ABSTRACT. The psychological and medical impact of the threat of compulsory relocation on an
American Indian reservation community due to the proposed construction of a dam were assessed using
the Langner 22-Item Screening Scale, Rotter Internal-External Control Scale, and aggregate medical
facility utilization statistics. Participants' feelings about compulsory relocation as well as their
estimation of its potential effects were assessed through a number of specific questions employing a
Liken-type rating scale. The same data were collected from another culturally similar reservation
community. An ancillary study calibrated the Langner scale for the population under study. As opposed
to the comparison group, the people threatened with relocation experienced significantly more severe
psychological distress and made significantly more use of medical services. The community perceived
the effects of the dam to be as distressing as the death of loved ones. Certain variables significantly
discriminated successful adjustment in the face of this distress.
Much of the research on relocation has occurred within the past 20 years and has
generally demonstrated that relocation, whether voluntary or compulsory, functions
as a significant stressor and disrupts social support networks (Bodley, 1982; Coelho
& Ahmed, 1980; Finsterbusch, 1980; Kantor, 1969; Kiste, 1974; Scudder, 1973,
1979). Compared to voluntary relocation, effects of compulsory relocation have
been reported as significantly more negative in terms of the subsequent social
support disruption and psychological distress (Butler, McAllister, & Kaiser, 1973;
Scudder, 1973; Steinglass, De-Nour, & Shye, 1985). The poor, elderly, long-time
residents, minority groups, and community-oriented cultural groups have been
defined as high-risk populations in which the psychological effects of compulsory
relocation are particularly negative in terms of psychological adjustment and social
networks (Finsterbusch, 1980; Scudder, 1973, 1979; Watson, 1980).
Additional effects of compulsory relocation include increased morbidity and
mortality rates (Finsterbusch, 1980; Fried, 1963; Kowalski, 1978; Scudder, 1973,
1979; Thomas, 1979; Watson, 1980) and increased utilization of medical facilities
(Scudder, 1979; Topper &Johnson, 1980). Following involuntary relocation, rural
tribal communities have experienced cultural identity crises, resistance to innovation,
and increased dependency upon the national government responsible for the
relocation (Colson, 1971; Kiste, 1972; Scudder, 1973, 1979).
VOLUME 2(1), pp. 3-19
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
Instead of presenting a consistently bleak picture, previous studies of psychological
distress following involuntary relocation have differed in their conclusions regarding
the level of distress populations experience (Heller, 1982; Steinglass et al., 1985).
Relocations having more profound and enduring effects seem to be those that affect
entire communities and are human-made rather than natural occurrences (Steinglass
et al., 1985). Even the threat of such relocations has been associated with severe
levels of psychological distress and dysfunction (Steinglass et al., 1985; Topper &
Johnson, 1980).
Since 1968, the American Indian Yavapai community at Fort McDowell, near
Phoenix, Arizona, had been threatened with compulsory relocation due to the
proposed construction of the Orme Dam. This threat intensified in September of
1968 when the United States Congress passed, and President Johnson signed into
law, authorization for the proposed dam and for the relocation of the Yavapai
community from the Fort McDowell Reservation.
The members of a culturally similar American Indian community (hereafter
referred to as the Comparison Reservation) had experienced no such threat of
Most studies investigating the psychological impact of compulsory relocation
both for communities and individuals have by necessity examined the parameters
of coping and adjustment after the relocation has occurred (Steinglass et al., 1985).
The present study was designed to assess the psychological and medical impact of
the threat of relocation upon the Fort McDowell community as a function of the
source of that threat: the dam. The psychological effects were estimated by the
Langner 22-Item Screening Scale (Langner, 1962), and aggregate community
medical data were used to estimate the medical effects. An ancillary study
calibrated the Langner scale for the populations under study. In addition, the
community's feelings about the dam, their estimation of its potential effects if it
were constructed, and their locus of control orientation were assessed.
It was hypothesized that both the Langner scale and the aggregate medical
statistics would reveal more psychological distress at Fort McDowell than in the
other culturally similar reservation community. It was further hypothesized that the
Fort McDowell community would estimate the effects of the dam's construction as
more severe and would have a more external locus of control orientation than would
the comparison group.
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
Calibration study.
A sample of convenience consisting of 32 full-blooded
American Indian adults with known psychiatric diagnoses (ranging from transient
situational disorder to schizophrenia) served as the calibration sample. The sample
was drawn from the Indian Health Service (IHS) mental health facilities in the
metropolitan Phoenix area and surrounding reservations. Eight were males who
ranged in age from 18 to 61 years ffl = 28.65), and 24 were females from 18 to 71
years of age (M = 35.46). Fourteen subjects lived on a reservation, while 18 recently
had moved from a reservation to the city.
Reservation comparison study.
Serving as a comparison or nonequivalent control
to the Fort McDowell community was another culturally similar American Indian
reservation located in Arizona. The populations on these two reservations share a
very similar cultural identity and heritage; they have experienced the same history
in their contact with Anglo-American society—including the experience of past
major relocations; their degree of acculturation seems parallel; and the number of
adults residing on each reservation was nearly identical (Fort McDowell, 174, and
Comparison Reservation, 162) as were their age and gender distributions (O'Sullivan,
1984). However, the residents of the Comparison Reservation would experience no
direct detrimental effects from the proposed dam.
Lists of adults aged 18 years and older actually residing on each reservation at the
time of the study were obtained from the respective tribal offices. For each
reservation, a stratified random sample with full probability sampling within each
stratification (age and gender) was drawn from those lists. One-third of each sample
fell into each of three age groups (18 to 29 years, 30 to 50 years, over 50 years), and
within each age group there generally was the same number of males and females.
At Fort McDowell 45% (n = 79), and at the Comparison Reservation 46% (n = 75)
of the total adult population living on the respective reservations were interviewed.
The ages of the Fort McDowell male participants ranged from 18 to 99 years
(M = 43.46), and females ranged from 18 to 81 years 0 = 41.48). The Comparison
male participants ranged in age from 18 to 76 (M = 38.60), and the female range was
from 18 to 78 0 = 42.05). More than 90% of the participants from both
reservations fell into Hollingshead and Redlich's (1958) Classes IV and V (the two
lowest social classes as determined by current occupation and education levels).
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
Langner 22-Item Screening Scale,
Examining the effects on the mental health of
a population is one way of assessing the psychological and/or behavioral effects of
an event or situation experienced by that population (e.g., Dohrenwend, Dohrenwend,
Fabrikant, Kasl, & Warheit, 1980). Consequently the Langner scale (Langner,
1962) was employed as a direct measure of the relative level of psychological
distress in the two communities. This scale has been widely used as an epidemiological
measure of psychological disorder in community surveys and has good reliability
and validity as a measure of psychological distress, especially as a rough index of
the social phenomenon of group mental health (Dohrenwend, Dohrenwend, Gould,
et al., 1980; Dooley & Catalano, 1979; Langner, 1962; Manis, Brawer, Hunt, &
Kercher, 1963).
Dohrenwend and his associates maintain that the Langner scale measures a
construct that Frank (1973) calls demoralization (Dohrenwend, Oskenberg, Shrout,
Dohrenwend, & Cook, 1979). Evans and associates (Evans, Jacobs, Dooley, &
Catalano, 1987) reported the Langner to correlate well .76) with the demorali-
zation scale of the Psychiatric Epidemiological Research Inventory. Demoralization
seems to be a function of factors both in the environment and in the person which
interact such that the person feels unable to adapt. This construct has proven useful
in assessing the impact of relocation (Steinglass et al., 1985).
In consultation with the Yavapai interviewers, the response categories of the scale
were slightly modified making them more conducive to the time-frame of the
populations under investigation. For example, items with a response category of
"often," "sometimes," and "never" were changed to "often" or "rarely." No changes
in scoring were necessary.
Medical statistics.
The well-documented concordance of physical illness and
psychological disturbance justifies the assumption that a community's aggregate
medical utilization rates will reflect the community's relative level of psychological
well-being or distress (Cooper, 1964; Dohrenwend & Dohrenwend, 1969;
Dohrenwend & Dohrenwend, 1974; Koranyi, 1972; Rahe, McKean, & Arthur,
1967; Rosen & Wiens, 1979; Tessler, Mechanic, & Dimond, 1976). Such aggregate
medical statistics for both Fort McDowell and the Comparison Reservation were
obtained from the IHS, and were employed as a measure of the psychological
distress in the respective communities. Since 1972, these statistics had been
available on an annual basis only, and were considered to be a fairly complete and
accurate accounting of each reservation's medical facility utilization for any given
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
year. No statistical records were available for medical service utilization for either
community prior to 1972. To avoid the problems of diagnostic biases and
inconsistencies (Koranyi, 1972), this investigation employed the grand totals of all
medical utilization rates (inpatient and outpatient) regardless of specific diagnoses
and/or services rendered.
Rotter Internal-External Control Scale.
External control expectancies could be
exacerbated if people expected the unwanted dam to have a substantial negative
impact. Therefore the Rotter I-E Scale (Rotter, 1966) was employed as a measure
of the locus of control orientation in the two communities. An external locus of
control orientation correlated with abnormal psychological functioning in general
(Lefcourt, 1976) and with negative affect in particular (Melges & Weisz, 1971),
both of which correlate with the demoralization construct.
This scale has been used frequently with American Indian populations (Trimble
& Richardson, 1982) and has demonstrated acceptable reliability and validity
(Harrow & Ferrante, 1969; Joe, 1971; Mackey, 1979; Rotter, 1966; Zerega, Tseng,
& Greever, 1976). In addition to the overall I-E score, in this investigation scores
also were obtained for the personal control and social systems control factors
reported by Mirels (1970) and Viney (1974). Trimble and Richardson (1982), in
their factor analytic study of the I-E scale with American Indians, reported similar
dimensions of personal and ideological control. In each case, higher scores
represented greater externality.
Structured interviews,
The Langner and Rotter scales were included in a
structured interview which also contained demographic questions. A final component
consisted of 12 life-stress rating items and 12 questions. Participants were asked
to rate their personal feelings about the dam issue and then to estimate the effect the
darn would have on the tribe and themselves if built. The same metric scale was used
for both the life-stress items and the dam questions—a 7-point Likert-type scale.
The dam items had an internal consistency reliability coefficient of .91, and the life-
stress items served to increase the validity of the ratings on the subsequent dam
questions by providing a context for the subject's ratings (Dohrenwend, Dohrenwend,
Fabrikant, et al., 1980).
For those who spoke only Yavapai or Apache, the measures used in the interview
were back-translated into those languages.
Permission to conduct the study was first obtained from the tribal councils of both
reservations, and all individuals participated voluntarily with the assurance of
anonymity. To avoid possible biasing of responses, care was taken never to mention
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
relocation and/or the dam when seeking consent from either tribal councils or
individual participants. Each person was interviewed privately and was paid $10
for participating in the study.
Those structured interviews needing to be conducted in Yavapai were back-
translated and done by one person on each reservation and those in Apache by
another person. All interviewers in both locations were trained prior to the field
work. The data for the calibration study were collected through the mental health
professionals employed by either the IHS or the individual tribes. The data were
collected ten to six months prior to the definitive decision regarding the construction
of the dam.
Calibration Study
The mean score on the Langner scale for the 32 American Indian psychiatric
patients was 10.6. While the means for males and females were nearly the same,
the 14 reservation residents' mean (M = 9.5) was lower than that of the urban
residents (M = 11.4). Based on the mean of the reservation residents, a cutting
point of 10 or more on the Langner was used in this study since only residents on
the reservation were sampled at both Fort McDowell and theComparison Reservation.
In retrospect it can be seen that it would have been best to have included within
the calibration sample non-psychiatric persons as well as those with psychiatric
disorders. As a result of this methodological omission, the validity of using a cutoff
of 10 to differentiate between psychiatric and non-psychiatric populations was not
Comparison Study
In order to determine if a significant amount of bias developed during the weeks
of data collection at Fort McDowell, a discriminant analysis was computed with the
first 40 and the final 39 people interviewed who were serving as the criterion groups.
It was predicted that if the results were distorted by biased responses, then the latter
half of the sample would try to look more distressed and give more negative
responses to the dam items. However, there were no statistically significant
differences in the responses of the two groups.
On the Langner scale, the means and standard deviations for Fort McDowell
(M = 5.81, 5.12 = 4.71) and the Comparison Reservation (M = 5.21, 532 = 4.26)
were quite similar; however, the proportion of the respective populations evidencing
severe psychological distress as defined by a score of 10 or more on the Langner
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
were significantly different, x
(1, N = 154) = 6.70, p < .01. While 11% of the adults
at the Comparison Reservation demonstrated psychological distress equivalent to
the Indian psychiatric patients, twice as many (or 22%) of those at Fort McDowell
were identified as that distressed.
The annual (1972-1980) total medical utilization data for both reservations were
submitted to a 2 x 9 chi-square analysis and were found to differ significantly, x
N = 24,226) = 799.64, p < .0001. Fort McDowell consistently utilized medical
services significantly more than did the Comparison Reservation. In the first year
(1972) that computer utilization data were available, which was four years after the
threatened relocation (1968), Fort McDowell utilized medical services at a 2 to 1
ratio in contrast to the Comparison Reservation. Unfortunately, computerized
medical utilization data were not available prior to the threat of relocation in 1968.
However, there had been no report or history of differential medical utilization
rates or differential availability of medical services between the two reservations;
and as noted, the two reservations did not differ in terms of age or sex distributions.
For the 1980 statistical year which ended just prior to the final decision by the federal
government concerning the construction of the dam, the Fort McDowell's rate of
medical utilization was 6 to 1 compared to the Comparison Reservation.
Fort McDowell had significantly more residents in severe psychological distress
and, as a community, utilized medical services significantly more than their
counterparts on a similar reservation. In order to determine the focus of the threat
that could account for these differences, the ratings on the 12 dam items as well as
the scores on the Langner scale and three scores derived from the Rotter scale were
analyzed in a factorial multivariate analysis of variance (MANOVA) with reservation
(two levels), gender (two levels), and age (three levels) as the factors. Scores on the
Langner were included in this analysis to confirm the similarity of psychological
distress apparent in the mean scores of the two groups, and the three I-E scale scores
were included in order to test the hypothesis of greater externality in the Fort
McDowell residents.
Unfortunately, there were substantial data on the dam items missing from the
older residents of the Comparison Reservation. In order to execute the MANOVA,
the responses given by older residents of the Comparison Reservation were used to
determine item means. These means were then used as the item responses where
missing data existed. Unfortunately, using item means as item responses reduces
variability and can lead to a Type I error, particularly when comparing older male
or female residents with other groups. The results of the MANOVA analysis,
utilizing the Wilks Lambda Criterion, revealed a significant three-way interaction
of reservation by gender by age, F (32, 254) = 1.861,
p <
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
There were no significant main effects or interactions for either the Langner or the
Rotter scales. There were ten significant interactions on the dam items which
revealed that generally the Fort McDowell residents rated the effects of the dam as
significantly more severe than did the people at the Comparison Reservation. This
overall conclusion was supported by analyses that disregarded older male and
female residents of both reservations. That is, main effects analyses of the dam
responses for younger (18 to 29 years) and middle-aged (30 to 50 years) males and
females revealed that the residents of Fort McDowell rated the dam as having a
significantly worse effect on themselves and their tribe than their counterparts at the
Comparison Reservation. These results do not indicate a Type I error for the
MANOVA F due to use of item means. However, since no comparisons using older
Comparison Reservation residents could be done validly due to the missing data and
the use of mean item scores, further specific analyses between older, middle-aged,
and younger male and female residents of the two reservations would yield an
incomplete and distorted picture. Therefore they are not presented in detail.
Table 1
Mean Ratings on Life-Stress and Dam Items for the Fort McDowell Community
Stress of Life-Events:
Death of spouse
Death of close friend
Death of a close family member
Major personal injury or illness
Major change in health of family member
Children leaving the reservation
Trouble with law or jail term
Divorce or marital separation
Trouble with in-laws
Outstanding personal achievement
Getting married
Christmas season
Severity of Effects of the Dam on:
Your tribe as a people and culture
Having a land the tribe can call home
Survival of the tribe
Tribal government
Upsetting to you
All Indian people and tribes
Your culture identity as a member of this tribe
Overall on you personally
Contact with friends and neighbors
4.18 2.23
Your employment opportunities
Your ability to practice your religion
Your educational opportunities
Note. Maximum rating for each item = 7.0.
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
In Table 1 the mean ratings given by the Fort McDowell sample to both the life-
stress and dam items are rank ordered. The people rated the various life-event items
in the generally seen direction, and there were no major surprises when their mean
scores on such items were rank ordered (Dohrenwend, Krasnoff, Askenasy, &
Dohrenwend, 1978; Masuda & Holmes, 1978). As is evident from Table 1, the
people rated 3 of the 12 life events over 5.0 (of a possible 7.0), and all of these events
involved a death. Of import is the fact that they rated 7 of the 12 dam items with
a mean over 5.0.
Clearly, the vast majority of the adults at Fort McDowell perceived the construction
of the dam as more upsetting to them and as having more deleterious effects on their
tribe as a people and culture, their ability to have a land that the tribe can call home,
the survival of the tribe, the tribal government, and on all Indian people and tribes
than the most distressing life events they had ever experienced—namely, the death
of a close friend and/or close family member. They rated the severity of the dam's
effect on their cultural identity as members of the tribe (M = 5.14) to be almost
identical to the psychological distress of losing a close member of the family in
death (M
M = 5.17). Furthermore, the weakest rating they gave to any dam item (its
effect on one's educational opportunities, M = 3.51) was nevertheless very similar
to their rating of the distress caused by divorce or marital separation 0 = 3.67).
While the possibility of the dam was very upsetting to the people personally, the
adults at Fort McDowell thought that the construction of the dam would have its
most severe effects on the more tribal dimension of their lives rather than on the
more personal or individual level.
Since only respondents who had experienced a particular life event rated that
event, it was questionable whether the group data provided a reliable comparison
between the expected strain of relocation and the perceived strain of other life
events. Therefore, the data were analyzed to determine if individuals who had
experienced a particular life event (e.g., death of spouse) rated the dam items
differently than the group as a whole. It was found that with each life event, the
respondents who had experienced that event rated the dam items according to the
same general pattern as the group as a whole. In every case—including those
respondents who had experienced the death of loved ones—the perceived deleterious
effects of the dam to the tribe as well as the perceived degree of personal upset were
rated as more severe than those life events they had experienced.
Based on their individual scores on the Langner scale, the Fort McDowell
participants were separated into three groups representing three levels of
psychological distress. Those with scores less than 4 comprised the least distressed
group (n = 27); those with scores of 10 or more were considered as the most
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
distressed (n = 17); and persons with scores ranging from 4 to 9 formed a third group
representing those who were experiencing an intermediate level of psychological
distress (n = 35).
A score of less than 4 was used to represent satisfactory psychological adjustment
because Langner (1962), in a general population, found that scores of 4 or more
significantly differentiated psychiatric patients from nonpatients (who scored 3 or
less), and identified 84% of those who were incapacitated. Using the standard
cutoff of 4, Martin, Sutker, Leon, and Hales (1968) found the scale to be effective
in estimating the prevalence of emotional disturbance in a heterogeneous sample of
American Indians not residing on a reservation. Engelsmann and colleagues
(Engelsmann, Murphy, Prince, Leduc, & Demers, 1972) also found that Langner
scores did not seem to be confounded by ethnic cultural differences.
The mean Langner score for our sample (M = 5.81) was higher than that reported
for the general population CAI = 2.83; Langner, 1962); therefore scores below
Langner's cutoff of 4 appeared to be a conservative estimate of satisfactory
psychological adjustment. Scores of 10 or more were thought to reflect the most
distressed group because the calibration data indicated that scores of 10 or above
were associated with identified American Indian psychiatric patients. With these
three levels of distress serving as criterion groups, a multiple discriminant function
analysis was computed using the demographic data and the three scores on the
Rower scale as variables. The resulting discriminant function yielded a
significant Wilks lambda of .4586, x= (22, N = 154) = 54.57, p < .001. There were
six significant predictors: the total number of years of formal education, F(2, 75) =
6.316, p < .01; personal locus of control, E(2, 75) = 4.303, p < .05; type of job one
possessed, F(2, 75 = 4.545, p < .05; gender, E(2, 75) = 4.188, p < .05; and the
number of children under 18 years of age living at home, E(2, 75) = 3.473, p < .05.
Predicting the least amount of psychological distress as measured by the Langner
scale were being male and employed, having a higher status job, more education,
a more internal locus of personal control, and having more children living in the
home. On these variables the direction of the prediction was consistent; for
example, the least distressed group had a more internal locus of personal control,
while the most distressed group was more external and the intermediary group was
"in between" in terms of personal locus of control. The only exception to this rule
was employment, with the intermediary group having a slightly greater tendency to
be employed than did those showing the least distress.
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
The data from both the psychiatric screening scale and the aggregate medical
statistics indicated a rather high level of psychological distress at Fort McDowell.
Since there are significantly higher rates of both severe demoralization and medical
service utilization at Fort McDowell than at the Comparison Reservation, it was
possible that some specific environmental stressor(s) was accounting for the higher
distress at Fort McDowell. The dam responses appeared to define the construction
of this dam as a powerful stressor in the lives of this community. They experienced
it to be as distressing as the death of a loved one, and they perceived the proposed
dam as causing the death of the tribe and culture. The association of this socio-
political stressor with the death of such an essential dimension of their lives most
likely generated exacerbated levels of demoralization and medical utilization.
As compared with national norms, both the Fort McDowell and the Comparison
Reservation Indian communities had high levels of normative psychological
distress, but an internal locus of control orientation. Fort McDowell's mean score
on the Langner (M = 5.81) surpassed the means of seven other studies reviewed by
Lasry (1975) in his multicultural comparison of the Langner scale. Additionally,
the Langner means reported in the present study were nearly twice as large as those
found in three studies establishing mean Langner scores for the U.S. population:
M = 2.18 (Dohrenwend & Dohrenwend, 1969); M = 2.83 (Langner, 1962); M = 3.25
(Manis et al., 1963).
Psychiatric epidemiological studies among American Indians and Alaska Natives
demonstrate that the prevalence rates of these groups consistently far exceed those
of the general American populace (Dohrenwend, Dohrenwend, Gould, et al., 1980;
Manson & Shore, 1981; Martin et al., 1968; Roy, Choudhuri, & Irvine, 1970;
Sampath, 1974; Shore, Kinzie, Hampson, & Pattison, 1973). The Langner scores
reported here support the exacerbated level of psychological distress reported in
American Indian communities.
While American Indians show elevated levels of psychological disorders, this
does not seem to be a function primarily of poor self-concept and feelings of no
control over their personal lives (Mackey, 1979; McClary, 1979; Peterson, 1980).
Nor is it principally a function of an Indian tendency to express psychological
distress somatically (Roy et al., 1970; Sampath, 1974; Shore et al., 1973). The
psychiatric prevalence rates of American Indians currently residing on reservations
most likely reflect the pathogenic impact of the dominant political and socioeconomic
structures under which these people live (Report of the Special Population Subpanel
on Mental Health of American Indians & Alaskan Natives, 1978).
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
The significantly higher medical utilization at Fort McDowell, coupled with their
significantly higher rate of severe psychological distress, indicated a relationship
between psychological distress and medical utilization which previously has been
reported (Tessler et a1.,1976). It appears that at Fort McDowell the psychological
distress produced more physical illness, leading the community to initiate physician
utilization. American Indians in general underutilize available mental health
services (Dinges, Trimble, Manson, & Pasquale, 1981; Sue, Allen, & Conaway,
1978). Like the majority of the American population, it seems that Indians
experiencing psychological dysfunction turned for assistance not to mental health
professionals, but to general medical practitioners (Regier, Goldberg, & Taube,
Their mean score on the Langner identified the Fort McDowell community as a
population at high risk for psychological dysfunction (Dohrenwend & Dohrenwend,
1969; Dohrenwend, Dohrenwend, Gould et al., 1980; Manson & Shore, 1981). This
would make the severe distress of compulsory relocation even more deleterious
(Lasry, 1975). Such psychological hazards have
observed to begin with the
initial rumors of the possible resettlement. Expectations of impending hardship and
loss cause the proposed relocation to be perceived as psychologically very threatening
(Finsterbusch, 1980; Scudder, 1973).
The Fort McDowell responses to the dam items suggested that the threat of
compulsory relocation had a negative impact on the community. The adults there
rated the possibility of the dam's construction as the most upsetting event they had
experienced. At stake was the survival of their tribe as a people and a culture.
Collectively the people at Fort McDowell rated the effects of the dam on the tribe
more severely than its effects on themselves individually. The rank ordering
presented in Table 1 reveals that except for the item regarding the personal upset
over the dam, all the items dealing with effects of the dam on the tribal dimensions
of their lives received higher mean scores (=> 5.14) than did the items concerned
with the dam's impact on their personal lives (=< 4.54). The same was true for the
people at the Comparison Reservation. When the items involving the tribal
dimension of their lives were considered collectively, the mean score at Fort
McDowell 0 = 5.45) was very similar to that at the Comparison Reservation
= 5.29). However, the effects of the dam on the individual personally had a
collective mean score at Fort McDowell(M = 4.20) higher than that at the
Comparison Reservation (M = 3.06).
For nearly all American Indian and Alaska Native tribes, their homeland is of
immense significance psychologically—touching many dimensions of their lives
as well as their cultural identity as a people (Report of the Special Populations
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
Subpanel on Mental Health of American Indians and Alaskan Natives, 1978;
Sutton, 1975). The Fort McDowell community's ratings on the dam items
confirmed the profound psychological significance of this land for their cultural and
tribal identity. For the Yavapai, the land at Fort McDowell is quite sacred as well
as being their homeland (O'Sullivan, 1984). The loss of their land certainly would
qualify as a "fateful loss event" leading directly to severe demoralization, and
contributing to the development of psychopathology where it previously did not
exist (Dohrenwend, 1979). The profound meaning and importance of the land for
the Navajo greatly compounded the difficulties and negative impacts of their
compulsory relocation (Scudder, 1979).
Compulsory relocation most often disrupts social support networks (Butler et al.,
1973; Colson, 1971; Finsterbusch, 1980; Kiste, 1974; Scudder, 1973). Such
disruptions correlate highly with increases in psychological dysfunction (Beels,
1981; Dean & Lin, 1977; Slater & Depue, 1981). The people at Fort McDowell
expected the construction of the dam to interfere seriously with their contact with
friends and neighbors. While social networks on the reservation had not yet been
disrupted, the strength and negativity of that outcome expectancy most likely
contributed to the heightened level of demoralization found among the people on
the reservation (Bandura, 1977; Beck, Rush, Shaw, & Emery, 1979; Frank, 1973).
So too, with the people's negative expectancy regarding employment opportunities
should the dam be built. The high rate of unemployment on the reservation
undoubtedly contributed to the community's high normative level of distress. For
the males especially, the expectation that employment opportunities would further
deteriorate if the threatened relocation occurred probably exacerbated that distress.
What highlights the Fort McDowell data was its consistency across all ages and
both sexes. Except for the one significant difference between sexes regarding the
effects of the dam on employment opportunities, there were no significant differences
between males and females nor among the various age groups on their scores on the
Langner or Rotter nor on their ratings for the dam items. Since the ratings of the
stressfulness of the various life events reflected the ratings rendered by most people
across ages and ethnic groups, their mean scores on the dam items would seem to
be an accurate representation of just how psychologically distressing the possibility
of the dam and relocation were, and how severe their effects would be.
Stress researchers disagree about whether the level of psychosocial distress
preceding a stressful event as forced relocation predicts the extent of negative
sequelae after the event (Steinglass et al., 1985). Some argue that early distress
helps develop adaptive coping strategies which may facilitate one's adjustment to
crisis (Antonovsky, 1980). Others maintain that prior distress predisposes to and
American Indian and Alaska Native Mental Health Research
Copyright: Centers for American Indian and Alaska Native Health
Colorado School of Public Health/University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus (
predicts long-term psychological dysfunction (Warheit, 1979). The data presented
in this study cannot facilitate the resolution of this debate.
However, bolstering social support networks, enhancing self-image, and promoting
active coping can facilitate the prevention of long-term psychopathology in a
community threatened with human-made involuntary relocations (Steinglass et al.,
1985). The data presented above regarding the positive impact of personal locus of
control, employment, and education also have preventive implications. Prevention
as well as treatment efforts will profit from research identifying the specific coping
styles and skills that help people deal effectively with compulsory relocation.
Empowerment facilitates the efforts of people to gain control over their own lives
and collective destiny. It may be the most effective intervention for a community
faced with an unwanted move.
Loyola Marymount University
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