Agronomic concepts andAgronomic concepts and
Agronomic concepts andAgronomic concepts and
Agronomic concepts and
approaches for sustainable cottonapproaches for sustainable cotton
approaches for sustainable cottonapproaches for sustainable cotton
approaches for sustainable cotton
Stella Galanopoulou-Sendouca
and Derrick Oosterhuis
University of Thessaly, Dept. of Agriculture, Crop Production and Rural Environment,
Fytokou Str, Nea Ionia, Volos GREECE
University of Arkansas, Department of Crop, Soil and Environmental Sciences, Fayetteville
Arkansas USA
Correspondence author [email protected]
Agronomic concepts and approaches for sustainable cotton production
Stagnating yields, lower cotton prices, higher in-
put costs and concerns about environmental pro-
tection, coupled with the World Trade Organiza-
tion agreement, have imposed the need to pro-
duce more sustainable and competitive cotton
crops. Additionally, the cotton crop has emerged
as one of the major consumers of agrochemicals
for yield maximization and because the crop re-
quires a comparatively longer growing season com-
pared to other row crops. Furthermore, cotton is
a perennial plant grown as an annual and is re-
puted to have the most complex growth habit of
all major row crops. This greatly complicates the
production of cotton for efficient management and
profitability, sustainability and protection of the
environment. This paper presents an overview of
agronomic concepts for consideration in current
or alternative systems for lowering inputs, sustain-
ing production, protecting the environment, and
maintaining or improving profitability. The major
concepts covered include:
Crop rotation:Crop rotation:
Crop rotation:Crop rotation:
Crop rotation: Monoc-
ulture of “competitive” crops has commonly re-
placed crop rotation, because of the false view
that crop productivity is calculated on an annual
basis instead of over an extended period. Appro-
priate crop rotation systems are of high priority
for integrated management of soil fertility, plant
pests, diseases and weeds, and for increases in
yield and quality.
Soil compaction:Soil compaction:
Soil compaction:Soil compaction:
Soil compaction: Intensive and
incorrect use of machinery has led to rooting prob-
lems, poor growth and lowered yields. Conserva-
tion tillage, including minimum and no-till prac-
tices, should reduce wind and water erosion, as
well as lower the costs of fuel, labor and other
Judicious fertilization:Judicious fertilization:
Judicious fertilization:Judicious fertilization:
Judicious fertilization: Research has shown
that systems with reduced fertilization are feasible
for high yields. Emphasis should be on the correct
timing and availability of nutrients. Foliar fertiliza-
tion, for main nutrients, should only be used to
correct a deficiency on a timely basis.
Irrigation: Irrigation:
Irrigation: Irrigation:
The availability of water is one of the most critical
factors for optimum cotton yields. Attention should
be paid to water conservation, through correct land
preparation, optimum planting times, and efficient
use of irrigation water in order to decrease water
consumption and conserve this precious resource.
Early sowing:Early sowing:
Early sowing:Early sowing:
Early sowing: The earliest possible sowing is of
major importance, especially in marginal cotton
countries, because it maximizes season length,
helps plants better exploit the earliest favorable
period for plant growth, and leads to avoidance
of late-season insect and weather problems. Sow-
ing on beds or covering the row with plastic film
during emergence can enhance the effectiveness
of early sowing.
Narrow row spacing:Narrow row spacing:
Narrow row spacing:Narrow row spacing:
Narrow row spacing: Conven-
tional row spacing of 1 m between rows was im-
posed by machinery requirements, mainly mechani-
cal pickers. However, numerous studies show that
narrow row systems are superior to conventional
systems because they provide more desirable plant
distribution for improved exploitation of resources,
and early canopy closure for efficient radiation use.
Low input growing systems are expected to reduce
plant growth and consequently increase the effec-
tiveness of closer rows. The advent of genetically
engineered herbicide resistant cottons has facili-
tated weed control in closer rows.
Plant growthPlant growth
Plant growthPlant growth
Plant growth
regulators (PGRs):regulators (PGRs):
regulators (PGRs):regulators (PGRs):
regulators (PGRs): PGRs and nutritional additives
should only be used when needed. Research has
demonstrated that most PGRs are not effective in
significant yield enhancement. In most cases, ap-
propriate good farming practices should success-
fully control and balance growth and yield devel-
Crop monitoring:Crop monitoring:
Crop monitoring:Crop monitoring:
Crop monitoring: Recent improvements
and simplification of crop monitoring techniques
have greatly aided in the achievement of optimum
crop management, particularly in the detection of
crop stress for timely amelioration, and also for
late season decisions.
Organic cotton:Organic cotton:
Organic cotton:Organic cotton:
Organic cotton: Produc-
tion of organic cotton constitutes a novel produc-
tion system requiring premium prices, abundant
hand labor, and locations free of harmful pests.
In regard to sustainable production, production
costs may increase and competitiveness decrease.
Varieties resistant to stress:Varieties resistant to stress:
Varieties resistant to stress:Varieties resistant to stress:
Varieties resistant to stress: Traditionally, plant
breeders have strived to create high yielding vari-
eties, which are generally responsive to high in-
puts. However, research is now aimed at the evalu-
ation of a wider range of germplasm for the cre-
ation of low inputs demanding varieties with more
tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses.
varieties: The very rapid expansion of transgenic
cotton varieties verifies their successful contribu-
tion to the control of weeds and some key insects.
However, there are cases where yields and agro-
nomic performance of transgenic varieties have not
been as consistent as hoped. Transgenic varieties
have great potential, but should only be adopted
when economic returns warrant their use.
grated pest control:grated pest control:
grated pest control:grated pest control:
grated pest control: The principles of integrating
pest control within the whole production manage-
ment system should be evoked in both low input
World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa
and intensive cotton systems for efficient, profit-
able and sustainable cotton production.
Since 1930, there has been a profound increase
in crop yields and animal production due to support-
ing research and agricultural policies. However, the
intensification of agriculture aimed at yield maximiza-
tion has resulted in the overuse of chemical fertiliza-
tion, irrigation water, agrochemicals and soil mechani-
cal tillage, as well as the abandonment of rotation,
and genetic erosion. The intensive agriculture with high
inputs, and with the substantial subsidies, in developed
countries, given to the production, and not for improved
quality has led to: production surpluses, high cost of
production, pollution of the environment, deterioration
of the quality and over competition against third world
countries (Galanopoulou-Sendouca et al., 2001).
The 1992 World Summit in Rio de Janeiro as-
sembled to deliberate on how to heal the ailing envi-
ronment. Ten years later, last September, world leaders
convened at the World Summit on Sustainable Devel-
opment in Johannesburg (in the same country which
hosts the 3
World Cotton Conference) to reassess the
planet’s condition and decide about future policies.
Sustainable agriculture is among the most im-
portant components of sustainable development. Since
the early 1990s, the World Trade Organization (WTO)
agreement, coupled with environmental initiatives, has
imposed the need for reform in crop farming aimed at
producing internationally competitive crops, while deal-
ing with ecological disturbances caused by agricultural
activities. However, the path to sustainable agriculture
is a matter that needs careful consideration for it is
possible, under the mask of environmental protection,
to deteriorate the farming system and crop productivity
in a way which may exaggerate farm problems and
human starvation (Galanopoulou-Sendouca, 1998). As
it was pointed out in Johannesburg, the issue is not
environment versus development or ecology versus
economy. Sustainability and development must be in-
tegrated, as both bioengineering and organic farming
can play their own unique and important roles (Kluger
and Dorfman, 2002).
In cotton, economic components for crop profit-
ability restrain optimism. Cotton yield appears to be on
a plateau or short decline since 1987 (Meredith, 1998).
Since 1997/98, the indicator of international prices has
been lower than the long-term average. The Cotlook A
index for 2001/02 is the lowest in the last 29 years.
Low prices will affect cotton yields in many countries,
lowering the average world cotton yield (ICAC Recorder,
2002a). Furthermore, recent world consumption fore-
casts have been lowered due to economic weakness of
developing countries.
Stagnating yields, lower cotton prices, higher in-
put costs and concerns about environmental protec-
tion, coupled with the World Trade Organization agree-
ment, have imposed the need to produce more sus-
tainable and competitive cotton crops. For example,
the cost of controlling insects is one of the major pro-
duction costs. It thus makes economic and environmen-
tal sense, to reduce the crop’s dependence on farm
chemicals. Additionally, the cotton crop has emerged
as one of the major consumers of agrochemicals for
yield maximization. The crop also requires a compara-
tively longer growing season compared to other row
crops. Furthermore, cotton is a perennial plant grown
as an annual and is reputed to have the most complex
growth habit of all major row crops (Oosterhuis and
Jernstedt, 1999). This greatly complicates the produc-
tion of cotton for efficient management and profitabil-
ity, sustainability, and protection of the environment.
However, there is space for increased production in-
puts in some developing countries. Many developing
countries use less inputs than are optimum because
farmers face financial difficulties to buy inputs, e.g.
Nigeria and Benin (ICAC Recorder, 2001). Singh et al.
(2000) estimate that in India (Punjab region) there is
still space to increase energy input in order to raise
cotton crop, mainly for soil cultivation, irrigation and
weed control (0,3% increase may lead to 2,5% increase
of production).
Developing countries should take stock of what
technology is already available (i.e. use of herbicides,
acid delinted seed, and precision sowing, and the use
of high plant populations), validate the appropriate tech-
nologies for their conditions and thereby raise the overall
standard of their cotton growers.
More efficient production practices are a key to
lowering production costs and improving cotton profit-
ability. This paper presents an overview of agronomic
concepts for consideration in current or alternative sys-
tems for lowering inputs, sustaining production, pro-
tecting the environment, and maintaining or improv-
ing profitability.
Crop rotationCrop rotation
Crop rotationCrop rotation
Crop rotation
Continuous cultivation of the same crop, leads
to deterioration of the soil and makes it poor due to
depletion of crop specific needs of natural resources,
especially soil nutrients. However, within the framework
of intensive agriculture, crop rotation has been replaced
in most cases by monoculture of ‘competitive’ subsi-
dized crops. There is also the false view that crop prof-
itability is calculated on an annual basis instead of over
a period of years.
The yield decrease in monoculture systems is at-
tributed to “soil sickness”. Crop growth and develop-
ment is prohibited as plant resistance to diseases and
insects is decreased. “Soil sickness” is also connected
Agronomic concepts and approaches for sustainable cotton production
with the fact that different crops have different nutrient
demands. Another dimension of “soil sickness” is the
root excretions of toxic substances from certain plants
with allelopathic adverse effect on the growth of other
plants. Allelopathy has greater effects on weeds con-
trol (Lampkin, 1992). The most important advantages
of crop rotation are:
a) Conservation or even improvement of soil fertility.
b) Control of plant pests, diseases and weeds due to
great differences among crops. Many pests and
diseases infest only certain crops, so that crop rota-
tion is a main factor of Integrated Pest Manage-
ment (IPM) (e.g. most cotton pests and weeds would
be killed by rice flooding). Crop rotation is more
effective in disease control than for insect control.
For example, severe soil infestation by the fungus
Verticillium dahliae Kleb, often causes severe cot-
ton yield losses, and obligates farmers to grow an
alternative crop for a few years.
c) Yield and quality increase of crops. Adding legumes,
e.g. as green manure or forage in different crop-
ping systems, can fully open up the limited land
resources, increase the potential of soil and improve
soil fertility. In China, legumes used as green ma-
nure incorporated into the soil 22,5 t/ha biomass,
and decreased N fertilization for following cotton
crop by 50%. Also, broad bean (Vicia faba L.) or
peas (Pisum sativum L.) are inter-planted with wheat
in the autumn or early winter and picked as fresh
pods for vegetables. The residues are incorporated
as basal manure for the succeeding cotton crop the
next spring. Experiments showed that inter-plant-
ing broad bean gained 5.4 t fresh pods/ha, a bo-
nus yield, and 16.8 t fresh matter/ha, which pro-
vided additional organic matter and nutrients (Chen,
In Greece, cotton cultivation has become, due to
highly subsidized prices, a monoculture in some re-
gions, e.g. Thessaly, and this situation has led to “soil
sickness”. Today, legumes and cover crops must be in-
cluded in rotation systems to minimize inputs in cotton
cultivation. Traditionally, cotton is rotated in Greece with
winter wheat. Such a rotation permits the use of cover
crops for green manure (Galanopoulou-Sendouca,
1998). On the contrary, the effect of sugar beet in cot-
ton cultivation in Greece is considered negative based
on various field observations and the personal experi-
ence of farmers. According to research data, increased
soil compaction observed in plots planted to sugar beet
combined with delayed cotton growth, support the hy-
pothesis that the swollen sugar beet roots increase soil
compaction, prohibiting root penetration of the follow-
ing cotton crop (Galanopoulou et al., 1998).
Long-term research is needed to identify the ap-
propriate rotation systems for each region. In Pakistan,
a cotton–wheat rotation gave the highest five-year av-
erage returns compared to systems such as cotton-sun-
flower, and cotton-maize (Ahmad et al., 1998). Double
cropped wheat-cotton rotations in irrigated cotton sys-
tems in Australia provide high ground cover levels and
significantly reduce soil erosion with a similar decrease
in the off-farm movement of pesticides (Rohde et al.,
1998). Deep-rooted crops as safflower (Carthamus
tinctorious L.) used in cotton rotation systems can im-
prove the overall water and N use efficiencies of crop-
ping systems and help minimize nitrate leaching to
ground water (Bassil et al., 2002).
In conclusion, appropriate rotation is the most
effective factor for lowering production inputs and for
successful sustainable cotton crop. The adoption or even
the mandatory inclusion of crop rotation, in countries,
such as Greece with high subsidies for cotton produc-
tion, will restrict the expansion of cotton cultivation and
consequently will limit the decline in prices. Crop rota-
tion is included in the “Codes of good farming” im-
posed by the EU for subsidized “friendly to the environ-
ment” agricultural enterprises (Reg. 1259/99).
Conservation tillageConservation tillage
Conservation tillageConservation tillage
Conservation tillage
The intensive use of heavy machinery in connec-
tion with cotton monoculture initiated problems of soil
compaction, which led to adverse effects on plant root-
ing and consequently crop yield. Additionally, the im-
portance of conserving soil moisture and reducing en-
ergy and labor-related costs, as well as equipment re-
quirements, have been a key concern in economic sur-
vival for farmers and that has led many of them to
adopt conservation tillage practices (Barnet and Stevens,
1996; Larson et al., 2001). “Conservation tillage” was
initially used for tillage practices that conserved soil by
reducing the potential for wind/water erosion. How-
ever there has been an increasing realization that con-
servation tillage also greatly reduces the cost of fuel,
labor and other inputs. Consequently there are a wide
variety of approaches and terms under conservation
tillage including reduced tillage, optimum tillage, mini-
mum tillage, and no-till.
Soil erosion, especially in slopping areas with
heavy rainfall and/or sandy land with strong blowing
winds, is a severe problem for depletion of natural re-
sources. According to Brown and Wolf (1984) 7% of
the world surface cultivated soil is lost in a decade due
to soil erosion, which appears, as a quiet crisis in the
world economy. On a world scale, soil erosion is the
main factor for soil fertility deterioration. Improved sur-
face cover (or protection) from cover crops or minimal
tillage facilitate water infiltration and prevent surface
soil crusting, and thereby decrease soil erosion (James
and Russel, 1996; Moseley et al., 1996). The efficiency
of different cover crops (vetch, rye, broad bean, etc.)
as an independent practice or in combination with mini-
mum tillage is well established provided there is no
delayed destruction of the cover crop and the cost of
the cover crop seed is not too high (Moseley et al.,
1996; Chen, 1992).
World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa
Concerning yields, it was found in Texas that in a
burley-cotton rotation, cotton yield was always higher
under no-till than under conventional system due to
increased water conservation (Herman et al., 1989;
Weise et al., 1994). Similarly, under irrigation in Greece
it was found that cotton yield was higher under no-till
compared to conventional systems due to better water
and nutrients availability, apart from the benefits of re-
duced energy costs and less environmental pollution
(Billalis et al., 2000). Conservation tillage also proved
profitable for cotton production in the high plains of
Central Texas (Herman et al., 1989). Also a method of
establishing wheat after cotton by broadcasting the seed
without any previous stalk chopping and/or tillage and
seed incorporation by a light cultivator was studied
under Greek conditions in comparison with conven-
tional (ploughed) tillage. The results showed that wheat
plant emergence and development were not signifi-
cantly affected by the tillage treatment and yields from
plots with unchopped stalks did not differ significantly
from ploughed plots (Gemtos et al., 1998).
In Sudan cotton yields from reduced tillage sys-
tems and conventional ones were not statistically dif-
ferent (Skeikl and Gadir, 2000). Reduced yields under
no-tillage system were reported in Arkansas (Keisling
et al., 1993). Similarly in Alabama, yields from no-till
treatments have not been competitive with conventional
tillage on the silt-loam and silty-clay loam soils of the
Tennessee valley (Reeves et al., 1996). The success of
minimum tillage appears to depend on the use of ap-
propriate machinery for soil preparation and seed sow-
ing, as well as weed control and crop rotation. Effec-
tive weed control is a critical factor for the success of
reduced tillage systems. Genetically engineered cotton
resistant to certain herbicides greatly facilitates the prob-
lem of weed control in narrow rows and no-till growing
Judicious fertilization andJudicious fertilization and
Judicious fertilization andJudicious fertilization and
Judicious fertilization and
The effectiveness of chemical fertilization in com-
bination with irrigation has led to the overuse of fertil-
izers, especially nitrogen, even though cotton is gener-
ally considered as a low fertilizer demanding plant. In
Thessaly, the main cotton belt of Greece, there is sur-
face and underground water nitrate pollution, due to
excessive nitrogen fertilization (up to 240 N/ha) in cot-
ton cultivation. The problem of water pollution with ni-
trates is intensified by excessive irrigation, which not
only has adverse effects on crop productivity, but also
leads to dangerous shortages of precious water re-
serves. Agricultural policymakers in many developed
countries are close to imposing fees on farmers who
exceed the economic and environmental optimum irri-
gation and fertilization level (Galanopoulou-Sendouca,
1998). Judicious timing of fertilizer application, and ap-
propriate irrigation practices are included in the “Codes
of Good Farming” which is compulsory for subsidized
environmental projects in the EU. Research has shown
that systems with reduced fertilization are feasible for
optimum yields. Results from Greece provide strong evi-
dence that conventional high levels of major produc-
tion inputs, such as nitrogen fertilizer or irrigation wa-
ter, did not result in yield increases compared to lower
levels. Furthermore, low input treatments, generally led
to an increased yield in the first pick, which represents
the most important part of the total cotton yield and the
highest fiber quality (Galanopoulou-Sendouca, 1998).
Optimum yield response to N application varies among
regions, varieties, irrigation levels and other cultural
techniques and consequently is an ongoing concern of
cotton producers. In Thessaly, Greece, yield seems to
maximize near 120 N/ha, instead of 240N/ha used a
few years ago (Galanopoulou-Sendouca, 1998). In
Arkansas, yield response of all tested cultivars maxi-
mized near 112 N/ha (McConnell et al., 2001a). A
sound basic soil fertility program combined with plant
tissue analyses should provide a means to limit excess
fertilizer inputs while obtaining maximum economic
The timing of nitrogen fertilizer application has
changed in the last few decades. Instead of pre-plant
fertilization nitrogen is applied now closer to the time
the crop needs the nutrient (Gerik et al., 1998; Plunkett
et al., 2001). The correct timing and availability of nu-
trients may greatly enhance the effectiveness of fertili-
zation and reduce environmental pollution. In coun-
tries, such as Israel and Greece, where drip irrigation
is a common practice for cotton, fertigation is a prom-
ising technique according to research findings. Experi-
mental results in Greece provide evidence that irriga-
tion and fertilization in cotton in the form of fertigation
may be reduced in accordance to the imposed low in-
put agriculture without a serious variation in the cost/
benefit ratio (Polychronides et al., 1998). Correct tim-
ing may be also on cotton monitoring (see below).
Foliar fertilization for main nutrients (e.g. KNO
may be considered as an extravagant luxury for cost
production efficiency. Cost increase is higher when sev-
eral foliar sprayings are suggested to meet for nutri-
tional requirements especially in cases there is no need
for pesticides application. Foliar fertilization, for main
nutrients, should only be used to correct an urgent de-
ficiency on a timely basis.
Precision agriculture is a new approach to inte-
grated crop management, which encompasses fertili-
zation of cotton. Producers that have adopted preci-
sion agriculture maintain that it holds great potential
for benefits to the environment and for economic gains.
However, farmers need to realize how to use the com-
plicated new technology to improve profit. Furthermore,
the use of precision agriculture is not appropriate for
small-size farms and/or in developing countries where
the necessary technology does not exist (Robinson,
Agronomic concepts and approaches for sustainable cotton production
Only 2.5% of world’s water is fresh water of which
only a fraction is accessible, and agriculture accounts
for about two-thirds of the fresh water consumed. There-
fore, protection of this precious natural resource, which
becomes increasingly limited in supply, must be con-
served through careful agricultural management. Within
the concept of “more crop per drop”, this calls for more
efficient irrigation techniques, planting of drought - and
salt - tolerant crop varieties that require less water, must
be implemented for sustainable use of water.
The cotton plant originates from arid areas and
exhibits more drought tolerance than other row crops,
such as maize and soybean (Oosterhuis and
Wullschleger, 1988). However, this characteristic is lim-
ited in most current commercial varieties (Meek et al.,
2002) and cotton does not grow well without adequate
water (Oosterhuis and Bourland, 2001). Consequently,
the availability of water is one of the most critical fac-
tors for optimum cotton yields. As water availability is
becoming a limiting factor for successful cotton grow-
ing, attention should be paid to water conservation,
through correct land preparation, optimum planting
times, and efficient use of irrigation water in order to
decrease water consumption and conserve this precious
One effective irrigation system is drip irrigation.
Drip irrigation has expanding rapidly in Greece, espe-
cially in Thessaly where it covers approximately 50% of
the cotton acreage. It is mainly used in regions with
intense water shortage problems and lack of irrigation
delivery networks but with high crop yielding capacity,
so that covering the expenses of buying the system can
be achieved during its relatively short life span. Usu-
ally, a single dripper line supplies water to two adja-
cent rows. Drip irrigation is broadly used in Israel, where
the shortage of water is very serious and where the
drip irrigation system had its origin. Compared with
sprinkler irrigation, yields of crops irrigated by drip irri-
gation are generally 15-20% higher, according to re-
search work carried out for at least 15 years (Goren,
1994). The main advantages of drip irrigation are: ef-
fective use of water (approximately 40% less water in
comparison to surface systems as there is not much
waste due to evaporation or its movement below the
root system), and the more efficient and cheaper fer-
tilization and weed control applied through the system
(Goren, 1994). In South Africa cotton yield under drip
irrigation was 24-65% higher than sprinkler irrigated
cotton (Dippenaar et al., 1994). However, fertigation
of cotton was slightly inferior to the conventional fertili-
zation program but proved to be easy, accurate and
labour saving.
Early sowingEarly sowing
Early sowingEarly sowing
Early sowing
The earliest possible sowing is of major impor-
tance, especially in marginal cotton areas, because it
maximizes season length, helps plants better exploit the
earliest favorable period for plant growth, makes maxi-
mum use of seasonal solar radiation, and leads to
avoidance of late-season insect and weather problems.
Early sowing is usually related to higher yields, espe-
cially in years with a reduced growing season (i.e. pe-
riod with minimum temperature >15
C), and/or de-
creased sunshine duration. The above holds true even
in cases with reduced emergence and plant popula-
tion (up to 50% of the optimum population, provided
the gaps are uniform), as it is well known that the cot-
ton plant with its indeterminate growth habit is capable
of compensating for great losses in population densi-
ties (Chlichlias et al., 1977; Galanopoulou-Sendouca
et al., 1980). The optimum date of sowing in Greece is
usually 10-20 of April and the latest date is the end of
April. Delayed sowing after that period, leads to dras-
tic yield reduction, such that sowing in June has only a
limited probability of producing any yield (Christidis,
1965). Nowadays, early sowing has generally been
adopted by cotton farmers. In Greece for example, the
optimum date of sowing has been moved approximately
10 days earlier than previous.
Generally, an earliness management program
helps the cotton crop better utilize the specific growing
season, escape late-season pests and allows a better
chance of escaping adverse late-season weather
(McCarthy, 1996). Furthermore, early harvest permits
the incorporation of the cotton crop into successful ro-
tation systems. However, there is an optimum earliness
for each case and cotton crop should exploit the whole
growing season for yield optimization (Galanopoulou-
Sendouca et al., 1980). As cotton plant is very sensitive
to low temperatures, the success of early sowing is pur-
sued through cold resistant varieties and cultural tech-
niques, such as sowing on beds or covering the row
with plastic film during emergence.
Cotton emergence under plasticCotton emergence under plastic
Cotton emergence under plasticCotton emergence under plastic
Cotton emergence under plastic
The method of early cotton sowing under plastic
film is broadly used in Spain to guarantee seed germi-
nation under early sowing (Portero, 1994). For Greece,
especially in northern regions, which are characterized
by short growing seasons, this system contributes to
early and uniform plant emergence, an important com-
ponent for the crop’s success. The use of plastic film in
the early stages of cotton cultivation is supported by
research data from the 1970’s (Galanopoulou-
Sendouca et al., 1978) as well as evidence from farm-
ers who have adopted the recently mechanized method.
However, there are some contradictory results, and fur-
ther investigation is needed. Row covering with poly-
ethylene strips increased soil temperature by approxi-
World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa
mately 2
C, which improved plant emergence by 9%
and shortened the emergence duration from 18 to 11
days, with a 20% yield increase. The covering was more
effective under adverse conditions of low temperature
during early sowing and low soil moisture
(Galanopoulou et al., 1978). Recent research in Greece
showed that higher yield overcompensates for the cost
of plastic, and that earlier cotton maturation guaran-
tees successful cotton harvesting (Stathakos and
Galanopoulou-Sendouca, 1996). Colomer and his
colleagues (1998) found that the productive potential
of cotton sown under plastic mulch is greater than tra-
ditional sowing; however success ultimately depends
on the growing practices used. Frequent irrigation with
appropriate, timely fertilization is needed due to a shal-
low root system (Stathakos and Galanopoulou-
Sendouca, 1996).
The continuous use of plastic films will create
environmental problems which may be faced by the
production and use of either biodegradable plastic or
films from starch, e.g. cornstarch (Anonymous, 1991).
Cotton sowing on bedsCotton sowing on beds
Cotton sowing on bedsCotton sowing on beds
Cotton sowing on beds
The necessity of successful early sowing, espe-
cially in wet regions with heavy soil, where drainage is
prohibited, led to the use of beds in the USA and later
in other countries. Soil drainage is improved and con-
sequently temperature increases resulting usually in
accelerated and improved emergence as well as lower
Verticillium wilt infestation. Furrows between beds fa-
cilitates mechanical picking and furrow irrigation
(Galanopoulou-Sendouca et al., 1978). The effective-
ness of the method relies on appropriate machinery
and effective herbicides applied during bed formation.
Absence of weeds at sowing is a prerequisite for suc-
cess, as weed control before sowing is problematic.
Where genetically engineered herbicide resistant cot-
ton varieties are used, the control of these weeds may
be easily accomplished.
Narrow-row spacingNarrow-row spacing
Narrow-row spacingNarrow-row spacing
Narrow-row spacing
Conventional row spacing of 1 m between rows
was imposed by machinery requirements, mainly me-
chanical pickers. However, numerous studies have
shown that narrow-row systems can be superior to con-
ventional systems because they provide more suitable
plant distribution for improved exploitation of resources,
and early canopy closure for efficient radiation use
(Galanopoulou-Sendouca et al., 1980).
Cotton producers in the United States and in other
cotton producing countries have made continued at-
tempts to grow the crop on various row spacing and
row configurations, including double rows, on beds or
on the flat soil, ranging from six to 14 inches and single
rows ranging from 19 inches to 40 inches. Most nar-
row-row cotton currently consists of 30 inch. Increased
yields is the most common rationale for using narrow-
row cotton, but convenience of growing it with other
crops which lend themselves to 30 or 32 inch rows (e.g.
corn and soybean) is also important. Other benefits
reported include water conservation, early maturity,
better response to the growth regulator pix, improved
lint quality, fewer pesticide applications, and better use
of solar radiation (Galanopoulou et al., 1980; Weir,
1996; Bartzialis et al., 1998; Spencer, 1998). Increased
plant population densities with narrow rows decrease
also Verticilium wilt infestation and can compensate
emergence losses (Lefkopoulou et al., 1980;
Galanopoulos and Galanopoulou-Sendouca, 1992).
The superiority of narrow-rows is more evident
when the prevailing conditions prohibit full canopy clo-
sure in 1m rows. Such cases are expected to become
more frequent with the use of low nutrients - demand-
ing, short-season cotton varieties and the use of low
input growing systems, which will reduce plant growth.
Since the 1980s in California, there has been an
increasing trend in the use of transformed cotton pick-
ers, which can successfully harvest cotton sown in 76
cm rows (Weir, 1996). Research data showed a yield
increase in rows 76 cm apart compared to rows 102
cm apart. This superiority was associated with better
plant exploitation of soil and solar energy is due to the
spatial by uniform distribution of plants (Heitholt et al.,
1993). Early maturity was also documented and attrib-
uted to reduced plant growth and a lower first fruiting
branch (Heitholt et al., 1993; Robinson, 1991; Williford,
1992). This system is also currently being evaluated in
Greece, with promising results (Bartzialis et al., 1998).
Ultra narrow-row cotton (UNR) systems (i.e. with
row spacing of seven to 30 inches apart) seem also
advantageous in some regions, such as the High Plains
in Texas, and in the Mississippi Delta but they can only
be harvested with stripper harvesting machines, which
are considered to deteriorate cotton fiber quality. The
development of new cotton strippers with addition and
improvement of field cleaners should increase farmer
and research interest in UNR cotton. Also GE cotton
(Roundup Ready cotton) can further contribute to suc-
cessful weed control programs in a system that removes
the possibility of cultivation and/or band application of
herbicides. Potential benefits of UNR cotton production
include reduced production costs, utilization of poorer
soils, decreased soil erosion, utilization of the same
equipment for cotton, soybeans and maize, and lower
N requirements for maximum yield compared to con-
ventionally spaced cotton (McConnel et al., 2001). The
advent of genetically engineered herbicide resistant
cottons has facilitated weed control in closer rows, which
was until recently severe limitation in UNR systems.
Plant growth regulatorsPlant growth regulators
Plant growth regulatorsPlant growth regulators
Plant growth regulators
Plant growth regulators are organic compounds,
Agronomic concepts and approaches for sustainable cotton production
other than nutrients that affect physiological processes
of plants when applied in small concentrations and
provide numerous possibilities for altering crop growth
and development. The possible benefits and uses of
PGRs in cotton production include control of vegetative
growth, increased boll retention, earlier crop maturity,
preparation of the crop for harvest, and increased yields.
These responses are a reflection of the interaction of
genotype, cultural inputs and environment. Because of
this complex interaction, crop response to PGRs is not
always predictable and results, especially with yield
enhancement, have often been disappointing, variable
and inconsistent (Cothren et al., 1996; Oosterhuis and
Egilla, 1996; Oosterhuis et al., 1998). Intensive cotton
cultivation aimed at maximizing yield, often without cost
considerations, led also to the foliar application of vari-
ous nutritional additives such as amino acids or su-
crose with questionable benefits and often with detri-
mental effect on cotton plant.
Previous review of literature concluded that plant
growth regulator use in cotton is a viable option for
effectively modifying plant growth and development.
Success with growth retardants, yield enhancers and
crop terminating compounds makes managing the crop
an easier task. Suppressing excessive vegetative growth
also allows for better control of insects and assists with
harvest (Cothren, 1994).
PGRs are widely used in cotton. Among them,
the most widely used is the growth retardant PIX
(mepiquat chloride), which has been used as an im-
portant management tool for upland cotton, especially
in the USA, for the past 30 years since it was registered
in 1971. Results showed that when internode length
increased (prior to applications of mepiquat chloride-
Pix) at less than 5.5 cm/node, no response or even
negative yield responses to Pix were obtained (Con-
stable, 1994). When internode length was increasing
at more than 6.5 cm/node, significant yield increases
were obtained.
In a recent review, Oosterhuis and his colleagues
(1998) stated that numerous field tests have been con-
ducted across the U.S Cotton Belt comparing select PGRs
for affect on yield, but most of the PGRs tested have
failed to significantly or consistently increase yields. Even
mepiquat chloride, the most broadly used PGR in the
world, does not increase yield consistently.
Although Arkansas research has shown incon-
sistent yield responses of cotton to mepiquat chloride
(PIX) applications, its use continues to be of interest to
the state’s producers. However, accumulated results
from research with PGRs treatments did not indicate
any significant yield, maturity, or growth advantages.
Mepiquat chloride-based PGRs did not substantially alter
cotton growth and development and the costs associ-
ated with PGRs negatively affected crop revenue (Benson
et al., 2001).
In conclusion, in low input growing systems PGRs
should only be used when needed, until a better un-
derstanding of PGRs is fulfilled for more predictable
crop responses and greater economic results. Until then,
rational use is suggested with great attention on the
appropriate dose and time of application in correla-
tion to the developmental plant stage. Research has
demonstrated that most PGRs are not effective in sig-
nificant yield enhancement. In most cases, appropri-
ate good farming practices should successfully control
and balance growth and yield development.
Crop monitoringCrop monitoring
Crop monitoringCrop monitoring
Crop monitoring
As cotton plant is very responsive to changes in
the environment and to management, it is essential that
producers understand the development pattern of the
crop and the stage-dependent requirements in order
to avoid possible problems and protect yield (Oosterhuis
and Jernstedt, 1999). Crop monitoring provides a pre-
cise means to follow crop growth and pinpoint prob-
lems for timely action (Danforth and O’Leary, 2001).
Recent improvements and simplification of crop moni-
toring techniques have greatly aided in the achieve-
ment of optimum crop management, particularly in the
detection of crop stress (e.g. poor or excessive plant
growth) for timely amelioration, and also for late-sea-
son management decisions. Early detection of stress
and timely crop management also improve economic
A model for cotton monitoring is COTMAN
(COTton MANagement). The simulation model
COTMAN derived from concepts of stress physiology
research in Arkansas. COTMAN relies on recording the
number of squaring nodes of the main stem and square
retention before flowering initiation and after that on
the number of sympodia above upper white flower
(Nodes Above White Flower-NAWF). Plant monitoring
provides opportunities for changing management to
aid in fruit retention or modifying plant height (Plunkett
et al., 2001). It makes also use of the “good stress”
manifested by slowing down of the terminal part when
cotton plants approach physiological maturity so that
resources are preferentially diverted to the developing
bolls. Although the growth habit of the cotton plant is
indeterminate, development eventually slows, with a
substantially reduced rate of flowering and square re-
tention. This stage is called “cutout” and signals the
end of the useful flowering period. Too early cutout leads
to earliness of maturation but also to reduced produc-
tivity, while late cutout results to the riskful lateness of
yield maturation. Knowing when cotton crop is ap-
proaching cutout helps optimum crop management
regarding end of insect control, end of irrigation and
right time of defoliation. A reliable indication for cutout
is NAWF. It was found that as NAWF decreases crop
photosynthesis is also reduced (Bourland et al., 1992,
1997). When NAWF=5, the crop has reached cutout
and later flowers contribute little to the total yield or
World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa
even act as parasites to the plant.
Research data support the concept of COTMAN
but further validation is needed (Brown et al., 2001;
Kharboutli and Allen, 2001), for different regions with
these unique prevailing environmental conditions and
cultural techniques. Definition of the “Target Develop-
ment Curve” should take into consideration the differ-
ent conditions so that cotton development should ex-
ploit the whole growing season as it is defined by pre-
vailing ecological conditions (temperatures, rainfall,
solar radiation, soil properties).
Organic cottonOrganic cotton
Organic cottonOrganic cotton
Organic cotton
Organic cotton production, by totally excluding
agrochemicals, has the least impact on the environ-
ment, i.e. it is the most “environmentally friendly” pro-
duction system available. Organic products are pro-
duced for three years from the same fields and accord-
ing to specific control before being appropriately certi-
fied and labeled, and finally sold for premium prices,
as they satisfy the requirements of consumers who care
about their health as well environmental protection. In
Europe, organic production must obey all certification
requirements set out in the EEC regulation 2092/91 on
organic agriculture and food processing. This regula-
tion is based on the International Federation of Or-
ganic Agriculture Movements (IFOAM) regulation
(1995). Organized efforts to grow cotton without agro-
chemicals began in USA in 1989 (ICAC Recorder, 1993).
Organic cotton is knitted into T-shirts, sweaters, infant
wear, towels etc.
According to research data and practical evi-
dence, maintaining yields in organic cotton production
is not easy. The average yield decrease is estimated at
25%, especially during the first few years. Also, in most
cases the cost of production is higher, mainly due to
higher labor requirements, especially for weed control
and expensive non-conventional means of insect con-
trol (Oosterhuis and Galanopoulou-Sendouca, 2001).
In California (northern San Joaquin valley) a 15% de-
crease in yield coupled with an 11% higher cost per
hectare resulted in 51% higher costs per kg of lint cot-
ton, which can not be compensated by the estimated
44% higher lint price of organic cotton compared to
conventional cotton (Swezey and Goldman, 1996).
These results explain why in the USA, there was an ini-
tial expansion of organic cotton cultivation (~10,000
hectares) followed by a steady and sharp decline since
1995. This pattern also occurred in other countries such
as Greece, probably due to the enthusiastic adoption
of this new production system (i.e. organic cotton culti-
vation) before the solution of many problems concern-
ing mainly pest and weed control (Marquardt, 2001).
In 1999 the area in the USA partially recovered (about
6,700 ha, representing only about 0.1% of the total
cotton area in the USA) but this is insufficient to meet
their high industrial demands. Furthermore, the broad
expansion of GE cottons in USA does not leave room
for organic production. According to 1999 data, Tur-
key overtook the USA with 41% of the world organic
cotton production, compared to USA 34%, Africa 13%,
India 8% and Latin America 4%. However, as organic
cotton is expected to eventually comprise more than
5% of total world cotton production, countries with low
labor costs, abundance of hand labor and traditional,
low input cotton cultivation (e.g. Turkmenistan), may
benefit from organic cotton production. In Tropical West
Africa research has provided evidence that, if market
prices for organic produce could guarantee 20% price
premium in the long term, organic cotton production
might generate the same revenues as conventional
cotton while reducing environmental pollution (Ton,
1998). It must be noticed that research on organic cot-
ton in tropical regions as everywhere is still too limited
to justify any judgment on its potential to be a viable
alternative to conventional cotton.
Generally, the conversion of conventional cotton
production to organically grown cotton is not as easy
as other less intensive crops with fewer input require-
ments. Organic production demands higher levels of
skill (especially for plant protection) than conventional
production, but insufficient research has been conducted
to provide guidelines for shifting from conventional to
organic production. Rotation systems (obligatory in or-
ganic farming) must be evaluated to improve produc-
tivity, competitiveness and marketing of all organic prod-
ucts from the same enterprise. Priority in such rotation
systems should be given to legumes which are easily
incorporated into organic system, contribute to plant
nutrition of the successive organic crops, produce ex-
cellent animal food, for biological animal production,
which is in high demand. Mixed enterprises, of crop
and animal production, may contribute to the success
of organic farms. The success of organic production
relies, mainly, on the use of fertile soils and of suitable
varieties, and on the absence of pests, diseases and
weeds. Similarly, other components of integrated pest
management could contribute to the success of organic
production. A comparative cost analysis of organic and
conventional cotton production in Greece (Fotopoulos
and Pantzios, 1998) concluded that unless specific so-
lutions are developed that address the problems of bio-
logical control and make efficient combinations of pro-
duction costs and yields possible, organic cotton grow-
ing will lag behind conventional system in economic
performance. Alternatively, achievement of much higher
price premiums than subsidies given through EU Reg.
2078/92 could also improve the economic performance
of organic cotton.
Varieties resistant to stressVarieties resistant to stress
Varieties resistant to stressVarieties resistant to stress
Varieties resistant to stress
Within the framework of cotton growing intensi-
fication, cotton breeders (like all plant breeders) have
strived to create high yielding varieties, which are gen-
erally responsive to high inputs. According to Constable
Agronomic concepts and approaches for sustainable cotton production
(2000), the high cotton yields in Australia, which are
second only to those in Israel, is 45% attributable to
breeding high yielding varieties, 25% from soil-nutri-
tion-irrigation management, 20% from insect control,
and 10% from disease management. Due to high yields,
and despite relatively high costs for insect control, weed
control, planting seed and ginning, Australia has one
of the lowest costs of production per unit of lint. How-
ever, it seems that breeding work for yield increase has
reached a plateau. In a study to determine if lack of
progress in genetic improvement was partially respon-
sible for stagnating cotton yields in the USA (Meredith,
1998) a comparison of obsolete versus modern culti-
vars indicated that breeding progress for yield peaked
in 1987. According to these results Meredith suggested
broadening the genetic base being used by breeders
(Meredith, 1998).
The need to lower inputs, the confrontation of
environmental problems, and the need of adoption of
integrated crop management systems, has re-orientated
breeding objectives. Use of appropriate varieties ac-
cording to persisting insects, and biotic and abiotic
stresses is of most importance. Research is now aimed
at the evaluation of a wider range of germplasm for
the creation of low inputs demanding varieties with more
tolerance to biotic and abiotic stresses (El-Zik and
Thaxton, 1998). For example, the creation of determi-
nate varieties with fewer buds developed after 5 NAWF
and naturally defoliating will improve sustainable grow-
ing systems.
More urgent is the increasing limitation of pre-
cious water sources, which greatly elevates importance
of improved drought resistance. Although Oosterhuis
(1989) showed that cotton was more drought tolerant
than most other major row crops, there is a lack of
significant drought tolerance in current commercial
cultivars (Nepomuceno et al., 1998; Meek et al., 2002).
Crosses between relatively diverse germplasm provided
evidence that it is possible to select lines with improved
physiological water use efficiency (Stiller and Constable,
1998). Moreover, promising information comes from
Israel for cotton varieties tolerant to drought (Musaev,
1993). Resistance genes to dry conditions have been
discovered in wild cotton species as G. anomalum and
G. thurberi (Musaev, 1993; Nepomuceno et al., 1998).
Development of early-maturing cotton cultivars
has become even more important than in the past to
allow production in regions with short or dry seasons.
Intensive concentration on this goal is of urgent impor-
tance for sustainable cotton. Future cotton germplasm
should be screened for increased seedling vigor and
rapid root system establishment to improve drought
tolerance with the concept of the Multi-Adversity Resis-
tance system used successfully in Texas (El-Zik and
Thaxton, 1998). Heat tolerance should also be taken
into consideration (Oosterhuis, 1997; Oosterhuis et al.,
2003). Biotechnology is expected to play a major role
to achieve these perspectives.
ransgenic varietiesransgenic varieties
ransgenic varietiesransgenic varieties
ransgenic varieties
Commercial production of transgenic cotton
started in 1996/7, and in six years the area planted to
GE cotton has increased to 6.8 million hectares, or 20%
of the total area planted to cotton in 2001. However,
the GE cotton area was only 13% of the total world
area planted to GE crops during 2001. The major
transgenic crop is soybean, accounting for 63% of to-
tal average. Corn is second with 19% of the total area
(ICAC Recorder, 2002).
Cotton is grown in over 60 countries out of which
only eight have approved the use of transgenic cotton.
The countries that have allowed commercial produc-
tion of transgenic cotton resistant to insects are Argen-
tina, Australia, China, India, Indonesia, Mexico, South
Africa and the USA. The herbicide resistant transgenic
cotton, alone and in the stacked gene form, is allowed
for commercial production only in Argentina, Australia
and in the USA. Outside the USA, insect resistant Bt
cotton is more popular than herbicide resistant variet-
ies. In the USA in 2001/02, varieties having the herbi-
cide resistant gene, alone and in conjunction with the
Bt gene, were planted on over 97% of the transgenic
cotton area, compared with less than 3% of area un-
der Bt gene varieties (ICAC Recorder, 2002). GE crop
varieties are not allowed to be cultivated in the EU ter-
ritory, although it seems that EU legislation may change
The transgenic cotton area is increasing. Accord-
ing to the USDA, GE cotton was planted on 78% of the
total cotton area in the USA during 2001/02. Australia
has put a limit on its transgenic cotton area in order to
avoid the development for resistance; otherwise, the
area planted to GE cotton would be much higher than
30% of the total. In South Africa, Bt varieties were
planted on 40% of the total area in 2001/02. In China
most of the cotton planted in 2001/02 was Bt cotton.
India was seriously considering allowing commercial
production of Bt cotton, and many other countries are
evaluating the performance of transgenic Bt cotton
(ICAC Recorder, 2001).
Large-scale application of modern biotechnol-
ogy to cotton in seven countries by 2002 is an indicator
of the technology success. Economic analysis of Bt cot-
ton varieties versus conventional practices in Argentina
indicates a two-thirds reduction in pesticide sprays (ICAC
Recorder, 2001). The total cost of production per hect-
are was found to be high in Bt cotton over conven-
tional practices, but net income per hectare and per kg
was higher in Bt varieties. Transgenic Bt cotton in China
also looks promising and has increased recently (ICAC
Recorder, 2001).
Several reports from Australia, China, South Af-
rica and other countries that have grown Bt cotton over
significant areas indicate that the cost of production is
World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa
lower with Bt cotton due to reduced spending on pest
control (ICAC Recorder, 2002). Thus, pest pressure/
number of sprays per season to control target bollworms
and the cost of pesticides versus the cost of the tech-
nology fee will determine the extent of savings in the
cost of production. However, if the target bollworms do
not become a major threat in a particular year, and a
farmer has already paid the technology fee, savings in
the cost of production could be negative (ICAC Recorder,
Transgenic cottons expressing insecticidal proteins
with activity against one or more key pests offer great
scope to allow the integression of a wide range of IPM
compatible tactics and consequently to enhance IPM
success (Fitt, 1998). The development and use of
transgenic tolerance to herbicides is influencing posi-
tively some cropping systems, allowing changes in weed
control strategies, row spacing and mechanical har-
vesting methods.
However, the initial euphoria for transgenic cot-
ton is slowing down according to very recent results.
Main concerns and criticism are as following:
The Committee of the Australian Cotton Growers
Research Association (2001-2002) makes it clear
that Bt is in some circumstances failing to control
the principal target pest it was introduced for, i.e.
Helicoverpa armigera, which is the predominant
race of bollworm in many countries, such as Greece.
So, farmers in Australia are now being advised to
spray additional insecticide on Monsanto’s GM Bt
cotton known as INGARD “under conditions of re-
duced INGARD plant efficacy”. The same Commit-
tee also expressed concerns about the sustainability
of the Bt technology due either to potential build up
of resistant insects, or inadequate expression of the
Bt gene in the plants, or both. Previous results in
Australia clearly showed that the efficacy of Bt cot-
ton plants in killing H. armigera larvae declines
during the growing season (Daly and Fitt, 1998).
Recently, Oosterhuis et al. (2003) have reported the
use of a protein translocation enhances foliar spray
to increase endotoxin levels and subsequent boll-
worm mortality.
Chinese researchers also found that the use of Bt
cotton, which is designed to target bollworms, was
leading to larger populations of other cotton-eat-
ing pests, which could cause unpredictable disrup-
tions to the environment (Associated Press, 2002).
In India, the initial euphoria for the Bt cotton ap-
pears to be strangely missing, according to recent
data. Bt cotton was found prone to leaf curl virus in
North India (Revathy, 2002). Also yield of the Bt
cotton crop was much more adversely affected by
the drought than other cotton varieties, and eco-
nomics were proved against Bt cotton, mainly due
to the quadruple higher price of Bt cotton seeds in
comparison to existing conventional cotton seeds
(Shah and Banerji, 2002).
Although greater benefits from Bt cotton was re-
corded in South Africa (ICAC Recorder, 2001),
doubts are now being expressed in Africa concern-
ing the gain from genetically modified crops (The
Nation, Nairobi, June 3, 1999).
Bt cotton is effective for control of tobacco budworm
(Heliothis virensis F.) but the control of bollworm
(Helicoverpa zea Boddie) and other lepidopterous
pests has been less dependable (Lorenz et al.,
2001). Effectiveness also varies with the species of
bollworms (ICAC Recorder, 2002). If a particular
species of bollworms is vigorously controlled for a
number of years, which the Bt cotton is meant to do
effectively, some minor insects may become major
insects. It is also feared that some insect species
may emerge, which could be even more difficult to
control with current insecticides. Similar apprehen-
sions are also true of weeds (ICAC Recorder, 2002).
Requirements for a refuge crop, to delay develop-
ment of resistance, are also a negative aspect of
GE/Bt cotton production.
Recent research indicated that the Roundup Ready
system (i.e. cultivar and glyphosate herbicide treat-
ment) exhibited a reduction in yield or net returns
(Ribera et al., 2001).
According to a study compiled on behalf of the
World Wildlife Found, WWF, (WWF® International,
2002) the extensive cultivation of genetically engi-
neered cotton over a period of four years in the
USA has brought no appreciable reduction in the
use of insecticides and herbicides.
A number of reports indicate a decline in average
quality in the USA, which is partially attributed to
GE cotton as it slowed down the rate of creation
and adoption of new varieties with improved fiber
qualities and probably yield (ICAC Recorder, 2002).
Concerns are addressed to cotton breeders about
stagnant yields and declining quality (Lewis, 2000).
Since the mid 1980’s, the effort for backcrosses to
obtain GE cotton has weakened conventional breed-
ing programs, aimed at thorough gene recombi-
nation, while cotton breeding was passed to pri-
vate companies thereby weakening the Public Sec-
tor. The lack of genetic diversity in commercial vari-
eties is now considered a problem that, in part,
compounds the criticism that genetic engineering
limits diversity because of backcross breeding rather
than forward breeding (ICAC Recorder, 2000a).
Concern is expressed also about the threat of ge-
netic shrinkage related to the wide spread use of
relatively few GE cotton varieties.
However, farmers are still confident with
transgenic cotton, as it is widely acknowledged that
conventional technology alone cannot meet the future
needs of food, feed and fiber. Therefore, biotechnol-
ogy in conjunction with conventional technology may
secure the increase of crop productivity and
Agronomic concepts and approaches for sustainable cotton production
Integrated pest controlIntegrated pest control
Integrated pest controlIntegrated pest control
Integrated pest control
Following years of intensive pesticide applications,
there are many cases where the efficacy of insecticides
has declined gradually, resulting in increasing num-
bers of applications and high risk to the economic vi-
ability of the crop. Also changes in the susceptibility to
some conventional and novel insecticides have been
observed (Horowitz et al., 1998). As a result of ineffec-
tive pest control, Integrated Pest Management (IPM) aims
to control insects, diseases and weeds by alternative
means in conjunction with decreased use of chemicals
to avoid pollution of the environment, decrease the build
up of resistance, and restore sustainability in cotton
The ICAC Recorder (2000b) issued a compre-
hensive paper on Integrated Pest Management in Cot-
ton. The term integrated pest management is over 40
years old. Now, IPM is more commonly associated with
cotton than any other crop, as the cost of complications
from excessive use of pesticides pushed researchers and
farmers to think of alternative approaches to pest con-
trol. According to the Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion of the United Nations, IPM is “a broad based eco-
logical approach to pest control utilizing a variety of
control technologies compatible in a pest management
system”. IPM is a durable, environmentally and eco-
nomically justified pest control system whereby dam-
age caused by pests is prevented through the use of
natural factors and, if needed, supplemented with ap-
propriate chemical control measures. Even though
IPM is still not fully implemented in many countries, the
significance of a multi-dimensional approach to pest
control in cotton has increased tremendously in the last
few years and is now accepted as the best approach to
pest control in terms of long-term sustainability of cot-
ton production, environmental protection, human safety
and sound profitability (ICAC Recorder, 2000b).
The current trend shows that the role of IPM in
the sustainable cotton production system will increase.
The main components of IPM in broad terms are: cul-
tural control, biological control, host plant resistance,
and chemical control.
IPM does not exclude rational use of insecticides
and relies on the use of damage thresholds to decide
when to apply pesticide products. The category of host-
plant resistance includes genetically engineered Bt cot-
ton and varieties resistant to certain herbicides. Bt-cot-
ton could supply a very successful element of an inte-
grated control strategy in countries where these variet-
ies are allowed to be grown (organic farming excludes
GM varieties). However, it must be emphasized that
the continual use of Bt cotton most probably will change
the biological balance of the pest complex. If a par-
ticular minor pest is suppressed for years, it may be-
come a major pest with the changed pest control
scheme, and new pests may also subsequently appear
on cotton. Bt cotton has been utilized so far rather as
an additional component of IPM rather than a founda-
tion of the whole IPM system, as many would like it to
be (ICAC Recorder, 2002b).
Fundamental principles of the IPM program are
assumed to be the same in different countries and re-
gions. However, generic recommendations have to be
adjusted in a particular country, or even according to
different areas within countries, according to the pest
complex, agroclimatic conditions, varieties, growing
conditions, and even target yields and farmers’ capa-
bilities (ICAC Recorder, 2000b).
In the framework of a combination of operations
undertaken by the farmer to produce conditions unfa-
vorable for pests to survive or multiply, the following
practices are of importance:
Crop rotation that interrupts the normal life cycle of
a pest by changing the environment to one in which
the pest cannot flourish or even survive.
“Mating disruption”, involving the use of sex phero-
mones and the release of sterile moths. These tech-
niques have proved very successful in the control of
the pink bollworm (Pectinophora gossypiella).
Optimum plant nourishment.
Weed-free and clean fields (cutting and incorpora-
tion of cotton stems immediately after harvest re-
duces bollworm and pink worm populations).
Allelopathy for weed control.
Crop monitoring.
Cover crops for weed control.
High plant populations for Verticillium wilt integrated
Appropriate time of sowing, early sowing, and uni-
form planting to avoid late generations.
Maximum possible period between crops in order
to provide the longest host-free periods.
Use of acid delinted seed.
Use of biological control.
Application of insecticides according to existing
populations of harmful and beneficial insects es-
pecially for the start of sprayings (Conway and Kring,
2001). Preservation and augmentation of natural
enemies is a key component of pest management
programs (Kharboutli, 2001).
Use of selective insecticides for the protection of
useful insects.
Safe and effective use of pesticides. Definition of
economical thresholds. Use of insects’ traps for
counting insect catches. The ability to have daily
state wide information on adult moth activity (e.g.
for Lepidoptera) leads to improved decision-mak-
ing capabilities for producers, especially on an
Internet information delivery system for reporting
Heliothis moth trap catches (Bridges et al., 2001).
Careful selection of the appropriate pesticide, dose
and sprayer.
Host plant resistance.
Early maturing varieties (fewer applications).
Use of specific morphological and physiological
World Cotton Research Conference-3 2003
Cape Town - South Africa
characters e.g. nectariless and high gossypol.
Use of insect traps for counting insect catches.
Sustainable cotton production demands higher
level of skill than conventional production. More re-
search is needed to provide reliable guidelines for an
efficient and competitive sustainable production. The
World Summit’s issue in Johannesburg was that
sustainability and development must be integrated and
that both bioengineering and organic farming can play
their own role. We believe that this issue is correct.
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