EE 383V Quantum Electro-Optics (Fall 2020)
Date/Time/Location: MW / 3:00-4:30 PM / via zoom (
Instructor: Dan Wasserman
EER 3.874
MER 1.606E
Office Hours: Thursdays 12:30-1:30PM
Passcode: 314159
By appointment (Zoom)
Teaching Assistant: None
Description: The field of Quantum Electro-Optics encompasses the set of devices, structures, and
materials whose electronic and optical properties cannot be understood using the bulk properties of
the constituent materials, but instead depend strongly on both size and geometry. Quantum Electro-
Optics is an emerging contemporary area of research with a wide range of new applications.
Understanding the optical properties of nanometer scale structures of semiconductors, metals, and
composites will be crucial for future optoelectronic devices and technology designed to couple with,
complement, or possibly even replace, present and future nanoelectronic devices. Separated from
any electronic components, nano-scale or subwavelength photonic structures offer new possibilities
for sensing, imaging, waveguiding, and many other applications. This course will examine the
quantum mechanical interaction between light and semiconductors, metals, and composites;
including plasmonics, cavity electrodynamics, polarition cavity condensation, sub-wavelength
structures, metamaterials, plasmonics and applications. Presentations by students are included to
develop oral communication skills as well as to incorporate leading-edge research into the course.
Prerequisites: Some exposure to quantum mechanics, semiconductor physics and devices.
Text: Class notes and journal papers
Supplementary: The Physics of Low-Dimensional Semiconductors, Davies (Cambridge 1998)
The Physics of Photonics Devices, Chuang
Optoelectronics, Rosencher
Fundamentals of Photonics, Saleh and Teich
The Physics of Semiconductors, M. Grundmann (Springer 2006)
Semiconductor Optics, C. Klingshirn (Springer, 2005)
Introduction to Nanophotonics, S. V. Gaponenko (Cambridge 2010)
Optical Processes in Semiconductors, J. Pankove (Dover 1971)
“Physics of Light and Optics”
Grading: Homework/Attend. 25%/5% Due one week after assigned
Exams (2) 50% In class
Final Project 20% Presentation & questions
Presentation: Each student will give an in-class presentation focused on a cutting edge research
topic in quantum electro-optics or, alternatively, a numerical program (developed by the student)
used for advanced simulation or calculation of a quantum electro-optical phenomenon.
Presentations will be 15 minutes long, including 2-3 minutes for questions following the
presentation. Presentations will be graded on technical content, oral communication and visual
presentation skills, critical thinking, as well as the presenters ability to answer questions and discuss
the presentation topic and its place in the larger context of the field. It is expected that the
presentation (or program) will focus critically on a sub-field outside of the students’ current field of
Course Administration (Italics indicate administration for virtual lectures)
Lectures: Lecture will consist of ppt slides as well as whiteboard/ppt annotations made during the
lecture. The basic ppt slides will be posted online on Canvas, but for detailed notes or annotations
to the slides, students are expected to attend lecture. Though there will not be an attendance roll
call, in a small class such as this participation and attendance throughout the semester will be noted.
Attendance will account for 5% of the final grade. If a student misses a lecture for any reason, they
will be expected to use the on-line notes and lecture recording to bring themselves up to speed. They
may also ask classmates to share notes taken in lecture. Zoom lectures will be recorded and posted
online, but please do not consider these as a replacement for in-person attendance. No attendance
will be counted for viewing lecture recordings.
We will be using a recurring link for our zoom lectures:,
passcode: 314159
Please feel free to show up a few minutes before each lecture if you have questions, want to chat, or
want an idea of my old-man music taste.
To participate in Zoom class meetings, lab sessions, and office hours, you must be logged into a
Zoom account (ideally, your UT Austin Zoom account).
Homework: Homework will typically be due by 5PM on Friday afternoons. In general, the HW
will cover topics from the week’s Monday lecture and the previous week’s Wednesday lecture. I
will try to have Office Hours on Wednesday or Thursday to provide any help you might need. All
homework will be posted on the course website and their due dates listed on the website. No late
homework will be accepted. In extreme circumstances, with a letter from Health Services and/or
the appropriate administrative official, a homework can be dropped, but only with course instructor
All homework will be uploaded, with the analytical and conceptual problems uploaded to
Gradescope and the numerical components uploaded to Canvas.
Homework will primarily be a mix of analytical, conceptual, and numerical problems. Students
may work in groups to understand the homework problems and to work out approaches to solving
them. However, the homework turned in should represent the individual students own work, and
cannot be copied from another student. Copied/reproduced homework constitutes a violation of the
honor code, and will be treated as such.
Analytical Problems: Solutions must be legible in the uploaded pdf, and must indicate the approach
taken to solve the problem, as well as each step used in the approach. It is the students’ responsibility
to make clear to the grader how the problem was solved and what the solution to the problem is.
Illegible, or poorly annotated/described solutions will receive no credit. For clearly presented, well
thought-out solutions, partial credit will be granted even if the solution is not correct.
Conceptual Problems: Conceptual problems will ask for the student to explain in words and/or
equations, a physical phenomenon or concept from the course. Answers are expected to be in clear
and concise English, and free from grammatical and typographical errors. Students are expected to
use their own words, but are free to cite from the literature, as long as all references are clearly
noted. Students may also be asked to respond to questions regarding state of the art concepts or
research, which will require use of the literature.
Numerical problems: Numerical problems are to be performed in Matlab. You should have free
access to Matlab through the University. For those of you not familiar with Matlab, do not despair!
Initial numerical problems will be mathematically and conceptually simply and will give you a
chance to understand the basic operation and functioning of the software. Later numerical problems
will be more complex, both conceptually and mathematically. All numerical homework programs
(*.m files) will be turned in electronically on Canvas. Outputs (plots, graphs, tables, etc.) should be
clearly labeled and turned with the written HW (on Gradescope). A basic example Matlab program
is available on the course Canvas website. This program calculates the normal incidence reflection
from a dielectric surface as a function of wavelength and plots the results. Your program files should
be named using the problem name and your initials (i.e. DW_Reflection.m”). The first two lines
of the script should have the HW, problem name, your full name, your University ID number, and
a brief description of the program, as shown in the example script. All numerical homework
problems should be clearly and concisely annotated. The grader should be able to clearly see the
program inputs (and should be able to change these) and should be able to press the execute button
and see the program outputs.
Exams: There will be two exams for this course. The first exam will be given at approximately the
mid-point of the semester, while the second will be given towards the end of the semester. Both
exams will be in (virtual) class, and will cover all of the course material up to the date of the exams.
Make-up exams will not be given.
Exams will be given online, on Zoom (with cameras on) and will be uploaded to Gradescope.
Course Topical Outline.
A full course calendar will be available on the Canvas website.
I. Light
a. Ray Optics
b. Wave Optics
c. Electromagnetics, Maxwell’s Equations
d. Photon Optics
II. Matter
a. Basic description of atoms and crystals, free and bound electrons
b. Semiconductors, metals, and insulators: band structure
i. Kronig-Penney Model
ii. Band diagrams
iii. Effective mass
III. Electrons, Photons
a. Comparison, dispersion
b. Confinement, density of states, localization
IV. Phonons
a. Classical oscillator
b. 1-atom chain
c. diatomic atom chain
d. Quantum harmonic oscillator
e. Phonon Statistics
V. Light-Matter Interaction
a. Bulk Optical Properties of Matter
i. Refractive index/optical permittivity
ii. Reflection/refraction
iii. Kramers-Kronig relations
b. Absorption
i. Interband direct transitions
ii. Semiclassical treatment
iii. Franz-Keldysh effect
iv. Indirect transitions
v. Impurity absorption
vi. Excitons and Biexitons
c. Emission
i. Band-to-band recombination
ii. Auger recombination
iii. Probability amplitude
iv. Rabi oscillations
v. Second quantization
vi. Spontaneous emission
d. Non-linear Effects
i. Raman scattering (quantum/classical)
ii. SHG, SFG, DFG, 2PA
VI. Optical/Electronic Dielectric Confinement
a. Quantum wells
b. Dielectric slabs, Nanomembranes
c. Nanowires, whispering gallery
d. Quantum dots (self-assembled and colloidal)
e. Mie scattering
Exam I (In Class)
VII. Resonant scattering confinement
a. Bragg-mirrors
b. Photonic Crystals
c. Photonic crystal defects
VIII. Sub-wavelength Optics
a. Gratings (reflection and diffraction)
b. The diffraction limit
c. Beating the diffraction limit
IX. Metallic Optics
a. Propagating Surface Plasmons
i. Plasmonic waveguides
ii. Nano-apertures, aperture arrays
b. Perfect electrical conductors waveguides
c. Localized surface plasmons
i. nano- spheres, -rods, -shells
ii. Surface enhanced Raman scattering
X. Metamaterials
a. Negative refraction and negative index
b. Optical transformations
XI. 2D Materials
a. Band structure
b. Optical properties
c. 2D Plasmonics
d. 2D Nanophotonics
XII. Nanoscale light matter interaction
a. Purcell Effect
b. Fano Effect
c. Nano-emitters and detectors
d. Nano-scale energy transfer
Exam II (In Class)
XIII. In-Class presentations