Copyright q 1996, American Society for Microbiology
An Indirect Double-Antibody Sandwich Enzyme-Linked
Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA) using Baculovirus-Expressed Antigen
for the Detection of Antibodies to Glycoprotein E of Pseudorabies
Virus and Comparison of the Method with Blocking ELISAs
Department of Porcine and Exotic Viral Diseases
and Department of Bovine Virology,
Institute for
Animal Science and Health ID-DLO, 8200 AJ Lelystad, The Netherlands, and
Department of Biochemistry, University of Gdansk, Poland
Received 27 September 1995/Returned for modification 21 November 1995/Accepted 20 December 1995
Antibodies in porcine sera against glycoprotein E (gE) of pseudorabies virus (PRV) are usually measured in
blocking enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) with one or two murine monoclonal antibodies
(MAbs) directed against gE. Our aim was to develop a confirmation assay which is based on another principle
and which is able to detect antibodies directed against most potential binding sites on gE with high specificity.
Therefore, we developed an indirect double-antibody sandwich assay (IDAS) using recombinant gE expressed
by baculovirus (BacgE960). A fragment of the gE gene consisting of nucleotide positions 160 to 11020 of gE,
coding for the major antigenic sites of gE but not the transmembrane region, was cloned behind the signal
sequence of PRV gG and the p10 promoter in a baculovirus vector. Immunoblot analysis showed that the
expressed protein reacted with MAbs directed against five of the six antigenic sites on gE. Although the
conformation of some antigenic sites, notably antigenic sites E and C, was not identical to their natural
conformation, the expressed protein bound gE-specific antibodies in porcine sera in Western blots (immuno-
blots) and ELISAs. For the IDAS, a coating MAb directed against the nonimmunodominant antigenic site A
on gE was chosen. A major obstacle in binding ELISAs, such as the IDAS, appeared to be the high nonspecific
binding activity observed in porcine sera. As a result, sera could be tested only in relatively high dilutions in
the BacgE960 IDAS, in contrast to the testing of sera in blocking ELISAs. The sensitivity and specificity of the
newly developed BacgE960 IDAS were evaluated and compared with those of five commercially available
blocking ELISAs by using several sets of sera of known PRV disease history. The BacgE960 IDAS assay had
a high diagnostic specificity and a moderate sensitivity. The five blocking ELISAs differed remarkably in
sensitivity and specificity, thereby illustrating the need for standardization and confirmation. We conclude that
the BacgE960 IDAS is a useful and specific additional (confirmatory) test for the detection of antibodies to gE.
Vaccination of pigs against pseudorabies virus (PRV) (syn-
onyms, Aujeszky’s disease virus and suid herpesvirus type 1)
with marker vaccines that lack the nonessential glycoprotein E
(gE) (previously called gI) enables the detection of wild-type
(wt) PRV-infected pigs in vaccinated populations by using
serologic assays that detect antibodies to gE (37). This princi-
ple is currently used in control and eradication campaigns
worldwide. A critical factor in these campaigns is the reliabil-
ity, in terms of sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility, and ro-
bustness, of the serotests for gE-specific antibodies in porcine
sera. Current serotests for gE-antibodies are blocking enzyme-
linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs) in which one or two
monoclonal antibodies (MAbs) directed against gE are used.
Reported difficulties in the detection of antibodies to gE in-
clude false-negative results, false-positive results, nonspecific
reactions, high rates of doubtful and weakly positive test re-
sults, high interassay variability between batches of commercial
test kits, low and variable gE-specific antibody responses in
pigs with maternal antibodies, and the so-called single reactors
(2, 31, 34, 36). A single reactor is a single gE-seropositive pig
in a herd and may indeed reflect the only seropositive pig in a
herd, i.e., a recently infected animal which has not or not yet
resulted in transmission of the infection, or a false-positive test
result (2). In addition, the success of vaccination-eradication
campaigns results in a very low seroprevalence, which may be
accompanied by a high rate of false-positive test results. To
confirm with high predictive value such positive results, it is
desirable to have a specific confirmation assay.
With murine MAbs, six antigenic domains, A to F, on gE
have so far been identified (13). Sera of PRV-infected pigs
predominantly recognize the conformational antigenic domain
E and to a somewhat lesser degree recognize the antigenic
domains C and D. Only a minority of infected pigs develop
antibodies directed to the antigenic domains A, B, and F (12).
The presently available gE serotests are blocking ELISAs
which measure the inhibition of binding of murine MAbs di-
rected against domain E or C or both by porcine antibodies
directed to these antigenic domains. The purpose of the
present study was to develop an additional, confirmation assay
for the detection of antibodies to gE which is able (i) to detect
antibodies in an assay which makes use of a principle other
than the available blocking ELISAs used for screening, (ii) to
detect gE-specific antibodies with high specificity without los-
ing much sensitivity, and (iii) to detect antibodies directed
against as many antigenic sites on gE as possible. This would
also enable the serologic diagnosis of infections with potential
* Corresponding author. Present Address: RIVM, Research Labo-
ratory for Infectious Diseases, P.O. Box 1, 3720 BA Bilthoven, The
Netherlands. Phone: 31 30 2742330. FAX: 31 30 274444 9. Electronic
mail address: [email protected].
aberrant PRV strains that have mutations in the antigenic
domain E or C of gE (16). For that purpose, we expressed part
of the gE gene, containing all antigenic sites identified so far,
in the baculovirus system and developed an indirect double-
antibody sandwich assay (IDAS) using the baculovirus-ex-
pressed gE as antigen (BacgE960 IDAS).
MAbs. MAb 23.3.1a is directed against porcine immunoglobulin G (IgG) (38).
Eleven MAbs directed against PRV gE have been described previously (13).
MAbs 1, 3, and 5 are directed against the discontinuous but almost linear
antigenic domain A (amino acids [aa] 78 to 239); MAbs 4, 8, and 11 are directed
against the continuous antigenic domain B (aa 52 to 67); MAbs 6 and 9 are
directed against the discontinuous antigenic domain C (aa 78 to 239); MAb 7 is
directed against the continuous antigenic domain D (aa 68 to 82); MAb 2 is
directed against the discontinuous antigenic domain E (aa 78 to 239); and MAb
10 is directed against the discontinuous antigenic domain F (amino acid range
unknown). Antigenic domain E and, to a lesser extent, antigenic domains C and
D are immunodominant in pigs. Only few pigs respond to antigenic domains A,
B, and F (12). The MAbs were purified from mouse ascites fluid by 50%
ammonium sulfate precipitation, which was followed by dialysis overnight against
phosphate-buffered saline (PBS; pH 7.4).
Cells and viruses. The Autographa californica nuclear polyhedrosis virus
(AcNPV) was used as vector for the expression of gE under the control of the
p10 promoter. The methods have been described previously (9, 41). Briefly,
AcNPV was grown in monolayers of the Spodoptera frugiperda cell line Sf21
(ATCC CRL 1711) (39) at 288C in TC100 medium (GIBCO-BRL) (7) containing
10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine serum (Sebak 31054) and antibiotics (100 IU
of penicillin per ml, 110 mg of streptomycin per ml, and 2.5 mg of fungizone per
ml). For cotransfection, Sf21 cells were grown in Grace’s insect tissue culture
medium (GIBCO-BRL) supplemented with 10% heat-inactivated fetal bovine
serum and antibiotics. For production of ELISA antigen, Sf21 cells were grown
in SF900 serum-free insect culture medium (GIBCO-BRL 10900-066) supple-
mented with antibiotics. Virus titers were determined by end point dilution as
described elsewhere (32).
Construction and characterization of recombinant baculovirus expressing gE.
For the construction of recombinant baculovirus, the DNA of PRV strain NIA-3
(22) was digested with BamHI. The BamHI 7 fragment was subsequently cloned
in vector pBR322 (Boehringer Mannheim), generating pBR322-Bam7. Plasmid
DNA was recovered by standard methods (29). A fragment of 1,914 bp contain-
ing 1,020 bp of the gE gene was excised from vector pBR322-Bam7 by using
ApaLI. The ends of the fragment were filled in with Klenow, and the fragment
was subsequently cloned into the HincII site of pUC19 (Biolabs) (pUC19-
ApaLIfr.). A fragment of 1,264 bp containing the first 370 bp of the gE gene was
removed from pUC19-ApaIfr by using BamHI and NcoI. This fragment was
replaced by a 310-bp fragment consisting of nucleotide positions 160 to 1370
of gE, which was obtained in a PCR with Taq polymerase (Perkin-Elmer). A
BamHI restriction site was introduced at the 160 position during PCR amplifi-
cation. The resulting plasmid (pUC19-gE) contains the gE fragment without the
gE signal sequence and without the C-terminal transmembrane region and was
used to realize an in-frame connection with the signal sequence of the PRV
envelope protein G (gG) in plasmid pARK6gGss. The pARK6gGss vector was
obtained by cloning the gG signal sequence from plasmid pAcAs3gX into
pARK6 (9). The gE-ApaLI fragment was excised from pUC19-gE by using
BamHI and HindIII and was cloned into pARK6gGss digested with BamHI and
XbaI. The sticky ends of HindIII and XbaI were filled in with Klenow before
digestion with BamHI. The resulting vector, pARKgE960, was used for cotrans-
fection with AcNPV wt DNA.
For cotransfection, confluent monolayers of Sf21 cells (2 3 10
) grown in T25
flasks were cotransfected in a 49-cm
petri dish (Falcon) with 2.5 mg of plasmid
pARKgE960 DNA and 0.5 mg of baculovirus AcNPV wt DNA by the calcium
phosphate coprecipitation method (32). Recombinant viruses expressing b-ga-
lactosidase were purified by six rounds of plaque purification under agarose with
2.5 mg of Bluo-Gal (GIBCO-BRL) per ml in a TC100 agar overlay as the
indicator. Expression of gE was examined by Western blotting (immunoblotting)
(see below). One recombinant expressing gE was used to prepare high-titer virus
stocks (.10
50% tissue culture infective doses [TCID
] per ml) for further
experiments and was designated BacgE960.
The optimal time and localization of expression of gE in cells and the super-
natant of BacgE960-infected Sf21 cells were determined by infecting Sf21 cells at
a multiplicity of infection of 10 TCID
per cell. Cells and cellular fractions were
harvested each day until day 6 postinfection and were analyzed by Western
blotting and ELISA for the expression of gE. Fractionation of cells was per-
formed according to the method described by Summers and Smith (32). Briefly,
the cells were harvested, centrifuged, and washed with PBS. The cells were
suspended in lysis buffer (0.03 M Tris-HCl [pH 7.5], 0.01 M Mg acetate, 1%
Nonidet P-40) and were incubated on ice for 10 min with occasional stirring.
Then, the nuclei and membrane fractions were spinned down for 5 min at 2,000
3 g, and the supernatant containing the cytoplasmic fraction was transferred to
a new tube. The pellet was washed and resuspended in PBS.
Western blotting. Sodium dodecyl sulfate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis
(SDS-PAGE) and immunoblotting were performed as described by Sambrook et
al. (29). Briefly, proteins were precipitated with 10% TCA for 15 min. The pellets
were washed twice in cold acetone and resuspended in sample buffer (10 mm
Tris-HCl [pH 8.0], 1 mM EDTA, 10% glycerol, 2% SDS, 5% 2-mercaptoethanol,
0.25% bromphenol blue). Resuspended proteins were denatured by being boiled
for 5 min in sample buffer and were then subjected to electrophoresis in an
SDS-12% PAGE gel using Laemmli’s (19) discontinuous system in a Mini-
Protean II Electrophoresis Cell (Bio-Rad). Separated proteins were electro-
phoretically transferred to a 45-mm-pore-size Protran cellulose nitrate mem-
brane (Schleicher and Schuell) with a Mini Trans-Blot Electrophoretic Transfer
Cell (Bio-Rad). The membranes were washed twice in PBS containing 0.5 M
NaCl, 5% horse serum (Sera-Tech 9904419), and 0.05% (vol/vol) Tween 80
(PBS-NHT buffer). The membranes were subsequently incubated for1hatroom
temperature with an optimal dilution of MAbs directed against gE. The mem-
branes were then washed three times for 5 min in PBS-NHT buffer and were
incubated with rabbit anti-mouse IgG-horseradish peroxidase conjugate (DAKO
A/S; article no. P260) for1hatroom temperature. The membranes were washed
three times for 5 min in PBS-gT buffer and once in PBS and were finally
incubated in substrate solution (0.5 mg of 39-39-diaminobenzidine, 0.001%
Tunicamycin treatment. The cells were infected with BacgE960 at a multiplic-
ity of infection of 10 and were incubated in serum-free medium containing 4 mg
of tunicamycin (Sigma) per ml (14). Seventy-two hours postinfection, the cells
and medium were harvested and analyzed by SDS-PAGE and immunoblotting.
Production of ELISA antigen. For production of ELISA antigen, approxi-
mately 2 3 10
Sf21 cells were infected with BacgE960 or, as a control, wt
baculovirus (wt AcNPV) in a T175 flask at a multiplicity of infection of 2 to 5
per cell for 1.5 h at room temperature. The virus was removed, and the
cells were supplied with 20 ml of SF900 serum-free insect culture medium and
were grown at 288C until all cells contained visible polyhedrins, which was usually
at day 5 postinfection. The medium was collected, clarified by centrifugation for
10 min at 600 3 g, and subsequently filtered through a 0.2-mm-pore-size filter.
The antigen was stored at 2208C before use in the IDAS.
IDAS. The test was designed to detect the binding of porcine IgG antibodies
to recombinant gE (BacgE960) bound to the wells of a microtiter plate by a
catching MAb directed to a linear nonimmunodominant epitope on gE (MAb 5).
All reagents were added in 100-ml quantities. After each incubation step, the
plates were washed six times with a solution of 0.05% Tween 80 in tap water. For
coating, ELISA plates (Costar E.I.A. 3590) were incubated overnight at 378C
with MAb 5 dissolved in PBS. The plates were subsequently incubated for1hat
378C with an optimal dilution of the baculovirus-expressed gE antigen (clarified
and filtered culture supernatant of BacgE960-infected Sf21 cells). A control plate
was similarly incubated with supernatant of wt AcNPV-infected Sf21 cells. Serum
test samples, diluted 1:20 in test buffer consisting of PBS containing 20% horse
serum (Sera-Tech 9904419), 0.5 M NaCl, and 2% Tween 80, were then pipetted
into the wells of the antigen-containing and control plate and incubated for 30
min at 378C. To determine ELISA titers, serial twofold dilutions of the test
samples were made in the test buffer. An optimal dilution of the conjugate was
prepared in PBS containing 4% fetal bovine serum, and the dilution was incu-
bated for 60 min at 378C. Conjugate was prepared by coupling the anti-porcine
IgG MAb 23.3.1a to horseradish peroxidase (Boehringer Mannheim; article no.
814407) according to the method described by Wilson and Nakane (44). The
conjugate was dialyzed against PBS, after which glycerol was added to a final
concentration of 50%. The conjugate was stored at 2208C and, immediately
before use, was diluted in PBS containing 4% fetal bovine serum. Finally, 100 ml
of the substrate-chromogen mixture, consisting of 3,39,5,5-tetramethylbenzidine
(Sigma; 1 mg/ml) and H
(0.005%) in 0.1 M Na-acetate buffer (pH 6.0), was
added. After incubation for 15 min at room temperature, the reaction was
stopped by the addition of 100 mlof0.5MH
. Color development was
measured at 450 nm with a microplate reader (EAR 400; SLT-Labinstruments,
Vienna, Austria).
The following controls were included in each assay. As mentioned, every test
was done in a plate with gE antigen, yielding an optical density at 450 nm for gE
(gE)], and in a plate with control antigen, yielding an OD
Four wells in row 12 of each plate contained twofold dilutions of a positive
reference serum sample, two wells were filled with a negative serum sample, and
two wells were filled with buffer during the serum incubation step. A sample (or
sample dilution) was scored as positive when the OD
(gE) minus OD
(control) was .0.4. The test was considered valid when (i) the positive control
serum sample scored positive in all four dilutions, (ii) the negative control serum
sample scored negative in both wells, and (iii) the control wells tested without
serum showed OD
of #0.04.
Validation of the BacgE960 IDAS and comparison with blocking ELISAs. The
newly developed BacgE960 IDAS was validated with 395 well-defined sera and
was compared with five commercially available blocking ELISAs for the detec-
tion of antibodies to PRV gE (Svanova, Uppsala, Sweden; Rhone Merieux,
Lyon, France; Eurodiagnostica, Apeldoorn, The Netherlands; Idexx, Portland,
Maine, European Veterinary Laboratories, Woerden, The Netherlands). The
five commercially available blocking ELISAs were designated (in random order)
from A to E. The samples were analyzed in the blocking ELISAs strictly accord-
ing to the instructions of the manufacturers. Tests B and E are based on the
principle of the complex trapping blocking ELISA (8), which makes use of a
preincubation step of test serum and antigen in a separate plate; transfer of the
serum-antigen mixture to the test plate, which is coated with one anti-gE MAb;
and a conjugate step with a second anti-gE MAb. Hence, these tests detect
porcine antibodies against one or two antigenic sites on gE. Tests A, C, and D are
based on the principle of a direct blocking ELISA, which makes use of an
antigen-coated plate, a serum incubation step, and a conjugate step with an
anti-gE MAb. Hence, these tests detect porcine antibodies against one antigenic
site on gE. In ELISAs B, C, and E, undiluted serum is used, whereas in ELISAs
A and D, serum samples must be diluted 1:2.
The following serum collections were available for this purpose (i). Ten weakly
positive and 17 negative serum samples were obtained from specific-pathogen-
free (SPF) pigs from our institute and several other European laboratories. The
pigs had been vaccinated and infected according to various protocols to induce
low to very low levels of antibodies to gE or to give high levels of antibodies to
PRV without antibodies to gE. Some of these serum samples have been selected
by the Subcommittee on Aujeszky’s disease of the European Union Scientific
Veterinary Committee. (ii) Sixteen positive and 56 negative swine serum samples
were obtained from pigs with a known history of PRV. Positive serum samples
were obtained from pigs that were infected with wt PRV or that were vaccinated
with gE-positive vaccines. Negative samples were obtained from PRV-free herds,
either vaccinated with gE-negative vaccines or not vaccinated, in the United
Kingdom and the Netherlands. (iii) An additional set of 249 negative samples
was obtained from PRV-free herds from the United Kingdom. This set was used
only to examine the specificity of the BacgE960 IDAS. (iv) To determine the
detection limit of each test, serial twofold dilutions (1:2 to 1:2,048 for the
blocking ELISAs and 1:40 to 1:40,960 for the BacgE960 IDAS) of 14 positive
serum samples were made in negative SPF serum. (v) In addition, a collection of
six well characterized serum samples were used to further analyze the detection
limit of each method. These six samples were used in an interlaboratory ex-
change program according to ISO-5725 (10) to check the sensitivity, specificity,
reproducibility, and repeatability of gE antibody tests in different laboratories in
the Netherlands. (vi) The ability of each method to detect antibodies early after
infection was evaluated by testing serum samples obtained from a pig that was
vaccinated intranasally with the PRV Bartha strain and challenge inoculated
intranasally with 10
PFU of the virulent NIA-3 strain (22) at 3 weeks postvac-
cination. Blood samples were collected at days 8, 11, 15, 18, 21, and 76 after
challenge inoculation. (vii) To further determine the specificity of the tests, 21
serum samples of different origins were analyzed in each test: eight nonimmune
calf serum samples, four bovine herpesvirus type 1 (BHV1)-immune calf serum
samples, one equine arteritis virus-immune horse serum sample, one porcine
parvovirus-immune pig serum sample, one porcine influenza virus H3N2-im-
mune pig serum sample, and one porcine influenza virus H1N1-immune pig
serum sample, and five Streptococcus suis (type 2)-immune pig serum samples
were available for this purpose. With the exception of the 249 negative serum
samples from the United Kingdom, all test samples were analyzed by each of the
six methods. On the basis of the results obtained with the negative and positive
serum samples, specificity and sensitivity were determined, respectively. The
specificity of an ELISA was expressed as the percentage of the negative serum
samples obtained from animals never infected with PRV which gave unambig-
uously negative results. According to a worst-case scenario, we considered doubt-
ful results positive. The sensitivity of an ELISA was expressed as the percentage
of the positive serum samples obtained from animals (experimentally) infected
with PRV which gave unambiguously positive results. Doubtful results were
considered negative.
Expression of PRV gE by baculovirus. PRV gE was cloned
behind the N-terminal signal sequence of PRV gG to allow effi-
cient intracellular transport. The C-terminal transmembrane
anchor was removed from the construct to allow efficient se-
cretion into the supernatant. The construction of the pARKgE
960 transfer vector is schematically shown in Fig. 1. One re-
combinant baculovirus, which was designated BacgE960, was
used to prepare high-titer virus stocks, to characterize the ex-
pressed gE product, and to develop the IDAS for the detection
of porcine antibodies to gE.
The localization of the recombinant BacgE960 product was
checked by Western blot analysis of the supernatant of BacgE
960-infected Sf21 cells, as well as of nuclear, membrane, and
cytoplasmic fractions. BacgE960 was demonstrated in all frac-
tions. The cytoplasmic fraction contained a mixture of heter-
ogeneously glycosylated proteins with molecular masses of 42
to 46 kDa (data not shown), which is in accordance with the
molecular mass predicted from the DNA sequence (about 44
to 46 kDa). The nuclear and membrane fractions contained a
gE protein with a molecular mass of approximately 42 kDa,
suggesting that this form of gE is poorly glycosylated. In the
supernatant, gE was mainly expressed as a doublet with mo-
lecular masses of 44 and 46 kDa. Tunicamycin treatment of
BacgE960-infected Sf21 cells and then Western blot analysis
resulted in one band with an apparent molecular mass of 38
kDa, therewith revealing heterogeneous N-linked glycosylation
of the expressed gE polypeptides of 42 to 46 kDa (data not
shown). The heterogeneity of the glycoprotein bands from 42
to 46 kDa is consistent with the presence of four potential
glycosylation sites as determined by computer sequence anal-
ysis. Tunicamycin treatment reduced the amount of secreted
gE, while the 38-kDa form accumulated intracellularly. These
results confirm those of Jarvis and Summers (14), who showed
that glycosylation is a prerequisite for efficient secretion of a
protein in baculovirus-infected insect cells.
FIG. 1. Construction of transfer vector pARKgE960. Fragments of PRV gE
were cloned into the multicopy vector pUC19 and then subcloned into the
transfer vector pARK6. Arrows indicate the directions of transcription. Ac,
AcNPV DNA; Ap, ampicillin resistance gene; Tc, tetracycline resistance gene;
p10p, p10 promoter; gGss, PRV gG signal sequence; LacZ, Escherichia coli lacZ
gene; STOP STOP STOP, stop codons in three reading frames.
When cells were infected at a multiplicity of infection of 10
per cell, the expression reached a maximum level at
day 3 postinfection before the cells began to lyse.
Antigenicity of BacgE960. To determine whether the bacu-
lovirus-expressed antigen contained all identified antigenic do-
mains of gE, Western blot analyses were performed with mu-
rine MAbs representative for each of the antigenic domains A
to F (Fig. 2). With the exception of MAb 10, directed against
the discontinuous antigenic domain F, the MAbs recognized
the 44- and 46-kDa protein doublet and sometimes a faint and
diffuse 42-kDa band as well. However, MAb 2 and MAbs 6 and
9, respectively, directed against the discontinuous antigenic
domains E and C (12), reacted with faint or intermediate
bands. These positive results were somewhat surprising, be-
cause we have previously shown that the conformation of the
discontinuous antigenic domains E and C (but not of the linear
antigenic domains A and D) is partly dependent on the non-
covalently linked complex between gE and gI (11). However,
BacgE960 reacted poorly (in comparison with wt NIA-3 anti-
gen) in an ELISA with MAbs 2 and 9 as catching and detecting
antibodies, respectively. We concluded that the BacgE960 an-
tigen contained most of the major identified antigenic domains
on gE. However, the conformation of the antigenic domains E
and C is most likely not completely identical to its natural
Development of the BacgE960 IDAS. The ELISA with the
BacgE960 as antigen was set up by using 30 negative and 20
positive serum samples with known history as reference mate-
rial. Incubation temperatures and periods, type and pH of
buffers, washing conditions, coating material, serum dilutions,
blocking solutions, concentrations of reagents, and cutoff val-
ues were chosen in a series of checkerboard titrations. Because
the purpose of the work was to develop an assay which can be
used to confirm the results of screening ELISAs in the latter
stages of eradication-control programs (in which the preva-
lence of the disease may be very low), the assay was set up to
have a high specificity with an acceptable level of sensitivity. It
further appeared necessary to diminish the nonspecific binding
of the porcine serum samples to the ELISA plate as much as
possible. Sera from conventional pigs from the field gave
higher nonspecific binding than sera from SPF pigs.
During the development of the assay, it appeared that the
sensitivity could be improved by coating a MAb directed
against PRV to catch the antigen to the wells of the microtiter
plate instead of coating the antigen directly. Because the use of
a coating MAb could block the binding to the antigen of
antibodies in test samples (and thus reduce the sensitivity of
the test), we selected MAb 5, which is directed against anti-
genic domain A on gE and to which only a small proportion of
PRV-infected pigs develop antibodies (12). The final setup of
the assay was described in Materials and Methods and is shown
schematically in Fig. 3.
To test the reproducibility of the BacgE960 IDAS, two
strongly positive and two weakly positive serum samples were
tested 7 times on different days over a 3-month period. The
mean [OD
(gE) 2 OD
(control)] 6 standard deviation
values obtained with these serum samples were 1.82 6 0.10,
1.56 6 0.09, 1.03 6 0.16, and 0.62 6 0.09, yielding low and
acceptable coefficients of variation of 5.5, 5.8, 15.6, and 14.6%,
Attempts were further made to develop a Western blot assay
with BacgE960 as the antigen for the detection of antibodies
directed against gE in porcine sera. These attempts were not
pursued because of the lower degree of sensitivity of Western
blot analysis in comparison with the IDAS.
Validation of the BacgE960 IDAS and comparison with
blocking ELISAs. The reliability of the newly developed BacgE
960 IDAS was determined and simultaneously compared with
those of five commercially available blocking ELISAs (A to E)
by using several sets of well-defined sera. All samples were
tested according to the protocol of the BacgE960 IDAS or the
instructions of the manufacturer. However, tests A and E did
not fulfill the criteria of validity as given by the manufacturer,
i.e., these tests failed to reach the prescribed results with con-
trol sera.
First, the tests were evaluated by testing 10 weakly positive
and 17 negative serum samples from SPF pigs which had been
vaccinated and infected in different laboratories. The pigs were
treated according to protocols to give low to very low levels of
antibodies to gE or to give high levels of antibodies to PRV
without antibodies to gE. As shown in Table 1 (first row), the
BacgE960 IDAS failed to detect these low levels of gE anti-
bodies in 5 of 10 samples but showed a high specificity. Tests A
to E showed various results. Second, the tests were evaluated
by using 16 positive and 56 negative serum samples from pigs
with a well-known PRV history (Table 1, second row). The
combined data obtained with all positive (10 plus 16) and
negative (17 plus 56) serum samples are given in Table 1, third
row. These data show that the BacgE960 IDAS combines a
high level of specificity (99%) with a slightly lower level of
FIG. 2. Antigenicity of BacgE960 examined by gel electrophoresis and West-
ern blot analyses with BacgE960 antigen (Ag) (1) and control antigen (2)
(supernatant of wt AcNPV-infected cells). Lane samples were incubated with
MAb 5 (representative of antigenic domain A), MAb 8 (representative of anti-
genic domain B), MAb 9 (representative of antigenic domain C), MAb 7 (rep-
resentative of antigenic domain D), MAb 2 (representative of antigenic domain
E), and MAb 10 (representative of antigenic domain F). Molecular mass cali-
brations are indicated to the left of the blot.
FIG. 3. Schematic representation of the BacgE960 IDAS. MAbagE(A),
coating MAb directed against antigenic domain A of gE; BacgE960, baculovirus-
expressed gE antigen (BacgE960) containing antigenic sites A to E; SwIgagE,
test serum containing antibodies directed against gE; MAbaSwIgGPO; peroxi-
dase (PO)-labelled MAb directed against swine IgG.
sensitivity (81%). Remarkably, the commercially available
ELISAs A to E differed strongly in sensitivity and specificity.
Tests B and D combined high levels of sensitivity and speci-
ficity, with test D being slightly more superior in specificity. In
addition to not fulfilling the criteria of validity given by the
manufacturer, tests A and E showed a relatively low level of
sensitivity and a moderate level of specificity. Test C revealed
the highest sensitivity of the tests. However, in contrast to the
high level of sensitivity was its relatively low specificity of 85%.
In a number of cases, negative samples were scored as doubtful
by test C. Third, the specificity of the BacgE960 IDAS was
further examined by testing 249 serum samples from PRV-free
herds from the United Kingdom. Only three of these samples
reacted positively, giving a specificity of 99%. Fourth, to com-
pare the detection level of each test, 14 selected positive serum
samples were serially diluted twofold in negative SPF swine
serum and analyzed. The highest dilution of each serum sam-
ple giving a positive result was calculated (Table 2). These data
indicate that on average the BacgE960 IDAS gave the highest
dilution giving a positive sample result. Fifth, to further deter-
mine the detection limit of each method, six well-characterized
serum samples were analyzed in each test. These six samples
are used in an interlaboratory exchange program (10) to check
the sensitivity, specificity, reproducibility, and repeatability of
gE antibody tests in different laboratories. On the basis of the
results obtained over a 2-year period in the participating lab-
oratories, the sera had arbitrarily been designated as sera con-
taining no, very low, low, medium, high, or very high levels of
gE antibodies. As shown in Table 3, the BacgE960 IDAS
detects gE antibodies in the samples containing medium and
higher levels of gE antibodies, but not in the samples contain-
ing no, very low, or low levels of gE antibodies. This apparent
contradiction between a high detection limit as determined by
diluting positive sera and a somewhat lower diagnostic sen-
sitivity when the test is used at a single dilution is due to the
high sample dilution (i.e., 1:20) which had to be used in the
BacgE960 IDAS to circumvent the nonspecific binding of por-
cine sera. Sixth, the ability of each method to detect gE anti-
bodies shortly after infection was evaluated by analyses of
serially collected serum samples obtained from a pig which was
vaccinated and subsequently infected. With the exception of
tests A (day 76) and C (day 11), all tests detected infection at
day 15 postinfection. Seventh, to further determine the speci-
ficities of the tests, 21 serum samples of different origins were
analyzed in each test. These serum samples gave negative
scores in all but one test; test E gave doubtful scores for two
BHV1-seronegative calf serum samples (data not shown).
We report the synthesis of a truncated gE antigen from a
recombinant virus expression system for application in a diag-
nostic test. Several previous attempts in our laboratory to de-
velop recombinant gE for use in an immunodiagnostic assay
were unsuccessful, either because of inappropriate processing
and conformation of recombinant gE in bacterial cells, a low
level of expression of recombinant gE in eukaryotic 3T3 cells,
or unsuccessful expression of full-length gE in bacterial and
TABLE 1. Results obtained by BacgE960 IDAS and ELISAs A to E with known positive and negative serum samples
Result (%) for
Sera from experimentally inoculated
SPF animals (n 5 27)
Sera from pigs with a known
PRV history (n 5 72)
Totals (n 5 99)
BacgE960 IDAS 100 (17/17) 50 (5/10) 98 (55/56) 100 (16/16) 99 (72/73) 81 (21/26)
Test A 100 (17/17) 80 (8/10) 95 (53/56) 94 (15/16) 96 (70/73) 88 (23/26)
Test B 100 (17/17) 90 (9/10) 96 (54/56) 100 (16/16) 97 (71/73) 96 (25/26)
Test C 88 (15/17) 100 (10/10) 84 (47/56) 100 (16/16) 85 (62/73) 100 (26/26)
Test D 100 (17/17) 90 (9/10) 100 (56/56) 100 (16/16) 100 (73/73) 96 (25/26)
Test E 100 (17/17) 70 (7/10) 91 (51/56) 100 (16/16) 93 (68/73) 88 (23/26)
Numbers in parentheses are the numbers of negative test results/numbers of tested negative sera.
Numbers in parentheses are the numbers of positive test results/numbers of tested positive sera.
TABLE 2. Sensitivities of the BacgE960 IDAS and ELISAs A to E
as defined by the highest dilution giving a positive test result
Highest dilution giving a positive result for:
BacgE960IDAS Test A Test B Test C Test D Test E
1 #20 16 8 16 8 2
2 320 64
16 64 16 4
3 #20 32 16 64 16 8
4 #20 16
64 64
5 128 256 128 128 64 32
6 2,560 1,024 1,024 1,024 1,024 128
7 640 32 16 32 32 4
9#20 16 2 32 #1
10 640 64 32 128 32 16
11 1,280 64 64 256 64 16
12 2,560 $2,048 $2,048 $2,048 $2,048 512
13 #20 2 #14#1#1
14 10,240 512
128 512 128 64
200 63 32 79 40 10
Serial dilutions gave inconclusive results.
Geometric means. To allow calculation, negative values were set at the
detection level and values greater than or equal to and less than or equal to were
read as equal to the respective values.
TABLE 3. Sensitivities and specificities of the BacgE960IDAS and
ELISA A to E as defined by six test serum samples
Serum sample
(antibody level)
Result with:
BacgE960IDAS Test A Test B Test C Test D Test E
1 (negative) 222222
2 (very low) 262621
3 (low) 211112
4 (medium) 111111
5 (high) 111111
6 (very high) 111111
Level of gE-specific antibodies.
insect cells (results not shown). The last finding may be due to
the toxicity of mature full-length gE, as suggested by the in-
stability of recombinant baculovirus-expressing full-length gE
(results not shown). A possible explanation for toxicity may be
that accumulation of full-length gE, including the transmem-
brane region, in the membranes of the endoplasmic reticulum
may inhibit protein syntheses, resulting in low levels of pro-
duction of the expressed protein (9). Therefore, we decided to
express a truncated part of gE containing the major antigenic
part of gE in the baculovirus expression system (13). Because
most aspects of the intracellular modification of proteins in
insect cells are similar to those in eukaryotic cells (1, 18, 21,
25), conformation-dependent antigenic sites of baculovirus-
expressed proteins may largely have the native structure, there-
with facilitating their use in immunodiagnostic assays, as pre-
viously shown (4, 27, 33, 35, 40, 42). A correct folding of the
expressed gE is important, because we previously showed that
the major immunodominant antigenic sites on gE are confor-
mation dependent (12, 13). In addition, the level of expression
of heterologous proteins in the baculovirus-insect cell system is
high (18, 21, 25). The PRV gG signal sequence was introduced
to allow efficient intracellular transport. Because the expressed
BacgE960 contained no transmembrane region, the expressed
protein was excreted, although partly, in the supernatant of
BacgE960-infected insect cells, allowing an easy harvest of
recombinant proteins. Because it has been previously shown
that secretory and membrane proteins are excreted properly
only if they are correctly folded and oligomerized in the endo-
plasmic reticulum (9, 20, 26), excretion of the BacgE960 prod-
uct in the supernatant of infected cells is a further indication of
a correct processing and folding of the recombinant antigen.
Western blotting (Fig. 2) indicated that the expressed
BacgE960 antigen contained most of the identified antigenic
sites, including the immunodominant conformational antigenic
domains C and E.
Although BacgE960 was clearly antigenic in the Western
blot analysis, two lines of evidence suggested that the antige-
nicity of the expressed BacgE960, especially of the immuno-
dominant conformational antigenic domains, is not identical to
that of gE in wt PRV virions or virus-infected cells. First,
BacgE960 reacted poorly (in comparison with complete viral
antigen) in a blocking ELISA with MAbs to antigenic sites E
and C as catching and detecting antibodies. Second, we have
previously shown that the binding of MAbs directed to anti-
genic domains E and C was enhanced by complexing gE to gI
(previously called gp63) (11). In PRV virions and in PRV-
infected cells, gE forms a noncovalently linked complex with gI
(43, 46). Not only in PRV, but also in herpes simplex virus type
1 (15), BHV1 (28), varicella-zoster virus (45), and Marek’s
disease virus (3), gE and gI homologous proteins are nonco-
valently bound. In PRV, the gE-gI complex (previously called
gI-gp63 complex) is a functional and apparently also antigenic
entity (6, 11, 43, 46). These findings indicate that application of
a gE-gI complex as antigen for the detection of gE-specific
antibodies may have advantages. This is possible in blocking
ELISAs but impossible in binding assays such as the IDAS;
note that vaccinated pigs may develop gI-specific antibodies.
Nonetheless, despite the intrinsic shortcomings of the ex-
pressed BacgE960, it appeared sufficiently antigenic for use in
ELISAs and Western blot assays. The developed BacgE960
IDAS detects gE-specific porcine IgG. In an antibody capture
assay, the antigen would also be able to detect gE-specific IgM
An advantage of an IDAS with recombinant or purified (23)
gE is its potential ability to detect antibodies directed against
several antigenic determinants on the protein, in contrast to
that of the current commercially available blocking ELISAs,
which detect antibodies directed against only one or two
epitopes. Therefore, the BacgE960 IDAS may have the ability
to detect infection with PRV strains that have mutations in
antigenically important regions of gE. The occurrence of such
strains may impair PRV eradication campaigns in which the
blocking ELISAs are used as a diagnostic test to discriminate
infected from vaccinated pigs. One such strain has been de-
scribed by Katz and Pederson (16). In addition, a partially
gE-deleted PRV isolate from the field with a low level of
expression of a truncated form of gE has been described else-
where (24). The importance of gE serotests for PRV eradica-
tion campaigns illustrates the necessity of both the character-
ization of the gE phenotype of new isolates and of serological
surveillance by the BacgE960 IDAS.
Because the prevalence of gE-seropositive pigs in vaccinated
herds may be very low (5, 31), a sensitive test and large sample
size are needed to detect positive herds. However, because
high sensitivity usually combines with low specificity (see, for
example, test C), this will likely result in a large number of
false-positive test results. We developed the BacgE960 IDAS
to have a high specificity so that it can be used to confirm such
positive test results in herds with a low prevalence, thereby
enhancing the predictive value of positive test results.
For the evaluation of the diagnostic quality of the BacgE960
IDAS and the commercial tests A to E, we used several sets of
well-characterized sera from pigs with known PRV histories
regarding both natural and experimental infections. The ad-
vantage of this approach is that sensitivity and specificity can
be calculated unambiguously, which is difficult or impossible
when sera from the target population itself are used, because
the infection history is usually unknown. However, the choice
of sera may bias the results. In addition, some sera from ex-
perimental infections may not be representative for the field
situation (30). For example, the first set of sera (Table 1, first
row) contained experimental sera with low to very low concen-
trations of gE antibodies. Because the BacgE960 IDAS was
developed to have a high specificity, it conversely had a rela-
tively lower sensitivity, which was especially clear with this
collection of sera. The second set of sera (Table 1, second row)
may be more representative for the field situation. With this set
of sera, the BacgE960 IDAS gave a higher-sensitivity score in
addition to its high specificity. Other sets of sera (including
sera from PRV-free herds from the United Kingdom) were
further included to test the specificity of the BacgE960 IDAS.
Because PRV gE shows sequence homology with gEs of other
alphaherpesviruses, we also examined the possibility that the
BacgE960 IDAS detected anti-BHV1 gE-specific antibodies in
calf sera cross-reacting with PRV gE. However, the four
BHV1-immune calf serum samples all reacted negatively in the
BacgE960 IDAS. We concluded from the validation of tests
that several commercially available ELISAs differed remark-
ably in quality (test B and especially test D had high levels of
sensitivity and specificity), and that the BacgE960 IDAS had a
high level of specificity and an acceptable level of sensitivity.
The different degrees of reliability of the commercial tests and
their high interassay variability (34) point to the need for rigid
standardization as well as for use of a confirmatory test. When
used to confirm positive results of screening assays, the
BacgE960 IDAS will increase the predictive value of ultimately
positive test results. The BacgE960 IDAS may further be use-
ful as an additional confirmation assay because some commer-
cial assays (notably tests A, C, and E) detect only antibodies
against a single epitope. Nonetheless, when the BacgE960
IDAS is used as a confirmation assay, it should be kept in mind
that the test may fail to detect a sample with a low level of gE
antibodies. This will not have serious implications for eradica-
tion of PRV, provided that the swine population is thoroughly
vaccinated (31).
In conclusion, we have obtained a high level of expression of
a truncated gE in the baculovirus expression system. The ex-
pressed BacgE960 was sufficiently antigenic to develop an
IDAS for the detection of antibodies directed against gE in
swine sera. The developed BacgE960 IDAS had a high level of
specificity and an acceptable level of sensitivity, both of which
make the test a useful complementary or confirmatory test for
the diagnosis of wt PRV infections. The test may be further
improved by circumventing the nonspecific binding of porcine
sera. For that purpose, we are attempting to develop a recom-
binant gE antigen with a specific tag.
We thank M. Banks (Central Veterinary Institute, Weybridge,
United Kingdom), H. van der Heijden (Regional Animal Health Ser-
vice Laboratory in the Southern Netherlands), and U. Vecht (ID-
DLO) for providing sera with known disease histories. M. Hulst and J.
Quak were helpful in introducing the baculovirus expression system
and providing technical assistance.
This work was supported by KBN grant 411619101 and a grant from
the Animal Health Service.
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