Db2 13 for z/OS
JSON Application Development
Last updated: 2024-09-06
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2024-09-06 edition
This edition applies to Db2 13 for z/OS (product number 5698-DB2), Db2 13 for z/OS Value Unit Edition (product number
5698-DBV), and to any subsequent releases until otherwise indicated in new editions. Make sure you are using the
correct edition for the level of the product.
Specic changes are indicated by a vertical bar to the left of a change. A vertical bar to the left of a gure caption
indicates that the gure has changed. Editorial changes that have no technical signicance are not noted.
Copyright International Business Machines Corporation 2014, 2024.
US Government Users Restricted Rights – Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with
IBM Corp.
About this information........................................................................................... v
Who should read this information................................................................................................................v
Db2 Utilities Suite for z/OS..........................................................................................................................vi
Terminology and citations........................................................................................................................... vi
Accessibility features for Db2 for z/OS....................................................................................................... vi
How to send comments..............................................................................................................................vii
How to read syntax diagrams.....................................................................................................................vii
Chapter1.JSON application development for IBM data servers ............................. 1
Chapter2.Working with JSON documents by using SQL......................................... 3
Creating a column to store JSON data........................................................................................................ 3
Inserting JSON data into a table................................................................................................................. 3
Updating JSON data in a table.....................................................................................................................4
Retrieving data that is inside a JSON document.........................................................................................4
JSON_VAL scalar function........................................................................................................................... 6
JSON_LEN scalar function...........................................................................................................................9
JSON_TYPE scalar function.......................................................................................................................10
JSON_TABLE table function.......................................................................................................................11
JSON2BSON scalar function..................................................................................................................... 12
BSON2JSON scalar function..................................................................................................................... 13
Example SQL statements with JSON2BSON, BSON2JSON, and JSON_VAL functions...........................14
Chapter3.Working with JSON documents with the Java API................................17
Key concepts for the Java API for JSON................................................................................................... 18
Installation requirements for the JSON Java API.....................................................................................21
NoSQL properties................................................................................................................................. 21
Solution planning for the Java API for JSON............................................................................................ 23
Connection management.....................................................................................................................23
Query operators....................................................................................................................................23
Security model......................................................................................................................................25
Performance features...........................................................................................................................26
Java APIs for JSON.................................................................................................................................... 28
Connect to a Db2 database..................................................................................................................28
Store JSON documents in a Db2 database..........................................................................................29
Select JSON documents from a Db2 database................................................................................... 30
Create indexes on JSON elds.............................................................................................................30
Import or export JSON data.................................................................................................................30
JSON command-line interface (CLI)......................................................................................................... 31
Starting the command-line interface...................................................................................................32
Command-line options.........................................................................................................................33
Wire listener for JSON............................................................................................................................... 52
Conguring the wire listener................................................................................................................52
wpListener -help - ............................................................................................................................... 52
wpListener -shutdown - ...................................................................................................................... 53
wpListener -start - ...............................................................................................................................54
Information resources for Db2 for z/OS and related products................................55
Programming interface information.......................................................................................................... 58
Trademarks................................................................................................................................................ 58
Terms and conditions for product documentation................................................................................... 59
Privacy policy considerations.................................................................................................................... 59
Index.................................................................................................................. 63
About this information
Throughout this information, "Db2" means "Db2 13 for z/OS". References to other Db2 products use
complete names or specic abbreviations.
Important: To nd the most up to date content for Db2 13 for z/OS, always use IBM Documentation
or download the latest PDF le from PDF format manuals for Db2 13 for z/OS (Db2 for z/OS in IBM
Most documentation topics for Db2 13 for z/OS assume that the highest available function level is
activated and that your applications are running with the highest available application compatibility level,
with the following exceptions:
The following documentation sections describe the Db2 13 migration process and how to activate new
capabilities in function levels:
Migrating to Db2 13 (Db2 Installation and Migration)
What's new in Db2 13 (Db2 for z/OS What's New?)
Adopting new capabilities in Db2 13 continuous delivery (Db2 for z/OS What's New?)
FL 500 A label like this one usually marks documentation changed for function level 500 or higher,
with a link to the description of the function level that introduces the change in Db2 13. For more
information, see How Db2 function levels are documented (Db2 for z/OS What's New?).
The availability of new function in Db2 13 depends on the type of enhancement, the activated function
level, and the application compatibility levels of the applications. For a list of all available function levels
in Db2 13, see Db2 13 function levels (Db2 for z/OS What's New?).
Function level 100
Db2 starts at function level 100 (V13R1M100) during migration to Db2 13, and fallback and
coexistence with Db2 12 in data sharing remain possible. Many new capabilities in Db2 13 remain
unavailable. For more information, see Function level 100 (for migrating to Db2 13 - May 2022) (Db2
for z/OS What's New?).
Function level 500
Activating function level 500 (V13R1M500) prevents coexistence with and fallback to Db2 12.
Function level 500 is also the rst opportunity for applications to use many of the new capabilities in
Db2 13. However, new capabilities that depend on Db2 13 catalog changes remain unavailable. For
more information, see Function level 500 (for migrating to Db2 13 - May 2022) (Db2 for z/OS What's
Function level 501
Function level 501 (V13R1M501) is the rst opportunity after migration to Db2 13 for applications to
use new features and capabilities that depend on catalog changes in Db2 13. For more information,
see Function level 501 (Db2 13 installation or migration - May 2022) (Db2 for z/OS What's New?).
Some virtual storage and optimization enhancements take effect in function level 100. Optimization
enhancements become available after full prepare of the SQL statements, depending on the statement
For static SQL statements, after bind or rebind of the package.
For non-stabilized dynamic SQL statements, immediately, unless the statement is in the dynamic
statement cache.
For stabilized dynamic SQL statements, after invalidation, free, or changed application compatibility
Who should read this information
This information is for the following users:
Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2024 v
Db2 for z/OS application programmers with a knowledge of SQL and the JSON programming language.
JSON application programmers with a knowledge of SQL and the JSON programming language.
Db2 Utilities Suite for z/OS
Important: Db2 Utilities Suite for z/OS is available as an optional product. You must separately order
and purchase a license to such utilities, and discussion of those utility functions in this publication is not
intended to otherwise imply that you have a license to them.
Db2 13 utilities can use the DFSORT program regardless of whether you purchased a license for DFSORT
on your system. For more information about DFSORT, see https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/dfsort.
Db2 utilities can use IBM
Db2 Sort for z/OS as an alternative to DFSORT for utility SORT and MERGE
functions. Use of Db2 Sort for z/OS requires the purchase of a Db2 Sort for z/OS license. For more
information about Db2 Sort for z/OS, see Db2 Sort for z/OS documentation.
Related concepts
Db2 utilities packaging (Db2 Utilities)
Terminology and citations
When referring to a Db2 product other than Db2 for z/OS, this information uses the product's full name to
avoid ambiguity.
The following terms are used as indicated:
Represents either the Db2 licensed program or a particular Db2 subsystem.
IBM OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert on z/OS
Refers to any of the following products:
IBM IBM OMEGAMON for Db2 Performance Expert on z/OS
IBM Db2 Performance Monitor on z/OS
IBM Db2 Performance Expert for Multiplatforms and Workgroups
IBM Db2 Buffer Pool Analyzer for z/OS
C, C++, and C language
Represent the C or C++ programming language.
Represents CICS Transaction Server for z/OS
Represents the IMS Database Manager or IMS Transaction Manager.
Represents the MVS element of the z/OS operating system, which is equivalent to the Base Control
Program (BCP) component of the z/OS operating system.
Represents the functions that are provided by the RACF component of the z/OS Security Server.
Accessibility features for Db2 for z/OS
Accessibility features help a user who has a physical disability, such as restricted mobility or limited
vision, to use information technology products successfully.
Accessibility features
The following list includes the major accessibility features in z/OS products, including Db2 for z/OS. These
features support:
About this information
Keyboard-only operation.
Interfaces that are commonly used by screen readers and screen magniers.
Customization of display attributes such as color, contrast, and font size
Tip: IBM Documentation (which includes information for Db2 for z/OS) and its related publications are
accessibility-enabled for the IBM Home Page Reader. You can operate all features using the keyboard
instead of the mouse.
Keyboard navigation
For information about navigating the Db2 for z/OS ISPF panels using TSO/E or ISPF, refer to the z/OS
TSO/E Primer, the z/OS TSO/E User's Guide, and the z/OS ISPF User's Guide. These guides describe how
to navigate each interface, including the use of keyboard shortcuts or function keys (PF keys). Each guide
includes the default settings for the PF keys and explains how to modify their functions.
Related accessibility information
IBM and accessibility
See the IBM Accessibility Center at http://www.ibm.com/able
for more information about the commitment
that IBM has to accessibility.
How to send your comments about Db2 for z/OS documentation
Your feedback helps IBM to provide quality documentation.
Send any comments about Db2 for z/OS and related product documentation by email to
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Related concepts
About Db2 13 for z/OS product documentation (Db2 for z/OS in IBM Documentation)
Related reference
PDF format manuals for Db2 13 for z/OS (Db2 for z/OS in IBM Documentation)
How to read syntax diagrams
Certain conventions apply to the syntax diagrams that are used in IBM documentation.
Apply the following rules when reading the syntax diagrams that are used in Db2 for z/OS documentation:
Read the syntax diagrams from left to right, from top to bottom, following the path of the line.
The ►►─── symbol indicates the beginning of a statement.
The ───► symbol indicates that the statement syntax is continued on the next line.
The ►─── symbol indicates that a statement is continued from the previous line.
The ───► symbol indicates the end of a statement.
Required items appear on the horizontal line (the main path).
About this information
Optional items appear below the main path.
If an optional item appears above the main path, that item has no effect on the execution of the
statement and is used only for readability.
If you can choose from two or more items, they appear vertically, in a stack.
If you must choose one of the items, one item of the stack appears on the main path.
required_item required_choice1
If choosing one of the items is optional, the entire stack appears below the main path.
If one of the items is the default, it appears above the main path and the remaining choices are shown
An arrow returning to the left, above the main line, indicates an item that can be repeated.
required_item repeatable_item
If the repeat arrow contains a comma, you must separate repeated items with a comma.
A repeat arrow above a stack indicates that you can repeat the items in the stack.
Sometimes a diagram must be split into fragments. The syntax fragment is shown separately from the
main syntax diagram, but the contents of the fragment should be read as if they are on the main path of
the diagram.
About this information
For some references in syntax diagrams, you must follow any rules described in the description for that
diagram, and also rules that are described in other syntax diagrams. For example:
For expression, you must also follow the rules described in Expressions (Db2 SQL).
For references to fullselect, you must also follow the rules described in fullselect (Db2 SQL).
For references to search-condition, you must also follow the rules described in Search conditions
(Db2 SQL).
With the exception of XPath keywords, keywords appear in uppercase (for example, FROM). Keywords
must be spelled exactly as shown.
XPath keywords are dened as lowercase names, and must be spelled exactly as shown.
Variables appear in all lowercase letters (for example, column-name). They represent user-supplied
names or values.
If punctuation marks, parentheses, arithmetic operators, or other such symbols are shown, you must
enter them as part of the syntax.
Related concepts
Commands in Db2 (Db2 Commands)
Db2 online utilities (Db2 Utilities)
Db2 stand-alone utilities (Db2 Utilities)
About this informationix
xDb2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Chapter 1. JSON application development for IBM
data servers
In Db2, you can store and manage data that is formatted using JavaScript Object Notation (JSON). JSON
provides a flexible mechanism to store and transmit data between application tiers. JSON is becoming
one of the predominant technologies for rapidly changing mobile and interactive applications.
The JSON format is often used for serializing structured data and transmitting that structured data over a
network connection. It is used primarily to transmit data between a server and a web application, serving
as an alternative to XML. It eliminates the need for predetermined schema designs and reduces the need
for data transformations.
JSON is a lightweight data exchange format that is specied in IETF RFC 4627. It is language independent
and portable. As a subset of the JavaScript programming language, it is easy to implement and is easily
read by humans and machines alike.
BSON is a standardized binary representation format for serializing JSON documents. It allows for fast
traversal of JSON documents.
Working with JSON documents by using SQL
You can also store and retrieve JSON values in Db2 columns without parsing or indexing on specic elds
inside the JSON document, by using CLOB or VARCHAR column to hold the value. You can then query and
update based on another key column in the table.
For more information about the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS, see
Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3
Java API for JSON
A Java API also supports a JSON-oriented query language that is derived from the MongoDB query
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3
A JSON data store is a database that provides the capabilities to store, process, and manage data in JSON
format. The Java API for JSON feature for Db2 enables a Db2 database to serve as a JSON data store.
JSON documents in the data store are stored in a binary format, extended BSON.
For more information, see Chapter 3, “Working with JSON documents with the Java API,” on page 17
Related tasks
Creating a column to store JSON data
JSON data can be stored in BSON format in a column in Db2.
Retrieving data that is inside a JSON document
You can use the JSON_VAL function to retrieve data that is inside a JSON document.
Related reference
Example SQL statements with JSON2BSON, BSON2JSON, and JSON_VAL functions.
JSON_VAL scalar function
The JSON_VAL function provides an SQL interface to extract and retrieve JSON data into SQL data types
from BSON objects. The JSON_VAL function returns an element of a JSON document that is identied by
the JSON eld name that is specied in search-string. The value of the JSON element is returned in the
data type and length that is specied in result-type.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2024 1
2Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Chapter 2. Working with JSON documents by using
You can store and retrieve JSON data directly by using SQL with several built-in and user-dened
functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS. This method is the recommended approach for working
with JSON documents in Db2 for z/OS.
The JSON functions rely on the JSON documents being stored in Db2 for z/OS an internal binary format
named BSON (Binary JSON).
You can also store and retrieve JSON values in Db2 columns without parsing or indexing on specic elds
inside the JSON document, by using CLOB or VARCHAR column to hold the value. You can then query and
update based on another key column in the table.
Related tasks
Tuning routines with storage-consuming parameter lists (Db2 Performance)
Creating a column to store JSON data
JSON data can be stored in BSON format in a column in Db2.
About this task
Issue the CREATE TABLE SQL statement and specify BLOB as the data type for the column to contain
JSON data.
The following example creates a CALL_RECORDS column to store JSON data.
Inserting JSON data into a table
You can use the JSON2BSON function to insert JSON data into a table.
About this task
The JSON2BSON function is used to convert a value into its binary representation before it is inserted into
a table. JSON2BSON requires a CLOB data type as the single input parameter.
Issue the INSERT SQL statement and specify the JSON2BSON function.
The following example inserts a JSON document string into the table:
VALUES ( 'AB0033789',
Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2024 3
SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON('{"calls": [ {"dateOfCall": "2014-02-26", "associate":
"Steven Barnes",
"conversationNotes": "Customer provided details of
accident and witness
contact information. Stated that her local agent was
"satisfactionSurveyResult":"needs improvement" }'
Related reference
JSON2BSON scalar function
The JSON2BSON user-dened function converts the specied JSON document in string format to an
equivalent binary representation in BSON format. If you are using the JSON_VAL function to retrieve JSON
eld values from a JSON document, that document must be in BSON format.
Updating JSON data in a table
You can use the JSON2BSON function to update JSON data in a table.
To update JSON data in a table:
1. Query and retrieve the JSON data from a JSON column.
2. Modify the contents of the JSON column.
3. To push the updated column value back into the table, issue the UPDATE SQL statement and specify
the JSON2BSON function.
The following example updates the JSON document in the table:
{"dateOfCall": "2014-02-26",
"associate": "Steven Barnes",
"conversationNotes": "Customer provided
details of accident
and witness contact information. Stated
that her local
agent was unavailable."},
{"dateOfCall": "2014-02-29",
"associate": "Paula Garcia",
"conversationNotes": "Client asked about
status of the
damage estimate."}],
improvement" }');
Related reference
JSON2BSON scalar function
The JSON2BSON user-dened function converts the specied JSON document in string format to an
equivalent binary representation in BSON format. If you are using the JSON_VAL function to retrieve JSON
eld values from a JSON document, that document must be in BSON format.
Retrieving data that is inside a JSON document
You can use the JSON_VAL function to retrieve data that is inside a JSON document.
Before you begin
The examples in this procedure assume that you have created and populated the following tables:
The CLAIMS table:
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Dene CLAIMS as shown in “Creating a column to store JSON data” on page 3.
Populate CLAIMS as shown in “Inserting JSON data into a table” on page 3.
Dene ASSOCIATES like this:
Populate ASSOCIATES like this:
Issue the SELECT SQL statement and specify the JSON_VAL function.
The following example uses the JSON_VAL function to extract data from a JSON document for retrieval
through a SELECT clause.
JSON_VAL(CALL_RECORDS, 'satisfactionSurveyResult', 's:25' )
WHERE CLAIM_ID = 'AB0033789';
The output should look like this.
AB0033789 needs improvement
The following example uses the JSON_VAL function to extract a value that is inside the JSON document
for use in a WHERE clause predicate:
'satisfactionSurveyResult', 's:25') = 'needs improvement' ;
The output should look like this.
09736814 AB0033789
Barnes","conversationNotes":"Customer provided details of
accident and witness contact information. Stated that her local
agent was unavailable."}],"satisfactionSurveyResult":"needs
The following example uses the JSON_VAL function to extract a value that is inside the JSON document
for use in a JOIN predicate:
WHERE JSON_VAL(C.CALL_RECORDS, 'satisfactionSurveyResult', 's:25') =
Chapter 2. Working with JSON documents by using SQL
'needs improvement'
AND JSON_VAL(C.CALL_RECORDS, 'calls.associate', 's:40') = A.NAME;
You should receive results like these:
09736814 AB0033789
provided details of accident and witness contact
information. Stated that her local agent was
Related reference
JSON_VAL scalar function
The JSON_VAL function provides an SQL interface to extract and retrieve JSON data into SQL data types
from BSON objects. The JSON_VAL function returns an element of a JSON document that is identied by
the JSON eld name that is specied in search-string. The value of the JSON element is returned in the
data type and length that is specied in result-type.
BSON2JSON scalar function
The BSON2JSON user-dened function converts a JSON document in binary format (extended BSON) into
a readable JSON text format.
JSON_VAL scalar function
The JSON_VAL function provides an SQL interface to extract and retrieve JSON data into SQL data types
from BSON objects. The JSON_VAL function returns an element of a JSON document that is identied by
the JSON eld name that is specied in search-string. The value of the JSON element is returned in the
data type and length that is specied in result-type.
JSON_VAL ( json-value , search-string , result-type )
The schema is SYSIBM.
An expression that returns a BLOB value. The json-value must contain a BSON representation of a
JSON document.
A character or graphic string constant that is not longer than 2048 bytes. search-string contains the
path-qualied JSON eld name. If the value is not CCSID 1208, the value is converted to CCSID 1208
before the function is evaluated.
A character string constant that is not longer than 32 bytes that species the characteristics for the
result of the function. The constant is not case-sensitive. The string ':na' can be appended to the data
type to indicate that json-value must not contain a JSON array. Leading blanks can be specied before
':' and trailing blanks can be specied after ':'. For example, ' s:40', 's :40', 'b: 10', 'ts: na ', 's:40 :na',
and 's:40: na ' can be specied. The result-type value must contain a data type specication from the
following table.
Table 1. Supported constant values for the data type portion of result-type.
result-type SQL data type of the result
6Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Table 1. Supported constant values for the data type portion of result-type. (continued)
result-type SQL data type of the result
s:n VARCHAR(n), where n is an integer constant 1–
32672. The CCSID of the result is the CCSID for
Unicode mixed data (1208).
b:n VARCHAR(n) FOR BIT DATA, where n is an integer
constant 1–32672.
u INTEGER, with values 0 or 1.
The JSON eld name can identify a scalar value or a JSON array value. If ':na' is specied as part of
result-type, the result must not be an array. If ':na' is not specied in result-type and the result is an
array, the value of the rst element of the identied array is returned.
The result of the JSON_VAL function is the data type and length that is specied by result-type. The
result can be null.
The result is determined by the following criteria:
If the JSON eld name is not found in json-value, the result is the null value.
If the BSON_TYPE of the JSON eld in json-value is BSON_DBREF or BSON_UNDEFINED, the result
is the null value.
If result-type is 'u', the result value describes the value of the specied JSON eld in json-value. The
result depends on the following values of the JSON eld:
A value exists and the value is not the null value or an empty string. For example:
A value exists and the value is the null value. For example: {name:null}.
A value does not exist. For example: { }.
Otherwise, if necessary, the value of the specied JSON eld in json-value is converted to result-
type. If the value of the JSON eld cannot be converted to result-type, the null value is returned. For
example, assume that the value of the JSON eld is an arbitrary string that cannot be converted to
an integer, and result-type is 'i'. The null value is returned. If the length of the data is longer than
the length specied by result-type, the result is the null value. Also, if the result is VARCHAR or a
datetime value (DATE, TIME, or TIMESTAMP), the encoding scheme is Unicode.
Assignment of arguments to parameters
When the JSON_VAL function is invoked and arguments are assigned to the parameter types of the
function, or the result of the function is assigned to the target on return from the function, implicit cast
is not used.
Chapter 2. Working with JSON documents by using SQL
Statement concentrator
Constant values that are specied as arguments cannot be replaced with parameter markers for use
with the statement concentrator.
CREATE INDEX statement considerations
The following considerations apply to CREATE INDEX statements that invoke the JSON_VAL function:
If key-expression invokes the JSON_VAL function and the rst argument is a LOB column, the
column must be dened as an inline LOB.
If key-expression invokes the JSON_VAL function, the function invocation must meet the following
The invocation of the JSON_VAL function must be the outermost expression for key-expression.
If the rst argument is a column, that column must be contained in a table in a partition-by-
growth table space.
The third argument must end with the string ':na', to indicate that the rst argument does not
contain a JSON array.
If key-expression invokes the JSON_VAL built-in function, the CREATE INDEX statement must not
reference any LOB columns other than the LOB column that is the argument to the JSON_VAL
function. Such a CREATE INDEX statement can refer only to a single LOB column.
Date value restrictions
When $DATE is used in the JSON document, only date values from 01 January 1970 through 31
December 2037 are supported.
Assume that the DATA column in table 'table1' contains a row with the following JSON document:
phone:["555-666-7777", "444-789-1234"],
street:"ABC st",
You can use the JSON_VAL function to nd addresses with a zip code of '95141'.
SELECT * FROM "table1"
WHERE JSON_VAL(DATA, 'address.zipcode', ‘s:5’)='95141';
The following examples show how you can use the search-string argument. Assume that the table
'json_table' contains four rows with the following JSON objects. Each JSON object is stored as BSON in
a BLOB column named DATA.
name: "Joe",
phone: 82113456,
name: "Kate",
phone: 82113111,
name: "Lock",
phone: 81231232, 81231233
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
phone: “82111432”
partner: “NULL”
phone: “NULL”
Extract the name of the object:
You can use the JSON_VAL function to extract the name of the object whose partner's son's name
(search-string of 'partner.son.name') is 'Lock' and return the value as VARCHAR(40).
SELECT JSON_VAL( data, 'name' , 's:40' ) FROM json_table
WHERE JSON_VAL( data, 'partner.son.name' , 's:40' ) = 'Lock';
The result is 'Joe'.
Extract the name of the partner's partner:
You can use the JSON_VAL function to extract the name of the partner's partner (search-string of
'partner.partner') for each row and return the value as VARCHAR(40).
SELECT JSON_VAL( data, 'partner.partner ' , 's:40' ) FROM json_table ;
This example returns four rows, each containing the null value because the search string
'partner.partner' does not exist for the objects in any row.
JSON_LEN scalar function
The JSON_LEN user-dened function returns the number of elements in an element of type array inside a
JSON document. NULL is returned if an element is not an array.
The schema is SYSTOOLS.
An expression that returns a JSON document in binary format (extended BSON).
A character or graphic string constant that is not longer than 2048 bytes. inelem contains the path-
qualied JSON eld name to be searched for.
The result of the function is an integer.
Assume that table T1 contains following JSON document in a column C1 as a BSON format.
{array: [10,20,30,40]}
Following query returns the number of elements in ‘array.
SELECT SYSTOOLS.JSON_LEN(C1, 'array') as Length
Chapter 2. Working with JSON documents by using SQL
1_| 4 |
JSON_TYPE scalar function
The JSON_TYPE user-dened function returns the BSON type of the given element.
The schema is SYSTOOLS.
An expression that returns a JSON document in binary format (extended BSON).
A character or graphic string constant that is not longer than 2048 bytes. inelem contains the path-
qualied JSON eld name to be searched for.
maxlength species the maximum length of the return value of the binary eld of this user-dened
function. The default is 2048. If the length of the eld value is greater than 2048, then this function
returns a null value.
The result of the function is an integer.
The following table shows the BSON type that is returned for the corresponding data types or null value.
Table 2. BSON type returned
BSON type Data type
1 64-bit binary floating point
2 UTF-8 string
3 Embedded document
4 Array
5 Binary data
6 Undened – deprecated
7 ObjectID
8 Boolean
9 UTC datetime
10 Null value
11 Regular expression
12 DBPointer – Deprecated
13 Javascript code
14 Deprecated
15 JavaScript code with Scope
16 32-bit integer
17 Timestamp
18 64-bit integer
10Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Table 2. BSON type returned (continued)
BSON type Data type
0xFF Min key
0x7F Max key
Assume that table T1 contains following simple JSON document in a column C1 as a BSON format.
{name: “Mike”, age: 20}
The following query returns BSON type for ‘name’ and ‘age’ in JSON document.
SELECT SYSTOOLS.JSON_TYPE(C1, 'name', 2048) AS Name,
SYSTOOLS.JSON_TYPE(C1, 'age' , 2048) AS Age
| NAME | AGE |
1_| 2 | 16 |
The value 2 is the BSON type for a string and 16 is the BSON type for an integer.
JSON_TABLE table function
The JSON_TABLE user-dened function returns a table with two columns. First column is the BSON type
and second column is the string value.
The schema is SYSTOOLS.
An expression that returns a JSON document in binary format (extended BSON).
A character or graphic string constant that is not longer than 2048 bytes. inelem contains the path-
qualied JSON eld name to be searched for.
A character string constant that is no longer than 32 bytes that species the characteristics for the
result of the function. rettype must contain a data type specication, see “JSON_VAL scalar function”
on page 6. The value is not case-sensitive.
The result of the function is a table with the format that is shown in the following table. All the columns
are nullable.
Table 3. Table returned
Column name Data type Contains
TYPE INTEGER The type of the element.
VALUE VARCHAR(2048) The value of the element.
Chapter 2. Working with JSON documents by using SQL11
Notes for JSON_TABLE
CCSID rules
The JSON_TABLE function follows the CCSID rules for user-dened functions, which means that it
returns a string data type in the appropriate CCSID of the application encoding scheme. So, you might
need to use the CAST function to avoid problems with the encoding of returned data.
Date value restrictions
When $DATE is used in the JSON document, only date values from 01 January 1970 through 31
December 2037 are supported.
Assume that table T1 contains the following three rows of a JSON document, in BSON format, in a column
{person: {name: “Mike”, age: 25}}
{person: {name: “John”, age: 42}}
{person: {name: “Kevin”, age: 34}}
The following query returns a table with two columns: TYPE and VALUE.
FROM T1, TABLE(SYSTOOLS.JSON_TABLE(C1,'person', 's:50')) X
1_| 3 | {name:"Mike",age:25}
2_| 3 | {name:"John",age:42}
3_| 3 | {name:"Kevin",age:34}
TYPE contains the BSON type of element ‘person’ and VALUE contains the value of ‘person’. The TYPE 3 is
the BSON type for an embedded document (nested JSON object).
JSON2BSON scalar function
The JSON2BSON user-dened function converts the specied JSON document in string format to an
equivalent binary representation in BSON format. If you are using the JSON_VAL function to retrieve JSON
eld values from a JSON document, that document must be in BSON format.
The schema is SYSTOOLS.
An expression that returns a CLOB (JSON document in text format) that is no larger than 16 MB.
The result is a BLOB(16 MB) that contains the converted BSON value.
If the input string contains an invalid JSON format, or if the converted value cannot t into a BLOB(16 MB),
an error is returned.
Notes for JSON2BSON
Date value restrictions
When $DATE is used in the JSON document, only date values from 01 January 1970 through 31
December 2037 are supported.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
The following example inserts a row into a table, which contains a BLOB column that holds a JSON
VALUES('12345',' 333 Oak Street', 'San Jose', 'CA', '95110',
SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON('{"name":"Joe Stockton", "age":28, "interests":
Related tasks
Tuning routines with storage-consuming parameter lists (Db2 Performance)
BSON2JSON scalar function
The BSON2JSON user-dened function converts a JSON document in binary format (extended BSON) into
a readable JSON text format.
The schema is SYSTOOLS.
An expression that returns a document in binary format (extended BSON) that is no larger than 16 MB.
The result is a CLOB (16 MB) that contains a JSON document in a readable text format.
If the input value does not contain a valid BSON formatted expression, or if the converted value cannot t
into a 16 MB CLOB, an error is returned.
Notes for BSON2JSON
CCSID rules
The BSON2JSON function follows the CCSID rules for user-dened functions, which means that it
returns a string data type in the appropriate CCSID of the application encoding scheme. So, you might
need to use the CAST function to avoid problems with the encoding of returned data.
Date value restrictions
When $DATE is used in the JSON document, only date values from 01 January 1970 through 31
December 2037 are supported.
The following SQL statement uses BSON2JSON to convert the content of the BLOB column that is named
PROFILE to a readable format as part of a SELECT statement. The example assumes that PROFILE
contains data that was inserted in a valid BSON format:
WHERE CUSTID = '12345';
Related tasks
Tuning routines with storage-consuming parameter lists (Db2 Performance)
Chapter 2. Working with JSON documents by using SQL
Example SQL statements with JSON2BSON, BSON2JSON, and
JSON_VAL functions
The following examples show how you can use SQL with the JSON2BSON, BSON2JSON, and JSON_VAL
functions to work with JSON data.
Example: Creating tables to store JSON data
The following example creates tables to store JSON data.
Example: Creating an index on a table with JSON data
The following example creates an index on Customer.age column and Customer.name column in the
JSON_VAL(DATA, 'Customer.name', 's:20:na'));
Example: Inserting JSON data into a table
The following example inserts purchase order JSON data into the JSONPO table, and customer
information into the JSONCUSTOMER table.
'{"PO":{"@id": 101,
"@orderDate": "2014-11-18",
"customer": {"@cid": 999},
"items": {
"item": [{"@partNum": "872-AA",
"productName": "Lawnmower",
"quantity": 1,
"USPrice": 149.99,
"shipDate": "2014-11-20"
{"@partNum": "945-ZG",
"productName": "Sapphire Bracelet",
"quantity": 2,
"USPrice": 178.99,
"comment": "Not shipped"
'{"PO":{"@id": 102,
"@orderDate": "2014-12-20",
"customer": {"@cid": 888},
"items": {
"item": [{"@partNum": "872-AA",
"productName": "Lawnmower",
"quantity": 1,
"USPrice": 749.99,
"shipDate": "2014-12-21"
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
{"@partNum": "837-CM",
"productName": "Digital Camera",
"quantity": 2,
"USPrice": 199.99,
"comment": "2014-12-22"
'{"Customer":{"@cid": 999,
"name": "Michael",
"age": 31,
"telephone": "234-343-2343",
"country": "USA"
'{"Customer":{"@cid": 888,
"name": "George",
"age": 29,
"telephone": "133-144-9999",
"country": "USA"
The following example inserts a JSON document into a VARCHAR column. JSON2BSON is not needed for
this operation.
'{"PO":{"@id": 103,
"@orderDate": "2014-06-20",
"customer": {"@cid": 888},
"items": {
"item": [ { "@partNum": "872-AA",
"productName": "Lawnmower",
"quantity": 1,
"USPrice": 749.99,
"shipDate": "2014-06-21"
{ "@partNum": "837-CM",
"productName": "Digital Camera",
"quantity": 2,
"USPrice": 199.99,
"comment": "2014-06-22"
Examples: Displaying JSON data
The following example displays the entire JSON data as text from the JSONPO table.
The following example converts BSON format to JSON format and displays the entire JSON data as text.
The following example displays customer ID JSON data in descending order.
ORDER BY JSON_VAL(DATA, 'PO.customer.@cid', 'i') DESC;
Chapter 2. Working with JSON documents by using SQL
Examples: Retrieving JSON data
The following example retrieves the name of customers who are older than 30.
SELECT JSON_VAL(DATA,'Customer.name', 's:20') "Name"
WHERE JSON_VAL(DATA,'Customer.age', 'i') > 30;
The following example retrieves 2014 purchase orders from table JSONPO.
WHERE YEAR(JSON_VAL(DATA,'PO.@orderDate', 'd')) = 2014;
The following example retrieves the rst item that was purchased by a customer who is older than 30
years old.
SELECT JSON_VAL(T2.DATA,'PO.items.item.0.productName', 's:10') AS "Item"
WHERE JSON_VAL(T1.DATA, 'Customer.@cid', 'i') = JSON_VAL(T2.DATA, 'PO.customer.@cid', 'i')
JSON_VAL(T1.DATA,'Customer.age', 'i') > 30;
Example: Updating JSON data in a table
The following example updates the Customer information.
SET DATA = SYSTOOLS.JSON2BSON('{"Customer":{"@cid": 777,
"name": "George",
"age": 29,
"telephone": "566-898-1111",
"country": "USA"
WHERE JSON_VAL(DATA, 'Customer.@cid', 'i:na') = 888;
Example: Deleting JSON data in a table
The following example deleted JSON data in a table:
WHERE JSON_VAL(DATA, 'Customer.@cid', 'i:na') = 777;
Related reference
BSON2JSON scalar function
The BSON2JSON user-dened function converts a JSON document in binary format (extended BSON) into
a readable JSON text format.
JSON2BSON scalar function
The JSON2BSON user-dened function converts the specied JSON document in string format to an
equivalent binary representation in BSON format. If you are using the JSON_VAL function to retrieve JSON
eld values from a JSON document, that document must be in BSON format.
JSON_VAL scalar function
The JSON_VAL function provides an SQL interface to extract and retrieve JSON data into SQL data types
from BSON objects. The JSON_VAL function returns an element of a JSON document that is identied by
the JSON eld name that is specied in search-string. The value of the JSON element is returned in the
data type and length that is specied in result-type.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the
Java API
You can create, modify, or remove JSON documents that are stored in a Db2 database.
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3.
The NoSQL capability in Db2 enables JSON documents that are stored in a Db2 database server to be
manipulated in the following three ways:
The JSON capability for Java API provides a set of methods for storing, retrieving, and manipulating
JSON documents. These methods can be called by Java applications directly through the API to work
with the documents in the database. Because the Db2 database server is the data store, this component
translates the operations that are requested in the method invocations into SQL statements.
The JSON command-line interface (CLI) is a command shell for issuing administrative commands
for JSON document collections, and for running queries and update operations against the JSON
collections. The JSON CLI very similar to the Db2 command line processor.
The JSON wire listener is a server application that intercepts the Mongo wire protocol. This wire listener
acts as a mid-tier gateway server between MongoDB applications and Db2. It uses the NoSQL for JSON
API to interface with the Db2 database server as the data store. You can run a MongoDB application that
is written in application programming languages (such as Java, NodeJS, PHP, and Ruby), or you can use
the MongoDB CLI to communicate with the Db2 server.
The Java API can also support extra application interfaces, such as the command-line interface and the
wire listener.
Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2024 17
Figure 1. JSON components in Db2
In addition to supporting basic features of the MongoDB query language, the JSON capability also
provides extensions that you can use to apply some Db2 database features to JSON documents, such
Transaction control to group multiple operations into one commit scope
Batch processing for multi-row insert operations
Key concepts for the Java API for JSON
JSON, which is an abbreviation of JavaScript Object Notation, is a lightweight data-interchange format
that is based on the object-literal notation of JavaScript. JSON is programming-language neutral but
uses conventions from various languages. The Java API supports a JSON-oriented query language that is
derived from the MongoDB query language.
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3.
A JSON data store is a database that provides the capabilities to store, process, and manage data in
JSON format. The JSON feature for Db2 enables a Db2 database to serve as a JSON data store. JSON
documents in the data store are stored in a binary format, extended BSON.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
JSON namespaces
Each JSON data store can support multiple JSON namespaces. JSON namespaces are conceptually
similar to a MongoDB database and are represented as an SQL schema. By default, the namespaces are
not case-sensitive.
In the command-line interface, the namespace is set with the use command and referenced with the
command prex db.
The following code sample represents a JSON namespace:
nosql>use media
Switched to schema MEDIA
[movies, books, audio]
JSON collections
A JSON collection is a named grouping of JSON documents. Document structures in a collection might
differ signicantly. However, usually documents in a collection are of a similar nature to enable nding and
grouping data.
Collections are represented in a Db2 table with a custom-dened or automatically generated unique
identier and a binary large object to hold the semi-structured document content. A collection can be
created explicitly with the createCollection() command. A collection is implicitly created when an
insert is attempted for a collection that did not previously exist.
The document identiers that serve as primary key must be of the same data type for all documents in the
JSON documents
JSON documents consist of elds, which are name-value pair objects. The elds can be in any order, and
be nested or arranged in arrays.
There is no enforcement of document structures. Therefore, other documents in the same collection
might have a subset of elds, extra elds, or different representations of the same eld.
The keys, that is, the eld names are always String data and must be unique. The values can be any of the
supported JSON data types.
Table 4. JSON data types
Data type Example in JSON format
java.lang.String "string"
java.lang.Integer 3
java.lang.Long 4294967296
java.lang.Double 6.2
java.lang.Byte [] true / false
java.util.Date (millisecond precision, in UTC) { "$binary": "(base64-encoded value)", "$type":
"0" }
java.util.regex.Pattern { "$date" : "1998-03-11T17:14:12.456Z" }
java.util.regex.Pattern { "$regex" : "ab*" , "$options" : "" }
java.util.UUID { "$uuid" : "fb46f9a6-13df-41a2-a4e3-
c77e85e747dd" }
com.ibm.nosql.bson.types.ObjectId { "$oid" : "51d2f200eefac17ea91d6831" }
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API19
Table 4. JSON data types (continued)
Data type Example in JSON format
com.ibm.nosql.bson.types.Code { "$code" : "mycode" }
com.ibm.nosql.bson.types.CodeWScope { "$code" : "i=i+1", "$scope" : {} }
com.ibm.nosql.json.api.BasicDBObject { "a" : 1, "b": { "c" : 2 } }
com.ibm.nosql.json.api.BasicDBList [1 , 2, "3", "abc", 5]
For Date string values, the client converts the value to UTC to be stored in Db2 databases. It is also
retrieved as a Date in UTC format.
The following example represents a sample JSON document:
phone:["555-666-7777", "444-789-1234"],
{street:"Sycamore Avenue",
city: “Gilroy”,
street:"Bailey Avenue",
City: “San Jose”,
JSON nested objects
JSON objects can be nested inside other JSON objects. Each nested object must have a unique access
The same eld name can occur in nested objects in the same document. However, uniqueness must still
apply for the full access name.
To access nested elds, concatenate the eld names that are separated by a . (dot). For example, use
author.lastname to access the surname for the author in this document:
{"isbn": "123-456-222",
"lastname": "Doe",
"firstname": "Jane"
"lastname": "Smith",
"firstname": "Jane"
"title": "The Ultimate Database Study Guide",
"category": ["Non-Fiction", "Technology"]
In the example, the eld name lastname occurs in the author and the editor object. The prexes in
author.lastname and editor.lastname provide unique access.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Installation requirements for the JSON Java API
To enable support for programming with JSON in Db2, the server and client must be running specic
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3.
Table 5. Installation requirements for the Java API for JSON
Installation requirements
with all current maintenance applied
The feature of IBM Db2 Accessories Suite for z/OS,
IBM Data Server from http://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24036705
(required only for the JSON Java API)
NoSQL properties
You can set properties that affect the behavior of the NoSQL client.
The properties are set in the nosql.properties le. The nosql.properties le is created manually
and can be copied to any directory. The le directory must be included in the application classpath.
nosql.asyncMaxThreadCount property
Sets the maximum number of asynchronous threads. The threads are used to process
WriteConcern.NONE and WriteConcern.NORMAL inserts, in which case inserts are queued, batched,
and inserted with less frequent commits drastically increasing speed, but also increasing transaction log
space requirements on the Db2 server.
If there are too many threads, each thread has less data to consolidate. If there are too few threads, they
become a bottleneck in a system that can otherwise move more data.
The nosql.connPoolSize property limits the number of threads that you can use, because each thread
needs a connection to work with. If there are not enough connections, some threads wait until one
becomes available, and that decreases performance.
Set the asynchronous maximum thread count to 10:
nosql.connectionPoolSize property
Species the number of connections in the JDBC connection pool that is managed by the JSON API
instance. If you use the NoSQLClient.getDB(URL, username , password) property, the API
creates a JDBC connection pool and manages it for the database.
If the program needs another connection and no connections are available in the pool, the connection
request must wait until a connection is returned to the pool. Keeping the value of the property too low
might reduce concurrency. Setting the value too high might exceed the database connection limits and
cause errors.
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
Set the connection pool size to 20:
nosql.traceFile property
Species the name of a trace le that your program has permission to write to.
You can also congure NoSQL API tracing or logging by using the java.util.logging class. If you turn
on logging in both an application and in the properties le, the log is written to both places. In general,
logging has a performance cost.
Null (no tracing)
Set the name of the trace le to /tmp/nosql.text:
nosql.traceLevel property
Sets the level of detail for the trace output. You must specify this property together with the
nosql.traceFile property.
Values are as follows. They are specied in order of lowest detail level to highest detail level.
Species that logging is turned off.
Species that only severe problems are logged. This level indicates a serious failure.
Species that potential problems are logged.
Species that informational messages are logged. For the JSON API, if this level is chosen, most
traceable messages are displayed. The following levels of granularity are supported:
Species that static conguration are logged.
Species that basic tracing messages are logged.
Species that detailed tracing messages are logged.
Species that highly detailed tracing messages are logged.
Indicates that all messages are logged.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Set the trace level to ALL:
Solution planning for the Java API for JSON
Information about connection management, query operators, JSON security, and performance features
will help you plan your implementation of JSON.
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3.
Connection management
There are two options to connect to a JSON data store. The rst option is through a single-mode
connection, which is explicitly established with the provided connection information. The second option is
through a shared connection pool.
By default, a connection pool is used. Operations such as insert() and update() attempt to obtain
a connection from the pool, perform the operation with that connection, and return it to the pool when
done. For details, see the information about the nosql.connectionPoolSize property.
For connections in single-mode, the JSON API allows control of transactional behavior when you are
working with JSON documents. Therefore, it is possible to combine multiple operations in a transaction,
control auto-commit behavior, and trigger a rollback if errors occur. The transaction APIs are not
applicable for the re and forget mode. For details, see the information about connecting to a Db2
Query operators
Various query operators are supported, such as logical operators, comparison operators, and data
evaluation operators.
JSON logical operators
The $and, $or, $not, and $nor logical operators are supported.
The following example uses the $and operator:
You can imply the $and operator by using a comma. The following version of the previous example
uses this alternative syntax for the $and operator:
The following example uses the $not operator:
The following example uses the $or operator:
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
The following example uses the $nor operator:
JSON comparison operators
A number of different comparison operators are supported.
equality comparison operator
The following example uses the equality comparison operator:
$ne (inequality comparator operator)
The following example uses the inequality comparator operator:
The following example uses the $in operator to match at least one value in a set:
You cannot use the $in operator, or the “in” operator in a index if the array contains different data
Do not use different types for the same eld, as shown in the following incorrect example:
The following example uses the $nin operator to match to no values in a set, which is also referred to
as the "not in" comparison operator:
The following example uses the $lt operator, which is also referred to as the "less than" comparison
The following example uses the $lte operator, which is also referred to as the “less than or equals"
The following example uses the $gt operator, which is also referred to as the “greater than" operator:
The following example uses the $gte operator, which is also referred to as the “greater than or equals"
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
$regex (regular expression predicate)
The following example uses the regular expression predicate ($regex):
Data evaluation operators
JSON data evaluation operators provide ways to locate data within the database. They work in different
manners for queries on individual documents and aggregation queries.
The $size operator returns the number of documents if the array eld is of the specied size. The
following example uses the $size operator:
The $mod operator performs a modulo operation on the value of the eld and returns the document
that meets the specied result. The following examples use the $mod operator:
The following query nds the value that has a remainder of 1 after it is divided by 4:
The following query nds the value that has a remainder of 0 after it is divided by 5:
For details about supported data evaluation operators in queries that are constructed by using
aggregation tasks, see the topic about aggregation tasks and operators.
Security model
The JSON security model is based on roles. To fulll such a role, certain database privileges must be
available to a user.
The three user roles are listed as shown:
JSON administrator
This user role requires SYSCTRL or SYSADM authority to be set for the authorization ID.
JSON collection manager
A JSON collection manager role requires authorizations for the CREATE TABLE, CREATE TRIGGER,
and CREATE INDEX statements.
Might need authority to create new SQL schemas, if the JSON administrator has not already created
the schemas.
Collection managers automatically have the document user role for their collections.
Collections are created with default access rights for database users.
JSON document user
Can insert, update, and delete JSON documents.
Authorizations must be explicitly assigned by the JSON collection manager.
If implicit creation of documents is allowed, the document user must also have the collection
manager role.
For applications that connect through the Java API, or for connections from the command-line interface,
the authentication ID of the connected user is used to determine the access privileges. However, the wire
listener uses proxy users.
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
Wire listener authentication
The wire listener uses an MD5-hash mechanism to verify that applications are a trusted source of
The wire listener connects with a proxy user to the database. The proxy user must have DBADM privileges.
When the incoming message from a client application is authenticated by the wire listener, the listener
submits the request to the database with a proxy user connection. The proxy user must have JSON
collection manager and JSON document user roles for all JSON collections that should be accessible with
this wire listener.
The application must authenticate users. It accepts user ID, password if applicable. Applications might
accept unauthenticated users, in which case, the application must ensure that such users can only run
approved queries.
The wire listener keeps a registration le on the host, which contains a list of registered applications and
MD5-hash-tokens. These tokens might be per application, per application and schema, or just a single
token per wire listener. This registration le is maintained by the JSON administrator by using a wire
listener script. Access to the conguration list is controlled by operating system security, so that only
those with access to the system and read or write access to the directory can work with the le.
The application sends messages with the user queries to the wire listener. The application must know
the connection information (host, port) and have a valid token for the listener. The token is exchanged
between the application manager and wire listener manager. The application id or token is then sent by
the application by using the user ID and md5-hash mechanism in the message that is otherwise used for
user ID or password.
The wire listener authenticates the application user ID only once, rather than for every message it
receives from the application for a user. If the application switches the user ID then it is authenticated
again by the wire listener.
The application and wire listener must be behind a rewall to prevent external snooping.
Remember: If a malicious user has access inside the rewall, they can snoop the message exchanges
between the application and the wire listener, including the token, through some network sniffer, and can
get access to the JSON data included in these messages.
Performance features
Various performance features are provided with the JSON capability for Db2, such as lazy fetching of
queries, batching of JSON documents, and the re and forget mode for insert operations.
Lazy fetches
Queries that use the DBCollection.find() method return a DBCursor object, which represents a
forward-only cursor that iterates over results. To fetch blocks of results that load as you demand them,
use the DBCursor.lazyFetch() method.By default, queries fetch results eagerly, or all at once.
The purpose of lazy fetching is memory optimization. You must specify the lazy fetch before opening the
cursor. It is important to close the cursor after fetching the results. Otherwise, memory leaks might occur.
JSON batching
Batching refers to accumulating multiple JSON documents and then sending them together to the JSON
store instead of sending each one separately. The JSON API provides a programmatic way to perform
batching. The major advantage of batching is improved performance.
The following types of batching are supported:
Homogenous batching
Occurs when the JSON documents in the batch are part of the same collection and the same
operation is applied to all documents.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Heterogeneous batching
Occurs when the JSON documents in the batch are part of different collections or different operations
are applied to the documents.
To mark the start of a batch, use the startBatch() method. To trigger the insert, update, remove,
or save operations for the documents, use the endBatch() method. If an operation in the batch fails,
processing continues with the next operation in the batch.
Example 1:
In the following example, homogeneous batching is used to insert three documents in one collection:
DBCollection batch = db.getCollection("batch");
BasicDBObject dbObj1 = new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe1");
dbObj1.put("_id", 1);
BasicDBObject dbObj2 = new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe2");
dbObj2.put("_id", 2);
BasicDBObject dbObj3 = new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe3");
dbObj3.put("_id", 3);
Example 2:
In the following example, heterogeneous batching is used to insert three documents in collection
batch1 and two documents in collection batch2:
// Get collection batch1
DBCollection batch1 = db.getCollection("batch1");
// Create three documents to insert in collection batch1
BasicDBObject dbObj1 = new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe1");
dbObj1.put("_id", 1);
BasicDBObject dbObj2 = new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe2");
dbObj2.put("_id", 2);
BasicDBObject dbObj3 = new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe3");
dbObj3.put("_id", 3);
// Get collection batch2
DBCollection batch2 = _db.getCollection("batch2");
// Create two documents to insert in collection batch2
BasicDBObject dbObj4 = new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe4");
dbObj4.put("_id", 4);
BasicDBObject dbObj5 = new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe5");
dbObj5.put("_id", 5);
// Insert three documents into collection batch1
// Insert two documents into collection batch2
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
Fire and forget mode
Fire and forget mode enables multi-threaded, asynchronous inserts and can be set on the collection to
enhance performance for inserts.
Fire and forget mode can only be activated when applications use a connection pool. If an application
enables re and forget for a single connection, the mode setting is ignored and the insert will be executed
The number of threads used for re and forget is 10 by default. This value can be changed by setting the
asyncMaxThreadCount in the nosql.properties le. For example, to set the number of threads to
100, use nosql.asyncMaxThreadCount=100.
To enable re and forget mode, the collection must set the WriteConcern value to either NONE or NORMAL.
Other WriteConcern values such as SAFE and JOURNAL_SAFE disable re and forget mode because they
guarantee writes to the database. See the Java documentation for more information on WriteConcern.
The downside to using this mode is that the data is not guaranteed to be written to the server. Moreover,
the application will not see an exception raised if an error did occur during an insert. However, for
application scenarios that can tolerate loss of data, the performance gain from using this mode can be
Java APIs for JSON
The Java API provides methods for storing, retrieving, and manipulating JSON documents.
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3.
Connect to a Db2 database
The JSON API uses JDBC connections to perform various database operations, such as connecting to a
Db2 database.
To use the database you must get an instance of a DB object. This object can be initialized with a
Connection JDBC connection, or DataSource, or the database URL, user name, and password.
The following snippet from a Java program demonstrates how to connect to a Db2 database:
//Create a context and a dataSource
Context initialContext = new InitialContext();
DataSource dataSource = (DataSource)initialContext.lookup("jdbc/myDB2");
//The dataSource instance becomes a cache key for metadata for the target database
DB db = NoSQLClient.getDB(dataSource);
The following overloaded methods are available to get a DB instance:
NoSQLClient.getDB(String, String, String)
The string arguments for the third instance of the getDB method take the following arguments:
Species a URL that can be used to connect with a JDBC connection.
Species a user name that can be used to connect the database.
Species a password.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Note: This DB instance must not be shared between threads. Each thread must make its own
NoSQLClient.getDB() method call.
Table 6. Methods on DB to control transactional behavior
Method Description
public void startTransaction() Gets a connection if needed, and sets auto-commit
to false. If a connection pool or data source is
being used, it puts the DB in single connection
mode until a future commitTransaction() or
public void commitTransaction() Commits a transaction started by
public void rollbackTransaction() Rollback a transaction that was started by
public void setAutoCommit(boolean
Sets auto-commit if the Db2 server is using single
connection mode. It is an error to call this method
in DataSource mode.
Note: The transaction APIs described in this table are not applicable for the re and forget mode.
Obtain a single-mode connection when you are using the transaction APIs to avoid situations where
starting a transaction forcibly changes the connection pool mode into single-mode.
Documents are not inserted if an error occurs. With these APIs, either all or none of the documents are
Store JSON documents in a Db2 database
JSON documents are stored in collections (or tables) in the database. These documents are represented
as a map of key value pairs where the keys are strings. The values can be primitive Java objects like
String, Integer, Double, java.util.Date, as well as nested JSON documents represented by other
DBObject instances.
JSON documents are represented by DBObject instances of the interface. A common implementation is
by using BasicDBObject object. JSON arrays are represented by BasicDBList class. You can manually
construct the objects, or you can use BasicDBObjectBuilder class for friendly syntax.
A collection is represented by DBCollection class. Before you can insert your documents, you must get
a DBCollection from a DB instance.
The following snippet from a Java program demonstrates how to get a collection:
DBCollection empColl = db.getCollection("employees");
BasicDBObject obj = new BasicDBObject();
obj.put("name", "Joe");
obj.put("age", 50);
obj.put("salary", 60000);
By default, insert operations wait for success conrmation from the database. If you want
to increase throughput at the expense of write safety, you can use WriteConcern.NONE or
WriteConcern.NORMAL, in which case inserts are queued, batched, and inserted with less frequent
commits drastically increasing speed, but also increasing transaction log space requirements on Db2
server side. The Db2 server is still providing atomicity, consistency, isolation, and durability (ACID). It is
the API that is relaxing the rules for speed.
DBCollection empColl = db.getCollection("employees");
for(int i=0; i<100; i++){
//Queues the object to be inserted
empColl.insert(dbObject[i], com.ibm.nosql.json.api.WriteConcern.NORMAL);
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
//Waits until all work sent from this thread on this db instance is processed
Select JSON documents from a Db2 database
You can use one of several overloaded DBCollection.find() methods to select documents.
The following snippet from a Java program demonstrates how to select JSON documents:
DBCollection empColl = db.getCollection("employees");
//Looking for employees that are named 'Joe'
DBCursor cursor = empColl.find(new BasicDBObject("name", "Joe"));
DBObject obj = cursor.next();
//Close the cursor no matter what
Here are some example of the overloaded DBCollection.find() method:
DBCollection.find(com.ibm.nosql.json.api.DBObject query)
DBCollection.find(com.ibm.nosql.json.api.DBObject query, DBObject fields)
DBCollection.find(com.ibm.nosql.json.api.DBObject, com.ibm.nosql.json.api.DBObject, int, int)
To obtain specic the query output, consider using the following methods:
Create indexes on JSON elds
You can create indexes on JSON data by using the DBCollection.ensureIndex(DBObject) method.
The following snippet from a Java program demonstrates how to create indexes on JSON elds:
//Create an ascending integer index on 'age'
db.collection.ensureIndex({age:[1, "$int"]});
//Create ascending varchar(50) (default type) index
//on 'manager.name' nested object field
The following snippet from a Java program demonstrates how to create a compound (composite) index
that contains multiple elds:
//Create compound index with two fields: name ascending
//with type varchar(20), and age descending as integer
db.collection.ensureIndex({name:[1, "$string", 20], age:[-1, "$int"]});
For details, see the DBCollection.ensureIndex(com.ibm.nosql.json.api.DBObject) method
for more details on index creation.
Import or export JSON data
You can use the importFile() and exportFile() Java APIs to import or export JSON data from a Db2
You can use the com.ibm.nosql.json.api.DBCollection#importFile(String) method to
import les with the *.js extension. A second integer parameter of this method indicates the commit
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
The following snippet from a Java program demonstrates how to import JSON data:
//Import data and commit after every 100 rows
db.collection.importFile("/temp/myjsondata.js", 100)
You can use the DBCollection.exportFile(String) method to export les with the *.js extension.
The following snippet from a Java program demonstrates how to export JSON data:
//Export data
Each of the *.js import or export les contains one JSON object on each line of the le in plain text
You can also use the JSON Java API to import les, where the rst row of the le identies eld names.
To import a csv le, the name must end with .csv instead of .js. The le extension provides input
information to the API about the le format.
JSON command-line interface (CLI)
Use the command-line interface (CLI) to interact dynamically with the JSON collections and harness the
capability of NoSQL. The CLI requires a Java runtime environment (JRE) of Version 1.5 or later.
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3
There are three ways to interact with the command line:
Start an interactive shell by specifying the URL, user ID, and password.
The following is a sample command to start the interactive shell:
java -cp nosqljson.jar;db2jcc4.jar;db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar;
js.jar com.ibm.nosql.json.cmd.NoSqlCmdLine
--url jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/jsondb --user tonysun --password ****
Run a .js le. The command line runs the .js le instead of through a shell. The application ends after
all the commands are completed.
The following is a sample command to run a JavaScript le:
java -cp nosqljson.jar;db2jcc4.jar;db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar;
js.jar com.ibm.nosql.json.cmd.NoSqlCmdLine
--url jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/jsondb; --user tonysun
--password **** --file "file.js"
Evaluate a command, by using the eval command. The command line runs a one line command, and
then the applications ends.
The following is a sample command:
java -cp nosqljson.jar;db2jcc4.jar;db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar;
js.jar com.ibm.nosql.json.cmd.NoSqlCmdLine
--url jdbc:db2://localhost:50000/jsondb; --user tonysun
--password **** --eval "db.things.find()"
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
Starting the command-line interface
To start the JSON command-line interface (CLI), run the db2nosql script. The script uses the specied
connection information to establish a connection to the Db2 database that is used as the JSON data store.
If you do not specify connection parameters, the script prompts you for the required values.
Command syntax
Command parameters
--url url
Species a URL for connecting to the database.
--user user_ID
Species a user ID for connecting to the database.
--password password
Species a password for connecting to the database. JRE version 1.6 masks a typed password.
However, JRE version 1.5 does not.
--le le_name
Species a JavaScript le that contains a list of one-line JavaScript commands that are used as input
on the command-line.
--enable [true | false]
Species whether JSON artifacts are to be created. If the value is true, the --enable parameter
creates all the necessary artifacts for JSON in the database. If the value is false, the SQL statements
that create JSON artifacts are shown as output but are not issued.
--disable [true | false]
Species whether JSON artifacts are to be deleted. If the value is true, the --disable parameter
deletes the artifacts that were created for JSON in the database. If the value is false, the SQL
statements that delete JSON artifacts are shown as output but are not issued.
--schema schema_name
Species the optional schema name that represents the JSON namespace. If you specify this
parameter, the schema name is used as the qualier for the collection name. The JSON namespace is
conceptually similar to a MongoDB database.
Limits the verbosity of the output.
Usage notes
Consider the following usage notes:
The CLI requires a JRE of Version 1.5 or later.
Using the eval and file commands together is not supported.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Command-line options
The following command-line options are supported.
aggregate() - Retrieve JSON documents command
Runs a sequence of tasks to retrieve documents from a collection, including attributes and calculated
values. Tasks can occur multiple times as long as the syntax sequence is valid.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . aggregate ( task
Command parameters
This parameter species one or more of the following options:
Retrieves distinct values for specic elds.
Sets a grouping key and collects grouped values.
Returns at most the specied number of documents from the result set.
Filters documents.
Selects elds for the document to retrieve. You can specify elds to include, not exclude.
Skips the specied number of documents.
Sorts the data on the specied elds.
Calculate the average price of books per author in a category.
{$match: { category: "Fantasy" }},
{$project: {author:1, price:1}},
{$group: {_id: {author:1}, avgPrice:{$avg:"$price"}}}
Sample output it as follows:
Row 1:
"_id":"Tolkien, J.R",
Row 2:
"_id":"Verne, Jules",
2 rows returned
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
count() - Find the number of documents command
Finds the number of documents in a collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . count ( query )
Command parameters
This optional parameter species a lter for selecting a subset of documents and returns a count.
Example 1: Get the number of documents in the books collection:
Sample output is as follows:
Example 2: Get the number of documents for an author:
db.books.count({author: "Tolkien, J.R"})
Sample output is as follows:
createCollection() - Creates a collection
Creates a new collection with the specied characteristics.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . createCollection ( name ,
Command arguments
Species a collection name. It must be alphanumeric with no special characters except $.
This optional parameter species the selection criteria for indexes. The options are as follows:
Species ID denition. It must be one of the following data types:
$string: length
$binary: length
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
compress (YES | NO) YES | NO)
Species whether to compress the collection.
Species the name of the table space.
Species the bufferpool space usage. It is of type integer.
systemTime (sysStartField | sysEndField)
Species the system time for sysStartField and sysEndField variables.
businessTime (busStartField | busEndField )
Species the business time for busStartField and busEndField variables.
Example 1: Create a collection called "media" with _id of type SQL BIGINT.
db.createCollection(“media”, {_id: “$long”)})
Sample output:
Collection: TEST."media" created. Use db.media.
distinct() - Find distinct values command
Finds distinct values for the submitted query.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . distinct ( attribute
Command parameters
This string parameter species the eld for which to nd distinct values. It can be a string data type or
an object.
This optional string parameter species a lter for selecting a subset of documents.
This optional string parameter returns at most the specied number of documents from the result set.
This optional string parameter nds the document that the query requested after skipping a specied
number of rows.
Example 1: Issue an SQL query:
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
Sample output is as follows:
[christie, granger, marsh]
Example 2: Get distinct values for the state and city, with no limit on the results, but skip the rst three
db.books.distinct({"state":1, "city":1}, {}, 0, 3)
Sample output is as follows:
Row 1:
{ state: AZ,
city: AB
Row 2:
drop() - Drop a collection command
Drops a collection and associated objects, such as indexes on the collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . drop ( )
Command parameters
Drop the books collection:
Sample output is as follows:
ensureIndex() - Creates a new index
Creates a new index on a specic eld of a collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . ensureIndex ( indexSpec
indexName , unique
db . collection . ensureIndex ( indexSpec
Command arguments
This argument species a eld in the document on which the index is to be created. It might include a
data type denition
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
This argument species a name for an index. A name is generated if it is not specied.
unique (true | false)
This optional argument species whether the index is unique.
This optional argument can have one of the following options:
This argument species a name of an index. A name is generated if not specied.
array (false)
This argument species an array of elements. Db2 for z/OS does not support a JSON index on an
array or an array element.
unique (true | false)
This argument species whether the index is unique.
Example 1: Create an index on eld 'author' in ascending order, by using the default type string with
default length 50.
db.books.ensureIndex({"author": 1})
Sample output:
Index <books_xauthor> was created successfully.
Example 2: Create an index on eld 'category' with type string and eld length 40.
db.books.ensureIndex({"category": [1, "$string", 40]})
Sample output:
Index <books_xcategory> was created successfully.
Example 3: Create an index on eld price with type number in descending order, name it mypriceidx.
db.books.ensureIndex({"price": [-1, "$number"]}, “mypriceidx”)
Sample output:
Index <mypriceidx> was created successfully.
exportFile() - Export JSON documents to a le command
Exports JSON documents from a collection into a le.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . exportFile ( file_name )
Command parameters
This parameter species the fully qualied name of a le from which to export data.
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
Export the books collection from the books.js le:
Sample output is as follows:
28 objects were exported in 200 milliseconds.
nd() - Find JSON document command
Find JSON documents according to lter criteria. You can also specify elds to be included or excluded,
determine the sort order, limit the number of documents, and page through results with an offset.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . find (
. sort
. limit
. skip
Command parameters
This optional parameter species a lter for selecting a subset of documents.
This optional parameter species elds to include or exclude in the query.
sort sort
This optional parameter species a JSON object that indicates the sort criteria:
Sort by ascending order.
Sort by descending order.
This parameter can include the data type, including $int, $long, $number, $date, $timestamp,
$string: length, and $binary: length.
limit limit
This optional parameter species a JSON object that restricts the number of documents.
offset offset
This optional parameter species a JSON object that indicates the number of rows to skip.
Find books in a collection. The collection name is case sensitive.
Sample output is as follows:
Row 1:
"author":"Verne, Jules",
"title":"Journey to the Center of the Earth",
"abstract":"Classic science fiction novel in an unusual setting",
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
"sales": 500.5
ndAndModify() - Find and update documents command
Finds documents and updates them with new values.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . findAndModify ( specification )
Command parameters
This parameter species a JSON object with the following optional content:
query document
This parameter species a query object for ltering documents.
elds document
This parameter species a query object for selecting elds to return.
sort document
This parameter species a query object that denes the sort order to apply before selecting the
rst document.
remove true
This parameter species a query object that removes the document. When it is true, the selected
document is removed. The default is false.
update document
This parameter species a query object that contains the update.
new (true | false)
If the value is true, this parameter returns the updated document instead of the original. If
the value is false, the old document is returned (discarded except for use by time travel
insert (true | false)
If the value is true, this parameter inserts a new document, if the query does not return a
document. If the value is false, this parameter updates the document or returns an error if the
document is not present.
fullResponse (true | false)
If the value is true, the parameter returns the document or documents that are the result of the
query. Also, a status object is returned that contains the write result and the last error. If the value
is false, the parameter returns only the document.
Find the rst document with the name Joe and update the age eld with the value 6:
db.mycollection.findAndModify({query : {name : "Joe"}, update : {$set : {age : 6}}})
Sample output is as follows:
"err": null ,
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
ndOne() - Find the rst offset document
Find the rst document that matches the query after you skip a specied number of rows.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . findOne (
. skip
Command arguments
This optional argument species a lter to select a subset of documents.
This optional argument species a selection of elds to include or exclude in the query.
offset offset
This optional argument species a JSON object to skip some rows.
Example 1: Use the db.collection.findOne() method to return a single record.
db.books.findOne({author: "Tolkien, J.R"}, {title: 1, price:1})
Sample output:
"title":"The Hobbit",
getCollectionNames() - View collection names for a schema command
Returns the names of all JSON collections in a Db2 database.
Syntax diagram
db . getCollectionNames ( )
Command parameters
View all the collection names:
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Sample output is as follows:
[media, books, booksnest]
getIndexes() command - View JSON indexes for a collection command
Returns index information that identies and describes the existing indexes for a collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . getIndexes (
Command parameters
This optional parameter species the selection criteria for indexes. The options are as follows:
Get details for the index with the specied identier.
Get details for indexes with the specied attribute.
Get details for the index with the specied name.
View a list of all indexes and type markers in the specied namespace:
Sample output is as follows:
Example 2: View a list of all indexes and type markers in the specied namespace:
db.books.getIndexes({"name": "_id_"})
Sample output is as follows:
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
group() - Group values JSON command
Groups values for the collection in a query. More command options are available by using the
aggregate() command with the $group task.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . group ( definition
Command parameters
This parameter species the elds that must be grouped.
This parameter species a lter for selecting a subset of documents.
This parameter species an integer value that indicates the maximum size of the result set.
This parameter nds the document that the query requested after skipping a specied number of
Calculate the average price of books per author:
db.books.group({"_id": {"author": 1}, "sumqty": {"$sum": "$qty"}})
Sample output is as follows:
Row 1:
Row 2:
help() - Lists help commands
Lists possible commands for the collection commands.
Command parameters
Lists commands that can be applied for a collection.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
importFile() - Import JSON documents from le command
Imports JSON documents from a le into a collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . importFile ( file_name ,
Command parameters
This parameter species the fully qualied name of a le from which to import data.
This optional parameter species the batch size for commit operations. Larger batches generally
improve performance.
Import documents from a le that is named books.
Sample output is as follows:
28 objects were imported in 4030 milliseconds.
importMongoSample() - Import some JSON documents from MongoDB
Import a specied number of JSON documents from a collection in a MongoDB database.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . importMongoSample ( hostname , portnr ,
dbname , collection , rows
userid , pwd
Command parameters
This argument species the name of the server that hosts the MongoDB database.
This argument species the port number of the MongoDB database.
This argument species the database name of the MongoDB database.
This argument species the collection name in the MongoDB database.
This argument species the - number of documents to import. If it is set to 0, then it imports all
This optional argument species the user name with which to connect to the MongoDB database.
This optional argument species the password for this user name.
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
importMongo() - Import JSON documents from MongoDB
Import JSON documents from a collection in a MongoDB database.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . importMongo ( hostname , portnr , dbname ,
userid, ? pwd
Command parameters
This argument species the name of the server that hosts the MongoDB database.
This argument species the port number of the MongoDB database.
This argument species the database name of the MongoDB database.
This argument species the collection name in the MongoDB database.
This optional argument species the user name with which to connect to the MongoDB database.
This optional argument species the password for this user name.
Example 1: Update the specied elds in a document.
db.test.importMongo("remoteServer", 27017, "medialib", "DVD")
insert() - Insert a JSON document command
Inserts a JSON document into a collection. If the collection does not exist, it is created automatically.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . insert ( document )
Command parameters
This parameter species the JSON document to insert.
Insert a JSON document into a collection:
isbn: "123-456-789",
author: "Verne, Jules",
title: "Journey to the Center of the Earth",
abstract: "Classic science fiction novel in an unusual setting",
price: 6.00,
pages: 276,
category: "Fantasy",
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
sales: 500.50
Sample output is as follows:
markType() - Species the data type
Species a data type for a JSON eld in a collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . markType ( { field : type } )
Command parameters
This string argument species an attribute name.
This argument species a data type, or null to remove the data type. The following data types are
$string: length
$binary: length
Example 1: Mark the 'x' eld as integer type, and sort by 'x' in ascending order.
Sample output:
Row 1:
Row 2:
Example 2: Mark the 'x' eld as string type, and sort by 'x' in ascending order
Sample output:
Row 1:
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
Row 2:
printDDL() - Print the DDL
Prints the default DDL of a collection.
Print the DDL for a collection:
Sample output is as follows:
remove() - Remove data from a collection command
Removes all the data or specied data from a collection. Index denitions are retained.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . remove (
Command parameters
This optional string parameter species a JSON query to lter a subset of data.
Example 1: Remove all documents from the books collection.
Sample output is as follows:
Removed 15 row(s).
Example 2: Remove a book from the collection by specifying an ISBN:
db.books.remove({isbn: "123-456-789"})
Sample output is as follows:
Removed 1 row(s).
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
removeIndex() - Remove a JSON index command
Removes the specied index from a collection
Syntax diagram
db . collection . removeIndex ( index_spec )
Command parameters
This parameter species an index name or the JSON denition of the index that is to be removed.
Example 1: Remove the mypriceidx index by referring to the index name:
Sample output is as follows:
Index <mypriceidx> was removed successfully.
Example 2: Remove an index by specifying the index characteristics.
db.books.removeIndex({"author": 1})
Sample output is as follows:
Index <books_xauthor> was removed successfully.
rename() - Rename a collection command
Renames a collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . rename ( new_name ,
Command parameters
This parameter species a new name for the collection. It must be alphanumeric, with no special
characters except for $.
forceDrop(true | false)
If true, this optional parameter drops the existing collection newName.
Rename the books collection to oldbooks:
Sample output is as follows:
Collection Renamed
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
sampleSchema() - Return document structure command
Returns the structure of JSON documents in a collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . sampleSchema (
Command parameters
This optional parameter species a number of rows to sample. If you set the parameter to 0 or do not
provide a value, the structures of all documents in a collection are returned.
View the structure of a JSON document in the books collection:
Sample output is as follows:
save() - Save a document command
Saves an inserted or updated JSON document in a collection. If a document in a collection has the same
ID as a new document, the existing document is replaced. Otherwise, the new document is inserted.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . save ( document )
Command parameters
This parameter species the JSON document to save.
Save a JSON document in a collection:
db.books.save({isbn: "123-456-239",
"author": "Verne, Jules", "title": "Mysterious Island" })
Sample output is as follows:
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
sqlQuery() - Run a JSON SQL query command
Runs an SQL query at the database level.
Syntax diagram
db . sqlQuery ( sql ,
params parameters
Command parameters
This string parameter species an SQL query. It might contain parameter markers.
This optional string parameter species a list of parameter values to match any markers in the query.
Issue an SQL query:
db.sqlQuery("select count(*) from test.products")
Sample output is as follows:
sqlUpdate() - Run a JSON SQL update query command
Runs an SQL update query at the database level.
Syntax diagram
db . sqlUpdate ( sql ,
Command parameters
This string parameter species an SQL update query. It might contain parameter markers.
This optional string parameter species a list of parameter values to match any markers in the query.
Issue an SQL query:
db.sqlUpdate("update test.products set price = 9.80 where pid=45")
Sample output is as follows:
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
stats() - Prints collection statistics
Prints statistics for the collection. Unavailable values are set to -1.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . stats (
Command arguments
This optional argument species the scale of the size eld in the collection statistics. The following
values are supported:
0 = bytes (default)
1 = KB
2 = MB
3 = GB
Any other numerical values are ignored.
Example 1: Collect statistics for the books collection.
Sample output:
"indexSizes":[{"books_xauthor": -1},{"_id_":-1}],
timeTravel() - Set JSON time travel queries command
Sets system or business time for JSON time travel queries against a Db2 database.
Syntax diagram
db . timeTravel ( system_time ,
Command parameters
This parameter species a YYYY-MM-DD formatted string or time stamp. The default value is the
current date.
This optional parameter species a YYYY-MM-DD formatted string or time stamp. The default value is
the current date.
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Example 1: Create a collection with time travel enabled:
db.createCollection("timetravel", {systemTime:"sys",businessTime:"bus"})
Sample output is as follows:
Collection: TEST."timetravel" created. Use db.timetravel.
Example 2: Insert a document with business start and end times:
db.timetravel.insert({name:"Joe", age:5, bus_start:"1990-05-30", bus_end:"1996-08-13"})
Sample output is as follows:
Example 3: Change the business time to 2012:
db.timeTravel(null, "2012-01-15")
Sample output is as follows:
Setting system time: current date and business time: 2012-01-15
update() - Update JSON documents command
Updates a JSON document or documents in a collection.
Syntax diagram
db . collection . update ( query , updFields
upsert , multi
Command parameters
This parameter species a lter to select a subset of documents. The command can return an empty
result set.
This parameter species an object with attribute names and values that must be updated. This
parameter uses the $set operator to set the new value for a eld.
upsert (true | false)
If the value is true, this optional parameter updates a document or inserts missing documents. If
the value is false, it only updates the documents. The default value is false.
multi (true | false)
If the value is true, this optional parameter updates all matching documents. If the value is
false, only the rst matching row is updated. The default value is false.
Update the specied elds in a document:
db.books.update({isbn: "123-456-234"}, {$set: {pages: 299}})
Sample output is as follows:
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
Updated 1 rows.
Wire listener for JSON
The JSON wire listener acts as a mid-tier gateway server between MongoDB applications and the Db2
database server. This wire listener leverages JSON API to interface with the Db2 database.
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3.
You can use a Mongo application that is written in one of the supported application languages (such as
Java, NodeJS, or pymongo), or use the Mongo command-line interface to communicate with the Db2
Conguring the wire listener
You must congure the wire listener to communicate with the Db2 database server.
Before you begin
Install the following prerequisite software for the wire listener:
Java JRE Version 1.6 or later
The wire listener library (db2NoSQLWireListener.jar)
The JSON library for NoSQL (nosqljson.jar)
The JDBC driver (db2jcc4.jar)
Tip: The Java API is no longer the recommended approach for working with JSON data in Db2 for z/OS.
For best results, use SQL and the built-in functions that are supplied with Db2 for z/OS instead. For more
information, see Chapter 2, “Working with JSON documents by using SQL,” on page 3
To congure the wire listener:
1. Congure the Db2 database server and client to access the JSON API for NoSQL.
2. Start the wire listener server in one of two ways:
On Windows operating systems, run the wplistener.bat script.
On Linux
and UNIX operating systems, run the wplistener.sh script.
Applications that are based on community drivers must specify the wire listener host and port as well
as a valid JSON namespace.
What to do next
Register the wire listener.
wpListener -help -
Displays usage help for the listener.
Syntax diagram
wpListener -help
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Command parameters
Species usage help for the listener.
View usage information for the wire listener:
wpListener -help
wpListener -shutdown -
Stops the JSON wire listener.
Syntax diagram
wpListener -shutdown -mongoPort port -noSQLHost host_name
-userid userid
-password password
-dbName db_name -logPath path
-debug -useOriginalListener -testCmdLine threads
Command parameters
-mongoPort port
This parameter species a port that is listening for Mongo client requests.
-noSQLHost host_name
This parameter species the name of the host that is to be shut down because it is running the wire
-userid userid
This parameter species the user ID for the backend server.
-password password
This optional parameter species the password for the user ID for the backend server.
-dbName db_name
This parameter species the name of the Db2 database that is used as the NoSQL data store.
-logPath path
This parameter species the path for storing log les.
This optional parameter enables debugging for the wire listener.
Stop the wire listener:
wpListener -shutdown -mongoPort 27017 -noSQLHost host -userid db2admin
Chapter 3. Working with JSON documents with the Java API
wpListener -start -
Starts the JSON wire listener.
Syntax diagram
wpListener -start -mongoPort port -userid userid
-password password
-dbName db_name -logPath path -registrationFile registration_file
-debug -minTCPThreads threads -maxTCPThreads threads
Command parameters
-mongoPort port
This parameter species a port that is listening for messages that are based on the MongoDB wire
-userid userid
This parameter species the user ID for the backend server.
-password password
This optional parameter species the password for the user ID for the backend server.
-dbName db_name
This parameter species the name of the Db2 database that is used as the NoSQL data store.
-logPath path
This parameter species the path for storing log les.
-registrationFile registration_le
This parameter species a registration le that contains credentials.
This optional parameter enables debugging for the wire listener.
-minTCPThreads threads
This optional parameter species the maximum number of transaction control protocol threads.
-minTCPThreads threads
This optional parameter species the minimum number of transaction control protocol threads.
Example 1: Start the wire listener without wire listener authentication:
wpListener -start -mongoPort 27017 -userid db2admin
-password pwd -debug dbName sample
-logPath c:/temp/logs
Example 2: Start the wire listener with wire listener authentication:
wpListener -start -mongoPort 27017 -userid db2admin
-password pwd -debug dbName sample
-logPath c:/temp/logs -registrationFile c:/temp/credentials.bin
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
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Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
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60Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
The glossary is available in IBM Documentation
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Copyright IBM Corp. 2014, 2024 61
62Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
keyboard vi
shortcut keys vi
aggregate() JSON command 33
example 14
BSON2JSON function 13
aggregate() 33
count() 34
distinct() 35
drop() 36
exportFile() 37
nd() 38
ndAndModify() 39
getCollectionNames() 40
getIndexes() 41
group() 42
help() 42
importFile() 43
insert() 44
remove() 46
removeIndex() 47
rename() 47
sampleSchema() 48
save() 48
sqlQuery() 49
sqlUpdate() 49
timeTravel() 50
update() 51
wpListener -help 52
wpListener -shutdown 53
wpListener -start 54
count() JSON command 34
disability vi
distinct() JSON command 35
drop() JSON command 36
exportFile() JSON command 37
nd() JSON command 38
ndAndModify() JSON command 39
general-use programming information, described 58
getCollectionNames() JSON command 40
getIndexes() JSON command 41
group() JSON command 42
GUPI symbols 58
help() JSON command 42
importFile() JSON command 43
insert() JSON command 44
JavaScript Object Notation (JSON)
overview 1
application development 1
batching 26
collections 18
command-line interface (CLI)
db2nosql script 32
command-line options 33
aggregate() 33
count() 34
distinct() 35
drop() 36
exportFile() 37
nd() 38
ndAndModify() 39
getCollectionNames() 40
getIndexes() 41
group() 42
help() 42
importFile() 43
insert() 44
remove() 46
removeIndex() 47
JSON (continued)
commands (continued)
rename() 47
sampleSchema() 48
save() 48
sqlQuery() 49
sqlUpdate() 49
timeTravel() 50
update() 51
wpListener -help 52
wpListener -shutdown 53
wpListener -start 54
comparison operators 24
connecting to a Db2 database 28
connection management 23
create indexes on JSON elds 30
data evaluation operators 25
db.collection.ensureIndex() 36
db.collection.ndOne() 40
db.collection.importMongo() 44
db.collection.importMongoSample() 43
db.collection.markType() 45
db.collection.stats() 50
db.createCollection() 34
documents 18
re and forget mode 28
import or export JSON data 30
installation requirements 21
Java APIs 28
key concepts 18
lazy fetches 26
logical operators 23
namespaces 18
nested objects 18
NoSQL properties for the client 21
comparison 24
data evaluation 25
logical 23
overview 1
performance features 26
printDDL() 46
nosql.asyncMaxThreadCount 21
nosql.connectionPoolSize 21
nosql.traceFile 22
nosql.traceLevel 22
query operators 23
resources 1
security model 25
select JSON documents from a DB2 database 30
solution planning 23
store documents in a Db2 database 29
wire listener 52
wire listener authentication 26
wire protocol listener 52
JSON documents
working with 17
JSON_LEN function 9–11
example 14
JSON_VAL function 6
example 14
JSON2BSON function 12
non-IBM Web sites
product-sensitive programming information, described 58
programming interface information, described 58
PSPI symbols 58
remove() JSON command 46
removeIndex() JSON command 47
rename() JSON command 47
sampleSchema() JSON command 48
save() JSON command 48
shortcut keys
keyboard vi
sqlQuery() JSON command 49
sqlUpdate() JSON command 49
syntax diagram
how to read vii
timeTravel() JSON command 50
update() JSON command 51
wpListener -help JSON command 52
wpListener -shutdown JSON command 53
wpListener -start JSON command 54
Db2 13 for z/OS: JSON Application Development (Last updated: 2024-09-06)
Product Number: 5698-DB2