2023 Sta Engagement Survey
Action Planning Guide
This document provides guidance on best practices for creating and implementing an
effective action plan based on engagement survey feedback
The purpose of an action plan is to convert feedback from the survey into postive change
for your organization
The importance of an action plan is that employees will judge the value of the survey based
on whether or not positive changes occurred as a result of it
Positive timely changes based on survey feedback have been consistently shown to improve
engagement which increases productivity and retention
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Establish roles, expectations and accountability for action
planning process at senior level leadership and manager
Use the SMART goals model for action planning goals to
create the ability to measure results and define measurable
Set timelines and determine how success will be measured
Utlizing established timelines, review results of SMART
goals and deliverables typically at a quarterly and annual
Have those who were responsible for specific deliverables
provide report outs/updates at set intervals to measure
Consider having an action planning project team to ensure
action plans are completed and to measure success
Assess results of future VU surveys to measure progress
Thank employees for participating in the survey
Discuss results with senior leadership, managers, HR
Demonstrate leadership engagement by keeping
employees updated on actions being taken
Identify areas for improvement based on survey results
organization, engagement, retention
Work with HRC to develop plan which may include focus
groups to gather more detailed feedback from employees
Communicate plans and changes to staff
Market leaderships commitment to making improvements
based on staff feedback and to supporting professional
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Recommendations for Consideration
Review current position descriptions and organizational charts and update accordingly
Work with HRC on implementing succession planning and creating individual development
plans for staff
Ensure employees understand the mission of VU
Have new hires enroll in CUPAs understanding higher ed
Implement regular leadership check-ins with employees new in positions
Evaluate internal onboarding process
Assess professional development goals and develop plan to communicate and support
developmental opportunities for all employees
Encourage employees to participate in the Vanderbilt Staff Mentorship Program
Encourage Conversation Circles attendance
Review performance management process
Conduct a SWOT analysis on team operations
Explore enrollment in Business at VU
Explore enrollment in Facilities University
Ensure goals and OKRs are steeping in organizational mission
Nominate employees for staff awards
Encourage participation in the Career Growth series
Schedule a Clifton Strengths workshop
Partner with ELE / submit online request form for customized workshops
Self-paced learning
Encourage interest Vanderbilt Leadership Enrichment
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Recommendations for Consideration
Review current position descriptions and organizational charts and update accordingly
Encourage employees to take time off
Encourage employees to use Lyra benefits
Review remote/hybrid plan for each department/position and be open to making changes
Conduct a SWOT analysis on team operations
Work with HRC on implementing succession planning and creating individual development
plans for staff
Recommendations for Consideration
Inventory equipment and address any concerns with outdated tools
Schedule a focus group to determine technology gaps and brainstorm solutions
Conduct a continous improvement exercise specifically related to tools, resources, and
Create SOPs
Ensure employees understand how to express concerns with process, tools, and resources
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Recommendations for Consideration
Require participation in Leading at VU
Encourage interest Vanderbilt Leadership Enrichment
Address concerns through performance reviews
Check SkillSoft offerings
Conduct a SWOT analysis on team operations
Review Leader Central
Consider manager consultations through Lyra
Encourage supervisors to participate in the Vanderbilt Staff Mentorship Program
Implement regular leadership check ins with staff
Evaluate internal onboarding process
Review current position descriptions and organizational charts and update accordingly
Work with HRC or ELE on focus group sessions
Ensure goals and OKRs are steeping in organizational mission
Enroll in the Coaching Lab Series
Recommendations for Consideration
Ensure collaboration between teams and work units through sharing of information,
combined area meetings and cross team projects
Model a respectful and professional culture at all levels through how you communicate and
share information
Refine how your leaders interact with their teams collectively and individually
Schedule focus sessions to understand gaps in collaboration efforts
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Recommendations for Consideration
Ensure your area has a clearly defined mission that all employees are familiar with
Incorporate your mission in the way you hire, train, develop, and lead
Reach out to ELE/HRC to help with facilitating a mission building workshop / strategic
planning retreat, help with obtaining buy-in, and developing goals and tracking progress
Attend Chancellor all-staff meetings as a team and discuss afterwards
Review survey results for feedback on leadership and consider working with HRC and ELE
to have focus groups to get additional feedback on leadership and mission value and impact
Create a strategic communication plan that aligns with your mission, culture and values
Review how you communicate internally and externally. How is information shared and how
do managers communicate with their staff?
Ensure employees understand the mission of VU
Ensure goals and OKRs are steeping in organizational mission
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Recommendations for Consideration
Have new hires enroll in CUPAs understanding higher ed
Encourage Conversation Circles attendance
Evaluate internal onboarding process
Encourage participation for in-focus sessions
Explore enrollment in Business at VU
Explore enrollment in Facilities University
Ensure goals and OKRs are steeping in organizational mission
Participate in ELE workshop on positive psychology
Enroll in the microlearning series on acknowledging our realities
Nominate employees for staff awards
Evaluate internal staff award / recognition programs and consult with ELE for enhancement
Ask team to volunteer at Commencement, Reunion and other VU and local community
Encourage participation in Employee Affinity Groups
Work with VU Identity Centers
Attend or serve with University Staff Advisory Council
Encourage employees to participate in the Vanderbilt Staff Mentorship Program
Encourage Conversation Circles attendance (admin professionals
Ensure employees understand the mission of VU
Employee Appreciation Events
Consider having each team identify an onboarding buddy to assist employees new in their
Develop an onboarding checklist for the department
Consider purchasing swag for your team members
Recommendations for Consideration
Assess professional development goals of each team member
Develop plans to communicate and support developmental opportunities for all employees
Define and communicate career framework
Partner with Compensation team and HR Consulting for equity and market adjustments
Review remote/hybrid plan for each department/position and be open to making changes
Encourage employees to take time off
Encourage employees to use Lyra benefits
Conduct a SWOT analysis on team operations
Review current position descriptions and organizational charts and update accordingly
Work with HRC on implementing succession planning and creating individual development
plans for staff
Recommendations for Consideration
Build awareness of core values and mission then incorporate into expectations for leaders
and staff, evaluations, and communications
Contact ELE for a psychological safety course / 5 dysfunctions of a team / perspective
taking workshop - expanding beyond your viewpoint
Review turnover data
Review survey data and track progress / communicate actions taken
Conduct follow up pulse surveys
Conduct exit interviews
Work with HRC to implement STAY interviews
on issues and concerns to help develop a plan for improvement
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HR Consultants
Employee Learning & Engagement