Resolution Awarding Contracts for Disabled Vehicle Services
WHEREAS, on March 9, 2020, Governor Mike DeWine issued Executive Order 2020-
01D declaring a State of Emergency for the entire State of Ohio in response to the COVID-19
pandemic; and
WHEREAS, on March 22, 2020, Amy Acton, MD, MPH, the former Director of Health,
issued a “Stay at Home Order” which expired on May 1, 2020, requiring individuals to stay home
unless engaged in Essential Activities, Essential Governmental Functions or to operate Essential
Businesses and Operations; and
WHEREAS, under the Stay at Home Order, the Ohio Turnpike and Infrastructure
Commission (“Commission”) continued operations as Essential Infrastructure and Essential
Governmental Functions and further determined that its contractors and service providers must
continue to perform services and supply goods and materials to the Commission as Essential
Infrastructure, Critical Trades, Supplies for Essential Business and Operators and/or Essential
Critical Infrastructure Workers; and
WHEREAS, on April 30, 2020, former Director Acton issued the “Director’s Stay Safe
Ohio Order,” which was in effect through May 29, 2020 and subsequently revised by former
Director Acton’s “Updated and Revised Order for Business Guidance and Social Distancing,”
dated May 29, 2020, and extended by Interim Director of Health, Lance D. Himes, until rescinded
or modified by the Director of Health or the State of Emergency declared by the Governor no
longer exists, which permits governmental entities and other businesses to continue operations
subject to Sector Specific COVID-19 Information and Checklist for Businesses/Employees
requiring measures such as, ensuring 6 feet between employees, daily symptom assessments of
employees, wearing face coverings, regular handwashing, disinfecting work stations and common
areas, changing shift patterns, working from home when possible, among others; and
WHEREAS, the Chief Engineer has issued a memorandum to the Commission’s
contractors regarding required work site measures that comply with the Updated and Revised
Order for Business Guidance and Social Distancing and this memorandum is available on the
Commission’s website at https://www.ohioturnpike.org/business/doing-business-with-
us/construction-projects; and
WHEREAS, the Safety Services Manager recommends that the Commission finds and
determines that the contracts approved pursuant to this Resolution are necessary for the
Commission to continue its operations and comply with the Updated and Revised Order for
Business Guidance and Social Distancing and that the work to be performed under the contract
shall comply with the Sector Specific COVID-19 Information and Checklist for
Businesses/Employees set forth in the Updated and Revised Order for Business Guidance and
Social Distancing and the Commission’s work site memorandum, as may be amended from time
to time, unless or until such order is lifted entirely; and
WHEREAS, on November 16, 2020, the Commission issued its Request for Proposals No.
9-2020 (“RFP”) seeking responses from Disabled Vehicle Services (DVS) Operators interested
in furnishing emergency roadway vehicle services to travelers whose vehicles become disabled
within the seven specified DVS Zones along the Ohio Turnpike for a three-year Contract, with an
option to renew for one, two-year period; and
WHEREAS, on December 18, 2020, ten responses to the RFP were received (including a
Proposal from one respondent for both DVS Zones 4 and 6, and two Proposals each for DVS Zones
2, 5 and 7); and
WHEREAS, an Evaluation Team consisting of the Commission’s Safety Services
Coordinator, the Safety Services Manager, the Director of Administration and the Traffic and
Highway Engineer reviewed the Proposals, which evaluation also involved on-site inspections
performed by the Maintenance Division and the Safety Services Department of each Responding
DVS Operator’s towing and recovery equipment and their garage and waiting area facilities; and
WHEREAS, the Evaluation Team then awarded technical scores to each DVS Operator,
which scores reflected each DVS Operator’s overall operation and ability to perform the services
required under the RFP on a 24-hour, seven-day per week basis; and
WHEREAS, as a result of this process, the Evaluation Team has determined that the
following companies best meet the Commission’s requirements and recommends that contracts be
awarded to the following companies for which each DVS Operator shall receive a monthly stipend
from the Commission of $3,400.00:
From Ohio-Ind. State line to MP 35.0
Hutch’s Towing & Recovery, Inc.
Holiday City, OH
From MP 35.0 to MP 71.0
Bubba’s Towing & Recovery, LLC
Monclova, OH
From MP 71.0 to MP 110.2
Truckworx of Ohio LLC, dba Madison Motor
Service, Inc.
Fremont, OH
From MP 110.2 to MP 145.5
Interstate Towing & Transport Specialists, Inc.
Norwalk, OH
From MP 145.5 to MP 180.3
Rich’s Towing & Service, Inc.
Middleburg Hts., OH
From MP 180.3 to MP 209.2
Interstate Towing & Transport Specialists, Inc.
Twinsburg, OH
From MP 209.2 to Ohio/PA State line
Jeswald Auto Truck Service
Youngstown, OH
WHEREAS, the Commission’s Staff Attorney has determined that the RFP process and
the selection of the above-listed DVS Operators conforms with the requirements of Section
5537.07 of the Ohio Revised Code with respect to the award of contracts for professional services,
that all legal requirements were performed and that the proposals were solicited on the basis of the
same terms and conditions with respect to all respondents and potential respondents; and
WHEREAS, the Executive Director has reviewed the Evaluation Team’s written
recommendations and concurs with the above-listed selection of DVS Operators; and
WHEREAS, expenditures for the Contracts to be awarded for Disabled Vehicle Services
will exceed $150,000.00, and, therefore, in accordance with Article V, Section 1.00 of the
Commission’s Code of Bylaws, Commission action is necessary for the award of said Contracts;
WHEREAS, the Commission has duly considered said recommendations.
RESOLVED that the Proposals submitted by each of the following companies for the
following respective Zones:
From Ohio-Ind. State line to MP 35.0
Hutch’s Towing & Recovery, Inc.
Holiday City, OH
From MP 35.0 to MP 71.0
Bubba’s Towing & Recovery, LLC
Monclova, OH
From MP 71.0 to MP 110.2
Truckworx of Ohio LLC, dba Madison Motor
Service, Inc.
Fremont, OH
From MP 110.2 to MP 145.5
Interstate Towing & Transport Specialists, Inc.
Norwalk, OH
From MP 145.5 to MP 180.3
Rich’s Towing & Service, Inc.
Middleburg Hts., OH
From MP 180.3 to MP 209.2
Interstate Towing & Transport Specialists, Inc.
Twinsburg, OH
From MP 209.2 to Ohio/PA State line
Jeswald Auto Truck Service
Youngstown, OH
are, and are by the Commission determined to be, the best of all Proposals received in response to
the Commission’s RFP No. 9-2020 and are accepted; and
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director and General Counsel hereby are
authorized to: 1) execute contracts with each of above-mentioned DVS Operators for an initial
three-year term commencing March 1, 2021, by which each DVS Operator shall receive a monthly
stipend of $3,400.00 ($40,800.00 annually per contract or $122,400 for the 3-year term per
contract), 2) renew said contracts for one, two-year period upon receipt of satisfactory performance
evaluations for each DVS Operator from the Safety Services Manager ($40,800.00 annually per
contract or $81,600.00 for the 2-year renewal term per contract); and 3) take any and all action
necessary or proper to carry out the terms of said contracts.
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Commission finds and determines that the contracts
approved pursuant to this Resolution are necessary for the Commission to continue its operations
and comply with the Updated and Revised Order for Business Guidance and Social Distancing
and that the work to be performed under the contracts shall comply with the Sector Specific
COVID-19 Information and Checklist for Businesses/Employees set forth in the Updated and
Revised Order for Business Guidance and Social Distancing and the Commission’s work site
memorandum, as may be amended from time to time, unless or until such order is lifted entirely;
FURTHER RESOLVED that the Executive Director has the authority under Article V,
Section 1.00 of the Code of Bylaws to approve such extra work or change orders under said
contracts that does not exceed ten percent of the approved contract amount or the Executive
Director’s contracting authority and which is a result of an increase in the planned quantities, newly
mandated requirements that did not exist at the time of original contract award, or circumstances
that would create a life, safety, or health threatening situation or would unduly delay the
completion of the project or increase its costs.
(Resolution No. 5-2021 adopted January 25, 2021)