United States
Department of
January 2001
Bt Cotton
Management of the
Tobacco Budworm-Bollworm
United States
Department of
January 2001
Bt Cotton
Management of the
Tobacco Budworm-Bollworm
D.D. Hardee, J.W. Van Duyn,
M.B. Layton, and R.D. Bagwell
Hardee, D.D., J.W. Van Duyn, M.B. Layton, and R.D.
Bagwell. 2000. Bt Cotton & Management of the
Tobacco Budworm-Bollworm Complex. U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture, Agricultural Research Service,
ARS–154. 40 pp.
Preservation of Bt technology is critical for cotton
producers across the U.S. Cotton Belt because of
increasing insecticide resistance and production costs.
Frequent introduction of new transgenic cotton
varieties creates a need to continuously evaluate their
cost-effectiveness and develop efficient plans for their
deployment. This publication explains how Bt cotton
is developed, how it controls insect pests, and how it
can most effectively be used in insect pest manage-
ment. Restrictions and limitations to the use of Bt
cotton are discussed, such as insects’ development of
resistance to it and approaches to preserving the
technology for long-term profits.
Audiences for the publication consist of research and
extension entomologists in the public and private
sectors, consultants, and cotton producers.
Keywords: bollworm, Bt cotton, budworm, cotton,
Heliothis virescens, Helicoverpa zea, refuge, resistance
monitoring, transgenic cotton
Mention of trade names, commercial products, or
companies in this publication is solely for the purpose
of providing specific information and does not imply
recommendation or endorsement by the U.S. Depart-
ment of Agriculture over others not mentioned.
This publication reports research involving pesticides.
It does not contain recommendations for their use nor
does it imply that uses discussed here have been
registered. All uses of pesticides must be registered by
appropriate state or Federal agencies or both before
they can be recommended.
While supplies last, copies of this publication may be
obtained at no cost from D.D. Hardee, USDA–ARS,
P.O. Box 346, Stoneville, MS 38776, e-mail:
[email protected]. Copies also available from F.L.
Carter, National Cotton Council, P.O. Box 820285,
Memphis, TN 38182.
Copies of this publication may be purchased from the
National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port
Royal Road, Springfield, VA 22161; telephone (703)
Issued January 2001
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Advisory panel on resistance management plans:
C.T. Allen, University of Arkansas; J.S. Bacheler, North
Carolina State University; J.H. Benedict, Texas A&M
University; J.R. Bradley, Jr., North Carolina State
University; M.A. Caprio, Mississippi State University;
T. W. Fuchs, Texas A&M University; D.D. Hardee,
USDA–ARS; M.B. Layton, Mississippi State Univer-
sity; B.R. Leonard, Louisiana State University; P.M.
Roberts, University of Georgia; R.H. Smith, Auburn
University; and J.W. Van Duyn, North Carolina State
The following individuals provided invaluable input
during multiple reviews of this publication’s content
and technical accuracy:
J.J. Adamczyk, Jr., USDA–ARS; C.T. Allen, University
of Arkansas; G.L. Andrews, Mississippi State Univer-
sity; J.S. Bacheler, North Carolina State University; J.H.
Benedict, Texas A&M University; M.L. Boyd, Univer-
sity of Missouri; J.R. Bradley, Jr., North Carolina State
University; E. Burris, Louisiana State University; M.A.
Caprio, Mississippi State University; F.L. Carter,
National Cotton Council; B.L. Freeman, Auburn
University; T.W. Fuchs, Texas A&M University; L.D.
Godfrey, University of California at Davis; F.L. Gould,
North Carolina State University; M.A. Karner, Okla-
homa State University; G.L. Lentz, University of
Tennessee; B.R. Leonard, Louisiana State University;
S.R. Matten, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency;
W.J. Moar, Auburn University; J.W. Mullins, Monsanto
Corporation; R.D. Parker, Texas A&M University; P.M.
Roberts, University of Georgia; M.E. Roof, Clemson
University; C.G. Sansone, Texas A&M University; R.W.
Seward, University of Tennessee; J.E. Slosser, Texas
A&M University; R.H. Smith, Auburn University; S.D.
Stewart, Mississippi State University; N.P. Storer,
North Carolina State University; and D.V. Sumerford,
The authors also express their appreciation to K.R.
Ostlie, W.D. Hutchison, and R.L. Hellmich, authors of
Bt Corn & European Corn Borer.” 1997. University of
Minnesota, St. Paul, NCR Publication 602, for allowing
use of ideas and text.
This publication arose from a collaborative multistate
and multiagency effort to provide timely guidelines
for cotton producers, crop consultants, extension and
industry personnel, and agricultural agency adminis-
trators on recommended ways to deploy Bt cotton
technology. Since this technology is changing rapidly,
the publication will be updated as needed.
All Bt cotton plants contain one or more foreign
genes derived from the soil-dwelling bacterium,
Bacillus thuringiensis; thus, they are transgenic
The insertion of the genes from B. thuringiensis
causes cotton plant cells to produce crystal
insecticidal proteins, often referred to as Cry-
proteins. These insecticidal proteins are effective
in killing some of the most injurious caterpillar
pests of cotton, such as the larvae of tobacco
budworms and bollworms. This new technology
for managing insect pests was approved for
commercialization in the United States by the
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in
October 1995 and is now available from several
seed companies in this country, as well as in
many other cotton-growing countries around the
Cotton varieties containing the Cry1Ac Bt protein
provide protection against three major U.S.
Bt Cotton
Management of the
Tobacco Budworm-Bollworm
Tobacco budworm,
Heliothis virescens
(F.), larva
cotton is one of the first crop
protection products from biotechnology.
cotton pests—tobacco bud-
worms, bollworms, and pink
bollworms. Bt cotton also
reduces survival of other
caterpillar pests such as beet
armyworms, cabbage loopers,
cotton leafperforators, fall
armyworms, southern army-
worms, and soybean loopers.
The protection it provides
against tobacco budworms,
pink bollworms, and European
corn borers is greater than the
protection provided by the
most effective foliar insecti-
cides. Unfortunately the
protection it affords cotton
against bollworms is generally
proper use and long-term
preservation of this valuable
Frequent introduction of
new transgenic cotton
varieties creates a need to
continuously evaluate their
cost-effectiveness and
develop efficient plans for
their deployment. A goal of
this publication is to answer
questions about the technol-
ogy by explaining how Bt
cotton is developed, how it
controls insect pests, and
how it can be most effec-
tively used in insect pest
management. Restrictions
on and limitations to the use
of Bt cotton are discussed,
such as insects’ develop-
ment of resistance to it and
approaches to preserving
the technology for long-
term profits.
Tobacco budworm, Heliothis
virescens (F.), and bollworm,
Helicoverpa zea (Boddie),
cause more damage to
cotton than any other insect
pest in the U.S. Cotton Belt.
The combined cost of
controlling these pests and
the losses they inflict on
cotton production exceeds
$300 million a year. Insecti-
cides used against tobacco
budworms and bollworms
Tobacco budworm,
Heliothis virescens
(F.), moth
less than that provided by
registered insecticides.
The preservation of the Bt
technology is critical because (1)
bollworms, tobacco budworms,
and pink bollworms continue to
develop resistance to foliar-
applied insecticides, (2) use of
insecticides is tied to ecological
concerns, and (3) Bt genes are
valuable resources. This publi-
cation focuses on how Bt cotton
affects the tobacco budworm
and bollworm. It is intended to
provide information that will
guide producers, research and
extension entomologists, con-
sultants, and industry in the
he insect-disease-causing organism
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) is a naturally
occurring soilborne bacterium found
worldwide. A unique feature is its produc-
tion of crystal-like proteins that selectively
kill specific groups of insects and other
organisms. When the insect eats these Cry-
proteins, its own digestive enzymes
activate the toxic form of the protein. Cry-
proteins bind to specific receptors on the
intestinal walls and rupture midgut cells.
Susceptible insects stop feeding within a
few hours after taking their first bite, and,
if they have eaten enough toxin, die within
2 or 3 days.
Different Bt strains produce different Cry-
proteins, and there are hundreds of known
strains. Scientists have identified more
than 60 types of Cry-proteins that affect a
wide variety of insects. Most Cry-proteins
are active against specific groups of in-
often create other problems, such as higher
populations of beet armyworms and cotton
aphids and an increased pesticide load in the
environment. Frequent exposure of insect pests to
insecticides results in the development of insecti-
cide resistance, which reduces the overall effec-
tiveness of available insecticides, increases crop
losses, and leads to higher pest control costs and
lower farm profits.
The severity of tobacco budworm and bollworm
infestations and resistance to synthetic insecti-
Bollworm larva
feeding in boll
cides vary across the Cotton Belt, both between
and within the states. Because of this variation
and the price of the technology, not all areas of
the Cotton Belt are able to economically justify
the use of Bt cotton. However, where insect
infestations are severe, Bt cotton offers a new
management tool for producers, helps ensure
against yield loss in the presence of heavy infesta-
tions of insecticide-resistant tobacco budworms,
and aids in reducing bollworm damage.
Bt—What Is It?
sects, such as the larvae of certain kinds of flies,
beetles, and moths. For example, Colorado potato
beetle larvae are affected by Cry3A proteins;
Cry1Ac is used against tobacco budworms; and
European corn borers can be killed with Cry1Ab,
Cry1F, Cry1Ac, and Cry9c proteins. Other Cry-
proteins are active against mosquito larvae, flies,
or even nematodes. Some Cry-proteins have been
used for more than 30 years in various liquid and
granular formulations of natural Bt insecticides,
mainly to control caterpillars on a variety of
crops. The Bt cotton varieties presently used
against tobacco budworms, bollworms, and
certain other caterpillars produce the Cry1Ac
overcomes most of the aforementioned limita-
tions. The plant-produced Bt proteins are pro-
tected from rapid environmental degradation
since they are not directly exposed to the environ-
ment. Incomplete coverage is not usually a
problem because the plants produce the proteins
in all tissues where larvae feed, thus ensuring
that the larvae will eat the Cry-protein. The
protein is always present whenever newly
hatched larvae feed, eliminating the timing
problem associated with foliar application. The
result is that Bt cotton has a built-in system that
efficiently and consistently delivers Cry-toxins to
the target pests from the time a newly hatched
larva takes its first bite (fig. 1).
Bt cotton offers a vastly improved method for
delivering Cry-insecticides to target insects,
compared to traditional Bt sprays. Bt cotton may
also be considered a form of host plant resistance,
in that the Cry-protein trait is carried in the
plant’s genes, as is traditional plant resistance to
The Why’s and How’s of Creating
Bt Cotton
ioinsecticides like Bt that are sprayed on
crops may perform as well as synthetic
insecticides in very limited situations, but the
performance of Bt insecticides has been inconsis-
tent in many instances.
The erratic performance in cotton is attributed to
four reasons:
The toxin is rapidly degraded by ultraviolet
light, heat, high leaf pH, or desiccation.
Caterpillars must eat enough treated plant
tissue to get a lethal dose of the toxin, since
the toxin has no contact effect.
The sites where tobacco budworms and
bollworms feed are difficult to cover with the
foliar-applied sprays.
Cry-proteins are less toxic to older larvae.
A cotton plant modified to produce Cry-protein
within the plant tissues that caterpillars eat
Figure 1. Mode of action for
toxin after eaten by a tobacco budworm larva.
Modified with permission from Ostlie et al. 1997.
Biotechnologists created Bt cotton by inserting
selected exotic DNA, from a Bt bacterium, into
the cotton plant’s own DNA. DNA is the genetic
material that controls expression of a plant’s or an
animal’s traits. Following the insertion of modi-
fied Bt DNA into the cotton plant’s DNA, seed
companies moved the Cry-protein trait into high-
performance cotton varieties by traditional plant
breeding methods. Agronomic qualities for yield,
harvestability, fiber quality, and other important
characteristics were preserved at the same time
the Cry-protein gene was added to commercial
The three primary components of the genetic
package inserted into cotton DNA include:
Protein gene. The
gene, modified for im-
proved expression in cotton, enables the cotton
plant to produce Cry-protein. The first varieties of
cotton produced in the United States contained
one Cry-protein gene—Cry1Ac. Other varieties
contain a “stacked” gene complex, for example—
one gene for insect control (Cry1Ac) and one
gene to protect the cotton from application of the
herbicide glyphosate. Future cotton varieties may
include these genes, other genes that allow the
plant to produce different Cry-proteins, or insecti-
cidal proteins from sources other than
are many possible combinations for crop im-
provement traits.
Promoter. A promoter is a DNA segment that
controls the amount of Cry-protein produced and
the plant parts where it is produced. Some pro-
moters limit protein production to specific parts of
the plant, such as leaves, green tissue, or pollen.
Others, including those used in
cotton and
corn varieties, cause the plant to
produce Cry-protein throughout the plant. Pro-
moters can also be used to turn on and turn off
protein production. Current varieties of
produce some
protein throughout the growing
Genetic marker. A genetic marker allows re-
searchers to identify successful insertion of a
gene into the plant’s DNA. It also assists plant
breeders in identifying and developing new cotton
lines with the
gene. A common marker is an
herbicide tolerance gene linked to the
Following a transformation attempt to place the
and marker gene into the plant’s DNA, plants are
treated with herbicide. Plants that were success-
fully transformed have the
gene and the
herbicide resistance gene and will survive herbi-
cide treatment; plants without the marker gene,
and hence without the linked
gene, will be
killed by the herbicide.
This genetic package—a Bt gene plus a promoter
and marker—can be inserted into cotton plant
DNA through a variety of plant transformation
techniques. Transformed plants may be affected
by the genetic package, as well as the location of
the new genes in the plant DNA. The insertion
site may affect Bt protein production and other
plant functions as well. So biotechnology compa-
nies carefully scrutinize each transformation to
ensure adequate production of Bt protein and to
limit possible negative effects on agronomic
Following a successful transformation, plants are
entered into a traditional backcross breeding
program with the variety chosen to receive the
foreign Bt gene package. The final product, a Bt
cotton variety, is developed after four or five
backcross generations. Even though the new
transgenic Bt cotton variety may be named after
the parent variety, agronomic qualities can be
considerably different.
The Safety of Bt and Bt Cotton
Controlling Tobacco Budworms and
Bollworms: Does Bt Cotton Do the Job?
hen compared with other
insecticide management
practices, Bt cotton dramatically
improves the control of tobacco
budworms and, to a lesser extent, the
control of bollworms. For example,
chemical insecticides, including some
new chemical classes, often control
from 70 to 95 percent of a susceptible
tobacco budworm population. As
indicated in table 1, the level of
tobacco budworm control achieved
with Bt cotton can be very dramatic.
Bt cotton varieties may provide more
than 98 percent control of tobacco
budworm throughout the growing
season. For growers whose cotton is
plagued by high densities of insecti-
cide-resistant tobacco budworms, Bt
cotton is a very welcome technology.
eggs on a leaf. Courtesy
of S. Stewart.
efore registering Bt cotton, EPA reviewed
data on Bt insecticides that had been accu-
mulated for decades. Bt Cry-proteins were found
to be toxic only to certain insect groups and to
have no known negative effects to humans,
domestic animals, fish, wildlife, or other organ-
isms. EPA exempted Bt-produced Cry-proteins
from the requirement of tolerance in food because
of their history of safety and because they de-
grade rapidly in the environment. These Cry-
proteins are considered among the safest and
most environmentally friendly insecticides
Bt cotton is less effective against bollworms. Still,
it can eliminate as many as 60 to 90 percent of
the bollworms infesting a cotton field (table 1).
When there are high numbers of bollworms on Bt
cotton during the bloom stage, growers may need
to apply one or more supplemental insecticide
treatments to prevent economic damage. This has
been well documented through field research.
Fortunately, the bollworm can still be managed
more effectively and inexpensively with currently
available insecticides—except perhaps in South
Carolina where resistance to insecticides has been
Bollworm moths lay their eggs on cotton plant
terminals, leaves, buds, and flowers. As the eggs
hatch, the larvae may move into open blooms
where they feed on flower parts, including
pollen, that are known to have a lower level of
Cry-protein than other plant parts. This feeding
on less toxic parts may result in lower mortality.
The bollworm in addition is naturally more
tolerant of Cry1Ac Bt protein than the tobacco
budworm. These two factors help explain why
more bollworms than budworms survive on Bt
cotton. Moreover, Cry-protein expression in Bt
cotton decreases about 80 days postplanting,
which may allow higher survival of bollworms.
This late decline may also reduce Cry-protein
effectiveness against other insect pests that occur
later in the growing season and feed on mature
Table 1. Survival of tobacco budworms, bollworms, and fall armyworms on
and non-
cotton genotypes
Percent survival
Insect 1994 1995
Tobacco budworm
cotton leaf 1 0
cotton square 2 0
on non-
cotton leaf 86 84
on non-
cotton square 69 67
cotton leaf 7 23
cotton square 5 4
on non-
cotton leaf 80 74
on non-
cotton square 63 52
Fall armyworm
cotton leaf 61 76
cotton square 33 25
on non-
cotton leaf 76 92
on non-
cotton square 45 42
Source: Modified and reprinted with permission from Jenkins et al. 1997.
obacco budworms and bollworms are not the
only insect pests that attack cotton. Unfortu-
nately, the Cry1Ac protein has essentially no
effect on many of them. Pests that Bt cotton does
not directly affect include boll weevils, cotton
aphids, cotton fleahoppers, cutworms, spider
mites, stink bugs, tarnished plant bugs, thrips,
and whiteflies. In some caterpillar species, Bt
cotton may provide only 10 to 50 percent control.
This partial suppression may be cause for concern
in the later years of an insect resistance manage-
ment program because it does not provide a high-
dose strategy (see Glossary) for insects such as
beet armyworms, fall armyworms (table 1),
southern armyworms, soybean loopers, and
yellowstriped armyworms. Bt cotton at this time
provides good to excellent control of cabbage
loopers, cotton leafperforators, European corn
borers, salt marsh caterpillars, and cotton square
borers. Future varieties of Bt cotton may produce
different Cry-proteins or other new toxins that
will control a wider variety of pests.
The effect of Bt cotton on some insect pests may
be indirect. For example, Bt cotton does not
directly affect the cotton aphid, but reductions in
insecticide use against tobacco budworms and
bollworms allow more of the aphid’s natural
enemies to survive, and they in turn reduce aphid
On the other hand, reducing the amount of foliar
insecticide may also allow other pests normally
controlled by the insecticides to become more
abundant. Boll weevils, stink bugs, and plant
bugs, for example, have by chance been con-
trolled by foliar sprays applied against tobacco
budworms or bollworms. So, reduction in the use
of insecticides on Bt cotton has allowed these
pests to increase in some areas. Offsetting this
disadvantage, however, is Bt cotton’s usefulness
where the boll weevil has been eradiated.
Tar nished plant bug
Southern armyworms.
Courtesy of R. Smith.
Controlling Other Insects
any studies have shown that Cry1Ac in
Bt cotton is highly selective because it
kills only certain caterpillar species. Bt cotton
has minimal or no effect on beneficial insects,
including honey bees, lady beetles, spiders, big-
eyed bugs, pirate bugs, and parasitic wasps.
However, laboratory research has shown that
Cry1Ab protein can indirectly affect green
lacewing larvae that eat Bt-killed caterpillars. It
is not known if Cry1Ac in Bt cotton has a
similar effect on lacewing larvae. Theoretically, Bt
cotton may indirectly lower the general abundance
of some beneficial insects, since it causes caterpillar
populations to decline, resulting in less food for the
predators, parasites, and the pathogens that attack
them. Offsetting this effect is the positive influence
gained from reducing conventional broad spectrum
insecticide use in Bt cotton. The overall balance of
these contrasting influences is currently unknown
and is difficult to predict.
Does Bt Cotton Affect
Beneficial Insects?
Big-eyed bug
Lacewing larva
Table 2. Yield comparisons between
and non-
Yield (lb lint/acre)
cotton non-
Year (unsprayed) (sprayed)
1994 1369 1392
1995 1465 1425
Source: Reprinted with permission from Jenkins et al. 1997.
s is the case with most new technology, Bt
cotton offers value to the cotton farmer in
specific circumstances (table 2). Information on
economic benefits is limited due to the short time
the technology has been available and the many
new cotton varieties introduced each year. Re-
cently, the technology fee and the seed cost for Bt
cotton have decreased, which has affected the
economics of growing it. Yield data are available
from federal and university entomologists and
agronomists, as well as seed companies, in nearly
every cotton-growing state.
Comparisons of the Bt and non-Bt cotton varieties
generally show that Bt cotton offers an economic
advantage in instances where effective insecticid-
al control of certain caterpillar pests is difficult to
achieve or is very costly.
Examples of such situations
insecticide-resistant to-
bacco budworms or boll-
high populations of sus-
ceptible tobacco budworms
or bollworms, such as in
outbreak seasons or during
the initial phases of boll
weevil eradication
situations where a properly timed and applied
insecticide management program cannot be
achieved, such as in fields that do not allow
the proper operation of air or ground sprayers,
in remote fields, or in cases where cotton
acreage exceeds the amount of equipment or
personnel dedicated to insecticidal control
situations where insecticidal control is exces-
sively costly (for example, more than $40/
acre), as may be the case when high infesta-
tions are coupled with newer, expensive
insecticide products—even though the insecti-
cide program may protect the crop
situations where eliminating early tobacco
budworm sprays allows survival of beneficial
insects that reduce the risk of pest infestations
The Value of Bt Cotton to the
Cotton Farmer
associated with higher insecticide use (as with
beet armyworms or aphids).
These situations suggest that income from re-
duced insecticide input, along with higher yields
as a result of less insect damage, offset the tech-
nology fee and favor Bt cotton. However, if
infestations of tobacco budworms or bollworms
are low, or the yield of the Bt variety used is low,
the technology fee may exceed the value of the Bt
toxin. Also, a conventional insecticide spray
program may allow the farmer to grow certain
high-yielding cotton varieties that perform better
than available Bt varieties. Some economic com-
parisons show little or no economic advantage to
using Bt cotton (table 3), whereas the economic
returns in other circumstances have been positive
(table 4). Even in the areas that economically
favor Bt cotton, however, there are often situa-
tions where high-yielding, non-Bt varieties
grown under conventional spray programs
provide equal or greater economic returns than
Bt varieties.
Regardless of whether or not a particular variety
contains the Bt gene, yield potential continues to
be the primary consideration when selecting a
cotton variety. The Cry1Ac gene in Bt cotton is
only one of thousands of genes that affect the
yield and other characteristics of different cotton
varieties. Growers who are selecting cotton
varieties should carefully consider the traits of
each, including yield performance, relative
maturity, fiber quality, ability to withstand ad-
verse weather, and harvestability.
Bt cotton may offer value to the cotton farmer in
ways that are hard to measure by short-term
economic comparisons. Using insecticides in-
volves complying with certain laws, such as
worker protection and pesticide label restrictions.
Compliance often makes the grower’s job more
difficult and increases the risk of consequences
arising from noncompliance. Insecticide use in
sensitive areas—next to schools, fish ponds,
dwellings, medical facilities, roads—can be a
concern to the grower and his or her neighbors. If
legal and social risks are a concern, Bt cotton may
have value to the grower by reducing these risks.
Adopting Bt cotton may result in a more efficient
enterprise, while maintaining a high level of
insect pest control. Insect management with
insecticides can be time-consuming and involve a
significant amount of labor and equipment. If Bt
cotton reduces the insect control burden and
decreases the need for labor and equipment,
these resources may be diverted to other farm
Bt cotton may reduce potential resistance to foliar
insecticides in tobacco budworms and
bollworms. Since resistance genes selected as a
result of one insecticide may be eliminated by a
different and unrelated insecticide, the rotation of
toxins, including Bt Cry-protein, may be able to
slow the selection of genes for resistance to any
single toxin. Farmers will be obliged to include a
non-Bt refuge to accompany any Bt cotton
planted (see refuge section, p. 23). Use of a
sprayed refuge provides an excellent opportunity
to use newer insecticide classes, as well as
effective older chemistries, as aids in reducing
development of insecticide resistance in tobacco
budworms and bollworms and in adopting
resistance management plans for other
chemistries. Maintaining effective refuge areas
that are close to Bt cotton also helps slow
resistance to the current Cry1Ac toxin cotton
varieties and may decrease resistance to other Bt
toxins as they are introduced.
Table 3. Cost of
cotton vs. non-
cotton in North Carolina, 1999
cotton Non-
Technology fee* $19.14 $ 0.00
Control costs 5.78 @ 0.76 applications/season 19.88 @ 2.65 applications/season
Damage† 0.00 @ 4.41% damage 8.50 @ 5.5% damage
Extra scouting 3.00 0.00
Total $27.92 $28.38
* Projected average cost; varies by seed rate and row spacing.
† Difference in late-season bollworm damage under grower conditions (N=614 fields, 1996–1998).
Source: J. Bacheler, unpublished data.
Table 4. Cost of
cotton vs. non-
cotton in Mississippi, 1995–97
cotton Non-
Number of sprays* 6.7 11.7
Control costs $61.48 $68.15
lb lint/acre 876 789
Economic advantage $63.22
* Average of 1995–1997
Source: Reprinted with permission from Stewart et al. 1998.
oth Bt cotton and boll weevil eradication
have great value for the cotton industry in
the United States. Available Bt cotton varieties are
highly effective against tobacco budworms and
provide significant suppression of bollworms and
certain other caterpillar species. Consequently,
the foliar insecticide treatments required to
control these pests in Bt varieties are substantially
lower than in non-Bt varieties (table 5). Many of
the treatments used to control tobacco budworms
and bollworms also are active against other pests,
such as boll weevils and tarnished plant bugs,
and lower insecticide use in Bt cotton reduces
coincidental control of such pests. As a result, Bt
cotton varieties grown in boll-weevil-infested
areas typically require more foliar insecticide
treatments (table 5). Eradication of the boll weevil
is, therefore, necessary to realize the maximum
potential benefit from growing Bt cotton.
Eradication of the boll weevil reduces the number
of foliar insecticide treatments necessary to
control other pests in non-Bt cotton. For example,
in Georgia, before the boll weevil was eradicated,
the amount of insecticide required for control of
other pests was notably higher than the amount
required following eradication. Data from Geor-
gia show an increase in the need for treatment for
other pests during the early years of boll weevil
eradication, because the insecticides used de-
stroyed beneficial insects. In the absence of
beneficial insects, populations of pests such as
tobacco budworms, bollworms, beet armyworms,
cotton aphids, and whiteflies often increase.
Bt Cotton and Boll Weevil Eradication:
Boll weevil
Can They Work Together?
Bt cotton has proven itself to be a useful tool in
minimizing the risk from certain caterpillar pest
outbreaks in the early years of a boll weevil
eradication program. In recent eradication pro-
grams in Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana,
producers chose to plant more than 80 percent of
their acreage to Bt varieties, primarily to mini-
mize risks of tobacco budworm outbreaks. How-
ever, there has been a negative aspect to this high
use of Bt cotton. When most acreage is planted to
Bt varieties, growers apply fewer sprays that
provide coincidental control of boll weevil. This
makes boll weevil eradication somewhat more
difficult and more costly. Greatly overshadowing
this negative influence are the positive effects of
Bt cotton in reducing the risks of secondary pest
problems during the initial years of an eradica-
tion effort.
Where boll weevils are eradicated, the overall
value of Bt cotton increases. In areas free of boll
weevils, insecticide sprays can be cut back and
beneficial organisms more successfully relied on
to reduce pest insects. The example from Georgia
shows a distinct decline in the need to treat for
other pests once the boll weevil was eradicated
(fig. 2). An additional reduction in foliar treat-
ments was observed after Bt cotton became
available in 1996. This example shows that boll
weevil eradication and Bt cotton are complemen-
tary in reducing total insecticide use and lower-
ing insect control costs. Reducing insecticide use
and relying more heavily on biological control
also benefits efforts to manage insecticide resis-
Table 5. Average number of annual insecticide sprays for tobacco
budworms, bollworms, and boll weevils in Mississippi, 1996–98
Insect 1996 1997 1998
Tobacco budworms and
cotton 0.3 0.9 1.2
on non-
cotton 3.1 3.1 5.2
Boll weevils
cotton 2.6 3.3
on non-
cotton 1.9 1.9
Source: Modified with permission from Layton et al. 1999.
Figure 2. Non-boll weevil treatments in Georgia. Reprinted with permission from Layton et al. 1999.
86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98
Boll weevil eradication began began
Average no. treatments
Bt cotton introduced
t is commonly known that more than 500
species of insects and mites have developed at
least some degree of resistance to insecticides
(Georghiou and Saito 1983), knowledge clearly
showing that many arthropods have the genetic
potential for rapid adaptation to chemicals in
their environment. Most scientists agree that the
tobacco budworm and the bollworm will eventu-
ally become resistant to the Cry1Ac protein used
in current Bt cotton varieties. The tobacco bud-
worm has a well-known reputation for develop-
ing resistance to chemical insecticides. Currently
it is resistant to most conventional insecticides
used on cotton. However, for the time being, it is
extremely susceptible to the Cry1Ac protein in Bt
cotton. The bollworm is inherently more tolerant
to this toxin, and it is likely to develop resistance
faster than the tobacco budworm.
Field and laboratory studies document the devel-
oped resistance of several insects to spray formu-
lations of B.t. toxins. The best-known example is
the diamondback moth, a caterpillar pest that
attacks cabbage and related plants. It has shown
high levels of resistance to Bt sprays in Florida,
Hawaii, North Carolina, Asia, and other locations
(Tabashnik et al. 1990). It has also shown resis-
tance to Bt transgenic canola plants. Researchers
have already developed laboratory colonies of
Colorado potato beetles, European corn borers,
tobacco budworms, and bollworms that are
resistant to Cry-proteins (fig. 3). The resistant
laboratory colonies of tobacco budworms and
bollworms demonstrate these insects have the
genetic potential to become resistant.
Crop protection with Bt cotton is a form of host
plant resistance, like resistance of soybean variet-
ies to the soybean cyst nematode. Farmers are
familiar with resistant crops losing their protec-
tion from pests, like nematodes overcoming
soybean resistance and mildew adapting to
resistant wheat varieties. While the same fate is
predicted for Bt cotton, the time necessary to
reach economic resistance can be greatly influ-
enced by the way growers and consultants utilize
this crop.
Resistance to Bt Cotton in Tobacco
Budworms and Bollworms
Figure 3. Development of resistance to
cotton in tobacco budworm in laboratory experiments.
Reprinted with permission from Gould et al. 1992.
Cry1Ac Concentration (g/ml)
Mortality (percent)
Control strain
Control female X selected male
Selected female X control male
Selected strain
10 100
variety of factors may influence the rate at
which tobacco budworms and bollworms
become resistant to Cry-toxin in Bt cotton.
These factors include:
The number of generations of tobacco bud-
worms and bollworms exposed each year to
plants containing the same or similar toxins
The percentage of each generation exposed
plants containing the same or similar Cry-
The mortality level that Cry-toxin causes
among tobacco budworms or bollworms
carrying one copy of a resistance allele and
one copy of a susceptible allele. The mortality
level is determined by the Cry-toxin concentra-
tion in the plant, which in turn may determine
the functional dominance of the allele affecting
The frequency with which Cry-resistance
alleles are expressed in the tobacco budworm
or bollworm population before exposure to
Cry-toxins and the dominant or recessive
nature of the resistance alleles
The migration patterns of tobacco budworm
and bollworm moths
The survival advantage or disadvantage that
resistance allele(s) offer tobacco budworms or
bollworms both in the presence and absence
of Cry-toxins
The number of susceptible moths available for
mating with moths carrying resistance gene(s).
Before exposure to Cry-toxins—by spraying
insecticides containing Bt or through planting Bt
crops—very few tobacco budworms and boll-
worms (perhaps 1 in 100,000 to 1 in 1 million)
carry two copies of a resistance allele (RR),
meaning they are fully resistant to Bt cotton.
Some tobacco budworms or bollworms have a
single copy of a resistance allele and a susceptible
allele (RS); these are called heterozygotes. The
overwhelming majority have two copies of a
susceptible allele (SS).
Most of the susceptible insects (SS) are killed after
feeding on Bt cotton, depending on the dose of
Cry-toxin in the plant. The heterozygous insects
(RS) usually are more difficult to kill than the
susceptible insects. Still, heterozygous insects are
not considered Bt resistant in most instances,
because most will die if the toxin dose in the
plant is high enough. Resistant insects (RR) are
not killed by Bt toxin. The difference in survival
rates among these three types represents a selec-
tive advantage for resistant (RR) tobacco bud-
worms and bollworms feeding on Bt cotton,
because they will survive while susceptible
individuals will die.
As the use of Bt cotton increases, a higher per-
centage of tobacco budworm and bollworm
populations will be exposed to Cry-toxins. Rela-
tively more caterpillars carrying resistance alleles
will survive to adulthood, while fewer suscep-
How Resistance Develops
tible caterpillars will survive. As a result, more
resistant insects will pass on alleles for resistance
to new generations.
Because Cry-toxins are expressed in transgenic
plants for the entire growing season—compared
to insecticides that remain active for short peri-
ods—Bt cotton further prompts tobacco bud-
worms and bollworms to select for resistance.
This exposure can greatly enhance selection for
resistant alleles and subsequently accelerate the
pace that these insects develop resistance, espe-
cially in areas where few alternate hosts are
available (fig. 4).
Due to the high, season-long selection for Bt-
resistant insects, scientists advise that develop-
ment of field-level resistance could take a rela-
tively short time. However, if Bt crops are not
used over a high proportion of the total acreage,
the rate that insects develop resistance should be
slower and Bt crops should remain effective for
many years (Gould et al. 1992). The rate that
resistance develops increases proportionately as
the acreage of Bt crops expands within a county,
state, or region. The presence or absence of
alternate non-Bt food plants in a particular area
may also influence the development of resistance,
which will probably occur first in a locale where
the use of Bt cotton is high and the availability of
non-Bt hosts, including cotton and other plants, is
Figure 4. Increase of resistant larvae on
cotton. Reprinted with permission of
D. Sumerford.
everal types of Bt corn use different Bt
transformation events and express Cry1Ab,
Cry1Ac, Cry1F (not commercially available), or
Cry9c toxins. Some brands of Cry1Ab corn
express Bt toxin in the ears, where bollworm
larvae (called corn earworms on corn) may be
feeding, but other brands do not have toxin in the
ears. Cry9c toxin does not kill bollworms and
should not affect development of Bt resistance.
Currently, only the Yieldgard corn hybrids ex-
press Bt protein in ears and may have an effect on
Bt resistance in bollworms (fig. 5). Tobacco bud-
worms should not be affected by corn since they
very seldom infest this crop.
Growing corn in cotton production areas could
have a major influence on bollworms’ develop-
ment of resistance to Bt cotton. Bollworm cater-
Bt Corn: Does It Hasten Resistance
to Bt Cotton?
Figure 5. Computer simulation showing the influence of
corn and
cotton on the rate
that bollworms develop resistance to
. Reprinted with permission from ILSI Health and
Environmental Sciences Institute 1998.
% of all cotton planted to
Years to resistance
* Spatially explicit model with 120 patches of corn, 160 patches of cotton,
40 patches of wild hosts, and 80 soybean patches. Five replicates and
noncross resistance.
20% of all corn planted in
40% of all corn planted to
60% of all corn planted to
rowers know that production costs can
increase as insects develop resistance to
insecticides. How much of an increase
depends on the availability and cost-effectiveness
of alternative strategies. If such strategies do not
exist or are expensive, production costs and crop
losses may be very high. The resistance of tobacco
budworms and bollworms to Bt cotton is accom-
panied by costs similar to those encountered with
resistance to conventional insecticides.
There are also additional costs to resistance. Cry-
toxins in Bt plants and Cry-toxin-based insecti-
cides are not easily replaced when insects develop
resistance. In the past, growers relied on the
availability of new insecticides. There is no guar-
antee this process will continue. Developing new
insecticides and transgenic insecticidal crops is
time intensive, difficult, and expensive. Research-
ers may not be able to develop new insecticides at
reasonable costs that conform to environmental
and performance requirements as quickly as
Implications of Resistance
pillars infest the whorl and ear stages of corn.
Moths are strongly attracted to silking corn to lay
eggs, and a major portion of the second-genera-
tion population may develop in corn ears. Non-Bt
corn will not select for Bt-resistant bollworms but
will act as a refuge and delay resistance. The
more non-Bt corn—other non-Bt hosts—grown in
a corn and cotton production area, the slower Bt
resistance develops.
However, growing ear-expressing Bt corn can
hasten Bt resistance in two ways: (1) if non-Bt
corn is replaced with ear-expressing Bt corn, the
refuge effect that non-Bt corn provides dimin-
ishes and bollworm populations are exposed to
Bt toxin—both from the increase in Bt crops and
the decrease in non-Bt crops; and (2) as men-
tioned, greater exposure to the Bt toxin gives
bollworms that are carrying a resistance allele(s) a
survival advantage and hastens the pace to
resistance. If robust non-Bt refuges are main-
tained for both cotton and corn, the rate that
resistance develops is reduced and should allow
a prolonged life for both Bt products.
growers need them. A case in point is the high
cost of recently released tobacco budworm
insecticides for use on cotton.
The length of time that an insecticide or Bt cotton
remains effective may depend upon how well
growers and pest managers follow resistance
management guidelines. Improper usage dra-
matically decreases the effective life of a product.
If Bt products are carefully used, their effective-
ness may be extended for many years. But if the
technology is abused, budworms and bollworms
will quickly become resistant. Preserving the
effectiveness of Bt cotton is one way to keep pest
management costs at the lowest level.
Other less obvious risks could also occur. In the
past the appearance of resistant tobacco bud-
worm or bollworm infestations increased the
frequency of scouting and complicated decision-
making by growers and pest managers. If new,
selective insecticides are needed to combat Cry-
toxin-resistant pests, secondary insects may
become more numerous. Also, caterpillars ex-
posed to one Cry-protein (for example, Cry1Ac)
may develop resistance to other similar Cry-
proteins, even though they have not been ex-
posed to them; this process is known as cross-
resistance. When growing Bt crops, growers
should always use the refuge sizes specified in
the licensing agreement in order to slow the
development of resistance to the Cry-proteins
contained in sprayable Bt insecticides and Bt
logical, science-based, and proactive
resistance management strategy is neces-
sary to prevent tobacco budworms or bollworms
from developing resistance to Bt cotton in less
than 10 years. All members of the cotton industry
should practice this strategy to slow development
of resistance. EPA has registered products from
companies that sell Bt cotton seed, and these
companies are required to recommend and
support insect resistance management (IRM)
strategies for Bt cotton. IRM is a key element of a
good overall integrated pest management (IPM)
EPA has accepted a resistance management
concept for Bt cotton known as the “high dose/
refuge strategy.” This approach has two comple-
mentary principles: (1) Bt plants must produce a
high dose of Cry-toxin throughout the season,
and (2) effective IRM refuges must be maintained.
An IRM refuge consists of a non-Bt host crop, and
it is intended to produce susceptible tobacco
budworms or bollworms or both.
In theory, if Bt plants express a high dose of toxin,
then all susceptible (SS) pests eating the plant will
die, almost all of the heterozygous (RS) insects
will die, and resistant (RR) insects will survive.
When resistant survivors from the Bt crop mate
with susceptible insects from a non-Bt refuge, the
offspring receive one allele—either an S or an R—
from each parent. Offspring from the cross-
mating will be heterozygotes (RS). If Bt plants
express a high dose of toxin, almost all heterozy-
gotes will be killed. Eliminating most heterozy-
gotes also eliminates most resistant alleles from
the surviving populations and greatly slows the
development of resistance.
Without a source for producing susceptible
insects—an IRM refuge—the development of
resistance is proportional to the dose; that is, the
higher the dose, the more rapidly resistance
develops. Therefore, the high dose/refuge strat-
egy is a high-risk strategy, depending upon the
availability of properly functioning IRM refuges.
The high dose, or in other words high effective-
ness, is very good for pest control, but it can
cause the rapid development of resistance in the
absence of effective IRM refuges.
As mentioned, the IRM refuge is acreage planted
with a non-Bt crop that serves as a host for to-
Can Growers Slow Resistance?
Future IRM Refuge Options
bacco budworms or bollworms or both. And the
refuge must be close enough to the Bt crop to
ensure that susceptible moths have an opportu-
nity to mate with resistant ones. This means that
moths from the Bt cotton and the refuge must
emerge at about the same time and be relatively
close to each other.
Commercial Bt cotton varieties (Bollgard) cur-
rently express enough Cry1Ac toxin throughout
most of the season to kill all susceptible (SS) and
almost all heterozygous (RS) tobacco budworms.
Only resistant (RR) tobacco budworms are ex-
pected to easily survive. Thus, commercially
efuge regulations originally mandated in
1995 for Bollgard varieties will remain in
effect through the 2000 growing season. When the
registration for Bollgard cotton expires after the
2000 growing season, new refuge requirements
may be forthcoming. At the time of publication,
no final refuge requirements had been deter-
mined for the 2001 growing season and beyond.
The issue will be debated before the final decision
is made; recommendations will range from
complete removal of Bt technology from the
marketplace, to a minimum of a 50-percent non-
Bt cotton refuge, to no change from the current 4-
percent-unsprayed or 20-percent-sprayed refuge
Computer simulation models, along with limited
evidence from field and laboratory studies,
suggest that the 4-percent-unsprayed refuge or
available Bt cotton varieties (Bollgard) should
qualify for the “high dose” definition for tobacco
As mentioned, research shows that bollworms are
less sensitive to Cry1Ac toxin than tobacco
budworms. Researchers estimate that from 5 to 25
percent of susceptible (SS) bollworm larvae
survive on Bt cotton varieties now in use
(Bollgard), and estimates for heterozygote (RS)
survival are significantly higher. So the Bt cotton
grown now cannot be considered “high dose”
against bollworms.
the 20-percent-sprayed refuge required on the
original Bt cotton label (Bollgard cotton) may not
adequately delay resistance in bollworms and
tobacco budworms. Studies using computer
models (Gould et al. 1992, ILSI 1998) also suggest
that bollworm resistance to Bt cotton can occur
quickly if Bt cotton is extensively planted and
only small IRM refuges are used. Research indi-
cates that bollworms, and to a lesser extent
budworms, have the genetic ability to adapt
quickly to Bt toxin (Gould et al. 1992, Sumerford
et al. 2000, Burd et al. 2000).
In 1999, EPA and the U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture, proposed for discussion the following two
structured refuge options to mitigate the resis-
tance of tobacco budworms and bollworms to Bt
toxins expressed in Bollgard Bt cotton:
1 An external refuge of at least 30% non
cotton should be implemented. The
placement of the structured refuge
should be planted within 0.5 miles of
the farthest
cotton in a field to pro-
-susceptible moths. The external
refuges of non
cotton can be treated
with any other registered non
cide or other insect control measures.
2 In-field refuges of at least 10% non
cotton refuge should be implemented.
In-field refuges should be planted
entirely within the field as blocks,
minimum size to be determined based
on planter size, to provide
tible moths. Cotton fields may be
treated with any registered non
insecticide or other control measures,
as long as the entire field is treated in
the same manner. This means that
cotton rows cannot be treated indepen-
dently from non
cotton rows with
insecticides or other insect control
In both options, (1) and (2), agronomic
practices used for farming the non
cotton must ensure adequate produc-
tion of susceptible [tobacco budworm
and cotton bollworm] adults to mate
with resistant adults emerging from
cotton. In particular, termination of
growth of non
cotton should not be
done until termination of growth of
cotton has begun. In general, agro-
nomic practices for non
should be similar, as practical, to those
of the
cotton grown in the same
management unit, especially regarding
crop nutrition, irrigation, and termination
(U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
and U.S. Department of Agriculture
EPA and USDA co-authored this position paper to
provide stakeholders with a focal point for dis-
cussing future recommendations. The entire
document may be reviewed at http://
otherdocs/bt_position_paper_618.html. Updated
versions of refuge guidelines will be available at
this website.
Entomologists in the public sector are concerned
with cotton insects’ almost 50-year history of
developing resistance to sprayable insecticides
from almost every chemical class. Sound biologi-
cal reasons indicate that Bt insecticide within
plants will be even more vulnerable to the devel-
opment of insect resistance. Given the reduced
pace of developing new replacement insect-
control technology, the U.S. cotton industry may
face a greater risk of insecticide resistance than
ever before.
The refuge plans currently in use are designed for
Bollgard cotton varieties that perform like the
varieties first marketed (for example, NuCotn 33
and NuCotn 35). These refuges may be inappro-
priate for new Bt genes or stacked gene Bt prod-
ucts that may be marketed in the near future. One
hopes new Bt gene products will deliver a high
dose of toxin to the bollworm and secondary
lepidopterans and qualify for the high-dose refuge
strategy. If these products do qualify, scientific
theory should support less restrictive IRM plans
for such future products. The development of
highly effective transgenic insecticidal cotton
plants with multiple toxic genes should be
The Economics of Cotton Refuges
Can the Development of Resistance
Be Successfully Monitored?
he expenses and yield reduction associated
with refuges must be viewed as costs of
using Bt cotton technology. Balancing these are
the economic and other benefits realized from Bt
cotton. In non-Bt cotton when insecticides are
used for insect management, the chemical costs,
application costs, and risks of handling pesticides
and possible complaints about them, among
other costs, are balanced against the benefit of
insect control and higher yields. If, for example, a
90/10 in-field refuge plan is used, the 10-percent
refuge may be damaged by insects, but the yield
and insect control cost over the total acreage may
be more profitable than that achieved using other
insect management plans.
Preserving Bt cotton technology from resistance
helps ensure that growers will have effective
insect management options in the future. Experi-
ence shows that greater crop loss and higher cost
insect management typically follow the develop-
ment of resistance. So, clearly, an economic
benefit is often difficult to estimate. There is no
guarantee that new and cost-effective biotechnol-
ogy or insecticidal products will replace existing
technology in a timely fashion.
onitoring for the development of insect
resistance to Cry-proteins is a difficult
and imprecise task. It may include surveying the
annual use of Bt cotton in each county or parish,
annual testing of tobacco budworm and boll-
worm populations for Bt sensitivity, and checking
Bt crops for any changes in the survival rate of
tobacco budworms and bollworms. Monitoring
tobacco budworm and bollworm populations on
Bt cotton is important in providing the earliest
warning that they are developing resistance; it is
also required by EPA. And it improves resistance
management efforts.
Companies that register the proteins in Bt cotton
with EPA are required to keep annual sales
records on a county-by-county basis and submit
summaries for each state. Surveys of grower use
of Bt cotton, conducted by Cooperative Extension
Service personnel, also may be available and
could be used as a guide for monitoring areas
where circumstances favor the development of Bt
resistance by tobacco budworms and bollworms.
Researchers predict that resistance is more likely
in areas where the use of Bt cotton has been high
for several years. Other characteristics of a par-
ticular region—such as the amount of non-Bt
cotton acreage and alternative hosts of tobacco
budworms or bollworms—may be surveyed to
help determine the risk of resistance. Assigning
resistance risk categories to unique cotton-grow-
ing environments across the Cotton Belt can be
helpful in monitoring the efforts at specific sites.
A major difficulty in monitoring is that resistance
can develop to an advanced stage before it is
easily detected in the field. For example, if 1 of
every 100,000 tobacco budworms was resistant
when Bt cotton was first marketed, resistance
levels would advance many-fold—perhaps to 1
per 100 individuals—before field failures could
be detected.
Detection of resistance in the field by scouts and
growers would likely occur only in outbreak
years, unless the resistance level was more than 1
insect per 100. The development of resistance is
largely undetectable by measuring field perfor-
mance of Bt cotton. This invisible phase is due, in
part, to monitoring techniques that are not sensi-
tive enough to detect early shifts in tobacco bud-
worm and bollworm resistance.
A first step in establishing an effective monitoring
program is to document the initial susceptibility
level of tobacco budworms and bollworms to the
Bt toxin. With this information as a baseline, it
may be possible to spot small, early changes in
susceptibility before field control failure occurs.
Laboratory studies are uncovering more informa-
tion about the frequency with which resistant
genes occur and the dominance of these genes.
Detecting changes in susceptibility to the Cry-
toxins requires precise techniques that provide
information from a large number of insects and
many locations. The U.S. Department of Agricul-
ture and state universities are cooperating to
establish Cry-toxin susceptibility baselines and
measure resistance in tobacco budworm and
bollworm larvae collected from all across the
Cotton Belt, especially from the mid-South and
the Southeast (Summerford et al. 2000). Technol-
ogy companies are also conducting similar tests.
If these monitoring studies are sufficiently wide-
spread, changes in the susceptibility of tobacco
budworms and bollworms to Bt may be success-
fully detected prior to field control failures. EPA
is reevaluating annual monitoring requirements
for development of remedial action plans.
Counting the number of surviving caterpillars in
fields of Bt cotton may be helpful for detecting
the development of resistance. Susceptible popu-
lations of tobacco budworms are decimated in Bt
cotton, so scouting for their survival may uncover
resistance before economic field failures occur.
This method is not highly sensitive, however, and
insect resistance to Cry1Ac toxin must reach a
relatively high level—for example, one resistant
insect in 500 susceptible insects—before detection
is possible.
The tolerance of bollworms to Cry1Ac toxin is
already too high to allow close measurement of
changes in resistance using scouting and larval
survival. What’s more, less than adequate Bt
expression in the cotton plants may produce a
false positive for resistance. Field scouting will
detect only large shifts in the survival rate of
Fitting Bt Cotton Into an Insect
Management Program
s with all conventional insecticides, Bt
cotton must be managed wisely and used in
combination with other insect pest and crop
management practices. For more than 20 years,
IPM has focused on using insecticides on an as-
needed basis only. The decision to use insecti-
cides has generally been based on crop scouting
to determine insect pest densities and the use of
spray thresholds. Of course, Bt crops cannot be
used as-needed because the Bt toxin is in the
plant. For this reason, tobacco budworms and
bollworms have greater opportunities for expo-
sure to the toxin, and development of resistance
is more likely with Bt plants.
Consequently, resistance management must be
part of the total pest management package. On
the positive side, Bt plants, in the absence of
insecticide sprays, will help preserve beneficial
insects, allowing growers to take advantage of
them as a free resource, especially in areas where
the boll weevil has been eradicated.
When developing crop production plans, growers
should consider all insect management strategies
and tactics, with emphasis on the following areas:
Cultural practices. Early crop maturity (which
may be optimized with computerized manage-
ment programs such as COTMAN) should be
part of every pest management plan. Most grow-
ers realize that early fruit set and early fruit
maturity help reduce insect pest infestations.
Combined use of optimal planting times and
early-maturing cotton varieties reduce crop
damage, minimize insecticide use, and diminish
the chances of pests’ becoming resistant to Bt
toxin and insecticides. Early fruit set should be
protected so maturity is not delayed.
Rotating Bt crops with other non-Bt crops (tem-
poral refuge) that also are hosts of tobacco bud-
worms and bollworms is an example of resistance
management and offers overall pest management
benefits. Soybeans, peanuts, and tobacco can
harbor tobacco budworms, and these same crops,
plus corn and grain sorghum, are all hosts of
bollworms. Yieldgard Bt corn would not be
considered an adequate alternate host, but other
available Bt corn brands and non-Bt corn could
serve as alternate hosts. Certain forage crops,
such as crimson clover and alfalfa, and many
weeds may also serve as hosts to tobacco bud-
worms and bollworms. These alternate hosts can
provide an important refuge benefit and help
slow the development of resistance. In fact,
according to computer models, the rate that
bollworms develop Bt resistance is directly
related to the proportion of non-Bt corn (not
Yieldgard) in a cotton and corn cropping system.
Beneficial insects. Conventional insecticides
often have a significant adverse effect on benefi-
cial insects in cotton. Populations of cotton
aphids, beet armyworms, tobacco budworms,
bollworms, fall armyworms, and other pests
frequently increase following insecticide use due
to the destruction of beneficial arthropods. Bt
toxins do not have this effect. The loss of benefi-
cial insects can also be reduced by using fewer
applications of insecticide or by using an insecti-
cide that is less harmful.
Scouting and thresholds. Bt cotton is not
effective on pests such as boll weevils, plant bugs,
and stink bugs. When bollworms, beet army-
worms, fall armyworms, and looper moths lay
large numbers of eggs, damaging infestations
may occur because the level of Bt toxin produced
is not adequate to fully control them. As a result,
Bt cotton must be scouted in a fashion similar to
that used with conventional cotton but using
altered techniques and modified treatment
thresholds. Entomologists in each cotton-produc-
ing state publish variations for Bt cotton scouting
and treatment thresholds.
Bt cotton kills almost all newly hatched tobacco
budworm larvae and most bollworm larvae, so
using eggs as a criterion for insecticide applica-
tions may lead to unneeded foliar treatments.
When large numbers of bollworm eggs are laid,
survival of the larvae may lead to damaging
infestations. As a consequence, in a few states
where the tobacco budworm and bollworm
populations consist mostly of bollworms, exten-
sion entomologists have adopted a high egg
threshold for Bt cotton (table 6). In other states
(Arkansas, Mississippi, and Texas, for example)
egg thresholds are not recommended as a treat-
ment criterion. Use of the egg threshold is not
possible in states where the percentage of tobacco
Fi 14 C t i l ti h i th i fl f
tt th t th t b ll d l
The beneficial wasp,
Microplitis croceipes
, feeding on bollworm/budworm larva.
Courtesy of J. Powell.
budworms is high, since separating tobacco
budworms from bollworms without a microscope
is difficult and time-consuming in every stage but
the adult.
A potential solution to the problem of identifying
eggs and small larvae is the development of kits
containing species-specific monoclonal antibod-
ies. These kits would allow growers and consult-
ants to make better pest control decisions if
surviving larvae longer than 1/8 to 1/4 inch are
found in Bt cotton. This technology is still being
Scouting Bt cotton for tobacco budworms and
bollworms must employ somewhat different
techniques than scouting non-Bt cotton. Newly
hatched larvae do not die immediately after
feeding on Bt cotton. In fact, most states recom-
mend counting caterpillars only of a certain size,
such as 1/8 to 1/4 inch long. Caterpillars that
reach a minimum size have a greater ability to
survive on Bt cotton. As the caterpillars become
larger, they become more difficult to kill with the
Bt toxin and can damage the crop unless elimi-
nated quickly. The larvae that survive are most
likely to be bollworms. Caterpillars, usually
bollworms, often are found in flowers or “bloom
tags,” so greater emphasis is being placed on
examining the blooms and small bolls when
Tobacco budworm and bollworm damage in Bt
cotton can also be a target for scouting. Caterpil-
lars that grow beyond a minimum size and feed
on terminals, squares, or bolls cause recognizable
Table 6. Bollworm and tobacco budworm thresholds on cotton in South Carolina
Spray threshold
Stage % Eggs % Square damage % Larvae
Before bloom
cotton 20 15
After bloom
cotton 20 3 5
cotton 75 5 (bolls) 30
Source: Roof 1999
Cotton boll damage from budworm/bollworm larvae
damage. The superficial damage of very small
caterpillars should not be mistaken for penetrat-
ing injury that may indicate a damaging insect
population. In some situations, fall armyworms
or beet armyworms can cause this damage, so
scouts should be careful to properly identify the
pest species. Some states have developed damage
thresholds for Bt cotton.
Insecticide use in
cotton. In Bt cotton, all
insect pests not affected by the Bt toxin should be
managed as they would be in non-Bt cotton. It
may be necessary to apply insecticide to control
thrips, aphids, boll weevils, tarnished plant bugs,
stink bugs, and a few tolerant caterpillars such as
beet armyworms and fall armyworms. The
decision to apply insecticides to Bt and non-Bt
cotton should be based on scouting and treatment
Insecticide use depends on several variables,
including the abundance of the pest insect and
the presence of beneficial insects. Using insecti-
cides against early-season pests, such as boll
weevils and tarnished plant bugs, also reduces
the number of beneficial insects. As mentioned
previously, this reduction may result in higher
populations of insect pests and fewer opportuni-
ties for reduced insecticide use in Bt cotton. In
areas where boll weevils have been eradicated
and tarnished plant bugs are infrequent, the
presence of Bt toxin and beneficial insects greatly
reduces the amount of insecticide needed on Bt
Key Steps—Implementing a Resistance
Management Plan
ransgenic crops are one of the most revolu-
tionary developments in agricultural pro-
duction. As with most new technology, there are
exciting possibilities for the economic value of Bt
cotton and apprehensions about its wise use. In
order to preserve Bt cotton well into the 21st
century, producers, seed companies, scientists,
and regulators need to foster strong collaboration
to ensure longevity of the technology.
Companies are striving to develop new genes for
insertion into cotton plant DNA to provide other
he following summary, based on the
principles outlined in this publication,
assumes that a voluntary, proactive approach
by growers will provide product stewardship
for long-term yield benefits and profitability.
1 Use
cotton in fields where the risk of
severe tobacco budworm and bollworm
infestations warrants the price premium for
2 Plant
cotton and non-
refuge in the
required proportions and patterns.
Bt Cotton in the Future
possibilities for improving agronomic traits and
pest control characteristics. Genes for new insecti-
cidal toxins will be important for managing a
wider spectrum of insects and for slowing the
pace of resistance. If future varieties express a
high dose of toxin and the toxins do not have the
same physiological target site, the rate that insects
develop resistance could be greatly reduced.
3 Record where
and non
cotton are
planted so
cotton performance can be
monitored and non
cotton can be scouted
and treated as needed.
4 Use all cultural alternatives available for
avoiding high late-season tobacco budworm
and bollworm populations. These alternatives
include early planting, short-season varieties,
and protection of early fruit.
5 Continue using an IPM approach for all
pests. When designing scouting priorities,
keep in mind that other insects—such as
beet armyworms, cabbage loopers, cotton
square borers, European corn borers, fall
armyworms, southern armyworms, soybean
loopers, and yellowstriped armyworms—are
suppressed at various levels by
Still other pests are not affected by
including boll weevils, cotton aphids, cotton
fleahoppers, cutworms, spider mites, stink
bugs, tarnished plant bugs, thrips, and
6 Monitor
cotton to verify tobacco budworm
and bollworm control throughout the season.
Since bollworms are not as readily controlled
cotton, carefully watch for a heavy egg-
lay and scout for surviving larvae lower in the
cotton plants, especially in bloom tags. If
feeding damage occurs in
cotton, investi-
gate the cause immediately. If needed, get
help in identifying feeding caterpillars. If
tobacco budworm or bollworm larvae or
excessive damage are discovered, resis-
tance or tolerance to
cotton is a possibility,
and the situation should be investigated.
Verify from field records that Bt cotton was
planted where excessive damage or larvae are
observed. Consult your grower’s guide for the
seed company’s procedure for investigating
suspected cases of resistance or tolerance. Imme-
diately notify seed company representatives or
extension agents or both if evidence indicates a
performance problem.
Burd, A.D., J.R. Bradley, J.W. Van Duyn, and F.
Gould. 2000. Resistance of bollworm, Helicoverpa
zea, to CryIAc toxin. In P. Dugger and D. Richter,
eds., Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Produc-
tion Research Conference, pp. 923–926. National
Cotton Council, Memphis, Tennessee.
Georghiou, G.P., and T. Saito, eds. 1983. Pest
resistance to pesticides. Plenum Press, New York.
Gould, F., A. Martinez-Ramirez, and A. Ander-
son. 1992. Broad-spectrum resistance to Bacillus
thuringiensis toxins in Heliothis virescens. Proceed-
ings of the National Academy of Sciences USA
ILSI Health and Environmental Sciences Institute.
1998. Evaluation of insect resistance management
in Bt field corn; a science-based framework for
risk assessment and risk management. Report of
an expert panel. ILSI Press, Washington, DC.
Jenkins, J.N., J.C. McCarty, Jr., and R.E. Buehler.
1997. Resistance of cotton with endotoxin genes
from Bacillus thuringiensis var. kurstaki on se-
lected lepidopteran insects. Agronomy Journal
Layton, M.B., S.D. Stewart, M.R. Williams, and
J.L. Long. 1999. Performance of Bt cotton in
Mississippi, 1998. In P. Dugger and D. Richter,
eds., Proceedings of the Beltwide Cotton Produc-
tion Research Conference, pp. 942–945. National
Cotton Council, Memphis, Tennessee.
Ostlie, K.R., W.D. Hutchison, and R.L. Hellmich,
eds. 1997. Bt corn and European corn borer. NCR
Publication 602. University of Minnesota, St.
Roof, Mitchell E. 1999. Cotton insect manage-
ment. Clemson University Extension Information
Card 97, Clemson, South Carolina.
Stewart, S., J. Reed, R. Luttrell, and F.A. Harris.
1998. Cotton insect control strategy project:
Comparing Bt and conventional cotton manage-
ment and plant bug control strategies at five
locations in Mississippi (1995–1997). In P. Dugger
and D. Richter, eds., Proceedings of the Beltwide
Cotton Production Research Conference, pp.
1199–1203. National Cotton Council, Memphis,
Sumerford, D.V., D.D. Hardee, L.C. Adams, and
W.L. Solomon. 2001. Tolerance to CryIAc in
populations of Helicoverpa zea and Heliothis
virescens (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae): Three-year
summary. Journal of Economic Entomology. In
Tabashnik, B.E., N.L. Cushing, N. Finson, and
M.W. Johnson. 1990. Field development of resis-
tance to Bacillus thuringiensis in diamondback
moth (Lepidoptera: Plutellidae). Journal of
Economic Entomology 83:1671–1676.
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency and U.S.
Department of Agriculture. EPA and USDA
position paper on insect resistance management
in Bt crops. 1999. Posted on the World Wide Web
May 27, 1999, minor revisions July 12, 1999.
Allele. An alternative form of a gene. For ex-
ample, a gene determining the reaction of an
insect to Bt toxin may occur in the form of an
allele for resistance or an allele for susceptibility.
Alternate host. Non-Bt plant types other than
cotton that support successful reproduction of
tobacco budworms or bollworms or both; soy-
bean and corn are examples.
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt). A naturally occurring
soil bacterium that occurs worldwide and pro-
duces a toxin specific to certain insects (for
example, moths, beetles, blackflies, or mosqui-
Beneficial arthropods. Usually refers to insect
predators or parasites of pest insects in crops.
When abundant, these insects can assist in de-
creasing certain pests, although they are often
seriously reduced by insecticide.
Biotechnology. The science and art of genetically
modifying an organism’s DNA, such that the
transformed individual can express new traits
that enhance the quality of a product (for ex-
ample, seed oils or fiber quality) or can express
resistance to pests.
Boll weevil eradication program. A joint USDA,
producer, and state program designed to elimi-
nate the boll weevil as an economic pest from the
Cotton Belt.
Bt cotton. Commercial varieties of cotton that
contain a gene from Bacillus thuringiensis within
its DNA. This gene allows the plant to produce
Cry-protein within most or all plant tissues. The
toxin makes the plant tissue—terminals, squares,
or bolls—toxic to some important caterpillar
Bt insecticides. Formulations of Bt Cry-proteins
manufactured and sold for spraying a wide
variety of plants in order to control certain cater-
pillar or beetle pests. Some formulations are also
used for mosquito and fly control.
Cross resistance. Resistance to one or more toxins
from exposure to one or more other toxins, such
as bollworms becoming resistant to Cry1Ac in
cotton by being exposed to CryIAb in corn, or
vice versa.
Cry-proteins. Any of several crystalline proteins
found in Bt spores that are activated by enzymes
in the insect’s midgut. These proteins attack the
cells lining the gut, cause gut paralysis, and
subsequently kill the insect.
Cry1Ac protein (toxin). One of many Bt crystal-
line protein toxins. The Cry-protein used in the
first varieties of Bt cotton sold commercially to
DNA. Deoxyribonucleic acid, a double-stranded
molecule, consisting of paired nucleotide units
grouped into genes and associated regulatory
sequences. These genes serve as blueprints for
protein construction from amino acid building
Dominance (of an allele). The ability of one allele
to determine a characteristic in a heterozygous
individual. For example, an allele for resistance to
Bt toxin may be dominant. As a consequence, an
insect heterozygous for resistance, that is, con-
taining an allele for resistance and an allele for
susceptibility, is resistant to Bt toxin.
Dose of toxin. The amount of toxin eaten per
insect. For example, the dose of toxin that a
caterpillar receives by eating part of a Bt plant
can be stated as micrograms of Bt toxin eaten per
caterpillar or per milligram of the caterpillar’s
total body weight.
Expression. Production of the desired trait (pro-
tein concentration, for example) in a transgenic
plant. Expression varies with the gene, its pro-
moter, and its insertion point in the host DNA.
Gene. The basic unit of inheritance; a section of
DNA that codes for a specific product (for ex-
ample, protein) or trait.
Genetic marker. See Marker.
Heterozygote. A diploid organism carrying two
different alleles (for example, susceptible and
resistant) of a gene.
High dose. A dose of toxin high enough to kill all
susceptible target pests and nearly all heterozy-
gotes. Such a dose can be delivered by plants
with sufficiently high concentrations of Bt toxin.
High-dose refuge strategy. A resistance manage-
ment approach that uses plants to minimize the
rapid selection for resistance to transgenic plants.
This strategy relies upon plants that produce Cry-
proteins at a concentration sufficient to kill all but
the most resistant insects and is used in combina-
tion with a non-Bt refuge that allows susceptible
insects to survive and mate with resistant indi-
Host plant resistance. Ability of a plant to avoid
insect damage, to kill attacking insects, or to
tolerate their damage.
Insect resistance management (IRM). A proac-
tive approach to offset and slow insects’ resis-
tance to Bt crops or insecticides by reducing
selection or by counteracting the effects of selec-
tion for resistance genes.
Integrated pest management (IPM). A manage-
ment approach that integrates multiple, comple-
mentary control tactics to manage pests in a
profitable, environmentally sound manner.
Examples of the control tactics include conserva-
tion of natural enemies, crop rotation, host plant
resistance, and insecticides.
IPM. See Integrated pest management.
IRM. See Insect resistance management.
Larva. Immature stage of certain insect species;
examples include caterpillars and grubs.
Lepidoptera. The order of insects that includes
moths and butterflies. The plant-eating immature
stages are often called worms, caterpillars, or
Marker. A genetic flag or trait used to verify
successful gene transformation and to indirectly
measure expression of the inserted genes.
Mode of action. Mechanism by which a toxin
kills an insect. For example, the mode of action of
Bt is ingestion and disruption of cells lining the
Promoter. A DNA sequence that regulates where,
when, and to what degree an associated gene is
Refuge or insect resistance management (IRM)
refuge. A wild host area or an area planted with
nontransgenic plants (for example, non-Bt cotton
or alternative hosts for tobacco budworms or
bollworms) where susceptible pests can survive
and produce a local population capable of mating
with resistant survivors from Bt cotton. This
mating, by decreasing the likelihood that Bt-
resistant insects will mate with one another,
dilutes resistance in the insect population.
Registration. Legal approval of pesticides and
transgenic crops for use in the United States by
the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
Registration is granted after extensive review of
toxicology (to mammals, birds, fish, and other
nontarget organisms), environmental fate, health
and safety issues, and precautions.
Resistance (by pests). The evolved capacity of an
organism to survive in response to selection from
exposure to a pesticide. The evolution of resis-
tance occurs through a process of genetic accu-
mulation, whereby a population becomes less
sensitive to the pesticide following repeated
Selection. A natural or artificial process that
results in survival and better reproductive suc-
cess of some individuals over others. Selection
results in genetic shifts if survivors are more, or
less, likely to have particular inherited traits.
Stacked. Describes transgenic plants with more
than one introduced gene in a single crop plant
variety, such as a “stacked” cotton variety con-
taining a Bt gene and a gene for herbicide toler-
Transgenic. An organism genetically altered by
addition of foreign genetic material (DNA) from
another organism into its own DNA.