Using PharmAcademic to Support
Resident Learning
View a Video of the Presentation
Scott McCreadie, Pharm.D., MBA
McCreadie Group
Lets Get Started
2016 In Review
New Requirement for Resident Closeout
Standards and Goals & Objectives 2017 updates
Whats New?
Advanced Topics
These slides are available on the Help Screen in PharmAcademic
2016 In Review
Very busy year for PharmAcademic
Over 4,000 residents enrolled
Over 2,000 residency programs using PharmAcademic
322,000 summatives completed
3,600 different custom evaluations used in over 32,000
user evaluations
>350,000 Co-signatures
~1 million residency emails sent with over 99.5% delivery
Resident Close Out
Resident Close Out Required
New Commission on Credentialing requirement that all
accredited programs must enroll and close out their
residents in PharmAcademic
Close out will cancel any remaining tasks and stop email
Files can continue to be uploaded on closed out residents for
6 months after closeout
ASHP does receive a report of all the residents who are closed
Still about 500 residents from the 2015-16 residency year that
have not been closed out
Resident Close Out Steps
Edit Residency Program - Residents
Closing out the resident will cancel all tasks that were pending
that are related to that resident
Co-signatures scheduled for the preceptors or RPD will not be
If you have a resident that leaves the program early, please
close them out
Related Item Extending a Residency
Standards and Goals and Objectives
Standards Goals and Objectives
There is some confusion about the difference between the
Accreditation Standard and the Goals and Objectives
Standard - the rules around the conduct of the residency program
For PharmAcademic, controls things the number of evaluations
that are required
Goals and Objectives - establish the guidelines for the training of
residents. Learning activities are developed by the program to
facilitate residents’ achievement of the goals and objectives
A single residency program can only be on one standard but have
multiple sets of Goals and Objectives
Example 2 year program
PGY1 Pharmacy (2014)
All PGY1 Pharmacy programs are on this standard
98% programs
converted for 2016-17 residency year.
Remaining programs have to convert for 2017
Community (2016)
All PGY1 Community residencies must go to this new
standard and the new goals
and objectives for the
-18 residency year
PGY1 Managed Care (2016)
All PGY1 Managed Care residencies must go to this
new standard
for the 2017-
18 residency year. The new
goals and objectives are still being edited
If you are a 2-year program (PGY1 and PGY2), you will generally be put on the PGY2
Standard but have the goals and objectives for both years.
PGY1 Community and PGY1 Managed Care
Implementation of the new standard for these programs will be for
the 2017-18 residency year
The new Goals and Objectives for PGY1 Community must be
implemented for the 2017-18 residency year. There is no grace
period for implementation. Programs must convert for the 2017-
18 residency year
The new Goals and Objectives for PGY1 Managed Care are still in
the edit phase
Current residents will not be affected but you won’t be able to
enroll new residents onto the old standard/G&Os
You will need to add mapping to your learning experiences to the
new G&Os
New PGY2 Goals and Objectives
The new follow PGY2 Goals and Objectives will be made available to the
affected programs
Critical Care
These will be released to programs in January 2017
Current residents will not be affected but you won’t be able to enroll new
residents onto the old G&Os
You will need to add mapping to your learning experiences to the new
There is no grace period for these new Goals and Objectives. Programs
must convert for the 2017-18 residency year
Other New PGY2 Goals and Objectives
Pharmacotherapy available in February (if approved)
March COC Meeting
Ambulatory Care
Infectious Diseases
Internal Medicine
Solid Organ Transplant
Pain and Palliative Care
Emergency Medicine
If these are approved, they will be
available to programs as quickly as
we can get them built
Programs are required to convert
for the 2017-18 residency year
You will want to hold off enrolling
new residents until the new G&Os
are loaded
Viewing Standard and G&O for your Program
This screen will show the current standard and Goals and Objectives for your Program
When You Have a Transition…
For a Specific Resident
Shows all of the competency areas including
Specific Resident Competencies Tab
New in 2016
Whats New in 2016?
Unified Home Page
Copy learning experiences
Primary preceptor for learning experiences
Summative Improvements
RAC role
Release Notes
New and Improved Reports
Navigation Improvements
Schedule reminder emails
Bulk Evaluation Management
Side By Side Evaluations
Feedback Co-signatures
Resident Pre-Enrollment
Academic and Professional Record
Unified Home Page
Unified Home Page
Consolidates information across sites and programs
Task list and schedule unified across all residency sites and
PharmAcademic Colleges of Pharmacy
You can click on a task and automatically be logged into
the site for that task
Great for preceptors that take students and residents and
those that work with multiple programs
Copy Learning Experience
Same Program
Different Program
Primary Preceptor Option
Gives you the option to determine whether your program
wants each preceptor to do a summative evaluation of the
resident or if you want to identify a single primary preceptor
for the learning experience on a residents schedule
Switch is at the program level and only impacts adds/edits
to the resident schedule after the switch is set.
It is not possible to have all the preceptors do individual
summatives and then they magically combine into one.
It is not possible for the preceptors to share a single
Primary Preceptor Option
Setting the option when you Edit your Program
On the Residents Schedule
You must select who is the
Primary Preceptor
Primary Preceptor Option
Regardless of your selection
The resident will get a preceptor evaluation of each
preceptor listed on their schedule
The resident will get a single learning experience
Either all preceptors will get a separate summative or a
single summative will go to the primary preceptor
Summative Improvements
Removed goal scoring.
Goals are marked ACHR
automatically when the
objectives are all
marked as ACHR
Reviewing ACHR on the Summative
ACHR Pop-up
Can view Criteria, Previous score of this objective, feedback mapped to this
objective and the ACHR history
Evidence and Reflections options will be coming
If you are setting ACHR via the Competencies tab on the Resident
Viewer, you have the same options to view items tied to that goal or
Can set the Goal ACHR here independent of the Objectives
RAC Role
Can view resident information without being on the schedule
Release Notes
Help Screen
Schedule Reminder Emails
Bulk Evaluation Management
RPD/Designee Only
Reports tab Manage All Evaluations
Resident Pre-Enrollment
Matched Residents from Phase 1 and Phase 2 automatically
added to PharmAcademic
Programs complete the enrollment process in
Saves data entry
Greatly reduces email bounces and duplicate accounts
Will have the same process for the 2017-18 residency year
Please makes sure your program has the goals and
objectives set up before enrolling the residents. Residents
are assigned the program G&Os at the time of enrollment
Academic and Professional Record
APR Preview
Goal was not to automate the piece of paper but to collect
and display the information in the most efficient manner
Builds on the data already in PharmAcademic
User information
Learning Experience history
Portfolio data
Living, breathing APR. Updates automatically as events
happen in PharmAcademic
Academic and Professional Record
Maintained by the user
Accessible via the My Profile view
Available for all users although ASHP just requires this for
pharmacist preceptors
RPD/Designee will have access to view
We will be adding some exception notices for programs so
program directors will be able to easily see what is missing
Available to ASHP surveyors as part of an accreditation visit
Academic and Professional Record
Main Areas of the Paper Form
Education, Experience and
Established active practice
Ongoing Professionalism
(scholarly activities)
Teaching Certificate
PIT advisor and
development plan
RPD ability to manage
Experience and Credentials
On-going Professionalism
Advanced Topic Schedule Item Page
Schedule Item Page
The record of a resident in a learning experience
Allows for adding evidence and reflections against:
Learning Objectives
Learning Activities
Resident View
Selecting an objective to add evidence to
Portfolio Evidence allows the learner to document in support of
Community Service
Conference or Seminar
Continuing Education
Honor or Award
Honor Society
Organization Membership
About 5,000 pieces of evidence have been entered by residents
Journal Club
Service Learning
Committee Leadership
Paper and Grant Review
Teaching Experience