How Do I Evaluate and Respond to Student Writing?
Allison Boye
Undoubtedly, evaluating student writing can be one of the most daunting tasks an instructor can face. It
takes time, and above all, it takes mental energy, and I think we are likely all looking for a way to make it
a little bit easier. Unfortunately, as Nick Carbone observes, evaluating and commenting on student
writing quite often becomes an exercise in simply “correcting” or “justifying” rather than a practice of
offering useful feedback that promotes growth and the process of writing towards that improvement.
Instructors certainly face a host of challenges that can complicate the process of evaluating and offering
feedback on student writing. Perhaps the most pressing concern is the issue of physical circumstance
most notably, time. There might be nothing more overwhelming than confronting a huge stack of papers
and a classroom full of students who anxiously await their grades. We can likewise face environmental
distractions that lead to inconsistencies in our grading: Are we more tired when we grade the tenth or
twentieth paper? Do we have our own research to work on? Is there laundry to finish? Will we
remember all of our own grading criteria? The list could be endless… However, this paper aims to offer
some tangible strategies for improving and streamlining the complicated and intensive endeavor of
evaluating student writing.
Student Frustrations
Before considering some approaches to evaluating and responding, it can be helpful to consider the
student-writer perspective. Being aware of how students perceive and react to our commentary as
instructors can positively inform the way we respond to their writing.
We have all been students before, and thus are probably all too familiar with the experience of receiving
an essay littered with an instructor’s cryptic, illegible comments. While instructors’ time is obviously at
a premium we know that better than anyone we must also remember that if students cannot read or
understand comments, then those comments serve no purpose. Squiggly lines, exclamation points
without context, and unfinished sentences mean nothing to them! Even in this new era of online
grading, content management systems, and general technological wizardry that can create a paperless
classroom with ease, students can still meet with cryptic comments from a hurried instructor.
Similar to the cryptic instructor comment is the misunderstood instructor comment. A 1990 study by
Spandel and Stiggins revealed that students often misread the tone and meaning of instructor
comments, even those which an instructor might believe to be clear and direct.
We must likewise be conscious of the vague or rubber-stamped comment. Nancy Sommers (1982) from
Harvard University found that most instructors’ comments were not text-specific and could be
interchanged -- certainly a result of time and space constraints, but also frustrating for students who are
unable or insufficiently prepared to apply a generic comment to their own specific writing sample.
So Now What? : Some Tangible Strategies
Clearly, as instructors, we must contend with many complexities when we sit down to evaluate our
students’ written work. Despite those complexities, however, one thing we must never lose sight of is
our purpose in grading and, more specifically, in providing feedback to our students regarding their
writing. Above all else, beyond the need to have a grade to put in the box at the end of the semester, we
are asking our students to write for us because it is a valuable process for demonstrating critical
thought, analytical ability, communication, application… whatever our reason might be! It remains that
if writing were not valuable, we would simply ask our students to take multiple choice tests and save
ourselves the hassle. So with that in mind, it stands that the primary goal in providing feedback on our
students’ writing is to promote overall improvement as well as explain whatever grade we have
assigned. What follows are some strategies for approaching the evaluation and commenting process not
only to foster improvement and revision for your students, but also to improve your own efficiency and
Strategies to Promote Student Improvement
Respond as an audience. Writers (especially young ones) struggle to see their own work objectively,
and it is helpful for them to receive feedback that helps them know how others perceive and
respond to their work. It is important to respond as a reader to the writing, not to the person. For
instance, a useful comment might read, “As a reader, I’m having trouble understanding how this
paragraph relates to the others…” rather than “What does this have to do with anything?”
Guide substantive thought. Again, the goal is to help students improve their writing in general, and
while it might feel easier to focus solely on surface-level issues, it is likewise important to help them
with important issues like critical thought, development, purpose. Of course, different kinds of
assignments and students might determine the amount of attention you pay to surface-level issues
(Is it a very formal assignment? Is it a very young student who struggles so much with clarity that
content is completely obscured?)
Be specific. Providing students with some details specific to their writing will help them understand
our response and work towards improvement. This means going beyond noting, for instance, that a
passage is awkward, to explaining why that passage is awkward. Such details can help overcome the
common complaint that comments are “cryptic” or “rubberstamped.
Encourage skills improvement and emphasize choice. When possible, we should strive to provide
feedback that will help students recognize and improve foundational skills. For example, instead of
just indicating that a paragraph is unclear, you might suggest that the student include a topic
sentence to provide focus.
Similarly, it is important to emphasize that there can be many “right choices” in writing, and in your
commentary, it can be beneficial to leave students with those choices in order to imbue them with
ownership of the piece. This can help circumvent that student impulse to just “fix” whatever the
instructor marked and instead encourage them to approach the revision in a thoughtful way.
Provide a positive environment. Ultimately, we must remember that unlike taking a test, writing
and receiving feedback is an intensely personal experience for many. When providing feedback, we
should respect that vulnerability and create a positive environment that will encourage students to
improve, rather than discourage them from trying. And as Nick Carbone points out, student writers
don’t have the same experiences as we do, so we need to learn to like their honest attempts.
Responding to ideas rather than just presentation can show that you value what the student has to
say. Further, asking questions and responding as an audience can also help take the sting out of a
critical comment. And don’t forget to highlight what the student has done well in addition to what
needs work.
Strategies to Improve Your Own Efficiency and Consistency
Prioritize. It is in your best interest as well as your students’ to “pick your battles” when providing
feedback on their writing. Too many comments on too many aspects of writing can confuse and
overwhelm them as well as devour your time and energy. After reading an essay, choose what you
believe to be the most important areas on which to concentrate; try focusing on “higher-order”
concerns first, such as focus and development. To help you accomplish this, try reading through the
entire paper first without marking it at all to help you get a good idea of what the primary issues are.
Respond to content first (if possible). As instructors, it is indeed hard to resist the urge to simply
“fix” the errors we see in our students’ writing and move on. However, if comments focus solely on
those issues, student might think nothing else needs improvement. Conversely, other students
might become discouraged and feel the grade was assigned arbitrarily, with no way to improve. In
terms of efficiency, focusing on content might help you limit the amount of time you spend on
marking and commenting.
Do not edit! Yes, you want to make it clear that surface errors matter, but if you fix every error in an
essay, students will not learn to identify the problems and make the corrections themselves, and
you will have wasted a great deal of time. Here are a few strategies regarding surface errors:
Provide a substantive endnote to summarize your response to the paper as whole. Use the margins
of the paper to make more specific comments. In the endnote, be sure to comment specifically on
the strengths of the paper, assess a major problem to work on, and give procedural
recommendations towards revision.
Use your office hours. If a paper is really in trouble, it might be impossible to truly help the student
with marginal commentary. Save your time and instead invite the student to come to your office so
that you can discuss the essay or revision more in depth.
Discuss common problems with the entire class. If you find that a problem is common to many
papers in the class, you do not have to take the time to explain it on every single paper. Instead,
explain the problem and teach the skills to your class as a whole.
Strategies for Efficiently Marking Surface Errors
Try marking errors with a check mark or “X” in the margin. Let the students figure out
what needs to be revised.
Carefully edit just one paragraph, showing the level of correctness you expect for the
entire paper.
Note major patterns of error you see throughout the paper, offering a few examples.
Tailor comments based on the type of assignment. Remember that not all kinds of assignments
require the same type of feedback and grading process. Short journal assignments might call for
short, more content-oriented feedback, while longer, more formal essays would call for more
extensive commentary. If you are responding to a paper that is likely to be revised, provide
substantial feedback to assist with the revision. Conversely, if it is an end-of-term paper that will not
be revised, your feedback might be more summative.
Set a time limit. Decide on a reasonable amount of time to spend on each paper, and adhere to that
limit. Use a timer if necessary.
Undoubtedly, evaluating and providing useful
feedback on student writing will always be a complex
process! It’s much more than reading a paper and
slapping a grade on it, especially if we want to help
our students become better thinkers and writers.
However, if you find the strategies that suit your
style, with some forethought and finesse, the process
can become less complicated and time-consuming.
The TLTC likewise offers additional workshops and
individualized consultations on evaluating student
writing, designing writing assignments, and creating
rubrics for instructors who are interested in further
exploration of this topic.
Online Resources
Rubistar. http://rubistar.4teachers.org/
This website offers a free tool to help instructors create their own rubrics. It also offers a search
tool to find sample rubrics.
Carbone, Nick. “Commenting on Student Writing.” Bedford Workshops on Teaching Writing.
Some Quick Strategies for Assigning Grades
Read the entire set of papers first, without marking or grading them. Do this quickly to give you a feel
for the entire range of student responses, to size up what the best papers are like, and remain
Use a rubric to help you grade. These can help you clarify your criteria for yourself as well as your
students, and keep you focused during the grading process. Provide your students with the grading
rubric before they begin writing.
What is a rubric?
In a nutshell, a rubric is simply a scoring tool
that outlines important criteria. There are 2
basic kinds of rubrics:
Analytic Rubrics break down the various
criteria into separate components and often
assigns some sort of individual value or
weight to each element. These can be
useful for precise and fair assessments.
Holistic Rubrics describe the qualities of
an assignment at various levels of expertise,
providing an overall judgment of the piece.
These can be especially useful for rapid
For some sample rubrics, see the resource links
at the end of this article.
This commentary offers in particular a list of thoughtful insights from the writer on providing
effective responses.
Hyslop, Nancy B. “Evaluating Student Writing: Methods and Measurement.” ERIC Clearinghouse on
Reading and Communication Digest, #50. March 1990.
This is a brief overview of some of the literature regarding methods of response to student
writing and measuring writing quality.
Procter, Margaret. “Responding to Student Papers Effectively and Efficiently.” University of Toronto
Writing Support Center.
This site provides lists of specific, practical tips for instructors while giving an assignment,
grading an assignment, and after returning an assignment.
“Ten Tips for Evaluating Student Writing.” Manhattan College Writing Across the Curriculum. Adapted
from Writing Across the Disciplines. Young and Fulwiler, eds. Dartmouth, NH: Boynton/Cooke, 1986.
This is another brief list of practical tips taken from Toby Fulwiler designed to help instructors
respond effectively for students and engage them in the process of writing and revision.
Additional References
Bean, J. C. (2001). Engaging ideas: The professor’s guide to integrating writing, critical thinking, and
active learning in the classroom. San Francisco,CA: Jossey-Bass.
Elbow, P. (1993). Ranking, evaluating, and liking: Sorting out three forms of judgment. College English,
55 (2), pp. 187-206
Hedengren, B. F. (2004). A TA’s Guide to Teaching Writing in All Disciplines. Boston, MA: Bedford/St.
Sommers, N. (1982). Responding to student writing. College Composition and Communication, 33(2), pp.
148 156.
Sommers, N. (2006). Across the drafts. College Composition and Communication, 58 (2), pp. 248 257.
Spandel, V. and Stiggins, R.J. (1990). Creating writers: Linking assessment and writing instruction. White
Plains, NY: Longman.