74,470
1.40 1.50 1.60 1.65 1.70 1.75
10 $61,703 $65,959 $70,214 $72,342 $74,470 $76,597
1.45 1.55 1.65 1.70 1.75 1.80
11 $63,831 $68,086 $72,342 $74,470 $76,597 $78,725
1.50 1.60 1.70 1.75 1.80 1.85
STEP B.A B.A.+15 M.A M.A.+15 M.A.+30
12 $65,959 $70,214 $74,470 $76,597 $78,725 $80,853
1.55 1.65 1.75 1.80 1.85 1.90
$68,086 $72,342 $76,597 $78,725 $80,853 $82,980
1.60 1.70 1.80 1.85 1.90 1.95
$72,342 $79,150 $81,278 $83,406 $85,534
1.70 1.86 1.91 1.96 2.01
$74,470 $81,704 $83,831 $85,959 $88,087
1.75 1.92 1.97 2.02 2.07
$76,597 $84,257 $86,385 $88,512 $90,640
1.80 1.98 2.03 2.08 2.13
$78,725 $86,810 $88,938 $91,066 $93,193
1.85 2.04 2.09 2.14 2.19
$80,853 $89,363 $91,481 $93,619 $95,747
1.90 2.10 2.15 2.20 2.25
(Per diem rate equals the salary divided by 185)
Bargaining unit members who were employed pursuant to a supplemental contract position as of
the effective date of this Agreement and who are receiving a salary higher than the scale
provided below, shall be grandfathered at their current rate, for as long as they hold the position.
The exceptions to this grandfathering provision are Head Coach and Assistant Coach for Cross
Country, Head Coach and Assistant Coach(es) for Track, and High School Newspaper Advisor.
Individuals employed pursuant to supplemental contracts shall receive the compensation set forth
below, which shall be calculated by multiplying the base salary in effect for the school year
times the number identified below.
LEAD MENTOR .05 + 5 Ext. Days As Needed
MENTORS .03 + 2 Ext. Days As Needed
FB ASST. COACH (6) .12
VB ASST. COACH (2) .10
FB 8
FB 8
FB 7
FB 7
VB 8
VB 7
Annually, each bargaining unit member may select one of the following Health Benefit Plans.
The annual per person dental maximum shall be $1,500.
In-Network Premium Standard Min. Value Based
Design for ACA
Deductible (In-network) $750/$1,500 $1,000/$2,000 $4,000/$8,000
- Earned Incentive Award ($250)/($500) ($250)/($500) ($250/$500)
Deductible (In-network) $500/$1,000 $750/$1,500 $3,750/$7,500
Coinsurance 90% 80% 70%
Coinsurance Out-of-
Pocket Max (does not
$1,500/$3,000 $2,000/$4,000 $6,250/$12,500
Total Out-of-Pocket Max
includes deductible and
coinsurance) with
wellness incentive
$2,000/$4,000 $2,750/$5,500 $10,000/$20,000
Total Out-of-Pocket Max
includes deductible and
coinsurance) without
wellness incentive
$2,250/$4,500 $3,000/$6.000 $10,250/$20,500
Deductible (Out-of-
$1,500/$3,000 $2,000/$4,000 $4,000/$8,000
Coinsurance 60% 60% 50%
Coinsurance Out-of-
Pocket Max (does not
include deductible)
$3,000/$6,000 $4,000/$8,000 $10,000/$20,000
Total Out-of-Pocket Max
includes deductible and
$4,500/$9,000 $6,000/$12,000 $14,000/$28,000
Office and Emergency
OV Copay $25 $30 $50
Urgent Care Visit $40 $45 $100
Specialist Visit $40 $45 $100
ER Copay - Emergency $100 $150 $300
ER Copay - Non-
$200 $200 $300
Immunizations 100% In-network 100% In-network 100% In-network
Routine Physical 100% In-network 100% In-network 100% In-network
Routine PSA 100% In-network 100% In-network 100% In-network
Endoscopies 100% In-network 100% In-network 100% In-network
Pap Test Exam 100% In-network 100% In-network 100% In-network
PPACA Expanded
Wellness Svcs
100% In-network 100% In-network 100% In-network
Prescription Drug
Retail Drug Card $10/$25/$50 $15/$30/$60 Ded. then
Mail Order $20/$50/$100 $30/$60/$120 Ded. then
Specialty Medications $60 $100 Ded. then $200
Step Therapy YES YES YES
Mandatory Mail Order YES YES YES
Maintenance Choice YES YES YES
Teacher Evaluation Policy
Legal References: O.R.C. §§ 3319.02, 3319.11, 3319.111; 3319.112; 3319.22, 3319.222, 3319.226, 3319.26,
3319.58, 3333.0411, A.C., 3301-35-03(A) ·
Legislative Reference: Am. Sub. HB 153 (9/29/2011); Sub. SB 316 (9/24/2012); Am. Sub. HB 362 (6/3/2014)
The Board of Education of the Clearview Local School District (“Board”) adopts the following teacher
evaluation policy in accordance with the standards-based statewide teacher evaluation framework adopted by
the State Board of Education. The Board acknowledges that this teacher evaluation policy aligns with the
Standards for the Teaching Profession as set forth in State law.
This policy has been developed in consultation with the Clearview Education Association.
Definition of “Teacher”
For purposes of this policy, “teacher” means a licensed instructor who spends at least 50% of his/her time
providing content-related student instruction and who is working under one of the following:
a. A license issued under O.R.C. §§ 3319.22, 3319.26, 3319.222 or 3319.226; or
b. A license issued under O.R.C. § 3319.222 as existed prior to September 2003; or
c. A license issued under O.R.C. § 3319.222 as existed prior to September 2006; or
d. A license issued under O.R.C. § 3319.301.
This policy does not apply to the Superintendent, Treasurer and any “other administrator” as defined by O.R.C.
§ 3319.02. This policy also does not apply to substitute teachers and other teachers not meeting this definition.
Full-time employees who are members of the bargaining unit represented by the Clearview Education
Association (“CEA”) who do not meet the above definition of teacher will be evaluated utilizing the evaluation
procedures contained in the collective bargaining agreement in effect between the Board and the CEA.
Assigning an Effectiveness Rating
Each evaluation will result in an effectiveness rating of “Accomplished,” “Skilled,” “Developing,” or
“Ineffective.” An effectiveness rating is based on the following two categories: l) Teacher Performance; and 2)
Student Growth Measures. Fifty percent (50%) of the evaluation will be attributed to teacher performance and
fifty percent (50%) will be attributed to multiple measures of student growth.
Teacher Performance and Student Growth Measures ratings shall be combined to reach the summative teacher
effectiveness rating.
The Board shall annually submit to the Ohio Department of Education (ODE), in accordance with ODE
guidelines, the number of teachers assigned an effectiveness rating, aggregated by the teacher preparation
programs from which, and the years in which, the teachers graduated.
Calculating Teacher Performance
Teacher Performance is evaluated during formal observations and informal observations, also known as
periodic “classroom walkthroughs.” Fifty percent (50%) of the effectiveness rating will be attributed to Teacher
Performance through a holistic process based upon the following Ohio Standards for the Teaching Profession
and training for credentialed evaluators:
1. Understanding student learning and development and respecting the diversity of the students they
2. Understanding the content area for which they have instructional responsibility;
3. Understanding and using varied assessment to inform instruction, evaluate and ensure student
4. Planning and delivering effective instruction that advances individual student learning;
5. Creating learning environments that promote high levels of learning and student achievement;
6. Collaborating and communicating with students, parents, other educators, District administrators,
and the community to support student learning; and
7. Assuming responsibility for professional growth, performance and involvement.
The Superintendent/designee shall select or develop, in consultation with teachers, evaluation tools to be used in
calculating the Teacher Performance fifty percent (50%), which must be aligned to the Ohio Standards for the
Teaching Profession and the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System Performance Rubric.
Calculating Student Growth Measures
For purposes of the Ohio Teacher Evaluation System (OTES), “student growth” means the change in student
achievement for an individual student between two (2) or more points in time. This component of the evaluation
includes some combination of the following: 1) Teacher-level Value-Added Data; 2) ODE-approved
assessments; and/or 3) locally determined measures.
1. Teacher-level Value-Added: “Value-Added” refers to the value-added methodology provided by
ODE. Where value-added data for grades 4-8 for English language arts and mathematics exists
(via state-provided assessments), value-added data must be one of the multiple measures used in
calculating student growth.
2. ODE approved list of assessments: Assessments, if utilized by the district, must be included as
one of the multiple measures of student growth. Assessments utilized must be included when
calculating the fifty percent (50%) attributed to student growth measures. The
Superintendent/designee, in consultation with teachers and subject to Board approval, will utilize
the assessments on the approved list as he/she deems necessary and appropriate.
3. Locally-determined measures: For courses of instruction in which neither teacher level value-
added data nor ODE-approved assessments are available, the Superintendent/designee, in
consultation with teachers and subject to Board approval, shall establish a process in accordance
with ODE guidance to create Student Learning Objectives (SLOs) for the purpose of measuring
student growth. There will be at least two (2) SLOs per teacher per year, to a maximum of four
(4) SLOs. The SLO’s will be developed and shared with the evaluator on or before October 1
A SLO must be based upon the following criteria: baseline and trend data, student population,
interval of instruction, standards and content, assessment(s), growth targets, and rationale for
growth targets.
In the calculation for student academic growth, a student who has forty-five (45) or more excused and/or
unexcused absences for the school year will not be included.
Evaluation Timeline
District administrators shall conduct an evaluation of each teacher subject to this policy at least annually. Each
evaluation shall include: 1) Two (2) formal observations of at least thirty (30) minutes each; and 2) at minimum
of two (2) periodic classroom walkthroughs by the evaluator. All teacher evaluations shall be completed by the
first day of May and each teacher subject to this policy shall be provided with a written copy of the evaluation
results by the tenth day of May.
For limited/extended limited contract teachers who are under consideration for renewal/nonrenewal, in addition
to periodic classroom walkthroughs, one evaluation consisting of at least three formal observations must be
conducted annually by the first day of May. If the teacher is recommended for nonrenewal, written notice will
be provided in accordance with the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the CEA and the
Board. Teachers governed by this provision will be provided a written report of the results of his/her evaluation
by the tenth day of May.
A teacher who has been granted a continuing contract by the Board of Education and who receives a rating of
“Accomplished” on his/her most recent evaluation shall be evaluated every three years, so long as the teacher’s
student academic growth measure, for the most recent school year for which data is available, is average or
higher. Evaluations will be completed by the first day of May, and the teacher shall be provided with a written
copy of the evaluation results by the tenth day of May. Teachers governed by this provision will receive at least
one observation and one conference in any year the teacher is not formally evaluated.
Accomplished teachers must select one of the following two options:
1. The Board elects to evaluate a teacher receiving an effectiveness rating of “Accomplished” on
the teacher’s most recent evaluation conducted pursuant to this policy via two formal
observations and periodic classroom walkthroughs.
2. The Board elects to evaluate a teacher receiving an effectiveness rating of “Accomplished” on
the teacher's most recent evaluation conducted pursuant to this policy via one formal observation
provided the teacher completes a project that has been approved by the Board to demonstrate the
teacher’s continued growth and practice at the Accomplished level. The teacher must submit a
proposed project to the Superintendent or designee no later than October 1, for the
Superintendent or designee to obtain the necessary Board approval.
A teacher who has been granted a continuing contract by the Board of Education and who receives a rating of
“Skilled” on his/her most recent evaluation shall be evaluated every other school year. Evaluations will be
completed by the first day of May and each teacher will be provided a written report of the results of his/her
evaluation by the tenth day of May. Teachers governed by this provision will receive at least one observation
and one conference in any year the teacher is not formally evaluated.
Credentialed Evaluators
The Board will adopt a list of approved credentialed evaluators. Each teacher evaluation conducted under this
policy shall be conducted by a person who: 1) who is eligible to be an evaluator in accordance with O.R.C. §
3319.111(D); 2) who holds a credential established by ODE for teacher evaluation; 3) has completed state-
sponsored evaluation training and has passed an online credentialing assessment; and 4) is employed by the
Board as an administrator.
Professional Growth and Improvement Plans
Teachers must develop professional growth or improvement plans based on the Evaluation Matrix.
Teachers who meet Above-Expected levels of student growth must develop a professional growth plan
independently and submit their plan to their credentialed evaluator. Professional growth and improvement
plans for a school year shall be developed not later than the first day of September of that school year.
Teachers who meet Expected levels of student growth must develop a professional growth plan collaboratively
with a credentialed evaluator or designee for the evaluation cycle. Professional growth and improvement plans
for a school year shall be developed not later than the first day of September of that school year.
Teachers who meet Below-Expected levels of student growth must comply with an improvement plan
developed by the credentialed evaluator, or designee.
Professional growth and improvement plans for a school year shall be developed not later than the first day of
September of that school year.
Testing for Teachers in Core Subject Areas
Teachers who teach in a “core subject area” are required to register for and complete all written examinations
of content knowledge selected by ODE if the teacher has received an effectiveness rating of “Ineffective” on
evaluations for two (2) of the three (3) most recent school years. “Core subject area” means reading and
English language arts, mathematics, science, foreign language, government, economics, fine arts, history, and
If a teacher passes the examination set forth above and provides proof of that passage to the Board, the teacher
will be required, at the teacher’s expense, to complete professional development that is targeted to the
deficiencies identified in the teacher’s evaluations conducted under this policy.
Any teacher passing the examination set forth above will not be required to take the examination again for three
(3) years, regardless of the teacher’s evaluation ratings or the performance index score ranking of the building
in which the teacher teaches.
No teacher shall be responsible for the cost of taking an examination set forth above.
Retention and Promotion Decisions/Removal of Poorly Performing Teachers
It is the purpose of this Policy to improve the quality of instruction, enhance student learning, and strengthen
professional competence through meaningful feedback and targeted professional development. In addition, the
evaluations produced will serve to inform the Board on employment decisions, i.e., retention, promotion of
teachers, renewal of teaching contracts, and the renewal/nonrenewal of poorly performing teachers.
The removal of poorly performing teachers shall be in accordance with the Ohio Revised Code and any
applicable provisions of the collective bargaining agreement between the Board and the CEA.
Nothing in this policy will be deemed to prevent the Board from exercising its rights to non-renew, terminate, or
suspend a teaching contract as provided by law and the terms of the collective bargaining agreement in effect
between it and the CEA. The evaluation system and procedures set forth in this policy shall not create an
expectation of continued employment for teachers on a limited contract that are evaluated under this policy.
The Board reserves the right to non-renew a teacher evaluated under this policy in accordance with R.C.
3319.11 notwithstanding the teacher’s summative rating.
Professional Development
The Board shall meet the requirements of O.R.C. § 3319.112(A)(8)-(9) to provide professional development
and sufficient financial resources to support the professional learning required by this policy and in accordance
with the Ohio State Board of Education’s statewide evaluation framework. The Board’s plan will be reviewed
Policy Adoption Date:
School Counselor Evaluation Policy
Legal References:
Ohio Revised Codes 3319.61 describes requirements for the standards; and
Ohio Revised Code 3319.113 describes school counselor evaluation.
Legislative Reference:
Ohio's 2015-2016 House Bill64 of the 131st Ohio General Assembly required the State Board to adopt a
standards-based framework for evaluating school counselors by May 31, 2016.
The Board of Education {Board) of Clearview Local School District adopts the following school counselor
evaluation policy in accordance with the Ohio Standards for School Counselors developed by the Ohio
Department of Education and adopted by the State Board of Education in October 2015.
The Board directs the Superintendent to implement this policy in accordance with State law.
The policy applies to employees hired by the Board as "Guidance Counselors" or School Counselors. School
counselors {previously referred to as guidance counselors) support all students in prekindergarten through grade
12 with academic achievement, social and emotional development and career planning. Ohio School Counselors
are licensed according to Ohio Revised Code 3301.24.05, having completed an approved master's program and
an extensive internship. They develop and implement comprehensive school counseling programs that promote
and enhance student success by collaborating with families, teachers and administrators.
Assigning an Effectiveness Rating
Each evaluation will result in an effective rating of "Accomplished", "Skilled", "Developing", or "Ineffective".
An effective rating is based on the following two categories: 1) School Counselor performance; and 2) positive
student outcomes using metrics in order to determine the holistic final summative rating of effectiveness
according to ODE requirements. The choice of metrics for student outcomes will be determined.
Calculating School Counselor Performance
School Counselor Performance is evaluated during the two cycles of formal observations and periodic informal
observations. Fifty percent (50%) of the effectiveness rating will be attributed to the School Counselor based
upon the following Ohio Standards for School Counselors:
1. School counselors collaboratively envision a plan for a comprehensive school counseling
program that is developmental, preventative and responsive, and in alignment with the school's
goals and mission.
2. School counselors develop a curriculum, offer individual student planning and deliver responsive
services in order to assist students in developing and applying knowledge, skills and mindsets for
academic, career and social/emotional development.
3. School counselors collaborate and consult with school personnel, parents/guardians, community
partners and agencies/organizations to coordinate support for all students.
4. School counselors collaboratively engage in a cycle of continuous improvement using data to
identify needs, plan and implement programs, evaluate impact and adjust accordingly.
5. School counselors lead school efforts and advocate for policies and practices that support an
equitable, safe, inclusive and positive learning environment for all students.
6. School counselors adhere to the ethical standards of the profession, engage in ongoing
professional learning and refine their work through reflection.
The Superintendent/designee shall select or develop, in consultation with teachers, evaluation tools to be used in
calculating the School Counselor Performance fifty percent (50%), which must be aligned to the Ohio Standards
for School Counselors and the Ohio School Counselor Evaluation Model. Details of the evaluation tools are
identified and explained within the collective bargaining agreement.
Calculating Student Outcomes
In this portion of the evaluation, the other fifty percent (50%), the school counselor provides data demonstrating
that students' skills, knowledge or behaviors have positively changed as a result of the school counselor's
actions. The school counselor must clearly demonstrate the ability to positively impact student outcomes.
Evaluation Timeline
District administrators shall conduct an evaluation of each counselor subject to this policy at least annually.
Each evaluation shall include: 1) Two (2) cycles of formal evaluations of at least 30 minutes each; and 2)
Periodic informal observations by the evaluator. All counselor evaluations shall be completed by the first day of
May and each counselor subject to this policy shall be provided with a written copy of the evaluation results by
the tenth day of May.
For those counselors under consideration for nonrenewal, one evaluation consisting of at least three formal
observations must be conducted annually by the first day of May. Each counselor on a continuing, limited or
extended limited contract shall be provided with written copy of the evaluation results by the tenth day of May.
The Board elects to evaluate a counselor receiving an effectiveness rating of "Accomplished" or "Skilled" on
the counselor's most recent evaluation conducted pursuant to this policy on an alternative schedule.
Credentialed Evaluators
The Board will adopt a list of approved credentialed evaluators. Each counselor evaluation conducted under this
policy shall be conducted by a person: 1) who is eligible to be an evaluator in accordance with ORC
3319.111(D); and 2) who holds a credential established by ODE for being an evaluator; and 3) who is eligible to
be an evaluator based on the criteria identified and explained within the collective bargaining agreement. Every
evaluator must complete state sponsored evaluation training and is required to pass an online credentialing
assessment. Credentialing should be up to date according to ODE standards.
Professional Growth and Improvement Plans
Counselors must develop professional growth or improvement plans based on the Evaluation Rating.
Counselors who meet Average, Above Average, and Most Effective levels of student growth must develop a
professional growth plan.
Counselors who meet Approaching Average and Least Effective levels of student growth must comply with an
improvement plan developed by the credentialed evaluator, or designee.
Removal of Poorly Performing Counselors
The Board adopts the procedures that are identified and explained within the collective bargaining agreement to
be used by district administrators in removing poorly performing counselors.
Retention and Promotion Decisions
The Board adopts the procedures that are identified and explained within the collective bargaining agreement to
be used by district administrators in making retention and promotion decisions:
Seniority shall not be a basis for making retention decisions, except when deciding between teachers who have
comparable evaluations. Comparable evaluations are identified and explained in the Collective Bargaining
Professional Development
The Board's plan for the allocation of financial resources to support professional development is based on the
annual professional development plan as determined by stakeholder input {i.e. DLT, LPDC, PGT, etc.) and
included in the CCIP.
Policy Adoption Date:
I agree to develop and implement experimental program(s) and to release the Clearview Education Association
and the Clearview Local Board of Education from any duty to enforce the provisions of the Contract that I have
waived through my participation in innovative and experimental program(s) as provided in the Contract
agreement during the 20_____ – 20_____ school year.
_________________________________________ __________________________
Teacher Signature Date
_________________________________________ __________________________
Building Principal Signature Date
_________________________________________ __________________________
Association President Signature Date
_________________________________________ __________________________
Superintendent Signature Date
Grievance No. (as assigned by Association):______________________________________________________________
Grievant (i.e., name of aggrieved):______________________________________________________________________
Assignment / Building:_______________________________________________________________________________
Section(s) of Contract Alleged to Have Been Violated:______________________________________________________
Date, Time & Location of Occurrence:___________________________________________________________________
Substance of Grievance – Briefly state what action you believe to be a grievance:
Relief Sought:
Grievant’s Signature:_________________________________________________________________________________
Date Received By Board / Administrator:________________________________________________________________
(Copies of this Grievance Form shall be given/sent to the
Association President, the Grievant and the Appropriate Administrator.)
Memorandum of Understanding
between the
Clearview Education Association
and the
Clearview Local School District Board of Education
(in conjunction with the 2019 Successor Agreement)
The Clearview Local School District Board of Education (the "Board") and the Clearview
Education Association (the "Association") hereby enter into this Memorandum of Understanding
(“MOU”), which shall automatically terminate upon the expiration of the 2019-2022 Contract.
The terms and conditions of this MOU are as follows:
Upon written request by the Clearview Education Association (“Association”) President,
a supplemental contract(s) shall be issued to an employee(s) for performing work for the
Association and/or an affiliate of the Association. The request shall include the name(s)
of the employee(s) performing the work, the time period for the work to be performed,
and the amounts to be paid for the work. The Association shall reimburse the Clearview
Local School District Board of Education (“Board”) for the amount of the supplemental
contract, the retirement contributions paid on behalf of the employee(s), and the Medicare
cost at the time that such payment is made.
Reimbursement Breakdown:
Stipend 100%
STRS Retirement 14% of stipend (% to match STRS requirement)
Medicare 1.45% of stipend
Workers’ Compensation 0.61% of stipend
TOTAL ≤116.06% of stipend
To comply with STRS rules, the employer and employee contributions must be made on
compensation from the member’s teaching contract, in addition to compensation for
Association activities, up to a maximum amount. The maximum amount is determined
by multiplying the per diem rate of the teaching salary for two hundred fifty (250) days.
During the negotiations for a successor agreement to the Contract between the Clearview Local
School District Board of Education and the Clearview Education Association, the parties reached
consensus on the following non-contractual item:
A. Appropriate Attire
1. Teachers shall dress in a professional manner appropriate to their respective
positions. Appropriate attire on school days (i.e., days when students are in
attendance) includes the following: no jeans or shorts; no halter tops; no leggings
(unless worn under a dress or skirt); no rubber shoes (e.g., flip-flops, slides, etc.);
and mid-drifts must be completely covered, including when writing on the board.
Fridays shall normally be considered “Clipper Days” and staff may wear jeans
(without holes) and other District spirit wear. Building Administrators may also
identify other days during the school year when more casual wear (including jeans
without holes) may be worn – e.g., Cavs Day, Tribe Day, Spirit Week, specified
fundraisers, etc. Finally, appropriate attire shall be interpreted in a manner that
takes into consideration a staff member’s job responsibilities and the location in
which, on any given day, those responsibilities are performed (e.g., an art teacher
may be permitted to wear different clothes than a core academic subject teacher
would, based upon the projects the students are working on in the art room on any
given day, a science teacher may be permitted to wear jeans on days when he/she
is taking students outside for instruction/lab work, etc.). The preceding standards
for professional attire do not apply when a staff member is attending an all-day
professional development off-school property.
2. If a bargaining unit member fails to meet the above described standard of dress,
his/her Supervisor will meet with him/her once to review the standard of
professional attire and make suggestions for improvement. If there is a repeat
failure to meet the standard of dress described above, disciplinary action may be
imposed in accordance with Section 12.14 of the Master Contract.
B. Duty to Maintain the Confidentiality of Student Personally Identifiable Information
The Association agrees to remind bargaining unit members at the annual opening day
convocation that they responsible for complying with FERPA and Ohio Revised Code
Section 3319.321. As such, they are responsible for appropriately maintaining, storing
and securing confidential student education records that are in their possession
(regardless of whether they are on school property or off school property, and regardless
of the format or medium of the record).
C. Notwithstanding Article 10, Paragraph 10.07, during the term of this Contract, teaching
staff at Vincent Elementary School will not be required to use a Standard-Based Report
D. Fair Share Fee
In recognition that the U.S. Supreme Court prohibited Fair Share Fees in Janus v.
American Federation of State, County, and Municipal Employees, Council 31, No. 16-
1466, 585 U.S. ___ (2018), the Parties have deleted Article 29 – Fair Share Fee. The
Parties, however, agree that if the Janus, decision is overturned prior to the expiration of
the 2022-2023 Contract, the Parties agree they will reinstate Article 29 – Fair Share Fee
as it existed in the 2016-2019 Contract. See below:
29.01 To the extent permitted by law, the Board shall deduct from the pay of members of the
bargaining unit who elect not to become or remain members of the Association, a fair
share fee for the Association’s representation of such non-members during the term of
this Contract. No non-member filing a timely demand shall be required to subsidize
partisan political or ideological causes not germane to the Association’s work in the
realm of collective bargaining.
29.02 Notice of the amount of the annual fair share fee, which shall not be more than one
hundred percent (100%) of the unified dues of the Association, shall be transmitted by
the Association to the Board Treasurer on or about September 15 of each year during the
term of this Contract for the purpose of determining amounts to be payroll-deducted, and
the Board agrees to promptly transmit all amounts deducted to the Association.
29.03 Payroll deductions of such fair share fees shall begin at the second payroll period in
November except that no fair share fee deductions shall be made for bargaining unit
members employed after October 31 until their second paycheck, which period shall be
the required probationary period of newly employed bargaining unit members.
29.04 The Board Treasurer shall, upon notification from the Association that a member has
terminated membership, commence the deduction of the fair share fee with respect to the
former member, and the amount of the fee yet to be deducted shall be the annual fair
share fee less the amount previously paid through payroll deduction.
29.05 The Board agrees to accompany each such transmittal with a list of the names of the
bargaining unit members for whom all such fair share fee deductions were made, the
period covered, and the amounts deducted for each.
29.06 The Association represents to the Board that an internal rebate procedure has been
established in accordance with O.R.C. 4117.09(C) and that a procedure for challenging
the amount of the representation fee has been established and will be given to each
member of the bargaining unit who does not join the Association and that such procedure
and notice shall be in compliance with all applicable state and federal laws and the
Constitutions of the United States and the State of Ohio.
29.07 Upon timely demand, non-members may apply to the Association for an advance
reduction/rebate of the fair share fee pursuant to the internal procedure adopted by the
29.08 The Association on behalf of itself and the OEA and NEA agrees to indemnify the Board
for any cost or liability incurred as a result of the implementation and enforcement of this
provision provided that:
A. The Board shall give a ten (10) day written notice of any claim made or action
filed against the Board by a non-member for which indemnification may be
B. The Association shall reserve the right to designate counsel to represent and
defend the Board;
C. The Board agrees to: (1) give full and complete cooperation and assistance to the
Association and its counsel at all levels of the proceeding; (2) permit the
Association or its affiliates to intervene as a party if it so desires; and/or (3) not
oppose the Association or its affiliates’ application to file briefs amicus curiae in
the action; and
D. The Board acted in good faith compliance with the fair share fee provision of this
Contract; however, there shall be no indemnification of the Board if the Board
intentionally or willfully fails to apply (except due to court order) or misapplies
such fair share fee provision herein.