Appendix 9
Wayne County Airport Authority
Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW)
Detroit, Michigan
The Wayne County Airport Authority is committed to environmentally responsible operations at Detroit
Metropolitan Airport (DTW), including waste reduction. The Authority’s Department of Environment &
Sustainability Mission Statement guides measures to decrease DTW’s impact on future generations. DTW
has an established sustainability program which includes a goal to increase recycling and landfill diversion.
The Authority maintains a waste management program in the buildings and areas under its control, including
its offices, work areas, buildings, and grounds. Authority staff support sustainable strategies for areas and
activities controlled by other stakeholders.
The Department of Environment & Sustainability has primary responsibility for recycling and other diversion
programs at DTW. The Sustainability Program Administrator develops procedures; provides training and
education to employees and tenants; and coordinates with stakeholders to continuously improve recycling
and diversion efforts. Janitorial, cabin cleaning, and waste/recycling collection services are provided by
third-party contractors. Some are contracted directly by the Authority, while others are contracted by an
airline consortium, individual airlines, or a facility maintenance company.
The Maintenance Department administers and funds the waste collection contracts; waste activities are
funded and monitored by the Maintenance Department while the Department of Environment
& Sustainability funds and monitors recycling, composting, and related education. The Department of
Environment & Sustainability receives recycling quantity data from the collection contractor. Waste
generation quantities are estimated from container sizes, collection schedules, visual observations, and
previous studies/audits.
Authority employees have access to recycling for paper, cardboard, aluminum cans, plastic bottles, batteries
and lightbulbs; these programs have high employee participation and employees provide feedback and
ideas for improvement of the program. Much of the paper purchased for employee use has recycled content.
The Authority’s employee recycling procedure is included at the end of this case example; this procedure is
the basis for recycling training during the employee on-boarding process and on-going education.
Employees also receive emails about recycling and waste practices. Authority staff recently relocated to a
new administration building. Office paper generated by the relocation of Authority staff was recycled. Prior
to the move, monthly paper recycling totaled between 2,000 and 5,000 pounds. For one month during the
move, the total reached 49,000 pounds. The Authority also offered the surplus furniture from the former site
at auction.
During a recent campaign, the Authority’s Department of Environment & Sustainability issued all employees
reusable beverage tumblers (Figure 1) to decrease use of single serve containers (disposable water bottles,
coffee cups, etc.). The tumblers feature the Authority’s sustainability logo. Tumblers have also been
distributed during new employee on-boarding and in summer intern welcome packages; to date,
approximately 900 tumblers have been distributed.
Over the course of their summer employment, interns in the Department of Environment & Sustainability
conducted visual inspections of exterior dumpsters and noted the volume of materials as well as unusual
items. Through this program, it was discovered that the facility’s Public Safety Building generated a
significant volume of cardboard. In response, the Authority coordinated with their recycling collection
contractor to provide cardboard collection in this area. Once this program was in place, employees stationed
in this building expressed their surprise at the amount of cardboard generated; the addition of this
infrastructure raised employee awareness of the materials generated by their activities and the Authority’s
overall recycling program.
The Department of Environment & Sustainability contracted for a waste composition study to identify
strategies to increase landfill diversion. The Authority also developed an Airport Recycling, Reuse, and
Waste Reduction Plan (included at the end of this case example) under their Airport Master Plan.
Recycling bins and garbage cans in DTW’s McNamara Terminal are provided by the airline and
subcontractor operating this facility; they include conjoined bins for recycling and waste streams as well as
standalone cans (Figures 2 and 3). Waste generated from the terminal buildings is collected in a system of
dumpsters and compactors. The recycling compactors at the McNamara Terminal are located outside the
building and access to them is restricted to supervisors from the building maintenance contractor through a
standard key.
The Department of Environment & Sustainability conducts training for tenant employees and hosts meetings
with tenants on specific strategies. Waste and recycling services are included in the tenants’ lease rates.
Some of DTW’s airlines participate in the recycling program, including recycling materials from deplaned
Standard drinking fountains in the North Terminal are being replaced with drinking fountains featuring bottle
refill stations (Figure 4). This replacement is being phased in waves and will eventually feature new signage
alerting passengers to the availability of these fixtures. The Authority’s McNamara Terminal and new
administration building also feature bottle refill stations.
The Authority implemented a food rescue program primarily to address social responsibility; however, this
program also diverts material from the landfill. The Authority applied for and received a grant from the
Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to support the food rescue program. Concessionaires and
airline lounges set aside edible food items which are collected and donated to a local non-profit organization
for distribution to those in need. The Authority purchased a cooler for this program (Figure 5). Other items,
such as toiletries, can also be donated through this program. The Authority is working with program
stakeholders to institutionalize the program to ensure its continuation through changes in contractors and
personnel and other transitions.
Looking ahead, the Authority is planning on expanding its recently implemented coffee grounds composting
program for food and beverage tenants to its new administration building. DTW is also evaluating strategies
outlined in the sustainability plan; composition study; and recycling, reuse and waste reduction plan.
Prepared by
Airport Recycling, Reuse,
and Waste ReducƟon Plan
Table of Contents
TableofContents............................................................................................................................... ........................ii
Figures............................................................................................................................... ........................................iii
Tables............................................................................................................................... ..........................................iii
ExecutiveSummary............................................................................................................................... ....................1
Introduction............................................................................................................................... ........................2
AirportDescription............................................................................................................................... .........2
WasteDefinitionsandPlanFocus................................................................................................................. 3
KeyAirportBuildingsandPlanScope............................................................................................................ 4
ExistingProgram............................................................................................................................... .................7
Drivers........................................................................................................................ ....................................7
OperationandMaintenanceRequirements,Roles andResponsibilities......................................................7
Infrastructure................................................................................................................. ................................9
Recycling,Reuse,andWasteReductionEfforts.......................................................................................... 11
WasteAudit............................................................................................................................... ......................13
Sources............................................................................................................................... .........................13
Quantity............................................................................................................................... ........................13
Performance............................................................................................................................... .................14
Composition............................................................................................................................... .................15
PurchasingPractices............................................................................................................................... .....18
ReviewofWasteManagementContracts....................................................................................................... 19
WasteContracts............................................................................................................................... ...........20
RecyclingContracts............................................................................................................................... ......20
HousekeepingContracts.............................................................................................................................. 20
TenantLeases............................................................................................................................... ...............20
RecyclingFeasibility............................................................................................................................... ..........21
CommitmentandSupport ........................................................................................................................... 21
TechnicalandEconomicFactors................................................................................................................. 23
Federal,State,andLocalPoliciesandGuidelines....................................................................................... 28
CostSavingsandRevenueGeneration............................................................................................................ 32
Recommendations............................................................................................................................... ............34
ObjectivesandTargets............................................................................................................................... .34
TrackingandReporting...................................................................................................................... ..........35
ReduceandReuse............................................................................................................................... ........36
RecyclingandComposting........................................................................................................................... 39
EducationandOutreach.............................................................................................................................. 42
ContainersandBins............................................................................................................................... ......44
SignageandLabeling............................................................................................................................... ....45
OtherRecommendations............................................................................................................................ 46
ContinuousImprovement........................................................................................................................... 47
RecommendationsSummary...................................................................................................................... 48
Conclusion............................................................................................................................... ........................50
............................................................................................................................... .........................51
Table of Contents
Figure 1: North Terminal Recycling Bins and Garbage Cans ............................................................ 9
Figure 2: McNamara Terminal Recycling Bins and Garbage Can ................................................... 10
Figure 3: Waste Stream Composition - DTW North Terminal Public/Passenger
and Airline Spaces ....................................................................................................... 16
Figure 4: Waste Stream Composition - DTW McNamara Terminal (Overall) ................................ 17
Figure 5: Waste Management Hierarchy (left) and Food Recovery Hierarchy (right) ................... 28
Figure 6: Example Donation Collection at McCarran International Airport (LAS) .......................... 38
Table 1: Areas and Activities at DTW Waste Management ........................................................... 6
Table 2: Summary of Recycling in Smith Building 14
Table 3: Summary of monthly recycling rates at the North and McNamara Terminals..……………..15
Table 4: Materials Accepted in Area Recycling Programs ............................................................. 24
Table 5: DTW Recycling and Other Waste Management Recommendations……………………………..49
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
The Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA) is in the process of completing an Airport Master Plan
Update for Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW). The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA)
Modernization and Reform Act of 2012 (FMRA) requires that this effort include a feasibility analysis for
solid waste and recycling. To meet this requirement, the consultant assessed DTW’s existing recycling
program and developed recommendations to divert waste from the landfill through strategies such as
waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.
DTW currently has a waste management program for several materials at buildings that WCAA controls.
In addition, various stakeholders have implemented recycling and other waste management strategies
at buildings not controlled by the WCAA. By conducting facility walk-throughs, waste composition
studies, interviews with WCAA staff, and discussions with various Airport tenants, the consultant
documented existing practices to identify potential opportunities to increase and improve recycling
participation. This information formed the basis for recommendations for DTW’s operations, waste
streams, and other influencing factors. Willow Run Airport (YIP) is included in some of the descriptions
because some of the WCAA’s contracts and programs also include YIP.
Highlights of these recommendations include:
x Establish goals and objectives
x Track and communicate progress
x Consider installing liquid collection stations at security checkpoints
x Evaluate the opportunity to collect and donate unopened food, beverages, and toiletries
x Continue plastic, aluminum, and paper recycling and food-recovery programs
x Expand recycling to other areas, including deplaned airline waste
x Continue to reuse materials and other items where possible
x Implement simple education program for employees, tenants, and contractors
x Co-locate recycling stations and garbage cans
x Expand and improve signage, specifically at security checkpoints
x Consider improvements to contracts and leases and purchasing policy and practices
x Maintain and improve recycling programs following the Plan-Do-Check-Act cycle
The range of these recommendations gives the WCAA and program stakeholders the flexibility to
implement those strategies that are most compatible with changing conditions and available resources
(such as labor and space), and progressively increase landfill diversion over time through a phased
program of waste reduction, reuse, and recycling.
1. Introduction
A. Regulatory Background and Project Purpose
Section 132(b) of the FAA FMRA expanded the definition of airport planning to include “developing a
plan for recycling and minimizing the generation of airport solid waste.” FMRA Section 133 added a
requirement that addresses waste management. This requirement applies to airports planning to
prepare or update a master plan, or with a completed master plan, that receive Airport Improvement
Program (AIP) funding for an eligible project. Airports fitting these criteria are to ensure that new or
updated master plans address issues related to solid waste recycling: 1) assess the feasibility of solid
waste recycling, 2) minimize the generation of solid waste, 3) define operational and maintenance
requirements, 4) review waste management contracts, and 5) evaluate the potential for cost savings or
revenue generation.
In September 2014, the FAA released a memorandum titled “Guidance on Airport Recycling, Reuse, and
Waste Reduction Plans.” This memo details the FAA’s expectations and suggestions for an airport’s
recycling plan. This guidance applies to Federally-obligated airports preparing or updating a master plan,
carrying out other planning efforts, or undertaking a standalone recycling project.
The scope and nature of an airport’s waste and recycling program and associated plan depend on several
factors that include: the airport size, location and layout; the amount and type of waste generated;
markets for recyclable commodities; costs for recycling; available local infrastructure; and the willingness
of an airport and its tenants to implement recycling and other strategies.
In compliance with FMRA and in accordance with the FAA’s guidance memo, this Airport Recycling,
Reuse, and Waste Reduction Plan (Plan) was developed for DTW as part of the on-going Airport Master
Plan Update project. This Plan documents and assesses DTW’s existing waste and recycling program
based on the factors and variables listed above and provides recommendations for improvement. The
content of this Plan was governed by the extent and accuracy of available information.
B. Airport Description
DTW is a commercial service, large-hub primary airport. The WCAA has operational jurisdiction for the
management of DTW and can implement facility or policy changes and influence use, cost, and
DTW is located in the City of Romulus, Michigan, in Wayne County, 20 miles west of Detroit and 25 miles
east of Ann Arbor. More information about DTW, including operations, activity levels and airline
information, can be found on DTW’s website (www.Metroairport.com) and in the Assessment of Existing
Conditions section of DTW Airport Master Plan Update Report.
C. Waste Definitions and Plan Focus
The focus of this plan is on Municipal Solid Waste (MSW), which consists of everyday items that are used
and then discarded. The following five primary types of MSW are generated at airports:
a. General MSW consists of common inorganic waste, such as product packaging, disposable
utensils, plates and cups, bottles, and newspaper. Less common items, such as furniture
and clothing, are also considered General MSW.
b. Food waste is either food that is not consumed or the waste generated and discarded
during food preparation.
c. Green waste consists of tree, shrub and grass clippings, leaves, weeds, small branches,
seeds, pods, and similar debris generated by landscape maintenance. Green waste and
food waste together may be referred to as “compostables.”
d. Deplaned waste is MSW that is removed from passenger aircraft. These materials include
bottles and cans, newspaper and mixed paper, plastic cups, service ware, food waste,
food soiled paper, and paper towels.
e. Construction and Demolition Waste (C&D) is generally categorized as MSW and is any
non-hazardous solid waste from land clearing, excavation, and/or the construction,
demolition, renovation or repair of structures, roads, and utilities. C&D waste commonly
includes concrete, wood, metals, drywall, carpet, plastic, pipes, land clearing debris,
cardboard, and salvaged building components.
This Plan focuses on the management of MSW and other materials such as cans, paper, cardboard etc.
that can be recycled or disposed of in a landfill. This Plan does not address the management of other
types of waste, specifically hazardous waste, universal waste (batteries, fluorescent light bulbs/ballasts,
etc.), industrial waste (used solvents, etc.), or waste deplaned from international flights, which is
regulated by separate federal, state, and local laws. C&D debris that is subject to special requirements
and requires special handling is also not included in this Plan.
D. Key Airport Buildings and Plan Scope
DTW is a large facility encompassing numerous buildings and associated infrastructure. More
information about each of the buildings at DTW is available in the Airport Master Plan Update Report.
The WCAA has direct control of waste management in several buildings and areas at DTW, and has
influence, but not direct control, over several others. Per FAA guidance, areas over which the Airport
Sponsor (in this case, the WCAA) has direct control or influence should be included in the recycling,
reuse, and waste reduction plan, while areas outside Airport Sponsor control or influence may be
Table 1 summarizes the areas at DTW under the control or influence of the WCAA. The WCAA has control
over waste management in spaces dedicated for WCAA use, such as offices, and those where the WCAA
employees work, such as the buildings and grounds maintenance areas and the areas staffed by the
WCAA firefighting and public safety employees.
The WCAA’s influence is through agreements and contracts for activities related to waste management
in numerous leased areas, including those in the North Terminal and other buildings, while Delta Air
Lines (Delta) operates and is responsible for activities in the McNamara Terminal. The WCAA has a
contract for joint management of the North Terminal with the Detroit Airlines’ North Terminal
Consortium (DANTeC). On behalf of the North Terminal airlines, DANTeC contracts with waste hauling
contractors and janitorial service providers for back of house spaces, while the WCAA contracts for these
services within the public and WCAA-operated areas of this building. In the McNamara Terminal, Delta
is responsible for waste management, including the contracting of janitorial, cabin cleaning, and waste
hauling contractors.
In addition to the airlines, the WCAA leases space to food service providers, rental car agencies, and a
hotel company. These tenants manage waste in their areas, either directly or through a contractor. The
WCAA also leases space to a fixed base operator and several cargo companies who are responsible for
the waste generated in their areas. Tenant leases are managed by the WCAA’s Department of Concession
and Quality Assurance.
Areas at DTW where the WCAA has limited control or influence include the Airport Traffic Control Tower
operated by the FAA and spaces occupied by US Customs and Border Protection, the Transportation
Security Administration (TSA), and other federal agencies; therefore, all of these are excluded from the
Due to the scale of operations and waste generation at DTW, the scope of this Plan focuses on the largest
generators/centers of waste (the passenger terminals) and the areas where the WCAA has the most
control or influence and can implement strategies (the WCAA offices). The items under control of WCAA
are underlined in Table 1.
Table 1: Waste Management Areas and Activities at DTW
Under WCAA Control
Under WCAA Influence
Outside WCAA Control or Influence*
x WCAA Offices in Smith Building (603) and
elsewhere at Airport
x Future WCAA Offices (new office building)
Building Maintenance areas in each
terminal, including storage and office spaces
x Non-
leased terminal space, including space for
building systems and utilities
Aircraft Rescue and Fire Fighting Facilities
(802, 509, and 737)
x WCAA Public Safety (351)
x Airport Maintenance Facility (703)
x Vehicle Equipment Repair Facility (704)
x Snow R
emoval Equipment Storage Facility
x Facilities Field Office (349)
WCAA Maintenance Facility (Previous
Northwest Hangar, 711)
Ground Support Equipment Fuel Facilities (823
and 472)
x Fuel Pumping Station (282)
x Ground Transportation Facilities – one in ea
terminal’s parking structure
x Parking Areas –
two terminal garages, surface
lots, cell phone lots, and employee parking
x Berry Terminal Building
x Former GA hangar
and Maintenance Building
(ASIG, 356 and 357)
x Old Executive Terminal/Hangar (348)
x McNamara Terminal – Delta
x North Terminal – WCAA and DANTeC
x Terminal Restaurant Areas (both terminals) – concession tenants
x Terminal Retail Areas (both terminals) – retail tenants
x Terminal Restrooms (both terminals)
x Terminal Airline Spaces, including baggage clai
ms, baggage handling,
office space, operational space, departure lounges, passenger gates, and
ticket counters – various airlines
x Airport Hotel - Westin
x Car Rental Facilities – Budget-Payless, Hertz-Firefly, Avis, Alamo-
Dollar-Thrifty, and Enterprise
x Airline Catering and Flight Kitchen (505) – Delta/LSG Sky Chefs
x FedEx Maintenance (714)
x Delta Equipment Repair, Prospect Airport Services (820)
x Aircraft Maintenance Facilities – Delta (516, 518, and 715) and Spirit (
x Deicing Control Facilities (D
elta 430 and 470, Integrated Deicing Services
538-A, 532, and 600)
x Fuel Farm and Offices – Delta (720A-F, 720G, 722)
x Waste Disposal and Triturator Buildings (527 and 822) –
DANTeC and
x Air Cargo Facilities – UPS (427), Delta Cargo (536, 536-A, 514 w
Swissport), FedEx (723, 714), USPS, DHL Express
x Combined Use Air Cargo Building –
Southwest Airlines and Air General
x Fixed Base Operator – Signature Flight Support (530, 408)
x Hangars – Endeavor Air/Delta (359), Signature (360), Olympia Avi
(400), Masco Flight Operations (406), and Skywest (425)
x HSS Security (351)
x Construction and Demolition Projects - Contractor
x Airport Traffic Control Tower – FAA
x Federal Inspection Service Facilities -
US Customs
and Border Protection
x Security Screening Areas and Offices –
including two checkpoints at North Terminal, five
at McNamara Terminal
Key: Areas of focus for this plan (Building #)
*excluded from Airport Recycling, Reuse, and Waste Reduction Plan
Source: WCAA Existing Airport Layout Drawing, Updated September 30, 2016
Existing Program
2. Existing Program
The WCAA maintains a recycling program that includes several stakeholders and addresses waste
generation at both DTW and the WCAA’s second airport, Willow Run Airport (YIP). This section of the
Plan describes the elements of this program.
A. Drivers
Recycling and conscientious waste management at DTW is driven by the WCAA’s commitment to
environmentally responsible operations and is guided by the WCAA’s Department of Environment &
Sustainability (E&S Department) Mission Statement:
Ensuring that current WCAA operations comply in letter and spirit with applicable
environmental regulations, including holding non-compliant parties accountable for their
Collaboratively planning with, and educating internal and external stakeholders toward
implementing efficient, sustainable measures to decrease the Airports’ impact on future
The WCAA has devoted resources, including financial and employee labor, to establishing and
promoting a recycling program in its offices and to designing strategies to address waste generation at
both DTW and YIP. Although YIP is not specifically included in the scope of this Plan, certain waste
streams from that airport are incorporated into DTW’s program, and therefore, are mentioned in this
Plan because they play a role in the decisions necessary to implement changes.
B. Operation and Maintenance Requirements, Roles and Responsibilities
Wayne County Airport Authority Areas
The E&S Department is responsible for implementing a recycling program in the WCAA-controlled areas
at DTW and YIP through the following key roles and responsibilities:
x The E&S Department Director supports sustainability and environmental compliance efforts
throughout the organization, allocating resources and reporting on performance to others within
the WCAA.
x The Sustainability Program Administrator developed and instituted a written Recycling Policy
(see Appendix H1: Wayne County Airport Authority Workplace Recycling Policy); provides
Existing Program
training and education to WCAA and tenant staff about this policy and the program; and manages
the WCAA’s food recovery program.
x The Senior Administrative Analyst maintains records of recycling and waste data as provided by
the recycling collection contractor.
x WCAA employees are responsible for following the WCAA’s Recycling Policy in their work areas.
The WCAA contracts with Diverse Facility Solutions (DFS) for janitorial services in the WCAA offices at
DTW. DFS is responsible for transferring waste and plastic recyclables generated in these areas to the
appropriate dumpsters and containers at the building. WCAA employees are responsible for transferring
paper and cardboard to the correct dumpsters. A waste hauling contractor, currently Waste
Management, Inc., collects the garbage from the Smith Building. A separate contractor, currently Royal
Oak Recycling, collects the recyclable materials from this building.
North Terminal
The WCAA and DANTeC are jointly responsible for waste management at the North Terminal, including
contracting for janitorial services, currently provided by ISS Facility Services (ISS), and waste hauling,
currently provided by Waste Management, Inc. ISS collects waste materials from airline, tenant, and
public spaces and transfers them to the dumpsters and compactors. Waste Management, Inc. removes
these containers for disposal. Each airline in the North Terminal contracts with a third-party company
for aircraft cabin cleaning. Royal Oak Recycling collects paper generated in this terminal.
McNamara Terminal
Delta contracts with ABM for its facility maintenance. Together, Delta and ABM are responsible for waste
management at the McNamara Terminal; they contract with DFS for janitorial, and with Advanced
Disposal for waste hauling. DFS collects waste and recyclable materials from airline, tenant, and public
spaces and transfers them to the appropriate dumpsters and compactors. Advanced Disposal collects
the materials in the dumpsters for processing and disposal. Prospect Airport Services (Prospect) is Delta’s
current contractor for aircraft cabin cleaning services.
Existing Program
C. Infrastructure
Waste and recycling infrastructure is a critical part of waste management. The waste management
infrastructure used by the WCAA includes recycling bins, garbage cans, dumpsters, and compactors.
Recycling Bins and Garbage Cans
WCAA office areas and each of the passenger terminals are equipped with numerous recycling bins and
garbage cans. In the WCAA areas, employees have individual recycling bins and garbage cans in their
offices and also have access to containers in common areas, such as meeting rooms and restrooms.
In the North Terminal, a network of round, grey garbage cans and recycling bins are located throughout
the public and passenger areas. These containers were introduced in 2008 when the terminal opened,
and the WCAA is in the process of replacing these containers. This process is described in more detail in
Appendix H2: Detroit Metropolitan Airport North Terminal Waste Composition Study: Results and
Recommendations Report. The North Terminal’s current recycling containers are pictured in Figure 1.
Figure 1: North Terminal Recycling Bins and Garbage Cans
Existing Program
In the McNamara Terminal, a
network of recycling stations and
standalone garbage cans for
passenger use are located
throughout the facility. These
containers were introduced in
2010. These containers are
described in more detail in
Appendix H3: Detroit
Metropolitan Airport McNamara
Terminal Waste Composition
Study: Results and
Recommendations Report. The
McNamara Terminal’s recycling
stations are pictured in Figure 2.
Figure 2: McNamara Terminal Recycling Bins and Garbage Can
Existing Program
Dumpsters and Compactors
There are four garbage dumpsters/compactors in the North Terminal. There are more than 20 dumpsters
and compactors for garbage and four for recycling at the McNamara Terminal. The recycling compactors
are located outside the building and locked, restricting access only to ABM’s supervisors who are issued
a standard key. There is also one empty trash room which could be used in the future for expanding
recycling facilities, if needed.
D. Recycling, Reuse, and Waste Reduction Efforts
WCAA Offices
The WCAA employees stationed at the Smith Building and in other WCAA areas at DTW currently recycle
office paper, newspapers, and magazines; cardboard; plastic bottles; batteries; toner cartridges; and
scrap metal. WCAA employees located at YIP separate paper, metal, and e-waste on-site, which is then
delivered to the Smith Building and combined with the materials generated at WCAA areas at DTW. To
further advance the WCAA’s commitment to reducing waste, and in celebration of Earth Day in 2016,
WCAA issued all employees reusable beverage tumblers to decrease use of single serve containers
(disposable water bottles, coffee cups, etc.).
Green Waste, Construction and Demolition Waste, and Other Programs
The WCAA also manages waste generated by landscaping and construction activities, universal waste,
and hazardous waste.
During construction and major infrastructure projects at DTW, WCAA requires contractors to reuse C&D
waste, such as asphalt, concrete, aggregate, and other materials wherever possible. C&D waste is not
included in the volume or weight calculations detailed in this Plan.
North Terminal
As noted in the North Terminal Waste Composition Study report, this building has experienced issues
with passenger/public area recycling bins being relocated without authorization and with contamination
of recyclable materials by non-recyclable garbage. Due to these challenges, potentially recyclable
materials generated in the public areas of this terminal are currently disposed of as waste.
Several airlines in the North Terminal contract for collecting and shredding of office paper. In addition,
airline employees collect and return aluminum cans under the State’s beverage container refund
Existing Program
McNamara Terminal
Passengers traveling through DTW’s McNamara Terminal can recycle plastic beverage containers;
aluminum cans; and paper items such as newspapers, magazines, and printer paper. Deplaned
recyclables from inbound domestic flights are intended to be transferred to a recycling
dumpster/compactor for collecting and processing. Lapses in this practice may occur during especially
busy periods, for example during poor weather or other events that cause delays for inbound flights.
Delta employees recycle paper and collect aluminum cans for return under the refund program.
Tenant Efforts
In addition to the recycling programs operated by the WCAA, DANTeC, and Delta, tenants leasing or
otherwise using space at DTW, including the Westin Hotel, FAA tower, TSA, cargo companies, and several
others, contract with housekeeping and/or waste management service providers, and may be recycling
on their own through these agreements.
Bradford Logistics manages certain recyclables under its contract with Delta to provide centralized
receiving and distribution services at the McNamara Terminal. This includes delivery of Royal Oak
Recycling bins for paper recycling to terminal tenants that have requested the service, and coordination
of bin collection. In the past, this was a free service for the tenants. However, because of challenges
related to contamination of the collected paper, the program is now focused on areas with cleaner
streams and a fee has been implemented for this service.
Previously, a program for recycling cardboard from tenant operations was implemented in association
with the Westin Hotel’s cardboard collection program that used Royal Oak Recycling. The program was
subsequently suspended due to cost. There have been recent discussions about resurrecting this
program in light of the prevalence of cardboard in the McNamara terminal’s waste stream, estimated by
one study to be 18 percent. Bradford Logistics and ABM have expressed interest in providing the labor
for collecting this material onsite, and Delta has expressed interest in funding its pickup and transfer by
Advanced Disposal to Royal Oak Recycling’s facility. The proceeds of this program were proposed to be
returned to Bradford Logistics. As of the time of this writing, the program has not been implemented.
Restaurants at both terminals employ dedicated containers for waste grease that Bradford Logistics staff
empty into a large tank. Collected grease is recycled by a specialized contractor. The McNamara Terminal
generates approximately 1,500 gallons of liquid cooking grease and 600 gallons of solid grill scrapings
(collected in five gallon pails) each year.
Waste Audit
3. Waste Audit
WCAA, DANTeC, and Delta staff provided information about areas at DTW that generate waste, the types
of waste generated in each area, the collection schedule for waste materials, and the materials that can
be recycled under the current programs. These representatives have informally observed passenger and
employee waste and recycling related behaviors and, for the purpose of this Plan, provided descriptions
of how waste flows through DTW based on these observations. They also described waste and recycling
collection and hauling practices. This section identifies the waste sources, quantities of waste by focus
area, record of performance, composition of the waste streams, and purchasing practices.
A. Sources
All of the buildings and areas listed in Table 1: Areas and Activities at DTW – Waste Management found
in Section 1D: Key Airport Buildings and Plan Scope are potential sources of waste and recyclable
materials. In addition, recyclable materials generated at WCAA offices at YIP are delivered to the Smith
Building at DTW and combined with recyclables generated from the WCAA DTW offices.
The Detroit area is home to teams for four major professional sports, and several museums and historical
attractions tied to the auto industry and Motown music. The area also hosts several nationally promoted
annual events, including the North American International Auto Show and the Detroit Grand Prix. These
attractions and events, as well as the holiday travel seasons, may drive peaks in passenger volumes and
waste generation at DTW.
B. Quantity
WCAA Offices
According to information provided by Royal Oak Recycling via WCAA’s E&S Department, 15.6 tons of
recyclable paper, plastics, and cardboard were collected from WCAA offices in the Smith Building during
fiscal year 2015 (October 2014 through September 2015); 26.6 tons were collected during fiscal year
2016 (October 2015 through September 2016). During the first five months of fiscal year 2017 (October
2016 through February 2017), 10.6 tons of recyclables had been collected from the Smith Building. Based
on this information, WCAA generates about 2 tons of recyclables each month. Table 2
According to Royal Oak’s data, 74.8 tons of metal were collected from WCAA areas in fiscal year 2016
and 19.5 tons had been collected between October 2016 and February 2017. This equals approximately
5 tons of metal generated each month.
Waste Audit
Table 2. Summary of recycling in Smith Building
Smith Building
Fiscal Year 2015
Fiscal Year 2016
Fiscal Year 2017 (first five
Tons of recycling collected
Source: Royal Oak Recycling, 2016
North Terminal
Information provided by WCAA’s E&S Department indicates that the North Terminal generates
approximately 1,550 tons of waste per year, or approximately 129 tons per month.
Data provided by Royal Oak Recycling show that approximately 2.8 tons of recyclable paper was
collected from the North Terminal between May and September 2016, and 0.9 tons was collected
between October 2016 and February 2017. Based on this information, the North Terminal is separating
approximately 0.4 tons of collected recyclable paper per month.
McNamara Terminal
Information provided by Delta indicates that the McNamara Terminal generates approximately 7,540
tons of waste and 3.8 tons of recyclable material, but excluding paper, each year. These values are
approximately equal to 628 tons of waste and 0.3 tons of recyclables per month.
Data from Royal Oak Recycling show 18.9 tons of recyclable paper collected from Bradford Logistics
between May and September 2016, and 26.5 tons collected between October 2016 and February 2017.
Based on this information, the McNamara Terminal is separating about 4.5 tons of recyclable paper each
month. This is in addition to the other recyclables described above.
C. Performance
Based on the quantity information above, the recycling rates for the North Terminal and McNamara
Terminal are shown in Table 3. The recycling rate for the WCAA offices at DTW are not included in the
table because total waste quantities were not available at the time of this writing.
Waste Audit
Table 3. Summary of monthly recycling rates at the North and McNamara Terminals.
Monthly Waste
Generated (including
Monthly Recyclables
Effective Recycling
North Terminal
McNamara Terminal
It should be noted that these figures do not account for paper collected by third party contractors for
shredding, aluminum cans returned for refund, or recycling of C&D debris.
D. Composition
Waste composition studies were conducted at each terminal to obtain a detailed understanding of the
waste stream at DTW. Appendices B and C contain the results and recommendation reports for these
Figures 3 and 4 show the composition of the terminals’ waste streams included in the study efforts.
Waste Audit
Figure 3: Waste Stream Composition - DTW North Terminal Public/Passenger and Airline Spaces
Plastic, 5.58%
Cardboard, 3.67%
Paper , 10.25%
Aluminum, 0.74%
Metals, 0.03%
Scrap Metal, 0.08%
Liquids, 19.31%
Paper Products,
Food Waste,
Beverage, 1.73%
Unopened Water,
Recoverable Food,
Toiletries, 0.02%
Other Waste,
Toiletries, 0.69%
Glass, 0.91%
Styrofoam, 0.36%
Waste Audit
Figure 4: Waste Stream Composition - DTW McNamara Terminal (Overall)
Plastic, 1, 0.69%
Paper , 5.85%
Aluminum, 1.49%
Metals, 0.28%
Liquids, 15.85%
Paper Products,
Food Waste,
Other Waste,
Glass, 2.35%
Styrofoam, 0.36%
Waste Audit
E. Purchasing Practices
Information on the WCAA and tenant purchasing practices was not available for review at the time of
this writing. Reviewing purchase histories can help identify supplies and materials that are contributing
to the waste stream and may be replaced with durable/multi-use alternatives. Some examples are
ceramic coffee mugs, bulk cleaning supplies, and cleaning textiles that are laundered instead of being
thrown away.
Future collection and evaluation of purchasing practices by WCAA, DANTeC, Delta, restaurant and retail
tenants, and other operators at DTW would provide a basis for assessing the potential for purchasing
alternative supplies and products to reduce quantities of material for landfill disposal.
Review of Waste Management Contracts
4. Review of Waste Management Contracts
As noted in Section 1B: Airport Description, FMRA lists the review of waste management contracts as
an element of addressing solid waste recycling at an airport. The FAA memorandum titled “Guidance on
Airport Recycling, Reuse, and Waste Reduction Plans” explains that the purpose of reviewing these
contracts is to “identify opportunities for improving [recycling] program scope and efficiency, as well as
identify constraints” and notes that “this information can signal the airport’s next opportunity to add
recycling, reuse, and waste reduction objectives to existing leases and contracts.”
The specific information relative to the expiration, extension and/or renewal dates of DTW’s numerous
leases was not reviewed under this project. However, as these contracts come up, it would be worth a
review to identify opportunities add recycling, reuse, and waste reduction objectives to these leases and
A. Waste Contracts
WCAA Waste Management Contract
WCAA issued Requests for Bids (RFBs) for dumpster and roll-off trash removal services at WCAA
managed spaces at DTW and YIP in 2004, 2007, 2010, and 2015. Waste Management was awarded this
work in 2007, 2010, and 2015. The 2015 contract expires after five years. Under this contract, the
included dumpsters are serviced on a scheduled basis and charged per pick up. Recycling services are
not included in this contract.
DANTeC Waste Management Contract
DANTeC provided a copy of several pages of its contract with Waste Management for review under this
project. These included the sections related to authority and execution; equal employment opportunity;
conditional assignment of the agreement to WCAA; and performance guarantee. The sections related to
the specific services provided were not included, and therefore were not reviewed under this project. A
review of the complete document is needed to identify any challenges to or opportunities for recycling
presented by this agreement.
The DANTeC/Waste Management contract outlines the fee structure for rental of compactors and
dumpsters; for hauling of waste and recyclables; and pricing per ton of waste and recyclables. Of note,
the price for a closed top recycling container is the same as for an indoor waste compactor; similarly the
hauling charge for waste and recyclables are the same. The per-ton cost for waste under this contract is
Review of Waste Management Contracts
less than for recyclables, an arrangement that does not incentivize recycling by DANTeC. Increasing the
rate per ton for waste under any updates to this contract could help incentivize recycling in the future.
McNamara Terminal Advanced Disposal Contract
Delta/ABM’s contract with Advanced Disposal was not available for review in preparing this Plan. A
collaborative review of this contract by Delta, ABM, and WCAA would identify opportunities to increase
recycling and reduce waste generation. Any identified adjustments to the contracted services that come
out of such a review could be incorporated into future contracts.
B. Recycling Contracts
Royal Oak Recycling’s services are provided under a purchase order agreement with WCAA. This
agreement includes the materials generated at YIP. Recycling from areas managed by DANTeC is included
in the Waste Management contract described above. Recycling from areas managed by Delta is included
in the Advanced Disposal contract described above.
C. Housekeeping Contracts
WCAA’s, DANTeC’s, and Delta’s contract for janitorial services including aircraft cabin cleaning for the
airlines were not provided for review under this project. These contracts should also be reviewed to
determine if they create opportunities for additional recycling-related activities and if they can be
improved during the next contract cycle.
D. Tenant Leases
WCAA’s Concessions and Quality Assurance Department is responsible for managing tenant leases in
both terminal buildings as well as outlying facilities at DTW. Per communication with the E&S
Department, tenant leases do not currently require participation in the WCAA’s recycling program or
standalone recycling and waste management efforts.
Recycling Feasibility
5. Recycling Feasibility
A variety of factors impact the feasibility of recycling at DTW. Some of these are universal to airports
and similar facilities, while others are specific to DTW. The following sections describe the more
influential of these factors.
A. Commitment and Support
The willingness of the WCAA, DTW staff, and DTW’s tenants and contractors to commit to and support
DTW’s recycling program is a major factor in the success of such a program. Without the commitment
of resources such as funding, labor and time, space, and access to secure areas, a recycling program
could struggle.
WCAA Departments
WCAA’s E&S Department has demonstrated commitment to and support for recycling and responsible
waste management at DTW. The Department developed a written recycling policy for WCAA employees,
devoted resources to studying the composition of waste at both terminals, and provides the labor for
the food recovery program.
A few aspects of a facility-wide recycling program fall under the purview of other WCAA departments,
including Concessions and Quality Assurance and Facilities. The Concessions and Quality Assurance
Department assisted in the coordination for the waste study at the McNamara Terminal. The
Maintenance Department developed a Request for Proposals for the purchase of new recycling bins for
the North Terminal with the input of the E&S Department. Increased cooperation and participation by
these departments will be key in future efforts to improve or expand recycling at DTW. As a service
provider for WCAA, DANTeC operates under the WCAA’s goals. DANTeC facilitated elements of the waste
study at the North Terminal.
Airline Participation
Per corporate policy, Delta is “committed to minimizing waste streams through diversion and re-use,
waste recycling programs, and [waste reduction].” Delta has taken steps to facilitate and promote
recycling in the McNamara Terminal. In addition, Delta’s Sky Club Lounge donates food to and otherwise
supports the WCAA’s food recovery program.
Recycling Feasibility
Of the eight airlines that operate at the North Terminal, five have established sustainability programs
that include elements of waste management and recycling.
United Airlines is “committed to operating sustainably and responsibly” and has recycled over 28 million
pounds of aluminum cans, paper, and plastic from flights and facilities. In 2014, United began to replace
its hot beverage cups with fully recyclable alternatives made from recycled plastic water bottles.
Alaska Airlines’ environmental strategy includes working to reduce waste from flights and other facilities,
including recycling and composting of coffee grounds. Alaska’s 2015 goal was to increase recycling
capture rate on flights from 79 percent to 85 percent. The airline specifically mentions that their recycling
goals are “limited by local infrastructure as many airports and municipalities have different protocols
and capabilities for co-mingled recycling.” Alaska has worked with a reuse company to salvage leather
from old plane seats and reuse the material in consumer goods. The airline is also working with inflight
crews to keep unused disposable items such as cups and napkins on aircraft instead of returning them
to the catering carts, where they are thrown away in the unstocking process. Alaska’s goal is to ensure
all inflight service ware items are recyclable, reusable, and/or sustainably sourced. Alaska has also taken
steps to reduce dependence on printed paper through the use of iPads, iPhones, and tailored
applications (apps) in their operations.
Southwest Airlines is “committed to conservation and mitigation of [the airline’s] environmental
impacts.” Southwest also partnered with a reuse company to “upcycle” seat leather into new products.
Southwest has diverted more than 4,100 tons of material from landfills through recycling.
JetBlue Airline’s sustainability website states that “by…recycling much of our waste, we cut costs.” In
2012, JetBlue launched an onboard recycling program under which inflight crew members separate
bottles and cans and the ground crews process these materials for recycling at the landing destination.
In the first year, this program recycled 28 million cans and bottles and donated the money earned to
charity. JetBlue has also worked with a reuse company to transform waste crew member uniforms into
new items.
Recycling Feasibility
Virgin Atlantic focuses on its environmental footprint, including reducing waste. As part of this effort,
the airline has recycled or donated blankets, newspapers and magazines, furniture, aircraft seat foam,
carpet, and electrical goods. Virgin has also worked with a reuse company to create bags from recycled
seat covers and design crew uniforms made from recycled plastic bottle material.
B. Technical and Economic Factors
Technical and economic factors play a large roll in recycling at a given facility. This includes elements
such as the types of materials recycled in the area, existing recycling facilities and other infrastructure,
logistical or legal constraints (such as janitorial services or limits on food reuse).
Local Markets and Infrastructure
Markets for recycled materials fluctuate widely based on several factors and interactions. For economic
reasons, local waste haulers typically only accept materials that can be recycled cost-effectively in the
area. Manufacturers purchasing recycled material want it to be predictable and ready for use; therefore,
recycling facilities are about what materials they accept and prefer materials that are of high value, clean,
and easy to separate.
The materials listed in Table 4 are accepted under the residential recycling programs in the region. As
previously noted, inclusion in such programs generally indicates that the market and/or infrastructure
for these materials is strong. DTW currently recycles those materials highlighted in blue.
Recycling Feasibility
Table 4: Materials Accepted in Area Recycling Programs
City of Detroit
City of Romulus
City of Ypsilanti
City of Ann Arbor
x Paper – newspaper,
magazines, junk mail,
office paper,
telephone books
x Boxes – cardboard
boxes, boxboard
x Plastics - #1-7, jugs
tubs, bottles
x Metals –
tin and steel
food cans,
beverage cans,
aluminum foil and pie
plates, pots and pans
x Glass – bottles and
jars, clear and
colored glass
x Newspaper
x Plastic containers
x Cans
x Glass
x Paper – newspaper,
magazines, junk mail
x Boxes – cardboard
boxes, boxboard
x Plastics - #1, 2, 4, 5,
6, and 7
x Metals – tin cans,
aluminum beverage
aluminum foil
and trays
x Glass – bottles and
jars, clear and
colored glass
x Milk cartons and
x Rechargeable
x Styrofoam
x Paper – newspaper,
magazines, junk mail,
office paper
x Boxes – cardboard
boxes, boxboard
x Plastics - #1, 2, 4, 5,
and 7
x Metals – tin cans,
aluminum beverage
x Glass – bottles and
clear and colored
x Milk
cartons and juice
Note: DTW recycles those materials highlighted in blue.
There are several recycling centers within 15 miles of DTW. Royal Oak Recycling is located 1.5 miles north
of DTW and accepts commercial paper, cardboard, plastic, and metals. Taylor Recycling (three miles from
DTW) processes cardboard, paper, glass, wood, and metals. Red Metal Recycling (13 miles) and Weiser
Recycling (six miles) accept metals. Based on the types of material that DTW recycles, the area’s network
of recycling options is anticipated to be able to serve DTW’s on-going recycling needs.
There are four landfill facilities within ten miles of DTW. Two of these are owned and operated by Waste
Management (Woodland Meadows and Detroit West Area), one is owned by Republic Services (Sauk
Trail Hills) and one is owned by the City of Riverview (Riverview Land Preserve). The Michigan
Department of Environmental Quality (MDEQ) calculated that Woodland Meadows had 10 years of
remaining capacity, Sauk Trail Hills had 17 years, and River Land Preserve had 14 years as of January
Recycling Feasibility
2016. Based on this information from MDEQ, the area landfills have adequate capacity for the
foreseeable future (10-15 years).
Logistical Considerations and Constraints
Certain elements must be in place to maintain a recycling program at DTW. These include proactive and
engaged janitorial contractors, willing haulers, space for bins and dumpsters, and access to secure areas
(including airside ramps and sterile terminal areas).
The food recovery program has specific requirements that ensure food safety and maximize the volumes
of food donated to the receiving organization(s). Perishable food designated for donation must be
refrigerated in restaurants’ back of house areas until it is collected by WCAA E&S Department staff and
delivered to a refrigerated area at the dock. Holding this food until it is collected takes up space, which
is a limited resource for airport restaurants. In addition, moving collected food throughout the
McNamara Terminal to the docks has been a challenge because of the location of the docks (at a different
elevation than the terminal curbside, etc.) and screening procedures for employees that must
accommodate the collection equipment (bins and carts). Initially, Bradford Logistics was assisting in food
collection on a shared daily schedule with E&S Department staff. However, the program is currently
operated solely by Department staff and subject to their availability. As a result of these challenges, the
WCAA is evaluating donating the food to the USO Freedom Centers and/or an organization that is willing
to take over the entire collection process.
The levels of delegation for tasks associated with waste management also pose challenges. For example,
Delta contracts with Prospect to service arriving aircraft cabins. Delta’s flight crews separate recyclables
aboard flights per company policy, but it is Prospect employees’ responsibility to take recyclable
materials off the aircraft to the appropriate compactor. During busy periods or at gates that are long
distances from a recycling compactor, Prospect staff may not be able to transport waste and recyclable
materials to both a waste compactor and a recycling compactor, and still be able to service their next
aircraft in a timely manner. An additional challenge is that the compactors may be locked, and Prospect
staff may not all have ready access to the keys. WCAA and the janitorial contractor ISS may face the same
issues at the North Terminal, and the distance to a recycling compactor may be an even greater issue if
recycling is implemented there.
Recycling Feasibility
Purchasing practices are another element of waste management that is distributed among different
organizations at DTW that may have little or no coordination. Because each organization operates
slightly differently, it may be difficult to identify opportunities to make different procurement choices
that reduce waste. However, due to the multiple levels of responsibility at DTW, improved
communication and coordination will be key to removing or minimizing roadblocks such as time, labor,
supply needs, or other challenges. A guide for more sustainable procurement could be developed with
input from all the organizations.
Restaurants, janitorial contractors, and other stakeholders in recycling at DTW can sometimes
experience significant employee turnover. This turnover can make it difficult to maintain consistency in
waste reduction and recycling practices. A steady influx of new employees creates a continuous demand
for training on all aspects of the employer’s policies, including day to day operations. Departing
employees take their experience and knowledge with them, including any tips or tricks for timing or
completing recycling tasks. Development of general recycling information that can be provided to any
new employee (WCAA, airline, tenant) would help address this challenge.
Another challenge faced by the airlines, restaurants, other tenants, and contractors is that a portion of
the infrastructure for recycling is located in restricted and/or secured areas and not all employees have
access to these spaces. As a result, these businesses and companies must schedule their workforce so
that employees are available to transfer materials to the waste and recycling dumpsters and compactors,
or to the dock at the times when they are open without interrupting other operations.
Contractual Issues
An evaluation of DTW’s contracts is presented in Section 4: Review of Waste Management Contracts.
There are no identified major contractual issues with maintaining and improving the recycling program
at DTW. The complexity of the DTW facility and community, with space leased to various airlines and
tenants and their subcontracting of custodial and waste collection services, does pose challenges. The
success of DTW’s recycling program depends on the WCAA, airlines, and tenants working cooperatively
to support it.
As noted in Section 4: Review of Waste Management Contracts, the fee structure within DANTeC’s
contract with Waste Management does not incentivize recycling at the North Terminal, because the
costs are the same for container rental and material hauling, and more on a per-ton basis for recyclable
Recycling Feasibility
This contract does not include mechanisms to offset the higher costs through rebates or credits based
on the value of recyclable materials. The contract does incentivize waste reduction because, as the
volume of waste generated at the North Terminal is decreased, the total cost to DANTeC would go down
based on less frequent and fewer container pick-ups.
In addition, the WCAA’s agreement with DANTeC includes fees and charges paid by the member airlines
for various services at the North Terminal. These charges include facility improvements and utilities.
Changes to waste management at this facility, for example, introduction of recycling service, could raise
the cost to the airlines. WCAA would need to discuss and negotiate costs for recycling at the North
Terminal with both DANTeC and the member airlines. Similarly, the WCAA’s agreement with Delta
includes fees and charges for services at the McNamara Terminal, including improvements and utilities.
Changes to waste management that would affect the cost to Delta would need to be discussed and
negotiated with the airline.
Recycling and Landfill Facility Requirements
The recycling facilities and landfills that accept waste from DTW have specific acceptance criteria and
requirements. Adherence to these specifications protects the safety of employees handling these
materials; the integrity and operation of the equipment and infrastructure used to transfer, sort, and
convert these materials; and the value of the recyclable stream.
Items generated at DTW may be comprised of components that seem recyclable (plastic, glass, or metal
parts), but recycling facilities have specific material standards, and the presence of non-recyclable
materials may result in rejection of an entire load. For this reason, it is important that non-recyclable
items are not included in DTW’s recycling stream.
Other items generated at DTW may require special handling and/or be prohibited or restricted from
disposal in an MSW landfill. Examples include beverage containers (included under the State’s refund
program), tires, yard clippings, appliances, asbestos, drums, lead acid batteries, radioactive waste,
medical waste, hazardous waste, septage, sewage, and used oil. It is paramount that restricted and
regulated wastes are not included in DTW’s MSW stream.
Recycling Feasibility
C. Federal, State, and Local Policies and Guidelines
Federal, State of Michigan, and local waste and recycling regulations and policies and factors were
reviewed to evaluate DTW’s existing recycling plan in the context of applicable requirements.
At the federal level, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is responsible for
developing a solid waste management program under the Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
(RCRA) and related policies and guidance. RCRA provides the framework for management of hazardous
and non-hazardous waste All generators of hazardous waste, including airports, are required to comply
with RCRA and all other Federal waste laws and regulations and are generally not covered under this
As described in Section 1A: Regulatory Background and Project Purpose, the FAA’s definition of airport
planning was updated in 2010 through FMRA to include planning for recycling and waste minimization.
The WCAA is required to address solid waste as part of an airport master planning project. The FAA
provides guidance on airport waste and recycling in the September 2014 memo on the topic as well as
in a synthesis document prepared in 2013 (both available on the FAA’s website).
The EPA has developed a hierarchy of waste management strategies. This hierarchy (Figure 5, left) ranks
these strategies from most- to least-environmentally preferred, with emphasis on reducing, reusing, and
recycling. In addition to the general waste management hierarchy, the EPA has also developed a
preference ranking of management strategies for food waste (Figure 5, right).
Recycling Feasibility
At the state level, the MDEQ oversees solid waste management and recycling. The State’s current
recycling initiative is focused on making recycling easier and providing convenient access to residential
recycling. The State has set a goal to double the residential recycling rate from 15 percent to 30 percent
within 2 years (by 2019)
The Michigan Beverage Container Act was enacted in 1976 to reduce litter and conserve resources. The
Act places a $0.10 deposit on metal, glass, paper, and plastic containers under one gallon that contain
beer, soft drinks, carbonated and mineral water, wine coolers, or canned cocktails. Retail customers and
restaurants pay $0.10 per container at the point of sale and receive this back as a refund when the
containers are returned. As of 2014, 94.2 percent of eligible containers were redeemed with 75 percent
of unredeemed deposits used for state environmental programs, and the remainder going to retailers
who participate in the program.
Figure 5: Waste Management Hierarchy (left) and Food Recovery Hierarchy (right)
Source: United States Environmental Protection Agency
Recycling Feasibility
The Wayne County Department of Public Services Environmental Services Group Land Resource
Management Division (LRMD) oversees landfills, transfer stations, and processing facilities in the County
and enforces County and State waste regulations at these facilities. The LRMD’s solid waste goals and
objectives include increasing the awareness of the need for recycling to reduce reliance on landfills.
All counties in the state are required to prepare a solid waste management plan (SWMP). The LRMD is
responsible for developing, enforcing, tracking, and supporting the County’s SWMP, which was updated
in 2000. The LRMD provides materials for education and information to the public, school groups, and
businesses and industry in the County, as well as information and support to local businesses intending
to start recycling programs.
Community Culture
Waste and recycling projects at other airports have confirmed that passengers have an interest in
recycling. Residents in the Cities of Detroit, Romulus, Ypsilanti, and Ann Arbor have access to curbside
recycling and many also have access to drop-off locations. Based on the area’s recycling programs, area
residents have many opportunities to recycle and are familiar with general recycling practices. Cities
such as Romulus have identified increasing recycling in their Master Plan. The area’s recycling rate is
likely similar to that of the State of Michigan, which is at 15 percent. Passengers and employees who
recycle at home or at other businesses in the Detroit area are likely to expect DTW to have a recycling
program, and participate in that program. As a large national and international hub airport, a large
number of passengers travelling through DTW have seen and participated in various levels of recycling
and sustainability programs at other airports, and may expect this service at DTW.
Other Incentives
As noted in Section 5A: Federal, State, and Local Policies and Guidelines, the majority of the airlines
serving DTW have recycling programs. Aligning the DTW recycling program with the airlines’ corporate
practices provides the opportunity for the WCAA to achieve its waste reduction and recycling program
goals while also helping the airlines achieve theirs.
Recycling Feasibility
The organization that receives the food recovery program donations has expressed sincere gratitude to
the WCAA for the support of their mission. This contribution to the community of southwest Detroit
provides an incentive tied to the social responsibility element of sustainability. In addition, because this
program is funded by an MDEQ grant, there is a financial incentive to meet the program objectives
established under the grant agreement. The USO Freedom Centers and a second food pantry
organization have expressed interest in receiving food from this program and may provide additional
societal incentives for its continuation or expansion.
WCAA is currently constructing a new administration building adjacent to the North Terminal, providing
both an incentive and opportunity to address waste management head on in the process. This building
has been designed to meet Leadership in Energy & Environmental Design (LEED) criteria for new
construction. According to the WCAA E&S Department, waste bins and recycling containers will be
incorporated into the new breakroom spaces and a recycling center, or storage area, is planned for the
facility. The new space will prompt adjustments to WCAA’s current workplace recycling program for the
correct fit of containers and proper disposal. With these adjustments, the recycling program in the new
facility will satisfy a prerequisite for the Materials and Resources section of LEED credentials. Obtaining
this prerequisite, as well as the associated C&D waste management planning, will potentially lead to up
to 13 Materials and Resources LEED credits. In addition, moving WCAA employees to a new building is
an excellent opportunity to establish new practices and habits. Employee recycling habits are ingrained
in their current routines. A change in working environment can lead to positive behavioral changes
increasing participation and conformance to the recycling policy.
Cost Savings and Revenue Generation
6. Cost Savings and Revenue Generation
The costs associated with a recycling program are dependent on available infrastructure, material
markets, and the type of waste generated. These costs often include capital costs for containers, landfill
tipping fees, hauling costs, material rebates, and labor. Generally, demonstrated reductions in costs are
an important part of ensuring the viability and success of an airport’s recycling and waste reduction
efforts. As a result, the FMRA requires an evaluation of the potential cost savings and revenue
generation opportunities for an Airport Recycling, Reuse, and Waste Reduction Plan.
Waste handling and recycling collection for WCAA areas is funded under the WCAA’s annual operating
budget. DANTeC budgets for waste management costs for the North Terminal; likewise, Delta budgets
for waste and recycling in its budget for the operation of the McNamara Terminal.
WCAA’s waste collection contractor, Waste Management, collects waste on a scheduled basis and
charges per pull (or pick up). Based on the bid tabulations from the WCAA’s 2015 RFB for dumpster and
roll-off trash removal services, WCAA expects to pay approximately $437,800 over the five-year contract
with Waste Management.
Delta and ABM’s waste management contractor, Advanced Disposal, collects waste and recyclables on
an on-call basis. When a compactor is full, it automatically notifies Advanced Disposal to request service.
Advanced Disposal estimates the annual cost and then credits Delta/ABM for any costs that are not
actually incurred, essentially, when the actual pulls are fewer than accounted for in the estimate. During
year six of the contract with Advanced Disposal (March 2015 through February 2016), the estimated cost
was about $650,700 and at the end of this time-period about $63,090 was refunded. Delta does not
receive a credit or rebate for recyclable material.
Based on the fee structure and anticipated volumes described in DANTeC’s contract with Waste
Management, DANTeC anticipates spending approximately $83,000 each year for waste removal and
recycling service at the North Terminal.
Cost Savings and Revenue Generation
Assuming all of the waste collection at DTW is charged on a per pull basis, reducing the volume of waste
generated from WCAA offices, the North Terminal, and the McNamara Terminal would reduce costs by
decreasing the number and frequency of required pickups. The DANTeC contract includes fees for both
pick-ups and tonnage, so waste reduction strategies could generate additional cost savings.
WCAA and DANTeC’s contracts are not structured to reduce costs by diverting materials to recycling.
Depending on the fee structure for recycling collection versus waste collection, it is possible that Delta
could achieve a financial benefit from diversion to recycling.
Source separated recyclable materials are a potential source of revenue generation through rebates or
credits from the collection companies. Rebates, credits, and similar programs would have to be
negotiated in the next round of contracts for these services. If the WCAA, Delta, or DANTeC are
interested in receiving income from recyclable materials, two key elements need to be considered: 1)
how to incentivize the waste haulers support for recycling instead of penalizing them through reduced
waste payments, and 2) how this revenue would be credited to the various organizations responsible for
waste management and recycling at DTW.
7. Recommendations
This section presents recommendations for WCAA, including waste reduction, reuse, and recycling
strategies, based on the information presented in previous sections of this document. The objectives
and targets are described, along with recommendations for tracking and reporting. There are
recommended strategies for reduction and reuse and for recycling and composting. This section
discusses the role of education and outreach along with recommended methods and training. Finally,
this section describes the containers and bins as well as the signage and labeling to lead to increased
participation in recycling and reduce contamination.
A. Objectives and Targets
It is recommended that DTW set specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-bound (SMART)
goals for its waste and recycling program. Well-defined objectives and targets provide a basis and
foundation for subsequent activities and actions. Monitoring progress toward such goals requires
tracking, and can also provide information on progress and improvements that can be used in marketing
and education efforts.
Set WCAA Goals
The WCAA should consider adopting or otherwise incorporating the following potential objectives and
x Recycle 15 percent of waste generated in new WCAA office building (equal to current State of
Michigan residential recycling rate)
x See to 100 percent completion of WCAA employee recycling awareness training
x Divert 100 percent of coffee grounds generated in new WCAA office building
(dependent on identifying an organization interested in and willing to accept grounds)
x Update WCAA staff on program progress annually (for example, via email or website)
x Present recycling information at Airline Council meeting once each year
x Conduct annual inspections of recycling and waste practices
Support DANTeC and Delta Goals
The waste source, quantity and composition information provided in Section 3: Waste Audit and
detailed in the waste composition study reports provide baseline data for establishing objectives and
targets for the terminal buildings. It is recommended that WCAA work with DANTeC and Delta to
establish recycling goals compatible with the airlines’ corporate objectives for these areas.
Based on the observed levels of recyclables in the terminal waste streams, the following ideas for
terminal goals should be considered:
x Recycle five percent of waste generated in the public passenger areas, which is half the recyclable
portion of ten percent,
x Install at least one liquid collection station at each terminal,
x See that 100 percent of airline employees and contractors complete recycling awareness training,
x Reduce number of standalone garbage cans, and
x Make sure that 100 percent of airline areas have access to paper recycling.
B. Tracking and Reporting
As described in Section 2B: Operation and Maintenance Requirements, Roles, and Responsibilities
WCAA currently tracks the volume of recyclables collected by Royal Oak Recycling from the WCAA
Administration Offices, North Terminal, and the DTW dock (McNamara Terminal recycling). WCAA also
tracks the volume of food donated through the food recovery program. Delta tracks the volume of waste
collected by Advanced Disposal through ABM. It is recommended that this information be combined at
least annually, used to calculate WCAA and terminal recycling rates, based on percent of waste stream
recycled. These data can be graphed to visually communicate on-going trends in waste generation and
DTW’s waste and recycling performance is not currently reported to interested parties or stakeholders
in the program. It is recommended that the WCAA consider establishing a regular reporting schedule
and this information be proactively presented to the WCAA management and employees, tenants, and
interested external stakeholders. A set of bar graphs and pie charts showing trends and patterns in the
recycling data can be an effective means of communicating this information. Reporting should be at least
on an annual basis. The purposes of this reporting are to remind the employees, tenants, and users of
the recycling program and its benefits; to communicate the WCAA’s commitment to its recycling
program and its broader commitment to sustainability; and to solicit feedback and suggestions for
improving the recycling program.
As the program is adjusted and improved, it is recommended that DTW update the tracking document
to accommodate additional material streams or new sources of data, for example, the pounds of coffee
grounds collected for composting. The reporting schedule should also be revised as needed to
accommodate changes to the program. It is expected that the reporting schedule would initially increase
in frequency as the program evolves and new strategies are implemented, and then potentially return
to a lesser frequency as the program matures.
C. Reduce and Reuse
Waste reduction is the most environmentally preferred waste management strategy. It is recommended
that DTW focus on moving materials up the waste management hierarchy as a key strategy in reducing
the facility’s environmental impacts. Waste reduction can be accomplished in many ways, including
reusing items.
It is recommended that the WCAA evaluate the following reduction and reuse strategies to determine
which, if any, are feasible and prudent for implementation at DTW.
x Install liquid collection stations
x Encourage employee and passenger reuse of durable water bottles by refilling at bottle filling
stations/drinking fountains
x Collect and donate unopened food, beverage, and toiletry items subject to TSA restrictions
x Provide reusable coffee mugs, such as ceramic or thermal mugs, to WCAA employees (inspired
by beverage tumbler program)
x Establish central office supply storage and encourage WCAA employees to return
unused/unwanted supplies to this area for others to use
x Set the WCAA printers and copiers to default to double-sided printing
x Use cloud-based file storage and document sharing systems to reduce need for paper copies
x Share one subscription to industry journals and trade magazines and route copies (rather than
receiving a copy for each employee); move to electronic subscriptions where possible
As reduction and reuse practices are adopted, it is recommended that the WCAA share information
about these strategies with passengers, airlines, tenants, and contractors and encourage these
stakeholders to implement them where feasible in their own activities.
Several of the recommendations are further detailed below, where additional information will be
helpful for implementing these measures.
Liquids Collection
The North Terminal Waste Composition Study found that garbage cans and recycling containers located
in the security queuing areas and other non-sterile areas receive a significant amount of liquids due to
TSA restrictions. The same is likely true at the McNamara Terminal. Liquids add significant weight to the
waste stream, contaminate other materials like paper, and may be rejected by a recycler, which will
result in them being landfilled. Liquid collection stations are becoming more common at Airports around
the country to combat liquids in the waste and recycling streams.
It is recommended that the WCAA work with DANTeC and Delta to evaluate installing liquid collection
stations in security queuing areas to capture the liquids discarded here. Liquid collection stations can
both reduce the weight of the waste stream generated in these areas and protect recyclable materials.
These stations should be co-located with recycling bins so passengers can recycle the plastic bottles,
aluminum cans and other containers they do not wish to retain and refill.
Liquid collection stations also encourage passengers to empty their reusable and disposable water
bottles and refill them in the sterile area after clearing screening. A liquid collection station also acts as
a final reminder to passengers about to enter the screening area that liquids greater than 3.4 fluid ounces
are not allowed through screening, and thereby expedite the screening process by encouraging the
removal of prohibited liquids from carry-on luggage.
Liquid collection stations are available from various manufacturers and can also be fabricated in-house.
These stations require maintenance and servicing, specifically emptying into a designated drain. Stations
should include signs indicating that passengers can empty their beverage containers and keep them to
refill after they pass through security at bottle refill stations located throughout the terminal near the
The use of liquid collection stations would require custodial staff and contractor time to empty these
containers on a regular basis and deal with any issues, such as spills. Case studies from other airports
show that the time required for staff to empty these stations is offset by the reduction in time dealing
with liquids in the trash bags, which can contribute greatly to their weight.
It would be important to locate the liquid collection stations within the security screening queuing areas
and with designated access to custodial stations with floor drains to allow for them to be emptied easily
and quickly.
Liquid collection stations also provide a benefit to housekeeping staff. Without liquid collection, bags
need to be emptied more frequently so that they do not exceed comfortable or safe handling weights.
Diverting liquids to a collection station from the waste or recycling stream can reduce the overall weight
of waste and recycling bags, which can reduce the frequency at which bags need to be emptied. Diverting
the liquids will also reduce the need to reinforce the bags (double bag) to address the extra weight and
potential for leaks.
Donation of Food, Beverages, and Toiletries
It is recommended that DTW investigate the feasibility of collecting unopened bottles of water, other
beverages, food and toiletries that are restricted from carry-on luggage and donating them to a local
charity or other organization. These items can be very heavy and add weight to the waste stream in the
queuing area or TSA operation screening.
In compliance with TSA requirements, these items may
need to be collected prior to the security checkpoint
queuing area. Collection of these items would require
containers at the security checkpoints and management
by ISS and DFS staff to store the items until the receiving
organization could collect them. Coordination between
the WCAA, DANTeC, Delta, and the designated receiving
organization will be needed. Additionally, information
from a TSA representative may be required to assist with
coordination on the location and details of this collection
program. Figure 6 presents an example of how this type
of program has been implemented at McCarran
International Airport (LAS) in Las Vegas, Nevada.
Figure 6: Example Donation Collection at
McCarran International Airport (LAS)
D. Recycling and Composting
According to the EPA, recycling waste items to be processed into raw materials to make new products is
the second most preferred waste management strategy after waste reduction. The FAA guidance
expects an Airport’s recycling, reuse, and waste reduction plan to document, at a minimum, the facility’s
existing program to recycle paper, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, and plastic cups. As discussed
previously, recycling of these materials is carried out to various degrees at DTW.
It is recommended that DTW expand the existing paper recycling program at WCAA offices and
encourage the expansion of the program at the McNamara Terminal and to additional areas. This effort
should include encouraging increased recycling of paper by employees, tenants, and passengers.
Delta is currently recycling waste magazines and newspapers generated aboard commercial flights. It is
recommended that the WCAA collaborate and coordinate with the airlines serving the North Terminal
to evaluate adding paper items from deplaned waste and other activities to this program.
Plastic Bottles
It is recommended that DTW expand its program of collecting plastic bottles from the WCAA offices and
YIP to additional areas and encourage increased recycling of plastic bottles by employees, tenants, and
passengers. It is also recommended that WCAA encourage Delta to expand its program of recycling
plastic bottles generated at the McNamara Terminal and aboard their flights.
It is recommended that the WCAA collaborate and coordinate with the airlines serving North Terminal
to evaluate adding plastic bottles from deplaned waste and other activities to this program.
Aluminum Cans
It is recommended that the WCAA continue to encourage the practice of collecting and returning
refundable cans, which has an exceptionally high capture rate.
It is recommended that the WCAA expand the program for collecting non-refundable aluminum cans
collected from the WCAA offices, YIP, and McNamara Terminal for recycling to additional areas and
encourage increased recycling of non-refundable aluminum cans by employees, tenants and passengers.
Delta is currently recycling non-refundable aluminum cans generated aboard commercial flights. It is
recommended that the WCAA collaborate and coordinate with the airlines serving the North Terminal
to evaluate adding aluminum cans from deplaned waste to the recycling program.
Plastic Cups
It is recommended that DTW collaborate and coordinate with the airlines serving the North Terminal to
evaluate adding plastic cups from deplaned waste to the recycling program, similar to the program that
Delta has at the McNamara Terminal.
Refundable glass containers generated at DTW is returned for the refund. However, non-refundable
glass is currently landfilled because it is not accepted by recycling firms. Therefore, it is recommended
that the current glass practices are continued and any efforts related to this material are focused on
increasing the capture rate of refundable glass containers.
As noted previously, cardboard currently is not consistently recycled at DTW. It is recommended that
the WCAA work with DANTeC, Delta, and their contractors as well as with the restaurants and retail
stores to determine how this material might be collected onsite and hauled for recycling.
Other Recyclables
As other recyclable materials are identified in DTW’s waste stream and occur in a consistent and
significant quantity in the future, the WCAA should work with its employees, airlines, tenants, and
janitorial and waste hauling contractors to design and implement strategies to separate, collect, and
process these materials.
Food Waste
According to industry case studies and the composition studies completed at DTW’s terminals, food
waste is a major component of the waste stream at an Airport, on average about 35 percent.
It is recommended that the WCAA’s food recovery program be continued and expanded as resources
allow. Additional labor and support may be needed from Bradford Logistics and/or the restaurant
tenants to maintain and grow this worthwhile program.
An additional potential opportunity for the food recovery program is LSG Sky Chef’s facility near the
North Terminal, which prepares meals, snacks, and beverages for an average of 260 flights per day, and
other organizations that prepare large volumes of food at DTW. These include LSG Group; Delaware
North, which manages several restaurants; HMS Host, which manages Starbucks; and McDonald’s.
Although these organizations have formal environmental policies and have committed to reducing and
diverting waste, there may still be opportunities for collaboration. It is recommended to collect more
information about these organizations’ practices and policies and they are recognized and encouraged.
Composting of food waste at DTW is largely dependent on the availability of a local composting facility
or other organization interested in accepting this material.
If a composting facility or other organization is found or established in the DTW area, the WCAA should
evaluate implementing composting at DTW. In a terminal, pre-consumer food waste (waste generated
by food preparation activities) is generally easier to compost because restaurant employees are at a
facility more frequently and on a more regular basis than passengers so they are easier to train and
educate on composting practices and requirements. The same is true of a flight catering facility like LSG
Sky Chefs. The specific items accepted by a composting facility are dependent on that facility’s design
and the process used to break down the waste; some facilities accept all food waste (including meat and
bones and breads) while others accept only vegetables and fruit.
One option for easing into composting gradually is to first implement a composting program for coffee
grounds generated by restaurants in the terminals. Coffee grounds have a pleasant odor, are easily
identifiable (therefore easy to separate), are typically uncontaminated by other materials, and are
generated in a predictable manner and quantity. Once tenants are comfortable composting coffee
grounds, other materials can be added by name (banana peels, apple cores, etc.) and/or by type (fruits,
vegetables, etc.) until all food waste appropriate for composting is included.
Paper Products
Because the majority of DTW’s restrooms are equipped with paper towel dispensers and nearby garbage
cans, the waste stream collected in these cans will primarily consist of paper towel. This stream can be
expected to contain low contamination and a steady volume of material, making it an attractive material
for composting.
Once If a commercial composting facility becomes available in the area in the future, it is recommended
that the WCAA consider adopting composting of paper towels and other paper products (napkins and
tissues) composting.
Because the majority of the Airport’s restrooms are equipped with paper towel dispensers and nearby
garbage cans, the waste stream collected in these cans will primarily consist of paper towel. This stream
can be expected to contain low contamination and a steady volume of material, making it an attractive
material for composting.
No modifications to the paper towel dispensers or garbage bins would be needed to implement this type
of program. Alternative bins would need to be conveniently located and clearly labeled to accept other
waste generated in the restrooms that is not paper towel; and the bins reserved for paper towel should
be labeled “Paper Towel Only – Collected for Composting” (or similar) to instruct use and explain how
this material is managed. Each terminal would also need a dedicated storage container for this material
and a procedure to collect and store it separately until it was collected by the waste hauling contractors
for delivery to the composting facility.
E. Education and Outreach
Under the existing WCAA recycling program, education of WCAA employees, airlines, tenants, and
contractors is achieved through inclusion in environmental awareness training programs, while
awareness and education for passengers is primarily conducted through container signage/labels in the
terminals. New WCAA employees receive a copy of the recycling policy during onboarding; this policy
was distributed to all WCAA employees when it was adopted.
In-terminal Messaging
To supplement existing signage and labeling, it is recommended that the WCAA work with DANTeC and
Delta to improve the in-terminal messaging for passengers and provide brief, clear instructions for
recycling at DTW. Providing clear instructional signage at the recycling stations/recycling bins can
improve passenger participation and reduce contamination.
On-going Training
It is also recommended that the WCAA E&S Department continue and expand its program of simple on-
going training for employees, airlines, tenants, and contractors that explains the recycling program,
including its purpose and requirements. Such a training program will promote program participation and
compliance, resulting in increased recycling and reduced contamination. In addition, training can
designate a contact and a mechanism to receive feedback and ideas for improvement.
Training on the recycling program at DTW does not need to be complicated. The format of training could
take any number of forms, including emails, newsletters, posters, etc. The content of such training
should include reminders and information about:
The materials that are accepted for recycling at DTW and the location of the containers to be used
for the program,
Purchasing requirements, and
The positive effect the program is having in reducing DTW’s environmental impact.
Information from the EPA, the MDEQ, and the County’s SWMP should also be incorporated into the
training program. In addition, different stakeholders and organizations involved in collection,
housekeeping, recycling, composting, and other waste activities (hauling contractors, recycling
companies) could be asked to provide content, send email reminders, or to present during meetings.
WCAA should consider providing introductory level information to new tenants and contractors and
provide materials such as postings, postcards, etc. to existing tenants and contractors for use with their
Once a training and education program is implemented, it is recommended that WCAA actively maintain
such a program to facilitate its continued success. The content of trainings and printed
resources/materials should be updated as the program changes and grows.
F. Containers and Bins
It is recommended that WCAA adjust the type and placement of recycling and waste containers installed
throughout the McNamara and North Terminals and other facilities at DTW to increase recycling
participation and reduce contamination.
McNamara Terminal Recycling Bins and Garbage Cans
The existing recycling bins in McNamara Terminal are described in Section 2C: Infrastructure; no changes
to the design of these containers are recommended at this time. The specially shaped lids provide an
additional clue as to the contents of that container and the proper materials to dispose of within. It is
recommended that the WCAA work with Delta, ABM, and DFS to standardize the placement of the
recycling stations in the McNamara Terminal and minimize the number of standalone garbage cans.
North Terminal Recycling Bins and Garbage Cans
It is recommended that the WCAA work with DANTeC and ISS to co-locate recycling bins in the public
and passenger areas of the North Terminal. This can be accomplished by formalizing the placement of
the existing round recycling bins or through their replacement with recycling stations designed to
accommodate three streams. Recommended alternatives to the bins in North Terminal are discussed in
the Waste Composition Study Report (Appendix H2). In either case, the number of standalone garbage
cans should also be limited. Co-locating the garbage cans with recycling bins is intended to increase
participation in the recycling program and improve the recycling capture rate. Co-locating the containers
means the containers have consistent availability and helps passengers differentiate between materials.
There are many standalone garbage cans in the North Terminal and they are typically closer or more
available than a recycling station; therefore, in many cases, it is more convenient for passengers,
employees, and tenants to locate and use a garbage can for all materials than to find and use a recycling
bin. These containers could be repurposed as recycling containers in spaces with single-stream
recyclables (in offices for paper, in breakrooms for bottles and cans, etc.).
Other Recycling Containers and Garbage Cans
No major changes are recommended to the design of the recycling containers and garbage cans in other
areas at DTW other than to ensure they and their service schedule are right-sized for the existing and
future volume of material collected under the current program and any future improvements.
It is recommended that DTW install additional recycling bins or stations in other areas as they are
included in the program and resources allow. This could be accomplished through repurposing bins
retired from the North Terminal. As the existing containers are retired or replaced, the WCAA or
responsible party may want to consider standardizing the shape, color, and/or signage of these
containers to aid in recognition.
G. Signage and Labeling
It is recommended that DTW’s recycling signage be expanded and improved.
The recycling stations in McNamara are labeled for paper, bottles and cans, and trash; however, these
labels can be difficult to read. The WCAA and Delta should consider providing additional signage that
elaborates on the terminal’s program and provides direction for passengers adjacent to recycling
containers if contamination and compliance become issues in the future.
New signage should make use of color, images, and short, clear text to help improve understanding of
which items are recyclable, and which should be thrown away. Once recycling is implemented in the
North Terminal, instructional signage may be necessary to support the program.
One key location for recommended additional signage is in the security checkpoint queuing areas in each
terminal. As described in Section 7C: Reduce and Reuse, the TSA restrictions compel the generation of
waste, and items discovered in passenger luggage must be disposed of in accordance with the agency’s
In addition, restricted items discovered in passenger luggage by TSA can prompt further security
screening, increasing congestion and wait times in the security line. Clear signage in these areas would
help educate passengers on the restrictions as well as their options to comply with the restrictions to
reduce wait times and prevent throwing these items away.
H. Other Recommendations
In addition to the strategies recommended above, the following strategies are recommended for DTW’s
waste and recycling program.
Contracts and Leases
It is recommended that WCAA develop contracts for waste and recycling services and infrastructure,
including waste and recycling collection services and bins and containers that support and encourage
It is further recommended that the WCAA evaluate opportunities to include recycling and other waste
management preferences and requirements in lease agreements with airlines, tenants, and other
organizations that lease space at DTW. This could be as simple as a clause describing DTW’s recycling
program and requesting lease participation where possible, or as complex as specifying required actions
for specific materials. Expiring leases represent an opportunity to negotiate such inclusions with existing
Purchasing Policies and Requirements
It is recommended that WCAA evaluate its procurement and purchasing policy to identify opportunities
to require the use of sustainable materials and supplies. This could include durable items (versus single
use disposable items), supplies containing recycled or post-consumer content (printer paper, paper
towel, paper napkins, etc.), and supplies that offer manufacturer take-back or recycling programs at end
of life (printer cartridges, batteries, etc.)
Additional Facilities and New Development
This plan focused on three areas where the WCAA has the most control or the majority of waste is
generated. In the future, it is recommended that WCAA evaluate the existing recycling practices at
additional facilities at DTW and determine how they might be included in the recycling program. The
same is true of new development projects. As DTW grows and replaces facilities, these areas should be
included in the recycling program as resources allow.
I. Continuous Improvement
This Plan has described the efforts already in place to manage waste and to reduce, reuse, and recycle
waste materials. However, the best way to improve over time is by instituting a cycle of continuous
improvement. It is recommended that the maintenance and improvement of the recycling program at
DTW follow the Plan-Do-Check-Act (PDCA) cycle methodology. This report constitutes the “plan”
element. The rest of the cycle follows the implementation of the recommendations, checks that they
have the intended benefits, and then alters any elements that are not working. This results in a way to
continually improve the program over time.
The recommended strategies and supporting references make up the “plan” portion of the process. The
planning aspect of this cycle covers defining success (for example, 10 percent recycling by 2020),
establishing materials and areas of focus, collecting baseline information (visual inspections, surveys,
etc.), identifying sub-goals, and identifying strategies. In the future, additional areas of focus, baseline
measurements, and goals could be desirable.
Implementation of strategies included in this plan represents the “do” portion of the process. This
involves implementing the recommendations in this plan and making progress toward achieving the
goals. In “doing,” DTW will continue developing a culture of awareness for waste management and will
begin to enhance the practices and processes for improving and optimizing its activities associated with
reduction, reuse, recycling, composting, and other waste management elements at the facility.
After implementing strategies, the “check” portion of the process involves the reporting aspect of the
implementation process. As strategies are implemented, this step involves regularly tracking and
checking the progress toward meeting the goals.
DTW has finite resources (financial, staffing, capital, etc.); therefore, the management and tracking of
the plan must not be unnecessarily arduous. If tracking and checking become too difficult or time
consuming, the entire plan may suffer.
Checking may include the development and use of tools for measuring success and identifying areas for
improvement, including a simple mechanism for feedback and process for reviewing suggestions.
In addition to regular review of the program’s progress, the following scenarios may also trigger re-
evaluation of the program and/or the constraints described in this report:
x New WCAA programs or goals
x New FAA or other federal programs or requirements
x New state recycling laws, requirements, or goals for businesses
x Expanded accepted materials
x New local infrastructure, for example, establishment of a composting facility
x New or changes in tenants or tenant programs or goals
The “act” portion of the process encompasses taking what has been learned in the previous stages and
acting in response. Asking “What did we learn?” and “How can we do better next time?” can be helpful.
By re-evaluating the strategies, activities, goals, and metrics, adjustments can be identified and put into
It is recommended that meetings with a representation from WCAA, YIP Operations, and tenants
participating in the program be held on a regular basis to drive the continuous improvement cycle, and
thereby review the recycling program and plan and implement improvements/adjustments. It is
recommended that participation in these meetings be on a voluntary basis initially.
J. Recommendations Summary
Table 5 summarizes the recommendations to increase recycling and landfill diversion and improve waste
management at DTW as described in the preceding sections.
5: DTW Recycling and Other Waste Management Recommendations
Recommendation Summary
Objectives and Targets/Tracking (All Facilities)
x Set SMART goals for waste and recycling program.
x Support DANTeC and Delta Goals.
x Combine tracking information, calculate recycling rates, and graph trends.
x Establish regular reporting schedule and share information with stakeholders.
(North Terminal and McNamara Terminal)
x Evaluate reduction and reuse strategies, such as liquid collection stations and donation of unopened food, be
verages, and toiletry
items subject to TSA restrictions.
x Expand paper, plastic, and non-
refundable aluminum can recycling to additional areas and encourage increased recycling of these
materials in areas included in the existing program (North Terminal and McNamara Terminal).
x Collaborate with North Terminal airlines to evaluate adding deplaned paper, plastic, non-
refundable aluminum cans, and plastic
cups to the recycling program (North Terminal)
x Encourage collection and return of refundable cans and glass bottles (All facilities).
x Work collaboratively to identify options for cardboard recycling (All facilities).
x Design strategies for additional materials as they are identified (All facilities).
x Continue and expand food recovery program (All facilities).
x Recognize and encourage restaurant and catering company’s food waste practices (All facilities).
x Evaluate options to implement composting program (All facilities)
x Explore options to use local Waste to Energy (WTE) facility.
Education and Outreach
x Improve in-terminal messaging (North Terminal and McNamara Terminal)
x Provide simple training for employees, airlines, tenants, and contractors.
Containers and Bins
(McNamara and North Terminal)
x W
ork with Delta to standardize placement of recycling stations and minimize the number of standalone garbage cans in McNamara
x Work with DANTeC to co-locate recycling bins and minimize the number of standalone garbage cans in North Terminal.
x Right size recycling containers and garbage cans in other areas; optimize service schedules.
Signage and Labeling
(McNamara and North Terminal)
x Work with Delta to provide additional recycling signage in the McNamara Terminal.
x Work with DANTeC to provide instructional signage once recycling is in place at the North Terminal.
x Post additional signage in security checkpoint queuing areas.
Other Recommendations
x Involve WCAA E&S Department in contracting for waste and recycling services.
x Evaluate opportunities to include recycling and other w
aste management considerations in airline, tenant, and other leases
(Environment & Sustainability and Concessions and Quality Assurance).
x Evaluate the procurement and purchasing policy for opportunities to require use of sustainable materials and supplies.
x Evaluate existing practices at additional facilities and include these in the recycling program.
x Include new development projects in the recycling program.
x Maintain and improve the recycling program through PDCA cycle methodology.
8. Conclusion
This plan documents and supports DTW’s compliance with the FAA Modernization and Reform Act of
2012 and FAA guidance on the topic of recycling, reuse, and waste reduction. At DTW, WCAA has an
established employee recycling program for its Administration Offices, Delta has elements of a recycling
program in place in the McNamara Terminal, and DANTeC has the opportunity to implement recycling
at the North Terminal. This Plan describes the existing program and outlines recommended
improvements that will allow DTW to progressively increase landfill diversion and recycling volumes.
9. Appendices
Appendix H1: Wayne County Airport Authority Workplace Recycling Policy
Appendix H2: Detroit Metropolitan Airport North Terminal Waste Composition Study:
Results and Recommendations Report
Appendix H3: Detroit Metropolitan Airport McNamara Terminal Waste Composition Study:
Results and Recommendations Report
Prepared by
Results and
May 2016
Detroit Metropolitan Airport
North Terminal
Waste ComposiƟon Study
Table of Contents
0DWHULDO 6RUW
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
AppendixCSample BagLabel
AppendixDPhysicalMaterialSortProcedur e
Figure1: WasteStreamComposition
Figure3:WasteStreamCompositionDTWNorthTerminalPublic /PassengerSpaces................15
Executive Summary
Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA), operator of Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW), is
committed to environmentally responsible operations and comprehensive customer service.
The WCAA Maintenance Department recently identified a need to replacethe existing waste
and Sustainability
contracted with Mead & Hunt to conduct the waste composition study
described in this report.The goal of this project was to evaluate the existing waste stream
Asofspring2016,the majorityofwastegeneratedinthepassenger/publicand airlinespaces
were collected for fundraising through Michigan’s bottle deposit program).A waste sort, a
in order to better divert waste from the landfill. The baseline information and identified
appropriate for the facility’s waste stream. Data
collected during this project indicates the
andpaperproducts(20.7percent);recoverablefood,beverages,andtoiletries (2.79percent);
the recycling market) (36.9 percent).Using this data, a number of recommendations were
Instructionalsignageoncontainers andthroughoutterminal
Executive Summary
The following are longerͲterm recommendations to support overall program continuity and
Setting andtrackingprogress towardrecycling,landfilldiversion,wastereduction or
are compatible with changing conditions and available resources, while providing the
opportunity to position DTW to increase landfill diversion and recycling
over time through a
Introduction and Purpose
of Romulus in Southeast Michigan. DTW is ope rated by the Wayne County Airport Authority
(WCAA). The North Terminal supports the operations of American, Spirit, United, Southwest,
Frontier, Jet Blue, Lufthansa, and Royal Jordanian, and the Edward
H. McNamara Terminal
(McNamara Terminal) supports the operations of Delta, Virgin Atlantic, and Air France. There
ThemajorairlinesoperatingintheNorthTerminalformedthe DetroitAirlines’NorthTerminal
Consortium (DANTeC) to manage terminal operation
and maintenance and support for the
In February 2016, the WCAA Department of Environment and Sustainability contracted with
Mead & Hunt to
conduct a waste stream composition study for the North Terminal
composition information and recycling program recommendations. This study included solid
waste (trash and recyclables) and excluded hazardous waste and other special wastes. It also
waste generated in other areas of the terminal (concessions, parking lots, etc.) and
otherairportbuildings.Theresultsofthisstudyareintended tosupportdecisionͲmakingduring
Activities conducted under this study included visual observations of existing conditions;
interviews with WCAA, DANTeC, and ISS staff; and a waste sort. The waste sort included the
physical sort and measurement of
a sample of the terminal’s waste stream to establish a
Waste Study
In the passe nger areasof the North Terminal (curbside, circulation, security checkpoints, gate
areas, and baggage claim), recycling bins/trash cans are provided at various locations. These
containersarelabeled“cans&bottles,”“newspaper,”and“trash”and haveopeningsofdifferent
restrooms.Wasteplacedin thesecontainersiscollectedbyISSandtakentoatrashcompactor
challengesincludingunauthorizedrepositioningofthecontainersand contamination,recyclable
In the airline areas of the North Terminal (ticket counters, gate stations, ramp spaces,
for paper or aluminum cans. The trash cans are emptied by ISS and the waste collected from
adedicatedcontractor whoshredsandrecyclesthismaterial.Insomecases,aluminumcansare
managedbyairlineemployeeswhocollectthedepositasafundraising effort.Wastegenerated
aboardflights arrivingatDTWismanaged
In the McNamara Terminal, waste is managed by a contractor for Delta Airlines (the majority
operator of this terminal). In 2015, Delta and partners purchased and installed specialized,
of the containers were labeled “bottles & cans,” “paper,” or “litter,” and the remainder were
Waste Study
Mead & Hunt staff conducted a facility walk through and waste sort to collect waste stream
throughincluded thepublic/passengerandairlinespaceswithintheNorthTerminalaswell asa
briefvisittotheMcNamaraTerminal.Accesstothe airlinespacesandtrashroomswasfacilitated
by a representative from DANTeC.
Information and photographs collected during the walkͲ
through were used to establish a baseline of the existing waste and recycling program in the
A waste sort sample of considerable size was required to provide statistically
information. Based on information provided by WCAA, the North Terminal generates
percent deplaned and 24 percent other) and public areas
contribute about 35 percent.
Concessions and administration spaces contribute 18 percent and three percent, respectively;
Concessions Administration
20% 24% 44% 35% 18% 3%
3,133,000 626,600 751,920 1,378,520 1,096,550 563,940 93,990
Waste Study
A statistical analysis indicated that a total sample size of approximately 1,750 pounds would
pounds, a sample of this size would equal 190 average bags. To account for variations in bag
weight, 250 bags were requested. See Appendix A for more information about sample size
Once the sample size had been determined, the differentcategoriesthatthe sample material
would be sorted into were identified. Based on information provided by DANTeC’s waste
management contractor, the following items can or cannot be recycled under the current
x PaperStream:
x MetalStream(scrapmetal):
x CoͲMingledStream:
x Paper3URGXFWV
x OtherZDVWH
x Food:DVWH
x Liquids
x Styrofoam
x Universalwaste
x Bulkitems
x Constructionanddemolitiondebris
x Hazardouswaste
x BioͲhazardouswaste
x EͲwaste
x Yardwaste
Waste Study
In addition to the material categories listed above, unopened packaged food, beverages, and
toiletries that could potentially be recovered for donation to a charitable organization were
x PublicAreas:
x AirlineAreas:
Over the course of three days, staff from Mead & Hunt sorted and measured the provided
Duringthewastesort,eachsample bag
were sorted into the different material categories and then each category was weighed to
Waste Study
Afterthesortwascompleted,allofthewaste materialwasdisposedofbyISSattheairportin
one of the trash room compactors. Liquid waste was collected each day during the sort and
) 'DWD$QDO\VLV
Followingthewastesort,theresultingdatawas analyzedtoidentifytrendsandcalculate waste
stream composition for the specified areas. The data from 205 bags totaling 1,698 pounds of
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
bags also
contained some of the materials listed as managed under separate programs (for
Basedontheresultsofthewastesort,thecompositionofthe overallwastestreamgeneratedin
airline and public/passenger spaces at the DTW
North Terminal is shown in Figure 1: Waste
Stream Composition DTW North TerminalPublic / Passenger and Airline Spaces. The waste
stream is made up of approximately 40 percent “other waste” and trash and 60 percent
compostableitems,liquids andrecyclablematerials.Themostprevalentrecyclablematerialin
the overall waste
stream is paper. Liquids and compostable items (food waste and paper
productslike paper towel, paper napkins and tissue) contribute a considerableamount to the
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Applying the percentages calculated from the waste sort data to the entire waste stream
generated from the airline and public spaces in the North Terminal results in estimated total
annual generation by material by weight as shown in Table 2:EstimatedTotalAnnualWaste
toMichigan’scanandbottledepositprogram,theamountofaluminumpresentis lowerthan
Stream/Material Pounds Tons
EstimatedTotal 2,575,400 1,287.70
OtherWaste 898,192 449.10 34.88%
Liquids 497,396 248.70 19.31%
PaperProducts 266,564 133.28 10.35%
FoodWaste 266,492 133.25 10.35%
Paper 264,025 132.01 10.25%
Plastic 143,765 71.88 5.58%
Cardboard 94,430 47.21 3.67%
UnopenedBeverages 44,568 22.28 1.73%
UnopenedWater 25,678 12.84 1.00%
Glass 23,442 11.72 0.91%
Aluminum 19,092 9.55 0.74%
OtherToiletries 17,759 8.88 0.69%
Styrofoam 9,215 4.61 0.36%
ScrapMetal 1,934 0.97 0.08%
RecoverableFood 1,424 0.71 0.06%
Metals 878 0.44 0.03%
UnopenedToiletries 546 0.27 0.02%
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Based on the waste sort data, the waste generated in airline areas at the North Terminal is
deplaned waste) and nonͲsterile spaces (behind ticket counters) as well as airline spaces that
could be either of these (breakrooms and offices areas).The predominant recyclable and
compostable materialsgenerated from airline spacesandactivitiesare paper and food waste.
breakrooms and offices generate notable amounts of food waste and paper products while
deplaned waste had the largest liquid component compared to the other airline spaces. The
amountoffoodwasteandpaperproducts fromthenonͲsterileairline spacesislargerthanwould
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
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Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Analysis of the data collected from the sample bags showed that waste generated in the
Figure 3: Waste Stream Composition DTW North Terminal Public / Passenger Spaces.This
spaces (curbside, ticketing circulation, checkpoint, restroom, baggage claim). One notable
difference between the nonͲsterile and sterile passenger areas is the greater percentage of
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
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1) Installliquidcollectionstationsoutsidethesecuritycheckpoints
is recommended that DTW install one liquid collection station at each of the North
Thedeploymentofliquidcollectionstationswould reducetheweightofthewastestream
strong correlation between weight
of liquids and the weight of plastics in the waste
Thisobservationsuggeststhatthecollectionand recyclingofothermaterialsin
bottlesandotherbeveragecontainerspriortothembeing depositedintherecyclingbins.
Liquid collection stations are available from various manufacturers and can also be
fabricated inͲhouse. These stations require maintenance and servicing, specifically
Liquid collection stations also provide a benefittocustodial staff. Diverting liquids to a
collection station from the waste or recycling stream can reduce the overall weight of
waste and recycling bags, which can reduce the frequency at which bags need to be
2) InstallconjoinedthreeͲbincontainersinthepassengerareas
Itis recommendedthata networkofconjoinedthreebincontainersbe installedinthe
The use of conjoined containers will help reduce contamination, maintain proper
placement,andprovideaconsistentbin configurationthroughoutthebuilding.Thiscan
beaccomplishedwith asingleunitwithmultipleinteriorbinsorseparatebinsthatcanbe
Basedonthedatafromthewastesort,itis furtherrecommendedthatonecompartment
together).Ideally, the larger bin should be sized to accommodate landfill bound trash,
whichmakesupon average 60 percentof the current waste stream(36percentother
wasteplus 3percentunopenedfood,beveragesandtoiletriesplus21percentfoodwaste
andpaperproducts).Sizing this waste
bintoaccommodate some of thematerialsthat
The recycling program can benefit from bin lids with specific openings for different
havealargeopeningforwasteand thesmallrecyclingbinsshouldhaveasmallholefor
the lids are designed with different colors, they will have a consistent look and the
Theidealcontainer setupwouldhavea20percentpaper,20percentbottles(andcans)
and60percentwaste sizingscheme.However,commerciallyavailablestandardsizesmay
theDTWNorthTerminalaslongasthewastebinis largerthantheothertwo.Thisratio
an organics/composting collection bin in the future. The mockͲups below (Figure 4:
Potential Waste and Recycling
Bin Configuration Options) show a few potential
3) Installinstructionalsignageoncontainersandthroughoutterminal
In order to increase and improve participation in the recycling program, it is
recommended that DTW design and install clear, concise, colorͲcoded signage on the
Anacknowledgmentoftheextraeffortrequiredbyrecyclingand descriptions ofDTW’s
will allow for consistent application in the container arrangements throughout the
4) Collecttrashandrecyclepaper,and
For the passenger areas, it is recommended that DTW collect trash, and recycle paper
it is a material that may be considered more
valuable than other recycled materials.
collecting paper as a separate stream from other materials (specifically trash and
whether such a stream would be kept segregated (versus being mixed with other
comingled materials). If the stream is acceptable to the contractor and can be kept
segregated, one of the bins in the conjoined container should
be labeled for “Plastic
during sorting at the contractor’s facility, the collection at DTW could also include the
aluminumcan).Underthisscenario,oneofthe smallerbinsintheconjoinedcontainer
5) Collecttrash,paperandbeveragecontainersfromairlineareas
Similar to the passenger area recommendation, it is recommended that DTW collect
DANTeCand theairlineswillberequiredtodetermine howtoconfiguretheseelements
6) Provide training and educational opportunities for airline staff and DANTeC
A training program will promote program participation and compliance, resulting in
contractor should be incorporated into the training program. In addition, different
stakeholdersintherecyclingprogramshouldbeaskedtoprovidecontent ortopresent.
This program would work best if offered at times that are convenient for attendees’
1) Centralizerecyclingcollection
TheremotelocationofTrashRoomFivemaydiscourage properdisposalofrecyclables
south (Trash Rooms One, Two, Four, and Five). This reconfiguration would reduce the
2) Collect unopened water, other beverages, food and toiletries for
and donating them to a local charity or other organization. In compliance with TSA
requirements, these items may need to
be collected prior to the security checkpoint
3) Encouragealuminumcanreturns
ultimategoalofarecycling program.Itmaybepossibletocollect thenonͲredeemable
containers with plastic bottles, pending the waste hauling contractor’s program (see
act covers beer, soft drinks, carbonated and mineral water, wine coolers, and canned
A deposit of 10 cents is added to the purchase
price of these beverages and returned
Basedonthedatafromthewaste sort,itappearsthataluminumcansareefficientlybeing
scavengedfromthewastestream.Thealuminumcansthat werefoundincludedthose
that had contained beverages not coveredunder Michigan’s Container Act (fruit juices
4) Encourageuseofsinkstoemptycontainersbeforerecyclingorthrowingaway
contaminate recyclable materials. For the airline spaces, WCAA should post simple
signage asking employees to empty
their beverage containers (for example, in a
breakroomsink)beforerecyclingitandtothrowawayanycontainer theydonotempty
(so as not to contaminate the recycling stream). The signage for this campaign should
explain that dry waste and recycling is easier to manage and process while helping
5) Collectcardboardfromairlinesforrecycling
ofcardboardandoffering thisservicetotheairlinestoencourageconsistentrecyclingof
fairly steady value in the recyclables market.Coordination with the waste collection
6) Landfillglass,opentoiletries,Styrofoamandotherwaste
Itis recommendedthatWCAAcontinue tolandfillglass,opentoiletries,Styrofoam,
Whileglassisrecyclable,atthistimethecosttomanageandhandlethis fragile,heavy
material,coupledwithitslowvalueinthemarketmakeitundesirableinmany recycling
programs. In addition, broken glass contaminates other recyclable materials and can
1) Collectcardboardfromconcessionairesandretailtenants
Although these areas were excluded from the sort, the cardboard program described
the quantity of cardboard collected. Other airport waste studies have shown that
cardboard is one of the most prevalent materials in the waste stream generated by
2) Evaluatecompostingorotherprocessingofpaperproductsandfoodwaste
WCAA evaluate adding a composting or processing element. Paper products, such
materials are collected in the terminal and processed offͲsite by a composting facility.
Other processing technology, for example, digesters and treatment
systems, are
becoming more available and being used at aviation facilities, such as flight meal prep
3) Evaluateglass
As noted above, glass is currently undesirable in many recycling programs. It is
4) EvaluateStyrofoamoptions
Use of Styrofoam has been banned from use in some airports, specifically by
using Styrofoam.
WCAA could be approached to substitute another more
1) Setrecycling,diversion,wastereductionorotherwasteobjectives
ItisrecommendedthatWCAAsetrecycling,landfilldiversion,waste reductionorother
under this study providesbaselineinformation for the airline and passenger areasand
shouldbereplicatedforthe tenant spaces.Atsomeairports,thecitythatownsthefacility
has an overall cityͲwide recycling or diversion goal; in other cases, the airport has
proactivelysettheirownindependent metrics.WCAAhasnotbeen
particular recycling level, but can draw inspiration from the State of Michigan’s 30Ͳ
percent recycling goal or another appropriate benchmark. Progress toward such goals
2) Maintain
Onceatrainingandeducationprogramisimplemented, itisrecommendedthatWCAA
actively maintain such a program to facilitate its continued success. The content of
be included in
the training program as new strategies that impact their activities are
implemented.Providingusersoftherecyclingprogramwith clear,actionableinformation
facilitates their participation and compliance and provides a mechanism to receive
3) CollaboratewithDANTeCandwastehaulertooptimizeprogram
thatWCAAconsiderformalizingtheir collaborationwithDANTeCand
4) ConductfollowͲupwastesortto
Once selected strategies are implemented, it is recommended that WCAA conduct a
Results from the material sort, facility walkͲthrough, and informal interviews helped identify
areas of waste management where WCAA should focus effort and resources. These
recommendations, when implemented, are designed to help the WCAA to increase landfill
In order to realize the benefits of the recommendations describedin this report,
implementation of these strategies will need to be phased and appropriately timed based on
existing conditions and available resources. Collaboration with DANTeC’s waste and recycling
is important to note thatadditional strategies might make sense to implement over a longͲ
term basis, as waste management at a complex facility like DTW is dynamic and
performing as expected, a waste sort can help identify further areas for correction or
improvement. By checking results and adjusting course as needed, WCAA can create
a truly
Atkin,Peter.HowAirlines andAirportsCanCleanUpTheir Recycling Programs.Rep.Natural
Mehta, Sam. "San Francisco International Airport Passenger Food Waste Composting
Ralston, Phil. "PDX Waste Management." Airports Going Green Conference. Chicago, IL. 6
Recycling,Reuse and Waste ReductionatAirports.ASynthesisDocument.FederalAviation
Katzev, R. & Mishima, H.R. (1992). The use of posted feedback to promote recycling.
Werner, C.M., Stoll, R., Birch, P., & White, P.H. (2002). Clinical validation and cognitive
elaboration: signs that encourage sustained recycling. Basic and Applied Social
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
Executive Summary .................................................................................................................................. 1
1. Introduction and Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 3
2. Existing Conditions ............................................................................................................................... 4
3. Waste Study ......................................................................................................................................... 6
A. Facility Walk Through ............................................................................................................................... 6
B. Sample Size and Distribution .................................................................................................................... 6
C. Identification of Material Categories ....................................................................................................... 7
D. Sample Collection ..................................................................................................................................... 8
E. Material Sort ............................................................................................................................................ 9
F. Data Analysis ............................................................................................................................................ 9
4. Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results .................................................................................................. 10
A. DTW McNamara Terminal Waste Sample Characteristics ..................................................................... 10
B. DTW McNamara Terminal Waste Stream Composition ......................................................................... 10
C. DTW McNamara Terminal Airline Admin Areas Waste Stream ............................................................. 13
D. DTW McNamara Terminal Airline Areas Waste Stream ......................................................................... 15
E. DTW McNamara Terminal Deplaned Waste Stream .............................................................................. 17
F. DTW McNamara Terminal Public/Passenger Areas Area Waste Stream ............................................... 19
G. DTW McNamara Terminal Restroom Waste Stream ............................................................................. 21
H. DTW McNamara Terminal Restaurant Waste Stream ........................................................................... 23
I. DTW McNamara Terminal Retail Waste Stream .................................................................................... 25
5. Recommendations ............................................................................................................................. 27
A. Near-Term Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 27
B. Long-Term Recommendations ............................................................................................................... 31
6. Conclusion ......................................................................................................................................... 32
7. Resources........................................................................................................................................... 33
8. Appendices ........................................................................................................................................ 34
Executive Summary
Executive Summary
Wayne County Airport Authority (WCAA), operator of Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW or
Airport), is in the process of completing an Airport Master Plan project for the facility. Planning
for issues related to recycling and waste management is required under such a project per the
FAA Modernization and Reform Act (FMRA) of 2012. As a result, Leigh Fisher, the master planning
consultant for DTW, subcontracted with Mead & Hunt to conduct the waste composition study
described in this report as well as to develop a comprehensive Airport Recycling, Reuse, and
Waste Reduction Plan in order to meet the FMRA requirements (available under separate cover).
The goal of the waste composition study was to evaluate the existing waste stream generated in
the McNamara Terminal and supplement information collected during a previous study in the
North Terminal. The goal of the overall plan was to document the existing practices at the Airport
and recommend strategies to increase landfill diversion through recycling and other approaches.
To evaluate the composition of the waste stream generated at the McNamara Terminal (and to
inform the overall Airport recycling plan), a waste sort, a facility walk-through, and informal
interviews with stakeholders were conducted to develop a baseline and identify areas of
opportunity for increasing recycling participation and compliance in order to better divert waste
from the landfill. The baseline information and identified opportunities were the basis for
recommendations appropriate for the terminal’s waste stream. Data collected during this project
indicates the existing McNamara Terminal waste stream contains approximately 19 percent
recyclables and 81 percent waste. The waste component is made up of liquids (16 percent);
compostables including food waste and paper products (24 percent); and other waste (42
percent) such as trash and Styrofoam. Using this data, a number of recommendations were
identified to increase recycling in the North Terminal.
Highlights of near-term recommendations include:
- Increase stakeholder involvement
- Provide training and education
- Evaluate compactor convenience
- Address airline administration, deplaned, and airline area recyclables
- Plan for liquids
- Continue and improve food donation program
Executive Summary
The following are longer-term recommendations to support overall program continuity and
- Pilot then expand composting program
- Expand recycling program
This range of recommendations will allow the Airport and stakeholders the flexibility to
implement those which are compatible with changing conditions and available resources, while
providing the opportunity to position DTW’s McNamara Terminal to increase landfill diversion
and recycling over time through a phased, comprehensive program.
Introduction and Purpose
1. Introduction and Purpose
Detroit Metropolitan Airport (DTW or Airport) is a large hub commercial service airport located
in the city of Romulus in Southeast Michigan. DTW is operated by the Wayne County Airport
Authority (WCAA). The Edward H. McNamara Terminal (McNamara Terminal) supports the
operations of Delta, Virgin Atlantic, and Air France and the North Terminal supports the
operations of American, Spirit, United, Southwest, Frontier, Jet Blue, Lufthansa, and Royal
Jordanian. There were more than 33 million passengers and 379,000 aircraft operations at DTW
in 2015.
Delta manages terminal operation and maintenance and support for the airlines in the
McNamara Terminal. Delta contracts with ABM for building maintenance and ABM subcontracts
Diverse Facility Solutions (DFS) to provide janitorial cleaning services in the McNamara Terminal,
including the collection of solid waste (trash) from public and airline spaces. Delta also contracts
with Prospect Airport Services (Prospect) to provide aircraft cabin cleaning services.
In October 2016, airport consultant Leigh Fisher contracted with Mead & Hunt to conduct a waste
stream composition study for the McNamara Terminal, including waste generated in airline
administration areas, other airline areas, and aboard inbound domestic flights (deplaned waste);
public passenger areas, restrooms, restaurants, and retail areas. The purpose of the study is to
provide waste stream composition information and recycling program recommendations. This
study included solid waste (trash and recyclables) and excluded hazardous waste and other
special wastes. It also excluded waste generated in other areas of the terminal (parking lots, etc.)
and other airport buildings. The results of this study are intended to inform the development of
a terminal-wide recycling plan and supplement information collected during a waste sort
conducted at the North Terminal for inclusion in an overall Airport Recycling, Reuse, and Waste
Reduction Plan. Some of the information and recommendations contained in this report may be
applicable to the North Terminal and other areas of the Airport as well.
Activities conducted under this study included visual observations of existing conditions;
interviews with WCAA and Delta staff; and a waste sort. The waste sort included the physical sort
and measurement of a sample of the terminal’s waste stream to establish a characterization of
its composition.
Existing Conditions
2. Existing Conditions
Delta Air Lines (Delta) operates and maintains the McNamara Terminal under an agreement with
WCAA. Delta contracts with ABM for facility maintenance and Prospect for aircraft cabin cleaning
services. ABM contracts with DFS for janitorial /facility cleaning services.
In the passenger areas of the McNamara Terminal (curbside, circulation, security checkpoints,
gate areas, and baggage claim), recycling bins/trash cans are provided at various locations. The
recycling bins are conjoined into three stream stations, with a bin each for beverage containers
or “bottles & cans,” “paper,” and garbage or “litter.” These stations have openings of different
shapes in their lids (a round hole for beverage containers, a rectangular slot for paper, and a
square opening for garbage. Based on interviews with WCAA staff, the DTW Dockmaster, Delta
and their partners may have removed some conjoined recycling containers due to contamination
issues (waste materials in the recycling bins). The garbage bins in these areas are tall, round, and
grey or silver cans with a round opening in the lid; these containers are not labeled. There are
also waste bins in the terminal restrooms.
Waste placed in the containers in the public areas is collected by DFS and taken to a trash
compactor, typically located in a trash room in the lower level of the terminal, or a dumpster
outside the terminal. There are more than 20 dumpsters and compactors located at the
McNamara Terminal. Recyclable materials placed in the recycling stations are also collected by
ABM and transferred to one of four trash rooms designated and equipped with a compactor for
recyclable materials.
In the airline areas of the McNamara Terminal (administration offices, ticket counters, gate
stations, breakrooms, and other offices), trash cans and paper recycling bins are available. These
containers are emptied by DFS and the material collected from these spaces is taken to the
appropriate trash rooms and compactors. Delta also utilizes a dedicated contractor who shreds
and recycles paper material. In some cases, aluminum cans are managed by airline employees
who collect the deposit as a fundraising effort.
Waste and recyclable materials generated aboard flights arriving at the McNamara Terminal are
managed by Prospect. This waste is also taken to the appropriate trash room compactors.
Existing Conditions
In 2016, WCAA was awarded a grant by the Michigan Department of Environmental Quality to
address food waste at DTW. The resulting food recovery program is operated by staff from WCAA
Environment and Sustainability Department and diverts unwanted food from the landfill to a
local food pantry. To date, the program has captured and donated nearly 10,800 pounds of food
from three concessionaires and Delta’s SkyClub lounge. Using a conversion rate of 1.2 pounds
per meal, this represents approximately 9,000 meals.
Waste Study
3. Waste Study
Mead & Hunt staff conducted a facility walk through and waste sort to collect waste stream
composition data and establish a basis for recycling program recommendations. The following
subsections describe the components of this study.
On October 13, 2016, a representative of Delta provided a guided tour of the McNamara Terminal
for representatives from Mead & Hunt and WCAA Department of Environment and Sustainability.
This walk through included the public/passenger areas, airline spaces, and trash rooms within
the McNamara Terminal. Information and photographs collected during the walk-through were
used to establish a baseline of the existing waste and recycling program in the McNamara
Terminal (described in Section 2. Existing Conditions) and to design the waste sort.
A waste sort sample of considerable size was desired to provide statistically significant
information. Based on information provided by Delta, the McNamara Terminal generates
approximately 7,540 of waste per year. Past case studies and waste sorts show that airlines
generate approximately 44 percent of the waste generated at an airport (20 percent deplaned
and 24 percent other); public areas contribute about 35 percent; concessions and administration
spaces contribute 18 percent and three percent, respectively. Table 1: Estimated Waste
Generation at DTW McNamara Terminal by Space Type shows the estimated amount of material
generated by each area type based on the industry average percentages.
1: Estimated Waste Generation at DTW McNamara Terminal by Space Type
Approx. Total
20% 24%
18% 3%
7,540 1,508
1,357 226
Waste Study
A statistical analysis indicated that a total sample size of approximately 1,280 pounds would
provide statistically significant waste sort results. Assuming an average trash bag weight of eight
pounds, a sample of this size would equal 160 average bags. To account for variations in bag
weight, 225 bags were requested. See Appendix A: Sample Size Calculation for more
Once the sample size had been determined, the different categories that the sample material
would be sorted into were identified based on the categories used for the waste composition
study at the North Terminal. These categories are as follows:
x Paper:
Computer Paper / Computer Print
White Ledger
Tab Cards
Colored Ledger
Newspaper / Old News Print
Miscellaneous Paper
Mixed Waste Paper
Shredded paper
x Plastic:
PET (SPI = 1)
HDPE (SPI = 2)
PVC (SPI = 3)
LDPE (SPI = 4)
Polypropylene (SPI = 5)
Polystyrene (SPI = 6)
Other (SPI = 7)
x Cardboard
Paper bags
Paper towel/toilet paper cores
x Aluminum
x Metal, Excluding Aluminum
Tin Coated Steel Containers
Bimetal Containers
Metal Jar Lids
x Glass (clear, green, brown, or mixed)
x Paper Products
Facial Tissue ("Kleenex")
White paper towels or napkins
Unbleached or natural paper towels
or napkins
x Other waste
Paperback books
Plastic bags
x Food Waste
x Liquids
x Styrofoam
PROGRAMS (excluded from this study)
x Universal waste
x Bulk items
x Construction and demolition debris
x Hazardous waste
x Bio-hazardous waste
x E-waste
x Yard waste
Waste Study
In addition to the material categories listed above, food waste and paper products that could
potentially be recovered for composting were measured separately. Unlike the North Terminal
Study, this study did not measure unopened packaged food, beverages, and toiletries that could
potentially be recovered for donation due to the low number of samples from the pre-security
spaces and food suitable for donation in the restaurant sample bags.
Collection of the waste sort samples was coordinated by Delta and completed by DFS and
Prospect staff. The sample collection instructions provided for those staff are included in
Appendix B: Sample Collection Instructions. Samples were collected from the following areas:
Delta Administration Offices
Other Airline Spaces:
o Ticket counters
o Breakrooms
o Non-administration offices
o Gate stations
Deplaned Waste
(inbound domestic flights)
Terminal Restaurants
o Including grab and go, quick
serve, and sit down
Retail Areas
Public Areas:
o Curbside
o Ticketing check in
o Baggage claim
o Gate areas/holdrooms
o Express Tram Stations
o Restrooms
Labels for the sample bags were designed by Mead & Hunt and provided to Delta by WCAA. Each
label provided information about the sample, including area type, space category, sample
number, etc. An example of the labels is included in Appendix C: Sample Bag Label.
Waste Study
Over the course of three days, staff from Mead & Hunt sorted and measured the provided
samples. In total, the contents of 225 bags containing 886 pounds of solid waste were sorted.
Due to low average bag weights, the sample size was smaller than designed; a discussion of the
adjusted level of significance is included in Appendix A.
During the waste sort, each sample bag was weighed and then opened. The contents of each bag
were sorted into the different material categories and then each category was weighed to
determine its proportion of the overall weight. Appendix D: Physical Material Sort Procedure
provides the procedure for the physical material sort and photos of this activity.
After the sort was completed, all of the waste and recyclable materials were disposed of by DFS
at the Airport in compactors appropriate for the material. Liquid waste was collected each day
during the sort and disposed of by the sort team in a stormwater drain identified by Delta.
Following the waste sort, the resulting data was analyzed to identify trends and calculate waste
stream composition for the specified areas.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
4. Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Of the sample bags sorted, the average bag weight was 3.94 pounds; the smallest bag was 0.10
pounds and the largest was 25 pounds. All of the recyclable and non-recyclable materials listed
in Section 3C: Identification of Material Categories were found in the sample bags. The sample
bags also contained some of the materials listed as managed under separate programs (for
example, e-waste such as computer and electronic cords and universal waste like batteries).
Based on the results of the waste sort, the composition of the overall waste stream generated by
airline administration, airline, deplaned, public/passenger, restroom, restaurant, and retail
activities at the DTW McNamara Terminal is shown in Figure 1: Waste Stream Composition DTW
McNamara Terminal- Overall. The waste stream is made up of approximately 42 percent “other
waste” and trash and 58 percent compostable items, liquids, and recyclable materials. The most
prevalent recyclable material in the overall waste stream is plastic. Liquids and compostable
items (food waste and paper products like paper towel, paper napkins and tissue) contribute a
considerable amount to the overall stream.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Figure 1: Waste Stream Composition
DTW McNamara Terminal - Overall
Overall Waste Stream
Other Waste
Paper Products
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Applying the percentages calculated from the waste sort data to the entire waste stream
generated from the McNamara Terminal results in estimated total annual generation by material
by weight as shown in Table 2: Estimated Total Annual Waste Generation by Material DTW
McNamara Terminal. Due to Michigan’s can and bottle deposit program, the amount of
aluminum present is lower than would be expected at an airport in another state.
Table 2: Estimated Total Annual Waste Generation by Material
DTW McNamara Terminal
Estimated Percentage
Estimated Quantity
Other Waste
41.22% 3,108
19.56% 1,475
15.85% 1,195
6.90% 520
5.85% 441
Paper Products
4.43% 334
2.35% 177
2.24% 169
1.49% 112
0.36% 27
0.28% 21
100% 7,540
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Based on the waste sort data, the waste stream generated in airline administration areas at the
McNamara Terminal is comprised of materials in the proportions shown in Figure 2: Waste
Stream Composition – DTW McNamara Terminal Airline Administration Area (Delta). The
predominant recyclable materials generated in this area are cardboard and paper. Liquids and
compostables do not contribute significantly to the airline administration waste stream.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Figure 2: Waste Stream Composition
DTW McNamara Terminal Airline Administration Area (Delta)
Airline Admin. Area (Delta)
Waste Stream
Other Waste
Paper Products
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Based on the waste sort data, the waste stream generated in other airline areas at the McNamara
Terminal is comprised of materials in the proportions shown in Figure 3: Waste Stream
Composition – DTW McNamara Terminal Airline Areas. This figure includes data from sterile
spaces (gate stations), non-sterile spaces (behind ticket counters) as well as airline spaces that
could be either of these (breakrooms and non-administration office areas such as Inflight and
Flight Services).
The predominant compostable material generated from these spaces is food waste. Recyclable
materials, such as cardboard and paper, and liquids also contribute to this stream.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Figure 3: Waste Stream Composition
DTW McNamara Terminal Airline Areas
Airline Areas Waste Stream
Other Waste
Paper Products
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Based on the waste sort data, the waste stream generated aboard arriving domestic flights is
comprised of materials in the proportions shown in Figure 4: Waste Stream Composition – DTW
McNamara Terminal Deplaned Waste (Domestic). Liquids contribute significantly to this waste
stream; food waste, plastic, and paper are also present in notable amounts.
The materials found in the deplaned waste stream are as can be expected based on the food and
beverage services offered on board: cans, large water bottles, airline snacks, coffee filter packs
(coffee grounds and filter in one packet), and plastic cups. Other prevalent materials included
hand towels and blankets, which may be suitable for donation.
Of specific note, the waste sort discovered several small, clear bags intended for cabin recycling
(labeled “Recycling” and featuring the Delta logo) full of recyclable materials in the landfill-bound
waste stream. This indicates that cabin crews are separating recyclable materials during some
flights; however, during the cabin cleaning process, some of these separated materials are
combined with garbage and disposed of as waste. Coordination with the cabin cleaning
contractor may be needed to divert these materials to the proper recycling compactors.
One other in flight practice that was noted during the waste sort was the collection of liquids in
one or two large water bottles from the cabin crew’s beverage carts. This means cabin crews are
consolidating liquids to fewer, sealable containers which helps to keep the rest of the waste and
recycling dry. Coordination with Delta and their cabin crews may be helpful in encouraging this
practice as it reduces free liquids in the cabin waste stream and protects recyclable materials like
newspapers and magazines, other paper, beverage containers like cans and bottles, and plastic
cups from contamination.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Figure 4: Waste Stream Composition
DTW McNamara Terminal Deplaned Waste (Domestic)
Deplaned Waste Stream
Other Waste
Paper Products
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Analysis of the data collected from the sample bags showed that waste generated in the public
passenger areas of the McNamara Terminal is comprised of materials in the amounts shown in
Figure 5: Waste Stream Composition DTW McNamara Terminal Public / Passenger Areas. This
figure includes information from sterile spaces (gate areas/hold rooms and Express Tram
Stations) and non-sterile spaces (curbside, ticketing check in, and baggage claim). Liquids
contribute significantly to this waste stream and food waste is also present in a notable quantity.
Of the recyclable materials, plastic is the most prevalent in this stream.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Figure 5: Waste Stream Composition
DTW McNamara Terminal Public/Passenger Areas
Public/Passenger Areas
Waste Stream
Other Waste
Paper Products
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Waste sort data from samples collected in the restrooms at the McNamara Terminal is displayed
in Figure 6: Waste Stream Composition – DTW McNamara Terminal Restrooms. This stream is
almost completely comprised of paper products (paper towels) and liquids contribute a large part
of the remainder.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Figure 6: Waste Stream Composition
DTW McNamara Terminal Restrooms
Public Area Restroom Waste
Other Waste
Paper Products
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Analysis of the data from the waste sort found that the waste stream from the restaurants in the
McNamara Terminal is comprised of materials as shown in Figure 7: Waste Stream Composition
– DTW McNamara Terminal Restaurants. As is to be expected, this stream contains a large
portion of food waste and food packaging, such as plastic film. Of the recyclable materials, glass
was the most prominent followed by plastic.
Under Michigan’s bottle bill, single-serve glass bottle for beer and other carbonated beverages
are eligible for a refund upon return. At the McNamara Terminal, these are likely collected by the
beverage suppliers. Glass bottles for non-carbonated beverages (such as liquors) are not included
in the return refund; this glass is currently disposed of as waste.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Figure 7: Waste Stream Composition
DTW McNamara Terminal Restaurants
Restaurant Waste Stream
Other Waste
Paper Products
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Based on the waste sort data, the waste stream generated in retail areas at the McNamara
Terminal is comprised of materials in the proportions shown in Figure 8: Waste Stream
Composition – DTW McNamara Terminal Retail Areas. Of the recyclable materials, cardboard
contribute the most to this stream, followed by paper and plastic. Food waste was also present
in a notable amount. The retail spaces showed some use of disposable cleaning products such as
dusting and cleaning cloths and pads.
Waste Sort Data Analysis and Results
Figure 8: Waste Stream Composition
DTW McNamara Terminal Retail Areas
Retail Waste Stream
Other Waste
Paper Products
5. Recommendations
Based on the results of the DTW McNamara Terminal waste study, near-term and long-term
recommendations were developed to assist the Airport in increasing landfill diversion and
reducing the facility’s environmental impact resulting from waste generation.
1) Increase Stakeholder Involvement, Set Objectives and Targets, and Plan for Continuous
Per corporate policy, Delta is “committed to minimizing waste streams through diversion and
re-use, waste recycling programs, and [waste reduction].” Due to Delta’s role in operating the
McNamara Terminal, it is recommended that WCAA collaborate with the airline, their
maintenance and cabin cleaning contractors, and their waste hauler to optimize recycling
practices in this facility. The first step toward this collaboration could be review and
discussion of this waste study report and the findings it contains with these stakeholders.
Delta and WCAA are both tracking elements of the recycling performance of the McNamara
Terminal. It is recommended that these data sets be combined in a regular report and serve
as the basis for recycling, diversion, waste reduction or other waste objectives. The DTW
Airport Recycling, Reuse, and Waste Reduction Plan (available under separate cover) provides
more detail on metrics that may be appropriate for each terminal at DTW as well as WCAA
2) Provide Training and Education
The success of a recycling program at McNamara Terminal depends on the cooperation and
compliance of Delta employees as well as those of the involved contractors. It is
recommended that WCAA team with Delta to provide training and educational opportunities
for these groups. It is recommended that outreach include information about the drivers
behind a recycling program at the McNamara Terminal, acceptable materials, and a point
person for employees and contractors to reach out to with questions or suggestions. A
training program can be as simple as an email message or signs posted in key employee and
contractor areas (breakrooms, etc.). Once an education program is established for Delta
employees and contractors, it is recommended that similar information be disseminated to
terminal restaurant and retail tenants in order to encourage their participation in the
3) Evaluate Compactor Convenience
During the facility walk-through, it was noted that there are many more waste compactors
than there are recycling compactors. Based on this ratio, it is possible that waste compactors
are typically more convenient for employees, contractors, and tenants than recycling
compactors. This may be contributing to recyclables being disposed of as waste. It is
recommended that WCAA work with Delta and its contractors as well as the restaurants and
retail tenants to determine if the number and placement of this infrastructure can be
adjusted to improve access and reduce travel distances for recyclable materials.
4) Address Airline Administration and Other Airline Area Paper, Cardboard, and Plastic
As noted in the discussion about waste generation quantities, airline activities and deplaned
waste together represent 44 percent of the overall waste stream generated at an airport.
Based on the contribution of airline activities (20 percent), it is recommended that WCAA
work with Delta to facilitate and improve recycling of paper, cardboard, and plastic recycling
from airline areas. Since employees who work for Delta are at the facility on a regular basis,
shaping their behaviors could lead to improved capture rates for these materials. Similarly,
through collaboration, WCAA and Delta may find it beneficial to address paper and cardboard
recycling from the airline’s administration area. One key element of protecting the value of
recyclable materials will be to encourage employees to use sinks where available to empty
beverage containers before recycling or throwing away.
5) Optimize Recycling of Deplaned Materials
As noted in the discussion about waste generation quantities, airline activities and deplaned
waste together represent 44 percent of the overall waste stream generated at an airport. To
address the 24 percent from deplaned waste, it is recommended that WCAA coordinate with
Delta to support plastic, paper, and aluminum recycling from deplaned waste. Delta counts
Detroit as one of the 33 domestic locations included in its in-flight recycling program;
improving Prospect’s exchange of recyclables from inbound aircraft to the appropriate
recycling compactor is recommended and will be key to maximizing the potential of this
Liquid content represents a challenge in recycling deplaned recyclables. As noted previously,
some of the cabin crews are consolidating these into large water bottles during the flight.
WCAA is encouraged to work with Delta to determine if this, or an alternative strategy, is
appropriate to deploy on more flights.
In addition, donation may provide an alternative to landfilling the blankets and pillows
discarded by passengers aboard incoming flights.
6) Plan for Public Passenger Area Liquids
While the McNamara Terminal waste samples were primarily focused on sterile areas of the
terminal (“past security”), the passenger/public area data follows the same trends as the
waste stream from these areas in the North Terminal – most notably high liquid content. As
noted in the North Terminal study, liquid collection stations may be appropriate at the
security checkpoints to handle liquids subject to TSA volume restrictions. It is also
recommended that WCAA evaluate installing liquid collection stations at other key areas to
reduce weight and contamination of the waste and recycling streams.
7) Continue and Improve Food Donation
As described above, WCAA is operating a food recovery program and has donated 7,000
meals to date to a local food pantry. It is recommended that WCAA 1) publically recognize
Delta’s participation in this program and 2) collaborate with Delta and the DTW Dockmaster
to improve the logistics of collection from Delta’s Sky Club Lounge. It may be simpler to
donate the rescued food to the Airport’s Freedom Centers (USO lounges for military
travelers); in which case it is recommended that the donation occur in a timely manner so as
not to transfer the generation of food waste from one area to another (i.e. so that the food
can be used well in advance of expiration.)
8) Address Restaurant and Retail Waste Generation
The restaurants and retail tenants in the McNamara Terminal have unique elements within
their waste streams (food and cardboard respectively); however, both streams had a high
fraction of “other waste” or waste which must be landfilled. It is recommended that WCAA
coordinate with restaurant and retail management to evaluate options to reduce volume of
waste generated that cannot be recycled or reused.
9) Improve Retail Cardboard Recycling
Because cardboard is such a bulky material, it is likely that additional cardboard is generated
in the retail areas of the terminal (beyond what appeared in the sample bags). It is
recommended that WCAA work with the retail tenants to establish a recycling program for
cardboard. A few key elements of such a program include convenience, retail employee
access, and a requirement for cardboard boxes to be “broken down” or unfolded prior to
placement on a pallet or in a designated dumpster.
10) Support Aluminum Can Recycling
It is recommended that WCAA encourage aluminum can returns for containers included
under the state’s program and recycling of the other non-refundable containers. The current
informal practice is contributing to a low level of aluminum in the overall waste stream which
likely represents a high rate of return for the refundable containers; this is a benefit to WCAA
and the environment because these containers are removed from the waste stream and have
a very high rate of being recycled into new cans and other products.
11) Pilot Composting
Composting represents an alternative strategy for managing inedible food waste (materials
generated during back of house food prep, such as fruit peels, coffee grounds etc.). WCAA
has expressed an interest in launching a coffee ground composting program in the near future
as a first step toward a larger composting program. It is recommended that WCAA coordinate
with the restaurants and coffee shops in the McNamara Terminal to identify and address
hesitations of these stakeholders when designing such a program. Another option is to start
by collecting paper towel from the restrooms for composting (single stream, already fairly
well separated) depending on the requirements of identified composting facilities/end users.
12) Landfill Other Materials
Currently, there are no local options for recycling glass or Styrofoam; therefore, it is
recommended that WCAA, Delta, and others continue to landfill these materials and “other
13) Track Performance
It is recommended that WCAA conduct regular spot checks of the existing recycling program
as well as any additional strategies that are implemented. These audits will serve to inform
performance tracking.
1) Expand Composting
Based on the performance of the coffee ground composting program described above, it may
be possible for WCAA to move into coordination with restaurant management and evaluate
options for composting food and paper products from restaurants in the McNamara
Once a back of house restaurant composting program is established, future expansions of a
composting program could include food and airline areas, deplaned waste, and public
passenger areas.
2) Track Performance and Expand Program
Once new recycling and waste management strategies have been implemented to a point
that the program is vastly different from the existing practices, it is recommended that WCAA
conduct another waste composition study to analyze 1) the performance of the new program
and 2) additional opportunities for improvement/expansion.
6. Conclusion
Results from the material sort, facility walk-through, and informal interviews helped identify
areas of waste management where WCAA may wish to focus effort and resources. These
recommendations, when implemented, are designed to help WCAA to increase landfill diversion
and recycling, providing social, economic, and environmental benefits to DTW and its community.
In order to realize the benefits of the recommendations described in this report, implementation
of these strategies will need to be phased and appropriately timed based on existing conditions
and available resources. Collaboration with Delta, their contractors, and the waste and recycling
management contractors will be important to the success of these strategies.
It is important to note that additional strategies might make sense to implement over a long-
term basis, as waste management at a complex facility like the McNamara Terminal is dynamic
and recommendations that may not be prudent now could become feasible in the future.
Therefore, it is recommended that in addition to the strategies listed above, that WCAA
periodically evaluate its program to determine if the program elements are working as expected.
If the program is not performing as expected, a waste sort can help identify further areas for
correction or improvement. By checking results and adjusting course as needed, WCAA can
create a truly dynamic and sustainable waste management program.