Duas for STUDENTS www.duas.org Page1
Dua before class From Khulalasatul Adhkaar :-
O GOD, please bring me out of the
darkness of doubt and favour me with
the light of comprehension,
O GOD open to us the doors of your
mercy and unfold for us the treasure of
your knowledge by your mercy O the
most merciful of the merciful ones.
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Allhumma Akhrijni min zulumatil vahmi ,wa akrimni be nuril fahmi . Allahumma afta alayna
abwaba rahmateka, wa anshur alyna khazaena uloomeka be rahmateka ya arrahamar rahemeen.
Dua Before Studying
Oh Allah! Make useful for me what you have taught
me and teach me knowledge that will be useful to me.
Oh Allah! I ask you for the understanding of the
prophets and the memory of the messengers, and
those nearest to you.
Oh Allah! Make my tongue full of your remembrance
and my heart with awe of you.
Oh Allah! You do whatever you wish, and you are my
availer and protector and best of aid.
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“Allahumma infa’nii bimaa ‘allamtanii wa’allimnii maa yanfa’uunii.
Allahumma inii as’aluka fahmal-nabiyyen wa hifzal mursaleen al-muqarrabeen.
Allahumma ijal leesanee ‘aiman bi dhikrika wa qalbi bi khashyatika.
Innaka ‘ala ma-tasha’u qadeer wa anta hasbun-allahu wa na’mal wakeel.”
Dua before study 2 ( Tohfatul Hashmiya)
O Allah, honor me by the light of understanding and
take me out from the darkness’s of doubt and open
upon us the doors of Your knowledge and open
upon us the treasure of Your recognition, O the
best of the Merciful ones.
O Allah, and give me Tawfeeq to the study and
solving all the difficult problems through books. By
Your mercy, O the best of the merciful ones
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Allaahumma akrimnee binooril fahmi wa kharrajanee min z’ulumaatil wahmi waftah’ a’lainaa
abwaaba i’lmak. Wan shur a’lainaa khuzzaanu ma’rifatika yaa arh’amar raah’imeen. Allaahumma
waffiqnee fil mut’aala’ti bih’ablee jamee-i’ mushkilaatil masaa-ili minal kutubi birah’matika yaa
arh’amar raah’imeen.
Du`a for removing Anxiety
Oh Allah, I seek refuge in You from worry and grief,
from helplessness and laziness,
from cowardice and stinginess,
and from overpowering of debt and from oppression
of men
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Allâhumma innî a‘ûdhu bika min al-hammi wa al-hazan. Wa a‘ûdhu bika min al-‘ajzi wa al-kasal.
Wa a‘ûdhu bika min al-jubni wa al-bukhl. Wa a‘ûdhu bika min ghalabat id-dayni wa qahr ir-rijal.
This is a short dua found in Mafateehul Jinaan useful for acquiring better understanding and
more insight into the ocean of light of knowledge, It can be recited regularly in Qunoot of Namaaz.
This is especially beneficial for students for achieving maximum output from their efforts .
O Allah let my heart be filled with light &
insight & understanding & knowledge
,verily u control everything
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Dua After Studying
Oh Allah! I entrust you with what I have read
and I have studied. Oh Allah! Bring it back to me
when I am in need of it. Oh Allah! You do
whatever you wish, you are my availer and
protector and the best of aid
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“Allahumma inni astaodeeka ma qara’tu wama hafaz-tu. Farudduhu ‘allaya inda hajati elahi.
Innaka ‘ala ma-tasha’-u qadeer wa anta hasbeeya wa na’mal wakeel”
Dua While Studying Something Difficult
Oh Allah! Nothing is easy except what You have made
easy. If You wish, You can make the difficult easy.
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Allâhumma lâ sahla illâ mâ ja‘altahu sahlâ wa anta taj‘alu al-hazana idhâ shi’ta sahlâ.
Duas for STUDENTS www.duas.org Page3
Dua For Concentration
Blessings of God be upon Muhammad and
his progeny. O God, I ask you, the one who
mentions goodness and actualizes it and
commands it, remind me of that which the
shaytan makes me forget.
            .         
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Dua For Victory And Prosperity
O’ the chief of all chiefs! O’ the acceptor of
prayers! O’ the elevator of ranks! O’ the
master of virtues! O’ the forgiver of sins!
O’ the granter of requests! O’ the
excerptor of penance! O’ the hearer of all
voices! O’ the one who knows all
mysteries! O’ the remover of calamities!
                      
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“Ya sayyedas-sada-te, ya mojeebad-da’vate, ya rafe’ad-darajate, ya vali-yal hasanate, ya feral-
khati’ate, ya mo’ti-yal mas’alate, ya qabi-lat-tavbate, ya same’al-asvate, ya ‘alemal-khafiyate, ya
dafe’al bali yate.”
Dua for increase in knowledge
In the name of Allah the Beneficent, the Merciful,
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family
O Allah I ask You for beneficial knowledge and good
deeds and a strong memory and a perfect
and a sound intellect by Your mercy, O the most
Merciful of the merciful ones
O Allah, bless Muhammad and his family
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Bismillāhir rahmānir raheem -
Allāhumma Swalli ‘alā Muhammadin wa aali Muhammad -
Allāhumma inni asaluka ‘amalan nāfi‘ā - Wa ‘amalan swālihā - hifzan qawiyyā -
wa fahman kāmilā -
wa aqlan sālimā - birahmatika yā arhamar rāhimeen - Allāhumma Swalli ‘alā Muhammadin wa
aali Muhammad-