Climate engineering
Center for Science, Technology, and Engineering
United States Government Accountability Oce
July 2011
Technical status, future directions, and
potential responses
2 What are potential future directions
for research on climate engineering
technologies, 2010 through 2030, and
possible consequences?
1 What is the current state of
climate engineering technology
and related science?
3 With respect to gauging
potential responses: What is
the level of awareness of
climate engineering technologies,
and what are attitudes
toward researching and
implementing them?
2010 - 2030
Report to Congressional Requester
Cover image from GAO represents gaseous carbon dioxide (CO
) molecules in ambient air, currently measured
at around 390 parts per million. Carbon dioxide consists of a central carbon atom doubly bonded with two
oxygen atoms (O=C=O). Carbon dioxide is colorless and odorless at room temperature. Plants consume CO
photosynthesis, which converts CO
into nutrients using energy from the Sun. Many scientists believe that the
increased atmospheric CO
concentration has increased the acidity of ocean waters and is the primary cause of
increased global average surface temperature. Global management of CO
and related risks underlies current ideas
about engineering the global climate system.
What GAO found
Climate engineering technologies do not now offer a viable response to global climate change.
Experts advocating research to develop and evaluate the technologies believe that research on
these technologies is urgently needed or would provide an insurance policy against worst case
climate scenarios—but caution that the misuse of research could bring new risks. Government
reports and the literature suggest that research progress will require not only technology studies
but also efforts to improve climate models and data.
The technologies being proposed have been categorized as carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and
solar radiation management (SRM). CDR would reduce the atmospheric concentration of
, allowing more heat to escape and thus cooling the Earth. For example, proposed CDR
technologies include enhancing the uptake of CO
in oceans and forests and capturing CO
from air chemically for storage underground. SRM technologies would place reflective material
in space or in Earth’s atmosphere to scatter or reflect sunlight (for example, by injecting sulfate
aerosols into the stratosphere to scatter incoming solar radiation or brightening clouds) or would
increase the planet’s reflectivity (for example, by painting roofs and pavements in light colors).
(See figure.)
Examples of climate engineering technologies. Source: GAO.
GAO found these technologies currently immature, many with potentially negative consequences.
Some studies say, for example, that stratospheric aerosols might greatly reduce summer
precipitation in places such as India and northern China.
Many experts advocated research because of its potential benefits but also recognized its risks.
For example, a country might unilaterally deploy a technology with a transboundary effect.
Research advocates emphasized the need for risk management, envisioning a federal research
effort that would (1) focus internationally on transparency and cooperation, given transboundary
effects; (2) enable the public and national leaders to consider issues before they become crises;
and (3) anticipate opportunities and risks. A small number of those we consulted opposed
research; they anticipated major technology risks or limited future climate change.
Based on GAO’s survey, a majority of U.S. adults are not familiar with climate engineering.
When given information on the technologies, they tend to be open to research but concerned
about safety.
Why GAO did this study
Reports of rising global temperatures
have raised questions about responses
to climate change, including efforts
to (1) reduce carbon dioxide (CO
emissions, (2) adapt to climate
change, and (3) design and develop
climate engineering technologies for
deliberate, large-scale intervention in
Earth’s climate.
Reporting earlier that the nation lacks
a coordinated climate-change strategy
that includes climate engineering,
GAO now assesses climate engineering
technologies, focusing on their
technical status, future directions
for research on them, and potential
To perform this technology assessment,
GAO reviewed the peer-reviewed
scientific literature and government
reports, consulted experts with a wide
variety of backgrounds and viewpoints,
and surveyed 1,006 adults across
the United States. Experts convened
with the assistance of the National
Academy of Sciences advised GAO, and
several reviewed a draft of this report.
GAO incorporated their technical and
other comments in the final report as
View GAO-11-71 or key components at For more information,
contact Timothy Persons at (202)
512-6412 or [email protected].
Report multimedia
Depiction of the global carbon
cycle changes over time
Global average energy budget of
the Earth’s atmosphere
Highlights of GAO-11-71, a report
to the Ranking Member, Committee
on Science, Space, and Technology,
House of Representatives
Climate engineering
Technical status, future directions, and potential responses
Growing treestrees
Cloud brightening at sea
Capturing CO
from the air
Iron fertilization of
the ocean
Pumping liquid
CO into geological
Aerosols in stratosphere
Light-colored roofs
and pavements
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e published product may be reproduced and distributed in its entirety without further permission
from GAO. However, because this work may contain copyrighted images or other material, permission
from the copyright holder may be necessary if you wish to reproduce this material separately.
July 28, 2011
The Honorable Eddie Bernice Johnson
Ranking Member
Committee on Science, Space, and Technology
House of Representatives
Dear Ms. Johnson:
In response to committee reports accompanying the legislative branch fiscal year 2008 appropriations bill,
the U.S. Government Accountability Office established a permanent operational technology assessment
group within GAO’s Applied Research and Methods team: the Center for Science, Technology,
and Engineering. Responding to your request that we conduct a technology assessment on proposed
technological approaches toward engineering the climate, we examined the current state of climate
engineering science and technology, experts’ views of the future of U.S. climate engineering research, and
potential public responses to climate engineering. We also discuss in this report key considerations for the
use of climate engineering technologies and their policy implications.
As agreed with your office, we plan no distribution of this report until 14 days after its issue date
unless you publicly announce its contents earlier. We will then send copies of this report to interested
congressional committees; the Secretaries of Agriculture, Commerce, Defense, Energy, and State;
the Administrator of the National Aeronautics and Space Administration; the Administrator of the
Environmental Protection Agency; and the Director of the National Science Foundation. We will provide
copies to others on request. In addition, the report will be available at no charge on the GAO website at
If you have any questions concerning this report, you may contact me at (202) 512-6412 or
[email protected]. Contact points for our Offices of Congressional Relations and Public Affairs may
be found on the last page of this report. Major contributors to this report are listed on page 117.
Sincerely yours,
Timothy M. Persons, Ph.D.
Chief Scientist
Reports of rising global average surface temperature have raised interest in the potential for engineering
Earth’s climate, supplementary to ongoing efforts to reduce greenhouse gas emissions and prepare for
climate change through adaptation. Proposed climate engineering technologies, or direct, deliberate,
large-scale interventions in Earth’s climate, generally aim at either carbon dioxide removal (CDR) or solar
radiation management (SRM). Whereas CDR would reduce the atmospheric concentration of carbon
dioxide (CO
), thus reducing greenhouse warming, SRM would either deflect sunlight before it reaches
Earth or otherwise cool Earth by increasing the reflectivity of its surface or atmosphere.
In conducting this technology assessment, we focused primarily on the technical status of climate
engineering and the views of a wide range of experts on the future of research.
Our findings indicate that
climate engineering technologies are not now an option for addressing global climate change, given our
assessment of their maturity, potential effectiveness, cost factors, and potential consequences. Experts
told us that gaps in collecting and modeling climate data, identified in government and scientific
reports, are likely to limit progress in future climate engineering research.
the majority of the experts we consulted supported starting significant climate engineering research now.
Advocates and opponents of research described concerns about its risks and the possible misuse of its
results. Research advocates supported balancing such concerns against the potential for reducing risks
from climate change. They further envisioned a future federal research effort that would emphasize risk
management, have an international focus, engage the public and national leaders, and anticipate new
trends and developments.
asurvey of the public suggests that the public is open to climate engineering research butis concerned
about its possible harm and supports reducing CO
Technical status
To assess the current state of climate engineering technology, we rated each technology for its maturity
on a scale of 1 to 9, using technology readiness levels (TRL)—a standard tool for assessing the readiness
of emerging technologies before full-fledged production or incorporation into an existing technology or
system. We found that climate engineering technologies are currently immature, based on the TRL scores
we calculated, and may face challenges with respect to potential effectiveness, cost factors, and potential
consequences. (We characterized a technology with a TRL score lower than 6 as immature.)
CDR technologies are designed to do one of the following: (1) chemically scrub CO
from the atmosphere
by direct air capture, followed by geologic sequestration of the removed CO
; (2) use biochar and biomass
The request for this assessment was originally made during the 111th Congress by the Chairman of the House Committee on
Science and Technology, who has since retired.
approaches to capture and sequester CO
; (3) manage land use to enhance the natural uptake and storage
of CO
; (4) accelerate CO
transfer from the atmosphere to the deep ocean for sequestration. We
scored all but one CDR technology at a maturity of TRL 2. This means that we found that scientific or
government publications have reported
observation of the technology’s basic scientific principles through theoretical research or mathematical
models and
conceptualization of an application of the technology in the context of addressing global climate
change—but not an analytic and experimental proof of concept.
The highest-scoring CDR technology (at TRL 3) was direct air capture of CO
, which has had
laboratory demonstrations using a prototype and field demonstrations of underground sequestration
of CO
. However, direct air capture is believed to be decades away from large-scale commercialization.
Additionally, for each of the currently proposed CDR technologies, we found that implementation on a
scale that could affect global climate change may be impractical, either because vast areas of land would be
required or because of inefficient processes, high cost, or unrealistically challenging logistics.
SRM technologies would inject aerosols into Earth’s stratosphere to scatter a fraction of incoming
sunlight, artificially brighten clouds, place solar radiation scatterers or reflectors in space, or increase the
reflectivity of Earth’s surface. All SRM technologies’ maturity measured TRL 2 or less. That is, none
had an analytical and experimental proof of concept. Additionally, we found that the SRM technologies
that we rated “potentially fully effective” have not, thus far, been shown to be without possibly serious
consequences. Further, each SRM technology must be maintained to sustain its effects on Earth’s
temperature; discontinuing the technology for any reason would result in Earth’s temperature rising to a
level dictated by other changes, such as an increased concentration of CO
in Earth’s atmosphere.
A key challenge in climate engineering research is safely evaluating the technologies’ potential risks in
advance of large-scale field tests or deployment. Climate modeling would be a helpful evaluative tool,
but a number of both federal agency and scientific reports have identified limitations in climate models
and their underlying bases. Expanded scientific knowledge, enhanced precision and accuracy of tools for
measuring key climate variables, and the development of dedicated high-performance computing would
help fill the gaps and make future research more effective.
Future directions
To determine how experts view the future of climate engineering research, we consulted 45 experts with
a wide range of backgrounds and professional affiliations. We used future scenarios developed by one set
of experts as a foresight tool to help elicit other experts’ views. We found that the majority of those we
consulted advocated starting significant research now or soon and believed that such research would have
the potential to help reduce future risks from climate change. However, some conditioned their advocacy
on the continuation of efforts to reduce emissions. Additionally, some pointed to new risks that the
research or technologies developed from it might introduce.
Many of the experts we consulted advocated research now because of their anticipation that substantial
progress toward effective technologies might require two or more decades. Others said that climate
engineering research is needed, even if future climate trends (such as the pace of change) are currently
uncertain, because such research represents “an insurance policy against the worst case [climate change]
scenarios.” Many of those who called for research now saw the situation as urgent, reflecting foresight
literature that warns against falling behind a potentially damaging trend—with possibly irreversible and
very costly consequences. Their view was that climate engineering research now would constitute timely
preparation for action and thus may help minimize the possibility of negative outcomes.
A small number of those we consulted opposed future research on climate engineering. Research
opponents reasoned that future climate change will not be great enough to warrant climate engineering or
that alternatives such as pursuing emissions reductions (without climate engineering) would be preferable.
However, the reason for opposing climate engineering research that was most strongly expressed
concerned the risks associated with the research itself or the technologies’ deployment.
Both research advocates and opponents cautioned that climate engineering research carries risks either
in conducting certain kinds of research or in using the results (for example, deploying potentially risky
technologies that were developed on the basis of the research). Some also noted that other nations are
conducting research and warned that, in the future, a single nation might unilaterally deploy a technology
with transboundary effects. The research advocates suggested managing risks from climate engineering by,
for example, conducting interdisciplinary risk assessments, developing norms and best practice guidelines
for open and safe research, evaluating deployment risks in advance—and, potentially, as we discuss below,
conducting joint research with other countries. Some advocates also indicated that rigorous research
could help reduce risks from the uninformed use of risky technologies (as, for example, might occur in a
perceived emergency) or emphasized the need to weigh potential risks from climate engineering against
risks from climate change.
Research advocates envisioned federal research that would foster developing and evaluating technologies
like CDR and SRM and emphasize risk management. The majority of research advocates supported
research that would include
an international focus, sponsoring, for example, joint research with other nations (to foster cooperation
and shared norms) and the study of how one nation’s deployment might affect others, including those
that might respond negatively or be especially vulnerable;
engagement with the public and U.S. decision-makers that might entail conducting studies to address
concerns and support decisions (for example, studies of economic, ethical, legal, and social issues and
studies of systemic risks); and
foresight activities to help anticipate emerging research developments, key trends, and their implications
for climate engineering research—notably, the new or emerging opportunities and risks that such
changes might bring.
Such features are broadly relevant to risk management in that they might (1) reduce risks of international
tensions or even conflict resulting from climate engineering, (2) help prepare the nation in advance of
possible crises, and (3) anticipate new risks that might be associated with future technologies.
The United States does not now have a coordinated federal approach to climate engineering research, and
we earlier recommended that such an approach be developed in the context of a federal strategy to address
climate change (GAO 2010a). Other approaches to addressing climate change include efforts to (1) reduce
emissions and (2) adapt to climate change.
Potential responses
To understand public opinion, we analyzed survey data from 1,006 adults 18 years old and older selected
to represent the U.S. population. We provided them with basic materials on climate engineering—that
is, information similar in amount and type to what they might receive in the news media. The materials
included a definition and examples of climate engineering technologies. Our survey revealed that a
majority of the U.S. population is not familiar with climate engineering but may be open to research.
Once provided with explanatory material, about 50–70 percent of the respondents across a range of
demographic groups would be open to research on climate engineering and about 45 percent would be
somewhat to extremely optimistic about its benefits. Such optimism would be tempered by caution, as we
estimate that about 50–75 percent of the U.S. adult public would be concerned about the technologies’
safety. Our survey results also indicate that support for reducing CO
emissions is more widespread than
support for climate engineering. About 65–75 percent of the public would support the involvement of
multiple organizations and interests in decision-making on these technologies. They included the scientific
community, a coalition of national governments, individual national governments, the general public,
private foundations, and not-for-profit organizations.
Highlights i
Letter iii
1 Introduction 1
2 Background 9
3 The current state of climate engineering science and technology
3.1 Selected CDR technologies
3.1.1 Direct air capture of CO
with geologic sequestration 20
3.1.2 Bioenergy with CO
capture and sequestration 23
3.1.3 Biochar and biomass 25
3.1.4 Land-use management
3.1.5 Enhanced weathering
3.1.6 Ocean fertilization
3.2 Selected SRM technologies
3.2.1 Stratospheric aerosols
3.2.2 Cloud brightening
3.2.3 Scatterers or reflectors in space
3.2.4 Reflective deserts, flora, and habitats
3.3 Status of knowledge and tools for understanding climate engineering
3.3.1 Better models would help in evaluating climate engineering proposals
3.3.2 Key advancements in scientific knowledge could help improve climate models
3.3.3 Better observational networks could help resolve uncertainties in climate
engineering science 44
3.3.4 High-performance computing resources could help advance climate engineering science 46
4 Experts’ views of the future of climate engineering research
4.1 A majority of experts called for research now
4.2 Some experts opposed starting research
4.3 A majority of experts envisioned federal research with specific features
4.4 Some experts thought that uncertain trends might affect future research
5 Potential responses to climate engineering research
5.1 Unfamiliarity with geoengineering
5.2 Concern about harm and openness to research
5.3 Views on geoengineering in the context of climate and energy policy
5.4 Support for national and international cooperation on geoengineering
6 Conclusions 71
7 Experts’ review of a draft of this report
7.1 Our framing of the topic
7.2 Our assessment of the technologies
7.3 Our assessment of knowledge and tools for understanding climate engineering
7.4 Our foresight and survey methodologies
8 Appendices
8.1 Objectives, scope, and methodology
8.2 Experts we consulted on climate engineering technologies
8.3 Foresight scenarios
8.4 The six external experts who participated in building the scenarios
8.5 Experts who commented in response to the scenarios
8.6 Experts who participated in our meeting on climate engineering
8.7 Reviewers of the report draft
9 References
GAO contacts and staff acknowledgments
Related GAO products
Other GAO technology assessments
Figure 1.1 The Keeling curve, 1960–2010 1
Figure 1.2 Earth’s carbon cycle
Figure 2.1 Global average energy budget of Earth’s atmosphere
Figure 3.1 Capturing and absorbing CO
from air 20
Figure 3.2 CO
-absorbing synthetic tree 20
Figure 4.1 Taking early action to avoid potentially damaging trends: Illustration from
foresight literature 51
Figure 5.1 U.S. public support for actions on climate and energy, August 2010 67
Figure 5.2 U.S. public views on who should decide geoengineering technology’s use, August 2010 68
Figure 8.1 Four scenarios defining alternative possible futures
Tables and boxes
Table 1.1 Selected climate engineering proposals, 1877–1992 6-7
Table 3.1 Selected CDR technologies: Their maturity and a summary of available information 15-19
Table 3.2 Selected SRM technologies: Their maturity and a summary of available information 31-32
Table 5.1 Geoengineering types and examples given to survey respondents
Table 8.1 Nine technology readiness levels described 78-79
Box 4.1 Climate engineering research: Risk mitigation strategies from the literature 52
AOGCM atmosphere-ocean general circulation model
BECS bioenergy with CO
capture and sequestration
CCS carbon capture and sequestration
CDR carbon dioxide removal
CLARREO Climate Absolute Radiance and Refractivity Observatory
DOE U.S. Department of Energy
EOR enhanced oil recovery
ESM Earth system model
GCM general circulation model
GPU graphics processing unit
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
NAS National Academy of Sciences
NASA National Aeronautics and Space Administration
NETL National Energy Technology Laboratory
NIST National Institute of Standards and Technology
NOAA National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
NRC National Research Council
NSF National Science Foundation
PNNL Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
R&D research and development
SRM solar radiation management
TRL technology readiness level
USDA U.S. Department of Agriculture
Every day, millions of tons of carbon-rich
compounds called fossil fuels are extracted,
refined or processed, and combusted to supply
the world with energy, releasing as a byproduct
millions of tons of carbon dioxide gas (CO
From 1900 to 2007, annual global CO
emissions from fossil fuel consumption increased,
on average, at a rate of about 2.6 percent
per year (Boden, Marland, and Andres 2010).
Fossil fuels, such as coal, oil, and methane, are natural organic
compounds of mostly carbon (C) and hydrogen (H). These
fuels are formed from dead plant and animal matter that
has been subjected to intense pressure and heat over geologic
time scales.
Compound annual growth rate calculated from available
emissions estimates.
As emissions increased, the atmospheric
concentration of CO
rose. Figure 1.1 shows the
rise in the concentration of CO
between 1960
and 2010 (Ralph Keeling 2011).
C. D. Keeling (1960), noting that CO
levels at
observation stations were increasing over time,
attributed this increase to fossil fuel combustion.
Although CO
is not the most abundant
Over time, atmospheric CO
can be reabsorbed as sediment
on the ocean floor through the carbon cycle.
In the atmosphere, greenhouse gases absorb and reemit
radiation within the thermal infrared range of the
electromagnetic spectrum. This is the fundamental cause of
the greenhouse effect, or the warming of Earth’s atmosphere.
In order of their prevalence by volume, the primary
greenhouse gases are water vapor (H
O), CO
, methane
), nitrous oxide (N
O), and ozone (O
) (Baird 1998).
Figure 1.1 The Keeling curve, 1960–2010. Source: GAO, adapted from Ralph Keeling (2011).
The orange line indicates the annual average atmospheric concentration of CO
derived from monthly in situ air
measurements at Mauna Loa Observatory, Hawaii. The cyclical pattern of the monthly measurements shown in light
grey indicates seasonal fluctuations. The approximate preindustrial concentration of 280 parts per million (ppm)
indicates the estimated atmospheric abundance of CO
around the year 1750. In 1960, the atmospheric concentration of
was about 317 ppm; by 2010, it had risen to about 390 ppm.
CO concentration (ppm)
1960 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010
Calendar year
1 Introduction
greenhouse gas, many scientists have concluded
that CO
emitted by human activities is the
principal cause of the enhanced greenhouse effect
(Lacis et al. 2010).
Over the past century, global mean surface
temperature increased by about 0.75 degrees
Celsius, and many scientists expect the rise
to continue in coming decades (NRC 2010a;
Solomon et al. 2007), as we describe in the
background section of this report.
A few
scientists have argued that a doubling of the
atmospheric CO
concentration, by itself,
would increase the global average temperature
by only about 1 degree Celsius and that the
models predicting rising temperatures in
the coming decades are incomplete and are
therefore considerably uncertain (Lindzen 2010;
Lindzen and Choi 2009).
Nevertheless, there
is a consensus of many authoritative scientific
bodies, which have conveyed a sense of urgency
on the climate change issue; hence the following
discussion on climate engineering, or direct,
Water vapor (H
O) is the most abundant greenhouse gas
and has a powerful effect on warming (Solomon et al. 2007;
Kiehl and Trenberth 1997). Scientists have shown that
the tropospheric water vapor concentration significantly
affects the global average surface temperature. The enhanced
greenhouse effect caused by emissions from human activities
is sometimes called anthropogenic climate change. The
increased concentration of CO
is also known to be the
leading cause of another major environmental concern in
addition to warming: ocean acidification, manifested by
decreases in pH (hydrogen ion concentration), is caused
by the oceans’ greater uptake of atmospheric CO
as its
abundance increases (Sabine et al. 2004).
Multiple, interrelated systems can influence the enhanced
greenhouse effect.
These scientists argue that all current climate prediction
models incorrectly project more warming, based on positive
feedback from water vapor and clouds. Specifically, they
argue that such feedback has a negative effect (Lindzen
and Choi 2009). The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate
Change (IPCC) has also noted the uncertainty surrounding
such feedback (Solomon et al. 2007).
deliberate large-scale interventions in
Earth’s climate.
The future effects of warming are uncertain.
The National Research Council (NRC) recently
examined potential consequences of rising
temperatures over the next century, such as
changes in vegetation, precipitation, and the rate
of sea level rise (NRC 2010a). NRC’s report
suggests an overall potential for negative effects
on people, infrastructures, and ecosystems. For
example, the projected rise in sea level could
threaten several large ports and urban centers in
the United States, such as Miami, New York, and
Norfolk, as well as low-lying island groups, such
as the Maldives.
Some researchers have suggested
that climate change could have even more
extreme adverse consequences.
Others have
proposed that rising temperatures might benefit
certain geographic areas or economic sectors; for
example, agricultural productivity might increase
in some areas, although researchers caution that
how climate change affects agriculture is complex
and uncertain (Gornall et al. 2010). Additionally,
while global surface temperature is increasing on
average, it is not increasing uniformly (Solomon
et al. 2007). For example, scientists have observed
that temperatures have risen more in areas that
This report is an assessment of technologies to engineer the
climate and the quality of information available to assess these
technologies. In this report, we did not assess whether the
climate is changing or what is causing any climate change that
is occurring or whether current scientific knowledge supports
the notion that the climate is changing or its causes. We did
not assess whether climate change is or will be sufficient to
warrant using these technologies.
Mohamed Nasheed, President of the Maldives, has said that
sea level rise is already causing coastal erosion in his country,
evidenced by salt intrusion in the water table and relocations
affecting 16 islands (Eilperin 2010).
For example, climate change might lead to greater scarcity of
food, water, or shelter and social upheaval in many countries
in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East (CNA Corporation 2007,
44). Some have suggested that disrupted food and water
supplies in certain regions might lead to mass migrations or
international conflict (Dyer 2010).
are relatively colder, and the observed change in
temperature is greater in winter than in summer
and greater at night than in the day (Solomon
et al. 2007). Disproportionate warming of cold
temperatures could have important implications
for human health and mortality, if exposure
to heat is less dangerous than exposure to cold
(NRC 2010a).
Two broad strategies to meet the challenges
of climate change through public policy are
mitigation and adaptation. Mitigation aims
to limit climate change, usually by decreasing
greenhouse gas emissions (GAO 2008a). For
example, mitigation might replace high-carbon
fuels, such as coal, with fuels that emit less
per unit of energy, such as natural gas.
Mitigation might also enhance the capacity of
sinks, which reabsorb CO
from the atmosphere
and store it on Earth (GAO 2008a). For example,
incremental changes in land use could increase
the amount of carbon stored as cellulosic fiber
in forests and other vegetation that removes
from the atmosphere by photosynthesis.
Adaptation aims to adjust Earth’s systems,
infrastructures, or social programs in response to
actual or expected changes in the climate.
For example, adaptation can make systems more
robust in the face of climatic extremes, exploit
new opportunities, or cope with adversity
(GAO 2009a).
Success in mitigating climate change or adapting
to it can depend on technological progress.
For example, the cost of mitigation is likely
to be lower if alternatives to fossil fuels are
less expensive (Popp 2006). Adaptation can
also be affected by the technology, as happens
in predicting the weather, controlling indoor
temperatures with heating and air conditioning,
or managing a sea level rise, as in building harbor
gates in Venice, Italy (Spencer et al. 2005).
However, neither mitigation nor adaptation
has progressed sufficiently to moderate current
climate projections or diminish the seriousness
of their effects. For example, the relative expense
of low-carbon energy technology presently tends
to limit its use. And requirements to reduce
emissions can be difficult to enforce, as the Kyoto
Protocol demonstrates, or can fail to encourage
advances in low-carbon energy technology
(Barrett 2008; Barrett 1998).
Even if deep emissions cuts were to stabilize the
atmospheric concentration of CO
at the current
level, scientific models predict that average global
surface temperature is likely to rise 0.3 to 0.9
degrees Celsius by 2100 (Backlund et al. 2008).
Some scientists suggest that climatic perturbation
from anthropogenic CO
emissions is nearing a
tipping point beyond which it will be difficult
or impossible to remediate changes in Earth’s
climate. Figure 1.2 illustrates Earth’s carbon
cycle, which regulates the flow of carbon between
the atmosphere and land-based and oceanic sinks.
These and other possible challenges to the
success of mitigation and adaptation have
helped stimulate public policy interest in
climate engineering, which would develop and
use technology to moderate Earth’s climate
by controlling the radiation balance and,
thus, average global temperature. The United
Kingdom’s Royal Society (the oldest scientific
academy in continuous existence) has identified
other distinguishing characteristics of this
strategy as well, highlighting the “deliberate,
large-scale intervention in the Earth’s climate
system” in its definition of geoengineering
(Royal Society 2009, ix).
We use the term “geoengineering” in appropriate contexts,
as when it refers to information we collected in a survey
of U.S. adults and their attitudes toward technologies to
address climate change. We described the alternative terms
“climate engineering,” “climate remediation,” and “climate
intervention” in a September 2010 report (GAO 2010a, 3).
In its 2009 report, the Royal Society described
two major approaches to climate engineering:
accelerating the movement of carbon from the
atmosphere to terrestrial and oceanic carbon
sinks, or carbon dioxide removal (CDR), and
controlling net incoming radiation from the Sun,
or solar radiation management (SRM). As CDR
reduces the atmospheric concentration of CO
the enhanced greenhouse effect is weakened,
and thermal radiation more easily escapes into
SRM, in contrast, attempts to reduce net
Although experts differ on which technologies to define
as climate engineering (Gordon 2010, ii), in this report
we limited our assessment to key climate engineering
technologies among those reviewed by the Royal Society
(Royal Society 2009).
incoming solar radiation by deflecting sunlight or
by increasing the reflectivity of the atmosphere,
clouds, or Earth’s surface.
The concept of engineering the climate is not
new (Fleming 2010). Table 1.1 shows examples
of climate engineering proposals dating from
1877. Today, policymakers and scientists are
examining climate engineering as a way to
manage potential catastrophic risks from
climate change.
Because SRM would not affect the atmospheric concentration
of CO
, it would not abate increased ocean acidification.
Figure 1.2 Earth’s carbon cycle. Source: GAO, adapted from Sarmiento and Gruber (2002), updated
using Field, Sarmiento, and Hales (2007).
Note: All numeric values are in gigatons (GtC), or billions of metric tons, of carbon. In Earth’s carbon cycle, preindustrial
reservoir sizes are represented by black numbers. Cumulative postindustrial reservoir transfers are represented by
red numbers. Current fluxes between reservoirs are shown in smaller type; the largest flux is 6.4 GtC per year from
industrialization. This ongoing carbon imbalance is causing ocean water to become more acidic and is believed to be the
primary cause of increased global average surface temperature. (An animated depiction of changes in the global carbon
cycle over time may be accessed at
We designed this report to complement our
September 2010 report on geoengineering (GAO
2010a). In this context, we conducted this
technology assessment of climate engineering.
Our objectives for this report were to examine
(1) the current state of climate engineering
science and technology, (2) expert views of the
future of U.S. climate engineering research, and
(3) public perceptions of climate engineering
(we describe our methodology in section 8.1).
To determine the current state of the science
and technology of climate engineering, we
reviewed a broad range of scientific and
engineering literature, including proceedings
from conferences such as the 2010 Asilomar
International Conference on Climate
Intervention Technologies (Asilomar Scientific
Organizing Committee 2010). We revisited
GAO-10-903, a complementary report on
climate engineering we issued in September
2010 (GAO 2010a). We reviewed relevant
congressional testimony. We interviewed a broad
range of experts and officials working on climate
engineering and proponents of specific climate
engineering technologies. This report is an
In the Senate report accompanying the proposed bill for
the legislative branch fiscal year 2008 appropriation, the
Senate Committee on Appropriations recommended the
establishment of a permanent technology assessment function
within GAO (United States Senate 2007, see S. Rep. No.
110-89, at 42–43 (2007)). The House Committee on
Appropriations, in providing funding to GAO to perform
technology assessment studies, noted that “it is necessary for
the Congress to equip itself with effective means for securing
competent, timely and unbiased information concerning the
effects of scientific and technical developments and use the
information in the legislative assessment of matters pending
before the Congress” (U.S. House of Representatives 2007,
see H.R. Rep. No. 110-198, at 30 (2007)). GAO established a
permanent operational technology assessment group within its
Applied Research and Methods team: the Center for Science,
Technology, and Engineering. GAO defines technology
assessment as the thorough and balanced analysis of significant
primary, secondary, indirect, and delayed interactions of a
technological innovation with society, the environment, and
the economy and the present and foreseen consequences and
effects of those interactions.
assessment of technologies to engineer the climate
and the quality of information available to assess
these technologies. We did not independently
assess whether climate change is occurring
or what is causing any climate change if it is
occurring or whether current scientific knowledge
supports the occurrence of climate change or
its causes. We did not assess whether climate
changes are or will be sufficient to warrant using
these technologies.
To ensure a balance of views and information,
we analyzed and synthesized information from
an array of experts with diverse views on our
subject. We used the Royal Society’s classification
of climate engineering approaches to focus our
analysis on CDR and SRM technologies
(Royal Society 2009, 1). From the information
we found in the literature and our interviews
with experts, we assessed climate engineering
technologies along four key dimensions:
(1) maturity, (2) potential effectiveness, (3) cost
factors, and (4) potential consequences. We did
not independently assess the accuracy of the cost
estimates, but we report estimates we found in
the literature.
To assess how experts view the future of climate
engineering research, we (1) conducted a foresight
exercise in which experts developed alternative
future scenarios; (2) elicited comments,
stimulated by the scenarios, from a broad array of
experts; and (3) asked other experts to respond to
the preliminary synthesis we developed from the
scenarios and earlier comments.
Date Who Proposal
Nathaniel Shaler,
American scientist
Suggested rerouting the Pacific’s warm Kuroshio Current
through the Bering Strait to raise Arctic temperatures as
much as 30 degrees Fahrenheit
Carroll Livingston
Riker, American
engineer, and
William M. Calder,
U.S. Senator
Proposed building a 200-mile jetty into the Atlantic Ocean to
divert the warm Gulf Stream over the colder Labrador current
to change the climate of North America’s Atlantic Coast;
Calder introduced a bill to study its feasibility
Hermann Oberth,
physicist and engineer
Proposed building giant mirrors on a space station to focus
the Sun’s radiation on Earth’s surface, making the far North
habitable and freeing sea lanes to Siberian harbors
Julian Huxley,
biologist and
Secretary-General of
UNESCO 1946–48
Proposed exploding atomic bombs at an appropriate height
above the polar regions to raise the temperature of the
Arctic Ocean and warm the entire climate of the northern
temperate zones
c. 1958
Arkady Markin,
Soviet engineer
Proposed that the United States and Soviet Union build a
gigantic dam across the Bering Strait and use nuclear
power–driven propeller pumps to push the warm Pacific
current into the Atlantic by way of the Arctic Sea. Arctic ice
would melt, and the Siberian and North American frozen
areas would become temperate and productive
M. Gorodsky,
Soviet engineer and
mathematician, and
Valentin Cherenkov,
Soviet meteorologist
Proposed placing a ring of metallic potassium particles into
Earth’s polar orbit to diffuse light reaching Earth and increase
solar radiation to thaw the permanently frozen soil of Russia,
Canada, and Alaska and melt polar ice
President’s Science
Advisory Committee,
United States
Investigated injecting condensation or freezing nuclei into the
atmosphere to counteract the effects of increasing
carbon dioxide
Cesare Marchetti,
Italian industrial
Coined the term “geoengineering” and proposed sequestering
in the deep ocean
Table 1.1 Selected climate engineering proposals, continues on next page
We also conducted focus groups and a web-
based survey of the U.S. adult population. We
surveyed a representative sample of U.S. residents
18 years old and older from July 19 to
August 5, 2010, receiving usable responses
from 1,006 respondents. We used the term
“geoengineering” in the information we gave the
focus group and survey participants, given that
we and others, such as the Royal Society, had
used this term earlier.
We convened a meeting of scientists, engineers,
and other experts, with the assistance of the
National Academy of Sciences (NAS), that we
called the Meeting on Climate Engineering.
We helped NAS select a diverse and balanced
group of participants with expertise in climate
engineering, climate science, measurement
science, foresight studies, emerging technologies,
research strategies, and the international, public
opinion, and public engagement dimensions of
climate engineering. We provided them with the
preliminary results of our work, and the meeting
served as a forum in which the participants
expressed general reactions to and gave advice and
suggestions on our preliminary findings. Their
comments led us to review additional published
and unpublished literature.
Table 1.1 Selected climate engineering proposals, 1877–1992. Source: GAO.
Note: Table 1.1 is based in part on an outline provided by James R. Fleming. We selected proposals beginning in the
19th century to illustrate a variety of climate engineering technologies and points in Earth’s climate system where
interventions could occur. The table excludes numerous proposals to generate rain or alter hurricanes, which are not
intended to cause long-term change.
Date Who Proposal
Stanford Penner,
A. M. Schneider, and
E. M. Kennedy,
American physicists
Suggested introducing small particles into the atmosphere to
reflect more sunlight back into space
John H. Martin,
Proposed dispersing a relatively small amount of iron into
appropriate areas of the ocean to create large algae blooms
that could take in enough atmospheric carbon to reverse the
greenhouse effect and cool Earth
James T. Early,
Suggested deflecting sunlight by 2 percent with a $1 trillion to
$10 trillion “space shade” placed in Earth orbit
John Latham, British
cloud physicist
Proposed seeding marine stratocumulus clouds with seawater
droplets to increase their reflectivity and longevity
NAS Committee on
Science, Engineering,
and Public Policy
Proposed adding more dust to naturally occurring stratospheric
dust to increase the net reflection of sunlight
Following the meeting, we contacted the
participants in person or by telephone or e-mail
to clarify and expand what we had heard.
We used what we learned from the meeting
participants to update and clarify our exposition
of the current state of climate engineering
technology, expert views of the future of
U.S. climate engineering research, and public
perceptions of climate engineering. We then sent
a complete draft of our report to the participants
in the Meeting on Climate Engineering who had
agreed to review it.
We conducted our work for this technology
assessment from January 2010 through July 2011
in accordance with GAO’s quality standards as
they pertain to technology assessments. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the
technology assessment to obtain sufficient and
appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable basis
for our findings and conclusions, based on our
technology assessment objectives. We believe that
the evidence we obtained provides a reasonable
basis for our findings and conclusions, based on
our technology assessment objectives.
Global temperature increases such as those
measured on Earth have been attributed to a
gradual change in the balance of energy flowing
into and away from Earth’s surface. Earth’s
system maintains a constant average temperature
only if the same amount of energy leaves the
system as enters it. If more energy enters than
leaves, the difference manifests as a temperature
increase. Figure 2.1 shows current estimates of
the equilibrium transfer of energy.
Solar radiation is the predominant source of
energy entering Earth’s system. It has an average
global power of approximately 342 watts per
square meter (W/m
). The system, including
Earth’s surface and the atmosphere, absorbs
about 69 percent of incoming solar radiation and
reflects the remaining 31 percent back into space.
That is, Earth’s surface absorbs about 49 percent
of incoming radiation, and the atmosphere
absorbs about 20 percent. Earth’s atmosphere
Figure 2.1 Global average energy budget of Earth’s atmosphere. Source: GAO, adapted from
Kiehl and Trenberth 1997.
Note: All numeric values are in watts per square meter (W/m
). Incoming sunlight is both reflected from and absorbed
by the atmosphere, clouds, and Earth’s surface. Some of the energy absorbed by Earth’s surface is transferred to the
atmosphere by evaporation and convection, and the remainder is emitted as heat energy. The majority of the heat
energy is absorbed by the atmosphere and clouds, with some escaping directly to space. Energy absorbed by the
atmosphere and clouds is reradiated as heat energy back to Earth’s surface as well as directly to space. Based on the
composition of the atmosphere and clouds, the heat energy they absorb can accumulate by the greenhouse effect in
which energy emitted from Earth’s surface is trapped by gases in the atmosphere and clouds. For this reason, greenhouse
gases in Earth’s atmosphere can affect global average surface temperature. (An animated depiction of the global average
energy budget of Earth’s atmosphere may be viewed at
2 Background
and clouds reflect approximately 23 percent into
space, while Earth’s surface (land, vegetation,
water, and ice) reflects approximately 9 percent.
Energy absorbed by the atmosphere affects the
planet’s climate system through subsequent
energy transfers (Solomon et al. 2007).
The energy Earth’s surface and atmosphere
absorb warms the planet. An inflow of energy to
Earth without an equivalent outflow would result
in continually increasing temperatures. However,
Earth reemits energy from the surface to the
atmosphere in the form of thermal radiation
(long wavelength or infrared radiation)
(Solomon et al. 2007).
Approximately 10 percent of the thermal
radiation reemitted by Earth passes through
the atmosphere into space, and 90 percent
is absorbed in the atmosphere, primarily in
greenhouse gases, which efficiently absorb long-
wave radiation. The atmospheric concentration of
greenhouse gases is very low. Water vapor (H
is the most important greenhouse gas and is
highly variable but typically makes up about
1 percent of the atmosphere (Solomon et al.
2010; Kiehl and Trenberth 1997). Carbon
dioxide is the second most important greenhouse
gas; the current atmospheric concentration of
is approximately 390 ppm (R. F. Keeling
et al. 2009; Kiehl and Trenberth 1997;
C. D. Keeling et al. 2001).
Just as the planet must maintain a balance of
incoming and outgoing energy, the atmosphere
and clouds must emit as much energy as they
absorb to maintain a constant temperature.
Therefore, the atmosphere and clouds emit
Energy is also transferred mechanically (not by radiation) from
Earth’s surface to the atmosphere and clouds by evaporation
and convection.
long-wave radiation at approximately the same
rate as they absorb energy from the Sun and
Earth. This is manifested as additional thermal
emissions both into space and toward Earth.
The planet’s surface absorbs the Earth-bound
thermal radiation, which raises Earth’s surface
temperature, which increases thermal radiation
from Earth’s surface, and so on, until this
feedback achieves stable temperatures.
The relationship between temperature and
thermal radiation emitted from Earth is
approximately described by the Stefan-
Boltzmann law:
where F is the thermal radiation emitted from
Earth’s surface in watts per square meter (W/m
is the Stefan-Boltzmann constant, and T is the
temperature of Earth’s surface in Kelvin (K).
The Stefan-Boltzmann law provides evidence for
atmospheric greenhouse gas feedback in Earth’s
energy system. If Earth’s radiation, absorbed and
reemitted, were only 235 W/m
(342 W/m
minus 107 W/m
of reflected solar radiation), its
average surface temperature would be about
254 K (–19 degrees Celsius). But Hansen and
colleagues have estimated that Earth’s actual
average surface air temperature between 1951 and
1980 was approximately 287 K (14 degrees
Celsius) (Hansen et al. 2010). The difference in
temperature is attributed to greenhouse gases that
trap thermal radiation, warming Earth as
depicted in figure 2.1. Thermal radiation emitted
The Stefan-Boltzmann law, named after Jožef Stefan and
Ludwig Boltzmann, states that the total power radiated per
unit of surface area of a black body per unit of time is directly
proportional to the fourth power of the black body’s
thermodynamic temperature T. The Stefan–Boltzmann
is equal to 5.6704 x 10
watts per square meter
per absolute temperature measured in Kelvin to the fourth
power (W/m
F = σ T
by Earth’s surface at 287 K is 385 W/m
, which
compares favorably with the 390 W/m
in the
figure, corresponding to a temperature of 288 K.
Climate scientists infer that accumulations of
anthropogenic greenhouse gases are gradually
adding to Earth’s natural greenhouse process.
These accumulations absorb more thermal
radiation emitted by Earth’s surface and reduce
thermal radiation that escapes into space. The
additional thermal radiation the greenhouse gases
absorb is reradiated to space and back toward
Earth. The planet’s surface absorbs the additional
Earth-bound thermal radiation, which raises
Earth’s surface temperature, which increases
thermal radiation from Earth’s surface, and so
on, until this feedback achieves a new, higher
stable temperature. The magnitude and effect
of this change in Earth’s global energy system
are important subjects of climate science studies
today (Solomon et al. 2007; NRC 2010a).
Most climate engineering proposals would aim
to remediate the climate by affecting Earth’s
energy balance, using either CDR to reduce
the atmospheric concentration of CO
or SRM
to reduce incoming solar radiation. These two
approaches differ significantly in their technical
challenges and potential consequences (Royal
Society 2009). The literature and our interviews
with experts suggested four key dimensions on
which we assessed these technologies, to
the extent possible, given their current
development: (1) maturity, (2) potential
effectiveness, (3) cost factors, and (4) potential
consequences (see section 8.1). Since developing
many of the technologies we examined would
require advances in new scientific data and
analyses, we identified the climate’s representative
physical, chemical, and biological algorithms;
the geographic, temporal, and technical
sensors of essential climate mechanisms; and
next-generation, high-performance computing
resources dedicated to climate science as areas
that represent current shortfalls in knowledge
and infrastructure.
CDR technologies may be characterized as
predominantly land-based or predominantly
ocean-based (NRC 2010a; Royal Society
2009). Land-based technologies include direct
air capture, bioenergy with CO
capture and
sequestration, biochar and other biomass-related
methods, land-use management, and enhanced
weathering. Direct air-capture systems attempt to
capture CO
from air directly and then store it in
deep subsurface geologic formations. Bioenergy
with CO
capture and sequestration would also
store CO
underground, and biochar and other
biomass-related methods would sequester carbon
in soil or bury it. Land-use management practices
we reviewed would enhance natural sequestration
of CO
in forests. Enhanced weathering would fix
atmospheric CO
in silicate rocks in a chemical
reaction and then store it as either carbonate
rock or dissolved bicarbonate in the ocean.
Ocean-based technologies would fertilize the
ocean to promote the growth of phytoplankton
to sequester CO
Seven SRM technologies have been reported in
sufficient detail for us to assess them as candidates
for climate engineering. Two would be deployed
in the atmosphere—one scattering solar radiation
back into space using stratospheric aerosols, the
other reflecting solar radiation by brightening
marine clouds. Two would be deployed in
space—one scattering or reflecting solar radiation
from Earth orbit, the other scattering or reflecting
solar radiation at a stable position between Earth
and the Sun. The three remaining technologies
would artificially reflect additional solar radiation
from Earth’s surfaces—covered deserts, more
reflective flora, or more reflective settled areas.
We found that since most climate engineering
technologies are in early stages of development,
none could be used to engineer the climate on
a large scale at this time. We used technology
readiness levels to rate the maturity of each
technology on a scale from 1 to 9, with scores
lower than TRL 6 indicating an immature
3 The current state of climate engineering
science and technology
technology. No CDR technology scored higher
than TRL 3, and no SRM technology scored
higher than TRL 2.
Considerable uncertainty surrounds the potential
effectiveness of the technologies we reviewed, in
part because they are immature. Additionally, for
several proposed CDR technologies, the amount
of CO
removed may be difficult to verify
through modeling or direct measurements.
The technologies’ cost factors we report represent,
for CDR, resources used to remove CO
from the
atmosphere and store it. For SRM, they represent
resources required to counteract global warming
caused by doubling the preindustrial atmospheric
concentration of CO
or, for technologies that are
potentially not fully effective, resources required
to counteract global warming to the maximum
extent possible. Some of the studies we reviewed
indicate possible cost levels; we report these
for illustration, but we did not evaluate them
independently. Some studies described cost levels
qualitatively (Royal Society 2009).
Using many of the CDR and SRM technologies
we reviewed would pose risks, some of which
might not yet be known. Although minimal risks
have been reported for air capture, some risks
are related to the geologic sequestration of CO
Land-use management approaches to capture
and store CO
are not generally regarded as risky.
Enhanced weathering would pose environmental
risks from the large-scale mining activities that
would be needed to support it. The short-term
We used the AFRL Technology Readiness Level Calculator
to assess maturity (see section 8.1). For a rating of TRL 2
or higher, the basic requirement is a system concept on a
global scale; for a rating of TRL 3 or higher, analytical and
experimental demonstration of proof of concept is required,
and for a rating of TRL 4 or higher, system demonstration
with a breadboard unit is required. These requirements apply
regardless of a technology’s scientific basis or the extent to
which the techniques it incorporates are well established.
and long-term ecological, economic, and
climatologic risks from ocean fertilization remain
uncertain. Using SRM technologies could
affect temperatures but would not abate ocean
acidification. Potential effects on precipitation
are varied. Failing to sustain SRM technologies,
once deployed, could result in a potentially rapid
temperature rise.
In sections 3.1 and 3.2, we present our
assessment of the CDR and SRM technologies.
In section 3.3, we describe the status of scientific
knowledge and infrastructure related to climate
engineering technologies.
3.1 Selected CDR technologies
Table 3.1 summarizes our assessment of the
maturity of six CDR technologies and presents
information from published reports on their
potential effectiveness, cost factors, and potential
consequences. TRL ratings assess the maturity
of each technology. Potential effectiveness is
described in terms of an overall qualitative rating,
where possible, and quantitative estimates of
(1) the maximum capacity to reduce the global
atmospheric concentration of CO
(ppm) from
its projected level of 500 ppm in 2100 and
(2) the annual capacity to remove CO
Earth’s atmosphere (gigatons of CO
or CO
equivalent per year), which we compared to
annual anthropogenic emissions of 33 gigatons
of CO
Cost factors represent the resources
used to remove CO
from the atmosphere and
store it. Potential consequences associated with
each technology include reported negative
consequences, risks, and cobenefits.
In 2010, the atmospheric concentration of CO
was about
390 ppm; around the year 1750, it was about 280 ppm.
Technology Maturity
Cost factors
Direct air
capture of CO
with geologic
Low (TRL 3):
Basic principles understood
and reported
System concept formulated
Experimental proof of
concept demonstrated
with a prototype unit in a
laboratory environment
Models of CO
and transport developed
and used for risk analysis
and for simulating fate of
injected CO
Basic technological
components not
demonstrated as
working together
No plans or prototypes
for large-scale industrial
Geological sequestration
of CO
is more mature but
not practiced on a scale to
potentially affect climate
Not rated:
No “obvious limit” to
the amount of CO
reduction by year 2100
Could theoretically
counter all global
anthropogenic CO
emissions at 33 gigatons
per year
Large energy penalty:
net increase in CO
emissions if fossil fuel
used (electricity from
fossil fuels would release
more CO
than an air
capture unit would
Uncertainty around
technical scalability
Viability may depend on
nature and extent of a carbon
Process energy requirements
for currently inefficient
technologies for directly
separating CO
from air in
very dilute concentration
Transportation and logistics
for sequestration of captured
Construction and
management of geologic
sequestration sites (e.g.,
injection, measuring,
monitoring, and verification)
Greatly varied estimates in
the scientific literature: $27
to $630 or more per ton of
removed (excluding
transportation, sequestration,
and other costs)
Aspects associated with
handling process materials
or chemicals
May have sequestration
risks such as potential
for CO
to escape from
underground storage in
the event of reservoir
fracture or fissure from
built-up pressure
Table 3.1 Selected CDR technologies, continues on next page
Technology Maturity
Cost factors
Bioenergy with
capture and
Low (TRL 2):
Basic principles understood
and reported
System concept formulated
No experimental
demonstration of proof
of concept (no laboratory
scale experiments that
indicate CO
Emerging technology
leverages what is known
about CO
capture and
geologic sequestration
Low to medium:
Maximum ability to
reduce atmospheric
: 50–150 ppm
by 2100
Net carbon negative
under ideal conditions
Depends on plant
productivity and land
area cultivated
Viability may depend on
nature and extent of a
carbon market
Value of land in other uses
Potentially large land area
for growing and harvesting
Type of biomass feedstock
(e.g., switchgrass)
Process energy requirements
for bioenergy production
(e.g., pyrolysis)
Construction and
management of geologic
sequestration sites (e.g.,
injection, measuring,
monitoring, and verification)
Transportation and logistics
for sequestering captured CO
Greatly varied estimates in the
scientific literature: $150–
$500 per ton of CO
(excluding transportation and
sequestration costs)
Potential land-use
trade-offs; related impacts
on food prices, water
resources, fertilizer use
sequestration risks
same as direct air capture
Table 3.1 Selected CDR technologies, continues on next page
Technology Maturity
Cost factors
Biochar and
Low (TRL 2):
Basic principles understood
and reported
System concept formulated
Proof of concept shown in
modeling and experimental
results demonstrating its
capturing ability–but
sequestration aspects
Not practiced on a scale to
affect climate. No plans or
prototypes for large-scale
Substantial uncertainties
about capacity to reduce
net emissions of CO
Maximum ability to
reduce atmospheric
: 10–50 ppm
by 2100
Maximum annual
sustainable reduction:
1–2 gigatons CO
equivalent of CO
, and N
Net carbon negative
under ideal conditions
(comparable to
bioenergy with
capture and
Viability may depend on
nature and extent of a
carbon market
Soil fertility outcomes
Type of pyrolysis feedstock
and related factors
Process energy requirements
for bioenergy production
(e.g., pyrolysis)
Greatly varied estimates in
the scientific literature:
$2–$62 per ton of CO
Potential land-use
Long-term effects on
soil uncertain
Health and safety of
pyrolysis and biochar
Local benefits to soil
enhance crop yield
Table 3.1 Selected CDR technologies, continues on next page
Technology Maturity
Cost factors
or reductions in
Low (TRL 2):
Basic principles understood
and reported
Techniques well established
System concept formulated
and estimates of its carbon
mitigation potential
reported based on
modeling studies
No experimental
demonstration or proof
of systemwide concept
of CO
capture and
sequestration by land-use
Not practiced on a scale to
affect climate. No plans for
large-scale implementation
Low to medium:
Potential removal of
1.3–13.8 gigatons CO
0.4–14.2 metric tons
of CO
sequestered per
acre per year
Possible rerelease of
sequestered CO
Viability may depend on
nature and extent of a carbon
Value of land in other uses
Potentially large land area for
growing or preserving forests
Type of flora planted or
Natural resource requirements
for maintenance and
management of forests
(e.g., water)
Measuring, monitoring, and
Potential land-use
Possible cobenefits
such as reduced
water runoff
Low (TRL 2):
Basic principles understood
and reported
System concept formulated
No experimental
demonstration of proof of
system-wide concept
Not practiced on a scale to
affect climate. No plans or
prototypes for large-scale
Not rated:
Limited studies in
Some estimates based
on models but varied
conclusions about levels
of effectiveness
Viability may depend on
nature and extent of a carbon
Design and implementation
of silicate-based weathering
scheme, including
distribution and delivery of
Mining and transportation of
silicate rock, and logistics
Greatly varied estimates in the
scientific literature: $4–$100
per ton of CO
Potentially undesirable
environmental and other
consequences from
large-scale mining and
Table 3.1 Selected CDR technologies, continues on next page
Technology Maturity
Cost factors
Low (TRL 2):
Basic principles understood
and reported
System concept formulated
Limited small-scale field
experiments conducted but
results unclear
Published research mainly
Not practiced on a scale to
affect climate. No plans or
prototypes for large-scale
Maximum ability to
reduce atmospheric
: 10–30 ppm by
Scientific uncertainty
surrounding (1)
duration of carbon
sequestered in
the ocean, (2)
how ecological
impacts might limit
effectiveness, and (3)
how often iron would
need to be added
Outcomes from
limited experiments
not understood or well
Viability may depend on
nature and extent of a carbon
Design and implementation
of ocean fertilization scheme,
including distribution and
delivery of material
Mining and transportation of
iron ore, and logistics
Greatly varied estimates in the
scientific literature: $8–$80
per ton of CO
Ecological effect on
ocean not well
Risk of algal blooms
causing anoxic zones
in the ocean
Table 3.1 Selected CDR technologies: Their maturity and a summary of available information. Source: GAO.
In this report, we considered each technology’s maturity in terms of its readiness for application in a system designed to address global climate change. To do this, we used technology readiness levels
(TRL), a standard tool that some federal agencies use to assess the maturity of emerging technologies. We characterized technologies with TRL scores lower than 6 as “immature” (section 8.1). The TRL
rating methodology considers the maturity level of the whole integrated system rather than individual components of a particular technology.
We assessed potential effectiveness by considering the qualitative judgments of the Royal Society and reported estimates of two quantitative measures: (1) maximum ability to reduce the atmospheric
(ppm) projected for 2100 and (2) annual capacity to remove CO
from Earth’s atmosphere (gigatons of CO
or CO
-C equivalent per year). Additionally, we reviewed scientific literature with respect
to these measures of effectiveness and for assessments indicating the feasibility of implementing CDR technologies on a global scale to achieve a net reduction of atmospheric CO
concentration. A
technology was not assigned an overall qualitative rating when there were substantial uncertainties in the literature about its effectiveness (see section 8.1).
Cost factors are resources a system uses to remove CO
from the atmosphere and store it. Some of the studies we reviewed indicated possible cost levels, which we provide here for illustration. We did
not evaluate this information independently.
Includes potential consequences, risks, and cobenefits.
3.1.1 Direct air capture of CO
with geologic sequestration What it is
Direct air capture would chemically scrub CO
directly from the atmosphere. In some conceptual
designs, air is brought into contact with a
-absorbing liquid solution containing sodium
hydroxide or with a solid sorbent in the form of
a synthetic ion-exchange resin that selectively
absorbs CO
Figures 3.1 and 3.2 illustrate
two different air-capture units. Figure 3.1 shows
an artist’s rendering of the air-contactor design,
and figure 3.2 illustrates a CO
synthetic tree made from a proprietary resin.
-absorbing resin (sorbent material) could
be shaped as a tree or as packing material placed
inside a large column where it would be brought
into contact with air. The CO
-rich solution or
synthetic resin would be sent to a regenerator,
where the CO
would be separated from the
liquid by thermal cycling or by exposure to
humid air. The resulting concentrated stream
of CO
could be compressed to liquid form
and delivered (by trucks, ships, or pipelines)
to a sequestration site.
The sorbent would be
recycled to capture additional CO
Experts have proposed the compression and
transportation of captured CO
for sequestration
in deep underground geologic or saline
formations. Most candidate geologic formations
consist of layers of porous underground rock
capped by layers of nonporous rock that would
keep the injected fluids trapped in the lower
pore spaces. The CO
would be compressed
under elevated pressure (greater than 2,000 psi,
Sorbent refers to a solution or solid that selectively
absorbs a specific gas.
Geologic sequestration of CO
is a relatively new idea.
or 13 megapascals (MPa)) and sequestered at
the capture site, on shore, or in the deep ocean,
where the hydrostatic head of the sea water above
would keep the CO
from rising to the surface
(DOE 2006).
Note: This is a virtual rendering of an air-capture
unit designed by Carbon Engineering Ltd. Each
such unit would capture about 100,000 tons of
per year. A battery of such units is intended
to work with a chemical recovery plant to
produce high-purity CO
Figure 3.1 Capturing and absorbing CO
from air.
Source: Carbon Engineering Ltd.
Figure 3.2 CO
-absorbing synthetic tree.
Source: Columbia University.
Note: This is a
synthetic tree made
from a proprietary
resin that can absorb
from air.
Psi indicates pounds per square inch. A megapascal is
1 million pascals; a pascal is a measure of force per unit
area, defined as 1 newton per square meter. A newton is the
force that produces an acceleration of 1 meter per second per
second when exerted on a mass of 1 kilogram. Atmospheric
pressure at sea level is 14.7 psi, or roughly 0.1 MPa.
21 Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed the maturity of direct air capture
of CO
with geologic sequestration at TRL
3, given that the basic principles have been
observed and reported, a system concept has
been formulated, and the literature shows proof
of concept—that is, the technology has had
laboratory demonstrations using a prototype
unit. Direct air capture of CO
is probably
decades away from commercialization, even
though its fundamental chemistry and processes
are well understood and laboratory-scale direct
air-capture demonstrations are supported at two
universities. According to the literature, direct
air capture could theoretically remove total
annual global anthropogenic CO
estimated at approximately 33 gigatons. The
Royal Society reported that this technology had
no “obvious limit” to the amount of CO
could capture from the atmosphere. Large-scale
implementation, however, is currently neither
cost-effective nor thermodynamically efficient.
The main difficulty with direct air capture is in
the removal of atmospheric CO
in its extremely
low concentration (approximately 390 ppm),
which lowers the thermodynamic efficiency of
the process (Ranjan 2010).
This would make air
capture even more challenging than, for example,
capturing CO
from a flue stack where the
thermodynamic efficiencies were comparatively
much higher (approximately 20 percent), mainly
because of the higher concentration of CO
the flue gas (about 12 percent or approximately
120,000 ppm).
The low atmospheric CO
presents other difficulties such as a significantly
Thermodynamic efficiency refers to the ratio of the
thermodynamic minimum energy requirement to the actual
amount of energy used in the process (Zeman 2007).
large energy penalty associated with the CO
absorption system for air capture (Herzog 2003).
The total energy required to capture a unit of
from air is such that if carbon-based fuels
such as coal were used as the energy source,
more CO
would be released to the environment
than removed (Zeman 2007). The energy
process requirements for the direct air capture
of CO
would thus have to come from
noncarbon or low carbon energy sources.
Hence, substantial uncertainties surround the
scalability of air capture.
Our interviews with National Energy Technology
Laboratory (NETL) engineers revealed that
the capacity for sequestering CO
in deep
underground saline formations is vast enough
to store essentially all CO
emissions from
coal-fired power plants within the United States.
Carbon dioxide injection in subsurface geologic
formations has been used for decades in enhanced
oil recovery (EOR) to extract additional oil
from depleted oil reservoirs. EOR’s history has
made the overall challenges of the permanent
sequestration of fluids well understood. The oil
industry uses well-developed reservoir simulation
models with computer programs that have
sufficiently sophisticated computational power
to routinely characterize subsurface oil reservoirs.
It uses these tools extensively for oil production
forecasting and to predict the state of fluids in the
reservoirs, such as pressure distribution profiles
and fluid flow characteristics. Oil exploration
companies often conduct seismic surveys to
determine the size and shape of subsurface
reservoirs. They use well logging and sampling
to determine the porosity, permeability, and
resistivity of reservoirs and the hydrocarbons
Conservative estimates of the potential to store CO
geologically in North America range from 3,300 to 12,600
gigatons—that is, enough to store the CO
output of several
coal-fired power plants for many decades.
they contain.
Recently published reports
show that the private sector, universities, and
national laboratories are developing and using
computational techniques to model and simulate
injection, transport, and storage (CMI
2010; Grimstad et al. 2009; Hao et al. 2009;
MacMinn and Juanes 2009; Stauffer et al. 2009).
While advances in this area are notable, further
research is needed to improve the existing
technologies. What is known about CO
injection for enhanced oil recovery could help in
identifying deep underground saline formations
suitable for permanent CO
Carbon dioxide sequestration is being researched
for its feasibility in large-scale demonstrations.
Several worldwide projects are sequestering
in underground reservoirs to accelerate
mainstream CO
While the technology behind CO
is well developed, an integrated direct air
capture and sequestration system has not
been demonstrated. Furthermore, geologic
sequestration of CO
has not been practiced on
the large scale envisioned by climate engineering.
Well logging is the process of measuring and recording the
rock and fluid properties of geologic formations through
drilled boreholes. It is common in the oil and gas industry for
helping to find potential reservoirs, as well for gathering
data to support geotechnical studies. Resistivity is a
characteristic electrical property of materials defined as the
electrical resistance of a conductor of unit cross-sectional
area and unit length.
The Department of Energy and NETL lead the federal
agencies in supporting carbon capture and sequestration
(CCS) research and field demonstrations. The coal-fired
Mountaineer Power Plant, run by American Electric Power
in West Virginia, has conducted a one-of-a-kind small-scale
CCS demonstration that integrated CO
capture from the flue
stack, injecting the CO
into an underground formation at the
plant site. Also, the Sleipner project, run by Statoil of Norway,
sequesters approximately 1 megaton of CO
per year in a deep
saline aquifer. Cost factors
Cost estimates for direct air capture are based
largely on theoretical calculations or assumptions,
with some studies making qualitative cost
comparisons (Royal Society 2009). Direct air
capture’s relatively high cost results from the
extremely low concentration of CO
in the
atmosphere (about 390 ppm) compared to a
coal-fired stack (about 120,000 ppm).
have reported that the steps in selective CO
capture and release from a solvent consume
more energy—and therefore account for the
majority of the costs—than transportation and
underground sequestration. Besides the energy
costs, other factors include transportation and
logistics for sequestration of captured CO
the long-term management of the sequestration
site—for example, CO
injection, measuring,
monitoring, and verification.
Cost estimates for air capture in the literature
vary substantially, from a low range of $27–$135
per ton of CO
removed (Pielke 2009) to a
higher range of $420–$630 or more per ton
of CO
removed (Ranjan and Herzog 2010).
The cost estimate from Ranjan and Herzog
took thermodynamics into account, concluding
that direct air capture is unlikely to be a serious
option in the absence of a carbon market. The
literature estimates costs related to CO
and monitoring of $0.20–$30 per ton of CO
sequestered, reflecting a wide range of geologic
parameters that could affect cost at specific
Direct air capture of CO
is expected to cost more than CO
capture from the flue stack of a coal-fired power plant where
concentration is substantially higher (Ranjan and Herzog
2010). Engineers from American Electric Power indicated
that the present cost of capturing CO
from a flue stack is
estimated at about $50 per ton in contrast to the likely high
cost of direct air capture.
These estimates apply only to the energy costs of the process.
Adding capital and operations costs would increase them
significantly (Ranjan 2010).
locations (Metz et al. 2005). The potentially
high cost of direct air capture of CO
and the
lack of a carbon market could impede its
large-scale adoption. Potential consequences
While direct air capture has minimally
undesirable consequences (except those associated
with handling process materials or chemicals),
risks have been postulated for injecting large
amounts of CO
in deep underground saline
formations (Oruganti and Bryant 2009;
Ehlig-Economides and Economides 2010).
Experience with geologic storage is limited, and
the effectiveness of risk management methods
still needs to be demonstrated for use with CO
storage. Although CO
has been injected in oil
reservoirs for decades, saline formations have
not been proven safe or permanent. Leakage
from underground sequestration sites could
contaminate groundwater or cause CO
escape into the atmosphere. One technical
paper expressing doubt about mitigation by
underground geologic CO
storage based its
theoretical analysis on established reservoir
models and assumptions of a closed form of
reservoir that would render underground geologic
storage impractical and unsuitable (Ehlig-
Economides and Economides 2010). These
assumptions and analyses were subsequently
challenged by the U.S. Department of Energy’s
(DOE) Pacific Northwest National Laboratory
(PNNL) (Dooley and Davidson 2010).
Other studies have reported that sealing faults
or fissures in an underground reservoir could
cause local pressure build-up with potential
rock fractures at the weakest point, in the
neighborhood of a fault, and cascading problems
such as well failure, CO
seepage, atmospheric
release, and groundwater contamination
(Oruganti and Bryant 2009).
Unknown or
undocumented preexisting wells in the reservoir
provide another way for CO
to escape to the
atmosphere: industry experts we interviewed
generally agreed that these concerns merit further
analysis and a thorough characterization of
geologic reservoirs.
However, studies and simulations by industry,
academia, and national laboratories suggest that
such risk is generally small and manageable. For
example, sites are chosen for sequestration only
after the thorough characterization of a reservoir
and its geology. Promising sites are assessed in
detail to ensure minimal or no risk. NETL’s
recent report advocated robust simulation to
accurately model the transport and fate of CO
for identifying, estimating, and mitigating risks
arising from CO
injection into the subsurface
formation (Sullivan et al. 2011). Thus, CO
sequestration in deep underground geologic
formations might be safe, provided the risks
were managed adequately. Our interviews
and literature review suggest that careful site
characterization and appropriate monitoring and
verification during injection are key to avoiding
hazards, steps DOE has pursued at American
Electric Power’s West Virginia plant.
3.1.2 Bioenergy with CO
capture and sequestration What it is
Bioenergy with CO
capture and sequestration
(BECS) would harvest a biomass crop such as
switchgrass for biofuel production and capture
and sequester the CO
in geologic formations
In geology, a fault is a planar fracture or discontinuity
in a volume of rock, across which displacement has been
significant. Large faults within Earth’s crust result from the
action of tectonic forces.
as it is released in the conversion of biofuel to
electricity. Analogous to carbon capture and
sequestration (CCS), this leverages what is known
about bioenergy for fuels and CCS (Royal Society
As vegetation grows, photosynthesis
removes large quantities of carbon from the
atmosphere. A harvested crop could be used to
produce biofuel or simply as a fuel to generate
electricity. The CO
that would be released
could be captured and sequestered in geologic
formations. Since BECS actively absorbs CO
from the atmosphere over the entire life of a
growing plant, this approach could, on a large
scale, reduce atmospheric CO
(Read 2008). Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed the maturity of BECS at TRL 2.
Although it has been recognized that BECS can
remove CO
from the atmosphere, it has not
been applied on a scale that would affect climate
change (Carbo et al. 2010). This is an emerging
technology that leverages what is already known
about CO
capture and geologic sequestration.
For example, the Energy Research Center of
the Netherlands has a multidisciplinary research
program dedicated to BECS. BECS potentially
leads to negative CO
emissions—that is, to CO
uptake from the atmosphere through natural
sequestration of CO
in biomass (Carbo et al.
2010). Ranjan and Herzog (2010) concluded that
BECS could result in negative net emissions if the
biomass were harvested sustainably.
A variant of direct air capture, CCS captures CO
from a
fixed location such as the effluent stream of a coal-fired power
plant. The large technical and scientific literature on CCS has
brought it to the attention of government agencies, electric
power generation corporations, and the enhanced oil recovery
community (GAO 2010c; GAO 2008a). We excluded CCS
from our analysis because it is not generally considered to
involve deliberate modification of Earth’s climate system
and was therefore beyond our scope. As a forerunner of
direct air capture, CCS is a key part of the bioenergy with
sequestration (BECS) method, which, at large scale, is
considered to be climate engineering.
While the concept is simple, no instances of
BECS are in operation. For example, BECS has
not been demonstrated at any electric power
generation facility. BECS is limited by the rate
of growth of vegetation and conflicts with other
uses of land, such as agriculture. For example,
sequestering 1 gigaton of CO
through BECS
would require more than 200,000 square miles
of land for plant growth (Ranjan 2010). While
BECS could benefit local environments on a
small scale, the Royal Society views it as having a
low to medium capacity to remove CO
from the
atmosphere (Royal Society 2009; Royal Society
2001). According to the Royal Society, it can
reduce the atmospheric CO
concentration by
at most 50–150 ppm by the end of this century
compared to a projected CO
concentration of
500 ppm by 2100 (Royal Society 2009). Cost factors and
potential consequences
BECS’s implementation costs are variable
and depend on the availability of land for
harvesting biomass, unintended emissions, the
targeted amount by which atmospheric CO
concentration would be reduced, and a carbon
market, among other things (Azar et al. 2006).
Other cost factors include transportation and
logistics for sequestration, including the long-
term management of the sequestration sites (as
with direct air capture). An article by the Energy
Research Center of the Netherlands concluded
that incremental costs for CO
capture and
storage are relatively low for biofuel production
and are competitive with carbon capture and
sequestration in fossil-fired power plants (Carbo
et al. 2010). Another study reported BECS cost
estimates of $150–$500 per ton of CO
and suggested that BECS looked more promising
than air capture from a cost perspective, although
land requirements could potentially be large
(Ranjan 2010). The literature describes BECS’s
technical feasibility and potential as a negative-
emissions energy system that is benign and
free of risks associated with some other climate
engineering approaches (Read and
Lermit 2005). As with direct air capture,
however, the CO
sequestration aspects may
pose risks. Furthermore, diverting resources to
large-scale BECS activities could pose land-use
trade-offs or affect food prices, water resources,
and fertilizer use.
3.1.3 Biochar and biomass What it is
Biochar is a carbon-rich organic material that
results from heating biomass, or terrestrial
vegetation, in the absence of or in a limited
supply of oxygen (Whitman et al. 2010).
Biochar and biomass methods begin with the
uptake of CO
in photosynthesis (Lehmann
2007). The carbon locked in plants during their
growth would be converted to charcoal instead
of being released to the atmosphere. Biochar
differs from charcoal in that its primary use is for
biosequestration rather than fuel. That is, after
plants die, biochar can be buried underground or
stored in soil to keep carbon from being released
to the atmosphere as CO
. Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We rated the maturity of biochar and biomass
at TRL 2. Ongoing and published research
is available on the sustainability of biochar to
mitigate global climate change (Woolf et al.
2010). While its proof of concept has been
Pyrolysis refers to the thermochemical decomposition of
organic material at elevated temperatures in the absence of
oxygen or where its supply is limited.
demonstrated in published modeling and
experimental results, we found uncertainties in
experimental data demonstrating the efficacy of
biochar as a net carbon sink. For example, how
long the captured CO
in biochar will remain
sequestered is uncertain. Similar to BECS,
biochar production by pyrolysis is considered
to be a carbon-negative process. Reports show
its benefits to soil, but the current immaturity
of biochar sequestration technology precludes
it from being practiced on a scale large enough
to affect the climate. Its maximum sustainable
potential for reducing net CO
, CH
, and N
emissions has been estimated at 1–2 gigatons of
–C equivalent per year, compared to annual
anthropogenic emissions of these greenhouse
gases of 15 gigatons of CO
–C equivalent
(Laird et al. 2009; Woolf et al. 2010).
Lehmann and colleagues (2006) quoted a higher
future potential of biochar as a carbon sink of
5.5–9.5 gigatons of carbon per year by 2100.
The Royal Society views biochar as low in
effectiveness because its maximum anticipated
reduction in atmospheric CO
would be only 10–50 ppm by the end of this
century compared to a projected atmospheric
concentration of 500 ppm in 2100 (Royal
Society 2009). Therefore, biochar could be
viewed as a small-scale contributor
to a climate engineering approach to enhancing
the global terrestrial carbon sink (Royal
Society 2009).
Although producing biochar and storing it in
soil have been suggested as a way to abate climate
change, provide energy, and increase crop yields,
scientists have expressed uncertainty about its
global effect and sustainability (Woolf et al.
2010). Its emission balance is highly variable and
The term CO
–C equivalent describes the extent of
global warming caused by a given type and amount of
greenhouse gas, using the functionally equivalent amount or
concentration of CO
as the reference.
largely depends on the feedstock available, the
existing soil fertility, and the local energy needs
(Woolf et al. 2010). While biochar and biomass
sequestration methods currently represent a trivial
carbon sink, experts are researching them as a
means of abating climate change and improving
soil fertility. Cost factors and
potential consequences
The costs of biochar and biomass are uncertain
and inherently variable, depending on factors
such as the type of feedstock used, the cost of
pyrolysis, and carbon markets. According to one
scientist, cost might depend more significantly
on soil fertility outcomes. Roberts and colleagues
found break-even prices of about $2–$62 per
ton of CO
removed, depending on the pyrolysis
feedstock used (Roberts et al. 2010). While the
literature has reported no negative consequences
of biochar or biomass in soil, their handling
and application might pose safety and health
risks not yet adequately managed and captured
in an overall cost structure of biochar systems.
Pyrolysis could also affect health and safety.
Biochar’s effects on emissions of N
, and
from soil are poorly characterized and need
to be further researched (Whitman et al. 2010).
Land-use trade-offs are possible (food versus
the growth of biomass for fuel), but it is unclear
whether they would be a factor for biochar. For
example, the sustainable potential for biochar
calculated by Woolf et al (2010) assumed no
land-use trade-offs.
3.1.4 Land-use management What it is
Land-use management would enhance CO
uptake in trees, soils, and biomass to increase
their sequestration of carbon (DOE 2006).
Although it could involve a variety of activities,
we restricted our review to practices related to
forestry, including reforestation, afforestation,
and reductions in deforestation. Reforestation
would plant trees where forests were previously
cleared or burned; afforestation would plant
trees where they had not historically grown.
Reductions in deforestation would conserve
existing forests. Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed the maturity of land-use
management for climate engineering at TRL
2 because of the absence of experiments
demonstrating its effectiveness at the scale
required to affect the climate, despite the
existence of technologies and knowledge
required to sequester carbon through land-use
management for mitigation.
Bottom-up regional
studies and global top-down models yield
estimates of the potential for CO
uptake through
land-use management of 1.3–13.8 gigatons of
per year in 2030 (Nabuurs et al. 2007).
The effectiveness of land-use management
would depend on many factors, such as the
vegetation’s species, location, and growth phase.
For example, in the United States, afforestation
could potentially sequester 2.2–9.5 metric tons
of CO
per acre per year, reforestation 1.1–7.7
metric tons of CO
per acre per year, depending
on the types of trees and where they were planted
(Murray et al. 2005). Nabuurs and colleagues
China has recently accomplished afforestation on a large scale
for reasons unrelated to global climate change mitigation.
Emissions pricing can provide financial incentives for carbon
sequestration. This range of estimates of the global economic
potential of land-use management assumes a price of $100
per ton of CO
reported a range for both of 0.4–14.2 tons of
per acre per year worldwide.
The rate of
carbon accumulation also varies over a tree’s
life cycle, starting out slowly when a tree is first
planted, then increasing. Although land-use
management practices are well understood and
well established, their sequestration potential
could be enhanced if scientists were to improve
the understanding of carbon uptake and transfer
in plants and soils.
The capacity for sequestration through
afforestation or reforestation also depends on
the amount of land available. The estimates of
sequestration potential reported by Nabuurs and
colleagues suggest that the land area required
to store a gigaton of CO
per year could range
from about 100,000 to 3.9 million square
miles. Other potential challenges to land-use
management for climate engineering include
threats to permanence, such as fire, insect
outbreaks, drought, or harvesting and problems
in reliably measuring, monitoring, and verifying
the amount of carbon stored, although progress
has been made in this area, and costs may decline
further as new methods are developed (Royal
Society 2009; Sohngen 2009; Canadell and
Raupach 2008; Tavoni et al. 2007; Royal Society
Climate change itself could also affect
the capacity for sequestration through land-use
management, but it is unclear whether
capacity would be enhanced or diminished
(Nabuurs et al. 2007).
Nabuurs and colleagues described trade-offs that could affect
net sequestration from land-use management. For example, a
moratorium on timber harvesting could increase the carbon
sequestered in forests but could also result in the substitution
of energy-intensive building materials, such as cement or
concrete, for wood in the construction of buildings
(Nabuurs et al. 2007).
One expert noted that natural disturbances might not
significantly challenge carbon sequestration through
land-use management in the long term. Cost factors and
potential consequences
The costs of sequestration through land-use
management would depend on a number of
factors, most importantly the value of land
in other uses (Sohngen 2009; Jepma 2008;
Nabuurs et al. 2007; Sohngen and Sedjo 2006).
Costs would also arise from implementing and
managing forestry practices (such as planting
seedlings or harvesting); measuring, monitoring,
and verification; engaging in other transactions
(for example, developing and implementing
long-term sequestration contracts); and system-
wide adjustments (for example, changes in
the price of land) (Sohngen 2009). Although
land-use management is not generally regarded as
risky, some practices could affect other systems as
well as climate—for example, afforestation could
reduce water runoff and affect the ecology.
3.1.5 Enhanced weathering What it is
Weathering refers to the physical or chemical
breakdown of Earth’s minerals in direct contact
with the atmosphere. Thousands of years of the
weathering of silicate rocks, for example, have
removed CO
naturally from the atmosphere, as
the CO
has reacted chemically with silicate
rocks to form solid carbonates. The reaction
can be written
+ CO
+ SiO
This natural weathering of rocks could be
enhanced by chemically reacting the silicate or
carbonate rocks with CO
in the presence of sea
water to produce a carbonic acid solution that
could be spread in the ocean (Rau et al. 2007;
Royal Society 2009).
37 Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed the maturity of enhanced weathering
at TRL 2. While the basic principles of enhanced
weathering have been observed and a concept
proposed, we did not find published experimental
results describing this approach as a CO
reducing strategy. Neither enhanced weathering’s
potential nor its technological elements have been
clarified. The chemical reaction that facilitates it
sometimes converts silicate rocks to carbonates
by reaction with CO
. The carbonate materials
resulting from enhanced weathering can be stored
in the deep ocean or in soil. Similarly, the CO
could react with carbonate rocks in seawater
for conversion and storage as bicarbonate ions
in the ocean where a large pool of such ions is
already present. Since Earth’s silicate minerals
are abundant, fixation in carbonate rocks
could remove large amounts of CO
from the
atmosphere. Scientists have made a number of
proposals to hasten natural weathering.
example, Rau and colleagues have reported its
potential effectiveness based on models (Rau et
al. 2007). While a very large potential for carbon
storage in soils and oceans has been reported
for this technology, its effectiveness remains
uncertain. Enhanced weathering has not been
practiced on a scale that would affect climate.
Enhanced weathering of silicate and carbonate rocks can be
represented by CaSiO
+ 2CO
+ H
O Ca
+ 2HCO
and CaCO
+ CO
+ H
O Ca
+ 2HCO
One proposal would spread crushed olivine, a type of silicate
rock, on agricultural and forested lands to sequester CO
improve soil quality (Schuiling and Krijgsman 2006). Another
proposal would cause the CO
emissions from a power plant
to react with crushed limestone (mainly calcium carbonate)
in the presence of seawater to spontaneously produce calcium
bicarbonate ions (Rau et al. 2007). Cost factors and
potential consequences
Enhanced weathering’s costs are uncertain but are
likely to be driven by mining and transportation
costs (Royal Society 2009). Cost factors
would include, for example, the design and
implementation of a silicate-based weathering
scheme and the distribution and delivery of
raw materials. Rau and colleagues reported
variability in cost estimates of $4–$65 per ton
of CO
removed under various assumptions,
whereas IPCC’s estimate was $50–$100 per ton
of CO
captured (Rau et al. 2007; Metz et al.
2005). Overall, this technology is expected to
be relatively simple and low in cost. Enhanced
weathering that entailed large-scale mining
and transportation could require additional
energy and water and might adversely affect
air and water quality (consistent with mining
activities) and aquatic life in the long term
(Royal Society 2009). Viability would depend on
carbon markets.
3.1.6 Ocean fertilization What it is
Ocean fertilization releases iron to certain areas
of the ocean surface to increase phytoplankton
growth and promote CO
fixation (Buesseler et
al. 2008a). Oceans act as a large sink of CO
Atmospheric CO
is exchanged at the surface
and slowly transferred to deeper waters with
the capacity to store about 35,000 gigatons of
carbon (Royal Society 2009).
algae, and other microscopic plants on the
ocean surface absorb CO
in photosynthesis
and recycle it to the bottom as organic matter.
This represents a substantially large storage capacity compared
to the total cumulative anthropogenic carbon additions to
oceans of about 100 gigatons since preindustrial times.
As the material settles into the deep ocean
bottom, the microorganisms residing there use
it for food, transferring CO
back to the ocean
as they breathe. The combined phytoplankton
photosynthesis at the surface and respiration
removes CO
at the surface and releases it at
greater depths. This is called the biological
pump; studies suggest manipulating this pump
to expedite CO
sequestration. Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed the maturity of ocean fertilization at
TRL 2. Basic principles have been observed and
reported, and the concept has been formulated,
with multiple studies proposing iron fertilization
as an option for reducing CO
in the atmosphere.
Oceans are the largest natural absorbers of CO
on the planet (at about 337 gigatons of CO
per year) and the largest natural reservoir of
excess carbon (Rau 2009). However, most of
the CO
the oceans absorb is released back to
the atmosphere in a continuous exchange while
only a small portion of it is transferred to and
sequestered in the deep ocean.
The large number of theoretical studies
attempting to understand fertilization’s
complexities with sophisticated ocean models—as
many as 12 between 1993 and 2008—have been
complemented with only a few small-scale field
experiments, whose results were uncertain and
not well documented. Ocean fertilization studies
suggest that 30,000–110,000 tons of carbon
could be sequestered from air by adding 1 ton of
iron to certain parts of the ocean, but verifying
this technology’s effectiveness is difficult and
uncertain (Buesseler et al. 2008b).
For example,
modeling simulations suggest a cumulative
One ton of carbon corresponds to 3.67 tons of CO
storage potential of 26–70 gigatons of carbon
(equivalent to 95–255 gigatons of CO
) for
large-scale ocean fertilization—relatively low
compared to terrestrial sequestration potential in
vegetation (200 gigatons of carbon) or in deep
geological formation (several hundred gigatons of
carbon) (Bertram 2009).
Another study based on models reported
that large-scale sustained iron fertilization
(30 percent of the global ocean area) could store
at most 0.5 gigatons of carbon (equivalent to
about 2 gigatons of CO
) per year. This amount
is small compared to anthropogenic emissions
of approximately 8–9 gigatons of carbon
(equivalent to about 30–33 gigatons of CO
per year. According to the Royal Society, ocean
fertilization could reduce the atmospheric CO
concentration by a maximum of 10–30 ppm
by the end of this century, which would be
considered to be low in effectiveness. While
these estimates have not been substantiated
experimentally, these studies show that even
sustained fertilization of oceans would have only
a minor effect on the increasing atmospheric CO
concentration (Secretariat of the Convention on
Biological Diversity 2009).
Ocean fertilization as a long-term carbon storage
strategy has not been demonstrated (Buesseler
et al. 2008b). The literature characterizes its
effectiveness as highly uncertain, the models
governing biochemical cycling of nutrients
and the circulation of ocean currents as poorly
understood or uncertain, and the strategy for
mitigating CO
as risky. For example, the science
is unclear regarding ecological consequences, the
duration of carbon sequestered in the oceans, and
the frequency with which iron should be added
(Buesseler et al. 2008b). Scientists are researching
the ocean’s biochemical processes and the
effects and efficacy of iron fertilization to better
understand them.
30 Cost factors and
potential consequences
Ocean fertilization could be cost-effective
at capturing and sequestering atmospheric
in the deep ocean, but relatively little
is known about its efficacy.
The design and
implementation of any ocean fertilization scheme,
including mining, distribution, and delivery of
materials, would affect its success. The literature
has reported significant uncertainty with respect
to cost. Some ocean fertilization modeling has
helped determine its efficiency at removing
carbon from the atmosphere but estimating a cost
range is difficult. One estimate put the minimum
cost at approximately $8 per ton of CO
(Buesseler et al. 2008b). An evaluation by Boyd
characterized ocean fertilization as a medium-risk
strategy with costs of $8–$80 per ton of CO
removed (Boyd 2008).
Because ocean fertilization is not well understood
and is largely theoretical, it could pose ecological
risks (Royal Society 2009). A report from the
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution indicated
that iron-fertilized phytoplankton blooms could
eventually prevent oceans from sustaining life.
An image in that report showed bloom and
anoxic (or dead) zones stretching for hundreds
of kilometers (Buesseler et al. 2008b).
Royal Society and the U.K. House of Commons
Science and Technology Committee reported
that ecosystem-based methods—whether
fertilizing the ocean or blocking sunlight—would
be subject to unknown risks if implemented on
a large scale. Other studies have also presented
images of the unintended consequences of
Despite the fact that oceans exchange large quantities of CO
with the atmosphere in a natural process, comparatively little
is known about sequestering CO
by ocean fertilization.
Anoxia means the absence of oxygen. Algal blooms in the
ocean can deplete available oxygen in the water, leading to
dead or anoxic zones.
manipulating ecosystems—dead zones in the
sea resulting from phytoplankton boom are an
example (Buesseler et al. 2008b). Other potential
risks of ocean fertilization are greater ocean
acidification, additional emissions of greenhouse
gases, and the reduction of oxygen in the ocean to
levels some species cannot tolerate (Buesseler
et al. 2008b).
3.2 Selected SRM Technologies
In this section, we summarize our assessment
of the maturity of selected SRM technologies
and present information from peer-reviewed
literature on their potential effectiveness, cost
factors, and potential consequences. TRL
ratings indicate the maturity of each technology.
Potential effectiveness is described in terms of
the anticipated ability to counteract warming
caused by doubling the preindustrial atmospheric
concentration of CO
. In calculating our ratings,
we relied on reported results from
climate engineering modeling studies using
general circulation models (GCM) and
energy balance studies of the effects of
increasing reflectivities.
Cost factors represent resources required to
counteract global warming from doubling the
preindustrial atmospheric concentration of CO
or, for technologies that are not anticipated
to be fully effective, the resources required to
counteract warming to the maximum extent
possible. Potential consequences associated
with each technology include reported negative
consequences and cobenefits. (See table 3.2.)
Technology Maturity
Cost factors
Low (TRL 1):
Basic principles
understood and
No system concept
Potentially fully
Aerosols must
be continuously
Design, fabrication, testing,
acquisition, and deployment of
aerosol delivery scheme, including
distribution and delivery
mechanisms, fabrication of aerosol
dispersal equipment, and all
associated infrastructure
Literature-based estimates vary
significantly: $35 billion to $65
billion in the first year; $13 billion
to $25 billion in operating cost
each year thereafter
Little change in global average
annual precipitation
Disruption of Asian and
African summer monsoons
with accompanying reduction
in precipitation
Delayed ozone layer recovery in
southern hemisphere and about
a 30-year delay in recovery of
Antarctic ozone hole
Scattering interference with
terrestrial astronomy
Efficiency of solar-collector
power plants reduced by
increased diffuse radiation
Marine cloud
Low (TRL 2):
Basic principles
understood and
System concept
Proof of concept not
Potentially fully
estimates of
effectiveness vary
Clouds must be
Design, fabrication, testing,
acquisition, and deployment of a
fleet of 1,500 wind-driven spray
Fleet infrastructure and operation
Estimates in the scientific
literature vary significantly at $42
million for development, $47
million for production tooling,
$2.3 billion to $4.7 billion for
1,500-vessel fleet acquisition
Small changes in global
average temperature, regional
temperatures, and global
Large regional changes in
precipitation, evaporation, and
runoff; both precipitation and
runoff increase, and the net
result might not “dry out” the
Table 3.2 Selected SRM technologies, continues on next page
Technology Maturity
Cost factors
Scatterers or
reflectors in
Earth orbit
Deep space
Low (TRL 2):
Basic principles
understood and
System concepts
proposed, but proof
of concept not
Potentially fully
Spacecraft’s limited
Design, fabrication, testing,
acquisition, and deployment of
a fleet of millions to trillions of
reflecting or scattering spacecraft
Launch vehicle
Infrastructure and operation
Estimates in the scientific
literature vary significantly: an
estimate of $1.3 trillion and an
estimate of less than $5 trillion
Earth-orbit technologies:
A cool band in the tropics
with unknown effects on
ocean currents, temperature,
precipitation, and wind
A multitude of bright “stars” in
the morning and evening that
would interfere with terrestrial
Deep-space technologies:
Annual average tropical
temperatures a little cooler
Annual average higher latitude
temperatures a little warmer
Small reduction of annual
global precipitation
Urban or
settled areas
Low (Up to TRL 2):
Basic principles
understood and
One technology
proposed a system
concept but without
demonstrated proof of
effectiveness of 0.21
(urban areas) to
more than
57 percent (deserts)
issues: maintaining
reflectivity and
missing information
on reflective flora
Design, fabrication, testing,
acquisition, and deployment of
reflective material or flora
Infrastructure and maintenance
Estimates in the scientific
literature to maintain reflectivity
vary greatly from $78 billion
(urban areas) to $3 trillion per
year (deserts)
Cool deserts might change
large-scale patterns of
atmospheric circulation
Reflective crops would
probably not significantly affect
global average temperature but
might reduce regional summer
Reflective urban areas would
probably not affect global
average temperature but might
reduce air-conditioning costs
Table 3.2 Selected SRM technologies: Their maturity and a summary of available information. Source: GAO.
In this report, we considered each technology’s maturity in terms of its readiness for application in a system designed to address global climate change. To do this, we used technology readiness levels (TRL),
a standard tool that some federal agencies use to assess the maturity of emerging technologies. We characterized technologies with TRL scores lower than 6 as “immature” (see section 8.1). The TRL rating
methodology considers the maturity level of the whole integrated system rather than individual components of a particular technology.
We assessed potential effectiveness in terms of a technology’s potential ability to counteract global warming caused by doubling the preindustrial CO
Cost factors are resources a system uses to counteract global warming caused by doubled preindustrial atmospheric CO
concentration, or for technologies that are potentially not fully effective, resources
required to counteract global warming to the maximum extent possible. Some of the studies we reviewed indicate possible cost levels, which we provide here for illustration. We did not evaluate this
information independently.
Includes potential consequences, risks, and cobenefits.
3.2.1 Stratospheric aerosols What it is
Deploying aerosols would use knowledge gained
from volcanic eruptions that inject aerosols
into the stratosphere, cooling Earth for short
periods. Aerosols smaller than 1 micrometer in
diameter (1 millionth of a meter) would cool
Earth primarily by scattering a fraction of the
solar radiation. While enough solar radiation
would be scattered back into space to cool Earth,
a larger fraction would be scattered toward Earth,
increasing diffuse radiation (Robock 2000).
Larger aerosols would scatter solar radiation less
efficiently and absorb both solar and thermal
radiation, acting somewhat like a greenhouse
gas (Rasch, Crutzen, and Coleman 2008; Rasch,
Tilmes et al. 2008). If the volcanic sulfate aerosols
were sufficient to cool Earth, the sulfates would
accumulate in size and remain in the stratosphere
for about 1 year.
43 Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed stratospheric aerosol technology at
TRL 1 because only basic principles have been
reported. We could not rate this technology at
TRL 2 because we found no system concepts
reported in the literature. Recent estimates using
complex coupled atmosphere-ocean general
circulation models indicated that about 3
million tons of sulfur injected per year into the
stratosphere and forming volcanic-sized sulfate
aerosols would compensate for the doubled CO
concentration (Rasch, Crutzen, and Coleman
2008). In a recent investigation using a chemistry
While the published research has focused on sulfate aerosols
(Royal Society 2009), other aerosols such as alumina (Teller
et al. 1997) and self-levitated nanoparticles (Keith 2010) have
also been considered.
climate model, Heckendorn and colleagues found
that sulfates from continuous injection of sulfur
gas formed larger aerosols that would be less
effective than volcanic sized aerosols (Heckendorn
et al. 2009). Because sulfate aerosols have a
lifetime of about a year in the stratosphere, they
must be replenished to sustain their cooling effect
(Rasch, Crutzen, and Coleman 2008). Cost factors and
potential consequences
It could cost $35 billion to $65 billion in the
first year and $13 billion to $25 billion in
each subsequent year to inject sufficient sulfate
aerosols into the stratosphere to counteract global
warming caused by doubling preindustrial CO
concentration. Robock and colleagues estimated
the cost of injecting 1 million tons of a sulfur
gas (that will become sulfate aerosols) per year
into the stratosphere (Robock et al. 2009). Since
about 3 million tons of sulfur might be required
to counteract global warming caused by doubling
preindustrial CO
concentration, we scaled
Robock and colleagues’ cost estimate, assuming
no economy of scale, to 3.2 million
and 6 million tons per year of hydrogen sulfide
and sulfur dioxide, respectively (gases containing
3 million tons of sulfur). The scaled cost estimate
is $35 billion to $65 billion in the first year (the
cost of the airplanes used to inject the aerosols
plus 1 year of operations) and $13 billion to
$25 billion in operating costs in each subsequent
year to sustain the effort. Robock and colleagues
considered several potential aerosol injection
systems, including KC-135 aircraft-refueling
tankers and F-15 aircraft. They found that
the total cost of using the aircraft-refueling
tankers would be lower than the total cost of
the alternatives, but the tankers do not fly high
enough (Robock et al. 2009).
Using the F-15s was the least expensive among
the remaining alternatives. Robock and
colleagues’ estimated operating cost for the
F-15s was an upper bound based on the hourly
cost of the tankers; the authors expected that
the hourly cost of operating F-15s would be
lower because they use less fuel and fewer pilots
than the tankers. However, because the F-15s
are smaller than the tankers, they would require
more than ten times the number of trips that the
tankers would require to inject the same quantity
of aerosols. Other alternatives considered by
the authors, including injection systems based
on artillery or balloons, would be significantly
more expensive than the fighter aircraft. The
scaled estimates do not include system design,
fabricating aerosol dispersal equipment, or
Volcanic stratospheric sulfate aerosols increase
diffuse solar radiation, which can increase the
growth of terrestrial vegetation (Robock et al.
2009). Cooling by these aerosols can interfere
with the hydrological cycle (Trenberth and Dai
2007). The surface area of these aerosols can
lead to reactions that deplete stratospheric ozone
(Tilmes et al. 2008; Solomon 1999). Robock and
colleagues reported performing a modeling study
using an IPCC “business-as-usual” scenario with
an increase in greenhouse gases and sufficient
stratospheric sulfate aerosols to significantly cool
Earth. They found little annual average change
in global precipitation but significantly reduced
precipitation in India, with large reductions in
summer monsoon precipitation in India and
northern China that could threaten food and
water supplies. They found a similar reduction in
the Sahel in Africa. They also found that abruptly
stopping the injection of aerosols would raise
temperature rapidly and be difficult to adapt to.
In another modeling study using the same
greenhouse gas scenario, Tilmes and colleagues
found that changes in stratospheric dynamics
and chemistry delayed the recovery of the ozone
layer in middle and high latitudes in the southern
hemisphere and reduced the ozone layer in high
latitudes in the northern hemisphere (Tilmes et
al. 2009). The recovery of the Antarctic ozone
hole would be delayed by about 30 years.
They stated that the increase in ultraviolet
radiation of up to 10 percent observed in the
middle and high latitudes in the 1980s and 1990s
would probably worsen.
Using an aerosol-chemistry climate model,
Heckendorn and colleagues found larger
sulfate aerosols, which increased stratospheric
water vapor and reduced stratospheric ozone
(Heckendorn et al. 2009). Additional water vapor
(a greenhouse gas) would reduce effectiveness but
reduced ozone (another greenhouse gas) would
increase effectiveness. The net effect is not known
because detailed radiation forcing calculations
were beyond the scope of the 2009 study.
Other collateral consequences of stratospheric
aerosols would include negative effects on
astronomy and on solar energy power plants.
Suspended above all terrestrial telescopes,
stratospheric aerosols would interfere with
terrestrial optical astronomy. Scattering from
stratospheric aerosols would also reduce the
efficiency of power plants that concentrate solar
radiation to generate electricity. Although solar
radiation scattered from aerosols would result in
significant diffuse radiation, the concentrators in
these power plants cannot use it. For example,
the peak power output of Solar Electric
Generating Stations in California fell up to
20 percent after Mount Pinatubo erupted, even
though total solar radiation was reduced by less
than 3 percent (Murphy 2009). Aerosol effects
in the stratosphere could be reversed by stopping
their injection because sulfate aerosols remain in
the stratosphere for approximately 1 year.
3.2.2 Cloud brightening What it is
Reflectivity in clouds generally increases as the
number of water droplets in them increases
(Twomey 1977). Latham and colleagues
proposed to increase the reflectivity of marine
clouds by increasing the number of water droplets
(Latham et al. 2008). They proposed to loft
droplets of sea water micrometers in diameter
that would shrink by evaporation as they rose
into the base of the clouds, where moisture
would condense, and increase their number
(Latham et al. 2008). In designing wind-driven
spray vessel-based cloud brightening equipment,
Salter, Sortino, and Latham (2008) proposed to
avoid the problems of remotely operating and
maintaining sails, ropes, and reefing gear by
using Flettner rotors—vertical spinning cylinders
that produce forces perpendicular to the wind
direction—instead of sails. Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed cloud brightening technology at
TRL 2. Basic principles have been reported,
allowing at least TRL 1. Demonstration of
proof of concept has not been reported (Salter,
Sortino, and Latham 2008), ruling out TRL 3.
A system concept has been proposed, and there
is encouraging evidence that this technology
might work: Ship tracks (which are white streaks
observed in satellite images of the oceans that are
attributed to sulfate aerosols in the exhaust trails
from ships) indicate that adding aerosols to the
marine environment can make clouds, but they
fall short of proof of concept that lofting droplets
of sea water into marine clouds will brighten
them as assumed in the analyses discussed below.
Having a system concept does not automatically
qualify this technology for TRL 2 but it cannot
be ruled out, given the information available in
Salter, Sortino, and Latham (2008).
Four recent investigations of cloud brightening
reported effectiveness ranging from fully effective
to fully effective with a significant margin.
Latham and colleagues used two different
atmosphere-only general circulation models and
calculated the increased reflectivity of brightened
clouds. They found full effectiveness with
significant margin for one when they brightened
all marine clouds and full effectiveness for the
other when they brightened clouds over 35 to
45 percent of the ocean area (Latham et al. 2008).
Using analytical methods, Lenton and Vaughan
found full effectiveness but warned that
conversion of droplets reaching the base of the
clouds into droplets in the clouds is not well
understood and, if the conversion is insufficient,
this technology would not be effective (Lenton
and Vaughan 2009). Rasch and colleagues
used a fully coupled atmosphere-ocean general
circulation model and found full effectiveness if
clouds were brightened over between 40 percent
and 70 percent of the oceans (Rasch et al. 2009).
Bala and colleagues used a similar atmosphere
model coupled to a simple slab-ocean/sea-ice
general circulation model and found full
effectiveness when they reduced water droplet size
in all marine clouds (Bala et al. 2010). Brightened
clouds have a lifetime of a few days and must
be continuously brightened to sustain cooling
(Latham et al. 2008). Cost factors and
potential consequences
It could cost $2.4 billion to $4.8 billion to
brighten enough marine clouds to compensate
for a doubling of the concentration of CO
in the
atmosphere. Salter, Sortino, and Latham (2008)
estimated that full effectiveness would require a
fleet of 1,500 of their wind-driven spray vessels.
Their cost estimate did not include system
testing, acquisition, deployment, infrastructure,
and operation.
The investigations using coupled atmosphere-
ocean general circulation models predicted
climate changes. Rasch, Latham, and Chen
(2009), using a fully coupled ocean-atmosphere
model, found that as they brightened increasing
fractions of clouds, they not only could
counteract global warming caused by doubling
atmospheric CO
concentrations but could also
counteract the effects of this warming on sea ice
and precipitation—but not all at the same time.
For example, when they counteracted global
warming, they overcompensated for the loss
of south polar sea ice and the change in global
precipitation and undercompensated for the loss
of north polar sea ice (Rasch, Latham, and Chen
2009). Bala and colleagues used an atmosphere
coupled to a simple slab-ocean/sea-ice model and
found that
changes in global and regional annual average
temperatures were small,
changes in global annual precipitation were
small, and
regional changes in precipitation, evaporation,
and runoff were large. Precipitation and runoff
increased over land, particularly over Central
America, the Amazon, India, and the Sahel,
suggesting that this technology might not dry
the continents (Bala et al. 2010).
The total rough cost estimate for the cloud brightening
system would be $2.4 billion to $4.8 billion. This cost
estimate is made up of Salter, Sortino, and Latham’s estimates
of $3.1 million for the first 2 years of engineering;
$39 million for the next 3 years for final design, including
construction of a prototype; $47 million for production
tooling; and production costs of $2.3 billion to $4.7 billion
($1.56 million to $3.13 million each) for 1,500 45-meter,
300-ton wind-driven spray vessels (Salter et al. 2008).
The brightness of clouds could be returned to
normal within a few days of ceasing to
deploy the cloud brightening technology
(Latham et al. 2008).
3.2.3 Scatterers or reflectors in space What it is
Proposals have been made to reduce the solar
radiation that reaches Earth by placing scatterers
or reflectors in Earth orbit or in deeper space at a
stable position between Earth and the Sun
called the inner Lagrange point (or L1)—
approximately 1 percent of the distance from
Earth toward the Sun—where gravitational and
orbital forces are balanced.
Proposed technologies include scatterers or
reflectors in Earth orbit. NAS dismissed the
use of 55,000 110-ton 100-square kilometer
reflective solar “sails” in orbit that would reflect
1 percent of solar radiation as “a very difficult if
not unmanageable control problem”
(NAS 1992).
Pearson, Oldson, and Levin (2006) proposed
Saturn-like rings of space dust or parasol
spacecraft. To be practical, the space dust option
would require the ability to fabricate in space.
The ring of spacecraft would consist of 5 million
parasol spacecraft, each measuring 5 km long
by 200 m wide (1 square km) and having mass
of 1,000 kg. They would be electromagnetically
tethered in Earth’s equatorial plane at altitudes
between 1,300 km and 3,200 km. The
spacecraft’s parasols would point at the Sun and
shade the tropics of the winter hemisphere.
In 1992, reflecting 1 percent of solar radiation was thought
to counteract the global warming from doubling the
concentration of CO
in the atmosphere (NAS 1992).
Up-to-date modeling studies indicate that reflection of about
1.8 percent is required (Govindasamy and Caldeira 2000;
Govindasamy et al. 2002; Caldeira and Wood 2008).
The proposed options also included scatterers or
reflectors at L1:
a 3,400-ton, 1,800-km diameter diaphanous
scattering screen fabricated in low Earth orbit
(Teller et al. 1997);
a 100-million ton, 2,000-km diameter,
10 micrometer thick opaque disc or transparent
prism made from moon glass (Early 1989);
a 420-million ton, 3,600-km diameter,
5.1 micrometer thick iron mirror made
from asteroids (McInnes 2002);
16 trillion spacecraft (a total of 19 million
tons), each 0.6 meters in diameter and
5 micrometers thick, covering an ellipse
6,200 km by 7,200 km (Angel 2006).
The first three technologies are impractical at
this time because they require manufacturing
capabilities in space. The fourth technology
would consist of 16 trillion autonomous
fliers, manufactured on Earth, launched
electromagnetically into orbit, and moved into
position with ion propulsion. Once in position,
they would use a system analogous to the global
positioning system and radiation pressure motive
power with tilting mirrors for station-keeping. Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed scattering or reflecting technologies
in space at TRL 2. Basic principles have
been reported and system concepts have
been proposed, allowing at least TRL 1, but
demonstration of proofs of concept have not
been reported (Angel 2006; Pearson et al. 2006),
ruling out TRL 3. Having system concepts does
not automatically qualify these technologies for
TRL 2 but it cannot be ruled out, given the
information available in Angel (2006) and in
Pearson, Oldson, and Levin (2006).
Pearson, Oldson, and Levin (2006) used a
simplified one-dimensional energy balance
model to design a system of parasol spacecraft
to reduce solar radiation to compensate for
doubled preindustrial CO
concentrations in the
atmosphere. Their design study indicated that
this could be accomplished by shading about
36 percent of a Saturn-like equatorial ring with
their parasol spacecraft.
Angel’s autonomous spacecraft fliers were
designed to reduce solar radiation by the
1.8 percent required by general circulation
models (in this case, an atmospheric general
circulation model coupled to slab ocean and
sea-ice models) (Govindasamy and Caldeira
2000) to compensate for global warming caused
by doubling the preindustrial CO
None of these space-based SRM technologies
would be a realistic contributor in the short
term. They should not be dismissed from future
consideration, particularly if climate engineering
were to be employed for as long as a century
(Royal Society 2009). However, the spacecraft
would have to be replaced when they reached the
end of their service life to sustain cooling. Cost factors and
potential consequences
Following NAS’s assertion that the cost of
establishing space-based climate engineering
projects would be dominated by launch costs
(NAS 1992), Pearson, Oldson, and Levin
(2006) estimated a cost of $1.3 trillion for their
equatorial Saturn-ring-like collection of reflectors.
Their launch cost was based on a proposed ram
accelerator and an orbiting tether, achieving a
low Earth orbit launch cost of $250 per kg. This
cost estimate did not include design, fabrication,
testing, acquisition, deployment, infrastructure,
or operation. They did not provide an explicit
projected lifetime for their spacecraft. However,
they did explore the consequences of a 100-year
lifetime. Following on their launch costs as
discussed, the replacement cost estimate would
be $13 billion per year.
It could cost less than $5 trillion for Angel’s
fliers at L1. Fabrication costs were estimated at
$50 per kg, which Angel rounded up to
$1 trillion. Estimates of launch costs were based
on 20 electromagnetic launchers each launching
800,000 fliers into orbit every 5 minutes for
10 years. The electromagnetic launchers would
put the fliers into orbit, and ion propulsion
would move them to L1, where the fliers would
use mirrors to adjust radiation pressure from
solar radiation to maintain position. The cost
estimate for the launchers was $600 billion and
the estimated cost of electrical energy for the
launchers was $150 billion; Angel rounded the
sum to $1 trillion, corresponding to a launch cost
of $50 per kg. Angel stated that a total project
cost, including development and operations, of
less than $5 trillion seemed possible but gave
insufficient detail to evaluate development
and operation costs. Also, he did not explicitly
mention testing, acquisition, deployment, and
infrastructure. The projected lifetime for the
fliers is 50 years, which means that 320 billion
fliers would have to be replaced every year, but
Angel did not provide an estimated cost for
Orbital equatorial Saturn-ring-like disposition
of reflectors is a regional technology that would
shade and cool the winter portion of the tropics.
The design study used a simplified energy balance
model of Earth’s climate system, not a general
circulation model (GCM). Therefore, climate
responses other than a set of average temperatures
for bands of latitudes are not available. The
effects on the ocean currents, ocean temperature,
precipitation, and wind are unknown. However,
a multitude of bright “stars” at morning
and evening would interfere with terrestrial
Uniformly reducing solar radiation with reflectors
or scatterers at L1 enough to counteract the
warming effect of doubling the concentration
of CO
might not significantly reduce CO
fertilization from doubling CO
. Govindasamy
and colleagues modeled this effect with normal
and uniformly reduced solar radiation at both
the concentration of CO
in 1991 and double
the concentration of CO
in 1991 (Govindasamy
et al. 2002). In their modeling study, they chose
a reduction in solar radiation that could nearly
counteract the warming effect of doubling the
concentration of CO
. They found that doubling
resulted in CO
fertilization—that is, plant
productivity increased by 76–77 percent and
biomass increased by 87–92 percent.
When they
uniformly reduced solar radiation to counteract
the warming effect of this doubling of the
concentration of CO
, they found that plant
productivity fell by 2.3–3 percent and biomass
fell by 1.9–4.7 percent. Govindasamy and
colleagues indicated that in reality, CO
ecosystems might encounter nutrient limitations,
diminishing the magnitude but not changing the
direction of the CO
fertilization. Furthermore,
they indicated that CO
fertilization might affect
ecosystems in ways not represented in the model
through species abundance and competition,
habitat loss, biodiversity, and other disturbances.
This investigation applies directly to reflectors
or scatterers at L1 that uniformly reduce solar
radiation without otherwise affecting the Earth
system. Therefore, this modeling study indicated
In this context, plant productivity is net primary productivity,
which is net carbon uptake by vegetation.
that CO
fertilization would outweigh reduction
in plant productivity because of uniformly
reduced solar radiation from reflectors or
scatterers at L1.
Modeling studies indicate that SRM technologies
that counteract the greenhouse effect of a
doubled preindustrial concentration of CO
uniformly reducing solar radiation also indicate
that the globally averaged engineered climate is
very similar to the globally averaged preindustrial
climate (Caldeira and Wood 2008; Govindasamy
et al. 2002; Govindasamy and Caldeira 2000).
These studies indicated that annual average
tropical temperatures would be a little cooler,
the higher latitudes might be a little warmer,
and the reduction of annual global precipitation
would be small.
Since the spacecraft in Earth orbit and at L1
would be controlled, it should be possible to
reverse these technologies. It is assumed that
parasol spacecraft in Earth orbit, which are
controlled to maximize shading, could be reversed
by commanding the parasols to minimize shading
(Pearson et al. 2006). Fliers at L1 could be
reversed by commanding the fliers to go into
halo orbits (Angel 2006).
3.2.4 Reflective deserts,
flora, and habitats What it is
Increasing Earth’s surface reflectivity in deserts,
flora, and settled areas has been proposed.
Gaskill would double the reflectivity of deserts
by covering them with white polyethylene,
estimating that up to 12 trillion square meters
of Earth’s deserts (about 2 percent of Earth’s
surface) would be suitable for reflectivity
enhancement (Gaskill 2004; Gaskill n.d.).
Similarly, Ridgwell and colleagues proposed
increasing the reflectivity of crops by selecting
varieties that are glossy or have reflective shapes
and structure (Ridgwell et al. 2009). Hamwey
proposed to increase the reflectivity of open
shrubland, grasslands, and savannah and to
double the reflectivity of all human
settlements, excluding agricultural land
(Hamwey 2007). Akbari, Menon, and
Rosenfeld (2009) proposed to increase the
reflectivity of urban roofs and pavement. Maturity and
potential effectiveness
We assessed increased reflectivity of desert
technology at TRL 2. Basic principles have been
reported and a system concept has been proposed,
allowing at least TRL 1, but demonstration of
proof of concept has not been reported (Gaskill
2004; Gaskill n.d.), ruling out TRL 3. Having
a system concept does not automatically qualify
this technology for TRL 2 but it cannot be
ruled out given the information available in
Gaskill (2004) and Gaskill (n.d.). We assessed
technologies for increasing the reflectivity of
flora and settled areas at TRL 1 because only
basic principles have been reported; the absence
of system concepts precluded a rating of TRL 2
(Ridgwell et al. 2009; Hamwey 2007).
Technologies for increasing the reflectivity of
deserts could potentially be more than 57 percent
effective in compensating for global warming
from doubled preindustrial CO
. Gaskill
proposed to increase reflectivity from 36 to
80 percent over 10 trillion square meters of the
12 trillion square meters of desert areas
that he deemed suitable (Gaskill 2004; Gaskill
n.d.). The Royal Society’s (2009) and Lenton
and Vaughan’s (2009) interpretation of
Gaskill corresponded to an effectiveness of
74 percent. Lenton and Vaughan’s refinement
of Gaskill’s proposal corresponded to 57 percent
effectiveness, accounting for lower average
intensity of solar radiation over land and
absorption in the atmosphere. However, they also
stated that deserts have higher-than-average solar
radiation because they are generally in the lower
latitudes, so that increased reflectivity would be
somewhat more effective (Lenton and
Vaughan 2009). Sustaining reflective deserts
would require maintenance.
Increasing the reflectivity of flora could be up
to about 25 percent effective. Ridgwell and
colleagues investigated the effect of increasing the
reflectivity of crops with a fully coupled climate
model (Ridgwell et al. 2009). They focused on an
increase of 20 percent, asserting that an increase
of 35 percent observed after coating plants with
a white chalky suspension provided a first-order
guide as to the possible upper limit of reflectivity
increase. They found a global average cooling of
only 0.11 degrees Celsius. Hamwey investigated
increasing the reflectivity of open shrubland,
grasslands, and savannah with a static two-
dimensional radiative transfer model (Hamwey
2007). His preliminary estimate was that an
increase in reflectance of 25 percent corresponded
to about 16 percent effectiveness. Lenton and
Vaughan interpreted these results with energy
balance analyses (Lenton and Vaughan 2009).
Following Ridgwell and colleagues, their
estimate—using a larger area estimate and a
40 percent increase in reflectance—corresponded
to an upper limit of about 9 percent effectiveness.
Their interpretation of Hamwey’s data
corresponded to essentially the same effectiveness
as Hamwey’s—about 16 percent. Thus the total
effectiveness of reflective flora—cropland, open
shrubland, grasslands, and savannah combined,
using Lenton and Vaughan’s reinterpretations
based on energy balance—would be up to about
25 percent.
Because crops are customarily replanted
annually, no additional effort should be required
to maintain their reflectivity (Ridgwell et al.
2009). Hamwey provided no information on
the effort required to maintain the reflectivity of
open shrubland, grasslands, and savannah
(Hamwey 2007).
Increasing the reflectivity of settled areas could
be about 4.3 percent effective. Akbari, Menon,
and Rosenfeld’s (2009) estimate for urban area
equal to 1 percent of Earth’s land surface and a
net increase for urban reflectivity by 10 percent
corresponded to an effectiveness of only about
1.2 percent. However, Lenton and Vaughan
(2009) suggested that the urban area Akbari,
Menon, and Rosenfeld (2009) used, could have
been 5.6 times overestimated, in which case
increasing the reflectivity of urban areas would
be only about 0.21 percent effective. Hamwey’s
(2007) estimate for doubling reflectivity for areas
of human settlement (not including agricultural
land) corresponded to an estimated overall
effectiveness of about 4.6 percent. Lenton and
Vaughan’s correction to Hamwey’s estimate
accounting for absorption in the atmosphere and
an underestimate in solar radiation corresponded
to an effectiveness of about 4.3 percent.
Maintaining high reflectivity would be the
sustainability issue for these technologies. Cost factors and
potential consequences
The maintenance cost for reflective deserts that
could potentially compensate for more than
57 percent of the doubling of the concentration
of CO
in the atmosphere could be about
$3 trillion per year. Gaskill proposed to increase
reflectivity of 10 trillion square meters of the
deserts (Lenton and Vaughan 2009; Royal
Society 2009). The Royal Society provided the
following cost estimate for reflective deserts
(Royal Society 2009): if the cost of reflective
sheeting, with an allowance for routine
replacement from damage, were somewhat
similar to that of painting, it would be several
trillion dollars per year. The Royal Society’s
method would yield an annual maintenance
cost for reflective deserts of about $3 trillion
(Royal Society 2009). The estimates did not
include design, fabrication, testing, acquisition,
installation, or infrastructure costs.
We found no cost estimates for increasing the
reflectivity of flora in the peer-reviewed literature
(Royal Society 2009). We found no cost
estimates for increasing the reflectivity of areas of
human settlement in the peer-reviewed literature.
However, the estimated maintenance cost for
urban areas that would compensate for 0.21 to
1.2 percent of the doubled concentration of
in the atmosphere was from about
$78 billion to about $440 billion per year. The
Royal Society (2009) made a rough estimate of
the costs of painting urban surfaces and structures
white using standard costs for domestic and
industrial painting. Assuming repainting once
every 10 years, it estimated combined paint and
manpower costs on the order of $0.30 per square
meter per year. The urban area Akbari, Menon,
and Rosenfeld (2009) studied was 1 percent of
Earth’s land area—that is, about 1.47 trillion
square meters. Using the Royal Society’s (2009)
cost estimation method, maintenance would cost
about $440 billion per year. Lenton and Vaughan
(2009) suggested that the global urban area might
be only about 260 billion square meters, in which
case maintenance would cost about $78 billion
per year. These estimates did not include design,
fabrication, testing, acquisition, installation, or
Desert reflectivity is regional. The Royal Society
(2009) stated that as with other very localized
SRM technologies, this approach could change
large-scale patterns of atmospheric circulation,
like the East African monsoon that brings rain
to sub-Saharan Africa. The technology could be
reversed by removing the reflective material.
A 2009 modeling study by Ridgwell and
colleagues indicated that increasing the
reflectivity of crops by 20 percent would not
create a significant effect on global average
temperature but that reflective crops could have
an appreciable cooling effect regionally. This
study indicated that reflective crops could depress
temperatures by more than 1 degree Celsius
during summer months in a pattern broadly
corresponding to the densest cropland coverage
in the model.
Hamwey’s 2007 investigation of increasing the
reflectivity of open shrubland, grassland, and
savannah used a radiative transfer model, and
Lenton and Vaughn’s 2009 investigation of
reflective crops and open shrubland, grassland,
and savannah used an analytical approach
based on energy balance considerations, so
neither investigation can be used to evaluate
climate consequences other than global average
temperature. Hamwey did not discuss ecological
issues associated with such a massive change to
natural flora. Increasing the reflectivity of flora
could reduce overall photosynthesis, which could
reduce net carbon uptake by vegetation and crop
yields. However, this is judged to be of relatively
low risk, since photosynthesis tends to be
light-saturated during most of the growing season
(Royal Society 2009). This technology could be
reversed by replanting original flora.
Since the analyses of reflective urban areas
(Akbari et al. 2009; Lenton and Vaughan 2009)
and human habitats (Lenton and Vaughan 2009;
Hamwey 2007) were based on analytic estimates
of radiative forcing, radiative transfer, or energy
balance, their results cannot be used to evaluate
climate consequences other than global average
temperatures. However, reflective surfaces
could reduce air-conditioning costs (Levinson
and Akbari 2010). Effects would be reversible
by returning reflective surfaces to their
original condition.
3.3 Status of knowledge and
tools for understanding
climate engineering
Gordon (2010, 7–8) identified 26 examples
of areas of climate research that are important
to understanding climate engineering and
8 examples of climate engineering research
tools. The report described resources at several
federal agencies that could help advance climate
engineering research and gave examples of a
number of their achievements in these areas
(Gordon 2010, 8–37).
Further efforts to improve scientific
understanding related to climate engineering are
under way, but reports from DOE, the National
Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA),
National Institute of Standards and Technology
(NIST), National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA), peer-reviewed scientific
publications, and interviews with scientists
indicate that the science is characterized by
significant uncertainties. These gaps are related
to the measurement of climate variables and
models of the climate system that can simulate
the effects of climate engineering on outcomes
such as temperature or precipitation. The reports
we reviewed described key limitations related
to climate engineering science and three key
challenges to improving them: (1) resolving
uncertainties in scientific knowledge;
(2) improving the coverage, continuity, and
accuracy of observational networks used to
measure essential climate mechanisms; and
(3) developing greater high-performance
computational resources and dedicating them
to climate modeling.
3.3.1 Better models would help
in evaluating climate
engineering proposals
Best practices in technology development
recommend thoroughly testing new technologies
before employing them in essential systems
(GAO 1999). Tests usually involve controlled
experiments to understand how a technology
being developed works and to assess its
performance. However, large-scale field
testing of climate engineering technologies is
difficult (Gordon 2010, 3-4, 20, 27, and 32).
For example, according to NIST scientists we
interviewed, estimations of or assumptions
about relevant chemical, physical, and optical
properties that are acceptable for many common
applications would introduce unacceptable risk
in large-scale climate engineering experiments
that could permanently alter the chemistry of the
Complex climate models such as general
circulation models (GCM) can be used to
simulate the effects of large-scale climate
engineering proposals and evaluate them without
deploying them. However, the models are only as
good as the data and the scientists’ understanding
of how the climate system works (Meehl and
Hibbard 2007; GAO 1995). Scientists attending
the Aspen Global Change Institute’s 2006
session on Earth System Models said that gaps in
climate models or inadequate data could affect
the outcomes of numerical simulations designed
to test climate engineering proposals (Meehl and
Hibbard 2007).
General circulation models of Earth’s climate
evolved from short-term weather forecasting
models first developed almost half a century ago
(Slingo et al. 2009; McGuffie and Henderson-
Sellers 2001). Advances in computing power and
scientists’ understanding of the climate system
have helped improve the models’ simulation
capabilities (Slingo et al. 2009), but according
to a NOAA official these improvements are
still not sophisticated enough to rely on for
climate engineering. Atmosphere-ocean general
circulation models (AOGCM) are today’s
standard in climate models; they typically account
for a number of factors that can influence the
climate, such as oceans, land surface, and sea ice
(Bader et al. 2008; Meehl and Hibbard 2007).
Since 2000, AOGCM simulations have included
aerosol effects, terrestrial processes, ocean mixing,
and sea ice movement, but reports show that
these models have important limitations with
implications for simulations of the effects of
climate engineering technologies.
For example, simulations of aerosol-based
SRM technologies require not only a thorough
understanding of how aerosols behave in the
atmosphere but also a computationally intensive
representation of this behavior in a climate
model. At present, aerosol treatment is not
standardized across GCMs, and the models
generate different results in terms of predicted
temperature changes and precipitation patterns
(Kravitz et al. 2011). Climate engineering
researchers are beginning to standardize modeling
scenarios that describe actions to manipulate
the climate. This standardization would allow
researchers to compare the robustness of the
models’ responses to engineered inputs and to
investigate how simplifying assumptions and
structures used in the models can influence these
outcomes (Kravitz et al. 2011). One scientist
noted that climate chemistry models focusing
on atmospheric processes can also contribute to
scientific understanding of aerosols but can be
computationally intensive.
Earth systems models (ESM) representing the
forefront in climate models aim to account
for biological and chemical processes, such as
the carbon cycle, that are not typically present
in AOGCMs (Bader et al. 2008; Meehl and
Hibbard 2007; Washington 2006). Climate
models that included these additional processes
could help scientists discover consequences
of climate engineering proposals that are not
predicted by the current generation of models
(Meehl and Hibbard 2007). For example,
simulations of CDR-based proposals could be
influenced by improving the representation
of the carbon cycle in climate models
(Bader et al. 2008).
Scientists have identified several potential
advancements related to ESMs that could
improve their use in evaluating climate
engineering proposals:
scientific knowledge that would facilitate
improvements in computational algorithms
that represent physical, chemical, or
biological processes;
improvements to observational networks that
measure essential climate mechanisms;
greater high-performance computing
resources dedicated to climate
engineering-related science.
Gaps or deficiencies in observational networks could also
interfere with the ability to monitor the effect of deployed
climate engineering technologies. Monitoring would allow
scientists to verify the effectiveness of technologies and help
ensure their safety.
3.3.2 Key advancements in scientific
knowledge could help improve
climate models
Although scientific knowledge of Earth’s physical,
chemical, and biological processes has increased
over time, it remains characterized by substantial
gaps that can affect measures of climate sensitivity
simulated by climate models (NRC 2010a; Bader
et al. 2008; Solomon et al. 2007; Meehl and
Hibbard 2007).
Increased scientific knowledge
about a number of environmental processes
could improve scientific confidence in estimates
of climate sensitivity. For example, Bader and
colleagues (2008) highlighted the importance of
improving representations of terrestrial, oceanic,
and atmospheric carbon-feedback processes
for more reliable estimates of future climate
change. About half of all anthropogenic carbon
emissions are sequestered in terrestrial or oceanic
sinks whose mechanisms and capacities are not
adequately revealed by observations (NRC 2007).
Similarly, the relative magnitude of Earth’s
energy reservoirs and the exchanges between them
are not fully understood (Trenberth and Fasullo
Scientists’ limited understanding of how
aerosols and clouds affect Earth’s energy budget
and hydrological cycle is the most important
source of uncertainty in climate models (NRC
2007). Aerosols may affect climate to the same
degree as CO
at current levels, but uncertainty
about the effect of aerosols is about five times
greater than the corresponding uncertainty about
(NRC 2007). Experts at a NASA workshop
reported that using climate models to simulate
One example of a measure of climate sensitivity would be
“the response of global mean temperature to a doubling of
[the atmospheric concentration of] carbon dioxide”
(Bader et al. 2008, 2).
A discrepancy in carbon output and uptake by Earth’s systems
remains unresolved. To preserve mass balance in today’s best
estimates of the global carbon budget requires including an
unknown terrestrial carbon sink of about 1.8 billion tons of
carbon per year (R. A. Houghton et al. 1998).
and evaluate aerosol-based SRM proposals to
modify the climate is limited by the lack of
models that explore how these aerosols would
affect stratospheric ozone and the biosphere
(Lane et al. 2007).
3.3.3 Better observational networks
could help resolve uncertainties
in climate engineering science
Observational sensing systems such as satellites
and ground-based stations collect data that help
scientists track climate trends and model climate
mechanisms. Scientists have expressed several
concerns about the coverage, continuity, and
accuracy of observational networks that gather
data related to climate mechanisms that are
central to climate engineering technologies.
Observational network abilities depend in part
on where sensors are placed and the density of
their distribution (OSTP 2010; Ohring 2007).
Climate engineering scientists have expressed
concern about the adequacy of observational
networks in the atmosphere (Gordon 2010,
23). For example, some scientists have criticized
the sparse distribution and output of sensors
in the upper atmosphere, where a number
of processes have implications for CDR and
SRM technologies (NRC 2010a). In particular,
scientists from NOAA and Oak Ridge National
Laboratory said that CO
measurements from
these sensors may be insufficient to permit
conclusive statements about the effects of a given
CDR technology. Upper atmosphere observations
of the types of aerosols under consideration in
some SRM proposals are also rare. Moreover,
instruments that measure the optical properties
of aerosols were recently eliminated from two
satellites in the Joint Polar Satellite System
(Gordon 2010, 15).
Scientists have also expressed concern about the
continuity of measurements by observational
networks. Scientists have noted that deferring
the implementation of adequate observational
networks could miss opportunities to collect
data on infrequent and unpredictable natural
events, such as large volcanic eruptions, that
could help scientists understand mechanisms
related to climate engineering (Asilomar Scientific
Organizing Committee 2010; Gordon 2010,
Scientists have also criticized the lack of
redundancy in observational networks, which
could create a gap in the measurement record if a
single satellite or sensor were to fail (OSTP 2010;
Ohring 2007; NRC 2007). For example, NASA’s
Glory Climate Satellite, intended to collect data
on aerosols and solar energy in the atmosphere,
recently failed to reach orbit at its launch.
The continuity of measurements can also be
affected if programs to collect data are not
sustained over a long period of time. For
example, federal budget cuts in the past decade
have cancelled, delayed, or degraded the
collection of data from NASA’s Earth Observing
System satellites, whose instruments and sensors
measure essential climate variables such as Earth’s
radiation budget, the global distribution of CO
concentrations of methane and other greenhouse
gases, air temperature and moisture content,
cloud cover, and sea surface temperatures (NRC
2010a). Further, a 2007 NRC report predicted
that the nation’s system of environmental
satellites could decline dramatically and the
number of operating sensors and instruments on
NASA’s spacecraft would decrease by about
The eruption of Mount Pinatubo in 1991 released a large
quantity of sulfate aerosols into the atmosphere, causing
average global temperatures to fall. Scientists attending the
2010 Asilomar conference said that current observational
networks are inadequate to collect data following such an
eruption that could help improve scientific knowledge about
atmospheric mechanisms related to aerosol-based SRM
40 percent by 2010 (NRC 2007). Scientists
have also noted the difficulty of comparing
continuous observations measured by different
satellites or sensors without any overlap in their
observation periods.
Scientists have expressed concern about the
accuracy of data collected from existing sensing
devices (NRC 2007). For example, according to
NIST scientists, unknown drifts in instrument
data can cause measurements to show misleading
evidence of change or false trends. Additionally,
because most operational or weather satellite-
based sensors share a common heritage, an
artificial trend in a reading from one sensor is
likely to exist in similar readings from other
versions of the sensor, which would bias the
measurements if the drift remained undetected.
Moreover, large variations exist in solar radiation
measurements even over small geographic areas
and the causes are uncertain.
Satellite programs developed to monitor and
track local weather patterns might not be accurate
or precise enough to measure long-term global
climate change (Fraser et al. 2008). Climate-
relevant signals are extremely small compared to
fluctuations in weather and temperature observed
daily, seasonally, or annually (Ohring 2007). For
example, a decade’s anticipated average global
temperature change is about 0.2 degrees Celsius,
or about 1/50th of the temperature change that
accompanies typical weather events. It is similarly
difficult to accurately measure small variations in
incoming or outgoing solar radiation on the
order of 0.01 percent over decades without
According to NIST scientists, both ground- and space-
based measurements exhibit these types of variation. The
space-based variations are largely attributable to calibration
inaccuracies that can largely be corrected by adjustments using
measurements taken during satellite overlap. The ground-
based variations are both geographic and temporal and are
likely to include contributions from global dimming, urban
aerosols, and sensor calibration inaccuracies.
adequate optical instruments. Measuring
radiation with accurate sensors is critical to
advancing climate science: IPCC has reported
that most climate change uncertainty derives
from changes in Earth’s outgoing broadband
radiation (J. T. Houghton et al. 2001).
Within the federal government, steps are being
taken to resolve some of these concerns, which
might improve the ability to assess climate
engineering technologies or proposals. Various
agencies have proposed a long-term measurement
strategy in Achieving Satellite Instrument
Calibration for Climate Change (Ohring 2007).
Satellite missions are being designed to help
calibrate and reconcile some of the data received
from existing climate measuring devices. For
example, NASA’s Climate Absolute Radiance and
Refractivity Observatory (CLARREO) mission
is intended to yield a benchmark data record for
detecting, projecting, and attributing change in
the climate system.
CLARREO would constitute a major effort to
correct systematic biases and discontinuities
in satellite-based climate measurements and to
provide a robust climate reference point for future
sensors that is traceable to accepted physics-based
standards, called the International System of
Units. Traceability ensures that environmental
measurements are comparable, independent of
the organization or country making them. The
National Science Foundation (NSF) is sponsoring
the construction of an integrated, Earth-based
observation system called the National Ecological
Observatory Network that will collect data
across the United States on climate and land
use changes and the effect of invasive species on
The President’s fiscal year 2012 budget request for NASA
cut much of the funding for the CLARREO mission and
called for an extended preformulation period for the mission
and science team to identify implementation options for
obtaining climate change measurements without using
CLARREO satellites.
natural resources and biodiversity.
According to
NSF, it will be the first observatory network that
can both detect and forecast ecological change on
a continental scale over multiple decades. Gordon
notes that the network could inform research
on several climate engineering technologies,
including land-use management and biochar
(Gordon 2010, 10).
3.3.4 High-performance computing
resources could help advance
climate engineering science
Advances in computing could help scientists
improve models used to simulate essential climate
mechanisms and outcomes related to climate
engineering. Limits in computational resources
demand that existing climate models simplify
certain processes essential to climate engineering
instead of computing them numerically (Bader et
al. 2008). Unlike short-term weather modelers,
climate modelers have not moved to higher
Instead, they have used modern
computational power to include additional
physical components in the calculations.
is particularly important for climate engineering
where, for example, stratospheric chemistry (to
treat stratospheric aerosol processes) and the
hydrological cycle (to treat cloud brightening)
are important. A typical climate model represents
Earth’s system as a grid of boxes anywhere from
100 to 300 kilometers on a side, which is larger
The network is expected to be fully operational in 2016.
Grids for atmospheric circulation models have been refined
from resolving areas the size of Colorado in 1990 to the size of
South Carolina in 1995, and to about the size of Rhode Island
(4,000 km
) in 2007. Meanwhile, weather models have been
run with a resolution of less than 1,000 km
for over 20 years.
More computer resources can be used for finer numerical
grids, greater number of runs for statistical estimation, or
more climate processes; consensus on the optimal resource
allocation does not exist.
than a typical cumulus cloud of about 1 square
kilometer (Slingo et al. 2009; Bader et al. 2008).
Other significant climate features like oceanic
eddies also act on a much smaller scale than the
resolution current climate models support. Finer
resolution that could be supported by increased
computing power would help improve climate
models’ representations of atmospheric and
oceanic circulation (Bader et al. 2008).
Computing advances could also facilitate the
use of climate models to predict outcomes
for geographic regions or across shorter time
intervals. Scientists at NOAA’s Earth Systems
Research Laboratory said that finer resolution
could improve climate models’ predictions
of regional changes that could be useful in
evaluating climate engineering proposals. A
climate scientist and a systems engineer also
noted the potential value for climate engineering
of greater precision in predicting regional changes
in temperature and hydrological processes than
existing models provide. They also observed that
studies of climate engineering could benefit from
simulations over shorter time intervals than are
used in existing models.
Officials at NOAA have
predicted that at the historical rate of increase in
computing power, supercomputers able to run
cloud-resolving ESMs with a grid size of a few
kilometers should be available by 2025.
Some federal agencies are already developing
tools that would take advantage of anticipated,
massively parallel, fine-grain computational
architectures based on thousands of graphics
Existing models were designed to distinguish long-term
climate trends (Fraser et al. 2008).
processing units (GPU).
For example, NOAA is
encoding an ESM to operate with small amounts
of local memory that will allow it to run on
these GPUs. Additionally, DOE, NOAA, and
the National Center for Atmospheric Research
purchased supercomputers such as the Cray XT6
and Cray Baker computers with funding from
the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act
of 2009, and scientists at these agencies hope to
develop an ESM by 2025.
As table 3.1 and table 3.2 show, climate
engineering technologies are in early stages of
development and have variable and uncertain
cost factors, while uncertainty surrounds
their potential effectiveness and potential
consequences. Moreover, gaps in scientific
knowledge, data, and computing resources
challenge the models of climate mechanisms
related to climate engineering.
The advent of GPUs follows on three revolutions in
computing operations: (1) integrated circuits, (2) vector
computing, and (3) parallel computing (which made
current forecasting possible). GPUs complete intense,
split-second calculations efficiently to render virtual
representations of the real world.
Because climate engineering technologies
are currently immature, we explored future
prospects for climate engineering research by
obtaining a wide range of expert views. We
obtained expert views on the future of research
in three stages: (1) 6 experts met with our
Chief Scientist to construct alternative future
scenarios for climate engineering research, (2)
28 additional experts representing a wide range
of professional disciplines and organizational
affiliations shared their views about the future
in response to the scenarios, and (3) some of the
experts participating in the Meeting on Climate
Engineering, which we convened with the help
of NAS, volunteered their thoughts about the
(In the appendices to this report, sections
8.3 and 8.4 present the scenarios and list the
experts who served as scenario-builders, section
8.5 lists the experts who provided comments in
response to the scenarios, and section 8.6 lists
the experts who participated in the meeting
we convened with the assistance of NAS.)
Altogether, 45 experts contributed views on the
prospects for climate engineering research across
the next 20 years.
Among the experts we consulted, primary areas of expertise
spanned two broad categories: (1) physical science or technical
research related to climate engineering or climate change
and (2) social science, law, ethics, or other related fields with
applications in climate engineering or climate change.
Although we attempted to consult diverse experts representing
the full range of views on climate engineering, the relative
numbers who expressed a particular view to us may not reflect
the entire community of those with similar kinds of expertise.
However, for transparency, we provide the specific numbers
of experts who told us that they advocated certain views. We
note that not all experts expressed an opinion on all issues.
Briefly, we found the following:
The majority of the experts we consulted
advocated starting significant climate
engineering research now or in the very near
Among the reasons they gave for
starting research now is the anticipation that
two decades or more of research will be needed
to make substantial progress toward developing
and evaluating climate engineering technologies
with the potential to reduce emerging or future
risks from climate change. Research advocates
also envisioned safeguards to protect against
potential adverse consequences or risks arising
from the research.
A small number of those we consulted
opposed starting such research, in part to
prevent negative consequences either from
the research or from deploying technologies
developed from it.
The majority envisioned a federal effort that
would direct and support research on climate
engineering with specific features such as (1) an
international focus, (2) engagement of both the
public and decision-makers, and (3) foresight
considerations to help anticipate emerging
research developments and their opportunities
and risks.
Two-thirds of the experts we consulted about the future
(31 of 45) advocated starting significant research now or in
the very near future.
Four of the 45 experts we consulted about the future stated
that they opposed research on climate engineering. (One of
these 4 made exceptions for certain kinds of research, such as
computer modeling.)
Twenty-nine of 45 experts envisioned a federal research effort,
and as detailed below, 26 of these mentioned one or more of
these three features.
4 Experts’ views of the future of climate
engineering research
Experts identified many trends as potentially
affecting research, including the pace of climate
change, emissions-reduction developments, and
scientific breakthroughs.
4.1 A majority of experts
called for research now
The majority of the experts we consulted
about the future advocated starting significant
research now or in the very near future, largely
from concern about future climate change and
the need to reduce its risks.
In this report, we
define “starting significant climate engineering
research” as increasing research beyond that
now being conducted. We had reported earlier
that a relatively small amount of federal research
is directly focused on climate engineering
(GAO 2010a, 19).
The advocates of research
now—and some experts who did not indicate
whether they advocated starting research
now—anticipated that research will produce
technologies or evaluative information or both
that might help reduce risks associated with
climate change or uninformed responses to it.
Risks from climate change might include, for
example, potential breakdowns in food and
water supply chains (as climate change brings
precipitation changes and rises in sea level),
mass migration, and international conflict.
More than half of these proponents anticipated
Thirty-one of 45 experts said they advocated research now or
in the near future, and 4 opposed research. The remainder did
not clearly state whether they advocated starting research now.
Specifically, we reported that 13 federal agencies had
identified at least 52 research activities, totaling about
$100.9 million, as relevant to climate engineering in
fiscal years 2009 and 2010 (GAO 2010a)—$1.9 million
for activities to investigate specific climate engineering
approaches and $99 million related to conventional mitigation
strategies or basic science that could be applied to improving
understanding of climate engineering.
that substantial research progress will take
time—perhaps two decades or more—or stated
that we cannot and should not wait for a crisis.
Additionally, research advocates indicated that a
cautious risk management approach could help
reduce research-related risks.
Those who advocated research now either did so
urgently because they anticipated a definite need
for climate engineering or viewed research as
an insurance policy. For example, some warned
against (1) losing the ability to prevent what they
perceived as potentially irreversible changes or
(2) being unprepared for a crisis. With respect
to the latter, the report’s scenarios (1) describe
how leaders who are unprepared while under
heightened pressure to act quickly in a crisis
might decide to deploy inadequately understood,
risky technologies and (2) present the view that
informed leaders might decide not to deploy risky
Others who called for research now recognized
the uncertainty of the future and viewed climate
engineering research
“as an insurance policy against the
worst case scenarios”
in the longer-term future. One said that the
nation should
“make investments [in] . . . fundamental
research . . . to be able to react quickly [if
needed]. . . . [Spending to limit risk] on
climate, terrorism, national defense,
We note, however, that national leaders might not base
decisions on information about research results, even if such
information were available.
nonproliferation, should be viewed
Overall, those calling for research now reflected
foresight literature that warns against falling
behind a potentially damaging trend, as
illustrated in figure 4.1. Those advocating
research now recognized important cautions,
discussing two types of risk associated with
research: (1) risks from conducting certain kinds
of research (for example, large-scale field trials
of potentially risky technologies) and (2) risks
from using or misusing research results (for
example, deploying risky technologies developed
This insurance view reflects the hedging strategy described
in foresight literature whereby, faced with uncertainty,
decision-makers choose a strategy that they anticipate will
work reasonably well across all alternatives to avoid potentially
disastrous low-probability outcomes (Popper et al. 2005).
from theresearch).
Various research advocates
therefore suggested potentially complementary
remedies such as
managing risks (from research and using its
results) with strategies like those outlined in
box 4.1, which have been highlighted in
the literature;
evaluating the risk of deploying specific
technologies, in advance, which could lead to
taking some risky technologies off the table;
Overall, of the 31 experts advocating research now,
27 recognized risks associated with it, including risks
from conducting it (11 experts) and from using its
results (26 experts). One advocate who believes that it
is urgent to start research now also said that guidelines
are needed to decide when research “has become too
dangerous to continue.”
Current Near-term future
(somewhat uncertain)
Longer-term future
(very uncertain)
Current, potentially damaging trend
Projected, with early intervention
Projected, without intervention
Projected, with late intervention
Irreversible and
very costly
Figure 4.1 Taking early action to avoid potentially damaging trends: Illustration
from foresight literature. Source: GAO adapted from Rejeski (2003).
setting international research limitations or
We reported earlier (GAO 2010b, 13) that in 2008 the
parties to the London Convention and London Protocol
issued a decision stating that ocean fertilization that is
not legitimate scientific research is contrary to the aims of
the agreements and should not be allowed. The treaties’
scientific bodies are developing an assessment framework for
countries to use and evaluate whether research proposals are
legitimate scientific research (GAO 2010a, 33). In 2010, the
parties to the Convention on Biological Diversity invited
countries to consider the following guidance: (1) ensure
that ocean fertilization activities are consistent with the
London Convention and Protocol and decisions issued by
the conference of the parties to those treaties and (2) ensure
that except for certain small-scale scientific research studies,
no climate-related geoengineering activity that may affect
biodiversity take place until there is an adequate scientific
basis on which to justify it and appropriate consideration of
the associated risks and impacts.
As we discussed above, research advocates
suggested the study of climate engineering risks,
and we earlier reported (GAO 2010a) that
experts had told us that potentially “unintended
consequences . . . require further study.”
Some research advocates qualified their
positive view of climate engineering research
with the proviso that emissions reduction
efforts be continued. They warned that if the
concentration of CO
continues to rise into
the long-term future, deploying SRM—and
increasing it over time to maintain acceptable
Additionally, of the 52 research activities federal agencies
identified as relevant to geoengineering in our 2010 report,
only one project’s activity description specifically mentioned
risk (GAO 2010a).
Box 4.1: Climate engineering research: Risk mitigation strategies from the literature
The research community’s voluntary self-governance and development of
norms and best practice guidelines for open and safe research
Required examinations of ethical, legal, and social implications in federally
funded research projects
Interventions that bring social scientists, ethicists, or trained risk assessors directly
into laboratories to ensure early accounting for risks and social and ethical issues
Application of an institutional review board concept to climate engineering research
Commissioned and independently conducted interdisciplinary risk assessments
A multistage approach in which initial research (for example, computer modeling and
laboratory studies) investigates risks before progressing to small-scale field studies,
which in turn provide added information on risks before progressing to large-scale
field experiments
Study of risk trade-offs and analysis of options for reducing overall risks
Developing norms for deployment decisions, facilitated by research activity
Source: Olson forthcoming; Morgan and Ricke 2010; Victor 2008; Graham and Wiener 1995.
Institutional review boards typically review research projects that use humans so as to protect their rights and welfare.
However, the concept could be expanded to require an institutional review of research for field experiments
that use Earth as a subject. IRB review requirements could be linked directly to federal research grants given for
climate engineering.
temperatures—would lead to serious risk. That
is, should extensive SRM deployments fail or be
discontinued for any reason,
“the bounce-back effect [of sudden
warming] would be staggering.”
Some research advocates also indicated that
reducing emissions (and using apparently safer
CDR technologies, such as direct air capture and
sequestration, if needed to reduce build-up)
would logically reduce the need for potentially
risky SRM deployment.
Finally, a research advocate who reviewed this
report emphasized the need to consider the net
effect of (1) the risks of climate change without
climate engineering, (2) the potential reduction
of climate risks through climate engineering, and
(3) the introduction of possible new risks through
climate engineering.
4.2 Some experts opposed
starting research
We noted above that a small number of the
experts we consulted opposed starting significant
research on climate engineering.
Some thought
that pursuing further research would, in the
words of one commenter, open a Pandora’s box
better left unopened. Opponents of research
viewed climate engineering as technological
hubris or as likely to be ineffective or not
needed. Those who said that climate engineering
is not needed either believed that climate
change has been exaggerated or preferred other
approaches, such as “building ecosystem and
Four of the experts we consulted opposed conducting
research. Additionally, because of questions some reviewers
of a draft of this report raised, we note that three of the four
opponents of research had primary expertise in fields such as
social science, law, ethics or other related fields (rather than
physical science); these three provided the direct statements of
research opponents that we quote in this section.
community resilience to respond to climate
change,” “adopting more sustainable agricultural
policies,” or “making [a] massive investment in
energy efficiency.” However, the most strongly
expressed opposition to climate engineering
research concerned risks. One research opponent
envisioned situations in which stratospheric
aerosols would produce conflicts or catastrophic
results in some parts of the world:
“There are wars waged over the position
and density of the clouds, rainfall
patterns, ocean alkalinity, and volcanic
eruptions as confusion prevails over what
phenomena are natural and which are
manmade. Different, often conflicting
experiments are sponsored by different
countries . . . .
“. . . the precipitation patterns over
large parts of Africa and Asia, which are
already suffering from drought and food
insecurity . . . [are disturbed by the SRM
deployment and eventually] hundreds
of millions of people die because of crop
failures and chaotic weather events . . . .
[A] very small number of people control
the climate levers, [and . . . ] global
tensions rise.”
The research opponents in our study did not
envision varied strategies for managing, reducing,
or avoiding risks from research or technologies
These risks (international conflict, drought, and famine)
that an expert cited as potentially deriving from climate
engineering research and deployment are similar to those
associated with climate change. Research opponents also
pointed to other possible risks; for example, some
potential SRM technologies have been associated with
the depletion of ozone and interference with the use of
solar-energy technology.
developed from it. One opponent of research
endorsed international moratoriums and said that
“It is illogical to assert that the best
risk-avoidance strategy is to increase
research. The best way to avoid responses
that are extremely high risk is not to
research them more; it is to make sure,
through legally binding agreements,
that they are prohibited.”
While research advocates suggested evaluating
technologies in advance of deployment, some
opponents thought that, as one said,
“the effects of human intervention are
impossible to predict with a high degree
of certainty. Any large-scale attempt to
tame the climate system . . . has a high
probability of backfiring.”
Finally, some research opponents were concerned
about moral hazard—that is, the possibility that
the results of climate engineering research would
“undermine the political will to
reduce emissions.”
Some research opponents feared that climate
engineering would be substituted for, rather than
used to complement, emissions reduction efforts.
One research opponent suggested that
“Political leaders . . . faced with the choice
of politically difficult unilateral reductions
in carbon emissions and the illusion of a
techno-fix, [will] go for the latter.”
As we discussed in the previous section, some
advocates warned of negative outcomes if climate
engineering, particularly SRM, were pursued in
the absence of emissions reduction.
4.3 A majority of experts
envisioned federal research
with specific features
We reported earlier that the United States does
not have a “coordinated federal strategy for
geoengineering, including guidance on how to
define . . . geoengineering activities or efforts
to identify and track . . . funding related to
geoengineering” (GAO 2010a, 23). In that
report, we recommended that
“the appropriate entities within the
Executive Office of the President
(EOP), such as the Office of Science
and Technology Policy (OSTP), in
consultation with relevant federal
agencies, develop a clear, defined, and
coordinated approach to geoengineering
research in the context of a federal
strategy to address climate change that
(1) defines geoengineering for federal
agencies; (2) leverages existing resources
by having federal agencies collect
information and coordinate federal
research related to geoengineering
in a transparent manner; and if the
administration decides to establish a
formal geoengineering research program,
(3) sets clear research priorities to inform
decision-making and future governance
efforts.” (GAO 2010a, 39)
OSTP neither agreed nor disagreed with our
recommendation but provided technical and
other comments. With respect to the context
of a federal strategy to address climate change,
we note that other approaches to addressing
climate change include efforts to (1) reduce
emissions and (2) adapt to climate change.
In our work for this report, we found that experts
who advocated starting significant research now
generally also advocate or envision a federal
research effort with specific features.
That is,
they envision federal research that would foster
the development of technologies like CDR
and SRM, rigorously evaluate related risks, and
include specific features such as
an international focus,
engagement of the public and national
decision-makers, and
incorporation of foresight considerations aimed
at identifying new opportunities, anticipating
new risks, and adapting research to emerging
trends and developments.
As outlined in this report’s overview of the
technologies, knowledge is currently limited
on proposed CDR and SRM technologies, and
experts’ comments to us further suggested that
planning might need to precede the first phase of
any federal research effort.
Some research advocates who envision a U.S.
climate engineering research effort explained
that other nations, the United Kingdom among
them, are already studying these technologies
or establishing programs.
They said that the
absence of a U.S. research effort could leave
Of the 31 experts who advocated starting research now,
29 also advocated or envisioned a federal research effort;
26 of these envisioned one or more of the three specific
features discussed in this section. Some experts also anticipated
the development of technologies by the private sector.
One expert told us that some nations’ research may be hidden
because it is not specifically labeled as climate engineering or
because it is covert.
the United States “without a seat at the table,”
unprepared to play a leading role, or unable to
respond to other nations’ actions. One advocate
of a U.S. research effort said that
“If it ever becomes necessary to deploy
geoengineering techniques, doing so will
be a momentous decision for humanity.
The United States should be prepared to
play a leading role in the decision, and it
should be unthinkable that the decision
could be made without substantial input
from the U.S. scientific and technical
Others imagined a future in which individual
nations would unilaterally engage in SRM; one
motivation might be to resolve local or regional
problems caused by climate change (Morgan
and Ricke 2010). On one hand, such actions
could have transboundary or global SRM effects,
conceivably raising issues of national security,
stimulating other nations to respond, or requiring
a U.S. response. On the other hand, the risk
of unilateral action might be reduced with
cooperative international research that fostered
trust and cooperation among nations on issues
pertaining to climate engineering.
For reasons such as these, many of the research
advocates in our study suggested an international
approach to federally sponsored research.
Suggested activities included
One approach to international research cooperation is
illustrated by the International Space Station, with its five
main partners:Canada, Japan, Russia, the United States, and
the European Space Agency (which includes a number of
countries) (GAO 2009c).
Twenty-four experts (of 31 who advocated climate
engineering research now) specifically envisioned an
international approach for federal research.
studying strategies for responding to situations
arising from insufficient international
cooperation in the use of climate engineering;
sponsoring or encouraging joint research
with other nations (including developing or
emerging industrial nations) because this might
(1) help the United States keep pace with
other nations’ research; (2) facilitate rigorous,
transparent evaluation of new technologies that
others develop; and (3) foster cooperation and
consensus—or an evolving set of norms about
conducting research, which might, in turn,
foster support for guidelines;
studying how the responsibilities of nations
that deploy these technologies could impinge
on others’ geopolitical equity, human rights,
and justice—which would logically be most
important for vulnerable or poor populations.
Other international issues suggested for research
included (1) studying how to define climate
emergencies and achieve international agreement
on responses to them and (2) exploring issues
concerning military engagement in climate
engineering research.
The possibility of U.S. leadership in
internationally focused research was suggested,
as was cooperation:
One of our scenarios describes the lessened possibility of
conflict because nations, having cooperated on research, have
a basis for cooperating in a sudden crisis. Our 2010 report
indicated that “several of the experts we interviewed as well
as the NRC study emphasized the potential for international
tension, distrust, or even conflict over geoengineering
deployment” and discussed international agreements and
governance challenges (GAO 2010a, 17 and 26–37).
“What the U.S. can do . . . is to lead
the process of framing the [climate
engineering] issue as one requiring
global collaboration and evidence-based
decision-making processes that focus
not only on macro results but also on
fairness in distributional aspects of action
versus inaction.”
One expert said that in a substantial,
internationally focused U.S. research effort,
the United States could lead by example,
emphasizing values such as transparency and
attention to risk issues.
The engagement of researchers with the public
and with U.S. decision-makers (and possibly
international leaders) was another desirable focus
for a federal research effort, according to research
Their views included statements that
engagement can foster shared learning
across national leadership, the general
public, and the research community;
help ensure transparency; build shared
norms; and bring an informed
“democratic process [to] . . . decisions
that . . . broadly affect society;”
engagement results might help frame
research agendas to reflect the concerns
and needs of the public and decision-
makers; and
information provided to the public
and decision-makers might address
Twenty-three experts (of 31 who advocated starting research
now) favored engaging the public or national leaders or both
in a federal effort.
(1) the systemic risks of the various
climate engineering approaches,
(2) trade-offs in pursuing alternative
strategies, and (3) analyses of ethical,
economic, legal, and social issues.
A broad, multidisciplinary research agenda
consistent with these views is discussed in the
foresight scenarios we developed for this report.
Our discussion of risks (earlier in this section)
indicated that uninformed national or global
leaders who were under heightened pressure
in a perceived climate crisis might make hasty
choices, whereas informed leaders might make
a more measured response. Logically, the same
might be true of the general public. That is,
public engagement in advance of a crisis could
help ensure that public concern about harm from
technologies is addressed in advance (through
research on benefits and risks), that research
results are appropriately conveyed to the public,
and that public expectations are consistent
with likely real-world consequences. In sum,
communication among researchers, the public,
and decision-makers might help prepare the
nation for a measured response to a future crisis.
Some advocating a federal research effort also
envisioned its incorporation of foresight activities
designed to (1) anticipate emerging directions
in developing climate engineering technologies
and new or changing risks associated with such
directions and (2) help research keep pace with
other developing trends that could affect the
research agenda and support.
Some examples
of foresight activities are communicating with
other researchers in related areas, monitoring or
surveying research, and using horizon scans and
Eighteen experts (of 31 who advocated starting research now)
specifically envisioned an anticipatory, foresight approach for
federal research.
other futures methods that could help anticipate
and track relevant developments and potential
new risks.
One research advocate also suggested
exploring low-probability, high-impact events
(described by Taleb 2007) with game theory or
scenario planning.
Other examples include iteratively monitoring a
variety of developments and trends and, where
appropriate, supporting studies that obtain
better evidence on them. This could help guide
decisions about forward directions (GAO 2008b,
67–68) and is compatible with other suggestions
for adaptively managing climate engineering
research. (With respect to the latter, experts in
our study endorsed adaptive management to
better achieve continuous improvement, based
on (1) changing practices over time in response
to experience and performance assessment and
(2) learning how to intervene in a complex,
imperfectly understood climate system.
Finally, the overall results of our communications
with experts indicated uncertainty, or at least a
diversity of views, on what technical research and
evaluation will be needed for specific CDR and
SRM technologies. Some experts noted the lack
of any map or forward-looking plan showing
how climate engineering research might progress
along various paths. We also found that experts
expressed widely different views on
A horizon scan is a systematic examination of ongoing trends,
emerging developments, persistent problems that may have
changed, and novel and unexpected issues. Horizon scans are
sometimes structured strategically to consider potential threats
and opportunities separately.
For example, Long (2010) has said that an adaptive approach
is appropriate for climate engineering because climate is
a complex, nonlinear system. Such an approach might
include monitoring the results of an intervention, comparing
observations to predictions, deciding whether the research is
proceeding in the right direction, and making a new set of
decisions about what to do.
the scope of whatever global climate
engineering efforts might eventually be
implemented or deployed and
the level of effort or funding needed
for research.
For example, experts variously characterized
the scope and scale of the deployment of
stratospheric aerosols in terms of (1) operations
that “rogue” actors might carry out unilaterally
or, in contrast, (2) huge operations that might
amount to “the largest engineering project in the
history of people.”
Some experts we consulted suggested that
research funding might start with as little as a
few million dollars. The scenarios developed for
this report suggest that more effective research
would have a considerably higher budget but they
do not specify an amount. We reported earlier
that 13 federal agencies had identified at least 52
research activities relevant to climate engineering
in fiscal years 2009 and 2010 (GAO 2010a)—
with funding of $1.9 million to investigate
specific climate engineering approaches. Much
larger amounts have funded activities related to
conventional mitigation strategies or basic science
that could be applied to improving scientific
understanding of climate engineering.
Because information about climate engineering
and related research is limited, one of the experts
who advocated federal research suggested that a
federal effort begin with initial developmental
work to delineate scale and cost. (Further research
might then be planned and potential research
Additionally, 10 experts told us that either analytical
information on the cost of a potential climate-engineering
research program is lacking or they did not know of such
An additional $99 million supported these other activities.
costs estimated (GAO 2009b).) According to
another expert, planning efforts would benefit
from the development of an overall research
strategy, including, for example, a
“multidisciplinary framework for
integrated systems analysis . . . and risk
assessment tailored to designing and
evaluating geoengineering technologies
and their potential deployment as subscale
4.4 Some experts thought that
uncertain trends might
affect future research
When the experts we consulted envisioned
research with a foresight component, they saw the
following as relevant and potentially critical to
track. First, signals of impending climate-related
events would be relevant because these could
potentially heighten the urgency and priority
of the research. An example might be a collapse
of ocean fisheries attributed to global warming
and ocean acidification, with depletion of food
supplies in vulnerable areas. Second, trends
in policies for or new approaches to emissions
reduction could affect prospects for CDR’s
implementation. Our scenarios illustrate the
view that establishing carbon constraints would
encourage an anticipation of the use of CDR
research, creating an incentive for research and
Experts differed in assessing how
CDR research might develop in the absence
of significant carbon constraints. Some said it
Carbon constraint policies aim to limit or reduce carbon
emissions. Greenhouse gas emissions pricing is one type of
carbon constraint that would encourage people to reduce
emissions by making them more expensive. Despite ongoing
debate over climate change legislation, the U.S. Congress did
not enact legislation in 2010, and its prospects are uncertain.
would be difficult to sustain research or deploy
CDR technology without carbon constraints,
while others disagreed, citing the possibility
of deployment through a major public works
program (Parson 2006).
Also relevant would be
developments in sequestration related to advances
in carbon capture and storage.
Other potentially important areas to track
are nanotechnology and synthetic biology
breakthroughs (Rejeski 2010; Shetty et al.
2008); advances in these areas might bring
new developments in climate engineering
technologies. Examples include future
“programmable plants” that would sequester
more carbon than natural plants and airborne
microbes that would consume greenhouse
gases. However, such developments might
entail new risks.
Future research breakthroughs might lead to or
create new low-cost, low-carbon technologies
and thus speed emissions reduction. One expert
envisioned no-carbon energy sources like solar
power costing less than carbon-based energy.
Developments such as these could have important
implications for the future role of CDR.
Additionally, experts thought trends in public
opinion on climate engineering research might
affect support for research or specific projects.
Monitoring trends in public opinion could
be a key element of public engagement; for
example, it might signal a need to study the safety
implications of certain kinds of studies.
Finally, experts (1) suggested links between future
developments in climate engineering and possible
international tensions or conflicts that might
develop from economic issues, cultural changes,
or demographic shifts and (2) indicated that
low-probability, high-impact events might affect
future research. They suggested examples of the
latter, such as an SRM experiment’s coinciding
with a natural volcanic eruption and producing
unprecedented cooling; abrupt changes in
ocean currents sharpening climate differentials;
catastrophic alterations in weather patterns;
geopolitical instability caused by widespread
and prolonged famine in Africa or the Indian
subcontinent attributable to global warming; a
biotechnology disaster’s leading to strong public
sentiment against technological interventions;
the low-cost distribution of locally affordable
technology’s reducing shipping-related carbon
emissions; or sudden cooling from an asteroid hit.
If research planners believe that some low-
probability events represent sufficient risks
or opportunities, they might decide either on
contingency planning or on hedging—that is,
selecting a strategy that works reasonably well
across a variety of outcomes, including certain
low-probability, high-impact events (Popper
et al. 2005).
Because climate engineering technologies are
potentially risky and could affect a large number
of people and because experts have noted the
importance of public engagement on this issue,
we collected baseline measures of public opinion
on climate engineering research among U.S.
adults today. We analyzed survey responses
from 1,006 U.S. adults 18 years old and older
(representing the U.S. public) to address our
third objective concerning the extent of awareness
of geoengineering among the U.S. public and
how the public views potential research into and
implementation of geoengineering technologies.
We found that the majority of the U.S. public is
not familiar with geoengineering. Because public
understanding of geoengineering is not well
developed and public opinion in this area may be
influenced by a variety of factors that may change
over time, it is important to note that the results
we report are not intended to predict future U.S.
public views. Rather, our results provide valuable
baseline information about current awareness of
geoengineering and how the U.S. public might
respond if it learned more about geoengineering.
Knowledge Networks Inc. fielded the survey of a statistically
representative sample of 1,006 respondents July 19 to
August 5, 2010, using its online research panel. We used
the term “geoengineering” in our survey questions and other
information we provided about climate engineering because
we had used the term in earlier work. All estimates from the
survey are subject to sampling error. In terms of the margin
of error at the 95 percent confidence level, the sampling error
for estimates based on the total sample is plus or minus 4
percentage points and, for estimates based on subgroups of the
sample, is plus or minus 9 percentage points, unless otherwise
noted. Because the overall response rate was low and sources
of nonsampling error may have contributed to total survey
error, we rounded survey results to the nearest 5 percentage
points. We describe our methodology in more detail in
section 8.1.3.
Because the public lacked familiarity with
geoengineering, we provided survey respondents
with basic information about geoengineering
technologies before asking questions about them.
Our key findings are that if the public were given
the same type of information that we gave our
survey respondents, then
about 50–70 percent of the U.S. public across
a range of demographic groups would be
open to research on geoengineering.
survey respondents expressed concern about
the potential for harm from geoengineering
technologies, but a majority also said they
believe research should be done to determine
whether these technologies are practical;
about half of the U.S. public would support
developing geoengineering technologies. At the
same time, about 75 percent would support
reducing CO
emissions and increasing reliance
on solar and wind power;
about 65–75 percent of the U.S. public
would support a great deal, a lot, or a moderate
amount of involvement by the scientific
community, a coalition of national
governments, individual national governments,
the general public, and private foundations and
The sampling errors for the following demographic subgroup
estimates, in terms of the margin of error at the 95 percent
confidence level, are plus or minus 12 percentage points for
the percentage of those with less than a high school education
who believe research should be done on geoengineering, plus
or minus 13 percentage points for the percentage of blacks
who believe research should be done on geoengineering,
and plus or minus 14 percentage points for the percentage
of Hispanics who believe research should be done on
geoengineering. The margin of error for the remaining
subgroup estimates is plus or minus 9 percentage points.
5 Potential responses to climate
engineering research
not-for-profit organizations in making
decisions related to geoengineering.
5.1 Unfamiliarity with
Many people in the United States believe that
Earth is warming but are not certain that this
can be changed, while others do not believe that
global warming is happening (Leiserowitz et al.
2010, 7; Maibach et al. 2009, 1 and 13; Nisbet
and Myers 2007, 451). National surveys of U.S.
public opinion have found broad public support
for a variety of measures to increase energy
efficiency, diversify the energy supply, and
reduce CO
emissions (Pew 2010, 3; Bittle
et al. 2009, 11), but geoengineering has not
yet received widespread attention.
Given the diversity of views on climate change,
our survey asked respondents to consider their
own views on climate change and how serious
climate change might be and to indicate whether
they thought any action should be taken. From
the responses to this question, we estimate that
about 40 percent of the U.S. public thinks that
immediate action on climate change is necessary,
about 35 percent thinks that action should be
taken only after further research, about
10 percent thinks that no action should be
taken, and about 15 percent is unsure. Among
those who do not believe the climate is changing,
we estimate that about 50 percent thinks no
action should be taken and about 40 percent
thinks that action should be taken only after
further research. In other words, members of the
U.S. public who do not believe the climate is
changing do not necessarily oppose research on
climate change.
To ensure that our survey respondents had a basic
understanding of geoengineering, we gave them
a brief definition of geoengineering and examples
of CDR and SRM technologies before we asked
them questions about geoengineering. The
information we gave them was similar in amount
and type to information they might receive in the
nightly news or in a short news article.
Immediately after we defined geoengineering for
our respondents and gave them examples of CDR
and SRM technologies, the survey asked them
whether they had ever heard or read anything
about geoengineering technologies before
they began the survey. From the results, we
estimate that if provided with information about
geoengineering similar to that given our survey
respondents, about 65 percent of the U.S. adult
public would not have recalled hearing or reading
anything about geoengineering technologies at
the time of our survey. The results of our survey
pretest interviews, which included follow-up
questions, indicated that some members of the
public recall reading or hearing about technology
proposals such as sequestration of carbon in the
ocean or other geoengineering-type technologies
in science and technology literature.
Because our focus for this report was on public perceptions
of climate engineering, our survey was not designed to assess
public views of climate change more broadly. It did, however,
ask several questions about climate change and energy policy
similar to those in prior surveys of the U.S. adult population.
While comparisons between our survey and others’ surveys
are not conclusive because of historical, methodological,
and measurement differences, we found a general similarity
between the distribution of our results and those from other
sample surveys.
5.2 Concern about harm and
openness to research
As identified above, climate engineering
includes a number of technologies, and different
technologies may have different risks and
benefits. To assess whether information about the
potential for harm from different technologies
affects public reaction to climate engineering,
we decided to conduct a split-ballot survey in
which we gave half the sample information about
technologies that had been identified as relatively
safe and the other half information about
technologies that had been identified as less safe.
This allowed us to examine whether receiving
information about the less safe or the more safe
technologies is associated with greater concern
about harm from geoengineering. It also allowed
us to assess whether public opinion on research
and decision making depends on the information
members of the public are given about experts’
assessments of a technology’s relative safety.
We differentiated technologies by the experts’
assessments of safety as described in the Royal
Society report (Royal Society 2009, 6). The two
relatively safe technologies in our survey were
(1) increasing reflection from Earth’s surface (by
painting roofs, roads, and pavement white, for
example) and (2) capturing CO
from the air
(in the information we gave the respondents, we
also called this CO
air capture and capturing
from the air). The two less safe technologies
We did not vary effectiveness in the split-ballot design. In
each ballot group, respondents learned about one technology
that the Royal Society’s 2009 report had identified as highly
effective (either capturing CO
from the air or injecting
stratospheric aerosols) and one that it had identified as
relatively less effective (either increasing reflection from
Earth’s surface or fertilizing the oceans). The design did not
allow us to determine how experts’ assessments of the different
technologies’ effectiveness might affect public reactions to
were (1) putting sulfates, or tiny mirror-like
particles, into the stratosphere and (2) seeding
large ocean areas with fertilizer. Table 5.1 shows
the information the respondents received about
technology by the ballot group they were assigned
to—506 respondents received information about
increasing reflection from Earth’s surface and
air capture, and 500 received information
about stratospheric sulfates and ocean
We randomly assigned survey respondents to
receive information about the relatively safe
and the less safe technologies. At the outset of
receiving the information about geoengineering,
survey respondents were told that
“Some scientists believe it might be
possible to deliberately change Earth’s
temperature and cool down the planet by
changing some of the things that seem
to be causing global warming. Using
technologies to do this is known
as ‘geoengineering.’
“There are two different types of
geoengineering. The first type involves
reflecting some of the light and heat of
the sun’s radiation back into space. The
second involves reducing the level of
carbon dioxide in the atmosphere.”
The respondents were not aware that the
survey had two different sets of examples of
geoengineering. All the survey questions were
Table 5.1 Geoengineering types and examples given to survey respondents. Source: GAO.
Note: The information provided to respondents was based on a report from the Royal Society (Royal Society 2009).
Example Technology type
Relatively safe (506 respondents) Less safe (500 respondents)
Reflecting back
into space some
light and heat
from the Sun’s
Increasing reflection from the
surface of Earth
Increasing reflection from the surface
of Earth involves lightening and
brightening the surface of the earth,
to reflect some of the sunlight back
into space. By reflecting sunlight
into space, the temperature would be
reduced. Increasing reflection from
the surface of Earth could involve
painting roofs, roads, and pavement.
Although this should reduce the
temperature at least some, there are
doubts whether reflecting the surface
of Earth could have a substantial
effect on global temperatures. Unlike
some geoengineering techniques,
however, there is little risk of negative
consequences. So the technique of
reflecting the surface of Earth is not
very effective, but it is safe.
Putting sulfates into the stratosphere
Putting sulfates, which are tiny mirror-like particles,
into the stratosphere. This would re-create what
happens when large volcanoes erupt and shoot
sulfates high into the atmosphere. The sulfates
circulate in the stratosphere and reflect some
sunlight before it reaches Earth. Research has
shown that this technique would probably be very
effective at reducing the global temperature. The
extent and type of consequences from stratospheric
sulfates is unknown, however. For example, there
could be increased damage to the ozone layer or
altered rainfall patterns around the world. So the
technique of stratospheric sulfates is likely to be very
effective, but there is also risk of serious negative
Reducing carbon
dioxide in the
Capturing carbon dioxide
from the air
air capture would chemically
remove CO
directly from the air.
The CO
could be turned into a
liquid and piped underground for
storage in geologic structures. This
technique directly treats the cause of
climate change—greenhouse gases—
and research has shown that CO
air capture would be very effective.
Unlike some geoengineering
techniques, it would not directly
affect complex natural systems and is
believed to be safe. So the technique
of CO
air capture is likely to be very
effective, and it is safe.
Seeding large ocean areas
with fertilizer
Ocean fertilization involves adding nutrients such
as iron to some areas of the open ocean where they
are in short supply. This promotes the growth of
small plants called phytoplankton, and as the plants
grow, they soak up CO
from the atmosphere.
This technique directly treats the cause of climate
change—greenhouse gas such as CO
. It is not yet
known how much carbon would be removed for
longer than a few years; we need to learn more about
the effectiveness of ocean fertilization. The extent
and type of consequences from fertilizing the oceans
are also largely unknown. For example, there may
be harmful side effects if ocean fertilization were
attempted on a large scale. So the technique of ocean
fertilization may not be very effective and there is
also the risk of serious negative consequences.
The survey results indicated that some
50 percent or more of both survey ballot
groups were somewhat to extremely concerned
that geoengineering could be harmful. More
specifically, we estimate that
about 50 percent of the U.S. adult public
would be somewhat to extremely concerned
that geoengineering technologies could
be harmful if they were given information
similar to what we gave the respondents
about relatively safe technologies (increasing
reflection from Earth’s surface and capturing
from the air) and
about 75 percent of the public would be
somewhat to extremely concerned that
geoengineering technologies could be harmful
if given information similar to what we gave
respondents about less safe technologies
(stratospheric sulfates and ocean fertilization).
These results suggest that many people would be
concerned about the safety of even technologies
that experts have identified as relatively safe.
For technologies experts deemed less safe, a
substantial majority would express concern.
Despite these differences in respondents’
concerns, they did not differ greatly in
their responses to other questions about
geoengineering research and decision making.
Consequently, we report the results from all
other survey questions for all survey respondents
In addition to the issue of the technologies’ harm,
the survey asked respondents how optimistic
they were that geoengineering technologies could
be beneficial. From the results, we estimate
that about 45 percent of the public would be
somewhat to extremely optimistic, about 40
percent would be slightly to not at all optimistic,
and about 15 percent would be unsure whether
geoengineering technologies could be beneficial.
As reflected in responses to an open-ended
question in our survey, public optimism about
geoengineering is likely to be tempered by
concern that the technologies’ effects are not fully
known. As one survey respondent put it:
“Since the outcome is uncertain, more
research needs to be done to find out
how much of any one thing is enough
or too much.”
Given that research may be seen as a way to
assess whether specific technologies might work
and to identify harmful consequences, we used
the survey to identify a baseline estimate of
support for research on geoengineering among
the U.S. public. From the results, we estimate
that about 65 percent of the public, exposed to
the same type of information as in our survey,
would say they believe that research should
be done to determine whether geoengineering
technologies that deliberately modify the climate
are practical. Further, respondents who received
information about less safe technologies were
just as likely to support research to determine
whether geoengineering is practical as were
respondents who received information about
safer technologies; moreover, about 60 percent
of those who said they were extremely concerned
that geoengineering could be harmful indicated
that research should be done.
The survey respondents’ comments in response
to an open-ended question in our survey illustrate
that research and small-scale testing are seen as
ways to determine whether technologies can be
safely and effectively deployed. In other words,
respondents identified research and small-scale
testing as ways to assess the potential for harm
from climate engineering technologies and to
allow for more informed decisions about their use.
The survey results also indicate that while
approximately 65 percent of the public overall
would support research on geoengineering, about
half or more of the U.S. public across a range
of demographic and political groups, including
age, gender, race, ethnicity, education, and
partisanship, would say that research should
be done to determine whether geoengineering
technologies are practical. In other words,
support for research on geoengineering would not
be limited to specific demographic groups.
To explore potential public support for
government-sponsored research on geoengineering,
our survey also asked respondents two separate
questions about whether they would support or
oppose the U.S. government’s paying for research
on CDR or SRM technologies. The responses to
these questions suggest that if public information
were similar to that in our survey, about half the
public would support the U.S. government’s
paying for research on CDR technologies and
about 45 percent would support its paying for
research on SRM technologies.
As we remarked previously, public understanding
of geoengineering is not well developed and
our survey results do not necessarily predict
future views. Furthermore, we did not ask
respondents to consider the trade-offs between
federal financing of geoengineering research and
other possible spending priorities, including
tax cuts or deficit reduction. We also did
not ask respondents whether they supported
private companies’ or other entities’ paying
for research on climate engineering. Support
for the government’s paying for research on
geoengineering technologies could have been
less or more had we asked respondents to choose
alternative policy options or alternative funding
sources. Research funded by a corporation or
foreign government, for example, might yield
different public support.
5.3 Views on climate engineering
in the context of climate
and energy policy
National surveys of U.S. public opinion have
found broad public support for a variety of
measures to increase energy efficiency and
diversify the energy supply (Pew 2010, 3; Bittle
et al. 2009, 11). To place the public’s view of
climate engineering in the broader context of
public opinion on climate and energy policy,
we asked survey questions about reducing CO
emissions by increasing reliance on noncarbon-
based energy sources and other methods in
addition to climate engineering. From the results,
we estimate that about three-quarters of the
public support (strongly support or somewhat
support) developing more fuel-efficient cars,
power plants, and other such technologies;
encouraging businesses to reduce their CO
emissions; and relying more on wind and solar
power (figure 5.1). About 65 percent of the
public strongly or somewhat supports actions to
encourage people to reduce CO
example, by driving less or renovating their
homes. At the same time, our results indicate
that if the public were given the same type of
information as in our survey, about half would
strongly or somewhat support developing
geoengineering technologies. About 45 percent
strongly or somewhat support relying more on
nuclear power.
As the Royal Society reported, concern has
been raised that geoengineering proposals could
reduce public support for mitigating the effects of
emissions and could divert resources from
adaptation (Royal Society 2009). This is referred
to as the “moral hazard” problem. Given low
public awareness of geoengineering, it is difficult
to determine with any confidence whether the
U.S. public would reduce support for mitigation
as it learned more about geoengineering or how
concerned the public would be about this moral
hazard. Our survey results suggest that if the
public were given the same type of information
about geoengineering as our survey respondents,
it might support a range of approaches to climate
and energy policy, including climate engineering,
rather than viewing different approaches as
As with the results of qualitative research that
found U.K. public support for combining
geoengineering with mitigation efforts (Ipsos
MORI 2010, 1–2), we found that at least some
of the U.S. public views geoengineering as an
additional method of addressing climate change
rather than as an alternative to mitigation and
adaptation. In open-ended comments, for
example, some respondents expressed support for
using other recognizable means to address climate
1. Developing more fuel-efficient
cars, power plants, and
manufacturing processes to
reduce carbon dioxide emissions
2. Relying more on solar power
3. Encouraging businesses to
reduce their carbon dioxide
4. Relying more on wind power
5. Encouraging people to drive less,
renovate their houses, and take
other actions to reduce their carbon
dioxide emissions
6. Developing geoengineering
technologies that could cool the
climate or absorb carbon dioxide
from the atmosphere
7. Relying more on nuclear power
support nor
How much, if at all, would you support or oppose each of the following actions?
Estimated percentage of support or opposition
Survey question:
Figure 5.1 U.S. public support for actions on climate and energy, August 2010. Source: GAO.
Note: Estimates have 95 percent confidence intervals of within plus or minus 4 percentage points.
change, such as reducing CO
emissions, and
using geoengineering as a last resort.
5.4 Support for national and
international cooperation
on geoengineering
To obtain baseline information on U.S.
public views on the extent to which different
groups should be involved in deciding to use
a geoengineering technology, our survey asked
respondents how much involvement different
public and private sector groups should have in
making these decisions. From the results of our
survey, we estimate that if the public were given
the same type of information as in our survey, a
total of about 75 percent would support a great
deal, a lot, or a moderate amount of involvement
by the scientific community in making decisions
related to geoengineering (figure 5.2). At the
same time, a total of about 70 percent would
support a great deal, a lot, or a moderate amount
of involvement by a coalition of national
governments; about 65 percent would support
this level of involvement by individual national
governments, the general public, and private
Figure 5.2 U.S. public views on who should decide geoengineering technology’s use, August 2010.
Source: GAO.
Note: Estimates have 95 percent confidence intervals of within plus or minus 4 percentage points.
1. The scientific community
(for example, universities)
2. A coalition of national
3. Individual national
4. The general public
5. Private foundations and
not-for-profit organizations
6. Private, for-profit companies
A lot
A moderate
A little
How much, if any, involvement in decisions to actually use a geoengineering technology on
a broad scale should each of the following groups have?
A great
Estimated percentage of extent of involvement
Survey question:
foundations and not-for-profit organizations;
and about half would support this level of
involvement by private companies.
To provide additional insight into the U.S.
public’s initial views on actions related to
geoengineering, we asked survey respondents
whether they supported or opposed the U.S.
government’s coordinating more closely with
other countries on geoengineering issues.
We estimate that about 55 percent of the
U.S. public would support the government’s
coordinating more closely with other countries on
geoengineering issues, about 15 percent
would oppose closer coordination, and about
30 percent would be unsure. Overall, the findings
from our survey suggest that if the public were
given similar information about geoengineering,
it would be open to the involvement of multiple
national and international groups. In addition
to expressing support for involvement by a range
of groups in response to closed-ended questions,
survey respondents noted the importance of
involving the scientific community, governments,
the public, and the private sector in making
decisions about geoengineering in their answers
to open-ended questions. In the words of one
“national governments, along with the
scientific community, should determine
under what circumstances it would be
okay to actually use geoengineering
In this technology assessment, we have evaluated
climate engineering technologies that could be
part of a portfolio of climate policy options,
along with mitigation and adaptation. We found
that the technologies we reviewed are all in early
stages of development. It is likely that significant
improvements in climate engineering technology
and related information will take decades of
research because (1) today’s technologies are not
mature and (2) data collection and modeling
capabilities related to climate engineering research
are marked by important gaps. Experts have
warned that a delay in starting significant climate
engineering research could mean falling behind
in our capacity to address a potentially damaging
climate trend. We have previously reported that
the United States does not have a coordinated
strategy for climate engineering research.
We cannot ignore the possibility of new risks
from either climate engineering research or its
use or misuse. We found in our survey of U.S.
adults that a majority would be open to climate
engineering research but expressed concern about
possible harm. Likewise, experts who advocate
research emphasized that conducting significant
climate engineering research and using the results
could bring new risks, such as the possibility of
international conflict arising from one nation’s
unilaterally deploying climate engineering
technologies that adversely affect other nations.
Additionally, future technological developments
may bring new and currently unknown risks.
Experts we consulted suggested facilitating
climate engineering researchers’ interactions
with the U.S. public, national decision-makers,
and the international research community.
They also said that international research could
(1) help ensure that the nation is aware of and
keeps pace with others’ research and (2) give
the United States an opportunity to lead by
example by emphasizing transparency in and risk
management for the research. Foresight efforts
concerning emerging trends and technological
developments could help the nation better
anticipate future risks and opportunities.
6 Conclusions
The fifteen experts listed in section 8.7 reviewed a
draft of this report, at our request, and submitted
comments to us. In this section, we summarize
how we addressed the technical and other
comments requiring a response. We also received
a number of positive comments that do not
require a response.
7.1 Our framing of the topic
Some comments pertained to the presentation
of anthropogenic climate change or climate
policy in the introduction to this report.
These comments ranged from objecting to the
presentation of alternative views of climate
change to suggesting that we highlight scientific
consensus on anthropogenic climate change. We
retained information on the range of views as key
introductory content but added a clarification
acknowledging the endorsement of IPCC’s view
by numerous scientific bodies. We also added
a statement linking the large consensus among
authoritative scientific bodies to the sense of
urgency that has contributed to discussions of
engineering the climate. In response to other
comments on the need to emphasize the potential
role of climate engineering as a complement
to mitigation and adaptation, we highlighted
a GAO recommendation that the federal
government develop a coordinated approach to
geoengineering research in the context of a federal
strategy to address climate change (GAO 2010a).
We also incorporated suggestions to balance
the risks introduced by engineering the climate
against the risks of climate change without
climate engineering.
7.2 Our assessment of
Several comments surrounded the scope of the
criteria we used to assess climate engineering
technologies. Many of these comments concerned
the appropriateness of TRLs to measure the
readiness of soft climate engineering technologies
for deployment, as opposed to devices or
hard technologies. Given these comments, we
discussed a key limitation of TRLs—that is,
their sensitivity to certain criteria, such as the
definition of a system concept or concrete plan.
Developing an alternative way to measure the
maturity of technologies was beyond our scope.
In response to comments on the other key
measurements, we revised the draft to emphasize
the potential effectiveness and potential
consequences of the technologies we assessed.
To address concerns about the precision of cost
estimates from the scientific literature, we focused
on cost factors, or resources required to develop
or deploy climate engineering technologies.
Finally, we revised tables 3.1 and 3.2 to reflect
these amplifications and clarifications.
7.3 Our assessment of
knowledge and tools
for understanding
climate engineering
To incorporate comments on the status of
knowledge and tools for understanding climate
engineering, we reemphasized our focus on the
value of research to help improve climate science,
observational systems, or computing power. We
replaced generalizations with examples of areas
7 Experts’ review of a draft of this report
that scientists have targeted for improvements,
and we strengthened our citations. We added
climate chemistry models to our taxonomy
of existing climate models. We updated some
examples, such as NASA’s CLARREO mission.
We also accepted editorial comments clarifying
certain ideas. For example, we characterized
scientists’ concerns about the reliability of
observational networks in terms of the continuity
of the observational record, and we revised the
text to highlight the potential value of developing
high-performance computing resources that
could be dedicated to resolving uncertainties
about regional climate variables. Although
some comments noted that various observations
could apply to other areas of climate science, we
considered these comments to be beyond
the scope of our report. Comments on
decision-making under uncertainty were also
beyond our scope.
7.4 Our foresight and survey
Comments on foresight and survey
methodologies centered on the rationale for the
content of the events described in the scenarios
and the survey questions. In the foresight section
of this report, the experts’ views on the future
are not based primarily on events described in
the scenarios. Rather, the scenarios led a wide
range of experts to share their views on the
future of climate engineering research over the
next 20 years (section 8.1.2), thus allowing a
broad thematic discussion of these views, which
sometimes differed sharply. The scenarios
reflect the views of the experts who helped build
them, but our overall foresight approach gave
considerable latitude to the expression of views
by all experts we consulted. Additionally, we
included experts with many different kinds of
expertise and varied views on climate engineering.
For these reasons, we are confident that our
overall results would have been similar had the
scenarios differed or been produced on the basis
of an explicit underlying rationale.
Objectives for the survey included developing
baseline information on public awareness of
climate engineering technologies, views about
research on them, and opinions on who should
be involved in decisions related to climate
engineering. Our focus groups and pretest
interviews indicated that members of the public
were unlikely to have either detailed knowledge
or established opinions about climate engineering
and that public views on climate engineering
depended on the technology. Therefore, we
developed and pretested (1) a basic definition of
climate engineering with examples of different
technologies, in both audio-visual and written
formats so respondents could choose between the
two, and (2) basic survey questions about
each respondent’s awareness of and views on
research and groups that should be involved in
decisions. Our pretest results led us to believe
that the respondents understood the basic
questions and that these were unbiased and
provided the baseline information we needed
to meet our objectives.
We did not incorporate other suggestions that
were beyond the scope of our report. It was,
for example, as much beyond our scope to
develop a detailed strategy for deploying climate
engineering as to compare a climate-engineered
world with one lacking any deliberate climate
8.1 Objectives, scope,
and methodology
In this appendix, we describe the several targeted,
coordinated methods we used to report on
the current state of climate engineering
experts’ views of the future of climate
engineering research, and
public perceptions of climate engineering.
In addition to the separate methods we used
to address each objective, with the assistance
of the National Academy of Sciences (NAS)
we convened a meeting of scientists, engineers,
and other experts that we called the Meeting
on Climate Engineering. Because climate
engineering is complex, NAS selected, with
our assistance, a diverse and balanced group
of experts on climate engineering, climate
science, measurement sciences, foresight studies,
emerging technologies, research strategies, and
the international, public opinion, and public
engagement dimensions of climate engineering.
Experts participating in our Meeting on Climate
Engineering are listed in section 8.6.
Before meeting in Washington, D.C., on
October 6–7, 2010, the participants were
provided with a written summary of our progress
on this technology assessment. We explained to
the participants that the summary was a working
document showing what we had developed up to
that point and that it did not fully describe our
The participants were organized into subgroups
to focus on the major topics of our technology
assessment, including carbon dioxide
removal (CDR) technologies, solar radiation
management (SRM) technologies, the future
of climate engineering, and public perceptions.
The participants in each subgroup presented
a 5-minute summary of their views on our
preliminary findings, and then the entire group
discussed the feedback. The meeting ended with
general reactions to and advice and suggestions
on our preliminary findings.
The participants’ comments led us to review
additional literature and unpublished studies
that they suggested. Following the meeting, we
also contacted the participants in person or by
telephone or e-mail to clarify and expand what
we had heard. We used what we learned from
this meeting of experts to update, clarify, and
correct where appropriate our information on the
current state of climate engineering technology,
expert views of the future of climate engineering
research, and public perceptions of climate
engineering. We incorporated in our draft report
the lessons we learned from the meeting to give it
greater accuracy and contextual sophistication.
8.1.1 Our method for assessing the
state of climate engineering
To determine the current state of the science and
technology of climate engineering, we reviewed
a broad range of scientific and engineering
literature. We started with the literature the
Royal Society report referenced (Royal Society
2009, 63–68), and then we reviewed the
literature we found in NAS, National Research
Council (NRC), and U.S. government reports
on climate change. We identified other literature
8 Appendices
from scientific and climate-related organizations
such as the National Aeronautics and Space
Administration (NASA) and National Oceanic
and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), and
we reviewed proceedings from conferences such
as the 2010 Asilomar International Conference
on Climate Intervention Technologies (Asilomar
Scientific Organizing Committee 2010). We
revisited the report on climate engineering that
we issued in September 2010 (GAO 2010a),
which is complementary to this report. We
reviewed relevant congressional testimony. We
sought additional literature from the experts we
spoke with.
We identified experts on climate engineering
and proponents of specific climate change
technologies from our review of the literature
and conference proceedings. To ensure balance
across the views and information we obtained, we
interviewed a broad range of experts and officials
working in climate science research and climate
engineering whose track records had been proven
through their peer-reviewed publications and
presentations at conferences. We interviewed
these experts to seek information that was not in
their published work. We interviewed scientists,
engineers, and knowledgeable officials with the
Department of Energy’s (DOE) National Energy
Technology Laboratory (NETL), Lawrence
Livermore National Laboratory, and Pacific
Northwest National Laboratory (PNNL) and
during site visits conducted at
the National Center for Atmospheric Research,
the National Oceanographic and Atmospheric
Administration’s Earth System Research
the National Institute of Standards and
Oak Ridge National Laboratory,
American Electric Power’s Mountaineer
Power Plant in West Virginia,
the Institute for Advanced Study at
Princeton University,
the Marine Biological Laboratory at
Woods Hole,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, and
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution.
We interviewed selected attendees at the 2010
Asilomar International Conference on Climate
Intervention Technologies.
We reviewed records of earlier interviews we had
conducted on topics relevant to this technology
assessment. We analyzed interviews with high-
level private-sector officials from
Alstom, which develops carbon capture
technology and equipment;
Dow, which conducts research on and
development and manufacture of solvents or
sorbents needed for CO
capture; and
Schlumberger Carbon Services, which engages
in geological mapping and the characterization
of subterranean structures for storing CO
We interviewed experts at academic institutions
such as Columbia University, the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology, and Stanford University.
Because climate science and climate engineering
are interdisciplinary and extremely complex,
with cross-cutting issues that may be beyond any
one expert’s realm, we synthesized information
from an array of experts with diverse views on
these subjects. We did not try to interview an
equal number with alternative perspectives on
all issues or technologies, because we were not
evaluating the information we gathered by the
number of experts who mentioned a topic or
stated a particular view. Our objectives were
to identify experts’ (1) general understanding
of the current state of climate science and
engineering and (2) their major uncertainties
and outstanding issues on these subjects. We
did not attempt to determine the independence
of individual experts, but we did try to obtain
a balanced set of views. We wanted to obtain a
broad perspective on the current state of climate
science and engineering and objectively report
this information. The experts we spoke with are
listed in section 8.2.
We used the Royal Society’s classification of
climate engineering approaches to focus our
review on CDR and SRM technologies (Royal
Society 2009, l). We did not include climate
engineering approaches that address other,
greenhouse gas emissions such as
nitrous oxide. After consulting with experts, we
limited our assessment of climate engineering
technologies to those the Royal Society addressed
in its 2009 report. Of those technologies, we did
not assess ocean reflectivity or ocean upwelling
or downwelling because we found limited
information on them in the peer-reviewed
literature. We also did not assess research on the
possible causes of climate change.
We assessed and described the current status
of climate engineering technologies along four
key dimensions: (1) maturity, (2) potential
effectiveness, (3) cost factors, and (4) potential
consequences. We assessed the maturity of
climate engineering technologies by their
technology readiness levels (TRL)
(table 8.1). TRLs are a standard tool for
assessing the readiness of an emerging
technology for production or incorporation
into an existing technology or system. The
Department of Defense and NASA use TRLs,
as does the European Space Agency.
We used the AFRL (Air Force Research
Laboratory) Technology Readiness Level
Calculator Version 2.2 (Nolte 2004) to
determine technology readiness levels for the
climate engineering technologies we reviewed.
Table 8.1 summarizes key features of TRL
ratings. The first column presents definitions of
TRL levels used as “Top Level Views” in the TRL
calculator. The calculator operates conditionally:
to achieve a rating at any level, a technology must
satisfy the requirements for all lower levels as
well. For example, to achieve a rating of TRL 2, a
technology must also satisfy the requirements for
a rating of TRL 1. To achieve a rating of TRL 3,
a technology must also satisfy the requirements
for a rating of TRL 2, and thus must also satisfy
the requirements for a rating of TRL 1.
We developed criteria to rate climate engineering
technologies using the TRL calculator. For the
top level view of TRL 1, requiring that basic
principles be observed and reported, we asked
whether the technology had been described as a
climate engineering technology in peer-reviewed
scientific literature. All the climate engineering
technologies we reviewed met this condition.
For the top level view of TRL 2, requiring
the formulation of a technology concept or
application, we asked whether a system concept
identifying key elements of the technology or a
concrete plan existed for implementation on a
global scale. Some technologies failed to meet this
condition for climate engineering even though
they would be fully mature in other applications.
For example, increasing the reflectivity of settled
Level Description Example
1 Basic principles have been
observed and reported
The lowest level of technology
readiness. Scientific research begins
translation into applied research
and development
Paper studies of the
technology’s basic
2 Technology concept or
application has been
Invention begins. Once basic
principles are observed, practical
applications can be invented. The
application is speculative, and no
proof or detailed analysis supports
the assumption
Limited to paper studies
3 Analytical and
critical function or
characteristic proof of
concept has been defined
Active research and development
(R&D) begins. Includes analytical
and laboratory studies to physically
validate analytical predictions of
separate elements of the technology
Components that are
not yet integrated or
4 Component or
breadboard validation
has been made in
laboratory environment
Basic technological components
are integrated to establish that the
pieces will work together. This is
relatively “low fidelity” compared
to the eventual system
Ad hoc hardware
integrated in a laboratory
5 Component or
breadboard validation
has been made in
relevant environment
Fidelity of breadboard technology
increases significantly. The
basic technological components
are integrated with reasonably
realistic supporting elements so
the technology can be tested in a
simulated environment
“High fidelity”
laboratory integration
of components
6 System and subsystem
model or prototype has
been demonstrated in a
relevant environment
Representative model or prototype
system is well beyond level 5
testing in a relevant environment.
Represents a major step up in
the technology’s demonstrated
Prototype tested in a
high-fidelity laboratory
or simulated operational
7 System prototype has
been demonstrated in an
operational environment
A prototype is operational or nearly
operational. Represents a major
step up from level 6, requiring
the demonstration of an actual
system prototype in an operational
environment, such as in an aircraft,
vehicle, or space
Prototype tested in a
test bed aircraft
Table 8.1 Nine technology readiness levels, continues on next page
areas by painting rooftops white would be mature
on a small scale but lacked a system concept and
a concrete plan for implementation on a global
scale. Since this technology failed to meet the
condition for TRL 2, it was rated at TRL 1. The
sensitivity of the TRL ratings to the definition of
a system concept or a concrete plan for climate
engineering is a key limitation of using TRLs to
evaluate technologies that are otherwise mature.
For the top level view of TRL 3, requiring
analytical and experimental demonstration
of proof of concept, we looked for significant
experimental data on elements of the technology.
For example, a technology designed to reduce
solar radiation by placing scatterers at L1
fulfilled the basic requirements for TRL 2 but
not TRL 3 because the supporting literature was
theoretical and did not provide experimental
data. Finally, for the top level view of TRL 4,
requiring technological demonstration, we looked
for evidence of system demonstration with a
breadboard unit (a representation of the system,
in function only, used to determine feasibility
and to develop data, configured for laboratory
use). Because none of the technologies that we
reviewed had system data with breadboard units,
none could be rated at TRL 4 or higher.
We had earlier recommended that a technology
should be at level 7—that is, a prototype
has been demonstrated in an operational
environment—before being moved to
engineering and manufacturing development.
We had recommended further that a technology
be at level 6 before starting program definition
and risk reduction (GAO 1999). We characterize
technologies whose TRL scores are below 6
as “immature.”
Two factors that affect global temperature are
(1) the level of CO
and other greenhouse gases
in the atmosphere and (2) the amount of solar
radiation that Earth and its atmosphere absorb.
Level Description Example
8 Actual system is complete
and has been qualified
in testing and
Technology has been proven to
work in its final form and under
expected conditions. In almost all
cases, this level represents the end
of true system development
Developmental test and
evaluation of the system
to determine if it meets
design specifications
9 Actual system has been
proven in successful
mission operations
The technology is applied in its
final form and under mission
conditions, such as those
encountered in operational test and
evaluation. In almost all cases, this
is the end of the last “bug fixing”
aspects of true system development
The system is used in
operational mission
Table 8.1 Nine technology readiness levels described. Source: GAO based on Nolte (2004).
Note: A breadboard is a representation of a system that can be used to determine concept feasibility and
develop technical data. It is typically configured for laboratory use only. It may resemble the system in function only.
Because CDR and SRM affect temperature
in different ways, their effects are measured
differently. CDR removes CO
from the
atmosphere while SRM reduces the amount of
solar radiation that Earth and its atmosphere
absorb—by reflecting the radiation into space
before it reaches Earth’s atmosphere, when it
reaches Earth’s atmosphere, or when it reaches
Earth’s surface.
To describe the effectiveness of proposed CDR
technologies, we examined the Royal Society’s
qualitative ratings of various technologies’
effectiveness (high, medium, and low). We also
examined two quantitative measures reported
in the literature: the estimated (1) maximum
reduction of the atmospheric concentration of
(ppm) from its projected level of 500 ppm
in 2100 and (2) annual ability to remove CO
from Earth’s atmosphere (gigatons of CO
year) when compared to annual anthropogenic
emissions of 33 gigatons of CO
We assessed
the qualitative ratings primarily by making
a check for reasonableness. For example, for
bioenergy with CO
capture and sequestration
(BECS) the Royal Society reported an
anticipated maximum CO
reduction ability
of between 50 ppm and 150 ppm and rated
BECS as low to medium in effectiveness.
We confirmed the reasonableness of rating
a reduction of 150 ppm as having medium
effectiveness by noting that this level of
reduction would put the concentration of CO
in the year 2100 at 350 ppm—which is below
the current 390 ppm but does not approach
the preindustrial 280 ppm.
The preindustrial CO
concentration is reported to have been
280 ppm. In 2010, the atmospheric concentration of CO
estimated in the literature as 390 ppm. In the year 2100, the
concentration projected for a mitigation scenario is 500 ppm.
comparisons to other scientific sources.
We reviewed scientific literature for other
assessments indicating the overall feasibility
of implementing individual CDR technologies
on a global scale to achieve a net reduction
of atmospheric CO
concentration. For two
technologies—direct air capture of CO
with geologic sequestration and enhanced
weathering—sources in the peer-reviewed
literature provided views or information
that differed substantially from the Royal
Society’s ratings.
Overall, for three of the six CDR technologies,
our assessments confirmed the specific Royal
Society qualitative effectiveness ratings. We
included these three Royal Society ratings in the
“potential effectiveness” column in table 3.1. For
one other technology (land use management),
which the Royal Society rated as low, other
scientific literature suggested a low to medium
rating, which is reflected in table 3.1. For the
remaining two CDR technologies (direct air
capture of CO
with sequestration, and enhanced
weathering), we did not report an overall
qualitative rating for potential effectiveness; that
is, we indicated “not rated” because sources in
the scientific literature provided information that
differed considerably from the Royal Society’s
ratings. However, where possible, we provided
other relevant information.
To describe the potential effectiveness of SRM
technologies, we used the generally accepted
benchmark of the climate change community
(such as in the work of the Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC)) called
The high effectiveness rating the Royal Society gave for
these two technologies could not be confirmed and validated
by reports in the literature. We did not assign an overall
qualitative rating to these technologies because of conflicting
indications in the literature about their effectiveness.
equilibrium climate sensitivity.
modeling studies use equilibrium climate
sensitivity as a benchmark to indicate the effect
of greenhouse gases on the climate. Equilibrium
climate sensitivity is defined as the change in
global mean surface temperature following
warming caused by a doubling of preindustrial
levels (Solomon et al. 2007). The doubling
of preindustrial CO
levels is also used in
modeling studies as a standard condition for
evaluating climate effects other than an increase
in global average temperature. Following this
approach, the climate engineering community
evaluates the effects of SRM technologies against
double preindustrial CO
levels. We described
the potential effectiveness of SRM technologies
when fully implemented on a global scale,
based on the extent to which they are estimated
to reduce global average surface temperature
compared to the benchmark. We categorized the
potential effectiveness of each climate engineering
technology as a percentage, where 100 percent
is anticipated to lower global mean temperature
from the benchmark to the preindustrial value
and is termed “fully effective.”
We did not assess the effectiveness of either
deploying multiple climate engineering
technologies simultaneously or combining them
with reductions in carbon emissions and advances
in energy technology. We did not assess the
effectiveness of deploying a technology in any
specific place. Because we focused on global mean
surface temperature, we did not assess specific
geographic temperatures or climate changes.
We did not independently determine the costs
of implementing the technologies. Instead,
we report cost factors and estimates from the
The word “equilibrium” indicates a steady state response to
specify climatic conditions, such as the concentration of CO
and variables related to climate engineering.
literature we reviewed; these are based on ideas
of what the technologies might be, not on
detailed design and schedule data. For CDR,
the cost factors represent resources used to
remove CO
from the atmosphere and store it;
when quantified, these are presented on a per
ton basis. For SRM, the cost factors represent
resources required to counteract global warming
from doubling the preindustrial atmospheric
concentration of CO
, or, for technologies that
are not anticipated to be fully effective, the
resources required to counteract warming to the
maximum extent possible. We were not able
to determine the reliability of estimated costs
in the literature because of insufficient data
or inadequate descriptions of how costs were
We assessed the potential consequences of each
technology by summarizing risks or consequences
identified in the literature, modeling studies, and
our interviews with experts. We also reviewed
congressional hearings for the testimony of
experts who presented risks of implementing
specific technologies. We reviewed the ability
of existing climate models to represent climate
processes expected to result from climate
engineering technologies, including altered
wind currents, rain patterns, and ocean
temperatures. We considered the ability to
reverse a technology’s deployment as a type of
To report on the status of knowledge and tools
for understanding climate engineering, we
reviewed relevant literature and interviewed
scientists and other experts about climate science,
observational networks, and computing resources.
Our literature review included GAO publications
as well as reports from the Department of Energy,
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
National Aeronautics and Space Administration,
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, National Research Council,
United States Climate Change Science Program,
and World Climate Change Programme, in
addition to peer-reviewed scientific literature.
Because we found few studies focusing on
climate engineering modeling or research, we
included in our review some studies of climate
models and science that are relevant to climate
engineering. Our research on observational
systems focused on the coverage, continuity, and
accuracy of networks collecting measurements
related to substances or processes that are
important to climate engineering. Similarly, our
examination of computing resources focused on
current limitations or potential improvements
that could affect climate engineering research,
such as the spatial resolution of computations
in current models. We did not independently
evaluate whether scientific knowledge or tools
are sufficiently well understood or developed for
making decisions about the possible development
or use of climate engineering technologies. We
also did not assess whether climate change is
occurring or what is causing any climate change
if it is occurring or whether current scientific
knowledge supports the occurrence of climate
change or its causes.
8.1.2 Our method for eliciting experts’
views of the future of climate
engineering research
To assess how climate engineering research might
develop in the future, we used the following
three sources: (1) a foresight exercise in which
experts developed alternative scenarios, (2) the
comments of a broad array of experts stimulated
by the scenarios, and (3) additional views of
other experts in response to our preliminary
synthesis developed from the scenarios and
earlier comments. Sections 8.4 to 8.6 list the
experts we consulted in developing each of these
We present our summary of the three
sources in the body of our report to suggest some
possibilities for climate engineering research over
the next 20 years.
All experts we selected to participate in the
foresight exercise and to comment in response
to the scenarios met at least one of the following
criteria: they (1) held a position in a university or
other well-known organization relevant to climate
engineering, climate change, or related topics;
(2) had participated in academic or professional
panels addressing climate engineering, climate
change, or related topics; or (3) had authored
peer-reviewed publications on climate
engineering, climate change, or related topics. Scenario-building process
A meeting to build scenarios held on
July 27, 2010, at GAO headquarters was
facilitated by a professional from the Institute
for Alternative Futures. The overall goal of
the exercise was to develop four scenarios to
illustrate alternative possible futures for climate
engineering research, including the amounts and
kinds of research that might be conducted on
CDR and SRM and whether significant progress
was expected.
The scenario-builders (listed in section 8.4) were
selected to constitute, as a group,
expertise on specific technologies for
engineering the climate, including CDR
and SRM, and experience in the research or
development of relevant technologies;
Additionally, in preparing for these activities we interviewed
other experts who provided background information or
recommended some of the experts listed in sections 8.4 to 8.6.
knowledge on climate engineering as well
as the development of future-oriented
scenarios, including foresight about emerging
technologies and national and international
approaches to them; and
collective backgrounds in private industry,
government (including the military), and other
organizations such as those in academia.
We selected six external scenario-builders. Each
of the six was a leading expert in one or more key
fields or had been recommended to us by other
experts. The group’s knowledge and expertise
represented a balance across the items bulleted
above and spanned energy policy, climate
change, oceanography, atmospheric science,
and biotechnology, as well as research on CDR
and SRM and other areas, such as foresight
and public engagement. Timothy Persons,
GAO’s Chief Scientist, served as the host and
ex-officio member of the group to help guide
the discussion.
To build the four scenarios, we began by
reviewing scientific and engineering literature
and interviewing scientists and engineers to help
us identify what were likely to be the key factors
in the future scope and direction of climate
engineering research in the United States. We
used this information to construct a questionnaire
that we sent by e-mail before the meeting to the
six external experts and GAO’s Chief Scientist.
Before the scenario-builders met on July 27,
2010, they responded individually to our e-mail
questionnaire. The questionnaire asked for their
opinions on the goals of climate engineering
research, the importance of making substantial
progress toward those goals by 2030, the promise
of different approaches toward reaching the
goals, the research that might appropriately be
supported by private or government funds, any
leadership the federal government should take
on climate engineering research, the need for
international cooperation, the likelihood of future
climate changes, and the moral hazard if climate
engineering research looked as if it were headed
on an efficient and effective course. We also asked
for separate answers to these questions as they
related expressly to CDR and SRM technologies.
The questionnaire also listed various factors
that might affect climate engineering research
and asked for the scenario-builders’ opinions on
these and other relevant factors. The answers
we received suggested the importance of
factors subsequently selected for the meeting’s
discussion. For example, five of the six scenario-
builders responded that government incentives to
industry would make the prospect of achieving
some or all CDR research goals by 2030 “highly
promising.” We provided them with a summary
of their answers to the questionnaire at the outset
of the scenario-building meeting.
During the meeting, the scenario-builders
identified and discussed many kinds of factors
important for future U.S. climate engineering
research in a global context. They selected
two policy-related factors as potentially most
significant. One was whether a federal research
program on CDR and SRM would be established
and, if so, at what level (the scenario-builders
did not focus on low-risk SRM methods such
as whitening roofs and roads). The scenario-
builders discussed a broad definition of a research
program that might include related activities,
such as engaging the public or encouraging
industry to implement technology-related
results (including improving opportunities for
dissemination). The other policy factor was
whether carbon constraints would be established
and, if so, at what level in the United States and
The scenario-builders discussed how carbon
constraints can take the form of either emissions
pricing or regulations designed to reduce
carbon emissions. After selecting the two
factors—a federal research program and carbon
constraints—the scenario-builders specified three
levels for each one, defining nine combinations,
each of which might serve as the basis for a
scenario (figure 8.1). From the nine possible
combinations, the scenario-builders selected for
further consideration the four combinations
labeled on figure 8.1. The four resulting scenarios
define a range of futures within the bounds set by
variation across the two selected factors.
Each scenario was developed separately for
a specific combination of factors. However,
a logical inference is that more pathways are
possible within the range defined by the two
factors because of the possibility of transitions
from one scenario to another. Scenario II, for
example, could overlap with Scenario IV. The
purpose of the scenarios was to stimulate thinking
about the future, not to limit anticipation to any
one cell.
We asked the scenario-builders to identify
low-probability high-impact events such as “black
swans” and “black pearls.” We defined black swan
as an extremely unlikely event able to produce
catastrophic or otherwise large effects. We
defined black pearl as a black swan with positive
effects. We generated this list to help identify
wild cards or conditions that could drastically
change the future as related to the climate and
climate engineering research.
Toward the end of the scenario-building meeting,
we asked the six external scenario-builders to
look ahead to 2030 and beyond and to consider
possible outcomes linked to research on CDR
and SRM. We asked them to assess, subjectively
and qualitatively, three potential future
Level of constraint on carbon
Low or none
Scenario IV
Scenario I
Scenario II
Scenario III
Low or none
Relative level of federal research program
(climate engineering) and related activities
Status quo on both
Some action on both
More action on both
Action on
research only
Figure 8.1 Four scenarios defining alternative possible futures. Source: GAO.
situations that might occur in or after 2030:
(1) an emergency in which decision-makers
might consider using SRM, (2) continued
global warming, and (3) a future with no
further warming. Experts’ comments
stimulated by scenarios
We used the scenarios to elicit additional views
about the future from 28 experts (listed in
section 8.5) who represented a wider range of
backgrounds and perspectives. To help ensure
balance in the wider group of experts who
would review and respond to the scenarios, we
specifically selected some experts with competing
views and different backgrounds. These experts
were thus characterized by
varied backgrounds (including, for example,
economics, ethics, the humanities, and
international relations);
a range of organizational affiliations
(including universities, the public sector, the
private sector, and advocacy groups or other
organizations associated with a viewpoint); and
differing perspectives (including some known
to favor or oppose the development of climate
engineering technologies or to have expressed
uncertainty about climate change trends).
In August 2010, we e-mailed the four scenarios
to the selected 28 experts along with a brief
questionnaire on their reactions to the scenarios.
We invited them to provide alternative mini
scenarios or other statements of their views
about the future. We asked them to identify
black swans and black pearls. We also asked
them for any message about the future of
climate engineering research and its consequent
risks that they believed would be important
for policymakers to consider. Not all expressed
views on all issues. We followed up with e-mail
questions for clarification, as needed. In a
few instances, we followed up with telephone
conversations or met in person with experts who
were available in the Washington, D.C., area. We
synthesized the varied responses we received from
the experts. Experts’ views of our initial
synthesis and preliminary findings
As we described above, we convened with NAS’s
help a meeting of scientists, engineers, and
other experts. For this meeting, we presented
information about the scenarios and asked the
experts to discuss our preliminary findings about
views expressed regarding the future and to share
their own views about the future. Some experts
did not express views on the scenarios or all
topics discussed. Our analysis: A qualitative
foresight synthesis
We call our summary of the combined results
of the exercises we have described a qualitative
foresight synthesis. The summary is primarily
based not on how many experts made specific
comments or any number of votes taken of the
experts but, rather, on a qualitative approach in
which we identified recurring, prominent themes
and used professional judgment. The summary
is a synthesis of views from a diverse range of
experts and from three interconnected foresight
exercises. It is the result of an iterative process
whereby one set of experts developed scenarios,
another set commented on those scenarios, and
a third set reviewed our initial synthesis of the
first two exercises. In areas where either a clear
majority of the experts we consulted agreed or
only a small number took a specific position, we
say that a “majority” expressed the position or
that a small number stated a concern. However,
for transparency, footnotes provide information
on specific counts of experts we consulted who
voiced key opinions.
Although the experts we consulted do not
necessarily represent the views of all those
with similar expertise in the area of climate
engineering, because of the three-stage process
and the breadth of experts we consulted, we
believe that the resulting overall set of views
about the future that we present in section 4
of this report (“Experts’ Views of the Future of
Climate Engineering Research”) would be similar
even if we had used a different set of scenarios
or if we had consulted with a different but still
diverse set of experts.
8.1.3 Our method for assessing
potential responses to
climate engineering
To gather information about public awareness
of and views on geoengineering technologies,
we reviewed selected survey research on public
opinion on climate change, conducted focus
groups, and contracted with Knowledge
Networks Inc. to use its online research panel
to field a survey we developed. The survey was
fielded from July 19 to August 5, 2010. Of a total
sample of 1,623 U.S. residents 18 years old and
older, 1,006 completed the survey.
From our review of the research on climate
engineering and survey research on climate
change, we did not expect the focus group
participants or survey respondents to know very
much about climate engineering technologies.
Therefore, before asking questions about
geoengineering, we gave the focus group
participants and the survey respondents a
basic definition of geoengineering, described
the differences between CDR and SRM,
and provided examples of both. The level of
information we gave the focus group participants
and survey respondents was comparable to
what average adults exposed to news media
descriptions of these technologies might be
expected to receive.
To help us develop the protocol for the focus
group with members of the public and to
increase our understanding of public perceptions
of climate change and climate engineering,
we conducted four focus groups with GAO
employees. We used what we learned from these
focus groups to make changes to the protocol
for the public focus group.
We selected the
11 members of the public focus group for their
diversity in age, gender, race, ethnicity, and
education. Some participants spoke both English
and Spanish; they translated for one participant
who was fluent only in Spanish. A GAO analyst
fluent in English and Spanish observed the
focus group.
We first asked the focus group participants
to discuss their beliefs about climate change,
including whether they believed the climate is
changing and, if so, what the cause is. We then
asked them if they thought there was anything
they personally could do to affect climate change
and what, if anything, the public, industry,
government, or scientists and engineers should
do with respect to climate change. Participants
identified personal actions such as driving
less, using alternative fuels, and writing letters
to influence elected representatives. With
respect to government, industry, and scientists
We also conducted two focus groups with science and
engineering graduate students participating in Arizona State
University’s Consortium for Science, Policy & Outcomes
(CSPO), one before and one after the public focus group. We
did not make any changes to the focus group protocol as a
result of the CSPO focus group conducted before the public
focus group.
and engineers, participants thought greater
enforcement of existing laws, the provision of
government incentives to address climate change,
and increased public education about climate
change were ways to address climate change.
When asked whether they were aware of any
scientific or engineering solutions to climate
change, focus group participants did not identify
any specific solutions. One participant stated that
scientists and engineers might develop solutions
to climate change but that money is not being
directed to this.
After asking focus group participants if they
were aware of any scientific or technological
solutions to climate change, we explained what
geoengineering is and gave them information
about three different technologies, including
CDR and SRM technologies. We asked
participants to discuss their reactions to each
technology and whether they supported or
opposed it. In addition, we asked them to
discuss how the federal government, industry,
and individuals should fund and make decisions
about geoengineering.
We chose to use “geoengineering” in the
information we gave the focus group and survey
participants, given that we and others, such as
the Royal Society, had used this term earlier.
In our focus groups, we found that participants
raised concerns about the potential for harm
from geoengineering technologies and reacted
differently to different technologies. For example,
one participant, asked to react to information
about stratospheric sulfates, expressed the view
that dinosaurs had become extinct by the Sun’s
having been blocked. Another, reacting to the
concept of direct air capture, expressed concern
about the long-term storage of CO
To assess whether these differences in reaction
to different technologies exist also in the larger
population, we administered a split-ballot survey.
Using experts’ assessments of safety described
in the Royal Society report on geoengineering,
we gave half the respondents information about
technologies (one CDR and one SRM) that
experts identified as relatively safe, and we gave
the other half information about technologies
(one CDR and one SRM) that experts identified
as relatively less safe. We included a question in
the survey to assess whether this difference in
information about experts’ assessment of safety
affected participants’ perceptions of potential
harm from CDR and SRM technologies. We also
examined whether views about geoengineering
research, development, and decision-making
were affected by learning about more or less safe
technologies. Our survey results indicated that
respondents differed in their level of concern
about harm from geoengineering, depending on
whether they received information about more
or less safe technologies, but they did not differ
greatly in their responses to other questions about
geoengineering research and decision-making.
Consequently, we report the results from all other
survey questions combined.
The respondents could choose one or more of
three ways to receive information about different
types of geoengineering technologies: they
could (1) view a video and listen to a narration,
(2) listen to the narration, or (3) read printed
information. All survey questions were identical
in the two survey ballot groups.
Every survey introduces sampling and
nonsampling errors, including errors of
processing, measurement, coverage, and
nonresponse. We took steps to reduce such
errors. To reduce processing error, we verified
all computer programming and analyses
independently. To reduce measurement error,
we conducted 11 pretests with persons of
varied education, income, English proficiency,
age, gender, and race.
The pretests included
face-to-face interviews using the draft written
survey as well as telephone interviews with
those completing the web version of the survey.
From the pretest results, we made a number of
changes to reduce the likelihood of measurement
error from respondents’ misunderstanding or
misinterpreting the survey questions. We also
asked all pretest respondents whether any specific
questions or the survey overall was biased in
any way, and we made changes to address the
concerns they raised. Knowledge Networks’
online research panel was designed to minimize
errors of coverage of the target population of
U.S. adults. The sample frame was based on
probability sampling that covered both people
who had home access to the Internet and those
who did not. Knowledge Networks also used
a dual sampling frame that included both
households that had telephones (including only
cell phones) and households that did not, as well
as households with listed and those with unlisted
telephone numbers. Knowledge Networks
recruited panel members randomly. Households
were provided with access to the Internet and
the necessary hardware if they needed it. For a
specific survey like ours, Knowledge Networks
selects panelists randomly, and no one not
selected may respond.
To calculate the survey’s response rate, we used
RR4, a method described by the American
Association for Public Opinion Research.
The RR4 method is based on multiplying the
recruitment rate (18.3 percent), the profile
rate (58.4 percent), and the completion rate
Before we pretested our survey, students in the Science,
Technology, and Public Policy Program at the Gerald R. Ford
School of Public Policy, University of Michigan, provided
input on issues related to governance and surveying public
opinion in the area of climate engineering.
(62.0 percent) to yield an overall response
rate of 7 percent. To reduce the potential for
nonresponse error, we weighted the survey data
using Knowledge Networks’ study-specific
post-stratification weight. From our assessment
of Knowledge Networks’ probability sampling
methods and weighting methodologies and
the results of our nonresponse bias analysis, we
determined that the sample selected for our study
was statistically representative of the U.S. adult
Sampling error is a measure of the likely
variation introduced in a survey’s results by
using a probability procedure based on random
selections. In terms of the margin of error at the
95 percent confidence level, the sampling error
for survey estimates from the total sample is plus
or minus 4 percentage points, unless otherwise
noted. In terms of the margin of error at the
95 percent confidence level, the sampling error
for estimates based on subgroups of the sample
is plus or minus 9 percentage points, unless
otherwise noted. Because the overall response
rate was low and because sources of nonsampling
error such as differences in survey results from
panel attrition and panel conditioning might
be present, nonsampling error may also have
contributed to the total survey error of the results.
To avoid false precision, therefore, we rounded
the survey results we report in the text to the
nearest 5 percentage points.
The public perceptions elicited by this survey
are based on limited information about
geoengineering and do not necessarily predict
U.S. public views. We found that about
65 percent of the respondents had not heard
about geoengineering before reading the
survey; therefore, responses to the survey are
likely to reflect reactions to information about
geoengineering that we provided in the survey.
If the respondents had been provided with
different information about geoengineering, the
survey responses could also differ. Also, climatic
or other events might change public views of
geoengineering. When we asked respondents
about their support for geoengineering research
or for government funding of geoengineering
research, we did not present them with
competing programs to choose from (programs
for cancer treatment, for example) or with
alternatives, such as using government funding
for national defense or cutting taxes. These kinds
of choices might have produced different results.
The initial version of the survey included
a question designed to help assess whether
the respondents thought that exploring
geoengineering solutions could distract from
other potential solutions to climate change,
such as reducing CO
emissions by driving less
or developing more fuel-efficient technologies.
Because the question included more than one
policy option on which respondents could hold
different views and focused on what respondents
would expect to happen in the future but could
not yield direct information about how members
of the public might actually behave, we revised
the survey to include a separate series of questions
to assess where initial support for geoengineering
might fall relative to other policy options.
8.1.4 External review
We invited all participants in the Meeting on
Climate Engineering to review our draft report.
We sent the draft report to the 16 participants
who agreed to review and help revise the report.
While we asked the 16 reviewers to focus on
the sections most relevant to their expertise, we
also told them that we welcomed any comments
on the entire draft. One of the 16 did not
participate in the review because of schedule
conflicts. Fifteen reviewers (see section 8.7)
provided technical or other comments that we
incorporated as appropriate. These 15 reviewers
were meeting participants who collectively
represented expertise relevant to each of the
three major areas of our report, including the
current state of climate engineering technology,
expert views of the future of climate engineering
research, and public perceptions of climate
engineering. The external review was conducted
in February 2011.
We conducted our work for this technology
assessment from January 2010 through July 2011
in accordance with GAO’s quality standards as
they pertain to technology assessments. Those
standards require that we plan and perform the
technology assessment to obtain sufficient and
appropriate evidence to provide a reasonable
basis for our findings and conclusions based on
our technology assessment objectives and that we
discuss limitations of our work. We believe that
the evidence we obtained provides a reasonable
basis for our findings and conclusions, based on
our technology assessment objectives.
8.2 Experts we consulted
on climate engineering
Barrett, Scott, Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor
of Natural Resource Economics, School of
International and Public Affairs and Earth
Institute, Columbia University, New York.
Benford, Gregory, Professor of Physics,
Department of Physics and Astronomy,
University of California, Irvine.
Caldeira, Ken, Physicist and Environmental
Scientist, Energy and Environmental Sciences
Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National
Laboratory, Livermore, California.
Crutzen, Paul J., Emeritus, Max Planck Institute
for Chemistry, Mainz, Germany; Institute
Scholar, International Institute for Applied
Systems Analysis, Laxenburg, Austria; Emeritus
Professor, Scripps Institution of Oceanography,
University of California at San Diego, La Jolla.
Doney, Scott C., Senior Scientist, Department
of Marine Chemistry and Geochemistry,
Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution,
Woods Hole, Massachusetts.
Ducklow, Hugh W., Director and Senior
Scientist, The Ecosystems Center, Marine
Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole,
Massachusetts; Professor, Department of Ecology
and Evolutionary Biology, Brown University,
Providence, Rhode Island.
Dyson, Freeman, Professor Emeritus, School of
Natural Sciences, Institute for Advanced Study,
Princeton, New Jersey.
Fahey, David W., Research Physicist,
Atmospheric and Chemical Processes, Chemical
Sciences Division, Earth System Research
Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Boulder, Colorado.
Garten, Jr., Charles T., Senior Research Staff
Member, Nutrient Biogeochemistry Group,
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Gibbons, John H. (Jack), President, Resource
Strategies, The Plains, Virginia; Consultant,
Lawrence Livermore National Research
Laboratory, Livermore, California; Division
Advisor, Division on Engineering and
Physical Sciences, The National Academies,
Washington, D.C.
Hack, James J., Director, National Center for
Computational Sciences, Oak Ridge National
Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee.
Keeling, Ralph, Professor, Scripps Institution of
Oceanography, University of California at San
Diego, La Jolla.
Keith, David, Director, ISEEE Energy and
Environmental Systems Group; Professor
and Canada Research Chair of Energy and
the Environment; Professor, Department of
Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, University
of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada; Adjunct
Professor, Department of Engineering and Public
Policy, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh,
Lackner, Klaus, Department Chair, Ewing and
J. Lamar Worzel Professor of Geophysics, Earth
and Environmental Engineering and Director,
Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy, The Earth
Institute, Columbia University, New York.
Latham, John, Emeritus Professor of Physics,
University of Manchester, United Kingdom;
Visiting Professor, University of Leeds, United
Kingdom; and Senior Research Associate,
National Center for Atmospheric Research,
Boulder, Colorado.
Lindzen, Richard S., Alfred P. Sloan Professor of
Meteorology, Department of Earth, Atmospheric,
and Planetary Sciences, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology, Cambridge, Massachusetts;
Distinguished Visiting Scientist, Jet Propulsion
Laboratory, California Institute of Technology,
Pasadena, California.
Long, Jane C. S., Associate Director, Energy and
Environment Directorate, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Livermore, California.
MacCracken, Michael, Chief Scientist for
Climate Change Programs, Climate Institute,
Washington, D.C.
MacDonald, Alexander E. “Sandy,” Deputy
Assistant Administrator for Laboratories and
Cooperative Institutes, Office of Oceanic and
Atmospheric Research; Director, Earth System
Research Laboratory, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colorado.
Marland, Gregg, Distinguished R&D Staff,
Environmental Sciences Division, Oak Ridge
National Laboratory, Oak Ridge, Tennessee;
Guest Professor, Ecotechnology Program, Mid
Sweden University, Östersund, Sweden.
Melillo, Jerry M., Distinguished Scientist,
The Ecosystems Center, Marine Biological
Laboratory, Woods Hole, Massachusetts;
Professor (MBL) of Ecology and
Evolutionary Biology, Department of
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Division
of Biology and Medicine, Brown University,
Providence, Rhode Island.
Morgan, M. Granger, University Professor,
Lord Chair Professor of Engineering, Head,
Department of Engineering and Public Policy,
Professor of Engineering and Public Policy and
of Electrical and Computer Engineering, and
Professor, The H. John Heinz III School of
Public Policy and Management, Carnegie Mellon
University, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.
Parson, Edward A. “Ted,” Joseph L. Sax
Collegiate Professor of Law and Professor
of Natural Resources and Environment,
University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Michigan;
Senior Research Associate, Centre for Global
Studies, University of Victoria, British
Columbia, Canada.
Rasch, Philip, Chief Scientist for Climate
Science and Laboratory Fellow, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
Ravishankara, A. R., Director, Chemical
Sciences Division, Earth System Research
Laboratory, National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Boulder, Colorado; Assistant
Professor, Department of Chemistry and
Biochemistry, and Affiliate, Cooperative
Institute for Research in Environmental Sciences,
University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado.
Robock, Alan, Distinguished Professor (Professor
II), Department of Environmental Sciences;
Associate Director, Center for Environmental
Prediction; Director, Meteorology Undergraduate
Program; Member, Graduate Program in
Atmospheric Science, Rutgers University, New
Brunswick, New Jersey.
Rothstein, Lewis M., Professor of
Oceanography, Graduate School of
Oceanography and Treasurer, Metcalf Institute
Advisory Board, Metcalf Institute for Marine and
Environmental Reporting, University of Rhode
Island, Narragansett, Rhode Island.
Schneider, Stephen H., Melvin and Joan Lane
Professor for Interdisciplinary Environmental
Studies and Professor, Department of Biology,
Stanford University; Senior Fellow, Woods
Institute for the Environment; Professor, by
courtesy, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Stanford University, Stanford, California
(deceased July 19, 2010).
Shepherd, John, Professorial Research Fellow
in Earth System Science, School of Ocean and
Earth Science, National Oceanography Centre,
University of Southampton, Southampton,
United Kingdom.
Socolow, Robert H., Professor, Department
of Aerospace and Mechanical Engineering;
Co-Director, Carbon Mitigation Initiative,
Princeton University, Princeton, New Jersey.
Somerville, Richard C. J., Distinguished
Professor Emeritus and Research Professor,
Scripps Institution of Oceanography, University
of California at San Diego, La Jolla; Team
Member, National Science Foundation Science
and Technology Center for Multiscaling
Modeling of Atmospheric Processes, Department
of Atmospheric Science, Colorado State
University, Fort Collins, Colorado.
Strand, Stuart E., Research Professor,
Department of Civil and Environmental
Engineering and School of Forest Resources,
University of Washington, Seattle, Washington.
Tilmes, Simone, Project Scientist I, Middle-
Upper Atmosphere and WACCM Group, The
Earth and Sun Systems Laboratory, National
Center for Atmospheric Research, Boulder,
Tombari, John, President, Schlumberger Carbon
Services, Houston, Texas.
8.3 Foresight scenarios
This appendix contains the four scenarios
depicting alternative futures that six external
experts worked with us to develop for use in
this technology assessment. Our purposes
in developing these scenarios included
(1) illustrating how some experts view alternative
possible futures (2010 to 2030) and judge
resulting risk levels (for 2030 and later years) and
(2) stimulating other experts’ thinking about the
future and eliciting their views.
Developing these scenarios constituted the
first of three steps we took to elicit a range
of views about the future. In the second and
third steps, we asked other experts to express
views or comment in response to the scenarios.
in step 2, 28 experts responded to the scenarios;
in step 3, 11 additional experts responded to
a description of the scenarios and a summary
that synthesized step-2 comments and views
about the future.
Although some commenters at both steps
critiqued or suggested improvements to the
scenarios (on points that concern, for example,
the effect of carbon constraints, the dollar values
associated with carbon constraints or research,
and the specification of risk), this appendix
presents the scenarios as they were when the
28 commenters first saw them.
Our report’s
methodology is detailed in section 8.1; the range
of views experts expressed across our three-step
process is represented in the body of the report.
It is important to keep in mind several
characteristics of the four scenarios. First, one
expert reviewing the scenarios drew our attention
to a two-part explanation of how carbon
constraints could affect CDR research (which
the scenarios do not describe): (1) establishing
The six external experts who participated in building the
scenarios are listed in section 8.4. Additionally, GAO’s Chief
Scientist, Timothy Persons, served as host and ex officio
member of the group.
The only exception consists of minor corrections to a
and maintaining a federal research program
that includes a significant CDR component
is more likely when people are confident that
CDR technologies will be used once successfully
developed and (2) establishing carbon constraints
could encourage the expectation that investing in
CDR research is worthwhile.
Next, whereas two of the scenarios (II and IV)
specify a degree of carbon constraint that is
equivalent to the effect of an international price
on CO
emissions applicable across all sectors
of all major emitting nations, the effect of such
a price is not comparable to the effect of prices
established for limited sectors or regions.
Further, Scenario II assumes “modest” research
funding starting at “tens of millions of dollars”
for a program involving several agencies. This
assumption was intended to apply to a dedicated
research effort for climate engineering that
excluded large-scale testing and deployment of
any of the technologies (which would be much
more expensive). It was not intended to include
relevant but separate research in a variety of
federal agencies. (Scenarios III and IV, which
describe greater research efforts, do not specify
funding levels. We discuss uncertainties about
funding in the body of the report.)
Finally, all four scenarios give examples of risk
for 2030 and later years. They present judgments
about levels of risk across three potential
developments—a future climate emergency
and response (that could involve decision
risks), continued future warming (that could
be associated with risks from climate change),
and no future warming (that might possibly
be associated in some scenarios with having
risked resources to prepare for a threat that did
not occur). Risk levels vary across the scenarios
and represent the combined effects of factors
that are varied across the scenarios, including
different levels of (1) climate engineering research
2010–30, and the technologies and information
developed from it, and (2) other factors in the
scenarios such as emissions reduction.
We present two key caveats concerning risk levels.
The scenarios present risk levels that represent
(1) inexact qualitative judgments that may
account for probability and potential severity and
(2) judgments about degree of risk that are not
necessarily comparable across the three potential
Nevertheless, comparisons can be
made across scenarios. For example, high decision
risk in one scenario and medium decision risk in
another implies a judgment that decision risk is
higher in one than in the other.
Finally, we note that the scenarios’ diagrams of
risk levels and CO
concentrations are not exact
but are, instead, illustrative approximations.
Scenario I:
Status quo
Between 2010 and 2015,
various efforts to jumpstart
global agreement on
carbon constraints have only token success.
Subsequent global efforts to stem carbon dioxide
) and other greenhouse gas emissions also
fail. Individual countries that favor reducing
emissions realize that they cannot “go it alone”
economically. Adaptation and mitigation
continue on paths set earlier.
MITRE (2011) illustrates how qualitative judgments of
probability and severity may be combined according to risk
management literature.
The twin goals of these efforts are to accelerate mitigation
efforts (that is, reduce carbon dioxide, or CO
, emissions) and
raise incentives for private-sector research, including research
on carbon dioxide removal (CDR) and sequestration.
Americans have diverse views about
climate change, and those who are aware of
geoengineering approaches remain skeptical about
their safety and utility. Debates on global carbon
constraints and U.S. geoengineering research
programs are limited to a small community of
academics, interest groups, and national decision-
makers. Proposed federal legislation to establish a
research program states four main goals:
(1) develop inexpensive, scalable carbon dioxide
removal (CDR) and sequestration methods
(using mechanical or biological approaches);
(2) understand and evaluate fast-acting methods
like stratospheric aerosol injection, including the
modeling of potential side effects and total cost
analyses; (3) involve other nations’ governments
and scientists in joint research and in setting
international research guidelines and limitations;
and (4) inform decision-makers about systemic
risks and tradeoffs among various geoengineering
technologies and between these and other climate
change approaches. But congressional efforts to
enact legislation fail, despite the support of nearly
half the Congress.
Without carbon constraints to stimulate private-
sector research and development (R&D) and
without a federal research program dedicated to
geoengineering, U.S. scientists focus their efforts
on other areas. The United States makes rapid
advances in emerging areas such as synthetic
biology and nanotechnology, but applications
to geoengineering are limited. Various other
nations (and some private sector organizations)
develop fast-acting technologies for use in a
climate emergency, but they do not always focus
on identifying side effects or share their results
with the global scientific community. Efforts to
develop international guidelines that limit field
tests and deployment fail.
Risks across three potential developments
(2030 and later years):
Climate emergency and response: Immediate
decision risks would be very high if a sudden
acceleration of the warming trend occurred
spontaneously. World leaders would be under
pressure to make decisions quickly—and might
opt to use fast-acting, risky geoengineering
technologies—despite inadequate information
on their effectiveness and side effects.
(See red
bar in illustration.)
Anticipated future risks
Continued warming: Future global climate risks
would be high. As of 2030, this scenario sets
the United States and, indeed, the world, on
a path of increasing CO
emissions and rising
atmospheric concentrations. Decades of CDR
research starting in 2030 would be needed
prior to deployment aimed at decreasing
future CO
build-up. Prospects thus include
temperature increase and far future sea level
rise that might engulf vulnerable areas, naval
installations, and so forth; such a future
might also bring other very serious negative
consequences on a global scale. (See the line
chart and the orange bar in the bar chart.)
Similarly, without adequate information on fast-acting
technologies, it would be difficult for leaders to decide how to
respond to a surprise deployment by a single nation, terrorist
group, or some other “rogue” geoengineering effort.
Past Future
Resources wasted on geoengineering, if no future
warming: Risks of having wasted efforts and
expenditures would be near zero. This scenario
commits few, if any, new resources. (See gray
bar in the bar chart.)
Scenario II:
Some action
By 2015 or soon
thereafter, somewhat
improved data and models
of climate change reduce uncertainty and appear
to validate earlier conclusions about global
warming caused by human activity. A series of
extreme weather developments causes widespread
concern. As a result, major emitting nations
agree to new carbon constraints with strong
enforcement, but the reduction goals
and guidelines are limited (equivalent to a
$10 to $15 price on a ton of CO
). These
measures slightly increase both mitigation efforts
and existing incentives for private-sector R&D
on direct air capture and sequestration of CO
Scientists expect these changes will not stabilize
future accumulated levels of CO
but may delay a
far-off climate emergency by about 10 years and
represent a start.
Additionally, U.S. legislation
The moderate reductions are not at the scale required to
transform energy or energy-intensive industrial sectors.
establishes a modest geoengineering research
program that involves several federal agencies.
The funding level is tens of millions of dollars the
first year, with plans for modest annual increases.
Public acceptance of these developments is
mixed. The modest research program has no
public engagement or outreach component.
Without adequate information on the
general public’s views and concerns about
geoengineering, the government and scientists
do not craft the research program in a way that
encourages public acceptance, and inadvertently
they alienate some original supporters. Some
years of benign weather intervene. While
the research program continues to receive its
original level of support, the planned annual
expenditure increases are not put into effect.
The research program leverages its limited funds
by encouraging the private sector to develop
new methods of direct CO
air capture and
sequestration that are somewhat less expensive
than technologies developed through 2010.
But both in the United States and around the
globe, industries that emit significant CO
not eager to purchase the new technologies to
offset emissions: the limited carbon constraints
have not created a sufficient incentive. The
research program also makes some advances in
developing and evaluating fast-acting methods
like stratospheric aerosol injection, but research
by others outpaces the federal effort. Some new
fast-acting, high-impact technologies are not
rigorously evaluated for side effects. Results
are not always shared with the global scientific
community. Thus, we lack key information on
some new methods and their implications.
One option, among others, for housing a dedicated research
program, would be the U.S. Global Climate Change Research
Risks across three potential developments (2030
and later years):
Climate emergency and response: Immediate
decision risks would be moderate to high.
By 2030, world leaders responding to an
emergency would have some geoengineering
information to guide them, but the
information would be inadequate for some new
Anticipated future risks
Continued warming: Future global climate risks
would be moderate to high. As of 2030, more
is known about carbon emissions and controls
than in Scenario I. Still, starting serious R&D
on CDR in 2030 would mean years or decades
of delay before deployment. The world would
likely be on a path of continued build-up of
concentrations—although its trajectory
would be slightly slower/lower than in Scenario
I. The prospect of negative consequences like
sea level rise would still loom, eventually, in the
far future.
Also, relative to Scenario I, the increased knowledge might
better prepare decision-makers for responding to a “rogue”
Past Future
Resources wasted on geoengineering if no future
warming: Risks of having wasted efforts and
expenditures would be moderate. In the
absence of warming, some new geoengineering
technologies would not be useful, but others
might serve other purposes, such as helping to
reduce ocean acidification.
Scenario III:
Action on research
but not carbon
By 2015 or soon thereafter,
significantly improved data
and models of climate change appear to validate
earlier conclusions about anthropogenic global
warming. Highly disruptive and extreme weather
events affect the United States and many other
nations, causing waves of concern and even,
periodically, a crisis atmosphere. Other nations
pursue geoengineering research, a fact that is
widely reported. The balance of U.S. public
opinion turns toward taking action on climate
change, despite opposition from some at home
and the lack of global agreement on carbon
Although public opinion generally favors
climate action, some opinion leaders believe
that, economically, the United States cannot
“go it alone” in legislating carbon constraints.
Those who are opposed emphasize this point,
and legislative measures to step up U.S. emission
controls fail on a close vote. At the same time,
the Congress and the president work together
successfully to design and build support for
legislation that establishes an aggressive federal
geoengineering research program, starting with
moderate resources but progressing toward
a major funding commitment. The research
program involves public engagement to build
support in the years ahead (including years in
which extreme climate events may not occur);
establishes an adaptive strategy that entails
periodic reviews by an external body such as
the National Academies and horizon scans to
identify new opportunities; promotes innovation
through creative incentives, such as federal
contests with cash awards, in addition to using
more conventional approaches; and emphasizes
international cooperation. The main goals of this
research program are similar to those in the failed
legislation outlined in Scenario I (points 1–4).
As a result, major advances are made in
developing, understanding, and evaluating fast-
acting methods (like next-generation stratospheric
aerosol and injection methods); understanding
tradeoffs among different approaches; building
new approaches that reduce the potential for side
effects; and furthering basic science concerning
climate change. Other advances are made in
international cooperation on research limitations
and guidelines for the use of geoengineering.
Additionally, the research program helps
develop potentially transformative methods
of direct CO
air capture and sequestration.
These new technologies cost substantially less
than 2010 technologies but, given the lack
of carbon constraints, there are virtually no
incentives for emitting industries to buy them.
These technologies often fall into the “valley of
death” between R&D and commercial success
and large-scale deployment. Researchers and
commercial firms become discouraged. The focus
on direct air capture and sequestration suffers
some loss of credibility (that is, the government is
seen as investing in unused technologies), and it
is significantly cut back.
Risks across three potential developments (2030
and later years):
Climate emergency and response: Immediate
decision risks would be moderate. By
2030, decision-makers have information to
support decisions about the use (or nonuse)
of fast-acting geoengineering technologies.
Catastrophic risks are minimized.
Anticipated future risks
Continued warming: Future global climate
risks would be high. Knowledge has increased
somewhat but—without utilization of CDR—
the world is still likely on a path of building up
the concentration of CO
in the atmosphere.
This brings the prospect of higher temperatures
Note, however, that in this scenario, decision-makers
who reject fast-acting technologies would lack alternative,
more gradual approaches for dealing with the problem. For
example, because CDR technologies were “left on the drawing
board” rather than being further developed and deployed,
decision-makers would not have the option of ramping up
existing direct air capture efforts. Decades would be likely to
be needed to prepare for such an effort.
which imply, in the far future, a sea level rise
and the possible consequences in Scenario I.
Past Future
Resources wasted on geoengineering if no future
warming: Risks of having wasted efforts and
expenditures would be moderate. The financial
losses and efforts in a federal research program
designed specifically to combat warming could
be somewhat offset if some new technologies
can be used to address ocean acidification or
to develop spin-off technologies to apply in
other areas.
Scenario IV:
Major action
By 2015 or soon thereafter,
significantly stronger
climate-change data and
models will have reduced uncertainty, deepened
understanding, and validated earlier scientific
conclusions. Also during this half decade, several
unprecedented, highly disruptive, and extreme
weather events will affect a number of nations
(including the United States), causing mass
deaths, migration, and devastating property
damage. In a jarring development, one nation
unilaterally stages a major real-world test of a
fast-acting geoengineering technology in a remote
area—without first warning other nations. The
test’s negative effects are limited, but there is a
step jump increase in global recognition of the
need for coordination and cooperation.
In the United States, the balance of public
opinion tips toward favoring an aggressive
lowering of climate risks. Taking a leadership
role, U.S. envoys help achieve a global agreement
on relatively aggressive carbon constraints
(equivalent to a carbon price of $30 per ton of
). The global carbon constraints create a
worldwide incentive for the private sector to
pursue mitigation strategies, such as alternative
fuels and renewables, as well as geoengineering
approaches like scalable, direct air capture and
sequestration. A new presidential-congressional
initiative establishes an aggressive, innovative,
and adaptive geoengineering research program
that cuts across multiple agencies. It includes
strong international cooperation and other
goals similar to those in the failed legislation
outlined in Scenario I (points 1–4). Additionally,
this initiative emphasizes adaptation, research
innovation, and public engagement.
In part because of this research program,
new developments in areas such as synthetic
biology and nanotechnology are applied to
geoengineering (and to other areas such as
energy production and conservation), resulting
in a number of potentially game-changing
breakthroughs. The new U.S. initiative sets
in motion a range of programs and policies
to ensure that new technologies will have
opportunities to (1) transform energy sectors
and help lower future emissions in the United
States and around the globe, (2) reduce existing
and continuing build-up of CO
air capture (because emissions reduction will
not be complete), and (3) improve the U.S.
economic and export profile. Measures to spur
dissemination of new technologies include, for
example, working with states and regions to
develop targeted sector or regional plans, as well
as international coordination.
Additionally, the research program includes
evaluations of side effects; analyses of economic,
legal, and social implications; and analyses of
tradeoffs and systemic risk—to help inform
policymakers and the interested public. Overall,
the program’s public engagement feature and its
effectuation of economic gains and international
cooperation help sustain support for this initiative
through 2030.
Risks across three potential developments
(2030 and later years):
Climate emergency/response: Immediate decision
risks are low to moderate. By 2030, U.S.
decision-makers and the global community
would have information that helps prepare
them for responding to a climate emergency.
Additionally, there would be international
mechanisms in place to support global
cooperation, and thus help avoid conflicts.
Anticipated future risks
Continued warming: Future global climate risks
would be low to moderate. By 2030, the world
is on a path toward eventual stabilization and
subsequent reduction of CO
less warming. Although some sea level rise
may occur, the overall prospects for negative
consequences in the far future would be
substantially reduced relative to Scenarios I–III.
Past Future
Resources wasted on geoengineering if no future
warming: Risks would be moderate to high. In
this scenario, very large investments (in terms
of both financial resources and efforts that
might have been used in other ways) would
have been made, and unrecoverable losses
could be significant. As in Scenarios II and
III, if discoveries and technologies developed
as a result of geoengineering research were
able to be used in other ways, losses could be
mitigated—for example, by helping to reduce
ocean acidification. In the longer term,
some of the geoengineering technologies
developed to combat warming might be used
instead to help avoid other adverse affects
that might be associated with extremely high
concentrations of CO
8.4 The six external experts
who participated in
building the scenarios
Cannizzaro, Christopher, Physical Science
Officer / AAAS Science and Technology
Policy Fellow, Office of Space and Advanced
Technology (OES/SAT), U.S. Department of
State, Washington, D.C.
Gallaudet, Tim, Deputy Director, Navy’s
Task Force Climate Change, Office of the
Oceanographer of the Navy, Chief of Naval
Operations Staff, Washington, D.C.
Lackner, Klaus, Department Chair, Ewing
and J. Lamar Worzel Professor of Geophysics,
Earth and Environmental Engineering; Director,
Lenfest Center for Sustainable Energy, The Earth
Institute, Columbia University, New York.
Patrinos, Aristides A. N., President, Synthetic
Genomics, La Jolla, California and
Washington, D.C.
Rasch, Philip, Chief Scientist for Climate
Science and Laboratory Fellow, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory, Richland, Washington.
David, Director, Science and
Technology Innovation Program, and Director,
Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies,
Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Scholars, Washington, D.C.
8.5 Experts who commented in
response to the scenarios
Barrett, Scott, Lenfest-Earth Institute Professor
of Natural Resource Economics, School of
International and Public Affairs and Earth
Institute, Columbia University, New York.
Beck, Robert A., Executive Vice President and
Chief Operating Officer, National Coal Council
Inc., Washington, D.C.
Bronson, Diana, Programme Manager and
Researcher, ETC Group, Ottawa,
Ontario, Canada.
Bunzl, Martin, Professor, Department of
Philosophy, Rutgers University; Director, Rutgers
Initiative on Climate and Social Policy, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Carlson, Rob, Principal, Biodesic,
Seattle, Washington.
Cascio, Jamais, Senior Fellow, Institute for
Emerging Ethics and Technologies, Hartford,
Connecticut; Director of Impacts Analysis,
Center for Responsible Nanotechnology, Menlo
Park, California; Research Fellow, Institute for
the Future, Palo Alto, California.
Christy, John R., Distinguished Professor
of Atmospheric Science and Director,
Earth System Science Center, University of
Alabama, Huntsville, Alabama; Alabama State
Climatologist, The Alabama Office of the State
Climatologist, Huntsville, Alabama.
Fetter, Steve, Assistant Director At-Large,
U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy,
Executive Office of the President of the United
States, Washington, D.C.
Fleming, James R., Professor and Director of
Science, Technology, and Society Program,
Colby College, Waterville, Maine.
Hamilton, Clive, Professor of Public Ethics,
Centre for Applied Philosophy and Public
Ethics, a joint center of the Australian National
University, Charles Sturt University, and
the University of Melbourne, Melbourne,
Australia; Vice-Chancellor’s Chair, Charles Sturt
University, Sydney, Australia.
Hawkins, David G., Director of Climate
Programs, Natural Resources Defense Council,
New York, New York.
Hsing, Helen, Managing Director, Strategic
Planning and External Liaison, U.S. Government
Accountability Office, Washington, D.C.
Johnson, Jean, Executive Vice President,
Director of Education Insights and Director of
Programs, Public Agenda, New York, New York.
Khosla, Vinod, Partner, Khosla Ventures, Menlo
Park, California.
Lane, Lee, Visiting Fellow, Hudson Institute,
Washington, D.C.
Lomborg, Bjørn, Director, Copenhagen
Consensus Center, Denmark.
Long, Jane C. S., Associate Director, Energy and
Environment Directorate, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Livermore, California.
MacCracken, Michael, Chief Scientist for
Climate Change Programs, Climate Institute,
Washington, D.C.
Maynard, Andrew D., Director, University of
Michigan Risk Science Center, and Professor,
Environmental Health Sciences, School of
Public Health, University of Michigan,
Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Olson, Robert L., Senior Fellow, Institute for
Alternative Futures, Alexandria, Virginia.
Robock, Alan, Distinguished Professor
(Professor II), Department of Environmental
Sciences; Associate Director, Center for
Environmental Prediction; Director, Meteorology
Undergraduate Program; Member, Graduate
Program in Atmospheric Science, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
Sarewitz, Daniel, Co-Director, Consortium for
Science, Policy & Outcomes; Associate Director,
Center for Nanotechnology in Society; Professor
of Science and Society, College of Liberal Arts
and Sciences; and Professor, School of Life
Sciences and School of Sustainability, Arizona
State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Schneider, John P., Deputy Director for
Research, Earth System Research Laboratory,
National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration, Boulder, Colorado.
Seidel, Stephen, Vice President for Policy
Analysis and General Counsel, Pew Center on
Global Climate Change, Arlington, Virginia.
Suarez, Pablo, Associate Director of
Programmes, Red Cross/Red Crescent Climate
Centre, The Hague, The Netherlands; Visiting
Fellow, Frederick S. Pardee Center for the Study
of the Longer-Range Future, Boston University,
Boston, Massachusetts.
Victor, David G., Professor, International School
of International Relations and Pacific Studies;
Director, Laboratory on International Law and
Regulation, University of California at San
Diego, San Diego.
Wiener, Jonathan B., William R. and Thomas
L. Perkins Professor of Law and Director,
JD-LLM Program in International and
Comparative Law, Duke Law School, Durham,
North Carolina; Professor of Environmental
Policy, Nicholas School of the Environment and
Professor of Public Policy, Sanford School of
Public Policy, Duke University, Durham, N.C.;
Fellow, Resources for the Future, Wash., D.C.
Wilcoxen, Peter J., Director, Center for
Environmental Policy and Administration,
and Associate Professor, Economics and Public
Administration, The Maxwell School, Syracuse
University, Syracuse, New York; Nonresident
Senior Fellow, Economic Studies, The Brookings
Institution, Washington, D.C.
8.6 Experts who participated
in our meeting on
climate engineering
The 11 of these experts whose names are starred
(*) both (1) commented on the future of climate
engineering during the Meeting and (2) had not
previously participated in either constructing
the scenarios or commenting on them. We
discussed the views of these experts in section 4
of this report (Experts’ Views of the Future of
Climate Engineering Research). John Latham
was scheduled to attend this meeting but
was unable to be there and provided written
comments instead.
*Berg, Robert J., Trustee, World Academy of
Art and Science, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania; Senior
Advisor, World Federation of United Nations
Associations, New York, New York.
Bunzl, Martin, Professor, Department of
Philosophy, Rutgers University; Director, Rutgers
Initiative on Climate and Social Policy, Rutgers
University, New Brunswick, New Jersey.
*Duren, Riley, Chief Systems Engineer,
Earth Science and Technology Directorate, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California.
Espinal, Laura, Materials Scientist, Ceramics
Division, Functional Properties Group, Material
Measurement Laboratory, National Institute
of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg,
Fetter, Steve, Assistant Director At-Large,
U.S. Office of Science and Technology Policy,
Executive Office of the President of the United
States, Washington, D.C.
*Fraser, Gerald T., Chief, Optical Technology
Division, Physical Measurement Laboratory,
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland.
*Hunter, Kenneth W., Senior Fellow, Institute
for Global Chinese Affairs; Senior Fellow, Joint
Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
*Janetos, Anthony, Director, Joint Global
Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory and University of Maryland,
College Park, Maryland.
Johnson, Jean, Executive Vice President,
Director of Education Insights and Director of
Programs, Public Agenda, New York, New York.
*LaPorte, Todd R., Professor Emeritus of
Political Science, University of California,
Berkeley, California.
*Lehmann, Christopher Johannes, Associate
Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences,
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
Long, Jane C. S., Associate Director, Energy and
Environment Directorate, Lawrence Livermore
National Laboratory, Livermore, California.
MacCracken, Michael, Chief Scientist for
Climate Change Programs, Climate Institute,
Washington, D.C.
*MacDonald, Alexander E. “Sandy,” Director,
Earth System Research Laboratory; and Deputy
Assistant Administrator for Laboratories and
Cooperative Institutes, Office of Oceanic and
Atmospheric Research, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colorado.
Rejeski, David, Director, Science and
Technology Innovation Program, and Director,
Project on Emerging Nanotechnologies,
Woodrow Wilson International Center for
Scholars, Washington, D.C.
*St. John, Courtney, Climate Change Affairs
Officer, Navy’s Task Force Climate Change,
Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy, Chief
of Naval Operations Staff, Washington, D.C.
Thernstrom, Samuel, Senior Policy Advisor,
Geoengineering Task Force, Bipartisan
Policy Center, Washington, D.C.; Senior
Climate Policy Advisor, Clean Air Task
Force, Boston, Massachusetts.
*Tilmes, Simone, Project Scientist I, Chemistry
Climate Liaison, Atmospheric Chemistry
Division, National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, Colorado.
Tombari, John, President, Schlumberger
Carbon Services, Houston, Texas.
*Toon, Owen B., Chair and Professor,
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
Sciences; Research Associate, Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Space Physics; Director,
Toon Aerosol Research Group, University of
Colorado, Boulder.
8.7 Reviewers of the
report draft
Duren, Riley, Chief Systems Engineer, Earth
Science and Technology Directorate, Jet
Propulsion Laboratory, California Institute of
Technology, Pasadena, California.
Espinal, Laura, Materials Scientist, Ceramics
Division, Functional Properties Group,
Material Measurement Laboratory, National
Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Fraser, Gerald T., Chief, Optical Technology
Division, Physical Measurement Laboratory,
National Institute of Standards and Technology,
Gaithersburg, Maryland.
Hunter, Kenneth W., Senior Fellow, Institute
for Global Chinese Affairs; Senior Fellow, Joint
Institute for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition,
University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
Janetos, Anthony, Director, Joint Global
Change Research Institute, Pacific Northwest
National Laboratory, and University of
Maryland, College Park, Maryland.
Johnson, Jean, Executive Vice President,
Director of Education Insights and Director of
Programs, Public Agenda, New York, New York.
LaPorte, Todd R., Professor Emeritus of
Political Science, University of California,
Latham, John, Emeritus Professor of Physics,
University of Manchester, UK; Visiting Professor,
University of Leeds, UK; Senior Research
Associate, National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, Colorado.
Lehmann, Christopher Johannes, Associate
Professor, Department of Crop and Soil Sciences,
Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.
MacCracken, Michael, Chief Scientist for
Climate Change Programs, Climate Institute,
Washington, D.C.
MacDonald, Alexander E. “Sandy,” Director,
Earth System Research Laboratory, and Deputy
Assistant Administrator for Laboratories and
Cooperative Institutes, Office of Oceanic and
Atmospheric Research, National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration, Boulder, Colorado.
St. John, Courtney, Climate Change Affairs
Officer, Navy’s Task Force Climate Change,
Office of the Oceanographer of the Navy, Chief
of Naval Operations Staff, Washington, D.C.
Thernstrom, Samuel, Senior Policy Advisor,
Geoengineering Task Force, Bipartisan
Policy Center, Washington, D.C.; Senior
Climate Policy Advisor, Clean Air Task Force,
Boston, Massachusetts.
Tilmes, Simone, Project Scientist I, Chemistry
Climate Liaison, Atmospheric Chemistry
Division, National Center for Atmospheric
Research, Boulder, Colorado.
Toon, Owen B., Chair and Professor,
Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic
Sciences; Research Associate, Laboratory for
Atmospheric and Space Physics; Director,
Toon Aerosol Research Group, University of
Colorado, Boulder.
Akbari, Hashem, Surabi Menon, and Arthur
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Azar, Christian, Kristian Lindgren, Eric Larson,
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S. R. Archer, R. Birdsey, C. Dahm, L. Heath,
J. Hicke, D. Hollinger, T. Huxman, G. Okin,
R. Oren, J. Randerson, W. Schlesinger, D.
Lettenmaier, D. Major, L. Poff, S. Running, L.
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