Rappahannock Community College and James Madison University
Guaranteed Admission Agreement
Procedures for Rappahannock Community College Students in the
AA&S College/University Transfer Program who intend to take advantage of the Guaranteed Admission Agreement
with James Madison University
When you have
a) finished 45 or more credits in the Rappahannock Community College Associate in Arts and
Sciences (AA&S) degree program including at least one science and one math,
b) applied for graduation from RCC,
c) applied online to JMU following all directions on the application,
d) had your official high school transcripts mailed to JMU,
e) and all official college transcripts other than that of RCC mailed to JMU,
you are ready to sign the Guaranteed Admission Agreement, the last step in the process of applying to
The deadline for JMU receiving your completed application, all transcripts including your high school
transcript, and your GAA is typically January 15 for summer admission. The deadline for fall transfer
student admission at JMU is typically March 1. JMU no longer accepts applications for spring transfers.
More specific information can be obtained directly from JMU. If applying for financial aid, look at JMU’s
website for details about deadlines. No Letters of Intent will be processed at RCC after JMU deadlines
cannot guarantee your request for a transcript in less than 24 hours.
Please note the following eligibility information about the Guaranteed Admission Agreement:
In order for the agreement to apply, you must meet each of the following requirements:
You must be enrolled in the Rappahannock Community College Associate in Arts and Sciences (AA&S)
degree program in College/University Transfer.
You must fill out a Student Letter of Intent Form after completing 45 credits at RCC, after applying for
admission to James Madison University, after applying for graduation from RCC, and after having all
transcripts other than the one from RCC sent to JMU.
At least 38 credits, or 60% of your transfer degree, must have been completed at RCC. No more than 25
credits may be taken elsewhere. If that is not the case, you need to have a minimum of 3.0 GPA on all
college work taken over the past five years. A minimum grade of C must be obtained in each course
taken at RCC as part of the 63 required transfer credits grades of C- will not
transfer to JMU, even
though RCC will accept them.
After filling out the Letter of Intent, you must complete all requirements for graduation at Rappahannock
Community College and you must graduate with a minimum cumulative grade point average of 3.05.
Cumulative grade point average includes all courses taken at Rappahannock Community College that count
toward the AA&S degree and all other courses taken at Rappahannock Community College.
At the end of the semester request RCC Admissions to send your final transcript to James Madison
Students graduating in summer rather than in May will be considered on a case-by-case basis. (Preference is
given to students who graduate in May, and to those students who, if graduating in summer, have not
postponed math, science, or other core requirements.)
This agreement is valid within five years of your graduation from RCC. After that, a student is still eligible
to apply to JMU, but through the traditional admission procedure rather than through the GAA.
Student Letter of Intent Form for Admission to James Madison University
Local Address:
Zip Code: Local Phone #:
RCC EMPLID: _______________ Social Security number: ___________________
Attention, James Madison University Office of Admission: I certify that I intend to transfer to
James Madison University and enroll in the __________________________ semester.
My intended major is: ____________________________________________
My signature below indicates that I understand and agree to the following requirements in order to be
eligible for the GAA between RCC and JMU:
I must graduate from the RCC AA&S College/University Transfer Program with a minimum
cumulative GPA of 3.0 on a four-point scale,
and that I intend to enroll in the semester indicated above. My enrollment may not be deferred
once I have been accepted by JMU under the GAA.
If I change my mind about my intended major after mailing my application with this Letter of
Intent, I must notify JMU Admissions in writing.
I further certify that I have never applied to JMU under the GAA previously.
I understand that admission to JMU does not imply acceptance into any particular major at JMU.
Some majors are competitive and have specific academic requirements to be eligible for
admission to the major.
Student Signature: __________________________________Date:_________________
For Office Use Only
Student’s Cumulative Rappahannock Community College GPA after 45 credits completed:
RCC Counselor Comments:
RCC Counselor Signature: _______________________________Date: _________________
Final Cumulative Rappahannock Community College GPA:
Original of this letter should be included with the student’s application for admission to JMU.
Copy of this letter will be on file in the Dean of Student Affairs Office