Brieng Paper
January 2019
The impact of career guidance on the
mental well-being of young people
Dr Pete Robertson
Brieng Paper
According to international policy sources
, career guidance is
typically understood by governments as a service delivered in
pursuit of three categories of policy goals:
1. Economic goals: improving the functioning of the labour market
2. Educational goals: promoting lifelong learning and informed choice
of study
3. Social equity goals: promoting equality of opportunity and social
Whilst this framework describes reasonably well how governments
think about career guidance, it also demonstrates the widespread
neglect of health outcomes. This paper will focus on the
potential for career guidance to contribute to the mental health
and well-being of young people. It will outline the reasons for
concern, the potential contribution of career guidance, and make
recommendations. Young people in the age range 15 – 25 years will
be the primary focus of interest.
Youth mental health and economics
Unemployment and mental health
Career Development Institute
The impact of career guidance on the mental well-being of young people
Health scarring and young people
Health inequality
Youth unemployment as a public health concern
Career Development Institute
The impact of career guidance on the mental well-being of young people
A rationale for the value of career guidance
Career guidance as a public health intervention
About the author
Career Development Institute
The impact of career guidance on the mental well-being of young people
 International Journal for Vocational and
Educational Guidance, 4
The mental health of children and young people in
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health of Britain’s working age population
Work, happiness and unhappiness.
Is work good for your health and well-being?
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Lifetime impacts: Childhood and
adolescent mental health understanding the lifetime impacts.
Sociology of Health and Illness, 33
Psychological Review, 112
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Health, 56
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British Journal of Guidance
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BMC Public Health, 16,
The Lancet, 379,
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Career, work and mental health: Integrating career and personal
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Behavior, 100,
statement on health in all policies
 International
Journal for Educational and Vocational Guidance, 13, 
Career Development Institute
The impact of career guidance on the mental well-being of young people
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Copyright © Career Development Institute February 2019