Table of Contents
Belong Organizational Structure
Recruitment and Region 8b Capacity
Legacy Transfers
Ethical Family Transfer Process
Assessing, Conducting and
Managing Placements
Referrals and Placements
Placement Process
Foster Home Profiles
Child Placed in Same Home as Child in DFPS
Legacy System
Family/Tribal Affiliation
Diligent Search for Relatives/Fictive Kin
Pre-Placement Staffing
Initial Coordination Meeting
Visitation and Communication
Visitation Planning
Placement Stability/Disruption
Discharge Planning
Placing Children Who Have Habilitative or
Primary Medical Needs
Placing a Child/Youth with a Verified Kinship
Access to Children and Youth
Service Planning
Service Planning Meeting Process
Child and Family Assessments (CANS)
Youth for Tomorrow
Foster Daycare Services
Medical/Dental/Vision and Behavioral
Healthcare Services
3 in 30
Research Studies
Psychotropic Medications
Consenting to Psychotropic Medications
Approval to Travel & Visits
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI)
Verification of Enrollment
Education Portfolio
Special Education
Monitoring Educational Progress
Withdrawal from School
Post-Secondary Educational and Vocational
Behavior Management
Court Requirements
Court Hearings
Court Reports
Transitional Living Services
Transition Plan Development
Circles of Support (COS)
Preparation for Adult Living (PAL)
Extended Foster Care
Return to Care
Supervised Independent Living (SIL)
National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)
Aftercare and Follow Up
Home Studies
Adoption Inquiries
Home Selection and Staffing
Presentation Staffing
Placement of the Child
Adoption Services
Solution-Based Communication
Case Conflicts and Appeals
Client Grievances
Complaints and Concerns
Media and/or Situations
Requiring Immediate Notification
to Belong
Performance Measures/Quality Indicators
Foster Care Litigation
Risk Management & Reporting
Serious Incident Reporting
Disaster and Emergency Preparedness and
Response Plan
Quality Improvement & Contract
Overview of Managing/Oversight of Providers
Case Review
Quality Management
On-Site Visit Overview
Performance Quality Improvement Process
Information Technology
Technical Contact
Required Data
Methods of Data Submission
Texas Provider Gateway
Logins Texas Provider Gateway
Scheduled Automated Upload
Confidentiality and Secured Communication
Finance and Billing Procedures
Initial Payment for Foster Care Services
Payment Terms
Foster Care Service Payments
Adoption Service Payments
Requirements to Voluntary Extended Foster
Care or Return to Foster Care Payments
Requirements for Psychiatric Hospitalization
Network Provider Monitoring-Minimum Pass-
Through Rate Compliance
Network Provider Monitoring- Financial Viability
Disputed Service Reconciliation
Return of Funds
Provider Manual Revisions
Appendix A
This Provider Manual provides policies and procedures for required actions and expectations of the
Provider Network for Region 8b.
Community-Based Care (CBC) is a new way of providing foster care and case management services. It
is a community-based approach to meeting the individual and unique needs of children, youth, and
families. Within a geographic catchment area, a single contractor (officially a Single Source Continuum
Contractor or SSCC) is responsible for finding foster homes or other living arrangements for children or
youth in state care and providing them a full continuum of services.
CBC is intended to allow a SSCC and the community more flexibility to innovate to meet the unique
needs of the children, youth, and families in each designated service area. This increased flexibility
comes with greater responsibility and accountability for overall safety, permanency, and well-being
On April 1, 2021, CPS awarded the SSCC for Region 8b to Belong. Region 8b is made up of the
following counties: Atascosa, Bandera, Calhoun, Comal, DeWitt, Dimmit, Edwards, Frio, Gillespie,
Goliad, Gonzales, Guadalupe, Jackson, Karnes, Kendall, Kerr, Kinney, La Salle, Lavaca, Maverick,
Medina, Real, Uvalde, Val Verde, Victoria, Wilson, and Zavala.
As the SSCC, Belong will be responsible for:
Developing foster care capacity
Building a network of providers
Engaging the community to help
Foster care placement services
Coordinating and delivering services to children and youth in foster care and their families
As CBC takes shape statewide, CPS focus will shift to ensuring quality oversight of foster care and
services for children, youth, and families. The SSCC will be responsible for case management and
services that move children and youth from foster care or kinship care into a permanent home or
reunified with their families.
Community-Based Care Quality Indicators:
1. Children and youth are safe in their placements.
2. Children and youth are placed in their home communities.
3. Children and youth are appropriately served in the least restrictive environment that supports
minimal moves for the child or youth.
4. Connections to family and others important to the child or youth are maintained.
5. Children and youth are placed with their siblings.
6. Children and youth remain in their school of origin.
7. Services respect the child's and youth’s culture.
8. To be fully prepared for successful adulthood, children and youth are provided opportunities,
experiences, and activities similar to those experienced by their non-foster care peers.
9. Children and youth are provided opportunities to participate in decisions that impact their lives.
10. Reunification of children and youth with biological parents of the children and youth.
11. Promotion of the placement of children and youth with relative or kinship caregivers.
Belong Organizational Structure
As the SSCC, Belong has built an effective and efficient administrative structure, which maximizes
available resources to deliver services to children and families. In addition, our administrative design
supports Region 8b specific oversight and support of services and programs in support of Community
Based Care. The executive team has extensive experience in child welfare service delivery and is
committed to meeting the safety, wellbeing and permanency needs of the children and youth of the
region. Our teams working in Quality Assurance and Contracting, Community Engagement and
Intake and Placement will work closely with our provider network to meet the needs of the children,
youth and families from 8b who are in need of services.
Belong believes taking a Trauma Informed Care approach can significantly improve the outcomes of
a child/youth. Network Providers will be encouraged to leverage this framework in every aspect of
their environment, which emphasizes the core values of safety, trustworthiness, consumer choice,
cultural competency, collaboration, and empowerment in every facet of program activities, physical
settings and relationships.
Emergency Placement: An emergency placement is appropriate when DFPS makes a referral to
Belong for a child or youth who is in immediate need for paid foster care placement and services and is
not currently served by Belong. This process, therefore, will be used for all emergency removals, as
well as any child requiring immediate paid foster care placement and services.
Non-Emergency Placement: A non-emergency placement is appropriate when DFPS makes a referral
to Belong for a child or youth already in DFPS conservatorship who is moving to a paid foster care
placement in Belong 's Network Provider (one example is a child who needs to move from a fictive kin
placement to paid foster care).
Placement Change: Placement changes will take place with children/youth that are placed in a paid
foster care setting within the Belong Network and require a new foster care placement within the Belong
Network. A placement change can be either an emergency move such as a disruption stemming from a
safety concern or a non-emergency move such as a move to place siblings together or place a child closer
to home.
Solution-Based Communication: Goal-oriented communication which focuses on the solution rather
than the problem. It emphasizes strengths and resources and how these can be utilized to achieve a
positive outcome.
Council on Accreditation: The Council on Accreditation (COA) partners with human service
organizations worldwide to improve service delivery outcomes by developing, applying, and
promoting accreditation standards.
88F: The Adoptive Placement Code (88F) is paid at the time of adoptive placement for all straight adopt
88G: The Adoptive Post Placement Code (88G) is paid at the time of all adoption consummations for
straight adopt and/or foster to adopt placements.
MEPA: The Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) was enacted in 1994 with a goal to promote the best
interests of children by ensuring that they have permanent, safe and stable families and homes. MEPA
prohibited the use of a child’s or a prospective parent’s race, color, or national origin to delay or deny
the child’s placement and required diligent efforts to expand the number of racially and ethnically
diverse foster and adoptive parents.
IEPA: The Interethnic Placement Act is the principal federal law that addresses the use of race, color
and national origin in making decisions about foster care and adoptive placements.
ICWA: The Indian Child Welfare Act, is Federal law that governs the removal and out-of-home
placement of American Indian children.
Recruitment and Region 8b Capacity
Legacy Transfers
Legacy Placements is the term used for children who have not been referred to Belong. These legacy
placements will transition over time by computer-generated batch processes monthly. This transfer of
existing children/youth (referred to as “Legacy”) into the Provider Network is simply an administrative
change in the record and not a physical placement change for the youth.
Belong will transition children in the Legacy system who are being served by Belong or the Belong
Provider Network within 12 months of the contract effective date beginning in October 2021. Legacy
Transition will be completed no later than September 30, 2022.
The Transition Plan and Schedule governs when the child is transitioned to Belong in IMPACT. DFPS
staff will be notified by the Community Based Care Administrator via email prior to their children being
moved from a legacy placement to placements to Belong’s Network Providers. During the 12-month
Transition process placement changes will either be emergency or non- emergency placements.
Belong will work with each Network Provider as well as representatives with DFPS to ensure that
transfers are made in the IMPACT system and that a secondary worker assignment is made to the
appropriate Belong Case Care Specialist.
Belong Case Care Specialist will work with the Network Provider to get all State required documents
completed and signed. The Community Based Care Administrator will provide signed placement
authorization forms to Belong in conjunction with each monthly batch transfer. Education and Medical
Consent forms are available in IMPACT. Within one (1) week of assignment, the Belong Case Care
Specialist will contact the Network Provider’s Case Manager and DFPS caseworker to introduce
themselves and begin communication about the next steps of care coordination.
Belong recognizes that a percentage of children in the legacy system are in SSCC placements outside
the catchment area. Through data gathered from the Provider Network and DFPS, Belong will establish
the number of children and youth from the Region 8b SSCC Catchment Area who are outside the SSCC
boundaries in foster care and kinship placement. Belong will develop a transfer plan for this population
that may include contracting with non-Region 8b SSCC Catchment Area providers for continued care, if
the provider or caregiver is in good standing, the continued placement provides stability, and is in the
child’s best interest.
Ethical Family Transfer Process
During the term of the contract with the SSCC, and up to one (1) year after the contract ends, no verified
family of the Network Provider will be contacted by staff, volunteers, subcontractors, or affiliated entities
of another Network Provider for the purpose of recruitment or transfer to that Network Provider agency. This
standard holds even when one organization is planning to close its operations or is placed on placement
hold by Residential Child-Care Licensing (RCCL) and wishes to release its homes to other agencies. In
these situations, the organization may request that Belong send a list of Network Providers with contact
information to the affected foster parents, for them to make their own contacts and decision about
transferring verification.
If a verified family contacts another agency for information about a potential transfer, or makes application
to change verification, the agency contacted shall inform the family of this Ethical Family Transfer Process
and direct the family to discuss their concerns with the agency that developed their verification. The
contacted agency must also inform the original verifying Network Provider’s recruitment staff or Program
Director by phone and by email, within five business days of contact, regarding the date of the family's
contact for a request to transfer.
The contacted agency may have no further contact with the family for at least 30 days, or until they have
received a release and closing summary from the previous verifying Network Provider, whichever is
sooner, to allow enough time for that Network Provider to meet with the family to resolve any outstanding
issues that may be present.
If the family still wishes to make a transfer, the originating Network Provider shall transfer verification
information to the Network Provider with whom the family wishes to transfer, with a closing summary/
release form signed by an administrator of the agency, no later than 30 days after having received
Foster families and Network Providers are encouraged to contact the Belong Director of Consumer Affairs
if families are solicited directly or indirectly in an unethical manner to make a transfer to another Network
The Quality Assurance and Contracts team will review all Network Provider's recruitment plans and
patterns during annual reviews.
Belong has several remedies it may consider, when necessary, including termination of an agency's
Provider Services Agreement and notification of appropriate licensing boards regarding a pattern of
unethical practice by Child Placing Agency Administrators and Licensed Social Workers. Belong wants
to emphasize and encourage the development of new foster family resources for children in our
catchment area, and to develop a sense of trust and cooperation between and among Providers within
the Provider Network.
Assessing, Conducting and Managing Placements
Referrals and Placements
Belong and the Network Provider will operate under the philosophy; "A child's first placement should be
the best placement." We will have a joint understanding of the negative impacts of placement disruption
for children in substitute care and will seek to continue to implement best practices to support effective
placements in the most appropriate/least-restrictive environment possible. When threats of placement
stability are identified, Belong and Network Providers will utilize a wraparound approach of organizational
responsiveness and oversight with increased intervals of supervision to ensure placements remain most
appropriate and are stabilized. Belong includes an Intake and Placement Department responsible for
accepting, assigning, managing, and tracking incoming referrals from the Department of Family and
Protective Services (DFPS). The Director of Intake and Placement will oversee the staffing and
scheduling of our Intake Department. The Intake and Placement Department will provide the capacity to
accept referrals from DFPS for residential child-care 24 hours per day, 7 days per week, 365 days per
year (24/7/ 365). Belong’s policy is to accept all referrals (No Reject) made by DFPS and continue to meet
the individual needs of the children referred (No Eject) until DFPS determines the individual no longer
requires Belong services.
Belong and the Network Providers will continue to prioritize building capacity for youth who require a
higher level of care and/or have specialized needs to prevent children from being unable to be placed in
a licensed facility. All efforts will be made to work with the Network Providers to ensure due diligence pin
placement searches for children in need.
Region 8b DFPS staff will work directly with Belong upon determining that a child in DFPS
conservatorship requires placement in a paid foster care setting. New Referrals for paid foster care
placements begin October 1, 2021. All new placement requests will be referred to Belong as of
this date.
Placement Process
For all referrals Belong will utilize CareMatch™ to determine the best placement option for child/youth.
For all placement requests, the Belong Intake Specialist will contact a Network Provider if one of their
families and/or their agency is identified as a potential best match placement option for the child. The
Network Provider will need to ensure the Belong Intake Department has updated contact information for
staff that are responsible for making placements during business hours as well as after-hours and
weekends. The Network Provider is responsible for being available for placement and intake calls
24/7/365. The availability and timely responsiveness of the Network Provider will be considered by Belong
during its annual renewal and Network Provider evaluation process. Network Providers that do not admit
emergency placements may have more a restricted admission process.
Upon notification from Belong to the Network Provider that a family and/or agency has been identified as
a potential best match placement, the Network Provider must respond back to the Belong Intake Specialist
with the family's and/or agency’s acceptance or non-acceptance of the placement within the following
For emergency placements, within one (1) hour of notification of placement need.
For non-emergency placements, within two (2) business days of notification of placement need.
Belong may be contacting several agencies at one time due to the timeframes involved in making
placements so an initial contact does not guarantee placement will be made with your family and/or
agency. The best match identified within the above timeframes will be a consideration in Belong's final
decision of placement recommendation to DFPS.
The goal will be to place the youth within 50 miles of their home of origin or home where they will be living
when they discharge from care. The Intake Specialist will gather the information about placement options,
review the placement option with Network Providers, and assess their current capacity and dynamics.
Each child in a sibling group will be assessed for their individual needs, but also the needs of the sibling
group so siblings can remain in care together when possible. If their needs differ greatly and require
different types of specialized services, maintaining sibling connections will be prioritized as placement
decisions are considered.
Note: Separation of siblings in care requires DFPS Program Director approval and documented reason
for separation and a visitation plan/schedule for separated siblings.
Once the process for DFPS approval has been completed, Belong's Intake Specialist will work together
with the Network Provider case manager, the family/agency and DFPS to determine placement date/time
and transportation arrangements. The DFPS caseworker and/or Belong staff, Network Provider case
manager and caregiver must be present to receive the child at time of placement.
At the time of placement, the Belong Intake Specialist will ensure that the Belong Placement Authorization
form (Form 2085FC), Medical Consenter {Form 2085B), and the Education Decision-Maker (Form
2085E) are all completed and signed. When necessary, Child Sexual History Report (Attachment A) will be
completed. In addition, Belong will assist in ensuring that the required placement documents that need
DFPS signature are completed as well.
Belong will provide the Network Provider case manager with additional placement documents as soon
as they are received to assist with the daily care of the child.
Foster Home Profiles
Belong will require our Network Providers to keep information up to date in the Texas Provider Gateway
(TPG). The standard home profile used for matching purposes will be utilized for all homes where a
Belong child is to be placed. This profile has information regarding the family such as location of the home,
demographics of the parents, type of family (basic, therapeutic, etc.), capacity (openings and
placements), parent preferences of age range and sex, quality indicators for the family (utilizes trauma•
informed principles, structured home environment, one parent stays at home, advocates for education,
facilitate transportation or visits, etc.), and behaviors the family feels comfortable working with/preferred
(home accepts LGBTQIA+ youth, etc.). When changes occur within a foster home or residential
placement, it is imperative that the TPG is updated as soon as possible. Utilizing a "live" system that
accurately identifies available placement options throughout Region 8b will allow the Intake Specialists
to make placement decisions, which reflect the best interests of the child. By utilizing real time placement
information and the Belong Initial Referral Form, Belong will identify the most appropriate placement early
in the process, so the best match can be made.
Belong will gather information about the child(ren) already in the home from the Network Provider and the
child(ren) to be placed in the home from DFPS and any previous Providers. Information about the
child(ren) will guide the placement decision (such as safety concerns, sexualized behaviors, aggression,
Primary Medical Needs, disabilities, age difference among placements, self-harm, runaway behaviors,
homicidal ideations, etc.)
Belong will continually review the appropriateness of the child's placement and make efforts to work with
the Provider to preserve the current placement. Our joint goal will be to minimize placement disruptions
of children in care. To that end, no child's placement will be disrupted solely due to the SSCC transition
of legacy children.
All foster homes will be expected to operate within their licensed capacity. However, when Belong and
the Network Provider assess a foster family and determine they can temporarily handle increased
capacity, a plan including RCCL and DFPS will be developed to allow a variance to accommodate siblings
to be placed in the same home even if it results in the home being over the licensed capacity.
Placing siblings together reduces the stress and behavioral issues in most cases and reduces the
trauma for children of being removed from their families. This variance will allow these children to remain
together. Not all cases will support this concept and each case must be individually evaluated to
determine the capability of the home and foster parents as well as the needs of the children.
Child Placed in Same Home as Child in DFPS Legacy System
Belong understands the importance of continuity of placement and service provision for every child and
youth in the system of care, regardless of their point of entry into foster, relative, or kinship care and
whether they are new placements or legacy children managed prior to transition by DFPS. Concomitantly,
Belong recognizes the possibility a new placement may enter a home where there is a legacy child and
the impact this may create for the child, youth, and family.
As a result, placement and ongoing placement supervision will carefully consider each child’s assessed
needs and Service Plan, along with existing data in CareMatch™ and the caregiver’s Home Study. The
Home Study documents household/caregiver information such as location of the home, demographics of
the parents, type of family (basic, therapeutic, et cetera), capacity (openings and placements), parent
preferences of age range and sex, quality indicators for the family utilizing Trust Based Relational
Intervention (TBRI), structured home environment, employment status, capacity to advocate for
education, facilitate transportation or visits, behaviors the family feel comfortable working with/preferred,
whether the home accepts LGBTQIA+ youth, et cetera.
The Belong Intake Specialist will discuss any concerns or questions with the prospective caregiver and
will conclude that there are no issues that preclude placement prior to recommending placement. Belong
and Network Provider will jointly develop a placement plan that the caregivers will follow to address any
concerns and support placement (that may include modifications to the structure of the home, schedules,
et cetera). In some cases, it may be determined that the caregivers cannot provide the necessary
environment and parenting capacity.
In the event that the child cannot be placed in the home, this shall not be construed as a reason to
discontinue placement of legacy children and the home shall be considered for other children. This is in
recognition of the fact that placements will always be in the best interest of children and meet individual
care needs. All decisions will be documented in the case record.
When children are placed into an 8b home by a different SSCC, another in- state organization, or through
Interstate Compact on the Placement of Children (ICPC), Belong will take steps to ensure there is
collaboration between service providers engaged with the caregiver and children to ensure all children and
youth receive exceptional care.
Family/Tribal Affiliation
If a child is an enrolled or enrollable member of a federally recognized Tribe, then required contact and
notification procedures, as well as possible Tribal intervention as a party to legal proceedings for the
dependency case, are to be initiated timely in accordance with ICWA. For Native American children not
addressed by ICWA, case management services should recognize tribal relationships and culture as
appropriate. If a Belong employee becomes aware of a tribal affiliation, the employee should consult their
supervisor for necessary procedures.
If DFPS has not already identified tribal affiliation and the Network Provider is made aware, this must be
communicated to Belong in writing within one (1) business day when they become aware. Belong will
immediately notify DFPS in writing upon learning a child or a family member may possibly have a tribal
affiliation to ensure the spirit and legal intent of the Federal Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) is followed
regarding placement and notification and all potential Native American children, regardless of tribal
affiliation, have appropriate case planning and services.
Diligent Search for Relatives/Fictive Kin
Belong will utilize information obtained through diligent searches for relatives and fictive kin to expand
placement opportunities. Network Providers will be encouraged to develop strong community supports
through schools, extra-curricular activities, childcare, churches, and other identified groups. Network
Providers should notify Belong with any information they receive could lead to a potential relative or fictive
kin connection for a child placed in one of their homes.
Pre-Placement Staffing
A Pre-Placement Staffing may occur for non-emergency moves and placement changes to ensure all
interested parties to the child have an opportunity to share and discuss relevant child information in
support of Belong's search for the best possible placement option. The pre-placement staffing seeks to
share all relevant information about a child or youth who requires a non-emergency placement or
placement change. The pre-placement staffing will be coordinated and facilitated by either DFPS or
Belong depending on who requested the placement change. The Network Provider case manager and
current caregiver will be invited and will be expected to attend either in person or by phone as well as
representatives from DFPS and Belong. Former caregivers may be invited, if it is determined they have
information critical to decisions to be made. The Network Provider is responsible for transportation of the
child/youth to all pre-placement staffings.
In addition, the child/youth over the age of 10 will be invited and is expected to attend unless it is
therapeutically contraindicated. If they cannot or choose not to attend, their voice in the decision making
and planning should be represented by either the Network Provider case manager or the caregiver(s) or
Belong, DFPS and the Network Provider case manager will share, and exchange copies of all external
documentation gathered thus far related to the child or youth's needs, including but not limited to birth
certificates, social security cards, medical/dental reports or records, school records, assessments,
evaluations, and so on.
Initial Coordination Meeting
The Initial Coordination Meeting (ICM) is a collaborative process that focuses on the unique,
individualized needs of the child and outlines services to address those needs. The ICM process seeks to
share all relevant information about a child in DFPS conservatorship who requires a new placement within
Belong's Provider Network. Relevant information includes assessments, evaluations, medical reports,
recommended services, and all other information pertains to the child's individual needs. During the ICM
the child's initial and concurrent permanency goals will be identified. The ICM takes the place of the
traditional removal staffing.
Within seven (7) business days of a new placement referral to Belong, DFPS will coordinate, host and
participate in the ICM. Extensions to an ICM must be approved by the DFPS Program Administrator.
DFPS will be providing two (2) business day notice to participants. Participation can occur in person at
the identified DFPS office, phone, or video conference. At a minimum, the following participants will be
notified by DFPS of the upcoming ICM:
Belong Case Care Specialist; DFPS Removal worker and supervisor; Conservatorship worker
and supervisor; Family Group Decision Making Specialist or coordinator; Network Provider case
manager; and other DFPS staff or subject matter experts as needed.
The Network Provider case manager will be invited by Belong. When possible, Belong will notify
the Network Provider on the same day notification is received by Belong from DFPS. The Network
Provider case manager will invite the Caregivers, as appropriate.
Belong, DFPS staff and the Network Provider case manager will share, and exchange copies of all
external documentation gathered thus far related to the child's needs, including but not limited to removal
affidavit, immunization records, birth records, birth certificates, social security cards, medical/dental
reports or records, school records, assessments, evaluations, etc.
The initial service planning meeting date will be identified by the Network Provider case manager prior to
ending the ICM.
Visitation & Communication
Prompt visitation between children and their parents is critical to ensuring more timely permanency
occurs. The Network Provider will respect the right of both children and their parents to have visitation if
behavior remains safe throughout. It is the Network Provider's responsibility to transport the child(ren) to
the first visit after removal from parental custody. The first visit should take place within five (5) calendar
days of removal.
Visitation Planning:
Belong, in collaboration with DFPS and Network Providers, will identify a visitation plan with family
members and siblings also in care if placed separately. DFPS will provide Belong access to
documentation of Approved Visitation Plan. The Network Provider will arrange and provide transportation
as needed.
Whenever siblings are placed in different foster homes or facilities, Belong will attempt to place the
siblings in close proximity to facilitate more sibling contact. We will also work to maintain connections
when siblings are not placed together by utilizing the same therapist and to set up respite between the
families. The Network Provider case manager must ensure sibling contact is maintained at a frequency
that is in the best interest of the children and within DFPS guidelines and requirements.
Contact is required at a minimum face-to-face weekly if the siblings in care are placed within a 100-miles
of each other, unless it is determined that face-to-face contact is not in the best interest of the child/youth.
If the siblings in care are placed more than 100 miles apart, contact between the siblings occurs via
phone, Skype or other electronic means at least weekly.
In addition, Belong and the Network Provider will work to maintain connections for youth in care who have
a family member, other than siblings or parents, identified by their DFPS worker as a significant family
Placement Stability/Disruption
Through policy and in practice, Belong and Network Providers will integrate best practice, evidence-based
models of care such as wraparound and trauma-informed interventions to maintain and preserve
placements in the least restrictive settings. Belong's Intake Department will track all placement changes,
while Case Care Specialists will review a child's response to services and assist in authorizing services
to support stability.
Belong understands the importance of on-going placement management to prevent placement
disruption. In most cases, Belong and the Network Providers will be able to identify potential disruptions at
the supervisory level and implement interventions, training, and other supports as necessary to enhance
placement stability.
All Network Providers will be required to submit a "Disruption Mitigation Plan" to review and evaluate
alternatives to potential disruptions. All crisis situations will be promptly responded 24/7/365 by the
Network Provider. Network Providers will be expected to have a crisis response plan to quickly de-escalate
the crisis and advance to an action plan to ensure the stability of the placement. These plans will be
evaluated by the Belong Quality Assurance & Contracts team. The Network Provider case manager will
also consult with the Belong Case Care Specialist assigned to the child to provide additional support for
placement stability.
If a child is dysregulated, is a danger to his or herself or others, and cannot be helped through additional
supervision and support in their current placement a request for placement change can be made through
the Intake & Placement Department.
Prior to requesting the removal of a child, the Network Provider case manager will be required to
provide documentation defining efforts to maintain placement over the last 30-days as well as
participate in the development and implementation of a transition plan appropriate to the child’s
best interests. Exceptions will be made for emergency removals as defined by DFPS.
The Network Providers will be expected to deliver foster parent support services to minimize
placement disruptions, including contact (with child and caregiver) within one (1) business day
and not to exceed 72-hours of any placement.
The Network Provider will be expected to provide on-going crisis support 24/7/ 365.
Children will not be placed in an enhanced substitute care setting without the approval of the
Belong Case Management team.
The Network Provider case manager will complete the Belong Residential Child Care Discharge
Notice form and will forward it to the Belong discharge email box dischargebelong@sjrctexas.org
and to the DFPS caseworker.
Any decisions regarding placement involves Belong and the DFPS caseworker including discharge to
any positive permanent placement.
Belong may remove a child whenever Belong determines it is in the best interest of the child due to
allegations of neglect and abuse in the current placement. Belong will be in contact with DFPS for any
recommendations in the event there is an open investigation.
Timeframes for discharge are detailed on the Belong Residential Child Care Discharge Notice Form.
Discharge Planning
Discharge planning will begin for every child on the day of placement. Positive permanency is always the
goal and may occur as family reunification, PMC to family, adoption, and as a last resort youth may age
out of care. The Network Provider, foster care parents, and when appropriate the child, will identify any
“unmet” needs the child has and develop goals to facilitate a smooth transition into permanency prior to
the child being discharged from services. The Network Provider will provide information to the Belong
Case Care Specialist and DFPS caseworker about the child’s discharge plan and any aftercare needs.
The Network Provider will ensure that the child/youth is able to discharge from care with all their own
Placing Children Who Have Habilitative or Primary Medical Needs
After a placement has been recommended by Belong and approved by DFPS for children who have
habilitative or primary medical needs, DFPS will coordinate a telephone staffing with the chosen
caregivers, the Network Provider case manager, medical staff (if applicable), DFPS Well-Being
Specialist, DFPS Supervisor and Program Director, Regional DFPS Nurse and STAR Health staff to:
Discuss the specific needs of the child or youth
Discuss the expectations of placement
Develop a plan to move the child or youth and establish services in the new placement
The DFPS Education Specialist should be included in the staffing as appropriate. If possible, the staffing
should occur prior to the child or youth arriving in his or her new placement, but no later than two (2)
business days after the child or youth's placement. It will be the responsibility of the Network Provider
case manager to ensure the services for the child are implemented timely as outlined in the plan.
In the event the child requires institutional placement, DFPS and Belong will work together when
considering and requesting placement of a child/youth to the following:
DFPS-Licensed Institutions for children with intellectual and developmental disabilities
State Supported Living Centers
State Hospitals
Home and Community-Based Services (HCS) Residential Placements
Nursing Facilities
Intermediate Care Facilities for the Intellectual Disabilities/Related Conditions (ICF/IID-RC)
The current Network Provider case manager and caregiver(s) should work collaboratively with Belong and
DFPS as we are carefully assessing the child or youth's specific needs and attempting to exhaust all least
restrictive placement options before recommending the child or youth's placement in one of these
institutions. Placing a child or youth in a certain institution should only take place when no other less
restrictive placement is available can meet the child or youth’s needs. The Network Provider case manager
and caregiver(s) will have important information about the child or youth to assist in this assessment. In
addition, the Network Provider case manager should ensure the child or youth is informed and prepared
for this transition.
Placing a Child/Youth with a Verified Kinship Caregiver
When Belong receives a referral for a kinship caregiver to be licensed for paid foster care or for adoption
of a Region 8b child, the Director of Community Engagement or designee will provide a list of Network
Providers for the kinship caregiver to choose from. Once the Network Provider has completed the
verification process with the kinship caregiver, and upon submission to CLASS, the agency should notify
the Director of Intake & Placement and Adoption/Independent Living Supervisor. Once the kinship
caregiver is approved in DFPS CLASS (can take more than 48 hours), the Network Provider should notify
Belong immediately so that the placement of the child can be entered as the same date as the home’s
approval date if already residing in the kinship home. If the child does not already reside in the kinship
home, then Belong and DFPS will determine an official start date for the child's placement in the foster
home and follow the relevant placement process. Foster care maintenance payments to a verified kinship
caregiver (foster home) begin once DFPS and Belong have completed the relevant placement process.
Access to Children and Youth
The Network Provider will permit access to all Children and Youth (“Child” or “Children”) referred to by
the SSCC; to DFPS, its employees, its designees, and properly identified individuals appointed by a court
of competent jurisdiction (Volunteer or Court Appointed Special Advocates (“CASA”), guardians ad litem,
and attorney ad litem).
All parties will exercise their right of access in a reasonable manner and attempt to plan and coordinate all
necessary visits with children in cooperation with the Network Provider and in a manner that minimizes
disruption of the care of the children placed with the Network Provider.
This section will not be construed as prohibiting the Department or its designees from making
unannounced visits to the Network Provider’s facilities or to a foster home verified by a Child Placing
Agency (CPA) or a residential facility. In order to determine whether an individual is appropriately
appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, a Network Provider or Caregiver should:
Review for a valid court order if such individual is an employee of the CASA; and
Review for a valid court order and a notification letter of volunteer assignment and acceptance
clarifies the individual's appointment to the Child if such individual is a CASA volunteer; or
Review to ensure the individual is named on the Child's Contact List as part of the child’s
placement paperwork.
If Network Provider or Caregiver cannot readily determine the identity or authority of an individual
appointed by a court of competent jurisdiction, then the Network Provider or Caregiver should obtain
approval from the child's case worker or chain of command prior to granting the individual access to the
Service Planning
Child and youth service planning is a collaborative and inclusive process between DFPS, Belong, the
Network Provider, the child/youth and the family that focuses on developing and reviewing plans to
meet the individualized and unique needs of the child/youth. Under Community-Based Care, service
planning with children and youth will occur with all:
Children/youth placed within the Belong network upon removal, and
Children/youth currently placed in foster care who require a placement change into the Belong
Children/youth who have transitioned into the Belong network via model implementation
Upon placement with Belong, children/youth are identified as receiving:
Child Care Services; or
Therapeutic Services.
Upon designating the type of service the child/youth will receive, Belong determines the frequency by
which the child's service plan will be reviewed.
Service Planning Meeting Process
DFPS and the Network Provider will share responsibility for scheduling and conducting service planning
meetings in accordance with the following Child Service Plan timeframes. Child Service Plan timeframes
are intentionally aligned with the timelines of the parent service plan so that these meetings may, when
appropriate, occur together in back-to-back meetings.
The initial Child Service Plan will be coordinated and facilitated by the FGDM staff by the 30
day and will be
approved by DFPS Supervisor by the 45
day after removal. DFPS completes the first seven sections in the
Child Service Plan and it is sent to the Network Provider to complete the plan.
The FGDM staff will contact the family to determine their availability for the Child Service Plan meeting to be
held by the 30th day from removal. FGDM still will provide all Child Service Planning participants 14 days’
notice of the planning meeting.
The Child Plan of Service will be reviewed at the following intervals:
Services Needed
Coordination &
Basic Care
Basic Care
All future
Every 120 days
90 days following
initial plan date
All future
Every 90 days
Basic Care
All reviews
Every 180 days
All reviews
Every 90 days
Child service plans will be updated or reviewed more frequently when a child/youth’s circumstances
change or significant events occur that dramatically alter the child/youth’s needs or the Network
Provider’s accreditation requires a more frequent review.
The FGDM staff or the Network Provider/Belong will (depending on who is responsible based on the
chart above) ensure the coordination of all service planning meeting logistics, including:
Scheduling with participants a meeting date and time
Reserving a conference room and scan call line or a virtual meeting
All relevant participants are invited to the meeting
Coordination with DFPS Worker to ensure barriers to parent and/or family member participation
are mitigated (i.e. transportation needs)
Notice is provided to all participants of the service planning meeting:
o Will ensure that invitations for scheduled service planning meetings are sent via email to
DFPS and other relevant professionals
o Will ensure that participants receive 14 days’ notice of service planning meetings
o Will ensure parents, family members, and other participants (who may not have access
to email) receive timely notice of service planning meetings by phone, mail or FTF
DFPS Worker will ensure the Network Provider/Belong knows how to contact the parents and other
family members.
*All service planning meetings will be hosted in a venue that allows for maximum participation either in-
person or through conference call or virtual meeting.
Service planning meeting participants will generally include, at a minimum:
Child or youth’s parents and the parents’ attorney, who must be invited when the parents have
been invited
Child(ren) or youth*
Family members
Current caregiver
Network Provider
DFPS conservatorship Worker and Supervisor
Belong at casecarebelong@sjrctexas.org
Local Permanency Worker (if assigned)
Kinship Worker (if assigned)
Legal representatives (i.e. CASA, ad litem, etc.)
Relevant subject matter experts (i.e. Developmental Disability Specialist, Nurse, Education
Specialist, Well-Being Specialist) as needed
Other relevant professionals
Other persons identified in the case who can contribute to service planning with the child/youth
Network Provider Case Manager
*The Belong Case Care Specialist may attend service planning meetings as deemed necessary or as
requested by DFPS or the Network Provider. Bio parents and relatives must be on approved contact list for
Within 5 business days of the Child’s Service Plan meeting, Network Provider will:
Document their respective sections of the Child’s Service Plan
Ensure all participants sign the Child’s Service Plan
Send via email to the DFPS Worker and Belong Case Care Specialist a copy of the completed
and signed Child’s Service Plan
By the 40th Day After the Removal for Initial plans, and within 10 days for subsequent plans
DFPS Worker will:
Complete all sections of the Child Service Plan or Child Service Plan Review that are not
documented by the Network Providers in IMPACT
Belong will:
Document the information completed by the Network Provider in the Child Plan of Service into
IMPACT and notify the DFPS Worker and Supervisor once their portion of the plan is complete.
DFPS Worker and Supervisor will notify Belong Case Care Specialist and Belong Director of
Case Management if IMPACT documentation has not been completed by the 40th day for Initial
Plans/or within 10 days for all subsequent plans.
For Initial Plans, if the plan is not completed by Belong by 5:00PM on the 40th day, the DFPS
worker will complete the plan in IMPACT and notify the DFPS Supervisor, PD and CBCA.
DFPS Worker will, upon receiving Belong completed Child Service Plan documentation:
Include any participants that are not already included on the Child Service Plan in the Child Plan
Participation section of the plan in IMPACT.
Review that the plan is complete and save and submit the Child Service Plan or Child Service
Plan Review to the DFPS Supervisor for approval.
By the 45th Day After the Removal, or 15 days after the subsequent Child Plan meeting, the
DFPS Supervisor will
Approve the Child Plan of Service in IMPACT
Within 5 days after approval of the service plan, DFPS Worker will
Send a final, approved and signed copy of the IMPACT Child Service Plan or Child Service Plan
Review to all meeting participants, including participants who were unable to attend the
Document the service planning meeting and participants in IMPACT on the contact detail page.
If a service planning meeting is held in conjunction to a DFPS Permanency Conference (PC), the
FGDM Staff are responsible for documenting the service planning meeting in each child/youth’s
Permanency Planning Meeting (PPM) detail page in IMPACT.
DFPS Worker is responsible for ensuring the family service plan is developed, reviewed, and/or
updated during each service planning meeting.
Child and Family Assessments
Belong will hold itself and Network Providers responsible for completing assessments using an inclusive
model of care that is child and family-focused, strength-based, trauma-informed, and considers the
unique culture, experiences, and beliefs of the child and their family. As indicated by research, children,
and families' active participation in every aspect of the treatment planning process is central to placement
stability and permanency. Belong values individual uniqueness and firmly believes families know what
they need better than anyone. Rather than relying solely on case history, Belong recognizes children and
families are the experts on their lives, and this will be communicated throughout the assessment process.
Belong and its Network Providers will draw from children and families' account of their own histories to
develop a culturally and linguistically competent understanding of needs and strengths. Assessments will
drive service plan development and inform the appropriateness of placement and permanency goals.
Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment
CANS Assessments are required to be used in the development of Child Service Plans. Within 30 days
of entering DFPS care, children (ages 3-17) must receive a CANS assessment. The CANS is a
comprehensive trauma-informed behavioral health evaluation. It gathers information about the
strengths and needs of the child/youth and helps in planning services that will help the child/youth and
family reach their goals.
Belong will ensure that CANS Assessments have been completed and results are available to be used
during service planning for all children/youth requiring them. The frequency requirement is based on the
type of plan/review, the age of the child and the service level needs of the child. If the CANS is not received
by the time of the service planning meeting, it will be re-evaluated, and the Child Plan of Service can be
updated. A CPOS desk review can be completed to include all legal parties that require a notification.
Assessments will be completed timely and updated as appropriate for determination of services needed
to support the foster child, biological parents, extended family members, friends, significant others, and
foster parents. Network Providers will be accountable for conducting assessments within the following
The initial assessment will be conducted within 30 days of removal and this must be conducted
by a STAR health provider with a Masters’ degree and CANS certification.
The annual assessment must be conducted by a STAR health provider with a Masters’ degree
and CANS certification.
Youth with a therapeutic level of care must have a CANS every 90 days. Staff with a bachelor’s
degree and CANS certification may complete the 90-day assessments for therapeutic level
The CANS must be reviewed and approved by the Network Provider's Treatment Director or
Supervisor. Belong will ensure Network Providers staff must complete the online CANS training and
pass a test demonstrating competency in order to be certified to administer the CANS assessment tool.
To maintain the CANS certification, Network Provider’s staff must retrain and retest annually. It is the
Network Provider’s responsibility to ensure staff who administer the CANS maintain their certification
annually. This will be monitored by the Quality Assurance and Contracts Specialist. Assessments will
drive service plan development and inform the appropriateness of placement and permanency goals.
Youth for Tomorrow
Belong will utilize Youth for Tomorrow to assess levels of care for all youth in the Belong network. The
Network Provider will submit required documentation to yftbelong@sjrctexas.org when requesting an
initial service level authorization or a reauthorization for a level of care. Required documentation includes
for the last 30 days:
IMPACT LOC Authorization Request Form (must include PID number)
Common Application/Application for Placement (Form 2087)
Emotionally Disturbed Children: Psychological or psychiatric evaluation completed within 14
Medically Needy Children: An evaluation by a Physician (MD) describing medical conditions and
Information describing any extenuating circumstances, incident reports, progress logs, case
notes, school reports, medication notes, etc.
If the Network Provider disagrees with a decision made by YFT on a level review they may use the
following Appeal Process they may request an Appeal Review from YFT within five (5) business days
from YFT review service. If after YFT completes the Appeal Review the Network Provider continues to be
dissatisfied with the decision, they can reach out to Belong for assistance.
Foster Daycare Services
Foster Child daycare is available for children in a Foster Home when:
The child does not turn 6 by September 1
All caregivers are employed and work at least 40 hours per week (daycare is available for children
up to age 13 for school summer breaks)
Caregiver Daycare Verification
When foster daycare services are needed for a child, who is legally from Region 8b and placed within
Belong provider network the Network Provider will:
Submit the Foster/Relative & Other Designated Caregiver Daycare Verification (form 1809) for
each foster parent household each time application for daycare services is requested to
daycarebelong@sjrctexas.org. This form is required for both initial requests and renewals.
Note: Foster parent e-signatures are acceptable (completed/signed/scanned copy of the 1809 or on-
line completion of the 1809 with foster parent approval in return email).
The Belong Daycare Liaison will need to verify caregiver employment. Acceptable verification includes:
Copies of the caregivers last 3 paystubs
Statement from the employer attesting to being employed full-time for 40 hours a week; or in the
case of self-employment, a completed Form 1806 Caregiver Statement of Self-Employment
Waivers if applicable
All Caregivers must be informed that:
Only DFPS can authorize DFPS-funded day care services.
DFPS is not responsible for the payment of the day care services that eligible children may
receive until after DFPS returns the approved IMPACT Form 2054 Service Authorization to the
childcare services agency authorizing day care services.
If a child receives day care services before the childcare services agency receives the approved
Form 2054, DFPS will not pay for those days of service.
For the initial daycare authorization, the requirement for the foster parent to complete the form may be
waived if it is determined the verification would prevent an emergency placement in the child’s best
interest. Such an emergency placement would be one where the placement cannot be sustained or is
unlikely to be sustained if the person requesting daycare were required to verify the unavailability of
community resources. The required waiver must be approved by the DFPS Program Director (PD),
DFPS Program Administrator (PA), and the Regional Director (RD). The waiver should only be utilized
where the foster parent has exercised reasonable diligence but has been unable to verify community
resource unavailability. If such a waiver is approved, the foster parent will be required to verify the
unavailability of community resources at the time of the first daycare renewal.
Medical/Dental/Vision and Behavioral Healthcare Services
A person consenting to medical care for a child/youth must participate in each appointment set for the
child/youth with the healthcare provider. Healthcare providers may have varying requirements for
participation. Medical consenters and residential providers must discuss with healthcare providers their
expectations for participation. Participation must be in person or, if it is appropriate and acceptable to
the provider, virtually or by telephone. The level of participation depends on the nature of the medical
care the child/youth is receiving.
When a child/youth is placed with Belong, Belong will ensure substitute care Network Providers receive
the DFPS Medical/Dental/Vision Examination (form 2403) with Instruction Document in order for the
caregiver (usually the medical consenter) and doctor to complete the form at a child/youth's medical,
dental, or vision appointments. The form is filled out jointly by the person taking the child/youth to the
appointment (usually the caregiver) and doctor/dentist.
Within 4 days from the date of the child/youth's appointment, the Network Provider will send a copy of
the completed DFPS Medical/Dental/Vision Examination (form 2403) to the DFPS worker and Belong.
The Network Provider and Belong will ensure that youth ages 16 to 22 are advised of their right to
request to become their own Medical Consenter.
3 in 30
3 in 30 combines three separate, yet critical, tools for assessing the medical, behavioral, and
developmental strengths and needs of children and youth entering DFPS conservatorship. Texas
statute requires each component and together the three assessments chart the path for services of
children and youth from the beginning of their time in care.
3- Day Medical Exam:
Within 3 business days of entering DFPS care, children/youth must see a doctor to be checked for
injuries or illnesses and get any needed treatments.
Belong will ensure the 3-Day medical exam has been completed by the caregiver and will notify the
primary caseworker within 24 hours of the appointment occurring.
Texas Health Steps Checkup:
Within 30 days of entering DFPS care, children/youth must see a doctor for a complete check-up with
lab work. This ensures that:
We address medical issues early.
Kids are growing and developing as expected.
Caregivers know how to support strong growth and development.
Child and Adolescent Needs and Strengths (CANS) Assessment:
Within 30 days of entering DFPS care, children (ages 3-17) must receive a CANS assessment. The
CANS is a comprehensive trauma-informed behavioral health evaluation. It gathers information about
the strengths and needs of the child/youth and helps in planning services that will help the child/youth
and family reach their goals. All children/youth will require an annual follow-up CANS assessment. In
addition, a child/youth receiving therapeutic services will require a follow-up CANS assessment every
90 days.
DFPS will call the caregiver by the 14
day to ensure the CANS assessment has been scheduled.
Children and families referred to Belong or the Provider Network for services will not participate in
research and/or studies without the prior written approval of DFPS. In the case of a child being approved
for participation/inclusion in a clinical research study or trial, Belong will be provided proof the study or
trial has Institutional Review Board approval from a recognized entity.
Psychotropic Medications
Belong will ensure that all substitute care providers and employees who serve as medical consenters
for a child/youth who is prescribed psychotropic medications facilitate an office visit with the prescribing
physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse in the STAR Health Network at least once
every 90 days to allow the practitioner to:
Appropriately monitor the side effects of the drug
Determine whether the drug is helping the child/youth achieve the treatment goals
Determine whether continued use of the drug is appropriate
For all children/youth receiving psychotropic medication, Belong must assess the extent to which the
Has been provided appropriate psychosocial therapies, behavior strategies, and other non-
pharmacological interventions; and
Has been seen by the prescribing physician, physician assistant, or advanced practice nurse in
the STAR Health Network at least once every 90 days.
In the event that a DFPS staff or Belong staff is designated as the medical consenter for a child/youth,
the DFPS staff member must attend in person or virtually attend, if offered by the physician, any
appointments where psychotropic medication may be prescribed and all medication review
Consenting to Psychotropic Medication
When a healthcare provider initially prescribes a psychotropic medication, Belong will ensure that all
substitute care providers and employees who serve as medical consenters for a child/youth:
Notify the DFPS Worker in writing of any initial psychotropic medications and subsequent
dosage changes by the next business day.
Complete and sign the Psychotropic Medication Treatment Consent (form 4526) with the
healthcare provider; and
Provide a copy of the form to the DFPS Worker within 4 business days. Form 4526 is not
required for changes in decreasing the dosage or for refills of the same medication.
The child will not start a new psychotropic medication or an increase in the dosage of a
medication without DFPS caseworker consent.
Notification to all child advocates assigned will be provided by DFPS.
Medication refusals by child/youth will be discussed with the prescribing physician to discuss a
plan of action.
Medical consenters can request PMURs through the DFPS Nurse Consultant, well-being
specialists, or Superior Star Health Hotline.
Follow the same notification process of any medical appointments.
The DFPS Worker will file a copy of the form 4526 in the child's section of the case record.
The DFPS worker will notify a child/youth's parents of the initial prescription of a psychotropic
medication and any change in dosage of the psychotropic medication at the first scheduled
meeting between the parents and the child/youth's worker after the date the psychotropic
medication is prescribed or the dosage is changed.
Approval for Travel & Visits
If a Network Provider requires/desires to take a child outside of the state or country or for overnight
travel/visits, the Network Provider must follow policies and procedures including the completion of
the Caregiver Declaration Regarding Out-of-Country Travel (Form 2069). Network Provider will
submit required information to the Belong Case Care Specialist and DFPS caseworker to obtain the
necessary approval.
Written approval for travel and visits is not required when:
The DFPS Caseworker arranges for the child to visit with members of the child's family
The DFPS Caseworker authorizes the child to travel in specified circumstances (usually routine
trips or visits)
Network Provider shall provide or arrange all travel to ensure the Child's access to while out of area:
Behavioral Health, Medical, Dental, Vision, and Pharmacy services
It is the Network Provider’s responsibility to ensure all medical/pharmaceutical costs are
covered by STAR Health. If services are obtained that are not, it may be the responsibility of
the Network Provider or caregiver to cover these expenses.
Any other services necessary to fulfill the tasks on a Child’s Plan of Service
Network Providers will ensure each School-Aged child is enrolled in and attend an accredited Texas
public school within two (2) school days of placement, unless an exception has been granted in writing
by the child's DFPS caseworker (e.g., for private schooling, homeschooling, or temporary school absence
due to physical or mental condition). Educational stability will be a critical factor when identifying foster
care placements.
When a child over the age of three is placed in a residential facility, rather than a home, the Network
Provider must provide written notice to the school district within the 3
calendar day from when the child
is placed and enroll the child in pre-k programming.
Children between three (3) and five (5) years of age will attend a pre• kindergarten program offered
through the local public-school district, or an early childhood education program offered through Head
Start unless an exception has been granted from the child's DFPS caseworker. If such a program is not
available and an exception has been granted by DFPS, Belong will assist the Network Provider in locating
a program.
Early Childhood Intervention (ECI) Program
Network Providers also will ensure preschool age children will be provided access to appropriate early
childhood education programs. For each child who is younger than three years of age the Network
Provider must provide written notice to the local ECI program no later than the third calendar day after
the date a child is placed.
For this written notice, the Network Provider should reference the Texas Education Code §29.012 and
include the following minimum information:
Name and date of birth of child
Name of CPA and Foster Family or GRO
Address of location where child resides
Contact information for the representative of the CPA or GRO who is submitting such notice
Network Provider will:
Notify the Caseworker and Primary Care Physician (PCP) if the Network Provider has a concern
regarding the physical or mental development of a child under the age of three
Ensure a referral to ECI is made if the DFPS Caseworker or PCP has determined a referral is
necessary; Facilitate the continuation of ECI services to each child who was receiving ECI
services prior to placement
Ensure the Caregiver fully participates in the child’s ECI evaluation and process for developing
an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) for ECI services
Ensure the Caregiver performs the following duties related to the child’s participation in the ECI
o To the extent the Caregiver consents to the child’s recommended and additional ECI
Program services, the Caregiver fully participates in and supports such services
o To the extent the Caregiver declines to consent to any of the child’s recommended and
additional ECI Program services, the Network Provider must immediately submit a
detailed written report to Belong explaining why such declined services are not in the best
interest of the child. Belong will send to DFPS
To the extent the Caregiver disagrees or has a concern with any matter related to the
evaluation, placement, or provision of ECI services, the Caregiver may
exercise the Caregiver’s rights under the ECI program of the Texas Health and Human
Services Commission, which can be found at: https://hhs.texas.gov/services/disability/early-
childhood-intervention-services/eci-how-file-a- complaint
o Ensure the Caregiver provides written consent for:
The child’s ECI information to be entered into the Child's Health Passport
The Child's Caseworker and Caseworker's Chain of Command to directly access ECI
records from the ECI program if necessary
Verification of Enrollment
Within five (5) calendar days of the child's enrollment into an accredited Texas public school or a ECI
program, the Network Provider will provide verification of the child’s enrollment to the DFPS caseworker
and Belong Case Care Specialist, and documentation of such notification will be recorded in the child's
record. In compliance with the Texas Education Code §29.012, the Network Provider will notify the school
district in which the school is located for all children three (3) years of age or older.
Education Portfolio
A current/accurate Education Portfolio is essential to monitor a smooth transfer if the child must move
from one school to another which includes proper educational placement and services, and ongoing
monitoring of a child's academic progress.
Belong must ensure the Network Providers maintain and update the Education Portfolio for each school-
age child in their care. Network Providers must keep the Education Portfolio where the child resides while
in paid foster care.
The contents of the Education Portfolio must include:
School enrollment documentation: Birth certificate, Social Security number, Immunizations, and
withdrawal notice from the last school
Special education documentation: Admission, Review and Dismissal (ARD) team meeting notes,
Individual Education Plan (IEP), documents related to Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973
regarding reasonable accommodations, Full Individual Evaluations and/or other diagnostic
Report cards, progress reports, and/or IEP progress reports, Transcripts, Standardized test
results, Referrals, notices, or correspondences
School pictures
Belong will ensure Network Providers keep the Education Portfolio readily available to DFPS for each
school-age child on any visit with the child or otherwise, if requested.
Belong will ensure Network Providers document that the report card and progress reports are discussed
with each School-Age child.
Network Providers will be expected to provide the Child's Education Portfolio to DFPS at the time a
School Age child is discharged from the Network Provider's care.
For each School-Aged child, the Network Provider must ensure:
The most current educational documents and records are in the child's Education Portfolio; and
The Child's Education Portfolio includes the child's current school withdrawal paperwork, if
Special Education
For children receiving special education or Section 504 services, additional documentation will be
maintained (e.g., ARD meetings, results of FIE, IEP updated annually, current IFSP, documentation of
services provided under Section 504, and Individual Transition Plan or Summary of Performance (9
grade). Network Provider case managers will coordinate with Belong to ensure copies of needed
documents are submitted to the child's school within 30 days of enrollment (if a change in school occurs).
The Education Portfolio will be updated quarterly and discussed during reviews with the caregiver.
Monitoring Educational Progress
Belong understands the Network Provider case manager serves a critical role in ensuring the educational
stability and success of children and youth in foster care. The Network Provider case manager is
responsible for monitoring and documenting each child's educational progress and stability. The Network
Provider case manager in collaboration with the regional educational specialist, is also responsible for
facilitating the coordination of educational services on behalf of the child and addressing issues impeding
the provision of appropriate education-related services. The education service plan for each child will
identify the child's educational needs and any additional support services necessary to meet those needs.
For children requiring special education or Section 504 services, the Network Provider case manager will
consult with the regional educational specialist and the DD specialist to ensure needs are met. The
Network Provider should ensure disruptions to education are minimal by scheduling therapy and other
appointments outside of school hours, whenever possible. Belong will ensure Network Providers provide
necessary support to achieve educational goals, including but not limited to, tutoring, help with homework
and obtaining necessary school supplies. Belong will ensure Network Provider’s caregiver participates in
all child/youth ARD meeting(s) and parent/teacher conferences either in person or by telephone.
Withdrawal from School/Placement Change. If a child has to withdraw from a public school that results
in the child being discharged, the Discharging Provider must notify the public school within three (3)
school days of this discharge, unless an exception has been granted in writing by the Child's Caseworker
or Caseworker's Chain of Command.
Post-Secondary Educational and Vocational Activities
Network Provider will facilitate access to post-secondary education, vocational or technical training,
support services and activities. These services and activities include job readiness, skills training, and
internship program opportunities that are required by the Child's Plan of Service and DFPS Transition Plan
at 14 years of age and include youth with disabilities, ensuring information is developmentally appropriate,
so each child:
Has access to appropriate community vocational and technical training programs and volunteer
opportunities, including services provided by the local Texas Workforce Solutions offices (if
available in the area)
Has access to Transition Centers (where available), and if applicable, vocational rehabilitation
services for individuals with disabilities provided by the local Health and Human Services Agency
(if available in the area, and post-secondary education programs
Receives the assistance needed to maximize the benefit of these activities
Network Provider will guide and assist the child in accessing and completing documents when required
for the State-Paid Tuition Fee Waiver and Education and Training Voucher (ETV) Program if there is a
need by the Child.
Behavior Management
Belong recognizes that effective behavior support and management practices must be proactive and
preemptive to minimize the need for restrictive interventions. While utilizing a trauma informed approach,
a culture that promotes respect and positive behavior can support healing and help children and youth
manage their own behaviors and prevent crisis situations that could result in restrictive intervention.
The Network Provider will ensure its staff and caregivers are in compliance with HHSC minimum
standards. The purpose of a behavior intervention approach is to develop and maintain an environment
that supports positive and constructive behaviors of children in care, use restraints safely, appropriately,
and effectively, and eliminate or reduce physical injuries and any other negative side effects on the child’s
behavior or emotional development resulting from the restraints.
Network Providers will examine the frequency, patterns, and effectiveness of the restraints used for
children, and specific strategies to reduce the need for use of restraints for all children in care. Physical
discipline or punishment is prohibited.
A child’s possessions must be free of unreasonable searches and unreasonable removal of personal
Court Requirements
The Network Provider will comply with all court orders regarding the provision of paid foster care and/or
purchased services for children, youth, and families served by the Network Provider.
Belong and the Network Provider will review services that are ordered by the court and fall outside the
purchase of service criteria of this Agreement on a case-by-case basis to determine rate of payment and
parameters of services to be provided by the Network Provider.
Belong understands it is important not only for staff to understand all court orders/requirements, but also
for foster families and Network Provider case manager to have a clear understanding of the judicial
process. As necessary, foster parents and Network Provider case manager will attend court hearings
and provide youth with the opportunity to attend court hearings related to his/her individual case. At
Belong, we believe the youth's voice should be heard by the court systems.
Court orders will be reviewed and documented in the following: Intake Assessments, Child Plan of
Service, Monthly Contact Notes, Permanency Planning Documentation, and Foster Parent Progress
notes when appropriate. There will be continued monitoring of court requirements, such as visitation,
permanency goals addressed in the Child Plan of Service, and continued contact with DFPS to monitor
the Network Provider and foster family are meeting all court requirements.
Court Hearings
Belong or DFPS Caseworker will notify the Network Provider case manager of all upcoming court
hearings. The Network Provider case manager must ensure children attend court hearings, unless excused
by the presiding judge prior to the court hearing. Refer to jurisdictional expectations information for
regarding which courts require attendance (if available) and under what circumstances. The child or
youth may attend court by way of video conference and/or teleconference when appropriate and
approved by the court. Attendance at Adversary Hearings (14-day hearings) is, generally not expected,
unless the child's attorney ad litem requests the child's attendance. If the child/youth is expected to attend,
the Network Provider is responsible for transportation to all court hearings.
The Network Provider must identify and ensure attendance of the most appropriate staff (i.e. Network
Provider case manager) with personal knowledge of the case at all court hearings unless excused by the
presiding judge. The Network Provider must also attend all other court preparation meetings as requested
by DFPS, CASA, attorney ad litem, or other members of the judiciary.
The Network Provider case manager must notify the Belong Case Care Specialist of who will be attending
court within two (2) business days of notification of court hearing. If an emergency court hearing is
scheduled, then the Network Provider will share the attendee list as soon as possible.
If date and time of a court hearing is announced during court, DFPS considers this formal notice to Belong
and the Network Provider. Therefore, whoever is present (the Network Provider case manager, the
caregiver or Belong staff) must notify the other parties by the next business day.
If an emergency court hearing is scheduled, then the Network Provider and Belong will determine the
attendee list as soon as possible and Belong will immediately notify DFPS. The Network Provider case
manager will also notify Belong immediately of any service of legal process (i.e. subpoena, summons,
discovery notices) delivered to the Network Provider agency, employees, caregiver or child/youth related
to the child's court case by emailing courtbelong@sjrctexas.org
Network Providers are expected to comply with all judicial orders and/or subpoenas directed to them by
competent legal authority.
Court Reports
DFPS holds ultimate responsibility and ownership of all information contained in court reports submitted
to the court. However, the Network Provider will be providing the information for completion of the
sections of court reports that are relevant to the child.
As necessary, Belong will provide the correct court report template that must be completed by the Network
Provider case manager. The Network Provider case manager will need to complete the needed sections
of the court report and submit back to Belong twelve (12) calendar days prior to the court report due date
by emailing courtbelong@sjrctexas.org. Network Providers are encouraged to seek the caregiver's input
as necessary. The court report template for the child sections is as follows:
Status Report to the Court (Form 2070): Section VIII. Summary of Child's Medical
Permanency Plan & Progress Report to the Court (Form 2088): Section VII. Summary of Case
Since Last Court Review/ A. Well-Being of the Child
Placement Review Report to the Court (Form 2088b): Section IV. Summary of Case Since Last
Court Review/A. Well-Being of the Child
If additional information for the Court Report Template is requested by DFPS, the Network Provider case
manager will provide the requested information within 24 hours.
The Network Provider will need to immediately provide supplemental information to DFPS via email for
inclusion in the court report or hearing when significant events occur after the court report template has
already been submitted and prior to the scheduled hearing. The Network Provider must maintain a copy
of the most up-to-date court report in the client record.
Transitional Living Services
DFPS, Belong and the Network Provider will work together to prepare older youth in DFPS
conservatorship who are transitioning from substitute care to adulthood.
Belong understands youth must be prepared for adulthood. Belong will serve and support foster youth as
they begin their journey to independence by developing life skills and creating community connections
capable of supporting youth as they transition from care to independence. Belong will utilize a
multidisciplinary approach involving the youth, the family, Network Providers, and natural supports
including biological families, churches, and community partnerships.
Transition Plan Development
Beginning when the youth turns age 14, the transition plan is enhanced over time until the youth leaves
substitute care or ages out of care. The plan must address the issues that are important for the youth as
he or she leaves care and enters the adult world. DFPS, Belong and the Network Provider will work
together to initiate the discussion and development of the youth's transition plan.
At the first service plan meeting following the youth’s 14th birthday the Transitioning to Successful
Adulthood section will be addressed. The youth will have the opportunity to invite anyone in their
support system who are not the youth's foster parent or caseworker, to all Circles of Support and
service planning meetings.
DFPS, Belong and the Network Provider will:
Ensure Transitioning to Successful Adulthood section of the Child Plan of Service is discussed
and developed with the youth during their service plan meeting.
Inform the youth that a Family Group Decision Making staff member will further discuss Circle of
Support with them when he or she turns age 16.
DFPS Supervisor will:
Approve and sign the youth’s Child Plan of Service each time the plan is developed, reviewed and
updated at subsequent service planning meetings or Circles of Support (COS).
The DFPS Worker and Network Provider will:
Continue to discuss and document the Transitioning to Successful Adulthood section of the Child Plan
of Service and progress with the youth over time during face-to-face visits, subsequent service planning
meetings, and Circle of Support (COS).
Circles of Support (COS)
Circles of Support (COS) will be generally coordinated and facilitated according to current DFPS policy.
Some exceptions apply and are noted within the chart below. If the youth declines a COS, a
subsequent service planning meeting will be scheduled instead.
DFPS Worker will:
Submit a referral for COS to the appropriate FGDM Staff and to the appropriate staff at Belong
at permanencybelon[email protected] when the youth turns 16.
Work with FGDM staff to prepare and schedule the COS with the youth.
Participate in the COS or subsequent service planning meetings.
FGDM staff will:
Coordinate the COS per policy 6252 Permanency Planning Meetings for Youth 14 and Older
If the youth declines a COS, the FGDM staff member will notify the DFPS worker and Belong at
permanencybelo[email protected]rg with a subject line of COS Declined, Last Name, First Name.
Ensure documentation of COS in IMPACT per DFPS policy.
Belong will:
Ensure the youth is able to attend the COS, even if Belong is not invited to the COS.
Notify the Network Provider to schedule a subsequent service planning meeting if the youth
declines a COS.
Work jointly with FGDM staff and DFPS worker to engage youth, family, and other caring adults
in the COS or subsequent service planning meetings.
Work with the youth, the caregivers and other significant individuals to identify caring adults and
other lifelong connections that can be sustained once the youth transitions to adulthood.
Participate in the COS (if invited by the youth) or subsequent service planning meeting.
DFPS Supervisor will:
Approve and sign the Child Plan of Service each time the plan is reviewed and updated at subsequent
service planning meetings or COS.
DFPS Worker, Belong and Network Provider will continue to discuss and document the
Transitioning to Successful Adulthood section of the Child Plan of Service and progress with the youth
over time during face-to-face visits, subsequent service planning meetings, and Circle of Support
Preparation for Adult Living (PAL)
Belong will ensure the development and delivery of PAL Life Skills Training utilizing the curriculum topics
established by DFPS. As part of the delivery of PAL training, within 30-days of new placements and/or
when the youth turns 14 and or a child comes into care that meets this age criteria, the Network Provider
case manager will ensure youth and caregiver complete the Ansell Casey Life Skills Assessments
(ACLSA). The ACLSA interpretation will be shared and discussed with the youth and caregiver. The
ACLSA will identify the youth's strengths, needs, and goals, which will be documented in the youth's child
plan of service.
Belong will identify youth for PAL services within 30 days of new placements and no later than their 16th
birthday, and then send the referral to the PAL Service Provider. Belong will then work with the Network
Provider to schedule youth for services. If the Network Provider has a youth that is eligible for PAL
services that has not been identified, the Network Provider must let Belong know as soon as possible to
ensure that there is no further lapse in services being delivered. The Network Provider case manager
must work with the caregiver, Belong and Belong’s PAL Service Provider to ensure youth are made
available and have transportation to participate in PAL services including the following:
Completion of PAL training
Provision of identified services to youth to assist with their transition to adulthood
Assistance with applying for and securing services to aid in their transition to adulthood
In an effort to remove any barriers for completion of classes, Network Providers should notify Belong
immediately upon learning a youth has missed a scheduled PAL Life Skills class.
The Network Provider case manager will also document youth's progress and status of PAL Life Skills
Training as well as experiential life skills learning in the child's plan of service. The Network Provider is
responsible for transportation of the youth to all life skills and experiential trainings/activities.
Network Providers must ensure for all children/youth that caregivers:
Instruct on basic living and social skills
Maximize opportunities for learning using Experiential Life Skills Activities
Provide access to Experiential Life Skills Activities provided by community resources
Promote the ability to appropriately care for themselves and function in the community
Assist youth ages 14 or older who have a source of income to establish a savings plan and, if
available, a savings account to manage independently
Assist youth ages 18 up to 22 years of age who have a source of income to obtain a savings or
checking account with a Financial Institution (in accordance with Texas Finance Code §201.101)
Provide access to age-appropriate Normalcy activities, which are suitable for the child’s level of
maturity and age including activities not listed in the Child’s Plan of Service. Network Providers must
train caregivers and use a “Reasonable and Prudent Parent Standard” to decide whether a
child/youth may participate in an unsupervised activity.
Network Providers must ensure the following are made available to youth to facilitate driver license fee
waiver-residency affidavit requirements:
DFPS Foster Youth Driver License Fee Waiver Letter
A Texas Department of Public Safety (DPS) Texas Residency Affidavit (Form DL-5), which is
completed and signed by the Child and a Representative
For Children under age 18, a Representative to accompany the Child to the DPS driver license
office to provide acceptable proof of residency
Inform Children who have applied for a driver license of the need to notify DPS of a new
address change within 30 days of a change in placement
Extended Foster Care
DFPS, Belong and the Network Provider will work together to identify youth whose legal region is Region
8b for either Extended Care or Return to Extended Care programs. The Network Provider case manager
will ensure participation in the Extended Care or Return to Extended Care programs. These will be
discussed and planned with the youth during regularly scheduled service planning meetings, during the
youth's Circle of Support or Transition Plan Meeting, or upon the youth's request.
If the youth choses to stay in Extended Care, the DFPS Caseworker or Network Provider case manager
will assist the youth in completing the Voluntary Extended Foster Care Agreement (Form 2540). This is
required within 30- days prior to the youth's 18th birthday, when this is not possible, no later than the 30
day after the youth’s 18
birthday and provide the completed form to the Belong Case Care Specialist.
The Belong Case Care Specialist will provide the information to DFPS for the approval process. DFPS
will determine eligibility according to current Extended Care Guidelines. Once approved or denied, Belong
will notify the Network Provider case manager. The Network Provider case manager will notify the
caregiver and the youth of the approval/denial.
If approved, the Network Provider case manager will ensure the youth is assisted in maintaining
necessary documentation for the Extended Care program.
If a caregiver or Network Provider becomes aware of a youth, who is interested and eligible for Return to
Extended Care, the same process will be followed.
The Network Provider will maintain documentation such as school transcripts or pay stubs to demonstrate
any such youth 18 to 22 years of age is qualified to remain in Extended Foster Care or Return to Care.
Network Provider must notify Belong if a youth no longer meets eligibility criteria for Extended Foster
Care or Return to Care.
Note: Young Adults who desire to return to Extended Foster Care during their 6 or 12 months
(determined by court order) Trial Independence period (Trial Independence begins once they leave
paid foster care) are considered to be in Extended Foster Care. Young Adults who desire to return to
Extended Foster Care after their Trial Independence period are considered Young Adults in Return to
Extended Foster Care.
Return to Care
If youth has left care and choses to return to care, youth must contact the DFPS PAL Caseworker to start
the process to return to care. The DFPS caseworker will run required checks before referring to Belong for
placement. The DFPS case worker will assist the youth in completing the Voluntary Extended Foster
Care Agreement (Form 2540).
Planned & Unplanned Discharge from Extended or Return to Extended Foster Care
As a voluntary program, discharge from Extended or Return to Extended Foster Care can occur:
When the young adult completes Extended or Return to Extended Foster Care goals
When the young adult loses Extended or Return to Extended Foster Care eligibility
At the request of DFPS, the foster caregiver, the Network Provider or the young adult
All discharges are expected to be planned.
Planned Discharge
A planned discharge occurs when:
The young adult is due to complete goals for participation in Extended or Return to Extended
Foster Care; or
Eligibility for Extended or Return to Extended Foster Care is scheduled to end.
Within 90 days before planned discharge
Belong, DFPS Worker and Network Provider will:
Schedule a service planning meeting or Circle of Support with the young adult and other
important adults.
Work together to coordinate the type of meeting with the Network Provider or DFPS staff.
*FGDM Staff will document the meeting if it is a Circle of Support.
*DFPS Worker will document the meeting in IMPACT under Permanency Planning Meetings if it was a
Upon discharge DFPS Worker will work with Network Provider and Belong to ensure the young
adult has received all personal records and documents including:
Birth certificate
Social Security card
Texas Identification card or driver’s license
Savings account information
Medicaid card
Education records and transition portfolio
Personal pictures or keepsakes
Printed medical records from Health Passport
Unplanned Discharge
An unplanned discharge from Extended Foster Care or Return to Extended Foster Care occurs when:
Young adult’s behavior or noncompliance with Extended or Return to Extended Foster Care
eligibility results in the foster caregiver or Network Provider submitting a discharge notice and
another foster care placement cannot be found.
Young adult leaves the placement before the planned end date.
Belong, DFPS and the Network Provider will work together to prevent and address unplanned
discharges from Extended and Return to Extended Foster Care.
*Note: If Belong receives a discharge notice from a Network Provider for a young adult in Extended
Foster Care, Belong will follow the Placement Change Process before implementing the unplanned
discharge process.
Actions to Prevent an Unplanned Discharge
The following process outlines DFPS and Belong’s responsibilities when an unplanned discharge is
identified for a young adult in Extended or Return to Extended Foster Care.
Belong will:
When possible, schedule and convene a discharge staffing within one (1) day of learning about the
unplanned discharge, with:
Young adult
Current caregiver
DFPS Worker and supervisor
PAL Coordinator and supervisor
Belong Case Care Specialist
Attorney Ad Litem, if assigned
Other individuals who are interested and important to the young adult
During the staffing:
Review the reasons for the unplanned discharge
Review Extended and Return to Extended Foster Care eligibility requirements
Discuss the benefits of and parameters of remaining in current placement
Discuss the implications to leaving foster care or continued non-compliance with the Voluntary
Extended Foster Care Agreement
Identify short-term and long-term goals and tasks.
Based on the young adult’s current eligibility status and commitment to abide by placement
parameters, develop a recommendation regarding the young adult’s discharge from Extended
or Return to Extended Foster Care
If applicable, discuss the discharge process and schedule a discharge date
If applicable, set the next staffing date to follow up on the young adult’s progress to meeting the
requirements of Extended or Return to Extended Foster Care
Document the notes from the staffing and encourage the young adult’s signature, if possible
Continue to search for placement (paid and non-paid) for the young adult for 30 days after initial
discharge staffing
Supervised Independent Living (SIL)
Supervised Independent Living (SIL) placement settings are living arrangements offered through the
Extended Foster Care program that allow young adults to reside in a less restrictive, non-traditional foster
care setting while continuing to receive casework and support services to become independent and self-
Within 90 days of youth's 18th birthday, the Network Provider will provide information about the youth to
the Belong Independent Living/PAL Specialist. Belong will notify the DFPS Caseworker to coordinate a
meeting with the Network Provider case manager and the young adult to provide information to the youth
about their SIL options. Network Provider will coordinate with DFPS Caseworker and DFPS PAL staff to
assist the youth in completing the Voluntary Extended Foster Care Agreement (Form 2540) and submit
the completed form to Belong Case Care Specialist who will coordinate with DFPS PAL Caseworker on
submitting via email. The Voluntary Extended Care Form is sent to DFPS Eligibility staff for processing.
To be eligible for SIL, young adults must be able to live independently in a setting with minimal to no
supervision. Through conversations with the young adult and the initial assessment, the young adult will
be placed in the setting which best meets his or her needs. In order to maintain placement in the SIL
program, young adults must comply with the Voluntary Extended Foster Care Agreement (Form 2540).
Young adults can move through the settings offered based on behaviors, enhancement of skills, or overall
progress made in the young adult's current setting. DFPS caseworkers and Belong Case Care Specialists
will maintain documentation of the young adult's progress in case notes as well as in the subsequent
service planning meetings, which will be filed in the young adult's record.
If the youth chooses SIL services either in Region 8b or outside of Region 8b, the SIL request is sent to
Belong by e mailing the signed Voluntary Extended Care Form, SIL Application and a copy of the young
adult’s Application for Placement to palbelong@sjrctexas.org. The Belong staff will review the application
for appropriateness for the young adult to be eligible to be placed in a SIL setting and will make the
necessary referrals to Network Providers that will be able to meet the young adult’s needs. The Belong
Independent Living Specialist contacts the DFPS worker with the decision to refer the young adult to a
Supervised Independent Living placement and the Network Provider’s decision on accepting or denying
the youth’s request for placement.
When Belong receives SIL approval from the Network Provider, the Network Provider, Belong and DFPS
will coordinate the transfer of youth to a SIL placement.
National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD)
DFPS will take the lead on identifying youth (ages 17, 19, and 21) who will participate in surveys for the
National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD). DFPS will inform Belong of the youth who will
participate in NYTD surveys via email with subject line of “NYTD Survey Participant” if assistance is
needed to complete the survey.
Belong will assist DFPS in obtaining NYTD surveys from identified youth. Youth must be allowed to
take the NYTD survey on their own without assistance from others. Belong will maintain current contact
information for youth placed within their provider network and inform DFPS when updated information
becomes available.
Youth will need to have an active e-mail account. The SSCC will need to ensure that the Network
Provider is meeting this requirement.
Aftercare and Follow Up
Belong and the Network Provider value the importance of seeing our youth not just age out of the foster
care system, but age into a new community full of opportunities and life as a young adult. Before the
youth discharges from foster care, an Aftercare plan will be developed by the Network Provider case
manager along with the Belong Case Care Specialist focusing on the youth's preferences and
independent living needs. The Aftercare plan will include a termination of service evaluation and
assessment of "unmet" needs. Together, the Belong facilitated support system and youth will devise
goals and objectives meeting the "unmet" needs to monitor an on-going structure for a smooth discharge
and transition into adulthood.
Belong will take the primary lead on all adoption activities for referred children in DFPS conservatorship
in the Region 8b Community Based Care catchment area. DFPS conservators hip staff will continue to be
responsible for all legal and court activities.
Belong will conduct general and child-specific recruitment activities for adoption-motivated homes for
children from and referred to Region 8b.
Belong, DFPS and the Network Provider will work together on general and child-specific recruitment by:
Collaborating with and facilitating access to various adoption recruitment tools, such as Texas
Heart Gallery, Texas Adoption Resource Exchange (TARE), and others deemed appropriate
Collaborating on the development of child-specific profiles
Providing notice to any adoption events hosted by DFPS and/or Belong
Providing general or child-specific adoption inquiries as they are received
Belong will manage all general and child-specific adoption inquiries and will refer inquires to the list of
Network Providers on the Belong website, allowing the inquirer to choose the agency which best meets
their needs.
Home Studies
Belong will ensure home studies on all potential adoptive homes (including kinship) within Region 8b are
conducted and approved.
If a potential adoptive family is referred to Belong for an adoption home study, Belong will search for
Network Providers in the family's geographical area that have expressed interest in completing adoption
home studies and will provide these options to the family.
Adoption Inquiries
Belong will refer non-licensed potential adoptive families to Network Providers who are in their area and
provides the services the family requires.
Belong will receive and manage all foster to adopt inquiries for families interested in foster care or
adoption in the DFPS Region 8b service area.
Belong staff will respond to all inquiries with the following responses:
Belong staff obtain the necessary information from the caller to assess their needs by using the
fostering community website to determine the agencies that came up in the rotation.
Belong staff will refer the inquirer to the list of Network Providers by service and county.
Home Selection and Staffing
Belong will take the lead on review of a child and available home studies and will coordinate and host a
selection staffing with DFPS, CASA, ad litem, and guardian ad litem within seven (7) business days of
approval to move forward from DFPS. By the next business day after the staffing, Belong will send official
notification to DFPS and the Network Provider via email of:
Recommended adoptive home
No adoptive home is recommended
Once an adoptive home is approved, Belong will provide all appropriate information to the prospective
family (i.e. psychological evaluation, service plans, HSEGH, etc.) once received from DFPS. When the
prospective family agrees to proceed with the adoption process, DFPS will:
Complete redaction within 15 business days
Provide Belong a copy of the redacted file
Belong will give the redacted file to Network Provider within two business days of receipt. When an
adoptive home recommendation decides not to pursue adoption, BELONG will continue the recruitment
of adoptive homes to find a match for the child.
Presentation Staffing
After the prospective family has reviewed the child's case record, Belong will ensure a Presentation
Staffing is held with the prospective family, current caregiver, CASA, ad litem, guardian ad litem, Network
Provider case manager, DFPS and any additional appropriate identified individuals (i.e. Clinician). A
Presentation Staffing is an opportunity for the prospective family to ask questions, for the current family
to discuss the child's daily care, and for the attendees to collectively develop an appropriate transition
plan. The transition plan will include adoption preparation activities, pre- placement visits and
transportation, among other tasks. If the prospective family elects to not accept a child, the Network
Provider must notify Belong by the next business day of the Presentation Staffing.
Placement of the Child
When placement of the child with the adoptive family is determined, Belong will work together with the
Network Provider and the adoptive family to facilitate the physical placement of the child/youth in the
Adoption Services
In order to ensure placement stability, Belong will be contracting with the Network Provider to deliver
services to children placed with adoptive families prior to consummation of the adoption. The Network
Provider is responsible for managing all services (including but not limited to monthly post- placement
supervision) to prepare and support adoptive placements. The Network Provider will provide
documentation of these services to the Belong Case Care Specialist. The Network Provider will send
monthly reports to the Belong Case Care Specialist.
Solution-Based Communication
A. Case Conflicts and Appeals Process
There may be times when Belong, DFPS and a Network Provider may not agree on a case decision or
what should happen with a child and/or family. Solution-based communication will be used in these
At these times, all parties involved will need to work together and communicate via email,
phone calls, in person, or virtually to ensure best interest of child/ren and youth take
The safety and best interest of the child should always be paramount in making the case
decision and finding a solution to a barrier or disagreement.
The following section outlines the protocol to resolve case disagreements between Belong, DFPS and
Network Providers.
Step 1
DFPS workers and supervisors, Belong and/or Network Provider (all who are closest to the
issue) will work together to resolve case specific issues informally. This will be done through an
objective, solution-driven discussion or meeting (i.e. phone call or virtual meeting).
If a mutually agreeable solution is not achieved in three business days, those involved will notify
the other individuals of the plan to involve their chain of command. The disputed issue will be
escalated to the Program Director and/or Program Administrator level in DFPS, the Director
level at Belong and the Director level for the Network Provider for possible resolution. The
disputed issues will be elevated in writing.
A meeting will be scheduled by either Belong, DFPS or the Network Provider to discuss the
issue and come to an agreed upon solution. Belong, DFPS or the Network Provider will select
an uninvolved party to the specific case to listen to the issue and assist with coming to an
agreement. If an agreeable solution is not achieved during the meeting, it will be elevated to
step 2.
Disputes proceeding to Step 2 will be elevated to a knowledgeable, independent staff member
(such as the Community-Based Care Administrator) who understands the philosophy and goals
of community-based care and is not a direct supervisor of the individual involved in the dispute.
Belong must ensure continuity of services, as defined by DFPS, to the child or family affected
while seeking to resolve case-specific disputes.
Step 2
The escalating party will send an email with supporting documentation to the independent staff
member and Belong’s Director of Consumer Affairs with a subject line of “Solution-Based
Once a dispute is escalated (appeal), the Community-Based Care Administrator or independent
staff member will provide a written decision to the appeal within five business days. The written
decision will be emailed to the Belong’s Director of Consumer Affairs and all escalated parties
with the subject line of - “Solution-Based Communication Appeal Decision.”
If the Belong’s Director of Consumer Affairs or any of the escalated parties chooses, they will
have three business days from receipt of the notification from the Community-Based Care
Administrator to appeal the decision to the DFPS Regional Director. The DFPS Regional
Director will have five business days to make a decision on the Belong’s Director of Consumer
Affairs or escalated parties’ appeal.
If the Belong’s Director of Consumer Affairs or any escalated party chooses not to appeal, they
will notify the Community-Based Care Administrator or independent staff member. The
Community-Based Care Administrator or independent staff member will distribute the decision
to the appropriate staff and management.
If the Belong’s Director of Consumer Affairs or any escalated party appeals the decision of the
Community-Based Care Administrator or independent staff member to the DFPS Regional
Director, the DFPS Regional Director will distribute their decision to the appropriate staff and
Client Grievances
When a client files a complaint or grievance with Belong, DFPS or a Network Provider, Belong must work
to resolve the client concern as soon as possible.
The concern will be documented in writing by the party who received the complaint or grievance. This will
be sent to the Belong Director of Consumer Affairs and the Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts.
Step 1
The Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts will meet the client at the earliest possible time in the
offices of Belong. As a part of the review, the philosophy and goals of Community Based Care will be
reviewed and used as a guideline for the ultimate decision resolution.
The Network Provider must ensure continuity of services, as defined by the SSCC Contract and the
Network Provider manual, to the child or family affected while seeking to resolve client complaints or
The Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts will listen to the grievance and with assistance,
document the grievance as agreed upon by the client. The Network Provider will be asked to sign the
written grievance.
The Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts will then undertake a step-by-step review of the action(s)
leading to the client grievance in an attempt to obtain agreement from the Network Provider as to what
took place.
When the review is complete, the Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts will determine if any
decision(s) should be changed to reflect the policies and procedures governing Belong.
If the Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts determines an agency employee has contributed to a
misunderstanding or has erred in his/her interpretation of a policy or procedure, the Network Provider will
be informed in writing as soon as possible. Written verification the agency has substantiated the
grievance will be forwarded to the client within five (5) days.
If the Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts determines the agency employee has acted correctly,
the Network Provider will be informed of that fact immediately in writing. Written notification will be
forwarded within five (5) days to the client. The written notification will advise the client that the Director
of Quality Assurance and Contracts review could not substantiate any error. It will also advise the client
to contact the Director of Consumer Affairs who is responsible, in writing, if the customer wishes to appeal
the decision. The email address and telephone number(s) of the Director of Consumer Affairs will be
provided to the Network Provider and client
Step 2
The Director of Consumer Affairs will arrange a meeting with the Network Provider at the earliest possible
time to discuss the grievance. The Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts will be invited to the
meeting. The Director of Consumer Affairs will ensure that the Network Provider is notified of the date,
time, and place of meeting. As a part of the review, the philosophy and goals of Community Based Care
will be reviewed and used as a guideline for the ultimate decision resolution.
The Network Provider will be advised that they may bring any witnesses having specific knowledge of the
grievance to the meeting. The Network Provider is responsible for ensuring their witnesses know of the
date, time and place of the meeting.
The Director of Consumer Affairs will ask the client to present his/her understanding of the issue leading
to the grievance. When the client has presented their understanding, including any witnesses, the Director
of Consumer Affairs will be asked to summarize the agency actions with reference to appropriate policies,
procedures, or regulations governing the action(s) taken.
The Network Provider will be advised that the Director of Consumer Affairs will contact them within five
(5) days with a decision. Initial notification of the decision will be by telephone within five (5) days with
follow-up formal notification by written correspondence.
If the decision is to reverse the agency action(s) or alternative remedies, the Director of Consumer Affairs
will so notify the Network Provider by telephone. The involved department Director will be notified also
with direction to contact the client and work out the resolution. If possible, an employee different from the
employee involved in the original grievance will be assigned to work with the Network Provider. If this is
not possible because of staffing constraints, the department Director will insure the employee
understands the reasons for the reversal and views the matter in a professional manner.
If the Director of Consumer Affairs agrees that all action(s) completed by the agency were correct, the
client will be notified in writing with the envelope postmarked within five (5) days of the meeting. This
notification will advise the client that they may appeal the decision to the Chief Operating Officer and will
include the address and telephone number(s) of the Chief Operating Officer.
Step 3
The Chief Operating Officer responsible will arrange a meeting with the Network Provider at the earliest
possible time to discuss the grievance. The Director of Consumer Affairs and department Director will be
invited to the meeting. As a part of the review, the philosophy and goals of Community Based Care will
be reviewed and used as a guideline for the ultimate decision resolution.
The Network Provider will be advised that they may bring any witnesses having specific knowledge of the
grievance to the meeting. The client is responsible for ensuring their witnesses know of the date, time
and place of the meeting.
The Chief Operating Officer will ask the Network Provider to present his/her understanding of the issue
leading to the grievance. When the Network Provider has presented their understanding, including any
witnesses, the department COO will be asked to summarize the agency actions with reference to
appropriate policies, procedures, or regulations governing the action(s) taken.
The client will be advised that the Chief Operating Officer will contact them within five (5) days with a
decision. Initial notification of the decision will be by telephone with follow-up formal notification by written
If the decision is to reverse the agency action(s), the Chief Operating Officer will so notify the customer by
telephone. The department Director will be notified also with direction to contact the client and work out
the resolution.
If the Chief Operating Officer agrees that all action(s) completed by the agency were correct, the client will
be notified in writing with the envelope postmarked within five (5) days of the meeting. This notification
will advise the client that they may appeal the decision to the President/CEO and will include the address
and telephone number(s) of the President/CEO.
Step 4
After reviewing the grievance, and the documentation of the decisions made at Steps 1 through 3, the
President/CEO will arrange a meeting with the Network Provider at the earliest possible time to review the
client’s grievance. The President/CEO may make the final decision on the grievance alone or may choose
to appoint an ad hoc committee of community professionals or board members to assist in reaching the
final decision. As a part of the review, the philosophy and goals of Community Based Care will be
reviewed and used as a guideline for the ultimate decision resolution.
The President/CEO will ask the Network Provider to present his/her understanding of the issue leading
to the grievance. The Chief Operating Officer and/or Director of Consumer Affairs will be asked to
summarize the agency actions with reference to appropriate policies, procedures, or regulations
governing the action(s) taken.
The Network Provider will be advised that the President/CEO will contact them within five (5) days with
the final decision. Initial notification of the decision will be by telephone with follow- up formal notification
by written correspondence.
The decision rendered by the President/CEO is the final decision within the grievance procedures of
Complaints and Concerns
Belong will ensure all children and youth ages 18 years or younger in foster care understand their rights.
They include living in a safe home, being treated fairly, not being treated differently because they asked
for help. A copy of the most recent ombudsman poster must be posted where it is always visible to
children/youth. Children/youth may contact the Ombudsman at any time they feel necessary.
The Foster Care Ombudsman can answer questions or help resolve a complaint for children/youth in
foster care. The Ombudsman will help foster care youth understand their rights, answer questions and
assist with resources. There are four ways to contact the Ombudsman:
1. Phone: 844-286-0769, 8 a.m.-5 p.m., Monday-Friday. If you have a hearing or speech disability,
call the toll-free Relay Texas service at 7-1-1 or 800-735-2989.
2. Online: Submit your question or complaint online:
3. Mail: Texas Health and Human Services Commission: Foster Care Ombudsman, P.O. Box
13247 Austin, TX 78711-3247
4. Fax: 888-780-8099
Any consumer/client, Provider, DFPS employee, or community stakeholder can submit a complaint or
concern directly with Belong by sending an email to consumeraffairsbelong@sjrctexas.org . The Belong
Director of Consumer Affairs and/or Consumer Affairs Specialist will receive those emails and will ensure
that the complaint is addressed in a timely manner.
Conflicts of Interest in Contracting and Case Management
1. Contracting Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest exists when a Network Provider or a Network Provider employee’s private interest
conflicts or interferes with their ability to perform their duties.
Examples of a conflict of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Using or attempting to use their position for an advantage in a personal matter.
Accepting a gift, a service, or a job, or doing a professional activity, that could appear to influence
job performance or to disclose confidential information.
In all contracting processes, there is a potential for conflicts of interest. This may be a real or perceived
conflict of interest that is uncovered during the contracting process or may occur during the life of a contract.
Belong requires Network Providers to have an internal conflict of interest policy that they will recommit to
annually through training.
The contracting process will include a determination that there are no real or
perceived conflicts of interest as a result of a provider entering into a network contract
with the SSCC.
Employees must disclose, in writing, any potential or actual conflict of interest concerning any contract or
procurement in which they are, or may become, engaged.
If a potential contracting conflict of interest arises, Belong will attempt to mitigate the risk of perceived or
actual conflict of interest. If the potential conflict cannot be mitigated, Belong will notify DFPS describing the
potential conflict in addition to methods of mitigation. Belong understands that DFPS reserves the right to
make a final determination regarding any potential conflict of interest.
2. Case Management Conflicts of Interest
A conflict of interest exists when a Network Provider or a Network Provider employee’s private interest
conflicts or interferes with their ability to perform their duties.
Examples of a conflict of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
Using or attempting to use their position for an advantage in a personal matter.
Doing a professional activity that would access or disclose confidential information.
Employees are not to accept gifts, meals, gratuities, free trips, personal property or other items of
value from clients, families of clients or any individual as an inducement to influence services
Case Managers must disclose, in writing, any potential or actual case management conflict of interest
concerning any client on their assigned caseload to their supervisor to determine the resolution.
Media and/or Situations Requiring Immediate Notification to Belong
Any time the media is involved with a child placed within the Belong Network, the Network Provider
must inform the Belong Chief Public Relations Officer in order to ensure supported communication
There are situations that can result in a crisis communication situation and therefore require immediate
notification. These situations include:
When a child, who is referred or placed within Belong Network, is in a life-threatening situation,
Any time the media is involved with a child placed within Belong Network regarding non-positive
If a situation occurs requiring immediate notification to Belong, the following procedures will apply:
Network Provider will contact and inform the Belong Chief Public Relations Officer of the
The Chief Public Relations Officer will work with Belong and the Network Provider to develop a
crisis communication plan.
All staff from Belong and the Network Provider will follow the agreed upon plan in all media
interactions and other communication efforts.
Belong understands staff development is core to organizational advancement. Our training programs
provide employees in all roles/disciplines and foster parents with opportunities to develop essential
knowledge and skills. Belong utilizes an annual training plan to guide professional development across
the organization and works to implement best practices and address retention/competency training as
appropriate. In collaboration with DFPS, HHSC, Federal Laws, Accrediting Body (if applicable), and the
Provider Network, Belong will define and develop new training strategies to serve the Region 8b area
and meet the needs of all Region 8b children and families as well as enhance the continuum of service.
Programs will encourage cultural competency, innovative program development, and evidence-based
service delivery, and improve effectiveness working with individuals and families with diverse
backgrounds and needs.
Belong will support each Network Provider to ensure Network Providers have Department of Family and
Protective Services (DFPS), Health and Human Services (HHSC) Minimum Standards and/national
accreditation requirements (if applicable) training as required to perform all duties as expected in the
SSCC Contract, the Network Provider Services Agreement and the Network Provider’s Manual. Belong
will also be monitoring and supporting each Network Provider in their participation of additional trainings
at no cost to Network Provider to facilitate best practices, philosophy, and the mission of Community
Based Care within Region 8b.
Belong training opportunities will be posted/updated as required on the Belong website
Performance Measures/Quality Indicators
Belong views the Community Based Care Initiative as an opportunity to significantly improve outcomes
for our Region 8b children and their families so we are engaging in partnerships to build a community-
based system of care. DFPS will monitor the performance, services, and deliverables of the SSCC.
Belong will monitor the Network Provider on all services and deliverables within the SSCC contract.
The Network Providers will work in partnership with Belong to improve outcomes and overall well-being
for Children as it relates to the Federal Child and Family Service Review (CFSR), HHSC and DFPS
outcomes as outlined below:
Performance Measure
Children/youth are safe from abuse and neglect.
Children/youth have stability in their placements.
Least Restrictive
Children/youth are placed in the least restrictive environment.
Children/youth are placed in their home communities.
Children/youth are placed with their siblings.
Children/youth are placed with kin.*
Preparation for
Youth age 16 and older obtain a driver’s license or Texas identification card.
Youth turning 18 complete Preparation for Adult Living (PAL) training.
Participation in
Children/youth age 5 and older participate in service planning.
Children/youth attend court hearings.
Children/youth remain in their school of origin.
Case worker turnover rate is maintained or improved.
*The Kinship and Turnover performance measures are added in Stage II CBC.
Belong Performance Quality Improvement Process includes monitoring the following regarding the
Network Providers:
Acceptable levels of performance by Belong and the Network Providers on contract outcomes
outlined above.
Regular and timely submission of extensive data and information for each child served as well as
data on foster homes or facilities within the Network. This includes placement vacancies, data entry
related to Performance Management Evaluation Tool (PMET) outcomes quarterly, daily reporting
of specific data elements to the utilized Texas Gateway and CareMatch™ systems, and any other
data as needed by Belong.
Compliance with applicable HHSC minimum standards for each service type provided by the
Network Providers. Deficiencies/Technical Assistance issued by HHSC/DFPS
Licensing/Contracts and Belong QA and contracts teams. All documents received by the
Network Provider will be reviewed by Belong as part of the SSCC Performance Quality
Improvement process. Action plans for Network Providers will be created based on the type of
deficiency received.
Acceptable performance on stakeholder and client surveys administered by Belong.
Children are Safe from Abuse and Neglect
The safety of children, youth and families are a primary consideration of Belong. To support these efforts,
Belong will utilize risk assessment tools, computerized algorithms to identify strength and outcome trends
in the Network, and frequent case manager visitations to further evaluate safety in the various placement
settings within the continuum of care.
As part of risk management, Belong has contracted with Praesidium Abuse Risk Management.
Praesidium is a recognized national leader in identifying and analyzing organizations for potential risks of
abuse and will assist Belong and the Network Providers to develop industry best practices in preventing
both child-to-child and adult-to-child abuse within programs. Network Providers will complete a “Know
Your Score” risk assessment in the first year of their contract with Belong and the results will be sent
directly to the Network Provider agency only. Belong will pay for these assessments but will not see the
results. The Network Providers are encouraged to develop a plan for response to the results of their risk
assessment and implement as recommended by Praesidium, to further protect children.
Children are Placed in their Home Communities
Belong understands the critical importance of geographically appropriate placements. Strong emphasis
will be made to support local placements, to ensure continuity of each child's living context, to include
schools, religious affiliation, recreational participation, extended family, employment, and other support
systems. Belong will work with members of the Provider Network as well as new Network Providers to
expand capacity placement options within 8b community.
Placement in the most appropriate/least-restrictive environment within a child's home community
provides a sense of continuity and retains connections with family, peers, schools, religious practitioners,
and medical providers. Providing required services in the home community is essential to supporting a
community-based system of care.
Leveraging technology, Belong staff will always search for a home close to the child's home community.
Belong clearly understands proximity to the child's home as one of our priority placements factors. In
addition, Belong will work with the Network Providers to develop a geographically and ethnically diverse
group of foster homes using DFPS removal data as well as focus on rural counties as part of our
recruitment strategy.
Children are Appropriately Served in the Least Restrictive Environment
Belong and our Network Providers understand children are best served in least restrictive placements
and supports minimal moves for the child. Utilizing an innovative algorithm-based placement tool
(CareMatch™) as the Network Administrator, Belong seeks to make the first placement the best
placement for every child and youth. In addition, Belong and the Network Provider will utilize innovative
‘wraparound' efforts to support children and youth with behavioral or mental health needs, so they receive
the support and treatment needed to experience success in less restrictive settings. When more intensive
or restrictive environments are warranted, innovation drives short-term stabilization, rather than long-term
placement in that setting. During that phase of care, supportive services are provided to both the youth
and the caregiver, with the goal of returning the youth to their less restrictive environment as soon as
Belong and the Network Providers will implement-enhanced searches for permanent placement
opportunities within or near the child's home community. Belong and the Network Providers will increase
training and oversight to improve capacity for existing foster parents to accept an increased variety of
placements in essential communities. This SSCC contract requires a detailed recruitment plan for foster
families, adoptive families, and alternate care providers from Network Providers, including specific
strategies to utilize faith-based and other targeted group programs.
Connections to Family and Others Important to the Child are Maintained
Belong encourages all people with an interest in the well-being of a child to be involved in a
comprehensive treatment plan for the child and family.
Belong will ensure service planning actively engages families, relatives, CASA volunteers, DFPS
caseworkers and other significant people in the child's life. In addition to previously stated adults, the
involvement of teachers, coaches, ministers of faith and others with whom the child has developed an
attachment, is welcomed. Belong understands the importance of strong and meaningful connections for
our children and youth and works to support and nurture essential and supportive relationships. Belong
is committed to ensuring children maintain and grow the crucial natural supports that will help them long
after permanency is achieved.
Belong's approach for strengthening family and other connections includes the following strategies:
Increasing local placement options in as many communities as possible
Developing procedures to ensure frequent and meaningful family and sibling visitation occurs
Improving the birth parent - foster parent relationship
Monitoring Plans of Service for all children/youth regarding implementing or maintaining
engagement with activities and supportive members of their local community (e.g., Little League
Team and Coach or youth group and Minister at their church)
Integrating family centered, strength-based case practice
Children are Placed with Siblings
Belong makes every effort to ensure siblings are placed together when possible. In many cases,
placement with siblings in one foster home/agency can reduce stressors on the children and foster
families/staff as well as ease transitions into care and facilitate reunification. Placing all siblings together
improves the efficacy of service planning, developing, and carrying out permanency plans and increases
communication between foster families, birth parents, DFPS Caseworkers and Officers of the Court.
Whenever siblings are placed in separate foster homes or agencies, Belong will attempt to place the
siblings in close proximity to facilitate more sibling contact. We will also work to maintain connections
when siblings are not placed together by utilizing the same therapist and to set-up Respite between the
families if in foster home. The Network Provider Case Manager must ensure sibling contact is maintained
at a frequency that is in the best interest of the children and within DFPS guidelines and requirements.
Unless it is determined face-to-face contact is not in the best interest of the child/youth and, provided the
sibling is residing within a 100-mile radius, contact is face-to-face at least monthly. If the sibling is outside
of the designated radius, contact between the siblings occurs via phone contact, Skype, Zoom or other
electronic means at least two times per month.
In addition, Belong and the Network Provider will work to maintain connections for youth in care who have
a family member, other than siblings or parents, identified by their DFPS worker as a significant family
Understanding that placing siblings together can be significant to their sense of safety and well-being,
foster parents will also be trained to understand this significant dynamic. This understanding helps motivate
foster parents to care for entire sibling groups if possible. When necessary, Belong and the Network
Provider will request variances to allow greater capacity in a home, so children can be placed with
Belong also takes a proactive stance when there is an opportunity to move siblings together if they are
initially separated at placement. If an opening arises in the home of one of the siblings that can
accommodate another sibling, we will inform the Network Provider case manager of the child and that
there may be an opportunity to place siblings together. The Network Provider should discuss this with the
caregiver and ensure they understand the benefits of placing the siblings together.
Services Respect the Child's Culture
Delivering services to all children, youth and their families in a culturally competent manner is a primary
objective of Belong. Network Providers must ensure their staff complete training on cultural competency
annually to include specific insight and skills for working with the LGBTQIA+ community. Belong will make
the training available to all Network Providers in the SSCC Network, as needed.
The Network Provider will make and document good faith efforts, in the child's plan of service, to ensure
children are able to preserve desired and appropriate connections to the child's own cultural identity and
community. This includes religious/spiritual, family members, school, and organizations through on-site
or off-site means, and other people or groups to which a child is bonded, and which help the child maintain
Belong provides services to people with various cultures, races, ethnic backgrounds, and religions in a
manner that recognizes values, affirms, and respects the worth of the individuals, and protects and
preserves their dignity. Belong does not discriminate in any way in the manner in which it provides
services to its client population. Belong will exhibit a clear understanding of the cultural beliefs of children
and families in the distinct communities and population hubs within the designated catchment area.
Belong will ensure that the Network Provider adheres to all state and federal laws and regulations
governing race, ethnicity, and culture in placement and services to children and families. Federal
regulations include MEPA, IEPA, and ICWA.
It is essential for culturally appropriate service providers to establish a foundation of respect, trust, and
empowerment, as families and children are more successful and responsive to interventions when they
feel respected.
Belong will provide ongoing education in the form of orientation, training, workshops, and other
educational opportunities to help staff, caregivers, and Network Providers understand the impact race,
culture, and ethnic identity have on them and others and how they impact services to children and
Belong will ensure that caregivers and Network Providers understand the impact of disproportionality and
disparities in the child welfare system. Disproportionality is the over representation of a particular race or
cultural group in a program or system and is an issue DFPS remains committed to addressing. Belong
Analyze catchment area specific statistics/data on race and ethnicity and ensure they are
included as a part of the procurement library, which can be found on the ESBD
http://www.txsmartbuy.com/sp website.
Coordinate and deliver services in a manner that is relevant to the culture of children and
families served in the distinct communities and population hubs within the designated
catchment area.
Develop and implement a plan to ensure the composition of the SSCC workforce reflects the
race, ethnicity, and culture of the client population.
Verify that Network Provider’s staff and caregivers/foster parents receive Cultural Diversity
training on an annual basis (3 hours).
Support the foster family if a need in this area arises by facilitating community connections and
Ensure Network Providers coordinate and deliver services in a manner that is relevant to the
culture of children and families served in the distinct communities and population hubs within
Region 8b.
Network Providers will:
Deliver services in a manner that is relevant to the culture of children and families served.
Be required to attend training that addresses cultural competencies.
Ensure when foster children are placed in a foster home, the cultural dynamics of the home are
taken into consideration prior to the placement.
Ensure the initial and ongoing child plans of service for all clients will reflect their cultural
competencies and the steps taken to implement the particular client’s culture into the daily
activities and operations of the Network Provider.
To be fully prepared for successful adulthood, Belong and the Network Providers will provide children and
youth with normalcy including opportunities, experiences, and activities similar to those experienced by
their non- foster care peers. We will work to give all youth in care, opportunities to enjoy the experiences,
and activities available to their peers (youth not in the foster care system).
Youth in all foster homes and residential facilities participate in activities in the community. These include
dining out, going to a movie, shopping at malls, activities at bowling alleys, theme parks and for some,
part-time employment. Youth should attend public school and are encouraged to participate in extra-
curricular sports, arts and culture or academic programming.
Children and Youth are Provided Opportunities to Participate in Decisions that Impact their Lives
At every opportunity, Belong and the Network Provider engages children and youth to participate in the
decisions affecting their lives. The empowerment of children and youth to work collaboratively with Belong
staff and the Network Provider Case Manager to plan for their future is a strong value of our system, and
the benefits of this approach are easily apparent. Youth are much more invested in their service plans
when they feel ownership for the plan. All programs subscribe to the strength-focused principle that clients
are the experts on their own circumstances and needs. Staff should bring skills, experience, and best
practices and through a partnership relationship help children reach decisions that are most meaningful
and represent a realistic likelihood of being successful. Whenever possible, and, as appropriate for the
child's chronological or developmental age or ability, the Network Provider Case Manager will have
children participate in person, by phone or by electronic means, in legal and DFPS permanency
processes such as court hearings, staffing’s and other service planning events.
Formal and informal goal setting is seen as a collaborative effort. The Network Provider Case Manager
will ensure children and youth participate in and sign their service plans with age and ability
appropriateness. Children are also encouraged to express their needs and preferences for things such
as choosing if they are interested in attending religious services and of what denomination, what
extracurricular activities they pursue, and goals for their permanency plans.
Foster Care Litigation
Belong will monitor Network Providers to ensure compliance with Foster Care Litigation including but not
limited to those listed below:
ROA7/A8: Continuous 24-hour wake supervision
RO4: Sexual Abuse and Child Sexual Aggression Training (CSA) completion
RO20: Contract monitoring findings, complaints contract violations required quarterly; Notification
of child abuse/neglect deficiencies
RO22: Reporting of serious incidents
RO25/27/31: Caregiver Certification on Notification of Sexual Aggression/Victimization History
(Form B909-1034 CSA)
In addition, Belong will ensure DFPS is aware of any noncompliance with remedial orders outlined in the
Foster Care Litigation requirements. Belong will track trends and patterns from each Network Provider in
order to provide additional support in needed areas to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in care.
Risk Management and Reporting
Immediately, but no later than 24-hours after knowledge of serious incidents (as defined by Network
Provider Services Agreement), licensing investigations, licensure board reports and investigations,
suspected fraud or fraud investigations and violations that occur within Network Provider's business, the
Network Provider must submit to Belong a written incident report. For these circumstances, and at all
times in general, the Network Provider must have operational procedures and mechanisms in place to
ensure staff are knowledgeable of and respond immediately to conditions or situations that may pose a
threat to child safety.
Network Providers and staff are mandatory reporters. Network Providers are to immediately report
knowledge of or suspicion of abuse, neglect, or exploitation of a child to Belong and directly to the Texas
Abuse Hotline at (800) 252-5400 or online at http://www.txabusehotline.org.
Belong will promptly report any suspected case of abuse, neglect, or exploitation to the appropriate
authority as required by the Texas Family Code, Chapter 261. All reports must be made within twenty-
four (24) hours of the discovery of abuse, neglect, or exploitation.
Belong will provide an annual report of the internal assessment of overall risk to SJRC Texas Board of
Directors and Council on Accreditation.
Serious Incident Reporting
Serious Incident Response:
Network Providers and Belong staff are mandatory reporters (those working with vulnerable people
including children and are therefore legally required to ensure a report is made when abuse is
observed or suspected). Any incident that fits the criteria for mandatory reporting will be reported
to Belong within the timeframes set by RCCL.
Upon receiving notification of an incident regarding a child/youth the Network Provider will decide
as to whether the incident demands mandatory reporting to authorities other than Belong.
Serious incidents are to be handled as opportunities for enhancing the growth and development of
clients, not as justification for terminating the placement if appropriate.
Whenever possible, serious incidents are to be handled in a manner that preserves the placement,
assures continuity of care, and provides a learning experience for both the child/youth and foster
parent and/or placement entity.
Incidents to be reported include but are not limited to:
Death of a child
Reasonable cause to believe a child has suffered abuse or neglect.
Suicidal ideations, gestures, or attempts.
Homicidal ideations, gestures, or attempts.
Disclosure of sexual or physical abuse
Physical assaults between two or more children
Physical assault of foster parents and/or staff
Use of physical restraint on a child.
Runaway or missing child
Increased threat to the safety of a child
Sexual contact between children that is not determined to be typical play between
preschool age children.
Any medication that is given inappropriately or lapsed doses of medication.
Unexpected health problems including but not limited to offsite emergency medical
Violations of licensing or certification requirements where the health and safety of a foster
child is at risk and violations are not corrected immediately.
Serious property damage or other significant licensing violations that are a safety hazard
and are not immediately corrected and may compromise the health and safety of youths in
Network Providers will contact their assigned Case Care Specialist in the event of a crisis
and/or emergency situation. In the event the Case Care Specialist is not responsive within 30
minutes, the Network Provider should follow the Belong On-Call phone tree.
Network Providers will follow Minimum Standards when reporting incidents to Belong. At a minimum,
providers will submit a written incident report to Belong at incidentsbelong@sjrctexas.org within 24 hours
of the incident.
A Serious Incident Report should be completed for each contact made in the case of a presumed
emergency or crisis situation. This report must include the following:
Name of child/youth involved in the incident or crisis situation
Developmental and chronological age of child(ren)/youth involved in the incident
Date and time of the incident or crisis situation
Date, time, and method of notification made to Belong placement authority, supervisor, and
Nature of the incident or crisis situation
Actions taken by Belong and Network Provider
Date report was completed
Date report was submitted to DFPS and Belong
Notation as to whether or not mandatory reporting is required
Upon receiving the immediate notification of an incident Belong (Quality Assurance and Contracts
Specialist, Risk Management Specialist and/or Case Care Specialist as appropriate) will contact the Network
Provider to review the course of action taken by the Network Provider and will determine as a team if
further interventions are needed. This would include, but is not limited to, a corrective action plan,
additional wraparound support services, and training.
All incident reports will be available to DFPS for their review. Any incident reporting of an injury, runaway,
missing child, or increased threat to the safety of a child will be reported immediately to DFPS.
Belong will work in partnership with RCCL on any investigation that results from a Network Provider’s
incident report.
Belong will identify trends by Network Providers and the Network as a whole. If a trend is identified in a
specific area, Belong will assist with the formation of a Workgroup to address improvement in that specific
area. This Workgroup may be Network Provider-focus or Network-focus.
Belong Network providers must refer to HHSC Minimum Standards for Child Placing
Agencies/General Residential Operations, Subchapter D, Reporting Serious Incidents and Other
Occurrences. Network Providers must report and document the serious incidents involving a child in
your care. The reports must be made to the following entities, and the reporting and documenting must
be within the specified timeframes to include reporting directly to Belong.
Responsibilities of Network Providers
A Network Provider is only authorized to act as the SSCC’s Agent if appointed in writing by the SSCC
and only for the specific purpose and scope identified by the written contract. All responsibilities are
covered in the Network Provider Services Agreement and Belong Network Provider Manual.
Below is a list of responsibilities including but not limited to the following:
Maintaining good standing with RCCL and the Comptroller’s office
Licensing foster homes and registering them within Child Care Licensing Automated Support
System CLASS
Updating the placement availability through the Texas Provider Gateway as needed
Reviewing and Receiving Referrals
Accepting Placements
Abiding by the Belong Network Provider Services Agreement and the Belong Network Provider
Communicating with Belong in a timely manner via established protocol.
Working with Belong regarding discrepancies, disputes regarding case information, and or days
of care reimbursements.
Providing Belong with the required PMET data within required timeframes.
Recruitment of Foster Homes
Recruitment of Adoptive Families
Managing the direct service delivery of subcontractors
Managing provision of their own services
Working with Belong to provide services to Birth Families Stage II
Managing a Disaster and Emergency Preparedness Plan
Providing quality services as evidenced by maintaining children/youth safe and in the least
restrictive environment.
Network Provider Committees and Meetings
Belong will have several committees and established meetings to ensure there is collaboration between
Belong and the Provider Network.
Disaster and Emergency Response Preparedness Plan (DERPP)
To maintain physical safety of staff and clients, Belong and all Network Providers will require a DERPP
that includes clear steps to address safety and services for children and youth in foster care and caregiver
All employees and contractors within the system of care are required to undergo training regarding
disaster recovery procedures and demonstrate their role ensuring Network Provider continuity and safety
for children and caregivers. The Belong DERPP will also address a response in situations when our staff
and Network providers’ employees may also be affected by the disaster.
The information held within the DERPP lays out a plan of action and lists responsibilities and tasks for
Belong personnel in the event of a disaster striking Region 8b, the state, portions of it or anywhere in the
United States where any 8b child, youth or young adult is placed. Belong personnel will follow SJRC
Texas Policy and Procedures for Disaster and Emergency Response Preparedness Plan.
Belong will ensure that all licensed kinship/fictive kinship placements, licensed foster/adoptive homes,
and all general residential operations have a current DERPP for each 8b child placed in the Belong
Licensed Foster/Adoptive placements (CPA and GRO)
The DERPP will be completed for all licensed foster/adoptive placements and at a minimum include all
the elements of Form 2288 Disaster Plan for DFPS Foster and Adoptive Homes. In addition, the
DERPP should include the following:
Mandatory evacuation if directed by local officials;
Emergency evacuation;
Emergency response;
Disaster planning training for all staff and Caregivers;
Preserving all child records;
Contact information for the assigned DFPS Caseworker and supervisor for each child is available;
Process that the Network Provider will use to track each child and their location;
Provision of services during and after the emergency or disaster;
Maintaining Communication between DFPS, Belong, and Network Provider;
Post emergency and disaster plan; and
Arrangements for adequate provision of:
Emergency Equipment
Emergency Services
Medically necessary equipment, medications and supplies, or access to these items for the
child(ren) during an emergency
The Case Care Specialist will ensure that there are at least two current emergency contacts for all children,
families, and placements in the event of an emergency or disaster. This information will be documented
in the Case Narrative. Internal and External Emergencies or Disasters include, but are not limited to:
Acts of nature (such as flood, hurricane, snow, ice, fires, and tornados)
Chemical or hazardous material spills
Critical equipment failures
Weapons of mass destruction events
Acts of terrorism
The DERPP will be reviewed at least every two years or when changes to administration, physical location,
or emergency contacts occur.
The Network Provider must ensure that Belong has their current agency Emergency and Disaster contact
The Network Provider must contact the Belong Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts in the event of
an emergency or disaster.
Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts
210-876-6763 x1804
Once Belong is contacted by a Network Provider regarding and Emergency or Disaster, the Director of
Quality Assurance and Contracts will generate the active placement and provider reports from CareMatch.
These reports will be used to identify and track current child location and well-being. The tracking will
continue until Post Emergency and Disaster plans are in place.
The Quality and Assurance and Contracts specialists will periodically audit CareMatch to ensure that
children placed have at least two emergency contacts. Any missing data will be reported to the Case Care
management team for correction.
Information System disaster and recovery is a requirement for all Network Providers during an emergency
or disaster event.
Back-up and Disaster Recovery
DFPS and Belong require backups of data and applications enable the recovery of data in the event of loss
or damage due to natural disasters. The following are requirements to ensure back-up and disaster
Backups must be of sufficient frequency and extent to support documented business continuity
and disaster recovery plans. Frequency and extent may vary, depending on data classification and
owner requirements.
Physical access controls in use at any offsite storage location must meet or exceed the physical
access controls defined for the source systems.
Media used in the provision of backup storage must be protected in accordance with the highest
level of sensitivity of information being stored.
A success verification process must be implemented for all electronic information backups.
Electronic information backups must be periodically tested to assure recoverability.
At a minimum, stored data must include clearly identifiable labels or coding systems:
System name
Creation date
Sensitivity classification (based on applicable record retention regulations)
Contact information
Offsite storage facilities must be geographically located away from primary physical location of the
information resource so that a single disaster will not destroy the data at both sites.
Confidential DFPS and or child information material transmitted over external network connections
must be encrypted or otherwise protected as required by rule or law.
Backup systems to prevent data and information loss require a redundant power source such as
battery backups or generators.
Quality Improvement and Contract Management
Belong's approach to managing services is outcome driven, data informed, and performance based. As
the SSCC, Belong will implement a network-wide service management and outcomes measurement
system that will allow us to evaluate case progress and service program effectiveness at both the case
and system levels. Our process will allow Belong management to hold ourselves and those we partner
with accountable for financial, quality, and outcome measures that promote child safety, well-being, and
Overview of Managing / Oversight of Network Providers
Belong will provide leadership and manage the Provider Network, and does not intend to provide direct
services, nor to compete with its service partners. Belong will be the point of communication for the SSCC
with DFPS. Network Provider performance will be evaluated and monitored regularly. Support will be
made available to Network Providers in order to assist them in meeting performance standards. Support
may be provided through training, referral for resources, or conflict resolution.
Network Providers who deliver more than one service may have separate contracts for each service to
ensure compliance with applicable state and federal laws, regulations, and rules, and to allow for more
accountability for outcomes. Enrollment for a Network Provider occurs when the provider has been
approved by DFPS and entered into the Belong Provider Network in IMPACT.
Interactions between Belong and Network Provider include but not limited to the following:
At least 80% of the Child Placing Agency Network Providers will have an on-site visit within the
first year of enrollment.
At least 70% of Emergency Shelter/General Residential Operation/ Residential Treatment Center
Network Providers will have an on-site visit within the first year of enrollment if serving more than
ten Region 8b clients.
Network Providers that have not had an on-site visit will have a desk review within the first year
of enrollment. The Quality Assurance and Contract Specialist will conduct case reviews on an
ongoing basis to monitor for Service Delivery.
After the initial monitoring visit, there will be annual site visits with possibly more frequent visits (based on
identified risk factors) and interviews in order to monitor quality management. Network Providers will also
be engaged in regular and on-going training, and evaluation of appropriateness of placements made
through the regular submission of data for performance outcomes.
Belong’s role of ensuring compliance of Network Providers within the Network
Our approach to quality management is Performance Quality Improvement. At the center of every
discussion is how process improvement will impact our children and families.
Case Review
Belong is responsible for ensuring children/youth receive a full continuum of service. On a periodic basis,
cases will be reviewed to ensure compliance. Belong maintains the confidentiality of case records while
providing persons served or their designated legal representative’s access to their case records in
accordance with state and federal privacy laws.
Case Review Process
These reviews will focus on specific needs within our community, and consumers serving the
population, which will be determined through the required case reviews. We have also developed
risk factors regarding case reviews, a process that initiates a case review when certain risk factors
are present. For Belong those risk factors that will generate case reviews include:
Separated Siblings
Multiple moves
Incident reports
Length of stay in care relative to the age of the child.
Child/youth not placed w/in 50 miles radius.
The sample to review will be determined by the number of cases active for at least 3 months with
risk factors identified. Every quarter, at least 10% of those identified cases will undergo a case
review completed by a Quality Assurance and Contracts Specialist.
Quality Assurance and Contracts Specialists will complete case review on an ongoing basis, as they
will be monitoring the Service Delivery during Network Provider on-site and desk reviews.
Quality Management
It is the expectation of Belong that all persons being served by its Network Providers shall receive the
most effective and beneficial services in accordance with laws, administrative rules, policies, and
directives included in the system of care. In addition, Belong is committed to identifying and replicating
excellence in service delivery that results in enhanced safety, permanency, and well-being for the people
it serves.
Quality Management Strategies
Belong’s parent organization, SJRC Texas, is a COA accredited organization. Belong is committed to
ensure provisions of the highest quality services to the Clients served under the SSCC. Because
accreditation is generally accepted nationwide as a clear indicator of quality services, achievement of
measurable results, level of commitment to the health, safety, and rights of clients, supports staff and
ensures sustainability and promotes growth, Belong intends to achieve Network Provider Standard
accreditation through COA. It is highly recommended that Network Providers attain national accreditation
by a national accreditation body and maintain that accreditation in good standing for the life of this
The Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will focus on organizational systems of Network
Provider members’ performance and will seek to continuously improve quality of services provided.
Belong has established a quality management program that provides for the meaningful involvement of
Belong staff members, Network Providers, individuals served, DFPS and other internal/external
stakeholders. The program includes, but is not limited to the following elements:
Establishing quality improvement goals and objectives related to operations, management,
program results and outcome
Developing reliable and valid performance measures
Performance outcomes established at the federal and state levels
Making continuous and progressive improvements, and measuring the impacts
Reviewing performance in relation to utilization management targets
Reviewing the results of quality assurance reviews, serious incident reports, the numbers and
kinds of grievances and appeals, and using this information to initiate system improvements
Identifying service problems and improvement opportunities
Measuring satisfaction of individuals served and Network Providers
Developing quantitative indicators, outcomes and outputs that can be used by the DFPS to
objectively measure the Network Provider’s performance and used by Belong and Network
Provider’s to improve services
Providing training and technical assistance to Network Providers
Providing needed information and feedback from case reviews to the Network Provider in order for
them to have the necessary information and support to provide safety, permanency, and well-
being effectively and efficiently for dependent children and their families
Hiring a qualified Quality Assurance and Contracts Department that focus on the
children. families and system readiness
Monitoring Network Provider’s compliance with contract standards and regulating entities; and
Assuring Network Provider implements a defined process to complete and review background
checks, and to verify staff education levels and professional licenses
Belong has created a Quality Assurance and Contracts Team to oversee all activities and tasks needed to
maintain a desired level of performance by Belong and Network Providers. This includes a series of
management techniques and processes used to assess and improve internal operations and Network
services. The Quality Assurance and Contracts Team consist of the Director of Quality Assurance and
Contracts, Sr. Quality Assurance and Contract Specialist, Quality Assurance and Contracts Specialists
and Risk Management Specialists.
The Quality Assurance and Contracts Department is responsible for:
Ensuring quality targets are defined for each performance measure.
Ensuring all local, state, and federal requirements are being met per the SSCC contract.
Implementing quality improvement techniques to assure the quality of the performance measures.
Auditing and recording the level of quality achieved; and reporting the quality status to the
Belong Network.
Performance Quality Improvement Process
Belong will actively engage Network Providers in the PQI process and develop contract-monitoring
policies, procedures, and tools to guide the process. Network Providers will be held accountable through
performance-based agreements, which detail the scope, requirements, and parameters of the Network
Provider Services Agreement. Additionally, because Belong will encourage Network Providers to be
nationally accredited and support them in their efforts to achieve this milestone, each Network Provider
will be required to develop and implement internal quality management processes and participate in
Belong’ monitoring processes. Through the PQI process, Belong will work closely with Network Providers
to ensure accountability and provide the necessary oversight and training to ensure that the Network
Providers meet the conditions of their Network Provider Services Agreement. Belong will strongly
encourage participation in the PQI Process-Based Review of Contracts, Real-Time Review of
Performance Data, and Accountability to Performance and Outcome Requirements.
As needed, the Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will assist Network Providers in the
development of Quality Improvement Plans that promotes the ongoing evaluation of the Network
Provider’s activities. The plan will provide a systematic approach to monitoring efficiency and
effectiveness. The plan sets forth the purpose and scope of quality improvement activities and includes
strategies for planning, monitoring, reporting and resolution of issues.
Deliverable Monitoring Process Overview
Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will participate in Belong Team Meetings to review
performance measures, identify, and discuss programmatic issues, and identify any trend for
improvement. Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will coordinate the monthly management
report that tracks compliance with contract performance measures.
Reports will be distributed monthly to Belong staff, Network Providers, and other identified stakeholders
via the website. When data is received from Network Providers, or through automated systems, Belong will
review and analyze the data to determine its accuracy and validity. If errors are found, Belong will work
with the Network Provider to determine what is needed to correct the data. Network Providers will be
required to provide a corrective action plan if errors are consistently found. Satisfaction surveys will be
regularly provided to clients, employees, Network Providers, and foster parents to determine their
experiences with Belong and the Network Providers. Results from the surveys are used to improve
service delivery, identify service gaps, and improve outcomes for dependent children and their families.
Contract performance monitoring is conducted in conjunction with the Quality Assurance and Contracts
Team. The monitoring will include file reviews, facility tours and interviews with Network Providers, foster
parents, and personnel staff as needed to determine the quality and effectiveness of the services being
Quality Assurance Reporting & Tracking
Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will track all complaints, grievances, appeals and serious
incident reports, analyzing them for trends and will provide an annual report on the status. If corrective
action plans are required, the Network Provider responsible will provide a plan within 30 days of the
request and will provide regular updates as needed to correct the issue. The Quality Assurance and
Contracts Department will maintain and evaluate a centralized issue system designed to capture issues
raised during reviews. After assessment and evaluation of the issues raised, the Quality Assurance and
Contracts Department will assure that the outcomes are published and resolutions to the issues are
implemented. As a support to management, Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will provide
documentation to management about the issues reviewed and analyzed. Management is then responsible
for prioritizing action and either developing or approving strategies to resolve the issues. This information
will be provided as needed in order to improve placement stability, safety, permanency, and well-being.
The Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will coordinate policy and procedure development and
On-Site Visit Overview
Belong is responsible for upholding all requirements within the SSCC contract with DFPS. As a result,
Belong has the authority to monitor, inspect, assess, and review the fiscal, contractual, or program
performance of the Provider Network, including all information related to any services provided.
On-Site Visit Process
The On-Site Review process may include, depending upon the review determined by the Quality
Assurance and Contracts Department, a review of the following components:
Records: Child, Family, Personnel, Policy and Procedure
Physical Site
On-Site Reviews may be either announced or unannounced as determined by Quality Assurance and
Contracts Department. Belong will notify the Network Provider of an on-site visit via email and/or phone
call at least 24 hours prior to most visits occurring. Belong reserves the right to make unannounced visits
to the Network Provider during normal business hours.
Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will complete the On-Site Reviews for each Network
Provider and request assistance from the various departments the Belong as needed in preparation for
the review. Administrative monitoring will be completed by the Finance Department, programmatic
monitoring and quality is completed by the Quality Assurance and Contracts Department.
Quality Assurance and Contracts is responsible for the following:
Scheduling the monitoring visit with the Network Provider and sending a letter requesting
required information prior to the monitoring visit.
Meeting with the Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts to review any identified issues
Distributing monitoring tools and coordinating the review.
Scheduling entrance and exit interviews.
Being the point of contact for the Network Provider during the monitoring activities.
Consolidating and preparing the final monitoring report to issue to the Network Provider with any
necessary corrective action plans.
Reviewing, accepting, and monitoring Quality Improvement Plans as needed.
Quality Assurance and Contracts will participate in pre-meetings, on-site monitoring and/or desk reviews,
entrance and exit interviews, and any activities needed for the final report and any sanctions as requested
by the Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts. The Network Provider should be prepared to make
available the following, including but not limited to:
Policy and Procedure Manual
Personnel Records
Foster Home Records
Child Records
Financial Records
RCCL History and Documentation
Data entry process/requirements related to census
Other pertinent information requested by Belong
Pre-Monitoring Activities
Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will send an email with a letter to the Network Provider
announcing the date of the monitoring and requesting needed documentation. Quality Assurance and
Contracts Department will review the contract file and ensure that all applicable monitoring reports,
licensing summaries and other documentation is in the file. Quality Assurance and Contracts Department
will meet to review prior reports and any current issues and will review monitoring tools and determine
roles and timelines.
On-Site Activities
Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will meet with Network Provider’s staff to go over the
purpose, scope and activities planned for the review during the entrance interview. Quality Assurance
and Contracts Department may be reviewing a variety of files including but not limited to client, personnel,
foster parent and financial files, as deemed appropriate in the pre-monitoring activities. Interviews with
staff and/or clients may be conducted, and a tour of the facility may be requested.
Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will compile work product papers as part of the monitoring.
These papers are confidential during the review and must be secured daily. They are included as back-
up in the Belong file once the monitoring is concluded. During the review if a safety concern is apparent,
it will be addressed immediately with the Network Provider and will require immediate action and
Intervention and includes reporting to the hotline as necessary. Quality Assurance and Contracts
Department will require a private space to review files. When the on-site review is completed, Quality
Assurance and Contracts Department will review the preliminary results with the Network Provider during
the Exit Interview.
Monitoring Report and Follow-up
Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will document findings, attaching additional information
as needed. Within 30 days of the exit interview, the assigned Quality Assurance and Contracts
Specialist assigned will compile a final report. The report may include a request for a Quality
Improvement Plan. The report will be submitted to the Network Provider.
If the Network Provider disagrees with the findings, the Network Provider needs to provide a written
response within five (5) business days to the Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts.
The Director of Quality Assurance and Contracts will review the response and will respond in
writing within five (5) business days with a final decision.
Quality Improvement Plans will be due from the Network Provider within 30 days of receipt of
the report.
If accepted, Belong will notify the Network Provider, copying Quality Assurance and Contracts
Team regarding follow-up action.
If corrections and updates are needed, the Network Provider will be notified, and an updated
Quality Improvement Plan will be requested.
Once the Quality Improvement Plan is accepted, Belong Quality Assurance and Contracts will
follow-up to ensure progress is made.
Contract Monitoring File.
Monitoring files will be maintained according to published retention schedules, to include:
Previous year’s monitoring results and Quality Improvement Plans
Current year’s result with backup documentation
Current Quality Improvement Plans with backup documentation
Any special reviews, analysis, meeting minutes, or other activities identified in review that relate
to specific Network Provider oversight
Performance Quality Improvement Process
Belong is committed to continually improving the quality of services delivered and the operational
processes that support our continuum of care. Performance and Quality Improvement (PQI) is an ongoing
agency-wide process incorporating our mission, vision, strategy, and values to promote a high-learning,
high-performing, and results-oriented culture. PQI is not another thing we do at Belongit is how our
work is done.
It is the philosophy of Belong to adopt best available practices” in providing services to clients. We are
accessible to and inclusive of each client, employee, Trustee, Network Provider and concerned
community person. We provide them opportunities to influence our practices and services to benefit the
clients we serve. The systematic collection, collation and interpretation of data concerning certain aspects
of care, trends in client service, outcomes of service delivery, and management practices allow the
agency to set broad goals that merit monitoring.
Belong is committed to promoting quality in a supportive manner that encourages participation and
feedback when areas are identified as needing improvement.
The means of ensuring levels of quality service requires:
A strong focus on our clients
A strong employee involvement, at all levels, in the PQI process
The regular and systematic collection and dissemination of stakeholder feedback
The strong emphasis on capacity building through solid program evaluation activities and data derived
Collection, aggregation and review of client, program, management, and organization level data.
Data is used by clients, employees, management teams, and Board of Directors to aide in decision
making and planning, as it relates to PQI.
An annual training schedule informed by PQI trends, and an organizational culture of on-going
learning and capacity development based on quality improvement philosophy and principles.
The Performance Quality Improvement (PQI) process will allow Belong management to hold ourselves,
and those we partner with, accountable for financial, quality, and outcome measures that promote child
safety, well-being, and permanency.
Quality Assurance and Contracts department will engage in a continuous cycle of monitoring that is
repeated until performance is at the highest achievable level and stability is maintained.
Through the PQI process, the Quality Assurance and Contacts department will work closely with Network
Providers to ensure accountability and provide the necessary oversight and training to ensure that the
Network Provider meets the conditions of their agreement.
Overview of Performance Quality Improvement Process
Belong’s Quality Improvement Process helps us identify issues or problems that affect program outputs
and outcomes and to implement quality improvement plans that address challenges as well as build upon
Network strengths.
Belong’s approach is based upon the identification of expected performance goals and outcomes,
development and implementation of measurable objectives that tie to those goals and outcomes,
utilization of tools to measure those objectives, continuous evaluation of data and, subsequently, the
identification of additional changes that will drive continued improvement.
The comprehensive review includes, but is not limited to, an onsite review of records, interviews, and
direct observations by the Quality Assurance and Contracts team. Network Providers must meet clear
levels of contractual performance or immediately execute plans to meet performance expectations. This
process will continue until the quality of the deliverables and processes meet the defined quality
Contract Outcomes
Network Providers will be monitored through Belong Performance Quality Improvement Process. This is
a requirement of the Contract between Belong and the State of Texas as well as a requirement of the
Network Provider Services Agreement between Belong and the Network Providers.
Additional outcomes may be added to Network Providers based on their level of functioning within the
Daily submission of extensive data and information for each child served as well as data on Foster
Homes or facilities within the Network must be entered into the Texas Provider Gateway. This
includes placement vacancies, data entry related to Texas Provider Gateway outcomes quarterly,
reporting of specific data elements to the utilized by Texas Provider Gateway system, and any other
data as needed by Belong.
Network Providers are required to enter the PMET measures on a quarterly basis by the 10th of
the month after quarter close into the Texas Provider Gateway. Only Children under Belong contract
in Region 8b should be entered into PMET system, all other data continues to be entered into the
DFPS PMET system.
Compliance with applicable HHSC minimum standards for each service type provided by the
Network Provider. Citations received by the Network Provider will be reviewed by Belong as part
of Belong continuous quality improvement process. Action plans for Network Providers will be
created based on the type of citation/violation received.
Acceptable performance on stakeholder and consumer surveys administered by Belong.
Acceptable performance on process checklists, project audits and quality assurance reviews to
include peer reviews, deliverable reviews, documentation reviews, and process reviews.
Quality Assurance and Contracts Department will review the Network Provider’s data/information and will
compile a summary report on at least a quarterly basis. The summary report may include follow up and/or
recommendations for the Network Provider.
Applicable Regulation, Statures and Polices
All employees of Belong and the Network Providers are required to know and follow relevant laws and
regulations for their respective professions.
Belong will comply with all applicable DFPS/HHSC Minimum Standards with state and federal laws and
regulations, including but not limited to the following:
Comply with all court orders and jurisdictional requirements.
Comply with all court orders regarding the provision of substitute care, case management services
and/or purchased client services for children, youth, and families served through the SSCC,
relevant to the stage being implemented.
Follow all State (including both Texas Family Code and Title 40, Part 19 of the Texas
Administrative Code) and federal laws to include compliance with the and regulations (terms of all
Performance Improvement Plans as a result of a Federal or State Audit) as well as HHSC Child
Care Minimum Standards for 24-Hour Residential Care Operations and Child-Placing Agencies,
and DFPS Records Management Policy:
Texas Family Code: http://www.statutes.legis.state.tx.us/?link=FA
Title 40, Part 19 of the Texas Administrative Code:
DFPS Child Care Minimum Standards:
DFPS Records Management Policy:
Child Welfare Services, Title IV-B, Subpart 1 of the Social Security Act. For additional
Promoting Safe and Stable Families, Title IV-B, Subpart 2 of the Social Security Act. For
additional information:
Temporary Assistance for Needy Families (TANF). For additional information:
Title IV-E of the Social Security Act: https://www.acf.hhs.gov/cb/resource/title-ive-foster-
Child Abuse Prevention and Treatment Act (CAPTA):
Indian Child Welfare Act (ICWA) - Information on ICWA can be found by visiting:
Multiethnic Placement Act (MEPA) - Information on MEPA- Information on MEPA can be
found by visiting:
The SSCC will work in partnership with DFPS to improve outcomes for Children as it
relates to the Federal Child and Family Service Review (CFSR). Information on the CFSR
can be found by visiting:
https://www.childwelfare.gov/topics/management/reform/cfsr/DFPS - Title IV-B State Plan
National Youth in Transition Database (NYTD). The SSCC shall assist children and
support the necessary activities including on-going computer access required for entry of
data into NYTD system and will assume this responsibility in Stage II. Information on
NYTD can be found by visiting: http://www.dfps.state.tx.us/txyouth/NYTD/default.asp
Belong will report known serious incidents, licensing investigations, licensure board reports and
investigations, suspected fraud or fraud investigations and violations that occur within Belong’s service
model (the Network) to HHSC and DFPS in accordance with Licensing Minimum Standards and contract
requirements. Belong will make reasonable efforts to ensure services provided to children and families
are offered in the individual's primary language.
Belong will meet all HHSC Residential Child Care Licensing (RCCL) Minimum Standards. Belong
employees will receive a copy of the Belong Policy and Procedures.
Residential Child Care Licensing (RCCL)
Belong will comply with the HHSC RCCL Minimum Standards.
Facility Licensure
Network Providers shall:
Comply with HHSC RCCL Minimum Standards for any child-care license issued by the HHSC to
the Network Provider for services provided under this Contract.
Comply with the operating or regulatory agency’s regulations if the Network Provider as a
Facility operated or regulated by one of the state agencies specified in 40 TAC §700.1321(e).
Comply with all applicable service levels as designated by Belong Care Management staff.
Ensure that all staff providing direct services to the Child complies with state professional laws
pertaining to the services provided including laws pertaining to licensure and confidentiality.
Role of Licensing
Network Provider must report to Belong known serious incidents, licensing investigations, licensure board
reports and investigations, suspected fraud or fraud investigations and violations that occur within
Network Provider’s business in accordance with HHSC Licensing Minimum Standards and contract
requirements. For these circumstances in particular, and at all times in general, the Network Provider
must have operational procedures and mechanisms in place to ensure staff are knowledgeable of and
respond immediately to conditions or situations that may pose a threat to child safety.
Belong will regard any failure to disclose and report such incidents by the Network Providers as a breach
of the Provider Agreement with Belong. Residential Child Care Licensing's role with all licensed providers,
including the Belong Network Providers, will remain unchanged and all Network Providers are expected
to maintain compliance with licensing standards and regulations at all times.
Background Check Policy
Any person who has direct contact with DFPS clients or client information must undergo a DFPS
background check in accordance with this section and the DFPS Background Check Policy. The
Department reserves the right to conduct background history checks on Belong, Belong employees,
subcontractors, volunteers, agents, and other individuals who interact with DFPS Clients or have access
to Clients' records. DFPS will conduct all necessary background checks on Belong through the licensing
process. If Belong chooses to provide services under this Contract through a subcontractor licensed by
DFPS, then DFPS will conduct background checks on the licensed subcontractor through the licensing
process. If Belong provides services for families in Stage II of the implementation model under this
Contract through a subcontractor who is not licensed by DFPS, then Belong must verify and ensure that
such subcontractors and their employees, agents, and volunteers undergo DFPS background checks by
using the DFPS Automated Background Check System (ABCS) according to the instructions in the user
guide located at: DFPS Background Checks Handbooks
Contact with Clients.
Belong will prevent or promptly remove any employee, agent, volunteer, subcontractor, subcontractor's
employee, subcontractor's agent, or subcontractor's volunteer from direct client contact and/or from
access to client records who is identified by the DFPS Background Check Unit as Ineligible. If DFPS
determines that the person in question has not committed the acts or offenses alleged, that person may
again be assigned to direct client contact and/or access to client records. However, Belong will notify the
Department of its intent to do so no later than ten business days and receive Department approval prior
to the reassignment. Belong must provide DFPS with further information concerning the reasons for the
reassignment upon the request of the Department. If the person in question is found to have committed
any of the acts or offenses listed in this Contract, that person will not be reassigned to duties involving
any direct contact with clients and/or access to client records.
Belong will ensure initial and subsequent Background History Checks are performed in compliance
with Minimum Standards, including:
Submitting initial Checks timely
Submitting subsequent Checks before their due date
Ensuring employees, volunteers, Contractors, and caregivers are not present at the facility if the
Checks are submitted past the due date
Timely complying with any DFPS Centralized Background Check Unit requirements when there is
a relevant Check for a particular employee, volunteer, Contractor, or Caregiver, which includes
but is not limited to restrictions on employee actions like not transporting Children or not being the
sole Caregiver for Children or submitting complete requests for risk evaluations timely
Background Checks for Principals.
In addition to the above requirements, anyone who is a Principal must follow the Purchased Client
Services Background Check Policy. A Principal is defined as any person who has the ability to make
unilateral fiscal decisions on behalf of Belong. The following positions are assumed to have such ability:
Chief Executive Officer, Chief Administrative Officer, Chief Operating Officer, and Chief Financial Officer.
This policy also applies to situations where a subcontractor performs any portion of Belong’s financial or
accounting operations. In such situations, Belong will require subcontractor’s principals to follow the
Purchased Client Services Background Check Policy. Any person or entity this policy applies to must
conduct Background History Checks and submit them through the DFPS Automated Background Check
System (ABCS) in accordance with the Purchased Client Services Background Check Policy, which can
be found at: DFPS - Background Checks ABCS
Belong will disclose and release, or cause its employees, subcontractors, and volunteers with direct client
contact and/or access to client records to disclose and release, any allegation made against that
employee, subcontractor, or volunteer alleging the commission of any act noted in either: (1) the DFPS
Purchased Client Services (PCS) Background Check Criminal History Chart or (2) the DFPS Purchased
Client Services (PCS) Background Check DFPS Central Registry Chart, both of which may be accessed
using the below links: CBCU Appendix 2000-1 and DFPS Purchased Client Services (PCS) Background
Check DFPS Central Registry Chart
Information Technology
Technical Contact
Each Network Provider must specify a technical contact, a person familiar with program operations and
relevant technology systems used within the organization. The technical contact's responsibilities include
the following:
Serve as liaison between the Network Provider and Belong technical staff
Request the creation and deactivation of user accounts for Belong software systems
Request training and support for the Network Provider's staff in the use of Belong software
Serve as the local administrator for The Texas Provider Gateway accounts and password resets
Report technical problems related to Belong software systems
Required Data
Network Providers are required to submit timely data including the following:
Client data such as assessments, demographics, health information, medications, critical
incidents, and the Child Plan of Service
Resource home information such as address, contact information, licensing information,
members of household, and preferences relating to the types of children to be placed.
A detailed set of the required resource requirements including required data fields can be found at the
website texasprovidergateway.org (requires login). Network Providers must also submit quarterly
performance data (PMET data) and other data as required by Belong.
Methods of Data Submission
Network Providers may choose between the following methods of submissions for Resource
Information and preferences updates:
Direct data entry into Belong's web-based software systems (Texas Provider Gateway); or
Automated upload of data from the Network Provider's internal software systems through the
Texas Provider Gateway using the API Interface.
A Network Provider may also choose to use a combination of direct entry and automated uploads, so
long as all required data fields are submitted on a timely basis.
Network Providers electing to enter data directly will log into Texas Provider Gateway to enter data related
to homes, such as address, contact information, licensing information, members of household, and
preferences relating to the types of children to be placed. Other information such as assessments,
demographics, health information, medications, critical incidents, plans of care should be tracked by the
Network Provider’s internal systems and uploaded to Belong through the appropriate email links provided
below. All email transmissions to Belong that include protected private information are required to be
Network Providers electing to use the automated upload method are responsible for configuring their
internal systems to capture and upload data in the required format, as described in detail at the Texas
Provider Gateway website.
Texas Provider Gateway
Belong intends to work with the Network Providers to offer training and information to support their efforts.
During business hours, Belong provides support by contacting support@sjrctexas.org for Network
Providers with issues related to Texas Provider Gateway.
Logins for Texas Provider Gateway
The Network Provider's technical contact will serve as administrator to the Texas Provider Gateway for
their organization. They will be able to provide the following functionality:
Create New Users
Delete and modify existing users
Provide password resets
Each Network Provider's employee responsible for data entry should have his or her own login.
Scheduled Automated Upload
Network Providers using the Texas Provider Gateway must upload the required data (as detailed at
texasprovidergateway.org) at least once daily (excluding weekends and holidays) by 7:00 PM CST.
Network Providers may upload data more frequently if they so choose or if requested by Belong.
Confidentiality and Secure Communication
When Network Providers and Belong communicate in either direction by email or by fax, and those
messages contain confidential information, appropriate precautions must be taken to protect the
confidential information. Confidential information refers to protected health information, identifying
information, personal information, proprietary information, or other information reasonably deemed
DFPS and Belong require the use of an email encryption system to transmit emails containing confidential
information, whether the confidential information is contained within the email message, its headers, or
any file attachments to the message.
DFPS and Belong require physical security around fax machines to prevent unauthorized access to
confidential information. Belong encourages the use of secure digital faxing services which deliver faxes
to a secure email account.
Finance and Billing Procedures
Belong, as a division of SJRC, will follow the process outlined in the Network Provider Services
Agreement for payments and payment disputes. Questions that arise should be forwarded to the Chief
Financial Officer at belongaccounting@sjrctexas.org
Initial Payment for Foster Care Services
New placements - Network Providers will be paid by Belong for all new placements that have been referred
by Belong beginning October 1, 2021.
Legacy transfers - Network Providers will be paid by Belong, for Region 8b legacy kids beginning on the
date the legacy children are transferred into the Belong Network.
Payment Terms
Belong will pay a Network Provider based on the level of care approved by Belong program staff, the
rates for the levels of care can be found in the signed Provider Service Agreement and/or signed
Addendum(s). These payments include, but are not limited to, the daily rates and fees for foster care,
exceptional foster care, supervised independent living, preparation for adult living, and adoption services.
Exceptional Care is used to secure placement for children and youth with exceptional needs that cannot
be met appropriately through use of the foster care rate. DFPS will authorize use of exceptional care
days of care using a validation process in instances when:
(1) there is a Court Order that dictates a child specific placement or payment that exceeds the
contemplated rate structure of the blended rate,
(2) the child has extraordinary service needs that far exceed the traditional residential childcare settings
(example: major eating disorders, severe medical/psychiatric needs); or
(3) the SSCC has performed an exhaustive search and placement cannot be located without the use of a
child-specific contract whose rate exceeds the contemplated rate structure of the blended rate.
The Data Team will conduct a daily data integrity review process between the data management system
CareMatch and the state system, IMPACT, to ensure data accuracy in the systems. Any data
discrepancies identified during the review are researched, resolved, and corrected in the appropriate
system. This process will continue until the end of the service month.
At the end of the service month, one final review of the data in both systems will be conducted. Once the
data is certified as correct at that moment in time by the data team, SJRC Texas Inc. accounting
department will process the data in our accounting system and initiate the payments to bank accounts by
electronic funds transfer (EFT)/direct deposit. SJRC Texas Inc. will pay all Network Providers no later than
the 20th day of each month, however, Belong will make every effort to process payments as soon as
possible after the end of the service month.
A payment report will be sent to each network provider from the accounting system. The Network
Provider will be able to compare the payment received to their records. Any discrepancies will need to
be communicated to the Belong, as a division of SJRC, Accounting staff.
Foster Care Service Payments
Belong will pay the Network Providers for foster care services at the fee-for-service rates
shown in Exhibit 1 of the Provider Services Agreement.
Network Providers will receive payment for each day a youth is in pre-authorized placement.
Belong will pay the Network Provider for the calendar day of placement, but not for the calendar
day for the day a child leaves care.
Belong will not process payments for any foster care services for children for whom Belong has
not yet issued a placement agreement.
Belong may pay the Network Provider for up to 14 days of foster care in the following
Psychiatric hospitalization
Medical facility hospitalization
Unauthorized placement
Temporary placement/visit in own home
Locked facility, jail, juvenile detention center
Short-term substance abuse placement
Under the above-referenced circumstances, Belong will pay the Network Provider for days of
foster care on behalf of a child who is no longer in that Network Provider’s care, to reserve space
for the child’s anticipated return to the same placement within that time frame. The maximum
duration of continued payments to the Network Provider during a child’s absence is subject to the
limitations set forth in this section.
Payments to the Network Provider for foster care during a child’s absence will only be made if
each of the following conditions are met:
The Network Provider plans to return the child to the same placement at the end of the
The Network Provider agrees to reserve space for the child’s return for as long as
payments are made in the child’s absence.
The Network Provider has approval or a request to hold the placement for a child from
DFPS and/or Belong
Belong will not pay the Network Provider for days of foster care when Children and/or Youth
reside in the following non-DFPS paid placements:
Nursing home placement
Intermediate care facilities for persons with mental retardation (ICFMR)
State Supported Living Centers (SSLC)
Placed with a non-licensed relative caregiver
Pre-consummated adoptive placement
Texas Youth Commission facility
Texas State Hospitals
Adoption Service Payments
Belong will pay the Network Providers for “Adoption Placement” services. The fees for these services are
included in the Provider Services Agreement. Network Providers will be required to send an adoption
document packet to the Belong Adoption Specialist for Adoption Placement services. The invoice and
document packet must be received by Belong within 30 days from the date of service, but no later than 10
days after prior month-end. For adoption placement services, the date of service is the date of the
adoptive placement as shown on the DFPS adoptive placement agreement. For adoption post-placement
services, the date of service is the date the adoption decree or final adoption order is signed by the judge.
Adoption service authorization - For all adoption placement and post-placement services conducted
within the Belong network, the DFPS caseworker will issue a Form 2054 directly to Belong. Within 3
business days of receiving the DFPS Form 2054, Belong will issue a Belong Substitute Form 2054 to the
Network Provider, which will be uploaded to the record of the child (primary client/oldest sibling) in
Adoption service documentation - The Belong Adoption Specialist will work with the DFPS and Network
Provider staff to acquire the following documents for all adoptions within 5 business days of the adoption
placement or post-placement event. (Note: Other adoption documents may be required also, but these
are the only documents required in this section of the manual.)
Checklist for Adoption Placement Services Payment
Copy of the signed DFPS Service Authorization Form 2054 (with a date of adoptive placement
within the period of the begin Date and the Termination Date)
Copy of the approved and signed DFPS Adoptive Placement Agreement for each child
Copy of the approved and signed Provider's Adoptive Placement Agreement for each child
Checklist for Adoption Post-Placement Services Payment
Copy of the signed DFPS Service Authorization Form 2054 (with a date of adoptive placement
within the period of the begin Date and the Termination Date)
Copy of the approved and signed DFPS Adoptive Placement Agreement for each child
Copy of the approved and signed Provider's Adoptive Placement Agreement for each child
Copy of the file stamped petition for adoption
Copy of the signed and notarized court report for the adoption proceedings
Copy of the adoption decree signed by the judge
Adoption service event entry - Once the adoption placement and post-placement documents have been
received by the Belong Adoption Specialist, the documents will be uploaded to the record of the child
(primary client/oldest sibling) in CareMatch™ and the adoption placement and/or post• placement event
will be created in CareMatch™ for the child(ren).
When the adoption event is created in CareMatch™, the system will automatically add the appropriate
adoption service fee to the Network Provider's next monthly payment. (No adoption service payment will
be issued before placement for 88F placement services or before consummation for 88G post-placement
services.) Please note only Straight Adopt Placements qualify for both 88F and 88G adoptive payments.
Foster to Adopt Placements only qualify for 88G Post-Placement services.
Belong may withhold payment for disputed services and begin the disputed service reconciliation process
described in the Finances and Billing section of the provider manual.
Requirements for Voluntary Extended Foster Care or Return to Foster Care Provider Payments
Belong will pay the Network Providers for Extended Foster Care Services, which also include Supervised
Independent Living Services. Extended Foster Care Services will be paid based on the fee schedule
included in the Provider Services Agreement. Rates for Supervised Independent Living will vary based
on living arrangement. The fees for these services will be included in the Supervised Independent Living
Provider Services Agreement.
In order to pay Network Providers for Voluntary Extended Foster Care or Return to Foster Care
Services and Supervised Independent Living Services, the following conditions must be met:
The Extended Foster Care agreement signed by the youth must be on file with Belong
The Network Provider must be able to provide documentation on a periodic basis demonstrating
that the youth is:
Regularly attending high school or enrolled in a program leading toward a high school
diploma or GED up to the youth or young adult's 22nd birthday
Regularly attending an institution of higher education or a post-secondary vocational or
technical program up to the youth or young adult's 21st birthday. The youth can remain in
care to complete vocational-technical training classes regardless of whether the Youth or
young adult received a high school diploma or GED certificate. (40 TAC §700.316)
Actively participating in a program or activity that promotes, or removes barriers to
employment up to the youth or young adult's 21st birthday
Employed for at least 80 hours per month up to the youth or young adult's 21st birthday
Incapable of doing any of the above due to a documented medical condition up to the
youth or young adult's 21st birthday; or (40 TAC §700.316)
Accepted for admission to a college, or vocational program that does not begin
immediately. In this case, the youth or young adult's eligibility is extended three and a half
months after the end of the month in which the youth or young adult receives his/her high
school diploma or Graduate Equivalency Diploma (GED) certificate
Requirements for Psychiatric Hospitalization Payments
Belong will pay out-of-network psychiatric hospitalization providers (Psych Hospitals) for days of service
provided for Belong clients in accordance with the guidelines specified in their service agreements.
Superior Health is only required to pay for acute services. Belong will be liable for all post-acute days.
Network Provider Monitoring Minimum Pass-Through Rate Compliance
Belong monitors its Child Placing Agency Network Providers for compliance with the minimum pass-
through rate. This annual monitoring is performed by the Belong Director of Accounting. A sample of
placements to be reviewed will be provided to the Network Provider.
Network Provider Monitoring Financial Viability
Belong may monitor the financial viability of the Network Providers when it deems appropriate.
Per the Provider Services Agreement, Network Providers must send their annual unaudited financial
statements to Belong within 90 days of the Network Provider’s fiscal year end. These financial statements
shall include Balance Sheet and Income Statement (or Statement of Activities and Changes in Net
Assets). If the financial statements of the Network Provider have been audited or reviewed by an
independent certified public accountant, then audited financial statements accompanied by the auditor’s
management letter or a financial review report are to be provided to Belong within nine (9) months
following the Network Provider’s fiscal year end.
Belong will utilize standard financial measures to monitor financial viability of the Network Providers when
it deems appropriate to do so. The monitoring will be performed by the Belong Chief Financial Officer’s
designee and the results of this monitoring will be submitted to the Belong COO.
Disputed Service Reconciliation
The Network Provider will reconcile the payment from Belong to the Network Provider’s records. If any
discrepancies are noted, the Network Provider will need to initiate the following dispute resolution process
within 30 days of receiving payment. The Dispute Resolution Process is in the Provider Services
The parties will confer, in person or by telephone conference, to resolve disputes over payment for
services through the following process. In order to initiate this process, either party must provide the other
party with written notice of its dispute about a service and/or payment issue.
Staff Conferencing - Within ten (10) days of receipt of a written notice initiating the Dispute Resolution
Process, Belong and Network Provider, through representatives of their services and financial staff,
will confer and attempt to reconcile any disputed payments for which Belong based upon a good faith
review of any documents submitted by the Network Provider and Belong own documentation or
records does not believe it is responsible for paying. The parties shall complete the staff conferencing
process described in this section within 30 days of the receipt of the written notice initiating the dispute
resolution process. If the dispute is not resolved within this time period, the process will continue to
CFO Conferencing.
CFO Conferencing - For services still in dispute following the staff conferencing reconciliation
process, Belong Chief Financial Officer and the Network Provider’s Chief Financial Officer, or their
designees, shall confer to resolve, settle, or compromise the dispute. The parties shall complete the
CFO Conferencing process described in this section within 30 days of the completion of the Staff
Conferencing process described above.
Payment after Resolving Disputes - If Belong after conferring as provided herein with the Network
Provider about the disputed payment concludes it is responsible for paying for a service or some part of
it, Belong shall make its payment to the Network Provider by the 15th day of the calendar month following
the month in which Belong concluded it was liable for payment.
In the event the Network Provider owes Belong for any services provided herein or pursuant to any other
agreement between the parties, and such balance has been due for in excess of 60 days from invoicing
by Belong to the Network Provider, Belong may deduct the balance amount due to Belong from any
amount owed to the Network Provider pursuant to this Agreement.
Compliance with the Master Contract Belong shall take all action reasonable and necessary to comply
with the requirements of the Master Contract and ensure payment for the Services thereunder.
If the Network Provider or its independent auditor discovers an overpayment has been made by Belong,
the Network Provider shall repay said overpayment immediately to Belong without prior notification or
request from Belong. If Belong discovers an overpayment has been made to the Network Provider,
Belong shall notify the Network Provider by letter of such a finding and request repayment forthwith.
Belong may unilaterally deduct overpayments made to the Network Provider from monies owed to the
Network Provider.
Return of Funds
Overpayments from Belong to Network Provider detected by Belong’s payment system or by Belong staff
will be automatically offset and deducted in subsequent payments to Network Provider and reflected in
payment details. In the event an overpayment is not fully collected within 30 days, interest on all
outstanding overpayments will be charged using the Department of Treasury’s Median Rate (resulting
from the Treasury’s auction of 13-week bills) for the week in which the liability is assessed, but in no
event to exceed the highest lawful rate of interest. Any question or dispute related to the recovery of an
overpayment shall be handled in accordance with Belong’s dispute resolution process set forth in the
Provider Manual. If Network Provider or an independent auditor or agent of Network Provider discovers
an overpayment has been made by Belong to Network Provider, Network Provider shall notify Belong and
repay the overpayment immediately, in accordance with the Uniform Terms & Conditions Section 3.1.8,
within ten (10) days of discovery, without prior demand from Belong. Failure to remit overpayments shall
be a material breach of this Agreement. Absent prompt repayment of an overpayment known to or
discovered by Network Provider, Belong may unilaterally deduct overpayments, plus interest, made to
Network Provider from monies owed to Network Provider.
In compliance with the prompt payment rule, as stated in section 3.1.1(F) of the Uniform Terms &
Conditions of the CBC contract, Belong will pay interest on late payments not issued within 30 days of
the end of the service month. This does not include incorrect payments made due to critical information,
such as YFT paperwork, not furnished by Network Provider. Interest starts accruing the first day that the
payment is late and will be calculated using the Department of Treasury’s Median Rate (resulting from
the Treasury’s auction of 13-week bills).
Provider Manual Revision
This Provider Manual will be revised as needed. When it is revised, Network Providers will be notified
and provided a summary of changes and the latest version will be posted on the Belong website. It is the
responsibility of the Network Provider to ensure they are operating within the most current version of the
Provider Manual.
The Serious Incidents, outlined below, require immediate reporting, or as defined:
A youth dies while in care.
A Restraint or Containment lasting longer than one (1) minute.
A substantial physical injury or critical illness that a reasonable person would conclude that
needs treatment by medical professional or hospitalization.
A youth or adult is a threat to self or to the safety and security of other youth and staff.
Allegations of abuse, neglect, harassment or exploitation of a youth, or any incident where
there are indications that a youth in care may have been abused, neglected, or exploited.
Physical abuse committed by a youth against another youth which includes abuse that results
in substantial bodily harm and requiring emergency medical treatment, excluding any
accident, or failure to make reasonable effort to prevent an action by another person that
results in a physical injury that results in bodily harm to a youth.
Sexual abuse committed by a youth against another youth, including conduct harmful to a
youth’s mental, emotional, or physical welfare, including nonconsensual sexual activity
between youth of any age, and consensual sexual activity between youth with more than
twenty-four (24) months’ difference in age or when there is a significant difference in the
developmental level of the youth or failure to make a reasonable effort to prevent sexual
conduct harmful to a youth.
Law Enforcement is called to your location in accordance with DFPS Child Care Regulation
Minimum Standards and Contracts.
A youth or adult is indicted, charged, or arrested for a crime.
A youth is absent from SJRC Texas and cannot be located, including the removal of a youth
by an unauthorized person:
o Child Developmental/Chronically under six (6) immediate report
o Child Developmental/Chronically six (6) to twelve (12) within two hours of child missing
o Child Developmental/Chronically thirteen (13) or older- Report with 6 hours of child
A youth in care contracts a communicable disease that the law requires SJRC Texas to report
to the Department of Health.
A suicide attempt by a youth.
Any incident that renders all or part of the campus unsafe or unsanitary for a youth, such as
a natural disaster or physical plant breakdown.
A disaster or emergency that requires a location to close.
An adult who has contact with a youth in care contracts a communicable disease that the law
requires be reported to the Department of Health.
An allegation that a person under the auspices of SJRC Texas who directly cares for or has
access to a youth in the operation has abused drugs within the past seven (7) days.
An investigation of abuse or neglect by an entity (other than licensing agency) of an employee,
professional level service provider (e.g., therapist), volunteer or other adult at your location.
A report, arrest, indictment, or a county or district attorney accepts information” regarding an
official complaint against an employee, professional level service provider or volunteer,
alleging commission of a crime.
A report by a non-employee (e.g., regulatory agency, donor, community individual or business,
etc.) regarding a complaint against or incident involving a SJRC Texas employee, professional
level service provider or volunteer.