Survey Design
Survey Design
Arevik Avedian
Harvard Law School
October 15, 2014
Survey Design Survey Design
Basics of survey research
Measurement levels
Key definitions
Types of survey designs
Randomization and probability sampling methods
Collecting data using computerized survey design
Avoiding error and bias
Assessing reliability and validity
Learning Qualtrics
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Purpose of surveys
A survey is a systematic method for gathering information from (a sample of) entities
for the purposes of constructing quantitative descriptors of the attributes of the larger
population of which the entities are members.
Surveys are conducted to gather information that reflects population’s attitudes,
behaviors, opinions and beliefs that cannot be observed directly.
The success of survey research depends on how closely the answers that people give to
survey questions match how people think and act in reality.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Surveys by type of study design
Design - Planning/implementing a study
Sample survey or experiment?
How to choose people (subjects) for the study, and how many?
What questions to ask to find answers to our research questions?
DescriptiveGraphical and numerical methods for summarizing (describing) the data.
Describe phenomena and summarize them.
Graphs, tables and numerical summaries are all examples of descriptive statistics
Inferential Making predictions based on the data.
Inferential Statistics uses methods for making predictions about a population (total set of
subjects of interest), based on data from a sample
(subset of the population on which study
collects data).
Measure associations, e.g. income and quality of life.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Survey designs
Cross-sectional surveys:
Data collected at one point in time selected to represent a larger population.
Longitudinal surveys:
Surveys of sample population at different time points.
Study of sample population each time data are collected but samples studied
maybe different.
Data collection at various time points with the same sample of respondents.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Questionnaire construction
Questionnaire - a document containing questions and other types of items designed to
solicit information appropriate for analysis.
The format of a questionnaire can influence the quality of data collected.
A clear format for contingency questions is necessary to ensure that the respondents
answer all the questions in the questionnaire.
The order of items and wording in a questionnaire can influence the responses given.
Clear instructions are important for getting appropriate responses in a questionnaire.
Questionnaires should be pretested before being administered to the study sample.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Questions to think about before starting a survey
Before designing a survey a researcher should ask:
Is this survey necessary?
Is the purpose of the survey to evaluate people or programs?
Can the data be obtained by other means?
What level of detail is required?
What type of survey is most appropriate and/or viable given funding and time (e.g.
self-administered, telephone, face-to-face, or Internet)?
Is the survey ethically possible?
Is this a one-time survey or will the researcher repeat the survey in different settings
and/or occasions (e.g. follow-up mailing in a self-administered questionnaire, follow-
up calls in a telephone survey)?
Will the researcher have a target completion rate?
How will the researcher deal with non-respondents?
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Guidelines for asking questions
The form and meaning of questions should be appropriate to the
The questions must be clear and precise.
Negative terms should be avoided
Double-barreled questions (multiple questions enclosed within one) should
be avoided.
Questions should be relevant to the respondent.
Respondents must be competent and willing to answer the questions.
The order and wording of questions should be set in a manner to
avoid biased responses.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Types of surveys
Interview Surveys
Interviewers must be neutral in appearance and actions; their presence in the data-collection
process or personal opinion must have no effect on respondents’ choice of answers.
Interviewers must be adequately trained to be familiar with the questionnaire, to follow the
question wording and question order exactly, and to record responses exactly as they are given.
Interviewers can use probes to elicit an elaboration on an incomplete or ambiguous response.
Probes should be neutral. Ideally, all interviewers should use the same probes.
Telephone Surveys
Telephone surveys can be cheaper and more efficient than face-to-face interviews, and they can
permit greater control over data collection.
Random-digit dialing (RDD) is a useful technique for eliminating potential bias in selecting numbers.
Online Surveys
This method can be even cheaper than telephone and interview surveys, however must be used
with caution because respondents may not be representative of the intended population.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Methods of computerized data collection
CAPIcomputer-assisted personal interviewing, in which the computer displays the questions on
screen, the interviewer reads them to the respondent and then enters the respondents answer.
ACASIaudio computer-assisted self-interviewing, in which the respondent operates a computer,
the computer displays the question on its screen and plays recordings of the questions to the
respondent, who then enters his/her answers.
CATI computer-assisted telephone interviewing, which is the telephone counterpart to CAPI.
IVRinteractive voice response, the telephone counterpart to ACASI, in which the computer
plays recordings of the questions to respondents over the telephone who then respond by using
the keypad of the telephone or saying their answers aloud.
Webinternet surveys (e.g. Qualtrics), in which a computer administers the questions online.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Privacy and ethics in survey research
Researchers should:
keep confidential private information about survey participants,
minimize the possibility of causing psychological discomfort or harm to
when possible use paper-based, self-administered questionnaires (SAQ), instead
of face-to-face survey to elicit information of a sensitive nature.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Key definitions
Population: Is an entire collection of people, firms, states or things,
that we are interested in, which we wish to describe, explain or
predict. Population distribution is usually unknown; we make
inferences about its characteristics such as the parameter.
Sample: A sample that is representative of the population that we
actually observe and is used to infer about the population. Sample
value we find from surveys is called statistic.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Sampling and inference
Random Sample
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Randomization and probability sampling methods
Randomizationthe mechanism for achieving reliable data by reducing potential bias.
Simple random sample in a sample survey, each possible sample of size n has the same probability of
being selected.
Systematic Random Sample (1) selects a subject at random from the first k names in the sampling frame,
and (2) selects every k
subject listed after that one. The number k is called the skip number.
Population size is N, sample size is n, k = N/n.
Stratified Random Sample divides the population into separate groups, called strata, and then selects a
simple random sample from each stratum.
Can be proportional (proportionate to population parameters) or disproportional.
Cluster random sampling divides the population into a large number of clusters, such as city blocks.
Selects a simple random sample of the clusters. Uses all the subjects in those clusters as the sample.
Multistage Sampling uses combination of sampling methods.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Sampling error
The sampling error of a statistic equals the error that occurs when we
use a sample statistic to predict the value of a population parameter.
Ex. Random survey is estimating percentage of US population favoring Obama before the
elections. If the survey estimated 54 and the actual rating was 59%, the sampling error would
equal 5%.
Randomization protects against bias; direction and extent of bias is
unknown for studies that cannot employ randomization.
Major polling organizations predict outcomes with ±3% accuracy (margin of error) when n is
about 1000.
Arevik Avedian
Note: In practice the true sampling error is unknown, because the population parameters are unknown.
Survey Design Survey Design
Sampling variability and possible bias
Other factors besides sampling error can cause results to vary from sample to sample:
Sampling bias (nonprobability sampling, undercoverage)
Volunteer sampling
Response bias (e.g., poorly worded questions, order of questions, approval of the
Nonresponse bias (missing data, respondents can’t be reached or refuse to participate)
Results of any sample with over 20% nonresponse rate should be questionable.
Arevik Avedian
During the Cold War a study asked: “Do you think the US should let Russian newspaper reporters come here and send back
what ever they want? and “Do you think Russia should let American newspaper reporters come in and send back whatever
they want? The percentage of yes responses to the first question increased from 36% to 73% when asked second (“Tainted
Truth: The Manipulation of Fact in America, Crossen, 1994).
Survey Design Survey Design
Results of surveys may depend greatly on wording
Arevik Avedian
ex. 2006 New York Times poll:
“Do you favor a gasoline tax?
12% yes
“Do you favor a gasoline tax
- to reduce U.S. dependence on
foreign oil?55% yes
- to reduce global warming?” 59%
Survey Design Survey Design
Why a random sample?
The case of the 1936 Literary Digest Poll
Arevik Avedian
The presidential election of 1936 pitted Alfred Landon, the Republican governor of Kansas, against the
incumbent President, Franklin D. Roosevelt.
The year 1936 marked the end of the Great Depression, and economic issues such as unemployment and
government spending were the dominant themes of the campaign.
The Literary Digest magazine mailed a questionnaire to 10 million people (2.3 million replied) just before
the presidential election.
It was based on every telephone directory in the United States, lists of magazine subscribers, rosters of clubs and
associations, etc.
The prediction was that Landon would get 57% of the vote against Roosevelt's 43% (these are
the statistics that the poll measured).
Survey Design Survey Design
Who won?
Arevik Avedian
The actual results of the election were 61% for Roosevelt against 37% for Landon (these were
the parameters the poll was trying to measure).
Gallup American Institute of Public Opinion achieved national recognition by correctly predicting
the result of the election within about 1%, using a much smaller sample size of 50,000.
Survey Design Survey Design
What went wrong with the polls?
Arevik Avedian
There were two basic causes of the Literary Digest's downfall: selection
bias and nonresponse bias.
The first major problem with the poll was in the nonrandom selection
process for the names on the mailing list, which were taken from
telephone directories, club membership lists, lists of magazine
subscribers, etc.
Such a list was guaranteed to be slanted toward middle- and upper-class
voters in 1936, and by default to exclude lower-income voters.
The second problem was that out of the 10 million people whose names
were on the original mailing list, only about 2.4 million responded to the
survey (thats a 76% nonresponse rate!).
People who respond to surveys are different from people who don't, not
only in the obvious way (their attitude toward surveys) but also in more
subtle and significant ways.
Survey Design Survey Design
Validity and reliability of survey measures
Arevik Avedian
External validity: Whether (causal) relationships can be generalized to different
measures, persons, settings, and times.
Reliability: Whether the measure will produce a similar value when the
measuring instrument is reapplied.
Internal Validity: Whether the effects observed in a study are due to the
independent variable of interest and not some other confounding” factor.
Survey Design Survey Design
Types of survey question formats
Open-ended question: Questions for which the respondent is asked
to provide his or her own answers. In-depth, qualitative interviewing
relies almost exclusively on open ended questions.
Disadvantage of open-ended questions is more complex data analysis.
Closed-ended question: Survey questions in which the respondent is
asked to select an answer from among a list provided by the
Popular in survey research because they provide a greater uniformity of
responses and are more easily processed than open-ended questions.
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Open-ended questions
Open-ended question formats provide a
blank space or box where respondents
type or write in their response using their
own words (or numbers).
Some information that researchers are
seeking may be impossible to obtain
with closed-ended questions and are
revealed through open-ended format
Coding the answers for statistical
Arevik Avedian
Examples of open-ended questions:
Have you ever made an error in judgment
that you had to address with your
employer? How did you handle it?
When you are under a lot of stress, what is
your typical reaction?
Survey Design Survey Design
Closed-ended questions
Closed-ended question formats or scalar questions
provide respondents with a list of answer choices from
which they must choose to answer the question.
Types of closed-ended answers:
Interval scale questions provide answers that
possess the properties of order and constant units of
E.g. age, income
Ordinal scale questions provide answers with
ordered categories (difference between the
categories is not the same).
E.g. intensity of opinion or pain, frequency of events or
Nominal scale questions provide answers with
categories that are unranked and unordered.
Nominal scale does not possess order, distance, or
E.g. Ethnicity, color of hair, select all that apply
Arevik Avedian
Here is a scale of incomes. We would like to know in what group your
household is, counting all wages, pensions and other incomes that come in.
Up to 20,000
20 001 to 40,000
40,001 to 60,000
60,001 to 80,000
80,001 to 100,000
100,001 or more
How likely are you to vote for Obama in the November 2012 Presidential
Not likely at all
Somewhat likely
Very likely
For which major candidate do you plan to vote in the November 2012
Presidential election?
I will not vote
Survey Design Survey Design
Mixed-method (combines open & closed formats)
Arevik Avedian
Statement Strongly Agree Agree Neutral Disagree Strongly Disagree
Health Benefits
I am satisfied with my health plan options.
I am satisfied with my dental plan options.
I am satisfied with my vision plan options.
I am satisfied with my long-term disability insurance.
I am satisfied with my short-term disability insurance.
I am satisfied with my options for life insurance.
Overall, I am satisfied with my health benefits.
Financial Benefits
I am satisfied with my retirement plan.
I am satisfied with my salary.
I am satisfied with the Employee Stock Purchase Program.
I am satisfied with my opportunities for promotion, raises, and bonuses.
Overall, I am satisfied with my financial benefits.
Paid Time Off
I am satisfied with the number of vacation, sick, and personal days that I receive.
Overall, I am satisfied with my paid time off.
I understand my benefit options.
I know where to find information about my benefits.
I know whom to call if I have questions about my benefits.
Overall, I am satisfied with my employee benefits.
Additional Comments:
Survey Design Survey Design
Make questions clear
Arevik Avedian
What was your income last week?
Respondent may only consider
weekdays, while researcher means full
Are you employed full time?
Respondent may not know exactly
what is considered full time for the
What was your income for the entire
period of 10/01/14 to 10/08/14?
Are you employed at least 35 hours a
Questionnaire items should be precise so that the respondent knows exactly what the researcher is asking.
Survey Design Survey Design
Avoid double-barrel questions
Arevik Avedian
The United States should
withdraw from Afghanistan and
spend the money on domestic
While many respondents would
unequivocally agree with the
statement and others would
unequivocally disagree, some may be
unable to answer, as they agree only
with one part of the question.
In your opinion, should the US
withdraw from Afghanistan?
Would you like the US to spend more
money on domestic programs?
Avoid asking for a single answer to a question that actually has multiple parts. As a general rule, whenever
the word and
appears in a question check whether you are asking a double-barreled question.
Survey Design Survey Design
Short questions are best
Arevik Avedian
Example from a survey conducted by
Harris Poll in 1986:
“If Libya now increases its terrorist acts
against the US and we keep inflicting more
damage on Libya, then inevitably it will all
end in the US going to war and finally
invading that country which would be
Respondent should be able to read a question quickly, understand its intent and select or provide an answer
without difficulty. In general, assume that respondents will read questions quickly and give quick answers.
Respondents were given the opportunity of
answering “Agree,” “Disagree,” or “Not
sure” with the following statements:
1. Will Libya increase its terrorist acts
against the U.S.?
2. Will the U.S. inflict more damage on
3. Will the U.S. inevitably or otherwise go
to war against Libya?
4. Would the U.S. invade Libya?
5. Would that be right or wrong?
Survey Design Survey Design
Avoid negative and double negative questions
Arevik Avedian
PhD students should not be required to
take qualifying exams to graduate.
An actual example of double negative:
Would you favor or oppose a bill that
would prevent any foreign-owned
company from owning cargo operations at
seaports in the United States? (Gallup,
March 10-11, 2006)
58% opposed
Should PhD students be required to take
qualifying exams to graduate?
After correcting the double negative:
Would you favor or oppose a bill that would
allow only
U.S. companies to own cargo
operations at seaports in the United
States? (Gallup, March 13-16)
25% opposed
Negation in a question paves the way for easy misinterpretation. Negative words to avoid are “not, “prohibit,
“impossible,etc. Double-negative questions often make it unclear for respondents whether to put a “yes” or “no.
Survey Design Survey Design
Target the vocabulary of the population to be surveyed
For studies within a specific organization, use the jargon used in that organization.
Be careful not to use language that may not be familiar to the respondents.
Avoid unnecessary abbreviations.
Use simple words.
Avoid biased items and terms.
Rasinski (1989) analyzed several General Social Survey (GSS) studies and found that the
way programs were identified had an impact on the amount of public support they
received: Here are some of the comparisons:
More support Less support
Assistance to the poor Welfare”
“Dealing with drug addiction “Drug rehabilitation”
“Improving conditions of blacks” Assistance to blacks”
“Protecting social security “Social security
Arevik Avedian
Survey Design Survey Design
Describing surveys - Example 1: SOC
Survey Name Survey of Consumers (SOC)
Sponsor University of Michigan
Collector Survey Research Center, University of Michigan
Purpose Main objectives are to:
Measure changes in consumer attitudes and expectations
Understand why such changes occur
Evaluate how they relate to consumer decisions to save, borrow, or make discretionary changes
Year Started 1946
Target Population Noninstitutionalized adults in the coterminous United States (excludes Hawaii and Alaska)
Sampling Frame Coterminous US telephone households, through lists of working area codes and exchanges
Sampling Design List-assisted random-digit dial sample, randomly selected adults
Sample Size 500 adults
Use of Interviewer Interviewer administered
Mode of Administration Telephone Interview
Computer Assistance Computer-assisted telephone interviewing (CATI)
Reporting Unit Randomly selected adult
Time Dimension Two-wave panel of persons
Frequency Conducted monthly
Interviews per Round of Survey Two: reiniterview conducted six months after initial interview subset of wave 1 respondents
Levels of Observation Person
Web Link
Arevik Avedian
Source: Survey Methodology, Groves et al.
Survey Design Survey Design
Describing surveys - Example 2: NSDUH
Arevik Avedian
Survey Name National Survey of Drug Use and Health (NSDUH)
Sponsor Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)
Collector RTI International
Purpose Main objectives are to:
Provide estimates of rates of use, number of users, and other measures related to illicit drug, alcohol, and tobacco use at the state
and national level
Improve the nation’s understanding of substance abuse
Measure the nation’s progress in reducing substance abuse
Year Started 1971 (formerly names National Household Survey on Drug Abuse)
Target Population Noninstitutionalized population of the United States aged 12 years or older
Sampling Frame U.S. households, enumerated through U.S. counties, blocks and list of members of the households
Sampling Design Multistage, stratified clustered area probability sample within each state.
Sample Size 141,487 housing units; 67870 persons (2007 NSDUH)
Use of Interviewer Interviewer administered, with some self-administered questionnaire sections for sensitive questions
Mode of Administration Face-to-face interview in respondents home, with portions completed by respondent alone
Computer Assistance Computer-assisted telephone interview (CATI), with audio computer-assisted self-interview by respondent alone
Reporting Unit Each person age 12 or older in household reports for self. Respondents may allow more knowledgeable family member to complete
Health Insurance and Income sections of survey for them.
Time Dimension Repeated cross-sectional survey
Frequency Conducted annually
Interviews per Round of Survey One
Levels of Observation Person, household
Web Link
Source: Survey Methodology, Groves et al.
Survey Design Survey Design
Recommended readings
Arevik Avedian
Babbie, E. R. (2009) The Practice of Social Research (12
Edition). Belmont, CA: Wadsworth
Publishing. ISBN-13: 9780495598411
Dillman, D.A., Smyth, J.D., & Christian, L.M. (2008) Internet, Mail, and Mixed-Mode
Surveys: The Tailored Design Method (3
Edition). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley & Sons.
ISBN-13: 978-0-471-69868-5
Groves, R.M., Fowler, F.J. Jr., Couper, M.P., Lepkowski,
J.M., Singer, E., Tourangeau, R. (2009) Survey
Methodology (2
Edition). Hoboken, N.J.: Wiley & Sons
ISBN-13: 978-0-470-46546-2
Survey Design
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