U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
CECW-CP Washington, DC 20314-1000
No. 1105-2-101 15 July 2019
Paragraph Page
1. Purpose ......................................................................................................................1
2. Applicability ..............................................................................................................1
3. Distribution Statement...............................................................................................1
4. References .................................................................................................................1
5. Context ......................................................................................................................2
6. Background ...............................................................................................................3
7. Variables in a Risk Assessment.................................................................................5
8. Policy and Required Procedures................................................................................6
9. Example Displays of Risk Assessment Results ......................................................11
Appendix A: Example Displays of Project Engineering and Economic Performance..................13
Table List
Table 1: Project Performance; AEP, Long Term Exceedance Probability and Assurance ...11
Table A1: Expected value and probabilistic values of EAD and EAD reduced ......................12
Table A2: Expected value and probabilistic values of costs ....................................................13
Table A3: Performance described by AEP and LTEP .............................................................15
Table A4: Performance described by AEP and LTEP (alternative display) ............................15
Table A5: Probability comparison............................................................................................17
Table A6: Life Loss..................................................................................................................19
Figure List
Figure 1: Risk conceptualized...................................................................................................4
Figure A1: Expected value and probabilistic values for net benefits ........................................13
Figure A2: Expected value and probabilistic values for Benefit/Cost Ratios ...........................14
Figure A3: AEP uncertainty ......................................................................................................16
Figure A4: Assurance (also CNP) .............................................................................................18
Figure A5: Example scenario ....................................................................................................19
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 i
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 ii
1. Purpose. This regulation provides guidance on risk assessment requirements for flood
management studies including but not limited to feasibility studies, post-authorization changes,
general reevaluation studies, dam and levee safety studies, and major rehabilitation studies. This
regulation is jointly promulgated by Planning and Engineering. The risk framework is a
decision-making process that comprises three tasks: risk assessment, risk communication, and
risk management, which can be advantageously applied to a variety of water resources
management problems. These requirements are part of a broader decision-making process that
includes similar assessments for risks to the natural environment as well as the social and
cultural well-being of people potentially impacted by flood management activities.
2. Applicability. This regulation is applicable to all U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
Headquarters (HQUSACE) elements, major subordinate commands, districts, laboratories, and
field operating agencies having civil works responsibilities. This regulation applies to all
implementation studies for flood risk management projects: riverine and coastal.
3. Distribution Statement. Approved for public release, distribution is unlimited.
4. References.
a. Engineer Regulation (ER) 5-1-11, U.S. Army Corps of Engineers Business Process.
b. ER 1105-2-100, Guidance for Conducting Civil Works Planning Studies.
c. ER 1110-2-401, Operation, Maintenance, Repair, Replacement, and Rehabilitation
Manual for Projects and Separable Elements Managed by Project Sponsors.
d. ER 1110-2-1156, Safety of Dams Policy and Procedures.
e. Engineer Manual (EM) 1110-2-1619, Risk Assessment for Flood Risk Management
Studies. (
f. Engineer Pamphlet (EP) 1110-2-8, Explaining Flood Risk.
g. Specific Measurable Attainable Risk Informed Timely (SMART) Planning Guide
*This regulation supersedes ER 1105-2-101 dated 17 July 2017.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 1
h. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Hydrologic Engineering Center, 2010. Flood
Damage Reduction Analysis (HEC-FDA),” Version 1.2.5. Davis, CA.
i. National Research Council, 1995. Flood Risk Management and the American River
Basin: An Evaluation.” Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
j. Transforming the Corps into a Risk Managing Organization,26 November 2007.
Contributing Authors: Dr. David Moser, USACE, Institute for Water Resources; Todd Bridges,
USACE, Engineer Research and Development Center; Steven Cone, USACE, Institute for Water
Resources; Yacov Haimes, University of Virginia; Brian K. Harper, USACE, Institute for Water
Resources; Leonard Shabman, Resources for the Future; and Dr. Charles Yoe, College of Notre
k. USACE Resilience Initiative Roadmap 2016,” 16 May 2016.
l. U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Risk Management Center, Best Practices in Dam and
Levee Safety Risk Analysis. (
5. Context. Since the enactment of the Flood Control Act of 1917, USACE has played a
significant federal role in managing flood risk nationwide. Flood risk management is the process
of identifying, evaluating, selecting, implementing, monitoring, and modifying actions taken to
reduce and manage risk through shared responsibilities. Scientifically sound, cost-effective,
integrated actions are taken to achieve flood risk management. Social, cultural, ethical,
environmental, fiscal, political, and legal considerations are accounted for in the process. Still,
USACE recognizes that more needs to be done to assess, manage, and communicate flood risks.
In 2006, USACE established the National Flood Risk Management Program to advance the goals
of flood risk identification, communication, response, and management services across all levels
of government to save lives and reduce property damage in the event of floods and coastal
storms. All flood risk managers must balance the insights of USACE’s professional staff with
stakeholder concerns for such matters as residual risks, life safety, reliability, resiliency, and cost
while acknowledging that no single solution will meet all objectives, and tradeoffs must always
be made. Resilience is inherent to flood risk management, and it is the overall ability to
anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand, respond to, and recover
from adverse events, including the ability to avoid, minimize, withstand, and recover from the
adverse effects of a flood. Resilience also refers to the capacity or ability of a project or system
to absorb disturbance and still retain its basic function and structure. For example, project
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 2
resilience measures for a levee embankment can be provided by various forms of surface
hardening, armoring, or resistance to overtopping scour. These measures provide a higher
degree of predictability for levee performance.
6. Background.
a. No project or action that is proposed, evaluated, adopted, and implemented can
completely eliminate or mitigate flood risks. Further, the information used to estimate flood risk,
formulate and evaluate plans, and determine the results of the analyses is uncertain. All measured
or estimated values in project development are to various degrees inaccuratereflecting both
inherent natural variability in flooding phenomena (e.g., cyclical rainfall patterns) and lack of
knowledge in estimating various parameters (e.g., estimation of Mannings n-value) relevant to
project works and their performance. Pursuing the management of flood risk within the risk
framework is an explicit means of better understanding both the flooding and associated
consequences, and the uncertainty in their estimation, and thus should support development of
robust strategies for managing flood risk.
b. The risk framework is a decision-making process that comprises three tasks: risk
assessment, risk communication, and risk management. Risk assessment is a systematic approach
for describing the nature of the flood risk, including the likelihood and severity of consequences.
Risk assessments are quantitative whenever possible; however, qualitative assessments may be
appropriate for some activities. Risk assessment includes explicit acknowledgment of the
uncertainties in the parameters used to compute risk. Risk management is a decision-making
process in which risk-reducing and resilience-increasing actions are identified, evaluated,
implemented, and monitored. The purpose of risk management is to take actions to effectively
reduce and manage risks identified in the risk assessment. Risk communication is a collaborative
exchange of information among the risk assessors and those who will use the risk assessment
results and/or those who are affected by the risks and risk management actions. Open
communication improves the understanding of the risks by all parties, and leads to improved risk
assessments and risk management decisions and outcomes. Documenting the results of a risk
assessment framework is an important part of the process, and examples are included in Appendix
A. Clearly presenting the findings of the risk assessment will help inform discussions with
sponsors, stakeholders, and others; however, documentation alone will not fully convey the highly
technical nature of risk assessment results. Open dialogue will likely be required to ensure a
sufficient and common understanding of the risk assessment and mitigation options leading to the
selection of most appropriate actions.
c. A risk framework process can be advantageously applied to a variety of water resources
management problems, including those involving flooding. The approach captures and quantifies
the extent of the risk and uncertainty in the various project development components of an
investment decision. The total effect of uncertainty on the project formulation and consequent
performance related to life safety, economic, social, and environmental concerns can be examined
and conscious decisions made reflecting an explicit tradeoff between risks, performance, and costs.
Risk assessments can be used to compare plans in terms of their physical performance, economic
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 3
success, residual risks, and impacts to life, health, and the environment, including their
d. Budget constraints for plan selection, increased partner cost-sharing, the publics interest
in project performance, and concern for life safety as well as social and environmental matters
must be addressed in the analysis of federal water resources investments. Explicit consideration of
risk and uncertainty can help address these issues and improve investment decisions.
e. Risk is broadly defined as a situation or event where something of value is at stake and its
gain or loss is uncertain. Risk is typically expressed as a combination of the likelihood and
consequence of an event. Consequences are measured in terms of harm to people, cost, time,
environmental harm, property damage, and other metrics. Choosing the appropriate risk metrics
and actively using them in decision-making is critical to effective risk management in support of a
vibrant economy, thriving ecosystems, and sustainable communities. Flood risk considers
explicitly the performance consequences of subjecting people and property to the entire range of
likely flood events, given risk management provided by any structural or non-structural measures.
One commonly used metric of economic risk is expected annual damage (EAD) or average annual
equivalent damage when computed on an annual basis over the period of analysis.
f. Flood risk can be conceptualized as a function of the hazard, performance, exposure,
vulnerability, and consequences as depicted in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Risk conceptualized
(1) The hazardis what causes the harm: in this case, a flood. The flood hazard is described
in terms of frequency, stage, velocity, extent, and depth.
(2) Performanceis the systems reaction to the hazard. In Figure 1, performance refers to
the system features and the capability to contain/manage the flood hazard for the full range of
possible events and as a single event or load. In this regulation, this would be termed system
performance.” Performance also refers to the metric that describes the capability of the system to
accommodate a single event (Assurance; also Conditional Non-exceedance Probability, CNP) and
the full range of events: Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP) and Long-Term Exceedance
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 4
Probability (LTEP). There are other definitions of performance in addition to system performance.
Performance can also be described by levee breach from loading below the top of levee probability
functions, the interior-exterior functions for leveed areas, unregulated-regulated transforms for
reservoirs and diversions, and elevation-discharge functions (rating curves) for channels. These
also would be considered system performance.” When the structural integrity of a system or
system component is discussed, such as the fragility function, the reference would be termed
structural performance.” When the economics of a system are discussed, the reference would be
termed economic performanceas expressed by EAD and EAD reduced.
(3) Exposuredescribes who and what may be harmed by the flood hazard. Exposure
incorporates a description of where the flooding occurs at a given frequency and what exists in that
area. Tools such as flood inundation maps provide information on the extent and depth of
flooding; structure inventories, population data, crop data, and habitat acreage provide information
on the population and property that may be affected by the flood hazard.
(4) Vulnerabilityis the susceptibility to harm human beings, property, and the
environment when exposed to the hazard. Depth-damage functions, depth-mortality functions, and
other similar relationships can be used to describe vulnerability.
(5) Consequenceis the harm that results from a single occurrence of the hazard.
Consequences are measured in terms of metrics such as economic damage, acreage of habitat lost,
value of crops damaged, and lives lost.
(6) Economic riskis the combination of likelihood and harm to property, infrastructure,
and other assets as well as economic systems (all measured in monetary terms). A common metric
of economic risk is EAD.
(7) Life loss consequenceis the determination of the population at risk and the estimated
statistical life loss.
7. Variables in a Risk Assessment.
a. The true values of variables and parameters are recognized as important to project
development decisions, are frequently not known with certainty, and can take on a range of values.
The likelihood of a quantity or parameter taking on a particular value can be described by a
probability distribution and the probability distribution may be described by its own parameters,
such as mean and variance for a normal distribution. Quantitative risk assessment combines the
information about the parameters with underlying uncertainty information within a computational
model so that the engineering performance and associated consequences are determined on a
statistical basis represented by a probability distribution. Consequences of interest include
potential for life loss and economic losses and environmental impacts of a proposed project.
b. A variety of variables and their associated uncertainties may be incorporated into the risk
assessment of a flood risk management study. For example, economic variables in an urban
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 5
situation may include, but are not necessarily limited to depth-damage curves, structure values,
content values, structure first-floor elevations, structure types, flood warning times, and flood
evacuation effectiveness. Uncertainties in economic variables include building valuations, inexact
knowledge of structure type or of actual contents, method of determining first-floor elevations, or
timing of initiation of flood warnings. Other key variables and associated uncertainties include the
hydrologic and hydraulic conditions of the system. Uncertainties related to changing climate
should be addressed using the current USACE policy and technical guidance. Uncertainty in the
likelihood of particular discharge and stage exists because record lengths are often short or do not
exist where needed, and the effectiveness of flood flow regulation measures is not precisely
known. Uncertainty in discharge also comes from estimation of parameters used in rainfall runoff
computations, such as precipitation and infiltration. Examples of uncertainty factors that affect
stage might include conveyance roughness, cross-section geometry, debris accumulation, ice
effects, sediment transport, flow regime, and bed form. Uncertainty factors that affect the safety of
human life include the number of routes of egress, time of day, distance to dry land, water
temperature, number of multi-storied structures, demographics, and the existence and adherence to
an emergency action plan. Not all variables are critical to project justification in every instance.
To achieve the ultimate goal, the risk assessment and study effort should concentrate on the
uncertainties of those variables having a significant impact on study conclusions and
recommendations. SMART Planning Principles (Reference 4g) promotes balancing the level of
uncertainty and risk with the level of detail of the study. The level of detail required to make
planning decisions will grow over the course of the study, as the study team moves from an array
of alternatives to a single recommended alternative. For technical details on how to address these
uncertainties, see Reference 4b.
8. Policy and Required Procedures.
a. All flood risk management studies will adopt the risk framework as described herein.
The risk framework approach and results of a risk assessment will be documented in the principal
decision document. The types of documents involved include but are not limited to: feasibility
reports, general and limited reevaluation reports, and project modification impact reports including
water control manuals that reallocate storage requiring reauthorization, and design documentation
reports. Project Management Plans (PMPs) will describe the methods to be used to quantify the
uncertainties of the key variables, parameters, and components and the approach to combining
these uncertainties into higher-level measures for determining overall engineering performance,
life loss, and economic and environmental consequences (Reference 4b). In developing the PMP
for a proposed feasibility study, the level of detail of a risk assessment will be developed to the task
level and included in the PMP. In cases where a general reevaluation report is proposed and where
deterministic assumptions including standard superiority assumptions or other engineering
standards were used that are critical to sizing and/or performance of project features, a
reformulation of the project using a risk assessment, as described in this regulation, will be
undertaken to determine the appropriate project for construction recommendation.
b. The ultimate goal of a risk assessment is a comprehensive approach in which the values
of all key variables, parameters, and components of flood risk management studies are subject to
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 6
probabilistic analysis. Not all variables are critical to project justification in every instance. To
achieve the ultimate goal, the risk assessment and study effort should evaluate the impact of
various variables and their uncertainties, and concentrate on the variables having a significant
impact on study conclusions. When a more detailed assessment is required, at a minimum
uncertainty in the following variables and relationships must be explicitly incorporated in the risk
(1) Stage-damage functions from economic studies (with emphasis on structure first-floor
elevation, depth-percent damage relationships, and content and structure values for urban studies).
For studies in agriculture areas, other variables (e.g., time of year, crop type, costs of production)
will be key and should be used in the economic analysis.
(2) Discharge-frequency functions from hydrologic studies (with emphasis on the record
length or hydrologic modeling parameters).
(3) Stage-frequency functions from hydrologic/hydraulic studies (with emphasis on the
record length). A stage-frequency analysis may be used when stage gage data is all that is
available for a study and/or when there is no unique correspondence between flow and stage such
as in locations highly controlled by backwater or tidal conditions or in the case of ice jam floods.
Care should be taken in using this approach because in current analysis practice all uncertainties
are collapsed into a single uncertainty as defined by the period of record.
(4) Regulated-unregulated transform function from reservoir regulation studies (with
emphasis on operational uncertainties, inflow hydrographs, and rating uncertainties of outlet
(5) Stage-discharge functions from hydraulic studies (with emphasis on conveyance
roughness and cross-section geometry).
(6) Stage-probability of failure or unsatisfactory performance functions (fragility curves,
system performance probability curves) for mechanical, electrical, structural, and geotechnical
performance of structures as defined in latest guidance.
(7) Stage-life loss function from life safety studies (with emphasis on rate and depth of
flooding, population at risk, and emergency response plans).
(8) Stage-environmental impact considerations (emphasis on the key ecological and other
factors impacting the environment).
c. Consistent with the Principles and Guidelines the National Economic Development
(NED) Plan must be identified. The NED Plan is the alternative plan that reasonably maximizes
net economic benefits consistent with protecting the nations environment. NED will be calculated
explicitly including uncertainties in the key variables specified in the risk register. Consideration
of increments in project scale different from the NED Plan, as well as other plans preferred by the
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 7
cost-sharing sponsor, may be considered. Flood risk management actions may be part of multi-
objective plans as described in Reference 4b.
d. The estimate of net NED benefits and benefit/cost (B/C) ratio will be reported both as an
expected (mean) value and on a probabilistic basis for each alternative. The probability that net
benefits are positive and that the B/C ratio is at or above one (1.0) will be presented for each
e. The flood risk management performance of a plan will be presented for the system as a
whole over the plan’s given lifecycle and for each component that makes up that system.
Typically, the system performance will reflect that of the weakestcomponent. Reporting the
performance of individual components may assist in the selection of future risk reduction
measures, although consequences should be considered in these decisions as well. The risk
assessment will quantify the performance, resilience, and risk of all scales of all alternatives
considered in formulating the recommendation. The assessment will evaluate and report residual
risk, which includes consequences of project performance or capacity exceedance. This
assessment requires explicit consideration of the joint effects of the uncertainties associated with
key hydrologic, hydraulic, and geotechnical variables and character of floodplain occupancy. This
performance will be reported in the following ways (see glossary for definition of terms):
(1) AEP (metric, value, and designation of with/without performance) with associated
description of uncertainty.
(2) LTEP over 10, 30, and 50 years.
(3) Assurance (also CNP) for the 0.2, 0.1, 0.02, 0.01, 0.004, and 0.002 events. Assurance
can be computed using either a discharge-frequency or stage-frequency function.
(4) The Assurance (also CNP) for specific historic floods.
(5) Economic average annual and single event damage, potential life loss, and environmental
conditions and impacts as required by ER 1105-2-100 (Reference 4b).
(6) Qualitative and quantitative statement of residual, transformed, and/or transferred risk
(paragraph 8g).
f. An assessment of potential life loss, economic, and environmental damage for the
without condition, along with all proposed alternatives is required. For studies where life loss
plays a significant role in formulating and evaluating alternatives, and selecting the recommended
plan, a quantitative assessment of life loss will be performed using accepted USACE methods and
tools. As with the economic damage assessment, explicit consideration of the effects of the
uncertainties associated with key input variables is required. Key input variables in the life loss
estimate include, but are not limited to: warning time, warning effectiveness (both how quickly a
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 8
warning spreads among the population at risk (PAR) as well as the response to a warning by PAR),
flood arrival time, and fatality rate thresholds.
g. The probability distribution of residual flood damage and other relevant aspects of
residual risks (transformed or transferred) will also be displayed. Residual flood risk is the flood
risk that remains after a proposed flood risk management project is implemented. Residual risk
includes the consequence of capacity exceedance as well as consideration of project performance,
robustness, and resiliency. Transformed risk is a risk that emerges or increases as a result of
mitigating another risk. Conceptually, a transferred risk relocates risk or increases risk from
Region A of a system to Region B of the system as a result of action taken in Region A. The
nature of the risk of flooding is different with a levee versus without a levee. A levee reduces the
likelihood that existing improved property will be flooded but can often encourage new
development, which can lead to an overall increase in risk if not managed effectively through
proper land use and building codes. A levee may transform the flood risk from gradual and
observable long before action is necessary to sudden and catastrophic. The residual risk, including
transformed and/or transferred, will be reported as the expected annual probability of each
alternative being exceeded with consideration of unsatisfactory project performance and the
associated consequences. For comparison, the without-project risk in terms of the annual
probability of flood damage occurring and the annual probability of other property hazards (fire,
wind, etc.) will be displayed. To aid this display and to improve the understanding of the residual
risk, inundation maps will be provided showing flood depths should the project be exceeded. A
narrative scenario for events that result in flooding will be provided (see Figure A-5 for an
example). An emergency action plan or community preparedness plan should also be presented as
required by ER 1110-2-401 (Reference 4c). The impacts to residual human health, safety risks,
and the environment should be discussed. Both the inundation map and the narrative scenario will
be provided for each alternative considered for final selection.
h. All project increments comprise different risk management alternatives represented by
the tradeoffs among engineering performance, project cost, economic and environmental
resilience, and life loss consequences. These increments contain differences in flood damage
reduced, residual risk, local and federal project cost, impacts to the environment, and life loss.
USACE must effectively communicate to local sponsors and residents so they understand these
tradeoffs and can participate fully in informing the decision-making process.
i. Many existing USACE projects were authorized and/or designed to the Standard Project
Flood (SPF). The SPF is defined in several legacy ER and EM guidance documents, but the SPF is
no longer a design target. USACE policy (Reference 4b) states that risk analysis (now risk
framework) is to be used, to include the evaluation of a full range of floods (including those that
would exceed the SPF) that will be used in the formulation and evaluation of alternatives.
Comparing performance of the NED Plan and other candidate plans, given the occurrence of the
SPF event, (a rare but historically understood flood event) can play a useful role in the assessment
of residual risks to inform the decision-making process. As a consequence, while current guidance
on project formulation and alternative selection governs, the SPF may have a useful role for
evaluating residual risks, for comparing new project proposals with nearby existing projects that
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 9
were based on the SPF, and as a check and validation of floods computed from statistical
frequency analysis.
j. Special Guidance.
(1) The use of explicit freeboard or similar buffers to account for hydrologic, hydraulic,
geotechnical, and other uncertainties will no longer be used for levee planning and design.
Similarly, the use of freeboard to account for the same uncertainties will no longer be used in
channel planning and design.
(2) Risk assessments for dams and levees must also follow other applicable USACE policy
guidelines, such as Reference 4d.
(3) Evaluation of a levee system for the National Flood Insurance Program must follow
current USACE policy and guidelines.
(4) Project performance will be described by AEP (metric, value, and description of with/
without performance) with uncertainty, Assurance (also CNP), and LTEP. The array of all
performance indices should be displayed on a system-wide basis and on individual components
that make up the system. EP 1110-2-8 (Reference 4f) describes techniques in effectively
communicating flood risk to local officials and the public. A legacy term, Level of Protection
(LOP) was used as a performance index and a levee design concept that was founded on the
principle of providing a high degree of Assurance that the levee system component would neither
breach nor overtop when loaded with a specific recurrence interval flood (e.g., providing a 75-year
LOP if it could contain that event with 90 percent level of Assurance). The recurrence interval of
the flood hazard for this design principle was then used as an expression of the performance of the
levee system. The term is no longer used as it did not include residual risk or structural
performance. LOP should not be used to judge a set of alternatives or to target a specific project
(5) Economic analyses will compute the NED Plan utilizing benefits at the mean of the
probability distribution consistent with ER 1105-2-100. Once the NED (or other Federally
Recommended Plan) has been identified, project performance will be communicated in multiple
ways, including but not limited to: AEP, LTEP, and Assurance (CNP) over a variety of flood
events as shown in the Table 1, to include at least the 2%, 1%, and 0.4% annual exceedance events.
When it is necessary to communicate performance in simpler terms for this plan, then the
exceedance probability at which the project performs with 90% Assurance must be used in
feasibility, design, and in communications with the public. Performance for a project having the
example data in Table 1 may be communicated as: Given irreducible uncertainties inherent in
flood frequency analysis, the NED Plan will pass the 2% event with 90% assurance.” This is
consistent with standard engineering practice and with the risk expectations of the public.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 10
Appendix A
Example Displays of Project Engineering and Economic Performance
Results from Risk Assessment
To report probabilistic outputs, a selection of these tables and figures, along with an
accompanying textual explanation, should be chosen to communicate uncertainty information.
This information can be useful in aiding decisions by local sponsors, stakeholders, and Federal
officials by helping to increase their understanding of the uncertainty inherent in each alternative.
A-1. Table A1 contains the EAD for the without-project condition and the with-project
condition for each alternative. The computed values of EAD are uncertain, and their probability
distributions, resulting from the risk and uncertainty assessment described in this ER, are
represented in various ways. The values of EAD reported are each the mean of the probability
(uncertainty) distribution of that alternative. The damage reduced (without-project minus with-
project EAD) is reported with more information about its probability (uncertainty) distribution.
In addition to the mean, the standard deviation and the quartiles of the distribution are included.
The standard deviation describes the width of the probability distribution. The quartiles are the
values of the probability distribution with cumulative probabilities of 25, 50, and 75 percent—
meaning there is the specified likelihood that the value will be greater than the quartile, so these
values describe both the width and the asymmetry of the probability distribution. There is a 50
percent chance that the actual value of damage reduced is between the 0.25 and 0.75 quartiles.
The 0.5 quartile is the median estimate, meaning there is a 50 percent chance the actual value is
greater, and 50 percent chance it is less. The median differs from the mean when the probability
distribution is asymmetrical.
Table A1
Expected value and probabilistic values of EAD and EAD reduced
Damage Reduced
Probability Distribution
20-ft (6-m) levee
25-ft (8-m) levee
30-ft (9-m) levee
Detention basin
* The 0.5 quartile is the median estimate; it differs from the mean when the probability distribution is asymmetrical.
A-2. Table A2 provides the same information about annual cost as Table A1 provides for
damage reduced.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 12
Table A2
Expected value and probabilistic values of costs
Annual Cost
Uncertainty in Cost;
Probability Distribution Quartiles ($1000)
20-ft (6-m) levee
25-ft (8-m) levee
30-ft (9-m) levee
Detention basin
A-3. Figure A1 contains a summary of the expected (mean) values of benefits (damage reduced)
and Costs, and more probabilistic information about the Net Benefits (benefits minus costs). The
probability distribution of net benefits is described by the expected (mean) value, the standard
deviation, and the quartile values, as described in Table A1. In addition, the probability that net
benefits are in fact greater than zero is included. The graphs display the entire cumulative
probability distribution of net benefits for two of the alternatives (25-ft (8-m) levee, Relocation),
with markers for the quartiles, a solid vertical line for the mean, and a horizontal arrow
Figure A1. Expected value and probabilistic values for net benefits
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 13
noting the probability that Net Benefit is greater than zero. Notice the inter-quartile range (the
horizontal distance between the 0.75 and 0.25 quartile) is wider for the 25-ft (8-m) levee
alternative than for the Relocation alternative. This difference demonstrates the greater
uncertainty in the net benefits. Table A1 and Table A2 show greater uncertainty in both the
damage reduced and the cost of the 25-ft (8-m) levee alternative, leading to greater uncertainty in
the net benefits.
A-4. Figure A2 contains the same probabilistic information for the B/C ratio as Figure A1
displays for the net benefits. For actual reporting purposes, each graph should be labeled to
include the name of the alternative plan (not shown here and subsequent figures).
Figure A2. Expected value and probabilistic values for B/C ratios
A-5. The Relocation alternative has the highest mean net benefit, closely followed by the 25-
foot (8-m) levee alternative. The range of benefits and costs associated with the Relocation
alternative is also substantially smaller than the range seen with the 25-ft (8-m) levee alternative
as seen in the standard deviation and the inter-quartile range (difference between 75 and 25
percent quartiles). Also, the Relocation alternative has the largest probability of net benefits
being greater than zero (or, B/C ratio being greater than one.) Further note that the mean is not
equal to the 50 percent quartile (the median), which a result of the distribution not being
A-6. Benefits divided by costs produce B/C ratios. From this, the probability of maintaining a
B/C ratio greater than one is of interest. This example shows that the Relocation alternative has
a probability of 97 percent of the B/C ratio being greater than one, while the probability of the
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 14
25-ft (8-m) levee alternative has a probability of 87 percent of the B/C ratio being greater than
one. At this point only economic justification has been determined.
A-7. Table A3 and Table A4 present the expected or mean AEP and LTEPs computed for each
alternative. The LTEP is the likelihood of exceedance at least once in the specified period and is
computed as 1 - (1 - AEP)
, where N = number of years. Table A3 shows the LTEPs in the
standard manner, and Table A4 displays LTEP in terms of return periods and odds.
Table A3
Performance described by AEP and LTEP
(Probability of Exceedance Over
Indicated Time)
10 Years
30 Years
50 Years
20-ft (6-m) levee
25-ft (8-m) levee
30-ft (9-m) levee
Detention basin
Table A4
Performance described by AEP and LTEP (alternative display)
(Probability of Exceedance Over
Indicated Time)
10 Years
30 Years
50 Years
1 in 1.1
1 in 1.0
1 in 1.0
20-ft (6-m) levee
1 in 5.5
1 in 2.2
1 in 1.6
25-ft (8-m) levee
1 in 10.5
1 in 3.8
1 in 2.5
30-ft (9-m) levee
1 in 100.5
1 in 33.8
1 in 20.5
1 in 4.5
1 in 1.9
1 in 1.4
Detention basin
1 in 3.8
1 in 1.7
1 in 1.3
Relocation 0.020 1 in 5.5 1 in 2.2 1 in 1.6
A-8. AEP and LTEP are useful tools to explain the residual probability of flooding for an
alternative. AEP can represent the probability of any event equaling or exceeding a specified
stage in any given year. With levees present, the stage would be the top of levee or effective top
of levee as specified by the geotechnical fragility curves; therefore, AEP represents the
probability of water getting into the interior area of the levee in any given year. In the software
HEC-FDA (Reference 4i), for non-leveed reaches the target stage is determined by the
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 15
exceedance of a percentage of the mean damage associated with a specified event (e.g., the 1
percent AEP event). The without-project and the relocation project have different AEP values
although the hydrology and hydraulics remain the same. LTEP is a way of describing the
probability of flooding over a long period of time, for instance, the project’s lifecycle or the life
of a typical mortgage. As Tables A-3 and A-4 show, percentages or odds can be used to describe
the chance of flooding. As shown in Tables A-3 and A-4, the 30-ft (9-m) levee alternative has
the lowest AEP and LTEP of 1 in 20.5 over 50 years.
A-9. Figure A3 presents the resultant probability (uncertainty) distribution of the AEP, described
by the mean value, the standard deviation, and the quartile values. The standard deviation
describes the width of the probability distribution. The quartiles are the values of the probability
distribution with cumulative probabilities of 25, 50, and 75 percent—meaning there is the
specified likelihood that the value will actually be greater than the quartile, so these values
Figure A3. AEP uncertainty
describe both the width and the asymmetry of the probability distribution. There is a 50 percent
chance that the actual value of damage reduced is between the 0.25 and 0.75 quartiles, while the
0.5 quartile is the median estimate, meaning there is a 50 percent chance the actual value is
greater, and 50 percent chance it is less. The median differs from the mean when the probability
distribution is asymmetrical.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 16
A-10. As with any risk assessment, not only is the mean of an uncertainty distribution important,
the entire probability distribution for the metric should be considered and compared. A
comparison of the mean AEP for each alternative and the 50 percent quartile, or a look at all
three quartiles, makes it apparent that the distributions of AEP may not be symmetrical. Figure
A3 displays the entire cumulative probability distribution of AEP for two of the alternatives (25-
ft (8-m) levee, Relocation), with markers for the quartiles and a dotted vertical line for the mean.
The plots in Figure A3 provide information that summarizes the uncertainty. For example, the
25-ft (8-m) levee alternative clearly offers higher performance when considering the mean AEP
and the three quartiles, but it also has a longer tailso it has a greater chance that the AEP could
be much higher. The Relocation alternative has a shorter tail, and so has less chance that AEP
could be much higher. Another way to understand the uncertainty is if considering the likelihood
the AEP is actually greater than 2 percent, for the 25-ft (8-m) levee alternative, the chance is 22
percent, and for the Relocation alternative, the chance is 55 percent that AEP is greater than 2
A-11. Table A5 presents the mean AEPs for each alternative along with AEPs of other possible
natural disasters in the area of interest. Evaluating risk associated with an area can be hard
unless compared to events that people can more readily understand.
Table A5
Probability comparison
20-ft (6-m) levee
25-ft (8-m) levee
30-ft (9-m) levee
Detention basin
Comparable Probability
Fire Damage
Wind Damage
Average 20022010 based on home structure fires National Fire Protection Association and U.S. Census housing unit data.
Annual probabilities for other hazards are region specific. Values provided here are for illustrative purposes only.
A-12. Figure A4 contains the Assurance (also CNP) levels, for each alternative for various
exceedance probabilities. These values describe the estimated likelihood that the project can
prevent damage at the specified exceedance probability. The Assurance is based on the
uncertainty in the actual flow and stage associated with a given exceedance probability event, as
well as the geotechnical performance of the project.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 17
Figure A4. Assurance (also CNP)
A-13. To capture Assurance (also CNP), the upper graphic in Figure A4 shows the uncertainty in
the stage versus frequency (exceedance probability) relationship. That probability (uncertainty)
distribution is then compared to the target stages associated with each alternative to provide
Assurance (also CNP). The lower graphic in Figure A4 shows the probability (uncertainty)
distribution of stage for the 1 percent chance event and compares it to the top of levee stage for
the 30-ft (9-m) levee alternative. The area under the Probability Density Function) curve is
summed to determine the probability of not exceeding the target stage (i.e., the non-exceedance
probability, conditioned on the occurrence of the 1 percent event).
A-14. Table A6 presents life loss estimates for each alternative of the study area. A quantitative
assessment of life loss will be required for risk assessment associated with alternatives. To
completely discuss the transference and transformations of risk, the changes in life loss
associated with all frequency events for each alternative must be discussed. Although there may
be significant decreases in economic losses and life risks for the lower frequency events, there
may be significant increases for the same alternatives at the higher frequency events. The
probability of flood occurrence times the consequence yields the overall risk reduction,
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 18
transformation, and transfer that are going on within the system. A narrative scenario for events
that result in flooding will also be provided, and an example is provided in Figure A5.
Table A6
Life loss
Life Loss
Probable Life Loss for a Given Event
20-ft (6-m) levee
25-ft (8-m) levee
30-ft (9-m) levee
Detention basin
Should the levees surrounding My City south of the Your River be loaded by floodwaters, residents
could attempt to move to nearby higher ground. The depth of flooding in the neighborhoods in this
area would generally not exceed that at the river's edge although a few areas would experience
flooding of more than 10 feet. New Town, on the other hand, is ringed by levees so that residents
trying to leave the area would have to find their way across the main highway system to areas of higher
ground. Limited routes of egress would make this difficult and thus negatively impacting life safety.
Moreover, because New Town is in a depression, a third of the area would flood to depths over 10 feet.
Some areas would flood to as much as 35 feet. Because of the lengthy duration of flooding and the
lack of natural drainage from this area, flood water would likely remain in New Town for 2 weeks or
more. With the proposed levee, New Town is subject to a 1 in 100 chance of being flooded in any year
but a 1 in 2.5 chance in 50 years. Therefore, the probability of a catastrophic event within the lifetime
of most residents is nearly the same as flipping a coin and getting heads. An emergency action plan
(EAP) has been developed for the communities including response training exercises. Additionally,
the low areas contain many acres of environmentally valuable wetlands that would be severely
damaged from high velocities generated from a levee failure. Resiliency measures could be
considered for each of these communities. These measures address the ability to avoid, minimize,
withstand, and recover from the adverse effects of a flood. For example, both communities have
developed and implemented EAPs including response training exercises. An EAP speaks to the
ability to avoid or minimize damage to structural inventories or reduce the population at risk.
Resiliency measures for a levee can be provided by adding superiority increments to the levee in
higher hazard areas and surface hardening in planned levee overtopping reaches adjacent to low
hazard areas. Resiliency provides a higher degree of predictability for levee performance that can be
useful for floodplain managers and project operators.
SOURCE: Adapted from: National Research Council. 1995. Flood Risk Management and the American River Basin: An
Evaluation. Washington, DC: National Academy Press.
Figure A5. Example scenario
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 19
Abbreviations and Terms
To describe effectively the concepts of a risk framework for flood risk management studies, this
Engineer Regulation uses the following terminology:
AEP Annual Exceedance Probability
B/C Benefit/Cost
CNP Conditional Non-Exceedance Probability
EAD Expected Annual Damage
EAP Emergency Action Plan
EC Engineer Circular
EM Engineer Manual
EP Engineer Pamphlet
ER Engineer Regulation
FEMA Federal Emergency Management Agency
HEC-FDA (used in reference h. on page 1)
HQUSACEU.S. Army Corps of Engineers Headquarters
LOP Level of Protection
LTEP Long-Term Exceedance Probability
NED National Economic Development
PAR Population at Risk
PMP Project Management Plan
SPF Standard Project Flood
USACE U.S. Army Corps of Engineers
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 20
Annual Exceedance Probability (AEP)
The probability that a certain threshold may be exceeded at a location in any given year,
considering the full range of possible values, and if appropriate, incorporation of project
performance. A threshold consists of a metric and a value, and must be specified for each use of
AEP. If system performance is considered, then performance should be explicitly accounted for
in the description of AEP; similarly, if system performance is not considered then it can be
omitted in the description of AEP. Examples of threshold metrics include the stage, flow, surge,
and floodplain or flooding extent, and corresponding values may be stated in feet, cfs, depth, etc.
Examples of locations include a consequence area index point, a specific grid cell, or a fragility
curve location (also referred to as system response probabilities). An example statement of AEP
without performance is: “The boundary of the Federal Emergency Management Agency
(FEMA) 100-year floodplain has a 1 percent AEP, and the entire FEMA 100-year floodplain
corresponds to the aerial flooding extent where flood depths are greater than 0 feet.” An
example of AEP with performance is: “The resultant AEP with a depth greater than 0 feet at
location XX is 1% while taking into account levee performance.”
The probability that a target stage will not be exceeded during the occurrence of a flood of
specified exceedance probability considering the full range of uncertainties. Term selected to
replace “conditional non-exceedance probability(CNP).
Conditional Non-Exceedance Probability (CNP)
See Assurance.
The harm that results from a single occurrence of the hazard. Consequences are measured in
terms of metrics such as economic damage, acreage of habitat lost, value of crops damaged, and
lives lost.
Economic Risk
The combination of likelihood and harm to property, infrastructure, and other assets as well as
economic systems all measured in monetary terms. A common metric of economic risk is
expected annual damage (EAD). EAD is the result of integrating the damage-probability
Expected Annual Damage (EAD)
EAD is the expected value of storm damages in any given year. Expected annual damage is
calculated by computing the area under the damage-frequency curve using a lifecycle approach.
Expected annual damage is calculated for the with- and without-project conditions. The
difference between the with- and without-project expected annual damage represents the benefit
associated with the with-project alternative.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 21
Describes who and what may be harmed by the flood hazard. Exposure incorporates a
description of where the flooding occurs at a given frequency, and what exists in that area. Tools
such as flood inundation maps provide information on the extent and depth of flooding; structure
inventories, population data, crop data, and habitat acreage provide information on the
population and property that may be affected by the flood hazard.
Hazard (flood)
The hazard” is what causes the harm, in this case, a flood. The flood hazard is described in
terms of frequency, stage, velocity, extent, and depth.
Level of Protection (LOP)
LOP is used as a performance metric and a levee design concept that was founded on the
principle of providing a high degree of Assurance that the levee system component would neither
breach nor overtop when loaded with a specific recurrence interval flood (e.g., providing a 75-
year LOP if it could contain that event with 90 percent level of Assurance). The recurrence
interval of the flood hazard for this design principle was then used as an expression of the
performance of the levee system. The term is no longer used as it did not include residual risk or
structural performance. LOP should not be used to judge a set of alternatives or to target a
specific project size.
Long-Term Exceedance Probability (LTEP)
The probability of capacity exceedance during a specified period. For example, 30-year
exceedance probability refers to the probability of one or more exceedances of the capacity of a
measure during a 30-year period; formerly long-term risk. This accounts for the repeated annual
exposure to flood risk over time.
Project Performance
The systems reaction to a hazard. Performance refers to the system features and the capability
to accommodate the flood hazard as a single event or load. In this manual, this would be termed
system performance(also termed engineering performance). Performance also refers to the
metric that describes the capability of the system to accommodate a single event (Assurance, also
CNP) and the full range of events (AEP and LTEP). In that light, in addition to the levee failure
probability functions, performance can also be described by the interior-exterior functions for
leveed areas, unregulated-regulated transforms for reservoirs and diversions, and elevation-
discharge functions (rating curves) for channels. These too would be considered “system
performance.” When the structural integrity of a system or system component is discussed, such
as the fragility function, the reference would be termed “structural performance.” When the
economics of a system is discussed, the reference would be termed “economic performance.”
The performance of an item is described by various elements, such as flood risk management,
reliability, capability, efficiency, and maintainability. Design and operation affect system
Probability Distribution
A relationship that describes the likelihood of each possible value of a random variable.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 22
Residual Risk
The flood risk that remains in the floodplain after a proposed flood risk management project is
implemented. Residual risk includes the consequence of capacity exceedance as well as
consideration of project performance.
As per Executive Order 13653, “Preparing the U.S. for the Impacts of Climate Change,”
resilience is the ability to anticipate, prepare for, and adapt to changing conditions and withstand,
respond to, and recover rapidly from disruptions.
The likelihood and severity of adverse outcomes; for this ER the focus is on the risk from
flooding. Risk is often measured as potential or mean life loss, property damage, and/or
ecosystem losses and may also include uncertainty over the benefits to be gained from a
proposed or actual action taken. Usually, both the likelihood and the consequence are to some
degree uncertain.
Risk Assessment
A systematic approach for describing the nature of the risk, including the likelihood and severity
of consequences. Risk assessments can be qualitative, semi-quantitative, or quantitative. Risk
assessment includes explicit acknowledgment of the uncertainties in the flood risk.
Risk Communication
A two-way exchange of information between risk assessors and those who will use the risk
assessment results or those who are affected by the risks and risk management actions. Open
communication improves the understanding of the risks by all parties and leads to improved risk
assessments and risk management decisions and outcomes.
Risk Framework
A decision-making process that comprises three tasks: risk assessment, risk management, and
risk communication.
Risk Management
A decision-making process in which risk reduction actions are identified, evaluated,
implemented, and monitored. The purpose of risk management is to take actions to effectively
reduce and manage risks identified in the risk assessment.
The ability of a system to continue to operate correctly across a wide range of operational
conditions with minimal damage, alteration, or loss of functionality, and to fail gracefully outside
of that range; the wider the range of conditions allowing for good performance, the more robust
the system.
Thought of as the condition of being free from danger, risk, or injury. However, safety is not
something that can be absolutely achieved or guaranteed. Instead, safety is the condition to
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 23
which risks are managed to tolerable levels. Therefore, safety is a subjective concept based upon
individual perceptions of risks and their tolerability.
Superiority simply means providing higher levees at all points except where initial overtopping
is desired. Superiority is an increment of the levee height that increases the likelihood that when
the system approaches capacity, controlled flooding will occur at a specified overtopping section.
Transferred Risk
A result of an action taken in one region of a system to reduce risk, where that action shifts the
risk burden to another region in the system. For example, if a levee is raised in one reach of a
system, thus containing more flow and thereby reducing risk in that reach, that action then results
in increased flow downstream to another reach of the system. Risk has been “transferredfrom
one location to another.
Transformed Risk
New risk of flooding that emerges or increases as a result of mitigating another risk. The
magnitude and nature of the risk of flooding is different with a levee compared with conditions
without a levee. A levee reduces the likelihood that originally protected property will be flooded
but may set the stage for development that puts new property at risk. A levee transforms the
flood risk from one that may be gradual and observable before emergency action would be
necessary for the originally protected properties to flood risk that may be sudden and
Uncertainty is the result of imperfect knowledge concerning the present or future state of a
system, event, situation, or (sub) population under consideration. Uncertainty leads to lack of
confidence in predictions, inferences, or conclusions. It is important to distinguish uncertainty
that results from a lack of knowledge from the uncertainty that results from natural variability.
Knowledge Uncertainty
Lack of knowledge regarding the true value of a quantity. Uncertainty is a consequence of
reliance on limited data and on conceptual and mathematical models. This category of
uncertainty is formally labeled epistemic uncertainty. Uncertainty is a measure of imprecision of
knowledge of parameters and functions used to describe the hydraulic, hydrologic, geotechnical,
and economic aspects of a project plan.
Natural Variability
The distribution or spread of values within a natural “population” or data set. This array of
possible values in a population is caused by the inherent randomness of natural or social systems
and is formally labeled aleatory uncertainty. The values in the statistical population have some
probability distribution, and only limited knowledge of the entire statistical population and the
probability distribution may exist. Sometimes variability is classed as a type of uncertainty
although generally it should not be confused or interchanged with uncertainty as defined above.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 24
Variability is the notion that there is a range of possible values that will occur and not the lack of
knowledge about that range or the distribution of those values.
The susceptibility of harm to human beings, property, and the environment when exposed to a
hazard. Depth-damage functions, depth-mortality functions, and other similar relationships can
be used to describe vulnerability.
ER 1105-2-101 15 July 2019 25