2019 Guidebook
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Center for Emergency
Medical Services
Baldwin High School
The Center for Emergency Medical Services introduced
students to the multi-faceted world of emergency medical
services. Students experienced how to manage a mass
casualty incident, among other skills.
Center for Health
Innovations and
Outcomes Research
IGNITE – Investigative Group Navigating Innovative
Technology Exploration
Herricks High School
The program highlighted the eld of Health Services and
Outcomes Research including an overview of the Center for
Health Innovations and Outcomes Research (CHIOR), core
research areas, different roles and individuals on a research
team, and research methodologies. Specic projects in
the Center were showcased by Principal Investigators with
different research expertise to show the array of studies being
conducted; the importance of technology in research was
emphasized in various disease areas including cancer, chronic
lung diseases, and diabetes. Each aspect of the day provided
the students with an opportunity to engage with faculty as
well as individual projects.
Center for Tobacco
Coaching Patients to Win the Health Game through
Tobacco Cessation
William Floyd High School
The nurses and nurse practitioners at Northwell Health’s
Center for Tobacco Control program provided information
to students about tobacco use and vaping. The program
included information about the deceptive marketing tactics
of the tobacco and vaping industries, as well as the impact of
smoking/vaping on the body. A panel of patients shared their
stories of tobacco cessation and the importance of having a
health coach to guide their journey.
Cohen Children's Medical
Center - Trauma
East Islip High School
Students participated in a program focused on the current
opioid epidemic. They were presented with a case in which
an adolescent comes in after an opioid overdose. Students
learned about the various professions in the hospital, as well
as the realities of the effects and consequences of opioid use
on adolescents.
Community Health
We Are Determined
Holy Trinity High School
Students learned about social determinants of health and the
impact on clinical outcomes.
Corporate Compliance
HUSH – Help U Seek Here
North Shore High School
What would happen to Northwell Health if not for a solid
compliance program? Students learned why self-audits are
performed and the importance of keeping patients' data
Corporate Finance
Vivo North Ed
Deer Park High School
The program allowed students to learn about corporate
nance through the mission of the health system. The
staff familiarized students with the reporting regulatory
requirements that allow the health system to meet
Northwell's goal of community benet and charity care
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Corporate Human
Resources Legal
Baldwin High School
Students were introduced to the day to day operations of
employee and labor relations. The students were provided an
overview of the in-house advice and counseling center, where
support is provided to managers and leadership staff when
day to day challenges arise.
Corporate Human
Resources Total
HR Measures That Matter!
Farmingdale Senior High School
This program focused on the Human Resource Service Center
and the connection between our service delivery within HR,
in addition to the impact it has on both employee satisfaction
and patient experience. Regardless of who we are interacting
with, every caller and moment matters and has the same level
of importance. Using various CONNECT techniques, the team
demonstrated the importance of Northwell's service level and
the impact it has on all.
Corporate Human
Resources – Wellness
Take Care of Your Sele
Harborelds High School
Students experienced a variety of health and wellness careers
through a variety of stations: registered dietician, health
promotion marketing, stress management professional, and
general health and well-being. Students worked in teams
throughout the day and created a wellness program for their
Corporate Legal Affairs
Legal Learners
Division Avenue High School
The Corporate Legal Affairs Department provided an overview
of their role in fullling the Northwell Health mission,
detailing the various functions, and how each function
supports Northwell Health's operations. Students were able to
participate in role-play cases, which highlighted some of the
issues the attorneys handle.
Corporate Office of the
Chief Information Ocer
Team Tech
General Douglas MacArthur High School
The Corporate Office of the Chief Information Officer
highlighted career options within the healthcare information
technology world and showcased various positions, as well
as career paths. Students heard from executive speakers and
received a tour of the innovation center.
Corporate Risk
Baldwin High School
Students were introduced to risk management’s role in the
health system. The program then discussed career options and
ran through exercises to demonstrate the work of Corporate
Risk Management.
Employee Health Services
SparkWell Health
Plainview Old Bethpage Kennedy High School
The students were introduced to the roles and responsibilities
of Employee Health Services with an emphasis on
occupational health risks and prevention. Students also
reviewed protocols for pre-placement screenings, how to
manage infectious disease exposures, various wellness
initiatives, and how these EHS offerings can translate into
a protable occupational health business when offered to
external employers.
Equity of Care
Keepers of the Beat – Living Healthy
Valley Stream South High School
Within the Center for Equity of Care, the Katz Institute for
Women's Health, and the Diversity and Health Equity staff
introduced students to a wide variety of career paths through
Speed Sparking. Speed Sparking involved the students having
specic questions for each team member that allowed
them to exchange and gather information about everyone.
Careers, such as nutritionist, physician, integrative educators,
registered nurse, health educators, and language access were
all introduced to the students. The students were exposed
and participated in interactive demonstrations such as blood
pressure screening and Hands-Only CPR Training.
Family Medicine
All in the Family
Bay Shore High School
Students were taught the history of family medicine as
a specialty, with an overview of how to become a family
physician. After, students ran through clinical stations that
displayed care for women, children, adolescents, adults, and
the elderly. Students also learned about the various advocacy
roles the specialty organization is involved with at the state,
federal, and global level to promote health care policy for
various communities.
Glen Cove – Patient
The Supremes
Sacred Heart Academy
The students learned about the role of patient experience and
the ways in which the department reaches every corner of the
hospital. Students participated in a hands-on workshop, which
helped to demonstrate the patient experience.
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Glen Cove Hospital
Operating Room
Smoothe Operators
John F. Kennedy Bellmore-Merrick
Students visited all aspects of nursing that a surgical patient
would encounter. From ambulatory surgery, all the way to the
recovery phase, students received a hands-on, innovative, and
exciting experience on the various aspects of perioperative
nursing care.
Glen Cove Hospital
Never Say Never to Independence
Glen Cove High School
Students observed various career opportunities in the
rehabilitation eld. They learned about the different treatment
modalities utilized to promote progress toward independence,
as patients recover from neurological and other debilitating
events and injuries. Students also learned about the
continuum of care from the acute phase of the event through
rehabilitation, and discharge back to the community.
Huntington Hospital
Huntington Spark!lers
East Islip High School
The Huntington Spark!lers hosted three ‘live theatre' events
and gave the students a ‘front row seat' to witness a trauma
arriving in the ER, a stroke patient presenting, and a mom
going into labor and delivery. At each station, the students
witnessed who responds to these situations, what tests and
procedures are ordered, and how diagnosis and treatment
occurs. Not only were there hands-on activities for the
students, but they also witnessed just how many professional
jobs are involved in hospital setting emergencies…thereby,
the Huntington Spark!lers, ‘sparkled’ the students with an
abundance of healthcare career choices.
Huntington Hospital
Information Services
The Change Makers
Walt Whitman High School
Students were exposed to a day full of computer support.
Students walked through the departments to understand how
technology plays a role in the patient experience.
Institute for Nursing
The Goal Getters
William Floyd High School
Students learned about potential career paths for nursing
practice, research, and education as they listened to
the career stories of the Institute for Nursing's staff and
leadership. Students were taken on a tour of the Institute
for Nursing and experienced aspects of clinical orientation
as they learned about nursing education roles. Students
participated in interactive group activities while learning
the basic fundamentals of project management and clinical
Joint Ventures Operations
Special (JV) Ops
Lynbrook High School
Students received an immersive experience in one of the new
businesses developed organically out of Northwell, as well as
one created through Joint Venture Operations (3D printing).
Students saw these businesses in action through both site-
visits and interactions with teams running the day-to-day
Lenox Hill Hospital –
Advanced Practice
Richmond Hill High School
The students observed a case discussion conference of the
Neurosurgery Department in the morning. The group then
participated in rotations, including the operating room
to watch neurosurgical operations, neuro-endovascular
procedures, and the didactic portion.
Lenox Hill Hospital –
Illumination by Lenox!
Excelsior Preparatory High School
Lenox Hill staff welcomed students with presentations
about the different disciplines, as well as experiential
hands-on learning throughout specic departments in
the hospital. The students also had interactive one on one
sessions with the executive director, chief medical officer,
and chief nursing officer.
Long Island Jewish
Medical Center –
Emergency Department
The ED All-Stars
Massapequa High School
The Emergency Department exposed students to a variety
of healthcare careers. Students toured the Emergency
Department and participated in a discussion of how the
department works. Students also participated in hands-on
demonstrations and skill stations to expose them to the
scope of the profession.
Long Island Jewish
Medical Center –
Rx Squad
New Hyde Park Memorial High School
The students were paired with members of the pharmacy
team to examine the day-to-day operations of the pharmacy
department and the diverse opportunities for a career in
pharmacy. Some students participated in interdisciplinary
rounds, while others shadowed pharmacists and technicians
in the main pharmacy, in the pharmacy satellite, and in the
patient care units. Students were provided with a high-level
overview of the use of technology to facilitate workow and
promote patient safety. They were also given an opportunity
to speak with various members of the team to broaden their
understanding of the profession as a whole and to have their
questions answered.
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Long Island Jewish
Medical Center –
Radiation Medicine
Amityville Memorial High School
Students reviewed the journey of a patient in the Department
from diagnosis to radiation therapy treatment. They had the
opportunity to get to know who the medical professionals are
throughout the process: physicians, physicists, dosimetrists,
radiation therapists, nurses, IT, and administrative managers.
Long Island Jewish
Medical Center –
Farmingdale Senior High School
The Long Island Jewish Medical Center Radiology team
welcomed students with an introduction, followed by
a tour of the extensive radiology department including
X-Ray, CT, Fluoro, MRI, IR, nuclear, US, reading rooms, and IT
Administration. Students were split into groups to learn more
about IR and diagnostics.
Long Island Jewish Valley
Stream Nursing
Spartans Saving Lives
Valley Stream North High School
Nursing staff at Long Island Jewish Valley Stream introduced
students to the hospital through rotations, which highlighted
the role of nursing and nurse educators.
Long Island Jewish Valley
Stream Operating Room
Surgical Superheroes
Baldwin High School
Students observed the process to complete surgery and
participated in observing a live surgery. Students were
exposed to a leg amputation and a hernia operation.
Monter Cancer Center
Lindenhurst Senior High School
The day consisted of the many facets of oncology from clinical
to the operations that go into a typical day in the ambulatory
setting of oncology.
North Shore University
Hospital Trauma
Trauma Troopers
William Floyd High School
Students participated in an immersive experience in the
delivery of care to an injured patient. The day introduced
students to trauma care clinicians and administrators and
students proceeded to respond to a "mock trauma" in their
assigned roles.
North Shore University
Hospital Advanced
Medicine – Advanced Care Providers
Plainview Old Bethpage Kennedy High School
The Advanced Practice Team highlighted their role, education
requirements, and what opportunities are available within
the eld to students. Students were able to observe
multidisciplinary rounds, alongside an advanced practitioner.
In addition, students experienced what it is like to be elderly
by wearing an “aging simulation suit” and completing a
scavenger type list of tasks.
North Shore University
Hospital Cardiology
Brave Hearts
Chaminade High School
Students learned about the array of clinical and administrative
careers available within cardiac services. They toured cardiac
units, including the cath lab, intensive care unit, and step
down unit where patients stay during their visits. They even
got to observe parts of both a cath and surgical procedure, led
and explained by some of North Shore University Hospital's
top cardiac interventionalists and cardiac surgery specialists.
North Shore University
Hospital Culinary
Baldwin High School
Students learned about the career paths of the different
nutrition and culinary team members and how they relate
back to healthcare, as well as culinary. Students participated in
a tour of the department and cooked a healthy meal.
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North Shore University
Hospital – Ultrasound
Jelly on the Belly
Carle Place High School
The Emergency Ultrasound Department displayed how the
use of ultrasound can aid patients within the Emergency
Department and taught students the use of ultrasound within
the body through demonstrations. Students had a chance to
look at veins under ultrasound and scanned phantom models
which mimicked veins.
North Shore University
Hospital Laboratory
The Lab League
Baldwin High School
"A day in the Life of a Specimen” provided students with
the opportunity to follow a specimen from collection all the
way through processing, testing, and reporting at the North
Shore University Hospital’s Department of Pathology and
Laboratory Medicine. Students rotated throughout various lab
departments which offered them actual, real life experience
of how the lab works. To close out, the students participated
in exciting simulated hands on activities, conveying what was
learned throughout the day.
North Shore University
Hospital Neurology
John F. Kennedy – Bellmore-Merrick High School
Students were given an overview of the neurosurgery team
at North Shore University Hospital. Students learned from
an Epilepsy Physician the benets of Brain Mapping and
volunteers were able to wear an EEG machine while staff
members showed their brain activity. Later, students got an
education from the Interventional Radiology team, learning
about the different neuro procedures performed in IR. The
students saw a stroke patient get rushed into IR real time, and
shadowed while the patient was treated. The day ended with
a hands-on activity where students were able to show what
they learned, utilizing both a stroke model and an epilepsy
North Shore University
Hospital Pharmacy
Stella K Abraham High School for Girls
Pharmacy personnel from different backgrounds (i.e. hospital,
community, ambulatory care, compounding, academia) helped
students explore various career paths in pharmacy. Students
participated in a tour of the NSUH Inpatient Pharmacy
Department, pharmacy jeopardy game, hands-on activities
(e.g. pill tray assembly, topical compounding), and a speed
networking event.
Northern Westchester
Northern Sparklers
Fox Lane High School
Students enjoyed a fun-lled, interactive day of learning the
vast number of careers available in healthcare that they can
Northwell Health Imaging
at Great Neck
The Visionaries
Glen Cove High School
The Visionaries are a team of health professionals in the
ambulatory service line department of radiology. The
discussion engaged students through detailed examples of
careers in and around the department of radiology. With
discussions and talks from nurses, MD’s, technologist and
supporting staff team members, the Spark student conference
assembled through discussions and a walk through the
departments and corresponding office.
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Northwell Health
Physician Partners
GYN at Islandia
Agile Leaders
Shoreham Wading River High School
This program demonstrated the multi-faceted role of a leader
with an emphasis in areas such as patient and employee
satisfaction, quality control, safety, and nance. This was
accomplished through hands-on and interactive exercises and
discussions on how technology assists with all areas.
Northwell Health
Physician Partners
Neuroscience Institute at
Great Neck
Neuroscience Institute
Westbury High School
Students rotated through meeting with physicians and
working hands-on with the doppler and EEG technicians.
The team linked stroke with dopplers and EEG with epilepsy,
so that students could see from start to nish how the
process comes together. They also spent some time with
administrative staff on site.
Northwell Health
Physician Partners
Surgical Specialties at
The Golden Girls
Herricks High School
A tour of the medical office jumpstarted the site visit and the
surgical specialties staff engaged students as they discussed
procedures for working through issues and the ways in which
they troubleshoot as a team. Students broke up into teams
and participated in hands-on activities.
Northwell Health
Physician Partners
Urogynecology at Bay
Truly Made for C.A.R.E.!
Baldwin High School
Students were given a tour of the medical office where they
learned about different career paths. Participants learned how
to take patients' vitals and discussed career options with the
staff members.
Northwell Health
East Meadow High School
First, students visited and explored 24/7 Clinical Call Center.
Next, students observed role play and participated in the
career panel from Transitional Care Management program.
Finally, students "experienced" what it felt like to be an older
person with multiple medications presented by House Calls
Northwell Health Venue
From Hard Hats to Healthcare
Patchogue Medford High School
The program provided an overview of the capital project
process including strategy, project planning, design, and
construction, as well as transition/occupancy planning.
Office of Chief
Information Officer
Project Teamwork
General Douglas MacArthur High School
The program provided an overview of the Hospital Electronic
Medical Record (EMR) Service Line and engaged students
with both the project team & clinical applications team who
support the projects.
Office of Procurement
Procurement All-Stars
W.T. Clarke High School
The Office of Procurement provided students with an
overview of the role they play in the health system.
Additionally, they engaged students in a career game.
Students then participated in a tour of the distribution facility.
Orzac Center for
The Rising Superstars
Valley Stream Central High School
Students experienced different facets of patient care in the
sub-acute rehabilitation setting. Through observation of
treatments and simulations, students learned what it was like
to be part of the rehabilitation team.
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Peconic Bay Medical
Center – Engineering
Eastern Region Healthcare Builders
William Floyd High School
This program introduced students to careers in health care
design, construction management, and facilities maintenance.
The visit began with a health care design presentation,
followed by a tour of the facility including clinical and non-
clinical areas.
Peconic Bay Medical
Center – Rehabilitation
Rehabbing Your Future
William Floyd High School
Students were provided with exposure to the continuum of
care from a therapy perspective, including the hospital stay,
rehabilitation, home care, and outpatient settings.
Phelps Hospital
Team Phelps
Briarcliff High School
At Phelps Hospital, students received a tour of the hyperbaric
chamber, the Emergency Department, and the Department
of Radiology. Phelps staff focused on engaging students with
new onsite technology (robots).
Plainview Hospital
Chop It Like It’s Hot!
John F. Kennedy – Bellmore-Merrick High School
Students received a tour of the Food & Nutrition Department
in all aspects. Culinary arts, clinical nutrition, menu design,
and planning were all discussed. The day culminated with a
friendly cooking competition.
Plainview Hospital
Emergency Department
Plainview ED Critical Timers
Glen Cove High School
Students learned CPR, as well as gained an understanding
of the signs and symptoms of a stroke. Students were given
hands-on training in stapling wounds and intubating patients.
Revenue Cycle
Financial Clearance and Counseling Team
Hauppauge High School
Students gained the knowledge and skills needed to be a
supervisor in the Revenue Cycle Department. Students were
shown how S.T.E.M. applies to everyday tasks with the use of
applications, logic, and sociology skills to help meet the goals
of the health system.
Screening, Brief
Intervention, and Referral
to Treatment, SBIRT
Agents of Change
Richmond Hill High School
SBIRT introduced students to who the medical professionals
are and how they are involved in the process of healthcare.
This included: physicians, physicists, dosimetrists, radiation
therapists, nurses, information technology, and administrative
South Oaks Hospital
Behavioral OPs
Amityville Memorial High School
South Oaks Hospital leadership had established the need for
the expansion of a business unit to increase revenue and most
importantly, to improve the patients experience. A project
team, led by a project manager and consisting of subject
matter experts, was assembled and tasked to develop a plan
to achieve the goal. The project team considered budgets,
environmental factors, available resources, clinical/patient
needs, and the impact on the patient’s experience.
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Southside Hospital –
Southside SPARKS the Future!
Patchogue Medford High School
Students engaged with our Trauma and ED Teams to discuss
the new initiative "Stop the Bleeds". Students participated in a
hands-on trauma followed by learning stations. Afterward, our
lunch and learn focused on a variety of careers in healthcare,
particularly highlighting Hospital Operations.
Southside Hospital –
Corporate Biomedical
The Equipment Doctors
Walt Whitman High School
Students worked with Corporate Biomedical Services and
participated in the management and repair of medical devices
for the hospital. In addition, students learned about the
process of securing medical devices from recent cybersecurity
Sports Therapy and
Rehabilitation Services
Therapy STARS
Syosset High School
Students listened to presentations by clinicians of various
specialties in the facility, which was followed by a tour of
the facility. Afterward, students participated in interactive
demonstrations and breakout sessions about rehabilitation.
Staten Island University
Hospital-South Campus
Following My Patient Surgical Journey
Tottenville High School
Staten Island University Hospital staff teamed up to present
students with several live cases in surgical/perioperative
services. Students followed the case through pre-admission
diagnostic radiology, live operative cholecystectomy, plastics,
and cataract procedures, and followed specimens through to
the lab for pathology and tissue diagnoses.
Staten Island University
Hospital North Campus
“Stat” Code Helicopter
St. Joseph Hill Academy
This program coordinated a mock trauma, followed by a tour
through the OR and ICU. Students had lunch and engaged in a
discussion with the surgical team. To tie the day together, the
students viewed a video on the consequences of texting and
Stern Family Center for
Stern Sprainiacs
Uniondale High School
Students experienced "A Day in the Life of a Stern Patient"
as they participated in physical and occupational therapy
sessions. They also had the opportunity to experience being "a
patient" and receiving medical/nursing care.
Surgical Specialties
Heal with Steel
Huntington High School
Students traveled through the office and explored various
careers from checking-in at the front desk, by taking patients'
vitals and learning simple surgical procedures.
Syosset Hospital
Syosset First Responders
Mepham High School
Syosset Hospital presented students with the situation of a
distracted drunk driver with an overturned vehicle. Students
partnered with local EMS services, helping to extract
"patients" with the Syosset staff. The students then toured the
emergency department, an ambulance, and then did hands-on
scenarios in all aspects of trauma/emergency medicine.
Talent Acquisition
Northwell’s Got Talent!
East Islip High School
In a sea of thousands of applicants, how do you nd
candidates who embody the Northwell values? From
attracting, vetting, and hiring new team members, students
learned how the Talent Acquisition team plays an integral part
in identifying top candidates who are "Made for this."
Telehealth Services
Comsewogue High School
Students were exposed to the Telehealth Department.
The students rst received a brief presentation about the
entire program and the role of telehealth, followed by live
demonstrations, and a walkthrough of the different roles by
the staff on site.
The Feinstein Institute
for Medical Research –
The Genetic Giants
Freeport High School
Students experienced a multitude of jobs involved in a
health system-wide genetics research study. They learned
about recruiting, consenting, blood draws, DNA extraction,
genotyping technology, big data analysis, returning of genetic
ancestry data, pharmacogenetics, and genetic counseling.
The Feinstein Institute for
Medical Research – IRB
Mepham High School
The Feinstein Institute for Medical Research emphasized
the various research careers available to students in
healthcare. Students learned about the animal welfare office,
biostatistics, and research ethics from the Human Research
Protection Program. Students also attended a meeting of the
Institutional Review Board.
Transitions of Long Island
Transitions Terric Trainees
Walt Whitman High School
Students rotated throughout rehabilitative services including
physical therapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy, and
neuropsychology. Students learned how to incorporate the
technology used in patient care, as well as participated in
individual treatment sessions.
Workforce Safety
The Safety Screwballs
Ward Melville High School
This program was an interactive overview of workforce
safety and how it pertains to healthcare and all industries.
In addition, the workforce safety team went over careers in
healthcare and how those diverse backgrounds come together
to assist the workforce in creating a safer environment.
Zucker Hillside Hospital
Creative Healing and Transformation
Sanford H. Calhoun High School
Students were introduced to behavioral health elds, including
various creative arts therapy approaches, as well as mental
health counseling. They had an opportunity to experience
hands-on application of these professions and began to
develop an understanding of the power of transformation that
is accessible through the use of creativity and attention to an
individual's emotional process. This approach demonstrated
the importance of building relationships in the process of
assisting healing.
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