Epic Games Store End User License Agreement
Epic Games store End User License Agreement
Please read this Agreement carefully. It is a legal document that explains your rights and obligations related to
your use of the Software, including any Services you access or purchases you make through the Software. By
downloading or using the Software, or by otherwise indicating your acceptance of this Agreement, you are
agreeing to be bound by the terms of this Agreement. If you do not or cannot agree to the terms of this
Agreement, please do not download or use this Software.
In particular, we want to highlight some important terms, policies, and procedures in this Agreement. By
accepting this Agreement:
1. You are also agreeing to other Epic rules and policies that are expressly incorporated into this Agreement.
Please read them carefully:
Our Privacy Policy (https://www.epicgames.com/privacypolicy) explains what information we collect from you
and how we protect it.
Our Fan Content Policy (https://www.epicgames.com/fan-art-policy) explains what you can do with Epic’s
Intellectual Property in the content you create.
Our Terms of Service (https://www.epicgames.com/tos) explain the rules for our websites.
2. You and Epic agree to resolve disputes between us in individual arbitration (not in court). We believe the
alternative dispute-resolution process of arbitration will resolve any dispute fairly and more quickly and efficiently
than formal court litigation. Section 12 explains the process in detail. We’ve put this up front (and in caps)
because it’s important:
If you use third party Software or Services, the privacy policy of the applicable licensor or publisher may also
govern your use of that Software or Services. By downloading or using the Software, you also agree to Epic’s
Terms of Service and acknowledge that you have read Epic’s Privacy Policy.
Certain words or phrases are defined to have certain meanings when used in this Agreement. Those words and
phrases are defined below in Section 16.
1. License Grant
Epic grants you a personal, non-exclusive, non-transferable, non-sublicensable limited right and license to use
the Software and Services for your personal, non-commercial use (the “License”). The rights that Epic grants
you under the License are subject to the terms of this Agreement, and you may only make use of the License if
you comply with all applicable terms.
The License becomes effective on the date you accept this Agreement. The Software is licensed, not sold, to
you under the License. The License does not grant you any title or ownership in the Software.
Certain Software and Services may be subject to additional terms specific to that Software or Service, including
for example Software Specific Terms. By using Software or a Service subject to additional terms, you agree to
such additional terms.
2. License Conditions
You may not do any of the following with respect to the Software or any of their parts: (a) use it commercially or
for a promotional purpose; (b) use it on more than one device at a time; (c) copy, reproduce, display, perform, or
otherwise use it in a way that is not expressly authorized in this Agreement or its Software Specific Terms; (d)
sell, rent, lease, license, distribute, or otherwise transfer it; (e) reverse engineer, derive source code from,
modify, adapt, translate, decompile, or disassemble it or make derivative works based on it; (f) remove, disable,
circumvent, or modify any proprietary notice or label or security technology included in it; (g) create, develop,
distribute, or use any unauthorized software programs to gain advantage in any online or other game modes; (h)
use it to infringe or violate the rights of any third party, including but not limited to any intellectual property,
publicity, or privacy rights; (i) use, export, or re-export it in violation of any applicable law or regulation; or (j)
behave in a manner which is detrimental to the enjoyment of the Software or Services by other users as
intended by Epic, in Epic’s sole judgment, including but not limited to the following – cheating, harassment, use
of abusive or offensive language, game abandonment, game sabotage, spamming, social engineering, or
3. Updates and Patches
Epic may provide patches, updates, or upgrades to the Software that must be installed in order for you to
continue to use the Software or Services. Epic may update the Software remotely without notifying you, and you
hereby consent to Epic applying patches, updates, and upgrades. Epic may modify, suspend, discontinue,
substitute, replace, or limit your access to any aspect of the Software or Services at any time. You acknowledge
that your use of the Software or Services does not confer on you any interest, monetary or otherwise, in any
aspect or feature of the Software or Services, including but not limited to any in-game rewards, achievements,
character levels. You also acknowledge that any character data, game progress, game customization or other
data related to your use of the Software or Services may cease to be available to you at any time without notice
from Epic, including without limitation after a patch, update, or upgrade is applied by Epic. Epic does not have
any maintenance or support obligations with respect to the Software or Services.
4. Mods
Epic may permit you to use the Services to create, develop, upload, submit, transmit, or otherwise make
available to Epic and other users additions, enhancements, modifications, or other user generated content for
certain video games (“Mods”) as permitted by the developer or publisher of such video games (“Rightsholder”).
You will comply with all third-party applicable terms of service, end user license agreements, and policies
relating to Mods, including any agreements or policies provided by the Rightsholder. With respect to each Mod,
you will provide complete and accurate disclosures in response to all requests made by Epic or the Rightsholder
regarding the use of intellectual property within the Mod, the Mod's security and data privacy measures and
processes, and information pertinent to content ratings, and you are responsible for ensuring that the Mod is,
and remains, compatible with the Services and the applicable video game(s).
You represent and warrant that your Mods do not (1) violate applicable law, (2) violate or infringe any third party
rights, including intellectual property rights or privacy, publicity, or moral rights, or (3) contain any viruses or
malicious code or content, such as any software that interferes with, disrupts, damages, or provides
unauthorized access to devices, servers, networks or other properties or services of any third party. Epic
reserves the right to take down any Mods in its discretion.
Epic will not sell your Mods unless You have entered into a separate agreement with Epic permitting it to do so.
You acknowledge and agree that (1) You are not entitled to any compensation by Epic for your Mods unless
expressly provided in a separate agreement with Epic, (2) Epic has no obligation to accept, distribute, or make
available any of your Mods, (3) Epic will provide your email address to Rightsholders to enable Rightsholders to
contact you in connection with your Mods, and (4) Epic may forward to You claims or notices that You do not
have all necessary rights in and to Your Mod.
By submitting Mods to Epic, you hereby grant to Epic a non-exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free, and revocable
license to use, copy, modify, distribute, publicly perform, and publicly display your Mods for the purpose of
enabling end users to install and use the Mods.
5. Feedback
If you provide Epic with any Feedback, you hereby grant Epic a non-exclusive, fully-paid, royalty-free,
irrevocable, perpetual, transferable, sublicensable license to use, reproduce, distribute, modify, adapt, prepare
derivative works based on, publicly perform, publicly display, make, have made, use, sell, offer to sell, import,
and otherwise exploit that Feedback for any purposes, for all current and future methods and forms of
exploitation in any country. If any such rights may not be licensed under applicable law (such as moral and other
personal rights), you hereby waive and agree not to assert all such rights. You understand and agree that Epic is
not required to make any use of any Feedback that you provide. You agree that if Epic makes use of your
Feedback, Epic is not required to credit or compensate you. You represent and warrant that you have sufficient
rights in any Feedback that you provide to Epic to grant Epic and other affected parties the rights described
above. This includes but is not limited to intellectual property rights and other proprietary or personal rights.
6. Ownership/Third Party Licenses
Epic and its licensors own all title, ownership rights, and intellectual property rights in the Software and Services.
Epic, Epic Games, Unreal, Unreal Engine, and their respective logos, are trademarks or registered trademarks
of Epic and its affiliates in the United States of America and elsewhere. All rights granted to you under this
Agreement are granted by express license only and not by sale. No license or other rights shall be created
hereunder by implication, estoppel, or otherwise.
7. Disclaimers and Limitation of Liability
The Software and Services are provided on an “as is” and “as available” basis, “with all faults” and
without warranty of any kind. Epic, its affiliates, and its and their licensors and service providers
(collectively, the “Epic Parties”) disclaim all representations, warranties and conditions (whether
express or implied) with respect to the Software and Services, including without limitation regarding
non-infringement, merchantability, or fitness or suitability for any purpose (whether or not Epic knows
or has reason to know of any such purpose), whether arising under law, by reason of custom or usage
in the trade, or by course of dealing. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Epic Parties
make no warranty that (1) the Software or Services will operate properly, (2) the operation of the
Software or Services will be uninterrupted or free of bugs, errors, or malware (such as viruses), or (3)
any defects in the Software or Services can or will be corrected. This paragraph will apply to the
maximum extent permitted by applicable law.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the Epic Parties shall not be liable for any loss of
profits or any indirect, incidental, consequential, special, punitive, or exemplary damages arising out of
or in connection with this Agreement, the Software or Services, even if an Epic Party has been advised
of the possibility of such damages. Further, to the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, the
aggregate liability of the Epic Parties arising out of or in connection with this Agreement or the Software
or Services will not exceed the total amounts you have paid (if any) to Epic for the particular Software or
Service to which the liability relates during the twelve (12) months immediately preceding the events
giving rise to such liability. These limitations and exclusions regarding damages apply even if any
remedy fails to provide adequate compensation.
As used in the above exclusion of certain warranties and limitation of liability, the term “Epic Parties”
includes the developer of a Software or Service licensed to you under this Agreement (whether Epic, its
affiliate, or a third party) unless you have agreed to Software Specific Terms for that Software or Service
that include a disclaimer of the developer’s warranties or limitation of the developer’s liability.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, some countries, states, provinces or other jurisdictions do not allow the
exclusion of certain warranties or the limitation of liability as stated above, so the above terms may not
apply to you. Instead, in such jurisdictions, the foregoing exclusions and limitations shall apply only to
the extent permitted by the laws of such jurisdictions. Also, you may have additional legal rights in your
jurisdiction, and nothing in this Agreement will prejudice the statutory rights that you may have as a
consumer of the Software or Services.
8. Indemnity
You agree to indemnify, pay the defense costs of, and hold harmless the Epic Parties and their respective
employees, officers, directors, agents, contractors, and other representatives from all claims, demands, actions,
losses, liabilities, and expenses (including attorneys’ fees, costs, and expert witnesses’ fees) that arise from or in
connection with (a) any claim that, if true, would constitute a breach by you of this Agreement or negligence by
you, (b) any act or omission by you in using the Software or Services, or (c) any claim of infringement or violation
of any third-party intellectual property rights arising from Epic’s use of your UGC or Feedback. You agree to
reimburse the Epic Parties on demand for any defense costs incurred by the Epic Parties and any payments
made or loss suffered by the Epic Parties, whether in a court judgment or settlement, based on any matter
covered by this Section 8.
If you are prohibited by law from entering into the indemnification obligation above, then you assume, to the
extent permitted by law, all liability for all claims, demands, actions, losses, liabilities, and expenses (including
attorneys’ fees, costs and expert witnesses’ fees) that are the stated subject matter of the indemnification
obligation above.
As used in the above indemnity provisions, the term “Epic Parties” includes the developer of a Software or
Service licensed to you under this Agreement (whether Epic, its affiliate, or a third party) unless you have agreed
to Software Specific Terms for that Software or Service that include an indemnity of the developer.
9. Termination
Without limiting any other rights of Epic, this Agreement will terminate automatically without notice if you fail to
comply with any of its terms and conditions. You may also terminate this Agreement by deleting all copies of the
Software. Upon any termination, the License will automatically terminate, you may no longer exercise any of the
rights granted to you by the License, and you must destroy all copies of the Software in your possession.
Except as expressly stated otherwise herein or to the extent required by law, all payments and fees are
non-refundable under all circumstances, regardless of whether or not this Agreement has been
Sections 2, 4-13, 15-17 will survive any termination of this Agreement.
10. Purchases and Payment
Through the Services, Epic may enable you to purchase Software licenses and/or Services using your Epic
account. Loading and use of an Epic Account Balance to make such purchases is governed by Epic’s Terms of
Service. Any promotional code provided to you to purchase or redeem for Software licenses and/or Services
may be subject to additional terms and conditions associated with the promotion, offer, or coupon. When you
provide a payment card, promotional code, or other payment method to Epic to make a purchase, you represent
to Epic that you are the authorized user of the payment method, and you authorize Epic to charge your payment
method for the purchase amount, including sales taxes, VAT, or other applicable taxes. You are responsible for
all purchases made through your Epic account.
Also, a Developer may enable you to purchase digital items and services for use within its Software using a
payment method that is not provided by Epic through the Services. You may not conduct such payments or
purchase transactions or use such digital items or services for any unlawful purpose. Such payments and
transactions are solely between you and the Developer pursuant to the Developer’s terms of sale or end user
license agreement between you and the Developer. Epic is not a party to such payments or transactions.
11. Governing Law and Jurisdiction
You agree that this Agreement will be deemed to have been made and executed in the State of North Carolina,
U.S.A., and any dispute will be resolved in accordance with the laws of North Carolina, excluding that body of
law related to choice of laws, and of the United States of America. Any action or proceeding brought to enforce
the terms of this Agreement or to adjudicate any dispute must be brought in the Superior Court of Wake County,
State of North Carolina or the United States District Court for the Eastern District of North Carolina. You agree to
the exclusive jurisdiction and venue of these courts. You waive any claim of inconvenient forum and any right to
a jury trial. The Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods will not apply. Any law or regulation
which provides that the language of a contract shall be construed against the drafter will not apply to this
12. Binding, Individual Arbitration; Class Action Waiver
Most issues can be resolved quickly and amicably by contacting Epic customer support at
https://www.epicgames.com/customer-service. But we understand that sometimes disputes can’t be easily
resolved by customer support. This Section explains how You and Epic agree to resolve those disputes,
including (where applicable) by binding, individual arbitration.
Arbitration is an alternative dispute-resolution procedure that allows us to resolve issues without the formality of
going to court. Any dispute between You and Epic is submitted to a neutral arbitrator (not a judge or jury) for fair
and fast resolution. Arbitration is more efficient for both you and Epic.
12.1 Informal Resolution.
If you have an issue that our customer support can’t resolve, prior to starting arbitration You and Epic agree to
attempt to resolve the dispute informally to help get us to a resolution and control costs for both parties. You and
Epic agree to make a good-faith effort to negotiate any dispute between us for at least 30 days (“Informal
Resolution”). Those informal negotiations will start on the day You or Epic receive a written Notice of a Dispute
in accordance with this Agreement.
You will send your Notice of Dispute to Epic Games, Inc., Legal Department, ATTN: NOTICE OF DISPUTE, Box
254, 2474 Walnut Street, Cary, North Carolina, 27518, U.S.A. Include your name, account name you use while
using the Software, address, how to contact you, what the problem is, and what you want Epic to do. If Epic has
a dispute with You, Epic will send our Notice of Dispute to your registered email address and any billing address
You have provided us.
If you reside in the European Union (“EU”), You may also be entitled to submit Your complaint to the European
Commission’s Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) Platform. ODR allows EU consumers to resolve disputes
related to the online purchases of goods and services without going to court.
If the dispute isn’t resolved within by Informal Resolution or small-claims court (below), You or Epic may start an
arbitration in accordance with this Agreement.
12.2 Small Claims Court
Instead of using Informal Resolution, You and Epic agree that You may sue us in small-claims court in your
choice of the county where you live or Wake County, North Carolina (if you meet the requirements of small-
claims court). We hope you’ll try Informal Resolution first, but you don’t have to before going to small-claims
12.3 Binding Individual Arbitration.
You and Epic agree that Disputes will be settled by binding individual arbitration conducted by the Judicial
Arbitration Mediation Services, Inc. (“JAMS”) subject to the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act and federal arbitration
law and according to the JAMS Streamlined Arbitration Rules and Procedures effective July 1, 2014 (the “JAMS
Rules”) as modified by this Agreement.
This means that You and Epic agree to a dispute-resolution process where we submit any Dispute to a neutral
arbitrator (not a judge or jury) that makes the final decision to resolve the Dispute. JAMS uses experienced
professionals to arbitrate disputes, which helps You and Epic resolve any disputes fairly, but more quickly and
efficiently than going to court. The arbitrator may award the same remedies to you individually as a court could,
but only to the extent required to satisfy your individual claim.
The arbitrator’s decision is final, except for a limited review by courts under the U.S. Federal Arbitration Act, and
can enforced like any other court order or judgment.
12.3.1 Disputes We Agree to Arbitrate:
You and Epic agree to submit all Disputes between You and Epic to individual binding arbitration. “Dispute”
means any dispute, claim, or controversy (except those specifically exempted below) between You and Epic that
relates to your use or attempted use of Epic’s products or services and Epic’s products and services generally,
including without limitation the validity, enforceability, or scope of this Binding Individual Arbitration section.
You and Epic agree to arbitrate all Disputes regardless of whether the Dispute is based in contract, statute,
regulation, ordinance, tort (including fraud, misrepresentation, fraudulent inducement, or negligence), or any
other legal or equitable theory.
The Informal Resolution and Arbitration sections do not apply to (1) individual actions in small-claims court; (2)
pursuit of enforcement actions through a government agency if the law allows; (3) a complaint or remedy under
the EU General Data Protection Regulation; (4) an action to compel or uphold any prior arbitration decision; (5)
Epic’s right to seek injunctive relief against You in a court of law to preserve the status quo while an arbitration
proceeds; (6) claims of piracy, creation, distribution, or promotion of Cheats, and intellectual-property
infringement, and (7) the enforceability of the Class Action Waiver clause below.
You and Epic agree that whether a dispute is subject to arbitration under this Agreement will be determined by
the arbitrator rather than a court.
12.3.2 Arbitration Procedure:
To start an arbitration, review the JAMS Rules and follow the instructions for initiating an arbitration on the JAMS
website. The party starting an arbitration must must send JAMS a “Demand for Arbitration” (available on its
website), pay a filing fee, and mail a copy of the Demand for Arbitration to the opposing party. You will send a
copy to Epic Games, Inc., Legal Department, ATTN: ARBITRATION OF DISPUTE, Box 254, 2474 Walnut
Street, Cary, North Carolina, 27518, U.S.A. Epic will send our copy to your registered email address and any
billing address You have provided us.
The arbitration will be conducted by a single JAMS arbitrator selected with substantial experience in resolving
intellectual-property and commercial-contract disputes. You and Epic both agree that the arbitration will be
conducted in the English language and that the arbitrator will be bound by this Agreement.
If an in-person hearing is required, the hearing will take place either in Wake County, North Carolina, or where
You reside; you choose.
The arbitrator (not a judge or jury) will resolve the Dispute. Unless You and Epic agree otherwise, any decision
or award will include a written statement stating the decision of each claim and the basis for the award, including
the arbitrator’s essential factual and legal findings and conclusions.
The arbitrator may only award legal or equitable remedies that are requested by You or Epic to satisfy one of our
individual claims (that the arbitrator determines are supported by credible relevant evidence). The arbitrator may
not award relief against Epic respecting any person other than You.
Any decision or award may be enforced as a final judgment by any court of competent jurisdiction or, if
applicable, application may be made to such court for judicial acceptance of any award and an order of
12.3.3 Arbitration Fees and Location:
If You start the arbitration, you must pay the JAMS filing fee required for consumer arbitrations.
In some situations, Epic will help with your fees to (hopefully) get us to a resolution quickly and fairly:
If the Dispute involves $10,000 or less, Epic will pay all of the JAMS costs, including the fees you otherwise
would have been required to pay.
If the above doesn’t apply to You, but You demonstrate that arbitration costs will be prohibitive compared to
litigation costs, Epic will pay as much of your JAMS costs as the arbitrator finds is necessary to prevent
arbitration from being cost-prohibitive (as compared to the cost of litigation).
Even if Epic wins the arbitration and the applicable law or the JAMS Rules allow Epic to seek our portion of the
JAMS fees from you, we won’t.
The fee assistance offered above is contingent upon You bringing the arbitration claim in “good faith”. If the
arbitrator finds You brought an arbitration claim against Epic for an improper purpose, frivolously, or without a
sufficient pre-claim investigation into the facts or applicable law, then the payment of all fees will be governed by
the JAMS rules.
JAMS costs do not include your Attorneys’ fees and costs and Attorneys’ fees and JAMS costs are not counted
when determining how much a dispute involves.
Epic won’t seek our attorneys’ fees or expenses from you in any arbitration, even if the law or the JAMS rules
entitle us to do so. If you choose to be represented by an attorney, you will pay your own attorneys’ fees and
costs unless the applicable law provides otherwise.
12.3.4 Notice and Filing. If a Dispute must be arbitrated, You or Epic must start arbitration of the Dispute within
two (2) years from when the Dispute first arose. If applicable law requires you to bring a claim for a Dispute
sooner than two years after the Dispute first arose, you must start arbitration in that earlier time period. Epic
encourages You to tell us about a Dispute as soon as possible so we can work to resolve it. The failure to
provide timely notice shall bar all claims.
12.3.5 Continuation in Effect. This Binding Individual Arbitration section survives any termination of this
Agreement or Epic’s provision of services to You.
12.3.6 Future Arbitration Changes. Although Epic may revise this Agreement in its discretion, Epic does not
have the right to alter this agreement to arbitrate or the rules specified herein with respect to any Dispute once
that Dispute arises.
12.4 Class Action Waiver.
To the maximum extent permitted by applicable law, You and Epic agree to only bring Disputes in an individual
capacity and shall not:
seek to bring, join, or participate in any class or representative action, collective or class-wide arbitration, or any
other action where another individual or entity acts in a representative capacity (e.g., private attorney general
actions); or
consolidate or combine individual proceedings or permit an arbitrator to do so without the express consent of all
parties to this Agreement and all other actions or arbitrations.
12.5 Severability.
If all or any provision of this Binding Individual Arbitration agreement is found invalid, unenforceable, or illegal,
then You and Epic agree that the provision will be severed and the rest of the agreement shall remain in effect
and be construed as if any severed provision had not been included. The sole exception is that if the Class
Action Waiver is found invalid, unenforceable, or illegal, You and Epic agree that it will not be severable; this
entire Binding Individual Arbitration section will be void and unenforceable and any dispute will be resolved in
court subject to the venue and choice of clauses specified in this Agreement. Under no circumstances shall
arbitration be conducted on a class basis without Epic’s express consent.
13. U.S. Government Matters
The Software is a “Commercial Item” (as defined at 48 C.F.R. §2.101), consisting of “Commercial Computer
Software” and “Commercial Computer Software Documentation” (as used in 48 C.F.R. §12.212 or 48 C.F.R.
§227.7202, as applicable). The Software is being licensed to U.S. Government end users only as Commercial
Items and with only those rights as are granted to other licensees under this Agreement.
You represent and warrant to Epic that you are not located in a country that is subject to a U.S. Government
embargo or that has been designated by the U.S. Government as a “terrorist supporting” country, and that you
are not listed on any U.S. Government list of prohibited or restricted parties.
14. Amendments of this Agreement
Epic may issue an amended Agreement at any time in its discretion by posting the amended Agreement
on its website or by providing you with digital access to the amended Agreement through the Software
or other means. If any amendment to this Agreement is not acceptable to you, you may terminate this
Agreement in accordance with Section 9 before such amended Agreement becomes effective, upon
which you must stop using the Software. By using the Software after the amended Agreement becomes
effective or otherwise indicating your acceptance of the amended Agreement, you are agreeing to be
bound by the terms of the amended Agreement.
15. No Assignment
You may not, without the prior written consent of Epic, assign, transfer, charge, or sub-contract all or any of your
rights or obligations under this Agreement, and any attempt without that consent will be null and void. If
restrictions on transfer of the Software in this Agreement are not enforceable under the law of your country, then
this Agreement will be binding on any transferee of the Software. Epic may at any time assign, transfer, charge,
or sub-contract all or any of its rights or obligations under this Agreement.
16. Definitions
As used in this Agreement, the following capitalized words have the following meanings:
Epic” means, Epic Games, Inc., a Maryland Corporation having its principal business offices at Box 254, 2474
Walnut Street, Cary, North Carolina, 27518, U.S.A.
Developer” means a third-party licensor of Software.
Feedback” means any feedback or suggestions that you provide to Epic regarding the Software, Services or
other Epic products and services.
Software Specific Terms” means additional terms and conditions specific to a particular Software or Service.
Services” means any services made available to you through the Software, including services to purchase,
download, or use video games or other Software or Services.
Software” means any (i) Epic software made available to you by Epic under this Agreement, including the Epic
proprietary application known as Epic Games store and any Epic video games or other Epic software made
available for download or use through the Epic Games store application, and (ii) third party video games or other
third party software made available for download or use through the Epic Games store application. The term
“Software” also includes any patches, updates, and upgrades to such Software, and all related content and
documentation provided with or for the Software, additionally including but not limited to all software code, titles,
themes, objects, characters, names, dialogue, catch phrases, locations, stories, artwork, animation, concepts,
sounds, audio-visual effects, methods of operation, and musical compositions that are related to such Software,
and any copies of any of the foregoing.
17. Miscellaneous
This Agreement, together with the Terms of Service, Privacy Policy, and any Software Specific Terms or other
additional terms you may have agreed to with Epic, constitutes the entire agreement between you and Epic
relating to the subject matter covered by this Agreement. All other communications, proposals, and
representations with respect to the subject matter covered by this Agreement are excluded.
The original of this Agreement is in English; any translations are provided for reference purposes only. You
waive any right you may have under the law of your country to have this Agreement written or construed in the
language of any other country.
This Agreement describes certain legal rights. You may have other rights under the laws of your jurisdiction. This
Agreement does not change your rights under the laws of your jurisdiction if the laws of your jurisdiction do not
permit it to do so. Limitations and exclusions of warranties and remedies in this Agreement may not apply to you
because your jurisdiction may not allow them in your particular circumstance. In the event that certain provisions
of this Agreement are held by a court or tribunal of competent jurisdiction to be unenforceable, those provisions
shall be enforced only to the furthest extent possible under applicable law and the remaining terms of this
Agreement will remain in full force and effect.
Any act by Epic to exercise, or failure or delay in exercise of, any of its rights under this Agreement, at law or in
equity will not be deemed a waiver of those or any other rights or remedies available in contract, at law or in
You agree that this Agreement does not confer any rights or remedies on any person other than the parties to
this Agreement, except as expressly stated.
Epic’s obligations are subject to existing laws and legal process, and Epic may comply with law enforcement or
regulatory requests or requirements despite any contrary term in this Agreement.