Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
AEM 1200 Introduction to Business Management AEM 2200 Business Management and Organization
Students will receive credit for AEM 1200
HADM 1810 Introduction to Management
if taken summer before matriculation.
ILRID 1700 Introduction to Organizations and Management
AEM 1300 Macroeconomic Policy ECON 1120 Introductory Macroeconomics
AEM 1500 An Introduction to the Economics of Environmental and Natural Resources
AEM 2500 Environmental and Resource Economics
AEM 2011 Spreadsheet Modeling for Non-Dyson Majors HADM 4770 Advanced Business Modeling
HADM 6770 Advanced Business Modeling
ILRID (ILRHR) 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods I
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
AEM 2200 Business Management and Organization AEM 1200 Introduction to Business Management
Students will receive credit for AEM 1200
HADM 1810 Introduction to Management
if taken summer before matriculation.
ILRID 1700 Introduction to Organizations and Management
AEM 2210 Financial Accounting AEM 2225 Financial Accounting for Dyson Majors
HADM 1210 Financial Accounting
HADM 2230 Financial Accounting Principles
NCC 5500 Financial Accounting
AEM 2225 Financial Accounting for Dyson Majors AEM 2210 Financial Accounting
HADM 1210 Financial Accounting
HADM 2230 Financial Accounting Principles
NCC 5500 Financial Accounting
AEM 2240 Finance for Dyson Majors
AEM 2241 Finance
AEM 5241 Finance
HADM 2220 Finance
HADM 2250 Finance
NCC 5560 Managerial Finance
AEM 2241 Finance
AEM 2240 Finance for Dyson Majors
AEM 5241 Finance
HADM 2220 Finance
HADM 2250 Finance
NCC 5560 Managerial Finance
AEM 2400 Marketing
AEM 2420 Marketing for Dyson Majors
HADM 2410 Marketing Principles
HADM 2430 Marketing Management for Services
NCC 4530 Marketing Management
AEM 2420 Marketing for Dyson Majors
AEM 2400 Marketing
HADM 2410 Marketing Principles
HADM 2430 Marketing Management for Services
NCC 4530 Marketing Management
AEM 2500 Environmental and Resource Economics AEM 1500 An Introduction to the Economics of Environmental and Natural Resources
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
AEM 2600 Managerial Economics AEM 5600 Managerial Economics
ECON 3030 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
PUBPOL (PAM) 2000 Intermediate Microeconomics
AEM 2820 Introduction to Database Management Systems (non-credit for A&S students) HADM 3740 Fundamentals of Database Mgt and Data Analysis (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 6740 Fundamentals of Database Mgt and Data Analysis (non-credit for A&S students)
AEM 2830 VBA for Data Analysis and Business Modeling AEM 2831 Excel VBA for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
AEM 2831 Excel VBA for Data Analysis and Business Modeling AEM 2830 VBA for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
AEM 2840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling AEM 2841 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling -Non-Dyson Majors
AEM 5840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
CS 1133 Short Course in Python
HADM 3710 Python Programming
AEM 2841 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling -Non-Dyson Majors AEM 2840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
AEM 5840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
CS 1133 Short Course in Python
HADM 3710 Python Programming
AEM 2850 R Programming for Business Analytics and Data Visualization GDEV 4290 Introduction to Data Science with R
GDEV 5290 Introduction to Data Science with R
NTRES 6100 Collaborative and Reproducible Data Science in R
STSCI 3040 R Programming for Data Science
STSCI 5040 R Programming for Data Science
AEM 3000 Grand Challenges Pre-Project Boot Camp AEM 3380 Social Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and Problem Solvers
AEM 3121 Branding and Brand Management HADM 4480 Brand Management
AEM 3125 Marketing Strategy NBA 6220 Marketing Strategy
AEM 3200 Business Law HADM 3870 Business and Hospitality Law
AEM 3230 Managerial Accounting HADM 2210 Managerial Accounting
AEM 3245 Organizational Behavior AEM 6245 Organizational Behavior
HADM 1150 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Skills
ILROB 1220 Introduction to Organizational Behavior
ILROB 5200 Organizational Behavior
AEM 3380 Social Entrepreneurs, Innovators, and Problem Solvers AEM 3000 Grand Challenges Pre-Project Boot Camp
AEM 3400 Marketing Analytics Immersion HADM 3435 Marketing Analytics Immersion
HADM 3470 Consumer Behavior
AEM 3520 Financial Statements Analysis
HADM 4240 Analysis of Financial Statements
HADM 6240 Analysis of Financial Statements
LAW 6060/NBA 5060 Financial Statement Analysis
AEM 3991 Global Business Strategy AEM 5310 Global Strategy
NBA 5991 Global Business Strategy
AEM 4110 Introduction to Econometrics AEM 6120 Applied Econometrics
PUBPOL (PAM) 3100 Multiple Regression Analysis
AEM 4380 Entrepreneurial Strategy for Technology Ventures AEM 6385 Entrepreneurial Strategy for Technology
AEM 4390 Technology Strategy AEM 6395 Technology Strategy
AEM 4510 Environmental Economics ECON 3850/PUBPOL (PAM) 3670/PUBPOL (PAM) 5970 Economics and Environmental Policy
ECON 3865 Environmental Economics
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
AEM 4615 Digital Platform Strategy AEM 5615 Digital Platform Strategy
NBA 5615 Digital Platform Strategy
AEM 4660 Business Simulation AEM 4661 Business Simulation Capstone for Business Minors in Life Sciences
AEM 4665 Business Management Simulation
AEM 4661 Business Simulation Capstone for Business Minors in Life Sciences AEM 4660 Business Simulation
AEM 4665 Business Management Simulation
AEM 4665 Business Management Simulation AEM 4660 Business Simulation
AEM 4661 Business Simulation Capstone for Business Minors in Life Sciences
AEM 4700 Dyson Leadership Development Program LEAD 4970 Undergraduate Experience in Leadership
AEM 5241 Finance AEM 2240 Finance for Dyson Majors
AEM 2241 Finance
HADM 2220 Finance
HADM 2250 Finance
NCC 5560 Managerial Finance
AEM 5310 Global Strategy AEM 3991 Global Business Strategy
NBA 5991 Global Business Strategy
AEM 5600 Managerial Economics AEM 2600 Managerial Economics
ECON 3030 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
PUBPOL (PAM) 2000 Intermediate Microeconomics
AEM 5615 Digital Platform Strategy AEM 4615 Digital Platform Strategy
NBA 5615 Digital Platform Strategy
AEM 5840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling AEM 2840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
AEM 2841 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling -Non-Dyson Majors
CS 1133 Short Course in Python
HADM 3710 Python Programming
AEM 6120 Applied Econometrics AEM 4110 Introduction to Econometrics
PUBPOL (PAM) 3100 Multiple Regression Analysis
AEM 6245 Organizational Behavior AEM 3245 Organizational Behavior
HADM 1150 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Skills
ILROB 1220 Introduction to Organizational Behavior
ILROB 5200 Organizational Behavior
AEM 6385 Entrepreneurial Strategy for Technology AEM 4380 Entrepreneurial Strategy for Technology Ventures
AEM 6395 Technology Strategy AEM 4390 Technology Strategy
AEM 6991 Research and Methods AEM 6992 Research and Methods II AEM 6991 and 6992 do not overlap.
AEM 6993 CEMS Masters in International Management Project
AEM 6992 Research and Methods II AEM 6991 Research and Methods AEM 6991 and 6992 do not overlap.
AEM 6993 CEMS Masters in International Management Project
AEM 6993 CEMS Masters in International Management Project AEM 6991 Research and Methods AEM 6991 and 6992 do not overlap.
AEM 6992 Research and Methods II
AEP 2170 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism PHYS 1102 General Physics II
PHYS 2208 Fundamentals of Physics II
PHYS 2213 Physics II: Heat/Electromagnetism
PHYS 2217 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
AEP 3200 Introductory Mathematical Physics AEP 4210 Mathematical Physics I
AEP 4210 Mathematical Physics I AEP 3200 Introductory Mathematical Physics
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
AMST 2371 Planet Rap: Where Hip Hop Came From and Where It's Going ASRC 2370/MUSIC 2370 Planet Rap: Where Hip Hop Came From and Where It's Going
MUSIC 3490 Hip Hop in Global Perspective
ARAB 1200 Intensive Arabic I (8 cr) ARAB/ASRC 1201 Elementary Arabic I ARAB/ASRC 1201/1202 do not overlap
ARAB/ASRC 1202 Elementary Arabic II
ARAB 1201 Elementary Arabic I ARAB 1200 Intensive Arabic I
ASRC 1201 Elementary Arabic I
ARAB 1202 Elementary Arabic II ARAB 1200 Intensive Arabic I
ASRC 1202 Elementary Arabic II
ARCH 1502 Representation II: Media of Representation ART 2701 Digital Media: Introduction to Digital Media
ART 2501 Drawing: Contemporary Art Practice Through Drawing ART 2503 Drawing: Introduction to Drawing
ART 2503 Drawing: Introduction to Drawing ART 2501 Drawing: Contemporary Art Practice Through Drawing
ART 2701 Digital Media: Introduction to Digital Media ARCH 1502 Representation II: Media of Representation
ASRC 1201 Elementary Arabic I ARAB 1200 Intensive Arabic I
ARAB 1201 Elementary Arabic I
ASRC 1202 Elementary Arabic II ARAB 1200 Intensive Arabic I
ARAB 1202 Elementary Arabic II
ASRC 2370 Planet Rap: Where Hip Hop Came From and Where It's Going AMST 2371/MUSIC 2370 Planet Rap: Where Hip Hop Came From and Where It's Going
MUSIC 3490 Hip Hop in Global Perspective
ASTRO 1101 From New Worlds to Black Holes ASTRO 1103 From New Worlds to Black Holes
ASTRO 1102 Our Solar System ASTRO 1104 Our Solar System
ASTRO 1103 From New Worlds to Black Holes ASTRO 1101 From New Worlds to Black Holes
ASTRO 1104 Our Solar System ASTRO 1102 Our Solar System
ASTRO 1105 The Universe ASTRO 1107 The Universe
ASTRO 1107 The Universe ASTRO 1105 The Universe
BEE 2000 Climate Change Challenge BEE 2010 Perspectives on the Climate Change Challenge Discussion
BEE 2010 Perspectives on the Climate Change Challenge Discussion BEE 2000 Climate Change Challenge
BIOEE 1540 Intro Oceanography w/Lecture
EAS 1540 Intro Oceanography w/Lecture
BIOEE/EAS 1560 Intro Oceanography w/Lab
BIOEE 1560 Intro Oceanography w/Lab BIOEE/EAS 1540 Intro Oceanography w/Lecture
EAS 1560 Intro Oceanography w/Lab
BIOEE 1610 Introductory Biology: Ecology and the Environment BIOSM 1610 Ecology and Marine Environment
BIOEE 1780 An Introduction to Evolutionary Biology and Diversity BIOEE 1781 Introduction to Evolution and Diversity
BIOSM 1780 Evolution and Marine Diversity
BIOEE 1781 Introduction to Evolution and Diversity BIOEE 1780 An Introduction to Evolutionary Biology and Diversity
BIOSM 1780 Evolution and Marine Diversity
BIOG 1440 Comparative Physiology BIOG 1445 Intro to Comparative Physiology, Indiv Instruction
BIOG 1445 Introduction to Comparative Physiology, Indiv Instruction BIOG 1440 Comparative Physiology
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
BIOG 1500 Investigative Biology Laboratory
BIOSM 1500 Investigative Marine Biology Laboratory
PLSCI 1420 Functional Plant Biology
BIOMG 2800 Lectures in Genetics and Genomics NTRES 2830 DNA, Genes and Genetic Diversity
BIOMG 3300 Principles of Biochemistry, Indiv Instruction (both 2 and 4 cr versions) BIOMG 3310 & 3320 Principles of Biochemistry & Principles of Biochem: Molecular Biology
BIOMG 3330 Principles of Biochemistry: Proteins, Metabolism, and Molecular Biology
BIOMG 3350 Principles of Biochemistry
NS 3200 (Nutr Sci) Introduction to Human Biochemistry
BIOMG 3310 & 3320 Principles of Biochemistry & Principles of Biochem: Molecular Biology BIOMG 3300 Principles of Biochemistry, Indiv Instruction (both 2 and 4 cr versions)
BIOMG 3330 Principles of Biochemistry: Proteins, Metabolism, and Molecular Biology
BIOMG 3350 Principles of Biochemistry
NS 3200 (Nutr Sci) Introduction to Human Biochemistry
BIOMG 3330 Principles of Biochemistry: Proteins, Metabolism, and Molecular Biology BIOMG 3310 & 3320 Principles of Biochemistry & Principles of Biochem: Molecular Biology
BIOMG 3300 Principles of Biochemistry, Indiv Instruction (both 2 and 4 cr versions)
BIOMG 3350 Principles of Biochemistry
NS 3200 (Nutr Sci) Introduction to Human Biochemistry
BIOMG 3350 Principles of Biochemistry BIOMG 3300 Principles of Biochemistry, Indiv Instruction (both 2 and 4 cr versions)
BIOMG 3310 & 3320 Principles of Biochemistry & Principles of Biochem: Molecular Biology
BIOMG 3330 Principles of Biochemistry: Proteins, Metabolism, and Molecular Biology
NS 3200 (Nutr Sci) Introduction to Human Biochemistry
BIOMI 2500 Public Health Microbiology BIOMI 2600 Microbiology of Human Contagious Diseases
BIOMI 2600 Microbiology of Human Contagious Diseases BIOMI 2500 Public Health Microbiology
BIOSM 1500 Investigative Marine Biology Laboratory (effective F23)
BIOG 1500 Investigative Biology Laboratory
PLSCI 1420 Functional Plant Biology
BIOSM 1610 Ecology and Marine Environment BIOEE 1610 Introductory Biology: Ecology and the Environment
BIOSM 1780 Evolution and Marine Diversity (effective F23) BIOEE 1780 An Introduction to Evolutionary Biology and Diversity
BIOEE 1781 Introduction to Evolution and Diversity
BTRY 3010 Biological Statistics I
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 3020 Biological Statistics II
ILST 2110/STSCI 2110 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences II
STSCI 3200 Biological Statistics II
BTRY 3080 Probability Models and Inference
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability
ECON/ILRST 3110/STSCI 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
ILRST 3080/STSCI 3080 Probability Models and Inference
MATH 4710 Basic Probability
BTRY 4090 Theory of Statistics
MATH 4720 Statistics
STSCI 4090 Theory of Statistics
BTRY 6010 Statistical Methods I AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
Page 5 of 20
Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
CHEM 1560 Introduction to General Chemistry CHEM 2070 General Chemistry
CHEM 2090 Engineering General Chemistry
CHEM 1570 Intro to Organic and Biological Chemistry CHEM 3530 Principles of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 3570 Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences
CHEM 3590 Honors Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 2070 General Chemistry CHEM 1560 Introduction to General Chemistry
CHEM 2090 Engineering General Chemistry
CHEM 2080 General Chemistry CHEM 2150 Honors General and Inorganic Chemistry
CHEM 2090 Engineering General Chemistry CHEM 1560 Introduction to General Chemistry
CHEM 2070 General Chemistry
CHEM 2150 Honors General and Inorganic Chemistry CHEM 2080 General Chemistry
CHEM 3530 Principles of Organic Chemistry CHEM 1570 Intro to Organic and Biological Chemistry
CHEM 3570 Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences
CHEM 3590 Honors Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3570 Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences CHEM 1570 Intro to Organic and Biological Chemistry
CHEM 3530 Principles of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 3590 Honors Organic Chemistry I
CHEM 3580 Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences CHEM 3600 Honors Organic Chemistry II
CHEM 3590 Honors Organic Chemistry I CHEM 1570 Intro to Organic and Biological Chemistry
CHEM 3530 Principles of Organic Chemistry
CHEM 3570 Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences
CHEM 3600 Honors Organic Chemistry II CHEM 3580 Organic Chemistry for the Life Sciences
CLASS 2000 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium ENVS 2000/VISST 2002 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium
CLASS 2010/ENVS 2010/VISST 2012 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability
CLASS 2010 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability CLASS 2000/ENVS 2000/VISST 2002 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium
ENVS 2010/VISST 2012 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability
COGST 3801 Intro to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
ECON 2801 Game Theory and Strategic Reasoning
ECON 3801 Intro to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
COMM 6830 Qualitative Research Methods in Communication GDEV 4740 Applied Qualitative Methods
GDEV 5740 Applied Qualitative Methods
CRP 3430 Affordable Housing Policy and Programs CRP 6430 Affordable Housing Policy and Programs
CRP 6430 Affordable Housing Policy and Programs CRP 3430 Affordable Housing Policy and Programs
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
CS 1110 Intro to Computing Java/Python CS 1112 Intro to Computing Using Matlab
CS 1112 Intro to Computing Using Matlab CS 1110 Intro to Computing Using Java
CS 1133 Short Course in Python AEM 2840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
AEM 2841 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling -Non-Dyson Majors
AEM 5840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
HADM 3710 Python Programming
CS 4860 Applied Logic MATH 4810/PHIL 4310 Mathematical Logic
MATH 4860 Applied Logic
EAS 1540 Intro Oceanography w/Lecture BIOEE/EAS 1560 Intro Oceanography w/Lab
BIOEE 1540 Intro Oceanography w/Lecture
EAS 1560 Intro Oceanography w/Lab BIOEE/EAS 1540 Intro Oceanography w/Lecture
BIOEE 1560 Intro Oceanography w/Lab
EAS 1600 Environmental Physics PHYS 1101 General Physics I
PHYS 1112 Physics I: Mechanics
PHYS 1116 Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity
PHYS 2207 Fundamentals of Physics I
ECE 4670 Digital Communication System Design ECE 5670 Digital Communications
ECE 5670 Digital Communications ECE 4670 Digital Communication System Design
ECON 1110 Introductory Microeconomics HADM 1410 Microeconomics for the Service Industry
ECON 1120 Introductory Macroeconomics AEM 1300 Macroeconomic Policy
ECON 2801 Game Theory and Strategic Reasoning ECON 3801/COGST 3801 Intro to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
ECON 3030 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
AEM 2600 Managerial Economics
AEM 5600 Managerial Economics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2000 Intermediate Microeconomics
ECON 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
BTRY 3080/ILRST 3080/STSCI 3080 Probability Models and Inference
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability
ILRST 3110/STSCI 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
MATH 4710 Basic Probability
ECON 3120 Applied Econometrics ECON 3140 Econometrics
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability BTRY/ILRST/STSCI 3080 Probability Models and Inference
Stats Majors: No overlap between MATH
4720 and ECON 3130.
ECON/ILRST/STSCI 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
MATH 4710 Basic Probability
MATH 4720 Statistics
ECON 3140 Econometrics
ECON 3120 Applied Econometrics
ECON 3801 Intro to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
COGST 3801 Intro to Game Theory and Strategic Thinking
ECON 2801 Game Theory and Strategic Reasoning
ECON 3850 Economics and Environmental Policy AEM 4510/ECON 3865 Environmental Economics
PUBPOL (PAM) 3670/PUBPOL (PAM) 5970 Economics and Environmental Policy
ECON 3865 Econmental Economics AEM 4510 Environmental Economics
Course renumbered S21. Previously ECON 4820-overlap still in effect for prior years.
ECON 3850/PUBPOL (PAM) 3670/PUBPOL (PAM) 5970 Economics and Environmental Policy
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods I
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
ENVS 2000 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium
CLASS 2000/VISST 2002 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium
CLASS 2010/ENVS 2010/VISST 2012 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability
ENVS 2010 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability
CLASS 2000/ENVS 2000//VISST 2002 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium
CLASS 2010/VISST 2012 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability
FREN 1120 Elementary French: Review and Continuation
FREN 1220 Elementary French
FREN 1220 Elementary French
FREN 1120 Elementary French: Review and Continuation
FREN 2070 Medical French FREN 2080 French for Business
FREN 2090 French Intermediate Composition and Conversation I
FREN 2080 French for Business FREN 2070 Medical French
FREN 2080 French for Business
FREN 2090 French Intermediate Composition and Conversation I FREN 2070 Medical French
FREN 2080 French for Business
FSAD 2880 Essential Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
HADM 1740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 2740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 2660 Essential Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
GDEV 2010 Population Dynamics
PUBPOL (PAM)2030 /SOC 2030 Population and Public Policy
SOC 2202 Population Dynamics
GDEV 3280 Fundamentals of Population Health
PUBPOL (PAM) 3280 Fundamentals of Population Health
PUBPOL (PAM) 5280 Population Health for Health Managers
GDEV 4290 Introduction to Data Science with R
AEM 2850 R Programming for Business Analytics and Data Visualization
GDEV 5290 Introduction to Data Science with R
NTRES 6100 Collaborative and Reproducible Data Science in R
STSCI 3040 R Programming for Data Science
STSCI 5040 R Programming for Data Science
GDEV 4740 Applied Qualitative Methods
GDEV 5740 Applied Qualitative Methods
COMM 6830 Qualitative Research Methods in Communication
GDEV 5290 Introduction to Data Science with R
AEM 2850 R Programming for Business Analytics and Data Visualization
GDEV 4290 Introduction to Data Science with R
NTRES 6100 Collaborative and Reproducible Data Science in R
STSCI 3040 R Programming for Data Science
STSCI 5040 R Programming for Data Science
GDEV 5740 Applied Qualitative Methods GDEV 4740 Applied Qualitative Methods
COMM 6830 Qualitative Research Methods in Communication
GREEK 1101 Elementary Ancient Greek I
GREEK 1104 Beginning Homeric Greek
GREEK 1102 Elementary Ancient Greek II
GREEK 1105 Homeric Greek II
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
GREEK 1104 Beginning Homeric Greek
GREEK 1101 Elementary Ancient Greek I
GREEK 1105 Homeric Greek II
GREEK 1102 Elementary Ancient Greek II
HADM 1150 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Skills AEM 3245 Organizational Behavior
AEM 6245 Organizational Behavior
ILROB 1220 Introduction to Organizational Behavior
ILROB 5200 Organizational Behavior
HADM 1210 Financial Accounting
AEM 2210 Financial Accounting
AEM 2225 Financial Accounting For Dyson Majors
HADM 2230 Financial Accounting Principles
NCC 5500 Financial Accounting
HADM 1410 Microeconomics for the Service Industry ECON 1110 Introductory Microeconomics
HADM 1740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students) HADM 2740 Business Computing (non credit for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 2660/FSAD 2880 Essential Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
HADM 1810 Introduction to Management AEM 1200 Introduction to Business Management Students will receive credit for AEM 1200
AEM 2200 Business Management and Organization if taken summer before matriculation.
ILRID 1700 Introduction to Organizations and Management
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods I
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods I
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
HADM 2021 Critical Thinking and Mathematical Modeling and Operations
HADM 3010 Service Operations Management
HADM 2210 Managerial Accounting AEM 3230 Managerial Accounting
HADM 2220 Finance
AEM 2240 Finance for Dyson Majors
AEM 2241 Finance
AEM 5241 Finance
HADM 2250 Finance
NCC 5560 Managerial Finance
HADM 2221 Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
HADM 3210 Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
HADM 4200 Principles of Real Estate
HADM 6200 Principles of Real Estate
Page 9 of 20
Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
HADM 2230 Financial Accounting Principles
AEM 2210 Financial Accounting
AEM 2225 Financial Accounting For Dyson Majors
HADM 1210 Financial Accounting
NCC 5500 Financial Accounting
HADM 2250 Finance
AEM 2240 Finance for Dyson Majors
AEM 2241 Finance
AEM 5241 Finance
HADM 2220 Finance
NCC 5560 Managerial Finance
HADM 2351 Restaurant Management
HADM 3350 Restaurant Management
HADM 2410 Marketing Principles
AEM 2400 Marketing
AEM 2420 Marketing for Dyson Majors
HADM 2430 Marketing Management for Services
NCC 4530 Marketing Management
HADM 2430 Marketing Management for Services AEM 2400 Marketing
AEM 2420 Marketing for Dyson Majors
HADM 2410 Marketing Principles
NCC 4530 Marketing Management
HADM 2550 Hospitality Development and Planning HADM 2560 Fundamentals of Hospitality Development and Management
HADM 2560 Fundamentals of Hospitality Development and Management HADM 2550 Hospitality Development and Planning
HADM 2740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students) HADM 1740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 2660/FSAD 2880 Essential Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
HADM 2810 Human Resources Management ILRHR 2600 Human Resource Management
HADM 3010 Service Operations Management HADM 2021 Critical Thinking and Mathematical Modeling and Operations
HADM 3210 Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
HADM 2221 Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
HADM 4200 Principles of Real Estate
HADM 6200 Principles of Real Estate
HADM 3350 Restaurant Management
HADM 2351 Restaurant Management
HADM 3435 Marketing Analytics Immersion AEM 3400 Marketing Analytics Immersion
HADM 3470 Consumer Behavior
HADM 3470 Consumer Behavior AEM 3400/HADM 3435 Marketing Analytics Immersion
HADM 3710 Python Programming AEM 2840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
AEM 2841 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling -Non-Dyson Majors
AEM 5840 Python Programming for Data Analysis and Business Modeling
CS 1133 Short Course in Python
HADM 3740 Fundamentals of Database Mgt and Data Analysis (non-credit for A&S students) AEM 2820 Introduction to Database Mgt Systems (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 6740 Fundamentals of Database Mgt and Data Analysis (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 3870 Business and Hospitality Law AEM 3200 Business Law
HADM 4200 Principles of Real Estate
HADM 2221 Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
HADM 3210 Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
HADM 6200 Principles of Real Estate
HADM 4240 Analysis of Financial Statements AEM 3520 Financial Statements Analysis
HADM 6240 Analysis of Financial Statements
Page 10 of 20
Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
LAW 6060/NBA 5060 Financial Statement Analysis
HADM 4350 Selection, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management HADM 4385 The Business of Coffee: From Farm to Cup
HADM 6350 Selection, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management
HADM 6385 The Business of Coffee: From Farm to Cup
HADM 4385 The Business of Coffee: From Farm to Cup HADM 4350 Selection, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management
HADM 6350 Selection, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management
HADM 6385 The Business of Coffee: From Farm to Cup
HADM 4480 Brand Management AEM 3121 Branding and Brand Management
HADM 4770 Advanced Business Modeling AEM 2011 Spreadsheet Modeling for Non-Dyson Majors
HADM 6770 Advanced Business Modeling
ILRID (ILRHR) 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
HADM 4810 Labor Relations in the Hospitality Industry ILRLR 4060 Labor Relations in the Hospitality Industry
HADM 6200 Principles of Real Estate
HADM 2221 Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
HADM 3210 Principles of Hospitality Real Estate
HADM 4200 Principles of Real Estate
HADM 6240 Analysis of Financial Statements AEM 3520 Financial Statements Analysis
HADM 4240 Analysis of Financial Statements
LAW 6060/NBA 5060 Financial Statement Analysis
HADM 6350 Selection, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management HADM 4350 Selection, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management
HADM 4385 The Business of Coffee: From Farm to Cup
HADM 6385 The Business of Coffee: From Farm to Cup
HADM 6385 The Business of Coffee: From Farm to Cup HADM 4350 Selection, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management
HADM 4385 The Business of Coffee: From Farm to Cup
HADM 6350 Selection, Procurement, and Supply Chain Management
HADM 6640 Management Communication HADM 7610 Maanagement Communication
HADM 6740 Fundamentals of Database Management and Data Analysis AEM 2820 Introduction to Database Mgt Systems (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 3740 Fundamentals of Database Mgt and Data Analysis (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 6770 Advanced Business Modeling AEM 2011 Spreadsheet Modeling for Non-Dyson Majors
HADM 4770 Advanced Business Modeling
ILRID (ILRHR) 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRID (ILRHR) 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
HADM 7610 Maanagement Communication HADM 6640 Management Communication
HD 1120 People in Perspective: Brain, Mind, and Society PSYCH 1101 Introduction to Psychology
HD 1130 Introduction to Human Development HD 1150 Human Development: Infancy and Childhood
HD 1170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
PSYCH 1131 Introduction to Human Development
HD 1150 Human Development: Infancy and Childhood HD 1130/PSYCH 1131 Introduction to Human Development
HD 1170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
HD 1170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood HD 1130/PSYCH 1131 Introduction to Human Development
HD 1150 Human Development: Infancy and Childhood
ILRHR 2600 Human Resource Management HADM 2810 Human Resources Management
ILRID 1700 Introduction to Organizations and Management AEM 1200 Introduction to Business Management
Students will receive credit for AEM 1200
AEM 2200 Business Management and Organization
if taken summer before matriculation.
HADM 1810 Introduction to Management
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
ILRID 2660 Essential Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
FSAD 2880 Essential Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
HADM 1740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 2740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
ILRID 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRID 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRID 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
AEM 2011 Spreadsheet Modeling for Non-Dyson Majors
HADM 1740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 2740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 4770 Advanced Business Modeling
HADM 6770 Advanced Business Modeling
ILRID 2660/FSAD 2880 Essential Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
ILRID 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRID 6990 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
AEM 2011 Spreadsheet Modeling for Non-Dyson Majors
HADM 1740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 2740 Business Computing (non-credit for A&S students)
HADM 4770 Advanced Business Modeling
HADM 6770 Advanced Business Modeling
ILRID 2660/FSAD 2880 Essential Desktop Applications (non credit for A&S students)
ILRID 4699 Advanced Desktop Applications (non credit course for A&S students)
ILRLR 4060 Labor Relations in the Hospitality Industry HADM 4810 Labor Relations in the Hospitality Industry
ILROB 1220 Introduction to Organizational Behavior AEM 3245 Organizational Behavior
AEM 6245 Organizational Behavior
HADM 1150 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Skills
ILROB 5200 Organizational Behavior
ILROB 5200 Organizational Behavior AEM 3245 Organizational Behavior
AEM 6245 Organizational Behavior
HADM 1150 Organizational Behavior and Leadership Skills
ILROB 1220 Introduction to Organizational Behavior
ILRST 2100 Introduction to Statistics
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods I
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
ILRST 2110 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences II
BTRY 3020/STSCI 3200 Biological Statistics II
STSCI 2110 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences II
ILRST 3080 Probability Models and Inference
BTRY/STSCI 3080 Probability Models and Inference
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability
ECON/ILRST/STSCI 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
MATH 4710 Basic Probability
ILRST 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
BTRY/ILRST/STSCI 3080 Probability Models and Inference
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability
ECON/STSCI 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
MATH 4710 Basic Probability
ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
Page 12 of 20
Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010 Statistical Methods I
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
INFO 5901 MPS Project Practicum
INFO 6480/NBA 6480 Digital Technology Practicum
INFO 6480 Digital Technology Practicum
INFO 5901 MPS Project Practicum
NBA 6480 Digital Technology Practicum
ITAL 1201 Italian I ITAL 1401 Intensive Elementary Italian
ITAL 1202 Italian II ITAL 1401 Intensive Elementary Italian
ITAL 1401 Intensive Elementary Italian ITAL 1201 Italian I
ITAL 1201 and ITAL 1202 do not overlap
ITAL 1202 Italian II
KOREA 1101 Elementary Korean I
KOREA 1109 Elementary Korean Reading and Writing I
KOREA 1102 Elementary Korean II KOREA 1110 Elementary Korean Reading and Writing II
KOREA 1109 Elementary Korean Reading and Writing I KOREA 1101 Elementary Korean I
KOREA 1110 Elementary Korean Reading and Writing II KOREA 1102 Elementary Korean II
LATIN 1202/LATIN 5212 Elementary Latin II LATIN 1204/LATIN 5214 Latin in Review
LATIN 1204/LATIN 5214 Latin in Review LATIN 1202/LATIN 5212 Elementary Latin II
LATIN 5212/LATIN 1202 Elementary Latin II LATIN 5214/LATIN 1204 Latin in Review
LATIN 5214/LATIN 1204 Latin in Review LATIN 5212/LATIN 1202 Elementary Latin II
LAW 6060 Financial Statement Analysis
AEM 3520 Financial Statements Analysis
HADM 4240 Analysis of Financial Statements
HADM 6240 Analysis of Financial Statements
NBA 5060 Financial Statement Analysis
LEAD 4970 Undergraduate Experience in Leadership
AEM 4700 Dyson Leadership Development Program
MAE 5790 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
MATH 4200/MATH 5200 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
MATH 4210 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
MATH 1106 Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences Math 1110 Calculus I
MATH 1110 Calculus I Math 1106 Calculus for the Life and Social Sciences
MATH 1120 Calculus II MATH 1910 Calculus for Engineers
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
Page 13 of 20
Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
(PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
MATH 1910 Calculus for Engineers MATH 1120 Calculus II
MATH 1920 Multivariable Calculus for Engineers MATH 2130 Calculus III
MATH 2220 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2240 Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus
MATH 2130 Calculus III MATH 1920 Multivariable Calculus for Engineers
MATH 2220 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2240 Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus
MATH 2210 Linear Algebra MATH 2230 Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus
MATH 2310 Linear Algebra with Applications
MATH 2940 Linear Algebra for Engineers
MATH 2220 Multivariable Calculus MATH 1920 Multivariable Calculus for Engineers
MATH 2130 Calculus III
MATH 2240 Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus
MATH 2230 Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus MATH 2210 Linear Algebra
MATH 2310 Linear Algebra with Applications
MATH 2940 Linear Algebra for Engineers
MATH 2240 Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus MATH 1920 Multivariable Calculus for Engineers
MATH 2130 Calculus III
MATH 2220 Multivariable Calculus
MATH 2310 Linear Algebra with Applications MATH 2210 Linear Algebra
MATH 2230 Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus
MATH 2940 Linear Algebra for Engineers
MATH 2940 Linear Algebra for Engineers MATH 2210 Linear Algebra
MATH 2230 Theoretical Linear Algebra and Calculus
MATH 2310 Linear Algebra with Applications
MATH 3110 Introduction to Analysis MATH 4130 Honors Introduction to Analysis I
MATH 3230 Intro to Differential Equations MATH 4280 Intro to Partial Differential Equations
MATH 3340 Abstract Algebra (formerly MATH 4320 Introduction to Algebra) MATH 3360 Applicable Algebra
MATH 3360 and 4340 do not overlap.
Math 4340 Honors Introduction to Algebra
MATH 3360 Applicable Algebra MATH 3340 Abstract Algebra (formerly MATH 4320 Introduction to Algebra)
MATH 4130 Honors Introduction to Analysis I
MATH 3110 Introduction to Analysis
MATH 4180 Intro to the Theory of Functions of One Complex Variable MATH 4220 Applied Complex Analysis
MATH 4200 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems MATH 4210/MAE 5790 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
MATH 5200 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
MATH 4210 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos MAE 5790 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
MATH 4200/MATH 5200 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
MATH 4220 Applied Complex Analysis
MATH 4180 Intro to the Theory of Functions of One Complex Variable
MATH 4280 Intro to Partial Differential Equations MATH 3230 Intro to Differential Equations
MATH 4310 Linear Algebra MATH 4315 Linear Algebra with Supplements
Page 14 of 20
Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
MATH 4330 Honors Linear Algebra
MATH 4315 Linear Algebra with Supplements MATH 4310 Linear Algebra
MATH 4330 Honors Linear Algebra
MATH 4330 Honors Linear Algebra MATH 4310 Linear Algebra
MATH 4315 Linear Algebra with Supplements
MATH 4340 Honors Introduction to Algebra
MATH 3340 Abstract Algebra (formerly MATH 4320 Introduction to Algebra)
MATH 4710 Basic Probability BTRY/ILRST/STSCI 3080 Probability Models and Inference
Econ majors may take Math 4710 and
4720 in place of Econ 3130. Refer to
Econ Dept. website for details. Math
majors consult Math Dept.
Stats majors
refer to dept for specifics about
sequencing and credit.
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability
ECON/ILRST/STSCI 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
MATH 4720 Statistics BTRY/STSCI 4090 Theory of Statistics
Stats Majors: No overlap between
MATH 4720 and ECON 3130. Econ
majors may take Math 4710 and 4720 in
place of Econ 3130. Refer to Econ Dept.
website for details. Math majors consult
Math Dept. Stats majors refer to dept for
specifics about sequencing and credit.
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability
MATH 4810 Mathematical Logic
CS 4860/MATH 4860 Applied Logic
PHIL 4310 Mathematical Logic
MATH 4860 Applied Logic
CS 4860 Applied Logic
MATH 4810/PHIL 4310 Mathematical Logic
MATH 5200 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems MATH 4210/MAE 5790 Nonlinear Dynamics and Chaos
MATH 4200 Differential Equations and Dynamical Systems
MATH 6110 Real Analysis MATH 6210 Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration
MATH 6210 Measure Theory and Lebesgue Integration MATH 6110 Real Analysis
MUSIC 2370 Planet Rap: Where Hip Hop Came From and Where It's Going
AMST 2371/ASRC 2370 Planet Rap: Where Hip Hop Came From and Where It's Going
MUSIC 3490 Hip Hop Global Perspective
MUSIC 3490 Hip Hop Global Perspective
NBA 5060 Financial Statement Analysis AEM 3520 Financial Statements Analysis
HADM 4240 Analysis of Financial Statements
HADM 6240 Analysis of Financial Statements
LAW 6060 Financial Statement Analysis
NBA 5615 Digital Platform Strategy AEM 4615 Digital Platform Strategy
AEM 5615 Digital Platform Strategy
NBA 5991 Global Business Strategy AEM 3991 Global Business Strategy
AEM 5310 Global Strategy
NBA 6220 Marketing Strategy AEM 3125 Marketing Strategy
NBA 6480 Digital Technology Practicum INFO 5901 MPS Project Practicum
INFO 6480 Digital Technology Practicum
NCC 4530 Marketing Management AEM 2400 Marketing
AEM 2420 Marketing for Dyson Majors
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
HADM 2430 Marketing Management for Services
HADM 2410 Marketing Principles
NCC 5500 Financial Accounting AEM 2210 Financial Accounting
AEM 2225 Financial Accounting For Dyson Majors
HADM 2230 Financial Accounting Principles
HADM 1210 Financial Accounting
NCC 5560 Managerial Finance
AEM 2240 Finance for Dyson Majors
AEM 2241 Finance
AEM 5241 Finance
HADM 2220 Finance
HADM 2250 Finance
NS 3200 Introduction to Human Biochemistry BIOMG 3310 & 3320 Principles of Biochemistry & Principles of Biochem: Molecular Biology
BIOMG 3300 Principles of Biochemistry, Indiv Instruction (both 2 and 4 cr versions)
BIOMG 3330 Principles of Biochemistry: Proteins, Metabolism, and Molecular Biology
BIOMG 3350 Principles of Biochemistry
NTRES 2830 DNA, Genes and Genetic Diversity BIOMG 2800 Lectures in Genetics and Genomics
NTRES 6100 Collaborative and Reproducible Data Science in R AEM 2850 R Programming for a Business Analytics and Data Visualization
GDEV 4290 Introduction to Data Science with R
GDEV 5290 Introduction to Data Science with R
STSCI 3040 R Programming for Data Science
STSCI 5040 R Programming for Data Science
PAM 2000 Intermediate Microeconomics Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 2000 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 2030 Population and Public Policy Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 2030 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 2100 Introduction to Statistics
Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 2100 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
Subject code and title change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 2101 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 2300 Introduction to Policy Analysis Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 2300 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 2301 Introduction to Public Policy
Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 2301 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 3100 Multiple Regression Analysis Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 3100 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 3120 Research Design, Practice, and Policy Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 3120 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 3280 Fundamentals of Population Health
Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 3280 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 3670 Economics and Environmental Policy
Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 3670 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 5280 Population Health for Health Managers
Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 5280 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PAM 5970 Economics and Environmental Policy
Subject code change Fall 2023. See PUBPOL 5970 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PHIL 4310 Mathematical Logic CS 4860/MATH 4860 Applied Logic
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
MATH 4810 Mathematical Logic
PHYS 1101 General Physics I
EAS 1600 Environmental Physics
PHYS 1112 Physics I: Mechanics
PHYS 1116 Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity
PHYS 2207 Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 1102 General Physics II AEP 2170/PHYS 2217 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 2208 Fundamentals of Physics II
PHYS 2213 Physics II: Heat/Electromagnetism
PHYS 1112 Physics I: Mechanics
EAS 1600 Environmental Physics
PHYS 1101 General Physics I
PHYS 1116 Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity
PHYS 2207 Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 1116 Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity (Listing #1)
EAS 1600 Environmental Physics
PHYS 1101 General Physics I
PHYS 1112 Physics I: Mechanics
PHYS 2207 Fundamentals of Physics I
PHYS 1116 Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity (Listing #2) PHYS 2216 Intro to Special Relativity (1 credit)
PHYS 2207 Fundamentals of Physics I
EAS 1600 Environmental Physics
PHYS 1101 General Physics I
PHYS 1112 Physics I: Mechanics
PHYS 1116 Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity
PHYS 2208 Fundamentals of Physics II AEP 2170/PHYS 2217 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 1102 General Physics II
PHYS 2213 Physics II: Heat/Electromagnetism
PHYS 2213 Physics II: Heat/Electromagnetism AEP 2170 /PHYS 2217 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 1102 General Physics II
PHYS 2208 Fundamentals of Physics II
PHYS 2214 Physics III: Oscillations, Waves, and Quantum Physics PHYS 2218 Physics III: Waves and Thermal Physics
PHYS 2216 Intro to Special Relativity (1 credit) PHYS 1116 Physics I: Mechanics and Special Relativity
PHYS 2217 Physics II: Electricity and Magnetism
AEP 2170 Physics II: Electricity anad Magnetism
PHYS 1102 General Physics II
PHYS 2208 Fundamentals of Physics II
PHYS 2213 Physics II: Heat/Electromagnetism
PHYS 2218 Physics III: Waves and Thermal Physics PHYS 2214 Physics III: Optics, Waves, and Particles
PLPPM 2010 Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds (2 cr) Subject code change Spring 2021. See PLSCI 2010 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PLPPM to PLSCI Spring 2021)
PLPPM 2013 Magic Mushrooms, Molds and More Subject code change Spring 2021. See PLSCI 2013 for overlap details.
(Subject code change from PLPPM to PLSCI Spring 2021)
PLSCI 1420 Functional Plant Biology BIOG 1500 Investigative Biology Laboratory
BIOSM 1500 Investigative Marine Biology Laboratory
PLSCI 2010 Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds (2 cr) PLSCI (PLPPM) 2013 Magic Mushrooms, Molds and More
(Subject code change from PLPPM to PLSCI Spring 2021)
PLSCI 2013 Magic Mushrooms, Molds and More PLPSCI (PLPPM) 2010 Magical Mushrooms, Mischievous Molds (2 cr)
(Subject code change from PLPPM to PLSCI Spring 2021)
PSYCH 1101 Introduction to Psychology HD 1120 People in Perspective: Brain, Mind, and Society
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
PSYCH 1131 Introduction to Human Development HD 1130 Introduction to Human Development
HD 1150 Human Development: Infancy and Childhood
HD 1170 Adolescence and Emerging Adulthood
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
Psych majors refer to dept for
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I specifics about which courses
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods count for major credit.
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
PUBPOL 2000 Intermediate Microeconomics
AEM 2600 Managerial Economics
(Subject Code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023) AEM 5600 Managerial Economics
ECON 3030 Intermediate Microeconomic Theory
PUBPOL 2030 Population and Public Policy GDEV 2010/SOC 2202 Population Dynamics
(Subject Code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023) SOC 2030 Population and Public Policy
PUBPOL 2100 Introduction to Statistics
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
(Subject Code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
PUBPOL 2101 Statistics for Public Policy
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
PUBPOL 2300 Introduction to Policy Analysis
PUBPOL (PAM) 2301 Introduction to Public Policy
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PUBPOL 2301 Introduction to Public Policy
PUBPOL (PAM) 2300 Introduction to Policy Analysis
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PUBPOL 3100 Multiple Regression Analysis AEM 4110 Introduction to Econometrics
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023) AEM 6120 Applied Econometrics
PUBPOL 3120 Research Design, Practice, and Policy SOC 3030 Research Methods: Design and Measurement
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PUBPOL 3250 Neighborhoods, Housing, and Urban Policy CRP 3430/CRP 6430 Affordable Housing Policy and Programs
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023) PUBPOL (PAM) 5250/SOC 3250 Neighborhoods, Housing, and Urban Policy
Page 18 of 20
Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
PUBPOL 3280 Fundamentals of Population Health GDEV 3280 Fundamentals of Population Health
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PUBPOL (PAM) 5280 Population Health for Health Managers
PUBPOL 3670 Economics and Environmental Policy AEM 4510/ECON 3865 Environmental Economics
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
ECON 3850/PUBPOL (PAM) 5970 Economics and Environmental Policy
PUBPOL 5250 Neighborhoods, Housing, and Urban Policy CRP 3430/CRP 6430 Affordable Housing Policy and Programs
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023) PUBPOL (PAM) 3250/SOC 3250 Neighborhoods, Housing, and Urban Policy
PUBPOL 5280 Population Health for Health Managers GDEV 3280 Fundamentals of Population Health
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
PUBPOL (PAM) 3280 Fundamentals of Population Health
PUBPOL 5970 Economics and Environmental Policy AEM 4510/ECON 3865 Environmental Economics
(Subject code change from PAM to PUBPOL Fall 2023)
ECON 3850/PAM 3670 Economics and Environmental Policy
SOC 2030 Population and Public Policy GDEV 2010/SOC 2202 Population Dynamics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2030 Population and Public Policy
SOC 2202 Population Dynamics GDEV 2010 Population Dynamics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2030/SOC 2030 Population and Public Policy
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
Sociology majors should take
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I SOC 3010 or refer to the dept
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100/ Statistical Methods for other courses that can count
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics toward major credit.
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
SOC 3030 Research Methods: Design and Measurement PUBPOL (PAM) 3120 Research Design, Practice, and Policy
SOC 3250 Neighborhoods, Housing, and Urban Policy CRP 3430/CRP 6430 Affordable Housing Policy and Programs
PUBPOL (PAM) 3250/PUBPOL (PAM) 5250 Neighborhoods, Housing, and Urban Policy
SPAN 1120 Elementary Spanish: Review and Continuation SPAN 1220 Elementary Spanish II
SPAN 1220 Elementary Spanish II SPAN 1120 Elementary Spanish: Review and Continuation
STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
(PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
STSCI 2110 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences II BTRY 3020/STSCI 3200 Biological Statistics II
ILRST 2110 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences II
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010/STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
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Forbidden Overlaps 2023-2024: Due to an overlap in content, students will receive credit for only one course in each of the following groups.
In addition, any co-meeting course (i.e., graduate level version of the same course) is considered part of the overlap group.
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2200 Biological Statistics I
AEM 2100 Introductory Statistics
BTRY 3010 Biological Statistics I
BTRY 6010/ILRST 6100 Statistical Methods
ENGRD 2700 Basic Engineering and Probability and Statistics
HADM 2010 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
HADM 2011 Hospitality Quantitative Analysis
ILRST/STSCI 2100 Introduction to Statistics
MATH 1710 Statistical Theory and Application in the Real World
PSYCH 2500 Statistics Research and Design
PUBPOL (PAM) 2100 Introduction to Statistics
PUBPOL (PAM) 2101 Statistics for Policy Analysis and Management Majors
SOC 3010 Evaluating Statistical Evidence
STSCI 2150 Introductory Statistics for Biology
STSCI 3040 R Programming for Data Scienc
AEM 2850 R Programming for Business Analytics and Data Visualization
GDEV 4290 Introduction to Data Science with R
GDEV 5290 Introduction to Data Science with R
NTRES 6100 Collaborative and Reproducible Data Science in R
STSCI 5040 R Programming for Data Science
STSCI 3080 Probability Models and Inference
BTRY/ILRST 3080 Probability Models and Inference
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability
ECON/ILRST/STSCI 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
MATH 4710 Basic Probability
STSCI 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
BTRY 3080/ILRST 3080/STSCI 3080 Probability Models and Inference
ECON 3130 Statistics and Probability
ECON/ILRST 3110 Probability Models and Inference for the Social Sciences
MATH 4710 Basic Probability
STSCI 3200 Biological Statistics II BTRY 3020 Biological Statistics II
ILRST 2110/STSCI 2110 Statistical Methods for the Social Sciences II
STSCI 4090 Theory of Statistics BTRY 4090 Theory of Statistics
STSCI majors refer to dept for specifics
about sequencing and credit.
MATH 4720 Statistics
STSCI 5040 R Programming for Data Science AEM 2850 R Programming for Business Analytics and Data Visualization
GDEV 4290 Introduction to Data Science with R
GDEV 5290 Introduction to Data Science with R
NTRES 6100 Collaborative and Reproducible Data Science in R
STSCI 3040 R Programming for Data Science
VISST 2002 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium CLASS 2000/ENVS 2000 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium
CLASS 2010 /ENVS 2010/VISST 2012 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability
VISST 2012 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability CLASS 2010/ENVS 2010 Discussions of Environment and Sustainability
CLASS 2000/ENVS 2000/VISST 2002 Environment and Sustainability Colloquium
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