O          
the world around us. With observational studies, we can determine the answers to
many questions: Has drivers’ seat belt use in the states increased since last year? How
often do people wash their hands after using the bathroom? Is there a relationship
between the height and shoe print length of teenagers? Are meat hot dogs less healthy
than poultry hot dogs?
But there are many other important questions that observational studies cannot help us
answer. Here are a few: Does smoking cause lung cancer? Is a new medication for treat-
ing migraine headaches more eective than the current treatment that doctors most
often prescribe? Which is more eective for reducing weight in obese adults, a low-fat
diet or a low-carbohydrate diet? Does listening to Mozart help people memorize better
than working in silence? To get answers to these questions, which suggest some sort of
cause-and-eect conclusions, we must perform experiments. In this section, students
will examine experiments in more detail.
ere are three investigations in this section.
Investigation # 10: Do Diets Work?
is investigation presents students with the results of two well-designed experiments
that compared the eectiveness of low-carb and low-fat diets in reducing weight and
lowering cholesterol in obese adults. Students are led in a step-by-step fashion to iden-
tify and describe specic design elements of these two experiments. en, students are
asked to interpret the results of the two studies in context, taking into account some
possible limitations of each study.
Investigation #11: Distracted Learning
Students begin by incrementally designing an experiment to test whether listening to
Mozart improves performance on a memorization task. With their design established,
students carry out the experiment using the members of their class as subjects. Once
the data have been produced, students set about the task of analyzing and drawing
conclusions from the data.
Investigation #12: Would You Drink a Blue Soda?
is investigation serves as a culminating investigation on experiments. From what
they have learned in the Overview and from completing investigations #11 and #12,
students should be ready to design an experiment on their own. is time, they can use
random selection to choose subjects, which will extend their ability to generalize results
to a larger population of interest.
Students should be able to distinguish an observational study from a survey or an
Teacher Notes for Section III: Experiments
Learning Objectives
As a result of completing the Overview, students should be able to:
Identify the experimental units/subjects, factor(s)/explanatory variable(s), treat-
ments, and response variable(s) in an experimental setting
Explain the purpose of randomly assigning treatments to subjects in an experiment
Determine whether an experiment was carried out in a single-blind or double-
blind manner
Explain the purpose of control in an experimental design
Explain what is meant by “statistical signicance
Explain why replication is an important experimental design principle
Identify a potential confounding variable in a study and explain how the variable
could result in confounding
Explain how the way in which data were produced aects our ability to generalize
results to a larger population of interest
Teaching Tips
e Overview is chock full of important terminology and issues related to experimental
design. Our advice is to have students take turns reading the material aloud, pausing at
appropriate spots to clarify denitions and ideas.
In the rst paragraph, we distinguish an experiment from an observational study. Sim-
ply put, an experiment requires that researchers deliberately impose specic conditions
and measure some response.
As our rst example of an experiment, we consider a biologist who wants to compare
the eects of two brands of weed killer on a particular variety of broad-leafed plant
found in a universitys garden. A primary purpose of this example is to convince stu-
dents that the method of assigning treatments to experimental units is vitally impor-
tant. More specically, we argue that the “best” method of determining which experi-
mental units receive which treatments is to let chance decide. is process of “random
assignment” gives researchers the best hope of starting out with fairly equivalent groups
of experimental units prior to administering treatments. Without random assignment,
researchers risk creating groups of experimental units that dier in some important way
that could systematically aect their response to the treatments. en, any dierences
in response between the groups could be due to these initial dierences, rather than
to the eects of the treatments. is circumstance, in which the eects of the treat-
ments are hopelessly mixed up with the eects of some other variable on individuals
responses, is known as confounding. Random assignment of treatments to experimental
units gives researchers a powerful tool for avoiding confounding.
Random assignment also helps with the primary goal of an experiment: establishing
that the dierence in treatments caused a dierence in responses. is is a key advantage
of experiments over observational studies; well designed experiments allow researchers
to make cause-and-eect conclusions. An observational study comparing two or more
groups—even one involving random selection of individuals from the corresponding
populations of interest—cannot provide convincing evidence of causation. Why not?
Because we cant isolate the eects of the variable(s) were interested in from the eects
of other variables. We discuss this limitation of observational studies in detail in the nal
paragraph of the Overview using the well-known setting of trying to determine whether
smoking cigarettes causes cancer in humans.
When a well-designed experiment reveals dierences in responses between treatment
groups, there are two possible explanations: (1) the dierence in responses was caused
by the dierent eects of the treatments, or (2) the treatments actually have the same
eect on experimental units, so the dierence in responses is not due to the eects
of the treatments, but rather to the chance involved in the random assignment of
treatments to experimental units. More experienced users of statistics can calculate the
probability (chance) of obtaining a dierence in responses as large as or larger than the
one actually observed in the study just from the random assignment. Based on this
probability, we can determine whether explanation (2) is a plausible explanation for
the observed dierence. If not, we conclude that the observed dierence is statistically
signicant and that we favor explanation (1). Such decisions based on probability are
the foundation of inference, which is introduced in Section IV of this module.
Once students have read about and discussed the three essential experimental design
principles—random assignment, control, and replication—in the context of the weed
killer example, you may want to ask them to explain how these principles apply in the
subsequent example describing the Physicians’ Health Study.
e Physicians’ Health Study is a famous example of a well-designed experiment that
showed taking aspirin regularly helps reduce the risk of heart attack—at least for middle-
aged, male physicians.
For reference, here is a complete listing of the vocabulary from the Overview:
Experimental units/subjects: e individuals who take part in an experiment
Treatments: e specic conditions that researchers impose on experimental units
Confounding: When it is impossible to separate the eects of the treatments
from the eects of another variable on the response variable in an experiment
Random assignment: A fundamental principle of experimental design that in-
volves using a chance mechanism to allocate treatments to experimental units
Explanatory variable/factor: A variable that is deliberately manipulated by the
researcher to measure experimental units’ responses
Response variable: A variable that measures experimental units’ responses to
the treatments
Control: An important principle of experimental design that entails trying to
ensure that variables other than the explanatory variable(s) have roughly equiva-
lent eects on the experimental units that are assigned to the dierent treatment
groups. Researchers can either try to hold the values of such variables constant
throughout the experiment or rely on the random assignment to balance out the
eects of these variables on the experimental units in dierent treatment groups.
Replication: A fundamental principle of experimental design that involves giving
each treatment to enough experimental units so that any dierence in the overall
eects of the treatments can be detected
Placebo: A fake treatment
Double-blind: When neither the subjects nor the individuals measuring subjects
responses know who is receiving which treatment
Single-blind: When either the subjects or the people measuring subject’s respons-
es, but not both, are unaware of who is receiving which treatment
Statistically signicant: A dierence in responses that cannot be accounted for by
the chance involved in the random assignment of treatments to experimental units
Possible Extensions
You might want to show students a video clip describing the Physicians’ Health Study ex-
periment. e Annenberg/Corporation for Public Broadcasting web site, www.learner.org,
houses a series of instructional statistics videos called “Against All Odds: Inside Sta-
tistics.” By completing a free registration process, you can play any of these videos as
streaming downloads on your computer. e Physicians’ Health Study clip is in Video
12: Experiments. e Physicians’ Health Study web site, phs.bwh.harvard.edu, contains
additional information about the experiment, including the results of the beta carotene
treatment (no statistically signicant dierence from placebo beta carotene).
e more recent Womens Health Initiative (WHI), begun in 1991, included clini-
cal trials and an observational study that examined the eects of hormone therapy,
diet, and vitamin supplements in postmenopausal women. e WHI’s web site is
I   ,      .
As much as possible, the observer tries not to inuence what is being observed. In an
experiment, researchers deliberately do something and then measure a response. e
participants” in an experiment are called experimental units. Experimental units can
be people, animals, or objects. When the experimental units are people, they are often
referred to as subjects. e specic conditions researchers impose on the experimen-
tal units are called treatments. As experimental units may dier from one another in
many important ways, the method of assigning treatments to experimental units is an
important concern in the experimental design process.
Let’s look at an example. A biologist would like to determine which of two leading
brands of weed killer is less likely to harm the broad-leafed plants in a garden at the uni-
versity. Before spraying near the plants in the garden, the biologist decides to conduct
an experiment that will allow her to compare the eects of these two brands of weed
killer on broad-leafed pansy plants (one of the varieties in the garden). e biologist
obtains 24 individual pansy plants to use in the experiment. In this simple experiment,
the experimental units are the individual pansy plants and the treatments are the two
brands of weed killer.
Consider the following two plans for assigning treatments to the pansy plants:
Plan A: Choose the 12 healthiest looking pansy plants. Apply brand X weed killer to all
12 of those plants. Apply brand Y weed killer to the remaining 12 pansy plants.
Plan B: Choose 12 of the 24 individual pansy plants at random. Apply brand X weed
killer to those 12 plants and brand Y weed killer to the remaining 12 plants.
Which plan seems preferable? Lets evaluate what might happen with each of these plans.
Under Plan A, suppose the pansy plants treated with brand Y weed killer have many
more dead or dying leaves than the pansy plants treated with brand X. Can the biolo-
gist feel condent recommending brand X to the campus gardener as the safer weed
killer? Not at all. Since the healthier plants received the brand X treatment and the less
healthy plants received the brand Y treatment, it could be that more leaves were dead or
dying on the pansy plants treated with brand Y because those plants were less healthy
to begin with. We really cant separate the eects of the two brands of weed killer from
the eect of the original healthiness of the plants in the two groups. e inability to
separate the eects of the treatments from the eects of another variable in a study is
known as confounding.
With Plan B, individual pansy plants are assigned at random to one of the two weed
killer treatments. is random assignment helps to ensure that the group of plants
treated with brand X and the group of plants treated with brand Y are fairly similar to
begin with in terms of all characteristics that might aect the plants’ responses to the
treatments. If the biologist then observes that the pansy plants treated with brand Y
Section III: Experiments
And random
assignment helps
ensure comparable
Treatments are
the specific conditions
imposed in an
Corresponds to pp. 62-66
in Student Module
weed killer have many more dead or dying leaves than the pansy plants treated with
brand X, there are two plausible explanations for the observed dierence.
First, it is possible that there is no dierence in the eects of the two brands of weed
killer on pansy plants. Some pansies are heartier than others, and, just by chance, the
random assignment placed more of those healthy plants in the group that was treated
with brand X. In other words, the observed dierence could be simply due to chance.
e second possible explanation is that brand X weed killer actually results in greater
harm to pansy plants than brand Y. In that case, we could say the dierence in the num-
ber of dead or dying leaves between the two groups of pansy plants is a direct result of the
brand of weed killer used. Put another way, the dierence in brand of weed killer caused
the dierence in the number of dead or dying leaves.
Random assignment of treatments to subjects is an essential component of well-
designed experiments. One of the big advantages of such experiments is their abil-
ity to help the researcher establish that changes in one variable (like brand of weed
killer) cause changes in another variable (like number of dead or dying leaves).
Since establishing causation is often a goal of experiments, we nd it useful to
give names to the two variables mentioned in the previous sentence. We call the
variables that the experimenters directly manipulate the explanatory variables or
factors and the variables that measure the subjects’ responses to the treatments the
response variables. e treatments in an experiment correspond to the dierent
possible values of the explanatory variables. For the weed killer experiment above,
there is one factor—brand of weed killer—and one response variable—number of
dead or dying leaves.
In addition to randomly assigning treatments to experimental units, there are two
other important considerations in designing experiments. e rst is to control for
the eects of variables that are not factors in the experiment but that might aect
experimental units’ responses to the treatments. Some variables can be controlled by
trying to keep them at a constant value. For example, the biologist would want to
ensure that the plants all receive the same amount of water and are exposed to the
same amount of light. If everything is roughly equivalent for the two groups of plants
except for the treatments, and we observe a dierence in the response variable, then
that dierence is either a result of the random assignment or is caused by the dier-
ence in treatments.
Some variables cant be easily controlled by keeping them at a constant value. One such
variable in the weed killer example was the current state of health of the plant. In this
case, the random assignment of plants to treatments should help spread the healthy and
less healthy plants out in a fairly balanced way between the two groups of pansy plants.
en, any dierences in the number of dead or dying leaves that appear should not be
a result of dierences in initial plant health.
e other important experimental design principle is replication. In a nutshell, repli-
cation means giving each treatment to enough experimental units so that any dierence
in the eects of the treatments is likely to be detected. Imagine the biologist treating
one pansy plant with brand X weed killer and one pansy plant with brand Y weed
killer. If the plant treated with brand Y has more dead or dying leaves, can the biologist
conclude that brand X is safer to use on the universitys pansy plants? Of course not.
Individual pansy plants vary widely in terms of general health and other characteristics
that might aect their response to a particular brand of weed killer. With only one ex-
perimental unit available for each treatment, the random assignment cant be counted
on to produce roughly “equivalent” groups prior to administering the treatments. Any
dierence we observe in the number of dead or dying leaves on the two pansy plants
could simply be due to the dierence in the initial health of the plants.
Now imagine the biologist conducting the same weed killer experiment, but with 50
pansy plants receiving each treatment. If the pansies treated with brand Y have a much
higher number of dead or dying leaves than the pansies treated with brand X, the bi-
ologist should feel much more condent concluding that the dierence in treatments
caused the observed dierence in the response variable.
Let’s look at one more example. In the fall of 1982, researchers launched a now famous
experiment investigating the eects of aspirin and beta carotene on heart disease and
cancer. Over 22,000 healthy male physicians between the ages of 40 and 84 agreed to
serve as subjects in the experiment. e two factors being manipulated by the researchers
were whether a person took aspirin regularly and whether a person took beta carotene
regularly. Researchers decided to use four treatments: (1) aspirin every other day and
beta carotene every other day, (2) aspirin every other day and “fake” beta carotene every
other day, (3) “fake” aspirin every other day and beta carotene every other day, and (4)
fake” aspirin every other day and “fake” beta carotene every other day.
e “fake” pills looked, tasted, and smelled like the pills with the active ingredient,
but had no active ingredient themselves. (We call such “fake” treatments placebos.)
Subjects were randomly assigned in roughly equal numbers to the four groups. Several
response variables were measured in the study, including whether the individual had a
heart attack and whether the individual developed cancer. Neither the subjects nor the
people measuring the response variable knew who was receiving which treatment. We
say this experiment was carried out in a double-blind manner. If either the subjects or
the people measuring the response variable knows who is receiving which treatment,
but the other doesnt, then the experiment is single-blind.
An outside group of statisticians that was monitoring the Physicians’ Health Study
reviewed data from the experiment on a regular basis. To everyone’s surprise, the data
monitoring board stopped the aspirin part of the experiment several years ahead of
schedule. Why? Because there was compelling evidence that the subjects taking aspi-
rin were having far fewer heart attacks than those who were taking placebo aspirin. It
would have been unethical to continue allowing some physicians to take a placebo with
clear evidence that aspirin reduced the risk of heart attack.
Even though the Physicians’ Health Study was an exceptionally well-designed experi-
ment, it does have some limitations. Researchers decided to use male physicians as
subjects because they felt doctors would be more likely to understand the importance
of taking the pills every other day for the duration of the study. at may be true, but
because only male physicians were used in the study, we cannot generalize the ndings
of this study to women, or even to all male adults. We can feel pretty condent con-
cluding that taking aspirin regularly caused a reduction in heart attack risk. However,
the benets of taking aspirin regularly might be oset by other eects of the drug, such
as an increased risk of stroke. In spite of its limitations, the Physicians’ Health Study
provided a template for other researchers who wanted to design experiments to help
answer important questions.
In many published reports of experimental studies, we see conclusions such as “the ob-
served dierence in heart attack rates was statistically signicant.” is tells us that the
dierences in the response variable between those in dierent treatment groups cannot
reasonably be explained by the chance involved in the random assignment of treat-
ments to subjects. Recall what we said earlier: ere are only two possible explanations
for the observed dierences in an experiment—that they were due to the chance involved
in the random assignment or that the dierence in treatments caused the dierence in
the response variable. Saying that the results of a particular experiment are not statisti-
cally signicant means that we cant rule out the possibility that there is no dierence in
the eects of the treatments, and that the dierences in response are simply due to the
random assignment.
You may have noticed that in both the examples presented here, the subjects were not
randomly selected from a larger population. is is usually the case with experiments.
It often isnt practical to choose subjects at random from the population of interest.
Consider how you would go about randomly selecting 24 pansy plants from the pop-
ulation of all pansy plants, for example. Or how researchers might randomly select
22,000 male physicians. As you learned earlier, the lack of random selection limits our
ability to generalize results to the population of interest.
However, even if experimental units are not randomly selected, well-designed experi-
ments can give convincing evidence that changes in one variable cause changes in an-
other variable. Establishing causation is much more dicult with observational studies,
because researchers cannot hold other variables constant and cannot assign individuals
at random to treatment groups. As an example, consider early observational studies
that suggested people who smoked were much more likely to get lung cancer than
people who didnt smoke. Cigarette company executives argued that confounding was
at work. ey claimed that the kinds of people who smoked were also much more
likely to engage in other unhealthy activities—such as drinking, overeating, and failing
to exercise—than people who didnt smoke. It was these other unhealthy behaviors, they
said, that led to increased risk of cancer, not smoking cigarettes. After many other obser-
vational studies showed the strong connection between smoking and lung cancer, and
experiments on animal subjects demonstrated that smoking caused cancerous growths,
cigarette company executives nally conceded.
There are only two
possible explanations for the
observed differences in an experiment
that they were due to the chance
involved in the random assignment or
that the difference in treatments
caused the difference in the
response variable.
Teacher Notes for Investigation #10: Do Diets Work?
I  ,       
designed to compare the eectiveness of low-carbohydrate and low-fat diets in reduc-
ing weight and cholesterol in obese adults.
Students should be able to:
Identify the subjects, factor(s)/explanatory variable(s), treatments, and response
variable(s) in an experimental setting
Distinguish an observational study from a survey or an experiment
Explain the purpose of randomly assigning treatments to subjects in an experiment
Determine whether an experiment was carried out in a single-blind or double-
blind manner
Explain the purpose of control in an experimental design
Explain what is meant by “statistical signicance
Identify a potential confounding variable in a study and explain how the variable
could result in confounding
Explain how the way in which data were produced aects our ability to generalize
results to a larger population of interest
Learning Objectives
As a result of completing this investigation, students should be able to:
Explain how the design principle of control applies in a specic experimental setting
Interpret experimental results in context
Explain what it means for a result to not be statistically signicant in the context
of an experiment
Describe possible limitations of an experiment, such as side eects and dropouts
Summarize and critique an experiment based on written information about
the experiment
Teaching Tips
One of the primary goals of this rst investigation in the Experiments section is to in-
crease students’ familiarity with and comfort in applying the terminology of experiments.
Students may want to refer to the Overview as they complete the investigation.
Be sure to discuss how data ethics apply in these experimental settings: informed con-
sent, anonymity and condentiality, and external review board.
We recommend having students work through the questions in pairs initially. e ques-
tions are divided into four distinct groups. Questions 1 through 5 focus on the design
of the two experiments. Questions 6 through 8 ask students to draw preliminary con-
clusions about low-carb versus low-fat diets based on the results of these two studies.
Questions 9 through 12 address some possible limitations of these experiments. Finally,
Questions 13 and 14 ask students to rene their preliminary conclusions in light of the
possible limitations.
To promote eective communication, you may want to have students discuss their
responses with a partner prior to sharing answers with the class. You might also ask
students to provide feedback on each others answers in a whole class setting before you
evaluate the accuracy and clarity of their responses.
Suggested Answers to Questions
1. e completed table is shown below.
2. In both the Duke University study and the Philadelphia study, researchers delib-
erately imposed treatments—either a low-carbohydrate diet or a low-fat diet—on the
subjects. When something is deliberately done to individuals in a study to measure
their responses, the study is an experiment.
3. Researchers assigned subjects at random to either a low-fat or low-carbohydrate diet.
By letting chance divide the available subjects into two groups, the researchers were at-
tempting to ensure the groups were roughly equivalent in terms of variables other than
the specic diets assigned that might aect subjects’ responses to the treatments. e
researchers were also trying to avoid any bias that might have resulted from subjectively
assigning subjects to treatment groups.
4. ese experiments could have been conducted in a single-blind manner if the indi-
viduals who interacted with the subjects and measured the response variables did not
know who was assigned to each of the diet treatments. As the subjects would know
what kinds of foods they were eating, it would not have been possible to carry out
either experiment in a double-blind fashion.
Duke University Study Philadelphia Study
120 volunteers, aged 18 to 65,
with high cholesterol
132 obese adult volunteers
Factor(s)/ explanatory
Type of diet followed Type of diet followed
Low-carb, high-protein diet
Low-fat, low cholesterol diet
Low-carbohydrate diet
Low-fat diet
Response variable(s)
Change in weight
Change in cholesterol
Change in weight
Change in cholesterol
5. (a) If any of the subjects had dieted recently, their bodies might have responded
dierently to the diet regimens assigned in the Duke experiment than if they had not
been dieting. Likewise, subjects who had used weight loss medications during the pre-
vious six months might have responded dierently to the diet treatments assigned in
the Duke study as a result of lingering eects of those medications. By using only sub-
jects who had not dieted or used weight loss medications in the previous six months,
researchers attempted to control for the eects of other variables that might have sys-
tematically aected subjects’ responses to the diet treatments.
(b) Because exercise could aect subjects’ weight loss and change in cholesterol level,
it was important for researchers to try to ensure that all participants in the experiment
engaged in similar amounts of exercise. Otherwise, any dierences in weight loss or
cholesterol level between the two groups of subjects could have been the result of dif-
fering exercise habits, rather than the specic diets assigned to those groups.
6. Both experiments suggest that following a low-carbohydrate diet caused a greater de-
crease in weight over a six-month period than following a low-fat diet. Likewise, both ex-
periments suggest that following a low-carb diet caused a greater increase in HDL (good)
cholesterol than following a low-fat diet. e Philadelphia experiment did not show a
signicant dierence in weight loss for subjects on a low-carb diet when compared to
those on a low-fat diet over a one-year period. So it is possible that a low-carb diet is more
eective at reducing weight in the short-run than a low-fat diet, but that the two diet regi-
mens result in similar amounts of weight loss over longer periods of time. One important
caveat: ese conclusions only apply to individuals like those who were willing to take
part in these two experiments—somewhat motivated, otherwise healthy, obese adults.
7. is dierence in average weight loss (2 kg) for subjects in the two groups was not
large enough to rule out the possibility that the observed dierence was simply due to
the luck of the random assignment, and not to the eects of the two diet treatments.
8. Although the low-carb diet showed signicant benets in terms of weight loss and
decrease in cholesterol over a six-month period, it also resulted in more minor side
eects, such as constipation and headaches, than did the low-fat diet.
9. With such a high dropout rate in both experiments, our conclusions would be open
to challenge. Researchers dont know what would have happened to the subjects who
dropped out in terms of weight loss or change in cholesterol level. It is possible that the
results of the experiment would have been dierent if all the subjects had participated
for the full duration of the study. We have no way of knowing in what way the results
might have diered.
What if most of the dropouts in the Philadelphia study had been from the low-carb diet
group? Maybe those people withdrew from the study because they werent experiencing
a decrease in weight loss. If that was the case, then had those subjects remained in the
experiment for the entire six months, researchers might not have observed a signicant
dierence in weight loss for the two diet treatments. e fact that a much higher per-
centage of subjects in the low-fat diet group than of subjects in the low-carb diet group
dropped out of the Duke University experiment is concerning.
Researchers should follow up with individuals who drop out of an experiment to nd
out why they made that decision.
10. If subjects did not follow their assigned diet treatments, then the results of
the experiment are no longer as convincing. Researchers are drawing conclusions
based on the belief that subjects are following their assigned diet plans. If some
subjects deviate from the assigned diet regimen, researchers can no longer attribute
any signicant dierences in weight loss or cholesterol level to the dierence in the
diet treatments.
11. As the daily nutritional supplement represents another systematic dierence be-
tween the two groups of subjects (in addition to the diet plan theyre following), re-
searchers would need to rule out the possibility that dierences in the response vari-
ables between the two groups could be due to the daily nutritional supplement and not
the low-carb or low-fat diet.
12. In the Duke University study, a potential confounding variable is whether sub-
jects took a daily nutritional supplement. To be potentially confounding, the vari-
able must be associated with group membership and have an eect on the response
variables. Since only the subjects in the low-carb diet group took the daily nutritional
supplement, there is a clear association between this variable and group membership
in the experiment.
As another example, consider the variable “amount of exercise.” Amount of exercise could
clearly aect weight loss or change in cholesterol level. In order for this to be a potential
confounding variable, however, it would also have to be the case that subjects in one
group tended to exercise more than subjects in the other group. As researchers randomly
assigned subjects to the two diet treatments, the groups should have started out fairly bal-
anced in terms of exercise habits.
13. No. e subjects who participated in both these experiments were recruited to do
so. at is, they were willing volunteers. Perhaps these individuals were more motivated
to begin with than the general population of obese adults. Also note that the subjects
in both experiments were obese adults. Consequently, the results of the experiments
apply only for otherwise healthy, obese adults, not to overweight adults in general. We
can only generalize the ndings of these two experiments to a population of individuals
like the subjects who actually participated.
14. Answers will vary. Students should include the following points in their summaries:
Both experiments suggested a low-carb diet resulted in greater weight loss over a
six-month period than did a low-fat diet.
e Philadelphia experiment found no signicant dierence in weight loss
between the low-fat diet and the low-carb diet over a one-year period. e 2 kg
dierence in average weight loss that researchers observed could have been due
to the random assignment of subjects to groups, and not due to the dierence in
diet regimens.
Both experiments suggested that a low-carb diet resulted in a signicantly higher
increase in LDL (good) cholesterol than a low-fat diet.
e high dropout rates in both experiments are concerning. We dont know how the
results would have been aected if these subjects had completed the experiment.
In the Duke experiment, subjects in the low-carb group were given a daily nu-
tritional supplement, but those in the low-fat group werent. is is a potential
source of confounding.
Researchers can only generalize the results of these experiments to the popula-
tion of otherwise healthy, obese adults like the ones who agreed to participate
in these studies.
Possible Extensions
You might want to have students nd an article describing the results of another experi-
ment on dieting and weight loss, and then have them perform an analysis similar to the
one outlined in this investigation.
Investigation #10: Do Diets Work?
Duke University Study Philadelphia Study
Factor(s)/Explanatory Variable(s)
Response Variable(s)
e Atkins Diet is one of many popular weight loss diets. It is based on reducing the
consumption of carbohydrates. For years, such “low-carb” diets have been touted as be-
ing eective for weight loss and other health benets. But before 2001, no one had at-
tempted to demonstrate the eectiveness of a low-carb diet in a well-designed compara-
tive experiment. en, two separate groups of researchers attempted to do just that.
At Duke University Medical Center, Dr. William Yancy and his colleagues recruited 120
people between the ages of 18 and 65. All of the participants were obese and had high
cholesterol, but were otherwise in generally good health. Researchers randomly assigned
half of the participants to a low-carbohydrate, high-protein diet (similar to an Atkins
Diet) and the other half to a low-fat, low-cholesterol diet. At the end of six months, re-
searchers measured the change in each participants weight and cholesterol levels.
In the second study, Dr. Linda Stern and her colleagues recruited 132 obese adults at
the Philadelphia Veterans Aairs Medical Center in Pennsylvania. Half of the partici-
pants were randomly assigned to a low-carbohydrate diet and the other half were as-
signed to a low-fat diet. Researchers measured each participant’s change in weight and
cholesterol level after six months and again after one year.
1. Complete the following table using the details provided above about the two studies.
1 A Low-Carbohydrate, Ketogenic Diet versus a Low-Fat Diet To Treat Obesity
and Hyperlipidemia,” by Yancy, William S. et al, Annals of Internal Medicine, May
2004, 140(10) 769-777.
2 “e Eects of Low-Carbohydrate versus Conventional Weight Loss Diets in
Severely Obese Adults: One-Year Follow-up of a Randomized Trial,” by Stern, Linda et
al, Annals of Internal Medicine, May 2004, 140(10) 778-785.
Corresponds to pp. 67-71
in Student Module
2. Explain why both of these studies are experiments, and not observational studies
or surveys.
3. How did the researchers in both studies determine which subjects received which
treatments? Why did they use the method they did?
4. Could these experiments have been carried out in a single-blind or double-blind
manner? Justify your answer.
5. Each of the following quotations describes the subjects in the Duke University ex-
periment. Explain how each is an example of control and why it is important in terms
of the design of the study.
(a) “None had dieted or used weight loss medications in the previous six months.
(b) “All subjects were encouraged to exercise 30 minutes at least three times per week
and had regular group meetings at an outpatient research clinic for six months.
Let’s look at some results from the two studies.
In the Duke University experiment, over the six-month duration of the study,
weight loss was 12.9% of original body weight in the low-carbohydrate diet
group and 6.7% of original body weight in the low-fat diet group. e low-carb
diet group showed a greater increase in HDL (good) cholesterol than the low-fat
diet group.
In the Philadelphia experiment, subjects in the low-carbohydrate diet group lost
signicantly more weight than subjects in the low-fat diet group during the rst
six months of the study. At the end of a year, however, the average weight loss for
subjects in the two groups was not signicantly dierent. e low-carbohydrate
diet group did show greater increase in HDL (good) cholesterol level after a year
than the low-fat diet group.
6. Briey summarize what the results of these two experiments seem to suggest about the
relative eectiveness of low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat diets on weight and cholesterol.
7. In the Philadelphia experiment, the subjects in the low-carbohydrate diet group lost
an average of 5.1 kg in a year. e subjects in the low-fat diet group lost an average
of 3.1 kg. Explain how this information could be consistent with the statement above
about the average weight loss in the two groups not being signicantly dierent.
8. Here is an excerpt from a report about the Duke University experiment: “Partici-
pants in the low-carbohydrate diet group had more minor adverse eects, such as con-
stipation and headaches, than did patients in the low-fat diet group.” How would you
modify your summary in question 6 based on this additional information?
When you look at experimental results, its important to consider possible limitations
of the study. e next few questions will help you look critically at the two experiments
described earlier.
9. Explain how the following excerpts from a report about the two experiments might
aect your conclusions about the eectiveness of low-carb versus low-fat diets:
Duke University study: “e study was completed by 76% of participants in the low-
carbohydrate diet group and by 57% of participants in the low-fat diet group.
Philadelphia study: “Study limitations include high dropout rate of 34% …”
10. In both experiments, participants were assigned at random to a low-fat or low-carbo-
hydrate diet group. What exactly does that mean? e subjects in the low-fat diet group
attended counseling sessions about how to restrict their caloric intake from fat. e sub-
jects in the low-carbohydrate group attended counseling sessions about how to restrict their
carbohydrate intake. ese counseling sessions continued on a weekly or monthly basis
throughout the experiment. It is possible that some people in each group did not restrict
their diets as instructed. How might this aect conclusions based on the experiment?
11. In the Duke University study, subjects in the low-carbohydrate group all received
daily nutritional supplements. Subjects in the low-fat group did not. How might this
aect conclusions based on the experiment?
12. Give an example of a potential confounding variable in one of the two experi-
ments. Explain carefully how the factor you choose could result in confounding.
13. Is it reasonable to generalize the results of these two experiments to the population
of all overweight adults? Justify your answer.
14. Now that you have considered possible limitations of these two experiments, sum-
marize what the results of these two experiments seem to suggest about the relative
eectiveness of low-carbohydrate diets and low-fat diets on weight and cholesterol. You
may want to refer to what you wrote earlier in response to question 6.
I  ,   ,  ,   
from an experiment to determine whether listening to Mozart while performing a
memorization task helps students remember better than doing a similar task with no
music playing.
Students should be able to:
Explain how the way in which data were produced aects our ability to generalize
results to a larger population of interest
Identify a potential confounding variable in a study and explain how the variable
could result in confounding
Explain the purpose of randomly assigning treatments to subjects in an experiment
Carry out the random assignment of treatments to subjects in an experiment
Identify the subjects, factor(s)/explanatory variable(s), treatments, and response
variable(s) in an experimental setting
Construct and interpret a comparative dotplot for a quantitative variable, describ-
ing shape, center, spread, and any unusual values
Construct and interpret a dotplot of dierences for paired data, describing shape,
center, spread, and any unusual values
Choose the most appropriate numerical measures of center and spread to use in a giv-
en setting (mean and standard deviation OR median and interquartile range [IQR])
Determine whether an experiment was carried out in a single-blind or double-
blind manner
Learning Objectives
As a result of completing this investigation, students should be able to:
Consider alternative designs for an experiment, and then choose the best one for
answering a given research question
Explain why it is important for the order of treatments to be randomly assigned
to subjects in a design that requires each subject to receive both treatments
Draw appropriate conclusions from an experiment involving paired data from
volunteer subjects
Make at least one suggestion for improving the design of an experiment based on
the actual experience of carrying out that experiment
Teaching Tips
Questions 1 through 4 of this investigation walk students through the process of de-
signing an experiment to test whether listening to Mozart improves memorization skills
for students in their class. Students are steered away from the design used in the two
experiments of the previous investigation, in which subjects were randomly assigned
into two roughly equal treatment groups. is type of design is known as a completely
Teacher Notes for Investigation #11: Distracted Learning
randomized design. Instead, students are nudged toward using a matched pairs design, in
which each subject receives both treatments in a random order.
Why is a matched pairs design preferable in this case? We know that individuals vary
widely in their memorization abilities. If we used a completely randomized design,
with about half the students in the class assigned to the Mozart treatment and the other
half assigned to work in silence, we would expect considerable variation in the indi-
vidual scores on the memorization task within each group. If we observe a dierence in
the mean scores for the two groups, we would like to know whether that dierence was
caused by listening to Mozart. Of course, there is another possible explanation for any
dierence that emerges. Maybe subjects would perform the same whether they listened
to Mozart or not, so the observed dierence is simply a result of which subjects were ran-
domly assigned to each group. With lots of variation present, it will be more dicult to
rule out this second possible explanation in favor of a causal connection between listening
to Mozart and memorization.
By using a matched pairs design, we isolate the variation among individuals by comparing
each individual’s performance on two similar memorization tasks—one while listening to
Mozart and one done in silence. We perform our analysis on the dierence in memoriza-
tion scores for the students in the class. ere should be less variation in the dierence
values than there would have been with data produced using a completely randomized
design. As a result, it should be easier to detect a “Mozart eect” if there is one by ruling
out chance variation from the random assignment as a plausible explanation.
Question 5 asks students to review the details of their design before implementing it.
In Question 6, students carry out the random assignment for their design. In Question
7, students actually perform the experiment. Here are two memorization tasks that
students can use:
Task A: 12 09 96 62 66 52 26 82 25 18 98 31 06 48 47 72 28 67 85 57
Task B: 38 07 18 85 73 90 31 12 37 39 87 33 06 44 43 34 08 27 24 99
Questions 8 through 16 take students through the process of analyzing data, identi-
fying possible limitations, and drawing conclusions. If students use a matched pairs
design for their experiment, it would be inappropriate for them to analyze the “with
Mozart” and “in silence” data as if they came from two unrelated groups of individuals,
as Question 8 seems to suggest. Make the point that the appropriate method of data
analysis is determined by the design of the study. If data are paired by design, then
students should analyze the pairs of data values. In this case, that means examining the
dierences in performance scores for the subjects.
Suggested Answers to Questions
1. Since the subjects are available volunteers, and are not randomly selected from a larger
population of interest, we will only be able to generalize our ndings to the population of
students that are similar to the people in this class.
2. With this design, the two groups of subjects would be performing the experiment in
two dierent locations. It is possible that students will perform dierently on the task
as a result of the conditions in the two rooms. If so, then “room conditions” would be
a confounding variable. e process of relocating to another room may aect the sub-
ject’s performance on the task in a systematic way. Perhaps the movement will stimulate
these students’ brains, resulting in better performance on the memorization task than
for those students who stay put. Because individuals vary widely in their ability to
memorize, it might be better to have each subject perform a similar memorization task
twice—once while listening to Mozart and once in silence—so that individual dier-
ences in memorization are planned for, rather than distributed between, the two groups
with random assignment. After all, the random assignment could lead to two groups
with large amounts of variability in their memorization skills, which would make it
more dicult to detect any eect of listening to Mozart on memorization.
3. (a) By separating the “good” and “not-so-good” memorizers in advance based on
performance on the initial memory task, we would expect less variability in memoriza-
tion abilities for the randomly assigned groups of subjects in each performance category
than for the two randomly assigned groups in the design proposed in question 2. With
less variability present, it should be easier to detect any eect of listening to Mozart on
memorization for “good” memorizers and for “not-so-good” memorizers.
(b) Have each subject perform two similar memorization tasks, one while listening to
Mozart and one in silence. Randomly assign the subjects into two approximately equal
groups. Have one group do the rst task while listening to Mozart and the second task
in silence. Have the other group do the rst task in silence and the second task while
listening to Mozart.
4. (a) Even if the two memorization tasks are similar, subjects may still nd one task
more dicult than the other. Suppose the subjects nd Task A easier than Task B. If
subjects perform better while listening to Mozart, it might be because they are doing
the easier task, and not because of the music. In other words, which task subjects per-
form would be a potential confounding variable.
(b) Students may learn from doing the rst memorization task, and perform better
on the second memorization task as a result. is is known as a learning eect. In this
scenario, if students performed better while listening to Mozart, we wouldnt know
whether this was due to a learning eect or due to the eects of the music.
(c) Students should design a method of random assignment in which about equal numbers
of students will perform the experiment under each of the following four conditions:
Task A with Mozart, then Task B in silence
Task A in silence, then Task B with Mozart
Task B with Mozart, then Task A in silence
Task B in silence, then Task A with Mozart
(d) Answers will vary, depending on the random assignment plan that was agreed upon in
(c). One method would be to have students write their names on roughly identical slips of
paper, put the slips in a hat, and mix them thoroughly. en, you could draw out names
one at a time, with the rst person assigned to the rst set of experimental conditions
from (c), the second person to the second set of experimental conditions from (c), and
so on. Of course, students could use a variation of the hat method by assigning distinct
numbers to the members of the class, and then using a random digit table or random
number generator to mimic the process described in the previous sentence.
Students could opt to roll a four-sided die (or a six-sided die, ignoring two of the
numbers) for each member of the class to determine which of the four experimental
conditions from (c) that person would follow. Note that this method could result in
somewhat unequal numbers of students following each of the four experimental condi-
tions just by chance.
5. (a) e students in this class.
(b) The explanatory variable is what a person listens to while performing a memo-
rization task.
(c) Treatments are connected with values of the explanatory variable. In this case, the
two possible values of the explanatory variable are “listen to Mozart” and “work in
silence.” e two treatment combinations for our experiment are (1) listen to Mozart
during the rst task; work in silence during the second task, and (2) work in silence
during the rst task, then listen to Mozart during the second task. Were going to
measures students’ performances on the tasks as part of the experiment. However, the
tasks themselves are not treatments, because we are not deliberately imposing the tasks
on the students to measure their responses to those tasks.
(d) A scoring system such as one point for each number remembered correctly, and mi-
nus one point for each incorrect number that is listed, might be a good way to measure
performance and avoid haphazard guessing.
(e) e response variable is the dierence in score on the memorization tasks while
listening to Mozart and while working in silence.
6. Answers will vary.
7. Data will vary!
8. Comparative dotplots will vary. Note that the horizontal axis in the plot represents
the score on the memorization task, which could be positive, negative, or zero based
on the scoring system that was suggested in 5(d). When describing similarities and
dierences, students should discuss issues of shape, center, spread/variability, and any
unusual values.
9. Dierence values will vary.
10. Dotplots will vary. Note that the horizontal axis in the plot represents the dier-
ence in score on the two memorization tasks for each student. Since students are testing
the belief that Mozart might help improve memorization, they might want to dene
dierence = score with Mozart – score in silence. When interpreting the plot, students
should discuss issues of shape, center, spread/variability, and any unusual values in the
context of this experiment.
11. e dotplot in question 10 shows the dierence in score for each student when
listening to Mozart versus when performing the memory task in silence. e dotplot in
question 8 treated the two scores for each student as unrelated values, simply showing
all students’ memorization scores with Mozart and all students’ memorization scores
without Mozart. Because the two scores for each student are related (by virtue of being
produced by the same individual), it is more appropriate to focus on the dierence in
scores when making a graphical display of the data. e plot in question 10 makes it
easier to see whether listening to Mozart helped increase memorization performance for
students in the class, which was the goal of the experiment.
12. Answers will vary. Students could use the mean and standard deviation to summa-
rize center and spread, respectively, if the distribution of dierences is roughly symmet-
ric and there are no potential outliers. If the distribution is clearly skewed, or potential
outliers are present, then the median and interquartile range (IQR) would be more
appropriate summaries of center and spread.
13. is experiment was neither single-blind nor double-blind. Both the subjects and
the individuals measuring the response variable (memorization score) knew which
treatment combination the students were receiving.
14. Answers will vary. Students should be evaluated on how well they use the evidence
from their graphs and numerical summaries to support their answer.
15. No. We can only generalize our ndings about listening to Mozart to memo-
rization tasks that are similar to the ones used in this experiment.
16. Having each student listen to the same Mozart selection was a form of control. It is
possible that students would respond dierently to other Mozart pieces or other kinds
of music when performing similar memorization tasks. Consequently, we cant general-
ize the results of this study to all Mozart tunes or other types of music.
Possible Extensions
ere are plenty of possible variations on this experiment that students could design
and carry out. For instance, the original claim of researchers who discovered the
so called “Mozart eect” was that listening to Mozart helps improve performance
on spatial reasoning tasks. Students could use mazes as the task, rather than lists of
numbers to memorize.
While you study, do you watch TV, listen to music, check your MySpace page, surf the
Internet, chat on e-mail, talk or text on your cell phone? Do your parents insist that you
cant possibly concentrate on studying while youre distracted by one of these activities?
Maybe the conversation goes something like this:
Parent: “Take o your headphones and do your homework!”
Student: “I am doing my homework, and I work better with my music on.
Parent: “Turn it o! You cant study with that distraction!”
Student: “Yes I can. It helps me relax.
Parent: “Turn o that racket and concentrate on your school work!”
Student: “I study better with it on!”
Who is right? Some say that any distraction might interfere with your focus on the
work youre doing, which may in turn aect the quality of the nished product. But
others argue that listening to music actually helps them concentrate because the music
drowns out” other potential distractions. What do you think? Can previous research
help us sort this out?
In 1993, Frances Raucher and his colleagues designed an experiment to test whether
listening to Mozart would help students improve their performance on a spatial rea-
soning task. ey recruited 36 college students to participate in the experiment.
e subjects were randomly assigned to three groups, with 12 students per group.
Subjects in Group 1 listened to a 10-minute selection from a Mozart piece. Group
2 listened to a relaxation tape for 10 minutes. Subjects in Group 3 sat in silence for
10 minutes. Each subject took a pretest on spatial reasoning two days before the
experiment and a post-test on spatial reasoning immediately after the 10-minute
treatment. e results of the experiment seemed surprising: Students who listened
to Mozart showed signicantly higher gains in their scores on spatial-reasoning tasks
than students in the other two groups.
After hearing the results of Rauschers experiment, some eager parents started playing
Mozart tapes for their children in hopes of increasing their spatial reasoning skills. One
state even passed legislation requiring preschools to play 30 minutes of classical music
a day. Other researchers tried to conrm this so-called “Mozart eect” in experiments
of their own, but with little success.
So the question remains: Does listening to music help or hinder students’ learning? e
answer may depend on what type of “learning” we mean. In this investigation, your
class will design and carry out an experiment to test whether listening to music helps or
1 www.madsci.org/posts/archives/mar98/889467626.Ns.r.html served as inspira-
tion for part of this investigation.
Investigation #11: Distracted Learning
Corresponds to pp. 72-79
in Student Module
hinders students as they perform a memorization task. en, you will analyze data from
the experiment and draw some preliminary conclusions from your research.
1. For simplicity, the members of your class will serve as the subjects in your experi-
ment. How might this aect your ability to generalize the results of your study?
2. One possible design for the experiment would be to randomly assign about half of the
students in your class to perform the memorization task while listening to Mozart, and
the other half to perform the task in a silent room nearby. en, you could compare the
scores of students who listened to Mozart while memorizing with the scores of students
who didnt. What aw(s) do you see in using this design to conduct the experiment?
3. Some people are better at memorizing things than others. Here’s another possible
design for your experiment that takes this fact into account. Begin by having each
student perform a memory task. Based on students’ performance on this task, split
the class into two roughly equal-sized groups containing the “good memorizers” and
the “not-so-good memorizers.” Randomly assign about half of the good memorizers to
perform a second memory task while listening to Mozart, and the other half to perform
the task in a silent room nearby. Use the same random assignment strategy for the not-
so-good memorizers. To analyze the data from the experiment, you would compare the
change in scores from the rst memory task to the second for the good memorizers who
listened to Mozart and those who didnt, and separately for the not-so-good memoriz-
ers who did and didnt listen to Mozart while memorizing.
(a) In what ways does this design improve on the design from question 2?
(b) How might you further improve the design of this experiment using the idea that
some people are better memorizers than others? Explain.
4. Perhaps the best way to take individual dierences in memorization skills into account
in this experiment is to have each person perform two memory tasks—one while listen-
ing to Mozart and one in silence. en, you can analyze data on the dierence in perfor-
mance for all students in your class and determine whether listening to Mozart seems to
help or hurt memorization.
To carry out the experiment in this way, you will need two dierent but similar mem-
ory tasks. Let’s call them task A and task B.
(a) Explain why you should not have all students perform task A while listening to
Mozart and task B while in a silent room.
(b) Explain why you should not have all students perform their rst memory task
while sitting in a silent room and their second memory task while listening to Mozart,
or vice versa.
(c) Discuss with your classmates how you could use random assignment to most eectively
address the issues raised in parts (a) and (b). Once you have settled on a plan, propose it
to your teacher.
(d) Describe carefully how you will perform the random assignment required by your
approved plan from part (c).
5. Now that we have settled on a design for the experiment, let’s conrm some of
the details.
(a) Who are the subjects in this experiment?
(b) What factor(s)/explanatory variable(s) is this experiment investigating?
(c) What treatments are being administered? Explain why task A and task B are not
(d) Let’s take a look at the tasks. Each subject will be presented with a list of 20 ran-
domly generated two-digit numbers, such as the list shown below. e student will
then have one minute to memorize as many of the numbers in the list as possible. At
the end of the minute, each student will have two minutes to write down as many of
the numbers as he or she can remember.
26 86 64 65 75 11 49 47 85 19
23 57 97 00 62 43 66 94 79 50
A wily student might just write down a bunch of two-digit numbers during the two
minute period, hoping to match as many as possible. How might you score perfor-
mance on this task to reward students for actual memorization and not for guessing?
(e) Based on your answer to (d), describe the response variable(s) this experiment
will measure.
Now its time to do the experiment! Your teacher will assist with logistics so that all
students can participate.
6. Carry out the random assignment required for your experiment from question 4(d).
Indicate clearly what each student will be doing rst and second. You may nd it help-
ful to make a chart like the one below that summarizes how the experiment will be
carried out.
Subject First
1 A Music B Silence
2 A Silence B Music
3 B Music A Silence
4 B Silence A Music
Subject Which Task
(A or B)
Music First?
(Yes or No)
Score With
7. Have students perform the two memorization tasks as specied in question 6. Re-
cord data from the experiment in the table on the previous page.
8. Construct comparative dotplots or boxplots of the scores with music and the scores
without music. Describe any similarities and dierences you see in a few sentences.
9. Calculate the dierence in scores for each student when listening to Mozart versus
sitting in a silent room. As a class, decide on which order you will subtract the values.
Record these values in the right-most column of the table on the previous page.
10. Construct an appropriate graph of the dierence in memorization scores. Describe
what the graph tells you in a couple of sentences.
11. In what way is the graph you constructed for question 10 more informative than
the comparative graph from question 8?
12. Calculate a measure of center (mean or median) and a measure of spread that you
think summarize the dierences well. Explain why you chose the measures you did.
13. Was this experiment single-blind, double-blind, or neither? Justify your answer.
14. Based on the results of your experiment, does it appear that listening to Mozart helps
or hinders students’ performance on memorization tasks? Give appropriate graphical
and numerical evidence to support your answer.
15. Can we generalize the results of this experiment to any kind of task that requires
memorization? Justify your answer.
16. Why did we have all students listen to the same piece of Mozart music, rather than
letting each student choose music he or she liked? Explain.
I      E S   ,
students will design, carry out, and analyze data from an experiment to test whether
people have a preference for blue-colored soda. By this point, students should feel fairly
comfortable with the terminology and basic concepts of experimental design. If students
completed the previous investigation using a matched pairs design, then they should need
little prodding to come up with a similar design for this taste test experiment.
Students should be able to:
Dene a research question
Explain why it is important for the order of treatments to be randomly assigned to
subjects in a design that requires each subject to receive both treatments
Carry out the random assignment of treatments to subjects in an experiment
Identify the subjects, factor(s)/explanatory variable(s), treatments, and response
variable(s) in an experimental setting
Determine whether an experiment can be carried out in a single-blind or double-
blind manner
Explain how the way in which data were produced aects our ability to generalize
results to a larger population of interest
Consider alternative designs for an experiment, and then choose the best one for
answering a given research question
Use appropriate graphical and numerical techniques for describing the distribu-
tion of a categorical variable and for describing the relationship between two
categorical variables
Learning Objective
As a result of completing this investigation, students should be able to carry out a
complete analysis of an experiment involving one or more categorical variables using
counts, percents, and bar graphs to support their narrative conclusions.
Teaching Tips
We have designed this investigation so that students can formulate a plan for their experi-
ment with little or no prompting, using only the rst page of the student investigation to get
started. Questions 1 through 7 then ask students to review their proposed design in light of
several important issues before nalizing their experimental design in Question 8.
Obtain permission from your administration before allowing students to conduct the
experiment. You may be required to get parental consent before students can partici-
pate in the experiment.
You will need to provide clear instructions to your students about obtaining informed con-
sent, preserving anonymity and condentiality, and ensuring subject’s health and safety.
Teacher Notes for Investigation #12: Would You Drink Blue Soda?
Next, students carry out their beverage preference experiment. Using the data they
have collected, students are asked to perform an analysis and draw conclusions about
students’ preferences in Questions 9 through 11. Note that Question 10 focuses on the
issue of whether order of presentation seems to have aected student preference, while
Question 11 addresses the original research question.
Finally, students are asked to write a report about teenagers’ preference for blue-colored
beverages based on the results of this experiment. is question gives students a nal
opportunity to showcase their ability to analyze results from an experiment.
Suggested Answers to Questions
1. People may have a tendency to prefer the beverage they taste rst (or last), regardless
of the actual qualities of the beverages themselves (color, taste, etc.). at is, it is pos-
sible that the order in which people taste the beverages might aect their stated prefer-
ence. If so, then you wouldnt want to present the same beverage rst (or last) to more
than about half of the subjects. Randomizing the order should help ensure that about
half of the subjects taste one beverage rst and about half taste the other beverage rst.
en, any sizable dierences that emerge in terms of preference for one beverage over
the other should not be due to the order in which the beverages were presented.
2. One way to determine the order would be to ip a coin for each subject. If the coin
shows “heads,” then the subject would drink the clear beverage followed by the blue
beverage. If the coin shows “tails,” then the subject would drink the blue beverage fol-
lowed by the clear beverage. Note that this method of randomly assigning the order
could result in unequal numbers of subjects drinking the beverages in the two possible
orders. An alternative method would be to put subjects’ names on roughly identical
slips of paper, drop them in a hat, and mix them up. Draw one slip at a time without
looking. e person whose name is drawn rst will drink clear then blue; the person
whose name is drawn second would drink blue then clear, and so forth. Of course,
you could use a modied version of the hat method by giving each subject a distinct
numeric label, and then using a random number table or random number generator
to select individuals one at a time. As before, the person whose name is drawn rst will
drink clear then blue; the person whose name is drawn second would drink blue then
clear, and so forth.
3. e specic treatments in this experiment are “clear then blue” and “blue then clear.
4. One of the aims of the experiment is to see how color aects subjects’ perceived
preferences for a beverage. To study this, you must allow the subjects to see whether the
beverage they are tasting is clear or blue. Hence, the subjects cannot be blind.
5. Answers will vary. Students should use some form of random selection to choose
subjects to participate in the experiment. A true random sample of students may not be
practical, but theres no need to go to the opposite extreme and use volunteers, either.
6. Answers will vary. If students use random selection to choose the subjects for their
experiment, it should be reasonable to generalize the results to the larger population
from which the subjects were selected. ats the benet of random selection!
7. Answers will vary. One possible question is: “Of the two beverages that you tasted,
which did you prefer?”
8. Answers will vary. Students’ plans should include:
Research question, clearly stated
Subjects: how many; how they will be selected
Explanatory variable and treatments
How subjects will be assigned to treatment combinations
Response variable: what will be measured and how
9. Answers will vary. Students should construct a well-labeled, comparative bar graph to
display the categorical variable of drink preference for the two experimental groups. If the
number of subjects in the two groups diers, then students should use percents rather
than counts to compare subjects’ drink preferences.
10. Answers will vary. Students should be evaluated based on the strength and clarity of the
graphical evidence they provide about whether preference diers based on order of tasting.
11. Answers will vary. Students should be evaluated based on the strength and clarity
of the graphical and numerical evidence they provide about whether students clearly
prefer either blue or clear soda.
12. Answers will vary. Students should be evaluated based on the strength and clarity of
the graphical and numerical evidence they provide in support of their recommendations.
Possible Extensions
Can people distinguish bottled water from tap water? Coke from Pepsi? Students could
design and carry out a taste test experiment to help answer questions such as these.
After completing Section IV of the module, students could use simulation to test for
a signicant dierence in preference to reinforce some of the ideas associated with
statistical inference.
Does what you see aect your perception of how it tastes? If color can inuence how
people think a food tastes, what implications does this have for companies that make
and market food and beverages?
PepsiCo might be interested in your answer to these questions, as they have had two mar-
keting failures based on introducing nontraditional colored beverages. In the early 1990s,
PepsiCo introduced Pepsi Clear, a cola-avored drink that was clear instead of brown in
color. Pepsi Clear was later discontinued because sales were low. In 2002, PepsiCo tried
again with Pepsi Blue.
Pepsi Blue was a berry-avored cola drink that was blue in color.
e Pepsi web site (www.pepsi.com) says that Pepsi Blue was “created by and for teens.
rough nine months of research and development, Pepsi asked young consumers what
they want most in a new cola. eir response: Make it berry and make it blue.
Unfortunately for PepsiCo, Pepsi Blue, like Pepsi Clear, was not a successful product,
and it was discontinued a few years later. So what happened? Was the mistake adding a
berry avoring to cola, making the cola blue, or a combination of both?
In this investigation, you’ll investigate whether teens have a preference for or a dislike
for blue-colored soda.
Getting Started
To decide whether coloring a soda blue is a good or bad strategy if the drink is going
to be marketed to teenagers, you will design and conduct an experiment, collect and
analyze the data, and then make a recommendation.
For this experiment, you can start with a clear-colored soda, such as 7-Up or Sprite.
Experiment with adding blue food coloring to the soda to create a “recipe” for a blue
version of the soda. Food coloring is tasteless, so the addition of food coloring will not
change the actual taste of the soda.
Once you have developed your new product, think carefully about how you would design
an experiment to determine if teens have a preference for the clear soda or the blue soda.
Note: Be sure to discuss the ethical considerations involved in performing an experiment
with human subjects. Your teacher will require you to obtain informed consent from all
students (and possibly their parents) before they can participate in your experiment.
Once you have a plan in mind, answer the following questions. Be as specic as pos-
sible in your answers. It is OK to modify the design of your experiment if any of these
1 e page titled “Does the Color of Foods and Drinks Aect the Sense of
Taste?” on the Neuroscience for Kids web site, http://faculty.washington.edu/chudler/
coltaste.html, has a list of references to studies that have examined how color aects
perceived taste.
2 You can nd an announcement describing the launch of Pepsi Blue at http://
Investigation #12: Would You Drink Blue Soda?
Corresponds to pp. 80-84
in Student Module
questions reveal a weakness in your original plan. Now is the time to revise, before you
actually carry out the experiment and collect the data!
1. In taste test experiments like the one you are designing, it is usual to randomize the
order in which subjects taste the two drinks. at is, some subjects should taste the
clear drink rst and then the blue drink, while others should taste the blue drink rst
and then the clear. A random mechanism would be used to determine the order for
each subject. Why do you think it is important to randomize the order in which the
drinks are presented in an experiment of this type?
2. What would be a good way to determine the order (clear then blue or blue then
clear) for each subject?
3. What are the two treatments for this experiment? Hint: In an experiment, subjects
are assigned at random to one of the treatments.
4. Explain why it is not possible in this experiment to “blind” the subjects with respect
to which experimental group they are in.
5. How will you select the subjects for your experiment, and how many subjects will
participate? Be specic!
6. To what group, if any, will you be able to generalize the results of your experiment?
Explain why you think it is reasonable to generalize to this particular group.
7. What question will you ask each subject after he or she has tasted the two sodas?
Make sure that you will be able to determine from the response which of the two drinks
was preferred.
8. After considering your answers to questions 1 through 7 and modifying your plan as
needed, write a summary of your plan for conducting the experiment on separate paper.
Include enough detail that someone who has not been part of your design team could
read the summary and be able to carry out the experiment as you intended. Be sure to
address ethical issues of using human subjects.
After your teacher has approved your experimental plan, carry out the experiment and col-
lect data. Be sure to record the order in which the two drinks were tasted and the response
for each subject.
Clear then Blue Blue then Clear
Once you have collected the data, use it to fill in the four cells of the table below.
9. Construct a graphical display that allows you to compare the preferences for the two
experimental groups (clear then blue and blue then clear).
10. Based on your display, do you think there is a dierence in preference for the two
experimental groups? at is, do you think the order in which the drinks were tasted
makes a dierence? Explain.
11. Based on the data from this experiment, do you think there is a preference for
one of the drinks (clear or blue) over the other? Explain, justifying your answer using
the data from the experiment.
12. Write a report that makes recommendations to a soft drink company that is con-
sidering introducing a blue soft drink that will be marketed to teens. Include appropri-
ate data and graphs to support your recommendations.