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EEOC Complaint No.
CCRD Complaint No.
Name (Complainant)
(Area Code) Telephone
Jane Smith
(303) 555-5555
Street Address
City, State, and Zip Code
1234 Colorado Street
Denver, CO 80202
The Employer, Labor Organization, Employment Agency, Apprenticeship Committee, State or
Local Government Agency who discriminated against me is:
Name (Respondent)
Number of Employees
(Area Code) Telephone
The Widget Corporation
d/b/a Widgets Worldwide
(720) 555-5555
Email Address
Street Address
City, State, and Zip Code
5678 Colorado Street
Denver, CO 80202
Discrimination Based on:
Date Most Recent Discrimination Occurred:
Sex (Female); Race/Color (African-
American/Black); Retaliation
July 9, 2020
I. Jurisdiction: The Colorado Civil Rights Division and Equal Employment Opportunity
Commission have jurisdiction over the subject matter of this charge and the named
Respondent, pursuant to the provisions of the Colorado Revised Statutes (C.R.S. 1973, 24-
34-301, et seq.), as reenacted, and Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 (42 U.S.C.
2000e, et seq.), as amended.
II. Personal Harm: On or about July 9, 2020, and prior, I was harassed by my supervisor
based on my sex (female) and/or race/color (African-American/black). On or about July
9, 2020, I was discharged based on my protected classes and/or in retaliation for engaging
in protected activity.
III. Respondent’s Position: Unknown.
IV. Discrimination Statement: I believe I was unlawfully discriminated against because: of
my protected classes and/or in retaliation for engaging in protected activity in violation
of the Colorado Anti-Discrimination Act (CADA). 1.) I began employment with the
Respondent on or about April 10, 2010, performed my job duties satisfactorily at all times,
and my most recent job title was Widget Designer. 2.) On or about April 30, 2020, I was
harassed based on my protected classes when my Supervisor, Brian Badboss (Badboss”),
made degrading comments about women and people of color during a work meeting. 3.)
On or about July 9, 2020, I was again harassed when Badboss yelled racist and sexist slurs
at me after I failed to timely submit my TPS reports. 4.) I promptly engaged in protected
activity by objecting to Badbosss discriminatory mistreatment and reported such to the
Respondents Human Resources Department. 5.) On or about July 9, 2020, I was
discharged. 6.) I believe that I was discriminated against based on my protected classes
and/or in retaliation for engaging in protected activity.
V. WHEREFORE: The Complainant prays that the Colorado Civil Rights Division grant such
relief as may exist within the Division’s power and which the Division may deem necessary
and proper.
I want this charge filed with both the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission and the State or local
agency, if any. I will advise the agency if I change my address or telephone number, and I will cooperate
fully with them in the processing of my charge in accordance with their procedures.
I declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing is true and correct.
Date Charging Party/Complainant (Signature)