Publication quality
tables in Stata
User Guide for
Version 3
Ian Watson
Numerous people have provided feedback, advice and contributions over the years and
I am very grateful for their assistance. In particular I’d like to thank: Mitch Abdon,
Anders Alexandersson, Ulrich Atz, JP Azevedo, Kevin Baier, Kit Baum, Megan Blaxland,
Eric Booth, Ulrich Brandt, Simon Coulombe, Enzo Coviello, Nick Cox, Janelle Downing,
Anwar Dudekula, Axel Engellandt, David L. Eckles, Richard Fox, Jonathan Gardner, Jo-
hannes Geyer, Bill Gould, Daniel Hoechle, Ben Jann, Stephen Jenkins, Stas Kolenikov,
Floris Lazrak, Thomas Masterson, Scott Merryman, Gilbert Montcho, Nirmala Devi Nai-
doo, Cathy Redmond, Bill Rising, Mikko Rönkkö, Rafael Martins de Souza, Benjamin
Schirge, Urvi Shah, Arjan Soede, Tim Stegmann, Herve Stolowy, Amanda Tzy-Chyi Yu,
Chris Wallace, Joy Wang, Peter Young and Tony Young.
Copyright c 2016 Ian Watson
First printing, December 2016
Second printing, May 2017
Third printing, October 2017
Fourth printing, October 2018
Fifth printing, March 2019
Sixth printing, April 2019
Typeset with L
tabout version 3 beta is available from the website
tabout version 2 is still available at
All enquiries to [email protected]
I. Publication quality tables 1
1. Introduction 2
1.1. Output . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
1.2. This guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
1.3. Installation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
2. What makes for good tables 8
2.1. Encoding and decoding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.2. How tabout implements these principles . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
2.3. Reproducible research . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
2.4. Dynamic documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
2.5. Single source publishing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
II. Table Content 13
3. Table content: overview 14
3.1. tabout in practice: some short examples . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
3.2. Roadmap for Part II . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
4. Basic tables 23
4.1. Twoway tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
4.2. Twoway tables with statistics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 27
4.3. Oneway tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30
5. Summary tables 33
5.1. Twoway summary tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33
5.2. Oneway summary tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 35
6. Survey tables 39
6.1. Basic tables with survey data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 39
6.2. Summary tables with survey data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 46
7. Reshaping tables 50
7.1. Removing unwanted columns or rows . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50
7.2. Plugging gaps in tables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 54
8. Template Files 63
8.1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 63
8.2. Advantages . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
8.3. The details . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 64
9. Dynamic documents 67
9.1. Titles and footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
9.2. Beyond titles and footnotes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 67
9.3. A legacy system or a brave new world? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 69
9.4. Dynamic documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 70
III. Table styles 74
10.Table styles: overview 75
10.1.What you see is not what you get . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 75
10.2.Options and styles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 76
11.Delimited text file tables 79
11.1.Text file basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
11.2.Applications and text files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 79
X tables 81
12.1.What is L
X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
12.2.Newcomers to L
X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 81
12.3.Automatic compiling of L
X documents . . . . . . . . . . . . . 83
12.4.Enhancements in Version 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 84
12.5.Dynamic documents with L
X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 87
13.docx tables 95
13.1.Introduction: using tabout with Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95
13.2.Genuine Word files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 96
13.3.Pros and cons . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 97
13.4.Landscape, width and paper size . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 99
13.5.Reproducible research with docx . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 102
14.xlsx tables 108
14.1.Introduction: genuine Excel files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 108
14.2.Features of xlsx files . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 109
14.3.Sheets and locations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 110
14.4.Numeric data? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 114
14.5.Working with xlsx files in Word . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 115
15.html tables 117
15.1.The versatility of html . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 117
15.2.Features and differences . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 118
15.2.1. Cascading style sheets: CSS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 121
15.3.Dynamic documents with html . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 124
IV. Details 131
16.Key details 132
16.1.tabout syntax . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 132
16.2.Options: alphabetical listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 133
16.3.Options: thematic listing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 141
Part I.
Publication quality tables
1. Introduction
What is tabout? In essence, tabout is a program for producing publication-
quality tables of descriptive statistics. It runs inside the statistical package,
Stata is a commercial statistical
package available from StataCorp
(see Stata home page for more
details). tabout is a free
user-written program, called an
ado file. Version 2 is available
from inside Stata by typing: ssc
install tabout and Version 3
b eta is available from the tabout
home page
Stata, and can be used to produce cross-tabulations of counts and percent-
ages, as well as cross-tabulated summary tables, such as means, medians,
standard deviations and so forth.
Traditionally, tables produced by Stata have rarely been suitable for
inclusion in publications and required considerable subsequent editing to
make them acceptable. Over the years, many Stata users have written ado
files to overcome these difficulties, with the estout program written by Ben
Jann one of the earliest and best examples of these endeavours. Where es-
tout specialises in producing tables based on estimates, such as the results
These commands include
tabulate, summarize, and
various svy commands. The
output from tabout can also
emulate the results of table and
of regression models, tabout is focussed on descriptive statistics and brings
‘under one roof a number of underlying Stata commands.
1.1. Output
The output from tabout can be exported directly to typesetting systems
X home page
like L
X, to spreadsheets like Excel and to word processors like Word. The
Other spreadsheet and word
processor applications like Open
Office and Libre Office will also
op en this output, though the
ability to create dynamic
do cuments is limited with these
applications. See below for a
discussion on this.
output can also be exported as html, the language of the World Wide Web,
and a particularly useful format for exchanging documents across other
applications, including word processors and eBook readers. For a glimpse
of the kinds of tables which tabout produces, the reader may care to jump
ahead to Chapter 3.
By way of a brief history, I wrote the first version of tabout in 2004
for Release 8 of Stata. In 2006 I rewrote tabout (as Version 2) to work
with Release 9.2 of Stata, a release which had provided ado writers with a
new and powerful matrix programming language, called Mata. Version 2
(with small refinements) circulated for 10 years without any major changes.
During 2016 I rewrote tabout (as Version 3) to make further use of Mata,
particularly the new features of Stata Release 13 which made possible dir-
ect export of tables to docx and xlsx files (that is, the native file formats
If you are wondering about the
font conventions here, please
note that when referring to
choices in a tabout option, I use
this font, and when referring to
file formats etc I use this font.
of Word and Excel). Version 3 enhancements include style output options
for docx and xlsx . In addition, Version 3 of tabout also utilised Mata’s
flexibility to add new reshaping capabilities, such as dropping unwanted
columns and rows, and ‘plugging’ gaps in tables. Many of the other new
1. Introduction
enhancements to Version 3 of tabout are flagged in orange text in the Op-
tions table at the end of the User Guide. Blue text throughout the User Guide
indicates a link.
1.2. This guide
There are four parts to this guide:
Part I: this introductory chapter and a second chapter discussing the
principles of good tables and sound research methods.
Part II: the content of the tables which shows you how to get what
you want in the cells of the table. This includes the headings, title
and footnotes, as well as sample counts and table statistics, in you’ve
chosen these. These chapters also discuss layout and re-arranging
tables as well as the use of template files. These are an important new
features of Version 3, and they greatly simplify the usage of tabout,
particularly for novices. Finally, this part of the guide also shows
how you can create dynamic documents using tabout: this means
that short reports or web pages can be automatically produced from
inside Stata.
I refer to Word and Excel
throughout this Guide. This is
not an endorsement. As a L
user, I don’t make use of these
applications myself. But I use the
terms here for ease of expression
and because they have become
generic. Also, most Stata users
probably use one or both of them.
I make mention below of other
applications which are
Part III: the style of the tables: how you g et your tables to look the
way you want. This covers fonts, borders and lines. It also deals
with the different output styles: files suitable for L
X, Word, Excel,
and html.
Part IV: the key details of using tabout in a useful reference format.
All of these details are presented alphabetically and thematically.
There are numerous cross-links in this User Guide: links from the
text to this reference table, and links in this reference table back to
the tables and code in the main parts of the User Guide.
If you don’t want to read the whole of the User Guide—and it is quite
long—you can just look at the example files and read the section for the
particular output style you want to use. I would, however, strongly recom-
mend that you read the overview chapters: Table content: overview and
Table styles: overview. They contain some core information which you may
miss if you just dip into various parts of the User Guide.
Throughout this guide you will see links, which are mostly coloured
blue. Another set of links are in a variety of colours and are placed above the
table example code. These are links to Stata do files on the tabout website
For Stata novices, the ///
symb ols in all the example code
indicate that the command
continues onto the next line.
and they are available for each of the different output styles which tabout
supports. While they closely resemble the example code reproduced in
this User Guide, they differ slightly according to their specific requirements.
You can also download these example files as a single Stata do file from the
following links:
1. Introduction
txt which is for tab delimited output (and can be used for opening in
Word and Excel using xls and doc extensions. More on this later).
tex which is for L
X output;
docx which is for native docx output;
xlsx which is for native xlsx output;
htm which is for htm or html output, that is, web page output.
I use htm and html
interchangeably throughout this
Guide, though I try to use the
former for the output style and
the latter for the file type. I also
use tex and L
interchangeably, with the former
for the output style and the latter
for everything else!
If you not sure about the difference between xls and xlsx , or between
doc and docx , see the discussion on these style outputs in Chapter 10 (Table
styles: overview). Also don’t overlook the great advantages in using htm
output for your Word documents. This is also discussed later in this User
In the interests of security, all of the downloadable files have been
given a txt extension, even though they are mostly do files. These
will open in your browser, where you can inspect the contents, and
from where you can copy and paste them into a do file. Alternatively,
you can save them to your computer and give them the correct do
extension so they will run in Stata.
1. Introduction
Many of the example files use some built-in Stata data sets and two
of these require some initial setup code. These setup do files are available
from the links below:
nlsw data set
cancer data set
Within the margins of this guide you will see = symbols, which
are links to the alphabetical listing for a particular option mentioned =
at that place in the paragraph and shown in a typewriter font in a greenish
colour. Depending on your PDF viewer, you may also see a preview of the
option if you hover over the link. All PDF viewers should jump to the option
when you click on the link and most PDF viewers have a back button so you
can return to where you left from.
The typeface in this Guide follows some common programming con-
teletype text (in whatever colour) is used for words you can type,
such as commands;
when the words are coloured this shade of green they are a
tabout option;
when the words are also slanted , they refer to the actual argu-
ments inside the options.
The next chapter is more philosophical than technical, outlining the
ideas behind the design of tabout. If you are in hurry to produce some
tables, you might consider coming back to that chapter later. If you are
interested in producing good tables, and you are not too impatient, you
might like to read it now. If you are also concerned with optimising your
workflow, and using tabout for reproducible research as a sound research
method, you should definitely find time to read it.
1.3. Installation
Downloading and installing tabout
When this version of tabout becomes the official version, it will be available
from the SSC archives using the command (inside Stata): ssc install
tabout, replace. At present, issuing this command will install Version 2
of tabout.
The Version 3 beta, which is available from the tabout home page
should be installed manually, by copying the file into a suitable direct-
ory. You can either place it directly in your working directory, or in the
/ado/personal/ directory. If you already have tabout Version 2 installed,
it will most likely be located in the /ado/plus/ directory and, because the
personal directory has a higher priority in Stata’s adopath, the Version 3 of
1. Introduction
tabout will execute before Version 2. If you want to find the location of
these directories on your computer, just type (inside Stata): adopath.
If you are unsure which version of tabout is the one being used by
Stata you can type (inside Stata): which tabout. You should also note
the version number because, each time the beta is updated, the numbering
will change, and you should keep an eye on the tabout home page to make
sure you have the latest version.
Multiple versions
In an ideal world, there would be just one tabout.ado file for tabout Ver-
sion 3. Unfortunately, there are three versions on the tabout website, and
which one you download depends on which version of Stata you are run-
If you are running Stata 14.2 or later, the main version of tabout is
for you. If you have downloaded the correct version of tabout, when
you type which tabout inside Stata you should see on the second
line: *! Stata 14.2 (or later) version. With this version,
all the features of the docx and xlsx styles are available to you.
If you are running Stata 13.1, the B version of tabout is for you. If
you have downloaded the correct version of tabout, when you type
which tabout inside Stata you should see on the second line: *!
Stata 13.1 version . While this version of tabout supports both
docx and xlsx styles, not all the features are available (to do with
fonts and borders, for example). The reason for this is that Stata
introduced additional features for these Mata functions in Version
If you are running versions of Stata earlier than 13 (but later than
9), then the C version of tabout is for you. If you have downloaded
the correct version of tabout, when you type which tabout inside
Stata you should see on the second line: *! Versions of Stata
before Stata 13 . With this version of tabout you are not able to
use the docx and xlsx styles. Keep in mind though that you can get
very high quality Word documents from tabout using the htm style,
and there is extensive discussion of this strategy in this User Guide.
Needless to say, whichever version of Stata you are using, you should
always use the latest update for that version by typing update all if re-
quired. Note that error messages about ‘undefined’ functions usually indic-
ates that you are running the wrong version of tabout for your version of
1. Introduction
Running tabout
You issue the tabout command just like any other Stata command. The
syntax is shown in the syntax section of Chapter 16.
2. What makes for good tables
A good table tells an interesting story. A good table is usually a combination
of useful information and appropriate aesthetics. Aesthetics here is more
than just ‘beauty’ but deals with how information is encoded and decoded.
To appreciate this we need to briefly consider how graphics are used in
statistics. There is a large body of literature which deals with this theme,
particularly the works of William Cleveland
and Edward Tufte
. 1. Cleveland1993; Cleveland1994.
2. Tufte2001; Tufte1990; Tufte1997;
2.1. Encoding and decoding
As William Cleveland has shown, researchers encode data and readers de-
code information. How well that communication process works depends on
how well the graphic (or table) is constructed. Edward Tufte has outlined a
number of ‘principles of graphical excellence’ which apply equally to tables
as much as to graphs. These include:
the goal is the well-designed presentation of interesting data, which
will always be a combination of substance, statistics and design;
the task is to communicate complex ideas with clarity, accuracy and
in practice, this means giving viewer the greatest number of ideas
in the shortest time with the least ink in the smallest space; and
the table (or graph) is nearly always multivariate.
In Tufte’s view, many modern graphs, particularly business-type graphs,
are full of ‘chart junk’. For Tufte it is important to maximise the data com-
ponent and minimise the decorative junk. These sentiments apply equally
to tables. In the discussion of his L
X package, booktabs,
Simon Fear 3. Fear2003.
endorses these sentiments, advocating that one should never user vertical
lines nor double lines. The booktabs package is implemented in tabout and
provides users who produce L
X output with finely-tuned settings in their
tables, such as variable row spacing for headings and appropriate thick-
nesses in the horizontal lines (called ‘rules’). Careful study of the tables in
the following chapters will illuminate these subtleties.
2.2. How tabout implements these principles
The main way in which tabout implements these principles of graphical
excellence is through the use of panels. While simple two-way tables are
2. What makes for good tables
possible, tabout encourages users to build complex tables in which a series
of two-way tables are assembled into a single vertical table.
Low paid employees in Australia: Insights from HILDA
Table A.23: Household financial stress—C10
Household comparisons
Adult low paid Other All households
’000s % ’000s % ’000s %
Family finances: optimists
Poor or very poor 20 1.6 44 1.2 64 1.3
Just getting along 285 23.8 720 19.0 1,005 20.1
Reasonably comfortable 645 53.9 2,039 53.7 2,684 53.8
Prosperous or v comfort 246 20.6 991 26.1 1,237 24.8
Total 1,196 100.0 3,793 100.0 4,990 100.0
Family finances: pessimists
Poor or very poor 46 3.8 104 2.8 150 3.0
Just getting along 401 33.5 1,054 27.8 1,454 29.1
Reasonably comfortable 645 53.9 2,097 55.3 2,742 55.0
Prosperous or v comfort 105 8.8 539 14.2 644 12.9
Total 1,196 100.0 3,793 100.0 4,990 100.0
Episodes of financial hardship
Three or more 135 11.3 295 7.8 430 8.7
Two 115 9.7 282 7.5 397 8.0
One 160 13.4 509 13.5 668 13.5
None 781 65.6 2,691 71.3 3,472 69.9
Total 1,191 100.0 3,776 100.0 4,967 100.0
How easily raise $2000 in one week
Could not raise it 244 20.4 481 12.7 725 14.6
Have to do something drastic 194 16.2 399 10.5 593 11.9
Raise it, but some sacrifices 321 26.8 949 25.1 1,270 25.5
Easily raise it 436 36.5 1,956 51.7 2,393 48.0
Total 1,196 100.0 3,785 100.0 4,981 100.0
Ownership of credit card
No credit card 453 34.1 999 23.7 1,452 26.2
Owns credit card 876 65.9 3,210 76.3 4,086 73.8
Total 1,330 100.0 4,209 100.0 5,538 100.0
Sample size 1,200 3,849 5,049
Notes: First two panels: self-perceptions of financial prosperity. Optimists and pessimists result from diering evaluations by
first two members of household. Counts are lower in this table because of missing observations. Third panel: episodes of
financial hardship. Since beginning of year have any of following happened (due to lack of money): not pay utility bills on time;
not pay rent or mortgage on time; pawned or sold something; went without meals; unable to heat home; asked for financial
help from family or friends; asked for help from welfare organisation. Fourth panel: worst situation reported by at least one
person in household. Fifth panel: no credit card = no one in household had a credit or charge card or store account; credit
card = at least one person had one. Weighted by cross-sectional household population weights. Definition of low pay: earning
at or below $15.94 per hour.
Population: Adult = Households with at least one adult low paid employee; Other = Households with at least one employed
person (excluding Adult etc); All = Households with at least one employed person. Data from Wave 5 (2005).
Source: HILDA Release 5. Responding person survey form; Responding p e rson self-completion survey form; §Household
survey form.
Page 102
Figure 2.1.: Reduced view of a
typical full-page tabout table,
showing multiple panels.
The preference for a vertical layout is obvious: most books are prin-
ted in ‘portrait’ mode and the psychology of reading is for the eye to move
down the page within a narrow visual band. Comparisons between per-
centages are easy when the data is adjacent; inclusion of the sample size
makes it easier to appreciate the precision in the data; footnotes can in-
form the reader about the source of the data, the population and relevant
2.3. Reproducible research
While the aesthetic aspects of table production assist with achieving clarity
in communication, the key to accuracy and efficiency lies in reproducible
research. All good research should leave a trail, the breadcrumbs which
allow yourself (12 months later), or your peers, to know how you got your
results. Researchers should adopt the slogan ‘copy and paste is my enemy’
and should adapt the practice of ‘files talking to files’. This is the basis of
2. What makes for good tables
Stata’s own emphasis on do files, and the idea of building a nested do file
system, where one do file calls other do files. For example:
running (produces) the final tables and/or the final
report itself is made up of a set of smaller files:
raw.dta clean.dta
clean.dta final.dat
final.dta actual table files
This user guide has been written using L
X and the earlier version of
tabout emphasised L
X output. Apart from the beauty of its typography, a
major advantage of L
X is that it greatly facilitates reproducible research.
For example, one runs a Stata do file like shown above, and using
programs like tabout and estout one produces a set of *.tex files. Then,
with a simple \input command in the main tex document, the tables (as
well as other material, such as graphs) are compiled at the same time as
the main text in the document is compiled. The result, after a matter of
a few seconds, is a complete publication-quality document. One can even
include commands in the file which compiles the main L
X file.
Thus as soon as one runs the Stata do file, all editing is finished; no further
tweaking of the tables is needed; the final document is ready for printing
or electronic distribution.
The efficiency of this system is obvious, but the accuracy is also para-
mount. It is possible, by inspecting all the files which ‘fed into’ the final
product, to track down any mistakes or other anomalies which have sur-
faced in the final document. It is also possible, with a system like this, to
create ‘dynamic documents’.
2.4. Dynamic documents
Dynamic documents are an extension of reproducible research in which
the final report is highly automated. In its most developed form, dynamic
documents make it possible for the code which produces the tables or graph-
ics to be actually embedded within the document which produces the text
of the report. In other words, there is no distinction between tables and
commentary. This means that references to particular pieces of data in a
table, for example, are automatically in the text which comments on that
table. There is no need for the author of the document to type into their
document any of the data results which are shown in the tables. The best
known example of this approach is Sweave which runs inside the R statist-
Sweave home page
ics language. When it comes to using Stata, users also have a number of
Bill Rising “Dynamic documents
in Stata: Many routes to the
same goal”. Download
options for going down this path, and these were explained in depth in Bill
Rising’s presentation at the Oceania Stata User Group Meeting in 2016.
2. What makes for good tables
Dynamic documents can be easily produced using tabout. This is par-
ticularly suitable for short reports or web pages which may need regular
updating from data sets which change frequently. There is a chapter be-
low dedicated to discussing how you can implement this approach using
tabout. The underlying philosophy for dynamic documents is the idea of
having ‘files talking to files’ and you can build a complete workflow around
this concept.
For example, you might have a survey in the field, where the data
arrives in stages, perhaps every few days. You could write a file
which cleans the data, recodes the variables and produces some preliminary
tables, and this could be run against each new batch of data. As one gets
closer to the end of the field work, you could make those tables come closer
to their final form, including their final stylistic formatting. These tables
could even be embedded in the report document and some commentary
could be drafted. This kind of flexibility would allow researchers to move
towards finality with the production of their reports, while still waiting for
the stragglers to come in.
Another important consideration when the data changes might be the
weighting of the data. There may be some final refinements made to the
survey weights, but this need not entail problems, because by running with the new weights, all of the tables in the report would up-
date automatically.
The approach I’ve just sketched is difficult with repeated ‘copy and
paste’ approach. Not only would this be a tedious task—particularly with
dozens or scores of tables—but the formatting of the tables would always
need to be left to the end, because this is often a labour-intensive task.
Because tabout incorporates the formatting of the table in the initial pro-
duction of the table, the strategy outlined above works seamlessly. In the
case of L
X, the integration between content and formatting is complete.
In the case of Word, dynamic documents are also possible and I discuss this
later in the User Guide.
2.5. Single source publishing
Yet another variation on dynamic documents involves single source publish-
ing, which refers to document production methods where multiple outputs
might be required and only a single source of the original information is
used. This has enormous importance for accuracy, because there is noth-
ing worse than allowing multiple sources of information to proliferate (as
you quickly discover if you allow your address book or contacts list to exist
in multiple locations unsynchronised). The xml (Extensible Markup Lan-
guage) is a standard developed to facilitate the production of multiple out-
2. What makes for good tables
puts (such as hardcopy newspapers and internet-based newspapers) from a
single source. The efficiency made possible by this approach is also obvious,
since there is no duplication of effort.
In the case of tabout an obvious example of this might be the need to
produce tables for inclusion in a working document (suitable for word pro-
cessing), as PDF files for exchanging by email or over the internet, and
as html files for posting on web sites. By making use of tabout’s new
template file option, a Stata user can now produce the same table in =
all of these different formats, with identical data in each table, but with the
associated code and formatting suited to each destination.
Part II.
Table Content
3. Table content: overview
In essence, tabout allows a novice Stata user to produce multiple panels of
cross-tabulations, and to lay out the data in a number of different ways. The
output can be oneway or twoway tables of frequencies and/or percentages,
as well as summary statistics (means medians etc). Standard errors and/or
confidence intervals, based on Stata’s svy commands, can also be included.
Furthermore, a number of statistics (chi2, Gamma, Cramer’s V, Kendall’s
tau) can be placed at the bottom of each panel. Finally, formatting of cell
contents is simple, and allows users to choose the number of decimal places,
and to insert percentage symbols and currency symbols.
Among the various enhancements in Version 3 of tabout are the ability
to drop unwanted columns or rows, and to add new rows, once the initial
table has been constructed. This avoids the need to recode variables, and
deals with awkward situations where one variable may be missing data for
certain categories (such as men who are pregant!). Version 3 also allows
users to easily add a title and footnotes to a table. While this was possible
in Version 2 of tabout, it is much simpler in Version 3.
3.1. tabout in practice: some short examples
To illustrate the basics of producing tables using tabout, several simple
examples are shown below. However, it is first necessary to set up some
data suitable for the kinds of tables we will produce in this User Guide.
These data will be used throughout the Guide, so the following code is
worth running at the outset (and you can copy it from the blue link). This
code uses a built-in Stata dataset, and then recodes and labels the data to
facilitate table output.
3. Table content: overview
This basic Stata code is used to
set up the main data needed for
running all the examples in this
guide. You can get a copy of the
co de by clicking on the link box
at the top of the code. (You
need an internet connection).
You will notice that the file for
this setup code is invoked inside
the various table do files used
throughout this guide. This data
has a large number of categorical
variables and is particularly good
for illustrating tables.
The modify options sprinkled
throughout this code are there
b ecause this allows you to run
this code repeatedly without
Stata complaining.
Copy this setup code
set seed 14921918
sysuse nlsw88, clear
la var union "Member of a union"
la def union 0 "Not a union member" ///
1 "Union member", modify
la val union union
la var south "Location"
la def south 0 "Does not live in the South" ///
1 "Lives in the South", modify
la val south south
la var race "Race"
la def race 1 "White" 2 "Black" ///
3 "Other", modify
la val race race
la var collgrad "Education"
la def collgrad 0 "Not college graduate" ///
1 "College graduate", modify
la val collgrad collgrad
la var married "Marital status"
la def married 0 "Single" 1 "Married", modify
la val married married
gen wt = 10 * runiform()
gen int fwt = ceil(wt)
gen inc = 1000 * runiform()
gen income = cond(inc < 300, inc + 360, inc +200)
la var income "Income"
gen sex = cond(wt<5, 1, 2)
la var sex "Sex"
la def sex 1 "Male" 2 "Female", modify
replace sex = cond(wt<0.5, ., sex)
la val sex sex
gen pregnant = cond(wt>8.5, 1, 2)
la var pregnant "Currently pregnant"
la def pregnant 1 "Pregnant" 2 "Not pregnant" ///
, modify
replace pregnant = cond(sex==1, ., pregnant)
la val pregnant pregnant
la var industry "Industry"
la var occupation "Occupation"
3. Table content: overview
The following table is produced using the code shown below. It illus-
trates the most basic tabout commands.
Table 1: A Simple Example
Male Female Total
No. % No. % No. %
Does not live in the South 584 58.2 651 57.8 1,235 58.0
Lives in the South 420 41.8 475 42.2 895 42.0
Total 1,004 100.0 1,126 100.0 2,130 100.0
White 737 73.4 810 71.9 1,547 72.6
Black 259 25.8 300 26.6 559 26.2
Other 8 0.8 16 1.4 24 1.1
Total 1,004 100.0 1,126 100.0 2,130 100.0
Member of a union
Not a union member 635 74.3 706 76.1 1,341 75.2
Union member 220 25.7 222 23.9 442 24.8
Total 855 100.0 928 100.0 1,783 100.0
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 1 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table1.tex, replace ///
c(freq col) f(0c 1) style(tex) font(bold) twidth(11) ///
title(Table 1: A Simple Example) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
This code shows that tabout is similar to Stata’s own tabulate com-
mand, as well as Stata’s table command. There are four variables listed
and the first three become what tabout calls ‘vertical variables’, in effect,
the panels of the table. The fourth variable becomes the ‘horizontal vari-
able’, the one which the other variables are cross-tabulated against.
The using filename part of the code is conventional Stata usage, and
indicates where the output should go. Everything following the comma is
an option, which in Stata is a way of fine-tuning any particular output that
a user wants to produce. In the case of tabout, there are several options
used here:
replace overwrites the file if it already exists; =
c(freq col) is the contents option, which determines the cell =
contents: frequencies and column percentages;
f(0c 1) is the format option and sets the cell numbers as zero =
3. Table content: overview
decimal points with commas for the frequencies and one decimal
point for the column percentages;
style(tex) indicates that the user wants L
X output (though one =
can also request ‘pure’ T
X output if desired. This is discussed later);
font(bold) turns on bold formatting for the variable labels and the =
second row of the heading;
twidth(11) sets the width of the table to 11 centimetres; =
title(Table 1 etc) is placed above the table; and =
fn(Source etc) is a footnote placed below the table. =
Existing tabout users should be aware of the change in the c option.
Stata’s table command also has a contents option (abbreviated to c) and
earlier versions of tabout used the c abbreviation for cells, rather than con-
tents. Now, in Version 3 tabout uses the Stata terminology. This makes
sense, because one of the arguments for this option is cell (that is, cell
percentage). Adopting the Stata convention of contents( ) avoids confu-
sion, although most users simply ignore the issue by using the much shorter =
abbreviation of c( ).
There are a large number of options in tabout, all of which can be
quickly referenced in the Options table at the end of the
User Guide
. There
are basically two forms these options take:
a switch, where a single term turns on or off some feature. For ex-
ample, the default setting is for a table to have borders above and
below, and rules (horizontal lines) separating panels and heading
rows. There is a noborder option which turns off the border lines, =
a nohlines option which turns off the lines in the heading rows,
and a noplines option which turns off the panel lines. You can use
all of these together, or in any combination, to reverse any of the
an argument, where a term is followed by an argument in paren-
theses. Most of the options in the example above use arguments
which ‘pass’ a particular setting to
to implement. In the ab-
sence of that option, tabout uses a default, which is usually a com-
mon setting. Unlike some areas inStata, tabout avoids the use of
sub-options and sub-sub-options. The standard pattern in tabout is
for an option to take a single argument, and if more information is
needed, a second option is used. As we shall see below, this produces
‘families’ of options. For example, reporting the sample size is set by
an npos option (meaning N position) which can be set to col , row , =
both , lab or tufte; there is also an nlab option (meaning N label)
which can take a phrase, such as ‘Sample size’ or ‘Obs’ to replace the
default ‘N’; and there is a nwt to assign a different weight to the N =
counts (which is suitable for producing population estimates).
3. Table content: overview
Here is a second table which illustrates these principles, with the tabout
code shown below.
Table 2: Including the sample size
Male Female Total Obs
% % % % % %
Does not live in the South 58.2 47.3 57.8 52.7 58.0 100.0 1,235
Lives in the South 41.8 46.9 42.2 53.1 42.0 100.0 895
Total 100.0 47.1 100.0 52.9 100.0 100.0 2,130
Obs 1,004 1,126 2,130
White 73.4 47.6 71.9 52.4 72.6 100.0 1,547
Black 25.8 46.3 26.6 53.7 26.2 100.0 559
Other 0.8 33.3 1.4 66.7 1.1 100.0 24
Total 100.0 47.1 100.0 52.9 100.0 100.0 2,130
Obs 1,004 1,126 2,130
Member of a union
Not a union member 74.3 47.4 76.1 52.6 75.2 100.0 1,341
Union member 25.7 49.8 23.9 50.2 24.8 100.0 442
Total 100.0 48.0 100.0 52.0 100.0 100.0 1,783
Obs 855 928 1,783
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 2 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table2.tex, replace ///
c(col row) f(1) style(tex) font(italic) twidth(13) ///
title(Table 2: Including the sample size) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) npos(both) nlab(Obs)
New to this example are the npos and nlab options (just discussed) as = =
well as a different font option (italic) and the inclusion of both row and
column percentages. Note that the f() option only needs one argument
here (1) because tabout will repeat this for as many columns as necessary.
You can, of course, provide as many arguments as the types of categories
in your table. For example, f(1 2 0c) would make the first column one
decimal point, the second two decimal points, and the third no decimal
points with commas. Any additional columns in the table would repeat
this last setting (that is, no decimal points with commas).
As well as 0c (to show the comma), you can also use p (to show the
percentage sign), m (for money to show a currency symbol. To actually set
which currency symbol is used, you can use the money option). Finally, =
3. Table content: overview
you can also change the decimal point and thousand separators to the style
favoured in some European countries (namely ‘,’ for decimal points and ‘.’
for thousands) using the dpcomma option. =
Table 2 illustrates a problem with combining row and column percent-
ages in this way. While the column percentages are easy to read, comparing
them requires the eye to jump across an intervening column. The same is
true for the row percentages, where the obvious summing to 100 percent
is broken up by the intervening columns.
Table 3 shows how one might improve the readability of this data by
using tabout’s layout option. When this is set to cb (column block), this =
readability problem is resolved. A further refinement is to suppress the row
of % symbols on the third heading row and add the ‘(%)’ term to the title.
tabout works with three heading rows, options h1, h2 and h3. Thus by = = =
specifying h3(nil) you can suppress this row. We shall see later that you
can also change the wording on this row.
Table 3: Further refinements, using column block layout (%)
Male Female Total Male Female Total Obs
Does not live in the South 58.2 57.8 58.0 47.3 52.7 100.0 1,235
Lives in the South 41.8 42.2 42.0 46.9 53.1 100.0 895
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 47.1 52.9 100.0 2,130
Obs 1,004 1,126 2,130
White 73.4 71.9 72.6 47.6 52.4 100.0 1,547
Black 25.8 26.6 26.2 46.3 53.7 100.0 559
Other 0.8 1.4 1.1 33.3 66.7 100.0 24
100.0 100.0 100.0 47.1 52.9 100.0 2,130
Obs 1,004 1,126 2,130
Member of a union
Not a union member 74.3 76.1 75.2 47.4 52.6 100.0 1,341
Union member 25.7 23.9 24.8 49.8 50.2 100.0 442
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 48.0 52.0 100.0 1,783
Obs 855 928 1,783
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 3 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table3.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) twidth(13) c(col row) h3(nil) ///
f(1) npos(both) nlab(Obs) layout(cb) title(Table 3: ///
Further refinements, using column block layout (%)) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
3. Table content: overview
Understanding these different layouts as well as the kind of content
which is permissible in tabout takes some time, but a useful summary can
be seen in table below. Some of the options shown here will be discussed in
coming chapters, so don’t worry if it’s a bit cryptic at this stage. Also, if you
do make an error when typing the syntax of tabout, this table is displayed
on your screen, alongside a hint as to the nature of your error. This table is
particularly useful for summary tables, as it lists as the terms that you can
include in your contents option. =
Type of table Allowable cell contents Available layout
Basic freq cell row col cum col row cb rb
any number of above, in any order
for example: cells(freq col)
Basic with SE or CI freq cell row col se ci lb ub col row cb rb
only one of: freq cell row col
(turn on svy option) (must come first in the cell)
and any number of: se ci lb ub
for example: cells(col se lb ub)
Summary any number of: N mean var sd skewness no options (fixed)
-as a oneway table kurtosis sum uwsum min max count
median iqr r9010 r9050 r7525 r1050
(turn on sum option; p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99
also may need to turn with each followed by variable name
on oneway option) for example: cells(min wage mean age)
Summary only one of: N mean var sd skewness no options (fixed)
-as a twoway table kurtosis sum uwsum min max count
median iqr r9010 r9050 r7525 r1050
(turn on sum option) p1 p5 p10 p25 p50 p75 p90 p95 p99
followed by one variable name
for example: cells(sum income)
Summary with SE or CI mean followed by one variable name col row cb rb
(turn on sum option and any number of: se ci lb ub
and svy option) for example: cells(mean weight se ci)
Note: cb = column block; rb = row block, SE = standard errors; CI = confidence intervals.
Some aesthetic considerations
Some of the more subtle ways in which aesthetics apply to tables concern
the thickness of the lines and horizontal alignment. Ideally, table borders—
that is, the top and bottom horizontal lines of the table—should be slightly
thicker than the heading and panel lines. This is automatically implemen-
3. Table content: overview
ted with tex , xlsx and htm output. At this stage docx output does not
support this feature.
Horizontal alignment follows a few simple principles:
labels in the first column are always left aligned;
data cells are always right aligned;
heading cells which span columns are always centred;
For other heading cells which are inside a single column, there is some
variation between output styles. The tex and htm output styles use right
alignment for these cells by default, but users can code this to suit them-
selves using the topf option. For the docx output style—where there is no =
facility for using topf—the default is centred. However, these cells can be
made right aligned with the hright (heading right) option. =
There is some similar variation with the alignment of the table on the
page. For tex and docx output styles the default is to centre align the
table on the page, but the tleft (table left) option will place it flush with =
the margin. For both xlsx and htm output, there is no real concept of a
page, so the default is left. If a htm user wants to centre their table on a
particular display, they can code this using div tags. If an xlsx user wants
to centre their table, then the cell location of the top left corner of the table
can be specified, and this will allow users to shift the table elsewhere on
the spreadsheet ‘page’.
In summary, most of the default settings for these aesthetic considera-
tions work well, but users can always fine tune these by either coding their
preference (if using tex or htm ) or by selecting various options which are
available for particular styles.
3.2. Roadmap for Part II
This concludes a short overview of tabout in practice. The next three
chapters—chapters 4, 5 and 6—provide a more systematic exposition of
the types of tables which are possible using tabout. Each chapter deals
with a particular type of table:
chapter 4: basic tables—cross-tabulations of counts and percent-
chapter 5: summary tables—cross-tabulations of summary meas-
ures such as means and medians etc;
chapter 6: survey tables—cross-tabulations of counts, percentages
and summary measures, with standard errors and confidence inter-
You might like to read these chapters systematically, or you might just want
3. Table content: overview
to look through all the examples seeking a table which comes closest to
the table you wish to produce, and then to modify the code to suit your
specific needs. To make life easy, each block of code can be copied in the
output style which you want by clicking on the link at the top of each block.
(If you are using L
X, you might choose to just copy and paste the text
inside the code block.) As mentioned earlier, all of the examples are also
consolidated into a single file (for each output style) and you must make
sure you rename their .txt extension to .do before you can run them in
The approach taken in each chapter is to begin with a simple table,
and then to show how more refinements can be introduced into a table
to deal with various requirements. Such refinements illustrate starkly that
there is always a trade-off between complexity and flexibility, and while
tabout tries to make this as simple as possible, the contradiction cannot
be avoided. If users were happy to accept just some default settings, then
the tabout syntax could remain very simple. It is giving users choice which
introduces the complexity, but only with choice can many of the challenges
of producing publication quality tables be surmounted. Some users will,
no doubt, wish for even greater choice, but that would require yet more
options, and more complexity.
Chapters 7, 8 and 9 introduce some more advanced features of tabout.
These include:
chapter 7: how to ‘reshape’ your tables, to drop columns or rows; or
to plug gaps in your tables where idiosyncratic variables arise;
chapter 8: using template files, a method of simplifying your tabout
code and sharing tabout code between colleagues and with begin-
chapter 9: how you can build dynamic documents with tabout, or,
at a minimum, how to implement some of the principles of reprodu-
cible research.
4. Basic tables
This chapter introduces the main features of basic tables, which is tabout’s
term for oneway and twoway cross tabulations of categorical data. The
examples make use of the nlsw.dta data which was used in the Overview
chapter and supplements this with data from another built-in Stata data-
set, namely cancer.dta. Again, some initial setting up is needed, mainly to
create a categorical variable from a continuous one.
This basic Stata code is used to
set up some additional data
which is also used for running
examples in this guide. You can
get a copy of the code by clicking
on the link box at the top of the
co de. (You need an internet
You will notice that the file for
this setup code is invoked inside
a number of table do files used in
the next few chapters. (This data
has a good mix of categorical
and continuous variables.)
Copy this setup code
sysuse cancer, clear
la var died "Patient died"
la def ny 0 "No" 1 "Yes", modify
la val died ny
recode studytime ///
(min/10 = 1 "10 or less months") ///
(11/20 = 2 "11 to 20 months") ///
(21/30 = 3 "21 to 30 months") ///
(31/max = 4 "31 or more months") ///
, gen(stime)
la var stime "To died or exp. end"
la var drug "Drug type"
la def drug 1 "Placebo" 2 "Trial drug 1" ///
3 "Trial drug 2", modify
la val drug drug
4.1. Twoway tables
Unlike Stata’s tabulate
command, tabout allows you to
sp ecify the order in which your
results should appear, instead of
the fixed sequence (frequency,
row percentage and column
p ercentage) which tabulate
always uses.
The following table repeats some of the features of tabout discussed in the
Overview chapter, and introduces some new ones. One thing to notice is
that the contents option contains a cumulative percentage, a feature not
readily available with Stata’s own tabulate command.
4. Basic tables
Table 4: Example of a simple cross tabulation
Patient died
No Yes Total
No. Col % Cum
No. Col % Cum
No. Col % Cum
To died or exp. end
10 or less months 4 23.5 23.5 15 48.4 48.4 19 39.6 39.6
11 to 20 months 6 35.3 58.8 8 25.8 74.2 14 29.2 68.8
21 to 30 months 2 11.8 70.6 7 22.6 96.8 9 18.8 87.5
31 or more months 5 29.4 100.0 1 3.2 100.0 6 12.5 100.0
Total 17 100.0 31 100.0 48 100.0
Source: cancer.dta
Copy table 4 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do cancer_data_setup
tabout stime died using table4.tex, replace ///
c(freq col cum) style(tex) font(italic) twidth(14) ///
f(0 1) clab(No. Col_% Cum_%) title(Table 4: Example ///
of a simple cross tabulation) fn(Source: cancer.dta)
This table shows how you can distinguish between column and cumu-
lative percentages, which is done by overriding default % symbol in the
third heading row. We saw earlier that you could suppress the third head-
ing row by specifying h3(nil), and another way to use that option is to
specify the labelling of this row by placing your own terms inside the h3
option. However, in this case it’s unnecessary as there’s a simpler method:
the clab(column label) option. =
In most circumstances users really only need to change the third head-
ing row, and that’s what the clab option used in Table 4 is intended for. It’s
a simple solution and lets you simply substitute an alternative set of column
Using underscores for spaces is
not common in Stata but is a
well-known convention for file
naming. It avoids the problems
that spaces often cause. It is
used for numerous options in
tabout when spaces occur inside
lab els.
headings for the default ones. The only complicated bit is that you need to
use underscores if any of your column headings have spaces in them. In this
example, they do (eg. Col %), so an underscore is needed in your tabout
syntax. These underscores are, of course, stripped out by tabout during the
production of the table, so that normal spaces appear in the final output.
4. Basic tables
Table 5 uses panels, one of the key concepts in tabout and intrinsic to its
design philosophy of visual comparisons.
Table 5: Example of cross tabulation using panels
Not college
Does not live in the South 4,941 1,516 6,458
Lives in the South 3,661 1,095 4,756
Total 8,602 2,611 11,213
% % %
Does not live in the South 76.5 23.5 100.0
Lives in the South 77.0 23.0 100.0
Total 76.7 23.3 100.0
% % %
Does not live in the South 57.4 58.1 57.6
Lives in the South 42.6 41.9 42.4
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
White 6,047 2,086 8,133
Black 2,452 482 2,934
Other 103 43 146
Total 8,602 2,611 11,213
% % %
White 74.4 25.6 100.0
Black 83.6 16.4 100.0
Other 70.3 29.7 100.0
Total 76.7 23.3 100.0
% % %
White 70.3 79.9 72.5
Black 28.5 18.5 26.2
Other 1.2 1.7 1.3
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 5 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race collgrad [iw=wt] using table5.tex, ///
replace style(tex) font(bold) c(freq row col) ///
f(0c 1 1) layout(rb) h3(nil) twidth(11) ///
title(Table 5: Example of cross tabulation ///
using panels) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
4. Basic tables
With a table like this, one can instantly compare educational back-
ground against two other variables, glancing both across the page and
down the page, taking in multiple comparisons in a compact spacial ar-
rangement. Table 5 also uses another of the layout options, in this case, the
row block choice: layout(rb). This places the cell contents (frequencies, =
row and column percentages) in a row formation, rather than in columns.
In a table like Table 5, it doesn’t make sense to have headings in the
third row, so the h3(nil) option is used to remove this. However, because =
of this unique layout, this option only affects the top part of the table, that is
the heading rows. The % symbols re-appear at the top of all the intervening
rows blocks. This may or may not be what suits the user. If you would prefer
to remove these, and indicate that these numbers are percentages using the
format option, then Table 6 on the next page is your solution.
The secret to the result shown in Table 6 is to use the clab option =
alongside h3(nil) because this will influence every occurrence of a column
heading, even when it’s not at the top of a table. To make it an ‘empty’
column heading, as required here, simply place blank spaces in the labels,
using an underscore for each column in the table (here there are three).
Hence the syntax: clab(_ _ _). You then need to add the p symbol in
your format option to show percentage symbols alongside each number:
f(0 1p 1p ). =
4. Basic tables
Table 6: Same example with refinements
Not college
Does not live in the South 4,941 1,516 6,458
Lives in the South 3,661 1,095 4,756
Total 8,602 2,611 11,213
Does not live in the South 76.5% 23.5% 100.0%
Lives in the South 77.0% 23.0% 100.0%
Total 76.7% 23.3% 100.0%
Does not live in the South 57.4% 58.1% 57.6%
Lives in the South 42.6% 41.9% 42.4%
Total 100.0% 100.0% 100.0%
White 6,047 2,086 8,133
Black 2,452 482 2,934
Other 103 43 146
Total 8,602 2,611 11,213
White 74.4% 25.6% 100.0%
Black 83.6% 16.4% 100.0%
Other 70.3% 29.7% 100.0%
Total 76.7% 23.3% 100.0%
White 70.3% 79.9% 72.5%
Black 28.5% 18.5% 26.2%
Other 1.2% 1.7% 1.3%
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 6 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race collgrad [iw=wt] using table6.tex, ///
replace style(tex) font(bold) c(freq row col) ///
f(0c 1p 1p) layout(rb) clab(_ _ _) h3(nil) twidth(11) ///
title(Table 6: Same example with refinements) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
4.2. Twoway tables with statistics
One of the most useful features of tabout is the ability to incorporate sample
counts and statistics inside the body of a table of descriptives, such as counts
or percentages. There is also considerable flexibility in how this can be
done. Version 2 of tabout allowed sample counts to be shown in columns
4. Basic tables
or rows and to be given custom labels, but prior to Version 3 of tabout,
the statistics could only be shown in rows and there was no customisation
of labels. Version 3 improves on this: users can place statistics in columns,
can customise the labels and formats, and can also arrange how the statistic,
and its p-value, are laid out. There is also more customisation of p-values:
they can be shown as stars or as ranges.
Table 7 shows the default values for these options, applied to a Pear-
son’s chi-squared statistic. Table 8 shows a number of customisation fea-
custom labels for sample size and for statistics;
column position of statistics; and
display of p-values as stars.
Table 7: Example of sample counts and stats
White Black Other Total
Col % Col % Col % Col %
Does not live in the South 65.4 36.0 88.5 58.1
Lives in the South 34.6 64.0 11.5 41.9
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
N 1,637 583 26 2,246
Pearson chi2(2) = 162.625
P-value = 0.000
Not college graduate 74.3 82.3 65.4 76.3
College graduate 25.7 17.7 34.6 23.7
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
N 1,637 583 26 2,246
Pearson chi2(2) = 16.919
P-value = 0.000
Copy table 7 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south collgrad race using table7.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(bold) c(col) f(1) npos(row) ///
twidth(12) clab(Col_%) stats(chi2) title(Table 7: ///
Example of sample counts and stats) fn(nlsw88.dta)
The novel aspect to Table 7, the statistics, makes use of Stata’s tabulate
command. Thus tabout’s stats option uses the same measures: Pearson’s =
chi-squared (chi2), Goodman and Kruskal’s gamma (gamma ), Cramér’s V
4. Basic tables
(V ), Kendall’s tau-b (taub ) and the likelihood-ratio chi-squared (lrchi2).
Table 7 shows the default settings and labels for the chi2 statistic.
Customisation of some of these settings is shown in Table 8. In partic-
stpos(col) (statistics position) which is in the column, rather than =
the default row position;
stlab(Chi2) (statistics label) which uses a shorter phrase to fit the =
column width;
stform(2) (statistics format) is set to 2 decimal points (the default =
is 3). There is also an equivalent pform option for formatting the
plab(Signif) (p-value label) which also uses a shorter phrase to fit =
the column width;
stars which indicates that statistical significance should be shown =
according to the stars convention, rather than an explicit p-value be
It is also possible to change the position of the p-value using ppos, so =
that it has its own column. In addition, various combinations of including or
omitting the statistic and the p-value are possible. Interested users might
like to explore these combinations for themselves, though this guide will
also demonstrate some variations later.
Table 8: Same example with customisation
White Black Other Total Chi2
Col % Col % Col % Col % Signif
Does not live in the South 65.4 36.0 88.5 58.1 162.62
Lives in the South 34.6 64.0 11.5 41.9 ***
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Sample size 1,637 583 26 2,246
Not college graduate 74.3 82.3 65.4 76.3 16.92
College graduate 25.7 17.7 34.6 23.7 ***
Total 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Sample size 1,637 583 26 2,246
Copy table 8 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south collgrad race using table8.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(bold) c(col) f(1) clab(Col_%) ///
twidth(14) stats(chi2) stpos(col) stlab(Chi2) ///
4. Basic tables
stform(2) plab(Signif) stars npos(row) ///
nlab(Sample size) title(Table 8: Same example with ///
customisation) fn(nlsw88.dta)
4.3. Oneway tables
The assumption made by tabout is that the last variable in the variable list
is always the ‘horizontal’ variable, that is, the variable against which all the
other variables are cross-tabulated. However, the user may wish to produce
one-way tables, and for this purpose, the oneway option is available. It =
basically says: “the last variable in the list is also a ‘vertical’ variable so
don’t cross-tabulate”.
Table 9, below, provides an example of a typical oneway table. In this
example there is only one heading row, because that is all that is needed.
It has been customised here with the clab option, so that the reader can =
distinguish at a glance between column percentages and cumulative per-
centages. Additional heading rows could be added, if the user required
this, with the h1 and h2 options. = =
Table 9: A oneway table
4. Basic tables
Count Col % Cum % Sample
Ag/Forestry/Fisheries 84 0.8 0.8 17
Mining 14 0.1 0.9 4
Construction 160 1.4 2.3 29
Manufacturing 1,848 16.6 18.9 367
Transport/Comm/Utility 433 3.9 22.8 90
Wholesale/Retail Trade 1,685 15.1 37.9 333
Finance/Ins/Real Estate 970 8.7 46.7 192
Business/Repair Svc 429 3.9 50.5 86
Personal Services 472 4.2 54.8 97
Entertainment/Rec Svc 99 0.9 55.6 17
Professional Services 4,151 37.3 92.9 824
Public Administration 786 7.1 100.0 176
Total 11,129 100.0 2,232
Managers/admin 1,322 11.8 25.1 264
Sales 3,626 32.5 57.5 726
Clerical/unskilled 511 4.6 62.1 102
Craftsmen 239 2.1 64.2 53
Operatives 1,305 11.7 75.9 246
Transport 136 1.2 77.1 28
Laborers 1,491 13.4 90.5 286
Farmers 8 0.1 90.5 1
Farm laborers 40 0.4 90.9 9
Service 75 0.7 91.6 16
Household workers 3 0.0 91.6 2
Other 938 8.4 100.0 187
Total 11,171 100.0 2,237
Source: nlsw88.dta
4. Basic tables
Copy table 9 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout industry occupation [iw=wt] using table9.tex, ///
replace style(tex) font(bold) oneway c(freq col cum) ///
f(0c 1) clab(Count Col_% Cum_%) twidth(11) npos(col) ///
nlab(Sample) title(Table 9: A oneway table) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
Note also that the clab option only labels the data columns. The
sample size column is labelled by using the nlab option. This is the same =
convention for statistics and p-values, each of which have their own la-
belling options. The tabout user needs to visualise their tables as composed
of panels going down the page, and blocks of data plus information going
across the page. The complete table has, at a minimum, the data produced
by the contents option, but it can also contain (as here) sample counts, =
and (as seen earlier), various statistics. So keeping the distinction in your
mind, between data columns and these extra columns is a useful way to
avoid confusion, and also a way to customisation all these headings the
way you wish. There may be occassions, for example, when you prefer this
additional information (sample size and statistics) to be at the bottom of
the table, using the positional options (npos, stpos and ppos), in which = = =
case, the only columns in your table will be data columns.
5. Summary tables
Summary tables are any measure which Stata’s summmarize command
can produce, re-arranged into a table layout. If you require a cross-tabulation—
that is, ‘vertical’ variables against one ‘horizontal’ variable—then only one
summary measure can be used, which is placed in the table cell defined
by the intersection of these variables. The range of measures, and what is
allowable, was shown earlier as a table. If you are satisfied with a oneway
table—using just ‘vertical variables’—then any number of summary meas-
ures can be used (space permitting), and these are all arranged horizontally
across the page. The examples below will make this clearer.
5.1. Twoway summary tables
The key term needed for all summary tables in tabout is the sum option, =
which tells tabout that this is not a table composed of counts or percentages,
but should use summary measures to fill the cells. What those measures
should actually be is determined by the contents option, where the syntax =
differs from that used in basic tables because the names of other variables
are placed inside this option. Table 10 below illustrates this principle: it
shows the use of the means measure, and those users familiar with Stata’s
table command will recognise this form of syntax. Inside the contents
option you simply use the summary measure (mean ) and follow it with the
name of the variable (weight ).
Table 10: Simple twoway summary table of means
Car type (mean weight in lbs.)
Domestic Foreign Total
Repair Record 1978
1 3,100 3,100
2 3,354 3,354
3 3,442 2,010 3,299
4 3,532 2,208 2,870
5 1,960 2,403 2,323
Total 3,368 2,263 3,032
5. Summary tables
Copy table 10 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
sysuse auto, clear
tabout rep78 foreign using table10.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) c(mean weight) f(0c) sum ///
twidth(9) h1(Car type (mean weight in lbs.)) h3(nil) ///
title(Table 10: Simple twoway summary table of means) ///
Some refinements shown in this table include h3(nil). This removes =
the repetition of ‘Mean weight’, which tabout would otherwise apply. The
h1(Car type (mean weight in lbs.)) changes the default heading to =
make it clear what the cells contain.
Table 11 shows another twoway summary table, in this case using me-
dian measures.
Table 11: Simple twoway summary table of medians
Candidate voted for, 1992
Clinton Bush Perot Total
% % % %
Family Income
<$15k 8.3 3.2 2.5 3.2
$15-30k 10.8 8.4 4.8 8.4
$30-50k 12.3 11.4 6.3 11.4
$50-75k 8.0 8.4 3.6 8.0
$75k+ 4.7 6.2 2.1 4.7
Total 8.3 8.4 3.6 6.3
Copy table 11 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
sysuse voter, clear
tabout inc candidat using table11.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) c(median pfrac) f(1) clab(%) ///
sum twidth(9) title(Table 11: Simple twoway summary ///
table of medians) fn(voter.dta)
In Table 11 the cells of this table show percentages but that is simply
because the variable pfrac itself is a percentage measure. Interpreting this
is a bit tricky. This example is used to simply illustrate the tabout syntax.
Basically, the table presents the breakdown of Presidential votes in 1992
according to the voter’s family income, showing the median percentage
vote for each candidate within each income bracket.
5. Summary tables
5.2. Oneway summary tables
Turning now to oneway tables, the use of multiple measures is illustrated in
Table 12. Here there are two ‘vertical’ variables and no ‘horizontal’ variable,
so the columns across the page are populated with the various summary
measures, means for three variables, medians for two.
Table 12: Oneway summary table
with multiple summary measures
Mean Median
MPG Weight (lbs) Length (in) Price Headroom
Car type
Domestic (70%) 19.8 3,317.1 196.1 $4,782.50 3.5
Foreign (29%) 24.8 2,315.9 168.5 $5,759.00 2.5
Total (100%) 21.3 3,019.5 187.9 $5,006.50 3.0
Repair Record 1978
1 (2%) 21.0 3,100.0 189.0 $4,564.50 1.8
2 (11%) 19.1 3,353.8 199.4 $4,638.00 3.8
3 (43%) 19.4 3,299.0 194.0 $4,741.00 3.5
4 (26%) 21.7 2,870.0 184.8 $5,751.50 3.0
5 (15%) 27.4 2,322.7 170.2 $5,397.00 2.5
Total (100%) 21.3 3,032.0 188.3 $5,079.00 3.0
Source: auto.dta
Copy table 12 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
sysuse auto, clear
tabout foreign rep78 using table12.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(bold) twidth(13) sum npos(tufte) ///
c(mean mpg mean weight mean length median price ///
median headroom) f(1c 1c 1c 2cm 1c) h2(Mean Median) ///
h2c(3 2) clab(MPG Weight_(lbs) Length_(in) Price ///
Headroom_(in)) title(Table 12: Oneway summary table ///
\\ with multiple summary measures) fn(Source: auto.dta)
What is notable in Table 12 is:
the syntax for the contents option: where each summary measure =
is followed by a variable name:
c(mean mpg mean weight mean length ... );
the oneway option is not needed here because tabout is restricted to =
only producing oneway tables when you request multiple statistics
across the columns;
5. Summary tables
the npos(tufte) option, which places the distribution of the cat- =
egories within the two ‘vertical’ variables within their labels;
The tufte option is named after
the approach adopted by Edward
Tufte in his construction of a
‘sup ertable’, which he designed
for the New York Times in 1980.
See Tufte2001.
the use of a L
X new line symbol (\\) in the title improves its ap-
pearance (both the tex and htm output styles allow codes in your
title and footnote options);
the use of the h2 option in conjunction with the h2c option.
This last item is worth further discussion. Headings are highly custom-
isable in tabout and this is done with the h1, h2 and h3 options. As we = = =
have seen earlier, placing nil in any of these options suppresses that row
from the final table. Alternatively, if you would like to fully customise your
table headings you can use these options and insert the words you wish to
display. When it comes to placing these words into the correct columns, or
spanning the right number of columns, you can write your own code (if
you are using the tex or htm output styles), or you can let tabout do this
for you (which will work for all output styles).
How does tabout know which columns to span or which words go
into which columns? For column placement tabout uses the same conven-
tion as for the clab option: spaces between words separate columns, and =
underscores are needed if phrases (containing spaces) are to appear in a
column. Spanning is a bit more complicated, but makes use of the three
‘partner’ options: h1c, h2c and h3c, all of which stand for heading columns. = = =
By inserting numbers in these options, you tell tabout which columns to
span with the corresponding words found in their ‘partner’ h1, h2 or h3
So what tells tabout that h2, for example, should be treated in this
way, and not regarded as the user’s own code? The presence of the ‘partner’
option h2c. If tabout finds that present, it parses the h2 option and does
all the work for you. If it finds it missing, then tabout assumes that your h2
words are all your own coding and just inserts the words as it finds them.
In the case of Table 12, the Mean label was intended to span 3 columns,
the Median label was intended to span 2 columns. Hence, the option was
specified as: h2c(3 2). While all of this might sound complex, in fact
it simplifies matters considerably. If you want complete customisation of
your headings, and you don’t mind doing all the coding, you can use h2
the way it’s always functioned. On the other hand, if you find that you’re
regularly needing to use h2 with your summary tables, then this simple
shortcut might suit you perfectly.
This issue also illustrates how aesthetics and information decoding be-
long together. While h2c works in all output styles in the manner just de-
scribed, in spanning multiple columns and centering the labels over these
columns, in the case of tex output, it has an additional role. This option
determines where the breaks in the heading lines occur. Not only do these
gaps in the line look ‘neater’ but they also signal which columns (the first
5. Summary tables
three) belong to the ‘Mean’ label and which columns (the last two) belong
to the ‘Median’ label. While sometimes this is obvious, sometimes it is not,
and the use of a gap in the line confirms what belongs with what.
Quite often you may need to customise your headings when producing
summary tables. tabout produces default headings, but often these are not
suited to the particular needs of summary tables. Table 13 illustrates this
problem and shows what happens when you produce a oneway table with
the default column headings. tabout does not know how you would like
the third heading row to appear, so it just repeats the variable name. tabout
could just use the summary measure name in combination with the variable,
but these are often cryptic or likely to be too cumbersome to fit neatly into
a column.
Table 13: Oneway summary table with default headings
age age studytime studytime studytime
Patient died
No 54.2 8.0 19.0 6.0 39.0
Yes 56.8 9.0 11.0 1.0 33.0
Total 55.9 9.5 12.5 1.0 39.0
Drug type
Placebo 56.0 8.5 8.0 1.0 23.0
Trial drug 1 56.9 12.0 14.0 6.0 32.0
Trial drug 2 54.6 8.0 26.5 6.0 39.0
Total 55.9 9.5 12.5 1.0 39.0
Source: cancer.dta
Copy table 13 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do cancer_data_setup
tabout died drug using table13.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) twidth(12) sum f(1) ///
c(mean age iqr age median studytime min studytime ///
max studytime) title(Table 13: Oneway summary table ///
with default headings) fn(Source: cancer.dta)
Table 14 shows how to solve this problem and produce true publication
quality table straight from tabout. The first step in the solution involves
using clab to assign headings to the columns which reflect which measures =
are being used. The second step uses the h2 option to put meaningful
headings above these measures: not just the variable name, but also the
quantity metric (years and months).
5. Summary tables
Table 14: Same oneway summary table
with customised headings
Patient age (yrs) Length of study (mths)
Mean IQR Median Minimum Maximum
Patient died
No 54.2 8.0 19.0 6.0 39.0
Yes 56.8 9.0 11.0 1.0 33.0
Drug type
Placebo 56.0 8.5 8.0 1.0 23.0
Trial drug 1 56.9 12.0 14.0 6.0 32.0
Trial drug 2 54.6 8.0 26.5 6.0 39.0
Total 55.9 9.5 12.5 1.0 39.0
Source: cancer.dta. Note that IQR is interquartile range
Copy table 14 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do cancer_data_setup
tabout died drug using table14.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) twidth(12) sum f(1) ///
c(mean age iqr age median studytime min studytime ///
max studytime) h2c(2 3) ltrim(1) h2(Patient_age_(yrs) ///
Length_of_study_(mths)) clab(Mean IQR Median Minimum ///
Maximum) title(Table 14: Same oneway summary table ///
\\ with customised headings) fn(\emph{Source}: ///
cancer.dta. Note that IQR is interquartile range)
Table 14 also illustrates the use of underscores in h2 for terms that
have spaces within them—this is the same convention used by clab. It
also shows the use of ltrim which determines how large the gap between =
the partial lines should be. This is, however, an option only available with
tex output).
Advanced tabout users who have
used the cl1 and cl2 options in
the past, will find these missing
in Version 3. This is because they
are implemented automatically.
The former cltr1 cltr2 options
have been replaced by the
simpler ltrim option.
As mentioned earlier all the tabout syntax shown in the code boxes in
this guide has been for producing tex output (of course, when you click on
the copy link, you get the syntax in the style you choose). The reason for
this is that this user guide is written in L
X. It also provides me with the
opportunity to highlight, from time to time, some of the advantages of L
One of these is the way the user can introduce code into labels with great
ease. Thus Table 14 also shows the L
X newline symbol (\\) being used
in the title to control where the word wrap takes place and the L
X italic
code being used in the footnote to selectively italicise just one word.
6. Survey tables
One of the great advantages of Stata is its survey capabilities. Through the
use of the svy prefix command, Stata users can easily analyse complex sur-
vey data. As is well known, point estimates are influenced by the survey
For more discussion on this issue
see the Stata manual entry
“Remarks and Examples” for the
svy command.
weights, but not by other aspects of the survey design. On the other hand,
this design can strongly influence the standard errors. Consequently, estim-
ates of confidence intervals can be misleading if researchers do not take
account of the survey design, particularly if their subjects are clustered.
As recommended in the Stata manual, if or in conditions when used
with the various svy command should make use of the subpopulation op-
tion. This approach is implemented in tabout behind the scenes, allowing
the user to simply specify if or in as they normally would.
6.1. Basic tables with survey data
The basic tables produced by tabout when the svy option is chosen provide =
A useful trick if you want
confidence intervals (or similar)
and you don’t usually make use
of Stata svy commands, is to
simply set your weight variable
using the svyset command, and
then treat your data as if it were
complex survey data. There is no
need to specify either strata or
PSU. If you have no weights, just
create a weight variable equal to
1, and then svyset that. Then
use the svy option in tabout.
the same cell contents as the usual basic tables (except for the cumulative
percentage). The main restriction is that only one of the set (ie. freq,
cell , row and col ) can be specified. On the other hand, you are not
limited to what else is specified: you can use any number of the standard
survey estimates, such as standard errors (se ), confidence intervals (ci ),
lower bounds (lb) and upper bounds (ub). In other words, basic tables
with survey data are intended to provide the user with one key point estim-
ate, and a number of possible uncertainty estimates.
One major disadvantage in using the svy commands in Stata is that
the standard displays produced are not suited to publication-quality tables.
For example, consider the following output, which are the default tables
from the following commands:
use "", clear
svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid)
svy: tabulate race diabetes, row ci format(%7.3f)
svy: tabulate sex diabetes, row ci format(%7.3f)
6. Survey tables
Table 15: Standard Stata output
Not only is the layout problematic for easily converting into a publication-
quality table, but the confidence intervals are on the row beneath the point
estimates and this may not always suit your needs. As well, two separ-
ate tables are needed to conduct this particular analysis. By contrast, here
is how tabout deals with this analysis and consolidates the results into a
single table.
6. Survey tables
Table 16: Survey data example
No Yes Total Sample size
Prop. CI Prop. CI Prop.
White 0.968 [0.964-0.972] 0.032 [0.028-0.036] 1.000 9,063
Black 0.941 [0.927-0.952] 0.059 [0.048-0.073] 1.000 1,086
Other 0.980 [0.957-0.991] 0.020 [0.009-0.043] 1.000 200
Total 0.966 [0.962-0.969] 0.034 [0.031-0.038] 1.000 10,349
Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(2) = 21.348
Design-based F(1.52, 47.26) = 15.006
P-value = 0.000
Male 0.971 [0.965-0.976] 0.029 [0.024-0.035] 1.000 4,915
Female 0.961 [0.955-0.966] 0.039 [0.034-0.045] 1.000 5,434
Total 0.966 [0.962-0.969] 0.034 [0.031-0.038] 1.000 10,349
Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(1) = 7.490
Design-based F(1.00, 31.00) = 6.201
P-value = 0.018
Source: nhanes2b
Copy table 16 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
use "", clear
svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid)
la var race "Race"
la var sex "Sex"
la var diabetes "Diabetes"
la def ny 0 "No" 1 "Yes", modify
la val diabetes ny
tabout race sex diabetes using table16.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) c(row ci) f(3) stats(chi2) ///
cisep(-) h2c(2 2 1) ltrim(2) svy npos(col) nlab(Obs) ///
twidth(16) title(Table 16: Survey data example) ///
fn(Source: nhanes2b)
Note the use of the svy option. This tells tabout that this table is a =
survey table. Keep in mind that you still need to tell Stata itself that this is
survey data—using the svyset command—and what the appropriate sur-
vey settings are (such as the weight and the strata). The other new feature
in this code is the c(row ci) option, which tells tabout that you want =
row percentages and confidence intervals. The cisep(-) option allows you
to specify how the confidence intervals are separated, in this case with a
hyphen. You can specify any symbol you like.
6. Survey tables
When it comes to brackets, the default for confidence intervals are
square brackets and the default for standard errors are parentheses. The
two options, cibnone and sebnone suppress each of these brackets respect- = =
ively. Keep in mind that it’s not necessary to have confidence intervals in
one column—which can make for awkward layout—because tabout also
allows you to specify lower bound and upper bound values in separate
columns (as shown in Table 17 below).
For those using L
X, Table 16 illustrates the use of the ltrim option =
which makes the gaps in these lines larger than the default, which is 1
(measured in ems). Having gaps in heading lines may seem a small refine-
ment, but they make the table more readable.
For L
X users, Table 16 shows an additional feature of h2c, the option =
which was introduced earlier as the ‘partner’ to the h2 option. Here h2c is
‘flying solo’, instructing tabout where to put the gaps in the heading row. It
does not need the h2 option because it uses the default labels. Why bother
using h2c at all? Without it, the default lines also extend to the final column,
as shown in Table 17 below, where the ‘Obs’ are also underlined. This may
or may not suit you. If it doesn’t you can override the default lines by
specifying your own, as shown in Table 16. In various tables which follow,
I use this h2c option for the lines, so you should compare those tables with
and without this feature to see which you prefer.
Turning now to Table 17, it repeats Table 16 but with the
contents =
option using the ub (upper bound) and lb (lower bound) choices to display
the confidence intervals.
Table 17: Survey data example with lb and ub options
No Yes Total Obs
Prop. LB UB Prop. LB UB Prop.
Black 0,941 0,927 0,952 0,059 0,048 0,073 1,000 1.086
Other 0,980 0,957 0,991 0,020 0,009 0,043 1,000 200
Total 0,966 0,962 0,969 0,034 0,031 0,038 1,000 10.349
Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(2) = 21,348
Design-based F(1,52, 47,26) = 15,006
P-value = 0,000
Male 0,971 0,965 0,976 0,029 0,024 0,035 1,000 4.915
Female 0,961 0,955 0,966 0,039 0,034 0,045 1,000 5.434
Total 0,966 0,962 0,969 0,034 0,031 0,038 1,000 10.349
Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(1) = 7,490
Design-based F(1,00, 31,00) = 6,201
P-value = 0,018
Source: nhanes2b. Note: lb lower bound; ub upper bound.
6. Survey tables
Copy table 17 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
use "", clear
svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid)
la var race "Race"
la var sex "Sex"
la var diabetes "Diabetes"
la def ny 0 "No" 1 "Yes", modify
la val diabetes ny
tabout race sex diabetes using table17.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) twidth(16) c(row lb ub) svy ///
stats(chi2) f(3) dpc npos(col) nlab(Obs) ///
title(Table 17: Survey data example with ///
lb and ub options) fn(Source: nhanes2b. ///
Note: lb lower bound; ub upper bound.)
Table 17 also illustrates the use of the dpc (decimal point comma) op- =
Thanks to Arjan Soede for
contributing code for the
dpcomma option.
tion which allows European users to specify commas for decimal points and
periods for thousands. The default labels (LB and UB) are used here, but
you could replace them with something else using the clab option. In this
case, the table footnote (via fn()) explains to the reader what the abbrevi-
ations mean.
The next example, Table 18, shows the same data, but with further
refinements. This time the point estimate is shown as a percentage. While
this is the normal measure in a standard cross-tabulation, Stata’s svy: tabu-
late command usually presents its results as proportions. To get a percent-
age (as in this table) you need to use tabout’s mult (multiplier) option set =
The mult option replaces the
percent option from tabout
Version 2. Thanks to Peter
Young for this contribution.
to 100. If you wanted rates (for example, mortality rates) based on another
denominator, such as 1000, you would specify mult(1000).
The uncertainty measure here is the standard error, and by default
tabout presents this with parentheses. If you wish to remove these, the
option seb will do this. (The full option name is sebnone, which means =
SE brackets none). Note that the cell formatting has changed, with f(1 3)
specifying that the percentages are to be shown to 1 decimal point and and
the standard errors to 3.
6. Survey tables
Table 18: Survey data example with standard errors
No Yes Total Obs
% SE % SE %
White 96.8 (0.197) 3.2 (0.197) 100.0 9,063
Black 94.1 (0.614) 5.9 (0.614) 100.0 1,086
Other 98.0 (0.764) 2.0 (0.764) 100.0 200
Total 96.6 (0.181) 3.4 (0.181) 100.0 10,349
Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(2) = 21.348
Design-based F(1.52, 47.26) = 15.006
P-value = 0.000
Male 97.1 (0.264) 2.9 (0.264) 100.0 4,915
Female 96.1 (0.267) 3.9 (0.267) 100.0 5,434
Total 96.6 (0.181) 3.4 (0.181) 100.0 10,349
Pearson: Uncorrected chi2(1) = 7.490
Design-based F(1.00, 31.00) = 6.201
P-value = 0.018
Source: nhanes2b.
Copy table 18 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
use "", clear
svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid)
la var race "Race"
la var sex "Sex"
la var diabetes "Diabetes"
la def ny 0 "No" 1 "Yes", modify
la val diabetes ny
tabout race sex diabetes using table18.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) twidth(12) c(row se) svy ///
stats(chi2) f(1 3) mult(100) npos(col) h2c(2 2 1) ///
nlab(Obs) title(Table 18: Survey data ///
example with standard errors) fn(Source: nhanes2b.)
Yet another variation to this table is the simplification of the statistics.
In Table 19, instead of showing all the statistics, just the p-values are shown.
They are moved to a column and shown as significance stars. The seb =
option, mentioned earlier, is also used here to suppress the parentheses
around the standard errors.
6. Survey tables
Table 19: Survey data with stars for significance
No Yes Total Obs Signif
% SE % SE %
White 96.8 0.197 3.2 0.197 100.0 9,063 ***
Black 94.1 0.614 5.9 0.614 100.0 1,086
Other 98.0 0.764 2.0 0.764 100.0 200
Total 96.6 0.181 3.4 0.181 100.0 10,349
Male 97.1 0.264 2.9 0.264 100.0 4,915 *
Female 96.1 0.267 3.9 0.267 100.0 5,434
Total 96.6 0.181 3.4 0.181 100.0 10,349
Source: nhanes2b.
Copy table 19 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
use "", clear
svyset psuid [pweight=finalwgt], strata(stratid)
la var race "Race"
la var sex "Sex"
la var diabetes "Diabetes"
la def ny 0 "No" 1 "Yes", modify
la val diabetes ny
tabout race sex diabetes using table19.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) twidth(14) c(row se) svy seb ///
f(1 3) mult(100) npos(col) nlab(Obs) plab(Signif) ///
stats(chi2) stpos(col) ppos(only) stars ///
title(Table 19: Survey data with stars for ///
significance) fn(Source: nhanes2b.)
The syntax here might seem a little odd, but there is a logical basis
to it. You specify a position for the statistics (stpos(col)) in order to =
change from the default position (which is the row location). But then the
position for the p-value is used to drop the statistic, that is, ppos(only). =
The permissible options (which are self-explanatory) for ppos are: none ,
only , below, beside . If beside is chosen, the p-value would be in a
separate column (otherwise it sits below, which is the default). Finally, by
specifying stars you are telling tabout to convert the p-value to asterisks =
using the conventional significance levels. If you want to change the label
for this column, that is possible with the plab option. =
6. Survey tables
Keep in mind that many of these options apply to all tables in tabout,
Users should ‘hack’ the tabout
ado file if they want to customise
settings for which no option has
b een provided. A good example
is the stars option. Just edit the
tabout.ado file and change the
co de (a search on the phrase
“***” will find it). You might
prefer different cut-points, or a
p-value range rather than stars.
You would still type the stars
option in the tabout syntax, but
the tables would now reflect your
own preference.
not just survey tables. The basic tables can also be shown with stars and
placed in columns. What makes survey tables unique is that measures of
uncertainty, like standard errors and confidence intervals, can be included
in the table cells.
6.2. Summary tables with survey data
Summary tables with complex survey data are more limited than the sum-
mary tables presented earlier. Whereas the earlier tables allowed multiple
summary measures in twoway tables, the svy option only allows for the
mean. But this can then be followed by the uncertainty values mentioned
earlier (se ci lb ub ).
In Table 20 we see a similar set of options as in the earlier survey
tables, but with an important new option: sum. As noted earlier, it is the =
sum option which tells tabout that you require summary measures. So
when combined with the svy option, you get a summary table with survey =
data. But do keep in mind that you still need to tell Stata (rather than
tabout) that your data is svyset, in this case, with a probability weight
equal to wt. The other interesting feature here is the position of the sample
size: in parentheses next to the labels, achieved with npos(lab). This is =
similar to the tufte option, which was shown earlier and which placed
a distributional breakdown (in percentages) next to the labels. Here the
distribution is simply counts.
Notice also in Table 20 that the clab option did not need to specify
something in every column because tabout knows that these headings are
repeated for each of the categories in your cross-tabulation. This differs
from the use of clab in oneway tables, where each column is unique and =
needs to be labelled accordingly (see the detailed discussion on labelling
columns in oneway tables).
6. Survey tables
Table 20: Twoway summary table with survey data
Not college graduate College graduate Total
SE Mean
SE Mean
Professional/technical (n=317) 10.01 (0.70) 12.22 (0.68) 11.04 (0.49)
Managers/admin (n=264) 10.10 (0.65) 14.40 (0.99) 11.29 (0.56)
Sales (n=726) 6.68 (0.18) 9.33 (0.98) 6.98 (0.20)
Clerical/unskilled (n=102) 8.52 (1.05) 9.05 (1.40) 8.62 (0.89)
Craftsmen (n=53) 7.03 (0.72) 10.47 (1.98) 7.48 (0.71)
Operatives (n=246) 5.65 (0.28) 4.21 (1.54) 5.62 (0.28)
Transport (n=28) 3.03 (0.31) 3.03 (0.31)
Laborers (n=286) 4.66 (0.22) 6.46 (1.12) 4.78 (0.22)
Farmers (n=1) 8.05 (0.00) 8.05 (0.00)
Farm laborers (n=9) 3.14 (0.28) 2.51 (0.00) 3.13 (0.28)
Service (n=16) 5.74 (0.46) 4.03 (0.00) 5.54 (0.44)
Household workers (n=2) 6.24 (0.08) 6.24 (0.08)
Other (n=187) 4.83 (0.68) 9.23 (0.31) 8.95 (0.31)
Total (n=2,237) 6.88 (0.15) 10.59 (0.32) 7.75 (0.14)
Does not live in the South (n=1,304) 7.58 (0.22) 10.92 (0.42) 8.37 (0.20)
Lives in the South (n=942) 5.94 (0.19) 10.12 (0.50) 6.90 (0.20)
Total (n=2,246) 6.88 (0.15) 10.59 (0.32) 7.74 (0.14)
White (n=1,637) 7.33 (0.20) 10.28 (0.32) 8.09 (0.17)
Black (n=583) 5.78 (0.17) 11.93 (1.02) 6.79 (0.25)
Other (n=26) 6.68 (0.81) 10.48 (2.50) 7.81 (0.98)
Total (n=2,246) 6.88 (0.15) 10.59 (0.32) 7.74 (0.14)
Source: nslw88.dta
Copy table 20 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
svyset [pw=wt]
tabout occupation south race collgrad using ///
table20.tex, replace style(tex) font(italic) sum svy ///
c(mean wage se) f(2 2) clab(Mean_wage SE) npos(lab) ///
twidth(15) title(Table 20: Twoway summary table with ///
survey data) fn(Source: nslw88.dta)
Most of the tables shown in this User Guide employ the default column
layout (either column or column block). The reason for this is both aes-
thetic and informational. Not only is the appearance more compact, with
more data available in a smaller footprint, but glancing across columns
when each row is the ‘same’ is much easier. There are times, however, when
a row layout is more convenient. The default Stata survey tables, for ex-
6. Survey tables
ample, placed confidence intervals below the point estimates, and this can
be very useful when horizontal space is limited. One can achieve this out-
come quite easily with tabout by using the row layout option (layout(row)), =
as shown in Table 21.
There are several things worth noting about Table 21. The most im-
portant thing to realise is that when the row layout is selected, tabout sees
this as a kind of table rotation, in which what were column labels become
row labels. For this reason, Table 21 uses the clab option to insert a label
for the confidence interval row, but it leaves alone the row above, where the
variable category label (and the n count) are displayed. This is achieved
by indicating, with the underscore, that this ‘column’ (ie. ‘row’) should be
tabout still views the top three rows as headings (h1, h2 and h3) so = = =
these can be also manipulated. In this case, h3 is used to span the label
Average wage’ across the columns. In this example, L
X code has been
written to span the columns but this can also be done using h3c in the =
same way that h2c was used earlier.
Another example of this can be found in Table 29 below, where h3c is
also used. Finally, notice that Table 21 uses the level(90) option, which =
tells tabout that the confidence intervals should be 90% probability levels,
rather than the default 95% levels.
In the real world, one would probably leave out the customised head-
ing on the third row, and just indicate in the footnotes or in the table title
that the data contained average wages. Similarly, labelling every second
row as a confidence interval is also probably unnecessary, and actually looks
quite ugly. It has been done in this case to illustrate the capability, rather
than to recommend the practice.
6. Survey tables
Table 21: Twoway summary table with row layout
Not college
Average wage
Professional/technical (n=317) 10.01 12.22 11.04
(90% CI) [8.86,11.17] [11.10,13.33] [10.23,11.85]
Managers/admin (n=264) 10.10 14.40 11.29
(90% CI) [9.03,11.17] [12.77,16.03] [10.37,12.21]
Sales (n=726) 6.68 9.33 6.98
(90% CI) [6.39,6.97] [7.72,10.95] [6.66,7.30]
Clerical/unskilled (n=102) 8.52 9.05 8.62
(90% CI) [6.79,10.24] [6.74,11.35] [7.15,10.09]
Craftsmen (n=53) 7.03 10.47 7.48
(90% CI) [5.84,8.21] [7.21,13.72] [6.31,8.65]
Operatives (n=246) 5.65 4.21 5.62
(90% CI) [5.19,6.11] [1.67,6.75] [5.17,6.07]
Transport (n=28) 3.03 3.03
(90% CI) [2.53,3.53] [2.53,3.53]
Laborers (n=286) 4.66 6.46 4.78
(90% CI) [4.30,5.03] [4.62,8.30] [4.41,5.14]
Farmers (n=1) 8.05 8.05
(90% CI) [8.05,8.05] [8.05,8.05]
Farm laborers (n=9) 3.14 2.51 3.13
(90% CI) [2.68,3.60] [2.51,2.51] [2.68,3.59]
Service (n=16) 5.74 4.03 5.54
(90% CI) [4.98,6.50] [4.03,4.03] [4.82,6.27]
Household workers (n=2) 6.24 6.24
(90% CI) [6.10,6.38] [6.10,6.38]
Other (n=187) 4.83 9.23 8.95
(90% CI) [3.72,5.95] [8.71,9.74] [8.45,9.46]
Total (n=2,237) 6.88 10.59 7.75
(90% CI) [6.63,7.13] [10.05,11.12] [7.52,7.99]
Does not live in the South (n=1,304) 7.58 10.92 8.37
(90% CI) [7.22,7.94] [10.23,11.62] [8.04,8.70]
Lives in the South (n=942) 5.94 10.12 6.90
(90% CI) [5.62,6.25] [9.30,10.94] [6.58,7.22]
Total (n=2,246) 6.88 10.59 7.74
(90% CI) [6.63,7.13] [10.05,11.12] [7.51,7.98]
Source: nslw88.dta
Copy table 21 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
svyset [pw=wt]
tabout occupation south collgrad using table21.tex, ///
replace style(tex) font(italic) sum svy layout(row) ///
twidth(12) c(mean wage ci) f(2 2) clab(_ (90%_CI)) ///
level(90) npos(lab) h3(& \multicolumn{3}{c} ///
{Average wage} \\) title(Table 21: Twoway summary ///
table with row layout) fn(Source: nslw88.dta)
7. Reshaping tables
Version 2 of tabout had the capability of dropping the total rows in panels.
This was useful if users wanted to avoid repetition, for example, when the
numbers were the same in every totals row. All you had to do was spe-
cify the ptotal(none) option, and this could remove all the panel totals, =
At this stage the code for the
ptotal option remains in
tab out.ado, but the results are
quite buggy. Thanks to Kevin
Baier for drawing my attention to
this problem.
or all of them except for a single row at the bottom of the table (using
ptotal(single)). This option is no longer supported in Version 3 of
tabout, and instead users can now remove any row they wish. The Tips
and Tricks section of this User Guide shows how to achieve ptotal-type out-
comes in Version 3.
However, it was never possible in Version 2 to remove unwanted columns,
and this was a very common request from users. Now, in Version 3 of tabout
this facility is available. Not only can users remove columns of totals, but
any other column specified. At the same time, users can plug ‘holes’ in the
One problem with the ptotal
option was that it could be
misleading because it based the
table totals on the totals in the
last panel. These figures may or
may not have been accurate for
all the panels.
tables, such as columns where a category will always be missing (such as
‘pregnant men’) and which may cause the columns to move out of align-
ment. This will be demonstrated shortly. The same dropping and plugging
facility also applies to rows and this should be used instead of the former
ptotal option.
7.1. Removing unwanted columns or rows
The basis of this operation is index numbers, that is, the user specifies the
particular column, or columns, by their numbered location. The option
is called dropc for columns and dropr for rows. Before discussing the = =
intricacies, here is an example of the problem, and the solution offered by
In Table 22 the ‘Other’ category is very small, yet takes up two columns.
The total column, while useful to immediately indicate that these are row
percentages, is also taking up a lot of space. One could recode the ‘Other’
category to missing, and Stata would then ignore it, but the total counts
would then be wrong, as would the percentages.
7. Reshaping tables
Table 22: Unnecessary columns
White Black Other Total
No. % No. % No. % No. %
Does not live in the South 5,248 81 1,086 17 123 2 6,458 100
Lives in the South 2,884 61 1,848 39 23 0 4,756 100
Total 8,133 73 2,934 26 146 1 11,213 100
Male 1,999 74 689 25 17 1 2,705 100
Female 6,108 72 2,239 26 128 2 8,475 100
Total 8,107 73 2,928 26 146 1 11,180 100
Member of a union
Not a union member 5,195 74 1,708 24 106 2 7,010 100
Union member 1,447 64 785 35 37 2 2,269 100
Total 6,642 72 2,493 27 143 2 9,279 100
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 22 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south sex union race [iw=wt] using ///
table22.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) f(0c) ///
c(freq row) twidth(14) ///
title(Table 22: Unnecessary ///
columns) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
The solution can be found in Table 23, where columns 6, 7 and 9 are
dropped. The footnote explains that the ‘Other’ column is not shown, and
the column labels indicate that these are ‘row %’. The outcome is a more
compact table, which—if space is tight—might be required.
Because of the need to get the indexing correct when dropping columns,
using dropc(6 7 9), tabout offers an additional category in the show op- =
tion: namely prepost . This displays on your screen the matrices before
and after the column reshaping. In this way, you can check if your index-
ing is correct. tabout has always had a show option (where the default is
output ) and if you selected all previously you saw the matrices which lay
behind the tables. With this new option, you see two sets of matrices (pre
and post).
7. Reshaping tables
Table 23: Dropping columns
White Black Total
No. Row % No. Row % No.
Does not live in the South 5,248 81 1,086 17 6,458
Lives in the South 2,884 61 1,848 39 4,756
Total 8,133 73 2,934 26 11,213
Male 1,999 74 689 25 2,705
Female 6,108 72 2,239 26 8,475
Total 8,107 73 2,928 26 11,180
Member of a union
Not a union member 5,195 74 1,708 24 7,010
Union member 1,447 64 785 35 2,269
Total 6,642 72 2,493 27 9,279
Source: nlsw88.dta. Note that Other category has been omitted, so totals will not be accurate.
Copy table 23 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south sex union race [iw=wt] using ///
table23.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) f(0c) ///
c(freq row) twidth(12) dropc(6 7 9) show(prepost) ///
clab(No. Row_%) h2c(2 2 1) title(Table 23: Dropping ///
columns) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta. Note: "Other" ///
category has been omitted. Totals will not be accurate.)
Table 24 shows the same information, but with variables swapped
around so that you can see how rows are dropped. While it’s the same
operation—dropping the ‘Other’ category from the race variable—the im-
plementation is slightly different. Because tabout operates with panels,
you need to specify both the panel number and the row number, thus dropr(3:5).=
While the 3rd panel is obvious, the 5th row is less so. This is where the
show(prepost) is helpful because it displays the hidden rows, namely the
heading rows (h2 and h3) which are ‘built-in’ to every panel. The reason
you don’t normally see them is because part of tabout’s housekeeping in-
volves replacing these headings with other appropriate labels. You may
also notice phrases surrounded by ! marks. These are also part of the
housekeeping side of tabout. In summary, there are always two rows more
than the actual data rows in a panel, so you need to take this into account
when you index.
7. Reshaping tables
Table 24: Dropping rows
Member of a union
Not a union member Union member Total
No. % No. % No. %
Does not live in the South 3,665 52 1,589 70 5,254 57
Lives in the South 3,345 48 680 30 4,024 43
Total 7,010 100 2,269 100 9,279 100
Male 1,701 24 569 25 2,270 25
Female 5,288 76 1,694 75 6,982 75
Total 6,989 100 2,263 100 9,252 100
White 5,195 74 1,447 64 6,642 72
Black 1,708 24 785 35 2,493 27
Total 7,010 100 2,269 100 9,279 100
Source: nlsw88.dta. Note that Other category has been omitted, so totals will not be accurate.
Copy table 24 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south sex race union [iw=wt] using ///
table24.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) f(0c) ///
c(freq col) twidth(14) dropr(3:5) show(prepost) ///
title(Table 24: Dropping rows) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta. ///
Note: "Other" category has been omitted. Totals ///
will not be accurate.)
As with the dropc option, if you have multiple rows to drop, use the
standard convention of a space separating your choices, but make sure that
the colon has no spaces on either side. Thus, if you wanted to drop the
‘male’ category from the sex variable, as well as the ‘other’ category from
the race variable, you could specify: dropr(3:5 2:3) or dropr(2:3 3:5).
Unless a total is involved, it doesn’t matter what order you specify these
rows in, but you must always have the panel number first, followed by the
Thanks to Anders Alexandersson
for drawing my attention to this.
row within the panel. (If one of the rows is for a total, then it must be
specified first in your list.)
Thanks to Janelle Downing for
drawing my attention to this bug.
Hop efully, it will be resolved
b efore the next release.
Unfortunately, at this stage, you can only drop columns or rows in the
same table, but not both at the same time. It is also worth noting that these
reshaping operations only apply to the data produced by the contents
option. If you choose to have sample counts or statistics in columns, these
operations take place after the reshaping.
7. Reshaping tables
7.2. Plugging gaps in tables
Plugging columns
In the data setup code shown earlier in the User Guide, an artificial category
of pregnant was created in order to demonstrate a problem which can arise
when cross-tabulations involve categories which are always missing. The
nlsw88.dta dataset was modified to artificially make some of the respond-
ents men, thus creating an ‘impossible’ cross-tabulation of ‘pregnant men’.
How does tabout present such a cross-tabulation? Table 25 demonstrates
the problem. The ‘gaps’ in themselves are not a problem, but their location
is: the columns have moved out of alignment. Sometimes, you may want
to just correct the alignment. At other times you may want to also fill the
gap with something meaningful, such as 0 or ‘NA or a dash.
When tabout produces a table like this, it issues a warning:
Warning: not all panels have the same number of columns. In-
clude show(all) in your syntax to view panels. Consider using the
missing option for twoway tables, or the plug option for summary
tables or twoway tables.
One can fix this problem with tabout’s mi (missing) option, borrowed =
from tabulate, but this doesn’t work for summary tables, only basic tables.
Furthermore, if there are other missing values in the dataset, then extraneous
columns or rows may suddenly appear if you use this missing option.
7. Reshaping tables
Table 25: Problem with gaps
Male Female Total
No. % No. % No. %
Does not live in the South 1,510 56 4,927 58 6,437 58
Lives in the South 1,195 44 3,548 42 4,743 42
Total 2,705 100 8,475 100 11,180 100
Currently pregnant
Pregnant 2,972 35 2,972 35
Not pregnant 5,503 65 5,503 65
Total 8,475 100 8,475 100
Member of a union
Not a union member 1,701 75 5,288 76 6,989 76
Union member 569 25 1,694 24 2,263 24
Total 2,270 100 6,982 100 9,252 100
White 1,999 74 6,108 72 8,107 73
Black 689 25 2,239 26 2,928 26
Other 17 1 128 2 146 1
Total 2,705 100 8,475 100 11,180 100
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 25 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south pregnant union race sex [iw=wt] using ///
table25.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) ///
c(freq col) f(0c) twidth(14) title(Table 25: ///
Problem with gaps) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
The answer to this problem is a new feature in Version 3 of tabout,
called plugging. Basically, you specify either columns or rows which have
a gap, and tabout now fills that gap. The syntax follows the same prin-
ciples as with dropping rows and columns, where you index the plugc or = =
plugr options. Again, the show(prepost) option can be very useful for
getting this indexing right. The default ‘filler’ is a blank, but you can use
the plugsym (plugsymbol) option to specify something else (like 0, NA or a =
7. Reshaping tables
Table 26: Plugging columns
Male Female Total
No. % No. % No. %
Does not live in the South 1,510 56 4,927 58 6,437 58
Lives in the South 1,195 44 3,548 42 4,743 42
Total 2,705 100 8,475 100 11,180 100
Currently pregnant
Pregnant NA NA 2,972 35 2,972 35
Not pregnant NA NA 5,503 65 5,503 65
Total NA NA 8,475 100 8,475 100
Member of a union
Not a union member 1,701 75 5,288 76 6,989 76
Union member 569 25 1,694 24 2,263 24
Total 2,270 100 6,982 100 9,252 100
White 1,999 74 6,108 72 8,107 73
Black 689 25 2,239 26 2,928 26
Other 17 1 128 2 146 1
Total 2,705 100 8,475 100 11,180 100
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 26 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south pregnant union race sex [iw=wt] using ///
table26.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) f(0c) ///
c(freq col) twidth(14) plugc(2:2 2:3) plugsym(NA) ///
show(prepost) title(Table 26: Plugging columns) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
In the case of Table 26, the pregnant panel was the second panel, and
therefore the column headings were straightforward: they matched the
other variables. But if you wanted the pregnant panel to come first, and it
had this gap in it, you would have an additional problem, as Table 27 shows.
This table shows that the labels for both heading row 2 and heading row 3
are missing, and need to be filled. (By way of illustration, notice that the
plugsym has been omitted, and the panel cells are thus left blank.) =
7. Reshaping tables
Table 27: Plugging columns - a problem
Female Total
No. % No. %
Currently pregnant
Pregnant 2,972 35 2,972 35
Not pregnant 5,503 65 5,503 65
Total 8,475 100 8,475 100
Does not live in the South 1,510 56 4,927 58 6,437 58
Lives in the South 1,195 44 3,548 42 4,743 42
Total 2,705 100 8,475 100 11,180 100
Member of a union
Not a union member 1,701 75 5,288 76 6,989 76
Union member 569 25 1,694 24 2,263 24
Total 2,270 100 6,982 100 9,252 100
White 1,999 74 6,108 72 8,107 73
Black 689 25 2,239 26 2,928 26
Other 17 1 128 2 146 1
Total 2,705 100 8,475 100 11,180 100
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 27 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout pregnant south union race sex [iw=wt] using ///
table27.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) f(0c) ///
c(freq col) twidth(14) plugc(1:2 1:3) show(prepost) ///
title(Table 27: Plugging columns - a problem) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
To fix this problem you need to make use of the h2 and h3 options so = =
that the missing labels can be inserted as appropriate. As mentioned earlier,
if you don’t want to go to the trouble of writing your own spanning code,
but you do want these to be labels to be properly positioned, you also need
to apply the h2c and h3c options. In this case, the h2c option is similar to =
earlier: you work out the number of spans and place them in this option:
h2c(2 2 2).
7. Reshaping tables
Table 28: Plugging columns - fixing the problem
Male Female Total
No. % No. % No. %
Currently pregnant
Pregnant 2,972 35 2,972 35
Not pregnant 5,503 65 5,503 65
Total 8,475 100 8,475 100
Does not live in the South 1,510 56 4,927 58 6,437 58
Lives in the South 1,195 44 3,548 42 4,743 42
Total 2,705 100 8,475 100 11,180 100
Member of a union
Not a union member 1,701 75 5,288 76 6,989 76
Union member 569 25 1,694 24 2,263 24
Total 2,270 100 6,982 100 9,252 100
White 1,999 74 6,108 72 8,107 73
Black 689 25 2,239 26 2,928 26
Other 17 1 128 2 146 1
Total 2,705 100 8,475 100 11,180 100
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 28 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout pregnant south union race sex [iw=wt] using ///
table28.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) f(0c) ///
c(freq col) twidth(14) plugc(1:2 1:3) h2(Male ///
Female Total) h2c(2 2 2) h3(No. % No. % No. %) ///
h3c(1 1 1 1 1 1) title(Table 28: Plugging columns ///
- fixing the problem) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
The h3c option is a little odd. You do need to use this option—because =
this is what tells tabout to work out the proper positioning of the labels—
even though there is no spanning involved. Hence the repetition of 1 six
times. Now all of this is fairly tedious, but the use of these options is quite
rare, because plugging gaps in tables is not a common occurrence and you
always have the option of placing the problematic panel lower down in the
table so that the heading rows are not affected. Thus while using h2c is =
fairly common, as with summary tables, the use of h3c (and h1c is rarely
7. Reshaping tables
On a more positive note, having the less commonly used option of h3c
available does open up creative possibilities with your table headings. You
can for instance span the columns in heading row 3 in this way without
writing any code. For example, in Table 21 we saw the following code:
h3(& \multicolumn{3}{c}{Average wage}\\).
As Table 29 shows, this can be replaced with the much simpler: h3(Average
wage) and h3c(3) code. Not only does this make life simpler for users
wanting tex and htm output, but it also makes it possible to get the same
result with docx and xlsx output (where you are not able to do your own
Table 29: Twoway summary table showing use of h3c
Not college
Average wage
Does not live in the South (n=1,304) 7.58 10.92 8.37
[7.22,7.94] [10.23,11.62] [8.04,8.70]
Lives in the South (n=942) 5.94 10.12 6.90
[5.62,6.25] [9.30,10.94] [6.58,7.22]
Total (n=2,246) 6.88 10.59 7.74
[6.63,7.13] [10.05,11.12] [7.51,7.98]
Source: nslw88.dta
Copy table 29 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
svyset [pw=wt]
tabout south collgrad using table29.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) twidth(12) c(mean wage ci) ///
f(2 2) clab(_ _ _) sum svy level(90) layout(row) ///
npos(lab) h3(Average_wage) h3c(3) title(Table 29: ///
Twoway summary table using h3c) fn(Source: nslw88.dta)
Table 29 also illustrates the clab option being used to remove the de- =
fault CI label from each second row. Note that the underscores are needed
to tell tabout that these are empty spaces.
Finally, a word of caution with the use of all the customised head-
ings, optionh1, h2 and h3. If you do use them, you must take account
of the whole row. While you can avoid writing code to deal with spanning
columns and positioning labels, you may still need to add in some addi-
tional labels which tabout normally takes care of for you. For example,
if you’ve chosen to place N counts in your column, using the npos(col) =
option, you may need to include a label for this. Similarly, if you’ve got
7. Reshaping tables
some statistics labels in the columns you will need to take care of these as
well. Why is this? If you stick with tabout normal headings, these features
are taken care of automatically. But the customised headings are applied
right towards the end of the table production process, so they over-ride the
earlier settings. This is necessary to give you complete control over your
headings (if you need that flexibility). This is another instance of the trade
off between complexity and flexibility.
Plugging rows
This ability to plug gaps also extends to rows, though this feature is much
less often required since the omission of a row does not cause alignment
problems. To illustrate the problem and the solution, Tables 30 and 31
repeat the pregnancy problem from a row perspective. Note the use in
Table 31 of the pluglab option to specify a row label, and the plugsym =
option to specify the empty cell contents in this row. The actual plugr
option uses the same convention as for columns: a panel number, a colon,
and a row number. You need to keep in mind that there are always 2 more
rows than shown in the data for a panel. Hence 4:3 means panel number
four, insert at the first row. If you get confused, turn on show(prepost) =
and study the matrix from which the table is built. (See the discussion of
this issue earlier.)
7. Reshaping tables
Table 30: Plugging rows - the problem
Currently pregnant
Pregnant Not pregnant Total
No. % No. % No. %
Does not live in the South 1,913 39 3,035 61 4,948 100
Lives in the South 1,058 30 2,502 70 3,560 100
Total 2,972 35 5,536 65 8,508 100
Member of a union
Not a union member 1,708 32 3,601 68 5,309 100
Union member 694 41 1,005 59 1,700 100
Total 2,402 34 4,607 66 7,009 100
White 2,212 36 3,921 64 6,134 100
Black 713 32 1,533 68 2,246 100
Other 47 36 82 64 129 100
Total 2,972 35 5,536 65 8,508 100
Female 2,972 35 5,503 65 8,475 100
Total 2,972 35 5,503 65 8,475 100
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 30 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south union race sex pregnant [iw=wt] using ///
table30.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) f(0c) ///
c(freq row) twidth(12) title(Table 30: Plugging rows ///
- the problem) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
7. Reshaping tables
Table 31: Plugging rows - the solution
Currently pregnant
Pregnant Not pregnant Total
No. % No. % No. %
Does not live in the South 1,913 39 3,035 61 4,948 100
Lives in the South 1,058 30 2,502 70 3,560 100
Total 2,972 35 5,536 65 8,508 100
Member of a union
Not a union member 1,708 32 3,601 68 5,309 100
Union member 694 41 1,005 59 1,700 100
Total 2,402 34 4,607 66 7,009 100
White 2,212 36 3,921 64 6,134 100
Black 713 32 1,533 68 2,246 100
Other 47 36 82 64 129 100
Total 2,972 35 5,536 65 8,508 100
Male* 0 0 0 0 0 0
Female 2,972 35 5,503 65 8,475 100
Total 2,972 35 5,503 65 8,475 100
Source: nlsw88.dta. Note: * No male pregnancies have been reported.
Copy table 31 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south union race sex pregnant [iw=wt] using ///
table31.tex, replace style(tex) font(bold) f(0c) ///
c(freq row) twidth(12) plugr(4:3) pluglab(Male*) ///
plugsym(0) title(Table 31: Plugging rows - the ///
solution) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta. Note: * No male ///
pregnancies have been reported.)
8. Template Files
8.1. Introduction
The syntax code for tabout can become quite long, extending over half a
dozen lines or so. This often happens when the user wants to specify a large
number of options and this is, unfortunately, the price paid for the flexibility
available with tabout. To try to make this manageable, tabout has many
small options, with almost cryptic names, as well as allowing abbreviations
(as is common in Stata). However, the practice of copying and pasting from
the code for one table to that for another, with minor edits along the way,
is not ideal. Errors can be easily made, though they are usually picked up
when the final table doesn’t turn out the way you wanted. Template files
are a way to deal with this problem.
What is a template file? Basically, it’s just a plain text file, with each
tabout option on a new line. You can create them easily by just editing
the do file which contains your tabout code and saving it with a different
extension (txt is best, but you can choose anything). When you edit this
you need to remove extraneous code and make sure each tabout option is
on a new line. The very first line of the template file must not contain any
options, but is left for you to use as you see fit. Putting a description of what
the template does is a good idea, and perhaps the date of creation.
What goes into a template file? Essentially, you should divide the code
for any particular table into its generic options and its specific options. Thus
the variable list in the table would be specific, as would the file name and
the table title. These specific features would go into the tabout code in
your do file. But things like the style, the format, the layout, the labelling,
and perhaps even the footnotes, would generally go into the template file.
Your can then attach that template to a batch of tables using the tp option. =
When you run your main tabout do file, each table will show different
results, depending on the specific code for that table, but there will be a
common set of characteristics (the generic features) across all the tables.
The template file provides the generic code which tabout needs to make
the final tables. Basically, tabout composes the table by mixing your specific
code (in the do file) with the generic code (in the template file) to produce
the table you would have produced had you done the whole process ‘long
8. Template Files
8.2. Advantages
The advantages of template files are obvious:
the complexity in your code is reduced considerably;
you can share template files with your colleagues, or with the wider
Stata community;
tabout novices can be given template files to make the learning
curve easier;
single source publishing is made easier: one set of template files
might produce a L
X document for PDF distribution, another set for
html files for the website and another set for Excel files for archiving;
tables for journals or reports can change their appearance to suit the
audience by switching templates;
consistent tables for batch production are made easy, for example,
appendix tables or standardised reports.
8.3. The details
Here is the code from Table 9, as it appeared earlier:
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout industry occupation [iw=wt] using table9.tex, ///
replace style(tex) font(bold) oneway c(freq col cum) ///
f(0c 1) clab(Count Col_% Cum_%) twidth(11) npos(col) ///
nlab(Sample) title(Table 9: A oneway table) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
It is obvious that much of this code is generic, hence the following
template file is created. It is saved as plain text, using the filename
oneway_basic_b.txt. You might have noticed that the example files use
a, b, c, d and e at the end of their names according to the output style.
Most of the time you can ignore this, but it matters here with the template
example, because the filename needs to be referenced. Not all templates
have the same contents: they depend on the output style.
8. Template Files
Copy template code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
oneway_basic_b: In main body of report. Nov 2016.
contents(freq col cum)
format(0c 1)
clab(Count Col_% Cum_%)
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
Notice that the first line is descriptive, but that every other line has a
tabout option, specified in the same way as the original code (but without
any line continuation (///) symbols). The fn option here is regarded as =
generic, but in some cases users might prefer to keep this with the spe-
cific code. In the final part of the User Guide I also demonstrate passing
arguments to footnotes and titles using the older tabout topf and botf = =
options, and this approach is well suited to this new template system.
The following example shows this specific code, as found in the user’s
do file used for creating tables. The result of running this code is Table 32,
the same output as Table 9.
A couple of things worth noting. Abbreviations should be avoided in
the template file. This is good practice because the file then becomes a bit
more self-documenting. The replace option is usually placed here, unless =
one is building a set of tables into a single file using the append option. One
can, of course, leave out replace, but if you run the code several times (as
often happens in batch situations, or when first creating a table) you get
annoying Stata messages.
8. Template Files
Table 32: A oneway table using a template
Count Col % Cum % Sample
Ag/Forestry/Fisheries 84 0.8 0.8 17
Mining 14 0.1 0.9 4
Construction 160 1.4 2.3 29
Manufacturing 1,848 16.6 18.9 367
Transport/Comm/Utility 433 3.9 22.8 90
Wholesale/Retail Trade 1,685 15.1 37.9 333
Finance/Ins/Real Estate 970 8.7 46.7 192
Business/Repair Svc 429 3.9 50.5 86
Personal Services 472 4.2 54.8 97
Entertainment/Rec Svc 99 0.9 55.6 17
Professional Services 4,151 37.3 92.9 824
Public Administration 786 7.1 100.0 176
Total 11,129 100.0 2,232
Professional/technical 1,477 13.2 13.2 317
Managers/admin 1,322 11.8 25.1 264
Sales 3,626 32.5 57.5 726
Clerical/unskilled 511 4.6 62.1 102
Craftsmen 239 2.1 64.2 53
Operatives 1,305 11.7 75.9 246
Transport 136 1.2 77.1 28
Laborers 1,491 13.4 90.5 286
Farmers 8 0.1 90.5 1
Farm laborers 40 0.4 90.9 9
Service 75 0.7 91.6 16
Household workers 3 0.0 91.6 2
Other 938 8.4 100.0 187
Total 11,171 100.0 2,237
Source: nlsw88.dta
Copy table 32 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout industry occupation [iw=wt] using table32.tex, ///
tp(oneway_basic_b.txt) ///
title(Table 32: A oneway table using a template)
Finally, templates files are well suited to basic files, particularly the
more complex ones, like survey tables. They are less well suited to some
summary tables, where the contents option contains different variables =
and the various labelling options are unique to each table. In these situ-
ations, the template files may only be a few lines long and the tabout code
in the do file may be hardly reduced at all.
9. Dynamic documents
9.1. Titles and footnotes
As you will have noticed in most of the example files, the two new features
of Version 3—title and fn have been used extensively to surround your = =
table with titles and footnotes. Version 2 of tabout also provided this func-
tionality, but it was bit more complicated. Users needed to have already
created two files, topf and botf, and these would be imported by tabout = =
at the appropriate point in the table production process and incorporated
into the final table.
Does this mean that title and fn make the older versions obsol-
ete? Not entirely. In one sense, they are a replacement, but they are re-
tained in tabout because they allow much greater customisation of the
whole table production process, particularly the production of dynamic doc-
uments. They should be regarded as complementary to the new versions
and you may find yourself wanting to use both topf and botf in conjunc-
tion with title and fn.
Both topf and botf were designed to work with two other options,
topstr and botstr, which allowed users to pass arguments (eg. sentences, = =
words or phrases) from inside the body of their tabout code into these
two files, using the latter as a form of ‘boilerplate’ text, which could be
customised for each particular table by passing phrases appropriate to that
table. This is the key to producing dynamic documents.
9.2. Beyond titles and footnotes
How does the topf and botf system work? The first thing to note is that
these options are only available to users working with plain text formats
and not binary formats. That is, they are suited to the tex and htm output
styles (though delimited text file users can also make use of these options,
although this is unlikely). While the title and fn options are available for
all output styles, the kind of dynamic documents discussed in this chapter
using this methodology is not viable for binary files such as xlsx or docx.
However, Word users can still build dynamic tables if they select the htm
output style, and a detailed example of this is provided in Chapter 13, the
docx chapter.
9. Dynamic documents
The first step in creating dynamic documents involves creating two files
using the appropriate code for your output style, either L
X or html code.
These files can be saved with a txt extension, even if they contain code,
because they are going to be ‘woven’ into the final tabout output. (Though
you can use any file extension you like). Then, at the point where you
want customised text to be inserted in these files, you insert a placeholder
symbol. The default is #, but you can define something else if you like using
the psymbol option. Note that in Version 2 of tabout each placeholder was =
required to be on separate line. This no longer applies in Version 3 and
you can include large blocks of text in topf and intersperse placeholders =
anywhere you like. This has important implications for the flexibility of this
system, as I will demonstrate below.
Finally, in your topstr or botstr options (that is, inside your tabout =
code in your do file) you include the customised text, with each string to
be inserted separated by a pipe delimiter (or another delimiter you have
chosen using the delim option). Thus if you have three strings you want to =
pass to your botf then there must be three # symbols in that file, and two
pipe delimiters in your botstr option (one less than the number of strings
because these are separator symbols).
The following shows this approach, repeating Table 9 but using topf
and botf instead of title and fn. First, here is the contents of topf, which
is saved under the file name title.txt:
Copy title.txt as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
{\bfseries Table #: #}
And here is the contents of botf, which is saved under the filename
Copy footnote.txt as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
{\scriptsize{Source: nlsw88.dta}}
Here is the tabout code for the table itself:
Copy table 33 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout industry occupation [iw=wt] using table33.tex, ///
replace style(tex) font(bold) oneway c(freq col cum) ///
f(0c 1) clab(Count Col_% Cum_%) twidth(11) npos(col) ///
nlab(Sample) topf(title.txt) botf(footnote.txt) ///
topstr(33|Illustrating use of topf and botf) ///
9. Dynamic documents
Here is the table produced by this code (identical to the earlier Table
9, except for the wording of the title):
Table 33: Illustrating use of topf and botf
Count Col % Cum % Sample
Ag/Forestry/Fisheries 84 0.8 0.8 17
Mining 14 0.1 0.9 4
Construction 160 1.4 2.3 29
Manufacturing 1,848 16.6 18.9 367
Transport/Comm/Utility 433 3.9 22.8 90
Wholesale/Retail Trade 1,685 15.1 37.9 333
Finance/Ins/Real Estate 970 8.7 46.7 192
Business/Repair Svc 429 3.9 50.5 86
Personal Services 472 4.2 54.8 97
Entertainment/Rec Svc 99 0.9 55.6 17
Professional Services 4,151 37.3 92.9 824
Public Administration 786 7.1 100.0 176
Total 11,129 100.0 2,232
Professional/technical 1,477 13.2 13.2 317
Managers/admin 1,322 11.8 25.1 264
Sales 3,626 32.5 57.5 726
Clerical/unskilled 511 4.6 62.1 102
Craftsmen 239 2.1 64.2 53
Operatives 1,305 11.7 75.9 246
Transport 136 1.2 77.1 28
Laborers 1,491 13.4 90.5 286
Farmers 8 0.1 90.5 1
Farm laborers 40 0.4 90.9 9
Service 75 0.7 91.6 16
Household workers 3 0.0 91.6 2
Other 938 8.4 100.0 187
Total 11,171 100.0 2,237
Source: nlsw88.dta
9.3. A legacy system or a brave new world?
You can see how cumbersome the topf and botf system is, so why would
you use it? There are two main reasons. First, if you are a L
X or html
user, these allow you to craft your own code for above and below your table.
Version 3 of tabout not only offers title and fn options, but it also now =
automatically places code above and below tables. However, this may not
suit all users. If they prefer to just use tabout for the table data, and wish to
write their own table code, then the topf and botf options are what they = =
need. An important point for these users is the ntc (no table code) option
which can be used to instruct tabout to suppress this ‘automatic’ generation
of table code. The goal of this kind of flexibility in tabout is to make both
9. Dynamic documents
tex and htm output styles easy for novices, but without frustrating the
customisation aspirations of more experienced users.
The second reason why topf and botf are valuable is because they
make possible dynamic documents. For example, you could create a short
document incorporating a number of tables, with blocks of text interspersed
between the tables, and the complete document could be compiled from
inside Stata. While I don’t imagine anyone would write a long report in
this way, this approach would certainly suit short documents, particularly
those which are required as regular outputs from data which is regularly
Such an approach would use a nesting structure for the various tabout
options. You can think of this as kind of Russian doll, with dolls inside
actual data in table produced by your tabout code
9.4. Dynamic documents
A short example
The following short document was created entirely within tabout, using
the topf and botf options. The actual files are not shown here, but can
be downloaded and examined. The text is the same as that shown here,
but you will notice # symbols where ever dynamic data (all in bold) has
been placed. The Latin sentences here are simply a filler, often used by
programmers for pretend text.
The title of my short report
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor in-
cididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exer-
citation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor
in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur
sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est
And now we have an important result: 3019.46 lbs. is the average weight of all
vehicles. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. And a second important result: 187.93 inches
is the average length. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris
nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate
velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non
proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.
And now we have the first table.
9. Dynamic documents
Table 34: Short report example
Car type (mean weight in lbs.)
Domestic Foreign Total
Repair Record 1978
1 3,100 3,100
2 3,354 3,354
3 3,442 2,010 3,299
4 3,532 2,208 2,870
5 1,960 2,403 2,323
Total 3,368 2,263 3,032
And these results were based on 74 observations and were completed on 15 Nov 2016.
The code for this example is shown below as Table 34. Notice the use of
Stata macros to hold your dynamic data, plus a global system macro for the
current date. These macros are simply passed as arguments in the topstr
and botstr options, and are then inserted by
into the appropriate
slots in your boilerplate text, found in the topf and botf files. Notice also,
that title and fn are also used, which thus frees up topf and botf for
the boilerplate text. An important point for L
X users if you wish to run
this example: add the body option to the Table 34 code if you want to =
compile this short report rather than paste the L
X output into an existing
document (which is what I’ve done here). For novices, you might like to
add comp and open to your Table 34 code so that this report document = =
can be viewed as soon as you finish running it. I discuss the comp and open
options in detail later, in the discussion of L
X output so you’ll need to skip
ahead and read about L
X first. For htm output the appropriate additional
code to create free-standing documents is ‘built-in’ and you don’t need to
specify body. There are advantages in specifying body, such as cascading
style sheets, and they will be discussed in Chapter 15.
Copy table 34 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
sysuse auto, clear
sum weight
local meanwt = r(mean)
local meanwt: di %3.2f ‘meanwt’
sum length
local meanlen = r(mean)
local meanlen: di %3.2f ‘meanlen’
local obs = r(N)
tabout rep78 foreign using table34b.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) c(mean weight) f(0c) sum ///
twidth(9) h1(Car type (mean weight in lbs.)) h3(nil) ///
title(Table 34: Short report example) fn(auto.dta) ///
topf(topblock.txt) topstr(‘meanwt’| ‘meanlen’) ///
botf(bottomblock.txt) botstr(‘obs’|$S_DATE)
9. Dynamic documents
More complex reports
As well as simple example of a single table surrounded by dynamic data,
you could also construct a short report with multiple tables and lots of
dynamic data. The way you’d do this is as follows. Looking back at the
Russian doll example: you’d use the topbody option for your first table =
and the botbody option for your last table, and just keep repeating the
other options, for example, formatting options, for all the other tables. The
trick to making this work is to use replace for your first tabout table, and =
append for all the rest. Note that you should use the same output file name
for all your tabout commands.
Next, have your blocks of boilerplate already written, with their place-
holder symbols in the right place. Then run your do file, containing a batch
of tabout table commands, plus the various local macros which hold your
dynamic data. tabout will create the document specified in the output file
name, create the appropriate table and interspersed text, then when it reads
the next tabout command, it will create the next table, with its interspersed
text, and add that to the existing output document. When tabout finishes,
you should find a single document, with all your tables and interspersed
text properly laid out.
If things don’t work as you expect, check that you have the same num-
ber of placeholder symbols in your topf file as you have delimited strings =
in your topstr option (and the same applies to botf and botstr. Also
= =
make sure that your topf and botf options specify the correct name for an
existing file which contains your boilerplate text.
For example, if you were writing a report with six tables, your tabout
syntax, in general terms, might look like this:
table1 uses replace, topbody, topf, title, fn, botf
tables 2 through to 5, for example, use append, topf, title, fn,
table6 uses append, topf, title, fn, botf, botbody
And some of the tables might use topstr and botstr to pass argu-
ments to the blocks of text which live inside topf and botf.
Automatic newsletters and web pages
What are some practical applications of this? The example shown above
is based on L
X and could form the basis for a newsletter which needed
updating on a regular basis. Some tabout users might need to maintain a
web page which is based on tables that need regular updating. With this
topf and botf system, users with this requirement could create the whole
web page inside Stata and even have Stata run an ftp command to upload
the web page to the internet.
9. Dynamic documents
The limits to this system are only set by your imagination. In the same
way that you can use Stata’s local macros to insert dynamic data in your
newsletter or web page, you could also write code in your do file to gener-
ate graphics based on the dataset in memory, save those graphics to a file,
and then use a file insert command in your boilerplate text to bring the
graphics in at the appropriate place. An extended example of this is shown
in Chapter 15. This whole system illustrates the underlying philosophy of
tabout: ‘files should talk to files’ and your research work flow should be
entirely reproducible.
Part III.
Table styles
10. Table styles: overview
10.1. What you see is not what you get
Some users get a shock when they first run tabout and see a messy table
appear in the Stata output window. They have not understood that tabout
is intended for exporting tables and that the table which appears in Stata’s
output window may bear no relationship to what it looks like inside the
application to which it is destined to go. In Version 3 of tabout it is much
easier for users to see almost instantly what their tables will look like. I will
discuss this further, below.
In the early days, most users of tabout, and other similar Stata com-
mands, exported their results as tab delimited text and then read these into
their spreadsheets or word processors. Plain text with delimiters (some-
times tab separated, sometimes comma separated) has been a universal
approach to moving plain text between applications for many decades.
However, plain text files still require a lot of work in the application
where they surface if the user wants publication quality tables, particularly
formatting, alignment, spanning of columns, fonts and so forth. While
tabout still supports tab and comma separated text files, users increasingly
prefer well formatted tables with minimal extra work. Indeed, reproducible
research requires no (or minimal) extra editing of tables. For this reason,
tabout now supports the exporting of xlsx and docx files which can be
read directly into applications such as Excel and Word, with all (or most) of
the formatting etc done by tabout.
Of course, tabout has always supported both tex and htm output,
which provide users with publication quality tables straight from tabout.
No further editing at all is needed. With both these formats users can build
very complex documents where text and tables are interspersed and repro-
ducible research is almost perfectly achieved.
In summary, Version 3 of tabout retains the traditional delimited text
file options, increases the flexibility and ease of use with tex and htm out-
put files, and introduces the native docx and xlsx output files for users
who prefer to work solely in spreadsheets and/or word processors. Finally,
with the use of the open option users can almost instantly ‘see what they
10. Table styles: overview
10.2. Options and styles
The way that tabout caters for all of these different outputs is that certain
options are only available with some of them, some options work differently
with some of them, and some options are consistent across all of them.
Here are two examples: one showing variability, the other consist-
ency. Some styles have a twidth option, which sets the table width. But =
this doesn’t apply to txt and xlsx output styles; the latter has a cwidth
column width
) and a lwidth (
label width
) option. As for the way these =
various widths are measured, the default measurement for tex is centi-
metres, for htm it is pixels, and for docx it is percentages. (These can all
be changed with the units option.) On the other hand, the font option = =
works almost the same across all styles.
The table of options has a comments column. Where an option only
applies to some output styles, those output styles are shown in [text like
this]. If no red text is shown, then that option is relevant to all output
styles. In addition, tabout users can download all, or any, of the example
files from the links in this User Guide and then compare the differences in
the tabout code between the different styles.
Some of the common stylistic features available in Version 3 of tabout
which apply to all output styles (except for delimited text files) are:
borders: the outer ‘thick’ lines at the top and bottom of the table.
These can be turned off with the noborder option. =
the inner ‘thin’ lines separating the heading rows. These can be
turned off with the nohlines option. =
the inner ‘thin’ lines separating the panels. These can be turned
off with the noplines option. =
font: whether variable labels should be bold, italic or plain using the
font option. =
font family: the font or typeface name which is used for your table
(eg. Adobe Garamond Pro, Baskerville, Arial, etc) using the family =
font size: the point size of your font set using the fsize option. =
Note that the font sizes in your output are automatically changed by
a certain ratio for the following features:
title: increased by 1.2
footnote: decreased by 0.8
statistics (in rows): decreased by 0.9
table width: this can be set using twidth for these output styles, =
10. Table styles: overview
with the following default settings:
tex : 14cm
htm : no width setting is applied if no twidth value is specified;
docx : Autofit to Contents’ is used if no twidth value is specified.
the units option let you change the unit of measurement used by =
the various width options.
for htm , docx and xlsx outputs you can also set the width of the
labels column (that is, the first column) and the data columns us-
ing the lwidth (label width) and cwidth (column width) options. = =
Whatever units have been set also are also applied to these settings
(eg. cm , px , % ).
for tex and docx output there is a landscape option which turns =
the table (tex ) or the page containing the table (docx ) from portrait
into landscape mode.
for docx and tex outputs there is a tleft (table left) option. By =
default, tabout centres the table on the page, but with this option
you can set it be flush with the left margin.
for tex output only there is a rotate option which allows users to =
rotate their value labels.
for htm output only there is a css option which gives users the ability =
to produce coloured text, lines and background (as well as many
other enhancements). This requires a CSS (cascading style sheet)
Further details of all these features are discussed in the relevant chapters
which follow. Word users should also seriously consider using htm output
and are strongly encouraged to look at that chapter below. The native docx
output is are only available to tabout users who have Stata Release 13 or
later, so those on earlier Releases need to acquaint themselves with htm
output if they want to take advantage of all the new formatting features of
I mentioned above that users can now see almost instantly what their
final table will look like. This is done with the open option which opens =
See the File association entry in
Wikip edia for more information
or do an internet search on
‘changing file associations’ if you
need to change the defaults.
their table file in an appropriate application. Which application depends
on how their operating system has been set up to ‘associate’ file extensions
with applications.
For tex output there are a couple of preliminary steps needed before
you can use the open option, and you also need to specify the body and
compile options. These are discussed in Chapter 12 below. = =
When tabout creates tables for the docx and xlsx styles, the creation
process can be slow, though over time Stata will probably improve the Mata
functions used for these styles so speed may get better. Similarly, opening
10. Table styles: overview
these files may be slow, particularly the first time they open. If this annoys
you, one option is to do the initial construction of your tables in htm
irrespective of which final output style you want. Not only is the creation
process extremely fast, but viewing these in your browser is instantaneous.
When the table reaches finality, you could then switch a couple of settings
in your tabout code to send the file to the output style you actually need.
11. Delimited text file tables
11.1. Text file basics
Plain text files, also known as ascii files, are amongst the oldest and most
reliable files to be found in the computer world. Stata’s own do files are
ascii files, as are L
X and html files. The only difference with the latter are
that they contain mark-up language. The core advantage to all ascii files is
that they can be opened in any text editor and then edited. Computer users
sometimes open ascii files in their word processors and then wonder why
they often have problems later with those files—the reason is that word
processors work with binary files and a user needs to be careful to save text
files as plain text, not in the native format of that word processor. For this
reason, novice Stata users are always warned to edit their do files in either
a dedicated text editor, or in the Stata do file editor, and not in their word
What is a delimited text file? It’s basically an ascii file in which the
columns of data, that is, the columns in your tabout table, are separated
by a symbol. This can be a tab symbol, a comma or a semi-colon. In tabout
you use the following arguments in the style option: tab, csv , or semi =
to indicate which symbol should be used. The default option in tabout
is always tab delimited, so if you don’t specify style, this is what tabout
11.2. Applications and text files
In terms of tabout’s output, only the native xls files (the older Excel files)
are truly binary, but the native xlsx and docx files (the more modern Excel
and Word files) are semi-ascii / semi-binary, in that they are based on xml
(which is an ascii file) but are enveloped in a zip package (which is bin-
ary). In practice, it’s best to regard all of the native xls , xlsx and docx
files which tabout produces as binary. If you try to open any of them in a
text editor, you’ll see cryptic symbols rather than meaningful text. For this
reason, if you use tabout’s open option—as most of the User Guide example =
files do—you’ll find that they open in a spreadsheet application like Excel
or a word processor like Word.
On the other hand, it’s possible—and often very useful—to open ascii
files in applications like Excel and Word. For example, if you are using any
of the delimited file styles and you specify the file name for your table as
table1.txt with the open option also specified, then Stata will open your
11. Delimited text file tables
table in your default text editor. However, if you change the file extension to
xls or doc—and you leave the style unchanged, that is, the default setting
of tab delimited—then the open option in tabout will cause Stata to open
your file in Excel or Word—or whatever other spreadsheet application or
word processor is associated with these file extensions on your computer—
even though the contents of these files is plain text.
When you open a delimited text
file in Excel, notice the following.
The heading 1 row has the label
is the left-most data column, so
you only need to select it, and all
the cells to the right, and then
merge and centre them. The
heading 2 row has the labels for
its columns in the right-most
column of that sub-group. Select
it, and the cell to the left, and
then merge and centre. Repeat
across the heading 2 row. For the
final heading, heading row 3, you
will probably only need to centre
the contents of each cell.
Using extensions in this way is a very useful trick to remember. In the
case of the xls extension, Excel not only opens your file, but automatically
places the data into the appropriate columns. All that you need to do next
is merge the cells in the heading rows (where appropriate), apply some font
formatting, and insert some line borders, and your table is largely finished.
The appearance of labels may appear misaligned when you open the file,
but landing on the cell will confirm that the labels are in the right place.
In the case of the doc extension, Word will open your file and you can
then select the text (except the title and footnote) and use the menu option
of Table / Convert Text and Word will place all your data into the appropriate
table cells. As with Excel, everything should be aligned properly and you
only need to merge cells, apply font formatting and line borders.
Using extensions in this way with what are actually tab delimited plain
text files is the reason that this User Guide uses the terminology of native
xls , xlsx and docx outputs. This distinguishes these genuine binary-type
outputs from these trick (ascii) ones, that is, where the extension tricks
your computer into using the appropriate application, but the contents of
the file is plain old ascii text. For this reason, you can still open your ‘fake’
xls or doc files with a text editor to inspect them. Finally, a sound practice
is for you to reserve these file extensions (xls and doc) for your ‘fake’ files
and use the xlsx and docx extensions when you are exporting ‘genuine’
native xlsx and docx outputs with the style option. =
The slowness which I mentioned earlier when it comes to producing
docx and xlsx files is not an issue with xls and doc files, because these
are plain text file outputs. They are produced very quickly, and will also
open quite quickly if you have your application already open.
12. L
X tables
12.1. What is L
When users select the style(tex) option the output they get is a plain
text file (an ascii file) with various commands embedded in the file. These
are a form of mark-up code, which tells a compiler how to interpret the
file. These days the compiler usually produces a PDF file, which is a high
resolution, publication-quality document.
While the T
X system was invented by Donald Knuth in the 1980s, most
users of this system employ the L
X macro language, invented by Leslie
Lamport to make using T
X easier. (Other macro languages for T
X include
ConTeXt and LuaTeX). As the L
X homepage defines it:
X is a high-quality typesetting system; it includes features de-
signed for the production of technical and scientific document-
ation. LaTeX is the de facto standard for the communication
and publication of scientific documents. LaTeX is available as
free software.
Throughout this User Guide I use L
X and tex interchangeably, with
the latter used more often when referring to aspects of the output style and
the former when I am talking more generally about these types of tables.
Version 3 of tabout has aimed to make the L
X output easier for novices
to use by automating much of the coding, but it remains possible for ex-
perienced users who only want ‘pure’ T
X output to strip out the automatic
X code by specifying ntc (no table code). =
Indeed, so useful is L
X, and so easy to use in tabout (after some
initial setup steps), that this output option should be considered by anyone
who requires high-quality stand-alone PDF files.
12.2. Newcomers to L
For Stata users contemplating leaving their word processors behind and
writing their articles and reports with L
X, there are a large number of
tutorials and other free materials available on the web.
12. L
X tables
Two books which have been a staple in my library for many years are
The L
X Companion
and A Guide to L
, both of which have been recently 1. Goossens1994.
2. Kopka1999.
The advantages of L
X are numerous:
unrivalled typesetting quality, far surpassing what word processors
can produce;
it comes as close as possible to providing a ‘perfect’ reproducible
research work-flow—you can produce camera-ready PDF files con-
taining multiple tables from inside Stata by running a file;
the Stata manuals, and the Stata Journal are both produced using
X and many scientific and econometric journals accept L
X ma-
you can write in a text editor, which is a far more friendly and power-
ful environment for producing documents—it gives you access to
numerous typing shortcuts, regular expression search and replace
facilities, and a far more efficient interface based on a keyboard per-
The disadvantage of L
X are not to be overlooked:
journals or other publishers often demand Word files;
collaborative work can be difficult with colleagues who don’t use
X ;
the error messages thrown up by the L
X compiler can be infuriat-
ingly cryptic—they are often the result of a simple typo but end up
wasting your time.
Dealing with these problems is not insurmountable. You can convert a
X document into a html document, which can be imported by Word and
other word processors with nearly all of the formatting preserved. (You can
also use PDF-to-Word converters, but the results can be uneven.)
While becoming proficient in L
X can take some time, for users of
tabout the new features of Version 3 make L
X documents an easy option.
No knowledge of L
X is needed to produce a high resolution, publication-
quality PDF file of your tables. This can be useful for emailing, placing on
a website or printing. Unfortunately, Word does not import PDF files, so
‘binding’ your PDF tables into your Word document is not straight forward.
But if you have a large number of tables, such as an appendix, you could
produce these as PDF files and append them to the final version of your
Word report (once you have exported it as a PDF file) by using one of the
many PDF editors available on the internet.
12. L
X tables
12.3. Automatic compiling of L
X documents
Traditionally most users of tabout have incorporated their L
X tables into
their main L
X document using the L
X command:
and most will continue to do this. However, one of the new features in
Version 3 is the ability to have tabout compile your L
X output into a
PDF file automatically by using the comp(compile) option. This may be =
convenient for experienced L
X users: you can see instantly what your
table will look like and can fine tune settings such as the table width (which
tends to be the most fiddly part). For newcomers, it means you don’t need
to read L
X code and learn how to user L
X if you don’t want to.
Even if you plan to incorporate your tabout tables into a main L
document, the body option—which writes to your output file all the L
X =
code needed for a stand-alone document—may be useful. You can copy
some of the code tabout places in the output file into the preamble of your
main file, and then be sure that the tables in your final L
X document will
match your expectations.
Here are the steps required for the compile option to work:
for newcomers, obtain a L
X system, called a ‘distribution’:
for Mac and Linux users: TeXLive or MacTeX;
for Windows users: MikTeX or TeXLive;
for both experienced L
X users and newcomers create a global macro
which tells Stata where your L
X command files are to be found:
locate where the L
X command files (Mac and Unix) or L
X ex-
ecutable files (Windows) are to be found on your computer.
on Mac OS you can type which pdflatex in your terminal win-
dow to find the location; on Windows you can type where pdflatex.exe.
(There are actually a number of L
X command files, but pdflatex
and xelatex are the two which tabout uses).
typically, on Windows it might be
c:\texlive\2015\bin\win32 or
c:\ProgramFiles(x86)\MikTeX2.9\mixtex\bin and on Mac
it might be
at the beginning of the Stata do file in which you are writing
your tabout table code, create a global macro called tex thus:
global macro tex PATH_TO_LATEX where the term
PATH_TO_LATEX should be replaced by the location you have found.
Don’t add the executable name (ie. pdflatex.exe) or the final slash
in the path.
that’s all you need to do, and you only do this once. Just make
12. L
X tables
sure that the line defining your global macro is at the top of all
your do files when you’re creating tables.
when you write your table code, use the style(tex) option, give
your output file the extension tex and study some of the example
files in the first part of this User Guide to see how other options
are specified. Finally, add the options body and comp to your table
syntax to enable tabout to compile your table into a stand-alone
PDF file. You might also consider adding open and show(comp)
to your table syntax.
what do these options do?
1. body will wrap the extra L
X code for your table above and
below the usual L
X output and turn this into a complete
X document. (This extra code is not shown in the ex-
amples in this User Guide);
2. comp will compile the L
X code created in 1. into a PDF file;
3. open will open the PDF file created in 2. in your computer’s
default PDF viewer;
4. show(comp) will display the results of the compiling. This
can assist with debugging your L
X output if it fails to com-
12.4. Enhancements in Version 3
Ease of use
As mentioned earlier, tabout has always catered for L
X users and has new
enhancements to make this approach both easier, and also more flexible.
The new title and fn can be used instead of the earlier topf and botf = =
= =
options, which is how L
X users traditionally added titles and footnotes.
While tabout always had a body option, to include the extra L
X code
needed to produce a final PDF document, it now has topbody and botbody = =
so that you can ‘chain’ multiple tables together. In this way, you can insert
more material into your final document, including additional tables and
boilerplate text. This was discussed in more detail in Chapter 9 and will be
illustrated below.
For example, the bt option, the
cl1 and cl2 options have been
removed because they are now
automatically included. It is now
longer necessary to add code into
the preamble of your document
b ecause this is now automatically
Another advance for novices is that much more of the L
X code needed
for creating a table has been automatically generated when the table is pro-
duced. Previously, users needed to either write some of this code them-
selves, or turn on extra options to achieve these results. As mentioned
earlier, making L
X easier to use hasn’t come at the expense of experienced
users losing out. If you specify ntc (no table code), tabout will suppress this
automatic table code and you can still create your own custom code for in-
clusion via the topf and botf options. Experienced users will also be aware
12. L
X tables
that many common characters or symbols are reserved in L
X and should
not be used in labels or other text without being ‘escaped’. tabout deals
with some of the most common ones, namely _ $ \ % & > < + using a
function called texclean, so you don’t need to worry about escaping them
or avoiding them in your labels, titles or footnotes. If you find that some
additional symbols are needed, just hack the tabout ado file and modify
this function to add your own symbols to this list (the function is near the
end of the ado file).
Inside the automatically generated L
X code, as well as when the body
(or topbody) option is chosen, tabout makes several assumptions and ex-
perienced L
X users of tabout need to be aware of these:
the booktabs package is loaded and all the lines in the tables make
use of the toprule, midrule and bottomrule commands (as well
as the cmidrule command for partial lines). As a result, the bt
option is no longer available.
the tabularx package is loaded and all the tables are created as
tabularx tables.
when partial lines are used, such as in the heading rows, tabout
calculates what columns need spanning. This removes the need for
the previous cl1 and cl2 options. In addition, there is now a simple
ltrim option which shortens the beginning of each partial line to =
get a better layout. This removes the need for the former cltr1 and
cltr2 options.
the paper size is set to A4, but this can be changed with the paper
option. The acceptable choices are: letter, legal and A4. Note =
that the appropriate L
X terminology ("a4paper") is done automat-
the document type is set to article , but this can be changed with
the doctype option. The usual L
X choices are available: article , =
report , book and letter .
If experienced L
X users are unhappy with any of these changes, they
should find hacking the tabout ado file quite easy as all the L
X code is
clearly laid out and easily changed. Alternatively, the topf option is avail- =
able for complete customisation of the L
X document preamble.
A word of advice to both experienced and novice L
X users. The
tabularx macro is an excellent method for laying out tables, but your first
output might be very disappointing so don’t be discouraged. The most im-
portant variable is the twidth (table width) option which is set to a default =
of 14cm. (This default is found in the variable texdef in the first part of the
ado file, and you might like to change it if you find it does not suit you.)
You can, of course, just set the table width for each table by specifying a
different twidth value. Often you need to vary this, re-running the table
code several times until the table looks good. As of Version 3.0.6, the units
12. L
X tables
option is now available for L
X output. This means that you can specify
New feature available in Version
3.0.6: support for different
measurement units. Thanks to
Gilb ert Montcho.
any of the standard L
X measures (such as \columnwidth) in the units
option and a numeral such as 1 or .75 in the twidth option.
By using the body, comp and open options, the process can be almost
= = =
real-time, and it does not take long to fine-tune your tables in this way. A
word of warning: not all PDF viewers automatically refresh their contents
when you re-compile your L
X code, so you might need to close the PDF file
in between re-running your tabout code. For those planning to incorporate
the tables into another L
X document using the L
X \input command,
remember to rerun your do file a second time, without body option, or
your L
X compiler will complain loudly (because it encounters multiple
\begin{document} commands).
Font families
The font option in tabout has only ever been used to specify bold or italic
for your variable labels. It assumed that users would select a font family
in their own L
X document. In Version 3, this facility is now built-in to
tabout and you can specify any Open Type font on your computer using the
family option. Just enter the name as it appears in your font library (or =
Exp erienced L
X users may
prefer to avoid the family option
b ecause it only works with
XeLaTex, which can be slow, and
which does not allow full
micro-justification of text. Those
users will probably just use an
input command to insert their
tabout tables into an existing
do cument.
an application’s drop down box), for example, family(Adobe Garamond
Pro). If you choose to use this option, tabout uses XeLaTeX for compiling
the document, since this is required for the fontspec package which allows
for the use of these Open Type fonts. (Note that LuaLaTeX also supports
both fontspec and micro-justification, but is much slower.)
Users of tabout who also want htm , docx and xlsx can select font
families as well. For L
X users there is an additional facility: the ability to
select a second family. This is because L
X has always worked with two
generic families: roman and sans serif. If tabout finds two font names in
the family option it assigns the first one to your roman font and the second =
to your sans serif font. You need use to use the pipe delimiter inside the
family option to distinguish between the two family names (since such
names usually have spaces in them). You can change the pipe delimiter to
another symbol if you prefer (using the delim option). =
Why might you want two families? It might be the case that you want
your tables to be in a sans serif font while you also want some boilerplate
text (inserted, for example, via the topf option) to be a roman font. In this =
case, add the ssf (sans serif font ) option to your table code, and tabout
will use the first font specified for the body of the document and the second
font specified for the tables in it. If you don’t need to mix fonts like this, but
you’d still like your tables to be in a sans serif font, just specify a single font
in the family option and select a sans serif family name. There is no need
to specify the ssf option: that is only used when two fonts are specified
(so that tabout knows to use the second one for tables).
12. L
X tables
12.5. Dynamic documents with L
To draw all of this together in an example, Table 35 repeats the dynamic
This example is for a particular
Mac installation. If you’re on
Windows, Unix (or a different
Mac) the path to your L
X files
will be different.
document shown in Table 34. Note the global macro tex at the top of the
file and the four key options at the end of the file:
body to have L
X document code inserted at the top and bottom;
comp to have Stata’s shell command compile the document after
tabout has written out the L
X code;
open to have Stata’s shell command open the document in your sys-
tem PDF viewer; and
show(comp) which displays the results of the compiling. This can
assist with debugging your L
X output if it fails to compile.
Notice how the font family is specified, with the pipe delimiter and
with the ssf option to tell tabout that you want the table in a sans serif
font. The output from this table code is shown on the next page.
Copy table 35 code as: tex htm
global tex "/usr/local/texlive/2015/bin/x86_64-darwin"
sysuse auto, clear
sum weight
local meanwt = r(mean)
local meanwt: di %3.2f ‘meanwt’
sum length
local meanlen = r(mean)
local meanlen: di %3.2f ‘meanlen’
local obs = r(N)
tabout rep78 foreign using table35.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(italic) c(mean weight) f(0c) sum ///
twidth(9) h1(Car type (mean weight in lbs.)) h3(nil) ///
ssf title(Table 35: Example with font families) ///
fn(auto.dta) topf(topblock.txt) botf(bottomblock.txt) ///
topstr(‘meanwt’| ‘meanlen’) botstr(‘obs’|$S_DATE) ///
family(Baskerville|Arial) body comp open show(comp)
12. L
X tables
e title of my short report
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure
dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur.
Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui ocia deserunt
mollit anim id est laborum.
And now we have an important result: 3019.46 lbs. is the average weight of all
vehicles. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod
tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. And a second important result:
187.93 inches is the average length. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exerci-
tation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor
in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excep-
teur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui ocia deserunt mollit
anim id est laborum.
And now we have the rst table.
Table 35: Example with font families
Car type (mean weight in lbs.)
Domestic Foreign Total
Repair Record 1978
1 3,100 3,100
2 3,354 3,354
3 3,442 2,010 3,299
4 3,532 2,208 2,870
5 1,960 2,403 2,323
Total 3,368 2,263 3,032
And these results were based on 74 observations and were completed on 17 Nov 2016.
12. L
X tables
Landscape mode, rotation and lines
Version 2 of tabout supported the rotation of value labels, and this has been
retained in Version 3. Version 2 also had a lines option which has been
replaced by two new options: nohlines (no heading lines) and noplines =
(no panel lines). This makes the usage consistent with noborder which
suppresses the thicker lines at the top and bottom of the table.
Version 3 of tabout now supports landscape mode, which swaps the
page layout from portrait into landscape. Both the rotate and landscape =
options require additional code and an additional package in the document
preamble, but this is done automatically if you are using the body option. If
you are incorporating your L
X code into an existing document and want
these options you will need to add the following lines to your preamble:
\makebox[0cm][c]{\rotatebox{#1}{\ #2}}}
Table 36 illustrates the use of the rotate option, where the argument =
is the angle you want the labels rotated by. Sometimes the tabularx macro
disappoints you when your value labels are very long, causing first column
to be unduly wide. If there is no way you can shorten the labels, then the
landscape option may solve your problem. We shall see this option used in
the next example.
12. L
X tables
Table 36: Example of rotation and no panel lines
Not college graduate
College graduate
Not college graduate
College graduate
Not college graduate
College graduate
No. %
White 1,217 420 1,637 74.3 25.7 100.0 71.0 78.9 72.9
Black 480 103 583 82.3 17.7 100.0 28.0 19.4 26.0
Other 17 9 26 65.4 34.6 100.0 1.0 1.7 1.2
Total 1,714 532 2,246 76.3 23.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Does not live in the South 990 314 1,304 75.9 24.1 100.0 57.8 59.0 58.1
Lives in the South 724 218 942 76.9 23.1 100.0 42.2 41.0 41.9
Total 1,714 532 2,246 76.3 23.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
12. L
X tables
Copy table 36 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout race south collgrad using table36.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(bold) c(freq row col) f(0c 1 1) ///
layout(cb) h1(nil) h3(No. %) h3c(3 6) ltrim(-0.5) ///
noplines rotate(60) title(Table 36: Example of ///
rotation and no panel lines) fn(nlsw88.dta)
Several other interesting features in this tabout code include suppress-
ing the h1 row heading, because it ‘spoils’ the rotation effect. The h3 row
heading can also be suppressed for an even more pleasing effect (see Table
37 for this). In Table 36 the h3c option has been used to avoid the repe- =
tition of three ‘No.’ labels and six ‘%’ labels. This table also illustrates the
use of the
noplines option to remove the panel lines. Because of the rota- =
tion, the line separating h1 and h2 looks a bit too short, so the trim option
has been used. But note that it has used a negative measurement, which
increases the length of the line. You might like to remove the ltrim option
and compare the difference.
Table 37, on the next page, repeats Table 36 but makes the table wider
to accommodate the data and uses the land (landscape) option. In L
X =
only the table is placed in landscape mode, the page remains in portrait
mode. (This differs from the situation in Word where the page itself is
placed in landscape mode.) Finally, Table 37 also changes the rotation
angle to 75 degrees, so that the labels are more upright.
Copy table 37 code as: tex
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout race south collgrad using table37.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(bold) c(freq row col) f(0c 1 1) ///
layout(cb) h1(nil) h3(nil) noplines twidth(18) ///
land rotate(75) title(Table 37: Example of rotation, ///
no panel lines and landscape mode) fn(nlsw88.dta)
Table captions
One of the great strengths of L
X is its extensive cross-referencing system.
You can place a \label{name} command next to your table and then refer-
ence that label anywhere in your text, and the two will correspond and be
automatically numbered. If you move that table somewhere else, the cross-
referencing will automatically update when the document is compiled. For
example, Table 3.1 might become Table 4.2 if moved to another chapter,
but all of the references in the text will still be correct. Experienced L
users will have used the topf option in the past to write their table code =
and probably include a caption facility in their document. These captions,
by the way, belong inside what L
X calls a table environment.
12. L
X tables
Table 37: Example of rotation, no panel lines and landscape mode
Not college graduate
College graduate
Not college graduate
College graduate
Not college graduate
College graduate
White 1,217 420 1,637 74.3 25.7 100.0 71.0 78.9 72.9
Black 480 103 583 82.3 17.7 100.0 28.0 19.4 26.0
Other 17 9 26 65.4 34.6 100.0 1.0 1.7 1.2
Total 1,714 532 2,246 76.3 23.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
Does not live in the South 990 314 1,304 75.9 24.1 100.0 57.8 59.0 58.1
Lives in the South 724 218 942 76.9 23.1 100.0 42.2 41.0 41.9
Total 1,714 532 2,246 76.3 23.7 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0
12. L
X tables
In Version 3 of tabout the caplab and cappos options write all of the = =
X code that is needed above and below your table. The actual caption
is taken from the title option, so you still need to provide that. What =
caplab does is set the \label option inside the caption, which is how L
references that table. It is usually wise to give it a meaningful name, one
not related to the table numbering, because these can often change. The
cappos option tells tabout whether you want the caption above or below
the table. If the former, you don’t need to use this option (it is the default)
but if you want it below the table then specify cappos(below). Table 38
(shown as Table 12.1) provides an example of this.
Does not live in the South Lives in the South Total
No. % No. % No. %
White 1,071 65.4 566 34.6 1,637 100.0
Black 210 36.0 373 64.0 583 100.0
Other 23 88.5 3 11.5 26 100.0
Total 1,304 58.1 942 41.9 2,246 100.0
Table 12.1.: Example of caption below table
Copy table 38 code as: txt tex docx xlsx htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout race south using table38.tex, replace ///
style(tex) font(bold) c(freq row) f(0c 1) ///
doctype(report) caplab(racebysouth) cappos(below) ///
title(Example of caption below table) fn(nlsw88.dta)
There are several important points to notice in the code for Table 38:
the table’s title was given without the word ‘Table’ and without a
number (compare this with all the other example tables);
X itself assigned the numbering, namely 12.1 (table 1 in the 12th
chapter), and provided the word ‘Table’;
the caplab option is given as a meaningful phrase; =
the L
X doctype is used to define this document as a report (the =
default is article ).
In this User Guide the caption alignment, the font and the font size of
the caption do not match the table. This is because the caption settings
are taken from the preamble in this User Guide (look at the caption for the
Figure on page 9 above to see the style used in this Guide). However, if you
use the code shown above, and add the body, comp and open options, you = = =
will notice that everything about the caption matches your table.
12. L
X tables
The customisation of the caption—apart from the position—is not done
by tabout. Some code for dealing with this is added to the preamble of
your document if you select the body option (this includes the L
X pack-
ages caption and float) . If you are using input in your L
X document
to bring in your tables, you will need to add these two packages to your
document preamble. You might like to study the code tabout writes when
using the body option and adapt it to your needs. You can personally re-
define your caption in numerous ways or you can use one of several L
packages which are dedicated to greater control over captions. This is par-
ticularly important for users of languages other than English who may wish
to change the word ‘Table’ into something more appropriate, or for users
who may wish to change the font, font size or alignment.
Newcomers to L
X might wonder if captions are really worth the ef-
fort. You might be content to just use the title option by itself and ‘hard
code’ all your tables. However, you will soon find this tedious when one
table in a large batch is dropped, and all the rest have to be renumbered!
Furthermore, not using captions means you lose the great advantage of
cross-referencing. For example, if you look at the L
X code found in the
output file table38.tex you’ll see the phrase: \label{tab:racebysouth}.
Using this phrase all you need do is issue a L
X command such as:
as Table \ref{tab:racebysouth} shows ...
Hyp erlinks require the hyperref
package to be in your L
do cument preamble. This is not
done by the body option in
and you will get the following: ‘as Table 12.1 shows’. You will also get
a hyperlink (if you wish) with this approach, which can be very useful in
navigating your document.
13. docx tables
13.1. Introduction: using tabout with Word
In the beginning tabout began life with L
X in mind but it is obvious that
many Stata users rely on Word when it comes to writing articles, reports or
other documents which use tables. There are at least four routes for getting
those tables into Word which are supported by tabout:
1. export from tabout using tab delimited output, and open the file in
Word and then use Table - Convert - Convert Text to Table.
fast and largely trouble-free method
tables need formatting in Word, that is, lines and fonts etc
need setting. It is thus unsuitable for dynamic updating of
table or for efficient workflows.
2. export from tabout using htm output to create a html file and then
open this in Word.
fast and preserves nearly all table formatting. Produces an
actual Word table in the document.
user needs to save document as Word document if opened as
a html document, but not if inserted. (See Chapter 15 for
more details);
getting table width correct can be fiddly.
3. export from tabout using xlsx output, open the file in Excel and then
copy and paste into Word.
produces highest quality table possible in Word (almost com-
parable to a L
X table) because the xlsx output style has
more aesthetic options than the other styles.
requires Stata Release 13 or later;
requires a copy-and-paste step, but dynamic updating of tables
remains possible (see discussion in Chapter 14).
13. docx tables
4. export from tabout using docx output and open the file in Word.
begins life as a docx file with no conversions of any kind
needed. Table is an Word table. Dynamic updating of tables
is easy.
Autofit to Contents’ saves time with fiddling to get width cor-
placing tables in landscape mode is possible.
requires Stata Release 13 or later.
can be slow.
aesthetically still limited compared to other output styles (but
may improve over time).
This chapter deals only with the last route, the docx output style. If
using using Word with any of the other routes, consult the chapter dealing
with that style.
13.2. Genuine Word files
Release 13 brought genuine Word files to the world of Stata, that is, ‘native’
docx files. All of the earlier discussion on using Word with Stata in this
User Guide entailed ‘fooling’ Word into treating other output styles in an
appropriate way. As I showed earlier, you could use the Word menu to con-
vert tab delimited files into Word tables, or you could open a html file and
then save it as a Word document. Both of these worked fine, particularly
the html route, but actually getting
to export genuine docx files is an
innovation, and in coming years Stata may expand the capabilities of this
format even further. At present, there are some limitations, which I discuss
13. docx tables
Before going further it’s worth noting the difference between doc files
and docx files. Both are binary files, which means that opening them in text
As I mentioned earlier docx
contains within it an xml text file,
but it is best regarded as binary.
editors will just show you a garbled screen. The doc format was used by
Microsoft from 1997 to 2004, and the docx format has been the Microsoft
standard since then. Most other non-Microsoft word processors also allow
you to open and save in this format. The Mata exporting function used by
tabout only produces docx files, which contrasts with the Mata function
for spreadsheets, which can produce both xls and xlsx files. I’ll say more
about this in the Chapter 14.
In summary, if you want genuine Word files, you use a docx extension
on your file name and you select tabout’s docx style output. The discussion
on html files in Chapter 15 of this User Guide suggests using a doc extension
with your html files, but mixing this with htm for your output style. You
always had to make sure you saved your file as a Word document, because
Word still regarded it as html until it was saved as a Word document. This
trick was just a convenience to get your operating system to open the file in
Word. The same trick was used with tab delimited files, which were given
an xls extension, to open them automatically in Excel. It is important to
keep in mind that the docx and xlsx output styles have nothing to do with
these tricks, but are new features of tabout. However, because they rely on
Stata Release 13 (or later), you can fall back on these tricks if you use an
earlier Release of Stata and still require either Word or Excel tables.
13.3. P ros and cons
Which route should you go down: genuine or trick Word files? The choice
is up to you (though my own personal preference is for html). To help you
decide, here are some of the pros and cons of using the native docx format
compared with using html.
Positive features:
Landscape mode is available using the native docx output but not
with html.
The Autofit to Contents’ width setting is available with docx , and
this works well most of the time, so you don’t need to spend time
fine tuning the width, as can happen with html.
Word knows the file is a docx file from the beginning and you don’t
need to go down the File - Save As route to ensure it becomes a docx
Negative features
The docx output style can be very slow. As the Stata manual warns:
“Creating a new document in a new session of Stata can cause some
noticeable delay, usually several seconds.” Fortunately, if Word is
left open, creating further documents can be faster.
13. docx tables
The document is not automatically refreshed. If you forget to close a
Word document and rerun your modified tabout code, it may appear
nothing has changed. You need to close the open document, then
run the tabout code. This can be tedious when you are developing
a table with multiple runs.
You cannot customise headings using format coding, though you can
still customise the content of the headings.
You cannot make use of tabout’s topf or botf options, which rules
out adding additional text above and below your tables. In this re-
spect, you cannot build the kind of dynamic documents discussed
earlier in this guide.
You cannot append multiple tables into a single document, as you
can with all the other output styles.
Some of these shortcomings may be overcome in the future as Stata
expands the capabilities of the Mata function which is used by tabout for
creating docx files.
The lack of coding facilities with both docx and xlsx output styles
does not mean that the h1, h2 and h3 options are not available. On the = = =
contrary, they are just as useful for these outputs as they are for the other
styles. You can still customise the content of all your table headings using
these options. Compared with the flexibility inherent in the tex and htm
output styles, with these binary outputs you can’t embed any kind of coding
to control alignment or spanning of columns. This is not a problem, how-
ever, because you can make use of the ‘partner’ heading column options,
that is, h1c, h2c and h3c which tell tabout how you want the headings to = = =
line up with columns.
You will notice that in all the example files for both the docx and htm
styles that there is always a column heading option accompanying each
heading option, even when no spanning of columns is involved. This can
lead to strange options like: h3c(1 1 1) where no spanning is needed. In
situations like this, you would probably use the clab option, but tabout is
designed so that all three heading rows can be customised, and all three
can use spanning, or single column headings, depending on your needs.
For example, you may even have a table made up of a set of single column
data (that is, no spanning) but where all three heading rows are needed,
and this would mean that the (1 1 1) sequence would have to be repeated
for each of them. While somewhat unusual, a situation like this could arise
with summary tables. What is more common, particularly in twoway ba-
sic tables, is for the first heading row to be a grouping label, and hence
spanning several columns.
13. docx tables
13.4. Landscape, width and paper size
Landscape mode
As mentioned above, you can use the landscape option in tabout and you =
will get a table which opens in Word in landscape mode.
Copy table 39 code as: docx
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout race south collgrad using table39.docx, ///
replace style(docx) font(bold) c(freq row col) ///
f(0c 1 1) layout(cb) landscape title(Table 39: ///
Example of rotation with docx output style) ///
fn(nlsw88.dta) open
13. docx tables
Table width
I mentioned earlier that Word’s Autofit to Contents’ feature works reason-
ably well, which is why most of the docx example files don’t have any
twidth options. This option is, nevertheless, available for docx output =
styles if required (though note that the cwdith and lwidth options aren’t
available with the docx output style).
You will notice in the screenshot for Table 39 that the cell data does
not line up well with the heading labels, largely because the table is now
so wide in landscape mode. The top screenshot on the next page shows the
result of adding the twidth(50) option to the the code for Table 39.
While this does improve the alignment of the data columns, the first
column with labels is now far too narrow. You can either try to fine tune
your results by varying the value of the lwidth option, or you can make =
use of tabout’s hright option. This is a rarely used feature, and has largely
been designed for problems like this. It applies only to heading rows 2 and
3 and only works with the docx output style. If you add hright to the
code in and re-run it, you will see that it changes the default
alignment of these two rows from centre to right, and largely fixes this
problem. The bottom screenshot on the next page shows the result of this
13. docx tables
13. docx tables
Paper size
Because tabout’s docx output style produces an actual Word document,
paper size matters. To be even handed, the default for the docx style is
letter (since the default size for the tex style is A4). Users who prefer a
different choice can either specify paper(A4) in their tabout code, or hack
the ado file and change the default. The following values are available for
the paper option: letter , legal , A3, A4, and B4JIS . =
13.5. Reproducible research with docx
I mentioned earlier that the kind of dynamic documents which were dis-
cussed in the L
X and html chapters are not possible with the docx style
because it does not support the topf and botf options. One can, neverthe- = =
less, conduct reproducible research very successfully with Word.
The following scenario is assumed: you are writing a report or article,
for example, and this is done inside Word using all its formatting features,
and it bibliography, cross-referencing, footnoting features and so forth (de-
pending on your needs).
Each time that you need to insert a Stata table, you run your tabout
code to create the table (or batch of tables) and then you select the File
- Insert menu item to place your table or tables at an appropriate place.
You make sure that you tick the Insert File dialogue box: Link to File (see
screenshot on the page after next). You then keep working on your Word
document as you see fit. Then when something changes in your data—
perhaps the weighting variable, the coding of the categories or the number
of observations—you go back to Stata, make the changes and then re-run
your tabout code. At this point, all the tables on disk are updated, but your
Word document is still the same. So you go into the Edit - Links menu item
and click on the Update Now button inside the Links dialogue box. This will
update all your inserted files, and you Word document will then reflect all
your changes.
Keep in mind that this strategy relies on all of the formatting of a table
being done in tabout. If you need to manually reformat a table inside Word
you will loose those format changes when you update the file. Fortunately,
the docx tables which tabout now produces are generally publication qual-
ity and while they will never match the standard achieved by L
X tables,
they should not need manually formatting very often.
The following screenshots show the sequence. The first shows your
Word document, in which part of your report is already written and you
begin to insert a table. Note that the Link to File option is ticked. This is
tedious, and is easily overlooked. It would be much better if there were a
default setting which could be left marked for all your insertions (perhaps
13. docx tables
there is, but I don’t know about it.) This link feature does not appear to
be available in the File Insert commands in other word processors like Libre
Office and Open Office.
The second screenshot shows what your document looked before up-
dating the tables. The third screenshot shows the update dialogue box (ac-
cessed through the Edit - Links menu) and the fourth screenshot shows the
results of updating the tables. Not being a Word user, I rarely use these fea-
tures, but there is an automatic updating option (in the Word preferences)
which will update all links when the file is opened.
To illustrate these before and after effects I have simply changed the
formatting of the data cells and expressed the proportions as percentages
but in a real world situation the data itself would probably change. Notice
that the width of the second table changed substantially. This was done
automatically and is due to the default setting for docx tables (‘Autofit to
Contents’). If you wished the table to remain a constant width after updat-
ing its contents, you could set the twidth option to a fixed value. =
This workflow does ensure that the tables in your document are always
‘up to date’ but it obviously does not update any references in the the body
of your text to the data in your tables. This feature is illustrated in Chapters
Bill Rising “Dynamic documents
in Stata: Many routes to the
same goal”. Download
12 and 15 (for tex and htm output) but finding other ways to incorporate
this into your Word document is beyond the scope of this User Guide. Other
resources (such as Bill Rising’s presentation) may provide insights.
Note that what Word calls ‘font’,
tabout calls ‘font family’, and
what Word calls ‘font style’,
tabout calls ‘font’.
Note that if you don’t specify a font family or font size in your tabout
code, when you open your docx file inside Word it will take on Word’s
default font family and font size.
13. docx tables
13. docx tables
13. docx tables
13. docx tables
14. xlsx tables
14.1. Introduction: genuine Excel files
As I mentioned in the last chapter, Release 13 of Stata made available
to Stata users genuine, native xlsx files. The main differences between
Stata’s Word capability and Stata’s Excel capability are:
Word files are only available in the docx format.
by contrast, Excel files are available in as both xls and xlsx files.
The former are for Excel 1997/2003 files and the latter for Excel
2007/2013 files. xlsx is the current defacto Excel standard and
most other non-Microsoft spreadsheet applications also allow you
to open and save files in this format.
Word files rely on the Mata _docx*() functions, which are used by
tabout (and by other Stata programmers) to produce output files.
Most users of Stata are
‘programmers’ if they write do
files, while many users will utilise
Mata functions in Stata’s
interactive mode (or in their do
files). My comments here refer to
‘programmers’ who produce ado
files and rely on Mata to do all
the heavy lifting.
in the case of Excel, there are two options: there is the Mata class
xl() which is used by tabout (and by other programmers) and there
is also a Stata command, putexcel which allows non-programming
Stata users to export their results to Excel files.
All of this may sound complicated. What really matters is understand-
ing that xlsx output from Stata is more advanced at this stage, and offers
more flexibility to Stata users. Over time, however, it is likely that docx
output will improve as Stata Corporation improves the underlying Mata
When it comes to tabout the advice is simple: if you have Release 13 of
Stata or later, and you want publication quality tables with no (or minimal)
extra formatting on your part, use either the docx or xlsx output styles. If
you find these too slow, or inappropriate for another reason, consider the
tab delimited output style for Excel files and the html output style for Word
files. If you follow this route, I strongly recommend that you use xls and
doc as your file extensions, and this will distinguish these files from the
‘genuine’ xlsx and docx binary files.
If, for some reason, you do need tabout to produce native (binary) xls
files (using the Mata xl() class), you can specify this with the style(xls)
option, and tabout will then pass this requirement through to the Mata
function. Make sure that you also use xls in your file extension to avoid
14. xlsx tables
14.2. Features of xlsx files
While the docx output style had the landscape option, and used Autofit
to Contents’ for setting the width, the xlsx output style has neither of
these (and landscape doesn’t really make sense in a spreadsheet environ-
ment). On the other hand, the xlsx has a number of features not shared
by docx :
You have control over the label column width (the lwidth option) =
and the data columns width (the cwidth option). The default for
these is 35 characters for the label column and 12 characters for the
data columns and these defaults seem to work quite well most of the
The columns of the data rows can be indented from the right with
the indent option. The default is 2 characters. This allows you to =
both centre your data under the headings while still retaining right
The border lines for the table are slightly thicker than the heading
lines and panel lines. This is similar to L
X and is something which
is currently not possible with the docx tables.
You can place your table anywhere on a sheet in your xlsx spread-
sheet, specifying the columm and row coordinates of the top corner
of the table.
You can display multiple tables on the one sheet, also nominating
their location on that sheet.
You can also display multiple tables across multiple sheets in your
xlsx file.
These last operations (multiple tables) can be slow but this may im-
prove over time once Stata refines the underlying Mata functions. It is
worth noting that the intrinsic design of tabout itself contributes to slow-
ness with docx and xlsx output styles. When multiple panels are reques-
ted tabout re-runs the table production process for each panel, writing this
out to files with each pass. When it comes to ascii (plain text) files, the file
writing process is extremely fast, but with binary files, such as docx and
xlsx , this repeated re-writing of the file is inherently much slower.
There is one annoying shortcoming in the Mata function for xlsx
files: if you merge some cells in your table, the contents are automatic-
ally centred. While this makes sense for some situations (such as column
headings), it does not make sense for other situations (such as notes below
rows). tabout can place the sample size and the statistics in a cell beneath
some data cells, and it places the table footnotes in a cell beneath the table.
Ideally, one would like to have these cells merged across the table, but to do
this automatically centres the contents (which looks terrible). At present
14. xlsx tables
the option of ‘left alignment’ inside a merged cell is not possible (though
hopefully this will change). Consequently, the default in tabout is to leave
the cells unmerged. This means that if the contents of these cells is long,
users may need to make manual adjustments to ensure that the final ap-
pearance of the table is satisfactory.
In some tables the default column width and indent settings are not
optimal. Specifying confidence intervals, for example, can produce cell
content which is too wide for the default column width. In several of the
example tables (eg. and this crowding has
been fixed using cwidth(15) and indent(1) to create a better result. If = =
you run the tabout code with and without these settings you will notice a
considerable difference.
14.3. Sheets and locations
One of the unique features of the xlsx output style is that it allows multiple
tables on a single sheet, as well as tables spread across multiple sheets in a
single xlsx file. tabout’s location option and sheet option provide you =
with this capability.
The location feature is shown in the following screenshot, and the tabout
code is shown for Table 40 and Table 41. Using the location option is =
straightforward: simply give the row and column co-ordinates (as num-
bers) for the top left corner of your table. The default position, if you don’t
14. xlsx tables
specify this option, is row 1 column 1.
Copy table 40 code as: xlsx
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table40.xlsx, ///
replace c(freq col) f(0c 1) font(bold) style(xlsx) ///
title(Table 40: Multiple tables on one sheet - ///
first table) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) ///
location(4 2) lwidth(25) cwidth(15)
14. xlsx tables
Copy table 41 code as: xlsx
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race collgrad [iw=wt] ///
using table40.xlsx, append style(xlsx) ///
c(freq row col) f(0c 1 1) layout(rb) h3(nil) ///
font(bold) title(Table 41: Multiple tables on ///
one sheet - second table) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) ///
location(26 2) lwidth(25) cwidth(15)
In this example, both tables share the second column. The first table
is on row 4, the second table on row 26. One feature of spreadsheets is
that if the tables are in a vertical layout, such as this, they must share the
same column widths. Thus both tables use a lwidth (label width) setting =
of 25 and a cwidth (column width) setting of 15. If you omit these for the
first table, the defaults will apply, but if you then specify these settings for
the second table, they will over-ride the first table settings. If it doesn’t suit
you to have tables sharing columns, consider placing them in a horizontal
The other important point in this example is the append option and =
the use of the same output file name. These are obviously needed for the
two tables to be on the same sheet.
Sheet names
If you don’t provide a name for the sheet option, tabout sets a default =
of ‘Sheet1’, which is the first sheet in the spreadsheet. This if fine if you
want multiple tables on just the first sheet. However, if you want multiple
tables spread across multiple sheets you must specify sheet names (though
you can use ‘Sheet1’, ‘Sheet2’, etc). If you don’t specify a location when
producing multiple sheets, tabout uses the default (1 1) on each of the
You can, if you wish, specify multiple locations, using the location =
option and multiple sheets, using the sheet option. The following four
tables show this strategy. There is no screenshot (I simply repeat the above
tables) but the full code is shown.
You will need to specify append for the last three tables so they all =
share the same file (and all four tables must share the same file name).
In this example, on the second sheet a horizontal layout has been chosen,
which has allowed for different column widths for Table 44 and Table 45.
The former clearly did not need a column width of 15, whereas the former
needed this to accommodate the longer labels.
14. xlsx tables
Copy table 42 code as: xlsx
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table42.xlsx, ///
replace c(freq col) f(0c 1) font(bold) style(xlsx) ///
title(Table 42: Multiple tables on multiple sheets - ///
first table on first sheet) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) ///
location(4 2) lwidth(25) cwidth(15) ///
sheet(My first sheet)
Copy table 43 code as: xlsx
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race collgrad [iw=wt] ///
using table42.xlsx, append style(xlsx) ///
c(freq row col) f(0c 1 1) layout(rb) h3(nil) ///
font(bold) title(Table 43: Multiple tables on ///
multiple sheets - second table on first sheet) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) location(26 2) ///
lwidth(25) cwidth(15) sheet(My first sheet)
Copy table 44 code as: xlsx
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table42.xlsx, ///
append c(freq col) f(0c 1) font(bold) style(xlsx) ///
title(Table 44: Multiple tables on multiple sheets - ///
third table on second sheet) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) ///
location(10 2) lwidth(25) cwidth(11) ///
sheet(My second sheet)
Copy table 45 code as: xlsx
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race collgrad [iw=wt] ///
using table42.xlsx, append style(xlsx) ///
c(freq row col) f(0c 1 1) layout(rb) h3(nil) ///
font(bold) title(Table 45: Multiple tables on ///
multiple sheets - fourth table on second sheet) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) location(10 13) ///
lwidth(25) cwidth(18) sheet(My second sheet) open
14. xlsx tables
14.4. Numeric data?
When you open your xlsx tables in Excel you should see an almost per-
fectly formatted table. Even though you are in a spreadsheet application,
the data cells will contain character data, that is, non-numeric data. This is
as it should be, since tabout’s raison-de-etre is to produce publication qual-
ity tables, that is, tables which are camera-ready for publication. Part of
the formatting process which tabout carries out entails inserting commas
or full stops into strings, inserting various symbols, such as % or $, and
surrounding text with various types of brackets.
However, it may be the case that you need numeric data in your table,
perhaps because you intend to do further calculations on the data, or per-
haps because you wish to create Excel graphs from your data (even though
Stata graphs are superior!). If you are in this situation, the following screen-
shot is relevant.
You may have noticed that the top left hand corner of your cells con-
tains a small triangle. When you hover over this, you get a diamond symbol
with an exclamation mark, and when you click your right mouse button,
you see the drop down menu shown in this screenshot. The second menu
item, Convert to Number, will convert the selected cells to numeric data,
and you can then do further calculations with these data.
In this example, there are some NA cells, for missings. This conversion
respects this and you can use these cells in various formulae and still get
accurate results. However, you do need to be aware that parentheses can be
a problem with numeric conversions, since Excel regards them as indicating
14. xlsx tables
negative numbers (this is an accounting convention). On the other hand,
square brackets appear to leave the cell untouched, and calculations fail
when applied to such cells because they contain character data. If you need
to get standard errors into Excel for conversion, consider using tabout’s seb =
(standard errors brackets none) option and if you need to get confidence
intervals into Excel consider creating your original tables with the c(ub
lb) (upper bound and lower bound) options. =
14.5. Working with xlsx files in Word
It is quite common for Stata users to bring their tables into Word via their
spreadsheet application. If this is your desired method, then there are two
ways to approach this. Once you have exported your table from tabout
using the xlsx output style, you open it inside Excel and select the de-
sired cells. You then copy these and paste them into Word using the Edit -
Paste Special menu item. You have two choice regarding how you paste the
1. Microsoft Excel Worksheet Object; or
2. Formatted Text (RTF).
The screenshot on the following page shows both of these types of table
in your Word document. Notice that the Paste link radio button is selected.
This means that you can dynamically update the tables in Word when you
rerun your
code. You do
need to go back into
. Once the
file has been updated on your disk, Word can be made to update these links
either automatically or using the Edit - Links menu item.
Several things are worth noting. If you plan on being interactive with
your table—that is, you don’t want full automation—then the first option
might suit you. The table comes in as an image and can easily be resized on
the screen by dragging the corner handles (as with all images). However,
note that the corner triangle symbols are showing. If you can find a way to
‘turn these off in Excel, then this will solve that problem. Otherwise, you
might need to convert the table to numeric data inside Excel before you
paste it into Word.
14. xlsx tables
In the case of the second option, you will notice that the table has
extended beyond the page. This can be solved by either creating the table
in tabout with narrower columns and a smaller font size, or by selecting
the table inside Word and resizing it (such as the Autofit to Contents’ option
in the Table menu). Note that this second table is an actual Word table, and
can be edited or formatted in any way you like inside Word. The first table,
on the other hand, is an image and you can’t manipulate the contents of
the table inside Word, though double clicking on it will cause Excel to open
the original xlsx table, where you can edit it.
15. html tables
15.1. The versatility of html
While html is the language of the World Wide Web, it is much more than
that. It is an ideal output style for many end uses, including those who wish
to import html files into Word. html is ideal for tabout users who cannot
Is it htm or html? Which you use
is entirely up to you. The words
are interchangable. In this guide I
use html to refer to the files
themselves (as they are given this
extension in the examples) and
htm to refer to the output style.
use the native docx output style, either because their Stata Release is older
than Release 13 or for other reasons. It is a much better option than using
tab delimited text files and then having to convert to a table and format the
Consequently, in this chapter I will demonstrate both uses for tabout’s
htm output: its suitability for web pages and for importing into Word. html
is also suitable for converting documents into eBooks, but I don’t offer any
discussion of this. Applications such as Calibre will do this, but a search of
the web is worthwhile if you want to go down this pathway.
Because html is a mark-up language and uses plain text, tabout pro-
duces the files very quickly. If you want to monitor how your tables look
during a ‘development’ stage in your workflow, html is idea because the
tables load quickly into your browser and you can view your results almost
instantly. Just use the open option and the table will load automatically =
into your default browser. Each time you run tabout on the same table, a
new copy opens in a new tab in your browser, so remember to close these
tabs from time to time.
In the same way that you can ‘trick’ your operating system into opening
tab delimited plain text files into Excel by giving them an ‘xls’ extension, you
can also trick your system into opening html files in Word by giving them
a doc extension. However, you need to remember to save your file as an
Word file (either with doc or docx extensions) because Word knows that
this file is a html file and will want to save it as such. I provide an example
of this below.
While Version 2 of tabout provided html output, Version 3 provides
much better html code, and also adds the ability to use cascading style
sheets (C SS). This allows you to colour your text or your background, and
to use alternate shading of your rows. Unfortunately, Word does not re-
cognise everything in a CSS style sheet: it is fine with coloured text but it
ignores, for example, alternate shading of rows.
15. html tables
15.2. Features and differences
Width settings
While L
X tables can be given an overall width, the width of columns can’t
be set. By way of contrast, when you select htm you can specify a twidth
(table width) option, a lwidth (label column width) or a cwidth (column = =
width). The lwidth refers to just the first column, the label column, and the
cwidth to all the remaining ‘data’ columns. You can set all three, though
this may be self-defeating. Fiddling with just two, at most, is more sensible.
While the default unit of measurement for widths in L
X is cm, for the htm
output style the default is px (pixels). The units option can set this to =
something else. In the case of htm it might be better to use % (percentage)
sometimes, particularly if you are planning to open your tables in Word.
To see the difference between twidth option and the cwidth option =
look at the Table 5 code for the htm output style ( This uses
the cwidth option and this causes the value labels to wrap nicely inside
the columns. If you compared this with the, which uses the
twidth option set at 500 pixels, you will notice when you run this, the
appearance of the value labels is not as pleasing. As a general rule, setting
the column widths (the cwidth option) rather than the table width seems
to give the best results with the htm output style. You will notice that most
of the example files use the cwidth option, usually set to between 80 and
100 pixels. The first column, with the variable and value labels, seems to
adjust reasonably well by itself, without the need for the lwidth option.
Working with Word
The following code shows the htm code from Table 1 on page 16 and the
two screenshots in Figure 15.1 show how it looks in a browser and how it
looks in Word.
15. html tables
Figure 15.1.: How
Table 1 looks in a
browser and in Word
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table1.html, replace ///
c(freq col) f(0c 1) style(htm) font(bold) cwidth(70) ///
title(Table 1: A Simple Example) fn(Source: nlsw88.dta)
You can see that Word preserves all the formatting of the table, and it
actually places the html file into a proper Word table. It is not an image but
is actual table text which can be edited just like a normal Word table.
The main problem with the table in the right panel, in Word, is that
the columns aren’t wide enough. It is generally better to use percentages
for your widths if you plan to open html files in Word. I will illustrate this
You can always open html documents in Word from the file menu, or if
you are working in a document and want to place the table at a particular
location, you can use the Insert - File menu item. As mentioned above, if you
just want the table to automatically open in Word, give it a file extension
of doc and use the open option.
If you plan on working in Word using the doc extension and the open
option, consider using percentages in the units option. Table 39, shown = =
in Figure 15.2 illustrates this. The code for Table 39 is a slight modification
of Table 1 but has been given a doc extension and the open option. The
twidth option has been set to 100 and the units option has been set to % , =
for percentage.
15. html tables
Figure 15.2.: Table
39 in Word : 100%
and 80% width
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table39.doc, replace ///
c(freq col) f(0c 1) style(htm) font(bold) twidth(80) ///
units(%) title(Table 39: Table 1 adapted for Word) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) open
With a value of 100 percentage in the twidth option the table will use
the full width of the Word document, as shown in the left panel. This may
suit the rest of your document, but if you want to optimise the spacing in
the table, try varying the percentage. The table in the right panel has been
set to a percentage of 80, and has a more pleasing appearance. When fine
tuning your html tables to place into Word, it is important that you change
the View menu in Word from the Web Layout setting (which is what Word
sets it to when it opens html documents) to the Print Layout setting if you
want to get an accurate view of what your table will look like.
When it comes time to save your file in Word, make sure you select
the format you want. The screenshot on the next page shows that when
you first try to save the file, Word thinks it is a web page—no matter what
extension you use–and you need to make sure that you select one of the
Word formats from the list so that it becomes a ‘normal’ Word document.
When it comes to other aspects of your formatting, like fonts, families
and font sizes, htm settings are no different to the other output styles. The
landscape option does not apply in html files, because there is no concept =
of a ‘page’ in html. Nor does the tleft table left option apply because
tables are never centred in htm output, but are automatically aligned to
the left margin. If you would like centred tables, you can do this through
customising your html and css code using tabout’s topf( ) and css op- = =
tions. Keep in mind that the facilities for writing additional files are always
available in tabout with topf and botf, and you can write any legitimate
html that you like in these files.
15. html tables
15.2.1. Cascading style sheets: CSS
You will have noticed that you did not need to add a body option to get =
your html table to display in either your browser or in Word. This is unlike
X where the body option is needed to compile the document. However,
if you want to use the css option, you will need to add the body option to =
your tabout code.
What is CSS? Many applications, such as word processors, work with
the concept of a ‘style sheet’, where a generic style (heading, quote etc)
has a predefined look which is applied to any text whenever that style is
selected. This contrasts with ‘hard formatting’ where the user applies the
formatting features to specific bits of text. These formats need be re-applied
each time the look of the text needs to change. Styles are thus a powerful
way to automate the appearance of documents and to minimise tedious
In the case of tabout, the font and fsize options are examples of = =
‘hard formatting’. tabout applies these to your tables in a ‘fixed’ fashion
15. html tables
and you need to re-run your table code to change them. By contrast, the
css option lets you specify a separate style file where various definitions of =
what your table should look like are to be found. If you wish to make the
For a good reference see
most of the css option in tabout, you will need some CSS skills. There are
many CSS tutorials on the web as well as good books.
The example below is a simple one, which shows how the css option
is used to alter the colour of the text, borders, lines and background. Aes-
thetically, this example has nothing to recommend it, but it is useful for
illustrative purposes.
Copy table 46 code as: htm
do nlsw_data_setup
tabout south race union sex using table46.html, ///
replace c(col row) f(1) style(htm) font(italic) body ///
css(style.css) twidth(800) units(px) npos(both) ///
nlab(Sample size) title(Table 46: Using CSS with html) ///
fn(Source: nlsw88.dta) open
The content of the file which produces this effect is quite short and is
shown below. One of the strengths of CSS is that it does not need to have
code embedded in your text in order to ‘target’ parts of your document
(though you can enhance this targetting by embedding id tags). In this
example, the <td> tag targets all the cells in your table while the <table>
tag targets the overall table. While the text for the document as a whole is
black, the text inside the table is blue. If you have a reasonable knowledge
of CSS, and you want even finer control over the elements of your table,
15. html tables
you could suppress the html code which tabout places around the table,
and write your own html code to go in topf and botf. You need to spe- = =
cify the ntc (no table code) option to do this. In this way, you can assign =
CSS ‘identifiers’ to various parts (like the title and footnote) and gain con-
siderable control over their appearance by simply styling these elements in
certain ways in your CSS file.
body {
background-color: white;
font: 18px/24px "Lucida Grande",
"Trebuchet MS", Arial, Helvetica,
color: black;
table {
border-style: solid solid solid solid;
border-width: 3px;
border-color: red;
background: beige;
color: blue;
td {
text-align: left;
border-color: red;
If you open Table 46 in Word it will look the same as in your browser
because Word recognised the style sheet. However, not all elements in a
style sheet are recognised by Word so you will need to experiment to find
out what works for you.
15. html tables
15.3. Dynamic documents with html
Using html with Word
We saw earlier that the docx output style does not support the topf and
botf options. The htm output style does support these options, but it is
unlikely you would use this for dynamic documents in the way illustrated
for L
X documents (see earlier). The reason for this is that things like
footnotes and bibliographies are complicated using html, whereas a Word
user can do these things relatively easy inside their word processing envir-
Instead, a more likely scenario is that you will write your main docu-
ment inside Word and use the File - Insert menu item to insert at appropriate
places the html tables produced by tabout. Because the html tables are
automatically converted to Word tables, you have the option of fine tuning
them by formatting them in the Word environment. There is, however, a
downside to formatting tables inside Word. It destroys a workflow based
on reproducible research. Word has an easily overlooked feature inside its
Insert File dialogue box: Link to File. If this is ticked at the time of select-
ing your html file, Word keeps track of this file’s location on disk. Then,
if you change that file—for example, by re-running your tabout code and
recreating your html tables—Word will know about it. All that you need to
do, inside Word, is to periodically use the Edit - Links menu item and click
on the Update Now button inside the Links dialogue box. Alternatively, you
can set Word to automatically update all links when it opens files (using
Word’s preferences settings).
This approach has many benefits. It allows Word users to work in
an environment they are comfortable with while still gaining the benefits
of reproducible research. All your tabout code can be re-run as often as
necessary—such as when the data changes—and the Word document can
be automatically updated. Not only is there no wastage of time in reformat-
ting Word tables which have now changed, but the process is much more
accurate because there is less room for error. Any task which is repetitious—
such as copying and pasting numerous times, or inserting the same files
numerous times—is always prone to error.
This approach could be extended dynamic documents using the same
approach outlined in the L
X chapter. Because you can use the topf and = =
botf options with the htm output style, you can use placeholders and Stata
macros to place dynamic results into your Word document. Simply use the
Insert File/Link to File/Edit - Links/Update Now sequence with your html
file. You will find that all of the html document, both the table and the
dynamic text, will be automatically updated inside word. If you want to
use particular formatting, such as a bold font, for some of this extra text—
and this is desirable as you don’t want to manually reformat the imported
15. html tables
document—then you only need to learn a small amount of html or CSS
code. For example, html works with simple ‘tags’, a system based on idea of
an opening tag (<tagname>) and a closing tag (</>) surrounding the words.
Thus a phrase like ‘my key results’ can be bolded by typing <strong>my
key results</strong> inside either topf or botf files. Headings can = =
also be inserted, using html headings, and graphics could also be brought
in, using this method. In the next section I illustrate this approach in the
context of dynamic content for web pages.
Finally, in the same way that the tex output style allows you to embed
code in your title and fn options, so do does the htm output style. If you = =
look at you’ll see a new line break put in the title, and italic
tags used in the footnote.
Dynamic content on web pages
In the world of web site creation, most modern web sites are dynamic, of-
ten using languages such as php with databases like mysql to create ‘on-
the-fly’ content. Such web sites often make use of statistical tables and
graphics which are created instantaneously, often by internet users who
land on these sites. Within this scenario, the people creating such websites
often have an IT background, though they may work with researchers who
have good content knowledge.
Dynamic content on web pages using tabout is not part of this scenario.
Rather, the purpose of this facility in tabout is to enable researchers to
publish their results on the web, largely without the need for any IT support.
The scenario I have in mind is a researcher, or a research team, who want
to provide regular updates on a research project to a wider audience. The
screenshot of the web page several pages further on illustrates this (you can
also visit the example web page with your browser by clicking here). This
is not a dynamic web page as such, but is actually a ‘static’ web page—in
the internet sense—and is not at all similar to the dynamic ones created
on web servers by php. It is ‘dynamic’ in the sense that it’s content can be
automatically regenerated with minimal effort.
The look of this web page has been adapted from a CSS style sheet
CSS Zen Garden homepage.
by CSS Zen Garden (with the more aesthetically pleasing parts due to the
Download the CSS file behind
this web page, and remember to
rename the extension from txt
to css.
original, and the less pleasing parts due to my modifications!) The look will
change according to the width of your browser window, but fixed width web
pages are also common on the web. The design aspects of web pages are
beyond the scope of this User Guide, so I don’t offer any more comments
For a good reference see
on this, nor discussion of the CSS behind it. There are many good books
which cover this.
Instead the emphasis here is on how easy it is to create such a page.
The following code creates the complete web page; all that the user has to
15. html tables
do afterwards is move the three files onto their web server: table47.html
which is the main page, graph.png which is the graphic, and dynamic.css
which is the style sheet (which will probably already be on your server if
you are just updating).
Copy table 47 code as: htm
do cancer_data_setup
histogram studytime, by(drug)
graph export graph.png, height(400) replace
sum age
local meanage = r(mean)
local meanage: di %3.2f ‘meanage’
sum stime
local meanstime = r(mean)
local meanstime: di %3.2f ‘meanstime’
local obs = r(N)
tabout drug died using table47.html, replace ///
style(htm) font(italic) c(freq col row) f(0c) ///
twidth(400) title(Table 47: Dynamic content web page ///
example) fn(cancer.dta) topf(topblock.html) ///
botstr(‘meanage’| ‘meanstime’|‘obs’) ///
topstr($S_DATE) botf(bottomblock.html) ///
body family(Arial) css(dynamic.css) open
15. html tables
15. html tables
If you have looked at the example of Table 35 in the L
X chapter, the
code for Table 47 will be familiar. The tabout parts of this code create
the actual table you see on the web page; the Stata histogram command
creates the graph and the export command saves it to disk in a format
suitable for the web. The more complicates bits are as follows:
the body option creates the stand-alone code for the webpage and al- =
lows you to reference the CSS file, which is done with the css(dynamic.css)
the topf(topblock.html) option brings in all the material above =
the table on the web page;
the botf(bottomblock.html) option brings in all the material be- =
low the table on the web page;
the topstr and botstr options pass the dynamic content (created = =
earlier in the Stata code just above the tabout command) so that
tabout can create the final table47.html.
This last point is important. As I mentioned earlier, the web page it-
self is not dynamic—in the internet sense of the word—but the content
is dynamic in that every time you rerun your tabout code, the web page
changes on your local computer to reflect any changes in your data or ana-
lysis. As soon as you copy table47.html to your web server, the world
sees an updated web page.
The two files incorporated into table47.html by tabout are shown
on the following pages. Ignore the Latin, it’s just a text filler and ignore
the cramped layout—html code is usually indented properly for ease of
reading. The key points here are to look at the English wording and the
use of the placeholder symbol #. This is where the dynamic content is
In this example a single table is the ‘core’ of the web page, and this
is made possible by combining body, topf and botf, with the latter two = = =
‘sandwiching’ the table. If you wish to have multiple tables, then the ‘nest-
ing structure’ outlined on page 70 is how you do it. That is, instead of body
you use topbody and replace in your first tabout table; append in all the = =
following tabout tables; and botbody in your final tabout table. How you
use the topf and botf options throughout all your tabout code is up to
your imagination—these facilities provide the textual and graphical mater-
ial which is interspersed between your tables—and the combination you
use is entirely up to you.
15. html tables
Copy topblock.html code as: htm
<div class="page-wrapper">
<section class="intro">
<h1>Monthly Study Reports</h1>
<h2>Latest findings for the XYZ study</h2>
<div class="summary">
<p><strong>Latest results</strong> for the month
through to <br> <strong>#</strong>.</p>
<p><strong>Background to the Study</strong><br>
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation
ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo
consequat. Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit
in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat
cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia
deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.</p>
<div class="preamble">
<h3>Key findings</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor
incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua.
Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud
exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip
ex ea commodo consequat. Duis aute irure dolor
in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum
dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur
sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in
culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id
est laborum.</p>
<div class="main supporting">
<h3>Detailed findings</h3>
<p>Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipisicing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt
ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad
minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco
laboris nisi ut aliquip ex ea commodo consequat.
Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in
voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat
nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat
non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt
mollit anim id est laborum.</p>
15. html tables
Copy bottomblock.html code as: htm
<div class="details">
<p>Mean age of participants: # years.</p>
<p>Mean time to death, or until the end
of the experiment: # months.</p>
<p>Experiment based on # observations.</p>
<div class="graphs">
<img src="graph.png" alt="Graph">
<footer>For more information on the study
contact [email protected]</footer>
If you find find the appearance of your web page does not look right,
check for unbalanced <div></div> tags. Every opening tag must have a
corresponding end tag somewhere in your sequence of files. For example,
if you look at topblock.html you’ll see an opening:
<div class = "page-wrapper">
but no closing tag in this file. Rather, the closing tag for this is to be
found on the last line of bottomblock.html. If you spend a bit of time
studying the matching <div> tags in any block of html code from the web,
you’ll soon grasp the idea of balanced tags.
Part IV.
16. Key details
16.1. tabout syntax
The syntax for tabout follows the usual Stata conventions. If you are new to
Stata, consult the manual for the meaning of Stata’s conventions regarding
syntax. The core tabout syntax is:
tabout varlist [ if exp ] [ in range ] [ weight = exp ]
using filename [ , options ]
The additional information specific to tabout is as follows:
the varlist is a list of ‘vertical’ (ie. row) variables, followed by
one ‘horizontal’ (ie. column) variable, which is the last variable in
the list. If the oneway option is specified, then all the variables are
regarded as ‘vertical’.
fweights aweights iweights and pweights are allowed with
tabout, depending on the underlying command; see Stata’s’ Manual:
[U] 14.1.6 weight and individual entries for [R] tabulate and [R]
summarize. For tables of summary statistics, iweights are not al-
lowed, because tabout uses the detail option in Stata’s summar-
ize command (which does not allow iweights ). The svy option
requires that the data be already svyset and an error message re-
minds you of this if you forget.
the using filename specifies the output file where your table will
be sent. You need to supply an extension to the filename, and the ex-
tension will influence what applications on your computer will open
the file is you specify the open option. The file will be saved in your
working directory, or a directory specified with the full pathname as
part of the filename.
16. Key details
16.2. Options: alphabetical listing
The following table is a complete listing of all the options. Note that if
there is nothing in [red text] in the Comment column, then that particular
option is available for all output styles. Otherwise, the applicable styles
are shown. New features in Version 3 of tabout area shown in purple text
and where an existing option has changed since Version 2, this is shown in
orange text.
These options follow the
convention whereby abbreviations are
sometimes allowed. What an option can be abbreviated to is shown in
UPPER case, for example APPend can be abbreviated to app in your tabout
syntax. If no uppercase is shown, the full term is required.
APPend Add table to existing file 34,
body Add code to create
[tex htm]
botbody Add document code only
to bottom of output file
Useful for complex documents,
particularly dynamic documents.
New in Version 3
[tex htm]
botf( ) Stored code for use above
File name 33 Requires place holders (#) for
inserted text
[txt tex htm]
botstr( ) Text to be inserted at
User text 33 Use delimiters for multiple strings
(vertical bar, or user-defined via
delim( ))
[txt tex htm]
caplab( ) Caption label User text 38 New in Version 3
cappos( ) Caption position above
38 New in Version 3
CHKWTnone Don’t check legality of
Stata commands don’t allow
non-integer frequency weights.
tabout normally checks for this but
this option prevents this checking.
ci2col Optimise UB and LB in two
Requires contents(lb ub) and
places [ in first column and ] in
second. Achieves better alignment
than contents(ci).
CIBnone Remove parentheses
around confidence
cisep( ) Specify separator for
confidence intervals.
User text eg.
16 Default is a comma. User can
choose any other separator.
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
clab( ) column label User text 4 Replaces the heading 3 row with
user text. Columns are separated by
a space. Spaces for any text inside
column must use underscores.
COMPile compile L
X document 35 User must set the global macro tex
with location of L
X files. New in
Version 3
Contents( ) Specify cell contents For options
see table.
1 Note: this was previously called
cell( ) but both are abbreviated
to c( ). Changed in Version 3
css( ) Attach cascading style
sheet (CSS) file.
File name 46 Requires body option be specified
when using htm output style. New
in Version 3
CWidth( ) Column width Number 40 Sets the width of columns. Measure
is set by units. New in Version 3
[htm xlsx]
debug Display underlying Stata
commands which build
basic tables
Can be useful for confirming your
results. Does not show commands
for summary tables.
delim( ) Specify delimiter User text Various options require delimiters.
Default is vertical bar but this can
be changed with this option.
[txt tex htm]
doctype( ) Specify document type for
X documents
38 Used by the body and topbody
options, but can be changed with
customised topf( ). New in
Version 3
DPComma Use decimal point for
17 Also uses full stop for thousands
separator. Suits European Stata
dropc( ) Drop column(s) Numbers
23 User specifies column numbers,
separated by spaces. Turn on
show(prepost) to determine
column number. New in Version 3
dropr( ) Drop row(s) Numbers
panels and
24 User must specify panel number,
followed by colon followed by row
number (eg. 2:3) If multiple rows,
use spaces as separators (eg 2:3
4:2). Turn on show(prepost) to
determine row number. Note that
the first row of data is the third row
in a panel. New in Version 3
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
FAMily( ) Font family User text Also known as the typeface. Text
must exactly match name used by
user’s operating system. Note that
X users can specify two families
(separated by the delimiter), the
first being the roman family and the
second being the sans serif family.
New in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
fn( ) Place footnote below table User text 1 Note that the font size is 0.8 of the
table font size. New in Version 3
font( ) Specify font style for
heading labels and
variable labels
1 Also applied to table title if title is
[tex htm docx xlsx]
Format( ) Number of decimal points
in data cells
followed by
1 Unlike Stata only a number is
needed. Optional letters are: c
(comma) p (percentage) m
(money). The money() option
specifies the currency. See also
dpcomma for European formating.
fsize( ) Font size Number Measured in points. Default is 10pt.
New in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
h1( ) Heading row 1 User text but
this row
34 Separate column items must be
separated with spaces. Underscores
needed for spaces within column.
Must use hc1 if not wanting to fully
code this.
h1c( ) Heading row 1 columns Numbers The span across columns for each
item in h1. New in Version 3
h2( ) Heading row 2 User text but
this row
12 Separate column items must be
separated with spaces. Underscores
needed for spaces within column.
Must use hc2 if not wanting to fully
code this.
h2c( ) Heading row 2 columns Numbers 12,
The span across columns for each
item in h2. New in Version 3
h3( ) Heading row 3 User text but
this row
28,29 Separate column items must be
separated with spaces. Underscores
needed for spaces within column.
Must use hc3 if not wanting to fully
code this.
h3c( ) Heading row 3 columns Numbers 28,
The span across columns for each
item in h3. New in Version 3
hright Right alignment for
heading rows
Default is centred. Only applied to
columns that are not spanned. New
in Version 3
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
indent( ) Indent data cells Number Measured in characters. Default is 2
characters. New in Version 3
LANDscape Place table in landscape
New in Version 3
[tex docx]
LAYout( ) Layout for columns and
Level( ) Specify level for svy
Number 21 Default is 95%.
LOCation( ) Location of table on
Numbers 40 Row and column coordinates for
top left corner. Separated by space.
New in Version 3
ltrim( ) Left trim of mid rules Number 14 Replaces cltr1 and cltr2.
Changed in Version 3
LWidth( ) Label width Number 40 Width of label (first) column. New
in Version 3
[htm xlsx]
mi Display missing values Same as mi in tabulate.
MONey( ) Specify currency User text Provide symbols etc for formatting
when money specified in format eg.
format(2m) money(£ )
MULTiplier( ) Multiply proportion Number 18 For use with svy option when
proportions displayed. Can show as
percents with mult(100) or rate
per thousand with mult(1000).
Note this replaces earlier percent
option. Changed in Version 3
nlab( ) Label for N counts User text 2 Label for when npos specified eg.
‘Sample size’.
nnoc N no commas Suppress display of commas in N
NOBORDer No table borders Suppress top and bottom borders of
[tex htm docx xlsx]
NOFFset( ) Offset for N counts Number Control placement of N counts.
Number indicates how far from first
column N counts should be placed.
NOHLines No heading lines Suppress lines between heading
rows. Changed in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
NOPLines No panel lines 37 Suppress lines between panels.
Changed in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
npos( ) Position of N counts col
ntc No table code Suppress the code around the table
which is now automatically
produced. Results in ‘pure’ output
of table contents only. Suited to
users who wish to customise their
tables with their own code. New in
Version 3
[tex htm]
nwt( ) N weight Variable
Assigns a different weight to the N
counts. Suitable for producing
population estimates. Note that you
need to use the pop option when
using survey data in order to
achieve weighted population
estimates rather than sample
counts. See discussion below.
ONEway Oneway table 9 Tells tabout that the last variable in
the list is not a ‘horizontal’ variable.
open Open output file in
35 Opens the output file in the
operating system’s default
application for that file extension.
New in Version 3
PAPer( ) Specify paper size for
Default for docx is letter , for tex
is A4 but note that only A4, legal
and letter are available for tex
(though this can also be changed in
tex with customised topf( ).
New in Version 3
[tex docx]
pform( ) p-value format Number Number of decimal points in
p-values. Default is 3. New in
Version 3
plab( ) p-value label User text 8 New in Version 3
plugc( ) Plug columns Numbers
panels and
26 User must specify panel number,
followed by colon followed by
column number (eg. 2:3) If
multiple columns, use spaces as
separators (eg 2:3 4:2). Turn on
show(prepost) to determine
column number. New in Version 3
PLUGLab( ) Label for plug User text 31 Only applicable to missing labels
when plugging rows. Use h2 or h3
if filling missing column labels.
New in Version 3
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
plugr( ) Plug rows Numbers
panels and
31 User must specify panel number,
followed by colon followed by row
number (eg. 2:3) If multiple rows,
use spaces as separators (eg 2:3
4:2). Turn on show(prepost) to
determine row number. Note that
the first row of data is the third row
in a panel. New in Version 3
PLUGSYMbol( ) Symbol to display for
missing values
User text 26,
Filler for the blank cells created by
plugging. Default is a blank, but 0
or NA or - etc can be chosen. New
in Version 3
pop Show population
estimates, not sample
Uses weight variable specified by
nwt. See discussion below.
ppos( ) p-value position none
These positions are relative to the
statistic. Whether the p-value is in a
row or column depends on the
stpos option. New in Version 3
PSymbol( ) Placeholder symbol User text For use in topf and botf to
indicate where strings are inserted.
Default is #. Note that in tabout
Version 2 these needed to be on a
newline. In Version3 they can be
interspersed throughout the file.
[tex htm txt]
PTOTal( ) Display panel totals none
Default is all. NOTE THAT THIS
REPlace Replace existing output file You will get a warning message if
the file exists and you haven’t
specified replace.
ROTate( ) Rotate value labels Number 37 Rotates the value labels for the
‘horizontal’ variable. Number
specifies the angle, in degrees.
SEBnone Suppress standard error
19 The default setting places ( )
around standard errors and this
removes these.
sheet( ) Sheet name in spreadsheet User text 43 Any text (including spaces) is
allowed. Default is ‘Sheet1’.
Required when sending tables to
multiple sheets. New in Version 3
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
show( ) What should display in
Determines what user sees in
Stata’s Results window. Default is
output . all shows the matrices
which contain the raw data.
prepost shows matrices before and
after reshaping tables. comp shows
the compile results for L
X users.
[tex htm text]
sort Sort table values The values are sorted in descending
order of frequency. It only applies
in oneway tables.
ssf Use sans serif font Specifies that the second family font
be used for the table. New in
Version 3
stars Use stars for p-values 8 Stars are used to display
significance of p-value. New in
Version 3
stats( ) Display various table
8 Note that only chi2 is available for
svy tables. Note that the font size
for the statistics (and their labels)
will be 0.9 times the table font size.
stform( ) Format for statistics Number 8 Number of decimal points in table
statistics. Default is 3. New in
Version 3
stlab( ) Statistics label User text 8 New in Version 3
stpos( ) Statistics position col
8 Default is row. Note that this setting
also determines absolute position of
p-value but relative position of
latter is set by ppos. New in
Version 3
style( ) Output style tex
1 Note that the last three styles are all
text delimited files, with csv using
commas and semi using
semi-colons as their delimiters. tab
uses tabs for delimiters and is the
default value of style.
sum Produce summary table 12 This is mandatory if you want
summary tables.
svy Produce survey data table 16 This is mandatory if you want your
table based on survey data. You still
need to use Stata’s svyset
command to indicate weights etc.
title( ) Title for table User text 1 Note that the title will be 1.2 times
the table font size. New in Version 3
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
tleft Place table against left
Default is to place table in the
centre. New in Version 3
[tex docx]
topbody Add document code only
to top of output file
Useful for complex documents,
particularly dynamic documents.
New in Version 3
[tex htm]
topf( ) Stored code for use below
File name 33 Requires place holders (#) for
inserted text
[txt tex htm]
topstr( ) Text to be inserted at
User text 33 Use delimiters for multiple strings
(vertical bar, or user-defined via
delim( ))
[txt tex htm]
TOTal( ) Label for totals User text Use first label for ‘horizontal’
variable, second label for ‘vertical’
variables. If spaces in labels use
underscores eg.
total(All_persons Total).
tp( ) Template file File name 32 Name of plain text file which holds
tabout options. Avoids need to type
all options into tabout command.
Note that each option must be on a
new line, and the first line in the
file is a description of what the
template does. New in Version 3
TWidth( ) Table width Number 1 If not specified, Word uses Autofit
to Contents’. Default for tex is
14cm. New in Version 3
[tex htm docx]
units( ) Units of measurement User text Use meaningful units for your
Default for tex is cm but any
legitimate L
Xmeasurement can
also be used (eg. \columnwidth);
default for htm is px ; default for
other styles: % . New in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
wide( ) Width of Mata matrices Number Used in conjunction with
show(all) to set size of Mata
matrices displayed.
16. Key details
16.3. Options: thematic listing
Option Meaning Arguments
APPend Add table to existing file 34,
Contents( ) Specify cell contents For options
see table.
1 Note: this was previously called
cell( ) but both are abbreviated
to c( ). Changed in Version 3
ONEway Oneway table 9 Tells tabout that the last variable in
the list is not a ‘horizontal’ variable.
style( ) Output style tex
1 Note that the last three styles are all
text delimited files, with csv using
commas and semi using
semi-colons as their delimiters. tab
uses tabs for delimiters and is the
default value of style.
sum Produce summary table 12 This is mandatory if you want
summary tables.
svy Produce survey data table 16 This is mandatory if you want your
table based on survey data. You still
need to use Stata’s svyset
command to indicate weights etc.
REPlace Replace existing output file You will get a warning message if
the file exists and you haven’t
specified replace.
show( ) What should display in
Determines what user sees in
Stata’s Results window. Default is
output . all shows the matrices
which contain the raw data.
prepost shows matrices before and
after reshaping tables. comp shows
the compile results for L
X users.
[tex htm text]
sort Sort table values The values are sorted in descending
order of frequency. It only applies
in oneway tables.
body Add code to create
[tex htm]
botbody Add document code only
to bottom of output file
Useful for complex documents,
particularly dynamic documents.
New in Version 3
[tex htm]
botf( ) Stored code for use above
File name 33 Requires place holders (#) for
inserted text
[txt tex htm]
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
COMPile compile L
X document 35 User must set the global macro tex
with location of L
X files. New in
Version 3
css( ) Attach cascading style
sheet (CSS) file.
File name 46 Requires body option be specified
when using htm output style. New
in Version 3
open Open output file in
35 Opens the output file in the
operating system’s default
application for that file extension.
New in Version 3
topbody Add document code only
to top of output file
Useful for complex documents,
particularly dynamic documents.
New in Version 3
[tex htm]
topf( ) Stored code for use below
File name 33 Requires place holders (#) for
inserted text
[txt tex htm]
tp( ) Template file File name 32 Name of plain text file which holds
tabout options. Avoids need to type
all options into tabout command.
Note that each option must be on a
new line, and the first line in the
file is a description of what the
template does. New in Version 3
DPComma Use decimal point for
17 Also uses full stop for thousands
separator. Suits European Stata
FAMily( ) Font family User text Also known as the typeface. Text
must exactly match name used by
user’s operating system. Note that
X users can specify two families
(separated by the delimiter), the
first being the roman family and the
second being the sans serif family.
New in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
font( ) Specify font style for
heading labels and
variable labels
1 Also applied to table title if title is
[tex htm docx xlsx]
Format( ) Number of decimal points
in data cells
followed by
1 Unlike Stata only a number is
needed. Optional letters are: c
(comma) p (percentage) m
(money). The money() option
specifies the currency. See also
dpcomma for European formating.
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
fsize( ) Font size Number Measured in points. Default is 10pt.
New in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
hright Right alignment for
heading rows
Default is centred. Only applied to
columns that are not spanned. New
in Version 3
indent( ) Indent data cells Number Measured in characters. Default is 2
characters. New in Version 3
LANDscape Place table in landscape
New in Version 3
[tex docx]
LAYout( ) Layout for columns and
MONey( ) Specify currency User text Provide symbols etc for formatting
when money specified in format eg.
format(2m) money(£ )
botstr( ) Text to be inserted at
User text 33 Use delimiters for multiple strings
(vertical bar, or user-defined via
delim( ))
[txt tex htm]
caplab( ) Caption label User text 38 New in Version 3
cappos( ) Caption position above
38 New in Version 3
fn( ) Place footnote below table User text 1 Note that the font size is 0.8 of the
table font size. New in Version 3
title( ) Title for table User text 1 Note that the title will be 1.2 times
the table font size. New in Version 3
topstr( ) Text to be inserted at
User text 33 Use delimiters for multiple strings
(vertical bar, or user-defined via
delim( ))
[txt tex htm]
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
clab( ) column label User text 4 Replaces the heading 3 row with
user text. Columns are separated by
a space. Spaces for any text inside
column must use underscores.
h1( ) Heading row 1
User text but
this row
34 Separate column items must be
separated with spaces. Underscores
needed for spaces within column.
Must use hc1 if not wanting to fully
code this.
h1c( ) Heading row 1 columns Numbers The span across columns for each
item in h1. New in Version 3
h2( ) Heading row 2 User text but
this row
12 Separate column items must be
separated with spaces. Underscores
needed for spaces within column.
Must use hc2 if not wanting to fully
code this.
h2c( ) Heading row 2 columns Numbers 12,
The span across columns for each
item in h2. New in Version 3
h3( ) Heading row 3 User text but
this row
28,29 Separate column items must be
separated with spaces. Underscores
needed for spaces within column.
Must use hc3 if not wanting to fully
code this.
h3c( ) Heading row 3 columns Numbers 28,
The span across columns for each
item in h3. New in Version 3
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
CWidth( ) Column width Number 40 Sets the width of columns. Measure
is set by units. New in Version 3
[htm xlsx]
LWidth( ) Label width
40 Width of label (first) column. New
in Version 3
[htm xlsx]
NOBORDer No table borders Suppress top and bottom borders of
[tex htm docx xlsx]
NOHLines No heading lines Suppress lines between heading
rows. Changed in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
NOPLines No panel lines 37 Suppress lines between panels.
Changed in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
TWidth( ) Table width Number 1 If not specified, Word uses Autofit
to Contents’. Default for tex is
14cm. New in Version 3
[tex htm docx]
PTOTal( ) Display panel totals none
Default is all. NOTE THAT THIS
TOTal( ) Label for totals User text Use first label for ‘horizontal’
variable, second label for ‘vertical’
variables. If spaces in labels use
underscores eg.
total(All_persons Total).
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
dropc( ) Drop column(s) Numbers
23 User specifies column numbers,
separated by spaces. Turn on
show(prepost) to determine
column number. New in Version 3
dropr( ) Drop row(s)
panels and
24 User must specify panel number,
followed by colon followed by row
number (eg. 2:3) If multiple rows,
use spaces as separators (eg 2:3
4:2). Turn on show(prepost) to
determine row number. Note that
the first row of data is the third row
in a panel. New in Version 3
plugc( ) Plug columns Numbers
panels and
26 User must specify panel number,
followed by colon followed by
column number (eg. 2:3) If
multiple columns, use spaces as
separators (eg 2:3 4:2). Turn on
show(prepost) to determine
column number. New in Version 3
PLUGLab( ) Label for plug User text 31 Only applicable to missing labels
when plugging rows. Use h2 or h3
if filling missing column labels.
New in Version 3
plugr( ) Plug rows Numbers
panels and
31 User must specify panel number,
followed by colon followed by row
number (eg. 2:3) If multiple rows,
use spaces as separators (eg 2:3
4:2). Turn on show(prepost) to
determine row number. Note that
the first row of data is the third row
in a panel. New in Version 3
PLUGSYMbol( ) Symbol to display for
missing values
User text 26,
Filler for the blank cells created by
plugging. Default is a blank, but 0
or NA or - etc can be chosen. New
in Version 3
ci2col Optimise UB and LB in two
Requires contents(lb ub) and
places [ in first column and ] in
second. Achieves better alignment
than contents(ci).
CIBnone Remove parentheses
around confidence
cisep( ) Specify separator for
confidence intervals.
User text eg.
16 Default is a comma. User can
choose any other separator.
Level( ) Specify level for svy
Number 21 Default is 95%.
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
MULTiplier( ) Multiply proportion Number 18 For use with svy option when
proportions displayed. Can show as
percents with mult(100) or rate
per thousand with mult(1000).
Note this replaces earlier percent
option. Changed in Version 3
SEBnone Suppress standard error
19 The default setting places ( )
around standard errors and this
removes these.
nlab( ) Label for N counts User text 2 Label for when npos specified eg.
‘Sample size’.
nnoc N no commas Suppress display of commas in N
NOFFset( ) Offset for N counts Number Control placement of N counts.
Number indicates how far from first
column N counts should be placed.
npos( ) Position of N counts col
ntc No table code Suppress the code around the table
which is now automatically
produced. Results in ‘pure’ output
of table contents only. Suited to
users who wish to customise their
tables with their own code. New in
Version 3
[tex htm]
nwt( ) N weight Variable
Assigns a different weight to the N
counts. Suitable for producing
population estimates. Note that you
need to use the pop option when
using survey data in order to
achieve weighted population
estimates rather than sample
counts. See discussion below. See
discussion below.
pop Show population
estimates, not sample
Uses weight variable specified by
nwt. See discussion below.
pform( ) p-value format Number Number of decimal points in
p-values. Default is 3. New in
Version 3
plab( ) p-value label User text 8 New in Version 3
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
ppos( ) p-value position none
These positions are relative to the
statistic. Whether the p-value is in a
row or column depends on the
stpos option. New in Version 3
stars Use stars for p-values 8 Stars are used to display
significance of p-value. New in
Version 3
stats( ) Display various table
8 Note that only chi2 is available for
svy tables. Note that the font size
for the statistics (and their labels)
will be 0.9 times the table font size.
stform( ) Format for statistics Number 8 Number of decimal points in table
statistics. Default is 3. New in
Version 3
stlab( ) Statistics label User text 8 New in Version 3
stpos( ) Statistics position col
8 Default is row. Note that this setting
also determines absolute position of
p-value but relative position of
latter is set by ppos. New in
Version 3
doctype( ) Specify document type for
X documents
38 Used by the body and topbody
options, but can be changed with
customised topf( ). New in
Version 3
LOCation( ) Location of table on
Numbers 40 Row and column coordinates for
top left corner. Separated by space.
New in Version 3
ltrim( ) Left trim of mid rules Number 14 Replaces cltr1 and cltr2.
Changed in Version 3
PAPer( ) Specify paper size for
Default for docx is letter , for tex
is A4 but note that only A4, legal
and letter are available for tex
(though this can also be changed in
tex with customised topf( ).
New in Version 3
[tex docx]
ROTate( ) Rotate value labels Number 37 Rotates the value labels for the
‘horizontal’ variable. Number
specifies the angle, in degrees.
Continued on next page. . .
16. Key details
Option Meaning Arguments
sheet( ) Sheet name in spreadsheet User text 43 Any text (including spaces) is
allowed. Default is ‘Sheet1’.
Required when sending tables to
multiple sheets. New in Version 3
ssf Use sans serif font Specifies that the second family font
be used for the table. New in
Version 3
tleft Place table against left
Default is to place table in the
centre. New in Version 3
[tex docx]
debug Display underlying Stata
commands which build
basic tables
Can be useful for confirming your
results. Does not show commands
for summary tables.
mi Display missing values Same as mi in tabulate.
CHKWTnone Don’t check legality of
Stata commands don’t allow
non-integer frequency weights.
tabout normally checks for this but
this option prevents this checking.
wide( ) Width of Mata matrices Number Used in conjunction with
show(all) to set size of Mata
matrices displayed.
delim( ) Specify delimiter User text Various options require delimiters.
Default is vertical bar but this can
be changed with this option.
[txt tex htm]
PSymbol( ) Placeholder symbol User text For use in topf and botf to
indicate where strings are inserted.
Default is #. Note that in tabout
Version 2 these needed to be on a
newline. In Version3 they can be
interspersed throughout the file.
[tex htm txt]
units( ) Units of measurement User text Use meaningful units for your
Default for tex is cm but any
legitimate L
Xmeasurement can
also be used (eg. \columnwidth);
default for htm is px ; default for
other styles: % . New in Version 3
[tex htm docx xlsx]
16. Key details
Population estimates
The nwt option allows you to use a different weight for the N counts in your table, as
opposed to the table cells weights specified in the [weight = exp ] syntax. This can be
useful for specifying population estimates. tabout always uses Stata’s iweight option for
this weighting.
When you have survey tables, you need to add the pop option as well. This provides
you with weighted estimates in your N counts. You can choose to use the same weight
as specified in your svyset command, or you may specify a different weighting variables.
For example, you may want the estimates in the table weighted by ‘effective sample size’
weights, while you may require that the N counts in the table show population estimates
based on ‘expansion’ weights.