BS Biology: Wildlife Biology/Management
Advisor: Dr. Margaret O’Connell
What do wildlife biologists do? Wildlife biologists work in a variety of jobs including research
biologists, educators, law enforcement personnel, planners, impact analyzers, and supervisors or
administrators. Wildlife biologists can work for a wide array of employers. Many wildlife biologists
work for local, state, or federal agencies. State agencies include the Washington Department of Fish and
Wildlife, Washington Department of Natural Resources, and Washington Department of Ecology.
Federal agencies that hire wildlife biologists can be with the Department of Interior (U.S. Fish and
Wildlife Service, Parks, Bureau of Land Management; Environmental Protection Agency), the
Department of Agriculture (U.S. Forest Service; APHIS; Natural Resource Conservation Service), the
Department of Commerce (Customs); the Department of Defense (Army Corps of Engineers, many
military bases have wildlife biologists on their staff). Others wildlife biologist are employed in the
private sector by local utility companies, forestry product companies, and private consulting firms.
Many tribal organizations hire wildlife biologists. Different non government organizations (e.g.,
Audubon Society, Nature Conservancy, World Wildlife Fund) at the regional, national, and international
levels hire wildlife biologists. Zoological parks can have research wildlife biologists on their staff.
Although Eastern Washington University does not have a degree in Wildlife Biology/Management, we
do provide that courses that are required by the agencies or organizations that hire wildlife biologists.
These agencies will look at the student’s coursework; the title of the degree is not the deciding factor.
Students interested in Wildlife Biology career typically major in Biology or in Environmental Science
with the Biology emphasis. The Biology degree affords a student somewhat more flexibility in selecting
electives. If these electives are selected with close consultation with an advisor, the student can design a
program that fulfills the basic requirements for employment with different agencies. The course program
for the Environmental Sciences with Biology option includes many of these courses that would be
recommended for a student and ensures that students receive exposure to a breadth of disciplines in
environmental science (e.g., geology, chemistry).
In planning your academic program, you should be aware of your individual needs and career
aspirations, but view your preparation from three perspectives: 1) major requirements, 2) graduation
requirements, and 3) requirements of different hiring agencies.
Required Biology Courses: 28 credits
BIOL 171 Biology I (5)
BIOL 172 Biology II (5)
BIOL 173 Biology III (5)
BIOL 270 Biological Investigation (3)
BIOL 310 Fundamentals of Genetics (5)
BIOL 490 Department Senior Capstone (5)
Select one of the following courses: 5 credits
BIOL 304 Vertebrate Zoology (5)
BIOL 302 Botany (5)
BIOL 303 Invertebrate Zoology (5)
BIOL 301 Microbiology (5)
[Note: Listed in order of applicability for wildlife major, additional course will count
towards elective credit for Biology BS (see below)]
Select one of the following courses: 4-5 credits
BIOL 423 Evolution (5)
BIOL 440 Ecology (4)
[Note: Both are recommended, additional course will count towards elective credit for
Biology BS (see below)]
Select one of the following courses: 5 credits
BIOL 436 Cell Biology (5)
BIOL 438 Molecular Biology (5)
Select one of the following courses (45 credits)
BIOL 334 Human Anatomy and Physiology III for Biology Majors (5)
BIOL 351 Principles of Animal Physiology (4)
BIOL 352 Principles of Plant Physiology (4)
BIOL 353 Principles of Microbial Physiology (4)
Required Supporting Courses: 20 credits
CHEM 171 General Chemistry (4)
CHEM 171L General Chemistry Lab (1)
CHEM 172 General Chemistry (4)
CHEM 172L General Chemistry Lab (1)
CHEM 173 General Chemistry (4)
CHEM 173L General Chemistry Lab (1)
MATH 161 Calculus I or MATH 380 Elementary Probability
and Statistics or BIOL 380 Data Analysis for Biologists (5)
ELECTIVE COURSES: 36 credits (21 must be Biology electives) of upper division (300- or 400-
level) courses with advisor’s consent. Courses recommended for wildlife biologists include
BIOL 411 Field Botany (5)
BIOL 442 Conservation Biology (alternate years) (4)
BIOL 443 Wildlife Management (alternate years) (4)
BIOL 445 Stream Ecology (5)
BIOL 446 Riparian Ecology (5)
BIOL 450 Mammalogy (alternate years) (5)
BIOL 454 Ornithology (alternate years) (5)
BIOL 462 Ichthyology (5)
BIOL 481 Freshwater Invertebrate Zoology (5)
GEOG 323 GIS for Environmental Science (3)
PLAN 431 Environmental Impact Statements (3)
The federal register and U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service job requirements can serve as a general guide
for preparing oneself for a career in wildlife biology. The course requirements for a wildlife biologist
position though the U. S. Fish and Wildlife Service are as follows:
Entry Wildlife Biologist 30 semester hours = 45 quarter hours
12 [18] hours general biology, zoology/biology (vertebrate + invertebrate zoology;
physiology; genetics; ecology; cell biology, molecular biology)
9 [13.5] hours wildlife subjects (wildlife management; mammalogy; ornithology;
conservation biology)
9 [13.5] hours botany or related plant courses (botany, field botany, limnology)
Research Wildlife Biologist Additional courses
15 [22.5] hours statistics; chemistry; physics; geology; GIS
The requirements for the different GS (government service) levels are as follows:
GS-5 Bachelor’s degree
GS-7 One year experience beyond BS
GS-9 Two years experience or Masters
GS-11 Three years experience or PhD
Your academic record is the best indication that potential employers or graduate schools will have in
their assessment of your ability. It is very important to maintain as high a GPA as possible.
While you are at EWU you should always work closely with your advisor. In addition to academic
advice, he or she can help you identify scholarships and potential avenues to gain hands-on experience
in wildlife biology. This experience is often a critical factor and can include independent research, work
study, and internships.
While you are a student:
Become aware of scholarship opportunities. In addition to general university scholarships, there
are several for Biology and Environmental Science majors. Check out the scholarship
information center near the Biology Office in SC 258. There are two scholarship opportunities
specifically for students interested in wildlife careers: the Safari Club Scholarship and the
Richard Fitzner Memorial Scholarship.
Investigate opportunities for volunteer work with local agencies. Turnbull National Wildlife
Refuge, Conservation Northwest, WA Department of Fish and Wildlife, and Inland Northwest
Land Trust are a few possibilities for volunteer work. Such work gives you a sense of the
different types of jobs available as well as introduces you to local professionals.
Look into different opportunities for summer jobs or internships in wildlife areas. Be proactive
and plan ahead. For example, The National Science Foundation (NSF) funds Undergraduate
Research Programs around the country, many of these have a wildlife biology/conservation
component. Visit the NSF
Join organizations both on campus and in the community (e.g., Audubon Club,) these help you
get involved and meet people.
Many positions in the wildlife conservation field, especially the more challenging ones, require
education beyond the bachelor degree level. Often, these positions offer greater opportunities for
advancement. They include positions in research, teaching, management and administration. At an early
date in your training, consider the desirability of taking graduate studies to secure a master's or doctor's
degree. It is very important to work with your advisor at each step (e.g., planning for, finding a school
and graduate advisor, identifying funding sources to support your graduate studies, and applying to the
schools). Again, your academic record is the best indication that potential graduate schools will have in
their assessment of your ability. It is very important to maintain as high a GPA as possible; most schools
require a GPA of > 3.0. Most schools will also require that you take the general GRE exam. Some
schools might also require that you take the Biology Subject GRE. It is a very good idea to obtain a
study guide book for the GRE and take practice exams.
There are many resources available on the internet to help you identify jobs (e.g.,, the websites of the different agencies or organizations)
and internships (;;
Also us the web to research different university graduate program.
QUESTIONS, contact:
Dr. Margaret A. O'Connell
Office: 262 Science Building
Phone: 509-359-6812
Biology ETS Field Exam required for graduation.
voice: (509) 359-2339 email: biolog[email protected]
Department of Biology
Eastern Washington University
258 Science Bldg., Cheney, WA 99004